Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Message about Astafiev summary. Brief biography of Astafiev Viktor Petrovich. Astafiev's biography briefly

short biography V.P. Astafiev begins in 1924, when the future Russian writer, prose writer and our contemporary was born and appeared in May. Since childhood, his biography and life is filled with tragic moments. AT early age when he was a few years old, his father was arrested. His mother constantly visited her husband and on one of these trips, she did not return. The mother of the future writer died when Astafiev was only seven years old. The boy was brought up by his grandparents and these were the bright moments of his childhood. He will later write about this in the novel " Last bow».

Dante studies at the university, at the faculties of literature. The Divine Comedy has been translated into Russian more than once. Mikhail Lozinsky's version was made during World War II. Lozinsky managed to do the impossible: he reproduced the entire structure of Dante's verse, the "third rhyme" and still contained most content. The only thing missing is Dante's lively voice.

We cannot perceive the speed and sharpness of Dante's thoughts and images, the catastrophic dynamism that inspires Mandelstam. The art of translation is the art of losing. About the meaning: for the Russian reader, notes are indispensable. Latin accuracy of his word. The translation must be true to this. And the Russian language "resists" me. For those who seek to discover the happy inactivity of relaying an eternal masterpiece, the poet replies with a marked firmness that melts in apology: It would be too easy to say that today's civilization leaves no room for poetry.

V.P. Astafiev biography

When the father got out of prison and married a new woman, everyone moved to Igarka with the new line-up. It seems like life got better, the boy often went fishing with his father, but when his father fell ill, the stepmother kicked the child out of the house. Astafiev had to spend the night in basements and abandoned houses until he ended up in an orphanage. Here he met Ignatius Rozhdestvensky, who noticed the child's writing talent.

This is not a room in the building of civilization from which the poet is driven away in order to put the designer in his place. The poet creates space for poetry. If a poet speaks of new and eternal things that the human heart wants to hear, his work creates and organizes a space for poetry. Poets should not complain about the negligence of their contemporaries. It would be better if they tried to write something big. And you see, we Russians have great poets. But the phenomenon of Dante is not only in his personal genius, but also in the genius historical moment in which it was created.

After the boarding school, the biography of V.P. Astafiev and summary the fact that Astafiev went to work to earn money for food, and also to collect for a trip to Krasnoyarsk. When the money was collected, he moved, there already in Krasnoyarsk he received an education and worked on the railway.

When the war broke out, Astafiev went to the front. He was awarded medals for his services.

Never more world human culture was not so whole and centripetal. Mandelstam said that all European poets of the following centuries are like fragments, fragments of the world of Dantesque. But the problem is not in the poets, but in life itself. Life was disrupted: the secular was separated from the religious, the aesthetic from the ethical, the scientific from the artistic, the particular from the general, the image from thought, the symbolic from the present. What results is a fragmented world. One feels a fragment, a fragment.

And all the poets who felt this impulse - Rilke, Eliot, Claudel, Peguy, Mandelstam - found their model in Dante. After centuries of autonomous art, the type of poet-theologian has risen. Of course, integrity - and, so to speak, centrality - find new forms in modern poetry, but the source of this impulse is always Dante. A source that also relies on itself: I started to study Italian language just to read Dante in the original. This is how our great poets behaved: Pushkin, Akhmatova, Mandelstam.

When the war ended, Astafiev went to the Urals, where he met a woman whom he married. But here, too, tragedy overtook him. Their first child died after only six months. After that, they will have a girl and a boy.

Since 1951, V.P. Astafiev's biography begins an active writing activity. So the world saw the first story civilian man”, and already in 1953 the book “Until next spring” was published. At the same time, Astafiev works in a newspaper, where he also posts his works and articles. Since 1958, Astafiev has been a member of the Writers' Union. Basically, his works were devoted to the war and on anti-Soviet, as well as rural themes. Viktor Astafiev wrote many worthy works, including stories for children.
The writer died in 2001 in Krasnoyarsk and was buried in his native village of Ovsyanka.

