Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Figures of Russian history. Outstanding citizens of Russia: list, biographies, interesting facts and achievements

Approximate list of historical figures - page No. 1/1

Approximate list of historical figures

(Historical figures are in italics, the likelihood of whose appearance in KIMs and the Unified State Exam in history is unlikely. Historical figures from the course of general history are in bold italics. For monarchs, the chronological framework of their reign is indicated in brackets.)

Ancient world:

  1. Gaius Julius Caesar

  2. Solon

  3. Alexander the Great
I. Rus' in the 9th – early 12th centuries.

  1. Rurik (862–879)

  2. Oleg (879–912)

  3. Igor (912–945)

  4. Princess Olga (945–969)

  5. Svyatoslav Igorevich (964–972)

  6. Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (980–1015)

  7. Yaroslav the Wise (1019–1054)

  8. Vladimir Monomakh (1113–1125)

  9. Mstislav the Great (1125–1132)
II. Russian lands and principalities in the XII - mid-XV centuries.

  1. Yuri Dolgoruky (1125–1157)

  2. Andrei Bogolyubsky (1157–1174)

  3. Vsevolod III the Big Nest (1176–1212)

  4. Daniil Galitsky (1201-1264, Galician-Volyn prince)

  5. Alexander Nevsky (1252–1263)

  6. Daniil Alexandrovich (1276–1303)

  7. Yuri Danilovich (1303–1325)

  8. Ivan Danilovich Kalita (1325–1340)

  9. Semyon the Proud (1340–1353)

  10. Ivan II the Red (1353–1359)

  11. Dmitry Donskoy (1359–1389)

  12. Vasily I Dmitrievich (1389–1425)

  13. Vasily II the Dark (1425–1462)

  14. Theophanes the Greek (icon painter, second half of the 14th – early 15th centuries)

  15. Andrei Rublev (icon painter, active in the first quarter of the 15th century)

  16. Sergius of Radonezh (monk, representative of the Russian Orthodox Church of the 14th century).

  17. Aristotle Fioravanti (architect, mid-15th century)

  18. Batu (Mongol commander and statesman, military leader of the campaign to the West in 1236–1242, ruler of the Golden Horde)

  19. Genghis Khan
III. The Russian state in the second half of the 15th – 16th centuries.

  1. Ivan III (1462–1505)

  2. Basil III (1505–1533)

  3. Elena Glinskaya (1533–1538)

  4. Ivan IV the Terrible (1533–1584)

  5. Andrei Kurbsky (statesman, publicist of the 20-80s of the 16th century)

  6. Fyodor Ivanovich (1584–1598)

  7. A.F. Adashev (member of the Elected Rada; 1548–1560)

  8. Dionysius (icon painter of the second half of the 15th century)

  9. Joseph Volotsky (representative of the Russian Orthodox Church of the second half of the 15th – early 16th centuries)

  10. Joan of Arc

  11. Timur (Tamerlane)
IV. Russia at the end of the 16th – 17th centuries.

  1. Boris Godunov (1598–1605)

  2. False Dmitry I (1605–1606)

  3. Vasily Shuisky (1606–1610)

  4. False Dmitry II (“Tushino thief”, activity in 1606–1610)

  5. Ivan Bolotnikov (leader of the 1606–1607 uprising)

  6. D.M. Pozharsky (leader of the II militia during the Time of Troubles)

  7. K. M. Minin (leader of the II militia during the Time of Troubles)

  8. Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov (1613–1645)

  9. Alexey Mikhailovich (1645–1676)

  10. Fyodor Alekseevich (1676–1682)

  11. Princess Sophia (regent 1682–1689)

  12. Patriarch Nikon (carrying out church reform in the 1650s–1660s)

  13. Avvakum (religious figure, ideologist of the church schism, 40-70s. XVII century)

  14. A.L. Ordin-Nashchokin (statesman under Alexei Mikhailovich)

  15. S.T. Razin (leader of the uprising 1667–1671)

  16. V.V. Golitsyn (Princess Sophia's favorite)

  17. Simon Ushakov (17th century icon painter)

  18. Simeon of Polotsk (cultural figure of the 17th century)

  19. Bohdan Khmelnytsky (Ukrainian state and military leader, Ser. XVII V.)

  20. H. Columbus
V. Russia at the end of the 17th – 18th centuries.

  1. Peter I (1682–1725)

  2. F.M. Apraksin (state figure of the Peter the Great era, end of the 17th century - first quarter of the 18th century)

  3. Catherine I (1725–1727)

  4. Peter II (1727–1730)

  5. Anna Ioannovna (1730–1740)

  6. Elizaveta Petrovna (1741–1761)

  7. Peter III (1761–1762)

  8. Catherine II (1762–1796)

  9. E.R. Dashkova

  10. G.A. Potemkin

  11. Paul I (1796–1801)

  12. HELL. Menshikov (statesman 1700–1720s)

  13. E.I Biron(Anna Ioannovna's favorite)

  14. A.V. Suvorov (military leader of the second half of the 18th century)

  15. F.F. Ushakov (naval commander of the second half of the 18th century)

  16. E.I. Pugachev (leader of the Peasant War of 1773–1775)

  17. M.V. Lomonosov (cultural figure of the 17th century)

  18. A.N. Radishchev (statesman, writer of the 2nd half of the 18th century)

  19. Charles XII Great

  20. Voltaire

  21. Oliver Cromwell

  22. George Washington

  23. Friedrich II (King of Prussia)

  24. M. Robespierre
VI. Russia in the first half of the 19th century.

  1. Alexander I (1801–1825)

  2. Nicholas I (1825–1855)

  3. MM. Speransky (statesman under Alexander I and Nicholas I)

  4. A.A. Arakcheev (statesman under Alexander I)

  5. M.I. Kutuzov (military leader of the second half of the 18th – early 19th centuries)

  6. M.B. Barclay de Tolly (military leader of the second half of the 18th - early 19th centuries)

  7. P.I. Bagration(military leader of the second half of the 18th - early 19th centuries)

  8. N.M. Muravyov (one of the main ideologists of the Decembrist movement)

  9. P.I. Pestel (head of the Southern Society of Decembrists)

  10. OH. Benckendorff (head of the III department of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery under Nicholas I)

  11. E.F. Kankrin (Minister of Finance in the 1820s–1840s)

  12. I. Kiselyov (statesman of the 1830s–1840s)

  13. A.S. Pushkin (poet of the first third of the 19th century)

  14. A.S. Griboyedov (cultural figure of the first third of the 19th century)

  15. N.M. Karamzin

  16. Napoleon I Bonaparte
VII. Russia in the second half of the 19th century.

  1. Alexander II (1855–1881)

  2. Alexander III (1881–1894)

  3. YES. Milyutin (statesman, minister of war in 1861–1881)

  4. M.T. Loris-Melikov (statesman under Alexander II)

  5. K.P. Pobedonostsev (statesman, Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod in 1880–1905)

  6. N.H. Bunge (Minister of Finance under Alexander III)

  7. A.I. Herzen (public figure of the 19th century)

  8. M.A. Bakunin (ideologist of populism)

  9. Ya.G. Chernyshevsky (public figure of the 19th century)

  10. A.M. Gorchakov (government figure of the mid-second halfXIXV.)

  11. P.M. Tretyakov (philanthropist of the mid-second halfXIXV.)

  12. M.D. Skobelev(military leader of the second half of the 19th century)

  13. K.P. Pobedonostsev (statesman, chief prosecutor of the Holy Synod, mid-2nd half.XIXV.)

  14. F.M. Dostoevsky (writer and thinker of the mid-second half of the 19th century)

  15. Otto Bismarck

  16. Abraham Lincoln

  17. Giuseppe Garibaldi
VIII. Russia in the first half of the 20th century.

  1. Nicholas II (1894–1917)

  2. S.Yu. Witte (statesman, minister of finance in the 1890s–1900s)

  3. P.A. Stolypin (statesman, Minister of Internal Affairs, Chairman of the Council of Ministers in 1906–1910s)

  4. A.A. Brusilov (military leader, participant in World War I)

  5. A.F. Kerensky (Russian political and public figure, minister-chairman of the Provisional Government in 1917)

  6. G.V. Plekhanov (Marxist theorist, figure in the Russian and international socialist movement)

  7. IN AND. Lenin (political and statesman, founder of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (Bolsheviks), chairman of the Council of People's Commissars 1917–1924)

