Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What is taught in the higher school of the KGB. FSB Academy: faculties, specialties, exams

Defense of the state has always been an honorable activity. People who directly carried it out enjoyed great honor and authority in society. In addition, the constant wars that have been fought throughout human history have significantly enriched the representatives of the military class. In some countries, the military was considered the highest caste with the most rights. A great example is the Japanese samurai. However, on the territory of our fatherland, warriors and their achievements have also been glorified at all times. It should be noted that the training system for such people is of great importance. After all, the need for a professional military will never disappear. The very system of training soldiers requires a special approach, since their skill consists not only of physical strength, but also of certain psychological qualities. In this case, it is worth noting the specifics of training the elite of all armed and security forces, that is, intelligence and state security. The latter structure performs extremely important functional tasks in the modern world. Therefore, the training of its representatives should be carried out at the highest level. In the Russian Federation today there is a Federal Security Service. This department is responsible for ensuring the security of our country. Specialists for its ranks are trained at a special Academy of the FSB.

What's happened

As mentioned earlier, in any state, power units play an important role. The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation belongs to such formations. The number of departments today is classified. The main task is to provide the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that the FSB, according to existing legislation, is a body that is authorized to carry out operational-search activities. Departments are replenished by recruiting for military and civil service. According to the regulations governing the work of the FSB, its activities are carried out in the following areas, namely:


Fight against terrorism;

Intelligence activities;

border activity;

Information Security;

The fight against crime of a particularly dangerous form.

The main department is the security of the Russian Federation.

General information about the higher educational institution

The Academy of the Russian Federation is a military institution that trains officers for the FSB. In addition, personnel for other intelligence agencies, as well as special services of friendly states, are also trained in this institution. That is, we are talking about a complex military institution with a fairly broad preparatory base.

The Academy was established in 1992 by a special decree of the President. The basis for the formation of this institution was the Higher School of the KGB named after Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky.

The history of the creation of the academy

The Academy of the FSB, whose faculties are presented in the article, begins its history from the courses of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission, formed in 1921. The courses prepared the operational staff for the Cheka. It is worth noting that a significant contribution to the training was made by teachers who had a fairly large operational experience gained in the implementation of special operations "Trust" and "Syndicate". In 1934, cardinal changes took place in the structure of the power departments of the state.

The People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs was created. This leads to the creation of the Central School of the Main Directorate of State Security within the structure of the Soviet NKVD. During the Second World War, the educational institution graduates several thousand workers who managed to organize a fairly effective fight against the Nazis. Another reformation of the school takes place in 1952. On its basis, the Higher School of the MGB of the USSR is being formed. In 1962, this educational institution was named after Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky.

Academy structure

The FSB Academy, whose faculties are presented in the article, trains personnel in many specialties that are in demand today in law enforcement and military departments. The structure of a higher institution contains three main segments, which include training.

1) The Institute for the Training of Operational Personnel provides qualified personnel training in a number of key areas of the FSB's activities. Within the framework of this division of the academy, there is an investigative faculty and a counterintelligence faculty. In both cases, graduates of the institution receive a diploma in the specialty "Legal support of national security." At the first one, employees of the FSB investigative units are trained, and at the second, operational ones. At the same time, the counterintelligence faculty trains employees in two specific areas: operational activities with knowledge of foreign languages ​​and knowledge of modern information technologies.

2) The second subdivision of the Academy is the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics. Today, its graduates are rightfully considered the best specialists in the field of information security. At the end of the training, employees are given qualifications such as “information security specialist”.

3) The Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​is the youngest department of the university. It was created in 1990. The faculty trains professional translators for the FSB.

Features of admission - the first stages

There are many features of the recruitment process that the FSB Academy is famous for. Faculties and specialties of different directions are replenished with personnel on absolutely equal terms. The first stage of selection is the medical board. To enter the academy, you must be in good health. It will be checked throughout the entire period of study at the institution.

The second stage is a polygraph. Many applicants mistakenly consider such a test to be something easy. However, a polygraph checks honesty, a person’s respect for military service, his compliance with management, etc. Therefore, the test must be taken as seriously as possible.

Special exams and physical fitness assessment

If the applicant does not have any comments on his mental and physiological level, then he is allowed to internal exams. Physical fitness is checked by three tests: pull-ups, running 100 and 3000 meters.

Additional tests are exams in individual disciplines. For admission to a particular faculty, knowledge in various subjects is checked. For example, the investigative unit conducts an additional exam in social science and the Russian language, and the Institute of Cryptography - in physics and mathematics. It is quite good to use special preparatory courses before entering, which increase the level of applicants.

