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Verbal teaching methods are: Characteristics of verbal teaching methods

The pendulum is a modest but powerful tool for working with intuition. This is a great way to get quick, direct, and often unexpected answers! This is an inexpensive and effective form of fortune telling, getting answers and more.

What is a dowsing pendulum?

A dowsing pendulum is usually a stone or crystal that hangs from the end of a cord or chain. The pendulum is used as a way to gain spiritual and material understanding. Traditionally, dowsing pendulums have been used to detect hidden water, minerals, and other hidden objects underground.

How it works?

Do we get answers through magic? Spirits? Extrasensory abilities? My preferred answer is that the dowsing pendulum works by connecting us to the subconscious, which in turn is connected to higher layers and “knows” much more than we can imagine.

When we ask a question, our subconscious mind reacts by influencing the nerve endings in our fingers, causing waves that the pendulum displays as an answer to the question. In other words, our body outwardly expresses our inner knowing.

Obtaining answers using a pendulum is one of the simplest types of divination, which makes it suitable for almost any practitioner, even a beginner. You don't have to be a miracle psychic to use it! Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Choose the right pendulum

Think about what material or crystal you want to use as your pendulum. Is there some kind of power stone of yours (i.e. a stone that resonates and works with you others)? If you have access to these kinds of stores, hold different pendulums in your hands and see how they interact with you. I’ll tell you a secret, a thing that resonates in unison with you will definitely attract your attention, hook you, enchant you, or simply like it. Alternatively, you can try making your own pendulum using a chain with a heavy object at the end (mind you, not too heavy!) For training, while you have not yet learned how to work with it and it is a shame to buy expensive pendulums, so as not to be disappointed, take a thread and hang a heavy needle on it, this will be your pendulum for the training period. This method will be easier than a wedding ring.

2. Clean the pendulum

Once you have found the right pendulum for you, you need to clear it of any residual energy. For example, you could run it under cold water, bury it in soil for a day, put it under moonlight at night, use singing bowls, put it in the freezer, or put it in rock salt for a day. You will see that after cleansing your pendulum has become even lighter.

3. Build a relationship with the pendulum

Building a relationship with your pendulum is quite simple, however, but it will still take a little time and effort.

In order to learn the language of your pendulum and tune into your subconscious, you will need to ask it a few questions.

Follow these steps:

  1. Take a few deep breaths.
  2. Seek advice and support. Why do we need the intervention of Higher powers in simple work is a controversial question; some people don’t even go out into the street without angelic support from above, and besides, it’s worth doing this in order to guarantee receiving the clear, most objective answers. If this method resonates with you, ask for support from someone you usually turn to.
  3. Next, ask the pendulum a few questions to determine what “yes,” “no,” and “maybe” means. Your pendulum can swing back, forward, sideways, clockwise or counterclockwise. To understand what directions mean, try the following two approaches and see which one you like best:
    • The first approach is to simply tell the pendulum: “show me yes” and wait for it to start swinging. Then say: “show me no” and wait for the swaying again. Finally, ask him: “show me probably” and wait for his answer. Pay attention to the route and keep asking. You can come up with whatever questions you want, for example, “show me I don’t know,” etc., until you run out of directions in which he can swing in various ways.
    • The second approach is to ask questions of the pendulum that will establish objective answers. For example, if you want to know which direction your pendulum will swing “yes”, ask it questions to which you know the answer, such as “Am I a man/woman?”, “Am I __ years old?”, “Are my eyes blue?” Notice which direction your pendulum swings. If it’s difficult to remember, then write down or draw a diagram of the answers. He is then asked questions to which the answer is clearly “no.” For example, “is my dog ​​still alive?” “I live on the __ floor?”, “I love swimming?”. Make sure you ask questions that have clear and specific answers.
  4. Ask questions to the pendulum

Your pendulum is now ready to use! Make sure you are sitting comfortably. To start practicing, you need to make sure that your hand is stable. So try to place your elbows on the table for extra support. Hold your pendulum loosely and softly between your thumb and index finger, tightly enough to prevent it from falling.

You can ask your pendulum almost any question (within reason). Topics can range from arranging the subject, deciding what to wear on a date, and choosing an area of ​​study, revealing your hidden feelings, motives, desires, gifts, and dreams. Your dowsing pendulum can be used to answer everyday questions and those related to money and connections, all the way into deeper spiritual questions.

You can also take ready-made diagrams that will help you assess the health of various organs inside your body and chakras. You can draw such a diagram yourself.

