Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Gerasim is his place in the work. Brief description of Gerasim from the story "Mumu"

Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was the son of Varvara Petrovna, a domineering woman and a cruel serfdom. Having experienced the early departure of her mother and the hatred of her stepfather in childhood, she received an inheritance from her uncle after a quarrel with him, so the second half of her life is revenge for her irretrievably ruined youth, for the slavery she endured. Having become a sovereign mistress, she gave freedom to her whims and capricious actions.

The children were also afraid of their mother: Ivan recalled that rarely a day passed without being punished with rods. Subsequently, the youngest son called his mother “Saltykha” and made her the prototype of the old lady in the story "Mu Mu". The events underlying the plot of the story actually took place in the Turgenev family. Later, Varvara Zhitova’s younger sister (born out of wedlock with Ivan’s father and living in the house as a pupil) recalled that Varvara Petrovna saw a burly man in the field plowing the land and ordered him to be taken into her caretaker duties. It was Andrei, nicknamed Mute. He wore red shirts and was considered one of the mistress's favorites.

He really had a dog Mumu, which Andrei drowned. Zhitova claimed that Turgenev described Andrei in his work. The portrait resemblance is obvious, but the ending in her memories is strikingly different from the ending of the story of the janitor Gerasim from the story “Mumu”.

Andrei is a submissive and downtrodden creature, content with his slave existence. When the owner orders him to take the life of his beloved little dog, he not only does this, but also continues to live with his owner, having forgiven her for her moment of anger. Turgenev portrayed a man capable of strong and deep feelings, a man who did not want to humbly endure bullying and realized his human dignity.

It is very difficult for a free person living in the 21st century to imagine what it meant at that time to leave his master. A serf who was the property of the owner could be sold, given away, lost at cards, and for escaping he could be returned in the stocks and pinned to death. Gerasim's departure from his mistress meant that he realized that he was a human being and no longer felt like a dumb brute.

Why did Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev change the ending of his story? What idea did you want to convey to the reader?

So, his deaf-mute hero from the village, finding himself in the conditions of the city, endures his new existence very hard, which the author emphasizes with the help of detailed comparisons. He compares Gerasim either to a tree torn out of its usual habitat, or to a bull that was taken from free fields and put on a chain, or to a captured animal. It is no coincidence that all the furniture in Gerasim’s closet is distinguished by its durability and quality, designed for heroic strength.

The writer created Gerasim in the image of his ideas about the Russian people and their future. Turgenev endowed the mute serf with a sense of justice, a thirst for independence, a sense of self-worth - everything that, according to the writer, the Russian people possessed. He turned out to be a completely different person - not Andrei, meek, downtrodden, who meekly accepted the death of his beloved being. His hero had to rebel, which is what Gerasim does.

Deprived of his homeland, deprived of the right to love the meek and downtrodden washerwoman Tatyana, it would seem that Gerasim finally warms his heart near a tiny living bundle - a rescued puppy named Mumu. But an absurd accident, due to which everyone’s favorite becomes enemy number one for the capricious old lady, deprives Gerasim of his last opportunity to remain happy.

Realizing that his dog cannot live in the same house as his owner, Gerasim makes the difficult decision to get rid of his pet himself. This becomes something of a sacrifice for him. There is a festive caftan and a luxurious lunch for your beloved dog. Having drowned Mumu with his own hands, Gerasim crosses the line beyond which the feeling of dependence and fear ends. Having lost everything that was dear to him, the deaf-mute janitor gained freedom. He had nothing to lose, so, going back to the village, Gerasim experiences "invincible courage, desperate and joyful determination". But until he drowned Mumu, he did not cross this line and did not gain inner freedom.

The composition emphasizes how protest in Gerasim is steadily growing, how the hero is moving towards internal liberation from the bonds of serfdom, how a man awakens in him, living by his own will. In the finale, the author shows leaving the lady and returning to her homeland. However, the hero has changed: naive gullibility and simplicity left him, and the strength of human dignity defeated slavish devotion to his mistress. Only the taste of this victory is bitter: the hero continues his life alone - “stopped hanging out with women” And “doesn’t keep a single dog”.

  • “Mumu”, a summary of Turgenev’s story
  • “Fathers and Sons”, a summary of the chapters of Turgenev’s novel


Lesson - introduction

Subject: Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. The real basis of the story "Mumu". Image of the main character Class: 5

Level: basic

Goals : Get acquainted with the impressions of Turgenev’s childhood; get acquainted with the history of the creation of the story “Mumu”; get acquainted with the portrait of the main character of the story; plunge into the era in which the writer lived and worked.Analyze the first part of the story (the image of the lady and Gerasim). Show the author’s sympathy for his hero, direct the reader’s perception;enrich students’ ideas about the moral qualities of Gerasim; reveal the spiritual generosity, high humanity, and sensitivity of the hero;to show that spiritual wealth and callousness, emptiness are beyond social differences.

