Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Stone guest content. Alexander Pushkin - The Stone Guest (Play): Verse

Don Juan and his servant Leporello are sitting at the gates of Madrid. They are going to wait here for night to enter the city under its cover. The carefree Don Guan believes that he will not be recognized in the city, but the sober Leporello is sarcastic about this. However, no danger can stop Don Guan. He is sure that the king, having learned about his unauthorized return from exile, will not execute him, that the king sent him into exile to save him from the revenge of the family of the nobleman he killed. But he is unable to remain in exile for a long time, and most of all he is dissatisfied with the women there, who seem to him like wax dolls.

Looking around, Don Guan recognizes the area. This is the Anthony Monastery, where he met his beloved Ineza, with whom he ended up jealous husband. Don Guan describes her features and sad gaze with poetic inspiration. Leporello reassures him that Don Guan had and will have more lovers. He is interested in who his master will be looking for in Madrid this time. Don Guan intends to look for Laura. While Don Guan is dreaming, a monk appears, who, seeing the visitors, wonders if they are Dona Anna’s people, who is about to come here to the grave of her husband, Commander de Solva, who was killed in a duel by the “unscrupulous, godless Don Guan” , as the monk calls him, not suspecting that he is talking to Don Guan himself. He says that the widow erected a monument to her husband and comes every day to pray for the repose of his soul. Don Guan finds this behavior of the widow strange, and he wonders if she is good. He asks permission to talk to her, but the monk replies that Dona Anna does not talk to men. And at this time Dona Anna appears, the Friar unlocks the grate, and she passes, so that Don Guan does not have time to look at her, but his imagination, which, according to Leporello, is “more agile than a painter,” is able to draw her portrait. Don Juan decides to meet Dona Anna, Leporello shames him for his blasphemy. As they talk, it gets dark, and the master and servant enter Madrid.

Guests are having dinner in Laura's room and admire her talent and inspired acting. They ask Laura to sing. Even the gloomy Carlos seems touched by her singing, but, having learned that the words of this song were written by Don Juan, who was Laura's lover, Don Carlos calls him an atheist and a bastard. An angry Laura shouts that she is now ordering her servants to kill Carlos, even if he is a Spanish grandee. Fearless Don Carlos is ready, but the guests calm them down. Laura believes that the reason for Carlos's rude behavior is that Don Guan killed sibling Don Carlos. Don Carlos admits that he was wrong and they make up. Having sung one more song at the general request, Laura says goodbye to the guests, but asks Don Carlos to stay. She says that his temperament reminded her of Don Juan. Laura and Don Carlos are talking, and at this time there is a knock and someone calls Laura. Laura unlocks it and Don Guan enters. Carlos, hearing this name, identifies himself and demands an immediate duel. Despite Laura's protests, the grandees fight and Don Juan kills Don Carlos. Laura is distraught, but when she learns that Don Guan has just secretly returned to Madrid and immediately rushed to her, she softens.

Having killed Don Carlos, Don Guan, in the guise of a monk, hides in the Anthony Monastery and, standing at the monument to the commander, thanks fate that she thus gave him the opportunity to see the lovely Dona Anna every day. He intends to talk to her today and hopes that he will be able to attract her attention. Looking at the statue of the commander, Don Guan ironically says that here the murdered man is presented as a giant, although in life he was puny. Dona Anna enters and notices the monk. She asks for forgiveness for preventing him from praying, to which the monk replies that it is he who is to blame for her, for he prevents her sadness from “freely pouring out”; he admires her beauty and angelic meekness. Such speeches surprise and confuse Dona Anna, and the monk unexpectedly admits that under this dress hides the nobleman Diego de Calvada, the victim of an unhappy passion for her. With ardent speeches, Don Guan persuades Dona Anna not to drive him away, and the embarrassed Dona Anna invites him to come to her home the next day, provided that he is modest. Dona Anna leaves, and Don Guan demands that Leporello invite the statue of the commander to a date tomorrow. To the timid Leporello, it seems that the statue nods in response to this blasphemous proposal. Don Guan himself repeats his invitation, and the statue nods again. Don Juan and Leporello leave, amazed.

Dona Anna talks with Don Diego in her house. She admits that Don Alvar was not her chosen one, that her mother forced her into this marriage. Don Diego is jealous of the commander, who received true bliss in exchange for empty riches. Such speeches confuse Dona Anna. She is reproached by the thought of her late husband, who would never have accepted a lady in love if he had turned out to be a widower. Don Diego asks her not to torment his heart with eternal reminders of her husband, although he deserves to be executed. Dona Anna is interested in what exactly Don Diego has done wrong to her, and in response to her persistent requests, Don Guan reveals to her his real name, the name of her husband's killer. Dona Anna is amazed and, under the influence of what happened, faints. Having come to her senses, she chases Don Guan away. Don Guan agrees that it is not in vain that rumor paints him as a villain, but assures that he was reborn after experiencing love for her. As a pledge of farewell before separation, he asks to give him a cold, peaceful kiss.

Dona Anna kisses him, and Don Guan leaves, but immediately runs back in. Following him enters the statue of the commander who came to the call. The commander accuses Don Juan of cowardice, but he boldly extends his hand to shake hands with the stone statue, from which he dies with the name of Dona Anna on his lips.

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Please note that the summary of the tragedy The Stone Guest does not reflect full picture events and character descriptions. We recommend you read it full version tragedy.