How to use your pendulum wisely

Here are some words of caution when working with a pendulum:

  • Please do not use your pendulum when you are feeling emotionally or mentally unbalanced (eg stressed, angry, tired, etc.) as this will give you inaccurate answers. To make sure you are in the right frame of mind, you can ask your pendulum a question before you begin, “is now a good time to dows?”
  • Do not use your pendulum as a substitute for medical examination. Don't put yourself in danger. If you are seriously concerned about your health, consult your doctor.
  • Make sure you only use the pendulum for yourself and not for others (even if they give you permission). First, evaluate whether you have gained enough experience to act.
  • Approach pendulum work with an open and open mind. If you have already convinced, tuned your mind to something specific, it is likely that this will be reflected in your dowsing. Understand some of the limitations of working with a pendulum. Sometimes, it is much better to consult other forms of divination (eg tarot, runes, etc.) that give you layered answers to look at the situation fully. It is ideal when the pendulum is used in conjunction with other types of fortune telling.

Finally, before each pendulum session, you might start with the following questions:

  • I can? (Am I ready to ask this question?)
  • Do I have Permission to ask this question? This is a useful question to ask when you want to ask or do something for another person, such as a friend or family member. Remember that it is still possible to get a “no” even if the person consciously says “Yes” to you. In such cases there is no need to continue.

That's all!


Before you begin to predict past, current and future events using a pendulum, you should remember that such an action is not a magical ritual in its pure form, but it does not exclude the intervention of invisible forces and energies. Working with the device should be purposeful, and the issue being solved should be vitally important, excluding idle curiosity. The pendulum helps the practitioner establish clear contact with the subtle world. At the same time, he himself becomes more open to influence from the other side.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

    General information

    A pendulum for fortune telling is a bridge to the astral world, where there is no division into time periods and geographical distances, but in which everything happens here and now. All methods of clairvoyance and prediction are based on this axiom. To successfully work with a pendulum you need to have:

      • creative thinking;
      • the ability to deeply concentrate on the object or concept being studied;
      • knowing of limits;
      • the device itself.

      There are no other requirements or restrictions if the practitioner is not a follower of religions that prohibit any communications with the subtle world, including fortune telling using any objects or means.

      How to do it?

      The instructions for making a working device are extremely simple. You can and should make a pendulum with your own hands. The preparation process will help establish full energetic contact between the conductor and the receiver.

      A pendulum is an amplifier of a person’s natural sensory abilities; the more layers of an individual’s energy there are on it, the closer the connection in the process of work and the more accurate the result. You should not use pendants, rings, beads, needles and other factory-made items as the main element.

      Basic principles that should be followed when making a pendulum:

  1. 1. The weighting element (frame) is made of copper or steel wire with a cross-section of 2-3 mm in the shape of a ring with a diameter of 30-40 mm. The ends of the wire circle are brought together end-to-end or with a slight overlap. You cannot combine them with joining material made of metal and plastic. The energy availability of the frame must be completely open from the outside and inside. A rigidly looped element works only with the part facing outwards. A passing flow of energy (draft) rushes across the inner area of ​​the ring, which does not contribute and even completely eliminates the reliability of the result.
  2. 2. One end of the pendulum thread is attached to the frame. The thread must be made of natural material (cotton, linen, wool). Synthetics, as in the case of electrical energy, are an insulator, breaking the contact base that lies at the head of the entire working process. The length of the thread is selected individually and is equal to the distance from the elbow to the wrist.
  3. 3. You should not try to raise the aesthetic or magical level of the pendulum by introducing arbitrary additional elements. In the first case, the order of information transfer is disrupted. In the second, the device moves to the level of a ritual attribute. Using a chain instead of a thread leads to fragmentation of the received signal in multiple duplicate links, disorienting the movement impulse.

The finished pendulum can be used to solve a wide range of problems.

Principle of operation

When using a pendulum in practice, the word “guessing” is not entirely correct. Using a pendulum, testing reveals:

  • phenomena of the past, present and future;
  • physical and psychological state of a particular person;
  • quantitative components of volume and subject components;
  • finding the object of study in space.

The pendulum visualizes to the human material body the knowledge obtained through the penetration of its subtle structures into certain events or the object being studied.

