Biographies Characteristics Analysis

To not be bored. What to do when a boy is bored at home

In this article, we will look at what you can do if you are bored sitting at the computer. There are many difficulties in life, and the fight against boredom is one of them.

Anyone want to argue? And remember with what pleasure you waited for a call in boring classes.

Or how much joy sometimes happened when the time came to the end of the working day or shift, where you just had to sit at the computer and wait.

If you are reading these lines, then the article designed just for you. It briefly describes the most popular entertainment resources and timekiller sites that allow you to have some fun, dispel boredom, speed up the waiting process and just relax.

This page is dedicated specifically to the topic of online resources, although at a computer and without the Internet there is something to do:

  • read a book or article;
  • play a game;
  • to see a movie;
  • devote yourself to creativity (moderation, drawing, creating animation and cartoons) and much more.

The second part of the article contains more educational than entertainment portals.

having fun

Unpredictable transformations

A simple site created using an outdated flash player. He offers to choose one of the two proposed items, which will randomly interact with the one located on the field.

Moreover, the result of reincarnation will be not only visual, but also taking into account the physics of the virtual world. Very fun and funny, and most importantly, exciting and colorful.

What was the past like?

A multi-colored political map appears before the user. Each country has its own color.

A drop-down menu is placed above the map, where any year is selected, up to 3000 years before the beginning of the current chronology. The map shows the outlines of the then states according to the ideas of modern historians and the paths of movement of the great navigators and expeditions, if they were then.

The scale is changed using the wheel.

Popping bubbles on bags

Has anyone forgotten what it's like to burst air-filled bubbles on packaging bags?

A virtual lesson will not fully replace the sensations that a person experiences when destroying another bubble on a cloth bag, but when there is time, and there are no bags nearby, the time has come to pop the bubbles. Plus - an endless field for action.

For ardent fans of the lesson there is a mode Manic Mode– when all the bubbles under the cursor burst.

Create a clip

Interacting with interactive objects, we are looking for all the clues that will help the fisherman find out the reasons for what happened.

Management is carried out by means of a space and cursor keys. In the process of entertainment, you will witness terrible events accompanied by a pleasant melody.

water play

A small transparent tank with a durable liquid and a ball floating in it that never gets wet.

It can be thrown into the water, watching the waves and the play of light, changing the intensity of lighting and controlling gravity. Nothing remarkable, but you can relax.

Too many interesting things

The website will show the user a lot of extraordinary things displayed randomly.

Once you can see the structure of the human head, having studied the brain, the location of the eyeballs and nerves, sometimes - a crystal translucent drop, which can be rotated and observed by the rays reflected by its surface.

Universe on one page

We rotate the mouse wheel and look at how many tens and even thousands of orders there are things in the universe that are larger than you and me.

Thus, one can approximately imagine the scale of our galaxy, compare the size of the native planet with the sizes of other cosmic bodies.

Become a geneticist

Another almost game that got into the most interesting sites that you should visit if you get bored at the computer.

In the game, you can extract any genes from any representatives of the animal world and add them to other animals, achieving the creation of mutants, freaks, or vice versa, giving the beast new qualities, making it more developed, better, stronger.

Elements can be combined not in pairs, but in dozens, achieving unimaginable effects. The hint system will notify you of the approximate effect in order to avoid iterating over combinations to obtain the desired result.

Listening to the music of past decades

The browser window will display a world map in the style of the middle of the last century. On it we select the country and indicate the decade, starting from 1900.

After that, the resource will find in the database the music of that era that was popular in the selected state, present in it, and will play one of these songs.

It can be a track, both recorded on a cassette, and on a rare nowadays radiogram disc or an even older reel.

Changes on the planet

The page contains materials related to the 20-year history of our planet.

You can select a country or city and view what has happened to them in recent years. The information is given in text form and photo.

Don't know what to listen or watch?

When you are bored at the computer, you can watch videos or listen to music. There is a lot of content like this on the web. But what to do when all the movies, series and videos from Youtube are tired?

Go to the site. Find an interesting movie, artist or even a book, and the site, based on genre similarity, the tastes of millions of users and other variables, will display content similar to the desired movie, artist, book.