Dante's first lesson was for me the need for greatness. Human life without the great is worth little. And his second lesson was the need for effort: ethical, intellectual effort, including political thought. Olga Sedakova never distracted literary work from a punctual and often ferocious historical judgment of her country. Today this is not so, while the world is overturning the current confrontation between Russia and the West: indeed, poetry is like a watchman on this border line. official rate of our state wants to compare Russia and the West, that is, the entire Christian and humanistic civilization.

Astafiev Viktor Petrovich (born May 1, 1924, Ovsyanka village Krasnoyarsk Territory), prose writer, publicist. Born into a peasant family, lost his mother early, brought up in orphanage. In 1942, he volunteered for the front, was repeatedly seriously wounded. After the war, Astafyev worked as a worker and night watchman. He published his first stories in 1951 in the Ural newspaper "Chusovsky Rabochiy", the first collection "Until Next Spring" was published in 1953. In 1959-1961. Astafiev studied at the Higher Literary Courses at the Literary Institute. M. Gorky in Moscow. Creativity Astafiev grew out of his passionate desire to search for and educate good in people. The main motives of creativity are associated with memories of a hungry, orphan childhood in the far north and the war years. The cycle “Tales of a peer” is dedicated to this, which includes: “Perepal. (1959), Starodub (1959), Starfall. (1960), Theft (1966), War Thunders Somewhere (1967), The Shepherd and the Shepherdess (1971), and the apparently autobiographical cycle that A has been writing since 1957, The Last Bow. The stories that make up this cycle are a kind of gallery of Russian characters, the most expressive of which is the image of Ekaterina Ivanovna (her grandmother Astafyeva served as her prototype), a peasant woman who from the age of 10 was engaged in hard peasant labor, raised 13 children, lost her health, but at the end life evaluates the past years as successful and happy, because happiness for her is the realization of the fulfilled duty of a peasant woman, mother and worker. She lives in harmony and harmony with the world, and this gives her a sense of mental fullness. The image of Ekaterina Ivanovna the best way expresses the life philosophy of the author. Its essence lies in bringing to contemporaries the inescapability of man's ties with the earth from which he grows. The denial of this biological and cultural genealogy, the traditions on which the connection of generations is based, leads to moral degradation, which can become a real disaster. In his works, Astafiev accuses modern civilization of destroying environment, and thus the person who is her non-
detachable part. Astafiev's attitude to life and nature is excellently shown in his story “Tsar-Fish. Narrative in stories" (1976). The story consists of separate episodes, united by the image of the narrator. In his reflections, the theme of people's responsibility for the world of plants and animals, which is threatened with destruction, stands out. important place in the work of Astafiev occupy latest works, especially the novel " Sad detective» (1986). On the pages of this novel, the evil that the writer warned about during 30 years of his work has come true. This is the spiritual and physical degradation of people who have lost all moral values. A significant part of Astafiev's literary heritage is journalism (in particular, the collection "Staff of Memory", 1980), thematically related to
his artistic prose and supplementing it.

Russia has always been a part of the European world for me, a part of the Christian civilization, with all its peculiarities. The iron curtain raised during the Gorbachev era is falling again. Propaganda creates a caricature image of Europe reduced to homosexual marriages, moral freedom without borders, and so on. my work with Dante is in a sense a resistance. Europe, where dignity human personality undeniably. In Putin's "sovereign Russia" project, the state is at the center, which acquires sacred value.

And all idols ask for sacrifices. Idol human life the idol of the state is offered. This program offered people to die together. We are trying to return to the past, not to the times of Brezhnev, but to those who were before Krushev and his “destabilization”. Stalin is again considered the "pater of the patrician", national hero. His portraits are everywhere, especially in connection with the anniversary of the victory: it was he, the great leader, who won the war! And in all this we have books by Grossman, Solzhenitsyn, Astafiev! With Stalin, nostalgia for the Stalinist, totalitarian state grows, where all dissidents are branded as enemies of the people, traitors to the interests of the country.