Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Should a person believe in miracles? Do you believe in miracles? Beautiful quotes, statuses about miracles.

A miracle is a phenomenon accompanied by a violation of the laws of nature. For most of our contemporaries, the most desired miracle is the “multiplying of the grain.” This is undoubtedly a miracle. But I am closer to miracles that strengthen faith, revealing the secret of the Fatherly love and care of the Lord God, to a person carelessly dozing in his unbelief.

1. Pedagogical error

I was born and raised in Kyiv. In the Baikovo cemetery, the oldest in the city, lies more than one generation of the Mogilny family. Even atheism could not erase respect for the dead from Soviet people. It seems that the disorderly screams “at the graves,” which at times turned into fights between “grieving” relatives, softened the hearts of party officials. On one of these memorial days, my parents and I found ourselves at the cemetery. Having cleaned and decorated the graves, we returned home with a sense of accomplishment. Leaving the cemetery fence, my parent, a party organizer at the plant, suddenly crossed himself and said: “May they rest in peace!” For me, a newly minted pioneer, these words hurt my ears. “The land will be a stone to them,” I blurted out thoughtlessly. Mom, sitting next to me, immediately hit me in the mouth with a backhand, catching my snub-nosed, freckled pioneer nose, from which blood ran. At that moment I realized that there is a God! There was no resentment, there was only a joyful feeling of meeting the Creator, the One who is above all, who owns the universe, life and death! Since then I have been looking for Him. Neither before nor after my parents beat me

2. The cry of the persecutor

In our entrance on the ninth floor there lived a believing old woman. Every day she went to the Florovsky Monastery for services. After the incident at the cemetery, I wanted to ask her about God, for which I kept watch several times, but for some reason the ninety-year-old woman avoided conversations. Soon I joined the crowd of boys and, together with them, teased Praskovya Romanovna, that was the name of the prayer book, calling her a “mantis.” My elder brother was particularly zealous as a persecutor. The old woman quietly whispered prayers, looking “through” us, idiots, as if seeing something in the background... From time to time she gave my brother and me prosphora, we loved them very much for their extraordinary taste, we ate them, but did not stop teasing them.
Years have passed. My brother was the first to join the church (he is now a novice in a monastery), then it was my turn. When Praskovya Romanovna died, I served in the army. My brother, having learned about her death, read the psalter all night at the coffin. And when her body in a black robe was interred, he cried.

3. Seminarians and hard workers

I became a church member after the army. With neophyte ardor, he abandoned all “worldly” endeavors and got a job at the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. One day they gave me two seminarian students to help me for practice. The handsome young men, initiated into the secrets of spiritual science, did not fit into the context of land work on the clay slopes of the monastery compound. I decided to let them go home. One immediately left with “angelic” speed, while the other remained. For a whole week, like a child, I extorted from him the “secrets” of salvation, listening with my mouth open about Seth, Noah, Elijah, Barak and Deborah, Samson and the Wise Solomon. I heard the terrible denunciation of the Forerunner, was in awe of the Holy Trinity and was amazed at the exploits of the Pechersk saints. He opened the world of Faith to me, and I still consider him my mentor. Now we are over forty. I graduated from Spiritual
seminary, took holy orders. Now my “trainees” are respected priests, close friends and godmothers, just relatives. Thank You, Lord.

4. The neophyte's prayer.

My first months in the Church coincided with work at the Lavra economic yard. The contradictory blessings of the brethren brought me into a “stupor” of despondency. I wanted to drop everything and leave. Then I remembered the famous Kiev priest, whose elder brother took care of him. It seemed that only he could resolve my confusion. I began to ask: “Lord, help me see my father.” It was about seven o'clock in the morning, and there was no one around. Suddenly someone called out to me: “Baby, do you know why the caves are closed?” In front of me stood a marvelous old man with a snow-white beard and the same hair. “You are not Father Mikhail,” I asked. He answered in the affirmative. I clung to him in joy and after an hour and a half of conversation “became a different person”, no longer despondent. For the next fifteen years, until his death, the priest was my confessor.

5. “And the Lord will give you according to your heart”

My wife gave birth to eight children. This means that eight times we painfully decided what to name the baby. More precisely, not eight, but seven. Mother really liked the name Tikhon, there was no doubt about it. After the eldest son, the Lord sent only girls. She prayed at the relics of the saint in the Donskoy Monastery, and two years later, on the Annunciation, she gave birth to her fifth child - a son. On this day the Holy Church commemorates St. Tikhon. Tikhon - means “happiness”.

6. Not in the logs, but in the ribs.

They ordained me to a parish in a village near Kyiv. As they say, “no stake, no yard,” and no church. Virgin land overgrown with the “weeds” of human disbelief. The chairman allocated a hut. The walls are made of pressed straw, half a brick from the street, 18 square meters. The altar was made overnight and the first service was celebrated on Christmas Day. Almost ten years passed, but the temple still could not be built. Our people are poor and rural. I came to my confessor to cry, and he: “God is not in the logs, but in the ribs!” Build temples in people’s souls, the Lord will manage the rest... And so it happened. There was a fire in our mitten church during Christmas time. I went around the village to ask for a place to serve until spring. Everyone shrugs: no, they say the premises... One plant owner said: “I’ll think about it, come back in a week.” The week flew by, I came back, and he: “I was talking to my friends, they are believers, so we decided to build a temple in the village.” And in a year they built it, from logs, and a temple of such beauty, perhaps, cannot be found anywhere else. Wonderful are Your works, O Lord!

7. "Don't be afraid of me"

Every year on Holy Easter our community congratulates prisoners in prison. From the beginning of chanting in the temple and the consecration of offerings. Then we go to the prison hospital, distribute eggs and Easter eggs, and congratulate the sick. Then to the “pit”, a place where the most “inveterate” criminals are kept. We sing, distribute, sprinkle with holy water. Camera by camera. We open the next one, on the threshold there is a “child”, “oblique fathom”, the face is scary to look at. A look like from hell, goosebumps all over your body... To sprinkle or not to sprinkle? I sprinkle it generously... And suddenly a smile appeared on his face - like the sun. I shout: “Christ is Risen!” “Truly He is Risen,” thunders in response. After Easter, he left the “pit” and began going to church. He was freed and left his life of thieves. Now Yurka always has a smile on his face instead of the “seal of Cain”, and his hands are covered in calluses... Truly He is Risen! In general, prison is a wonderland. I remember they asked me to give communion to a man dying of AIDS; doctors from prison even sent him home to die. The blackened, very thin face of the martyr is etched in my memory; his temperature then was 41. A few weeks later, someone hugs me from behind and asks: “Don’t you recognize me, Father?” Some rosy-cheeked citizen in front of me, no, I don’t recognize him. “And then you gave me communion, and the Lord did not let me perish, He left me to live...” I just threw up my hands in bewilderment: “Wonderful are Your deeds, Lord!” He is still alive, I hope he will live to freedom with God.