Main content of the topic, terms and concepts:

  • Main content
  • Working with a test task
  • Students' message about serfdom, about the prototypes of heroes
  • Viewing an excerpt from a cartoon based on the story “Mumu” ​​by I.S. Turgenev
  • Analytical conversation on the text
  • Creation of the cluster “Image of Gerasim”
  • Vocabulary work
  • Group work
  • Terms and concepts:

Literary hero, portrait, prototype, metaphor, comparison, hyperbole, serfdom, nobility, serfs, servants, servants, servants; Hannibal's oath.

Planned results:

Personal: development of cognitive activity of students;the formation of moral and ethical assessment and empathy as understanding the feelings of other people and empathy for them, as well as a keen interest in what is being studied.


  • Cognitive: expand children's understanding of the life of serfs in Russia in the 19th century; to educate a thinking, caring person and reader; developing the ability to think critically, analyze, and evaluate what you read.
  • Regulatory: the ability to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher, formulating questions about the educational material, type of activity in which difficulties arose; formation of the ability to accept educational goals and objectives, plan their implementation, and predict.
  • Communicative:continuation of work on developing the ability to express one’s thoughts in a value judgment, using various artistic means in accordance with a specific communicative speech situation, construct a monologue evidentiary statement, and respect the opinion of the speaker.


  • In the cognitive (intellectual) sphere:

understanding the key problems of I.S.’s story Turgenev “Mumu”, associated with the images of the lady and Gerasim; understanding the connection of works with the era of their writing, identifying the timeless, enduring moral values ​​embedded in them and their modern sound;developing skills in writing a story about a hero, lexical work, and working with illustrations; mastery of elementary literary terminology when analyzing a literary work;

  • In the value-orientation sphere:

familiarization with the spiritual and moral values ​​of Russian classical literature; development of the ability to express one’s thoughts, evaluate the hero’s actions - generalize, draw conclusions.

  • In the field of physical activity:listening comprehension of literary works of different genres, meaningful reading and adequate perception; the ability to answer questions based on a text listened or read; create oral monologues of various types; ability to conduct dialogue.

Organization of educational space


computer, multimedia projector, presentation for the lesson.

Cartoon based on the story by I.S. Turgenev "Mumu"

Interdisciplinary connections


Abolition of serfdom


Illustrations for I.S. Turgenev’s story “Mumu”:

“Gerasim’s Closet” Artist A. I. Kuleshov

Forms of work: frontal, in group, individual

During the classes:

Teacher's greeting

Today we have an acquaintance lesson (attaches the “Acquaintance” cluster block to the board). What is dating?

Suggested answers: actions, speech, behavior, attitude towards others, opinions of others, hobbies, occupation, responsibilities

Let's smile at each other and look as if you were meeting for the first time and want to get to know each other.

When you looked at each other, what did you notice?

Working with a cluster (graphical knowledge organizer)

Tell me, to get to know a person better, are these signs enough? Discuss in pairs: what else should you pay attention to in order to get to know a person better?

Today, while working in class, we will also get to know each other, we will learn more about each other, because we will see each other, we will communicate. What is necessary for communication to take place?

Need a topic for conversation

Today we will meet the great Russian writer I.S. Turgenev

Write it down topic of the lesson: Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. The real basis of the story "Mumu". The image of the main character

Before us stands target: get acquainted with the impressions of Turgenev’s childhood; get acquainted with the history of the creation of the story “Mumu”; get acquainted with the portrait of the main character of the story.
What goal do you set for yourself personally for this lesson? Define your lesson objectives?

Formulate a learning task, talk it through in pairs, and write it down in your workbook. “Today in class I want to learn how to analyze the image of a hero.”

Reads out loud the definition of a portrait. “A portrait is an image of the hero’s appearance: face, figure, clothing, demeanor.”

The famous French writer A. Daudet said about the famous Russian writer this way: “A kind giant... with a beautiful posture, enormous height, broad shoulders, with a ruddy face of a purely Russian type” - this is exactly what Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev looked like. His life lasted 65 years.

Student message:The village of Spasskoye-Lutovinovo is located several miles from Mtsensk, a district town in the Oryol province. The estate had a luxurious two-story house with columns, almost 40 rooms, and cozy corners of a huge park with shady alleys and ponds, and magnificent flower beds. Near the house there are “services”: buildings for the servants (serf servants), of whom there were about three hundred people: cooks, laundresses, carpenters, tailors, errand boys, lacemakers... Further away there are cattle, horse and poultry yards. Spasskoye belonged to the Lutovinovs. The last of the Lutovinovs to own it was the girl Varvara Petrovna, the mother of the future writer. She was already approaching thirty when a young officer Sergei Nikolaevich Turgenev came to Spasskoye to purchase horses from her factory.

Varvara Petrovna immediately fell in love with him: he was distinguished by rare beauty. She invited him to come easily to her estate. Sergei Nikolaevich began to appear in Spassky. In 1816 she married him. A year later, their son Nikolai was born, and then on October 28 (November 9), 1818, Ivan. The main person in the estate was the writer’s mother Varvara Petrovna. She was very rich, she owned not only the Spasskoye estate, but also several other estates and thousands of serfs.

