Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What do you think beauty is? Essay-discussion on the topic: “What is Beauty”

If you come across the topic of beauty in the OGE or Unified State Exam in social studies, then in this case the essay example below will be useful to you.

What is beauty?

One can say about beauty that it is admired at all times. This is a very interesting topic and there is no exact answer to it! Beauty is perceived in different terms for everyone. People have thought a lot about this, and no one can give an exact answer, there have been many disputes and disagreements, but they have not come to a common opinion. Let's look at “What is beauty?” from different points of view.

So, from a person’s point of view, a person’s appearance or soul can be beautiful, just like nature, beautiful houses and many other examples, there are an infinite number of them. Beauty plays a big role in a person’s life, because a person perceives everything through his eyes. There’s even a saying: “You’re greeted by your clothes, you’re seen off by your mind.” What does this mean? It’s simple, looking at a person, we see his facial features and try to understand his character, whether he is a kind, honest, serious person.

We look at clothes and can determine whether a person is neat or not, whether he is well-mannered. Well, this is wrong! Looking at a person’s appearance, you cannot determine what he is like at first glance. We can only talk about his external beauty, but not his internal beauty. After all, we see it right away. But most often this beauty is deceptive and that’s the worst thing. When you see a person and you see how beautiful he is, you develop positive emotions and admiration for his appearance. But as soon as you get to know his inner world, his inner beauty, which turns out to be the complete opposite of a person, then any desire to conduct a conversation and communicate with him immediately disappears.

This is where we understand that inner beauty is much more important than outer beauty. We immediately stop perceiving his external beauty as it seems to us at first sight. Therefore, you cannot judge a person without knowing his inner world. Of course, there are cases when you look at a person’s appearance, and he is so ugly, clumsy and people don’t want to communicate with him, simply because he is ugly. But as soon as you get to know him more, his inner beauty, his rich nature, his character and you see how kind, polite he is and what kind of inner world he has, how beautiful he is, you forget his external vices. You want to talk and communicate with this person, and no external beauty is needed, because he has a beautiful inner nature and only goodness and happiness emanate from him - this is real beauty! It immediately becomes very offensive for those people who are kind to everyone and bring joy and happiness to people, but do not want to communicate with them, simply because they do not have a beautiful appearance. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Without a beautiful appearance, no one will want to know what kind of soul you have!”

There are also cases when a person combines the beauty of soul and body, as they say. Even if a person is dressed in ugly clothes, the beauty of his soul will radiate light and kindness, and no one will look at his appearance; it will not be so important.

Why does a person need beauty?

If a person is kind to everything, it is easier for him to communicate with others. His world is beautiful, rich, clean. When they say that a person has a beautiful soul, this is the main wealth that needs to be protected and cannot be bought. The beauty of the soul attracts good people. Beauty is a priceless gift that is very dear.

There is such a wonderful excerpt from the poem “Ugly Girl” by the Soviet poet Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky.

“...And if this is so, then what is beauty

And why do people deify her?

She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,

Or a fire flickering in a vessel?

This is the whole point of my essay. This passage can be explained if a person has a beautiful soul, then a fire burns in him and warms others, and if a beautiful appearance and soul are the complete opposite, then there is emptiness in this person!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder is a popular saying dating back to the 3rd century AD. Anyone who was lucky enough to be a contemplator, I think, was convinced of this.

Shakespeare, the literary genius, expressed this idea perfectly in his 1588 play Love's Labour's Lost:

Although my beauty is mediocre,
I don't need flowery praise.
It is assessed with the eyes -
The dealer's language has nothing to do with it.

(translation by M. A. Kuzmin)

When it comes to art, some people may argue that it is not always beautiful, but in reality the same piece of art does not have to be beautiful for everyone. After all, one person's views are extremely different from another's in many aspects of life, everyone has a different understanding of peace, hope, love and happiness. And even two very close people may have different views on the same work of art. Does this mean that everything is based on individual opinion or not?

What is the world? A nice, quiet day spent with family, or a peaceful sky above? What is faith? Is it a deep conviction in something global, in the world order, or is it just the conviction that a wonderful day awaits you today?

How many people, so many opinions. Nevertheless, these concepts are based on the peculiarities of interpretation.

Beauty is a subjective concept. It is reflected in your preferences. She is what resonates in your heart.

The painting “After School” by artist Ferdinand Waldmuller reflects a range of emotions - from cheerfulness to annoyance, from aggression to tenderness, which gives viewers good food for thought.