Don Guan and his servant Leporello are sitting at the gates of Madrid. They wait until night falls to enter the city under its cover. Don Guan is so careless that he believes that at night in the city they will not recognize him, but Leporello has a more sober mind, he is sarcastic about this. However, be that as it may, no danger will stop Don Guan, who is in full confidence that if the king finds out about his unauthorized return from exile, he will not send him to execution, because the king himself sent him out of the city to take revenge on his family the nobleman he killed did not fall on his head.

But he is unable to remain in exile for long, especially since the women there do not arouse his interest, since they look like wax dolls.

Don Guan looks around and recognizes the surrounding places. He sees the Anthony Monastery - the place where his meetings took place with his beloved Ineza, who had a very jealous husband. Don Juan poetically and inspiredly describes the features of the woman he once loved and her sad gaze. Servant Leporello calms him down, saying that Don Guan will easily find another lover. The servant wants to know who his master wants to find in Madrid. Don Juan decided to find Laura. The young man is in a dream. Meanwhile, a monk appears, discovering the visitors. He is interested in whether they are the people of Dona Anna, who is due any minute to come to the grave of Commander de Solva, her husband, who died in a duel with the “unscrupulous, godless Don Juan.” The monk calls the young man this way, without even suspecting that it is himself in front of him. The monk tells visitors that the widow erected a monument to her husband and comes to his grave every day to pray for the repose of his soul. This behavior of the widow seems strange to Don Guan, he is interested in whether she is pretty. The young man asks permission to talk with her, but the monk objects, since Dona Anna does not talk to men.

At this moment Dona Anna herself appears, the monk lets her through, unlocking the grate. Don Guan doesn't even have time to look at her, but in his imagination he is already drawing a portrait beautiful woman. Don Guan plans to meet Dona Anna, but the servant reproaches him for blasphemy.

It is getting dark, the master and his servant enter Madrit.

Laura's guests have dinner, they admire her talent and amazing acting. The guests ask Laura to sing. It seems that even the gloomy Don Carlos was touched by her singing, but when he finds out that the words to this song were written by Don Juan, Laura’s former lover, he calls the author a scoundrel and an atheist. Laura screams in anger, she declares that she will now order the servants to stab Carlos, despite the fact that he is a Spanish grandee. The guests reassure Don Carlos and Laura. The woman believes that Carlos's rude behavior is a consequence of the fact that Don Guan killed Don Carlos's brother in a fair duel. Don Carlos admits he was wrong and they make peace. At the general request, Laura sings one more song, then says goodbye to the guests, and Don Carlos asks to stay. With his temperament, he reminds her of Don Juan. During the conversation between Laura and Don Carlos, a knock is heard, someone calls Laura. The woman unlocks the door and Don Guan appears. Hearing his name, Carlos identifies himself and wishes for an immediate duel. Laura protests, but the grandees enter the battle. Don Carlos dies at the hands of Don Guan. Confusion grips Laura, but she softens when she learns that the young grandee has secretly returned to Madrit and immediately rushed to her.

After the fight, Don Guan hides in the guise of a monk in the Anthony Monastery. He stands near the commander’s monument, thanking fate for allowing him to see the most lovely Dona Anna every day. Today he intends to talk to her in the hope that he will attract her attention. Don Guan looks at the statue of the commander, unable to contain his irony, because the murdered man appears here as a giant, but in life he was puny. Dona Anna appears and sees the monk. She asks to forgive her for interfering with his prayer. The monk says in response that, on the contrary, it is he who is to blame for the fact that in his presence her sadness cannot “freely pour out.” Don Juan admires the beauty and angelic meekness of Dona Anna. Such speeches surprise her and plunge her into embarrassment. Unexpectedly, the monk admits that his name is Diego de Calvada, he is a nobleman and a victim of unhappy love for her. Don Guan persuades Don Anna with passionate speeches not to drive him away. The embarrassed woman invites him to come to her house the next day, but only on condition of his modesty. Dona Anna leaves, and the grandee orders Leporello to invite the statue of the commander to a date tomorrow. Leporello even thought that the statue nodded in agreement when he heard this blasphemous proposal. The gentleman also invites the statue, she nods again. Don Juan and Leporello are amazed.

Dona Anna talks in her house with Don Diego. She says that Don Alvar was not her chosen one, and her mother forced her to marry him. The young man envies the commander, because he exchanged empty wealth for true bliss. He confuses Don Anna with these speeches. She remembers her late husband and understands that he would not have accepted a loving lady into his house if he had become a widower. Don Diego begs her not to remind him of her husband, because it will hurt his heart. Dona Anna asks what Don Diego's guilt is before her, and Don Guan reveals his name to her. Dona Anna is amazed and faints. Having woken up, she immediately drives Don Guan away. Don Guan agrees that it is not in vain that rumor paints him as a villain, but he convinces the woman that love for her has reborn him. Before parting, as a sign of farewell, Don Guan asks to give him one last cold kiss. The woman kisses her husband's killer, and Don Guan leaves, but immediately returns. He is followed by a statue of the commander who came to the call. The commander calls Don Guan a coward, but he bravely extends his hand to the stone statue to shake hands, and from this handshake Don Guan dies, uttering the name of Dona Anna.