Willful, power-hungry, she was smart, educated... But, despite her intelligence and education, she was a cruel landowner-serf. She never thought about the fact that serfs are people too. It didn’t cost her anything to tear her away from her family and send a maid to a distant village in a barnyard just because she didn’t have time to wipe the dust off her table, or order all the gardeners in the stable to be flogged if it turned out by chance that someone had picked her favorite flower . There was no end to Varvara Petrovna's whims and caprices. The serf family doctor was obliged to inquire about her health every morning, keep notes and send them to two doctors in Moscow.

Work in pairs: Now you will carefully read the article in the textbook on pages 188-189. Highlight the information that was not included in Kirill’s speech.Identifying difficulties and ways to build from difficulties.

+(Nikolai Ivanovich Yakushin - head of the department of history of journalism and literature at the A.S. Griboyedov Institute of International Law and Economics, professor of the department of literature at the Moscow State Open Pedagogical University named after M.A. Sholokhov. N.I. Yakushin - a famous researcher of Russian history literature)

There was a time in Rus' that in history is called serfdom. What do you know about serfdom?

Student message:The entire population of Russia was divided into several groups called estates: nobility, clergy, merchants, philistines (small merchants, artisans, minor employees), peasants. A person could move from one class to another in very rare cases. The nobility and clergy were considered privileged classes. The nobles had the right to own land and people - serfs. More than half of the peasant population of Central Russia were serfs. The nobleman who owned the peasants could impose any punishment on them; he could sell the peasants, for example, sell his mother to one landowner, and her children to another. Serfs were considered by law to be the complete property of their master. Essentially, it was a form of slavery. The peasants had to work for the landowner in his field (worked off corvée) or give him part of the money earned ( paid quitrent).

Let us turn to the meaning of the words: corvée, quitrent.

Student message:Serfdom- these are laws according to which the majority of Russian peasants could not leave their master landowners. According to these laws, the land belonged to the landowners, and the peasants had to work on it. The wealth of the landowner was determined by how many “souls” he had - male peasants (women were not considered “souls”). There were landowners who had several thousand “souls”.

Peasants “attached” to the landowner’s land were called serfs. The landowners did whatever they wanted to their serfs: they imposed backbreaking work on them, forced them into soldiers for the slightest offense, flogged them - sometimes to death. Peasants were sold like cattle, and children were separated from their parents; traded serfs for dogs.

There were landowners who started theaters with serf actors. There were wonderful musicians, artists, and sculptors among the serfs. All of them were just as dependent on the landowners as those who worked in the fields. Beautiful works of art were created by the hands of serfs. Unfortunately, it is even impossible to count how many talents died in captivity.

There were laws prohibiting landowners from ill-treating serfs, but they were poorly implemented. For example, such a case is known. Landowner Natalya Saltykova, known for her cruelty, began to go bald in her prime. She had to wear a wig, and in order to prevent the serf hairdresser from revealing this terrible secret to anyone, the landowner chained the young man to a cage, and placed the cage in her bedroom.

1852 - writing the story “Mumu”.Researchers of Turgenev's work defined the genre of the work as a story, although Turgenev himself called it a story.(Tale -a form of epic prose that is medium in volume and scope of life).

1861 – abolition of serfdom

Why does Turgenev turn to the theme of the story “Mumu” ​​long before the abolition of serfdom?

Student message:Gogol dies in 1852. Turgenev had a hard time dealing with the writer's death. Sobbing, he wrote his obituary. ( OBITUARY - an article about the death of a person with information about his life and activities).But the authorities forbade using Gogol’s name in print. And for the published article in Moskovskie Vedomosti, the Tsar personally ordered Turgenev to be placed under arrest and sent home under supervision a month later. Under police arrest, Turgenev lived next door to the premises where the serf servants sent by the owners were flogged. Every day Turgenev heard the whip of rods and their screams.

Even in childhood, having learned the horror of serfdom, young Turgenev wrote: “I could not breathe the same air, stay close to what I hated... In my eyes, this enemy had a certain image, bore a well-known name: this enemy was serfdom. Under this name I collected and concentrated everything that I decided to fight against to the end - which I vowed never to try again...” This was his Annibal oath (an oath for the rest of his life) - to fight for the abolition of serfdom

// firm determination to be irreconcilable towards someone or something to the end //

“Mumu” ​​is the first work in which Turgenev exposes the evils of serfdom. .

Student message:Many years ago, in the distant village of Sychevo, there lived a man, deaf and mute from birth, named Andrei. But his lady (Turgenev’s mother Varvara Petrovna) noticed him, admired his guardsman’s height and bearish strength, and wished to have that guardsman in her Moscow house as a janitor. Let him chop wood for the kitchen and rooms, carry water from the Alexander Fountain in a barrel, look after and guard the manor’s courtyard. No one in all of Moscow will have such a giant janitor as the janitor of the widow of the colonel of the Yekaterinoslav Regiment. And what is mute and deaf as a plug - even better!

For a man, city work is easy and boring. But Andrei lived and lived, as if without complaining, with his mistress until her death, he performed his service carefully, he respected his mistress, and did not contradict her in anything.

