Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Geopathogenic and pathogenic zones. How to identify abnormal zones in your home and get rid of them

Geopathogenic zones are places where the earth’s crust breaks, characterized by a high power of negative radiation. Zone lines cover the surface of the earth, forming grids of different sizes. One of the most famous is the Hartmann grid. The lines of this grid are oriented along the 4 cardinal directions. Less known is the Kurri grid. The reason for the existence of such grids lies in the crystalline structure of the earth's core. To find out whether there are geopathogenic zones in your apartment, you should listen to the advice outlined in this article.

Geopathogenic zones and trees

If aralia, geranium, and asparagus bloom well in your house, this means that you are in the “risk zone.” Cats usually like to sleep in places where negative energy gushes out of the ground. Dogs, on the contrary, try their best to avoid such places.

If there are geopathogenic zones near your home, then trees such as plums, cherries, nuts, peaches, spruce, etc. will grow well in them. And trees such as linden, pear, and apple trees do not grow in areas with negative energy. The fact that there are geopathogenic zones near your home may be indicated by the constant formation of potholes and cracks in the asphalt. Vegetation that is more stunted than in other places also signals danger to people.

How to determine a bad zone using a pendulum?

How to determine a bad zone in an apartment? To do this you will need a pendulum (you can buy it or make it yourself). To do this, you need to take a heavy nut or ring and tie it to a thick thread 40-50 centimeters long.

Walk around the apartment with a pendulum, stopping in those places where you spend time most often (work desk, chair in which you watch TV, bed in which you sleep). If the pendulum swings, it means that a stream of destructive rays is coming out in this place.

The best option is to move the bed, sofa, chair to another place. But what to do if the pathogenic zone is under the bed or sofa, and it is not possible to move the sleeping place? In this case, the area needs to be screened by placing a mirror under the bed with the reflective side down.

How to determine the geopathogenic zone using a frame?

To determine the presence of a geopathogenic zone and fix its boundaries, you can use a “L” or “U” shaped frame. Usually the frame is made of copper wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm. The length of the frame handle should be 15 cm, and the length of the barrel should be 30 cm. To determine geopathogenic zones, you need to pick up the frames and begin to walk around the room with them in a circle, starting from the walls and ending with the center of the room. For your convenience, move or move the furniture to another room. In places where the frames react to the presence of zones, place strips of paper. This way you will not only determine where the cell of the “Hartmann grid” is located, but also the intersections of the field lines (the so-called “nodes”). The drawing obtained in this way must be transferred to graph paper - you will receive a plan of geopathogenic zones in your home.

In addition to the plan, it is also advisable to know the sign of each node of the zone you have discovered. To do this, go close to this node and ask the frame: “Is this node positive”? At the same time, imagine how a powerful energy flow comes out of the Earth. And watch where your frame will turn - into the agreed “yes” or into the agreed “no”.

After drawing up a plan, you can change the usual arrangement of furniture so that the zone nodes do not lie in the work area or in the rest area.

Measuring the geopathogenic zone

The geopathogenic zone needs to be measured. For example, you have established that it is in the middle of your bed. Move your pendulum to the left - if it swings, it means there is a zone, and if it hangs motionless, it means the zone has ended. Mark the pathogenic area on the bed, measure its exact dimensions and order a mirror of the same size. You can sleep peacefully!

When the question arises about home improvement, people rarely think about the presence of anomalous or geopathogenic zones in the house. These zones are the main sources of negative energy. These are “dead places” that cause residents a lot of trouble. The presence of such zones in the house can greatly affect the health and emotional state of all household members. In order to avoid such problems, it is necessary to identify these anomalous zones and neutralize them.

First you need to determine if there are abnormal zones in your home. According to one version, anomalous zones arise in places where the earth is in an unstable state. This creates negative energy, from which a person can feel constant weakness and fatigue, which can serve as a catalyst for the occurrence of various diseases. Also, signs of the presence of geopathogenic zones in the house are frequent nightmares, restless sleep, the appearance of unfounded fears and obsessions.

A series of simple experiments will help to identify the presence of anomalous zones in an apartment. First, observe how the animals in your home behave. Typically, cats or dogs are very sensitive to such things. If something wrong is going on in the house, they usually try to run away from the house. In some cases, animals, on the contrary, show increased interest in the “bad” place. In this case, they will constantly explore it, sniff it and behave strangely near the anomalous zone.

If you suspect that any place in your home is a source of negative energy, then conduct the following experiment. In order to confirm your fears or, on the contrary, leave bad thoughts in the past, place a bouquet of flowers in the suspected area. Place the same bouquet in what you think is a normal place in the house. Flowers in the anomalous zone will wither much faster (in a day or two). This will confirm all your fears.

If your indoor plants do not take root at all, or they quickly die, then this may also be a sign that negative energy is concentrated in your home.

Electrical appliances that constantly break down in the same place or light bulbs that burn out in the same place can also cause concern. If this happens repeatedly, then you should think about the fact that there really is an anomalous zone in your house.

You can determine the presence of an anomalous zone using a candle. Light it in a suspicious place and watch how it burns. If the candle crackles and smokes, then this is a clear sign of negative energy.

The most popular and effective way to determine geopathogenic zones in an apartment is to check with a pendulum. You can do it yourself. To do this, tie a ring, preferably silver, to a cord or thread, but you can also take a regular nut. Take the end of the cord and carefully walk with it throughout the apartment, but in such a way as not to deliberately create oscillations of the pendulum. The place where it will sway strongly will be the haopathogenic zone. Using a pendulum, you can also determine the size of this zone. Having found it, you need to walk next to the zone and carefully observe where the pendulum will stop. These will be the boundaries of the anomalous zone.

How to get rid of abnormal zones in the house? Unfortunately, no way. The only way is to move to another apartment. But if you don’t have such an opportunity, then don’t despair. It is impossible to get rid of anomalous zones, but it can be neutralized. To do this, you need to turn to the traditions of feng shui. If the anomalous zone is in a place where you spend a lot of time (for example, a sofa, bed, dining table), then all furniture and things that you use constantly must be removed from there. A special danger arises if there is a refrigerator in the anomalous zone. Then negative energy will be transmitted to you through food. What should we put in this anomalous zone? Feng Shui experts recommend keeping artificial trees with round leaves in areas of negative energy. You can hang several bells or put large round stones on the floor.

All these simple methods will help you identify abnormal areas in your home and easily deal with them. Do not be upset that something is wrong in your home, because you can always find solutions to any problem! If you found this information useful, click on and

02.10.2013 15:51

Participant in the “Battle of Psychics” Natalya Vorotnikova told readers of her website about the magical abilities of cats. According to her, cats and cats...

First you need to understand where exactly the underground crack runs. An apartment is not a forest, where the structure of the earth’s crust can be judged by the nature of the vegetation. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to your own well-being when determining geopathogenic zones.

Official information about geopathogenic zones

Do geopathogenic zones really affect all living things? Scientists once asked this question - and conducted a study (on animals, of course, although this is barbaric!) And here is the result. Of the 750 cows examined, living above a vast geopathogenic zone, 80 percent suffered from leukemia and mastitis. Chickens placed above the zone lost their feathers and stopped laying eggs. Mice, trying to get out of cages in a vivarium in Novosibirsk, ate their own tails to the ground and broke their teeth on the bars. But snakes and lizards with great pleasure inhabit areas unfavorable for people. They even spend the winter there.