  8. L.D. Trotsky (Marxist theorist, one of the leaders of the RSDLP (b), People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs and Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council in 1918–1925, leader of the internal party left opposition)

  9. I.V. Stalin (General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, leader of the USSR from the late 1920s to 1953)

  10. A.I. Denikin (one of the main leaders of the White movement during the Civil War)

  11. A.V. Kolchak (one of the main leaders of the White movement, Supreme Ruler of Russia in 1918–1920)

  12. M.N. Tukhachevsky (Soviet military leader, military leader of the Red Army during the Civil War)

  13. N.I. Bukharin (economist, Soviet political, state and party leader)

  14. V.M. Molotov (Soviet politician and statesman, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars in 1930–1941, People's Commissar, and then Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1939–1949 and 1953–1956)

  15. L.P. Beria (Soviet statesman and politician, head of state security agencies in 1938–1953)

  16. G.K. Zhukov (Soviet military leader, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Minister of Defense of the USSR in 1955–1957)

  17. K.K. Rokossovsky (Soviet military leader, participant in the Great Patriotic War)

  18. L.N. Tolstoy (writer and thinker of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries)

  19. M. Gorky (writer of the late 19th – first third of the 20th centuries)

  20. M.A. Sholokhov (writer of the 20s - 60s.XXV.)

  21. A.A. Akhmatova (poetess of the early 20th century - 1960s)

  22. Franklin Delano Roosevelt

  23. W. Churchill
IX. Russia in the second half of the 20th – early 21st centuries.

  1. N.S. Khrushchev (First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee in 1953–1964, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1958–1964)

  2. L.I. Brezhnev (leader of the USSR 1964–1982)

  3. Yu.V. Andropov (Soviet statesman and political figure, Chairman of the KGB of the USSR in 1967–1982, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee in 1982–1984)

  4. M.S. Gorbachev (leader of the USSR in 1985–1991)

  5. B.N. Yeltsin (President of Russia 1991–1999)

  6. V.V. Putin (President of Russia in 2000–2008, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation since 2008)

  7. YES. Medvedev (President of Russia since 2008)

  8. G.V. Malenkov (Soviet statesman and party leader, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1953–1955)

  9. A.N. Kosygin (Soviet statesman and party leader, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1964–1980, initiator of economic reforms)

  10. A.A. Gromyko (major diplomat and statesman of the USSR, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR in 1957–1985)

  11. HELL. Sakharov (Soviet physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences and politician, dissident and human rights activist, one of the creators of the Soviet hydrogen bomb)

  12. A.I. Solzhenitsyn (writer, public and political figure, winner of the 1970 Nobel Prize in Literature, dissident)

  13. E.T. Gaidar (Russian statesman and political figure, economist, ideologist and leader of economic reforms in the early 1990s)

  14. V.S. Chernomyrdin (statesman, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation in 1993–1998, Russian Ambassador to Ukraine in 2001–2009)

  15. Charles de Gaulle

  16. G. Truman

  17. Mao Zedong

  18. F. Castro

  19. J. Nehru

  20. Deng Xiaoping

Examples of historical portraits

1. Vladimir Svyatoslavovich - Grand Duke of Kiev, who reigned from 980 to 1015.

After the death of Svyatoslav in 977, Vladimir took part in the princely feud and defeated his older brother Yaropolk.

1) The Kiev prince conquered the Vyatichi, Radimichi and Yatvingians; fought with the Pechenegs, Volga Bulgaria, Byzantium and Poland. Vladimir's military campaigns strengthened the position of the Old Russian state.

2) The harsh nature of Vladimir’s policies was clearly manifested in the reform of religion. First, the prince decided to turn folk pagan beliefs into a state religion, and for this, in 980, he forcibly established the cult of the main warrior god Perun in Kyiv and Novgorod. Around 988, paganism was replaced by Christianity, which Vladimir adopted from Byzantium after capturing the Greek city of Chersonesus in Crimea and marrying the Byzantine emperor's sister Anna.

The reasons that prompted Vladimir to baptize Rus' were the need to strengthen the power of the Kyiv prince, the development of relations with Christian countries, and familiarization with Byzantine culture.

Meanings of accepting Christianity:

a) strengthening the state and the power of the prince;

b) increasing the international status of Rus';
c) development of culture.

3) Under Vladimir, Kyiv was re-fortified and built up with stone buildings, new fortress-cities were completed (Pereyaslavl, Belgorod, etc.).

A symptom of future princely strife was the action against Vladimir by his son Svyatopolk.

In general, the reign of Vladimir is a period of the rise of the Old Russian state, since the development of culture, agriculture, crafts, the formation of the feudal system, and successful campaigns of conquest.

2. Andrey Bogolyubsky - Prince of Vladimir-Suzdal and Grand Duke of Kiev (1157–1174), eldest son of Yuri Dolgoruky.

Main directions and results of activities:

1) After the death of Yuri Dolgoruky in 1157, Andrei inherited the Kiev grand-ducal throne, but, despite the custom, he did not go to Kiev to live. Then he took the title of Prince of Rostov, Suzdal and Vladimir. Relying on his squad (“almsmen”) and the Vladimir townspeople, in 1162 Andrei expelled his father’s former warriors and princes from other tribes of Rurik from the Rostov-Suzdal land. Having become “autocracy of the entire Suzdal land,” he moved the capital from Suzdal to Vladimir, and his residence to Bogolyubovo-on-Nerl, from which he received his nickname.

2) Despite his refusal to come to Kyiv, Andrei had no intention of giving up his powers as the supreme ruler of the Old Russian state and fought to strengthen his power. Since 1159, he stubbornly fought for the subordination of Novgorod to his dictatorship and played a complex military and diplomatic game in Southern Rus'. In 1169, the troops of Andrei Bogolyubsky took Kyiv, which rebelled against his power.

3) Around 1160, Andrei made the first attempt in the history of Rus' to divide the Russian Church into two metropolises. He asked the Patriarch of Constantinople to establish a metropolis in Vladimir, independent of Kyiv, but this request was rejected.

