Биографии Характеристики Анализ

Сказка три поросенка на английском языке. Сказка Three little pigs (Три поросенка) на английском языке для детей

Текст песни:

Once there were three little pigs who grew up and left their mother to find homes for themselves. The thirst pig set out and before long he met a man with the bundle of straw. "Please man" said the pig, "Will you let me have that bundle of straw to build my house." "Yes, here, take it." Said the kind man. The little pig was very pleased and at once built himself the house of straw. He had hardly moved in when the wolf came walking by and seeing the new house knocked on the door. "Little pig, little pig" he said "Open up the door and let me in." Now the little pig"s mother had warned him about strangers so he said "No, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin, I"ll not let you in." "Now I"ll huff and I"ll puff and I"ll blow your house down." Cried the wolf. But the little pig went on saying "No, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin, I"ll not let you in." So the old wolf huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down and the little pig run fast as he could back to his mother"s house.

The second little pig said goodbye to his mother and set out. Before long he met a man with the bundle of sticks. "Please man" he said, "Will you let me have that bundle of sticks to build my house." "Yes, you can have it, here it is." Said the kind man. So the second little pig was very pleased and used the sticks to build himself the house. He had hardly moved in when the wolf came walking by and knocked at the door. "Little pig, little pig" he said "Open up your door and let me in." Now the second little pig remembered what his mother had told him so he too said "No, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin, I"ll not let you in." "Now I"ll huff and I"ll puff and I"ll blow your house down." Cried the wolf. But the little pig went on saying "No, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin, I"ll not let you in." So again the old wolf huffed and he puffed and he huffed and he puffed this time it was much harder work but finally down came the house and the second little pig had to run as fast as he could back to his mother"s house.

Then last of all the third little pig set out and met a man with load of bricks. "Please man" he said, "Will you let me have that load of bricks to build my house." "Yes, here they are, all for you." Said the kind man. The third little pig was very pleased and built himself the brick house. Again the wolf came along and again he said. "Little pig, little pig open your door and let me in." But like his brothers the third little pig said "No, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin, I"ll not let you in." "Now I"ll huff and I"ll puff and I"ll blow your house down." Cried the wolf. And when the third little pig wouldn"t open the door he huffed and he puffed and he huffed and he puffed then he tried again but the brick house was so strong that he could not blow it down. This made the wolf so angry that he jumped onto the roof of the little brick house and roared down the chimney. "I"m coming down to eat you up." The little pig had put a pot of boiling water on the fire and now he took off the lid, down the chimney tumbled the wolf and splash, he fell right into the pot. Quickly the little pig bang down the cover and boiled up the old wolf for his dinner. And so, the clever little pig lived happily ever after.

The three little pigs


The three little pigs
Три поросенка

The three little pigs are brothers
Три поросенка братья

They are going into the forest
Они идут в лесу

They want to build three houses
Они хотят построить три дома

Let’s build our houses here
Давайте строить наш дом здесь

says the first little pig, Percy
говорит первый поросенок, Перси

Yes — says the second little pig, Peter
Да — говорит второй поросенок, Питер

That’s a good idea — says the third little pig, Patrick
Это хорошая идея — говорит третий поросенок, Патрик

The first little pig, Percy , gets some straw
Первый поросенок, Перси, добывает немного соломы

and he starts to build a house of straw
и он начинает строить дом из соломы

He sings

when he works

Он поет

когда он работает

The second little pig, Peter , gets some wood
Второй поросенок, Питер, добывает немного древесины

and he starts to build a house of wood
и он начинает строить дома из дерева

He sings
Hum de hum, dum de dum, dee de dum, dee de hum
when he works

Он поет
Хам ди хам, дам ди дам, ди ди дам, ди ди хам
когда он работает

Всем привет! В детстве, я как-то очень долго не могла запомнить, кто же из поросят старший. Потом придумала — ведь имя Наф-Наф, имеет гласную «а», а она — первая буква алфавита! Значит и этот поросенок — самый старший и самый умный! Ну, как вы уже поняли, в сегодняшней теме — английские сказки с переводом, мы начинаем слушать сказку про трех поросят. Но только, как вы увидите, в английском варианте сказки, имена у английских поросёнков совсем другие и интересно, как англоязычная малышня запоминает их иерархию?