And the man? Today it is already clear that the geopathogenic zone is unsafe for you and me. According to modern data, such a zone gives impetus to the development of cancer, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, ischemia and other cardiovascular diseases. Those who have an unstable, weak nervous system can “break down”, become suicidal, or go crazy. German doctors were simply dumbfounded when they tried to treat severe mental disorders not with medication, but... by simply moving the patient out of the zone of exposure to underground radiation. And - oh, miracle! Paranoia suddenly receded and schizophrenia disappeared. Apparently, a weak nervous system is not able to withstand electromagnetic fields, which, by and large, are bad not because they exist at all, but because they are pulsed, that is, inconsistent - they have different intensities at different times. It is very difficult for our body to adapt to such effects. Once you get used to a certain dose, it begins to change. And our body does not have time to rebuild. Is that bad.

But on the other hand, it’s wonderful! Because it is in the geopathogenic zone, where we all constantly experience extreme stress, that our body, our soul learn to overcome difficulties, become tempered in this struggle.

How geopathogenic zones affect people

And yet, every city dweller should know about the danger of the geopathogenic zone. Why city dweller? And this is due to the fact that faults are concentrated in cities. It would be more correct to say that cities arose precisely at the intersection of faults! Geologists have calculated that in settlements with a population of over 100,000 people there is at least one major fault, and there is no need to talk about large cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg! These cities stand at the intersection of many faults, including regional ones, that is, stretching for many thousands of kilometers.

Experts say that the entire development of civilization is connected with faults. All ancient cultures arose in zones of intersection of faults: Greece, Rome, Mesopotamia, China, Egypt...

People seem to be drawn to these evolutionary centers, which are sometimes unsafe for health. But they are necessary for the development and existence of humanity. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to survive in cities. Feel healthy, raise healthy children.

The impact of faults is similar to the impact of another phenomenon. Some scientists identify so-called energy lattices as a special pathogenic group, about the existence of which we know very, very little. According to some studies, they have dimensions from 2 meters by 2.5, according to others - from 16 to 16, and are called either orthogonal or diagonal.

There are no geological inhomogeneities behind these lattices, and therefore one should speak about them with a sufficient degree of caution: after all, science can neither prove nor disprove their existence. True, until recently science did not recognize the connection between human well-being and the structure of the earth’s crust.

Well, if cities are located in geopathogenic zones... that means we need to learn how to use the zones. You need to organize your home so that it helps you avoid the destructive effects of faults, leaving only the potentially beneficial component.

Simply put, if you live in an apartment where there is an underground fault, and you cannot (or do not want) to move for some reason, you must learn to live in extreme conditions. Having answered the favorite question of the Russian intelligentsia: “Who is to blame?” (in the occurrence of our diseases), we move on to the second question: “What to do?” (so as not to get sick anymore).

Thus, you can completely learn to get along with pathogenic zones of the earth’s crust by shifting the concern for your safety onto the shoulders of your own home - simply by correctly arranging the furniture in it. So the physical structure of the house will protect you even from the negative influence of mother earth herself.

But many of the anomalous phenomena that people observe in city apartments and rural houses are directly related to the existence of non-geopathogenic voids and cracks within the planet. There is even a theory that the manifestation of alien energy entities in the human world is also the result of these underground forces, which cannot be fought, which cannot be appeased, but contact with them can actually be weakened. A house that is holistic from an energetic, informational and spiritual point of view, maintaining its stability, can cope quite well with outsiders on its own - but this will be discussed further.

Hartmann networks

The visible world around us is covered with a thin energy network, in which there are areas of accumulation of positive and negative charges and neutral zones. The Hartmann network, which is used by radioesthetists, indicates places with harmful radiation that have a bad effect on the physical body and its energy centers. Unfavorable places in the house can be determined using a pendulum, and on the ground the most sensitive “indicator” is a U-shaped metal frame for determining geopathogenic zones. There are people who detect geopathogenic zones using their senses, without using any instruments. The network-like energy structure covering the surface of the Earth has protective functions. It controls the intensity of radiation from the Cosmos and planetary interiors. The accumulation of a huge amount of polarized energy charges can change the atmosphere in a closed space in an apartment or office and affect the human body, upsetting its balance.

If you suddenly develop chronic diseases, constant headaches, weakness, or increased fatigue, check your apartment. To do this, you need to consult with people who, by occupation, know everything about geopathogenic zones. That is, from geologists. Determining geopathogenic zones is their job. They will look at sections of the earth's crust and tell you what is hidden under your feet.

Frame for searching geopathogenic zones

You can also invite bioenergetics specialists who can identify geopathogenic zones in the apartment and can say a lot by working with the frame. But here you need to be sure that they are experts in searching for underground anomalies, because psychics, who often take on the task of “checking” housing, do not always know what they are looking for. One geologist who specializes in anomalous phenomena warned me that it must be dowsing people. “Because,” he said, “the frame itself cannot tell anything about the geological structure of the earth. This can be done by people who know how to handle it. Let's say you lost your watch in the forest, and you want to return it. So one specialist’s frame can show the desired watch, blueberries, and fir cones. The other has blueberries and pine cones. And you need a specialist who will look for the watch.”

And such specialists exist. They were known back in the days when people did not know the alphabet. People call them dowsers, because in rural areas such people were used to search for aquifers; they indicated where to dig a well and where this activity was doomed to failure.

To search, they used a fork-shaped rod - the ancestor of all frames on the planet. And by the deflection of the rod or, as it was called, the vines, underground flows were determined, which, in essence, indicate the presence of geological heterogeneities and, naturally, indicate geopathogenic zones.

In any apartment you can find a place where the influence of radiation is not so dangerous. This is where you should place your bed, where you can work and relax.

In places where radiation is most active, children should not be allowed to play, and they should not stay for a long time. And your four-legged pets will never choose such a place! That is why the Afghan hound shied away from the cozy bedding, and one of our acquaintances parrot pulled feathers out of its tail until it was completely bald!

The easiest way to put a cabinet, TV or refrigerator there is because these objects don’t care whether there is harmful radiation underneath them or not, and the bioenergetic component of the impact of geopathogenic zones on inanimate objects is too small to turn the cabinet into an accumulator of negative energy or spoil the food in the freezer.

Apartment protection means

A person is also able to sense unfavorable places in the room and, if desired, determine geopathogenic zones in the apartment. If you often have a headache, if you wake up tired, swollen, with body pain, or suffer from painful insomnia, this is a signal that your bed in the apartment or desk in the office is located in a geopathogenic zone. The general rule is that they should be located in the direction from north to south, but in some cases the location from east to west is more favorable. Copper circles placed under the bed to the head and feet will balance the flow of energy and neutralize harmful radiation. You should not sleep without taking off your watch, rings, earrings, bracelets or beads, as they interact with planetary energies and create a force field around you. Unplug the TV or computer if it is in the room where you sleep. The bed should be located at least 70 cm from the nearest electrical outlet or switch.

