Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Biography of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Filippov in Moscow Vladimir Mikhailovich Filippov: biography

This is discussed by the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation in 1998-2004, Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science, Rector of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education Vladimir Filippov.

Screen instead of a professor

Yulia Borta, AiF: — Vladimir Mikhailovich, leading universities have begun to abandon regular lectures in favor of online courses via the Internet. But after all, we have been fighting for many years with inefficient universities and branches that teach everything in absentia, but in reality nothing ... Will the same thing happen?

Vladimir Filippov: — In the digital economy, there is no escape from the use of information technology in education. There are disciplines, the transfer of which “to digital” opens up more opportunities for self-education. For example, courses on the history of Russia, philosophy can be supplemented with video materials about each historical figure, philosopher, films about them, you can watch them right there, and much more. It is impossible to give so much in a lecture. But it will not be possible to completely replace regular lectures and seminars in the classroom with online courses. The law "On Education in the Russian Federation" states that education is a purposeful process of education and training. And education comes first. It is impossible to educate a doctor, a teacher without personal contact between a teacher and a student. Director of the Kurchatov Institute Professor Mikhail Kovalchuk I was told that even the upbringing of a physicist and an engineer in spirit is completely different.

Extremes must be avoided. In the Soviet Union, when they began to introduce technical training aids, such a joke appeared. The teacher somehow comes to the students and says: “Well, why do I read the same thing to you from year to year? I tape-recorded the entire lecture. Turned on and left. And when he returned after 1.5 hours, there was not a single student in the audience, and dictaphones were lying around the tape recorder.

— Let's say a professor wrote down an online course in his subject, students can watch it in absentia, neither the first nor the second ones appear at the university. Everyone is comfortable, but how to ensure quality?

- We recently performed Philip Altbach, one of the world's leading experts in higher education, e-learning technologies, global universities, etc. So, when he was asked to talk about one online university in the United States, where 300 thousand students studied, he admitted that this business project failed. They wanted to earn at the expense of mass participation, but could not ensure the quality of education (and the employer today looks at the competencies of a specialist, and not at his "crust"), discredited themselves and were forced to sell the business to another company that implements semi-distance learning. As a result, only 70 thousand students remained.

A professor at the American Massachusetts Institute of Technology (one of the best universities in the world, always among the top three most prestigious rankings - Ed.), speaking recently at RUDN, noted: an online course pays off if at least 10 thousand people enroll in it. We are happy if at least a thousand have signed up for our online courses. But the main thing is that in order to work with these 10 thousand students remotely (answer questions, check assignments, etc.), he has to maintain a staff of 8 assistants plus a professor. Only one discipline.

If we want to fight deceit and corruption, we need to develop a campaign, set a task for all teachers in the country to wean them from cheating, and provide for serious punishment.

- It turns out that high-quality online courses can only be paid?

- At this stage, yes. However, over time, as part of the creation of network universities, universities will agree among themselves that they offer their courses to their students for free. Moreover, the idea of ​​open educational resources (OpenEducational Resources - OER) is now being promoted in the West. Its main ideologist sir Daniel,former Deputy Director General of UNESCO, the creator of the world's first Open University of Great Britain (OpenUniversityofGreatBritain), in which 200 thousand students around the world studied remotely 20 years ago. The meaning of the OER idea is as follows: to agree with the governments of different countries that if a professor or school teacher, working in a state institution, creates an electronic educational resource for budgetary money, then he is obliged to place it in the public domain for everyone. It would be such a database of educational resources of teachers from all over the world. But, unfortunately, the problem of copyright has not yet been fully resolved.

— It is similar to the Moscow e-school, where teachers post lesson scenarios.

Yes, the principle is the same.

“Several years ago, the country was rocked by scandals related to dissertations written off — one politician or official will find them, then another ... Now there is silence. Is everyone being honest?

- We continue to check all those who defended themselves after 2011 - unfortunately, after 10 years it is no longer possible to deprive them of their scientific title. All 5.5 years that I have been working as the chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission, every month we deprive 5-10 people of the degree of doctor or candidate of science. Last September alone, at the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission in the Humanities, 12 people lost their degree or were denied a degree. Now, three university rectors are facing deprivation of their scientific degrees. Many became seriously afraid to submit false dissertations. In 2013, it was decided to publish in the public domain on the VAK website for a period of 10 years the names of not only those who were deprived of their degree, but also their supervisors, opponents, and the leading organization. So now people began to complain that they could not find opponents, the leading organization. Nobody wants to be blacklisted for 10 years.

Why are our universities now losing in world rankings? One of the main evaluation criteria is the level of scientific research. In England and the USA, all the leading scientific laboratories (even the top-secret Los Alamos, where nuclear developments are carried out!) are included in the structure of universities.

But the problem needs to be addressed more broadly. Graduate students tell us: interestingly, in the magistracy coursework could be written off, but in graduate school it was impossible to dissertation. Why? Then we come to undergraduates, we inspire: it’s impossible, we pass your master’s dissertations for anti-plagiarism. And they answer us: I wonder why it was possible to write off in a bachelor's degree, but not in a master's degree? And so back to the 1st grade of school. Unfortunately, the spirit in our school is such that if you are an excellent student and do not let someone cheat, then you are a “bad person”. And your friends will shame you.