In this case, all connections of the desired artist (film, author) with similar, recommended ones will be visualized.

Russian language, LivePlasma, alas, does not understand.

Rain just for you

Just the sound of rain and a picturesque corner of untouched nature that is pleasant to the eye will allow you to relax a bit in any weather, listening to how drops hit the ground and plants.

Looking for the Philosopher's Stone

One of the many web resources where you can literally create everything from almost nothing.

Water flows through your fingers, you can’t take fire with your hands, you can’t hold air even in a jar, and you can only touch the earth. With these combined elements, you can create almost anything.

Starting with four bricks, with due patience, thinking and skill, you can get 560 different objects. Try yourself as a medieval chemist.

Who's up in the air now

Here you can see which of the planes is flying where today and trace its route. Only when you see a map, you can be amazed: how many iron birds now plow the air spaces of our planet.

On the map, you can select any flying objects and get a lot of information about them. There is a search and selection of air carriers, as well as several filters that allow you to remove aircraft that are not of interest to the user from the map by one or more parameters.

Entertainment portals where you can kill time and see cool pictures and gifs, the sea. Only a small part of them is shown here. You can find more similar sites yourself. Leave links to the most interesting ones in the comments.

And now let's take a look at several general educational web resources.


Chronology of victory in World War II

We are the grandchildren of the victorious grandfathers who stopped the expansion of the Nazis and prevented the united Europe and all those who stood behind it from conquering the Slavic people. The Winners website will show the development of events on all fronts and directions from the first day of the start of the war to the return of the defeated back to their native capital before the Soviet troops.

multimedia card equipped with a convenient chronometric scale. It allows you to quickly move into the past on any selected date and see the situation on the fronts in the form of a beautiful animation with sound.

The places where the hottest events took place are indicated by special icons, and are accompanied by a brief description. Clicking on it will open more detailed information about the event, and if there are documents or videos (meetings, decrees) confirming it, they will be posted for the users to judge.

Learning to type blindly

Today, thanks to social networks, there are few people who type with one or two fingers, but they exist. On you can practice speed typing in several languages. The duration of the session varies from 5 to 30 minutes.

There are several types of exercises and dictionaries, and there are even dictionaries for programmers and editors of news feeds.

Russian language rules

Dictionaries and text autocorrect are gradually putting an end to the education of the people. Many young people make primitive mistakes in words or hesitate between two spellings of a word or punctuation.

Deal with feelings
To the question "What is boredom?" everyone has their own answer: just laziness, overwork, apathy, a feeling of monotony and routine. But before declaring war on inaction and dancing with tambourines, try to figure out: are your feelings inside or outside? Is there something preventing you from feeling good, such as clutter or darkness? These problems are easily solved by cleaning, new curtains or good lamps. And psychologists say that sometimes the cause of the blues can be an ordinary cold. Take a bath, relax - at the same time and check if the theory works for you.

Doesn't the bathtub trick help? Anyway, don't rush to frantically search for entertainment. If right now you want to lie on the sofa and lie on it until the evening with a book - this is your sacred right. After all, being idle is no worse than burning pots for three hours or expressing yourself in a right-brain drawing class.

Nothing to do in seclusion
A good company is the best way to overcome apathy. But if friends go on vacation, and relatives go to the country, you will have to cope on your own. There are many options for what to do at home.

1. Look for useful courses instead of series
There are resources with free lectures on history and science (like Arzamas or PostScience). On Monday, tell your colleagues how the Russian nobles earned and spent their money. Or you can discuss the anthropology of communal apartments.

In the long term - Coursera (although most courses are in English, and you have to do your homework) and Lectorium (here is a real hodgepodge: from lectures by the Pension Fund to the history of Russian poetry).

2. Find video tutorials
If Saturday and work are antonyms for you, move towards creativity. Scrolling through your Instagram followers is the best way to understand what inspires you right now. Draw a city landscape with a marker or a watercolor portrait, sew a cool curtain out of a sheet, learn how to retouch photos like a pro - search engines answer any request with dozens of video tutorials.

