Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Methods of technical creativity. Coursework: Development of scientific and technical creativity of students Scientific problems and technical creativity

The ability to see something that does not fit within the previously learned. The ability to encode information in the nervous system. The ability to curtail mental operations. A person has the ability to collapse a long chain of reasoning and replace them with one generalizing operation.

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Lecture 4. Features

scientific and technical creativity

A feature of scientific and technical creativity is:

1. Vigilance in search of problems.The ability to see what does not fit within the previously learned. The ability to encode information in the nervous system. The task of developing creative abilities is to help a person find himself, i.e. understand which characters, which code. Information is accessible and acceptable to him. Then his thinking will be as productive as possible and will bring the highest satisfaction.

2. The ability to curtail mental operations.A person has the ability to collapse a long chain of reasoning and replace them with one generalizing operation. The process of curtailment of mental operations is a special case of the manifestation of the creative ability to replace several concepts with one, to use symbols that are more capacious in terms of information.

3. Ability to transfer experience, the ability to apply the skill acquired in solving one problem to solving another, as well as the ability to develop generalizing strategies and the ability to see analogies.

4. Lateral thinking.Lateral thinking turns out to be effective and helps to find a solution to the problem under one indispensable condition: it must become a sustainable goal of scientific and technical activity, the dominant of the creative process. The ability of the brain to form and keep in a state of excitation for a long time a neural model of the goal that directs the movement of thought is, apparently, one of the components of talent.

5. Wholeness of perception.This is the ability to perceive reality as a whole, without splitting it (as opposed to perception in small independent portions). The ability to recognize images, to respond to similar objects, regardless of individual differences, is one of the fundamental properties of the brain; thinking begins with it. The physiological basis of the image is a neural model or a set of nerve cells and their connections that form a group that is relatively stable in time. A neural model is a code designation for an object or event. The structure of the model is similar to the structure of the reflected object.

6. Convergence of concepts.The ease of associating concepts and their remoteness, the semantic distance between them. This ability is clearly manifested, for example, in the synthesis of witticisms. The thought process differs from free association in that thinking is directed association. The factor that guides it and transforms it into thinking is the goal.

7. Readiness of memory.The readiness of memory to give out the necessary information at the right moment is one of the components of ingenuity.

8. Flexibility of thinking.This is the ability to quickly and easily move from one class of phenomena to another, far in content. This includes the ability to timely abandon a compromised hypothesis.

9. Ability to assess.The ability to choose one of many alternatives by checking it.

10. Ability to adhere.The ability to combine perceived stimuli.

11. Ease of generating ideas.The more ideas a person puts forward, the more likely it is that there will be valuable ones among them. In order for a thought to arise, at least two models stored in the brain must be excited. A thought, an idea is not a neural model, but movement, sequential activation and comparison of models.

12. The ability to foresee.The generation of scientific and technical ideas is inseparable from human fantasy or imagination. It is customary to distinguish three types of imagination:

a) the logical deduces the future from the present by means of logical transformations;

b) critically looking for what exactly is in modern technology, the education system, social life; c) intuitive - based on life experience, a high degree of sensitivity to the development of certain objects.

13. Ability to refine.This is not just perseverance, composure and a strong-willed attitude to complete what has been started, but it is the ability to refine details, to painfully and painstakingly fine-tune the original plan.

14. Willingness to take risks- another feature of creativity in scientific and technical, scientific and technical activities. A person who has many ideas should be able to boldly express and defend them.

15. Levels of scientific and technical activity.The area of ​​scientific and technical creativity includes:

a) discoveries are the establishment of previously unknown objectively existing patterns, properties and phenomena of the material world, introducing fundamental changes in cognition;

b) an invention is a new and significantly different technical solution to a problem in any area of ​​the economy, social development, culture and defense of the country, which has a positive effect;

c) a rationalization proposal is a technical solution that is new and useful for the enterprise, organization or institution to which it is submitted, and which provides for a change in the production technology or design of products, the technique used or the composition of the material.

Forms of creativity, to some extent inherent in various types of scientific and technical activities to create new technology, are characterized by their scientific and technical content and correspond to different levels of novelty. They can be divided into several groups based on the development of qualitatively different principles or processes leading to a fundamental transformation of technology and, as a rule, to qualitative shifts in the development of science and technology.

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Today, the important priorities of the state policy in the field of education are the support and development of children's technical creativity, attracting young people to the scientific and technical sphere of professional activity and increasing the prestige of scientific and technical professions. At present, when the state and social order for the technical creativity of students is being implemented, the educational organizations of our region are faced with the task of modernizing and expanding activities to develop the scientific and technical creativity of children and youth. In this article I will tell you how, without a good material base, to instill and develop in students a love for technical creativity using simple materials as an example.



Initial technical modeling

In the context of an institution of additional education

Today, the important priorities of the state policy in the field of education are the support and development of children's technical creativity, attracting young people to the scientific and technical sphere of professional activity and increasing the prestige of scientific and technical professions. At present, when the state and social order for the technical creativity of students is being implemented, the educational organizations of our region are faced with the task of modernizing and expanding activities to develop the scientific and technical creativity of children and youth. Classes of the studio "Forge of Hephaestus" are held according to an additional general educational general developmental program of initial technical modeling, which is technically oriented and contributes to the formation of a holistic view of the world of technology, the arrangement of structures, mechanisms and machines, their place in the outside world, as well as creative abilities. Associations of technical orientation in our institution of additional education are a launching pad for future engineers, inventors, designers, people of working professions who own modern technology. In the education system of the Ershovsky municipal district, only one educational institution of additional education for children implements a technical focus. This is MBU DO "The House of Children's Creativity in the city of Ershov, Saratov Region." 35 children are currently involved in technical associations of the House of Children's Creativity. DDT has a sufficient human resource, many years of experience in additional educational programs of a technical nature, and partially equipped classrooms. The curriculum is used to implement the program; methodological literature for teachers of additional education and students; resources of information networks according to the methodology of conducting classes.Educational and visual aids:posters, diagrams, models, demonstration material, teaching aids, didactic games, fiction and auxiliary literature, photographs, illustrations, development of conversations, games, samples, diagnostic tests. According to the results of the survey, students of grades 2-6 of the city's schools show the greatest interest in specialties related to information technology, design, modeling, technical sports (aeromodelling, ship modeling, robotics). The relevance of this program lies in the fact that it is aimed at obtaining students' knowledge in the field of design and technology and aims children at a conscious choice of a profession related to technology: design engineer, process engineer, designer. In DDT, students are oriented towards pre-professional education and provide an opportunity for primary, secondary and senior students to acquire theoretical and practical skills in initial technical modeling; aircraft modeling; ship modeling; auto-simulation; robotics; modeling from paper and waste material; construction of railway transport.The technical creativity of children is inextricably linked with the development of a system of educational and research, scientific and technical events: gatherings of young technicians, exhibitions of technical creativity, educational and research conferences, and others. In order to increase the motivation of children for inventive and rationalization activities, activities are carried out both at the level of the institution and at the municipal level. The students of our technical association at the regional and municipal levels take the first places. At the same time, it should be noted that in the additional education of the technical direction, regressive processes have been identified, which are due to the specifics of this profile. Technical creativity is the most resource-intensive area of ​​additional education for children, requiring significant financial investments, expensive equipment and tools, specialized premises. PThe first lessons in this program, of course, are theoretical.The spirit of collectivism is brought up in the children, attentiveness, purposefulness, interest in technology and technical thinking develop. And then practical classes are already introduced, in which the children get the opportunity to freely plan and design, transforming their assumption in various mental, graphic and practical options. The desire to learn how to independently build models from various materials, learn how to use a hand tool, learn the basics of mechanical engineering, participate in competitions and competitions in modeling with self-built models can captivate children, distract them from the harmful influence of the street and antisocial behavior. By constructing this or that technical product, students get acquainted not only with its structure, main parts, but also with their purpose. They receive information of a general educational nature, learn to plan and execute the planned plan, find the most rational constructive solution, and create their own original models. While observing, the child analyzes the image of the product, tries to understand how it is made, from what materials. Next, he must determine the main stages of work and their sequence, while learning the skills of independent planning of their actions. In most cases, the main stages of work are shown in manuals in the form of diagrams and drawings. However, children have the opportunity to offer their own options, try to improve the techniques and methods, learn to apply them on other materials. Children can make products by repeating the pattern, making partial changes to it, or implementing their own idea.

In order to increase the motivation of children for inventive and rationalization activities, on May 15, 2016, on the basis of the State Budgetary Institution SODO "Regional Center for Ecology, Local History and Tourism" (GBU SODO OCEKIT), a regional exhibition of bench modeling was held, dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, where Lego associations - studio and "Forge of Hephaestus" of the House of Children's Art presented their works. The jury and participants of the exhibition evaluated the work of young DDT technicians, recognizing them as winners in the regional competition. The experience of the association "Forge of Hephaestus" was presented by a master class included in the seminar program. The construction of the model of the Buran spacecraft from waste material caused a storm of positive emotions and delight among children and teachers. Also, the children and I conduct open master classes for children, teachers, parents of the city of Ershov and the region.

The development of scientific and technical creativity is one of the options for additional education for schoolchildren, providing initial (basic) technical knowledge and concepts that allow them to develop skills in working with materials and tools, with their practical implementation. In general, the technical direction of additional education is an important component of the overall career guidance activities of the education system. In modern conditions, technical creativity is the basis of innovation, so the process of its development is the most important component of the modern education system, which requires large material investments. And keeping up with the times, without a decent material base, we are implementing this direction by disseminating knowledge among students on the basics of mechanical engineering, educating them in interest in technical specialties. Robotics is great and very expensive! And these are the finished parts. We independently create sketches, drawings, and already design robots, spaceships, cars and even entire cities according to them! We are creating! And without creative imagination, one cannot budge in any area of ​​human activity. A child has a huge fantasy potential, which decreases with age, so our task is to retain and develop this potential, to form and improve unique children's abilities.


Problems and prospects for the development of additional education in the Russian Federation

Tselik Natalya Vasilievna

([email protected]),

Teacher of additional education

MBOU DO "DDT Ershov" Saratov region "

Annotation: the article analyzes the problems of additional education in the Russian Federation. An education that allows everyone to be included in social and economic processes is becoming relevant. Passing through preschool, general, vocational education, additional education acts as a socio-cultural core of a maturing person, realized through cognition in creativity, play, work and research activities.

Supplementary education of children is of a pronounced innovative nature, working out new models of upbringing and education, in general being a "navigator" in the educational system.

During the formation of ideas about additional education of children, it makes sense to clarify the key concept. Usually, the term "additional education for children" characterizes the sphere of non-formal education associated with the individual development of a child in a culture that he chooses himself (or with the help of a significant adult) in accordance with his desires and needs. In it, at the same time, his training, education and personal development take place. Additional education is built into the structure of any activity in which the child is included, creates "bridges" for the transition of the individual from one education to another, it can precede standardized activities, or it can follow them, creating an opportunity for the individual to transition. Structurally, additional education fits into the system of general and vocational education, as well as into the sphere of educational and cultural leisure, brings together and complements these systems: subject areasgeneral, vocational education and cultural and educational leisureintersect with each other (for example, mathematics or physical education can be practiced in different plans). This area of ​​intersection is the area of ​​additional education.

Additional education can complement the three designated areas in different ways: it can expand subject knowledge, add new components; it can increase the "armament" of the individual, equipping a person with new means of cognition, labor and communication; it is able to enhance the motivation of educational activities, causing the need for a person to fully express themselves.

According to its “location” in the education system, this is the entire area of ​​educational activity that is located behind outside the state educational standard, including the study of those areas of culture and science that are not represented in the school curriculum.

The diversity in the definition of additional education is explained by the multidimensionality of this pedagogical phenomenon, but the paradox lies in the fact that the term itself"additional education"still does not have a scientific definition, he did not find his place in the new "Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia", while the concepts of "extracurricular work", "out of school work" and "leisure" are revealed.

For some reason, this definition does not contain any mention of the main purpose of this education at all, it is in no way consistent with the Model Regulation on an educational institution of additional education for children, according to which the purpose of additional education for children isdevelopment of children's motivation for knowledge and creativity, implementationadditional educational programs and services in the interests of the individual, society, state. This is a variable goal in the education system, which is determined not so much by the state order as by individual needs, the interests of children, parents, families, etc.

The value of additional education for children is determined by its focus on creating conditions favorable for the child to receive education in areas that are relevant to him. The purpose of additional education for children, created in the structure of the Russian educational system, is determined not by the prefix "outside", but by the adjective "additional".

With the adoption of Federal Law-131 "On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation", powers in the field of additional education for children were transferred to the municipal level. However, in practice, a significant number of municipalities do not have sufficient resources to finance institutions of additional education for children. Local self-government bodies are characterized by insufficient management and building a long-term policy, mechanisms for taking into account the order of the local community are not built. The residual principle of local financing does not provide sufficient conditions for the development, material and technical equipment of institutions. 50% of additional education buildings require major repairs.

I think that advantages of additional education:

  • expanding horizons;
  • useful skills;
  • organized leisure time for the child;
  • cohesion of the class team;
  • balanced diet;
  • free mugs;
  • additional equipment purchased for classes is universal, it can also be used in the classroom;
  • classes begin more often in the afternoon;
  • we deal with classes, but not integers;
  • additional education is very diverse. One teacher can teach different subjects;
  • And of course, you don’t have to rate and check notebooks.

Cons of additional education:

Children do not have enough free time to communicate with friends outside of school to be alone with themselves;

  • -sanitary and epidemiological requirements for institutions of additional education --- limit the group for classes to 15 people
  • overload of children;
  • the educational role of the family has decreased;
  • wages do not correspond to the time spent preparing for classes;
  • there are not enough specially equipped areas, there is no opportunity to diversify classes;
  • insufficient funds for equipment, consumables and stationery.

