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Peter Calder

The eye of rebirth - the ancient secret of the Tibetan lamas

From the translator instead of the preface

"Cie - there is a great mystery,

for no matter how destroyed by time or disease,

adversity or satiety of the human body,

the gaze of the Heavenly Eye will revive him,

and youth will return, and health,

and will give great power of life" ...

Peter Calder's book is the only source that contains invaluable information about five ancient Tibetan ritual practices that give us the keys to the gates of incomprehensibly long youth, health and amazing vitality. For thousands of years, information about them was kept by the monks of a secluded mountain monastery in the deepest secrecy.

They were first revealed in 1938, when a book by Peter Calder was published. But then the West was not yet ready to accept this information, since it was just beginning to get acquainted with the fantastic achievements of the East. Now, at the end of the twentieth century, after a hurricane of theoretical and practical information about the most diverse systems of Eastern esoteric knowledge swept over the planet, bringing fantastic revelations and opening a new page in the history of human thought, there was an urgent need to move from theory and philosophy to practice. choosing the most effective and most extraordinary methods. Every day the veil of secrecy is lifted over more and more new aspects of esoteric knowledge, with each new step in this direction, more and more grandiose prospects for the conquest of space and time are revealed to humanity. Therefore, it is by no means surprising that Peter Calder's book has re-emerged from the nonexistence of oblivion - its time has come.

Why? What is special about her? After all, the practices described on its pages do not give the impression of being any complicated, and the author himself claims that they are available to any person...

What is the matter, why did it take us so many years to accept such seemingly simple and obvious things?

The thing is that we are talking not just about health-improving exercises, but about ritual actions that reverse the flow of internal time. Even now, after all the miracles we have seen, it does not fit in the mind. But, nevertheless, the fact remains - the method works and works in this way! For what? Unfathomable! Such elementary things... Impossible!

However, let's not rush to conclusions, because the sacramental “everything ingenious is simple” has not yet been canceled by anyone. And the only criterion of truth in this case (however, as in any other) can only be practice. Those who try it will see for themselves that the method works. And does it really matter, due to what? The priceless treasure of the ancients is open to each of us. Absolutely harmless. Available to anyone. Incomprehensibly mysterious in its ultimate simplicity. Just reach out and take it. Every day... For ten or twenty minutes... And that's all... Is it really that difficult?

And it hardly matters whether Colonel Bradford was a real person or Peter Calder made up this whole story in order to tell us in an entertaining way about the unique practice transmitted to him by his Tibetan teacher. Of course, we are grateful to the author for those few pleasant hours that we spend reading his story, but this gratitude cannot be compared with the deepest gratitude that we feel towards him for his gift - practical information about the “Eye of Rebirth”. ” - an inexhaustible source of youth and vitality, which became available to us thanks to his book.

Chapter first

Everyone would like to live long, but no one wants to grow old.

Jonathan Swift

That happened a few years ago.

I was sitting on a park bench reading the evening paper. An elderly gentleman came up and sat down beside me. He appeared to be about seventy years old. Sparse gray hair, sagging shoulders, a cane and a heavy shuffling gait. Who could have known that my whole life from that moment would change once and for all?

After a while we got to talking. It turned out that my interlocutor was a retired colonel in the British Army, who had also served for some time in the Royal Diplomatic Corps. On duty, he had a chance to visit in his life in almost all conceivable and inconceivable corners of the earth. On that day Sir Henry Bradford - as he introduced himself - told me some amusing stories from his adventurous life, which greatly amused me.

Parting, we agreed on a new meeting, and soon our friendly relations turned into friendship. Almost every day the colonel and I met in my house or in his house and sat by the fire until late at night, having unhurried conversations on a wide variety of topics. Sir Henry was a most interesting man.

One autumn evening, as usual, we sat with the Colonel in deep armchairs in the living room of his London mansion. Outside came the rustle of rain and the rustle of car tires behind the wrought-iron fence. The fire crackled in the fireplace.