3. Pay Attention to Your Home
Those things for which there is not enough time in the week. Hwhat can you do when you're bored?- Trim or transplant houseplants, nail loose hooks, vacuum the curtain rod and the space behind the sofa (especially if you get sick often). There are a lot of cleaning checklists on the net that will surprise even the most pedantic fans of order. If the mood is not at all for general cleaning-look on the Internet for interior pictures for inspiration: they motivate you to change.

4. Train without prying eyes
The best way to cheer up is movement, and at home alone you can actively move comfortably: no one is looking at you, as a result, there is no embarrassment. It's time to master a couple of yoga asanas or finally get along with the fitball you bought last year.

And also try one of Osho's meditations: at least the one where he advises twenty minutes in a row to build faces in the mirror. It is now that you do not see the point in such activities, and after 20 minutes - look at your boredom differently, we guarantee!

Arrangement ideas - on Houzz

Nothing to do and you two
Bad weather locked you at home? We are looking for ways to spend the evening creatively within four walls.

5. Cook a dish that is not on your regular menu
It's more fun to do it together. At the same time, you can turn on the competitive spirit and find out who will eat their portion faster, and determine the reward to the extent of their depravity. Order an exotic recipe from ready-made food sets at home - there are so many services in each city that it makes no sense to recommend a specific one. Google and try!

6. Remember the good times
Revisit old videos and vacation photos. A win-win thing to do when you're bored, but it only works if you don't overuse it. By the way, you probably have a “cloud” with unsorted photos: you can combine business with pleasure and free up storage from unnecessary files. And at the same time find touching shots that you want to print and hang on the wall.

7. Do what interests you - separately
It is not necessary to feverishly come up with “something interesting” when you are bored at home: read, watch videos with cats, listen to music - share your impressions at dinner in the evening. By the way, in any bookstore you can buy a creative notebook with tasks for a year, like “give this page to a friend, let him draw you in 30 years” or “remember the most important thing that happened this month.” Suitable for the most severe weather conditions and hopeless apathy: you can answer questions one by one or together - and without getting out of bed.

When you and your family are bored
A difficult case: you wander around the apartment, like the shadow of Hamlet's father, and from time to time you stumble upon yearning members of the household. It's time to take control of the situation.

8. Deal with the routine
Yes, doing such monotonous things when you are bored at home is another adventure. But in sunny weather, the household will definitely not agree to keep you company, but now there is a chance.

9. Plan your future vacation - it's profitable
Yes, the vacation is in six months, but since it turned out to be a free day off, and the whole family does not know what to do with themselves - seduce her with guidebooks, beach photos and choosing a hotel. Firstly, three days before the trip, everyone will thank you for not having to pack in a hurry. Secondly, by booking a trip and a hotel in advance, you save. For example, you can move the vacation dates a bit: flying abroad in early September is on average 10% cheaper than at the end of August, and at the end of January - 32% cheaper than on New Year's Eve. It is also more profitable to buy tickets five months before the trip and no later than two and a half - that is, now is the time to think about traveling to Asia if you have planned a trip for the end of winter.

10. Play board and outdoor games
After all, you were also given "Dixit" or "Twister" - it's time to get the dusty box from the closet. In extreme cases, backgammon or puzzles are suitable. The main thing is to go to bed on time before work: games in a good company are addictive.

Do you have a small child or preschoolers?
What to do if you are bored at home, but the children do not yet take part in adult leisure, and they cannot be left unattended for a long time? Again, we cannot help but refer to the children's special project "Arzamas": there is a selection of cartoons, films, books, games and even smart coloring - enough until spring!

11. Play "dirty" games
Alternatively, you can do primitive drawing: leave bright marks on the back of a wallpaper roll (with your feet or hands), draw with prints of buds or ordinary pasta. A long weekend is a great excuse to relax and get dirty with the whole family: on weekdays, there is usually not enough time to launder the consequences of “dirty games”.

12. Have fun "with props"
The idea is useful if the weather allows you to quickly go to the store or you have the right things at hand. Build a castle out of cardboard boxes and a hut out of an old curtain, make a puppet theater out of gloves or a volcano out of baking soda. At the same time, you can agree that the children will take part in the final cleaning - in the wake of enthusiasm, they can agree.