Neutralization of the geopathogenic zone

  • The corners of any room concentrate negative energy, so you should not rest in this space. Once a month, place half a head of an ordinary onion in each corner of your apartment or office for 24 hours. This simple remedy will clear the room of energy smog.
  • Copper circles also help, eliminating the harmful effects of geopathogenic zones located under the foundation of a building.
  • Place a cactus, ficus or geranium in the corners of the room: these plants filter the air and neutralize the accumulation of unipolar charges.
  • Round white river stones also help counteract negative impacts in crowded spaces. For this purpose, smaller copies of the Cheops pyramid are also used, but they should be oriented to the four cardinal directions. Using a pendulum, you can independently determine where the negative node is located in your home and place flowers, a copper circle, a mirror, a consecrated icon, a pyramid or a special screen made by an experienced radioesthetist there.
  • After identifying geopathogenic zones, you can also neutralize the harmful effects of geopathogenic zones with the help of amber. These yellow-red droplets of pine resin, frozen in stone silence, have unusually strong energy. Therefore, if you suspect that under your bed there is a crossroads of the Earth’s energy lines or a particularly active fault, place pieces of amber in this place - and see for yourself that your sleep (and therefore your overall well-being) has significantly improved.

Pets in the geopathogenic zone

The “energy vacuum cleaner” and regulator of the balance of energy flows in the house is the pet. Cats absorb negative energy. They love to bask in areas with positive charges. A dog that radiates devotion and affection for its owner heals him with its love. She sleeps in places where an excess of negative charges is registered. Animals themselves regulate their energy balance, adding what they lack with the help of an internal locator. For complete harmony in the house, it is advisable to have a dog and a cat. And if you were able to identify geopathogenic zones in the apartment, then pets are definitely needed.

How to protect yourself in a geopathogenic zone

Pay attention to the center in each room, where the diagonals intersect, mentally drawn from the corners of the room.

  • Place a flower, a clay or copper decorative vessel, a panel there, or, if possible, strengthen the mirror.
  • Hang bells, traditionally used by the Chinese to distribute energy.
  • You can also use the melody of three Rhodope copper vats. They are wonderful neutralizers of negative energies.
  • A consecrated icon on the wall, a home altar and a censer are energy neutralizers in the home of a Christian believer. They bring harmony and calm.
  • A Bible in a room where strangers are often present protects the house from negative influences. If a holy book or prayer book is located near your head, then insomnia, nightmares and fears will go away and the energy metabolism of a sleeping person will be regulated.
  • It’s good to change where you sleep every six months. This will lead to the fact that the energy imprint of the body will disintegrate, and this will change the balance in the entire room, reprogram the radiation and have a beneficial effect on the state of the physical body and its subtle shells. A long-term energy imprint from many years of sleeping in the same place leads to the penetration of the aura, the emergence of powerful, mostly unipolar, charges that have a harmful effect on health.
  • You can also protect your home graphically: draw a plan of it and place copper wire around its perimeter. The wire should be attached to the drawing with transparent tape, without connecting the ends. This will neutralize the harmful effects of the Hartmann network and protect your home from unfriendly people.

How to neutralize a geopathogenic zone

Vibrations produced by traffic lights, electronic displays, elevators, pumps of water and steam installations have a destructive effect on cells and cause their malignant changes.

Harmful radiation can be mitigated by installing a pyramid in the elevator car, and copper circles with a diameter of 70 cm on the floor and ceiling. They can also be placed in the elevator shaft, on electronic displays and in telephone exchange rooms. A pyramid of the right size, made on the recommendation of a radioesthetist, also reduces negative influences. All these simple measures eliminate aggression, improve relations between neighbors and dispel an unfriendly atmosphere in the house.

Pets living in large residential buildings are part of a set of preventive measures that support human physical and mental health. They restore the disturbed balance in the human body, cut off from contact with natural energies and vibrations of the earth. We should take into account the zodiac characteristics and the dominant natural element of the people with whom we live under the same roof.

If, for example, there is no earth or air in a house where people with earth or air signs live, then tension, illness and conflicts are inevitable in such a house. Often fate brings together opposites, which mutually balance each other and are self-exhausting. Divorce is coming. Such an ending can be avoided if vitality and additional energy of some basic earthly elements are brought into the house. For example, if a married couple is a carrier of the elements of fire and water, then in the house you should have flowers, stones and metals characteristic of the elements of air and earth in order to enhance vitality and the potential for the development of relationships.

Protection of geopathogenic zones

  • To neutralize geopathogenic zones indoors, place a copper conductor under each threshold.
  • To protect against human evil and outside interference, place a clove of garlic, a red woolen thread dipped in holy water, and blue beads under the threshold.
  • The space can also be protected by drawing a pentagram in the middle of the threshold and mentally encoding what you want to protect the room or the whole house from. The defense of the home should be built from the front door, going around the rooms clockwise.
  • Every year on March 22, mentally burn the old rapids in a fire with a bright white flame. After that you can actually burn them.
  • Once a month, mentally “wash” your home with a bright white light, and if problems arise, do this once a week. Start from the front door from bottom to top and from left to right.
  • Mentally cleanse your home with a foam of sparkling white bubbles. They will absorb dirt from walls, ceilings, floors, furniture and things. As soon as they darken, mentally collect them in a suitable vessel and pour the dirty foam into the toilet. Having completed the virtual cleaning procedure at home, you will feel how the atmosphere in it has changed: you can breathe easily, the mood is cheerful, everyone is healthy and friendly.

If there is a nervous environment at work, conflicts and arguments often arise, clear the room, and then the floor or office in the same way at the beginning or end of the week. This procedure can also be done in the boss’s office to make him more calm, tolerant and accommodating. You will see that your colleagues radiate goodwill, the work is progressing, and the results will not take long to arrive. We are accustomed to expecting help from the outside, while the meaning of life in the body lies primarily in the ability to help ourselves in order to grow and develop. An attempt to cope with the situation on your own affects the subtle energy structures and causes changes leading to a solution to the problem. What happens is what we have heard hundreds of times: “Help yourself if you want the Lord to help you.” Everything is within our power.

One of the most important “professions” of the frame and pendulum is the search and detection of so-called geopathogenic zones. Unlike harmful radiation coming from high-voltage power lines, nuclear power plants and other man-made objects, this phenomenon is created by nature itself. I will quote the words of the well-known botanist I. Michurin, spoken, however, on a slightly different occasion:

We cannot wait for favors from nature; taking them from her is our task.

Progressive-minded scientists, environmentalists and simply sensible citizens question this view and even criticize it. They recognize that we have all moved away from nature and have ceased to live in harmony with it. In relation to our topic, the conversation about all sorts of “mercies” becomes completely pointless and absurd. There are phenomena that do not depend on us, therefore our business is either to recognize them or not to recognize them, turning a blind eye to the obvious and ignoring them. The second is fraught primarily with negative consequences for ourselves.

Our ancestors, at first glance not at all advanced, nevertheless knew how to listen and look closely at the signs of nature, did not go against it, but tried to adapt and adapt to it. Places for the construction of temples and other charitable institutions were especially carefully chosen. In Ancient Rus', according to legend, the holy fool St. Basil the Blessed, who slept right on the ground, did not lie down everywhere, but only in a certain place. It is there that the temple named after him now stands. Already at a later time, scientists compiled a topographic map of churches, and it turned out that almost all of them were built in a favorable zone.

And here’s how good places for construction were chosen under Peter I. Before construction began on the lines of Vasilyevsky Island, pieces of raw meat were hung at a small but equal distance from each other. The place where it quickly rotted was declared unsuitable, and where it remained fresh for a long time, buildings were erected there.

Before you start checking geopathogenic zones, you need to understand what they are and how important it is to know and be able to identify them. Our actions to detect dangerous places must be conscious, and not thoughtless, mechanical. If necessary, we must explain to both our household and friends the importance of such a check, and for this we must have at least a minimal understanding of the subject and be theoretically savvy.