Learning process

The Academy of the FSB, the faculties of which are presented in the article, prepares The learning process is quite complex and specific. Students actively study law, mathematics and foreign languages. Much attention is paid to physical training, as it is one of the main subjects. Most items are classified. Some subjects are taught in such a way that even pens, let alone notes, cannot be taken out of the classrooms.

Daily life of students

The fact that studying at the FSB Academy can bring people together is not an exaggeration. Throughout the years of service, students in this institution are almost constantly in contact with each other. But this is not all the features of training. For example, it is undesirable for students to distribute statements about their studies on social networks. The prohibition also covers talking to friends about it.

It should be noted that a large proportion of all students are girls. They, equally with the representatives of the stronger sex, can declare that they, as professional cadres, were forged by the famous FSB academy. "Faculties for girls" is a common misconception. There are simply no such divisions. Girls enter, along with boys, those faculties that are provided for by the structure of a higher educational institution.

Academy leadership

For many years, the academy was headed by representatives of the highest officers. To date, the head is Ostroukhov Viktor Vasilyevich. He holds the rank of Colonel General. At one time Ostroukhov Viktor Vasilievich graduated from the Higher Red Banner School of the KGB. In addition to military activities, he also conducts research and is a doctor of jurisprudence.

So, we examined what the FSB academy is. Faculties, exams and the specifics of education were presented in the article. In conclusion, it is worth noting that work in state security agencies is not suitable for everyone. But if you have firmly decided to become employees of this department, then you need to discard any doubts and stubbornly go towards your goal.


School graduates of the 1960-80s took part in countering foreign intelligence services and conducting operational and combat activities. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the performance of special tasks was received by V. Belyuzhenko, G. Zaitsev, V. Karpukhin, B. Sokolov.


As Major General Sergei Kolobashkin, deputy head of the academy, noted in 2001, 40 academicians and corresponding members of various academies of sciences, more than 100 doctors and 400 candidates of sciences are engaged in scientific and teaching work at the academy. According to him, “in five years of study, students, in addition to fundamental counterintelligence knowledge, receive a full-fledged legal education, deep language and military training.”

The system of additional professional education at the academy includes advanced training and retraining of current employees, as well as special training for people with higher education selected for service in the FSB. The system of additional education operates at all faculties, but the main one is the Faculty of Leadership Training (FPRK).

The structure of the Academy includes (ICSI), which trains specialists in the field of transmission, protection and processing of information. In 1949, by a resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the Higher School of Cryptographers was established, and a closed department was established at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University by a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Later, on the basis of their association, the technical faculty of the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR was created. Since 1992, the technical faculty of the Higher School has been transformed into the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics (ICSI). The main areas of training are: cryptography, applied mathematics, computer science and computer technology, electronic engineering, radio engineering and communications.

Women can only study at the Academy in the Faculty of Translators, but for a short period since 1994, girls have also studied in the Faculty of Investigation.


  • 1970-1974 - Nikitchenko Vitaly Fedotovich
  • since 2000 - Vlasov Valentin Aleksandrovich


see also


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See what "HS KGB" is in other dictionaries:

    KGB- red, blue, white sequence of colors of the flag of Russia from bottom to top of the Russian Federation Source: Stavropolskaya Pravda. 08/22/2002 ( 08 22 02.shtml) KGB club of chief accountants fin. Source:… …

    Genre political detective Creator Chagall, Yosef Starring Ekaterina Volkova Ville Haapasalo Oleg Fomin Mikhail Efremov Mikhail Gorevoy ... Wikipedia

    KGB-- large-size battery in marking of pyrotechnics in marking, tech. KGB Source: KGB An example of using KGB 2 ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    - (Committee for State Security) (KGB (Committee for State Security)) Established in 1953, responsible for external. intelligence, counterintelligence and combating internal. crimes against the state. The most famous chairman of the KGB is Yuri Andropov ... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    KGB- (KGB) (abbr. name of the State Security Committee). Created in 1953, responsible for external. intelligence, counterintelligence and the fight against internal. crimes against the state. The most famous chairman of the KGB, Yuri Andropov (1967 82), who later became ... ... The World History

    KGB USSR- KGB KGB USSR Committee of State Security under the Council of Ministers of the USSR from March 13, 1954 to December 1991 earlier: Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR Ministry of State Security of the USSR after: MSB USSR state, USSR KGB Dictionaries: Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Comp. A. A. Shchelokov.… … Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

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    Multiple m.; = Kagebe State Security Committee. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

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  • KGB. A History of Foreign Policy Operations from Lenin to Gorbachev , Christopher Andrew , Oleg Gordievsky , This book is rightfully considered the best study of Soviet foreign intelligence - largely due to the unique information of Oleg Gordievsky, a KGB officer who fled to the West in his time. ... Category:

Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Academy of the FSB of Russia) - a higher military educational institution that trains officers of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and other Russian special services and special services of friendly states.

Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation
(Academy of the FSB of Russia)
Former names OGPU Central School,
Central School of the GUGB NKVD
Central School of the NKVD of the USSR
Higher School of the Ministry of State Security of the USSR
Higher School of the KGB of the USSR. F. E. Dzerzhinsky (1954–?)
Higher School. F. E. Dzerzhinsky (?–1992)
Academy of the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation (1992-?)
Year of foundation April 26, 1921
Boss Sysoev E.S.
colonel general
Location USSR USSR→ Russia Russia
Legal address 119602, Moscow, Michurinsky prospect, 70
Media files at Wikimedia Commons

The Academy of the FSB of Russia includes (IKSI) and the Institute for the Training of Operational Personnel (IPOS) as part of two faculties - investigative and counterintelligence. There are also separate faculties: translation, distance learning, a special faculty for foreigners, a faculty for training management personnel. Since 2018, the head of the academy has been Colonel-General E.S. Sysoev.


On March 21, 1939, the Central School of the GUGB of the NKVD of the USSR was reorganized into the Higher School of the NKVD of the USSR by decree of the Commissar of State Security Lavrenty Beria.

By the beginning of the 1940s, every third head of the Soviet state security agencies was a graduate of courses.

School graduates of the 1960-80s took part in countering foreign intelligence services and conducting operational and combat activities. V. Belyuzhenko, G. Zaitsev, V. Karpukhin, B. Sokolov received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for performing special tasks in Afghanistan.


As Major General Sergei Kolobashkin, deputy head of the academy, noted in 2001, 40 academicians and corresponding members of various academies of sciences, more than 100 doctors and 400 candidates of sciences are engaged in scientific and teaching work at the academy. According to him, “in five years of study, students, in addition to fundamental counterintelligence knowledge, receive a full-fledged legal education, in-depth language and military training.”

The system of additional professional education at the academy includes advanced training and retraining of current employees, as well as special training for people with higher education selected for service in the FSB. The system of additional education operates at all faculties, but the main one is the Faculty of Leadership Training (FPRK).

The structure of the Academy includes (ICSI), which trains specialists in the field of transmission, protection and processing of information. In 1949, by a decree of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the Higher School of Cryptographers was established, and a closed department was established at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Later, on the basis of their association, the technical faculty of the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR was created. Since 1992, the technical faculty of the Higher School has been transformed into the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics (ICSI). The main areas of training are: cryptography, applied mathematics, computer science and computer technology, electronic engineering, radio engineering and communications.


In the 1950s-1960s, the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR named after. F. E. Dzerzhinsky was led by Colonel A. Ya. Efimov, Major General E. I. Borisoglebsky, Major General A. N. Kurenkov.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 24, 1992, the Higher School. F. E. Dzerzhinsky and the Academy of Border Troops merged into the Academy of the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation.


Previously, only those who served in the army were accepted, now the majority enters immediately after school.

At the beginning of 1963, I learned that in the fall there would be a large enrollment for postgraduate studies at the Higher School of the KGB. I had the idea of ​​graduate school when I was still a student. However, I myself believed, and now I am firmly convinced of this: one should sit down for a dissertation after several years of practical work. This is better both for the future scientist and for business. And in 1953, I made an attempt to enter the correspondence graduate school of MGIMO in the department of state law, which was led by my former dean V.P. Radkov. But my superiors were not inclined to indulge such desires, believing that postgraduate study would distract the employee from operational work.

What can you say? And it took a decade for the leaders to understand that intelligence and counterintelligence, like other lines of operational activity, must be placed on a solid scientific basis, not artisans, but specialists of the highest category should be trained.

And lean, in 1963, I thought: “Do I have a prospect in Glavka now? Doubtful. So, maybe go to graduate school, change the nature of work? And I decided: "I'll go!"

That year, operatives with at least 10 years of practical work experience were recruited to the postgraduate school of the Higher School of Higher School of the KGB. I had 13 years, almost 5 of them in France. For graduate school, I was suitable in all respects.

He passed the exams in mid-November 1963. I had no problems with a foreign language. I knew special disciplines, but in practice. This was not enough for the exam, because by that time teachers and practitioners in KGB educational institutions had written a significant number of manuals and lectures on various aspects of intelligence and other subversive activities of the enemy’s special services against the USSR and other socialist countries. I had to not only read these works, but also evaluate them from the point of view of an intelligence officer who had worked for more than one year abroad and had direct contact with enemy intelligence and counterintelligence.