The colonel was silent, but I sensed some inner tension in his behavior. As if he wanted to tell me about something very important to him, but could not bring himself to reveal the secret. Such pauses have happened in our conversations before. Each time I was curious, but I did not dare to ask a direct question until that day. Now I felt that it was not just some old secret. The colonel obviously wanted to ask me for advice or something to offer me. And I said

Listen, Henry, I've noticed a long time ago that there's something that's bothering you. And, of course, I understand that we are talking about something very, very significant for you. However, it is also quite obvious to me that for some reason you want to know my opinion on a question that concerns you. If you are restrained only by doubts as to whether it is expedient to dedicate me - a person, in general, an outsider - to a secret, and I am sure that some secret is hidden behind your silence, you can be calm. What you tell me, no living soul will know. At least not until you yourself tell me to tell anyone about it. And if you are interested in my opinion or you need my advice, you can be sure - I will do my best to help you, word of the gentleman.

The Colonel spoke slowly, choosing his words carefully:

You see, Pete, this isn't just a mystery. First, it's not my secret. Secondly, I don't know how to find the keys to it. And thirdly, if this secret is revealed, it is quite possible that it will change the direction of the life of all mankind. Moreover, it will change so abruptly that even in our wildest fantasies we cannot imagine it now.

Sir Henry was silent for a moment.

During the last few years of military service, - he continued after a pause, - I commanded a unit stationed in the mountains in north-east India. Through the town in which my headquarters was located, there was a road - an ancient caravan route leading from India to the hinterland, to the plateau that spreads behind the main ridge. On market days, from there - from the remote corners of the hinterland - crowds of people flocked to our town. Among them were the inhabitants of one area lost in the mountains. Usually these people came in a small group - eight to ten people. Sometimes among them were lamas - mountain monks. I was told that the village from which these people come is twelve days away. They all looked very strong and hardy, from which I concluded that for a European, not so accustomed to hiking in wild mountains, an expedition to those parts would be a very difficult undertaking, and without a guide - simply impossible, and the path only took one way no less than a month. I asked the inhabitants of our town and other people from the mountains, where exactly is the place where these people come from. And each time the answer was the same: "Ask them yourself." And then there was the advice not to do it. The fact is that, according to legend, anyone who began to take a serious interest in these people and the source of legends related to the place from which they came, sooner or later mysteriously disappeared. And over the past two hundred plus years, none of the disappeared has returned alive. “Mountain runners” - Lung-gom-pa or “Wind Watchers” - Tibetan messengers and cargo carriers - spoke from time to time about fresh human skeletons gnawed by wild animals in one of the distant gorges, but this was somehow connected with mysterious disappearances or no - unknown. It was said that no less than fifteen people had disappeared from the town in the last twenty years, and only five or six skeletons had been found. Even if these were the bones of one of the missing, it is not known where the rest have gone.

Peter Calder

Eye of rebirth

ancient secret of Tibetan lamas

From the translator instead of the preface

"Cie - there is a great mystery,

for no matter how destroyed by time or disease,

adversity or satiety of the human body,

the gaze of the Heavenly Eye will revive him,

and youth will return, and health,

and will give great power of life" ...

Peter Calder's book is the only source that contains invaluable information about five ancient Tibetan ritual practices that give us the keys to the gates of incomprehensibly long youth, health and amazing vitality. For thousands of years, information about them was kept by the monks of a secluded mountain monastery in the deepest secrecy.

They were first revealed in 1938, when a book by Peter Calder was published. But then the West was not yet ready to accept this information, since it was just beginning to get acquainted with the fantastic achievements of the East. Now, at the end of the twentieth century, after a hurricane of theoretical and practical information about the most diverse systems of Eastern esoteric knowledge swept over the planet, bringing fantastic revelations and opening a new page in the history of human thought, there was an urgent need to move from theory and philosophy to practice. choosing the most effective and most extraordinary methods. Every day the veil of secrecy is lifted over more and more new aspects of esoteric knowledge, with each new step in this direction, more and more grandiose prospects for the conquest of space and time are revealed to humanity. Therefore, it is by no means surprising that Peter Calder's book has re-emerged from the nonexistence of oblivion - its time has come.