Somehow I was invited to a TV show dedicated to the problem of cheating on the exam. So there is a RUDN University graduate, famous singer Pierre Narcisse, me, the current Minister of Education, firmly attached. He said then: “You know, in Cameroon, if someone who cheats is caught on the Unified State Examination (analogous to the French system of state exams), then on national TV both dad and mom are dishonored throughout the country.” That's where Cameroon is, and where is Russia. But there, from the 1st grade, they are brought up in such a way that it is impossible to write off categorically. And foreign students, coming to our university, are at first surprised: how can one cheat at all? But this is the case when they learn very quickly. Therefore, if we want to fight deceit and corruption, we need to develop a campaign, set a task for all teachers in the country to wean them from cheating, and provide for serious punishment. It's too late to do this in the 2nd or 3rd year of university.

- It was announced that the program to support universities for entering the world's leading rankings will continue. And what good is it for us?

- We now live in such an open information world that we are forced to compare - what is better, what is worse. Which school to go to, which university? And it's one thing to listen to the opinion of friends or neighbors. And it is quite another thing when someone has already compared educational institutions, ranked them according to external criteria. And being in the rankings, the university attracts more good students, and hence finances.

Now there are 23 thousand universities in the world. And the ratings include only 600, that is, less than 4%. And of course, dissatisfaction in the world with such ratings is growing. Everyone offers to create their own. It's like in football. We don’t know how to play, so what, should we come up with our own rules? Let's give clubs to the players, then they might start to win something. Why are our universities now losing in world rankings? One of the main evaluation criteria is the level of scientific research. In England and the USA, all the leading scientific laboratories (even the top-secret Los Alamos, where nuclear developments are carried out!) are included in the structure of universities. And all scientific discoveries and publications go to these universities. Moreover, in the West, large universities have 50-100 thousand students. And in our largest Moscow State University, there are only 45,000. In Russia, all kinds of industry research institutes, which have traditionally been engaged in science, are separated from universities - medical, food, transport, etc. This system needs to be changed.

By 2020, at least 5 Russian universities should be in the top 100 of the world ranking (so far only Moscow State University is there - Ed.). Now 21 universities participate in the project and receive state support. It is proposed to expand the program by including the best industry institutes and to select those universities that really have science.

brain hunting

— A professor from one of the leading universities told me that our students after 2-3 years of study start losing heavily to Western students. Why is that?

— The situation is ambiguous. Now all developed countries are striving to develop STEM education. These are the initial letters of the English words "science - technology - engineering - mathematics" (science - technology - engineering - mathematics). Subjects at school, university programs are selected based on this approach. Americans, French, Germans, everyone wants to be progressive in STEM. They understand that without this it is possible to lag behind in the economy, armaments, etc. Russia still holds good positions here in mathematics, but in engineering it lags far behind. Because the technologies that have remained from the time of the Soviet Union are also lagging behind. I remember when the former Minister of Education Andrey Alexandrovich Fursenko(now Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation - Ed.) pestered with the question of why bad engineers are graduating from us, he replied: "Our graduate engineers are no worse than our cars."

Why are we losing quality education in undergraduate and graduate programs? We demand less independence and creativity from students. After all, it’s like with us: if a student listened to 17 lectures per semester, learned it, came to the exam and passed these lectures, then he gets “five”. This, in principle, cannot be in Western universities. Lectures are a tenth of what you had to master yourself. And even for the "troika" you have to plow, do a lot on your own. In our country, all students know that if they attend lectures, then they will definitely get grades and a diploma. Well, plus to that - the practice is rather weak. Previously, state-owned enterprises were required to accept students for internships. Now private business does not want to do this and waste time on their training.

- Now the scholarships are such that it is impossible to live on them. Young people from poor families from the regions are deprived of the opportunity to get a quality higher education in the capital cities.

- When we introduced the Unified State Examination, we reasoned from the point of view of the Ministry of Education: to set up a mechanism so that children from remote regions could enter the best metropolitan universities without leaving their regions, and could apply to several universities at once. This problem has been solved. The next problem arose - the material support of these students so that they could live in big cities. In Western universities, 90% of students live outside the hostel. They rent housing. We do not yet have a free housing market or it is expensive. Therefore, the problem of building dormitories is acute.

How is the problem solved in many countries of the world? The construction of large campuses, where various universities and hostels are located. For example, in each regional city, it is possible to unite all “local” universities (everywhere there is a pedagogical institute, medical, technical, etc., and each has its own department of philosophy, chemistry, etc.) into one large university, build a huge campus outside the city for them. Moreover, it can be a business project, because the buildings, as a rule, are good, which they now occupy in the city center, can be given to an investor. But, unfortunately, the issue of interagency cooperation has not been resolved. Departments do not want to give away their universities. This shtetlness really hinders us in advancing in the ratings and solving the problem of housing.

But by the way, now many leading universities are introducing additional scholarships at their own expense in order to attract the best students. For example, at RUDN University this is 15,000 rubles.

- The new national project "Education" has a goal to increase the number of foreign students in Russian universities by 2-3 times in the next 6-7 years. And 5% of them will be employed in Russian companies. Do we have extra jobs that we cannot offer our own?