According to the Decree of the President, the Government of the Russian Federation was instructed to ensure the achievement of the following indicators in the field of education: by 2020, an increase in the number of children aged 5 to 18 enrolled in additional educational programs in the total number of children of this age up to 70-75%, providing that 50% of them should study at the expense of federal budget allocations, as well as prepare proposals for the transfer of powers to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to provide additional education to children, providing, if necessary, co-financing the implementation of these powers at the expense of the federal budget.


Municipal budgetary institution of additional education

"House of children's creativity in Ershov, Saratov region"


Director of MBU DO

"The House for arts and crafts for children

G. Ershov Saratov


IS HE. Chernyshov


educational work

"Forges of Hephaestus"

for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Analysis of the work of the association for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Technical - modeling is a type of modeling creative and productive activity. The range of use of Technical Modeling from the point of view of a constructive-playing tool for children is quite wide.

Studio "Forge of Hephaestus" was formed in DDT in 2015, which includes children 9-11 years old. The studio's working hours are three times a week, at 15.00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and at 14.00 on Friday. The duration of the lessons is 2/3 hours.

Studio classes are held according to an additional, general educational, general developmental program of initial technical modeling "Techno-modeling", which is technically oriented and contributes to the formation of a holistic view of the world of technology, the arrangement of structures, mechanisms and machines, their place in the outside world, as well as creative abilities. The implementation of this course allows you to stimulate interest and curiosity, develop the ability to solve problem situations - the ability to investigate a problem, analyze available resources, put forward ideas, plan solutions and implement them, expands the active vocabulary.

A variety of designers allows you to work with students of different ages and different educational opportunities.

The practical part of the classes in the studio - the design was planned and carried out according to three main types: model, conditions and design.

The forms of summing up the results of the implementation of an additional educational program and monitoring the activities of students are the participation of children in institutional exhibitions of children's creativity and the international creative competition "My City", in which the children became laureates and diplomas.

Target: The development of creative abilities and thinking of children of primary school age in the process of mastering the basics of various types of technical creativity, through the manufacture of models and models of simple objects.

Tasks: Educational:

To acquaint with the history of the development of domestic and world technology, with its creators;

To acquaint with technical terminology and the main nodes of technical objects;

To teach how to work with technical literature;

To form a graphic culture at the initial level: the ability to read simple drawings, make models based on them, skills in working with drawing, measuring and hand tools using various materials;

To teach the techniques and technologies for manufacturing the simplest models of technical objects;

to develop interest in technology, knowledge, and the arrangement of technical objects.


To form educational motivation and motivation for creative search;

To develop in children the elements of technical thinking, ingenuity, figurative and spatial thinking;

Develop will, patience, self-control.


To cultivate discipline, responsibility, social behavior, self-organization;

To cultivate industriousness, respect for work;

To form a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance;

To instill in children a sense of patriotism, citizenship, pride in the achievements of domestic science and technology.

Cultural - mass work

No. p / p

event title

the date

Game program "Safe way home"


Mother's Day celebration "With love to Mommy".


"Christmas Fantasy" New Year's Eve at DDT.


"Yes sir!" game program dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland


Exhibition of creative works "Souvenir for a soldier"


Ogonyok "The most beautiful of women"


Health Day. "Sports Kaleidoscope"


Final light "We don't miss tea"


Calendar - thematic plan of the association "Samodelkiny"

for 2016 - 2017 academic year.

(294 hours)

No. p / p

List of sections, topics.

Number of hours.



the date


Introductory part - 2 hours.

Acquaintance with the program of association. Acquaintance with

children. (1 hour)

Testing. Conducting safety briefings in class.



Rules of conduct in the classroom. Rules for the use of materials and tools. Demonstration of models. (1 hour)

Conversation "The importance of technology in human life."


Instruction texts, finished models, pictures.

I section. Modeling from paper and waste material (60 hours) 13+47

Acquaintance with paper. Paper, its types, properties. (4 hours)

Paper, its types, properties


Multi-colored paper of various types

Basic information about paper production. (4 hours)

Paper production

Demonstration of paper models, Production of paper models.



"Second life of things". (6 hours)

Where old things are used

Demonstration of models



Modeling from waste material. (5 o'clock)

What is waste material and what can be done from it?

Waste material construction


Postcards, plastic bottles, plastic lids, Kinder surprise containers, boxes, toothpicks, matchboxes, ice cream sticks

General information about the technique of paper-plastic or three-dimensional design. (5 o'clock)

What can be done from a sheet of paper?

Rules for bending and folding


Paper technique. (5 o'clock)

How to work with paper, methods and techniques

Twisting, corrugating paper


Colored paper, stickers, colored cardboard, PVA glue, scissors, pencils

Performing a series of tasks on bending the sheet in different directions (6 hours)

Shapes with sheet

Working with ready-made patterns, .), designing objects of various shapes. (house, boat, etc.)


Colored paper, stickers, colored cardboard, PVA glue, scissors

Construction from volumetric parts. (6 hours)

Examples of solid parts


Paper, ruler, pencil, scissors, paints

Modeling from paper strips. (6 hours)

Introduction to quilling technique

work with diagrams, drawings and their preparation


Colored paper, scissors, toothpicks, colored cardboard, PVA glue


Butterfly design.


Frog(6 hours)

Frog design

Graphic works (work with diagrams, drawings and their preparation).


Lion (6 hours)

Construction of a lion figurine

Graphic works (work with diagrams, drawings and their preparation).



Designing a hedgehog figurine

Graphic works (work with diagrams, drawings and their preparation).


II section. Technology of the future, robotics(60 hours) 5+55

Robotics (7 hours)

What are robots?

Demonstration of examples


Illustrations, demonstration of the cartoon "Nehochuha"

History of the development of robotics (7 hours)

I am an inventor

Preparation of materials for the assembly of the robot


Plastic bottles, boxes, matchboxes, containers from kinder surprises, plastic lids, glue, wire, watercolor, gouache, aerosol paints, balloons, adhesive tape, disposable tableware: plates, glasses, spoons, forks, knives

Waste material robot(7hours)

Collection and preparation of waste material

Making a robot model from waste material


Robot made of geometric shapes (7 hours)

Making a robot from three-dimensional geometric shapes.


Space explorers (6 hours)

Design, construction and production of models-copies.


Making a space cycle (7 hours)


Making a model - space explorers-2. (6 hours)


Making a robot - 1 (6 hours)


Making a robot - 2 (6 hours)


Competitions to launch "flying saucers". (1 hour)

flying saucer competition


Milky way model

Section III. Construction (130 hours) 22+108

Auto-simulation. (2 hours)

Familiarization of students with the history of the car, with professions in the automotive industry. Car: past, present, future. Vehicle-warrior and hard worker. In pursuit of speed.

Excursion to the street, exterior decoration


Thematic pictures, cardboard, drawings

General concepts about machines, mechanisms, modes of transport. (1 hour)

Excursion to the street, in order to observe various modes of transport


Illustrations, riddles,

My car (5 hours)

The main parts of the car and its model

The main parts of the car and its model, engine, propeller, transmission mechanism, control mechanism, base-frame. Safety information for various tools

January 2017


Thematic pictures. Scissors, blank drawings, ruler, pencil, PVA glue, paints.

Passenger car (5 hours)

The study of the design of engines, the principle of their operation.

Mastering the skills of starting and adjusting engines. Troubleshooting.,12.01

Acquaintance with the terminology used in the automotive industry. (4 hours)

Racing car design. The ability of students to perform the details of models with increased accuracy.

Work on the drawings of cars. (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of racing models. Tests. Training runs.


Familiarization of students with the history of the development of aircraft design in our country. (3 hours)

The first attempts to create an aircraft: A.F. Mozhaisky, the Wright brothers. Development of aviation in our country and abroad. Record flights by the crews of V. P. Chkalov, M. M. Gromov, V. S. Grizodubova. Domestic aviation during the Great Patriotic War. The development of military and civil aviation in the postwar years.

The main parts of the aircraft and model. Conditions for flight, center of gravity, angle "Y", angle of attack. Three principles of creating lift: aerostatic, aerodynamic and jet. Air and its main properties.

Basic modes of aircraft flight. Forces acting on an aircraft in flight.


Illustration of models, wooden, plastic and metal aircraft constructors

Manufacturing technology of aircraft models from paper and cardboard. (2 hours)

Technology for assembling car models.

Assembling aircraft models from paper and cardboard


The use of colored paper and cardboard in the manufacture of cars.

Aircraft device: wing, fuselage, stabilizer, keel. (5 o'clock)

Model Adjustment Methods

Model assembly technology. The main parts of the aircraft: wing, fuselage (cabin), landing gear, stabilizer, keel.


Work on the drawings of the aircraft model. (4 hours)

Assembly, installation, adjustment, testing. Trial and training runs. Practicing model management skills.

Aircraft drawings, glue, paints

Familiarization of students with the history of the development of shipbuilding, ship modeling in our country. (1 hour)

The history of the development of shipbuilding, ship modeling in our country.

Watch a video about the history of the development of ships.


Water transport: river and sea. (2 hours)

The main elements of the vessel: bow, stern, deck, side. Superstructures, masts, keel, sails.

Acquaintance with technical terminology: hull, wheelhouse, porthole, gangway, railing, rubber motor


Illustration of models, wooden, plastic and metal ship-constructors

The most important qualities of ships: buoyancy, stability, unsinkability. (1 hour)

The value of the sea and river fleet.

Classification of models of ships and vessels, their purpose: civil ships, warships, submarines, yachts.Brief information about small sailing ships


Thick paper, colored cardboard, paints, glue scissors

What is the architecture of the city like? (1 hour)

Excursion to the street


Modern achievements and tasks of further development of road transport. (1 hour)

Technical aesthetics of the car.



Making a model of a Mercedes car. (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of models-copies.

Illustration of models, wooden, plastic and metal car and ship constructors, thick cardboard, boxes, scissors, glue, paints

Making a Mercedes model. (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of models-copies.


Making a model of a Toyota car (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of models-copies.


Making a model of a car "Lotus". (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of models-copies.


Making a car model with an open top (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of models-copies, work on drawings.


Making a racing car model (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of models-copies.


Production of the Iskra model. (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of models-copies.


Making a model "Albatross". (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of models-copies.


Making a model "Parachute". (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of models-copies.)


Making a model "Helicopter" (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of models-copies.


Making a simple boat. (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of models-copies.


Making a boat (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of models-copies.

Manufacture of a military ship (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of models-copies.


The meaning and types of railway transport (2 hours)

Find out the knowledge of children about the profession of their parents

Expand knowledge of professions related to the railway industry. Conversation, looking at illustrations.

Game "Be careful"


Illustrations, methodical blanks

Modeling of railway transport. (5 o'clock)

Role-playing game Magic ball game.



Wagon manufacturing. (2 hours)

Teach the children the song "Blue Wagon"

Reading the stories "The Train from Romashkov"

"Disobedient Engine"


Thick paper, colored cardboard, paints, glue, scissors, plasticine

Making a diesel locomotive (2 hours)

Occupation - travel

The game "Who will make the train faster."


Locomotive manufacturing. (1 hour)

Role-playing game

"How to Behave on a Train"


Making a layout of the railway station. (1 hour)

Role Play Winter Sports Festival Outdoors

Methodical development

"Organization of the work of students in the classroom on technical creativity"




1. Main body

1.1. Goals of technical creativity

1.2. Tasks of technical creativity

1.5. Types of control

2. The study of mass transfer processes in the lessons of technical creativity

2.2. The course of the technical creativity lesson


Information sources



Technical thought cannot be stopped in the same way that history cannot be reversed.

The technical creativity of students in the specialty 240107.01 Operator-operator of the production of inorganic substances is a “bridge” to the special knowledge gained in the classes of technical creativity, to technical experience and to the profession.

Much attention has been paid in recent years to questions of technical creativity. At the same time, technical creativity is not reduced to "skillful hands" circles, but is understood as the process of searching for new ideas and solutions in various areas of human activity, taking into account not only the very procedure for setting and solving a problem, but also various aspects related to the organization of search groups. , managing their activities, developing the creative abilities of each specific solver.

Scientific and technical creativity- one of the most important areas of work with students in the field of education, which allows you to most fully implement a comprehensive solution to the problems of training, education and personal development.

The system of scientific and technical creativity of students is designed to contribute to an effective solution to the problem of reproducing engineering and technical personnel with the ability to advance development and create conditions for the formation and development of the basic competencies of students in design and modeling in the field of technical creativity, rationalization and inventive activity.

Scientific and technical creativity, inventive and rationalization activity is also a school for the formation of high moral qualities of a person, the basis of innovative activity and the most important component of education.

Technical creativity is one of the great leisure activities.

1. Main body

1.1. Goals technical creativity are the formation of:

Students have technical knowledge,

Technological skills and abilities

Abstract thinking in extracurricular activities for training;

1.2. tasks technical creativity are:

(consistent with typical tasks according to GOST)

Give the concept of technical creativity as a special creative and design activity in the field of technology;

To ensure that students receive new knowledge in the field of technology and technical creativity;

Familiarize students with the main tasks and problems

creative and technical activities, types, directions and methods of creative technical design;

To acquaint students with the basics of rationalization and invention, the possibilities of obtaining scientific, technical and patent information;

To acquaint students with methods for solving technical creative design and inventive problems;

1.3. Principles of content selection and organization of educational material

The main principles for the selection of content and organization of educational material are:

- principle humanization which involves the formation of the position of the student as the subject of his educational and professional activities;

- priority principle - the importance of the fundamental foundations of technical creativity, technical sciences, technologies and production;

- principle of succession - the use of interdisciplinary links with training courses previously studied by students (processes and apparatuses of chemical technology, technology for the production of chemical products, materials science and locksmith work);

- principle of practical orientation – the demand for the acquired knowledge and skills in future practical activities;

- scientific principle - compliance of the content of training and the knowledge acquired by students with the level of scientific, technical and social progress, building it on the basis of the latest achievements of science, engineering and technology; the use of methods of scientific knowledge that develop the thinking of students, leading to search and creative work;

- principle modularity - Enlargement of didactic units.