The disadvantage of the game is predictable: you have to clean up. But there is an unpredictable advantage: perhaps the dress that was fished out from the farthest shelf is already back in fashion?

What else can you do on your day off? Share your ideas of what to do when bored at home.

Today it is hard to imagine a day without a computer. Gadgets have become a reliable assistant and friend. In addition to helping in work and study, the computer is also a great way to escape from business and overcome boredom. Let's try to figure out what to do if you're bored at the computer.

The easiest and most familiar way is interesting sites. It all depends on your personal preferences and areas of interest.

  • Are you a music lover, but the usual playlists and styles of music are boring? This site is a great way to get acquainted with the musical culture of world countries.
  • E-mails have become an integral part of daily communication. But what about writing a letter to yourself? In a couple of days you will forget about it, but to receive such a message in 5 to 10 years will be quite funny.
  • What is your favorite Harry Potter movie? You will definitely love this site. Feel like a wizard creating new materials. This will help pass the time and remember the school science course.
  • The free time you have now can be a great opportunity to develop touch typing skills. This skill will definitely come in handy in the future.
  • Do you want to have a personal predictor? It's possible. In addition to receiving answers from the soothsayer, on the site you can check your erudition and read interesting facts and sayings.
  • Your childhood dream of becoming a great pianist has remained a dream. Bring it to life now.
  • You do not have a vacation in the near future, and if it does, will you spend it at home? That way. Have a nice holiday.
  • If you don't really like the ocean and beaches, choose any corner of the world and enjoy an exciting journey.
  • Can't wait to find out what will happen in 10 years? And after 100? Find out what the future holds for our planet.
  • Why not improve the current state of affairs? One click and everything is great!

Exciting browser games

If midnight is approaching, and sleep does not go anywhere, the computer will help here too. What to do if you are bored at the computer at night? The information of cognitive and educational sites is no longer perceived, so a great way to pass a couple of hours is browser games. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Anno online

Can feng shui, toothpaste and soap suds cause the release of endorphins - hormones of joy?

Surprisingly, yes. How can a seemingly worn-out Taoist practice, an ordinary hygiene product and a simple foaming mixture get rid of boredom? You can find the answer to this question in seven tips. And the best way to find out their effectiveness is to test all seven recommendations in practice. So, what to do at home when you're bored and your endorphins are low?

Do some creative cleaning

Cleaning rooms - what, at first glance, could be more boring? And if you look at this activity from a different angle and diversify it? To combine useful cleaning with pleasant leisure, you can perform a number of sequential actions:

  1. Turn on your favorite, but always dynamic music in headphones, or even better - in speakers so that the melodies can be heard in all rooms. Moderately audible, because only order and joy are needed, and not a police squad that has arrived.
  2. Catch the rhythm and, dancing, prepare supplies for cleaning.
  3. Find any motivational things - sweets, a gadget with a game, money for pizza, toilet paper (in a certain situation, its absence will motivate you to work more than other items).
  4. Arrange the selected "exhibits" in the places where the cleaning will be carried out - they will be a reward for the cleaned area.
  5. And forward - to cleanliness and a cheerful mood.

What gives such an approach? Firstly, energetic music and dancing make the body “come alive” as endorphins are produced. Secondly, the usual cleaning, scrubbing, scraping and other tedious activities suddenly turn into an interesting quest. Thirdly, ungrateful work is finally transformed into "grateful" - incentive prizes return the mood. As a result, the apartments are clean, pride in their achievements rejoices, boredom disappears along with the dust.

There are two additional arguments in favor of this method. First: clutter, dirt, poor air circulation in the room evoke melancholy by their very appearance. Plus, it's bad for your health. We add the terms and get depression.

Second: the described approach can be applied in any situation where doing some work is simply boring.