- I'll start from afar. We criticize Marxism-Leninism. But we must remember that Marx And Lenin were economists. And Lenin predicted two things that have already come true. The first is that in Europe the process of erasing borders, creating a single currency and the formation of a new structure, the United States of Europe (essentially the current EU), is inevitable. Second, in the struggle between capitalism and socialism, the one with the highest labor productivity will win. And it has to do with competition. If you don't work well, you will be replaced by someone else. And we had a principle under socialism: everyone should have a job, be registered somewhere. Unemployment should not be in the Soviet Union. But a certain percentage of unemployment is necessary, it stimulates people to self-education and development. Who has won? Capitalism. At the heart of the collapse lay primarily the crisis of the economy. The Soviet Union lost in the economic competition.

Of course, the state should not abandon people who lost out in the competition for jobs in the capital. Create other possibilities. Let's say you don't want to be an unemployed bum - here's a hectare in the Far East, go and work.

Among our graduates there are more than one hundred thousand foreigners. And among them there were certainly talented physicists, chemists, and mathematicians. And where are they now? In France, Germany, Italy, whole associations of RUDN University graduates have been created there, despite the fact that we have never had students from these countries. They didn't go back to Africa! And in the end, we fed the West with Russian money, because Russia, the Soviet Union did not create conditions for them to work here and use their talents for the benefit of our country. A lot needs to be done in this direction, starting with the perception of society that, say, an African doctor or teacher can work with you.

What professions will be in demand the most in the future? Programmers?

— I do not think that “pure” programmers will be in greater demand than others. To a greater extent, professionals who own information technologies, each in their profession, will be needed. For example, a doctor, teacher, chemist, engineer who understands information technology and knows how to apply it.

Today we will talk about a famous person in Russia - Vladimir Mikhailovich Filippov. This person holds an important government post and at the same time manages the university. What is his life, principles, family like? How did the man achieve such success and what did he go through on his career path? Read all about it in the article below.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Filippov was born on April 15, 1951. A boy was born in a modest family in Uryupinsk (Volgograd region). He studied well at school, received a silver medal after graduation. In 1968, a young man entered the Peoples' Friendship University. In 1973, the guy graduated from the Faculty of Natural and Physical and Mathematical Sciences with a degree in Mathematics. However, the university life does not end there, as Vladimir continues his studies in graduate school. In 1975 he entered the service in the Armed Forces of the USSR. After her, the guy returns to UDN.

After Service

By this time, he was no longer a simple assistant. Even before serving in the army, Vladimir Filippov held various positions - from an assistant to the head of the Department of Mathematical Analysis. The man decided to completely connect his life with his native university, to which he had become accustomed for so many years. The teachers of the department and those who knew the guy personally were glad that their team would be replenished with a young and talented person who lives his profession. Interestingly, the man never jumped over his head and did not want to get what he does not deserve. A bit of a tautology, but V. Filippov always got what he achieved exclusively on his own. He did not hesitate to work as an assistant, because he understood that this was a necessary link in the chain that would bear fruit.

Career growth did not end at the level of the head of the department. A few years later, the man became the head of the scientific department, and concurrently - the dean of the faculty of natural and physical and mathematical sciences. At the same time, Vladimir Filippov worked as a secretary in a party organization.

Up the career ladder

In 1980 Filippov Vladimir Mikhailovich successfully defended his PhD thesis. After 3 years, he goes to Belgium, where he spends a year on obtaining a scientific qualification. As a result, in 1984 V. Filippov received it at the Free University of Brussels. After 2 years, the man defends his doctoral dissertation in the specialty "Mathematical Analysis" at the Mathematical Institute. V. A. Steklova. Such a quick climb up the career ladder could not leave anyone indifferent. During this period, the man made true friends and acquired envious enemies. A year after defending his dissertation, Vladimir received the title of professor.

New career path

In 1993, one of the most significant events in the life of Vladimir takes place. He becomes the rector of RUDN - Russian University So, many years later, a young and talented student who entered the university became its rector. The man was in this position for 5 years. Then the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin removed Filippov from his post, as he prepared a new one for him - V. Filippov became the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation.

In 2000, a man became the head of one of the departments at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Department of Comparative Educational Policy). It was she who received the status of an International Chair at UNESCO. A year later, the RUDN Rector is elected a corresponding member, in 2003 he becomes a full member of the Russian Academy of Education. In 2004 and 2008 Vladimir became a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Education. Separately, I would like to note that the former is fluent in English and French.

At a high government position

Filippov Vladimir Mikhailovich, whose biography we are considering, came to the post of minister in the fall of 1998. He got the support of Deputy Prime Minister V. Matvienko. This year, the man began to improve the situation in Russian education. A year later, he promotes the Federal Program for the Development of Education in the Government in the period 2000-2004. The program was adopted by the Government, and it consisted in the fact that, in addition to the main funding, additional funds should have been allocated for the development of education.

Organization of the congress

On the personal initiative of V. Filippov, a deep modernization of the educational process was launched. Vladimir Filippov in Moscow in 2000 held the All-Russian Congress of Educators. It is interesting that at that time the last time it was held 12 years ago. The congress was held with the personal assistance of V. Putin. The meeting was attended by about 5,000 delegates from different parts of the country.