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SCENE I Don Guan and Leporello Don Guan Let's wait for the night here. Ah, we have finally reached the gates of Madrid! Soon I will fly through the streets of my acquaintances, covering my mustache with a cloak and my eyebrows with a hat. What do you think? Can't you recognize me? Leporello Yes! Don Guan is hard to recognize! There are so many people like him! Don Guan Are you kidding? Who will recognize me? Leporello The first watchman, Gitana or a drunken musician, Or his own brother an impudent gentleman, With a sword under his arm and in a cloak. Don Guan What a disaster, even if they find out. If only I hadn't met the king himself. However, I am not afraid of anyone in Madrid. Leporello And tomorrow the king will hear that Don Guan has come from exile to Madrid without permission - what then, tell me, will He do to you? Don Guan will send you back. Surely they won’t cut off my head. After all, I am not a state criminal. He sent me away, loving me; To leave me alone The family of the murdered man... Leporello Well, that's it! You should just sit there quietly. Don Guan Your humble servant! I almost died there from boredom. What kind of people, what a land! And the sky?.. like smoke. What about women? Yes, I won’t trade, You see, my stupid Leporello, the last peasant woman in Andalusia for the first beauties there - right. At first I liked them with their blue eyes and whiteness, and their modesty - and even more so with their novelty; Yes, thank God, I soon realized - I saw that it was a sin to even know them - There is no life in them, they are all wax dolls; And ours!.. But listen, this place is familiar to us; did you recognize him? Leporello How not to recognize: St. Anthony's Monastery is memorable to me. You came here, and I kept the horses in this grove. Damn, I must admit, position. You spent a more pleasant time here than I did, believe me. Don Guan (thoughtfully) Poor Ineza! She's gone! how I loved her! Leporello Inesa! - black-eyed... oh, I remember. For three months you looked after her; The evil one helped by force. Don Guan In July... at night. I found a strange pleasantness in her sad gaze and dead lips. This is weird. It seems you didn't find her a beauty. And indeed, there was little truly beautiful in her. Eyes, Just eyes. Yes, the look... I've never seen such a look. And her voice was quiet and weak - like that of a sick woman - Her husband was a stern scoundrel, I found out too late... Poor Inesa!.. Leporello Well, there were others after her. Don Guan Truth. Leporello And if we are alive, there will be others. Don Guan And then. Leporello Now which one in Madrid Are we going to look for? Don Guan Oh, Laura! I run straight to her to appear. Leporello Case. Don Guan Go straight to her door - and if someone is already at her door - I ask you to jump out the window. Leporello Of course. Well, we had fun. The dead don't bother us for long. Who is coming to us? A monk enters. Monk She will come here now. Who is there? Aren't they Dona Anna's people? Leporello No, we are gentlemen on our own, We are walking here. Don Guan Who are you waiting for? Monk Now Dona Anna should come to her husband’s tomb. Don Guan Dona Anna De Solva! How! wife of Commander Murdered by... I don’t remember by whom? Monk Depraved, Unscrupulous, Godless Don Juan. Leporello Wow! that's how! The rumor about Don Guan even penetrated into the peaceful monastery, Hermits sing his praises. Monk He is familiar to you, perhaps? Leporello To us? not at all. Where is he now? Monk He is not here, He is far away in exile. Leporello And thank God. The further the better. All of them, the Libertines, would be put into one bag and into the sea. Don Guan What, why are you lying? Leporello Be silent: I did it on purpose... Don Guan So they buried the commander here? Monk Here; his wife erected a monument to him and comes here every day for the repose of his soul to pray and cry. Don Guan What strange widow is this? And not bad? Monk We, Hermits, should not be seduced by the beauty of women, But it is a sin to lie; Even the saint cannot fail to admit her wonderful beauty. Don Guan It was not for nothing that the dead man was jealous. He kept Dona Anna locked up, None of us saw her. I would like to talk to her. Monk Oh, Dona Anna never speaks to a man. Don Guan And with you, my father? Monk It’s a different matter with me; I'm a monk. Yes, here she is. Dona Anna enters. Dona Anna My father, unlock it. Monk Now, senora; I was expecting you. Dona Anna follows the monk. Leporello What, what? Don Guan She is not visible at all Under this widow's black veil, I noticed a slightly narrow heel. Leporello Enough of you. Your imagination will complete the rest in a minute; With us it is more agile than a painter, You don’t care where you start, Whether from the eyebrows or from the feet. Don Guan Listen, Leporello, I'll meet her. Leporello Here's another! Wherever you need it! He knocked down his husband and wants to look at the widow’s tears. Unscrupulous! Don Guan However, it was already dark. Until the moon rises above us and turns the darkness into a bright twilight, Let us ascend to Madrid. (Exits.) Leporello The Spanish grandee is like a thief Waiting for the night and afraid of the moon - God! Damn life. How long will it take me to bother with him? Really, I have no strength.

Don Juan and his servant Leporello are sitting at the gates of Madrid. They are going to wait here for night to enter the city under its cover. The carefree Don Guan believes that he will not be recognized in the city, but the sober Leporello is sarcastic about this. However, no danger can stop Don Guan. He is sure that the king, having learned about his unauthorized return from exile, will not execute him, that the king sent him into exile to save him from the revenge of the family of the nobleman he killed. But he is unable to remain in exile for a long time, and most of all he is dissatisfied with the women there, who seem to him like wax dolls.

Looking around, Don Guan recognizes the area. This is the Anthony Monastery, where he met his beloved Ineza, who turned out to have a jealous husband. Don Guan describes her features and sad gaze with poetic inspiration. Leporello reassures him that Don Guan had and will have more lovers. He is interested in who his master will be looking for in Madrid this time. Don Guan intends to look for Laura. While Don Guan is dreaming, a monk appears, who, seeing the visitors, wonders if they are Dona Anna’s people, who is about to come here to the grave of her husband, Commander de Solva, who was killed in a duel by the “unscrupulous, godless Don Guan” , as the monk calls him, not suspecting that he is talking to Don Guan himself. He says that the widow erected a monument to her husband and comes every day to pray for the repose of his soul. Don Guan finds this behavior of the widow strange, and he wonders if she is good. He asks permission to talk to her, but the monk replies that Dona Anna does not talk to men. And at this time Dona Anna appears, the Monk unlocks the grate, and she passes, so that Don Guan does not have time to look at her, but his imagination, which, according to Leporello, is “more agile than a painter,” is able to draw her portrait. Don Juan decides to meet Dona Anna, Leporello shames him for his blasphemy. As they talk, it gets dark, and the master and servant enter Madrid.