4) During the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky, extensive construction began in Vladimir and its suburbs: in 1164 the Golden Gate (like those in Kiev, Constantinople and Jerusalem), Bogolyubovo Castle, as well as a number of churches, including the Assumption Cathedral (1158–1161) were built .), Church of the Intercession on the Nerl (1165), Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Bogolyubovo (1158–1165). According to a number of researchers, Andrei Bogolyubsky sought to free himself from Byzantine influence in Rus'. In particular, he invited Western European architects to build Vladimir churches. The tendency towards cultural independence can also be seen in his introduction of new holidays in Rus' that were not accepted in Byzantium. For example, on the initiative of the prince, the holidays of the Savior (August 1) and the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary (October 1) were established.

The strengthening of princely power and the conflict with prominent boyars led to a conspiracy against Andrei Bogolyubsky. On June 29, 1174, the prince was killed in Bogolyubovo by a group of conspirators from his inner circle.

During the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky, the Vladimir-Suzdal principality achieved significant power and was the strongest in Rus'.
3. Ivan III Vasilievich - Grand Duke of Moscow (1462–1505), eldest son of Vasily II Vasilyevich the Dark.

Main directions and results of activities:

1) During the reign of Ivan III, a centralized apparatus of power began to take shape: a command system of government was born, and the Code of Law of 1497 was drawn up. Local land ownership developed and the political importance of the nobility increased.

2) Ivan III fought against the separatism of appanage princes and significantly limited their rights. By the end of the reign of Ivan III, many appanages were liquidated.

3) The most important achievement was the overthrow of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. With the broad support of the entire Russian population, Ivan III organized a strong defense against the invasion of Khan Akhmat (standing on the Ugra River in 1480).

4) During the reign of Ivan III, the international authority of the Russian state grew, diplomatic ties were established with the papal curia, the German Empire, Hungary, Moldova, Turkey, Iran, and Crimea.

5) Under Ivan III, the formalization of the full title of Grand Duke of “All Rus'” began (in some documents he is already called the Tsar). For the second time, Ivan III was married to Zoya (Sophia) Paleologus, the niece of the last Byzantine emperor.

6) During the reign of Ivan III, large construction began in Moscow (the Kremlin, its cathedrals, the Chamber of Facets); Stone fortresses were built in Kolomna, Tula, and Ivangorod.

7) Under Ivan III, the territorial core of the Russian centralized state was formed: the Yaroslavl (1463), Rostov (1474) principalities, the Novgorod Republic (1478), the Tver principality (1485), the Vyatka (1489), the Perm and most of the Ryazan principalities were annexed to the Moscow principality lands. Influence on Pskov and the Ryazan principality was strengthened.

8) After the wars of 1487–1494 and 1500–1503. with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, a number of western Russian lands went to Moscow: Chernigov, Novgorod-Seversky, Gomel, Bryansk. After the war of 1501–1503 Ivan III forced the Livonian Order to pay tribute (for Yuryev).

Thus, Ivan III can be called an outstanding statesman who showed extraordinary military and diplomatic abilities.

4. Razin Stepan Timofeevich - Don Ataman, leader of the largest Cossack-peasant uprising in 1670–1671.

Main directions and results of activities:

1) In 1663, leading a Cossack detachment, Razin, together with the Cossacks and Kalmyks, made a campaign near Perekop against the Crimean Tatars. Thanks to his luck and personal qualities, he became widely known in the Don. Razin’s character and mentality were directly influenced by the execution in 1665 of his older brother Ivan by order of the governor, Prince Yu.A. Dolgorukov for attempting to voluntarily leave the theater of military operations against the Poles together with a detachment of Cossacks.

2) In 1667, Stepan Razin became the marching chieftain of a large detachment of Cossacks. At the head of the detachment he committed in 1667–1669. the famous hike “for zipuns” along the Volga to the shores of the Caspian Sea in Persia. Having taken large booty, he returned from the campaign and settled in the town of Kagalnitsky on the Don. His authority on the Don increased sharply; not only Cossacks, but also crowds of fugitives from Russia began to flock to his camp from different sides.

3) In the spring of 1670, he led a new campaign against the Volga, Razin’s ranks constantly expanded, and the entire Lower Volga region was in his hands. Tsaritsyn, Astrakhan, Saratov, Samara were taken. Beginning as a Cossack uprising, the movement led by Razin quickly grew into a huge peasant uprising that covered a significant part of the country.

The rebels' goals were:

a) capture of Moscow;

b) the destruction of boyars and nobles;
c) abolition of serfdom;
d) establishment of the Cossack way of life throughout the country.

The main forces of the rebels were unable to take Simbirsk, and here government troops managed to defeat the Razins. The ataman himself, wounded in battle, barely had time to be rescued and taken to the Kagalnitsky town.

4) In 1671, different sentiments already prevailed on the Don, and the authority and influence of Razin himself fell sharply. The confrontation between the Razinites and the lower-ranking Cossacks intensified. After an unsuccessful attempt by the leader of the rebels to take Cherkassk, military ataman K. Yakovlev struck back. On April 16, the lower-ranking Cossacks captured and burned the town of Kagalnitsky, and the captured Razin and his younger brother Frol were handed over to the Moscow authorities. After torture on June 6, 1671, both brothers were publicly executed in Moscow near Lobnoye Mesto.
5. Paul I - Russian emperor in 1796–1801, son of Peter III and Catherine II.

The first years after his birth, Pavel grew up under the supervision of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna; his parents were almost not allowed to see him, and he actually did not know his mother’s affection. The teacher was N.I. Panin, supporter of the Enlightenment. Pavel received a good education. Initially, his relationship with his mother after her accession to the throne in 1762 was quite close. However, over time, their relationship deteriorated. Catherine II was afraid of her son, who had more legal rights to the throne than herself. The Empress tried to prevent the Grand Duke from participating in discussions of state affairs, and he, in turn, began to evaluate his mother’s policies more and more critically.

Pavel, who inherited from his father a passion for everything military in the Prussian style, created his own small army in Gatchina, conducting endless maneuvers and parades. He languished in inactivity, made plans for his future reign, and by this time his character had become suspicious, nervous, and despotic. His mother’s rule seemed too liberal to him; he believed that in order to avoid revolution, any manifestations of personal and social freedom should be eliminated with the help of military discipline and police measures.

Paul's rise to power in November 1796 was accompanied by the militarization of the life of the court and St. Petersburg as a whole. The new emperor immediately tried to erase, as it were, everything that had been done during the 34 years of Catherine II’s reign, and this became one of the most important motives of his policy.

Overall in his domestic policy Several interrelated areas can be identified - transformations in public administration, class politics and military reform. According to the first of them, Pavel significantly increased the importance of the prosecutor general of the Senate, giving him the actual functions of the head of government, combining them with the functions of the ministers of internal affairs, justice and partly finance. A number of previously liquidated colleges were restored. At the same time, the emperor sought to replace the collegial principle of organizing management with an individual one. In 1797, the Ministry of Appanages was created, which was in charge of the land holdings of the royal family, and in 1800, the Ministry of Commerce. Paul corrected himself even more decisively with the system of local institutions created by Catherine: city self-government, social security, some lower courts, etc. were partially abolished. At the same time, some traditional governing bodies were returned to a number of national outskirts of the empire (the Baltic states, Ukraine). An important legislative act of Paul was the law on the order of succession to the throne, published in 1797, which was in force in Russia until 1917.