The main task of the congress was to solve the existing problems. And it succeeded. At the meeting, the main problematic points were identified, as well as possible ways to solve them. The topic of updating the education system was discussed separately. The congress participants also approved the National Doctrine of Education, which was later approved by the Government. It is worth noting that the doctrine is scheduled for the period until 2025.


The largest number of innovations in Russian education was introduced through the 2010 reform. It has been developed by V. Filippov since 2001, and as a result, V. Putin approved it. It included a number of changes:

  • active informatization of the educational process;
  • development of completely new quality standards for secondary school education;
  • the introduction of a foreign language as a compulsory subject from grade 2;
  • the need to speak 2 foreign languages ​​upon graduation from high school;
  • teaching specialized subjects in high school;
  • implementation of the School Bus program;
  • establishing the work of rural schools, their optimization;
  • optimization of school publications, improving their quality;
  • introduction of a multi-point grading system;
  • normative per capita financing of secondary educational institutions;
  • full equipment of all schools of the Russian Federation with fiction and sports equipment;
  • change in the status of a secondary school - transition to the form of a legal entity;
  • obtaining new statuses for all secondary educational institutions;
  • active creation of boards of trustees in schools and higher educational institutions;
  • special attention to school meals - improvement of organizational and quality aspects;
  • to universities after school education;
  • active development of new standards for primary, secondary and higher education.

However, it is worth adding one point of modernization, which had a significant impact on the education system. We are talking about the introduction of the Unified State Exam - the Unified State Examination, according to the results of which they are admitted to a higher educational institution. A new rule was also introduced, according to which admission to the university was carried out taking into account participation in regional and all-Russian Olympiads.

Family life

Filippov Vladimir Mikhailovich did not meet his fate at PFUR. The woman of his life studied in It is known that she works as a teacher at the school. This is how the whole family supports education. The couple had two children - a girl and a boy. Both of them studied at the RUDN University at the Faculty of Economics and successfully graduated from it. However, the daughter decided to connect her life with television and took the creative pseudonym Irena Ponaroshku. Works as a VJ and presenter on Russian TV channels.

Scientific works

It is worth noting that a man, in addition to politics, has always remained true to his scientific beginning. He has written more than 200 scientific papers, including 30 monographs. His contribution is so great that two monographs were even translated into English and published by the American Mathematical Society in the USA.

Summing up the article, I would like to add new achievements of Vladimir Filippov. So, in 2012, he became the president of the UNESCO steering committee for the Education for All program. In the same year, the man became chairman of the Expert Council on International Activities in the Field of Education. In 2013, the hero of our article, by order of Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, was appointed chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission.

In addition, V. Filippov has many awards and titles, the listing of which would take a couple more pages.

Please accept my congratulations on your 65th birthday and best wishes!

Brilliant erudition, rare capacity for work and deep knowledge have enabled you to achieve great success in science.
To take place as an authoritative scientist, the author of a number of fundamental works on mathematical analysis. In the professional community, you are also respected as a competent leader who, as a minister, did a lot to modernize Russian education, integrate it with the European system, introduce the latest teaching methods and improve the qualifications of teachers.

Today, having outstanding organizational skills, you successfully combine research, public and expert activities. And as the rector of the famous RUDN University, make a significant contribution not only to the training of qualified specialists, but also to deepening mutual understanding and cooperation between Russia and foreign countries.

Good health, good luck and all the best to you!

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

D.A. Medvedev

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your 65th birthday!

A prominent scientist, statesman and public figure, for more than 20 years you have headed the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, which, thanks to your efforts, initiative and creative energy, has maintained and strengthened its position as one of the leading educational institutions in our country.

You effectively combine fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity with great scientific, organizational and social work.
I would like to especially note your active participation in the development of the program for the modernization of Russian education.

I wish you health, prosperity and success in the implementation of your plans!

Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

S.E. Naryshkin

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your 65th birthday!

A talented Russian scientist, well-known statesman, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor, you enjoy high prestige among colleagues and the public.

Your fruitful work as Minister of Education of the Russian Federation is marked by an initiative to modernize the system of domestic education - under your leadership, the main ways of its further development have been outlined.

Today you are successfully heading the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, where you once studied. You are the author of more than 200 scientific papers and are involved in a wide range of social activities.
Your contribution to the strengthening of Russia has been marked by high state awards. I am sure that you still have a lot to do for the benefit of strengthening domestic science and education.

I wish you good health, prosperity and new successes!

CEO of Rostec State Corporation

What does the management of RUDN University do and where does the money go

Rostislav Plyakhin

The loud scandal that erupted at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia at the end of March has not subsided to this day. RUDN Rector Vladimir Filippov, however, told RIA Novosti that the confrontation between the university administration and students was resolved in favor of the latter. But the “world peace” proposed by the rector did not suit those who suffered in the ugly story. Seeking a full-fledged investigation of the fraud attempt, they even wrote an open letter to the President of Russia. And now they are waiting for a response.