8. The priest and the Jew.

The drilling rig worked for a month, but there was still no water. They invited the priest, maybe he will help. We served a prayer service, it helped, the water started flowing. The director of the service station says: “Father, let’s take your car as bail!” And the priest in the old Zhiguli became a frequent guest at the station. One guy worked there as a manager. Cheerful, sociable, everyone's favorite. And he did not ignore our priest, sometimes making “blasphemous” jokes. Although later he came up and conscientiously asked: “Did I offend you? I’m a Jew, I’m an unbeliever. “There are no unbelievers,” the priest answered slyly, patting his interlocutor on the back... Years passed, the Zhiguli car broke down, the priest came, the Jew teased him, the Lord did His own thing... Our Jew met a beautiful girl. Lost his head, he calls the blue-eyed one to marry. And she is a confessor of the Orthodox faith, and he boldly said: “Why do I need you, “infidel”?! The infidel became depressed. I started reading the Bible. Yes, and he calls the priest, they say, there is something important. And the priest immediately said to him: “Is there a godfather?” He was taken aback: “How do you know that I want to be baptized?” Father answered: “Firstly, a Jew, and then...”. The Savior came for you, and then he called us pagans to salvation. Soon our Jew was baptized, married blue-eyed, and they had children. Father’s “Zhiguli” was melted down in open-hearth furnaces long ago, and now they see the “Jew” on Sundays in church. Father now hears pious jokes and beams, rejoicing, because “In Christ there is no Jew, Greek, slave, or free”...

9. According to your faith...

A woman and a girl entered the temple. They asked the priest. "How can I help you?" – called the priest who came out of the altar? “Will you baptize my daughter?” - the lady asked. “How old are you, girl?” - "Sixteen". The priest told how to prepare for the sacrament. The girl began attending church and six months later was baptized. After baptism, Tanya did not forget the way to the temple. She began to go up to the choir and soon began to act as regent. Church is home, home is church. And so for more than ten years. The mother began to grumble: “You are nearly thirty, but you live like a nun. It's time to get married. Leave your church! But Tanya had no intention of leaving. She asked and waited for the only thing that God had prepared for her by faith. And he “came, saw, conquered.” We never had a more solemn wedding in our parish. Soon they will have a baby. The spirit goes where it wants.

10. It is not holy pots that are fired.

My parents were simple people. They lived an amazing life full of goodness for forty-five years together. My brother and I warmed ourselves in their love, and it flowed over the edge of our house, gathering many good people under our roof. Sometimes it seems to me that it is not always worth disturbing God: you should learn to create miracles yourself

How I grew new teeth


It all started in 1978, when I was serving my required three years of military service on Russian Island. It was then and there that they knocked out almost all my teeth with a stool. Then I was terribly hoping that I would be immediately commissioned, but at government expense, within a week they made false jaws for me, and for the remaining 2.5 years, because of my burr, I was “Mongrel” for everyone. Dentures are an unpleasant thing, but not fatal... and it’s not something you get used to. Over the following years, I repeatedly replaced these dental prostheses with new ones and had already come to terms with my fate, but some time ago I found myself “locked” in the Siberian taiga for almost a year. There I was overtaken by a disease, due to which I could not wear prostheses for longer than 15-20 minutes a day. Any object and even my own language caused me pain. Food had to be turned into porridge and swallowed without chewing. The process of eating turned into flour and dragged on for forty to sixty minutes. Besides, I couldn't talk! After all, teeth, in collaboration with the tongue, participate in the formation of the sounds T, D, Z, N, R, S, C, Ch; and together with the lips in the formation of the sounds V and F. Fortunately, at that time in the guardhouse near Razdolny I had no one to talk to... But there was no one to save me either. I was very painful and scared. This is what made me start looking for ways to GROW new teeth.

As of today, I have 17 (SEVENTEEN!!!) new teeth of my own, which have grown contrary to all the claims of modern medicine. During this year, a lot of different events happened in the taiga, and I don’t know what exactly played a role in the occurrence of the miracle. Therefore, in my book I will try to carefully repeat the discoveries that I made in the taiga and describe the actions that helped me become sharp-toothed again.

I will try to list them and write each one sequentially.

· Changing our worldview - learning to believe in miracles

· Quit smoking

· We accumulate energy (lose excess weight)

· Learning to listen to your body

· Learning to listen to your soul

· Learning to listen to the World

· Growing teeth

Chapter first

Believe in a miracle

In one of the moments of severe despair due to the inability to endure pain and change something, and maybe from the fear that I would soon die because I couldn’t eat, I remembered that I had read in some book about how a boy grew a LEGS. Later I found this book and this paragraph. It turned out to be Drunvalo Melchizedek’s book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life.” Now I can even give a few quotes from this book, but at the time the ghostly fact that perhaps, somewhere, once upon a time, someone actually grew something for themselves was enough for me. I believed in a MIRACLE! But first, quotes:

“I have a friend Diana Gazes, she had a television show in New York for a while called Gazws into the Future. She filmed all the spectacular healings to show them on her show. After many years of working on television, Diana left her show, but in one of her last programs she was going to show (although she never did) the incredible healing of an eleven-year-old boy." "When the boy was very little, he worked a lot with salamanders. You know that you can tear off a salamander's paw or tail, and it simply grows another organ to replace the lost one. The parents did not tell their son that only salamanders have such a remarkable ability. He was not told and he did not know about it. And the boy believed that all living beings could do this, including people. When the boy was about ten years old, he lost his leg above the knee. What did he do then? He grew himself another leg.

All this was recorded on Diana’s videotape. In the last part of the film, the boy grew toes. It took him a year or so to restore everything. How is this possible, you ask? It all depends on your belief system“Whatever you believe in is possible, but you impose limitations on yourself.”