The structuring of educational material is based on the logic of systematic and consistent disclosure of the theoretical foundations of technical creativity.

The methodological feature of teaching students is: the use in the classroom of various pedagogical technologies and role-playing games, elements of creative design.

To realize the creative potential of students, the use of traditional forms of education is provided:

Lectures and practical classes,

Final creative projects completed in the process of independent work of students.

1.4. Requirements for the preparation of students of creative skills

As a result of studying the course, the studentshould


- theoretical foundations and features of technical creativity and creative design activities;

The main types of creativity

Directions of creative technical activity;

Construction methods;

Search capabilities;

Accumulation of scientific, technical and patent information;

Fundamentals of rationalization and invention;

Methods for solving technical creative-design and design-technological problems;

be able to:

- independently solve technical, creative and design tasks of various directions;

Independently design, organize technical creative activities in the classroom and in extracurricular activities;

Use special and reference literature, scientific, technical and patent information;


- creative design methods;

Methods for solving technical, creative design and inventive problems and applying them in practice;

1.5. Types of control

Input control - testing.

current control knowledge and skills of students is carried out:

In oral and written forms, based on the results of creative work;

Designing and conducting lessons (making stands, layouts, presentations);

Note-taking, analysis and abstracting of scientific, methodological and educational literature;

Selection of didactic materials; presentations with messages at practical classes (reports);

Collection of materials for the methodological portfolio, technical creative work.

Frontier control carried out between modules - testing,

interviews, control sections, reports, creative works, checking the results of assignments.

intermediate control - participation in the exhibition of technical creativity.

Final control - offset.

2. Topic: "Study of mass transfer processes" (absorption, adsorption, extraction, rectification, etc.)

2.1. Technical Creativity Lesson Plan


    generalize knowledge and skills on the topic of the section;

    develop the ability to evaluate the work of students;

    cultivate interest in the profession.

Lesson method :

Independent work of students.

Object of labor:

Production of color stands for the processes of chemical technology;

Production of three-dimensional layouts of individual units and installations of technological processes;

Model of individual equipment.

Interdisciplinary connections:

    processes and devices of chemical technology;

    technology for the production of chemical products;

    general chemical technology.

Visual aids:

Technological schemes of the basic production of OAO Nizhnekamskneftekhim


Cardboard, plywood, colored paper, markers, felt-tip pens, plastic, templates.

Information sources:

1. Sugak A.V. Processes and apparatuses of chemical technology. M.: "Academy", 2005.

2. Baranov D.A., Kutepov A.M. Processes and devices. M.: "Academy", 2005.

3. Zakharova A.A. Processes and devices of chemical technology. M.: "Academy", 2006.

2.2. During the classes technical creativity

1. Organizational part (3 min.)

1.1. Attendance control.

1.2. Checking the readiness of students for lessons.

2. Repetition of the material covered

2.1 Screening of the film "Rectification"

Teacher's text about the importance of mass transfer processes in the chemical industry.

Mass transfer and diffusion processes are characterized by the transfer of components of the initial mixture from one phase to another through diffusion. This group includes the processes of absorption, distillation, extraction, crystallization, adsorption, drying. Their flow is determined by the laws of mass transfer and depends on hydromechanical and temperature conditions.

Rectification is a process in which the evaporation of the initial mixture and the condensation of the resulting vapors is carried out repeatedly in column apparatus, called distillation columns. At each contact of a liquid and a vapor, a predominantly volatile component evaporates from the liquid, and mainly a high-boiling component condenses from the vapor phase. As a result of this interaction, the vapors rising up the column are enriched in the low-boiling component. The vapors that are withdrawn from the top of the column and condense consist mainly of only NK and are called distillate. The liquid removed from the bottom of the column is close in composition to pure VC and is called the bottoms residue.

3. Creative practical work in groups (4 groups)

3.1. “Art Modeling”

    Study of technological schemes (Appendix No. 1);

    The choice of material for the manufacture of stands and layouts (Appendix No. 2);

    Implementation by students of blanks (fragments) of the future model (Appendix No. 3);

    Collection of the model in full (Appendix No. 4);

    Model protection (Appendix No. 5).

4. Summing up. Presentation of a prize for the production of the best layout.

Application No. 1

Technological scheme of the rectification process

Application No. 2

Application No. 3

Application No. 4

Scheme for obtaining butyl rubber in methyl chloride medium

Stand of absorption and desorption process

Rectification of a three-component mixture

Territory of CGFU (Gas Fractionation Plant)

Rectification of a multicomponent mixture

layout about equipment for chemical enterprises


Technical creativity is closely related to the preparation of students for their future profession. It gives an idea of ​​modern methods of development of science and technology.

The upbringing of creative personality traits, which is typical for a worker in modern production, is inextricably linked with the organization and purposeful pedagogical guidance of the technical creativity of students, which is considered as the most effective means of developing such components as technical thinking, spatial imagination and representation, inventive ingenuity, and the ability to apply knowledge. in a particular problem situation.

In the process of creative activity, students gradually develop a tendency to think about the question of where, what needs to be changed, improved, improved.

The production of technical objects is a practical activity of students, which involves the meaningful application of knowledge gained in the study of subjects of the vocational cycle.

The relevance of the formation of creative abilities in students implements not only theoretical knowledge of the processes of chemical technology, but also gives practical skills in reading process flow diagrams and designing models of the chemical industry.

The "products" of technical creativity are used in the lessons of industrial and theoretical training. They directly affect the increase in the level of assimilation of knowledge and skills of students in mastering the profession.

Information sources

1. V.A.Besekersky, E.E. Popov.Theory of automatic control systems. Ed.Profession - L.,2007.

2. A. I. Voyachek, Fundamentals of design and construction of machines
Ed.PGU -M., 2008.

3. A.V. Mikhailov, D.A. Rastorguev, A.G. Skhirtladze. Fundamentals of designing technological processes of machine-building industries.
Ed. TNT-M., 2010.

4. V.E. Seleznev, V.V. Aleshin, S.N. Pryalov, Mathematical modeling of pipeline networks and canal systems, Ed. Max-Press -M., 2007.

5. A.G. Skhirtladze, S.I. Dvoretsky, Yu.L. Muromtsev, V.A. Pogonin.Systems Modeling, Ed. Academy-M., 2009.

Many sciences are engaged in the study of creative activity, its mechanisms and patterns: philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, art history, cybernetics, computer science, etc.

And, despite the fact that the creation of a unified science of creativity is still far away, the need for it is felt quite acutely, especially in the section on the development of methods for creative (productive) thinking.

Both in secondary and higher educational institutions, much attention is paid to the development of the ability to generate new non-trivial ideas in the process of solving creative problems - heuristic abilities. The development of these qualities in future scientists, technicians, managers is an important factor in overcoming the inertia of thinking and speeding up the search for solutions to the tasks.

Creativity acts as a means of renewal, development, improvement of a person, society, forms and conditions of people's lives. Traditionally, its main types are artistic, scientific, technical creativity. However, besides them, there are many other types of creativity: social, political, ideological, etc.

The results of creativity arise in the human head as spiritual, ideal formations - plans, ideas, ideas, theories, artistic images. But they receive their final expression in some material, sensually perceived form - in words, signs, works of art, technical constructions.

In the historical tradition, the science of creative activity is called heuristics (Greek “heurisko” – I seek, discover). It is formed as a sum of methods and techniques for optimizing individual creativity.

Initially, heuristics originated in ancient Greece as a teaching method in which, through leading questions from the teacher, the student came to the correct answer. Socrates (469 - 399 BC) called the art of pointing to a new solution maieutics (midwifery)

The very word "Eureka" appeared in the lexicon more than 2000 years ago. "Eureka!" - this is according to legend the exclamation of the ancient Greek scientist Archimedes (c. 287 - 212 BC). He created the doctrine of methods for solving problems, proposing and substantiating hypotheses, described methods for creating new technical objects from known elements. The term "heuristic" was introduced by the ancient Greek mathematician Pappus of Alexandria in the 3rd century BC. AD Summarizing the works of ancient mathematicians, he combined creative methods for solving mathematical problems, different from purely logical ones.

In modern times, the first attempt to describe the logic of the invention was made by G.V. Leibniz (1646 - 1716). He saw the way to achieve the goal in the division of concepts into elementary cells - the alphabet of thought - and subsequent combination. His contemporary H. Wolf (1679 - 1754) proposed a number of rules for the art of invention, and the Czech mathematician B. Bolzano (1781 - 1848) described various methods and heuristic rules.

in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. a number of researchers began to create a theory of creativity, among them the engineer P.K. Engelmeyer, who defends the idea that the process of invention, contrary to popular belief, is also a creative activity. Psychological research conducted in the 20-30s. revealed the similarity of cognitive mechanisms in solving creative problems in different fields of activity (science, art, technology). Therefore, attempts to divide creativity into higher and lower types are futile.

The main feature of creativity is novelty results. At the same time, we are talking not just about novelty in time, but about qualitative novelty. New in time is, for example, each copy of a serial product, but in terms of its quality characteristics it is a more or less exact copy of copies made before it. The novelty of the creative result is qualitative novelty associated with its originality, originality, surprise, dissimilarity to everything that has existed so far . The more qualitatively new the creative result contains, the higher the level of creativity.

In technical creativity, for example, two levels of creative achievements are distinguished: rationalization proposals, which contain already known, but new creative solutions for a given enterprise, and inventions, which are original technical solutions that have world novelty.

In science, discoveries of different levels are distinguished: the discovery of a technically predicted phenomenon; the discovery of a phenomenon that is unpredictable, but fits into existing theories; the discovery of an essentially new phenomenon, requiring a revision of existing theories.

Different levels of novelty characterize the results in other areas of creative activity.

Determining the degree of novelty of a creative result is often difficult and requires special expertise.

Novelty can be objective and subjective. objective novelty implies that the result is new to mankind, that it is obtained in the history of society for the first time. subjective novelty, on the other hand, has an individual psychological character; the result obtained by the subject is new to him, but in fact repeats what is already known to others. An activity is creative if its result has at least subjective novelty. But, of course, society appreciates the creativity of the discoverer more than the one who "reinvents the wheel" for the second time.

Another key feature of creativity is social significance (value, importance for society) of its results. They should be of interest not only to the one who received them, but also to other people. If the product of activity has value for its creator, then it has individual significance. But until the result becomes known to other people, its social significance remains in question.

The social value of creative results is determined by their actual role in the development of certain areas of human existence. And this becomes clear with time. It is known that many outstanding creators throughout their lives suffered from a misunderstanding of their work by contemporaries and were even subjected to persecution and ridicule. However, in the end, history puts everything in its place, and truly creative achievements sooner or later receive universal recognition.

The practical and theoretical value of the results of creativity, their usefulness and effectiveness, their impact on society depend not only on their essence, but also on how society uses them. The creativity of engineers can lead to consequences that are beneficial in some respects and harmful in others. Scientific discoveries (for example, in the field of nuclear energy) can be used in the interests of society, and contrary to them. The social significance of the results of creativity can be positive and negative.

Between the two indicated signs of creativity - novelty and social significance - there is a complex and contradictory relationship. A new result, as a rule, does not yet have social significance: it takes time for its significance to be revealed. On the contrary, a socially significant result is a result that has already received public recognition and, therefore, has ceased to be new. Novelty and significance are opposites: the new is not yet significant, and the significant is not yet new. . The paradox of creativity lies in the fact that it connects these opposites. The Creator not only creates something new, but also anticipates in advance its future significance. The creative gift is not only the ability to create - it is also the ability to foresee.

Thus, Creativity is an activity that leads to qualitatively new and socially significant results. .

The creative process is very unique. It consists of several stages:

Setting a creative task;

Finding a solution;

The birth of an idea that gives the key to solving the problem;

Development of a concept (plan, project, scenario) leading to the desired end result;

Materialization of the result - its embodiment in a form accessible to perception by other people (text, drawing, product, etc.)

Creativity is often associated with a special psychological phenomenon - a state of inspiration, creative ecstasy, in which the subject feels a huge surge of strength and shows amazing activity and efficiency. In the creative process, unconscious or poorly conscious impressions, impulses, associations, and unconscious mental work play an important role.

The second stage of the creative process (the search for a solution) is sometimes accompanied by the phenomenon of incubation: a person is distracted from the creative task, but the search for its solution continues in his subconscious, the idea leading to it is latently nurtured and matures. At the next stage, the results of such an unconscious movement of thought as a result of a sudden, unexpected intuitive insight - "insight" - suddenly emerge in consciousness. And then it seems to the subject that intuition in an incomprehensible way, as it were, tells him the desired result.

The ability to be creative is not given to man by nature. It appears and develops in people along with the emergence and development of culture. . Culture is the soil in which creativity grows. And at the same time, all culture is a product of creativity.

The processes taking place in the conditions of an industrial society (in particular, the acceleration of the pace of technical progress, the rise in the standard of living, and the growth of the population's education) sharply increase society's need for creative work. In the modern era, the development of people's creative activity in all areas of activity is becoming one of the important social tasks. And the more society is interested in progress, the more creativity is honored and encouraged in it.

Creativity by its very nature is free activity. Where there is no freedom of creativity, the extinction of creative activity is inevitable. Creative work does not tolerate coercion. A creatively gifted person is characterized by self-giving and devotion to his work, striving for perfection in it.

Society needs especially fine social management, which should regulate not only social parameters that are easily taken into account, but also difficult to fix, sometimes very elusive characteristics.

The issues of management and regulation of scientific and technical creativity have long been discussed in the literature. The accumulation of a large empirical material, the creation of various methods, heuristics, algorithms for finding new solutions, on the one hand, revived a number of philosophical problems, on the other hand, posed new tasks. For example: is it possible to control the creative act at all? If so, what are the mechanisms of this process? Do they work only at the organizational and administrative level, or is it possible to intervene and search for a solution individually? Is it generally legitimate to consider a technical project obtained with the help of heuristics as a creative product?

Currently, about 40 different methods are known, the common goal of which, despite significant differences in content, is to optimize the mental activity of a subject or a team solving a certain technical problem. The methods themselves are classified and ranked, systematized and compared.