Create decorative crafts for the home

From useful to beautiful. There is no such thing as a lot of aesthetics and comfort in the house, so it never hurts to do a couple of things with your own hands. Do I need to run to the shops, spend time and money looking for something I don't know? Not at all necessary. Fortunately, hundreds of online ideas help create beauty from improvised means - paper, fabrics, stones, matches, old unnecessary things. These can all be turned into homemade works of art, such as:

  • rugs, tablecloths, capes for chairs, armchairs, sofas;
  • panels, vertical crafts on the wall, mosaic;
  • original flower pots, stands for stationery;
  • unusual lamps, floor lamps for lamps;
  • frames for photographs, paintings, mirrors;
  • decorative pillows and cushions;
  • drawings on countertops, walls, doors, created using stencils.

You can make a photo collage on the wall, a dream catcher, a garland night light, or a painted sand painting in an old fish tank. The result is limited only by imagination and the desire to act. Creating something beautiful with his own hands, a person puts his soul into it, charges with his energy. It is not surprising that such things become amulets designed to protect the house, its inhabitants from everything bad. And the creation of beauty leaves a good particle of positive in the soul, which is reflected in the mood.

Rearrange furniture according to the scheme

The layout of furniture and decor in rooms can be drawn up based on the rules of a particular style, practical and individual needs, or your own taste.

There are 4 more options - Feng Shui. According to this technique, there is a vital energy Qi in the world. Simple objects are able to interrupt its flows and disrupt their circulation. This is bad for a person's life. In order to prevent the emergence and development of problems, Chinese practice recommends arranging furniture in an apartment according to certain rules. The following principles are considered common to all rooms:

  • it is impossible that there are too many furniture with non-functional corners in the house, it is better to choose rounded edges;
  • a chaotic accumulation of different objects in one place has a detrimental effect on mood, health and luck;
  • space, good natural lighting is a guarantee of well-being, but it is better to avoid long passages by creating partitions for them;
  • dilapidated, damaged interior items have a place in a landfill, but not in the house of a happy person;
  • clocks and wind chimes are hung away from doorways;
  • mirrors are not placed opposite beds and doors, but it would be nice to hang beautiful pictures here;
  • items of different elements are not put together. For example, a stove (fire) is installed away from a refrigerator (ice);
  • those who are looking for a partner can arrange objects in pairs (the rule does not apply to flowers).

Isn't feng shui a great excuse to rearrange and update furniture? There are a lot of laws for this technique, so it will take a long time to change things in places. And this is a kind of sport that stimulates the production of good hormones and eliminates boredom.

If everything in the premises has been “according to Feng Shui” for a long time ... Well, who prevents you from inventing your own teaching and equipping yourself according to its principles?

Creatively mess up windows

Parents did not pass the painting gene? Raphael, Picasso, Michelangelo and Donatello are associated only with the names of sewer turtles? Not a problem, because everyone can paint windows. Or almost everyone. In extreme cases: "I'm an artist - that's how I see it."

If fine art is a complete disaster, stencils made of cardboard or paper will come to the rescue. They are drawn by yourself or printed and then cut out. Another way to beautifully decorate glass is with adhesive tape. By gluing individual sections and painting over the gaps, you can get perfectly even geometric lines.

Problems like “no colors - nothing to draw with” are excuses. Do you have toothpaste? Great, because it leaves noticeable marks on the windows, but it washes off easily. If there are no brushes lying around in a dark corner, then old shaving brushes, toothbrushes, pompoms from a hat, a cloth wrapped around a finger will do instead. Creativity still failed? Washing the glass and trying again is not such an impossible task. Or “I am an artist - I see it that way” will save again.

Make a purchase online

Who does not like shopping, he did not buy anything in online stores. Or I bought, but on a not very good day, when the received purchase turned out to be for some reason not very similar to my photo. However, choosing a good, reliable online platform solves the problem. You can order food and dishes, hygiene, household and cosmetic products, gifts, items for hobbies, for the interior - anything. Wherein:

  • you don’t have to go anywhere, everything is done behind the monitor, and the courier brings the goods to your home;
  • you can see all the products, compare the characteristics of different positions and choose the best option;
  • in some cases, it is possible to pay for purchases upon receipt or immediately by card without the need to withdraw cash;
  • often the price is lower than in real branches.

There are many advantages: you can flirt with consultants, and looking for things with their examination will drive away boredom.