Here are examples taken from real life.

The story of 28-year-old Olga Sh. My comments are in italics.

“My husband and I have long dreamed of a new apartment - it’s hard to live with our parents. ( This is quite understandable, Olga told me a lot about the difficult relationships in their family, but this is not relevant.) We saved up money, and our relatives helped, and finally we moved from our parents’ good home to a new building. It’s not that it was very good housing; frankly speaking, it’s on the outskirts, and the area is only 27 square meters. Well, okay, after all, a separate apartment, your own home, and that was the most important thing! But here’s what’s strange and surprising: I, who had never been sick before, almost immediately after the resettlement began to suffer from excruciating headaches. My husband started complaining... sorry... ( Well, let’s not speculate for long - impotence, Olya confirmed my assumptions), and five-year-old Dashulka screamed at night, got out of bed and, half asleep, made strange movements with her hands, as if she was driving away someone only she knew. A previously prosperous family life began to go wrong, and one of my friends advised me to call a feng shui specialist. A middle-aged man came and presented his diploma ( he did the right thing in order to cut off doubts, although this is not a guarantee...), advised me to rearrange some of the furniture differently. There was no point. Finally, we turned, again on the advice of friends, to a dowser. Having drawn the plan of our apartment on paper, he “conjured” two frames, moving from the walls to the center, as if in a spiral ( he acted correctly!) in our two rooms and in the utility rooms. The procedure lasted about an hour, the man muttered something and made notes on the plan. In the end, he gave us a conclusion: “Your apartment is located in a zone of geopathogenic active radiation, especially in its nodes - where the beds are located: yours, your spouse’s, and your daughter’s.”

To the credit of this specialist, he did not demand a huge amount, did not intimidate everyone with a worsening situation, illnesses and deaths. Quite the contrary, this gentleman only advised to rearrange the sleeping places in accordance with what was indicated on his plan and confirmed by his check using, of course, indicators.

I’ll say even more: after asking local old-timers, he found out that earlier, about 50 years ago, on the site of the current house there was... a cemetery.

And here is another typical case concerning geopathogenic zones.

...Several families lived in a small pre-war house. Children were born, old people left at the appointed hour - in general, everything was as it should be. Everything, but not everything... The fact is that in one of the apartments there lived a family whose members were dying of cancer at a relatively young age. Women – from breast cancer, men – from the same disease, the source of which was localized in the gastrointestinal tract. “Heredity, science is still powerless against it,” sighed the doctors, followed by compassionate neighbors. One of the daughters of this family lived in another city and was also preparing for the fate of her older sister and aunt. I won’t make you sad with this sad story, I’ll just say that she was the only woman in the family who escaped the terrible disease. As is probably already clear, it was not caused by hereditary reasons, but by the fact that the apartment was located in a geopathogenic zone, and, what is especially sad, the residents’ sleeping places too.

And here is the third, not so dramatic, but nonetheless illustrative example.

George, a young man, got a job in a newly organized company. He liked the work, it gave him a lot of money, but there was something that, to put it mildly, began to confuse him after a month or two. George, of course, knew that the radiation from the luminous screen, like many benefits of civilization, was harmful. But it was not the first time he sat down at the computer, it was not the first time he entered search engines and drew tables, preparing the reports needed by his superiors. But for some reason, it was in the new office that he began to feel unwell: a headache, nausea, and even, excuse me, an upset stomach. Because of all this, the man felt uneasy and was thinking about visiting a doctor.

Overcoming embarrassment, he shared his problem with his mother. She remembered an old friend who was interested in dowsing. “Why not try? It can’t get any worse,” his mother persuaded, and George agreed. After some hesitation, his boss gave permission to inspect all workplaces, since he was a progressive leader and cared about the health of his employees. Armed with a frame, the guest checked the room for about an hour, every now and then writing something down in a notebook, and then issued a conclusion. The reason for George's ill health is not at all the radiation from the computer, but the fact that his work chair is located precisely in the zone of a geopathogenic node. The same situation happened in another place - there was a young girl sitting there who had just come to work in this office and was still feeling fine. These two chairs and computers were moved to where the dowsing indicated, and after a few days George began to feel much better.

Despite the bleak examples, to say that no one in the world deals with geopathogenic zones means to sin against the truth. Experts from Russia presented statistical data according to which 75–95% of all cancer patients slept (this factor is especially significant!) or worked for a long time in “dead” places. But even in the most successful—relatively, of course—situation, these individuals still experience certain disorders, and primarily disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Fatigue, headaches (let’s remember the first two examples) and other health disorders are also common.

Doctors, physicists, electronics engineers and, of course, biolocators systematically examine dangerous areas, draw conclusions and make recommendations. Thus, it was found that the disease of a particular organ is directly dependent on the pathogenic zone in which a person sleeps for a long time. If, for example, it falls on the head, this almost completely guarantees frequent headaches, intracranial pressure disorders, memory loss and other ailments. On the heart - possible heart attack, gastritis, inflammation of the gallbladder, etc., on the legs - weakening of motor function. In short, the range of diseases associated with prolonged stay in dangerous areas is very wide! How long does the impact need to be for this to happen? According to some experts, after 2-3 years, if you do not rearrange your sleeping place, pathologies will arise corresponding to the passage of the strip through a certain area of ​​the body. Others believe that 8 hours of continuous stay in a “bad” place is enough for a person to begin to feel unwell. In all such cases, one should not particularly hope for the success of modern medicine: the most experienced and skillful doctor can only relieve the pain syndrome and... that’s probably all!

I foresee your question: do these same zones apply to everyone? Almost everyone! I write “practically” because only the healthiest people, with strong immunity and a large margin of body strength, can feel relatively safe in a “disastrous” place. But why wait for alarm bells, especially since such completely healthy people are hard to find during the day today. Isn’t it safer, for the sake of your health, to promptly detect a high-risk area and simply rearrange the bed?

What about other countries? Perhaps they pay even more attention to this issue than the Russians. Thus, the Pedagogical Institute of Salzburg (Germany) became so interested in the reasons for the lag of schoolchildren in their studies that they specially allocated a certain amount to the researcher of geopathogenic zones, Austrian citizen Katie Bachler. An experienced biolocator examined 3 thousand houses, interviewed more than 10 thousand schoolchildren in 14 (!) countries. What did it turn out to be? And the fact is that the abilities, academic performance, and health of children are directly dependent on what is happening in the depths of our planet. Simply put, it depends on the presence or absence of geopathogenic zones (GPZ) in the places of their study and residence.

You might think that ILIs are only harmful to humans? Nothing like this! And here's the confirmation. Latvian M. Ligers, a veterinarian by profession, examined almost 40 thousand cows throughout Latvia using dowsing. About a thousand of them turned out to be seriously ill, but why all of them? Of course, for a reason already known to us: their stalls were located in the zone of powerful geopathogenic zones. The unfortunate cows suffered from mastitis, without which it is impossible to produce full-fledged milk, blood cancer, tuberculosis... In a word, everything was the same as in humans. On the recommendation of an enthusiast, the cows were transferred to safe places, and they began to produce good milk.

It is no longer a secret to anyone that there are sections of the highway where accidents occur with varying degrees of frequency. In Germany, for example, special signs are placed in such dangerous areas so that the driver is warned, and therefore armed.