Why? What is special about her? After all, the practices described on its pages do not give the impression of being any complicated, and the author himself claims that they are available to any person...

What is the matter, why did it take us so many years to accept such seemingly simple and obvious things?

The thing is that we are talking not just about health-improving exercises, but about ritual actions that reverse the flow of internal time. Even now, after all the miracles we have seen, it does not fit in the mind. But, nevertheless, the fact remains - the method works and works in this way! For what? Unfathomable! Such elementary things... Impossible!

However, let's not rush to conclusions, because the sacramental “everything ingenious is simple” has not yet been canceled by anyone. And the only criterion of truth in this case (however, as in any other) can only be practice. Those who try it will see for themselves that the method works. And does it really matter, due to what? The priceless treasure of the ancients is open to each of us. Absolutely harmless. Available to anyone. Incomprehensibly mysterious in its ultimate simplicity. Just reach out and take it. Every day... For ten or twenty minutes... And that's all... Is it really that difficult?

And it hardly matters whether Colonel Bradford was a real person or Peter Calder made up this whole story in order to tell us in an entertaining way about the unique practice transmitted to him by his Tibetan teacher. Of course, we are grateful to the author for those few pleasant hours that we spend reading his story, but this gratitude cannot be compared with the deepest gratitude that we feel towards him for his gift - practical information about the “Eye of Rebirth”. ” - an inexhaustible source of youth and vitality, which became available to us thanks to his book.

Chapter first

Everyone would like to live long, but no one wants to grow old.

Jonathan Swift

This happened several years ago.

I was sitting on a park bench reading the evening paper. An elderly gentleman came up and sat down beside me. He appeared to be about seventy years old. Sparse gray hair, sagging shoulders, a cane and a heavy shuffling gait. Who could have known that my whole life from that moment would change once and for all?

After a while we got to talking. It turned out that my interlocutor was a retired colonel in the British Army, who had also served for some time in the Royal Diplomatic Corps. On duty, he had a chance to visit in his life in almost all conceivable and inconceivable corners of the earth. On that day Sir Henry Bradford - as he introduced himself - told me some amusing stories from his adventurous life, which greatly amused me.

Parting, we agreed on a new meeting, and soon our friendly relations turned into friendship. Almost every day the colonel and I met in my house or in his house and sat by the fire until late at night, having unhurried conversations on a wide variety of topics. Sir Henry was a most interesting man.

One autumn evening, as usual, we sat with the Colonel in deep armchairs in the living room of his London mansion. Outside came the rustle of rain and the rustle of car tires behind the wrought-iron fence. The fire crackled in the fireplace.

The colonel was silent, but I sensed some inner tension in his behavior. As if he wanted to tell me about something very important to him, but could not bring himself to reveal the secret. Such pauses have happened in our conversations before. Each time I was curious, but I did not dare to ask a direct question until that day. Now I felt that it was not just some old secret. The colonel obviously wanted to ask me for advice or something to offer me. And I said

Listen, Henry, I've noticed a long time ago that there's something that's bothering you. And, of course, I understand that we are talking about something very, very significant for you. However, it is also quite obvious to me that for some reason you want to know my opinion on a question that concerns you. If you are restrained only by doubts as to whether it is expedient to dedicate me - a person, in general, an outsider - to a secret, and I am sure that some secret is hidden behind your silence, you can be calm. What you tell me, no living soul will know. At least not until you yourself tell me to tell anyone about it. And if you are interested in my opinion or you need my advice, you can be sure - I will do my best to help you, word of the gentleman.