Guests are having dinner in Laura's room and admiring her talent and inspired acting. They ask Laura to sing. Even the gloomy Carlos seems touched by her singing, but, having learned that the words of this song were written by Don Juan, who was Laura's lover, Don Carlos calls him an atheist and a bastard. An angry Laura shouts that she is now ordering her servants to kill Carlos, even if he is a Spanish grandee. Fearless Don Carlos is ready, but the guests calm them down. Laura believes that the reason for Carlos's rude behavior is that Don Guan killed Don Carlos's brother in a fair fight. Don Carlos admits that he was wrong and they make up. Having sung one more song at the general request, Laura says goodbye to the guests, but asks Don Carlos to stay. She says that his temperament reminded her of Don Juan. Laura and Don Carlos are talking, and at this time there is a knock and someone calls Laura. Laura unlocks it and Don Guan enters. Carlos, hearing this name, identifies himself and demands an immediate duel. Despite Laura's protests, the grandees fight and Don Juan kills Don Carlos. Laura is distraught, but when she learns that Don Guan has just secretly returned to Madrid and immediately rushed to her, she softens.

Having killed Don Carlos, Don Guan, in the guise of a monk, hides in the Anthony Monastery and, standing at the monument to the commander, thanks fate that she thus gave him the opportunity to see the lovely Dona Anna every day. He intends to talk to her today and hopes that he will be able to attract her attention. Looking at the statue of the commander, Don Guan ironically says that here the murdered man is presented as a giant, although in life he was puny. Dona Anna enters and notices the monk. She asks for forgiveness for preventing him from praying, to which the monk replies that it is he who is to blame for her, for he prevents her sadness from “freely pouring out”; he admires her beauty and angelic meekness. Such speeches surprise and confuse Dona Anna, and the monk unexpectedly admits that under this dress hides the nobleman Diego de Calvada, the victim of an unhappy passion for her. With ardent speeches, Don Guan persuades Dona Anna not to drive him away, and the embarrassed Dona Anna invites him to come to her home the next day, provided that he is modest. Dona Anna leaves, and Don Guan demands that Leporello invite the statue of the commander to a date tomorrow. To the timid Leporello, it seems that the statue nods in response to this blasphemous proposal. Don Guan himself repeats his invitation, and the statue nods again. Don Juan and Leporello leave, amazed.

Dona Anna talks with Don Diego in her house. She admits that Don Alvar was not her chosen one, that her mother forced her into this marriage. Don Diego is jealous of the commander, who received true bliss in exchange for empty riches. Such speeches confuse Dona Anna. She is reproached by the thought of her late husband, who would never have accepted a lady in love if he had turned out to be a widower. Don Diego asks her not to torment his heart with eternal reminders of her husband, although he deserves to be executed. Dona Anna is interested in what exactly Don Diego has done to her, and in response to her persistent requests, Don Guan reveals to her his true name, the name of her husband’s killer. Dona Anna is amazed and, under the influence of what happened, faints. Having come to her senses, she chases Don Guan away. Don Guan agrees that it is not in vain that rumor paints him as a villain, but assures that he was reborn after experiencing love for her. As a pledge of farewell before separation, he asks to give him a cold, peaceful kiss. Dona Anna kisses him, and Don Guan leaves, but immediately runs back in. Following him enters the statue of the commander who came to the call. The commander accuses Don Juan of cowardice, but he boldly extends his hand to shake hands with the stone statue, from which he dies with the name of Dona Anna on his lips.


Don Juan and Leporello

Don Guan

We'll wait here for the night. Ah, finally
We have reached the gates of Madrid! soon
I'll fly through the streets of my friends,
Covering his mustache with a cloak and his eyebrows with a hat.
What do you think? Can't you recognize me?


Yes! Don Guan is hard to recognize!
There are so many people like him!

Don Guan

Are you kidding?
Who will recognize me?


First watchman
Gitana or drunk musician,
Or your own brother is an impudent gentleman,
With a sword under his arm and in a cloak.

Don Guan

What a problem, even if they find out. Only if
I did not meet the king himself. However,
I'm not afraid of anyone in Madrid.


And tomorrow it will reach the king,
That Don Guan was exiled without permission
He came to Madrid, what then, tell me,
Will he do this to you?

Don Guan

Will send it back.
Surely they won’t cut off my head.
After all, I am not a state criminal.
He sent me away, loving me;
To leave me alone
The family of the murdered...


Well, that's it!
You should just sit there quietly.

Don Guan

Humble servant! I barely
I didn't die there from boredom. What kind of people
What a land! And the sky?.. like smoke.
What about women? Yes, I won’t change it,
You see, my stupid Leporello,
The last peasant woman in Andalusia
The first beauties there are right.
I liked them at first
With blue and white eyes,
Yes, modesty - and even more so, novelty;
Yes, thank God, I soon realized -
I saw that it was a sin to associate with them -
There is no life in them, they are all wax dolls;
And ours!.. But listen, this place
Familiar to us; did you recognize him?