Sleeping cat and lonely oak

Even without possessing dowsing skills, you can get an idea of ​​what zone – favorable or not – you find yourself in. To do this, you just need to take a close look at the behavior of the animals and the state of the plants in it.

It has long been a custom that during a housewarming party a cat is allowed into the house first, but few people know the meaning of this belief. This animal, beautiful or not, purebred or domesticated, lies exactly where the intersection of geopathogenic zones is located. In the old days, knowledgeable people used to say: “Where the cat lies down, there is a danger for a person.” The reason is that in order to maintain vitality, a cat needs recharging from negative places. But the dog, also a pet, prefers favorable areas where there are no negative radiations.

Not only the animal, but also the plant world is sensitive to unfavorable places. I will share my observations.

Several years ago, my family purchased a country plot, where we, inspired by the prospect of a rich harvest, began to work on weekends and holidays. We planted bushes of raspberries, black and red currants, and gooseberries, watered them, fertilized them, and began to expect returns from the land. I’ll say right away that I did not choose the site at random, but after first checking it for geopathogens. Then summer came, the bushes took root, the bare stems grew leaves, but not all of them! Some were pleasing to the eye with greenery, while others remained pristine. Moreover, the stems (mostly of raspberries) are overgrown with some kind of wart-like growths. Actually, there were only four such diseased bushes out of about two dozen, but still... I felt sad for them, and at the same time for myself, since I apparently could not prevent planting in the negative zone in time. And just to say: the plot is 10 acres, no less, how can you keep an eye on every planting! True, one could also blame the poor quality of the seedlings, which were obviously unviable...

It was a pity to uproot the unfortunate people - you wouldn’t throw away a kitten just because it got sick, I thought: come what may, maybe they will return to normal and come into their own. But after 2-3 years, we noticed something unusual: the shoots from the diseased bushes began to move further and further, and unlike the parents, they began to turn green and fill with healthy juices! As the main bush withered and withered, its offspring bloomed - and soon not only figuratively, but also literally! Out of curiosity, spurred by curiosity, I checked the “babies” with a frame – there was healthy, clean energy there! This is how nature itself saved its offspring from the harmful influence of geopathogenic zones!

Well, speaking seriously, GPZs have a strong effect on any plant. Healthy, pleasing birches, lindens and some conifers do not grow in them. And if fate brings trees to such a zone, then they take on an abnormal, ugly appearance in the form of bifurcated trunks, growths and other pathologies. For example, apple and pear trees grown in the GPZ turn yellow ahead of time, the fruits, not having time to gain strength to our delight, dry out and fall off. Well, there is one more significant point that has a certain mystical touch: lightning strikes primarily such plants. However, there are also fans of GPZs - trees that adore these very places. These include plum, cherry, oak, ash, spruce, willow, alder, peach, mistletoe and some others. Where they are, there is a pathogenic zone, most likely caused by the mass of underground water flows.

If you come across a single oak tree, you can rest assured that it has chosen the best place for its existence: the GPP node. What about peeled pine cones scattered in a small area? This is a sign of the same thing, as, indeed, are the acorns hidden by the jay within a radius of about a meter.

Since we are talking about GPZ in apartments, we cannot ignore their effect on indoor plants. If you are pleased with the lush colors of geranium, asparagus, and aralia, consider that you have accurately identified the places of negative radiation coming from the deep depths. But flowers such as begonia, cactus and some others, being placed in “dead” places, are unlikely to last a season or two.

The garden, of course, also cannot be completely free from pathogenic radiation. Without first measuring the area using a frame or pendulum, do not expect to harvest a high yield of tomatoes, peas, cucumbers and a number of other vegetable crops.

But let’s continue the conversation about the objective signs of ILI and observe the behavior of animals. Mice, our constant companions, become so embittered in such places that... they bite off their tails, “feast” on their offspring - and why? From hunger? It’s unlikely - most likely, the functioning of their nerve centers is disrupted and the unfortunate rodents reach a state that is popularly called (though in relation to people) simply and rudely: “the roof has gone crazy.” Pigs, horses, sheep will rush restlessly in their dens, but completely different behavior is also possible: lethargy, causeless illness, lack of appetite... and you can be sure: not a single veterinarian will prescribe anything to such an animal, except perhaps modern vitamins. But if you just walk around the area with the vine and check the radiation from those places where the listed living creatures live, you will certainly discover a geopathogenic zone, and most likely a node - its intersection with another gas zone.

As for the ancient ancestors of humanity - fish, insects, spiders and reptiles, they just adore “bad” places. Forest red ants build their homes (that is, anthills) right there.

Feathered... A long-standing belief says that misfortune hovers over the hut where the raven sits. The same applies to the owl, although it is a much rarer guest in the village than the crow. Well, if an owl made a nest over the roof of a hut, people were afraid to continue living there and went to another house, even if it was less inhabited and well-groomed. Or they even preferred to leave the village and wander around the area. Although this contradicts belief, storks also build nests in dangerous knots. Magpies' nests also indicate the GPZ.

Some people, gifted with intuition, manage to identify an anomalous area only on the basis of their sensations. Here the mood begins to deteriorate sharply, a feeling of causeless anxiety and fear arises. Sometimes you can hear: “Well, I don’t like this workplace, I don’t know why. Let's move it half a meter to the right." But this, I repeat, is characteristic of only a few, very few people. All other, “ordinary” citizens can stay in an unfavorable place for a long time, for the time being without noticing any deviations in their condition.

And yet - what is it?

The word “pathogenic” is derived from the combination of the Greek pathos - disease and genesis - occurrence. If you add “geo” to it, then together you get suffering, a disease of the Earth. That is, negative processes do not occur in space, not in water, but precisely in the depths of the planet.

Unfortunately, I cannot give a clear definition of what ILIs are and what are the reasons for their occurrence, because it simply does not exist. Nature has not revealed all of its secrets, and it is unlikely that this will happen. Nevertheless, scientists from many countries and specialties are studying this issue and putting forward various hypotheses, most of which can be considered real. I don’t see the need to particularly burden your attention with names and scientific facts, so I will only briefly dwell on some theories, the main provisions of which are supported by the majority of specialists.

Our planet should be considered as a living organism in which metabolic processes constantly occur. In its depths, energy is generated that rises to the stratosphere - a layer of the atmosphere located at an altitude of 11 to 50 kilometers. Underground water currents, cracks, depressions, fossil deposits, geophysical faults, cosmic radiation - all of this affects the health of the Earth. When viewed from above, we can see evenly shaped cells, together forming something like a grid. In honor of the scientists who discovered and studied this phenomenon, they are named after them.

Hartmann grid – cell size 2???2.5 meters;

Peyro grid – 4???4 meters;

Kurri grid – 5???6 meters;

Witman grid -16???16 meters.

As we see, there is no single system yet, but it is still customary to talk mainly about the Hartmann grid as the most common.

The length of the strips permeated with harmful radiation can be one meter or several tens of kilometers. These places are insidious in that they cannot be detected with the help of simple senses, they are not visible, have no color or smell. There are no reliable instruments yet that can clearly identify them; only a vine, a pendulum or a frame can become an indispensable aid in this matter. It should be noted that a long stay not in the strip itself, but at a distance of several centimeters will in no way affect our health, which is important to take into account when arranging, for example, furniture and especially (I never tire of repeating it!) - sleeping and working places. It is believed that geonets that are small in thickness (up to 20 centimeters) do not pose a great danger, especially for a young and strong person, but this opinion is not shared by all scientists.