The exam in special disciplines was successful, but somewhat unusual. As soon as I began to answer the first question, the head of the school, Lieutenant General Yevgeny Petrovich Pitovranov, entered the audience. In the state security bodies, he went from an ordinary employee to a deputy minister. He was also head of intelligence. After listening, Yevgeny Ivanovich asked:

Have you read the work prepared by the second department on communications in intelligence?

Read, however, in the manuscript.

What can you say about her?

The work is good. It is needed both for the educational process and for practical workers. But not without drawbacks: it is necessary to clarify a number of definitions and refine some sections, taking into account the requirements of conspiracy in the process of communication in the modern environment. The issue of the relationship between legal and illegal forms and methods of communication in operational work is not clearly stated. On the one hand, the increased activity of the enemy's counterintelligence services forces us to abandon personal meetings with agents, and on the other hand, we see that in the current political situation, agents are more in need of personal meetings with intelligence officers than before.

More questions followed regarding daily work abroad. I answered in detail, the general listened attentively. As a result, the exam was reduced to a conversation with Evgeny Petrovich. And in form it was not an exam, but a conversation of a general wise and experienced with a lieutenant colonel who knows and can do a lot and is nevertheless ready to learn. The conversation went on for over an hour.

About five minutes after me, Evgeny Petrovich also left the audience. Passing by, he smiled friendly.

On December 1, 1963, I became a graduate student of the Higher Red Banner School of the KGB of the USSR named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky.

The first two or three months of study were the most difficult for me. There was a deep restructuring in consciousness, in the mode of work and rest, the rhythm of life changed completely: for the first time after the student time, it became possible to freely manage one's time. It was hard to get used to not having to go to work in the morning, but to sit at home and read books; that there are no letters and telegrams from Paris that should be immediately responded to, and there is no need to go to report to the authorities at various levels two or three times a day.

Adapted to a new life in three or four months. During this time, he developed a dissertation prospectus, determined the range of operational cases and priority sources from among the “closed” literature necessary for use in the work. He worked with classified materials in the Glavka archive and in the special library of the School. With open ones - in the Lenin Library, the Historical Library and at home.

At the department I was received in a friendly way. Age, rank and the fact that behind him was the experience of overseas work mattered. Six months later, I was included in the team of authors for the preparation of a textbook on a topic close to the topic of the dissertation. It was great luck.

Associate Professor Evgeny Borisovich Peskov, Candidate of Legal Sciences, was appointed as my supervisor. He was a 1948 MGIMO graduate. This contributed to the establishment of, one might say, informal relations between us. He was not engaged in petty custody, led in a big way. I came to him with finished pieces of work. He read, then we discussed what was written with him. Something was accepted immediately, something was altered, redrawn. With some comments, especially on the "technology" of scientific work, I agreed without objection, and when it came to the practical side of the activities of the enemy's special services and our intelligence abroad, a discussion began, in which teachers of the department were sometimes involved.

He taught science not in words, but in deeds. First of all, he made me an active participant in the discussions of various educational materials and dissertations prepared at the department. It was both interesting and useful, broadened my horizons, helped me prepare for the candidate's exam in special disciplines. At the same time, he was involved in pedagogical work. It so happened that at the department at one time there was no teacher who could conduct seminars on regional studies in groups specializing in

France. This he entrusted to me. Of all the classes with the students, the most interesting were, perhaps, the practical classes on recruiting agents and other sections of the program. It was then a new, invented at the department, form of classes, which later became widespread.

Pedagogical practice, constant participation in the work of the department, and after graduating from graduate school and in the work of the departments of political economy and foreign languages, were very useful to me later, when - in 1978 - I was appointed head of the department for one of the special disciplines at the Institute of the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR ( now - the Academy of Foreign Intelligence).

In the meantime, I continued to study in graduate school. Some time later, having written my dissertation and successfully defended it, I became a senior researcher in the scientific publishing department of the Higher School.

A year after defending my dissertation, I was awarded the academic rank of "senior researcher", and after it, the military rank of "colonel" was awarded.

During my work at the Higher School, I wrote a lot, was the executive secretary of Scientific Works, organized scientific and theoretical conferences, lectured at the Higher School itself, at the KGB educational institutions in Minsk and Novosibirsk, at the Intelligence Institute, in operational units.

During this time, our children have grown up. In 1970, her daughter graduated from high school and applied to the Faculty of History of Moscow State University.

I owe a lot to the Higher Red Banner School of the KGB of the USSR. But the time has come to change the profession, or rather, to return to the old one.