One day a mute man took a liking to a quiet courtyard girl, and the lady, knowing this, decided to give her in marriage to someone else - he endured this. And his little dog, named Mumu, his favorite, rescued from the Fontanka river one winter, a joy and consolation, he meekly drowned himself, if the lady ordered.

I took it all...

The story that Turgenev described in his work was not invented by him, but actually happened. Turgenev's mother Varvara Petrovna and the mute janitor Andrei - prototypes heroes - the lady and Gerasim.

Prototype (working with a dictionary) Gaidorov = Radko

Recording the term in students' notebooks.

Prototype - a real person, whose appearance, behavior, and life events served as the basis for the author to create the image of a literary hero.

The story begins with the words “In one of the remote streets of Moscow, in a gray house with white columns, a mezzanine and a crooked balcony...»

- Would you like to be in the lady’s house for a moment?

Well, we have such an opportunity. I suggest you watch the beginning of the cartoon. Your task is to feel the atmosphere of the manor's house and draw a verbal portrait of the lady.

View start mcartoon based on the story by I.S. Turgenev “Mumu” ​​(1 frame - about the lady) 2 minutes

So, what does the lady's house look like?(In one of the remote streets of Moscow, in a gray house with white columns, a mezzanine and a crooked balcony.)

What did we learn about the lady at the very beginning of the story? (A widow surrounded by numerous servants. Her sons served in St. Petersburg, her daughters got married; She rarely went out and lived out the last years of her stingy and bored old age in solitude. Her day, joyless and stormy, has long passed; but her evening was blacker than night.)

Commented reading of the first paragraph of the story LADY p.189

In one of the remote streets of Moscow, in a gray house with white columns, a mezzanine andcrooked balcony(Why is the balcony crooked?she is stingy and forgotten and abandoned) There once lived a lady, a widow, surrounded by numerous servants. Her sons served in St. Petersburg, her daughters got married; she rarely went out andlived in solitude(What connotation does this word have?)last years of hisstingy and bored old age. (Why does the author talk about her old age in this way?)Her day, joyless and stormy, has long passed; but her evening was blacker than night. (Find an extended metaphor. What does this metaphor mean?)(A person’s morning is called his childhood and youth, the day is maturity, the evening is old age. Turgenev wants to say that this woman’s life was joyless, and old age is completely gloomy.)

Day is mature years, morning is youth, night is old age.Tell me when the day is sad and stormy for us(when there is no sun).What in life can be as warm as the sun? What can illuminate our lives?(friendship, love).There was no friendship or love in the lady's life. Why? After all, she had children, there were servants nearby.(She was callous, capricious and angry.)

What characterization does the author give to the lady?(The lady is a widow. She lives alone, “surrounded by numerous servants.” “Her sons served in St. Petersburg, her daughters got married; she rarely went out.” In the past she had little joy, and the present brought only grief: “she... lived out the last years of his stingy and bored old age.")

All the characters in the story have their own names, sometimes even meaningful ones, except for the lady. Why is the lady called a “fancy old woman” in the story?(The image of a bizarre old woman reflects the ugly phenomenon of Russian life at the beginning of the 19th century, generated by serfdom. The image of the heroine is collective, that is, including the characteristic features of a certain phenomenon).

Image of Gerasim, work in pairs.

- Today we will start working on the characterization of Gerasim (for this cluster).

Now you will receive tasks in rows, tasks are completed in pairs. We read excerpts from chapter 1, and you complete the task (the guys read in turn - 1 sentence each) the first chapter, your task is to complete the task. One of the couple answers.

1st row - Gerasim's responsibilities in the village.

Why did Gerasim work so hard and hard? Find epithets


The lady took him from the village, wherehe lived alone, in a small hut, separately from his brothers, and was hardly considered Not the most serviceable draft man.

Gifted extraordinary strength, He worked for four - work was arguing in his hands, and it was fun to watch at him, when he either plowed and, leaning his huge palms on the plow, seemed to be alone, without the help of a horse, tearing into the elastic chest of the earth, or on Peter’s Day like thisthe scythe acted crushingly,that he could at least sweep away a young birch forest from its roots, or deftly and non-stop thresh with a three-yard flail, andlike a lever the elongated and hard muscles of his shoulders went down and up.

Vocabulary work.

Clarification of the lexical meaning of words characterizing the image of Gerasim:

Tireless – not knowing fatigue, weariness.

Traction man- tax - how much land a family must cultivate. In this case, “who does the most difficult work in the field”

Serviceable - uninterrupted, trouble-free; neat, attentive

Three-yard flail 2 meters 13 cm.

- Why did the lady take Gerasim from the village?(it was funny for her - such a huge janitor)

- What did Gerasim look like? What was Gerasim’s misfortune?

What was the move to Moscow like for Gerasim (from his and his lady’s point of view)?

(The lady believed that she had promoted Gerasim, but he didn’t understand this; he was better off in his native village.)

Turgenev calls Gerasim “the most remarkable person” among all the servants.... Why? And he also says about him “he was a nice man.”