I knew one psychic who assured me that he could... remove the geopathogenic zone. The naivety of this statement is so obvious that it’s even somehow awkward to comment on it. However, perhaps he somewhat confused the concepts of “neutralize” and “remove.” The first is indeed possible, and we will talk about this later, but the second... hmm, it’s clear that it is not: we are not able to influence the objective processes taking place in the depths of the Earth - at least for now.

An interesting hypothesis is that a harmful network is nothing more than channels for the release of waste from an organism, in this case the Earth. And these do not necessarily have to be solid substances that can be seen and touched: they can represent energy and radiation emissions. According to another view, the origin of the GPZ is caused by radiation continuously coming to us from space. They do not lie evenly, but in stripes.

The Hartmann grid represents lines that intersect the planet, like parallels and meridians. The north-south direction has an interval of 2 meters, the west-east direction - 2.5 meters. We already know that these lines are certainly harmful to humans, but we still cannot help but notice that they have different effects. By and large, all of them can be divided into two large types depending on the sign - “plus” and “minus”. In the first of them, energy moves clockwise from underground to the surface. Such zones cause cell mutations and contribute to the occurrence of cancer. The second group consists of flows that run in a spiral counterclockwise direction. They cause inflammatory processes in the body. As you can see, the “plus” sign does not mean at all that you can stay in this place for a long time and with benefit. True, there are also diagonal lines, but I will not continue to intimidate you with details, especially since I promised to simplify the story as much as possible. Let me introduce just one more conclusion of scientists: in the first nodes, negative energy comes out of the earth and is directed towards all living things, in the second, it is taken away from all living beings and goes deeper. Both are equally dangerous. However, if there were no grid, our planet would turn into a shapeless, loose mass, because the grid is a frame, a kind of skeleton for it.

Let's start checking

Well, armed with a minimum of theoretical knowledge, let’s move on to practice. How to check geopathogenic zones at home, at work, on site, and do it as competently and accurately as possible, so that you can then apply the obtained data in reality? This is what our conversation will be about.

Before you start this most important task, remember the experience of previous exercises and using the indicator. Clarify again what “Yes” means and what “No” means. Don’t be lazy to go out into nature, into the forest or meadow. Check the pendulum or frame specifically for geopathogenic radiation. How? Approach a nest of red ants, a single oak tree, or a tree with “cancerous” growths, that is, a place that is obviously anomalous. Watch and remember how the device reacts to them, although, most likely, if you already know its habits well enough, such a test will not give anything new. But I think it won’t hurt to make sure once again of the “seriousness and loyalty” of the assistant.

You need to prepare for direct work indoors. You should have at hand a sufficient number of paper strips that differ in color from the floor, as well as a sheet of graph paper, onto which you must first draw a schematic arrangement of your furniture. The most productive diagnostics will be in completely empty, unfurnished rooms - this happens when moving or after renovation, on the eve of a complete renovation of the interior.

If such events are not planned for you, try to empty the apartment of furniture as much as possible. With some skill, you can work with it - in most cases, this is what happens, and very successfully. It’s just more convenient without furniture, especially for beginners. And if access to secluded corners is limited, it is still better to use a pendulum - it is much easier to stick a hand with this miniature object between, say, a cabinet and a wall, than with a frame that is quite voluminous when moving.

Since electrical and electronic items can distort the true picture and give the indicator movements the wrong direction, they must be turned off. And one more thing: if you think that residents of the lower floors should suffer from negative radiation to a greater extent, and you, living on the 12th floor, do not, then you are deeply mistaken! The zones penetrate the floors, and their vertical influence is the same - whether in the basement or on the roof of a skyscraper.

So, we took a frame (there may be two of them) or a pendulum in our hand. Start slow circular, spiral movements from the walls to the center of the room. I hope you remember that the indicator should be completely motionless at the beginning of the operation. When you start checking, try to imagine these zones - transparent and malicious, which only you and your tool can find. Watch and clearly record the place where he begins to react. With your other hand you should hold the strips of paper and at the first vibration, place them on the floor, marking this place. Go ahead and keep making notes like this. For greater reliability and if you wish, you can ask the pendulum additional questions at the place of each movement: positive (plus) or negative (minus) energy in a particular place. This is usually determined by the corresponding direction of vibration - clockwise or counterclockwise.

Sometimes it happens that for some reason it doesn’t work out in circles. In this case, try a different path, and then decide what is more convenient for you. Stand opposite the wall that faces east, and begin moving parallel to any of the walls (and possibly closer to it) to the east, also imagining stripes in your mind. Has the frame deviated or spun? Has the pendulum begun to swing strongly? This means that the strip has been detected; we mark it with prepared pieces of paper. Having reached the opposite wall, we turn around and move back in the same way, but at a distance of about one and a half to two meters from the previous path. So at the same distance we pass the entire room from west to east and back, and then from north to south. After detecting a negative, wait until the device completely calms down, then continue the study. Haste here is not only inappropriate, but also harmful - a careless, superficial attitude to such a serious matter is fraught, first of all, with health problems.

When you're done and have something like a sketchy plan on the floor, remember about the graph paper you prepared. The plan of pathogenic lines must be transferred to paper, especially noting the places of their intersection. You don’t need to have great drawing skills to do this, but it may not work out the first time. That's it, the first part of the work can be considered completed. You have identified the lines and watched how they pass through your sleeping places, your favorite chair and other objects. Now you need to apply maximum diligence and imagination to arrange objects around the room, avoiding intersections with nodes, and ideally, with lines in general. Try to first draw the location on the diagram, and then transfer it to reality.

In the same way, check not only the living quarters, but also the kitchen, hallway, and bathroom. We visit the last two relatively rarely, so you don’t have to react too much to the presence of stripes here, but you need to pay special attention to the kitchen, especially to the table where the whole family gathers.

Do you want to study the stripes passing through your home thoroughly, in every detail? Nothing is impossible, but I cannot promise that this kind of aerobatics will become immediately available. By details I mainly mean the intensity of the radiation, often depending on the width of the stripes - we have already said that narrow stripes (10-20 centimeters) are not nearly as dangerous as wide ones. Usually, a 5-point scale is adopted among dowsing specialists: 1 – barely noticeable pathology, 2 – a little stronger, etc. I don’t recommend complicating the research at this stage, but I still mentioned this method - you never know, suddenly you get so carried away that and would you like to become such a specialist yourself?

Actually, I won’t say anything new: the principle of operation of frames and pendulums is approximately the same in all cases. You just need to “agree” in advance with the indicator: it should make as many turns or oscillations as the pathology is highlighted by a stripe - that’s all. But such a measurement at first, while you still have little experience, cannot always be accurate and error-free.

If you belong to the strong half of humanity, then, according to the proverb, you must first build a house. It should not only be beautiful and cozy, but also durable and safe, so that not only you, but also your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren can feel comfortable in it. Therefore, take construction seriously, especially since you already have experience in dowsing. First, using a compass, determine where the north, south and other sides of the horizon are in the area where your building will be located. This may seem unnecessary to you, but since we have decided to approach the matter thoroughly, why not carry out this simple procedure - especially since experts advise sleeping with your head to the north. In addition, knowing the sides of the horizon will help you better determine the direction of the coordinate nodes.