The Colonel spoke slowly, choosing his words carefully:

You see, Pete, this isn't just a mystery. First, it's not my secret. Secondly, I don't know how to find the keys to it. And thirdly, if this secret is revealed, it is quite possible that it will change the direction of the life of all mankind. Moreover, it will change so abruptly that even in our wildest fantasies we cannot imagine it now.

ulshat/ 01/14/2019 No matter what they say about the book... it definitely helps! At the age of 60, my friend's gray hair darkened and his stomach recovered.
After 2 weeks, kidney stones rained down on me and a rash came out on my skin ... I got scared and quit. Tomorrow I start tomorrow. Good luck to me!

Denis/ 12/17/2018 I regret that I fell for this book. As a result of classes for 2 months, I somehow damaged my back, the intervertebral disc, apparently, and for 3 years I have had pain in the lower back.

Andrey/ 12/17/2018 I've been doing Eye of the Renaissance for a year now. From the results, I note: back pain disappeared, and if colds occur, they pass very quickly, 1-2 days are enough. And as many practitioners say: there is a charge of vivacity and strength, not to mention simple good health. Draw your own conclusions)

Lana/ 25.10.2018 Good day to all! I have been doing exercises since 2005, i.e. 13 years. Super. I fly like a teenager. I am 67, no one gives more than 55-57. Get busy. Health to all.

Sergey/ 10/13/2018 I see a lot of rave reviews. I will start doing the exercises described in the book

Jacques/ 27.09.2018 Wow! What an effect. I respect this gymnastics. I would like such results.

1 / 09/24/2018 For those who are serious, a teacher is not needed at all, fearlessness is needed, this is the point.

rabiya/ 07/18/2018 Good afternoon everyone. Lola's review is not clear. How can lower back pain go away in a year if she has been doing OB for only 3.5 months.

Alexei/ 06/13/2018 I used to practice these exercises. Now I am engaged in real Taoist practices and I believe that mastering even the most beautiful technique from books, and not through "oral instruction and heartfelt transmission" from a mentor, is at least dangerous. My advice - look for a person, a representative of the school - not a book.

Fanta/ 06/13/2018 I found where to ask. You have to take care of yourself. What is better for you - only you know.

Nata/ 06/12/2018 Hello everyone! Tell me, please, is it possible to do exercises if in March there was a fracture of the radiocarpal bone with a displacement, and now it's outside ... June ??? Thank you for your understanding and response! Very important!!!

Dmitriy/ 01/23/2018 The described practice in the book is the basis (but not the essence) of Taoist techniques. Performing such exercises creates harmony in the transfer of energies from the "upper boiler" to the lower one and vice versa. In other words, you begin to feel the processes taking place in the body - listen to your body directly, and not through pain. Search lee for this topic if you're interested.
For pregnant women, it is generally not recommended to perform Taoist energy practices if you do not directly feel the process of energy flow itself. The fact is that the child's energy is turned on here, which somewhat modifies the entire system of energy conversion from chakra to chakra. In this regard, qigong is much softer - the section where torsion is used at the level of the joints, and not the spine.

Rabiyushka/ 01/07/2018 Good afternoon to all visitors of this beautiful site, as well as to all practicing Tibetans. I want to know if it is possible to do them during pregnancy. Or are there contraindications for some, maybe someone has experience?

Evgenia/ 11/30/2017 Good day to all. Help, tell me. 6 years ago I started to make an eye, about a month later I woke up with severe dizziness, my heart was beating like crazy, my neck hurt. It was examined for a very long time, hernias in the neck. They treated, healed, but dizziness did not leave me. I am still suffering. I have not done the eye since then, but I feel that it was it that provoked such a state. Does anyone know how to fix the situation?