(From this description one can judge the author’s attitude towards his hero: Turgenev seems to admire Gerasim, his strength and greed for work. Turgenev speaks of the solemnity of Gerasim’s tireless work, that is, of his tirelessness and hard work.)

2nd row - Gerasim's responsibilities in the city.

Task: Find comparison, explain meaning


He had little to do; his whole duty was to keep the yard clean, bring a barrel twice a daywith water, haul and chop firewood for the kitchen and home, keep strangers out and keep watch at night. And it must be said that he diligently fulfilled his duty: there were never any chips or litter lying around in his yard; if, in a dirty season, a broken water nag given under his command gets stuck somewhere with a barrel, he will only move his shoulder - and not only the cart, but the horse itself will be pushed out of place; Whether he starts chopping wood, his ax keeps ringing, like glass , and fragments and logs fly in all directions; and what about strangers, so after one night, having caught two thieves, he hit their foreheads against each other, and hit them so hard that at least he didn’t take them to the police afterwards, everyone in the neighborhood began to respect him very much; Even during the day, those passing by, no longer scammers at all, but simply strangers, at the sight of the formidable janitor, waved them off and shouted at him, as if he could hear their screams.

- How did Gerasim perform the duties of a janitor? Why did new activities seem like a joke to him?

- The meaning of the comparison (strength, dexterity, prowess, love of work, of labor - this is what we see in this comparison “like glass”)

3rd row - Interior, description of Gerasim's closet.

Task: select keywords - associations.

What can you say about Gerasim’s character by looking at the situation in his closet?

They gave him a closet above the kitchen; he arranged it for himself, by to his taste: built in it a bed made of oak planks on four logs, a truly heroic bed; one hundred poods you could put it on it and it wouldn’t bend; was under the bed hefty box; in the corner there was a table of the same strong properties, and near the table - a chair on three legs, so strong and squat that Gerasim himself would pick it up, drop it and grin. The closet was locked lock , whose appearance resembled kalach , only black; Gerasim always carried the key to this lock with him on his belt. He didn't like people to visit him.

(Describing the strength of Gerasim, Turgenev uses hyperboles, that is, strong exaggerations. About the bed, the writer says: “a hundred pounds could have been put on it - it would not have bent.”)

Read the keywords again, what association arises? What kind of hero lives in such a room? (Bogatyr)

- Tell me, what kind of character did Gerasim have? (strict, fair, serious, reasonable, sedate)

1 group


With all the rest of his servants, Gerasim had a relationship that was not exactly friendly - they were afraid of him - but short: he considered them to be his own. They communicated with him by signs, and he understood them, carried out all orders exactly, but he also knew his rights, and no one dared to sit in his place at the capital.

How does Gerasim relate to other heroes? Why?

What qualities of Gerasim are revealed through his actions and attitude towards other characters?

2nd group


In general, Gerasim wasstrict and serious disposition, loved order in everything; Even the roosters didn’t dare fight in front of him, otherwise there would be trouble! He sees him, immediately grabs him by the legs, spins him ten times in the air like a wheel, and throws him apart. There were also geese in the lady's yard; but the goose is known to be a birdimportant and sensible; Gerasim felt respect for them, followed them and fed them; he himself looked likesedate gander.

What is the meaning of the word "sedate"?

Judiciously serious, characterized by thoroughness of actions,dignity of behavior. 2. Characteristic of a reasonable person, characteristic of him.

3 group


Didn't like it very muchFirst he needs his new life. Since childhood, he was accustomed to field work and rural life.Alienated by his misfortune from the community of people, he grew up mute and mighty, like a tree grows on fertile soil... Moved to the city,he didn't understand what was happening to him, - bored and perplexed, How perplexed is the young, healthy bull, who had just been taken from the field, where lush grass grew up to his belly, taken and placed on a railway carriage- and now, showering his corpulent body with smoke and sparks, then with wavy steam, they are rushing him now, rushing him with a knock and a squeal, and God knows where they are rushing! Gerasim's employment in his new position seemed to him a joke after the hard work of the peasants; and in half an hour he had everything ready, andhe again stopped in the middle of the yard and looked, with his mouth open, at everyone passing, as if wanting to get them to solve their mysterious situation, thensuddenly went somewhere into a corner and, throwing the broom and shovel far away, threw himself face down on the ground And I lay motionless on my chest for hours, like a captured animal.. But a person gets used to everything, and Gerasim finally got used to city life.

(Gerasim took a long time to get used to his new life. He could not fully communicate with people because of his muteness, and communication with nature replaced human warmth for him. Gerasim was bored and perplexed, as perplexed as a young, healthy bull who had just grazed in the field where lush grass grew, but he was put in a railway carriage. Everything around was rumbled, squealing, and the train was rushing to God knows where.)

Why does Gerasim “throw the broom and shovel” and not put them down or throw them?

Why didn’t he lie down, but “throw himself on the ground”? What feeling did the writer want to emphasize?

Gerasim felt sad and lonely in the city. He did not have a stressful job that would bring fatigue and satisfaction. But... Has Gerasim changed? Did a life alien to him bend Gerasim? Is it broken?