There is a certain sequence of actions:

  1. 1. The pendulum is clamped in the palm of the operating hand. A mental message of friendliness and trust is conveyed (the device should be perceived as a living, sentient organism).
  2. 2. First of all, it is necessary to determine the “gesture” language of the pendulum. The thread is taken by the free end and held in the arm bent at the elbow. After waiting until the pendulum’s oscillations from moving stop, you need to ask it a mental question about how the answer “yes” will be reproduced. The frame will begin to make either a circular motion “clockwise” or “counterclockwise”, or swing frontally or parallel to the position of the human operator’s body. The correctness of the result is double-checked by asking if the answer is “no”.
  3. 3. Having made sure that contact with the pendulum has been established, you can begin to work. Focusing as much as possible on the object (phenomenon) of the study, the operator asks a question that must be clearly formulated and prepared for a monosyllabic answer: “yes” or “no.” The hand in which the pendulum thread is held should be as relaxed as possible and exclude voluntary movements that give the device a guiding impulse.
  4. 4. If the answer received is not exhaustive, you can ask additional questions. With your free hand, a light shaking movement is carried out along the entire length of the pendulum. This allows you to free the device from residual information that is no longer relevant. Upon completion of the procedure, a new task is set.
  5. 5. Do not extend the session too long. It is impossible to maintain full concentration of consciousness for a long time, at least without long and persistent practice. Every extraneous thought that flashes through reduces the likelihood of a correct answer.
  6. 6. When completing work, you should express mental gratitude to invisible employees. The pendulum is best kept among objects saturated with the energy of the practitioner.

Each specific case studied with the help of a pendulum requires special techniques that come through practice.

Diagnostics, search and numerical testing

Diagnostics and search (of people, objects) have something in common at their core. The work can be carried out either directly at the research object or according to a scheme (image).

To search on a large scale, a map of the area (country) is used; on a small scale, a plan of a building or room is used. The wanted object (person) is mentally visualized. The pendulum is located above the map or plan. The query is specified: “where”. The frame slowly moves over the surface of a schematic image of the study area. At the first sign of deviation from the vertical axis, progress is suspended. If a positive “yes” sign is clearly visible, you should narrow your search to certain settlements or objects that fill the space.

Diagnosis of the human body is carried out by sequential examination of all organs or the largest nerve plexuses (chakras, ganglia). The work can be carried out both “live” and according to the image that the operator transfers to paper. The similarity of the working drawing with the original is not required; the main thing is to represent a specific person during its execution. Photos can be used for diagnosis. It is advisable that this be done shortly before the session. All manipulations during the examination are similar to search actions. They allow you to either immediately go to the diseased organ or to the nerve center responsible for its functionality.

Numerical testing is necessary to clarify dates, time periods, and quantitative components. The question is to find out: “when” or “how much”. A mental countdown begins, ascending or descending, leaving sufficient gaps to track the reaction of the pendulum. The desired number will be marked with an affirmative movement.

What should the operator remember?

Before and during the session, the practitioner must fully control his emotional, moral and physical state:

  1. 1. The operator must be impartial to the results of the research. Emotional interest can subconsciously encourage falsification of the result. A positive or negative result is not a factor that independently influences the further development of events. It only indicates an existing case (event, phenomenon), based on which any actions are taken or not taken by a person interested in a particular outcome.
  2. 2. The practitioner should not be under the influence of negative emotions. Like attracts like.
  3. 3. When diagnosing diseases, there is always a risk of attracting the negative energy of the disease. It doesn't have to be an infection. After the procedure, you must thoroughly wash your hands with running water, which absorbs any information from the subtle world.
  4. 4. Using a pendulum to achieve selfish goals is unacceptable. In each case, punishment is inevitable and unpredictable.
  5. 5. The result should not be taken as the immutable truth of the final authority. The invisible world is difficult to comprehend for a normal (ordinary) person. Only long-term practice gives a feeling of the effective value of information.

When starting to work with a pendulum, the practitioner needs to gain at least general knowledge about the energies and structures of the subtle worlds, closely related to the grossly material world. Such information will help you correctly assess the capabilities of the device and avoid moral and physical damage.

Hello my dear.

I present to you the long-promised “device” for working with the Higher Self.
In fact, these are just tips on how to use the most advanced of all existing devices - your own body.

Wizard's tutorial
or how to use a pendulum to establish facts

Official science speaks harshly about dowsing, the use of a pendulum and a vine as research tools. This, they say, is pseudoscience, an esoteric practice that declares the dependence of the results on the personality of the operator and the irreproducibility of the effect by instrumental means (Wikipedia). Everything here is correct, except for the “pseudoscience”.

The personality of the operator is indeed very important. After all, it is precisely this “instrument”, and modern science actually does not have such technical “instruments”. But the scientific officialdom is not telling the truth about the impossibility of checking the results: dowsers find water perfectly well, and not only that.