Write a heroic story with a twist

Creating artistic compositions can be boring, difficult and uninteresting. This attitude continues until one condition appears - you need to write about yourself and in a heroic style. There is no need to compose an entire autobiography or waste time recalling at least something funny from life. It is enough to describe the most ordinary day or a recent mini-event, but add a drop of pathos, a bit of humor and a handful of lofty words. A pen and a piece of paper, a monitor and a keyboard for a writer! You can do everything in the following order:

  1. Come up with a worthy name - add a Latin ending, title or title.
  2. Choose an incident, moment, situation to describe.
  3. Make a rough outline of the story.
  4. Take inspiration by the gills and rush into a prosaic (or maybe poetic or dramatic) battle.

Here is a rough brief example of such verbal art:

“A hard battle was coming, and a young 54-year-old Amazon, Nattelya Housewife, was rubbing her hands in anticipation. Towel. It's time to fight the main enemy - Posudius the Unwashed. Fortunately, the girl had allies - Vodairo Flowing and Mochalkius Rough.

But the fight still promised to be unequal. Then Natteliya decided to turn to the gods for help. And they heard. The side of the Amazon was taken by the brave Fairy Glycerin ... ".

Another tip: It's a good idea to laugh kindly at yourself in these stories. Healthy humor is the key to a cheerful mood.

Turn the bath into another world

The easiest way to do this is to create the right atmosphere. You can take a bath, whip the foam, arrange scented candles and turn on relaxing music. A good solution would be to add sea salt. It promotes the production of serotonin and melatonin in the body, which suppress boredom and depression.

If relaxation works in the opposite direction, making you even more bored, you can fool around a bit:

  • paint your face with toothpaste in the form of war paint;
  • blow bubbles or paper boats;
  • create patterns on the foam or “build up” a snow-white mohawk, mustache, beard;
  • play alchemist, mixing liquids from different bottles - shampoos, gels, liquid soaps, conditioners.

Perhaps most of the options seem a bit childish. But it is from kids that you can learn the ability to find something interesting in every subject. In any case, the implementation of these tips really produces the hormones of happiness and effectively solves the problem of what to do at home when you are bored.

Are you bored? Sometimes everyone gets bored, and many do not know what to do with themselves when there is nothing to do at all. Sometimes, overcome by boredom, people completely fall into despair.

But don't be afraid! Here you will find 30 ways to keep yourself occupied that will drive away boredom. Do not waste precious moments given by life. Do something fun! When terrible boredom overcomes, just scroll through this page and soon you will be absorbed in fun and worthwhile business!

1. Learn a new language.

The acquired knowledge can be useful in many situations. For example, you are going on a trip or just want to play a trick on your friends. Once you start, it's impossible to stop.

Well, so rather stop loitering around and arrange a foreign language lesson for yourself. Over time, you will become fluent in it, and all because you managed to overcome boredom and do something really interesting!

2. Write a screenplay or book

Even if you know absolutely nothing about writing, it will be interesting to spend your free time on a hobby that can also generate income! Write a novel, a comedy, a compelling screenplay, or a book, and when you're done, give your work to someone else to read the manuscript or, if necessary, edit your writing.

3. Make a photo collage with family and friends

It's so great that you have memories of really important events of the past! If you have a bunch of old photos lying around, why not make a collage of memories out of them?

4. Plan a little trip

It's fun to organize a trip or outing into nature, but planning them can be a daunting task. When there is nothing to do, consider an exciting pastime on the weekend with friends, they will definitely thank you for it.

5. Go for a run

Playing sports is always useful, but very often it is impossible to allocate a place for them in a busy schedule. So, if you are bored or just do not know what to do with your free time, go for a run.. This will help you stay in shape and will very likely become a regular hobby soon.

6. Start Selling Lemonade

Remember how, as a child, standing on the front lawn, you offered lemonade to passers-by? Do not even think that you are too old for this now! Donate the proceeds from the sale to charity and feel like you've done something truly important.

7. Make a list of life goals

In the pursuit of a better life, it is always useful to have a guideline, this will help you achieve what you want. So when you have nothing to do, start making a list like this and see how life takes turns that you could not imagine.