(Gerasim, who was taken to the city as a “representative figure” and nothing more, remained as collected, neat, hardworking and straightforward as he was in the village. He managed to maintain his self-esteem).

Cluster is block of several objects...

Discussion of the cluster “Image of Gerasim” created in groups

V stage. Reflective activity

Target: students’ self-assessment of the results of their educational activities, awareness of the method of construction and the boundaries of application of a new method of action.

Task 1 (self-analysis)

  • We got acquainted with the main character of the story, using various means of creating a literary image, and identified his main features.
  • What qualities of a hero are close to you and valuable to you?

Task 2 (self-esteem)

  • Return to the purpose of the lesson. Have you achieved it or not? What helped you achieve your goal?
  • Could the compiled cluster be useful in the future?
  • Did you enjoy working in the group? Which group came up with a more complete and interesting answer? Which group will we give a “5”, which one a “4”? Why?

- Gerasim is like a Russianepic hero. Mother Nature gifted him with beauty, health, intelligence, and a kind heart, but forgot to give him speech and hearing. Gerasim loves peasant work and knows how to work on the land. Hedidn't give up when I found myself in the city. Gerasima distinguished by perseverance of character, fortitude and optimism.

Gerasim loves order and neatness in everything. Our hero is one of those who knew his place well, the place of a serf, ready to “exactly” carry out the orders of his lady. But the time will come when the exemplary servant, showing unheard-of insolence, will leave his lady without permission. The reasons for leaving will remain a mystery to others. But this is the subject of discussion in the next lessons.


Stand at the desks and answer my last question, but without words, only with movements. Question: what emotional state did you experience during the lesson?

If you felt bad, bored, uninterested, then sit down.

If you felt good, you were confident, you were interested, then raise your hands.

If it was very good, you liked everything very much, you felt great, then raise your hands and clap your hands.”

Look how different and interesting we all are. We all have the right to our opinion. And we can express our opinion not only with the help of gestures and emotions, but also with the help of speech. You and I have been given the most valuable thing - the ability to speak, something that Gerasim was deprived of.


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The story "Mumu" is one of the most famous works of the outstanding Russian writer I. S. Turgenev.
The story "Mumu" is based on real events that occurred in the family of the author himself, I. S. Turgenev.
Prototypes of Gerasim and the lady It is known that the prototype of Gerasim from the story “Mumu” ​​is the mute janitor Andrei, who served with Turgenev’s mother, landowner Varvara Petrovna Turgeneva. Turgenev's relatives confirm in their memoirs that it was Andrei who became the prototype of Gerasim.

The prototype of the old lady was Turgenev's mother. This is evidenced by the memoirs of Turgenev’s sister, V.N. Zhitova.
Below are fragments from the memoirs of V. N. Zhitova about the janitor Andrei, the writer’s mother and other prototypes of the heroes of “Mumu”: “... Every almost summer, Varvara Petrovna went to the villages (technical term), that is, she took a long trip to the estates of the Oryol, Tula and Kursk provinces<...>On one of these trips, we arrived in Sychevo<...>
Approaching the village, Varvara Petrovna and all of us were amazed at the extraordinary growth of one peasant plowing to the floor. Varvara Petrovna ordered to stop the carriage and call this giant. They called him from afar for a long time, finally they came closer to him, and he responded to all the words and signs that related to him with some kind of moo. It turned out that who was deaf and mute from birth.

The summoned Sychevsky elder announced that the mute Andrei was a sober, hard-working and unusually serviceable man in everything, despite his natural disability. But it seems to me that, with the exception of Andrei’s height and beauty, this shortcoming, as giving him even more originality, captivated Varvara Petrovna.

She immediately decided to take the mute into the yard, as one of her personal servants and with the rank of janitor. And from that day on he received the name Mute. How this happened, whether Andrei willingly exchanged his peasant work for an easier one at the master’s house - I don’t know<...>
...I asked eyewitnesses and found out that he was really very sad at first. Yes! It was necessary to have that love and that sympathy for the serfs that our unforgettable Ivan Sergeevich had in order to reach the feelings and inner world of our commoner! He found out, however, that the Mute was bored and crying, and we all didn’t even pay attention. But the consolation is that the Mute probably did not grieve for long, because before the accident with Mumu, he was always almost cheerful and especially expressed very strong affection for his mistress, who, in turn, was especially supportive of him.
Varvara Petrovna showed off her giant janitor. He was always beautifully dressed, and except for red red shirts, he did not wear or like anything; in winter a beautiful sheepskin coat, and in summer a corduroy jacket or a blue overcoat.
In Moscow, the shiny green barrel and the beautiful dapple-gray factory horse, with which Andrei went for water, were very popular at the fountain near the Alexander Garden. There everyone recognized Turgenev's Mute, greeted him warmly and communicated with him by signs.
Remarkably huge, but perfectly proportional to his gigantic height, Andrei's face always shone with a good-natured smile. His strength was extraordinary, and his hands were so big that when he happened to pick me up, I felt like I was in exactly the same carriage.<...>
...I saw Mumu for the first time. A tiny dog, white with brown spots, lay on Andrey's bed<...>...Everyone knows the sad fate of Mumu, with the only difference being that Andrei’s affection for his mistress remains the same. No matter how bitter it was for Andrei, he remained faithful to his mistress, served her until her death, and did not want to recognize anyone else as his mistress except her...<...>
...he pointed his finger at his mistress and hit himself on the chest, which in his language meant that he loved her very much. He even forgave her for the death of his Mumu! But it’s remarkable that after the tragic death of his pet, he never caressed a single dog...<...>
Ivan Sergeevich’s entire story about these two unfortunate creatures is not fiction. This whole sad drama happened before my eyes...” (V. N. Zhitova “Memories of the family of I. S. Turgenev”, 1884)
A relative of the writer E. N. Konusevich also points out that the serf Andrei was the prototype of Gerasim: “... a janitor in Spassky, he carried water, chopped wood, heated the stove in the house...” “... a handsome man with light brown hair and with blue eyes, enormous height and with the same strength, he lifted ten pounds..." (Konusevich E. N. "Memoirs")