How not to recognize: Antonyev Monastery
I remember it. Did you come here?
And I kept the horses in this grove.
Damn, I must admit, position. You
We had a better time here,
Than I am, believe me.

Don Guan (thoughtfully)

Poor Ineza!
She's gone! how I loved her!


Ineza! – black-eyed... oh, I remember.
You courted for three months,
For her; The evil one helped by force.

Don Guan

In July... at night. Strange pleasantness
I found in her sad gaze
And dead lips. This is weird.
It seems you didn't find it
Beautiful. And sure enough, it wasn’t enough
There is truly beauty in her. Eyes,
Just eyes. Yes, a look... such a look
I've never met. And the voice
She was quiet and weak - like a sick person -
Her husband was a stern scoundrel,
I found out too late... Poor Ineza!..


Well, there were others after her.

Don Guan

Is it true.


And if we are alive, there will be others.

Don Guan

And then.


Now which is in Madrid
Will we search?

Don Guan

Oh Laura!
I run straight to her to appear.



Don Guan

Right at her door - what if someone
Already at her place - I ask you to jump out the window.


Certainly. Well, we had fun.
The dead don't bother us for long.
Who is coming to us?

A monk enters.


She's coming now
Here. Who is there? Aren't they Dona Anna's people?


No, we are masters on our own,
We're walking here.

Don Guan

Who are you waiting for?


Dona Anna should arrive now
To my husband's tomb.

Don Guan

Dona Anna
De Solva! How! commander's wife
Killed... I don't remember by whom?


Unscrupulous, godless Don Juan.


Wow! that's how! Rumors about Don Guan
And she even penetrated into the peaceful monastery,
The hermits sing his praises.


Is he familiar to you, perhaps?


Us? not at all.
Where is he now?

Don Guan

What, what are you lying?


Be silent: I purposely...

Don Guan

So the commander was buried here?


Here; his wife erected a monument to him
And he comes here every day
Pray for the repose of his soul
And cry.

Don Guan

What kind of strange widow is this?
And not bad?


We are the beauty of women,
Hermits should not be seduced,
But lying is a sin; neither can a saint
It’s impossible to admit its wonderful beauty.

Don Guan

No wonder the dead man was jealous.
He kept Dona Anna locked up,
None of us saw her.
I would like to talk to her.


Oh, Dona Anna is never with a man
Does not speak.

Don Guan

And with you, my father?


With me it’s a different matter; I'm a monk.
Yes, here she is.

Dona Anna enters.

Dona Anna

My father, unlock it.


Now, senora; I was expecting you.

Dona Anna follows the monk.


What, what?

Don Guan

She's not visible at all
Under this widow's black veil,
I noticed a slightly narrow heel.


Enough of you. You have imagination
He'll finish the rest in a minute;
Ours is more agile than a painter,
You don't care where you start,
Whether from the eyebrows or from the feet.

Don Guan

Listen, Leporello,
I'll meet her.


Here's another!
Wherever you need it! Knocked my husband down
Yes, he wants to look at the widow's tears.

Don Guan

However, it was already getting dark.
Until the moon rose above us
And did not turn the darkness into a bright twilight,
Let's go up to Madrid.



Spanish grandee as a thief
Waiting for the night and afraid of the moon - God!
Damn life. How long will it last
Should I bother with him? Really, I have no strength.


Room. Dinner at Laura's.

First guest

I swear to you, Laura, never
You haven't played with such perfection.
You understood your role correctly!


How she developed it! with what force!


With what art!


Yes, I succeeded
Today every movement is a word.
I freely indulged in inspiration.
The words flowed as if she was giving birth to them
Not the slave's memory, but the heart...


Is it true.
And now your eyes are shining
And my cheeks flared up, it doesn’t go away
You are delighted. Laura, don't let me
It is fruitless for him to cool down; sing, Laura,
Sing something.


Hand me the guitar.


Oh brava! brava! wonderful! incomparable!


Thank you, sorceress. You are the heart
You charm us. Of life's pleasures
Music is inferior to love alone;
But love is also a melody... look:
Carlos himself is touched, your gloomy guest.


What sounds! how much soul they have!
And whose words, Laura?


Don Guana.

Don Carlos

What? Don Guan!


I wrote them once
My true friend, my flighty lover.

Don Carlos

Your Don Guan is an atheist and a scoundrel,
And you, you're a fool.


Are you crazy?
Yes, I will now order you to be stabbed
To my servants, even though you are a Spanish grandee.

Don Carlos

Call them.


Laura, stop it;
Don Carlos, don't be angry. She forgot...


What? that Guan is fair in the duel
Killed his own brother? Truth: sorry
Which is not his.

Don Carlos

I'm stupid for getting angry.


Yeah! You yourself admit that you are stupid.
So let's make peace.

Don Carlos

Sorry, Laura.
I'm sorry. But you know: I can't
I'm indifferent to hearing this name...


Is it my fault that every minute
Is this name coming to my mind?


Well, as a sign that you're not angry at all,
Laura, sing again.


Yes, goodbye
It's time, it's night. But what will I sing?
Oh, listen.


Lovely, incomparable!


Farewell, gentlemen.


Goodbye Laura.

They go out. Laura stops Don Carlos.


You madman! stay with me
I like you; you are Don Guana
Reminded me of how you scolded me
And he clenched his teeth and gnashed.

Don Carlos

That's how you loved him.

Laura makes an affirmative sign.




Don Carlos

And do you still love it?


Right this minute?
No I do not like. I can't love two.
Now I love you.

Don Carlos

Tell me, Laura,
What year are you?