There is a fundamental, but not necessarily correct, opinion about beauty, which supposedly should have completeness, accuracy and purity. Most often, these ideas are imposed by society.

The debate about beauty can be continued indefinitely. But we can turn to history to understand what it is and whether it has a place in art.

The most famous meanings of the word “beauty”

Leo Tolstoy, the great Russian writer, once said a phrase in which he succinctly expressed the idea of ​​​​beauty in art: “ It is on this ability of people to become infected with the feelings of other people that the activity of art is based. If a person infects another and others directly with his appearance or the sounds he makes at the very moment he experiences a feeling, makes another person yawn when he himself yawns, or laugh, or cry when he himself laughs or cries at something, or to suffer when oneself suffers is not yet art. Art begins when a person, in order to convey to other people the feeling he has experienced, again evokes it within himself and expresses it with certain external signs <…>».

What is beauty in art?

The impact of art can be truly powerful, so much so that we can be inspired to create our own work. Some people can achieve a sense of well-being by using art as therapy. It allows them not only to relax, but also clears their thoughts, which makes solving difficult issues much easier. However, encountering works of art can also have the opposite effect. For example, some of them may make some people feel angry or even furious. The reaction of people exposed to art is unpredictable. It expresses our inner feelings, has power over our emotions, motivates us to take certain actions, and even opens our eyes to what we had not noticed before.

Johann Winckelmann, a German art critic, insisted that beauty has three basic levels:

  • Beauty of form
  • The beauty of the idea
  • The beauty of expression, which, according to him, is only possible if the first two factors are present

So, beauty should be the highest form of expression and, in turn, the main goal of art.

Famous journalist and fiction writer, Victor Cherbuliez, viewed art as an activity that

  • satisfies our innate love of images;
  • brings ideas to these images, thereby pleasing our senses, heart and mind at the same time. Beauty is just an illusion, there is nothing that can be called absolutely beautiful, but we think that what is harmonious is beautiful.

Based on this point of view, we can say that beauty is an illusion. Perhaps beauty does not exist at all, let alone absolute beauty.

Beauty is what is harmonious for us.

Art is beautiful

One way or another, you are sure that beauty has its place in art, and any of its manifestations, one way or another, influence you. Obviously, this is difficult to fully explain and understand.

Each piece of art, be it a painting, a vase or a statue, has its own unique characteristics - colors, lines and textures that resonate with your heart and your soul.

The feelings that a piece of art makes you feel will, in turn, help you decide whether it is beautiful or not.

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Beauty is an ambiguous concept and each person sees it in something different. For some, beauty is the nature that surrounds them: rivers, mountains, forests, pretty landscapes, sunrise or sunset. Someone sees beauty in a person - a slender, healthy body, regular facial features, blush, big eyes or a certain hair color. For me: beauty is something higher, which is not perceived by sight, but felt by the soul.

I can never call something beautiful that carries evil or bad intentions. Many people admire weapons encrusted with precious stones, but for me they will never be beautiful because they carry death within them. It’s the same with a person: he can have magnificent and correct facial features by all standards of fashion, impeccable appearance and have excellent style, but if his thoughts are filled with negativity, he will never be perceived by me as beautiful. The conclusion is obvious, beauty, in my understanding, is kindness, sincerity, empathy and the ability to support.

I also love nature: fresh air, green meadows, tall dense forests and gardens blooming in spring. But the most beautiful places for me are those where I can fully relax my soul, where my heart is calm, and my eyes rejoice in what they see.

It is worth clarifying that beauty is not found in something global, but in small things - in the flower that bloomed first in the spring, in the little kitten that barely managed to open its eyes, in the fragrant freshly baked bread, in the smile of a loved one, in the eyes of a happy mother. , in good deeds.

Most often, drowning in the cycle of everyday worries, a person does not notice the beauty around him and, following the stereotypes dictated by television, naively believes that beauty is a set of parameters and numbers. Surprisingly, a person has certain requirements for everything that exists in the world, and if something does not meet certain parameters, it is not considered unique and is called incorrect. But isn't it beautiful when someone or something deviates from the standard? Is a red-haired man with freckles ugly? Can a short guy or a girl with slightly unusual shapes be considered ugly? Why are people who do not have the financial opportunity to dress fashionably also called ugly? Beauty is not in clothes, not in hair color, not in figure, height, weight, etc., beauty is much deeper - in behavior, in actions, in the sparkle in the eyes, in neatness, in the ability to get along with oneself and the whole world.