The authors of Agni Yoga have a completely different attitude towards the pendulum. For those who do not know - reference: “Agni Yoga” - information from the Great Teachers of Shambhala, comprising several volumes, accepted Elena Ivanovna Roerich through channeling ( It was Elena Ivanovna Roerich, in the most difficult conditions of the mid-20th century, under the guidance of the Great Teachers, who walked the path of fiery transformation and paved the way for humanity to Ascension.

“The pendulum of life, by its movement, shows a change in psychic energy” (“Agni Yoga. Aum”, §333).
“Some of the apparatuses that We (the Great Teachers) have adopted show an indescribable variety of energies and substances of matter. The pendulum of life belongs to such devices. It can be used to indicate the qualities of psychic energy (synonymous with Primary Energy), to study the soil and to transmit thoughts.” (“Agni Yoga. Brotherhood. Supermundane, § 547).

While studying Agni Yoga, I could not miss the instructions about the wonderful capabilities of the pendulum. I started trying and... it worked! Not everything, but a lot. Perhaps because this tool has found a useful application - checking food products. And most importantly, it was possible to obtain completely objective and logical confirmation of the truth of the measurements. This is how faith in this instrument, or more precisely, in one’s own strength, appeared.

And then such opportunities for creativity appeared that it was simply breathtaking. With the help of a pendulum, as it turns out, you can get an answer to almost any question. The restrictions are minimal: the question must concern a fait accompli. There are a few other minor exceptions. In particular, there will be no answer if it interferes with the passage of your personal lessons in this incarnation.

Principle of operation

You ask questions to your Higher Self, receiving answers to them with the help of a pendulum. The secret is not in the material of the pendulum, but in the fact that your Higher Self can give you the answer, using your body as a “conductor”. The signal to your muscles comes directly from your Higher Self, bypassing consciousness.

As I have seen, working with a pendulum is a type of meditation. It requires some knowledge, practice and, of course, faith. We often have problems with faith. I propose a scientific approach. In order to explore the unknown, scientists use a certain hypothesis. For the purpose of research, they assume on faith that a hypothesis is true and then test it for consistency with already known data and theories.
So, let's assume that the Pendulum of Life really works.


You need a small weight made of any material and a thread 20-30 cm long tied to it. It is convenient to use a keychain made of natural stone, a metal cone, etc. The shape is better oval - so that you are not distracted by the rotation of the load on the thread.

Preparing for work

Physical, emotional and mental calm is necessary. Sit comfortably, back straight. You can stand, but then you need to lean against something or hold on to something with your hand so that your body does not sway.

Hold the pendulum in front of you. The arm is bent at the elbow and does not touch other objects.

First you need to set the “conditions of the game”. You say (out loud or mentally):
The answer is “yes” - back and forth movement.
The answer is “no” - movement “left-right”.
The answer “I don’t know” is a clockwise movement.
The answer “I can’t tell” is a counterclockwise movement.

Check the accepted “conditions of the game”. Make sure that the pendulum hangs vertically and does not move. Then ask the question: “What is the meaning of “yes”? The pendulum should begin to move back and forth. Check the other settings in the same way. This preparation is carried out once, and subsequently there is, as a rule, no need to repeat it. But to calm the mind, it is useful to repeat these conditions - already like a “mantra”: “Yes: back and forth. No: left and right."

Operating procedure

Ask (aloud or mentally) a clearly formulated question that can only be answered with “yes” or “no.”

To get the answer you need to “turn off your mind”, i.e. exclude the influence of your own opinion on the answer. If you do not do this, the pendulum will show you the answer that you, voluntarily or unwittingly, keep in your mind.

This point is very important. To “turn off the mind” you can use the following technique: after asking a question, repeat mentally: “I don’t know, yes or no.”
The pendulum will begin to swing one way or another. The amplitude is small at first, then increases. It is important here not to get caught in the first movement and not to replace the answer of your Higher Self with your first guess. Keep repeating, “I don’t know, yes or no,” until the pendulum’s movement stabilizes.

To check the result obtained, it is useful to ask a security question. For example, if you are guessing whether a checker is white or black, first ask: “Is this checker black?”, and to control, “Is this checker white?”

You can, of course, practice guessing checkers. But I recommend using the Pendulum of Life for serious issues. In my experience, with a frivolous approach, in those cases when I wanted to prove to someone that it works, the pendulum went on strike. I concluded: don’t show off and try to clearly prove it to someone. Perhaps the strike is due to the fact that everyone must come to their faith through their own experience.

Food Measurement

Many people know the method of checking food quality using a pendulum. The simplest thing is to ask: “Is this product good for me?”
The research can be made more accurate if you ask the pendulum to evaluate the quality of a certain product in the form of a number.