Ведь у них тоже маленькая забавность — все имена начинаются на одну букву... 🙂 И вообще, сказка очень милая и простенькая. Так что взрослые начинающие так же могут ее слушать, повторять, и если ляжет на слух, потом рассказывать своим детям, если их еще нет пока... Вот сказки на английском...

Да... хотя, я своей дочке тоже не рассказывала английские сказки с переводом... да и без перевода тоже... Но зато, я надевала ей на голову мягкие наушники, когда укладывала спать и давала слушать ей русские сказки и даже... оперу — Сказку о царе Салтане! Так потом, много лет спустя, как-то услышав эту оперу, она сказала мне, что знает ее — наизусть! А ведь тогда ей было — года три-четыре! Ну что-ж, надеюсь, вам понравились английские поросёнки ... и вы про них выучите запросто!

Решила начать свой первый шаг в мир иностранных языков со сказок. Первая - "Три поросенка". Не судите строго. Это мой первый собственный перевод. Конечно же можно было лучше, но я сильно торопилась опубликовать сказку в блог.

Вот мой перевод:

Три поросенка.

Жила-была свинья и было у нее три поросенка (или "Жила была мама-свинья, у которой было три поросенка"). Когда они стали достаточно взрослыми, чтобы жить одни, она отправила их по миру искать свое счастье.

Первый поросенок встретил человека, несущего охапку соломы, и говорит ему:

"Извините, могу ли я взять несколько Вашей соломы для постройки своего дома?"

Человек дал ему несколько соломы, и поросенок построил маленький соломенный домик.

А поросенок отвечает:

Второй поросенок встретил человека, несущего охапку хвороста, и говорит ему:

"Извините, могу ли я взять несколько Вашего хвороста для постройки своего дома?"

Человек дал ему немного хвороста, и поросенок построил маленький красивый домик.

Вскоре к дому подошел волк. Он постучал в дверь и сказал:

"Поросенок, поросенок, позволь мне войти к тебе."

А поросенок отвечает:

"Не пущу, клянусь моей бородой-бородищей."

"Тогда я как дуну, как налечу - сразу снесу твой дом."

И как дунул он, как налетел и сдунул домик, а поросенка съел.

Третий поросенок встретил человека, везущего кирпичи, и говорит ему:

"Извините, могу ли я взять несколько Ваших кирпичей для постройки своего дома?"

Человек дал ему несколько кирпичей, и поросенок построил маленький красивый домик.

Вскоре к дому подошел волк. Он постучал в дверь и говорит:

"Поросенок, поросенок, позволь мне войти к тебе."

А поросенок отвечает:

"Не пущу, клянусь моей бородой-бородищей."

"Тогда я как дуну, как налечу - сразу снесу твой дом."

И как дунул он, как налетел, и снова дунул, налетел, но не смог сдунуть домик, потому что он был сделан из кирпичей. И захотел он придумать какой-нибудь другой способ поймать поросенка, и говорит:

"Поросенок, я знаю, где есть красивое поле реп."

"На поле у мистера Смита. Завтра, в 6 часов утра, я зайду за тобой и мы вместе пойдем и возьмем несколько реп на обед."

Но поросенок встал в 5 часов и взял несколько реп до того, как пришел волк. А когда волк зашел в шесть часов и спросил, "Ты готов?" поросенок ему ответил:

"Я уже был на поле и у меня в котелке уже варится репка. Я готовлю ее на обед."

Волк сильно разозлился, но он все же хотел поймать поросенка, и говорит:

"Поросенок, а я знаю, где есть чудесное яблочное дерево со спелыми яблоками."

"Где?" - спрашивает поросенок.

"У Мэри в саду. Завтра, в 5 часов, я зайду за тобой и мы вместе пойдем и возьмем несколько яблок."

Но поросенок встал в 4 часа и пошел в сад Мэри. Он надеялся, что возьмет несколько яблок до того, как придет волк. Но тут к дереву подошел волк. Поросенок сильно испугался.