And on Vladimir Filippov, meanwhile, other worries fell upon him. Today he is tirelessly working on the transfer of the university from the status of a state institution to the status of an autonomous institution. To justify the expediency of such a metamorphosis, the chief accountant of RUDN University V.A. Zorin wrote a very informative memo. In it, the chief accountant outlines all the advantages that a new status will open up for the university. This is also an opportunity to bypass the famous FZ-94 on public procurement. And simplified contractual relations with hired employees: you can not hire them and not pay vacation pay. And closer cooperation with foreign universities, which are now often afraid of the Russian bureaucratic machine. In general, the chief accountant summarizes, the organizational and legal form of a budgetary institution is in clear contradiction with the lofty mission of RUDN University. And it's time to fix the situation. And as for the risks that the autonomous status is fraught with, the reputation of the rector and his "influence in the echelons of power" are at stake. They will save you from any force majeure.

Zorin's memo, which was widely distributed among the members of the Academic Council, was written in the name of the rector himself. Say, maybe the leader did not know something or forgot about something - so here's a reminder for you, Vladimir Mikhailovich. In fact, Mr. Filippov knows everything and remembers everything. And he understands no worse than his chief accountant that the status of an autonomous institution is, first of all, the opportunity to lease out as much space as possible to affiliated organizations for long periods in the most comfortable conditions without the so annoying FZ-94 before the end of his powers. By the way, the Pocket Academic Council has already voted in favor.

After the publication of the article "Rector Filippov and his "themes" the protagonist of the publication and his right hand, First Vice-Rector Yevgeny Schesnyak, panicked. Vladimir Filippov even had to make excuses to the Deputy Minister of Education Marat Kambolov - including the fact that the bright name of the official was mentioned in the text. But, apparently, the session of repentance was successful: no measures were taken from Kambolov to check the economic activities of the university. As there were no gestures from Andrey Puchkov, the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the South-Western Administrative District, who is “at feeding” at the RUDN University. Despite the fact that the publication talked about a whole bunch of offenses and just crimes committed within the walls of the university. The general did not stir up a friendly anthill, but started looking for sources of information leakage - this is more important.

However, in unison with Puchkov, for some reason, the prosecutor's office is also silent. Have the prosecutors of the district and district already received theirs and are working out the "silence"? Proving once again that all the talk from high tribunes about the fight against corruption is worth nothing... Then, perhaps, RUDN University, which de facto lives outside the Russian legal field, should simply and de jure be recognized as a separate state?

In a revealing report about RUDN University, which aired on the first channel on April 17, the adviser to the Minister of Education and Science spoke about the measures taken following the results of the audit conducted at the university. But there was no verification, and the official blatantly lied. And indeed, why reproach the rector for, if from his own words, the rector, the words "only" 15-20 programs (about 2,000 people annually) out of 1,200 are not subject to a license. So what if doctors, you think ... For Vladimir Filippov, it is important that doctors from Baden-Baden do not study at PFUR. After all, it is only there that he maintains his health.

Baden-Baden is an expensive resort. But rector Filippov knows how to make money. For example, he learned how to profit from appointments to subordinate positions. For example, Alexander Bedrin, the former director of the sensational Institute of Additional Professional Education of RUDN University, was appointed to the position only after making a “donation” in the amount of 500 thousand rubles in favor of RUDN University.

But half a million Filippov seemed not enough. Through one of his trusted people - vice-rector E. Szhenov - the rector demanded another 1 million rubles in cash from Bedrin. (Szhenov at that time was the vice-rector of the RUDN University for additional education. It was he who organized the system of further education in the RUDN University in such a way that a criminal case has now been opened on the fact of fraud.) But then law enforcement agencies intervened in the situation, and Szhenov "caused fire on himself." The rector saved his man from a criminal case. But the subordinate still had to be fired. However, Filippov did not leave the “reshalchik” to the mercy of fate, because a “hungry” person is an evil person. Under the patronage of Vladimir Mikhailovich, Szhenov got a job at Moscow State University. Lomonosov, where to this day he organizes additional professional education on the basis of the IPPK MSU. The scheme is the same as that operated in RUDN University. Only now a certain LLC "UCC University" is involved. From the "successful" activities of Szhenov in a new place, of course, the "mentor" Filippov also receives a rollback. But what if it's bad or good, but an increase of several tens of millions of rubles a year will not be superfluous.

It is not known whether Viktor Sadovnichy, rector of Moscow State University, knows about Philippian commerce at his university. I would like to believe that Filippov, when he asked for his "fixer", a respected person used "in the dark". If the rector of Moscow State University is also involved in the murky deeds of the rector of the RUDN University, it is time for the Russian education to order a prayer service “for the dead”.

As for Vladimir Mikhailovich, it has long become a habit for him to attach his people with a special past to unknowing leaders. Here, for example, are the “stages of the long journey” of the rector’s brother, Sergei Mikhailovich Filippov, born on 08/07/1954:

Convicted by the Uryupinsk court on July 15, 1970. under article 89 part 2 (Theft of state property) of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to 1 year 6 months in prison.
Convicted by the Uryupinsk Court on June 24, 1971 under Article 108 Part 1 (Deliberate grievous bodily injury) of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to 4 years and 6 months in prison.
Convicted by the Uryupinsk court on February 12, 1976. under article 206 part 3 (malicious hooliganism with the use of weapons) of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to 5 years in prison.
Convicted by the Uryupinsk court on November 30, 1983. under article 144 part 2 (Theft) of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to 2 years in prison.
Convicted by the Uryupinsk court on May 29, 1992. under article 221 part 1 (Violation of the rules of traffic safety and operation of vehicles by persons driving vehicles) of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR by 1 year 6 months. corrective works.
While serving his sentence in places of deprivation of liberty, he graduated from a vocational school with a degree in gas and electric welder. After his release from prison, he worked in his specialty at the Uryupinsk enterprise Stroygaz, Gorgaz.