In the field of class politics, Paul took a number of steps to attack the “liberties of the nobility.” In 1797, a review was announced for all officers in the regiments, and those who did not appear were dismissed. Since 1799, the procedure for transferring from military to civilian service was introduced only with the permission of the Senate. Nobles who did not serve the state were prohibited from participating in noble elections and holding elective positions; contrary to the legislation of Catherine II, corporal punishment was used against nobles. At the same time, Paul tried to limit the influx of non-nobles into the ranks of the nobility. His main goal was to transform the Russian nobility into a disciplined, fully serving class. Paul's policy towards the peasantry was equally contradictory. During the four years of his reign, he gave away gifts to about 600 thousand serfs, sincerely believing that they would live better under the landowner. In 1796, peasants were enslaved in the region of the Don Army and in Novorossiya; in 1798, the ban imposed by Peter III on the purchase of peasants by non-noble owners was lifted. At the same time, in 1797, the sale of courtyards and landless peasants by auction was prohibited, and in 1798, the sale of Ukrainian peasants without land was prohibited. In 1797, Paul issued the Manifesto on the Three-Day Corvee, which introduced restrictions on the exploitation of peasant labor by landowners.

Avvakum Petrovich(1620(21)-1682) - church leader, writer, author of “The Life of Archpriest Avvakum”, one of the leaders of the Old Believers, burned.

August II Strong(1670-1733) - Elector (ruler) of Saxony from 1694, king of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1697-1706, 1709-1733.

Alexander I Pavlovich(1777-1825) - Emperor since 1801

Alexey Mikhailovich(1629-1676) - Tsar since 1645. During his reign, the Council Code of 1649 was adopted, Smolensk was returned, Left Bank Ukraine was annexed, city uprisings and an uprising under the leadership of S. T. Razin took place.

Alexey Petrovich(1690-1718) - the eldest son of Peter I. Became an opponent of his reforms, participated in a conspiracy, fled abroad, was extradited, died or was killed in prison.

Anna Ioannovna (Ivanovna)(1693-1740) - empress from 1730, enthroned by the Supreme Privy Council, her reign was characterized by the dominance of Germans in power (Bironovschina).

Anna Leopoldovna(1718-1746) - ruler under her young son Ivan VI, overthrown in 1741, died in exile.

Antropov Alexander Petrovich(1716-1795) - portrait artist.

Apraksin Stepan Fedorovich(1702-1758) - Field Marshal General, commanded the Russian army in the Seven Years' War in 1757.

Apraksin Fedor Matveevich(1661 -1728) - associate of Peter, admiral general, commanded the fleet in the Northern War and the Persian Campaign.

Arakcheev Alexey Andreevich(1769-1834) - statesman and military leader, favorite of Paul I and Alexander I.

Argunov Ivan Petrovich(1729-1802) - serf of the Sheremetevs, portrait artist.

Atlasov Vladimir Vasilievich(c. 1661 -1711) - explorer, in 1697-1699. made a trip to Kamchatka and left a description of it.

Bagration Petr Ivanovich(1765-1812) - commander, participant in the Italian and Swiss campaigns of A.V. Suvorov, wars with France, Sweden, Turkey, mortally wounded in the Battle of Borodino.

Bazhenov Vasily Ivanovich(1737/38-1799) - architect, one of the founders of Russian classicism.

Bering Vitus (Ivan Ivanovich)(1681-1741) - navigator, Danish, was in Russian service, leader of the First and Second Kamchatka expeditions of 1725-1730, 1733-1741. Died on the Commander Islands.

Bestuzhev-Ryumin Alexey Petrovich(1693-1766) - statesman and diplomat, head of Russian foreign policy in 1744-1758, in 1758-1762. - in the link.

Biron Ernst Johann(1690-1772) - favorite of Anna Ioannovna, Duke of Courland from 1737, in 1740-1761. - in the link.

Bolotnikov Ivan Isaevich(died 1608) - leader of the uprising of 1606-1607, considered himself the commander of “Tsar Dmitry”, killed in exile.

Boltin Ivan Nikitich(1735-1792) - historian, statesman.

Borovikovsky Vasily Lukich(1757-1825) - portrait artist, native of Ukraine.

Bour Rodion Khristianovich(1667-1717) - associate of Peter I, commander, commanded the cavalry.

Bulavin Kondraty Afanasyevich(c. 1660-1708) - Don ataman, leader of the Cossack-peasant uprising of 1707-1708.

Vladislav IV Vasa(1595-1648) - son of the Polish king Sigismund III, in 1610 he was proclaimed king of Russia, from 1632 - king of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Voznitsyn Prokopiy Bogdanovich- diplomat of the late 17th - early 18th centuries, third ambassador to the Great Embassy of 1697-1699.

Volkov Fedor Grigorievich(1729-1763) - actor, in 1750 he organized a theater in Yaroslavl, on the basis of which the first Russian professional theater was opened in St. Petersburg in 1756.

Volynsky Artemy Petrovich(1689-1740) - statesman, diplomat, from 1738 - cabinet minister of Anna Ioannovna, drafted reforms with his associates, was accused of treason and executed.

Vorontsov Mikhail Illarionovich(1714-1767) - statesman, diplomat, led Russian foreign policy in 1758-1762.

Vygovskoy Ivan Evstafievich(died in 1664) - clerk under Bohdan Khmelnytsky, in 1657-1659. - Hetman of Ukraine, signed an agreement to restore Polish power in Ukraine, overthrown during a popular uprising, fled to Poland, where he was later executed.

Hermogenes(c. 1530-1612) - patriarch from 1606, from 1610 he sent out calls for an uprising against the Poles, died in prison.

Godunov Boris Fedorovich(c. 1552-1605) - statesman, de facto ruler of Russia during the reign of Fyodor Ivanovich. In 1598 he was elected tsar at the Zemsky Sobor. During his reign, the Time of Troubles began in Rochi.

Godunov Fedor Borisovich(1589-1605) - son of Boris Godunov, tsar in April-May 1605, overthrown and killed.

Godunova Irina Fedorovna(died in 1603) - sister of B.F. Godunov, wife of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich from 1580, after his death in 1598 she became a nun.

Golitsyn Vasily Vasilievich(1643-1714) - statesman, diplomat, favorite of Princess Sophia, participant in the Chigirinsky (1677-1678) and leader of the Crimean (1687, 1689) campaigns, carried out important reforms, since 1689 - in exile.

Golitsyn Dmitry Mikhailovich(1665-1737) - statesman, compiler of the rules of 1730, imprisoned in 1736, where he died.

Golovin Fedor Alekseevich(1650-1706) - associate of Peter I, diplomat.

Golovkin Gabriel Ivanovich(1660-1734) - associate of Peter I, statesman, diplomat, since 1709 - head of Russian foreign policy, member of the Supreme Privy Council.

Dezhnev Semyon Ivanovich(c. 1605-1673) - explorer, first passed through the Bering Strait in 1648.

Demidov Nikita Demidovich(1656-1725) - Tula blacksmith, built a metallurgical plant near Tula in 1696, in 1702 he was given the state Nevyansk plant in the Urals, built new factories in the Urals. The founder of a dynasty of Ural entrepreneurs.

Derzhavin Gavrila Romanovich(1743-1816) - poet, statesman.

Dmitry Ivanovich(1582-1591) - the youngest son of Ivan the Terrible. Died under unclear circumstances in Uglich.

Dolgoruky Vasily Vladimirovich(1667-1746) - statesman and military leader, member of the Supreme Privy Council, arrested in 1731, imprisoned until 1741.

Dolgoruky Ivan Alekseevich(1708-1739) - favorite of Peter I, from 1730 - in exile, executed.