Beauty is something that you cannot buy with money, that you cannot build with your own hands, with resentment in your soul and anger in your thoughts. Beauty is how we see the world, how we perceive ourselves and what surrounds us, it is an indicator that cannot be measured by any units, it is harmony that we must strive for daily, hourly, every minute. Beauty is in love. Only by loving yourself, your loved ones, life and the world, can you see beauty in everything: in yourself, in people, in thunderstorms, in birdsong, in smiles and in your soul.

What is beauty

and why do people deify her?

She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,

or fire flickering in a vessel?

N. Zabolotsky

In one of the chapters of the epic novel “War and Peace,” L. N. Tolstoy expressed the idea that all objects and phenomena of the surrounding life can be divided into two categories, depending on what predominates in them: form or content. The writer did not like people and phenomena in which the main thing is form. He did not like high society with its once and for all established rules and norms of life, and he did not like the “generally recognized beauty” Helen Bezukhova. They were of no interest to him, because in their luxurious shell there was no life, there was no movement. In the writer’s favorite heroes, on the contrary, content always prevailed over form. Emphasizing the imperfection of Natasha Rostova and the external ugliness of Marya Bolkonskaya, Tolstoy admired them and made readers fall in love with his heroines and believe that they would definitely find their happiness.

To the question "What is beauty?" the writer has already given his answer. Today we have to talk about what true beauty is, what it is born from, and how it manifests itself.

Often in our lives we say the words “beauty”, “beautiful”, “beautiful”. Whether we are talking about an object, a work of art, or admiring the beauty of the nature around us, or characterizing a person, this multifaceted word applies equally to many phenomena. But what do we mean by this concept? Is the understanding of beauty the same among different people, different nations and generations?

See also:

I think most of us have asked this question at least once in our lives. It's the same as asking, "What is good and what is bad?" - the answer will be complex and ambiguous. Because there are clear ideas about good and evil, and at the same time there are controversial issues, different opinions. There are things that one person will say is “good” and another will say “bad”. The same applies to beauty.

In my opinion, wild flowers in the field are beautiful. And a clear stream flowing among the rocky mountains. And a snow-covered forest sparkling with millions of sparkles in the rays of the winter sun. And a small fluffy kitten, amusingly rubbing its surprised, sleepy eyes in the morning. And a little yellow duckling, among the tall grass, rushing after its mother duck to learn the first lessons of life. All this is the natural beauty of nature, in which everything is beautiful and harmonious.

Priceless works of art have the same harmony - paintings by outstanding artists, architectural monuments, great musical masterpieces. Their beauty is appreciated and confirmed by history, centuries, life. It is beauty - true, undeniable - that is the main criterion for the significance of such works.

After all, mediocre and “lifeless” pictures or songs will not live for centuries; in a year or two no one will remember them. And those works into which the author puts his whole soul are truly beautiful and therefore immortal. They may or may not be understood, they may be argued about, interpreted and assessed differently, but it is impossible to treat them indifferently; they touch the deepest strings of human souls.

Of course, each person has his own understanding of beauty. One may like summer, another may like winter. Some people admire the portraits of Leonardo da Vinci, while others admire the landscapes of Shishkin.

There are connoisseurs of ancient art and the classical school, and there are adherents of modernism. People have different tastes, and it is not customary to argue about them. But one thing can be said for sure: those who do not themselves have inner beauty, in whom the understanding of beauty does not live, will not be able to appreciate it in any area of ​​life, because art is designed to elevate a person, to reveal the best sides in him, to show his own spiritual beauty.

What is human beauty? What is true harmony that attracts everyone's attention and admiration? The wonderful Russian writer A.P. Chekhov wrote: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, his thoughts...”

Agree, it often happens like this: we see an outwardly beautiful person, but after taking a closer look, we think: “No, there is something repulsive, unpleasant in him,” and it is not always possible to understand what exactly. We just don't like this handsome man.

And everything is very simple: one cannot be beautiful in whose heart there is anger, cruelty, envy, meanness, greed or hypocrisy. All these low qualities will definitely leave their mark on even the most ideal and beautiful face. We cannot call beautiful a lazy person who spends whole days “doing nothing,” whose life is absolutely aimless and useless. In my opinion, an indifferent person cannot be truly beautiful. No thought is reflected on his face, there is no sparkle in his gaze, there is no emotion in his speeches. A person with a blank look and a trace of boredom on his face is unattractive.

