Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How are these two images related? Means of connecting sentences in the text: examples

Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University

Olympiad “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture. “Holy Rus', keep the Orthodox Faith!”

School tour, grades X-XI, 2017-2018 academic year

The work was completed by ________________________________________________ Class __________

Time to complete the work: 45 minutes

TASK 1. Choose the correct answer:

From which book are the words “all vanity of vanities and vexation of spirit” taken?

B. Song of Songs of King Solomon

V. Psalter

G. Ecclesiastes

In Moscow, in the Sokolniki area, there is a temple whose altar faces south, towards Palestine, because... there the Savior spent his earthly life, and there He suffered. Where do the altars of Orthodox churches usually face?

A. To the East B. To the North

B. To the West D. To the South

This word is translated from Greek as “thanksgiving.”

A. Anaphora

B. Eucharist

V. Epitrakhil

G. Liturgy

What other name does St. Basil's Cathedral, located near the Moscow Kremlin, have?

A. Ascension Cathedral

B. Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on the Moat

V. Savior on Spilled Blood

G. Church of All Saints, Who Shined in the Russian Land

5. Who owns the lines?“The whole sea needs the whole sky, the whole heart needs the whole God”?

A. Akhmatova A.A.

B. Gumilev N.S.

V. Mandelstam O.E.

G. Tsvetaeva M.I.

6. In Crimea, a temple was erected in memory of the miraculous rescue of Emperor Alexander III during a train crash...

A. Vladimir Cathedral (Chersonese Tauride)

B. Peter and Paul Cathedral (Simferopol)

V. Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky (Yalta)

G. Church of the Resurrection of Christ (Foros)

A cathedral in Crimea, called the “tomb of the admirals.” Many famous admirals of the Russian fleet are buried in it, and among them are the famous admirals P.S. Nakhimov, V.A. Kornilov, V.I. Istomin, M.P. Lazarev.

A. Vladimir Cathedral on the Central City Hill in Sevastopol

B. Vladimir Cathedral (Chersonese Tauride)

V. Peter and Paul Cathedral (Simferopol)

G. Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky (Yalta)

What rank of angels does not exist?

A. Dominance

B. Mentors

V. Thrones

G. Cherubim

Which member of the last imperial family had a name day on April 23 (old style)?

A. Empress Alexandra

B. Emperor Nicholas

V. Princess Olga

G. Princess Tatiana

The personality of the new owner of a beautiful estate in Crimea is one of the most attractive in the history of the Romanov dynasty. It is a rare case when the memories of all the people who surrounded or met her agree in one opinion - the empress was an extraordinary person both in her intelligence and in her high moral qualities. One of the best works by the artist F. Winterhalter successfully conveys what her contemporaries noted was “the highest grace of her entire being, which is much better than beauty.” Who are we talking about?

A. Alexandra Fedorovna

B. Elizaveta Fedorovna

V. Maria Alexandrovna

G. Maria Fedorovna


Make up questions that answer the following concepts:


















For the words in bold, find the general concept:



In one or two sentences, describe how the images and literary works included in each group are related to each other.

Group No. 1
“Let nothing on earth, amid the evils and much sorrow of Yours, sully your purity, And let everyone, seeing You, glorify God, Who created such beauty!” K.R.
Group No. 2
“Pray for the Youth - for the Dove - for the Son, for the young Tsarevich Alexy, O Church Russia!” M. I. Tsvetaeva
Group No. 3
“A thin connecting thread of eras - It has been given to us to preserve, Like hearths of extinguished smoke Along the paths that crossed the Crimea...” Vissarion of Petersburg

Description is an image of a phenomenon of reality by listing and revealing its main features. For a landscape, this will be the appearance of trees, grass, sky, river; for a portrait - height, age, posture, gait, eye expression, smile, the internal state of a person; when describing a machine, this will be a message about its purpose, the principle of operation, the operations it performs, its appearance, its parts, their purpose and interaction, etc.
The purpose of the description is for the reader (listener) to see the subject of the description and imagine it in his mind.
The composition of the description, its most characteristic elements: 1) a general idea of ​​the subject; 2) individual characteristics of the object; 3) author's assessment, conclusion, conclusion.
Analyze the compositional features of the description of nature (landscape) from chapter IJI of I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”.
The places they passed through could be called picturesque. The fields, all the fields, stretched right up to the sky, now rising slightly, then falling again; in some places small forests were visible, and, dotted with sparse and low bushes, ravines wound, reminding the eye of their own image on the ancient plans of Catherine’s times. There were rivers with dug-out banks, and tiny ponds with thin dams, and villages with low huts under dark, often (up to) purple roofs, and crooked threshing sheds with walls woven from brushwood and yawning gates near empty barns, and churches , sometimes brick with plaster falling off here and there, sometimes wooden with leaning crosses and ruined cemeteries. Arkady's heart gradually sank.

1. Where is the general idea, the general impression conveyed here? What further features of the overall picture stand out? What words express the assessment of the picture being described?
Determine the tense and type of predicate verbs in this text.
Determine the type of connection between sentences. How does this characterize the semantic relationships between parts of the text? Indicate how the sentences are connected to each other (lexical, grammatical, syntactic means).