I recommend using a scale of 1000 units, where 1000 will mean the highest possible natural quality of this product. Having mentally established this rule, conduct a study, for example, of chicken eggs. In the supermarket, for example, I discovered that the pendulum gave eggs a score of between 700 and 950. Moreover, more expensive eggs have a higher level of evaluation (usually, but not always). But if you go to the market and can do some research there, you will see that the eggs here are of higher quality (950 - 990). And, by the way, cheaper.

Freshly baked bread can be more than 800, but above 950 is extremely rare. Interestingly, not the best bread becomes very good after the pieces have passed the “fire test” in the toaster - above 950. Apparently, yeast is actually not useful. But almost all waffle breads are above 980, or even 1000.

Interesting story about butter. In a Moscow store I checked everything that was on the shelf. Among the leaders are imported packs of butter (910-920), which, as it turns out, were made more than a year ago. And only one or two types of Russian ones are higher in quality. I won’t say which ones, lest they be accused of advertising. And it will be more interesting for you to do this yourself.

Sunflower oil is also very different. There are 1000 visiting farmers at the market. There are 800-900 in the store. It's better with the addition of olive oil.

Check the quality of honey. Honey in factory jars - 500-600 (apparently diluted by half with syrup). Natural honey on the market has 950 units and above. There was even a case of 1000 - when honey was brought in a huge can directly from an apiary near Moscow.

My next discovery is connected with honey. I bought some to try and liked it. I return the next day with a large jar. I'm going home happy. I'm measuring. It’s no longer 1000, but 995. What’s the matter? The honey is the same. The saleswoman, however, was different, rude. When she poured me honey, she kept grumbling something unkindly. Does contact with people who emit negative emotions really cause the quality of products to deteriorate? As it turns out, that’s exactly it!

The easiest way to make sure is to check the quality (energy level) of the soup you prepare at home. If you cook with soul, it will be 950 or more. Now remember the measurement when the cook was out of sorts or, even worse, experienced a flash of anger. You will see: the level will drop sharply, perhaps even below 300.

As for the lower acceptable level of product quality, it is apparently individual for everyone. It is better if the level is not lower than 500 or, in extreme cases, 450. And when you have a choice, nothing will stop you from finding the highest quality products.

How to make your food extremely healthy

Many peoples and many religions have a tradition of reading a prayer before eating. As it turns out, the simplest prayer or mantra, during which you think about the food in front of you and which you dedicate to God, makes the food extremely beneficial for your body.

The mechanism is very simple: with such prayer, the subtle vibrations of food increase almost to your own energy level. In this way, harmony is created between your body and those elements that are to become part of your body. And harmony is the ultimate efficiency.
You just need to remember that raising the vibrations of food does not happen instantly, it takes some time. Within seconds the water is “charged”. More dense products - longer, up to 1-3 minutes - depending on the density of the substance.

It is also important to know that products whose quality is below a certain limit cannot be “charged” at all. In my opinion, this lower level is 290, but it is better for everyone to check for themselves.

The prayer can be anything: even “Our Father”, even “Allah Akbar”, even just “Om”. The main thing is that it is pronounced (aloud or mentally) from the heart, and is aimed at a specific product or products. I will give an example of a prayer and its reading.

“Beloved Lord!
You give food, You take food, You Yourself are food.
I dedicate this food to Your lotus feet,
Like everything else I will do throughout the day.”

After the words “this food”, point to each food with your hand or mentally, repeating the words “this food”. After you have thought about each food item, complete the prayer (“Like everything else I will do throughout the day.”).
After completing the prayer, you may (but not necessarily) feel a shiver down your spine, as if from a cold breeze - a characteristic sign of the passage of high energies.

Measure your level

After prayer, the level of food will increase and will be almost the same as what you personally have. But to do this, you must first measure your level.
It is useful to use the Consciousness Measurement Scale, which was developed by a psychologist David Hawkins(David R. Hawkins). This Scale (from 0 to 1 thousand) shows the relationship between the prevailing emotional state of a person and his level of spiritual development. . Briefly it can be described as follows: up to 200 - serious condition, lack of growth; 200-310 - transition state; above 310 - awakening and accelerating growth; 700-1000 - stages of ascension.

Many people who own a pendulum or another way of communicating with their Higher Self have successfully used this Scale. She worked! But only until the beginning of 2008. Using the 1000th Hawkins gradation, I also observed the growth of energy (for myself and my loved ones). In April 2008, the indicators were within this coordinate system. Intensive growth began in May. The indicators went off scale well beyond 1000.