"Поросенок! Так ты здесь без меня! Ну и как? Вкусные яблоки то?" - говорит волк.

"Да, очень вкусные," - отвечает поросенок. - "Я брошу тебе одно (яблоко) попробовать, и бросил он яблоко так далеко, как только смог. В то время как волк торопился поднять яблоко, поросенок прыгнул вниз с дерева и побежал домой."

На следующий день волк снова зашел за поросенком, и говорит:

"Поросенок, после обеда будет ярмарка у Шэнклин. Ты не хочешь сходить? Мы можем сходить туда вместе."

"Ах, да," - говорит поросенок. "Во сколько ты будешь готов?"

"В три" - отвечает волк.

И пришел поросенок раньше, и купил на ярмарке маслобойку. По дороге домой он увидел волка. Он не знал, что делать, и таким образом он залез внутрь маслобойки. И тогда она начала падать. И покатилась она вниз по склону вместе с поросенком. Это так напугало волка, что он не пошел на ярмарку, а побежал домой. Потом он подошел к дому поросенка и сказал:

"Ах, поросенок, я так испугался, когда шел на ярмарку. Что-то большое и круглое, спущенное с холма, летело на меня."

А поросенок и говорит:

"Ха, ха, а потом я испугался тебя. Я пошел на ярмарку и купил маслобойку. Когда я увидел тебя, то залез внутрь маслобойки, а она покатилась вниз по склону."

На этот раз волк действительно разозлился. Он решился залезть в трубу (дымоход) и съесть поросенка. Когда поросенок услышал шум на крыше, он взял свой самый большой котелок и снял крышку тогда, когда волк начал спускаться вниз. Волк упал и поросенок сварил его. И с этого момента поросенок жил да поживал счастливо в своем безопасном маленьком кирпичном домике.

А вот и оригинал:

The Three Little Pigs

There was once a mother pig who had three little pigs. When they were old enough to leave home, she sent them into the world to seek their fortune.

The first pig met a man who was carrying a bundle of straw, and he said to him:

"Please may I have some of your straw to build a house?"

The man gave him some straw, and the little pig built a nice little straw house. Soon the wolf came up to the house. He knocked at the door and said:

The little pig answered:

So he huffed and he puffed and he blew the house in and ate up the little pig.

The second little pig met a man who was carrying a bundle of furze, and he said to him:

"Please may I have some of your furze to build a house?"

The man gave him some furze, and the little pig built a nice little house. Soon the wolf came up to the house. He knocked at the door and said:

"Little pig, little pig, let me come in."

The little pig answered:

"No, no, by the hair on my chinny chin chin."

"Then I"ll huff and I"ll puff, and I"ll blow your house in."

So he huffed and he puffed, and he huffed and he puffed, and in the end he blew the house in and ate up the little pig.

The third little pig met a man who was carrying a load of bricks, and he said to him:

"Please may I have some of your bricks to build a house?"

The man gave him some bricks, and the little pig built a nice little house. Soon the wolf came up to the house. He knocked at the door, and said:

"Little pig, little pig, let me come in."

The little pig answered!

"No, no, by the hair on my chinny chin chin."

"Then I"ll huff and I"ll puff, and I"ll blow your house in."

So he huffed and he puffed, and he puffed and he huffed, but he could not blow the house down because it was made of bricks. He had to think of some other way to get the little pig, so he said:

"Little pig, I know where there is a nice field of turnips."

"In Mr Smith"s field. At six tomorrow morning I"ll call for you and we"ll go together and get some turnips for dinner."

But the little pig got up at five o"clock and got the turnips before the wolf came. And when the wolf called at six and asked, "Are you ready?" the little pig said:

"I have already been to the field and I already have a pot of turnips on the fire. Now I am cooking them for dinner."

The wolf was very angry, but he still wanted to get the little pig, and he said:

"Little pig, I know where there is a nice apple-tree with ripe apples on it."

"Where?" asked the little pig.

"Down at Merry-garden. I"ll call for you at five o"clock tomorrow morning and we"ll go and get some apples."

But the little pig got up at four o"clock and went to Merry-garden. He hoped to be back with the apples before the wolf came. But he was still up in the tree, when he saw the wolf was coming. The little pig was very frightened.