Julia/ 11/15/2017 Excellent, wonderful gymnastics, I have been doing it for almost three years. Combine with proper nutrition and drink almost 2 liters. water. A lot of energy, the state of happiness does not stop)), everything is so beautiful around, the cells are saturated with oxygen. Vision improves, pressure normalizes, weight, muscles are constantly in good shape, osteochondrosis disappears, the back straightens, relief and bend appear, gray hair (early gray hair) begins to darken, wrinkles are smoothed, scars and blood networks are reduced, the skin looks fresh. I look 10 years younger (I'm 31). The only question is, is it possible to do these exercises during pregnancy or can the amount be reduced during this period?

fixa333/ 11/12/2017 Hello dear Okovtsy. For Hope I will say. I also had a rash on my skin after 3 weeks of classes. Then many things were inexplicable. Somewhere in the 8th week, everything returned to normal. I've been doing it for about 5 years already. There were small breaks. Get involved and you won't regret it!!!

Alexei/ 09/07/2017 It is true that after 4 months of practice, you need to start drunk with 3 repetitions.

Hope/ 08/20/2017 Share your experience with someone who had a similar experience. In the fourth week of classes, a dense rash appeared on the face, although nothing like this had ever happened before. Could it be practice related?

mirzochid/ 07/23/2017 Hello everyone. I also do, but I'm finishing the exercise schedule. I don't know what to do next, I want to know in detail.

atalya/ 21.07.2017 Sun of youth and beauty!
I have been practicing since May 2005. 5 exercises. A year later, my husband joined. He is now 68 but looks 10 years younger. No one gives him his year. I can say about myself that for 12 years I have not been in the clinic for serious reasons. And this year I decided to undergo a diagnostics and they told me that I am one of the centenarians and my lungs are 31 years old, although I am a little over 50. But I warn everyone that these practices are energetic and spiritual. They need to be treated very carefully and responsibly. It is necessary to work on oneself in the field of expanding consciousness and cognition of the laws of the universe. Correctly build your thoughts. And so on.

Not so long ago, many did not believe in the power of esotericism and similar teachings, it seemed that this was nothing more than a fiction. But, many were attracted by the teachings of the Tibetan lamas, who does not want to know the secrets of longevity? The book that Peter Kelder published before World War II has become especially relevant today.“The Eye of the Renaissance” is the name given to the book, which revealed, if not all the secrets of the monks, but at the same time made an indelible impression on everyone who read it and followed all its recommendations.

The "Eye of the Renaissance" opened the world to exercises that bring good spirits, recuperation, revival and rejuvenation of the body. Everyone who is engaged in the spiritual practice of the eye of rebirth notes that they feel great, much younger than their years. For some, Peter Kelder opened the way to self-improvement, a source of strength and energy.

News line ✆

The book "The Eye of the Renaissance" first appeared (according to various sources) in 1938-1939, it was one of the first to shed light on ancient Tibetan ritual practices. Indeed, before that, the secrets of the monks were kept in the strictest confidence and invaluable information about longevity, health and youth was not available, since it was kept by the monks of a secluded monastery located far in the mountains.

Unfortunately, it is still unknown how Peter Candler received information about the practice of the eye of rebirth, just as it is not known whether Colonel Henry Bradford of the British Army really existed, but the fact remains that this book was created not just to read it, but to to really help people, to give them confidence in the future and in their abilities.

Frankly, it is not even known for certain whether Peter Candler himself existed, since no supporting facts have been preserved in favor of his existence. It is known about him, as well as about the hero of his book, that he is a retired colonel in the English army, which is exactly what the author was mentioned in the book. There are no photographs or any other evidence that Candler did the exercises and had any effect from them, which may have been the reason for the initial mistrust of the book.


The “Eye of the Renaissance” at the stage of its appearance did not make much of a splash, as it was not understood by the then West, and only over time, after the theoretical and practical study of the secrets of the East, many decided to read the “Eye of the Renaissance” and do the exercises. It is worth noting that this book presents not only a set of exercises, but a kind of ritual, performing which you can achieve amazing results, is:

  • gymnastics;
  • prayers;
  • technique of entry/exit to the optimal state of execution of the technique.