There was a need for a new coordinate system. Began to determine. The result was a new coordinate system, the Hawkins-Slavny Scale. It describes the growth of energy from one dimension to another. . Using this Scale today, you can determine both your own energy level and the level of entire communities, up to humanity as a whole.

Proof of the truth of measurements

So now you know your own energy level. Measure the level of, for example, your bread - before and after prayer. The result will be impressive. The “natural” energy level of the product will most likely increase thousands of times. I say this because today more than 2/3 of humanity have a level above 666 million radions.

I recommend periodically checking your energy level. This is useful as a way of self-diagnosis. Unfortunately, it happens that the level begins to decrease, and you need to take a closer look at your own thoughts and emotions.

Synchronously with the changes in your own energy, the energy of the products “consecrated” by you will also change.

The consistent practice of praying over food is beneficial in many ways. You provide yourself with the best quality food, and, therefore, health. In addition, you will see from your own experience that measurement with a pendulum gives a completely objective, experimentally verifiable result. You will truly believe that the Pendulum of Life truly helps you connect with your Higher Self and receive invaluable information from it. Finally, you will find that regular pendulum “meditations” will help your energy levels increase.

Other ways to communicate with VY

It is possible to carry out measurements in other ways besides the pendulum. I'll tell you about two that I tried myself. They can be used by those people who have already mastered the pendulum. The fact is that you can only work with the Higher Self in a state of complete balance, which I already wrote about. And practice with a pendulum (let's call it “method one”) gives the necessary skill.

Method two "Fists". Set a rule. For example: “yes” - right fist, “no” - left fist. Extend two tightly clenched fists forward and close your eyes. Before you have time to ask the question, one of the fists, regardless of your will, will go down a little.

Method three “Mental question”. Mentally check whether you are in a state of complete balance. Mentally ask God or your Higher Self a question that can be answered “yes” or “no.” The answer, as a rule, comes before you have time to fully formulate the thought or immediately after the question.
Methods two and three can be used for “express analysis”. You may get an answer close to the truth (when you work with numbers). But I strongly recommend that you then double-check the readings using a pendulum. Errors are possible due to many reasons. A pendulum, when used correctly, allows you to obtain an absolutely accurate result.

Rule of Pralaya

Before you start working with a pendulum or working with a VY in any other way, I recommend asking the question of whether it is advisable to do this now. The answer can be either positive or negative. If the answer is no, postpone working with the VY. If you haven’t done this, and the time is unfavorable, then the pendulum itself can remind you of this. For me, for example, this manifests itself in the fact that the pendulum swings over a very small amplitude, as if through force. The change of periods of wakefulness and sleep, activity and passivity is natural and ubiquitous in nature - both above and below. The cosmic “day” also consists of “day” and “night”. The period of cosmic manifestation is followed by pralaya. So your break from working with the VY can be considered a small pralaya.

According to my observations, the time is unfavorable when:

Bad weather: the sky is overcast, it is snowing or raining;

There is a strong flow of energy (apparently from space), which leads to a significant increase in your energy potential;

You are not in balance. The reasons may be different - both excitement and malaise.

If I remember something else, I will definitely add it. But what definitely does not happen is the influence of dark forces. During wakefulness, a person has a force that is irresistible to the dark ones: it is enough just to believe in it, and if you want, then repeat it.

Practical advice

In order to get a certain assessment, you must establish a logical “coordinate system” and its gradation. The Hawkins Thousands Scale is one such possible coordinate system. Remember that during your measurements you established this coordinate system for yourself. In the same way, by creatively using the ability to independently establish a “coordinate system”, you can explore the most unexpected areas.
. In order to determine a number, you do not need to go through all existing numbers. It is useful to use the “half and half” method. It consists of taking the entire series under study, for example, 1000 units, and asking about half of it: “More than 500?” Or “less than 500?” Having received the answer “yes”, you ask: more than 750? “In half,” of course, is a convention: you just clarify each time on a smaller and smaller segment. With some practice, this allows you to get a specific number quite quickly. Although you will have to work.
. The “half and half” method can be successfully used to search for a specific place on the map. Use a grid or symbol for the horizontal and vertical “stripes” of a map or plan. And when you find a specific square, divide it with imaginary lines (vertical and horizontal) into four smaller squares. And so on - until any landmark is found. Then you can clarify the distance from this landmark to the desired point and the direction of movement.

About the measurement of information by the Pendulum of life for its truth or falsity

100% lies are relatively rare in life: they are easy to recognize. Those who use lies try to season the lie with some amount of truth, and then the people swallow the “half-truth.” It turned out that the degree of truth of a statement can be measured. It is noteworthy that the thousandth Hawkins Scale is applicable here, and with the same “characteristic points”.