Then I remembered one more thing: some doctor claimed that the human body has the ability to regenerate any tissue. What if the torn finger—the wound itself—is not allowed to heal, and a scab is not allowed to appear, then the finger will definitely grow back. And the task of this doctor is to find a way to make such constant “irritation” painless, plus, so that the tissues do not rot...

In general, at that moment in the taiga I really BELIEVE that it is possible to grow new teeth. Yes, then, on my own free will, I tortured myself every day with various exercises, but the impetus was still given by the born hope, which grew into faith. I am sure that without such FAITH you will not be able to move from your place. Therefore, I will give several facts that destroy the myth that it is impossible to grow new teeth. These will be both letters from people who learned about my “achievements” and shared their thoughts and findings, as well as data from various official sources.

“...Mikhail, yesterday I watched a report on TV about my grandmother, who at the age of 70 discovered that her teeth began to change for the third time in her life...”

“...In a neighboring village, a healer, by rinsing her mouth with a propolis solution and using a mental image, teaches people how to build up enamel on damaged teeth...”

“...The doctors of the Drozhzhanovsky district hospital could not believe their eyes when their ward Maria Efimovna Vasilyeva opened her mouth wide. Wow, a 104-year-old resident of the village of Chuvashskoye Drozhzhanoe has... started to grow teeth again!”

“...Daria Andreeva, a 94-year-old resident of Cheboksary, has started cutting new teeth. According to specialists from the Chuvash Republican Dental Clinic, the old woman has already erupted one tooth.”

“...A resident of the village of Sharanglu in the Iranian province of East Azerbaijan grew new teeth to replace those that had fallen out of old age.”

“...Unexpected happiness befell Marya Andreevna Tsapovalova, who lives at the Rehabilitation Center for Pensioners in Sochi. At the age of one hundred, she suddenly began to grow new teeth!

"…One of them128-year-old Iranian Bahram Ismaili. Due to old age, he lost only three teeth, and new ones grew to replace them. Bahram also does not eat meat. Besides, he had never brushed his teeth in his life.

The second similar incident occurred with the Indian peasant Baldev. He grew new teeth at 110 years old. Baldevheavy smoker. He complains that he has long been accustomed to holding the pipe with his toothless mouth and now it is inconvenient for him to clamp it with his teeth.”

“In the next Race, people will be able to revive dead tissue and even grow new teeth” (Agni Yoga).

“...12-year-old French girl Michelle was a little unlucky in life. The fact is that the girl suffers from a rare hereditary disease. Michelle has grown shark teeth that constantly break and grow back. She has much more of them than ordinary people, and they grow in several rows. Michelle recently had 28 teeth pulled. And still she has 31 more of them than she should.”

And just recently I found a wonderful article on the Internet written by Natalia Adnoral. I take the longest quote from it:

« First miracle: caries may not exist. A similar phenomenon was observed by Italian dentists who visited several monasteries in Tibet. Of the 150 monks examined, 70% did not have a single diseased tooth, and the rest had extremely limited caries. What is the reason? Partly due to dietary habits. The traditional menu of Tibetan monks includes barley cakes, yak milk butter, Tibetan tea; In summer, turnips, potatoes, carrots, and a little rice are added, sugar and meat are excluded.

What if caries has already damaged your teeth?

Second miracle: Tooth decay can be reversed. An example of this is the cases of self-healing caries observed by dentists, when the affected tissues become strong again, and the restored area of ​​the tooth acquires a darker shade. And such cases are by no means isolated. How does this happen? Builder cells detect damage and restore the integrity of the tooth in the same sequence in which it was originally created. Well, what if caries has won and there is nothing left of the tooth? Then prosthetics, of course. Or...

Third miracle: New teeth can grow. This is called the “third change of teeth” and is observed in very old people. And although a person does not have the rudiments of the third generation of teeth, there are remnants of “eternally young” tissues that suddenly, for reasons that are not entirely clear, remember their destiny to become teeth and successfully realize their potential. Similar reports have not been uncommon lately: a 110-year-old resident of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh has grown two new teeth; a 94-year-old resident of Cheboksary and a 104-year-old woman from Tatarstan began to cut new teeth; As many as six teeth appeared in an 85-year-old Novgorod woman... Of course, one can be skeptical about sensations. If only... not for the latest discoveries of science.

A scientifically proven miracle. A group of scientists from the American Research Center of Texas, led by Dr. McDougal, studied special cells that produce dental tissue (enamel and dentin). The genes responsible for this production are active only during the period of tooth formation, and then turn off. Scientists managed to “turn on” these genes again and grow a full-fledged tooth (for now “in vitro”, outside the body). True, one cannot count on rapid changes in the practice of prosthetics. It will take at least 20 years for the technology of growing your own teeth to become widespread..."

Well, since we’ve already reached the scientists, I’ll give a few more different excerpts.

“Researchers at Osaka University are preparing for clinical trials on humans. According to scientists, this method is much cheaper than prosthetics, ITAR-TASS reports.

The treatment system is based on the effect of genes that activate the growth of fibroblasts. This is the main cellular form of connective tissue.

Its effect was tested on a dog that had previously developed a severe form of periodontal disease - atrophy of the tissue around the teeth, leading to their loss. Then the affected areas were treated with a substance that included the mentioned genes and agar-agar - an acidic mixture that provides a nutrient medium for cell reproduction. Six weeks later, the dog's fangs erupted. The same effect was observed in a monkey with teeth ground down.” And one more thing: “Scientists are trying to use stem cells, known for their unique properties, to establish the process of growing teeth. British researchers from Kings College London received a grant of 500 thousand pounds (approximately $885 thousand) for this project. The institute's Odontis company hopes to move from successful mouse experiments to clinical trials within the next two years. According to the scientists, specially programmed stem cells will be implanted into the gums at the site of the missing tooth. After two months, a new tooth should grow there.

The new method of prosthetics has huge advantages over artificial teeth. According to the researchers, a “natural” tooth will not have a negative impact on the adjacent teeth, as well as on the gums, which often happens in the case of artificial prosthetics.

However, it will be at least five years before the new technology is available to the general public. Such stem cell implants will cost about the same as conventional prosthetics – from 1.5 thousand to 2 thousand pounds (about $3.5 thousand).”