Peter Kelder received recognition after the translation and publication of the book by the Sofia edition. Circulation sold out with astonishing speed, and the publishing house began to receive numerous requests to reprint the book and increase the circulation. So it became available to a wide range of people, regardless of education, income level and age. The first translation of the book was made by Andrei Sidersky, after which he also published his book with a more detailed description of the techniques. Pyotr Levin also published a very similar book, but supplemented it with his own nuances of practical importance.

The main difference between the Eye of Rebirth technique is the promised effect of rejuvenation, which is really achieved if you regularly perform exercises, follow all the recommendations and are not lazy. Many who have been practicing for several years note that fatigue disappears, even with significant loads, the body heals and strengthens. Revival can only be achieved through regular exercise.

It is believed that this technique is suitable for both men and women. Everyone decides for himself how many exercises to perform, as well as the number of approaches, but you should not deviate from the author's recommendations.

Many believe that this information is a miracle, and many still have the opinion that this cannot be reality and that all this is just an illusion, nothing more than a deception. But, having become familiar with the technique, it becomes clear that it is available to every person and will absolutely not bring harm, but only benefit.


In the book, Calder appears to be telling the story of his own life, which was changed after a single meeting in the park. It was in the park that he was approached by nothing, at first glance, an unremarkable man, about seventy years old.

After talking with the old man, he introduced himself as Sir Henry Bradford, Peter Calder learned many stories about his life and adventures. After all, the retired colonel led a fairly active life, and therefore has a huge life experience and track record. It was from this first conversation that their friendship began.

Meetings and conversations with Sir Henry became regular for the author, and it was in one of these conversations that he hesitated for a long time and told a story that he had not dared to reveal before. And he began his story about the first acquaintance with the mountain monks, who were distinguished by incredible strength and endurance.

None of the locals told Sir Henry about where these monks came from and what exactly is their source of energy. Moreover, the locals were afraid of these people and in every possible way avoided the colonel when he asked about them.

The time of the colonel's service came to an end and he returned home from India, but the thought of the eternal source of youth did not leave him for many years. Moreover, on his last night in India, he had a strange dream that one of the lamas, with whom he had a chance to communicate in the market, turned to him in English and told him to definitely return, regardless of the time. And having shared this story, the colonel decided to go to those places that had attracted him for so long. And he went.

So, after a while, Sir Henry came to Peter, who changed beyond recognition and became noticeably younger. There was nothing left of the flabby old man that the colonel had been when they first met. Standing in front of the author was a young man who looked to be in his early forties, but certainly not seventy. Only by peering into the face of the guest, the author, with difficulty, but recognized the features of Sir Henry's face and invited him to his place in order to hear the story of his rejuvenation as soon as possible.

And he began to tell how he returned to the places where he served, how for three years he unsuccessfully tried to find meetings and at least some information about the lamas and their location, how the locals already made legends about him and how in one day he was lucky enough to meet a lama. It was this meeting that became fateful in the life of the colonel.

The lama called him with him, they walked for a whole day, but at the same time the colonel practically did not feel tired. The first halt was in a mountain cave, where the lama somehow fed the colonel and put him to bed, while he himself began to do the exercises in the dark.

The next morning they set off again, while the lama did not eat anything, explaining that the lama did not eat food on the way. Sir Henry got a good look at the lama at last, and found that he was quite young and full of energy, although the colonel estimated he was about three hundred years old.

A conversation began between them, during which it became known that the source of youth is not something material, but rather spiritual, something that can be learned and that the colonel will certainly be taught, because he really wanted it.

This journey took a very long time, as the colonel even lost count, but in the end they came to the goal. When the lama pointed out to the colonel where it was necessary to go down the mountain path, he simply disappeared into the mountain air. And the colonel went to the monastery, where the secret of eternal youth was revealed to him. That's how Calder learned about this secret practice.

Description of the Eye of Rebirth

Before proceeding with the implementation of the complex, it should be borne in mind that in the case of unquestioning fulfillment, amazing opportunities open up for a person, and in case of incorrect execution, a destructive process will start in the body. Perhaps this is what scares many who want to gain vitality.