More than 50 years have passed since the creation of the first of the well-known methods - the morphological analysis of F. Zwicky - and it can be argued with good reason that all of them act, first of all, means of combating the psychological inertia of thinking , which is one of the main brakes in solving not only creative, but also any problems. Of course, when the thought of a scientist or inventor is constantly directed towards solving some problem, the effect of psychological inertia decreases over time. But hardly anyone will object to the acceleration of this process.

However, today it is quite obvious that the issue of optimizing creativity cannot be solved only on the basis of identifying, systematizing, even if very important, techniques that have arisen in creative activity. Techniques for searching for new solutions, which are mainly focused on the generalization of experience, can hardly reliably contribute to the emergence of fundamentally new ideas. The most outstanding creators of the past and present are usually characterized by independence thinking and complete independence in determining the direction of the search. The methods of creative search regulate the creation of a new one by moving in the field of already established creative methods.

With a certain degree of conditionality, methods for stimulating heuristic search in solving non-standard problems can be divided into two groups:

1. Rational methods that systematize the problem situation;

2. Psychological techniques that activate the productive thinking of a person.

The psychological factors of productive activity are associated with the potential abilities of a person, are difficult to control and change slowly.

Creativity is an internally contradictory process. Being involved in this process, a person must simultaneously take opposite positions and perform actions that are incompatible with each other.

In the process of creativity, a person must, on the one hand, decide task, and on the other hand, reflect over their actions to solve it, to think about and evaluate them. But if a person analyzes his thinking, then he thinks about his thinking, i.e. the subject of his thought becomes thought itself, and not at all the task to which it is directed. The paradox of the situation lies in the fact that although a person at the moment of creative inspiration cannot engage in reflection, at the same time he cannot create without it. For the task of reflection is the construction and fixation of those standards that ensure the functioning of systems, the development of methods for operating with specific objects, methods for solving specific problems. And if creativity does not involve the use of ready-made algorithms, but the discovery of new methods, then reflection is its necessary component.

Creative activity requires from a person complete dedication, passion for work, deep devotion him. And at the same time, a creative person must be able to “separate from himself” the results of his activity, step back about them, look at them with prying eyes to present their real, socially significant value.

There are many cases in history when the self-assessment of the creator of his works turned out to be more true than their assessment by his contemporaries, and they, despite the rejection from society, continued to follow their principles (for example, the artists V. Van Gogh, P. Gauguin, T. Rousseau ). But it also happened that, due to a lack of interest and enthusiasm, a person misjudged the prospects of his work and left it halfway. For example, Niepce de Saint-Victor, 30 years before Becquerel, discovered that uranium salt emits rays that illuminate a photographic plate, but he did not attach any importance to this - and passed by the discovery of radioactivity. And because of the inability to impartially evaluate their work, some scientists "discovered" something that did not really exist, and at the same time sincerely believed in their "discoveries". Thus, the French physicist R. Blondlov in the early twentieth century. "discovered" non-existent X-rays and published many works devoted to their study.

Fundamentally new and most socially significant results of creativity are obtained due to the fact that the creator subordinates his activity to the requirements put forward by the development of culture, but which still manifests itself so imperceptibly and in such unusual forms that no one except him sees them.

But in order to deviate from the norms set by culture, the creator must master them, and, moreover, master them much deeper than a mere consumer of culture does. And ingenious creations, catching the "wind of change" by its light breaths, require this to a special extent. A genius, like everyone else, is a child of his time, but extremely gifted, curious and courageous.

Creative thinking non-algorithmically . For him, there are no ready-made, previously known canons, samples, recipes that he must follow. It moves along unknown paths, and therefore its turns are unpredictable. Every now and then, as Einstein noted, “sins against reason”, making maneuvers and “crazy” jumps that are strange from the point of view of common sense. This does not mean at all that creativity involves a violation of the laws of logic. Ultimately, it turns out that the course of the creative process does not contradict them. When the deed is done, then the logical inevitability of the path chosen by the creative genius becomes especially clear, and later students even begin to wonder why such simple and obvious truths were once discovered with great difficulty.

But the absolute uncontrollability of the creative process is nothing more than an illusion. This illusion is generated by the fact that during the time of creative “luck”, when everything is successful, no special efforts are really required from the individual to find ways to develop thought, and it is not required precisely because the methods of thinking used at this time ensure success. Hence the impression that what he is looking for appears “by itself”.

In fact, no creativity is possible without the management of the creative process. Even the most unexpected guesses and discoveries do not appear from scratch. After all, creativity is not limited to acts of “insights” and “insights” alone. These are the climaxes of the creative process, but they do not begin and end with them. They can be accomplished only after the formulation of the problem has been thought out at the previous stages of it, the information necessary for its solution has been accumulated and mastered, and many solutions have been tested that turned out to be unsuccessful. And the real value of the ideas born at these moments will be revealed only when, at the subsequent stages of the creative process, the concept created on their basis leads to the solution of the problem. The creative work that is done before and after "insights" is consciously and purposefully planned and regulated. And the flashes of intuitive “insights” themselves follow certain patterns and do not occur against the will of the author: if his mind had not been preoccupied with the search for an idea, it would not have appeared.

The creative process, although not algorithmic, is not chaotic either. The Creator actually uses in his activity a number of regulators that direct the course of his thought - principles, methods, rules, etc. They can be divided into two groups.

The first includes regulatory means that a creative person receives “ready-made” (although mastering them sometimes requires a lot of work) from the culture of his era :

Methods, techniques, rules for setting and solving problems set by the tradition existing in this field of activity ( paradigm norms ), which have become firmly established in practice and have become a familiar working tool for those who work in that area. For example, the principles and methods of a generally accepted scientific theory or a dominant artistic style.

Summarizing existing experience heuristic techniques and techniques , which help to find solutions to problems, although, unlike clear algorithms, they do not unambiguously determine the course of reasoning and do not guarantee obtaining the desired result. For example, the brainstorming technique, synectics, TRIZ (the theory of inventive problem solving) Altshuller and others.

The second group of regulators of creativity are individual-personal attitudes and inclinations , which determine the field of search for solutions, the selection of information used, the choice of methods of action, etc. Thus, in creativity, along with consciously and deliberately applied methods, a significant role is played by regulators that are used by the subject unintentionally and unconsciously, are not reflected and are not verbalized.

However, the role of the subconscious in creativity should not be exaggerated. No matter how significant it is, but creativity is realm of the mind (intuition is also one of the manifestations of the mind). And if the creator is not always aware of the path along which he came to the result, then one cannot conclude from this that his consciousness did not participate in the creative process.

  • Extra-scientific and scientific knowledge. The specifics of scientific knowledge
  • Question number 18. Specificity of scientific knowledge. The difference between scientific and ordinary knowledge of reality. Methods and forms of scientific knowledge

  • Federal Agency for Education

    State educational institution of higher

    vocational education

    "Birsk State Socio-Pedagogical Academy"



    V. V. Kolotov

    5th year full-time student

    Final qualifying work


    Admitted to the defense: Supervisor

    Head Department Ph.D., Associate Professor __________/ /

    ___________/ / "____" _________200…g

    "____" _________200…g

    Introduction. 3

    Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of scientific and technical creativity in the system of technological training. nine

    1.1 Creativity as a pedagogical problem. nine

    1.2 System of technological preparation. eighteen

    1.3 Scientific and technical creativity in a comprehensive school. 24

    Conclusions on the first chapter. 26

    Chapter II. Pedagogical conditions of scientific and technical creativity in the system of technological training. 28

    2.2 Forms, methods and means of scientific and technical creativity in the system of technological training. 41

    Conclusion. 53

    Literature. 55


    One of the professional qualities of a teacher is his ability for pedagogical scientific and technical creativity in the system of technological training.

    The content of the concept of "creative component of pedagogical activity" includes the process of creativity itself - a product of the creative activity of the teacher's personality, creative abilities. A distinctive feature of scientific and technical creativity is its productive result. The product of pedagogical creative activity is a person. Creativity involves not only the definition of its elements, but also the establishment of the relationship between them, the identification of a systematizing factor.

    In the mass practice of advanced training of teachers, these connections are not implemented sufficiently. As a rule, knowledge, skills, skills acquired in the courses poorly orientate teachers to creative search. All methodological work in the courses and in the system of continuous education does not lead the teacher to the need for creative activity. The lack of awareness by a number of teachers of the need to learn creativity causes a contradiction between their requests for advanced training and objective social needs. Positive motivation for creative activity is not always provided. There is no differentiation in the management of teachers' educational and cognitive activity, which takes into account their readiness for the corresponding activity. Neither age characteristics, nor practical experience, nor focus on the problem are taken into account.

    The relevance of the study is determined by the contradiction between the established or traditional scientific and technical practice in a general education school and the requirements of student-centered education, which fundamentally changed the tasks of learning foreign languages ​​not only in general education institutions of an advanced level, but also in a mass school.

    The current situation made it necessary to use the didactic, educational and developmental possibilities of the subject more deeply and fully, which is dictated by the possibility of graduates entering the world educational space.

    These requirements apply both to changes in the content of the subject and to the organization of the activities of the subjects of the educational process: solving the problems of updating its study in the general cultural and communicative, activating the activities of students and teachers, using individual pedagogical technologies, various systems for assessing the quality of technological training.

    It is obvious that the listed changes taking place in the school could not but capture the system of advanced training, since many teachers received higher pedagogical education in those years when the standard and curricula (and, accordingly, programs) did not provide for such an approach.

    The change in the system of advanced training as a whole put forward the problem of improving the basic education of a teacher, aimed, on the one hand, at a deeper use of the functions of the subject and the educational field, the integration of subjects from different fields.

    The conducted research and accumulated experience lead to the improvement of only certain areas and components of advanced training, while the development of creativity requires a holistic approach to considering the entire pedagogical system.

    In the mass practice of teacher training, this system is not implemented sufficiently. The knowledge and skills acquired in the courses are not fully implemented in school practice. Creativity is not a logical development of teaching in the courses. Insufficient awareness by a number of teachers of the need for a creative approach to their activities causes a contradiction between their requests for advanced training and objective social needs. It is not always provided with a positive motivation for teaching in courses for the manifestation of creativity. In the management of educational and cognitive activity, there is no differentiation that takes into account their readiness for the corresponding activity. This determined the topic of our study: "Scientific and technical creativity in the system of technological training."

    The study was based on the idea: the construction of advanced training should be organized in the way that the teacher himself should then work with students, i.e. from the position of his individual development in creative microgroups, as well as by taking courses in two stages - invariant and variable, and selection into groups is carried out on the basis of diagnostics (testing, questioning, interviews).

    Object of research: the process of development of professional scientific and technical activity of a teacher in the system of technological training.

    The subject of the research is the features of the functioning and development of the system of technological preparation.

    The purpose of the study: theoretical substantiation, development and experimental verification of the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of scientific and technical activities of teachers for the effective implementation of student-centered learning at school.

    Research hypothesis: the process of development of teacher's pedagogical creativity will be effective if the following conditions are created for his activity:

    to create a pedagogical system, all components of which are aimed at self-identification and self-realization of the teacher's personality;

    use the invariant and variable parts of curricula and programs, including a set of theoretical and methodological knowledge on the problems of creativity, the integration of language and general cultural training;

    organize independent activities that take into account the individual and personal qualities of the subjects of the educational process (solving problematic tasks in a new pedagogical situation; modeling one's own activities at school, taking into account the requirements of the humanistic concept of education).

    Based on the goal and the hypothesis put forward, the following tasks had to be solved:

    to find out the dependence of the levels and direction of motivation of readiness for creative pedagogical activity on professional training and retraining of a technology teacher;

    determine the content, procedural and activity components that contribute to the development of pedagogical creativity;

    determine effective forms and methods for the development of pedagogical creativity, taking into account a differentiated approach to improving the professional skills of a teacher;

    to identify the effectiveness of the pedagogical system of interrelated components of advanced training in terms of the development of creativity, using the appropriate criteria for assessing the creative nature of the activity.

    The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are the ideas and views on the problem of creativity in the pedagogical activity of the classics of pedagogy: Ya.A. Comenius, I.G., Pestalozzi, A. Diesterweg, K.D. \. Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy, A.S. Makarenko. The main provisions on the existence of pedagogical creativity, forms and ways of its development, contained in the works of Yu.K. Babansky, F.Yu. Gonobolina, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, V.A. Kan-Kalika, N.V. Kuzmina, A.Ya. Ponomareva, M.M. Potashnik, I.P. Rachenko, S.L. Rubinshtein and others, concepts of lifelong education, content-methodological aspects of training in courses, considered by M.Yu. Krasovitsky, E.K. Turkina, O.S. Orlov, A.V. Elizbarshvili, principles and patterns of training and professional development for adults.

    The scientific novelty of the performed research is:

    in clarifying the essence, revealing the content and features of the manifestation of scientific and technical creativity of technology teachers in a differentiated approach to improving their qualifications;

    in the study of the problem of optimizing the relationship of teaching in courses with the activities of creative groups, innovative and mobile sites with the development of creativity of technology teachers;

    in identifying the organizational and pedagogical conditions for transforming the process of advanced training in order to develop the professional needs and levels of preparedness of teachers for educational and cognitive scientific and technical activities.

    The theoretical significance of the study lies in the development of components of the system of professional development of teachers that contribute to the implementation and operation of humanistic pedagogy, in determining the conditions for involving teachers in scientific and technical activities, the development of criteria for selecting specific disciplines, the components of the content of education inherent in technology teachers (description of methods for optimizing advanced training, variability models of interrelated activities of the teacher in the courses and in the intercourse period).

    The practical significance of the study is as follows:

    disclosed a methodology for conducting classes that encourage students to stimulate positive motives for scientific and technical activities, the formation of a comprehensive program of post-course activities, as well as rational cognitive skills.

    The main provisions for defense:

    1. A two-stage model of advanced training, including organizational and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the implementation of content-targeted and personal-activity approaches to teaching a technology teacher.