Despite such a past, without having a higher education, in 2002 he was appointed deputy director of the Uryupinsk branch of Volgograd State University. In 2003, with a diploma from a vocational school, he entered the 1st course of the correspondence department of the named branch in the specialty "Management of the organization" on a contractual basis. (There is no fact of payment in the accounting department.) Graduates from a higher educational institution over the next three years at the expense of the federal budget. In 2009, he draws up pensions and continues to work in his previous position, supervising the scientific and pedagogical staff of the branch as a member of the Academic Council, educating students.

After the publication of the article “Rector Filippov and his “themes”, some experts decided to take a closer look at what is happening around RUDN University. And this is how their observations turned out:

That is, the “movement” began as soon as Vladimir Filippov became the Minister of Education and Science, leaving the post of Rector of RUDN University for this position. Under the “roof” represented by the minister, only a few people, close friends of Filippov, got the university for their undivided use:

Schesnyak Evgeny Leonidovich (now Vice-Rector for Economic Affairs),
Schesnyak Kirill Evgenievich (son), Schesnyak Olga Nikolaevna (wife),
Zakharova Elena Nikolaevna (sister of the wife of Schesnyak E.L.),
Morozov Kirill Alekseevich,
Yastrebov Alexander Vladimirovich.

As founders of several firms and university managers - rolled into one - these people successfully master the majority of the university budget. And still use at least 30 thousand square meters. meters of RUDN University territories - on the terms of a 20-year lease and at a ridiculous price.

Olga Schesnyak reorganized her individual private enterprise Chaga-Shchesnyak into LLC Chaga-M, and, heading it, began working with RUDN University. Subordinated to Yevgeny Schesnyak, the RUDN competition commission (headed by his classmate Shchesnyak - Vasilyuk) since 2000 and to this day prefers to see Chaga-M as the winner of competitions for construction work. The vice-rector's wife's firm gets 70% of all contracts. And 800 million rubles annually.

The rest of the repair work at PFUR is taken by ZAO Rikor, owned by Zakharova E.N.

An important role is played by organizations with the name "Unicom" (LLC, CJSC, CJSC). All of them, one way or another, belong to Philippov's associates in commerce. In 2010, Unikom CJSC initiated a criminal case No. 29332 on the fact of building a building in RUDN University, the circumstances of which are widely disclosed in the article “Rector Filippov and his “topics”. So, at present, one of the RUDN University buildings is being built by Unikom LLC (as you can see from the diagram, the founders are all familiar faces), according to the project of Rikor CJSC! Doesn't it remind you of anything?

Design Bureau "Moskovsky" (LLP) indicated in the scheme has already sunk into oblivion. In the 90s there was a dark story with how Minister Filippov V.M. approved the transfer of extra-budgetary funds of RUDN University to this bank. As soon as the money was brought in, Moskovsky Bank safely "merged" into the trash. Zeal for the search for money, the police at the behest of Filippov V.M. didn’t show, and RUDN University didn’t make any special claims ...

A special figure in PFUR is A.Yastrebov. You can read about this person in the article by A. Khinshtein “ Werewolf cops. brigade"and L. Kislinskaya" New Russian collectors - II ". Having a significant criminal authority and stable corrupt connections in law enforcement agencies, he supports, accompanies and covers up Vladimir Filippov.

Being the founder of many legal entities “grazing” near the RUDN University, A. Yastrebov owns private security companies “Hawk” and “Hawk +”, permanently guarding the university for a “modest” 90 million a year. Although most private security companies in Moscow would gladly take such an object for 40 million a year.

And the total annual income of the “commercial group” of Vladimir Filippov from all forms of “cooperation” with RUDN is at least 1 billion.

So, the rector's daughter, Irina, being an 18-year-old student, became the owner of spacious apartments in Mansurovsky Lane and a member of the Mansurovsky 5 HOA, like her father's associates. And in addition to the HOA "Mansurovsky 5" they are connected by the HOA "Bolshevo" and the HOA of the village of Yamishevo, Odintsovo district, where all our heroes have several cottages.

In general, it turns out that while the official RUDN University is looking for suitable civil law forms to fulfill its “mission”, the rector has created an almost ideal “management” system on the basis of the university, cemented by corruption in all areas. Operating for more than 10 years, this system has been honed and strengthened, involving representatives of law enforcement agencies and ensuring its immunity.

Currently, 4 criminal cases are being investigated against RUDN officials by various law enforcement agencies - three for fraud (large-scale embezzlement of budget funds, extortion of money from tenants and sale of diplomas) and one on the fact of the operation of a drug den (UD No. 112163 dated April 6, 2012 , in the production of the 1st department of the mid-range SS UFSKN in Moscow).

I would like to believe that the investigations of these criminal cases will not come to a standstill, as happened before. Although, as observers say, as long as the rector Filippov remains in his place, it will be extremely difficult to bring him to clean water - the commercial ties he has woven are too strong.