"Little pig! So you are here before me! Are the apples nice?" said the wolf.

"Yes, very nice," answered the little pig. "I"ll throw you one to taste,"and he threw an apple as far away as he could. While the wolf was hurrying to pick it up, the little pig jumped down out of the tree and ran home.

The next day the wolf called again, and said to the ittle pig:

"Little pig, there is a fair at Shanklin this afternoon. Do you want to go? We can go together."

"Oh yes," said the little pig. "What time will you be ready?"

"At three," answered the wolf.

So the little pig went off early, as before, and bought a butter churn at the fair. As he was on his way home, he saw the wolf on the road. He did not know what to do, so he got inside the churn. Then the churn began to turn over, and it rolled down the hill with the little pig inside it. This frightened the wolf so much that he did not go to the fair, but ran home. Then he went to the little pig"s house and said:

"Oh, little pig, I got such a fright as I was going to the fair. A great round thing rolled down the hill past me."

The little pig said:

"Ha, ha, I frightened you, then. I went to the fair and bought a butter churn. When I saw you, I got into it, and rolled down the hill."

Now the wolf was very angry indeed. He decided to climb down the chimney and eat up the little pig. When the little pig heard a noise on the roof, he put his biggest pot on the fire to boil, and took the lid off just as the wolf was coming down. The wolf fell in, and the little pig boiled him. The little pig lived happily ever afterwards in his safe little house of bricks.

А вот замечательный мультик на английском. Соответственно про трех поросят. Также






Big Grey Wolf

Scene I

Naff-Naff: Hello, girls and boys! My name is Naff-Naff. I am a nice little pig. I can sing.

Nuff-Nuff: Good morning! I am Nuff-Nuff. I am a kind little pig. I can dance.

Niff-Niff: Nice to meet you! I am Niff-Niff! I am a clever little pig. I can read.

Three Pigs (together): We are three happy little pigs. (Берутся за руки, танцуют и поют .)

Naff-Naff: Oh, brothers, it will be winter soon. I am afraid, we must stop dancing. We should go and make a house. Let"s go!

Niff-Niff: Oh! No!

Nuff-Nuff: We needn"t go. We can sing and dance some more. (Нэф-Нэф уходит, два поросёнка танцуют и поют.)

Big Grey Wolf won"t scare us, scare us, scare us.

Nuff-Nuff: Oh, it is evening. It is cold. I need a house. I should make a house.


Niff-Niff: OK! I can go and make a house too. (Уходит.)

Scene II

Niff-Niff (Выходит и поёт):

I have got a new grass house,

new grass house,

new grass house.

Nuff-Nuff (танцует и поёт):

I have got a new straw house,

new straw house,

new straw house.

Niff-Niff: Hello, Nuff-Nuff! I"ve got a new grass house. And you?

Nuff-Nuff: I"ve got a new straw house. And is your house near here?

Niff-Niff: Yes, it is. You should go past the hill, turn right and there is my house on your left. And how can I get to your house?

Nuff-Nuff: You must go stright ahead, turn left and there is my house next to the pond.

Naff-Naff: Hello! Nice to meet you.

Niff-Niff: Have you got your new brick house ready?

Naff-Naff: I am afraid, I haven"t yet.

Nuff-Nuff: And where is your house?

Naff-Naff: You should go across the road; my house is over there. Goodbye!

Niff-Niff: Goodbye!

Nuff-Nuff: Goodbye!

Niff-Niff, Nuff-Nuff (together):

Big Grey Wolf won"t scare us, scare us, scare us. (Танцуют и поют.)

Scene III

Big Grey Wolf: I"d like to have a nice little pig for breakfast. I"m hungry.

Niff-Niff: Here is Big Grey Wolf!

Nuff-Nuff : Oh, Big Grey Wolf! We must run to our houses!

(Домик – это два листа ватмана, скреплённые сверху прищепками . Поросята убегают, волк бежит за ними. Сначала он подбегает к домику Ниф-Нифа.)

Big Grey Wolf: I must eat you up . (Волк дует, и домик падает. Ниф-Ниф бежит к домику Наф-Нафа. ) I must eat you up, silly-little pigs! (Подбегает ко второму домику, дует на него, домик падает.)