Ekaterina I Alekseevna(1684-1727) - second wife of Peter I (officially - since 1712), former laundress, daughter of a Lithuanian peasant, since 1725 - empress.

Catherine II Alekseevna the Great(1729-1796) - empress from 1762, enthroned as a result of a palace coup, during her reign important reforms were carried out, great successes were achieved in the economy, culture, foreign policy, Novorossiya, Crimea, Belarus, Right-Bank Ukraine were annexed to Russia, Lithuania, part of the Baltic states. Writer.

Elizaveta Petrovna(1709-1761) - empress from 1741, enthroned as a result of a palace coup, during her reign successes were achieved in the economy, culture, and foreign policy.

Ermenev Ivan Alekseevich(1746-after 1797) - artist, author of watercolors on peasant themes.

Zarutsky Ivan Martynovich(died in 1614) - Don ataman, associate of I.I. Bolotnikov, False Dmitry II, one of the creators of the First Militia of 1611, in 1612 he went to the south of Russia, where he fought the troops of Mikhail Romanov. Handed over to the government by the Yaik Cossacks and executed.

Ivan IV Vasilievich the Terrible(1530-1584) - Grand Duke from 1533, Tsar from 1547. Under him, the territory of Russia increased significantly, reforms were carried out aimed at strengthening the state and royal power, but the overall result of his reign was the ruin and weakening of the country.

Ivan V Alekseevich(1666-1696) - Tsar from 1682, ruled together with his younger brother Peter I.

Ivan VI Antonovich(1740-1764) - nephew of Anna Ioannovna, proclaimed emperor in 1740, overthrown in 1741. He was imprisoned and killed during an attempt at liberation.

Job(died in 1607) - the first Russian patriarch since 1589. Supporter of B.F. Godunov, in 1605 he was deprived of the patriarchate.

Kazakov Matvey Fedorovich(1738-1812) - architect, one of the founders of Russian classicism.

Cameron Charles(c. 1730-1812) - architect, representative of classicism.

Kantemir Antioch Dmitrievich(1708-1744) - poet, author of satirical poems, diplomat.

Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich(1766-1826) - public figure, writer, publicist, historian, author of “History of the Russian State.”

Charles XII(1682-1718) - King of Sweden from 1697, commander.

Quarenghi Giacomo(1744-1817) - architect, representative of classicism.

Konstantin Pavlovich(1779-1831) - Grand Duke, statesman and military leader.

Kosciuszko Tadeusz(1746-1817) - Polish commander, leader of the uprising of 1794, in 1794-1796. - in prison.

Kulibin Ivan Petrovich(1735-1818) - mechanic-inventor.

La Harpe Frederic César(1754-1838) - Swiss educator and politician, in 1784-1795. - educator of the future Emperor Alexander I.

Levitsky Dmitry Grigorievich(c. 1735-1822) - portrait artist, native of Ukraine.

Lefort Franz Yakovlevich(1655/56-1699) - associate of Peter I, Swiss, in Russian service since 1678, commanded the fleet in the Azov campaign, one of the leaders of the Great Embassy.

False Dmitry I(died 1606) - impostor (presumably Grigory Otrepyev), Tsar since 1606, killed.

False Dmitry II(died in 1610) - an impostor, from 1607 he pretended to be Tsar Dmitry, in 1608-1609. stood near Moscow near the village of Tushina, fled to Kaluga, where he was killed.

False Peter(Ileika Muromets) (died 1607/08) - one of the leaders of the uprising of 1606-1607, posed as the mythical son of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich. Captured in Tula and executed.

Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilievich(1711 -1765) - great Russian scientist, author of many scientific works. Writer, poet.

Lyapunov Prokopiy Petrovich(died in 1611) - participant in the uprising led by I. I. Bolotnikov, organizer of the First Militia, head of the government created by the militia, killed by the Cossacks.

Mazepa Ivan Stepanovich(1644-1709) - hetman of Ukraine in 1694-1709, participant in the Azov campaigns, betrayed Peter I, went over to the side of Charles XII, fled to Turkey, where he died.

Matveev Andrey Matveevich(1701 -1739) - one of the first Russian portrait painters.

Matveev Artamon Sergeevich(1625-1682) - favorite of Alexei Mikhailovich, statesman, diplomat, led Russian foreign policy in 1671 -1676. In 1676-1682. - in exile, returned to court in 1682, killed by rebel archers.

Medvedev Sylvester(1641 -1691) - writer, scientist, secretary of Simeon of Polotsk. Executed as a supporter of Princess Sophia.

Menshikov Alexander Danilovich(1673-1729) - associate of Peter I, son of a groom, statesman, commander, in 1725-1727. - the de facto ruler of Russia. From 1727 he was in exile, where he died.

Miloradovich Mikhail Andreevich(1771 -1825) - commander, participant in the Italian and Swiss campaigns of A.V. Suvorov, participant in the wars with France and Turkey. Mortally wounded during the Decembrist uprising.

Miloslavsky Ilya Danilovich(died in 1668) - father of Alexei Mikhailovich's first wife Maria, largest landowner, entrepreneur, head of government since 1648.

Minin Kuzma(died in 1616) - zemstvo elder in Nizhny Novgorod, organizer and leader of the Second Militia.

Minikh Christopher Antonovich(Burchard Christoph) (1683-1767) - commander, military engineer, commander of the Russian army during the war with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1733 and the Russian-Turkish war of 1735-1739. In 1740 he overthrew Biron, then fell into disgrace in 1742-1761. - in exile, in 1762 he supported Peter III, but then went over to the side of Catherine II.

Mikhail Fedorovich(1596-1645) - the first tsar of the Romanov dynasty, elected to the throne in 1613 at the Zemsky Sobor. During his reign there was a significant strengthening of Russia.

Mnishek Marina Yurievna(c. 1588/89-c. 1614) - wife of False Dmitry I, in 1606 she was crowned in Moscow, in 1606-1608. - in exile, then became the wife of False Dmitry II, after whose death she claimed the throne on behalf of her son Ivan. Handed over to the government by the Yaik Cossacks, she died in prison.

Morozov Boris Ivanovich(1590-1661) - educator and favorite of Alexei Mikhailovich, head of government in 1645-1648, largest landowner, entrepreneur.

Morozova Feodosia Prokopievna(died in 1675) - wife of boyar G.I. Morozov, brother of B.I. Morozov, supporter of the Old Believers, arrested in 1671, neither persuasion nor torture broke her, in 1673 she was imprisoned in the Borovsky earthen prison monastery, where she died.

Mstislavsky Fedor Ivanovich(died 1622) - statesman, commander, in 1610-1612. - head of the Seven Boyars.

Nikitin Ivan Nikitich(c. 1690-1742) - one of the first Russian portrait painters.

Nikon (Nikita Minov)(1605-1681) - church leader, patriarch since 1652. Carried out church reforms that caused a schism, claimed the primacy of spiritual power over secular power, which caused his break with Alexei Mikhailovich, left the patriarchate in 1658, in 1666-1667. deprived of the rank of patriarch and exiled.

Novikov Nikolay Ivanovich(1744-1818) - educator, publisher of magazines and books, opponent of serfdom. In 1792-1796. - in prison.

Ordin-Nashchokin Afanasy Lavrentievich(c. 1605-1680) - favorite of Alexei Mikhailovich, statesman, diplomat, led Russian foreign policy in 1667-1671.