And vice versa, even the most modest, inconspicuous person, who does not naturally have ideal beauty, but is endowed with spiritual beauty, is without a doubt beautiful. A kind, sympathetic heart, significant deeds, and useful deeds adorn and illuminate any face with inner light. Everything in a person should be perfect. This means that there must be harmony between body and soul, thoughts and actions, aspirations and lifestyle. This is the kind of person that others will call truly beautiful.

"Beauty will save the world!" I think true beauty is harmony. And if it exists always and in everything, then it will really not allow our complex and ambiguous, seething with passions, crazy and so beautiful world to perish!

Beauty is the personification of everything beautiful in the world. Something that makes you swoon and admire. This is nature, art, architecture and, of course, people. But if everything is clear with the inanimate world, and we can definitely say what is beautiful and what is not, then with people the situation is much more complicated.

“Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts,” the great writer Chekhov once said. Indeed, the outer shell can hardly be called beauty. Thus, a person who is beautiful in face and body, but ugly in soul, cannot be beautiful. But the one whose soul is more beautiful than his shell can truly be considered a beautiful person. But what does external beauty and internal beauty mean and what is their difference?

External beauty is the ideals and parameters imposed by society that have developed over centuries. This is a proportional figure, soft facial features, well-groomed and neat. Over the centuries, beauty standards have changed, but one thing has remained constant: people have followed beauty again and again. And it just so happened that society first looks at the outer shell, and only then at the inner one. Often this is wrong, the wrong first impression is created and we have to get to know the person again, but we can no longer get rid of this bad habit. All that remains for us is to try to discern the essence of a person behind his outer shell.

Inner beauty is deeper. It cannot be grasped quickly; You cannot understand a person’s soul just by looking at his appearance. Inner beauty is certainly hidden from the eyes of strangers and stupid people. These are always the best qualities: kindness, honesty, sincerity, fortitude, dreaminess and much more. But first of all, it is fullness – the mind.

A person who is beautiful on the outside but empty on the inside can hardly be called an ideal. But an unkempt smart guy, endowed with all the qualities, cannot be called beautiful. Everything in a person should be in harmony: both internal and external beauty. Only then can a person be considered truly beautiful.

Option 2

Beauty is a dual concept if human beauty is taken into account. After all, outwardly a person can be beautiful, that is, attractive in appearance.

But if at this moment he carries evil and negative emotions, this person can no longer be called beautiful, because having the correct facial features, dressed according to the latest fashion trends, he thinks that he is beautiful. But this person only thinks about how to make more money.

And buy yourself another fashionable car or expensive gemstone. I think this man does not bring beauty to our world. Accordingly, it follows that beauty should be not only external, but also internal.

A person dressed in ordinary clothes who does not have an outstanding appearance. But at the same time, he is very kind and sympathetic, he brings more positive emotions and goodness to our world. Accordingly, his spiritual beauty is true human beauty.

Many people see beauty in the beautiful landscapes of nature in bright sunsets and sunrises. And here it is indisputable, yes, this is beauty. The bank of the river, flooded with rays of sun, lush green grass around, and on the opposite bank there is a dense forest.

The scenery is undeniably breathtaking. Or the seashore, soft, warm sand, transparent foamy sea waves. The sun is shining brightly, people are resting peacefully on the shore.

Mountains, forests, sunrises, sunsets, rain, snow - all this is the beauty of nature. Fabulous winter landscapes, when all the trees, houses, and everything around are covered with soft, fluffy snow, like in a fairy tale.

Or a winter landscape, everything around is covered with a thin layer of snow, there are snowdrifts on the ground, narrow trodden paths. The evening light of street lamps, in severe frost, creates shine and a fabulous crunch. The entire snowy environment glows and sparkles like fabulous diamonds.

Beauty is not something specific, it consists of many details. Fluffy snow, clear water, bright, mesmerizing landscapes. Sparkle in the eyes, kind attitude towards others, harmony and sincerity.

For a person, this is not only the external, but also the internal world. Behavior in society, communication with each other and mutual assistance. There is a saying that beauty is not in appearance, it is in the soul of each of us.

Therefore, summing up the above, we can conclude that beauty is harmony with oneself and the world around us. External attractiveness and warmth of soul, goodwill of actions and statements.

Each person is beautiful in his own way and this does not depend on the price of his clothes or car. Likewise, a beautiful person becomes unattractive due to the inner anger burning him and hatred of others.

9th grade 15.3

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