Eighteen years old.

Don Carlos

You are young... and you will remain young
Another five or six years. Around you
For another six years they will crowd around,
To caress, cherish, and give you,
And amuse me with nightly serenades,
And kill each other for you
At crossroads at night. But when
The time will pass when your eyes
The eyelids will fall and wrinkle and turn black.
And gray hair will flash in your braid,
And they will call you old woman
Then – what do you say?


Then? For what
Think about it? what kind of conversation?
Do you always have such thoughts?
Come and open the balcony. How quiet the sky is;
Immovable warm air, lemon night
And it smells like laurel, the bright moon
Glistens in the thick and dark blue,
And the guards shout protractedly: “It’s clear!..”
And far away, in the north - in Paris -
Perhaps the sky is covered with clouds,
The cold rain is falling and the wind is blowing.
What do we care? listen Carlos,
I demand that you smile...
- Well then! -

Don Carlos

Dear demon!

Don Guan

Hey! Laura!

Don Guan



Really!.. God!..

(Unlocks the doors, Don Guan enters.)

Don Guan



Don Guan!..

(Laura throws herself on his neck.)

Don Carlos

How! Don Guan!..

Don Guan

Laura, dear friend!..

(Kisses her.)

Who is yours, my Laura?

Don Carlos

Don Carlos.

Don Guan

What an unexpected meeting!
I'll be at your service tomorrow.

Don Carlos

Now - now.


Don Carlos, stop it!
You are not on the street - you are with me -
Please step out.

Don Carlos
(not listening to her)

I'm waiting. Well,
After all, you have a sword.

Don Guan

If you
I can't wait, please.


Ay! Ay! Guan!..

(Throws himself on the bed.)

Don Carlos falls.

Don Guan

Get up, Laura, it's over.


What's there?
Killed? Wonderful! in my room!
What should I do now, you rake, the devil?
Where will I throw it?

Don Guan

May be,
He's still alive.

(examines the body)

Yes! alive! look, damn
You poked me right in the heart - probably not by,
And there is no blood coming from the triangular wound,
And he’s not breathing - what’s it like?

Don Guan

What to do?
He wanted it himself.


Eh, Don Guan,
It's a shame, really. Eternal pranks -
But it’s not my fault... Where are you from?
How long have you been here?

Don Guan

I just arrived
And then quietly - I’m not forgiven.


And immediately remembered his Laura?
What's good is good. Yes, that's enough
I don't believe it. You walked past by chance
And I saw the house.

Don Guan

No, my Laura,
Ask Leporello. I am standing
Outside the city, in the damned Venta. I'm Laura
I came to look in Madrid.

(Kisses her.)


You are my friend!..
Wait... in front of a dead man!.. what should we do with him?

Don Guan

Leave him: before dawn, early,
I'll take it out under the epancho
And I'll put it at the crossroads.


Be careful that they don't see you.
What a good thing you did to show up.
One minute later! I have
Your friends had dinner here. Only
That they went out. If only you had caught them!

Don Guan

Laura, how long have you loved him?


Whom? You're obviously delusional.

Don Guan

And admit it,
How many times have you cheated on me
In my absence?


And you, the rake?

Don Guan

Tell me... No, we'll talk later.


Monument to the commander.

Don Guan

Everything is for the better: accidentally killing
Don Carlos, the humble hermit
I hid here - and I see it every day
My lovely widow, and by her,
I think he's been noticed. Still
We worked with each other; but today
I’ll let myself into conversations with her; it's time.
Where should I start? “I dare”... or not:
"Señora"...bah! whatever comes to mind
That's what I'll say, without any preparation,
Improviser of a love song...
It's time for her to come. Without her -
I think the commander is bored.
What a giant he is presented here!
What shoulders! what a Hercules!..
And the dead man himself was small and frail,
Here, standing on tiptoe, I could not hand
He can reach his nose.
When we met over Escurial,
He came across my sword and froze,
Like a dragonfly on a pin - but there was
He is proud and brave - and had a stern spirit...
A! here she is.

Dona Anna enters.

Dona Anna

He's here again. My father,
I entertained you in your thoughts -

Don Guan

I must ask for forgiveness
Yours, senora. Maybe I'm in the way
Your sadness can be freely poured out.

Dona Anna

No, my father, my sadness is within me,
With you, my prayers can go to heaven
Humbly ascend - I ask
And unite your voice with them.

Don Guan

Me, me to pray with you, Dona Anna!
I don't deserve such a fate.
I do not dare with vicious lips
Repeat your holy prayer -
I'm just in awe from afar
I look at you when, bowing quietly,
You have black hair on pale marble
Scatter it - and it seems to me that secretly
An angel visited this tomb,
In a troubled heart I do not find
Then prayers. I wonder silently
And I think - happy, whose cold marble
Warmed by her heavenly breath
And sprinkled with her love's tears...

Dona Anna

What strange speeches!

Don Guan


Dona Anna

I... you forgot.

Don Guan

What? that unworthy
Am I a hermit? that my sinful voice
Shouldn't it be so loud here?

Dona Anna

It seemed to me... I didn't understand...

Don Guan

Ah, I see: you’ve learned everything, you’ve learned everything!

Dona Anna

What did I learn?

Don Guan

Yes, I'm not a monk -
At your feet I beg forgiveness.

Dona Anna

Oh my God! stand up, stand up... Who are you?

Don Guan

Unhappy, victim of hopeless passion.

Dona Anna

Oh my God! and here, at this tomb!
Go away.

Don Guan

Just a minute, Dona Anna,
One minute!

