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Темы коды к ним для тумблера.

Tumblr is a very popular blogging platform, ideal to be used as a portfolio or photo gallery. Because it is very flexible and very easy to use, it is used by millions of people worldwide! There are so many Tumblr themes on the web, but if you’re looking for some really populr Tumblr themes, you should check out these all-time best free Tumblr templates for beautiful blogs.

These best Tumblr templates are all free, high-quality Tumblr themes! You can use them for various purposes, from simple portfolios to regular blogs or photo galleries.

If you want to improve your Tumblr blogging experience, you should think about changing your theme. We decided to gather here some worth checking out. You will find themes with infinite scroll, responsive designs, flat styles, grid layouts and more!

Grow your community of followers by attracting them with a sleek, fresh design for your Tumblr! You can easily modify these pre-defined themes and turn your blog design from boring to outstanding!

If you see a free Tumblr theme you like, you can download or install the theme from the preview page. Enjoy!


This is a fluid, responsive Tumblr theme which will scale perfectly to any device. It has a minimal design and beautiful typography. This is a personal theme that’s suitable for people who have a peaceful and minimalist life.

AppBlog was designed for more IT/technology-related Tumblr blogs. It has a simple and modern design you and your visitors will love. You can easily change the overall view of the theme – you can show or hide theme elements.

Maqfee is a clean and minimal theme with many customization options. It comes with a customizable background color for body and sidebar, customizable link colors, customizable colors for body text, site title and description, and more awesome features.

Bright Day Tumblr Theme

Bright Day Tumblr theme is a free theme that you can install from the preview page and customize it to make it your own. Showcase your artwork with complete focus on the posts.


Yuki is a responsive masonry-style Tumblr theme with a very clean, minimalist look. Perfect for photoblogs with a more neutral/monochrome atmosphere. This is a very versatile portfolio theme for Tumblr, aimed mainly at creatives: designer, illustrators, photographers, and any kind of visual artists.


This is a free grid-based Tumblr theme for creative bloggers who put content first. Ohmygid is a light & simple template that comes with lots of options & functions to show your content in style.

Grid Well Theme

Grid Well is a modern grid-based theme with infinite scroll and sidebar support. It includes a large header image, custom backgrounds, and social network icons. It is clean and trendy-looking theme with a number of cool features.

Telpher has a beautifully fixed sidebar and grid layout. It stands out due to the bold use of flat colors and infinite scroll gallery. Suitable for any type of Tumblog, from photography to business, this is a great starting theme for developers, designers and bloggers of any skill level.

Luci Tumblr Theme

Luci is a fresh theme built for high-resolution content. It comes with a unique lightweight design. Showcase your work in a modern way with Luci, a responsive template for Tumblr.

Magazine Grid-based Infinite Scroll Theme

Magazine is a free theme for Tumblr with a great array of customization features and a beautiful, simple grid-style layout. This is a responsive and expressive theme for Tumblr, designed to display your media in grand style. Luomo gives you complete control over your blog’s color palette.

Retrospective Grid layout Theme

Retrospective theme is a perfect fit for photo blogs. Post permalinks and sharing features are pushed away until the post is hovered. This is a Tumblr theme which provides a classy and clean experience, especially for pictures blogs. It features a great scroll experience for your visitor.

Editorist Infinite scroll Theme

This is a striking theme that emphasizes your content and comes with an optional infinite scroll feature.

Rubric Tumblr Theme

Rubric is a beautiful theme with full-screen background images, and a glossy magazine-style design. This is a feature-rich, responsive Tumblr theme perfect for any kind of blog niche.

Sidebar Theme

The Sidebar theme has a great layout that lets your posts shine with high-resolution imagery and light-weight text. it comes with custom designs for each Tumblr post type.

Juggernaut Tumblr Free Theme

Check out this beautiful and minimalist grid style theme for Tumblr users. It is highly customizable and has a gorgeous layout. This is a clean and functional, grid-based portfolio Tumblr theme, focused on your talent.


Candice is a single column Tumblr theme with a great layout on which the posts are displayed beautifully. Everything is easily customizable, plus the theme is retina ready and 100% responsive.


Install this elegant Tumblr theme that comes with a three column layout and a responsive design. It can be used as a portfolio, photo gallery or even a photo-centered blog. Check out all of its features and see if it’s a right fit for your needs.