0-200 - absolute predominance of lies;

200-310 - a skillful cocktail of lies and truth. Such a lie (and that’s all it is, dear) is especially difficult to discern, especially where the liar demonstrates aerobatics. I recently dealt with one chen - 309! Why can’t our hierarchs of Darkness exceed the 310 level? I think because the predominance of truth will not nullify their efforts to zombify clients;

310-700 - truth expressed less or more clearly;

700 - 100 truth in its ever better expression.


With the help of a pendulum you will learn a lot of new things. Before disseminating this information, ask your Higher Self if it is appropriate to do so.
Information you receive about other people, in particular their energy level, is personal information. Dissemination of this information without the consent of the person himself is a violation of the Supreme Law. Such a violation will entail corresponding karmic consequences.

I wish you all success in mastering the skill of a wizard. You can do it if you have the desire.
There is no difference between God and you.
Between you there is only the mirror of maya-illusion,
distorted by human consciousness.
Remove the mirror - what remains?

Much has been written, but little or no clear consistent methodology has been written. First of all, you need to choose an assistant. Buy the pendulum to which your soul lies (the one that looks at you). It can be made of any material: metal, crystal, wood or stone. You can make a pendulum yourself: put some kind of weight on a string (an earring, a pebble, a bolt, etc.). When you come home, clean it from the negativity that stuck in the workshop, in the store, or on the street when you were walking home.

Cleansing takes place in different ways, depending on what is convenient for you. There is a simple way: you need to take the pendulum and put it in a plate or any other vessel with salt (do not use if the pendulum is metal). There should be enough salt to cover it all. And let the pendulum lie in it for a day. Remove from the salt (salt into the toilet), wash off the remaining salt on the pendulum with running water. Wipe with a dry, clean cloth. And start using it. If the pendulum is metal, then rinse with running water three times in a row. Say for the first time: “I wash away all the negativity,” for the second, “I fill it with positivity,” for the third, “I activate the work of the pendulum.” After the cleansing ritual, wipe with a dry, clean cloth.

Next, you need to consciously determine whether you are ready for work. There are certain taboos to working with: do not work for material gain; not out of curiosity; not for the sake of boasting or demonstrating superiority; do not look into the future; do not treat the results as indisputable; Do not work when you are in a bad mood or when you are sick. You also need to turn off the flow of thoughts in your head; it is better to start working in solitude. State your question clearly without double meaning. Having thought it through carefully, the work begins.

You need to take the thread of the pendulum in your hand, in a working position, in two, three, or by winding it around your fist. Extend your hand forward and stop the pendulum from rotating. When he stops, ask him (out loud or silently): “If the question and the answer are “Yes,” then how?” He will show some movement, remember it. “If the question and the answer are “No,” then how?” - again a new movement.

Then ask: “Can you work with him now?” And it shows the movement "Yes" or "No". If “Yes”, then work by asking simple questions with the answer “Yes”\”No”. If he forbids you to work, then ask after what time you can work with the pendulum, and list the time intervals in turn (5, 10, 20, 30, etc. minutes). The main reasons for prohibiting work are: external or magical interference; unclear question; too strong a desire to know the result; complete disinclination to work; overwork; absent-mindedness; lack of composure; lack of trust in; Akashic time (negative time - time of death).

As a result, with increasing experience, you can ask any questions you are interested in. The main thing is to periodically clean the pendulum and monitor its cleanliness, because dirt/negativity from your hands will transfer to the pendulum.

And the list of work with a pendulum is very large: the position of groundwater, determining the size of your biofield, healthy or clogged chakras, pathogenic zones, charging water, getting answers to questions, etc. Working with a pendulum is easy and pleasant; you don’t need any special talent as a wizard, the main thing is to believe in it and everything will work out.

Life throws up very difficult questions, the answer to which must be found out at this very second. In most cases, fortune telling on a pendulum helps to determine a difficult life situation and solve an important problem. It is a thin thread with a small weight at the end.

Fortune telling with a pendulum will help you find out the answers to all questions

To make such a thing yourself, just take a ring and tie a thread on it, or perform a similar action with a needle.

What is a pendulum used for?

A pendulum for fortune telling is used by specialists and sorcerers to predict and anticipate future events, and to find out answers to questions that interest them or their clients.

The most difficult option is considered to be magical attributes made from a special chain with a semi-precious stone or crystal. They must be stored separately from other jewelry, or better yet, in a box or bag. They are also used as ordinary jewelry, without being used for fortune telling or searching for an answer to a question.