When describing an object, unity of image, unity of view on the object and a certain sequence in the description must be ensured.
299. What are the theme, main idea, and type of speech of the passage? Title the text. How is the unity of the image ensured in it and what is the sequence of the image?
In the world, in the whole wide world - and how great it is! - there was no cleaner room than grandma's. Everything that comes from nature)! it was brilliant - it was brilliant; everything that was old and worn out from time shone with age, diligent darning"1 and great cleanliness. And if someone’s keen and unkind eye had found a single speck in grandmother’s room, then this speck would have turned out to be innocent, even and clean.
In addition to the priest's cups with a gold border and figured handles, in addition to the teapot and spoon left over from the family set, there were two more surprising items in Tatyana Egorovna's grandmother's room: a work table and a mantel clock.
The work table, pot-bellied, with mother-of-pearl on the lid and bronze along the slope of the legs, was not there for the sake of beauty. He was always in action and witnessed and participated in many miracles. It’s hard to say what grandmother’s white and thin hand could not cut, sew, mend and darn. And there were needles of every size and thread of every color in the stool, from coarse wool to the finest silk. There were as many colored scraps in the table as there are shades visible to the eye in the rainbow, and the buttons ranged from the largest to the smallest. There was also a special compartment in the table for letters received over the past year; On December thirty-first, these letters were tied with thin braid and hidden in a chest of drawers®. To tell the truth, there were few letters, fewer every year. The most recent letter with a foreign stamp was received the other day - from a grandson whom the grandmother had not seen for twenty-two years, and had last seen when he was three years old. See you again before. kk
p.i was exactly today at two o’clock. That’s why I put on a new and fresh lace cap in the morning6.
And also, as was said, Tatyana Egorovna had an ancient and precious mantel clock, small in size, of great beauty, with the chime of three bells, with a weekly winding (on Sunday morning). The bells struck the hour, half hour, and every quarter, all differently. The sound of the bell was clear, gentle and seemed to come from afar. How it was arranged - only the master knew, who, of course, had not been in the world for a long time, because the clock was more than a hundred years old. And all 1 year the clock went continuously, without falling behind, without running ahead, without getting tired of striking the hour, half and quarter.
(M. O s o r g i n. Clock.)
I Parse the second sentence.
Find sentences with two or more rows of homogeneous members, construct their diagrams indicating punctuation marks. 3. Explain the use of hyphen, weight, colon and parentheses, d Find the inserted syntactic structures in the first sentences of the first and last paragraphs.
>. Find introductory phrases in the text. How do they differ from plug-in structures?
Compose a sentence with an insertion structure, highlighting it on both sides with brackets or a dash.
Describe remarkable things in your house (apartment) or an interesting old thing that you happened to see.
Prepare a description of the aspen and birch groves! (but the story of I. Turgenev “Date” from “Notes of a Hunter”), using the author’s expressive means that convey visual and auditory impressions. What words and phrases express the attitude of the aur to one and another grove? What is the compositional role of the description of these two groves?
Read and title the text. Determine the type of speech. How does it differ from the text by M. Oeorgin in ex. 299, although the type of speech is the same? Analyze the phrases “noun + adjective” in M. Oeorgin’s text and in this text, draw a conclusion about the purpose of the adjectives in each of them. What does this have to do with the type of speech and speech style?
The lion's share6 of the entire area of ​​the Pacific Ocean is occupied by a colossal round-shaped depression. Its borders run almost everywhere along the edges of the continents of Australia, America, Asia, and in some places they are outlined by island arcs and individual islands. The depth of the Pacific Ocean basin
ala is on average four to six kilometers. It is this depression that gives our earth the asymmetry of its sister planets.
Previously, it was believed that the giant round depression of the Pacific Ocean was homogeneous, it was not divided into separate parts and basins. Research of our time has shown that this is not so. The depression is divided into two parts by a majestic underwater ridge, part of the planetary6 system of mid-ocean ridges. Island arcs bordering the outskirts of the Pacific Basin and parallel to the shores of the continents1"; abysses of trenches "conjugate" with these arcs, the depth of which is several thousand meters greater than the average depth of the depression; archipelagos6 of volcanic islands, raising their peaks above the waters by two, three and even four kilometers , and groups of volcanoes lying at a depth of several kilometers under water; fault zones and underwater ridges that divide the depression into separate basins; hills and plains buried at enormous depths - these are the characteristic features of the relief of the Pacific Ocean floor. (...)
Isolated seamounts are one of the typical features of the Pacific Trench landscape. And the depression itself here is cut up and down by underwater shafts, ridges, rises - the boundaries of ocean basins, usually called but by the land forms of relief in the vicinity of which they are located (Mariana, Chilean, Panama, etc.). Dozens of underwater ridges and mountain ranges are shown on the map of the Pacific Ocean. Large underwater ridges are usually named after the islands or parts of the mainland lying at opposite ends of these ridges.
(L. Koidratev. Atlantis of the Five Oceans.
Mysteries of sunken continents.)
Define the text style. How do you support your conclusion?
Write down general scientific and geographical terms.
Are there any figurative devices in this text? Please indicate them.
Carry out a word-formation analysis of the words: majestic, conjugate, uplifts.
Carry out a morphological analysis of the words called.
Talk about the punctuation of the second paragraph.
Explain the placement of the dash in all cases.
302. Write a miniature essay - a description of any piece of art or the interior of a room, a metro station, using participial and participial phrases. What role will they play in your descriptive essay?
303. Read the materials about the Cathedral of Christ the Savior: 1) non-imric certificate; 2) an artistic description of the temple before the opening; 3) artistic description of the night after the destruction.
What differences do you see (lexical, syntactic, compositional) in the scientific and artistic description of the temple? What did the authors want to convey in the first, second and third description?
1. Historical background. The Cathedral of Christ the Savior “was built in memory of the War of 1812. It was founded on this site on October 10, 1839. Architect K. A. Ton. Consecrated May 26, 1883.”
On December 25, 1812, Emperor Alexander I issued a manifesto “On the construction of a church in Moscow in the name of Christ Spaopsl in commemoration of gratitude to the Providence of God for saving Russia from enemies.”
“The temple was built according to the Highest command using funds from the treasury. Construction was carried out for an annual amount allocated by the treasury in the range of 300,000 rubles: the total construction cost was 15,123,163 rubles 69 kopecks.” (...)
The construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior progressed relatively slowly. And this is not surprising, given the care with which it was carried out. The thickness of the brick walls was 3 m 20 cm. In total, forty million bricks were used for construction. The outside of the temple was decorated with marble slabs. The connections between the marble parts and the brick were filled with lead.
Inside, the lower part was lined with marble and mosaic stone. Above it, historical painting was to be located. It is not usually done with plaster - and so, remembering that the temple was intended to last for centuries and centuries, so as to never expose the painting to the risk of dampness from the walls, they decided to do the plaster for painting not with brick, but in a relative way. (...) In hundreds and hundreds of square meters of walls, vaults and ceilings, frequent holes were drilled in a checkerboard pattern, into which wooden plugs were driven in. Tinned iron spikes were driven into the plugs so that they stuck out above the brick at the same height. Then the whole thing was densely braided with tinned *" wire, and the resulting mesh was additionally intertwined with hemp. 11a a cement solution was poured onto this mesh surface. Half a mountain of inches (about 7 cm) from the brick surface resulted in a separate layer, hard as stone, for future painting. This enormous work was completed only in 1871.
On the western wing of the temple there was a memorial
board with the inscription:
September 10, 1839 under the chairman of the Commission D.V. Golitsyn, designed by the architect Ton. Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. COMPLETED BY EMPEROR ALEXANDER THE SECOND, CONSECUTED UNDER EMPEROR ALEXANDER THE THREE on May 26, 1883.
