Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Information on anti-corruption education of the population. Artemovsky urban district

Anti-corruption education: concept, goals and meaning

Research in the field of anti-corruption education of subjects of legal relations contains a theoretical basis that will allow us to formulate a strategy and evaluate the impact of the efforts of state and municipal authorities in the field of developing civic activity in combating corruption.

The creation of an anti-corruption education system is a contribution to the building of a democratic state, the ability to stimulate the participation of subjects of legal relations in the life of society and the state as a whole, promoting the building of leadership potential and the development of the value of tolerance, which is a function of internal democratic methods.

It requires studying the reasons why social trust flourishes and declines under certain political and economic conditions of the state.

In the case of a passive civil society, incompetent government will contribute to the erosion of social order. This process can have extremely unfavorable consequences, not only for democracy, but also for the state itself.

The fight against corruption at the national and local level represents one of the biggest challenges. From public administration, business, law and economics, to the organization of technical and engineering professions, the fight against corruption is part of the educational and educational program. While most programs may not explicitly address anti-corruption, they are all implicitly related in that they address moral issues and provide concepts such as public goods and social justice that are key to understanding the need to combat corruption. The main goal of the anti-corruption education campaign is to increase public knowledge and understanding of corruption and implement mechanisms to prevent corruption. The anti-corruption education campaign will be implemented in an integrated manner of communication through various communication channels: television, radio, Internet, leaflets, posters, brochures, and specific activities.

Increasing public awareness of corruption, its negative consequences on society, the economy and relevant laws, is possible by improving and increasing public control and vigilance of officials enjoying the trust of the population. To do this you need:

  • - Provide funding for efforts to promote cooperation between government agencies and civil society, i.e. through partnerships in the formation and implementation of anti-corruption education of the public and increasing their awareness;
  • - Provide training and organize a workshop for public advocacy groups to build awareness on legislative initiatives in the fight against corruption.

The goal is to inform the public about the consequences of corruption and how it can affect them and what they should do about it. Civic engagement means that every member of civil society - directly or indirectly - must contribute to the development of the rule of law.

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2014 No. 816-r “On approval of the Anti-Corruption Education Program for 2014 - 2016” includes precisely the activities of elements to popularize anti-corruption standards of behavior, education and upbringing, aimed at developing anti-corruption behavior of citizens , as well as organizing interaction with international organizations, foreign departments, scientific and educational structures to disseminate relevant best practices, informing citizens about the main foreign legal systems, the legal mechanisms provided for in them for anti-corruption education of citizens by posting information on the website of the Ministry of Justice of Russia in the information and telecommunications network "Internet", ensuring, within the framework of the activities of the working group on joint participation in anti-corruption, representatives of the business community and government bodies under the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Combating Corruption, consideration of issues of introducing an anti-corruption model of behavior into the practice of the business community through the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Charter of the Russian business, etc. Thus, the priority role in anti-corruption education belongs to the authorities in the distribution of responsibilities among structural units.

For example, the anti-corruption education program in the Republic of Dagestan for 2014-2016 involves the following activities: monitoring the enforcement of provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation related to the everyday needs of citizens in order to identify contradictions, excessive regulation and difficult-to-understand provisions that contribute to manifestations of corruption and hinder the development of legal literacy of citizens; monitoring the results of introducing into the learning process elements that complement the exemplary basic educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education with provisions related to citizens' compliance with anti-corruption standards of behavior, the formation of an anti-corruption worldview and increasing the general level of legal awareness and legal culture of citizens; informing citizens about the main foreign legal systems, the legal mechanisms for anti-corruption education of citizens provided for in them by posting information on the website of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Dagestan on the Internet information and telecommunications network; publication of methodological manuals and printed materials on issues of increasing the level of legal awareness of citizens and popularization of anti-corruption standards of behavior based on knowledge of general rights and obligations, as well as providing educational organizations with methodological manuals and printed materials on these issues, etc.

By Decree of August 28, 2014 No. 53 “On amendments to the Decree of the Governor of the Vladimir Region dated December 23, 2011 No. 43 “On the program of the Vladimir Region “Anti-corruption in the Vladimir Region for 2012 - 2014”, anti-corruption education includes activities and competent bodies: Monitoring the enforcement of legislative provisions of the Vladimir region related to the everyday needs of citizens, in order to identify contradictions, excessive regulation and difficult-to-understand provisions that contribute to manifestations of corruption and hinder the development of legal literacy of citizens (State Legal Committee); Monitoring the results of introducing into the learning process elements that complement the exemplary basic educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education with provisions related to citizens' compliance with anti-corruption standards of behavior, the formation of an anti-corruption worldview and increasing the general level of legal awareness and legal culture of citizens (Department of Education); Organization of “direct lines” with citizens on issues of anti-corruption education related to the sphere of activity of regional government bodies (Department for Anti-Corruption Issues); Generalization of experience and dissemination of best practices in media coverage of anti-corruption activities of regional government bodies (Committee of Public Relations and Mass Media).

In other existing and standard programs there is no such category as anti-corruption education, however, some activities such as legal education, anti-corruption education, anti-corruption education affect some part of anti-corruption education.

It is noted that the legislation does not disclose the legal category of “anti-corruption education”, but lists the names of events and their performers, as well as methods of such education.

In our opinion, anti-corruption education is the activity of competent subjects of legal relations (representatives of state and municipal authorities), aimed at legal training and a belief system for the implementation of anti-corruption education and education of citizens, through compliance with anti-corruption standards of behavior, the formation of an anti-corruption worldview and increasing the general level of legal awareness and legal culture of citizens.

The subjects of anti-corruption education are: the Ministry of Justice of Russia, federal executive authorities in the established field of activity together with educational and scientific organizations and professional legal communities, the Ministry of Labor of Russia, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the FSB of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation Federation, Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, Rospechat, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

An important challenge is to develop a theoretical understanding of the interconnected fields of social enterprise and civil society, embracing the perspectives of social capital and civic engagement.

Civil society makes a direct contribution to the stability of the state by encouraging citizens to resolve their problems through democratic political processes, including elections. For example, civil society seeks to hold accountable security forces who use arbitrary or excessive force against civilians, which tends to cause greater political polarization. Civil society must also challenge corruption, which fuels social discontent and often diverts much foreign aid away from public goods and private gain.

Over recent decades, civil society has become increasingly important for socio-economic development and political mobilization in developing countries. Civil society consists of many active groups and individuals. Conflicts between different groups can be as intense as those between civil society and the state.

The very concept of “civil society” is inevitably contested by many theorists. Civil society is defined as a space: a public sphere where debate and discussion are negotiated to reach mutual agreement and interest.

The nature, level, causes and consequences of legal conflict is the main process of studying the constructive ways in which society can prevent the occurrence of corruption.

Civil society organizations are created on the initiative of representatives of civil society institutions themselves and strive to achieve goals for the benefit of society. The main objectives of which are social work, education, anti-corruption, awareness-raising about human rights, etc. The legal form includes various forms of organization, such as foundations, associations or unions. Anti-corruption education should focus on making a positive contribution to civil society to realize and stabilize democracy.

anti-corruption education legal


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  • 4. Decree of the Governor of the Vladimir Region dated August 28, 2014 No. 53 “On amendments to the Decree of the Governor of the Vladimir Region dated December 23, 2011 No. 43 “On the program of the Vladimir Region “Anti-corruption in the Vladimir Region for 2012 - 2014” // Vladimir Vedomosti . 2014. No. 174.
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