Prototype of Kapiton Klimov
It turns out that the minor character Kapiton Klimov also had a prototype. In 1846 and 1847 Lady Varvara Petrovna Turgeneva (the prototype of the lady) kept a special book. In this book she recorded the bad deeds of her servants. In this book ("The Book for Recording the Troubles of My People...") there is an entry from which it is clear that among the servants of V.P. Turgeneva there was indeed a drunkard named Kapiton: "
...Capiton came to me yesterday, he smells like wine, it’s impossible to speak and give orders - I remained silent, it’s boring to repeat the same things..." (V.P. Turgeneva)
Prototype of Uncle Tail Uncle Tail, the hero of the story "Mumu", also had a prototype. The writer’s sister, V.N. Zhitova, writes about this in her memoirs. The prototype of Uncle Tail was the barman Anton Grigorievich, who lived in Spassky:
"... old barman, Anton Grigorievich (Known in Mumu under the name Uncle Tail - a man of remarkable cowardice.)..." (V. N. Zhitova "Memories of the family of I. S. Turgenev", 1884)
The prototype of the doctor Khariton According to researchers, the prototype of the doctor Khariton in "Mumu" is the writer's half-brother - P. T. Kudryashov. (Based on material from the book “V.N. Zhitova and her memories” by T.N. Volkova.)

The story "Mumu", written by Turgenev in the early 50s, was not accepted by censorship. Critics considered the plot of the harmless work to be titillating and inappropriate for publication. Readers could feel sorry for the main character, a dark, uneducated man, and this is unacceptable. Nevertheless, the story was published in 1854.

The Silent Giant

The lady was surrounded by numerous servants. There were no remarkable personalities among the servants. The exception was Gerasim, whom the author gives a very detailed description of. He was built like a hero: tall, strong. However, he has been deaf and mute since birth. Gerasim differed from other servants in his unprecedented strength, thanks to which he ended up with the lady. Once upon a time she took him from the village, where he lived alone in a small hut. Gerasim worked for four people. The constant silence gave the work process a certain solemnity.


If Gerasim had not been born deaf, any girl would have married him. But such a flaw put an end to family life. This is a very important point in the characterization of Gerasim. The hero of the story is doomed to loneliness.

So, a man, distinguished by unprecedented strength and diligence in his work, was brought to Moscow, changed clothes and assigned to be a janitor. He didn’t like city life: he was used to country life.

Characteristics of Gerasim: silent, hardworking. And, as already mentioned, very lonely. Any other person gets used to a new environment thanks to communication. Gerasim did not have such an opportunity. In two or three hours he completed all his work, which seemed too easy to him compared to the peasant work, and then he stopped in confusion in the middle of the manor’s yard and looked at those passing by.

Giving a description of Gerasim, the author says: “he looked like a sedate gander.” The janitor loved order and always performed his duties brilliantly, but without unnecessary fussiness. About a year after Gerasim arrived in Moscow, an incident occurred that formed the basis of the plot of the story “Mumu”. The image of Gerasim is revealed in the climax. But first it’s worth talking about one of the heroines of Turgenev’s work.


Among the servants there was a small, timid woman who had never seen anything good in her life. She was afraid of Gerasim. And he was imbued with a deep feeling for her. And to Tatyana’s misfortune, an intercessor appeared.

Being, like all dumb people, very quick-witted, Gerasim felt when Tatyana was being mocked. The servants were afraid of him, and therefore, even in his presence, they did not allow themselves to make jokes about a harmless, timid woman. Gerasim was already dreaming of marrying Tatyana. However, one day it occurred to the lady to marry Tatyana to Kapiton, a bitter drunkard and slacker. Which was done.

Mu Mu

Probably, on the day when Tatyana married the shoemaker Kapiton, Gerasim said goodbye to the dream of marriage. And later I found a small puppy by the pond. Not every mother takes care of her child as much as Gerasim took care of the little dog.