    2. Invariant and variable training programs for technology teachers, created on the basis of taking into account the conditions of their activities, professional needs, readiness for creativity.

    3. Programs of activities of scientific and technical associations, mobile platforms, which can act as a factor in the development of collective creativity of technology teachers.

    The structure of the thesis: the thesis consists of an introduction, 2 chapters, a conclusion, a bibliographic list, an appendix.

    Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of scientific and technical creativity in the system of technological training

    Creativity is a problem of the 20th century and one of the key problems of modern pedagogy. Its relevance is due to two main features: the social order for the upbringing of an active creative personality, the influence and requirement for the implementation of the humanistic concept of education.

    One of the professional qualities of a teacher is his ability to pedagogical creativity. The content of the concept of "creative component" of pedagogical activity is determined by the general structure of creative activity, in which the obligatory elements are the creative process itself, the product of creative activity, the personality of the educator, creative abilities, and the conditions in which creativity takes place.

    The purpose of this chapter is to reveal the leading features of creativity and pedagogical in particular, the ways of studying it in Russian and foreign pedagogy, the development of teachers' abilities for creative thinking, the ways of developing creative intuition, the role of creative abilities, the organization of a cultural environment in a secondary school that contribute to the development of creative abilities students. All this is reflected in the activities of technology teachers.

    1.1 Creativity as a pedagogical problem

    One of the professional qualities of a teacher is his ability to pedagogical creativity. The content of the concept of "creative component" of pedagogical activity is determined by the general structure of creative activity, in which the obligatory elements are the creative process itself, the product of creative activity, the personality of the educator, creative abilities, and the conditions in which creativity takes place. Let us dwell on the consideration of the leading features of creativity in general and pedagogical creativity in particular.

    Creativity as a pedagogical problem is extremely versatile and complex. The great teachers of the past paid attention to the creative nature of pedagogical work: A.A. Diesterweg, for example, wrote that without the desire for scientific work, an elementary school teacher falls under the influence of three demons: mechanicalness, routine, banality. He stiffens, turns to stone and sinks. P.P. Blonsky wrote that the work of a teacher is more than a new school - a school of life and creativity of the teacher himself. S.T. Shatsky noted that the learning process, like children, should be alive * active, moving from one form to another, moving, searching.

    The creative nature of pedagogical activity determines the specifics of the development of certain categories in pedagogical work.

    The creative individuality of the teacher, his flair, tactical work in changing conditions - all this makes it possible to speak of pedagogical activity as a creative process. An important role in developing the foundations of the theory of pedagogical creativity is played by modern pedagogical science, which studies the basic laws of the creative process in a wide variety of activities. The diversity consists in the features of the object of their activity, which for the teacher is the pedagogical process, which functions as a change in the state of the “teachers-students” systems.

    Consequently, the creative nature of pedagogical activity comes from the essence of the pedagogical process, the features of its management and the conditions of functioning.

    In the fundamental works of L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, P.K. Engelmeier, in the works of Kovalev L.T., A.M. Matyushkina, V.I. Andreeva, A.Ya. Ponomareva, V.A. Krutetsky, G.S. Sukhobskaya studied the most diverse sections of the creative process, helping to comprehend its essence in pedagogical activity.

    Ya.A. Ponomarev established and investigated the connection between the psychology of creativity and the "pedagogy of creativity". The author considers the psychology of creativity as part of pedagogy. "The inclusion of the psychology of creativity as an abstract science in the composition of the pedagogy of creativity, as a specific science, is a necessary condition for the development of an effective-transformative type of knowledge about creative activity." He considers the pedagogy of creativity as a fundamental science, the psychological aspect of the study of creativity and its significance for the pedagogy of creativity, as well as a number of other issues.

    The English educator T. Jones identifies four factors that signify and express the process of creativity: the connection of elements, conflict, problem solution, environment.

    The first "connection of elements" singled out insights and implies the instantaneous generation of new ideas by an individual as a result of the convergence at one point of "unrelated, at first glance, elements." The second factor recognizes the role of the conflict between the unconscious and the conscious in creative activity from the standpoint of psychoanalysis. The third factor - "problem solution" - substantiates the creative activity of the theories of reflex thinking. The fourth - "environment" emphasized the recognition of the role of the social in the education of creativity.

    T. Jones formulates a "flexible" working definition of creativity on the basis of four factors he has identified. "Creativity is a combination of flexibility, originality and sensitivity to ideas that enable a thinking person to move away from the usual way of thinking to a productive one, the result of which is satisfaction for himself and, possibly, for others." In this definition, the author tried to present the selected factors in the form of a list of creative abilities and one general characteristic of the thought process, T. Jones understands the "Atmosphere of Creativity" very broadly: purposeful learning based on the principles of creative learning, which are implemented in a variety of teaching methods, as well as education in and out of school, which is carried out by the school together with society.

    Russian scientists also reveal the difference and specifics of the reproductive and productive teachings, however, they do not oppose them, but consider them as a two-pronged process. L.S. Vygotsky substantiates the psychological essence of two types of human activity, reproducing or reproductive and combining or creative. He emphasizes the close connection and dependence of the two types of activity: creative activity is impossible without reproductive activity. “The brain,” says Vygodsky, “is not only an organ that preserves and reproduces our previous experience, but also an organ that combines, creatively processes and creates new positions and new behavior from the elements of this previous experience. If man's activity were only a reproduction of the old, then man would be a being turned only to the past and would be able to adapt to the future only insofar as it reproduces this old. It is creative activity that makes a person a being facing the future, creating it and modifying its present.

    P.I. Pidkasty conducted an analysis of the process and structural reproduction of creativity. On the basis of the didactic experiment and the subsequent psychological analysis of a number of acts of cognitive activity, he came to the conclusion that the elements of creativity and reproduction in the activity of a student, as in the activity of an adult, should be distinguished according to two characteristic features: a) according to the results of activity; b) according to the method of its application.

    It is well known that the activity of a teacher of any school has always been creative and predictable. In connection with the further democratization and humanization of society, the introduction of computer technologies, the actualization of the demographic policy of the state, entry into the world educational system, the expansion of credit-modular education requires a mandatory scientific approach to the pedagogical creativity of all educators.

    It is difficult to overestimate the role of the teacher's creativity in the spiritual life of the secondary, special and higher schools. Awareness of the creative element in life and work immeasurably increases the strength of pupils and students in the fight against difficulties, encourages them to master more and more new knowledge, ennobles their spiritual image in the team and tempers the will.

    For teachers of this level, the following features are always characteristic: independence of judgment, cognitive activity, critical thinking, courage of imagination and forecasting. These qualities reveal the features of a truly free, original and active personality of a modern teacher.

    The study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical, medical, technical and special literature on the problem of creativity shows that in the truest sense of the word, creativity is the creation of spiritual and material values ​​of high state significance. It is the pinnacle of the teacher's spiritual life, an indicator of the highest stage of development of his intellect, feelings and will. We have established that creative activity is typical not only for scientists, writers, composers, inventors - there are elements of creativity in the work of workers, managers, doctors and, of course, teachers. After all, a teacher is the bearer of the highest values ​​of society, fulfilling the social order of the state. The above is confirmed by the works of B. Teplov, V. Krutetsky, F. Gonobolin, N. Kuzmina, P. Yakobson. The traits of a creative personality were studied by Yu. Babansky, Z. Zeer, I. Rachenko, M. Potashnik.

    Creativity of the teacher is the core of his professional skills. Success in such work is impossible without constant concentration, continuous search for new information, effective means of modern training and education, including educational television and computer technology.

    Genuine creativity is always characterized by the features of scientific research.

    Pedagogical creativity is not conceived without foresight, it is always contraindicated in everyday life, dullness, formalism. In such work, the activities of a teacher and a scientist, a director and an actor, a mentor and a professional merge organically. As L. Tolstoy rightly noted, completeness and perfection in pedagogical work "are unacceptable, and development and perfection are endless."

    Creative activity is the most important condition for establishing the moral dignity of a person; thanks to creativity, her emotional life is enriched, her inclinations, abilities and inclinations are revealed. Creative activity that corresponds to the aspirations and inclinations of pupils and students contributes to the fact that positive qualities prevail in their moral character, and, most importantly, according to V. Sukhomlinsky, “negative ones are eliminated by personal, moral efforts” .

    The content of the pedagogical process is largely determined by the social order. Society, developing, dictates an urgent need for the training of specialists who can be in demand in the new socio-economic conditions. This affects both the formulation of the tasks of training and education, and the definition of the content of the pedagogical process, and the choice of adequate methods and means.

    At the present stage of development of society, the need for specialists with a high level of development of creative potential, the ability to systematically set and solve various problems is clearly expressed. Creativity, as the most important adaptation mechanism, in a broader sense can be considered not only as a professional characteristic, but also as a necessary personal quality that allows a person to adapt to rapidly changing social conditions and navigate in an ever-expanding information field. Consequently, creative systemic thinking, as the most important characteristic of a creative personality, is a necessary quality of a person of a new era, a person of the 21st century.

    The success of the formation of creative systemic thinking in the process of vocational education is largely determined by the level of formation of the main components of creative thinking at the earlier stages of personality formation. These components include: the ability to analyze, synthesize, compare and establish cause-and-effect relationships; critical thinking (detection of various kinds of mismatches, errors) and the ability to identify contradictions; forecasting the possible course of development; the ability to multi-screen see any system or object in the aspect of the past, present, future; build an action algorithm, generate new ideas and present solutions in a figurative-graphic form.

    The development of creativity requires a systematic approach and can be successfully implemented at all levels of education, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the individual. This is evidenced by the studies carried out within the framework of the concept of continuous formation of creative thinking and the problem-algorithmic approach (BPTM) by M.M. Zinovkina. Preschool age can be considered as the first stage of such a system. Psychological and pedagogical research confirms the possibility of forming elements of creative systemic thinking at this initial stage of personality development.

    The formation of creative systems thinking (TCM) in preschoolers will be effective if:

    TCM will be considered as a component of the creative personality;

    selection of ways, methods and means of SCI formation will correspond to the age characteristics of the preschooler and the specifics of the process being formed;

    the subject content of the process of SCI formation in children will be developed.

    We have identified successive stages of SCI formation in children:

    The preparatory stage, the purpose of which is to expand children's knowledge about the environment, to develop their research skills - the ability to observe, analyze, compare and model the processes of interaction between objects.

    Algorithmic stage, the purpose of which is to develop children's practical skills in operating with the acquired knowledge at the reproductive level, developing the ability to formulate the ideal end result, identify and resolve contradictions at an elementary level, familiarize themselves with the concept of "resources", explained as unused opportunities.

    A creative stage with access to the generation of ideas, the purpose of which is the development in children of such qualities of thinking as flexibility, mobility, originality, consistency, etc.

    In the course of our study, the pedagogical conditions were determined, under which the gradual development of SCI at the initial stage of personality formation is ensured:

    Re-equipment and re-equipment of group rooms to increase the cognitive motivation of children (organization of mobile, mobile, interchangeable play areas - "tent", "podium", etc.).

    The use of special equipment for psychological relief, relieving physical and emotional stress, switching attention, activating the creative potential of children (“dry pool”, trampoline, etc.).

    Creation of a system of increasingly complex creative tasks in various types of children's activities (graphic, theatrical, speech, etc.).

    Training of teachers (disclosure of their creative potential, arming with didactic methods and techniques for the development of intellectual creative abilities in children).

    Active involvement of parents in the process of developing the intellectual creative abilities of children (holding joint events, organizing exhibitions of creative works, consulting parents).

    Undoubtedly, the process of SCI formation in preschool age is determined by many factors. These include, first of all, the process of forming the means of creative thinking, the general level of intellectual development, a fairly high level of development of imagination and cognitive activity, and the specifics of the subject environment. An important role in this process is played by the personality of the teacher, his creative potential and the level of professionalism. In the course of our study, we noted the reserves for the intensity of the development of creative systemic thinking in the process of children's interaction with each other, the originality of individual and collective creativity.

    Development of psychological support for the pedagogical process of purposeful formation of SCI. Currently, practical material is being developed on the use of the empathy mechanism in the framework of the synectics method; the content of the corresponding section of psychological and pedagogical monitoring is being created and tested.

    Studying the possibility and effectiveness of using pedagogical technologies based on RTV and TRIZ for the development of speech in children of speech therapy groups (with diagnoses of FFN and OHP).

    The study of the role of TCM in the formation of ecological culture, the ability to see and resolve the contradictions that arise in the subject-object relationship "man-nature".

    Ensuring the continuity of the process of forming the TCM in preschool and school educational institutions in accordance with the concept of the NFTM (M.M. Zinovkina).

    1.2 Technological preparation system

    The creation of a market in the country, the transition to a new economic policy, a saturated information field put forward the task of adapting the individual to new conditions, which the system of public education should also solve.

    Along with other academic subjects, the educational field "Technology" also requires a new integration and projective approach in the process of teaching and self-designing the teacher's professional activity. In this regard, it is necessary to focus on the training of a new type of teacher. This should be not only a master - "golden hands" and a subject teacher who knows how to pass on experience to young people, but also a specialist with a broad general scientific and artistic outlook, who sees his subject in the context of culture, and is able to implement pedagogical technology in the mode of project activity. For this reason, the department sets as its task to modify the structure, improve the forms of organization of advanced training for teachers of this profile, taking into account the changed conditions in the country as a whole and in the educational field, in particular. The problem is aggravated by the fact that more than 70% of teachers of labor - technology in the city and region do not have basic professional training. Most of them are specialists with a narrow technological profile.

    In order to increase the efficiency of work and overcome emerging problems in this educational area, it is necessary to develop a new educational program for basic professional training and retraining of technology teachers with specialization of the modules of this cycle. Create data banks, packages of regulatory documents for the educational field "Technology", a library fund, educational and methodological complexes are being prepared for publication.