Indy is an elegant, minimal and beautiful theme. It has some great fonts and clever layout options. It will make your Tumblr blog look stunning.


This is another brilliant theme for Tumblr, that is packed with great features including social icons, infinite scrolling, sharing buttons, etc. It’s pastel-toned and has a clean, minimal and feminine atmosphere making it perfect for fashion and design blogs.


Hipster is a premium looking yet free Tumblr theme with a single column layout. It comes with a static sidebar and it is perfect for many types of blogs.


This is an inspiring theme for portfolio showcases. It comes with infinite scrolling and it is also responsive. It is a very versatile theme that also has lightbox support for better image previews.


This theme comes with features such as social sharing, minimal design, and responsive layout. This Tumblr theme is unique and its full-width layout will showcase your photos and projects in style.


Impulse is a simple three-column Tumblr theme, perfect for showing off lots of images. Customization is easy and so is the install process. This portfolio Tumblr theme is aimed for any creative professional. It’s quite versatile and packed with options.

Pop Gallery Lite

Pop Gallery Lite is a Tumblr theme for visual portfolios, galleries, handcrafts shops, with the unique possibility to present distinct thumbnails on the front page. It has a beautiful and clean design.


Sugar is a Tumblr theme using a variable grid layout. This is a clean and simple portfolio theme built to showcase your awesome work. This theme is responsive so try it on your phone and tablet!


Basic is a simple starter theme to get your blog up and running in seconds. It’s pixel perfect and has a fully responsive design. The theme is easy to customize, such as color scheme, font color, icon color, compatible with all modern mobile devices and more amazing features.


Observer is designed to focus the visitors on your photos, text, and music. It has a fluid layout, lets you choose from two header designs, customize fonts, colors, and header image and also choose between extra-large and regular-size images.


Wicked is a clean and simple photography theme for any blog and supports a responsive multiple & one columned layout. There are 30+ options available for your customization. This is a complete portfolio theme for Tumblr, and its unique look will allow designers or photographers to showcase their creativity.


Simplify Tumblr theme comes with sticky navigation. You can navigate from anywhere to anywhere on the blog, as the menu follows you as you scroll the page. Simplify has been designed with mobile experience in mind, and works perfectly on every device.

Art She Said

This Tumblr theme was designed and developed by ALLDAYEVERYDAY. it is free and has a simple, minimalist and black and white design. It gives you the endless possibilities to design your blog(no coding skills required!) and unlimited colors to choose from.


Syndex is a highly functional mood board theme. All Tumblr options are minimized yet only a click away and has Infinite scroll built in. This responsive theme will look great on any tablet, cell/mobile phone, laptop, and desktop device.


Square is a clean and simple Tumblr theme that is completely free to download and install. If you post vibrant, colorful photos, this theme is for you. This is a triple columned theme, perfect for bloggers. It supports all types of posts.


This is a clean and simple, one column theme with a fixed sidebar. it lets you choose between 500px or 400px column width, you can opt for custom colors: accent, background, post-border, post background, post text and also custom fonts: post body and sidebar links.


Minimalism is a minimal Tumblr theme that offers plenty of customization options allowing your content to shine. This is a clean Tumblr portfolio theme made especially for photographers, graphic designers, or any visual designers. Very lightweight and minimal yet powerful and feature-packed!


Rue is a clean theme featuring a big header image. It comes with a responsive layout and a header image, with optional color overlay. This theme is light, responsive, and good looking. It has unlimited possibilities for color customization.

2. Добавляйте посты в Tumblr по принципу Pinterest.

Pinterest снискал себе славу во многом из-за возможности «запинить» приглянувшуюся в интернете картинку. Это делается с помощью расширений, которые или добавляют кнопку Pinterest на все картинки на странице или собирают их в отдельном окошке. А вот о том, что очень похожая функция есть у Tumblr, знают не все: видимо, потому что он воспринимается скорее как платформа для блогов. В панель закладок можно добавить кнопку Post to Tumblr - вот отсюда . Нажмите на неё, и откроется окошко, в котором собираются все картинки с открытой страницы.

3. Используйте сочетания горячих клавиш.

Да, все привыкли листать ленту Tumblr с помощью скроллинга, но профессиональные тамблер-гёрлс пользуются горячими клавишами. Чтобы прокрутить ленту вниз, нажимайте J, вверх - K, L - чтобы лайкнуть пост, Tab - чтобы включить поиск.