Apparently, there was a lot of unspent love and tenderness in his soul. At first, Mumu was a sickly, weak mongrel. But through Gerasima’s efforts she turned into a nice little dog with long ears and a fluffy tail. It is worth saying that it was a very smart dog. It didn’t bark or whine in vain, it was friendly with everyone. However, she loved only Gerasim.

old lady

One day she saw a dog in her flowerbed and immediately demanded to bring it into the house. But Mumu, unlike hangers-on and lackeys, did not know how to be a hypocrite. She did not wag her tail in front of the lady, she hid in the farthest corner, and when she approached her, she growled. This seemingly insignificant event changed the fate of Gerasim.

The lady ordered to get rid of the dog. First, the butler took Mumu away from the house. The owner searched for his dog for a long time and walked almost all of Moscow. But I didn’t find it. Mumu herself returned to her benefactor. However, the Lady insisted and demanded to get rid of the dog once and for all. Then the deaf-mute took his pet, carried it to the river and drowned it.

How Gerasim changed after the death of Mumu

He returned to his closet, which was not far from the manor’s house, but did not stay here for long. He hastily collected his belongings and went to the village. The runaway street servant was not returned to Moscow. In the village, Gerasim worked just as regularly. However, the peasants said that after Moscow he had changed a lot. From now on he was not interested in women and never had dogs.

  1. Who is Gerasim?
  2. Appearance of the hero;
  3. How did he get to the lady;
  4. His responsibilities;
  5. Housing;
  6. Relation to Mumu;
  7. Character of Gerasim;
  8. Why is he leaving his lady?
  9. My attitude towards Gerasim.

Gerasim is the main character of the story “Mumu” ​​by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. From birth he was deaf and mute, so he could not hear either human speech or the sounds of nature, and he himself could not utter a single word. Gerasim had no one. He lived alone in the village, in his small hut. Like many ordinary people of that time, he was an unfree, serf man and belonged to a certain Moscow feisty lady. He worked for her, meekly doing the hardest peasant work.

This village man was a real Russian hero. Nature generously endowed him with extraordinary physical strength. He was a very tall man - “12 vershoks” or almost two meters tall and of a very strong build. He had big working hands and huge palms. He had no equal in his work; everything came easy to him. He worked tirelessly for four people. And he mowed, and plowed, and threshed, deftly and skillfully. Everyone thought he was a very nice guy.

But fate wanted the lady to take the deaf-mute hero from the village to her home in Moscow. She probably liked his silent hard work. And he could not resist her, because she was his full-fledged mistress. At the Moscow estate, he was given new clothes and assigned to do new work. From a peasant, Gerasim unexpectedly turned into a janitor and watchman.

Working in the city in a new position was too easy for him. After all, he was used to hard field work, and working around the yard was not difficult for him. His range of tasks was very small: sweep the yard, deliver a barrel of water to the estate, provide the household with firewood, keep strangers out, and guard at night. Gerasim completed all the main work in half an hour. He worked very hard, as he was used to in the village. Everywhere and in everything he had exemplary order. But he did not like his new place of residence, he was homesick, his soul was yearning to return to his native village home. He felt like an animal that had been caught and imprisoned in a cage.

His dwelling was very modest and really looked like a cramped cage. He settled in a small room right above the kitchen. The atmosphere there was very simple. There was very little furniture, only the essentials: a bed, a table and a chair. But it was all very strong, made of oak, to withstand the weight of the village hero. Gerasim always locked his closet with a key - he was still unsociable and did not like strangers to come to him.

The courtyard people who lived with the lady were wary of Gerasim. They were afraid of the deaf-mute because his character was too strict and serious, and also because of his extraordinary strength and stern silence. “Who knows what’s wrong with him,” they probably thought. Behind his back, they called the janitor “goblin.”

Once it was the hero Gerasim who saved a little puppy, took him into his closet, warmed him, dried him and fed him. He cared for his pet as “no mother cares for her child.” It turned out that behind the stern appearance and powerful physique lies a very kind, gentle heart. Gerasim named the little dog Mumu, because he could not utter any other word other than this moo. Mumu always responded with joy to this simple name. Gerasim cared for the dog with warmth and loved her deeply. He gave all his unspent affection to this little devoted creature. And Mumu followed on his heels, obeyed him unquestioningly and served him faithfully.

But they didn’t have to live happily together for long. Feeling his helplessness, out of hopelessness and despair, Gerasim drowned Mumu. For him it was an irreparable loss. He raised her as his own child, and with his own hands he had to kill her. His heart trembled, heavy tears rolled from his eyes, but at that moment he saw no other way out.

After the death of the dog, Gerasim could no longer endure his imprisonment in the city. He shows determination, which was previously unusual for him, and returns to his native village. Although he understands perfectly well, for such willfulness - escape - he faces severe punishment: hard labor or even death.

I feel sorry for Gerasim. Fate was harsh to him. Deprived of the gift of hearing and speech, he found himself deprived of everything that was dear to his heart and brought him joy and consolation. And yet I don’t quite understand the hero of the story: why he still decided to drown the poor animal. Surely some way out could have been found. For example, give it into good hands. What thoughts and experiences tormented Gerasim and why he committed his cruel act, unfortunately, we will no longer know.