You can see for yourself: scientists, as usual, climb into the house through the window, i.e. choose the most difficult and strange path. You and I don’t have time to wait for them to get there, and for some reason I suspect that you don’t have 3.5 thousand dollars for one prosthesis lying around either, so... let’s believe that we are capable of everything ourselves, and we will try to open the door.

Have you decided?! Do you really want to try it after reading the list of seven points?! Are you honestly, honestly ready?! OK!

Practice shows that most people, when reading books that contain some exercises, think like this: first, I’ll read to the end, understand the whole system of exercises, and then, starting to read again, I’ll do them... And most often, after reading to the end, put the book aside and calmly fall asleep. And they don’t come back to her anymore.

So, condition one: do not start reading the chapter “Growing Teeth” until you have completed the implementation of the previous chapters. The condition is difficult, but otherwise, don’t write me angry letters that nothing worked out for you. I won't even read them. Because here I am, with teeth, and you are there playing the game “I Doubt”...

Condition two: radically change the situation. If you are at work, put the book down until your vacation, and when you take a vacation, go to the village, or to the sea, or to the forest, but definitely, closer to nature and away from the usual way of life. Don't forget the book! Where you arrive, don’t rush to read chapter two either. Live for a week. Do you go to the forest, to the mountains, to the sea, what’s nearby? Let your body and soul immerse yourself in nature, begin to hear it a little...

How to believe in miracles?

I decided to write this article after one of my tennis practices. It amazes me that some people only believe in logic! They don't allow any miracles. They don't allow unexplained things to happen.

And here's how it happened.

I have already learned to play tennis well and my coach and I now play on the count. Of course he beats me. And, of course, I want to win against him for the first time. But I want to calm down. I do not use my “magic” (I do not do concentrations on this matter, visualizations, spells, etc.) for these purposes.

After the end of the training, the coach and I were getting ready, and then another coach came up. I tell mine: “It’s okay, I’ll beat you soon!!!” And that other coach knows that I haven’t been playing that long. He knows I'm an amateur.

And he says to me: “How can you beat him, because he’s a professional? You need at least 10 years of training!” I replied that 6 months would be enough for me, although I understood that this could happen in the next 3 months. In response they only laughed.

And I laughed, but I felt sorry for them, because they don’t believe in miracles at all...

I don’t pretend to play better than my coach and beat him all the time. I want to win 1 time!

Logically, they are absolutely right: a beginner cannot beat a professional. But, after all, we do not live in a logical world. There are completely different laws in the world. But some do not understand them at all and do not accept them. And of course their life leaves much to be desired. If they don't believe in miracles, miracles will never happen to them!

Do you admit that something incredible and wonderful can happen in your life? Can you believe in miracles?

I have seen so many miracles in my life that I can’t even count them. Now I see them in the lives of training participants :)

There were so many facts that could not be explained logically.

Let's do an experiment with you!

Tell yourself please:

“From now on, I open myself to miracles! YES!

Universe please send me some kind of miracle within a week."

And wait! Something unpredictable, something surprising, something contrary to the usual logic of things may happen.

Miracles can be small, for example, I managed to do it on time, although according to the logic of things this could not have happened. And also major miracles: I met my soulmate, although here, in such a situation and with such your attitude, this could not have happened, they gave you a large sum of money, etc.

The world that we see with our eyes is just an illusion, a reflection of the world that is inside. It seems that he exists separately from us. But no!!!

It's hard to believe, but this world is created by your mind :)

And those who believe in this are the masters of their lives and can create anything.

Those who do not believe in this constantly live in a struggle with their world.

Change something in yourself, and the world around you will change!

You cannot change the outside world, but you can change yourself! You can just believe in miracles!!!

By changing something in yourself, you will change the world around you.

Do you want a simple example?

There is a person in your life who annoys you. Perhaps it is a co-worker, perhaps a friend, girlfriend, or anyone.

Ask yourself: “What does this person reflect in me?” or “What part of me does he represent?”

You will get your answer.

If you change this part of yourself, suddenly the person will change!!! He will change his behavior! He will stop annoying you. Or it will simply disappear from Your reality. (an employee can transfer, quit, and a friend can leave).

At an online training, participants tell me that as soon as they fell in love with themselves, suddenly a lot of beautiful people immediately appeared around them or they began to receive a lot of compliments.

I see how the people around me reflect myself!!!

I don't need to change anyone! I need to change myself and the person will change!

Why do training participants get excellent results?

Because I myself get excellent results in life.

Why do they do what I ask them to do?

Because everything I teach, I do myself!