4. Смотрите, что лайкнули другие пользователи.

Одна из приятных возможностей Tumblr - сохранение всех ваших лайков в отдельный лог, который становится настоящим мудбордом. Допустим, вы ведёте предельно готичный тумблог - и видео с тверкающими собаками показалось бы там неуместным. Найти лог с собственными лайками легко, но Tumblr ещё и позволяет посмотреть, что лайкнули другие пользователи. Для этого нужно в адресной строке браузера ввести tumblr.com/liked/by/ - и после слэша написать никнейм пользователя. Если вы не хотите, чтобы кто-то смотрел, что вы позволяете себе лайкать, то скрыть лог от чужих глаз можно в настройках .

5. Играйте с URL.

Не все интересные вещи можно найти в экране тумбленты или на странице тумблога. Чтобы сделать поиск постов более изощрённым, можно использовать URL-шаблоны с разными функциями. Например:

Все посты в тумблоге на одной странице:

[никнейм пользователя].tumblr.com/archive

Все посты в тумблоге с определённым тэгом:

[никнейм пользователя].tumblr.com/tagged/[тэг]

Все посты в тумблоге с определённым тэгом в хронологическом порядке:

[никнейм пользователя].tumblr.com/tagged/[тэг]/chrono

Все посты в тумблоге за определённую дату:

[никнейм пользователя].tumblr.com/date/ГГГГ/ММ/ДД

Случайный пост из тумблога:

[никнейм пользователя].tumblr.com/random

6. Редактируйте посты скопом.

Если вы вдруг поняли, что на всех нелепых картинках в вашем тумблоге, с героями которых вы чувствуете духовное родство, необходимо поставить тэг #me, а за годы ведения блога вы так этого и не сделали, то можно воспользоваться довольно незаметной функцией Mass Post Editor. Она спрятана в ленте, в которой отображаются только ваши посты (но не в самом тумблоге). Для этого на основной странице Dashboard вам нужно нажать на минималистичное изображение человека в верхнем правом углу, затем выбрать свой тумблог, после чего в открывшейся странице найти надпись Mass Post Editor в правой колонке.

7. Ставьте таймер на ответы.

Одна из самых неприятных вещей, с какими сталкиваются читатели популярных тумблогов, - это бесконечный поток ответов на сообщения фанатов, которые делают из ленты не всегда увлекательную сессию AMA. Если вы в какой-то мере звезда Tumblr, лучше не злите фанатов и используйте функцию отложенного реплая. Для этого, когда вы отвечаете на публичное сообщение, зажмите Alt и выберите опцию Queue - так можно равномерно распределить посты.

8. Восстанавливайте старые темы оформления.

Те, кто самостоятельно разрабатывает темы оформления для своего тумблога, потом часто жалеют, что в итоге поменяли кастомный вариант на что-то другое. Если ваше нынешнее оформление вдруг показалось чересчур вычурным или наоборот слишком «постным», можно откатиться к предыдущей версии и не искать её в обширном каталоге тем. Для этого используйте лог, в который можно зайти по этой ссылке.

Tumblr is the world’s most recognized microblogging service / social media network that allows its users to share short-form content and media-type content. Hundreds of millions of blogs — more than 200 million — and hundreds of millions of active monthly users — more than 550 million — are daily sharing visual content, blogs, quotes, and standard links for other members of the community to enjoy. Tumblr makes it easy for other bloggers to follow each other and to build communities upon the foundation of niche related content.

Almost everyone knows of Tumblr’s existence, but not everyone is keen on using the platform. What may seem like a blogging platform to some, Tumblr is actually a network of creative individuals who like to share content that’s usually out of the ordinary, and not necessarily newsworthy or worthy of being constantly indulged in. Tumblr is also home to those individuals who like to share their creative thoughts and ideas within the scope of community that’s supportive and friendly towards funny, satire, sometimes ironic content.

Disclosure: This page contains external affiliate links that may result in us receiving a commission if you choose to purchase mentioned product. The opinions on this page are our own and we don"t receive additional bonus for positive reviews.

Listed here are the best free Tumblr themes that are gracefully made by several creators to give you an enhanced blogging action. Features like responsive design, infinite scroll, grid designs and the flat look are available in each of them. The look of a Tumblr theme gets improved with endless scrolls for single columns and multi-columns structures.