Rector of RUDN University, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education.

Filippov Vladimir Mikhailovich

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education. Rector of RUDN.


Higher, specialty - "Mathematics. Teaching Mathematics in Higher and Secondary Educational Institutions, Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University, 1973, with honors

Postgraduate study at the UDN them. P. Lumumba in 1975

Professional activity

1976-79 – Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the University.

1979-80 - Assistant of the Department of Higher Mathematics of the University.

1980-87 - Head of the Scientific Department of the University.

1983-84 – business trip for scientific work in the field of mathematics at the Free University of Brussels (Belgium).

1985-2000 - Head of the Department of Mathematical Analysis, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR).

1989-1993 - Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

1993-1998 - Rector of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and at the same time (since 2000 - present) - Head of the Department of Comparative Educational Policy of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

1998-2004 – Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, consisting of four Governments.

2004-2005 - Assistant to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

2005 - present - Rector of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

Scientific activity

In 1980 he defended his Ph.D., and in 1986 - his doctoral dissertation at the Mathematical Institute. V.A. Steklov of the Russian Academy of Sciences, majoring in Mathematical Analysis.

Awarded the academic title "Professor of the Department of Mathematical Analysis" in 1987.

In 2001 he was elected a corresponding member, in 2003 - a full member - academician, and in 2004 - a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Education.

Member of the Higher Attestation Commission - the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

In 2003 he was elected a Foreign Member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.

Social activity

Twice elected as a deputy of the Moscow City Council (1987-1993); was the chairman of the permanent commission of the Moscow Council on interethnic relations - a member of the Presidium of the Moscow Council.

President of the UNESCO International Organizing Committee for the World Conference on Higher Education (elected in September 2006);

Vice President of the Eurasian Association of Universities.

Member of the Presidium of the Council of Rectors of Moscow and Moscow Region Universities.

Member of the Governing Board of the Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO).

Member of the Supervisory Board of CERES - UNESCO European Center for Higher Education (Bucharest, Romania).

Main areas of research:

- in mathematics:

Variational methods;

Non-potential operators;

Inverse problems of the calculus of variations;

- in the field of education:

Management of higher professional education;

Comparative educational policy.

Globalization and Internationalization in Higher Education;


    Order of Friendship (1995);

    medal "In honor of the 850th anniversary of Moscow" (1997);

    gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (1999, 2003);

    Order of the Commander (Belgium), (1999);

    Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education (2001);

    Order of Merit for the Fatherland IV degree (2001);

    Order of the Legion of Honor (France), (2002);

    Order of the Holy Right-Believing Prince Daniel of Moscow (2002);

    medal "For merits in the social and labor sphere of the Russian Federation" (2002);

    Order of the Crown of the King (Belgium), (2003),

    medal "For Merit in the Development of the Olympic Movement in Russia" (2003);

    medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth" (2003);

    Order of Francis Paulo Santander (Colombia) (2008);

    as well as a number of other medals, prizes and awards of sectoral ministries and departments and subjects of the Russian Federation.

Speaks French and English. Married, has 2 children.

Area of ​​scientific research: innovative activity in the field of education

Topic of the thesis: "Semiclassical solutions of the GRVI in non-Eulerian classes of functionals and function spaces"

RUDN Publications

Database UNI Russian University of Peoples' Friendship
Scientific works published by RUDN University staff

Department: Other departments of RUDN University

(Sampling period: 2000 - 2007)

Filippov V.M., Savchin V.M.


On the inverse problem of the calculus of variations (IPCV) for functional partial differential equations

Moscow: Fizmatlit



functional spaces. Differential operators. Problems of mathematical education. Abstracts of reports. " 2nd International Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of L.D. Kudryavtsev

Musaev V.K., Filippov V.M., Kuzkina T.P., Kirevnina E.I., Zolotova S.I.


Finite Element Method in Problems of an Aircraft Impact on the "Protective Shell of the Reactor Compartment-Foundation-Base" System of a Nuclear Power Plant

Troitsk: Baytik



Musaev V.K., Filippov V.M., Kuzkina T.P., Schesnyak E.L.


Troitsk: Baytik



Materials of the XI International Conference "Application of new technologies in education"

Musaev V.K., Filippov V.M., Schesnyak E.L.


Propagation of Elastic Waves in a Reinforced Round Hole Under Water and Ground Environment



Assessment and management of natural risks. Materials of the All-Russian conference "RISK -2000"

Musaev V.K., Filippov V.M., Schesnyak E.L., Kuzkina T.P.


Numerical simulation of wave propagation in a multiphase medium

Troitsk: Baytik



Materials of the XI International Conference "Application of new technologies in education"

Filippov V.M.


Construction of extreme vatiational principles in non-culer functional classes for PDEs of second order with nonpotential operators

Physics of elementary particles and the atomic nucleus, v.31, no. 7A


Filippov V.M.


Actual problems of development of the Russian education system

Telecommunications and informatization of education", No. 1


Filippov V.M.


Higher School of Russia facing the challenges of the 21st century

Higher education in Russia, No. 1


Filippov V.M.


Federal Directory. January-June 2000


Filippov V.M. and etc.