Fortune telling using a pendulum helps a person in obtaining an unambiguous answer to a particular question, in case of internal problems and imbalances. Anyone can use this item and learn not only about future events, but also about what is happening to them at the moment.

The most common use of a pendulum is when a person has an internal conflict with his other self. Using the pendulum, you can find out the answer to everyday, ordinary questions that require attention.

Rules for using a pendulum independently

Mainly, to work with a homemade or purchased pendulum, you need to completely cleanse yourself of the negativity inside and try to fill your entire essence with positivity: to do this, it is better to imagine yourself in a cocoon consisting of bright snow-white light.

Once your inner self becomes ready for fortune telling, follow simple rules.

  1. Hold the pendulum only by the edge of the thread or chain, without touching the “weight”. Choose a length that allows the pendulum to swing in the air without obstruction. Traditionally, the length of the cord does not exceed 25-30 cm, which allows the pendulum not to make unnecessary movements.
  2. When asking questions, hold the thread with your thumb and forefinger, watching for the slightest change in the direction of the pendulum. So, in a stationary state, it is necessary to change the wording or the entire question.
  3. Don't rush things. You need to use the pendulum without haste in order to get the most accurate answer. With strong and energetic swinging, the answer means being too categorical.
  4. Program the thread to receive answers: when the pendulum rotates clockwise, consider the answer positive, and vice versa. Always ask the fortuneteller in advance whether he is ready to communicate.
  5. For simplification and greater efficiency, it is recommended to use the so-called predictive field; any surface with special marks applied appears. Which option to choose is up to you. This could be your palm, a regular sheet of paper with possible answers like “yes” or “no,” a specially lined card, or even any item of clothing. It all depends on what is convenient to work with; the chosen “field” serves to simplify interpretation.
  6. Before you start asking questions, try to fully “connect” with the magical attribute. Place it in your hands and squeeze it tightly with your palms, trying to feel the vibration. Only the emanating heat from the pendulum indicates its readiness for contact. When choosing a complex and precious attribute, be prepared to spend more time interacting.

To receive truthful answers, you need to be very careful when choosing (manufacturing) a pendulum

In order to get a truthful answer, be very careful when choosing and making a pendulum. By carefully reading about how to make a pendulum and applying all your knowledge in practice, you will be able to find out the whole truth about exciting problems.

Features of fortune telling by pendulum

Many beginners believe that a pendulum can in no way give a person the correct answer; the movements of the attribute depend on your hands. The energy of the hands can influence the course of fortune telling. Remembering the usual fortune telling on cards, the participation of the questioner’s hands is mandatory.

Do not forget that fortune telling is work aimed at the subconscious. Therefore, fortune telling with this magical device is completely harmless; all the necessary words and answers have long been hidden in the depths of the subconscious. That’s why fortune telling has good and neutral reviews.

In order for the answers to be as true and truthful as possible, it is important to believe in the power of the attribute as much as you can afford. Whether the prediction comes true or not depends on the diversity of questions. For example, if you ask the same question several times, you risk losing the attribute’s trust and not getting the answer you need.

Working with a pendulum does not have any special instructions on how to behave correctly and what to say along the way.

It is enough to wait for privacy, make a list of exciting questions in the most accurate formulation, predicting an unambiguous answer: “Yes” or “No”.

Yes/No: fortune telling on a piece of paper

For this fortune telling you will need a special field or a lined map. Everything will depend solely on the movement of the pendulum. Prepare any predictive field in advance; inside you need to draw a small circle, not exceeding a diameter of 6–7 cm. The left circle means “No”, the right one means “Yes”. How to guess further?

  1. The pendulum should be in your right hand, then position it so that the weight rises a couple of cm above the circle.
  2. Formulate your question in your head. Say it out loud and clearly.
  3. Watch for the immobility of your hand and the beginning shocks of the pendulum. Depending on which side of the circle he moves, the answer is determined.

It happens that the pendulum moves in a circle. Do not be alarmed, this means that the ritual must be postponed until another day. You can rephrase the question, but the truth will not be reflected. Do not try to deceive the pendulum by asking the same question, changing the form, 5-6 times: you can incur the wrath of the magical attribute.

Fortune telling of this type is an interesting and ambiguous method of prediction. It takes practice and experience to see if it works. Do not rush to draw conclusions without significant evidence. The answers of the pendulum have more than once come true with one hundred percent accuracy among those who trusted its power and can say with confidence: “Yes, I use the pendulum.”