    To improve the skills of professional self-design of a modern teacher, problem courses, special courses, craft and methodological workshops, seminars, teacher training have been organized. Russian, regional, regional, city conferences contribute to the exchange of experience. Creative workshops, master classes, publications, teaching aids introduce a large arsenal of finds to practical teachers. Innovative teachers develop original courses, methodological developments for all modules of the educational field "Technology".

    An interesting program of the integrated course "Technology and Entrepreneurship", developed by the technology teacher of the secondary school No. 78 of the Kalininsky district T.V. Pokrovskaya. Education is built through a block system of lessons, which is based on the project. The integrative course is based on the knowledge of six modules of the subject area "Technology" - ecology, economics, computer science, graphics, professional self-determination, handicraft (handicraft, household, technological). For the possibility of using the course in the practice of other teachers at the department, methodological recommendations are presented. Educational film "Fundamentals of project-based learning in the middle link at technology lessons", created by T.V. Pokrovskaya in collaboration with the staff of the department, was awarded a diploma of the educational exhibition "UchSib-2001".

    The work of the staff of the young school No. 206 of the Oktyabrsky district deserves attention, the priority direction of which is the technological component of education. The school is an experimental site of the department and the Pedagogical University, as well as the regional methodological office. The director of the school, candidate of pedagogical sciences S. A. Kleev, has his own position on the implementation of the content of the educational field "Technology". The essence of his concept is to build a single logical culture of the content of education, which ensures the complete interpenetration of academic disciplines. A special place in overcoming the eclecticism of the set of blocks of the educational field "Technology" is assigned to the implementation of the project method. To confirm these postulates, under the guidance of a technology teacher of the same school, V.P. Kalinina, students of the school are implementing a comprehensive design project for the premises of a residential building, including the entire set of work to ensure life.

    Special mention should be made of the experience of technology teachers working in rural areas. So the teacher of drawing and technology of the highest category of the Linevskaya secondary school No. 4 of the Iskitim district S.A. Kislov developed a program and educational and methodological support for the training courses "Woodcarving", "Graphics", equipped excellent workshops. He is not only himself a high-class master professional, but also an excellent organizer of production.

    Yu.M. Yu.M. Kosenko is reflected in the author's technology and the program "The owner of a rural estate". An integrative approach to the implementation of the content of the program allows students to develop a steady interest in the subject being studied, to reveal their creative abilities in the learning process, to master related specialties at the initial stage of professional training.

    The issues of continuity in the development of spatial imagination and figurative thinking are considered in the technology of the drawing teacher of secondary school No. 77 of the Zaeltsovsky district V.D. Kostareva. The system of integrated lessons of fine arts and drawing allows students to form rational methods of mental activity in solving practical graphic works. Similar problems are solved in their own way in N.I. Kalnitskaya module-rating "Technologies for the development of spatial thinking in graphic training in the lyceum classes of NSTU". It allows you to achieve a qualitative increase in academic performance, up to full, activates the development of students' creative thinking and increases the efficiency of their graphic training.

    Creative workshops of teachers V.N. Rechkin and S.M. Lukyanov in the section "Paper Plastic" present us with different approaches to solving three-dimensional forms through origami elements, paper strips and a geometric module, which develops in children the skills of creating and designing an image, as well as all the technological skills for working with paper.

    The experience of implementing the project method in the work of teachers in the central district is interesting. One of the first teachers in the city, secondary school No. 4, N.G. Nikitina began introducing the project method into the system of technological training of students. She developed the author's technology and the program “Fundamentals of artistic design. Design". One of the areas that the teacher is seriously working on today is “Standardization and monitoring of the technological preparation of students.” N.G. Nikitina developed and tested in the SAC a collection of typical tasks for the middle level. SS teacher. No. 12 N.K. Schlei, the author of the Russia House training course, repeatedly conducted handicraft workshops on working with leather, natural, textile and other materials on the basis of the department, revealing to her students the secrets of traditional processing of materials. V.V. Khalilov, teacher of secondary school No. 156, pays great attention to the development of students' creative abilities and author's thinking in the framework of project activities in the classes of artistic woodworking (turning, sawing, woodcarving). His students are participants in student scientific conferences. Winners of district project competitions, which allows us to judge the high level of technological training of students. The teacher himself writes a dissertation research in this direction.

    In market conditions, an important place in the initial professional training of school graduates is occupied by interschool educational complexes. In this direction, work is constantly intensified under the leadership of the Deputy Head of the City Department of Education S.A. Nelyubov. At the initiative of the city Department of Education, together with the National State Pedagogical University, the city holds a competition of creative projects for 11th grade students, which has already become traditional over the past three years.

    In 2003, the staff of the department, together with the regional Department of Education and the National State Pedagogical University, developed the Regulations on holding a regional competition-exhibition of creative projects of students as part of the educational exhibition "UchSib-2003".

    Within the framework of initial vocational training, the model “school - lyceum - college - university” is becoming increasingly relevant today, provided that it is provided with methodological support. The joint activities of the department with the regional methodological service, the department of secondary vocational education NIPKiPRO, universities of the city allows you to build models of step-by-step training in the professional development of graduates.

    A significant place in the formation of technological skills and the overall development of the personality is occupied by the system of additional education, presented in independent institutions, houses of creativity and studios. The work experience of the head of the creative laboratory of decorative and applied arts “Ivushka”, teacher N.N. Karpova, the author of the educational program "Working with natural materials as a means of shaping the creative personality of a child", as well as the investment project "Every child is talented". The goal of the project is to revive pride in the beauty of the Siberian region among children and adults through work with natural materials. It contributes to the formation of communication skills and sustainable motivation for creativity in children with health problems; creates conditions for gifted children for the further development of talent. The implementation of the project will solve the problem of spiritual and emotional security of children in the arts and crafts classes, motivation for creativity in kindergartens, comprehensive schools, orphanages, institutions of additional education.

    One of the most important areas of the content aspect of the educational field "Technology" is the "Graphics-drafting" module. A creative group of teachers, methodologists of the department under the guidance of a researcher of the department S.P. Shulyatieva developed methodological support for this module; materials were prepared for conducting an exam in drawing (graphics) in general education schools of the city and region. In 2003, in collaboration with NSTU staff S.P. Shulyatieva completed work on the creation of an adaptive curriculum "Graphics" for specialized education of students in grades 10-11 in educational institutions of various types (secondary general education schools, educational complexes, lyceums, pedagogical colleges). The program implements new approaches to graphic training from the point of view of information visualization, allows solving the problems of developing graphic competence in the course of technological training of students.

    The problems of pedagogical technology and methods of materials and energy transformation technology are studied in detail by the associate professor of the department S.A. Kleev in collaboration with senior lecturer O.V. Petrovskaya. In this direction, the associate professor of the department S.A. Kleev developed a methodological manual to help certified teachers "Pedagogical Technology of the Teacher". Information technology is one of the leading and problematic modules that allows you to holistically interpret the content of the educational field "Technology". Only the interaction and joint efforts of all parts of the education system in the city, region and region can contribute to the successful implementation of new conceptual approaches in the technological preparation of a young person for professional activity, which is the basis of life.

    1.3 Scientific and technical creativity in a comprehensive school

    Recently, the interest of psychologists, teachers and methodologists in the problems of scientific and technical creativity in educational activities has been growing. This is due to the objective and socially recognized role of the development of creative thinking in the formation of the personality and its self-realization, the need to develop in a person the ability to overcome problems on the basis of certain (sometimes non-standard) approaches and solutions, to act productively based on their educational potential. A new vision is given to the problem of revealing the scientific and technical creative potential of a person, the solution of which determines the conditions for his effective life in an intensively changing world. In other words, the modern socio-economic, cultural and historical situation requires the development of the creative potential of students - after all, creativity is the highest level of manifestation of abilities for a particular type of activity.

    The last decade of the twentieth century was marked by the emergence of student-centered learning models designed to help students realize their personal scientific and technical creative potential. The idea of ​​giving education a personal creative character is reflected in the views of the authors of a number of modern philosophical, psychological and pedagogical studies of the problems of scientific and technical creative self-realization of a person. Among them - studies of the psychology of scientific and technical creativity, creatively oriented educational systems, teacher training systems for creative activity. An analysis of these works points to the need to develop a concept of education that defines the meaning of human education through his creative activity and includes a system of pedagogical conditions that stimulate the creative manifestations of students.

    Since the post-industrial information society, along with the acceleration of technical and informational progress, is experiencing a deep crisis of ideals and values, overcoming which involves going beyond economic and rational considerations into the field of spirituality and morality, one of the goals of education in a modern school should be the development of a person’s need for spirituality. improvement. This, in turn, implies a movement from reproducing to creative activities.

    The relevance of scientific and technical creative activity is substantiated and developed in their works by domestic psychologists: D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya (the idea of ​​creative activity as the personal basis of all innovators, regardless of the type of activity), V.N. Druzhinin (defining creativity as a general ability), V.P. Zinchenko (the idea of ​​the creative nature of development as the main principle of pedagogy), etc.

    As you know, the result and the highest manifestation of the spiritual, ideal human activity is humanitarian culture. It is the value-oriented, spiritual level of individual and social being that, in the course of the gradual differentiation of entire areas of spiritual and practical activity, has become isolated in a set of specialized areas - humanitarian culture. Ignoring the spiritual foundations of culture, abandoning its traditions are especially dangerous in the context of the continuous renewal of all elements of social structures that are reflected in the educational process. Consequently, one of the most important conditions for improving educational activities in general and the development of a morally formed personality in particular is the stimulation of the creative activity of students in the lessons of the humanitarian cycle.

    The problematics of scientific and technical creative activity in pedagogy is connected with the answer to the question of whether it is possible to teach creativity, and if so, by what methods. Researchers believe that children have creative abilities, and the task of the teacher is to create incentives for constructive creative activity, to encourage creative manifestations of students. Scientists agree that creative activity manifests itself and develops under certain conditions.

    Special attention, in our opinion, deserves consideration of the features of the creative activity of students of senior school age who have shown interest in the field of humanitarian knowledge. Here we are faced with the lack of effectiveness of the methods of activity proposed today in the lessons of the humanitarian cycle, based mainly on the relaying of knowledge and achievements to students, which does not contribute to the individual creative self-realization of students and ultimately leads to the development of such negative phenomena as the lack of demand for creative potential of the next generation.

    Particular attention should be paid to the problem of pairing the creative activity of students of humanitarian profile classes with the introduction of the Unified State Examination (USE), since in the modern version of the USE in literature, insufficient attention, in our opinion, is paid to checking the availability of creative abilities of high school students.

    Conclusions on the first chapter

    Based on the above material on the development and manufacture of a decorative fireplace, it can be concluded that, in general, there is a contradictory situation: on the one hand, the tasks of humanitarian education in high school include the development of creative activity of students, which is achieved by stimulating the creative activity of high school students; on the other hand, the technology of independent creative activity of students remains undeveloped. Despite the substantiation of the need for creative activity in the lessons of the humanitarian cycle, which is present in the curricula on the Russian language, literature, world artistic culture, there is still no developed system of pedagogical conditions that contribute to the implementation of creative activity in the humanitarian sphere in practice.

    The above reasoning served as the basis for setting up a study aimed at finding pedagogical conditions for stimulating the creative activity of high school students (using the humanitarian disciplines as an example). As part of the work it is planned:

    explore the possibilities of the formation of scientific and technical creative activity of high school students within the framework of the modern system of school education,

    determine the typology of scientific and technical creative activity of students (based on their interests),

    to identify the conditions that stimulate the creative activity of schoolchildren in the senior humanitarian classes.

    Chapter II. Pedagogical conditions of scientific and technical creativity in the system of technological training

    2.1 The content of scientific and technical creativity in a comprehensive school

    Modern theories of learning are focused, first of all, on acquiring the skills to construct a holistic worldview picture of being. The accumulated baggage of knowledge in a subject-oriented education system often becomes unclaimed in new market relations. Therefore, there was a need to reform the existing education system.

    In the concept of the content of the educational field "Technology" in the 12-year school, it is noted that the new educational field in the system of general education is the dominant component of social practice. It solves the problems of labor training in a qualitatively new way in the new socio-economic conditions, taking into account the trends in the technical and technological development of modern society and the world experience in technological education. In its content, it expresses the polytechnical and functional-applied components of the entire general educational training of students, providing them with the opportunity to learn how to consciously apply knowledge of the fundamentals of science in practical activities, and ensures the continuity of the transition from general to professional education.

    The main pedagogical purpose of the educational field "Technology" in the system of general education is to ensure the effective social and labor development of the student; the formation of a culture of work; education of labor, civil and patriotic qualities of his personality; the formation of a humanistically oriented natural worldview and transformative thinking.

    The educational area "Technology" is based on the practical study of common technologies and is the basis of the social and labor formation of the student's personality in the system of general education.

    The main goal of the educational area "Technology" is the most complete development of students' abilities for creative and transformative activities based on their natural inclinations, preparation based on scientific knowledge to solve practical problems that they may encounter in real life.

    The general task of the educational area "Technology" is to develop in schoolchildren the ability to master and master various ways and means of converting materials, energy, information, biological objects, take into account the possible environmental consequences of technological activities, determine their life and professional plans.

    At the same time, the following tasks of education and training should be solved:

    the formation of an active humanistic natural life position, a responsible attitude to the results of one's work, the cultivation of technological discipline, diligence and a culture of work;

    formation of technological knowledge, practical skills and safe work skills necessary for active participation in creative and transformative activities, including housekeeping and ensuring a culture of leisure activities;

    expanding the polytechnic horizons, applying in practice the knowledge gained in the study of the fundamentals of science;

    development of skills in design, engineering and arts and crafts activities in combination with the formation of readiness for performing activities;

    development of graphic literacy;

    formation of skills of independent individual and coordinated collective work, development of business communication skills;

    teaching the elements of applied economic knowledge and the beginnings of entrepreneurial activity;

    familiarization with the world of professions, the labor market, promotion of professional self-determination, the formation of life and professional plans;

    education of patriotism based on the study of advanced domestic creative achievements in the field of technology, technology, arts and crafts.