From the very beginning of your work, write down the results of all observations - do not rely on memory, or even better - draw up a schematic plan of the area. The notes will help you in the future, when the question arises about arranging furniture or building sheds, bathhouses, pens for livestock or chicken coops, planting green spaces... To work on the site, it is advisable to take a pendulum somewhat larger, or rather, heavier than the usual one that was used in indoors. Its weight should reach 80–120 grams, so the thread should be longer: the same numbers, only in centimeters.

Taking the indicator in your hand, begin to walk around the area as you did in the room, imagining that the ground is crossed here and there by harmful lines. It may not be entirely easy to imagine this, but this is not a hindrance: you just need to repeat to yourself: “I am looking for geopathogenic zones, I will find radiation harmful to me and my family” - this will turn out to be a kind of useful affirmation. By the way, it’s a good idea to repeat it on the eve of an operation on the ground - in this way you will tune yourself and your subconscious, which, as we have already said, with the right approach will always be ready to come to your aid. I won’t bore you with a reminder that before starting the study and after the indicator reacts, you need to wait until it is in a calm state.

In accordance with the reaction of the frame or pendulum, determine and plot the zones determined by the indicator on the site plan. This may also include identified underground water veins - needless to say, it is in this place that a well or borehole must be dug! And after all the measurements, choose a suitable location for the house and utility rooms. I believe that a competent approach is already within your capabilities. All that remains is to build a house, which, as the English say, is your fortress, and correctly arrange the furniture in it, to live and live well and make good money.

You can't remove it, but you can neutralize it!

It is not always possible to rearrange the furniture even by 15–20 centimeters, which is required so that knots or even geopathogenic stripes are not located in the location of the bed, work area or relaxation corner. Science, of course, does not “sit idly by,” but is constantly working to create means that can neutralize the harmful effects of these radiations. Special mattresses and floor mats were created, one side of which was covered with foil and the other with cat hair. We offer brick chips and quartz sand, ears of corn and tea leaves that are part of protective coatings, as well as much more.

All these methods can be classified as the first group of protection against ILI: neutralization. We agreed not to talk about the second, most effective (rearranging the bed), so we will continue to talk about how to reduce, and in the best case, completely neutralize negative radiation, thus improving our health and mood.

Meticulous researchers have sorted everything out here too - for example, they divided all neutralizing agents into groups depending on the means used. At the forefront are those materials that absorb negativity. These include wax, felt, synthetic films and some others. “I take the fire upon myself,” figuratively speaking, is their motto. There are also those that “only” reflect and seem to lead to the side(!) stripes - these are grids of various configurations, mirrors, screens, spirals, etc.

Did you notice the exclamation point? Let me explain what's going on here. In preparation for writing the book, I read a lot of literature, remembered all my already quite rich experience and finally became convinced: move away stripes, invading the skeleton of the planet, are absolutely impossible! You can only (this was said) either ignore them to your own detriment, or adapt with the help of auxiliary means, and nothing more! However, this is my personal belief, which I do not intend to impose on anyone. Perhaps, having become seriously interested in this issue, you will go much further than not only me, but also other well-known specialists - and come up with your own methods of pushing away earthly negative radiation... God willing!

But let's continue talking about the proposals of scientists. Pyramids, a miracle that has not yet been fully understood, are capable of capturing radiation and transforming it within themselves, replacing the negative with a positive. Antennas have the same properties, but to a lesser extent. Special generators have also been created that can oppose their own rays to geopathogenic ones.

And yet, neither science nor nature has yet created a reliable means, other than leaving for a more favorable place. But this, of course, does not mean that we, who sleep in an unfavorable place and do not see the opportunity to move it, should constantly suffer... Let us turn to the experience of our ancestors. They considered ordinary garlic to be one of the most powerful ways to clean a room, which should be placed under the bed. In addition to the fact that this plant drives away unclean spirits, it improves the health of the room. Place a certain number of peeled slices under the bed for several days, and then throw away and replace with others. Regular table salt has the same properties. Heat it in a frying pan and carry it throughout all the rooms. After this, scatter it in places where there is a known pathogenic zone on small sheets of paper, which you remove after a while.

You can place a large mirror under the bed or mattress with the amalgam facing up. Although I very much doubt that it will be comfortable for you to sleep on such a “reflector”. Rosin scattered in small portions under the bed or in other unfavorable places will also help. And our grandparents considered the presence of seven elephants in the house an indispensable condition for peace and prosperity. And it’s not only about this lucky number, but also about the material from which the elephants are made. Marble is a source of strong beneficial radiation. So this talisman, standing in a prominent place, can shield the negative from ILI.

But this is all, as you understand, only an auxiliary, and not a radical health remedy. Is it possible to constantly wear a protective bandage on your face or breathe with an oxygen pillow all your life? Draw conclusions and decide for yourself whether it would be easier to find an opportunity and ensure a normal, healthy existence for yourself by simply arranging the furniture correctly...

Since the discovery by scientists of the laws that explain the electromagnetic nature of the environment on Earth, a huge number of phenomena that are poorly explained from the point of view of fundamental science have been recorded. One of the most difficult to explain phenomena is the presence of places where people feel the sharply negative influence of the bioenergetic environment.

It can be caused by both natural and artificial external factors. Basic science has no theory to explain such anomalies. In the few works of scientists, the negative impact of the environment on humans is explained by the influence of the geopathogenic zone.

In this article

Official information

The geopathogenic zone (from the Greek geos - Earth, pathos - suffering, genesis - origin) are areas of the earth's surface, the presence of which negatively affects vital activity, mood and health. There is, but has not yet been documented, a hypothesis that elements of zones can be considered places on Earth where significant physical anomalies are recorded, zones of high electromagnetic and infrared radiation, and places where harmful substances accumulate.

Primary information about the physical nature of the mysterious phenomenon can be obtained by watching the video here:

Geopathogenic zones, places with negative energy signs, are located at the nodes of the network - a kind of system of power lines covering the Earth. The existence of the network was first announced in the forties of the last century by the director of the Munich Bioclinical Institute, Dr. Ernst Hartmann.

Symbolic representation of a Hartmann network

The main direction of Hartman's research was geomagnetic anomalies, about which there was little reliable information and even less evidence of existence. The scientist put forward a theory about the presence on the planet of a network of intersecting energy lines. Such a network of a conditionally rectangular shape suggests the presence of places with a direct – favorable (cells) – and with a reverse – harmful (lines and nodes) – influence on a person’s bioenergetic aura. Earth, Hartman argues, is not the only place where such a network exists. It is only part of the overall energy system of the Universe.

The size of the network cells is 2 (from north to south) x 2.5 (from east to west) m. The cells are compressed in the direction from the equator to the poles. There is an assumption that the negative impact of such areas on living organisms is associated with the interaction of groundwater and gamma radiation emanating from rocks during periods of special activity - during volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Another hypothesis is based on the action of physical fields that form a special type of disturbance - standing waves.

Evidence of existence

There is no documented evidence of the existence of geopathogenic zones. But scientists are trying to provide a scientific basis for mysterious phenomena and connect unexplained facts together. The first who tried to explain geophysical anomalies at various points on the earth's surface was a physician from Germany, Gustav von Pohl.

In the early 30s of the 20th century, he published the results of his research in an authoritative medical journal that covered the problems of treating cancer. Von Pohl found that mysterious phenomena were observed on various parts of the earth's surface. The researcher's conclusions were based on the assertion that the sleeping places of patients who died of cancer were located inside the geopathogenic zone.