Orlov Grigory Grigorievich(1734-1783) - favorite of Catherine II, participant in the palace coup of 1762.

Orlov-Chesmensky Alexey Grigorievich(1737-1807) - statesman and military leader, participant in the palace coup of 1762. Commanded a Russian squadron in the Mediterranean Sea in 1770-1775. He was engaged in horse breeding.

Osterman Andrey Ivanovich(1686-1747) - statesman, diplomat, native of Germany, in Russian service since 1703, under Anna Ioannovna he actually led the domestic and foreign policy of Russia, since 1741 - in exile.

Pavel I Petrovich(1754-1801) - Emperor since 1796. Conflicting policies led to his overthrow and murder.

Panin Nikita Ivanovich(1718-1783) - statesman, diplomat, educator of the heir to the throne Paul, in 1763-1781. led Russian foreign policy.

Pashkov Istoma- one of the leaders of the noble detachments, an ally of I. I. Bolotnikov in 1606. He went over to the side of V. I. Shuisky near Moscow.

Peter I Alekseevich the Great(1672-1725) - Tsar since 1682, independent rule began in 1694. Conducted a number of important transformations in all areas of Russian life. Commander, led military operations during the Azov campaigns (1695, 1696), the Northern War (1700-1721), the Prut campaign (1711), and the Persian campaign (1722-1723). In 1721 he was proclaimed emperor.

Peter II Alekseevich(1715-1730) - Emperor since 1727

Peter III Fedorovich(1728-1762) - Emperor since 1761. Conducted a number of important reforms. Overthrown from the throne as a result of a palace coup and killed.

Pozharsky Dmitry Mikhailovich(1578-1642) - commander, participant in the First Militia (1611), one of the leaders of the Second Militia (1612), participant in the wars with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Poniatowski Stanislav(1732-1798) - favorite of Catherine I, king of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1764-1795. After abdicating the throne, he lived in St. Petersburg.

Potemkin-Tavrichesky Grigory Alexandrovich(1739-1791) - statesman, commander, favorite and closest assistant of Catherine II, participant in the wars with Turkey, contributed to the development of Novorossiya and Crimea.

Prokopovich Feofan(1681 -1736) - statesman and church leader, writer, associate of Peter I.

Pugachev Emelyan Ivanovich(1742-1775) - Don Cossack, leader of the peasant-Cossack uprising of 1773-1775, impersonated Emperor Peter III. Executed.

Radishchev Alexander Nikolaevich(1749-1802) - writer, author of the book “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow”, opponent of serfdom and autocracy. In exile in 1790-1797. Committed suicide.

Razin Stepan Timofeevich(c. 1630-1671) - Don Cossack, leader of the peasant-Cossack uprising of 1670-1671. Executed.

Razumovsky Alexey Grigorievich(1709-1771) - Ukrainian Cossack, favorite of Elizabeth Petrovna.

Rastrelli Varfolomey Varfolomeevich(1700-1771) - architect, representative of the Baroque.

Remezov Semyon Ulyanovich(1642-after 1720) - Siberian geographer and historian, compiled the “Drawing Book of Siberia”, the Remezov Chronicle.

Rokotov Fedor Stepanovich(1735-1808) - portrait artist.

Romodanovsky Grigory Grigorievich(died in 1682) - commander, participant in the Russian-Polish war of 1654-1667, head of the defense of the southern borders of Russia from the raids of the Crimean Tatars in the 60-70s. XVII century, commander of the army in the Chigirin campaigns of 1677-1678. Killed by archers during the uprising in Moscow.

Rtishchev Fedor Mikhailovich(1626-1673) - favorite of Alexei Mikhailovich, statesman, contributed to the development of culture.

Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky Petr Alexandrovich(1725-1796) - commander, participant in the Seven Years' War of 1756-1762, from 1764 - ruler of Little Russia (Ukraine). During the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. won a number of major victories.

Saltykov Petr Semenovich(1696-1772) - commander, statesman, during the Seven Years' War won a victory at Kunersdorf in 1759.

Saltychikha (Saltykova Daria Nikolaevna)(1730-1801) - landowner who tortured more than 100 serfs. From 1768 - in prison, where she died.

Sigismund III Vase(1566-1632) - king of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from 1587, king of Sweden in 1592-1599, organizer of the invasion of Russia in 1609.

Simeon Polotsky (Samuel Emelyanovich Petrovsky-Sitnianovich)(1629-1680) - Belarusian and Russian public and church figure, teacher of the children of Alexei Mikhailovich, contributed to the creation of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy.

Skopin-Shuisky Mikhail Vasilievich(1586-1610) - commander, participant in the fight against the troops of I. I. Bolotnikov and False Dmitry II. He was very popular among the people.

Sofya Alekseevna(1657-1704) - princess, ruler of Russia in 1682-1689. under the young Tsars Peter I and Ivan V.

Old Ivan Egorovich(1745-1808) - architect, representative of classicism.

Suvorov-Italiysky Alexander Vasilievich(1729/30-1800) - commander, participant in the Seven Years and Russian-Turkish Wars, wars in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and with France. Author of military theoretical works.

Sumarokov Alexander Petrovich(1717-1777) - poet, playwright.

Susanin Ivan(died in 1613) - a peasant of the Kostroma district, led a Polish detachment into a forest swamp, for which he was tortured.

Tatishchev Vasily Nikitich(1686-1750) - historian, statesman, author of “Russian History from Ancient Times.”

Tolstoy Petr Alexandrovich(1645-1729) - statesman, diplomat, member of the Supreme Privy Council, since 1727 he was imprisoned in the Solovetsky Monastery, where he died.

Trediakovsky Vasily Kirillovich(1703-1768) - poet.

Trubetskoy Dmitry Timofeevich(died in 1625) - commander, associate of False Dmitry I, one of the leaders of the First Militia.

Us Vasily Rodionovich(died in 1671) - Don Cossack, associate of S. T. Razin, since 1670 the main Astrakhan ataman.

Ushakov Andrey Ivanovich(1672-1747) - associate of Peter I, statesman, from 1714 - fiscal, from 1731 - head of the Secret Chancellery. He was in favor with all rulers.

Ushakov Fedor Fedorovich(1744-1817) - naval commander, one of the founders of the Black Sea Fleet, commanded it since 1790, participant in the Russian-Turkish War of 1787-1791, the war with France of 1798-1800.

Falconet Etienne(1716-1791) - French sculptor, in 1766-1778. worked in Russia, created a monument to Peter I in St. Petersburg.

Fedor Alekseevich(1661-1682) - Tsar since 1676. During his reign, important reforms were carried out, the Chigirin campaigns took place.

Fedor Ivanovich(1557-1598) - son of Ivan the Terrible, Tsar since 1584.

Filaret(Fedor Nikitich Romanov) (c. 1554-1633) - statesman and church leader, patriarch in 1608-1610. under False Dmitry II, in 1610-1619. - in Polish captivity, from 1619 - patriarch, co-ruler of the son of Mikhail Fedorovich.

Fonvizin Denis Ivanovich(1744/45-1792) - writer, educator, statesman.

Frederick II the Great(1712-1786) - Prussian king from 1740, commander.

Khabarov Erofey Pavlovich(c. 1610 - after 1667) - explorer, in 1649-1653. made a trip to the Amur region.