Completed under the Chairman of the Commission V. A. Dolgorukov by architects Konstantin Top and Alexander Rezanov.
...Blown up in 1932.
P. The golden domes of the temple floated over Moscow, shining with purity in the clear, cloudless blue of the sky, linking days and nights, weeks and decades into one indistinguishable and durable chain. They could be seen at any time of the year - both in the snowless winter twilight and on the stuffy summer nights. Both the poor, in need of help and protection, and the humiliated loved to sit on the steps around the temple, especially on the side of the Moscow River. Both happy people and old people who were already preparing themselves to leave came here - true beauty and harmony were the healers of the suffering soul.
The temple rose in the very middle of the earth and in the core of Moscow, and on special days, unknown to the uninitiated, it became, repeatedly reflected in the spaces of the sky and river, visible far around; the temple buried its base in the ancient land of the Moscow Chertolye, which holds the secrets of many centuries, dug by long-abandoned5 passages; here, in any gloomy, half-crumpled dungeon, of which there are enough preserved in these places even today, the bloody shadows of Ivan the Terrible or Malyuta Skuratov, who have not found peace to this day, still roam; here in his remote prisons2 with a red-hot iron, an executioner's whip and a rack,
fashion crunch of boyar bones, the flesh and strength of Rus' was created and increased; here, taken in iron and crucified on slimy stone walls, arrogance and earthly ambition dried up and became dust, and the luminous temple rose easily and airily on the blood and ashes of previous generations, in order to eternally proclaim the truth about the indestructibility of the Russian spirit in warfare, in the defense of the father's land , in the creative power of creation and construction, in the high spirituality of thoughts and plans for the future. The construction of the temple, despite its enormous, seemingly overwhelming size, harmoniously and gently balanced and enhanced the pointed, multi-domed, soaring panorama of the Kremlin itself...
Lined with white-pink marble and granite, covered with gold on its five domes, the temple hovered weightlessly over the whole of Moscow with its dense streets and hills, shining in clear weather with its central huge dome. Illuminated through the upper narrow windows, lined inside up to the choir with smooth marble, along the cornice of which there was a row of stearine candles along the entire temple, the temple was especially elevated and austere and full of some special mood at the moment when the white wick cord connecting the candles lit up from the fire brought to the cathedral by the watchman on a long stick. The light silently and quickly ran from candle to candle, as if from one already passed generation to another, now falling in the space between the candles, now reflecting the passage of inexorable time in the mirrored space of the marble walls, - the temple represented the finally materialized conciliar power of Russia - the past, present, future of its people - the organizer of a vast and difficult land, a warrior people who managed to defend their land, a creator people who sought to embody in the temple the highest harmony of their spiritual aspirations , a feeling of beauty in its very tragedy and eternity of existence. A whole layer of Russian national culture, it seemed, forever impressed in stone, mosaics, gold, icon painting, frescoes, reflected the powerful flow of all Russian history.
They thought the temple would stand forever. Thousands of diggers selected and removed the earth from the pit right down to the solid, continental foundation, the most skillful masons laid pillars, steppes, pilasters, using lime on egg yolk that had matured for years in closed mortars; inspired artists painted vaults, walls and arches of large and small gates, window arches of portals, corners
temple, sails of supporting pillars and niches of pylons; artists with their creations testified to the stages of the formation of Rus', its military and construction feats from its very beginning; sculptors decorated the temple with many external and internal high reliefs, installing and strengthening them with marbles and special irons, filling them with liquid lead to prevent damage. It took seventeen years to complete the high reliefs alone.
The May night came before the opening of the temple... In the light silvery starry twilight that spread throughout the entire temple (the sacrament of conciliarity of the entire Russian land was now being celebrated in the temple), countless shadows of warriors appeared, filling the huge, now limitless space of the temple; they came here from the distance of time with spears, swords and shields; Thick rusty dew fell from the decayed iron onto the colored mosaics from Labrador, Shokhon porphyry and colored Italian marbles that lined the floor of the temple, and the precious mosaics began to glow pinkishly from within. Each in his place, emerged from the darkness: Alexander Nevsky, and the Monk Sergius of Radonezh, blessing the Grand Duke Demetrius for the battle and those standing behind him, Peresvet and Oslyabya, with swords and girdles in their hands, and the Baptist of Rus', Saint Vladimir, and the enlighteners of the Slavs, the saints Cyril and Methodius, and many more glorious men...
When the May dawn approached Moscow, the temple was already somehow different - its golden domes, the first to light up over Moscow in anticipation of a new day, quietly floated at an unattainable height - the temple was already involved in a high and bright secret, transferred to it for eternal storage in memory the darkness of the people, who lifted him above Moscow and the earth, so that the people would not get lost in the darkness, his belly and his spirit would not be exhausted. he would not have died without seeing any more light ahead. The holy and great are born and happen in silence and mystery - an unknown tomorrow and the most prophetic writings are captured in the darkness of future times...
There stood a temple in the center of the earth, from year to year old and young came to it with their grief and with their hope, from year to year the invisible, eternal book of times was written, its pages were turned, people lived, candles in the temple were lit and extinguished, the beginnings of and the wars ended, generations came and, having served their time, went away, sons replaced fathers, grandsons of grandfathers, people were born with pride and greed in their blood, they walked through life, blind from satiety, kicking those dying from nothing.
You and illnesses, and people left as naked as they came, and saw them off with curses and groans.
The temple stood because each of those who came to earth longed for eternity in their souls and there was no person who was not susceptible to the feeling of beauty.
...The temple stood, blown by all the winds, winter snowstorms raged, almost hiding it from view, spring came again, the sun played in its golden domes, and, although the external life in it completely stopped... its internal, immaterial life did not freeze not for a minute; invisible connections grew thicker and deeper into the thickness of the people, whose best forces were scattered by cruel winds across the face of the earth...
And the temple stood, absorbing pain, fear, immeasurable blood and even more immeasurable grief from vast spaces, its marbles and domes darkened; the voice was taken from the bells, they became numb, but did not die - the temple was the memory, the faith of the people, but even this silent life irritated and aroused furious hatred.
And then one day, at the very beginning of autumn...
(P. II r about s k u r i n.)
Г^г^ 1. Analyze the linguistic means that the author used when describing the temple.
2. Write down the words that you find difficult to spell; make a spelling dictation. ."!. Find in the explanatory dictionary an explanation of words that you do not understand that appear in this text.
1. Select one of the parts of the text and prepare for self-dictation, e.g. What semantic relationships are connected between sentences and paragraphs in the text? Write down words, phrases and sentences that show this connection.
a lonely joint of a building, accidentally left behind after the destruction, some kind of finger pointing up at the sky. The view was wild and scary.
The black silhouette of the arrow of the corner going into the sky and the arch left by the will of fate in the height, like the laconic graphics of a poster or even a stamp, clearly outlined against a lunar background, created a depressing, grotesque mood. The general silence of the moonlight was somehow especially emphasized by the forced silence of the dead ruin.
Bathed in a strange, lifeless, motionless and mystical light of lunar silence, the spectacle was overwhelming with the majestic and proud incomprehensibility of death. These days were clear and cold nights with a full moon. Black, alone in the bare square, threatening with reproach, the remains of the cathedral for a long time towered above the huge empty square, no longer needed by anyone. In the end, even this reminder was no longer there. The square gradually lost everything: its squares, stairs, pedestals, nannies and pigeons... becoming an immense wasteland..."
(GI. P a l a m a r ch u k.)