Age restrictions 12+

The day was cool and the wind was variable but southerly. White and fluffy clouds, driven on by the rustling of the trees, either covered the June sun, or floated past, carried away into the distance of the blue sky. People, with a cheerful expression on their faces, walked around a small but picturesque town called Florence, and enjoyed life. Among them was a young, pretty girl of 16 years old. Her name was Sarah Gray. Sarah was tall with back-length golden hair that neatly framed her shoulders, and her blue eyes radiated energy and vitality. Thin and soft facial features and a slender figure complemented her image. By nature, Sarah was a very good and sympathetic person. She loved helping people, giving them advice, and communicating with others. Sarah also loved to walk in nature and enjoy the gusty but warm wind, and sometimes pouring rain. I read it very often and enjoyed it. She often loved to dream and strived to learn something new and interesting. She had many friends and acquaintances with whom she often met or spent her free time. But most of all she was interested in drawing, as Sarah was a creative person by nature. Although the girl tried to paint pictures or draw portraits, the artist’s skill was difficult for her, and very often, she was worried because of this and did not believe that a miracle would ever happen, and she would still be able to develop her abilities that had been stored in her, and which she didn’t even suspect. But overall, she was successful, attentive, sensitive, caring and wise.
Walking along Florence's road, Sarah looked around and breathed in the summer and fresh air, and sometimes looked up at the sky and watched the movement of white clouds. The wind blew in her face, blowing her loose hair and her ankle-length white summer dress. Around her neck was a pink chiffon scarf. That day Sarah was upset. At her school, where she studied, a competition for young artists was held, which would be attended by important people. And the future of the school depends on these individuals. The competition will take place tomorrow. In a strange way, Sarah was included in the number of participants. This upset her very much, as she did not expect to cope with the task. After all, until now, she has not been able to draw a good picture. And the fact that she was included in the number of participants became a problem for her. And she cannot refuse to participate, given the fact that the whole school is counting on her, since in childhood she drew very well, but over time she lost this gift, and did not hope to return it, unless a miracle happened, but this will never. Now, walking along the road, Sarah thought so and wondered what she should do now. “Maybe he could ask his friends to go to the competition instead of me, and then say that I got sick or ended up in the hospital?” - she thought, and then cut herself off. “- Lord, what am I saying? God forbid, hope for such a thing. It’s just stupid of me to think about such a topic.” - she reproached herself. And then her gaze caught from the crowd an elderly woman who was sitting on a bench, rubbing her hand, on which Sarah saw a scratch. The woman looked to be about 50 - 60 years old. Her hair was covered with gray, but it suited her. The woman's eyes were brown. The stranger sat with her head down, looking at her feet. She was wearing a white blouse and a gray skirt. Approaching this lady, Sarah asked: - Excuse me, is it free here? The woman raised her eyes and answered with a weak smile: “Yes, of course, sit down.” Sarah thanked the woman, sat down next to her on the bench, and sighing with relief, looked at the sky. The weather was still cool, but the sun still peeked out from behind the clouds and illuminated the street. The stranger sat and rubbed her wounded hand, the girl wanted to turn to her, but was shy. In general, by nature, Sarah was a sensitive and responsive person, and was always ready to help the victims. And now, noticing that the stranger’s hand hurt and she didn’t know how to bandage the wound, the girl said: “Madam, let me help you, otherwise your wound may become inflamed.” The woman looked up at Sarah and answered with a smile: “Thank you for your help, daughter.” I was walking and sprained my leg, and when I fell, I injured my arm. And there is nothing to bandage with. It’s a miracle that you were nearby and volunteered to help me. What's your name, daughter? - the woman asked. “Sarah Gray,” the girl answered, and then said, “But I don’t believe in miracles, madam.” It's just a coincidence and nothing more - Sarah spoke in a soft but confident voice. - You, so young, don’t believe in miracles? - the elderly lady said in a surprised tone. - Yes, I don’t believe it. Miracles only happen in books, but in real life everything is different,” Miss Gray said in a somewhat detached voice, but thought to herself, “Unfortunately!” - You're wrong, dear. A miracle can happen in real life, you have to believe in it. And you will see that something unusual, but no less beautiful, always happens in life,” the stranger said in a gentle, and at the same time, instructive voice, “Well, why are you so harsh about your life?” - the woman asked, watching the skillful movements of Sarah, who was bandaging the lady’s hand with a chiffon scarf. - That's it, everything is ready, ma'am. I hope everything goes well for you,” the girl smiled. - Thank you for your help, but you didn’t answer me. Why do you feel this way about your life? - The stranger asked, thanking the girl. Sarah looked from under her eyelashes at her interlocutor. The lady's eyes were so open and sympathetic that the girl wanted to tell her everything. And then, she wanted to talk to someone and listen to someone’s advice. And her parents went to visit her mother’s relatives, and will arrive only in two days. And she needs to talk now. Sighing heavily, the girl began speaking. - You see, madam. I study at school in the 10th grade. And the authorities of this school are organizing a competition for young artists. Strangely enough, I was one of the participants. And it really upset me. - But why? After all, drawing is a very interesting art form. And I'm sure you like to draw. And I’m even sure that as a child, you were a wonderful artist. So, why were you upset that you were included in the list of participants? - the woman asked sympathetically. - You are right, as a child I was really a good artist. Drawing was one of my hobbies, and the brightest. But time moves on and does not stand still. Over time, I lost my gift. Now, not only am I a portrait, I can’t even draw a picture. No matter how hard I tried to draw something, I ended up with nothing but a mess. And I'm not sure that my gift will ever return. And at school they still think that I draw well. I can't tell them that I lost my gift. Teachers rely on me, and I cannot let down their faith - Sarah spoke so sincerely and from the bottom of her heart that even a stranger believed in her talent. After some time, a girl spoke up and said: “Parents, friends, acquaintances and even teachers.” They all believe in my success and say that one day a miracle will happen and I will become an outstanding artist. And I don’t know how to tell them that they are wrong. “Can I ask you one question, dear?” the woman asked. “Of course, madam,” the girl answered. - Sarah, if all the people around you believe in miracles and in your success, why don’t you want to believe in all this? - asked the stranger, looking intently into the girl’s blue eyes. Sarah Gray froze. The lady's question took her by surprise. The girl herself did not know what to say to her interlocutor. Maybe this is due to the fact that she leads a realistic lifestyle, in which there are no such concepts as “miracle” or “belief in a miracle.” Or maybe this is an ordinary fear of believing in something unusual that defies the simple and reasonable explanation. And having sorted out her thoughts, Sarah replied: “It seems to me that I’m just afraid to believe it.” - Afraid, but why? - the woman asked her neighbor on the bench. “When a miracle happens, it always brings troubles and disappointments for people and their loved ones,” Sarah answered quietly. - But you forget that it brings with it joy and happiness. If you expect something bad, then that bad thing will come. And if you are waiting for something good and wonderful, then it will be so. The main thing is that you must believe in it. And then you will understand how beautiful the world is when you live in anticipation of a miracle,” the woman smiled, looking at how the city street was gradually emptying. Sarah didn't answer, she just didn't know what to say. Instead, she turned her gaze to the roads, and was surprised to see that the street was empty, and the weather suddenly became sunny and warm. Then, the girl looked at her new acquaintance and saw that the woman was smiling, and her eyes were shining with joy when she noted that the weather had changed, and the sun was peeking out from behind the clouds more often. “You have a very cheerful expression in your eyes, madam,” Sarah noted. - That's right, because I live and enjoy life. And fate always brings me surprises. And today, fate helped me again. Thanks to you, I was again convinced that miracles do happen. I met you. And you gave me the help I needed. It's very noble of you to help a complete stranger. Thank you for this. And I am sure that one day you will believe in miracles. And you will understand that you were wrong. And if you need confirmation of my words, answer me one question,” the woman asked her. - Which one? - asked Sarah. - When you bandaged my wound, what were you thinking about, what were you hoping for? - the lady asked a question. - I hoped that