    Based on the need to take into account the cognitive interests of the student's personality, his family and the needs of society, the achievements of pedagogical science, the selection and construction of content for the educational field "Technology" is based on the following principles:

    the prevalence of technologies proposed for study in the field of production, service and home life and the presence of modern scientific and technological achievements in them;

    polytechnical and practical orientation of training, visual presentation of methods and means of implementing technological processes;

    a clear specification of the objects of creative and transformative activity based on the study of social, group or individual needs;

    the possibility of cognitive, intellectual, creative, spiritual, moral, aesthetic and physical development of students;

    semantic consistency and subordination of career guidance, economic, entrepreneurial, informational and environmental components of the content to the studied technologies and types of labor.

    The content of training in the educational field "Technology" includes the following components: technological processes for the production of products using structural materials, textile materials, food products; technological processes of artistic and applied processing of materials; technological processes of production, processing and storage of agricultural products; energy conversion and use technologies; technologies for obtaining, converting and using sign and graphic information; elements of applied economic knowledge and the beginning of entrepreneurial activity; information about the world of professions, behavior in the labor market; methods of creative activity; forms, methods and means of organizing a rational life and meaningful and applied leisure; environmental characteristics of technological processes; elements of the history of the development of technology, technology and crafts.

    As a result of mastering the educational field "Technology", students master the following invariant skills:

    justify the purpose of the activity, taking into account the identified social, group or individual needs;

    find, process and use the necessary information, read and execute simple design, engineering and technological documentation;

    design the object of labor in accordance with the expected functional properties, design or decoration requirements, plan their practical activities taking into account the available conditions for the implementation of the technological process;

    create products of labor (material objects or services) that have aesthetic qualities and consumer value;

    perform safe work practices using tools, technological machines and equipment;

    independently find the necessary sources of information and with this help to master labor, polytechnic and special knowledge and skills of performing operations, using the means of labor that are necessary for the implementation of the technological process;

    evaluate the possible economic efficiency of various methods of providing services, structures of material objects of labor and technologies for their manufacture;

    give an elementary environmental assessment of technology and labor results;

    to put forward and evaluate entrepreneurial ideas;

    navigate the world of professions, evaluate their professional interests and inclinations for the studied types of professional activity, make life and professional plans;

    perform work independently, as well as as part of a team based on business communication and cooperation.

    Regardless of the technological orientation of education, the study of the following end-to-end educational lines is envisaged:

    culture and aesthetics of work;

    receipt, processing, storage and use of information;

    fundamentals of drawing and graphics;

    elements of applied economics and entrepreneurship;

    acquaintance with the world of professions, the formation of life, professional plans;

    the impact of technological processes on the ecology of the environment and humans;

    creative, design activity.

    In the project of the educational and methodological set "Technology" (V.D. Simonenko), the following through lines are distinguished:

    professional self-determination of schoolchildren;

    application of information technologies and personal computers in technological processes;

    the formation of a graphic culture by reading and performing sketches, technical drawings, drawings;

    economic and environmental education of students;

    education of schoolchildren;

    organization and labor protection.

    The structure of the content of the textbooks "Technology" is based on the block-modular principle of constructing the material. The entire content of the material is composed of logically complete elements - blocks corresponding to the age characteristics of the development of schoolchildren. Block-modular construction provides a close semantic relationship and continuity of content for all stages of technological training of students.

    The structure of the textbooks "Technology" is conditionally composed of four blocks. The first block covers the period of primary school age (grades 1 - 4), the second - the period of adolescence (grades 5 - 7), the third - the period of early adolescence (grades 8 - 9), the fourth - the period of senior youth (grades 10 - 11) .

    In the first block, in the form of separate modules, the technologies of manual artistic and applied processing of natural and artificial materials are mainly studied, which are technologically safe for students of this age, do not require significant physical effort and at the same time contribute to the intellectual, physical, aesthetic and cognitive labor development of students .

    Young schoolchildren learn to read and make sketches of objects of work. The studied material is given a certain ecological orientation. Particular attention is paid to the education of a conscientious attitude to work, the study of the role of labor in the life of a person and society. Get acquainted with common professions from the immediate environment of schoolchildren.

    The content of the second block is the most common technological processes in the areas of production, service, home life and content-applied leisure. These are technologies for processing structural materials, assembling and controlling technical devices, methods and means of artistic and applied processing of materials, technologies for repair and finishing and sanitary works, technologies for converting and using energy, elements of mechanical engineering.

    Adolescent students receive knowledge and skills in drawing and graphics in relation to the technologies being studied, basic information about applied economics and entrepreneurship, ecology, systematized material about the world of professions, get acquainted with the methods of creative and project activities. Students, in accordance with their interests and inclinations, are given a choice of possible areas of studied technologies in three areas: technical, agricultural (the authors developed the textbooks "Technology" for students in rural schools in Russia), service and others.

    At the same time, it is taken into account that during adolescence there is a rapid and rapid development of the personality, manifested in the desire for creativity and design as an initial human need. Creative activity during this period forms a central neoplasm - abstract-logical thinking, voluntary regulation of behavior is actively formed: assessment, self-esteem, reflection. The social competence of adolescents is manifested in increasing independence, striving for independence, self-affirmation. I.S. Kohn considers self-knowledge of various aspects of self-consciousness to be the main line of development of adolescents, as it were, "the second birth of the personality." And objective self-assessment is the main indicator of the formation of self-consciousness.

    The content of the third block is built on expanding the range of technological training of students and is aimed at a reasonable choice of the direction of profile education or primary vocational education. This block includes technologies that were not studied by students in the previous period or represented in the content thematically not explicitly expressed through educational lines, including technologies of professional self-determination.

    In the fourth block, related to the completion of education in a complete secondary school, an in-depth study of one of the technologies corresponding to the chosen profile of education is carried out.

    On the basis of taking into account the sensitive periods of development of schoolchildren in the younger group (grades 5-7), students are characterized by a small amount of knowledge, not the ability to assess their capabilities, not the ability to find the right information, operating with appearances, low ability to refine, relative ease in choosing objects of study, limited functional literacy, manual work.

    The spectrum of interests is reproduction and the courage to choose an object of interest, trial and error, substitution of activities, mastering new skills, the expectation of personal success.

    In the middle group (8th - 9th grades), students are observed, albeit an underestimated, but already an assessment of their capabilities, the presence of criticism of setting goals, refusal of help, work alone, Caution in choosing an object and fear of failure, doing work by hand, but already under control head.

    The spectrum of interests - the choice of a familiar or necessary object, attempts at originality of the solution, the desire to achieve success, curiosity, aiming at the result.

    In the senior group (grades 10-11), there is a sufficient amount of knowledge and practical experience, saving time and effort, difficulties in choosing an object, dependence on the group, sufficient volitional preparedness, the possibility of refusing the task, preference to do work with the head with checking hands.

    The range of interests - aiming at comprehending the process, the desire to test one's capabilities, pragmatic value, the expectation of personal success, the anticipation of creativity, the completion of a task with a solution to a problem.

    Thus, students from grades 5 to 11 go from acquaintance and representation of the external visibility of the object of study to the disclosure of its essence and generalizations.

    Based on the foregoing, the content of the textbook "Technology-5" finds a certain scientifically based place in the block-modular system of technological education of students.

    In connection with the above features of psychological development and achievable opportunities for mastering knowledge and skills, adolescent students (grades 5-7) are planned to carry out simple technical projects related to the main processes of material production - the processing of structural materials (wood, metals, plastics).

    The applied project teaching method lays the core (sows the seed) of knowledge, skills and abilities, which then grows, acquiring content that is close to ideal. The content of education purposefully submits to the goals of information support of students' project activities. The topics of the projects are also developed taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students.

    In order to master the project activities, a typical sequence of project implementation has been developed (problem justification, development of the project idea, options and selection of the design product, development of drawings, product manufacturing technology, product manufacturing process, testing and refinement, economic and environmental justification, protection and evaluation of the project).

    In connection with the above, in addition to the invariant content of the textbooks "Technology", we, together with V.D. Simonenko developed the content of the variable profile "Technology for the processing of structural materials". These are technologies for the processing of wood, wood-based materials and metals, focused on initial vocational training in relevant professions and specialties. These profiles coincide in content with the types of technologies that are already studied in the basic school (grades 5-7).

    The main teaching methods are cognitive-labor exercises, solving applied problems, practical and laboratory-practical work, modeling and design, creative and transformative activities for the purpose of training and education, embodied in the project activities of schoolchildren. The purpose of the project activity is to obtain a product characterized by a triple nature: the formation of the student's personality as an ideal product, the objective result of the learning stage is a real product.

    Thus, in contrast to the subject-oriented system of educational content that existed in labor education, the project-creative system of the educational field "Technology" implemented in textbooks does not provide for the aimless mastering of the main operations for processing wood and metals, but the targeted production of design products, and implements the transition from practical methods and forms of training to laboratory-practical and design-practical.

    The normative time for the implementation of the content of the textbooks "Technology" is at least 2 hours per week, taking into account the need to study "Drawing and graphics" - at least 3 hours per week, and in order to increase the effectiveness of labor training, additional time is expected due to the regional and school components Basic curriculum.

    The education of schoolchildren is provided for in specialized classrooms, workshops, and laboratories set up in schools or interschool educational complexes.

    The elementary school provides for the presence of a technology room.

    It is supposed to use the educational base of vocational, secondary specialized and even higher educational institutions, training centers of the employment service, training workshops and centers of manufacturing enterprises for the implementation of technologies for processing structural materials.

    The components, indicators and criteria of technological education are technological knowledge, technological skills and technologically important qualities of an emerging personality, which are necessary for mastering a creative activity that transforms the world.

    The content of technological education provides for the formation in students of the need for knowledge and skills of self-education, and not the arming of knowledge and skills as an end in itself. Thus, problem-oriented learning is carried out, and not subject-oriented. The role of the teacher, organizer, consultant, manager of education in the joint creative educational and cognitive activities of students.

    For the purpose of the most accessible and meaningful perception and development of technological processes, the textbooks are illustrated with technological schemes, maps, pictograms, and drawings. The illustrated material is developed in accordance with the psychophysiological characteristics of the age of schoolchildren - simplicity, brightness and conciseness of color, readability. Thus, from grades 5 to 7, the formation of the foundations of technological, graphic, economic and environmental literacy of students is laid.

    The chapters of the textbooks consist of a number of topics according to the training programs, contain theoretical data on processes, objects, structural materials used, tools and equipment; end with a system of control and creative questions, provide for the implementation of practical or laboratory work, creative tasks or projects. Their implementation is aimed at a more complete understanding and consolidation of the studied material, the development of thinking.

    Workbooks contain tests, crossword puzzles, practical tasks, forms of technological maps and creative projects, templates, sketches, drawings, suggestive materials for solving specific technological problems and other data aimed at effectively conducting practical lessons.

    The methodological recommendations for the teacher provide advice on the rational and scientific use of materials from textbooks and workbooks. More detailed information about materials, tools, equipment and teaching methods is given.

    The content of each topic is presented from its title, leading questions, a direct presentation of theoretical material with the necessary figures and tables, then practical or laboratory-practical, sometimes research work is provided (indicating the required materials, equipment, tools, fixtures, etc.), creative tasks, (in a textbook or workbook), keywords (dictionary of words), control questions, creative projects.

    The content of the second block of technological education for schoolchildren (grades 5-7), following the first block (grades 1-4), is the most common technological processes in the areas of production, service, home life and content-applied leisure. All of them constitute a social experience adapted to the abilities of students at a given period of their development (academician V.V. Kraevsky). These are technologies for processing structural materials, assembling and controlling technical devices, methods and means of artistic and applied processing of materials, technologies for repair and finishing and sanitary works, technologies for converting and using energy, elements of mechanical engineering.

    Adolescent students receive knowledge and skills in drawing and graphics in relation to the technologies being studied, basic information about applied economics and entrepreneurship, ecology, systematized material about the world of professions, get acquainted with the methods of creative and project activities. Students, in accordance with their interests and inclinations, are given a choice of possible areas of studied technologies in three areas: technical, agricultural, service.

    At the same time, it is taken into account that during adolescence there is a rapid and rapid development of the personality, manifested in the desire for creativity and design as an initial human need. Creative activity during this period forms the central neoplasm - abstract-logical thinking. At the same time, arbitrary regulation of behavior is actively formed: assessment, self-assessment, reflection. The social competence of adolescents is manifested in increasing independence, striving for independence, self-affirmation. I.S. Kohn considers self-knowledge of various aspects of self-consciousness to be the main line of development of adolescents, as it were, "the second birth of the personality." And objective self-assessment is the main indicator of the formation of self-consciousness.

    On the basis of taking into account the sensitive periods of development of schoolchildren in the younger teenage group (grades 5-7), they are characterized by the following qualities: a small amount of knowledge, not the ability to assess their capabilities, not the ability to find the right information, operating with appearances, low ability to refine, relative ease in choosing objects study, limited functional literacy, manual work.

    The range of their interests is reproduction and the courage to choose an object of interest, trial and error, substitution of activities, mastering new skills, the expectation of personal success.

    In connection with the foregoing, adolescent students (grades 5-7) are planned to carry out simple technical projects related to the main processes of material production - the processing of structural materials (wood, metals, plastics) and the manufacture of products. Banks of projects, possible options and examples of implementation are given, suggestive project ideas are given with a brief description of the problem and a graphic illustration.

    2.2 Forms, methods and means of scientific and technical creativity in the system of technological training

    The Concept for the Modernization of Education for the period up to 2010 defines the main goal of vocational education - the preparation of a qualified employee of the appropriate level and profile, competitive in the labor market, competent, responsible, fluent in his profession and oriented in related fields of activity, ready for continuous professional growth, social and professional mobility.

    The trend of renewal of vocational education is an orientation towards the development of professional competence in a future specialist as a result of professional training; creation in the learning process of conditions for the acquisition of professional experience by students. This system should also be reflected in the system of information technology training for a specialist in any field, including a technologist.

    In accordance with the general position of the concept of "competence", the professional technological competence of a specialist should be understood as the ability (readiness) to solve professional technological problems determined by his professional technological activities.