Find keywords in this description.
Write out the adjectives and participles from the text. What mood do they create?
3. How is the connection between paragraphs of the text made?
Find excerpts from the works of A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, I. Turgenev, which give a description of nature or a portrait. Find out how compound sentences are used in these texts.

Determine the semantic relationships between simple sentences as part of a complex sentence.
Conduct a punctuation analysis of one of the sentences.
Write a miniature essay “Frost and Sun; wonderful day!” When writing an essay, think about what types of sentences (simple or complex: complex, complex, non-conjunctive) you will give preference to. Don't forget about cognates and their role in this type of text.
G|^ In the description, words denoting qualities and properties of objects are widely used. Verbs are more often used in the form of the imperfect past tense, and for special clarity and figurativeness - in the form of the present tense; An important role is played by agreed and inconsistent definitions, nominal and incomplete sentences.
306. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of I. S. Turgenev, part I", G. Belinsky. What types of speech do you find in this passage? \|> justify your opinion, indicating the features of each of them. Is it legal, from your point of view, combining two different types of speech in one text?
When that small poem “Parasha”, which I spoke about above, appeared, on the very day of leaving St. Petersburg, I went to the village to see Belinsky (I knew where he lived, but I did not visit him and only met him twice with friends) and, without identifying himself, left one copy of it to the man. I) I stayed in the village for about two months and, having received the May book of “Notes of the Fatherland,” I read in it Belinsky’s long article about my poem. He spoke so favorably of me, praised me so ardently, that I remember I felt more embarrassment than joy. I “could not believe it,” and when the late Kireevsky (I.V.) came up to me in Moscow with congratulations, I hastened to abandon my brainchild, claiming that the author of “Parasha” was not ¦l. Returning to St. Petersburg, I, of course, went to Belinsky, and our acquaintance began. He soon left for Moscow to get married, and upon returning from there, he settled in a dacha in Lesnoy. I also rented a dacha in the first Pargolovo and visited Belinskogo almost every day until the fall. I loved him sincerely and deeply; he favored me.
I will describe his appearance. The famous lithographic, perhaps the only, portrait of him gives the wrong idea about him. While sketching his features, the artist considered it his duty to soar in spirit and decorate nature, and therefore gave the whole head some kind of commanding and inspired expression, some kind of military, almost general-like turn, an unnatural pose, which did not at all correspond to reality and was not at all consistent with the character and the custom of Belinsky / He was a man of average height, at first glance rather ugly and even awkward, thin. with a sunken chest and drooping head. One shoulder blade protruded noticeably more than the other. Anyone, not even a doctor, was immediately struck by all the main signs of consumption, by the entire so-called habitus of this evil disease. Moreover, he coughed almost constantly. His face was small, pale reddish, his nose was irregular, as if flattened, his mouth was slightly curved, especially when it opened, and he had small, frequent teeth; Thick blond hair was falling
a tuft of hair on a white, beautiful, albeit low, forehead. I have never seen more charming eyes than Belinsky’s. Blue, with golden sparkles in the depths of the pupils, lying eyes, half-closed by eyelashes at ordinary times, expanded and sparkled in moments of inspiration; in moments of gaiety, their gaze took on a captivating expression of welcoming kindness and carefree happiness. Belinsky's voice was weak, hoarse, but pleasant; he spoke with special emphasis and aspirations, “persistent, worried and in a hurry.” He laughed heartily, like a child. He loved to walk around the room, tapping the fingers of his beautiful and small hands on the snuffbox with Russian tobacco. Whoever saw him only on the street, when, in a warm cap, an old raccoon fur coat and worn out galoshes, he made his way along the walls with a hasty and uneven gait and looked around with the timid severity characteristic of nervous people - he could not form a true idea about him, and to some extent I I understand the exclamation of one provincial,” to whom he was pointed out: “I have only seen such wolves in the forest, and then they were hunted!”1 Between strangers, on the street, Belinsky was easily shy and lost. At home, he usually wore a gray frock coat with wadding and generally behaved very neatly. His accent, manners, body movements vividly recalled his origin; his whole demeanor was purely Russian, Moscow; it was not for nothing that unalloyed blood flowed in his veins - that of our Great Russian clergy, for so many centuries inaccessible to the influence of a foreign breed.
ft) 1. Turgenev, as you noticed, has only two paragraphs in the text. IgChL Why do you think? Which paragraphs would you highlight?
2. Name the method of connection between sentences and paragraphs in this text. What means of communication show these relationships? Write them out.
Match the highlighted words, based on their textual meaning, with synonymous words and phrases.
What does Turgenev especially emphasize in Belinsky’s portrait? What do you remember most about Belinsky’s portrait?
Do a full syntactic analysis of the first two sentences.
Find homogeneous terms in this text; determine which members of the sentence they are and how they are expressed: give them graphical diagrams.
307*. Read the memoirs of V. A. Sollogub about the wife of L. S. Pushkin - N. N. Pushkina. What do you see as the features of the description of her portrait? What figurative and expressive media- | What language did you see in this description? Why do you think Sollogub especially emphasized the word women?
The next day my father took me to Pushkin - he lived in a rather modest apartment on... the street. The owner himself was at home, and his beautiful wife received us. I have seen many beautiful women in my time, I have met many women even more charming than Pushkina, but I have never seen a woman who combined such completeness of classically correct features and figure. Tall in stature, with a fabulously thin waist, with luxuriously developed shoulders and chest, her small head, like a lily on a stem, swayed and gracefully turned1" on her thin neck; I have never seen such a beautiful and regular profile; and skin, eyes, teeth , ears! Yes, she was a real beauty, and it was not for nothing that all the others, even the most charming women, somehow faded at her appearance. In appearance, she was always reserved to the point of coldness and spoke little at all. In St. Petersburg, where she shone, firstly , her beauty and especially the prominent position that her husband occupied - she was constantly in great society and at court, but women found her somewhat strange.
From the very first time I fell madly in love with her; I must say that at that time there was hardly a single young man in St. Petersburg who did not secretly sigh for Pushkina; her radiant beauty next to this magical name turned everyone’s heads; I knew very young people who were seriously convinced that they were in love with Pushkina, who not only knew her at all, but had almost never actually even seen her.”/1
(P^pi 1. The combination of what two types of speech is found in this text? Name them.
2. Indicate the characteristics of each of these types of speech.
308. Drink a miniature essay - a description of your favorite thing that you often use. Think about how you will construct this text, do not forget about the main features of the text and the rules for constructing the description.