your hand would pass. You could say I was hoping for a miracle,” Miss Gray admitted. - You see, honey. You are already hoping for a miracle, which means you are starting to believe in it. To make sure I'm right, remove the bandage on my arm. And look what your hope has brought - said ma'am. Sarah looked hesitantly at the lady's hand, which she had bandaged. And for some time I did not dare to touch her. But when she saw the encouraging expression in the stranger’s brown eyes, she touched the neat bow on the scarf and began to slowly untie it. A couple of seconds later, the transparent chiffon was in Sarah’s other hand, and the girl herself looked in amazement at the woman’s hand, where there had recently been a wound. Now there was nothing there, no scratch, no wound, no bruise, no bump, nothing. The skin on my hand was clean and healthy. The girl looked up at her interlocutor and said: “It’s incredible, you just had a wound, and after a few minutes nothing happened.” How could this happen? - This is a miracle, my child. This is a miracle that happens unexpectedly. And you can never say exactly when it will happen. But everyone is waiting for it, and when it happens, people understand that there are things in the world that cannot be explained in words, but can be felt with the soul and heart. And you will soon be convinced of this. I promise you. “Now, I understand why you enjoy life,” said Sarah. - Why? - asked the stranger. - Because you love helping people believe in miracles. Love it when they understand that there is a lot of beauty and a lot of interesting things in the world. Thanks to you, people begin to believe in themselves and their strengths, and communication with you helps them understand this. People begin to live in anticipation of miracles, and when they finally come, everyone understands how beautiful the world is when you hope for something, believe in something, and wait for something. Such people find their happiness, and understand how wonderful life is, and the one who lives this life begins to believe in the future. And you like it. You are a man of exceptional kindness, madam. This is the main quality of those who live in the world. And she tries not to lose this kindness, hope and faith - Sarah finished her thought, which made her heart feel light and calm. The woman smiled and said: “You learned a lot and believed in a lot, Sarah.” And I'm glad about it. I have nothing more to advise you. Now I have to go. But before I leave, I want to tell you this, daughter. It often happens that something happens that you least expect, be it misfortune or disappointment, but with misfortune comes part of the joy. It is this part that helps people find happiness and achieve success in life. And if you believe in the best, it will definitely come true, and you will love life. The main thing is to believe in a miracle, and that one day it will come and help you find your purpose in life. - the woman said the last words, which Sarah remembered very clearly and clearly, noticing that the woman was disappearing in the silver light, like an angel. And finally, tightly squeezing her hand, she smiled tenderly, as if saying that she would always be by her side, and at any moment, could come to her aid. The girl also smiled at the one who helped her and said quietly: “Thank you for everything, madam.” And for changing my world, and for your words, which warmed my soul and calmed my heart. The woman nodded and disappeared into the silver light, smoothly disappearing just as she had appeared. And Sarah, after sitting on the bench for some time, looked at where the stranger had disappeared, and smiling a bright smile, she walked along the warm street and long road, waiting for the next day. Sarah spent the entire next day in great excitement and tension. After all, today there will be a competition where she must demonstrate her creative abilities. And the girl was slightly worried that she might not be able to cope with what the hosts of this competition would ask her. So before going to school, Sarah said a silent prayer. And then, putting on a long flared white skirt and a pink summer jacket with short sleeves, she left the house and walked along the road in the direction where she studied. But as Sarah walked towards school, she thought about the conversation with the woman she had met the previous day. The girl remembered the words spoken by the stranger well, and although they instilled a piece of hope in her, Sarah was unable to finally believe in success and in a miracle. The day was bright and warm. The sun warmed the earth with its rays, thanks to which the street became bright and light. Having reached a wide building, the girl looked around, not knowing what prompted her to do this. But then, Sarah realized that at the moment, she was hoping that somewhere, she would accidentally see the same woman who had talked to her yesterday. And, suddenly, somewhere in the distance, Miss Gray noticed a familiar face. She wanted to approach her, but when she saw that the woman whispered something, she remained in place. Instead, Sarah made out three words: “Believe in a miracle.” And then it seemed to her that the stranger smiled at her and nodded towards the doors that led to the school. Having responded in kind, Sarah saw that the woman's face disappeared, and then she herself disappeared. Inhaling more air into her lungs, the girl turned her gaze to the building, and with a beating heart, she crossed the threshold and approached the doors. As soon as she opened the door, a woman of no young age immediately approached her and, looking at her, said: “Sarah, where have you been?” We've been waiting for you for 20 minutes. You know that we all rely on you. Moreover, you represent our school, and we all believe in your success. If a miracle happens, our school will take first place in the city. So let's move forward with new strength and faith in yourself. With these words, the woman took Sarah by the hands and led her to the classroom where the competition for young artists would be held. A couple of minutes later the competition began, and Sarah entered the class with great excitement. The office was spacious and bright. 8 people from different schools took part in the competition. And now these participants sat at their easels and looked at the two people who were holding the competition. The presenters were a middle-aged man and woman. And both were dressed in formal clothes. And in the right corner, three people in formal suits were sitting at the table, and in front of them, on a flat surface, lay sheets, forms and writing materials, such as pens, pencils, felt-tip pens, markers and much more. Sarah sat down at a free easel and began to listen to the topic that the presenters asked her to draw. - So, you are given one topic. It should reveal how great your creative abilities are. You have to draw a portrait of a person, whether it is a man or a woman does not matter. But you should try to paint the portrait as clearly as possible. Highlighting all facial features, all curves. And for the best portrait, this participant will receive first place. Three hours are given for work. During this time, you must depict this topic on the sheets. “I wish all participants good luck,” the woman said. After a couple of seconds, all the guys got to work. Sarah sat for a while, not knowing what to do or what to do. The girl had no doubt that she might not be able to cope. But suddenly, the words that the woman said to her surfaced in her memory, and somehow, by itself, the girl’s hand fell on the easel and began to move a pencil along a blank sheet of paper. Before Sarah’s eyes, the stranger’s face appeared, and then her entire image. During the conversation with this woman, Miss Gray remembered all her features, and now, she could easily describe her. The stranger’s head had already appeared on the sheet, and then everything else. And now, the same woman with whom she spoke yesterday was looking at Sarah. - So, dear participants, your time is up. I hope you managed to draw a portrait. The best contestant or contestant will be declared the winner. I ask everyone to submit their drawings - a woman caught the attention of the guys after three hours had passed. Hearing the presenter's words, Sarah shuddered and looked at her easel. There was a portrait of a woman that resembled the real one. The portrait turned out simply wonderful, which surprised Sarah very much. Little did she know that her new friend was right. It turns out that a miracle did happen. Her gift returned to her. Was she really wrong? And miracles happen in life, you just have to believe in them. It turns out that this faith lived in her soul and heart, but she simply did not suspect it. - Miss Gray, where is your painting? - asked the woman who approached her. Sarah looked at the presenter and, picking up the easel, handed it to her. The woman looked at the drawing and, widening her eyes, said: “It’s just a miracle, Miss Gray.” Great drawing. I am sure that in the future you will become a real artist. And looking at the girl, then at the picture, she went to the table where the jury was sitting, and put a stack of drawings on the surface and stepped aside - I ask everyone to leave - asked one of the jury members. All participants, including Sarah Gray, left the class. A couple of minutes later, all the guys were invited to enter the office to announce the results of the competition. When the participants took their seats, one of the jury members stood up and asked for complete silence. Sarah held her breath and began to wait in tension for the outcome. She was all on nerves, and still had not recovered from the fact that she was able to draw a portrait. No matter how hard she tried, nothing worked for her, but after talking with that lady, everything completely changed. The girl became somehow more confident in herself. And a little, I was even able to believe in miracles and in myself. Perhaps her current understanding of certain things is connected precisely with that woman, and with the words that she spoke. - Well, well, the moment you've all been waiting for has come. Now we will announce the winner of this competition - said the female jury - everyone began to wait for the continuation. Silence reigned in the office. -So, all the works were very good and wonderful, but according to the rules of the competition, we must choose only one. We are grateful to all of you for participating in the competition, and we must say that you all have talent. But one participant in particular stood out. Her painting was so clear and skillful that we all came to the same conclusion. The winner of this competition is Miss Sarah Gray. She painted a beautiful picture. The woman in her drawing looked exactly like the real one. The facial features were very clear, although painted. But overall, the picture is very good and wonderful. It combines everything, life, joy, happiness, energy, beauty, love, vitality. And considering the results of the competition, the school? 