This gymnastics includes five basic techniques that should be performed in strict sequence, while not making a significant break in time. It is also worth considering that the exercises must be done as many times as it is written in the book. In this case, you can do one set in the morning and do all the exercises twice, then do another set in the evening. But, at the same time, do not forget that you can not do some of the exercises in the morning, and some in the evening.

Exercises are performed in the same rhythm and pace, while it is necessary to observe equal duration and depth of breathing. In the same way, it is necessary to observe the frequency of breathing in the intervals between exercises. Breathing should be paradoxical.

No need to treat joints with pills!

Have you ever experienced unpleasant joint discomfort, annoying back pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you or your loved ones are faced with this problem. And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunch, clicking not of their own free will;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints ...

Surely you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams, ointments, injections, doctors, examinations, and, apparently, none of the above has helped you ... And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working drug, as they will lose clients! It was against this that the leading rheumatologists and orthopedists of Russia jointly opposed, presenting an effective remedy for joint pain that has long been known to the people, which really heals, and not just relieves pain! with a famous professor.

Peter Calder

The eye of rebirth - the ancient secret of the Tibetan lamas

From the translator instead of the preface

"Cie - there is a great mystery,

for no matter how destroyed by time or disease,

adversity or satiety of the human body,

the gaze of the Heavenly Eye will revive him,

and youth will return, and health,

and will give great power of life" ...

Peter Calder's book is the only source that contains invaluable information about five ancient Tibetan ritual practices that give us the keys to the gates of incomprehensibly long youth, health and amazing vitality. For thousands of years, information about them was kept by the monks of a secluded mountain monastery in the deepest secrecy.

They were first revealed in 1938, when a book by Peter Calder was published. But then the West was not yet ready to accept this information, since it was just beginning to get acquainted with the fantastic achievements of the East. Now, at the end of the twentieth century, after a hurricane of theoretical and practical information about the most diverse systems of Eastern esoteric knowledge swept over the planet, bringing fantastic revelations and opening a new page in the history of human thought, there was an urgent need to move from theory and philosophy to practice. choosing the most effective and most extraordinary methods. Every day the veil of secrecy is lifted over more and more new aspects of esoteric knowledge, with each new step in this direction, more and more grandiose prospects for the conquest of space and time are revealed to humanity. Therefore, it is by no means surprising that Peter Calder's book has re-emerged from the nonexistence of oblivion - its time has come.

Why? What is special about her? After all, the practices described on its pages do not give the impression of being any complicated, and the author himself claims that they are available to any person...

What is the matter, why did it take us so many years to accept such seemingly simple and obvious things?

The thing is that we are talking not just about health-improving exercises, but about ritual actions that reverse the flow of internal time. Even now, after all the miracles we have seen, it does not fit in the mind. But, nevertheless, the fact remains - the method works and works in this way! For what? Unfathomable! Such elementary things... Impossible!

However, let's not rush to conclusions, because the sacramental “everything ingenious is simple” has not yet been canceled by anyone. And the only criterion of truth in this case (however, as in any other) can only be practice. Those who try it will see for themselves that the method works. And does it really matter, due to what? The priceless treasure of the ancients is open to each of us. Absolutely harmless. Available to anyone. Incomprehensibly mysterious in its ultimate simplicity. Just reach out and take it. Every day... For ten or twenty minutes... And that's all... Is it really that difficult?

And it hardly matters whether Colonel Bradford was a real person or Peter Calder made up this whole story in order to tell us in an entertaining way about the unique practice transmitted to him by his Tibetan teacher. Of course, we are grateful to the author for those few pleasant hours that we spend reading his story, but this gratitude cannot be compared with the deepest gratitude that we feel towards him for his gift - practical information about the “Eye of Rebirth”. ” - an inexhaustible source of youth and vitality, which became available to us thanks to his book.

Chapter first

Everyone would like to live long, but no one wants to grow old.