8. Learn to surf

Everyone loves the sea, so why not go in for sports, of which this element is an obligatory component? Surfing is a useful physical exercise and a great hobby that can change your life!

9. Play bingo

Think bingo is not for you? It's just because you haven't won yet! If you are bored, play bingo and maybe luck will be on your side.

10. Update your phone book

Have you made new friends or lost old ones? Whatever it is, it never hurts to update your phone book! When there's nothing else to do, put your phone numbers in order. Believe me, after this, not only your book will be updated, but also you yourself.

11. Get a babysitter

Babysitting people are always needed, whether it's for a member of your own family or a friend. If you can look after children, even if only for a short time, then do it! The advantage will be the opportunity to earn some pocket money. It is worth noting that the nanny is included in the rating of 10 professions that will allow you to travel.

12. Make a home video

YouTube- a goldmine that has changed the lives of many people. If you have a good sense of humor or have an interesting idea for a home video, then how about getting together with your friends and making a video? And when it's ready, post it on YouTube and wait until a hundred views are typed. Glory itself will knock on your door!

13. Come up with your own recipe

14. Learn new words

By expanding your vocabulary, you will never waste time. So learn new words and use them in everyday life!

15. Practice with friends a dance suitable for any occasion.

16. Write a song

Do you like to sing? Or maybe you want to dedicate a song to a specific person? Then go ahead, there is nothing to be bored and beat the buckets! And if you want your work to see the light of day, you can send it to a professional producer for consideration!

17. Plan a trip around the world

18. Redo your old clothes

If your wardrobe is full of things that you no longer intend to wear, then try to find a use for them! Cut, resew, add buttons or recolor them. And if you don’t like old clothes at all, then maybe it will come in handy for someone else. Use the opportunity to earn some money by selling it on Ebay!

19. Get a pen pal

Finding pen pals is a lot of fun, and it also gives you the opportunity to make a friend for life. If you have an account on the site to find pen pals, you can meet new interesting people, coloring moments of boredom with fun.

20. Master calligraphy

Many people dream of learning the art of calligraphy, because the ability to write in a clear, beautiful handwriting will make your letters 10 times more attractive. Drive away boredom by mastering this art and surprise your family and friends with the results!

21. Put as many grapes in your mouth as you can.

Yes, it's stupid, but very funny. And who knows, maybe you use this trick to surprise your friends at a party.

22. Write down 10 things you like about someone.

Fill out a list of 10 favorite features that you value most in your contacts, and then show the sheet to the person you wrote about. This way you will do something nice for yourself and others.

23. Paint your face with special paints

Buy a set of paints with which you can draw and make up, and try them out on yourself and friends. If you're good at it, you can earn some money by making patterns and painting faces regularly!

24. Learn to do magic tricks

Who doesn't love magic tricks? By learning one trick every time you get bored, you will soon become a real magician!

25. Clean the whole house or just the bedroom

There is nothing better than the feeling that you live clean and tidy. Often while cleaning, we find things that we had completely forgotten about. So go ahead! Stop messing around, start cleaning!

26. Make a jar of sand

Go down to the beach and get some sand. Color it with food coloring or regular paints, then pour the sand into the jar, layering the colors. As a result, you will receive a great gift!

27. Go on a picnic!

You can organize a picnic in nature or cook something for friends at home if the weather is not as good as you would like. This is a great way to spend time with a friendly conversation, and at the same time demonstrate your culinary skills.

28. Take part in a project that requires volunteer work

Many countries today need volunteers who can lend a helping hand to bring about change for the better.

29. Create a holiday album

Pass it on to those friends or family members who are going on vacation and ask them to attach photos and descriptions of their travels to it. In the end, you will have an amazing album with memories of various picturesque corners of the planet.

30. Collect a set of things necessary for survival

You never know when you might need it, which is why you need to have such a kit! Include things like band-aids, glue, paper napkins, and anything else you might need to survive a dangerous situation.

Everything can be treated with humor. What kind of sleepy houses are we, couch potatoes? What to do with it and how to find the answer will help you video 10 ways not to be bored at home.