Text. Theme and main idea of ​​the text

In linguistics there is still no generally accepted definition of the concept “text”. The reason for this is that scholars, as a rule, highlight those aspects of the text that, in their opinion, are basic, without claiming to be complete definitions.

The question of the relationship between text and sentence is important. Most scholars believe that some texts can consist of one sentence (simple or complex). These cases are quite rare and exist only in such sentences where signs of the text can be found.

So, text is a group of sentences that are related in meaning and grammatically.

Subject of the text- this is what (or who) the text is about: a range of events, phenomena, problems, concepts, etc. Each text is created on a specific topic. All his proposals are united by a common theme. The unity of the theme ensures the integrity of the text, regardless of the number of parts into which it is divided. The topic determines the content of the text. The general theme is divided into a number of micro-themes that are subordinate to it and reveal it. The topic of a text can be expressed in its title.

Main thought, text idea- this is the main thing that the author of the text wanted to say. Topic and main idea are related. In addition, the main idea also determines the content of the text. It can be formulated in one of his sentences. But more often than not, you need to formulate the main idea yourself by carefully reading the text. The main idea (like the topic) can be expressed in the title.

Text structure

The external structure of the text, as a rule, can be characterized by three parts: introduction, main part, conclusion. Its internal structure is often much more complex, since it represents the unfolding of a composition. In addition, when creating a text, its stylistic affiliation is also taken into account. For example, it is obvious that the official text of the statement and the literary text of the story are not identical in terms of internal organization. Thus, there are texts composed according to a predetermined scheme, and texts characterized by relative freedom of construction, depending on the individual manner of presentation of the author.

Paragraph. The structure of the text is characterized by the fact that it is divided into units larger than sentences - paragraphs.

Each paragraph has its own micro-theme, which plays the role of the main connecting element in the named segment of text. Not all paragraphs are the same topic. Sometimes they are multi-themed.

The main sign that signals the boundary between paragraphs is the transition from one micro-topic to another. In addition, paragraphs are characterized by the intonation of the beginning and end: its completion is marked, as a rule, by a significant decrease in tone and a final long pause; the beginning of the next paragraph is determined by an increase in tone.

Sentences that are not included in paragraphs. Not all sentences in a text are included in a paragraph. Most often, they are the first and last sentences of a speech work (which relate not to any one paragraph, but to the text as a whole), as well as author’s digressions. Such sentences are relatively independent in meaning.

Types and means of communication of sentences in the text

In structural and semantic terms, it is customary to distinguish two types of connection between sentences:

a) chain;

b) parallel.

Chain link is determined by the fact that each subsequent sentence develops the content of the previous one, repeating the meaning of a certain member of the sentence.