Jonathan Swift

That happened a few years ago.

I was sitting on a park bench reading the evening paper. An elderly gentleman came up and sat down beside me. He appeared to be about seventy years old. Sparse gray hair, sagging shoulders, a cane and a heavy shuffling gait. Who could have known that my whole life from that moment would change once and for all?

After a while we got to talking. It turned out that my interlocutor was a retired colonel in the British Army, who had also served for some time in the Royal Diplomatic Corps. On duty, he had a chance to visit in his life in almost all conceivable and inconceivable corners of the earth. On that day Sir Henry Bradford - as he introduced himself - told me some amusing stories from his adventurous life, which greatly amused me.

Parting, we agreed on a new meeting, and soon our friendly relations turned into friendship. Almost every day the colonel and I met in my house or in his house and sat by the fire until late at night, having unhurried conversations on a wide variety of topics. Sir Henry was a most interesting man.

One autumn evening, as usual, we sat with the Colonel in deep armchairs in the living room of his London mansion. Outside came the rustle of rain and the rustle of car tires behind the wrought-iron fence. The fire crackled in the fireplace.

The colonel was silent, but I sensed some inner tension in his behavior. As if he wanted to tell me about something very important to him, but could not bring himself to reveal the secret. Such pauses have happened in our conversations before. Each time I was curious, but I did not dare to ask a direct question until that day. Now I felt that it was not just some old secret. The colonel obviously wanted to ask me for advice or something to offer me. And I said

Listen, Henry, I've noticed a long time ago that there's something that's bothering you. And, of course, I understand that we are talking about something very, very significant for you. However, it is also quite obvious to me that for some reason you want to know my opinion on a question that concerns you. If you are restrained only by doubts as to whether it is expedient to dedicate me - a person, in general, an outsider - to a secret, and I am sure that some secret is hidden behind your silence, you can be calm. What you tell me, no living soul will know. At least not until you yourself tell me to tell anyone about it. And if you are interested in my opinion or you need my advice, you can be sure - I will do my best to help you, word of the gentleman.

The Colonel spoke slowly, choosing his words carefully:

You see, Pete, this isn't just a mystery. First, it's not my secret. Secondly, I don't know how to find the keys to it. And thirdly, if this secret is revealed, it is quite possible that it will change the direction of the life of all mankind. Moreover, it will change so abruptly that even in our wildest fantasies we cannot imagine it now.

Sir Henry was silent for a moment.

During the last few years of military service, - he continued after a pause, - I commanded a unit stationed in the mountains in north-east India. Through the town in which my headquarters was located, there was a road - an ancient caravan route leading from India to the hinterland, to the plateau that spreads behind the main ridge. On market days, from there - from the remote corners of the hinterland - crowds of people flocked to our town. Among them were the inhabitants of one area lost in the mountains. Usually these people came in a small group - eight to ten people. Sometimes among them were lamas - mountain monks. I was told that the village from which these people come is twelve days away. They all looked very strong and hardy, from which I concluded that for a European, not so accustomed to hiking in wild mountains, an expedition to those parts would be a very difficult undertaking, and without a guide - simply impossible, and the path only took one way no less than a month. I asked the inhabitants of our town and other people from the mountains, where exactly is the place where these people come from. And each time the answer was the same: "Ask them yourself." And then there was the advice not to do it. The fact is that, according to legend, anyone who began to take a serious interest in these people and the source of legends related to the place from which they came, sooner or later mysteriously disappeared. And over the past two hundred plus years, none of the disappeared has returned alive. “Mountain runners” - Lung-gom-pa or “Wind Watchers” - Tibetan messengers and cargo carriers - spoke from time to time about fresh human skeletons gnawed by wild animals in one of the distant gorges, but this was somehow connected with mysterious disappearances or no - unknown. It was said that no less than fifteen people had disappeared from the town in the last twenty years, and only five or six skeletons had been found. Even if these were the bones of one of the missing, it is not known where the rest have gone.