Several decades later, Ernst Hartmann began seriously studying this problem. The result of the research was a voluminous medical report. In it, Hartman was the first to call cancer a disease of location, which directly affects the reduction of the protective functions of the human immune system. Ten years later, in 1960, the researcher published the book “Diseases as a Problem of Location,” which became a kind of guide to studying the influence of geopathogenic zones on the health of people, animals and plants.

The researchers came up with several conditional categories:

  1. Various geological structures (mineral deposits, tectonic faults, zones affected by eruptions and earthquakes).
  2. Areas of active human activity using sources of electromagnetic energy (mines, wells, burial sites of hazardous materials, nuclear waste repositories).
  3. Field anomalous phenomena with an unexplored physical nature (spots observed from space).

There are hypotheses that in addition to the Hartmann network, the Earth is covered with several more plexuses of energy lines:

  • Peyro network (cell size 4x4 m);
  • Kurri net (mesh size 5x6 m);
  • Vitman network (cell size 16x16 m).

The relative position of Kurri and Hartmann networks in residential premises

Walls and roofs of buildings are not an obstacle to such networks, since the movement of radiation does not depend on external sources of influence. The places of their numerous intersections are especially unfavorable for humans. Belief in the presence of such paranormal phenomena is akin to belief in omens. For example, you cannot place a bed in the place where the cat that first entered the new house lay down. Hartman explained this by the habit of animals to stay for a long time where the network lines intersect.

Using knowledge about the location of geopathogenic zones, you can adjust the design and placement of the main structural elements in a residential area.


The human body is a complex biological structure, the laws of which, despite the abundance of information, are not fully understood. It is unlikely that this will ever be possible. People do not tolerate long stays in places with abnormally high environmental pollution - air, water, soil. Thanks to various studies, it has been established how geopathogenic zones affect living organisms.

On people

Austrian doctor K. Bachler devoted 15 years to studying the problem of finding people with health disorders in geopathogenic zones. The research involved 11 thousand people susceptible to cancer of various stages - infants, children and adults. The conclusion was that all patients had sleeping places for a long time in geopathogenic zones.

Hartman networks have the most detrimental effect on people with pronounced signs of immune system disorders.

It is generally accepted that if for several days, weeks, months in a row a person, due to the nature of his life activity, is forced to stay inside a geopathogenic zone for at least three hours a day, he develops negative sensations:

  1. Weakness and irritability.
  2. Inexplicable fear of the surrounding reality.
  3. Headache and heart rhythm disturbances.
  4. Blood abnormalities and VSD.

Such periods of disturbances in basic life functions in people located in the nodes of the Hartman network are cyclical. Treatment requires the use of non-standard methods and is therefore longer and more complex.

The World Health Organization is conducting research on the increase in the number of diseases directly related to the long stay of people in technopathogenic zones - man-made anomalous formations. The chart curves for nervous, immune and cardiovascular diseases invariably go higher and higher.

The sharp increase in the number of electromagnetic zones around people (the growth in the number of smartphones), the pollution of air, water and land by human waste products have led to the fact that doctors have long been bracketing a number of so-called systemic diseases - cancer, polyarthritis, severe neuroses, sclerotic brain disorders.

On animals

Dogs sleep only where the influence of negative energy is reduced to zero. Cats, on the contrary, use places for rest where the accumulation of such energy is maximum. In ungulates (sheep, horses, cows), under the influence of adverse radiation, the percentage of infertility, leukemia, and mastitis increases. Pets in such areas suffer from constant feather loss and other physical abnormalities.

But bees whose hives are located in unfavorable areas produce more honey. Thus, the factors of influence of geopathogenic zones on living organisms remain to be studied for a long time and in detail.

For plants

The influence of geopathogenic zones on biological structures can be easily identified in plants. Perennial trees with a highly developed root system are massively susceptible to dichotomy (bifurcation). The percentage of such forms in coniferous plants in places with favorable bioenergy is no more than 0.5–1.0. Within geopathogenic zones it increases to 25, and sometimes up to 50.

Dancing trees

Other negative signs in plants are various curvatures, growth asymmetries and twisting of crown elements. The research of scientific institutes of the Russian Federation dealing with flora problems and the study of mineral resources is indicative. The percentage of various anomalies in the compared “good” and “bad” growing areas ranges from 10 to 60.

How to determine the location

To determine the parameters of the geopathogenic zone, mathematical expressions are applicable. The maximum intensity in the zone is observed at the very surface of the Earth. The decrease in activity as one moves away from the source of unfavorable radiation occurs extremely quickly; it is inversely proportional to the squared distance covered.

Tools used in dowsing

The error in cell sizes in the Hartman network is only 10–20 centimeters. Below five meters from the Earth's surface, grid lines can no longer be fixed. Various curvatures are also possible. Zone boundaries are determined using two main methods.

Dowsing (dowsing), frames and pendulums

In order to find signs of a geopathogenic zone in the study area, a pendulum is required. A heavy object on a long thread, slowly moving across the space under study, will be absolutely motionless in the heart of the Hartmann network cell. Having reached the line, the pendulum begins to swing. The amplitude of oscillations is maximum at the intersections of the lines - the nodes of the cells.

A dowser, as the researcher of pendulum deviations is commonly called, can quite accurately indicate the points of location and interweaving of the network. In modern scientific interpretation, dowsing is called dowsing.

Electromagnetic field detectors (EMF detectors)

Dangerously high levels of radiation can be determined using a completely scientific method - using radiation recording devices (electromagnetic field detectors).

They record fields with extremely high frequencies, sources of naturally and artificially created electromagnetic radiation.

Means of protection

Having received information about the presence of signs and the strength of radiation inside the geopathogenic zone, it is necessary to determine methods of protection.

Based on the type of impact, devices and objects that can be used to compensate for the consequences of negative impacts are divided into active and passive.

Here are just a few of the declared ways to protect yourself from unwanted contact:

  1. The presence of materials in the room that absorb various types of radiation. This can be felt, wax, or other substances with high viscosity, sound and energy absorption.
  2. Installation of devices capable of deflecting harmful radiation - decorative metal meshes or mirrors.
  3. Designer items with elements in the form of pyramids or cones, performing simultaneously the functions of decoration and energy trap.
  4. Installation of devices capable of compensating or converting negative radiation.

An extreme way to combat negative consequences is to leave the geopathogenic zone and in the future avoid possible contacts as much as possible.

How to use the acquired knowledge

Various studies contain data on ways to reduce the impact of geopathogenic zones on humans. To reduce the number of contacts, it is necessary to take into account the available data when locating newly constructed buildings and structures. On the territory of the Russian Federation, according to the provisions of the “Building Norms and Rules” (SNiP), before starting the design and construction of facilities, it is necessary to conduct research for the presence of anomalous energy signs. Binding of objects to a place is carried out taking into account the results of the measurements taken.

About attempts to study geopathogenic zones on the territory of the Russian Federation and contacts of people with adverse radiation, see here:

There are various devices capable of determining the boundaries of anomalous zones. In 1992, an electronic device receiving electromagnetic pulses was patented - an indicator of geopathogenic anomalies (IGA). However, in most cases, the impact is perceived by a person on a subconscious level.

How to independently find unfavorable places in your apartment:

By being more careful about their health and daily routine, correctly using knowledge about the nature of anomalous zones and methods of exposure, people will be able to minimize the consequences of negative contacts.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!