For any microblogging fan, Tumblr would be a choice. With a great community and broad user base, Tumblr has come out well in social networking. You can also integrate Tumblr with existing blogs and can create or modify pre-defined templates in an easy way so that people see you interesting content in many customized styles.

However, if you are a newbie in microblogging or you have not heard about Tumblr then I must tell you that making a Tumblr blog is too easy. You have all the necessary options like posting images, audio, videos in a straightforward way.

You do not have to look for a professional service to open a Tumblr blog. Single column themes are more liked by personal bloggers while photographers and practitioners use styled grid theme. So, start making your content and add a new theme right away.

Below we have provided preview links that can help you install theme directly. You can also download the theme if you want.

Without further ado, let’s check out the list of 50+ best free Tumblr themes that you’ll find useful and enjoyable.

Wallstocker is a three column layout with a responsive design providing elegance with a free download for your Tumblr blog’s theme.


AppBlog is a free theme that has modern colors and an attractive flat design. A beautiful aspect of this theme is the obscured sidebar navigation. This theme is totally responsive.


A free theme that looks premium and has a single layout that is best suited for bloggers who write daily.


Sky theme is a simple Tumblr theme with a fresh design and easy to be installed.


Infinite scroll and large post updates can be seen in this free Tumblr theme that is also made in a responsive layout.

X Tumblr theme

The X Tumblr theme is a totally free item and is highly customizable.

Bus Full of Hippies

Bus Full of Hippies is an award-winning theme that is extremely popular.

Start from the end

Start from the End has custom images and custom colors.


You’ll not miss the sidebar on this theme. If you get rid of the disturbing background, the changed layout looks kind of cool.


Stationery is a free Tumblr theme with group blog support.

Deluge is a luxurious grid-based theme for Tumblr fans.

The Classical

This is a pure and cool theme that you can quickly install. You can also customize it the way you want.


Neptune is a free Tumblr theme and has a footer that slides in at the bottom when you scroll downwards.


The theme Oak is very much similar to AppBlog but has a visible slider. Also, it’s not responsive.

The Basic

This is another free Tumblr theme that support pages and can be easily installed.


Effector can improve the general customization and has some extra features that you’ll surely appreciate.


Osprey is a free theme that has the infinite scroll, two photo permalinks, sidebar image, etc.


XO is a responsive theme that has a clean look and excellent media support.

Bright Day

Bright Day Tumblr theme does not have a sidebar but a unique design.

1000 Suns

1000 Suns has some cool features like search form, twitter button, reblog credits and Google Analytics.

Vacant is a 2 column theme that is designed to display the content of a large scale.

Target Slider

Target Slider has many neat features, such as custom colors, localization and custom colors that make it the desired theme.


Tidy is a responsive, minimal, clean and one column theme. It also has all types of social media icons required by you.

Pulchra Papilio

Pulchra Papilio has great features like custom colors, custom images, and high resolution.

This is a tantalizing Tumblr theme with attractive magazine style design and full-screen images on the background.


Volcan is a theme that can be highly customized. It has 23 alternatives that include infinite scroll, background color and sidebar image.


Euphony is a responsive and free theme having a flat design.

On Side

On side is easy to install and has a cool simple design. It can be easily installed and is free.

This is a clean theme having large text and bold borders and is ideal for sharing your most precious things.


Blank has features like infinite scrolling, version four, rounded photos, side bar image and sidebar position.


This is a theme produced by the developers of Zen Themes . It has four unique designs for each theme and you’ll fall in love with the navigation.

Easy Reader

Easy Reader has features like custom colors and custom images.

Footnote is an ideal theme for writers and publishers. The premium design of this theme includes customizable bold colors and rounded images.


This is theme with a customizable blog width, customizable colors, endless scrolling, disqus comments etc.

Pyramide 2

Pyramide 2 is perfect if you want to post a lot of images regularly.

Cute n Curbie

Cute n Curbie is a cute and free theme with custom images and colors.

Editorist Infinite

This is a striking theme which allows your posts to shine with many options.

Inamine, developed by jBam, is a free theme which you should definitely check out.

Urban 4

Urban 4, created by maxdavis. is a free theme where you can find various styles for every theme.


Inkhorn is a neat theme which focuses on readability and simplicity.

Modern Grid

Modern Grid is a grid-based theme having huge color highlights along with a modern masthead that is expandable.

Oh My Grid