The means of chain communication can be the following:

a) lexical repetition;

b) synonym, synonymous expression, periphrases;

c) “substitute” words:

  • demonstrative, personal and possessive pronouns;
  • pronominal adverbs;
  • allied words;
  • verbal pass and some others.

For example: In one country, behind a glass mountain, behind a silk meadow, there stood an untrodden, unprecedented dense forest. In that forest, in its very thicket, lived an old bear. This bear had two sons.

When the cubs grew up, they decided to go around the world to seek their fortune.

But the brothers did not find happiness in a foreign land, far from their mother, and returned to their homeland. There they lived happily until the end of their days.

(Based on the Hungarian fairy tale “Two Greedy Little Bears”)

Parallel communication is determined by the fact that proposals do not “cling” to one another, but are equal to each other; at the same time, either enumeration is carried out in them, or they are compared or contrasted.

The main means of implementing parallel communication is syntactic parallelism (i.e. the same or similar structure of sentences), most often manifested in:

  • the same order of words;
  • unity of aspectual and tense forms of predicate verbs.

For example: The forest in late autumn was beautiful. The first snow fell. Here and there there were still yellow leaves on the birch trees. The spruce and pine trees seemed greener than in summer. Dry autumn grass peeked out from under the snow like a yellow brush. Dead silence reigned all around, as if nature, tired of the summer's hectic work, was now resting.

(According to D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak)

But there are cases when the connection of sentences is carried out due to stable semantic relationships between certain objects, phenomena, etc. (for example, cause-and-effect). In such cases we are talking about a logical connection. Sentences like: “It started to rain. Pedestrians raised umbrellas over their heads,” - connected in this way.

Thus, first of all, types of connections are distinguished in a structural and semantic sense (chain and parallel), which have certain means of implementation in the text. Depending on these means, the following four types of communication differ, secondarily: syntactic (use of conjunctions, syntactic parallelism, etc.), lexical-semantic (use of lexical repetitions, synonyms, “substitute” words, etc.), intonational and logical.

Text features

A text as a linguistic unit has certain characteristics, the main ones of which are the following:

1. Information content. Any text must carry certain information, i.e., have the characteristic of being informative. In accordance with this, it is obvious that each sentence of the text should add new information to what has already been said (and not repeat the entire content of previous sentences).

2. Connectivity. All sentences in the text are in a certain order and are related to each other in meaning and grammatically. This feature is provided not by one or several techniques, but by a fairly serious complex of various means. Each specific work uses a certain part of them.

The following types of connectivity can be distinguished:

1) local (identified, for example, within a paragraph);

2) global (defined within the whole text);

3) contact (related components of the text are located next to each other, in close proximity);

4) distant (connected components are distant from each other, between them there are sections of text of a certain volume).

3. Semantic integrity (integrity). We call text only that speech product that we perceive as a whole. The semantic integrity of the text is ensured by the unity of its theme and the unity of the main idea.

It should be noted that completeness (as well as integrity) is determined on the entire text, and not on its individual parts. In relation to the latter, we can only talk about their relative completeness.

5. Articulation. The text is always divided into smaller components of the volume, parts, chapters, paragraphs, clauses, sentences... Among other things, this is dictated by the ease of perception of information.

6. Situational. This is a correlation with a real or fictitious situation on the basis of which the text is based. The reader understands the text when he understands the situation being discussed. Therefore, some details necessary for adequate perception of the text, but not described in it, are extracted precisely from a certain situation.

Types of speech (text)

There are three functional and semantic types of speech: description, narration and reasoning.

IN description the topic is revealed in the process of characterizing objects, natural phenomena, persons, etc., which is formalized, as a rule, in the form of a listing of their characteristics. The distinctive features of this type are the static nature and simultaneity of the listed phenomena. In terms of meaning, the main types of description are considered to be the following: landscape, description of the situation, description of the portrait and characterization.

For example: The day was mild and hazy. The reddish sun hung low above long, layered clouds that looked like snow fields. In the garden there were pink trees covered with frost. Vague shadows on the snow were saturated with the same warm light. It was unusually quiet.

(A.N. Tolstoy)

Narration characterized by the fact that its micro-theme is revealed in the process of development of actions, states, events, etc. This type is distinguished by the dynamism and consistency of what is reported. The narrative contains many verbs, as well as words indicating the sequence of actions: once, first, then, then, after that, a little later, later, after a while, then, here, suddenly, unexpectedly, here and finally, etc. .

For example: In one swamp, wild ducklings hatched on a hummock under a willow.

Soon after this, their mother led them to the lake along a cow path. I noticed them from a distance, hid behind a tree, and the ducklings came right to my feet.

I took three of them into my care, the remaining sixteen went further along the cow path.

(According to M.M. Prishvin)

The narrative type is opposed to the descriptive. The main difference is represented in the antonymity of their main characteristics: dynamics (in the first case) – statics (in the second). Both of these types are characterized, as a rule, by chains of aspectual and tense forms of predicate verbs inherent in each of them.

Reasoning logically based on inference and represents the development of a topic, consisting of three parts: a) thesis (what needs to be proven or explained), b) evidence (explanations, argumentation) and c) conclusion (conclusion, generalization, etc. .). But it should be noted that in the named type the presence of all three parts is not always observed: in each specific case, one of them may be absent (or may be implicitly expressed) (this corresponds in logic to a complete or incomplete, i.e., abbreviated, inference ). The purpose of reasoning is to explain or prove something. In reasoning, words are often used that indicate the development of thought and cause-and-effect relationships: why, because, since, after all, firstly, secondly, thirdly, therefore, that's why.

For example: Our fatherland, our homeland is Mother Russia.

We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial. We call it our homeland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it, and everything in it is native to us; and as a mother - because she fed us with her bread, gave us drink with her waters, taught us her language; like a mother, she protects and protects us from all enemies.

There are many good states and lands in the world besides Russia, but a person has one mother and one homeland.