Dona Anna

If anyone comes up!..

Don Guan

The grille is locked. One minute!

Dona Anna

Well? What? what do you require?

Don Guan

Of death.
Oh let me die now at your feet,
Let my poor ashes be buried here
Not near the ashes, dear to you,
Not here - not close - somewhere far away,
There - at the door - at the very threshold,
So that they can touch my stone
You with a light foot or clothes,
When here, to this proud tomb
You will go bend your curls and cry.

Dona Anna

You are out of your mind.

Don Guan

Or wish
Death, Dona Anna, a sign of madness?
If I were crazy, I would want
To stay alive, I would have hope
Touch your heart with tender love;
If I were a madman, I would night
I began to accompany you at your balcony,
Disturbing your sleep with serenades,
I wouldn't hide, I'm the opposite
I tried to be noticed by you everywhere;
If I were crazy, I wouldn't
Suffer in silence...

Dona Anna

And so you
Are you silent?

Don Guan

Case, Dona Anna, case
Carried me away. - Otherwise you would never
They didn't find out my sad secret.

Dona Anna

And how long have you loved me?

Don Guan

A long time ago or recently, I don’t know
But from then on I just know the price
Instant life, only from then on
And I understood what the word happiness means.

Dona Anna

Go away - you are a dangerous person.

Don Guan

Dangerous! how?

Dona Anna

I'm afraid to listen to you.

Don Guan

I'll shut up; just don't drive away
The one to whom your sight is one joy.
I don't have arrogant hopes
I don't demand anything but to see
I owe you when I already have to live
I'm condemned.

Dona Anna

Come on - this is not the place
Such speeches, such madness. Tomorrow
Come to me. If you swear
Keep the same respect for me,
I will receive you; but in the evening, later, -
I haven't seen anyone since then
How widowed...

Don Guan

Angel Dona Anna!
May God comfort you as you do today
They consoled the unfortunate sufferer.

Dona Anna

Go away.

Don Guan

One more minute.

Dona Anna

No, apparently I have to leave... besides, prayer
It doesn't cross my mind. You entertained me
Secular speeches; they're ear-splitting
Mine has been out of habit for a long, long time. - Tomorrow
I'll see you.

Don Guan

I still don't dare believe
I don’t dare give in to my happiness...
I'll see you tomorrow! - and not here
And not on the sly!

Dona Anna

Yes, tomorrow, tomorrow.
What is your name?

Don Guan

Diego de Calvado.

Dona Anna

Goodbye Don Diego.


Don Guan


Leporello enters.


What do you want?

Don Guan

Dear Leporello!
I'm happy!.. “Tomorrow - in the evening, later...”
My Leporello, tomorrow - prepare...
I'm as happy as a child!


With Dona Anna
Did you talk? maybe she
I told you two kind words
Or you blessed her.

Don Guan

No, Leporello, no! she's a date
She made an appointment for me!


O widows, you are all like this.

Don Guan

I'm happy!
I'm ready to sing, I'm glad to embrace the whole world.


And the commander? what will he say about this?

Don Guan

Do you think he'll get jealous?
Certainly not; he is a reasonable man
And, truly, he has calmed down since he died.


No; look at his statue.

Don Guan



She seems to be looking at you
And he gets angry.

Don Guan

Go, Leporello,
Ask her to come to me -
No, not to me - but to Dona Anna, tomorrow.


Invite the statue to visit! For what?

Don Guan

That's right
Not to talk to her -
Ask for the statue tomorrow to Dona Anna
Come later in the evening and become
There's a clock at the door.


Hunting for you
Joking, and with whom!

Don Guan

Go now.

Don Guan



Glorious, beautiful statue!
My master Don Guan humbly asks
Sorry... By God, I can’t
I'm scared.

Don Guan

Coward! here I am for you!..


Allow me.
My master Don Guan asks you tomorrow
Come later to your wife's house
And stand at the door...

The statue nods its head in agreement.
Don Guan

What's there?


Ay, ay!..
Ai, ai... I'll die!

Don Guan

What happened to you?

(nodding head)

Statue... ah!..

Don Guan

You bow!


Not me, she!

Don Guan

What nonsense you are talking about!


Go yourself.

Don Guan

Well look, you slacker.

(To the statue.)

I, commander, ask you to come
To your widow, where I will be tomorrow,
And stand guard at the door. What? will you?

The statue nods again.

Oh my God!


What? I told...

Don Guan

Let's leave.


Dona Anna's room.
Don Juan and Dona Anna.

Dona Anna

I accepted you, Don Diego; only
I'm afraid my sad conversation
You will be bored: poor widow,
I still remember my loss. Tears
With a smile I interfere like April.
Why are you silent?

Don Guan

I enjoy in silence
Deep thought of being alone
With the lovely Dona Anna. Here - not there
Not at the tomb of the dead lucky man -
And I see you no longer on your knees
Before the marble husband.

Dona Anna

Don Diego
So you are jealous. - My husband is in the grave
Does it torment you?

Don Guan

I shouldn't be jealous.
He was chosen by you.

Dona Anna

No, my mother
She told me to give my hand to Don Alvar,
We were poor, Don Alvar was rich.

Don Guan

Lucky! he is an empty treasure
Brought to the feet of the goddess, that's why
He tasted heavenly bliss! If only
I knew before you did, with what delight
My rank, my wealth, I would give everything,
All for one favorable glance;
I would be a slave to your sacred will,
I would study all your whims,
To warn them; so that your life
It was one continuous magic.
Alas! “Fate decreed something different for me.”