Khmelnitsky Bogdan (Zinovy) Mikhailovich(c. 1595-1657) - commander, leader of the popular uprising in Ukraine and Belarus, hetman of Ukraine since 1648, in 1654 he proclaimed the reunification of Ukraine with Russia at the Pereyaslav Rada.

Khovansky Ivan Andreevich(died in 1682) - commander, head of the Streletsky Prikaz, during the uprising of the Streltsy in 1682 he found himself at the head of the rebels, executed.

Khodkevich Jan(1560-1621) - Polish-Lithuanian commander.

Chika-Zarubin Ivan Nikiforovich(1736-1775) - Yaik Cossack, closest associate of E. I. Pugachev. Executed.

Shafirov Petr Pavlovich(1669-1739) - associate of Peter I, statesman, diplomat, writer.

Shane Alexey Semenovich(1662-1700) - great-grandson of M. B. Shein, commander, participant in the Crimean and Azov campaigns.

Shane Mikhail Borisovich(died 1634) - commander, led the defense of Smolensk in 1609-1611, in 1611 -1619. - captured, army commander in the Smolensk War of 1632-1934. Executed.

Shelikhov Grigory Ivanovich(1747-1795) - merchant, in 1775 created a company for fishing in Alaska, founder of the first Russian settlements in America.

Sheremetev Boris Petrovich(1652-1719) - associate of Peter I, commander, participant in the Crimean and Azov campaigns, the Northern War.

Shibanov Mikhail(died after 1789) - serf artist, author of works on peasant themes.

Shubin Fedot Ivanovich(1740-1805) - sculptor, representative of classicism.

Shuvalov Ivan Ivanovich(1727-1797) - statesman, favorite of Elizabeth Petrovna, contributed to the development of culture.

Shuvalov Petr Ivanovich(1710-1762) - statesman and military leader, de facto head of the government under Elizaveta Petrovna, contributed to the development of the economy, improved artillery.

Shuisky Vasily Ivanovich(1552-1612) - statesman, king in 1606-1610, fought with the troops of I.I. Bolotnikov and False Dmitry I, overthrown from the throne, handed over to the Poles, died in captivity.

Shcherbatov Mikhail Mikhailovich(1733-1790) - historian, public figure, publicist. Author of “History of Russia since ancient times.”

Yulaev Salavat(1751 -1800) - participant in the uprising led by E.I. Pugachev, son of a Bashkir volost foreman, poet, sentenced to eternal hard labor.

Yaguzhinsky Pavel Ivanovich(1683-1736) - associate of Peter I, statesman, diplomat, prosecutor general of the Senate.

- Varangian king, leader of the Rus tribe, Novgorod prince (862-879) , supporters of the Norman theory call him the founder of the state of Rus'. Possibly Rorik of Denmark, mentioned in Western chronicles in connection with raids on European cities.

According to the Tale of Bygone Years, he was called to the throne by the Novgorodians in order to stop strife. As a result of this calling, Rurik became the prince of Novgorod. His brothers Sineus and Truvor (whose existence is questioned by historians) “settled” in Beloozero and Izborsk, respectively.

According to some sources, Rurik first ruled in Ladoga, and later seized (without any calling) power in Novgorod.

Rurik is considered the founder of the princely dynasty, ruling Russia for up to a year.

Duchess Olga(after baptism - Elena) ruled Kievan Rus after the death of her husband, Prince Igor Rurikovich, as regent for her son Svyatoslav Igorevich.

Years of life: first quarter of the 10th century - 969.

Main activities:
1) Political strengthening of Kievan Rus. In 945, Olga brutally took revenge on the Drevlyans for the murder of her husband and made a campaign, during which she burned their capital Iskorosten. However, the princess showed herself not only as cruel, but also as a wise ruler - she streamlined the process of collecting tribute, replacing polyudye with a cart. From now on, uprisings like the uprising of the Drevlyans became simply impossible - a clear amount of tribute (lessons) and the places where local princes were supposed to bring it (cemeteries) were established.

2) Spiritual and cultural development of Rus'. Olga made an embassy to Byzantium, during which in 957 she was the first of the princely dynasty to convert to Christianity. And although she failed to persuade Svyatoslav to follow her example, by doing so the princess contributed to the spread of Christianity among the people of Kiev. By order of Olga, the first Christian temple was built in the capital of Rus'.

Results of Princess Olga's activities:
Olga managed to strengthen the power of the Kyiv princes. In fact, she became the first reformer in Russian history. Princess Olga ruled Russia until her death, while her son was on military campaigns.
Olga's adoption of Christianity significantly accelerated and facilitated the further Christianization of Rus'. The Russian Orthodox Church canonized Princess Olga.

Alexander Yaroslavich(Nevsky) - Pereyaslavsky, Novgorod, Grand Duke of Kiev (from 1249), Grand Duke of Vladimir (from 1252).

Years of life: 1220 (1221) – 1263 (first quarter to mid-13th century). Presumably poisoned in the Horde.

1) Alexander Nevsky set a course for establishing good neighborly and even allied relations with the Horde. Following this course, the prince spent in 1257 year, at the request of the Mongols, a census of the population of Rus'. He also suppressed the uprising in Novgorod, directed against this census. Alexander Nevsky became one of the first Russian princes to travel to the Horde for a label to rule.

2) Considering European Catholic knights to be more dangerous opponents than the Mongols, Alexander Nevsky actively resisted their aggression. July 15, 1240 year he defeated the Swedes on the Neva. April 5, 1242 year he inflicted defeat on the German knights on the ice of Lake Peipus (Battle of the Ice). After the death of Batu, Alexander Nevsky negotiates with Khan Berke in the Horde to pay tribute in exchange for military assistance against Lithuania and the Order.

Results of Alexander Nevsky's activities:
Having secured support for his policy from the Horde nobility, Alexander Yaroslavich was able to achieve the liberation of Russian lands from the obligation to send military detachments to participate in the Mongol campaigns. The diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church was founded in Sarai (the capital of the Horde). His policy made it possible to prevent new Mongol raids on Rus' and laid the foundation for future good neighborly relations with the Horde.

On the other hand, Alexander Nevsky managed to repel the aggression of European knights. The prince stopped all attempts to impose Catholicism on Rus'. For this he was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Peter I- Russian emperor, who went down in history as an outstanding reformer.

Years of life: 1672-1725. Dates of reign - 1696-1725.

1. Strengthening absolutism. Instead of long-outdated and ineffective orders, Peter created new sectoral central management bodies - collegiums. The convocations of Zemsky Sobors are finally terminated. The Boyar Duma was replaced by the Governing Senate ( 1711 year). The church is subordinate to the state and has become one of its institutions - Peter prohibited the election of a new patriarch and created a secular body (Synod, 1721 year) on church management. IN 1721 Peter proclaimed himself emperor. In 1722, he signed the Charter on the Succession to the Throne (Decree on Succession to the Throne), according to which the emperor himself could appoint an heir.
2. The struggle for access to the seas and the transformation of Russia into a European power. 1695 And 1696 gg - Azov campaigns. 1700-1721 - Northern War with Sweden. Having started the war with defeat near Narva ( 1700 year), Peter was able to seize the initiative and defeat the enemy in a number of land forces (at Lesnaya ( 1708 year), near Poltava (general battle, 1709 year)) and marine (Gangutskoye ( 1714 year) and Grengamsky ( 1721 year)) battles. As a result of the war, the Nystadt Peace Treaty was concluded. 1711 year - unsuccessful Prut campaign.