(K.D. Ushinsky)

The three types of speech (text) listed above differ from each other in the intonation characteristic of each of them. The most pronounced is the intonation of the enumeration in the description.

But attention should be paid to the fact that description, narration and reasoning are not always found in their pure form. Very common are texts in which a combination of these types is observed. For example, in literary prose there are often texts that contain both descriptive and narrative elements. In addition, reasoning can include both elements of description and elements of narration. This gives the text expressiveness.

With some degree of convention, you can focus on the following schemes of texts of the named types:

Text-narration scheme

  1. Start of the event.
  2. Its development.
  3. End of event.

Note. In literary texts there is also a climax that precedes the end of the event.

Description text scheme

  1. General impression of the subject (phenomenon).
  2. Signs of an object (phenomenon).
  3. Attitude to the subject (phenomenon).

Scheme of the text-reasoning

  1. Introduction.
  2. Thesis.
  3. Evidence (explanations).
  4. Conclusion.

Note. In an argumentative text, sometimes the introduction and thesis may coincide. In addition, in this type of text, in some cases there may be no output.

The easiest way to determine the type of text (used already in elementary school) is to use a question and the technique of “photographing”:

Speech (text) styles

Functional style - this is a certain type of speech that corresponds to the sphere of its functioning and is distinguished by a special set of means characteristic of this sphere.

First of all, two opposing groups of functional styles are distinguished: bookish and colloquial. Book styles, in turn, include the following: scientific, official business, journalistic, artistic.

Each of these styles is distinguished by a certain set of characteristics that characterize it.

Scientific style

This style discusses the field of scientific activity, scientific communication and is used to convey the results of research activities.

The purpose of the scientific style is to communicate and explain certain phenomena and patterns.

The form of implementation of this style is a written (less often oral) monologue.

Properties of scientific style texts: informativeness, logicality, argumentation, objectivity, conciseness, accuracy, unambiguity, generalization, preliminary selection of linguistic means.

In scientific style the following are often used:

  • terms (neutron, morpheme, thrombus);
  • words with abstract meaning (process, phenomenon, property);
  • verbal nouns (state, description, evidence);
  • a large number of participles and gerunds (expressed, used, considering, generalizing);
  • short adjectives and participles (conditional, clear, proven, used);
  • passive verbs (used, considered);
  • complex prepositions and conjunctions (in conclusion, due to the fact that, due to the fact that);
  • introductory words emphasizing the logic of the presentation (firstly, secondly, so, therefore, in this way);
  • complex and compound sentences;
  • impersonal offers;
  • quotations, links, footnotes.

Words in scientific text are used mainly in their literal meaning. Emotionally charged words are used quite rarely.

For example: The active medium of gas lasers is in the gas phase. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the creation of an inverted population of levels in lasers of the same type is carried out as a result of the flow of electric current through the medium, i.e., using a gas discharge. A gas laser consists of a cuvette filled with gas and electrodes inserted into it - a cathode and an anode.

(N.G. Basov, Yu.V. Afanasyev)

What is the relationship between the concepts of “language” and “speech” from the point of view of their place in speech communication?

Language in human society is the main means of communication. To put it simply, we can say that language is a naturally occurring and developing sign system in society that serves to generate, store and process information. This system is an ordered structure of units - phonemes, morphemes, words and phrases, sentences. Each unit belongs to a specific language level. These levels are interconnected and strictly ordered: phonemic – morphemic – lexical – syntactic. Every language has rules and norms for the use of certain units.

(A.A. Radugin)

Formal business style

The purpose of formal business style is information.

The form of implementation of this style is a written monologue.

Properties of texts in official business style: accuracy, unambiguous wording, conciseness, information content, standardization, non-personal nature of presentation, compactness of structure, preliminary selection of language means.

In formal business style the following are often used:

  • standard words and expressions (proper, above, taking into account, bringing an action, take effect);
  • terms (legal capacity, jurisdiction);
  • compound words and abbreviations (Mosenergo, UN, NATO, OSCE);
  • compound prepositions and conjunctions (due to the fact that, due to the fact that);
  • verbal nouns (regulation, refutation);
  • short adjectives such as must, must;
  • using the infinitive form of the verb instead of the imperative mood (ensure attendance);
  • participial and participial phrases;
  • indication of the date of preparation of the document, as well as other details (name of addressee and addressee, name of institution, stamp, signature with transcript, etc.);
  • direct word order in a sentence;
  • detailed proposals.

Words in the text of official business style are used in their literal meaning. The use of emotionally charged words is generally not allowed.

Genres of official business style: charter, law, code, decree, resolution, order, receipt, power of attorney, announcement, protocol, act, instruction, report, agreement, Constitution, subpoena, cassation appeal, agreement.

For example: Article 30. Powers of the federal executive body in charge of internal affairs and its territorial bodies.

The federal executive body in charge of internal affairs and its territorial bodies exercise the following powers:

a) determine whether persons residing on the territory of the Russian Federation have citizenship of the Russian Federation;

b) accept applications from persons residing on the territory of the Russian Federation on issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation;

c) check the facts and documents provided for identification of applications on issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation and, if necessary, request additional information from the relevant government bodies;

d) send documents to the President of the Russian Federation in the cases provided for in part one of Article 29 of this Federal Law, applications on issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation, documents and other materials submitted to support them, as well as conclusions on these applications, documents and materials...

Journalistic style

This style serves the sphere of mass propaganda activities and is used to cover events in economic, political, cultural, everyday, criminal, and sports life.

The purpose of the journalistic style is to influence listeners or readers.

The form of implementation of this style is an oral or written monologue.

Properties of journalistic style texts: emphasis on current issues of the day, emotionality, evaluativeness, broad topics, focus on the mass reader (listener), accessibility, information content, the presence of a subjective, author's opinion, preliminary selection of language means.