On the propagation of elastoviscoplastic waves in regions of complex shape

Troitsk, Baitik



XI international conference "Application of new technologies in education"

Filippov V.M. and etc.


Open education is a 21st century strategy for Russia

Moscow, MESI



Under the general editorship of V.M. Filippov and V.P. Tikhomirov

Filippov V.M. and etc.


Numerical simulation of will propagation in a diverse environment

Troitsk, Baitik



XI International Conference "Application of new technologies in education"

Filippov V.M., Mikhailova S.R., Yake Gondo


Construction of variational factors for quasilinear second order partial differential equations

Computer Physics Communication, 126



Computer Simulation of Environmental Problems in the Problem of Concentration of Accidental Emissions of Liquid Hydrocarbons



Proceedings of the VIII International Conference: Problems of security management of complex systems

Filippov V.M., Musaev V.K., Schesnyak E.L.


Mathematical modeling of environmental aspects in problems of accidental releases into water environments

Moscow: Noosphere



Scientific-practical conference "environmental aspects of energy strategy as a factor in Russia's sustainable development"

Filippov V.M.


On the national doctrine of the development of education in Russia

Proceedings of universities, section "Social Sciences", No. 2


Mukharlyamov R.G., Veretennikov V.G., Mukhametzyanov I.A., Rumyantsev V.V., Savchin V.M., Filippov V.M., Shestakov A.A.


Science people. Abdelkhak Safiullovich Galiullin.

Differential Equations, vol. 36, no. 3.


Savchin V.M., Filippov V.M. and etc.


Abdelkhak Safiulovich Galiullin

Differential equations v.36, no.3.


Filippov V.M. and etc.


The concept of natural science education for the humanities and the problems of its implementation

Bulletin of RUDN University. Series "Fundamental science education", №5


Filippov V.M., Gongo Yake


Potentiality Conditions for the Operator of Linear Evolution Equations with Higher Derivatives



XXXVI All-Russian Scientific Conference May 22-26, 2000 Abstracts of reports. Mathematical sections.

Savchim V.M., Filippov V.M.


Construction of variational principles for evolution problems



International conference dedicated to M.A. Lautentiev on the occasion of his birthday centenary. Institute of Mathematics. Kiev. 31 oct - 1 nov. 2000.

Filippov V.M.


Federal Directory. July-December 2000


Filippov V.M.


On the state and prospects for the development of the education system in Russia

Newsletter "The World of Education", No. 1


Filippov V.M., Musaev V.K., Sevastyanov L.A., Sidorenko S.N.


Modeling the propagation of blast waves in air, water and soil environments



Abstracts of the XXXVII All-Russian Scientific Conference on Problems of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Informatics and Teaching Methods. Physical sections

Filippov V.M.


The development of education in Russia in the new century: traditions, realities and ideals

University Book, No. 2


Filippov V.M., Gondo Yake


Investigation of the variability of one evolutionary system of PDEs



XXXVII All-Russian Scientific Conference on Problems of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Teaching Methods, May 22-26, 2001 Mathematical sections. Abstracts of reports.

Filippov V.M.


Federal reference book "Education in Russia", issue No. 9



Articles in the directory

Filippov V.


The Transformation path taken by Russian higher education

Paris (France), Ed. Stamenka Uvalic-Trumbic Published.-Economica: UNESCO Publishing



Globalization and the Market in Higher Education. Quality, Accreditation and Qualification

Filippov V.M.


Modernization of Russian education: renovation of the school. Unified state exams: truth and speculation


Filippov V.M.


Modernization of Russian education: answers of the Minister of Education to your questions


Filippov V.M.


State and education

Higher Education Today, No. 10


Filippov V.M.


Innovative activity in the field of education and science is a priority policy direction of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Innovations, No. 1


Filippov V.M.


Modernization of Russian education

Bulletin of education. Thematic Application #1


Filippov V.M. and etc.


Federal reference book "Education in Russia", special issue No. 2



Articles in the directory: "Modernization of Russian education", "At the turn of the century".

Chistokhvalov V.N., Filippov V.M.


Russian higher education: on the way to change

Bulletin of RUDN University. Series "Philosophy", No. 2


Filippov V.M.


Tasks of modernization of education at the present stage

Higher Education Today, No. 3


Filippov V.M.


Renew education for the benefit of future generations


Filippov V.M.


Education reform

Bulletin of the Russian Philosophical Society, No. 1 (33)


Filippov V.M.


Management in higher education: experience, trends, prospects

M.: Publishing house "Logos"



Analytical report

Filippov V.M.


By solving some problems, reforms always create others.

Higher Education Today, No. 2


Filippov V.M., Chistokhvalov V.N., Senashenko V.S., Dolzhenko O.V., Bogoslovskaya O.V., Nasonkin V.V., Tkach G.F., Zhalnina N.V.


Programs of training courses. Direction 52500 "Management. Master's specialization" Management of higher education "


Filippov V.M.


Friendship by Interest

Friendship (newspaper), No. 41 (855)


Filippov V.M.


The Cultural Heritage and Academic Values ​​of European University and the Attractiveness of the Europian Higher Education Area

Rome, Vatican



Report at the conference "Council of Europe"

Filippov V.M. and etc.


Qualifications of foreign countries giving access to higher education in the Russian Federation

Moscow: Rosobrnadzor