Dona Anna

Diego, stop it: I'm sinning
Listening to you, I can’t love you,
A widow must be faithful to her grave.
When would you know how Don Alvar
Loved me! oh, Don Alvar that's right
I would not accept a lady in love,
If only he were widowed. - He would be faithful
Marital love.

Don Guan

Don't torture your hearts
To me, Dona Anna, eternal remembrance
Spouse. It's enough for you to execute me,
At least I deserved execution, perhaps.

Dona Anna

With what?
You are not bound by holy bonds
With no one. - Isn’t it true? Having loved me,
You are right before me and before heaven.

Don Guan

Before you! God!

Dona Anna

Are you guilty
In front of me? Tell me what it is.

Don Guan

No never.

Dona Anna

Diego, what is it?
Are you wrong in front of me? what, tell me.

Don Guan

No! never!

Dona Anna

Diego, this is strange:
I ask you, I demand.

Don Guan

No no.

Dona Anna

A! So you are obedient to my will!
What did you tell me now?
What would you like to be my slave?
I'll get angry, Diego: answer me,
What are you guilty of before me?

Don Guan

I don't dare.
You will begin to hate me.

Dona Anna

No no. I forgive you in advance
But I want to know...

Don Guan

Don't want to know
A terrible, murderous secret.

Dona Anna

Terrible! you are torturing me.
I'm so curious - what is it?
And how could you insult me?
I didn’t know you - I have enemies
And no and there wasn’t. Husband killer
There is one.

Don Guan
(About myself)

Things are coming to a head!
Tell me, unfortunate Don Guan
Are you unfamiliar?

Dona Anna

No, he's old enough
I haven't seen it.

Don Guan

Are you in love with him?
Do you harbor enmity?

Dona Anna

Out of honor.
But you're trying to distract me
From my question. Don Diego -
I demand...

Don Guan

What if Don Guan
Have you met?

Dona Anna

Then I would be a villain
The dagger plunged into the heart.

Don Guan

Dona Anna,
Where's your dagger? here is my chest.

Dona Anna

What do you?

Don Guan

I'm not Diego, I'm Guan.

Dona Anna

Oh my God! no, it can’t be, I don’t believe it.

Don Guan

I am Don Guan.

Dona Anna

Not true.

Don Guan

I killed
your spouse; and I don't regret it
I have no remorse about that.

Dona Anna

What do I hear? No, no, it can't be.

Don Guan

I am Don Juan and I love you.

Dona Anna

Where am I?.. where am I? I feel bad, feel bad.

Don Guan

What's wrong with her? what's wrong with you, Dona Anna?
Get up, get up, wake up, come to your senses: your Diego,
Your servant is at your feet.

Dona Anna

Leave me alone!


Oh, you are my enemy - you took from me
Everything I do in life...

Don Guan

Dear creature!
I am ready to atone for my blow to everyone,
At your feet I wait only for orders,
Veli - I will die; tell me - I will breathe
Only for you...

Dona Anna

So this is Don Guan...

Don Guan

Isn't it true, he was described to you
A villain, a monster. – Oh Dona Anna, -
The rumor may not be entirely wrong,
There is a lot of evil on a tired conscience,
Perhaps it gravitates. Yes, debauchery
For a long time I was an obedient student,
But from the moment I saw you,
It seems to me that I have been completely reborn.
Having loved you, I love virtue
And for the first time humbly before her
I bow my trembling knees.

Dona Anna

Oh, Don Juan is eloquent - I know
I heard; he is a cunning tempter.
You, they say, are a godless corrupter,
You are a real demon. How many poor women
Have you ruined?

Don Guan

Not a single one until now
Of these I didn't like.

Dona Anna

And I will believe
So that Don Guan falls in love for the first time,
So that he does not look for a new victim in me!

Don Guan

Whenever I wanted to deceive you,
Did I confess, did I say that name,
Which one can't you hear?
Where is the thoughtfulness and deceit seen here?

Dona Anna

Who knows you? - But how could they come?
Here you are; they might recognize you here,
And your death would be inevitable.

Don Guan

What does death mean? for a sweet moment of goodbye
I will give my life without complaint.

Dona Anna

But how
Get out of here, you careless one!

Don Guan
(kissing her hands)

And you're talking about the life of poor Guan
Take care! So there is no hatred
In your heavenly soul, Dona Anna?

Dona Anna

Oh, if only I could hate you!
However, we need to part.

Don Guan

When will we see you again?

Dona Anna

Don't know.
Some day.

Don Guan

And tomorrow?

Dona Anna


Don Guan


Dona Anna

Oh Don Guan, how weak in heart I am.

Don Guan

A peace kiss as a guarantee of forgiveness...

Dona Anna

It's time, go ahead.

Don Guan

Alone, cold, peaceful...

Dona Anna

How persistent you are! here it is.
What's that knocking?.. oh hide, Don Guan.

Don Guan

Farewell, goodbye, my dear friend.

(He leaves and runs in again.)
Dona Anna

What happened to you? A!..

The commander's statue enters.
Dona Anna falls.


I came to the call.

Don Guan

Oh my God! Dona Anna!


Drop her
Everything is over. You are trembling, Don Guan.

Don Guan

I? No. I called you and I'm glad that I see you.


Give me a hand.

Don Guan

Here she is... oh, it's hard
Shake his stone right hand!
Leave me, let me go - let me have your hand...
I'm dying - it's over - oh Dona Anna!

They fail.

Leporello. Oh, dearest statue of the great commander!.. Ah, master! Don Juan (it.). – Replica from Mozart’s opera “Don Giovanni”.