In journalistic style the following are often used:

  • solemn words (power, shrine);
  • superlative adjectives (greatest, brightest);
  • phraseological units (stand to death);
  • emotionally charged words (murderer, renegade – “apostate”, “traitor”);
  • stable phrases such as play a role, matter, common sense;
  • metaphors (growth on the body of the state);
  • comparisons (money flows like a river);
  • epithets (fatal coincidence);
  • colloquial words (grandmothers, green, cool, brother);
  • foreign words (speaker, killer, image, marketing);
  • new words, i.e. neologisms (action movie - “terrorist”, bioterrorism, kidnapping - “kidnapping for ransom”);
  • professional journalistic words (interview, report, correspondent);
  • words of socio-political vocabulary (budget, parliament, legislation);
  • appeals (dear readers, compatriots, Russians);
  • introductory constructions (according to the message, according to, unfortunately, unfortunately, to the greatest joy):
  • mostly simple sentences;
  • nominative sentences (especially in headings);
  • rhetorical questions (how to live? where to look for protection?);
  • interrogative and exclamatory sentences;
  • incomplete sentences;
  • connecting structures.

Genres of journalistic style: journalistic article, essay, speech, report, interview, note, essay, pamphlet, feuilleton, proclamation, manifesto.

For example: The FMS prepared the draft of the new Concept of state migration policy using the speedy method in accordance with the decisions of the March meeting of the Russian Security Council. November 17th The project was to be considered in the White House. But the project did not reach the government. On the way, he was intercepted by the Duma, or more precisely, by the Duma Committee on CIS Affairs and Relations with Compatriots. At the meeting of the Committee, the helplessness of the document designed to proclaim a new migration policy attractive to migrants was revealed...

(Information Agency "Migration" (IAM), 2005)

Conversational style

The purpose of the conversational style is communication.

The form of implementation of this style is dialogue.

Properties of conversational style texts: informality, ease, dependence on the situation, spontaneity, participation of facial expressions and gestures (non-verbal means of communication), emotionality, individualization of speech, lack of preliminary selection of linguistic means.

In conversational style the following are often used:

  • verbs (went, came, saw);
  • personal pronouns (I, he, you...);
  • particles (same, over there, only);
  • interjections (Wow!), often as predicates (March home!);
  • words and phraseological units of conversational style (chatter, neither fish nor fowl);
  • colloquial words (fool, blurt out);
  • words with emotional and evaluative connotations (braggart, handsome);
  • metaphors (my head is a mess);
  • repetition of words;
  • appeals;
  • introductory words (probably, it seems);
  • replacing phrases with one word (minibus - minibus);
  • special vocative (abbreviated) forms (Mom! Love!);
  • interrogative and exclamatory sentences (How are you? What people!);
  • uncomplicated simple, compound, non-union sentences;
  • incomplete sentences (We are at the cinema).

For example: Once Domna Platonovna asked me:

Do you know Colonel Egupov?

Hello, readers of the Russian Word blog!

Today we will continue the conversation about coherent speech, started in , and let's talk about ways of connecting sentences in the text, and also how to learn to use these methods in speech.

First of all, I want to clarify. We are not duplicating or creating a tutorial here. And we don’t open “America”! Our goal is to draw attention to the problem speech coherence and suggest solutions.

Blog readers rightly noted in the comments to the previous entry on our topic thatcoherent speechbegins to form in childhood. But for some reason, over time, acquired in kindergarten and schoolcoherent speech skills are lost.

Undoubtedly, every person needs to be able to coherently express their thoughts. After all, we really want to beunderstood correctly, it is so?!

This means that you need to learn to construct your statement, to construct text. By the way, let's remember what it is.

And let's begin!

Somewhere God sent a piece of cheese to a crow. Crow is a common name for several species of birds from the genus Crow. And the ugly crow flew up and grabbed the necklace! Crows live up to 75 years, although rumor ascribes them up to 300 years. The crow flew into the forest and the rest of the pearls landed in the grass!.. The crow climbed up the spruce... The bird is capable of complex forms of behavior and knows how to adapt well to various environmental conditions. The crow croaked at the top of its lungs.

Of course, this is not text!

Offers they were simply “pulled out” from different sources (from a fable, Wikipedia, a story) and put them on the same page. Without meaning! No connection! Without a goal! It would seem that the passage is about a raven. But this word “crow” is the only thing that unites these sentences.

The sentences are NOT CONNECTED with each other, neither in meaning, nor grammatically, nor stylistically!

There is no beginning or end here. Complete nonsense!

Sentences in the text must develop the topic, they should be connected among themselves, united the main idea of ​​the author. Any text must have a coherent structure!

Exists two main ways of connecting sentences in a text.

Chain (sequential) connection of sentences in the text

Chain link of sentences reflects the consistent development of thought. Neighboring sentences seem to cling to each other (like links in a chain).

Chained sentences are connected- soldered! - among themselves like this: the second sentence - with the first, the third - with the second, the fourth - with the third, etc.

A very simple example of text in which sentences are chained together:

There is a blackboard hanging on the wall in the classroom. The word text is written on it. A text is several sentences related in meaning and grammatically.

To learn how to connect sentences together like this, use repeating words, pronouns, cognates, synonyms, antonyms, conjunctions and allied words. There are other means of communication, more on that later...

Parallel connection of sentences in the text

In parallel communication, all proposals are not connected sequentially, but as if centrally: the second, third, fourth sentences are connected in meaning with the first sentence.

Wherein the offers are the same refer both to each other and to the first sentence.

Parallel communication reflects enumeration, contrast or comparison. Each new sentence does not continue the previous one, as in a sequential (chain) connection, but reveals and details one general - the first - sentence.

Proposals are not linked, but compared. As a rule, they have the same word order, the parts of the sentence are similar, etc.

An example of a text where sentences are connected in parallel:

Second, third and fourth sentences reveal the meaning of the first. Even if you swap them, the text will not be destroyed. And yet it will remain coherent. All four sentences are united by contextual synonyms: office, classroom, room, here.

Chain and parallel connection of sentences, sometimes used in one text. A classic example is Lermontov's “Sail”.