Nuff-Nuff: We must run to our brother! His house is good. Where is it?

Niff-Niff: We must run across the road, his house is over there.

(Поросята бегут, волк за ними .)

Scene IV

(Домик Нэф-Нэфа. В нём стол, три стула, на столе посуда.)

Niff-Niff: Big Grey Wolf is behind us!

Nuff-Nuff: May we come in?

Naff-Naff: Yes, you may! Come in!

(Поросята вбегают в домик. Подбегает волк. Слышен стук в дверь. Два поросёнка прячутся под столом от страха.)

Big Grey Wolf: It"s me, the Wolf. I"d like to have little pigs for breakfast! You must open the door!

Naff-Naff: Oh, no, I needn"t. Go away. You are a Big Bad Wolf.

(Волк дует, но домик не падает. Он убегает. Поросята вылезают из-под стола.)

Naff-Naff: Let"s have tea. I"ve got toasts, some jam and butter.

Niff-Niff: Could you pass me some jam, please?

Naff-Naff : Certainly.

Nuff-Nuff: May I have another cup of tea?

Naff-Naff: Here you are.

Nuff-Nuff: Thank you.

(После завтрака поросята берутся за руки, танцуют и поют.)

Three Pigs (together):

Big Grey Wolf won"t scare us, scare us, scare us.

Big Grey Wolf won"t scare us.

Awful Big Grey Wolf!


Журнал «Иностранные языки в школе» №5 1997.

Сказка Three little pigs (Три поросенка) на английском языке для детей.

Три поросенка (Three little pigs)

Once there were three little pigs who grew up and left their mother to find homes for themselves. The thirst pig set out and before long he met a man with the bundle of straw. "Please man" said the pig, "Will you let me have that bundle of straw to build my house." "Yes, here, take it." Said the kind man. The little pig was very pleased and at once built himself the house of straw. He had hardly moved in when the wolf came walking by and seeing the new house knocked on the door. "Little pig, little pig" he said "Open up the door and let me in." Now the little pig"s mother had warned him about strangers so he said "No, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin, I"ll not let you in." "Now I"ll huff and I"ll puff and I"ll blow your house down." Cried the wolf. But the little pig went on saying "No, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin, I"ll not let you in." So the old wolf huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down and the little pig run fast as he could back to his mother"s house.

The second little pig said goodbye to his mother and set out. Before long he met a man with the bundle of sticks. "Please man" he said, "Will you let me have that bundle of sticks to build my house." "Yes, you can have it, here it is." Said the kind man. So the second little pig was very pleased and used the sticks to build himself the house. He had hardly moved in when the wolf came walking by and knocked at the door. "Little pig, little pig" he said "Open up your door and let me in." Now the second little pig remembered what his mother had told him so he too said "No, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin, I"ll not let you in." "Now I"ll huff and I"ll puff and I"ll blow your house down." Cried the wolf. But the little pig went on saying "No, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin, I"ll not let you in." So again the old wolf huffed and he puffed and he huffed and he puffed this time it was much harder work but finally down came the house and the second little pig had to run as fast as he could back to his mother"s house.

Then last of all the third little pig set out and met a man with load of bricks. "Please man" he said, "Will you let me have that load of bricks to build my house." "Yes, here they are, all for you." Said the kind man. The third little pig was very pleased and built himself the brick house. Again the wolf came along and again he said. "Little pig, little pig open your door and let me in." But like his brothers the third little pig said "No, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin, I"ll not let you in." "Now I"ll huff and I"ll puff and I"ll blow your house down." Cried the wolf. And when the third little pig wouldn"t open the door he huffed and he puffed and he huffed and he puffed then he tried again but the brick house was so strong that he could not blow it down. This made the wolf so angry that he jumped onto the roof of the little brick house and roared down the chimney. "I"m coming down to eat you up." The little pig had put a pot of boiling water on the fire and now he took off the lid, down the chimney tumbled the wolf and splash, he fell right into the pot. Quickly the little pig bang down the cover and boiled up the old wolf for his dinner. And so, the clever little pig lived happily ever after.