    The content of the training is based on professional tasks that a lawyer will have to solve in the process of real practical activity;

    The learning process is built on the basis of solving learning problems, which are models of real professional tasks and problems.

    In each of the studied information technologies I try to solve such problems, for example:

    The technology has a pronounced practical orientation, so the main forms of organization of educational work are:

    Lecture (students receive theoretical knowledge);

    Practical work (application of computer technologies in application to professional activities).

    We have developed and successfully used practical work of two types: instructive and methodological, and research work on the main topics of the course.

    Performing practical work of an instructive and methodological nature, students, guided by clear and specific instructions given in the work, independently study and assimilate educational material, receive the necessary knowledge and skills to use a technological product. As a result, they learn to plan their actions, organize their cognitive activity.

    Research practical work has a creative nature and complex content, is intended for independent work and involves the preparation of a final report.

    Each topic ends with additional, gradually becoming more complex, tasks for independent implementation, working on which students not only acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, but also develop the ability to independently acquire them. Thus, work on completing tasks includes reproducing and creative processes, i.e. involves both reproductive (training) and creative (exploratory) levels of students' independent activity. Knowledge that the student did not receive in finished form, but obtained himself in the process of work, checked in practice, is absorbed much more firmly.

    Such an organization of classes allows for a student-centered, differentiated approach to teaching and to achieve the required level of student training.

    One of the effective methods for the formation of key competencies among students is the method of educational projects as an innovative personality-oriented technology, as a way of organizing students' independent activities, integrating a problem-based approach, group methods, reflective, research, search and other methods.

    It is difficult to create a project only within the classroom, so students complete projects mainly outside of school hours. For the implementation of the project, I select the appropriate material and technical equipment, teaching aids, information support. The adequacy of the goals of the project to individual abilities and opportunities largely determines its success.

    A strong motivational basis for students is the work on projects with an applied and interdisciplinary focus. We organized the project work in the Power Point environment. This is a powerful tool that allows you to combine text, graphics, video information. When developing a project, students process a huge amount of information, including mastering a wide range of modern information technologies, developing an approach to mastering new information technologies on their own. The task set for students to create a presentation is very laborious and requires fairly good skills in working with programs such as MS Word (word processor), FineReader (text scanning), ACDSee (scanning graphic images), audio file processing programs; the ability to transfer information over a local network. In addition, students used the resources of the Internet in their work on projects. In doing so, they learned to formulate a question; build a query to search engines of the Internet; use these tools to find the information you need. As a result, students saw the results of their educational activities in the complex application of various software products.

    We believe that the shift from the one-sided activity of the teacher to independent learning, the responsibility and activity of the students, makes it possible to direct education towards the development of competence.

    Modern reforms in the education system cannot be carried out without comprehending deep, global ideas that reflect the new paradigm of the scientific picture of the world and the socio-cultural transformation experienced by society towards the formation of a post-industrial civilization.

    At the All-Russian Conference of Educators, held on January 14-15, 2000 in the Moscow Kremlin Palace, the National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation and the Concept of the Structure and Content of General Secondary Education were adopted.

    The Doctrine defines the goals of education and training, ways to achieve them through the state policy in the field of education, the expected results of the development of the education system for the period up to 2025.

    The strategic goals of education are linked to the problems of the development of Russian society, including: overcoming the social, economic and spiritual crisis, ensuring a high quality of life for the people and national security; approval of the status of Russia in the world community as a great power in the field of education, culture, high technology and economy; laying the foundation for Russia's sustainable development potential.

    The doctrine reflects the interests of the citizens of the multinational Russian state and is designed to create conditions in the country for the general education of the population, real equality of citizens' rights and the possible /!, for everyone to improve the educational level throughout their lives.

    Education is recognized as a priority area, reflecting the current conditions of its functioning, determining the responsibility of social partners in matters of the quality of general and vocational education, and the upbringing of the younger generation. The doctrine provides the main directions for improving the legislation in the field of education and is the basis for the development of programs for the development of education, technological education and labor training, in particular.

    The main goals and objectives of education, defined in the Doctrine, correspond to the goals and objectives of the educational field "Technology".

    The concept of the structure and content of secondary education and the 12-year school determined the main goal of education - the formation of a diversified PERSONALITY, able to realize creative potential in dynamic socio-economic conditions, both in their own interests and in the interests of society (continuation of traditions, development of science, culture , technology, strengthening the historical continuity of generations).

    The goals and objectives of the school as a social institution in modern conditions have been determined, and measures have been taken to implement them.

    The concept of the structure and content of general secondary education (in a 12-year school) is based on the periodization of personality development, the content of which is a typology of leading activities characteristic of different age periods.

    The educational area "Technology" is defined as a technology course that synthesizes scientific, technical, technological and economic knowledge, reveals the ways of their application in various fields of human activity. The basis of the course is the independent project activity of students.

    The federal component ensures the unity of the educational space in the country and is an invariant part of the content of general secondary education, including training courses of general cultural and national significance.

    The national-regional component meets the needs and interests in the field of education and allows organizing classes aimed at learning the national (native) language, as well as natural ones. economic and socio-cultural features of the region.

    The school component makes it possible to more fully take into account local conditions, the capabilities of a particular educational institution, and ensure the variability and personal orientation of education.

    In the concept of the structure and content of general secondary education, much attention is paid to the issues of training and advanced training of teaching staff.

    Modern professional pedagogical activity requires a teacher whose values ​​are the priority of the personal development of schoolchildren, the ability to freely navigate in difficult socio-cultural circumstances, and the willingness to participate in innovative and creative processes.

    At present, the role of the education system is changing - the main institution for the reproduction of the intellectual and cultural potential of society, its transmission from generation to generation.

    A spiritualized, patriotic, harmoniously developed personality must be inextricably linked with its people, have knowledge of the native language, customs, culture, which are the basis of the mentality of the ethnos. In this regard, there is a need to develop a concept for creating the theoretical foundations of technological education for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation, taking into account their mentality. regional living conditions and social status.

    The problem of forming a new content of education is considered at various levels. In this study, the content of technological education and labor training is considered at the level of a school subject, methodological recommendations, programs for secondary schools and institutions of additional education.

    We find a practical solution to the problem of the content of education in concepts, programs and textbooks on the subject "Technology". An analysis of the content of concepts and new programs revealed that the methodological foundations of technological education and labor training of schoolchildren, taking into account the requirements of the requirements of ethnopedagogy, have not yet been sufficiently developed. This allows to conclude that there is a contradiction between the existing system of education and the requirements of the modern Russian school.Methods of using - elements of ethnopedagogics, improving the directions of processing structural materials, forms, organizing additional education in the field of scientific and technical creativity, advanced training and certification of teachers of the subject "Technology" have not been developed in the multi-ethnic regions of Russia.

    The problem of developing the content of technological education is associated with a number of particular problems:

    determination of the content and structure of the national-regional component of the educational field "Technology";

    correlation of the structure and content of the federal component of the educational standard with the content of the national-regional component of the subject.

    The factors that determine the need to develop theoretical foundations for the content of technological education and labor training include scientific research in recent years in the field of education.

    The current new social, political, economic situation dictates the need to develop a new concept of technological education and labor training in Kabardino-Balkaria in accordance with the real state and development prospects of the republic.

    The analysis revealed contradictions between technological education and labor training, which made it possible to draw a conclusion about the relevance of the study and formulate its problem - the rationale for the methodological foundations of teaching schoolchildren in the educational field "Technology", taking into account the national-regional component (on the example of Kabardino-Balkaria).

    The most promising of the developed models for ensuring humanitarianism and cultural-dialogical productivity is the model of a culture-based school.

    The subjects of education are interested in supporting innovative activity, since it is through its mechanisms that the development of pedagogical thought and practice, educational relations and technologies, culture and society as a whole is ensured.

    The educational area "Technology" is a multi-aspect field of innovative activity within the regional framework of the development of self-awareness, culture, language, mentality of ethnic groups of the population and is a link in the education system.

    In this regard, the experience of the regional education system of Kabardino-Balkaria, its analysis, in our opinion, is of certain practical and methodological interest. The Republic is a multinational region with limited energy resources. There are problems in the development of the mining complex in combination with the balance of environmental requirements for the preservation of the recreational complex, as well as a large number of socio-economic problems.

    This situation, typical for many regions, imposes very specific requirements on technological education and its strategy, which can be formulated as a necessity:

    correlation of the structure and content of the federal component with the structure and content of the national-regional component of the school;

    development of a federal component to improve the structure and forms of work of interschool educational complexes (IUK). training workshops aimed at reducing the cost of training by saving the consumption of cutting tools:

    development of the system of additional education based on the use of the content of the educational field "Technology", the use of modern means and methods of education;

    taking into account the general educational field "Technology" as an integrative field within the framework of the regional, including elements of ethnic culture, national applied arts, crafts and crafts.

    The scientific foundations of the methodology of technological education in general education schools and institutions of additional education have been the subject of many studies. The issues of educating the younger generation can be found in the works of pre-revolutionary researchers of the Caucasian ethnic group A. Kovetsky, Khan-Gpreya.N. Danilevsky, Sh. Nogmov and others.

    Soviet researchers G.A. Kokiev, Ya.S. Smirnova, Yu.K. Namitokov, V.V. Smirenii, I.A. Shorov, E.N. Studenetskaya, S.S. Kirzhapov and others.

    The issues of labor training are considered in a number of dissertations. Labor training in Great Britain was studied by M.B. Pavlova (1992). .

    The development of technical creativity in design (using the example of technical cybernetics) was studied by A.N. Bogatyrev (1967). Ways to activate the technical thinking of students in solving design and technical problems in the process of labor education in secondary school are considered by V.V. Evdokimov (1969), . The issues of educating students in a creative attitude to work in the classroom in educational workshops were studied by D.I. Kupov (1964), . Social aspects of technical creativity are considered by B.I. Eremeev (1965). .

    The issues of the methodology of classes in school workshops were studied by many scientists, however, the most significant contribution was made by D.A. Tkhorzhevsky.

    The didactic foundations for the development of technical creativity in labor training were considered by G.Ya. Bush and others

    The concept of out-of-school (additional) education, methodology, programs of technical creativity and education of schoolchildren and youth were developed by V.A. Gorsky. The work of Zh. Sadykov (1982) is devoted to the development of amateur technical creativity in the club. The principles, forms and methods of organizing the use of young people's free time are considered in the work of N.P. Pishchulin and A.A. Betuganov (1989).

    Fundamentals of the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) were developed by G.S. Altshuller. The problems of technical creativity of inventors and innovators are reflected in the work of Yu.A. Dmitrieva (1967). .

    The basics of labor education of the Circassians in the 19th - early 20th centuries are studied in the monograph by S.Kh. Mafedzeva (1984). . The technology of weaving among the Circassians was studied by A.S. Kishev (1986).

    The revival of folk crafts and crafts (arts and crafts) as a means of aesthetic and professional development of the personality on the example of the system of additional education of Kabardino-Balkaria is considered in the dissertation of Kh.M. Dikinova (1997), .

    The problems of development of regional education systems are reflected in the doctoral dissertation of H.G. Tkhagapsoyeva (1997), .

    The above works, due to temporary factors, could not consider the issues of technological training and labor training.

    According to Yu.P. Gromyko, the region can be represented as a natural scale for the functioning of education in the form of an expanded and self-sufficient socio-cultural technology. There are well-known regional programs, for example, "Capital education", the authors of which emphasize the specifics that reflect the cultural identity of Moscow. Approaches to the analysis of regional education are widespread, when all the specifics are reduced to the ethnic and ethno-cultural aspects of the tasks of the "national revival plan".

    Currently, research is needed that reveals the features of technological education in the regions. Gumerova G.S. (1999) considered the development of methodological foundations for introducing elements of national culture into the labor training of students within the educational field "Technology" (on the example of the Bashkir culture). However, questions were raised in all work on the sections of service labor. In our opinion, additional development is required sections of technical labor and other areas, taking into account the national-regional component.


    The purpose of the thesis was: theoretical substantiation, development and experimental verification of the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of scientific and technical activities of teachers for the effective implementation of student-centered learning in school.

    The objectives of this qualification work were:

    clarification of the dependence of the levels and direction of motivation of readiness for creative pedagogical activity on professional training and retraining of a technology teacher;

    determination of substantive and procedural components that contribute to the development of pedagogical creativity;

    determination of effective forms and methods for the development of pedagogical creativity, taking into account a differentiated approach to improving the professional skills of a teacher;

    identification of the effectiveness of the pedagogical system of interrelated components of advanced training in terms of the development of creativity, using the appropriate criteria for assessing the creative nature of the activity.

    The main provisions on the existence of pedagogical creativity, forms and ways of its development, contained in the works of Yu.K. Babansky, F.Yu. Gonobolina, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, V.A. Kan-Kalika, N.V. Kuzmina, A.Ya. Ponomareva, M.M. Potashnik, I.P. Rachenko, S.L. Rubinshtein and others, concepts of lifelong education, content-methodological aspects of training in courses, considered by M.Yu. Krasovitsky, E.K. Turkina, O.S. Orlov, A.V. Elizbarshvili, principles and patterns of training and professional development for adults.

    When performing the work, we used the following research methods:

    analysis of the literature on the topic of the study, the experience of teachers, advanced training institutes, methodological rooms;

    conversations with teachers, questioning and interviewing students of courses and seminars;

    peer review method, self-assessment, generalization of independent characteristics, experimental work;

    introduction into the advanced training system of forms and methods that contribute to the development of the creative initiative of technology teachers.

    providing targeted, scientific, theoretical and methodological training of technology teachers.

    On the basis of the study, we formulate the following conclusions: as a result of the thesis work, recommendations were developed on diagnosing the levels of preparedness of teachers for scientific and technical activities, the selection of the content of coursework, the methodology for conducting classes that help stimulate students' positive motives for scientific and technical activities, the formation of a comprehensive program of post-course activities, as well as rational cognitive skills.


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