105, becomes the winner, and takes first place in Florence as the best school this year. Congratulations, Miss Gray. When the male jury announced the results and showed the picture to everyone, all the guys understood why this particular participant was awarded first place. The picture was truly stunning and gorgeous. After the applause, Sarah walked up to the table where the jury was sitting, smiled, took the diploma of the best artist in the city, and turning to the other participants, said: “I am very grateful to everyone for their support.” And for the fact that I was able to draw a picture. I understand that many of you wanted to take first place. And I share your sadness, but nevertheless, I wish everyone good luck, and I hope that a miracle will happen, and one of you will win the next competition, and you will take first place. Thank you for your attention - Sarah smiled, and left the class to repeated applause. The teachers immediately approached her, and when they learned about her victory they were very happy, and the school director, looking at the girl, said: “I had no doubt about your victory, Sarah, well done, you will become a professional artist.” How did you manage that? -The fact is that one person told me that if I believe in success, then a miracle will happen and bring with it something good and beautiful, you just need to believe in it. So I believed it. And as you can see, the victory was awarded to our school. And I’m very happy about this - with these words, Sarah left the building and walked along the road, enjoying the gusty but warm wind. Walking along the road, Sarah Gray for some time did not know what happened at school and how she became the winner of the competition. But she understood that her new friend, who convinced the girl that miracles happen, had something to do with this. Only Sarah never believed in this, and after the miracle happened to her, the girl realized that the woman was right. So, she walked and thought until she heard someone sitting and crying. Sarah looked in the direction where the crying was coming from and saw that a little girl about 5-6 years old with shoulder-length black hair and clear blue eyes was sitting on the curb. The girl was dressed in a white knee-length skirt and a pale pink blouse with short sleeves. The baby's head was placed on her knees, and children's sobs could be heard. Sarah walked up to the girl, squatted down, and asked tenderly: “What happened, baby?” Are you lost? The girl raised her eyes, and tears flowed down her soft cheeks. Sobbing, the little girl said: “No, I’m not lost?” - What happened then? - Why do you need to know this? - the girl asked stubbornly. - When someone cries, it means they are in trouble. And other people, seeing this, decide to help this person, because helping people is very good,” Sarah said in a gentle and pleasant voice. - Do you really think so? - asked the little girl. “Honestly,” the girl smiled. “Okay, I’ll tell you everything,” the girl promised. - First, tell me, what is your name? - Tara. - Tara, very good. And my name is Sarah. “Nice to meet you,” the girl smiled again, and then asked, “So what happened?” Little Tara wiped away her tears, and, glad that she could talk to someone, answered: “The fact is that today is my mother’s birthday.” And I went to get a gift for her, but on the way, I fell, and the gift that I had prepared was lost. I looked for him, but never found him. So what should I give her now? - Tara spoke in a sad voice, and Sarah thought that the girl would soon cry, so ahead of the girl, she asked? - Tara, what did you want to give your mom? I bought her one figurine made of red baked clay. This figurine represented a dog, and I was told that it brought good luck to its keeper. So I bought this talisman for my mother. And he was lost - tears appeared in the girl’s eyes again. - Maybe you accidentally left a gift in the store? - Sarah asked as softly as possible. “No, I looked there too, and didn’t find anything,” Tara answered. Sarah looked at the baby and thought about what to do. She herself had not seen this figure. And he’s unlikely to be able to find her, but the girl needs to be helped. And then, Miss Gray said: - Tara, I have one suggestion. - Which? - asked the girl - We will go together to look for your gift. In the meantime, we are looking for him, maybe a miracle will happen and he will be found - the girl smiled. “You are so big, but you believe in fairy tales,” Tara reproached the girl. - Don’t you believe in them? “No,” the girl shook her head. - It’s bad that you don’t believe it. You have to believe in miracles. They decorate life. And if you want to make sure I’m right, let’s go to the place where you lost the figurine. - Do you think a miracle will happen? “And you have to believe this,” Sarah smiled warmly, and, extending her hand to the girl, nodded her head. Tara took her hand and led her in the direction where she lost the gift. A few minutes later, they reached a tall building, and the girl, pointing to a clearing, said: “This is where my figurine fell out.” “So, we’ll look here,” said Sarah, looking around the clearing with a quick glance of her blue eyes. And sitting down on the grass, she began to rummage through it with her hands. - Sarah, tell me, have miracles happened to you? - Yes, and by the way, before that, just like you, I didn’t believe in anything. But when I personally encountered this, I realized that there is a place for miracles in the world... - and then Sarah’s fingers stumbled upon something warm and hard and firm. Looking at this something, Miss Gray saw that it was a piece of baked clay in the form of a red dog, and this figure glittered and warmed her fingers - And here is proof of this for you, Tara. This is your gift, isn't it? The girl extended her hand with the figurine to the girl, who was delighted, threw herself on Sarah’s neck and hugged her tightly. - Hooray! The gift has been found! A miracle happened after all. You were right - Tara smiled all the time with a cheerful and happy smile and it was noticeable that she was about to jump for joy. Therefore, the girl, wanting to attract the girl’s attention, smiled and said: “Tara, calm down, and run to your mother for her holiday.” The girl looked at Sarah, whom she really liked and managed to become her friend, and said: “Sarah, come with me to my mother’s birthday, I’ll introduce you to her.” And I’ll tell you about the miracle that happened. Mom won't object. - No, baby, it’s not worth it. Still, your mother doesn’t know me. And she won’t like the idea of ​​a stranger coming to your house - Sarah tried to refuse. - But, you are familiar! - it seems Tara tried to insist on her own - And then, I’m still too young to walk the streets alone. I'm only six and a half. And at this age, children walk around the city with their elders. “That’s right,” Sarah thought to herself, and smiling, said: “Well, okay, you convinced me - she gave in under the pressure of the baby, Miss Gray, and took her hand and led her home.” On the way to Tara's house, Sarah thought about how mysterious the world works. At first, you don’t believe in something, then, having understood yourself, you realize that in many ways you were wrong. And when you are convinced that others are right, you begin to believe in a lot and hope for a lot. And now, holding little Tara’s hand, Sarah Gray hoped that her mother would not object to the fact that her daughter was holding the hand of an unfamiliar girl and leading her into her house. The girl caught herself thinking that she hoped for a miracle and believed that it would happen. And a miracle happened. When they came to Tara’s house, and a middle-aged woman opened the door, she was not at all embarrassed to see an unfamiliar, but polite and pleasant girl next to her daughter, but on the contrary, having assumed the duties of a hospitable hostess of the house, she let Sarah into the apartment, and already half an hour later, I listened with interest to the story of how the miracle happened, and the missing item was now adorned on the coffee table. In front of them on the kitchen table were three cups, in the middle there was a cake cut into pieces, a bowl of sweets, and a plate of fruit. And now, listening to Tara and her mother, Sarah realized how right that stranger was who helped the girl believe in herself and understand that life is beautiful, especially when a person knows how to live and is able to believe in a miracle.

Quotes about miracles are used to create essays, formulate statuses for social networks, and simply read to lift your spirits. They are preferred not only by romantics and people with a fine mental organization, but also by those who are tired of the dullness and routine of days. We offer quotes about miracles to awaken the belief that life consists of beautiful little things and surprises.

Beautiful quotes, statuses about miracles

  • “To believe in a miracle, you need not delve into the essence of what is happening.”
  • "A miracle is the merging of everything together. The beauty of a sunset, the wind in your hair, warm breath and trembling in your chest. Miracles are available, you just have to see them."
  • “The feeling of the unreality of what is happening, familiar to many, is an attempt by miracles to get into our soul.”
  • "He who believes in miracles cannot be unhappy."
  • “Two human qualities prevent you from believing in miracles: blindness and callousness.”
  • “And no matter how much life kills, the strong believe in miracles.”
  • “There is a miracle at every step. Some people just see it as a coincidence, while others see it as magic.”
  • “A person denies what he does not notice. So it is with miracles.”
  • "A miracle will never happen if it is not expected."
  • "Miracles love the patient."
  • "Miracles do not tolerate hypocrisy. They feel when they are not believed in."

Quotes about the New Year's miracle

  • “Believing in the magic of the New Year is giving yourself a chance to start over.”
  • “Have you noticed that no one looks forward to New Year’s Eve as much as children? They believe, in fact, in simple things that every adult can do. So why don’t we believe in it ourselves?”
  • “When the chimes strike, even the most notorious skeptics believe in miracles.”
  • “We are rarely as happy as when we are decorating the house for the New Year. Maybe there is a miracle living in a box with garlands?”
  • "It's easy to believe in the magic of New Year's Eve. It's harder to enjoy the good things after."

Quotes about miracles and magic

  • “Adults often think that only children can believe in magic. They don’t understand that it exists when you want to believe in it.”
  • "A new day and dawn are already a miracle."
  • "Sorcery and magic have very little in common. The first is born in the soul, the second - in the deception of another."
  • “We are often deceived that not everything is possible. But it just happens. And how can we not believe in magic?”
  • "Magic is subjective. Some see it in the sparkling frost on the trees, others - in the kiss of a loved one."

Quotes about DIY miracles

Quotes about miracles can make you look at your life from a different angle. Consider the accidents in it that led to unexpected pleasant consequences. And believe that we ourselves are capable of creating a miracle.

  • “Each of us is a magician and wizard. You just need to remember this.”
  • “Kindness towards another person works better than a magic wand.”
  • “A person can’t explain everything. But he can give meaning to everything. It’s the same with miracles.”
  • “Hugging someone who is sad is giving them a little magic. Sometimes we don’t even realize what power lies within us.”
  • “Everyday life differs from a fairy tale in that the former loves to take, and the latter loves to give.”
  • “Belief in magic is a form of self-hypnosis. By directing our thoughts towards the fulfillment of our dreams, we miraculously attract them.”
  • “We endow many objects with mysterious powers. And we don’t even notice when they start working, attributing everything to coincidences and patterns. Or maybe, in reality, everything is not so?”
  • “You can choose for yourself which path to follow in life: believe that everything is around you - and be sure that miracles do not happen.”
  • “You don’t have to wait for a miracle, but give it to someone else. Then it will not come back to you empty-handed.”

Quotes about miracles can be used for other purposes. They are easy to include in a message to a person who is desperate and needs support. They can be made a reminder in your phone or part of a wish card. After all, they are easy to remember and remember in moments of weakness and sadness.