Results of Peter's activitiesI:
Russia secured access to the Baltic Sea. Livonia, Estland and Ingermanland on the Baltic coast were annexed to the Russian Empire. This allowed our country to open a window to Europe, i.e. to become a European maritime power, whose opinion was henceforth taken into account in Europe. The acquisition of land in the Baltic states allowed Russia to expand trade and strengthen economically.

Political reforms contributed to the strengthening of absolutism. The state management system has become more efficient. However, it should be noted that many of the reforms were either not implemented or were quickly forgotten (Chief Magistrate). The decree on succession to the throne caused a lot of harm, since it became one of the causes of the era of Palace coups. It should also be noted that the reforms of Peter I, which turned Russia into a great European state, became a heavy burden for the people. The population of our country during the reign of Peter decreased by almost half.

Our century has come quite recently, and therefore we cannot yet say who exactly are the outstanding personalities of Russia in the 21st century. However, an analysis of the past will give us the opportunity to understand what truly great things we can expect from Slavic blood. After all, as we know, whoever knows the past knows the future.

Sergey Yesenin

A contemporary of Mayakovsky and his complete opposite as an author. A subtle and soulful lyricist, who at the same time managed to remain an eternal hooligan and teenager. He raised themes of the individual’s struggle with the environment, love for nature and, of course, for women.

Vladimir Vysotsky

Bard, author of many songs and poems. The greatest poet His hoarse voice seemed to submerge his voice under the legacy that all the outstanding personalities of Russia of the 20th century left him. He raised themes of the internal and external struggle of man, his place in society and in the world in general. Subtle satirist.

Bulat Okudzhava

Also a poet who independently performed his poems in the form of songs. Touching and honest, he wrote poems filled with some kind of cosmic thoughtfulness. He often used metaphors, creating deep images with them. His songs had a parable form, which was once even (good-naturedly) parodied by Vysotsky.


Lev Kuleshov

Thanks to him, outstanding personalities of Russia began to appear in cinema. The discoverer of the “Kuleshov effect” - “two frames that are independent in meaning, glued together, create a new meaning.” In fact, the founder of the montage story.

The first person in Russia to use color in cinema was the red flag in the same “Battleship Potemkin”.

Mikhail Romm

Director of documentaries (“Ordinary Fascism”) and feature films (“Nine Days of One Year”). One of the most important film theorists of the mid-20th century. Teacher at VGIK and author of many scientific works.

Andrei Tarkovsky

A man who manages to film a true art house in the USSR. His feeds are filled with personal meanings, full of metaphors and subtle hints. He directed “Solaris” and “Stalker”, most often making his works into sort of parables and allegories.


Andrey Rublev

Modern outstanding personalities of Russia among artists would be impossible without the man who laid the foundation of Russian painting.

Each of his paintings is like a photograph taken during the culmination of the event that he was trying to capture. His paintings are endlessly alive and cannot always reveal their true meaning at first glance. The main thing in Repin is the emotions of the characters and details.

Kazimir Malevich

The great modernist, known as the author of the now household name “Black Square”. He was busy searching for new forms and ways of expressing color in painting. His paintings are full of abstractions and geometric shapes, attempts to invent something new in his art. I tried to find “absolute peace” in the paintings.


Pyotr Tchaikovsky

One of the first Russian professional composers, Tchaikovsky made music a true craft (in the good sense of the word). He was a man who simply could not help but write music.

The extremely diverse themes raised in all possible genres make Pyotr Ilyich a composer capable of reaching the heart of every person. His most famous works are the ballets “The Nutcracker” and “Swan Lake”.

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

He believed that the main goal of music is to unite the listener with the true nature of the world, which can only be expressed in a similar, melodic form.

Dmitry Shostakovich

A composer with a difficult fate, who initially worked in the style of modernism and actively experimented in all genres. However, Stalin personally did not like Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk, and then brutal repressions followed.

To save himself and his family, Shostakovich had to create in a purely “state” manner. However, his music really proves that even a simple listener can hear the subtext intended by the composer. Everyone then understood the many subtle moods and meanings that he put into symphonies No. 5 and No. 7.


Mikhail Lomonosov

The first Russian encyclopedist, “a man of all sciences.” He brought Russian research to the level of Europe. He made many discoveries in almost every modern science.

As an academician and one of the most active personalities of his time, he was an icon for the Russian Enlightenment.

Dmitriy Mendeleev

A Russian chemist who has already become legendary, who managed to create the periodic system of chemical elements, which significantly pushed world science forward.

The existence of such a table clearly proves the harmony of nature and its clear system.

One of the greatest discoveries on which, in fact, all modern natural science rests, belongs to him. He also worked in other sciences, where he also made various discoveries.

Ivan Pavlov

The first Nobel laureate from Russia. Pavlov made a major discovery in biology and physiology - it was he who discovered the presence of reflexes in the body of living beings. And it was this Russian scientist who divided them into conditional and unconditional.

Pavlov devoted his entire life to this discovery, and even when dying, he continued to dictate his feelings to his students - so that science could better understand the state of death.


Ivan Poddubny

Legendary Russian wrestler, “hero of the 20th century.” In ten years I haven’t lost even once. He became a wrestling champion five times.

Garry Kasparov

Chess player with many awards, “Chess Oscars” and the title of world champion. He became famous for his extremely successful combination of various tactics and strategies and his ability to emerge victorious from a seemingly completely failed game.

“Kasparov's Openings” is the current name for unexpected and non-standard moves at the beginning of a game.

Lev Yashin

Soviet goalkeeper, famous for his absolute “impenetrability”. Considered the best goalkeeper of the 20th century. Repeatedly recognized as the best goalkeeper of the USSR. Winner of the Golden Ball.


As we see, outstanding personalities in the history of Russia have become extremely significant for all of humanity. Chekhov can easily be called the best playwright in the world, and Mendeleev the greatest chemist. All these people are important not only for Russia, but also for every area in which they became famous.

We can only hope that the outstanding personalities of Russia of the 21st century will, just like their predecessors, mean something for the whole world, and not just for their homeland.


Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1964 for his work in the field of quantum electronics.

Benkendorf A.H.

Russian statesman of the times of Nicholas I, years of life 1782-1844. He headed His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery and was the chief of the gendarmes. He was engaged in secret political investigation. His name was associated among his contemporaries with reaction and the repressive apparatus of the state.

Bering (Vitus Bering)

Pioneer traveler. He opened the strait between America and Eurasia (1725, now the Bering Strait), and traveled to Kamchatka.

Beria L.P.

Soviet politician, closest ally of Stalin. He held the post of People's Commissar of Internal Affairs in 1938 - 1945, deputy chairman of the State Defense Committee of the USSR in 1944 - 1945, and was a member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee in 1946 - 1953. After Stalin's death, he was the main contender for the country's new leader. He held the post of Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR from March 5 to June 26, 1953. Then he was arrested and executed.

Bolotnikov I.I.

Cossack ataman, led an uprising during the Time of Troubles (1606 - 1607).


The wife of the Novgorod mayor Isaac Boretsky. Having been widowed, she became actively involved in political affairs. She advocated the independence of Veliky Novgorod from Moscow and entered into confrontation with Ivan III. Conducted negotiations on the entry of Novgorod lands into the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In 1478 (the year of the conquest of Novgorod) she was tonsured a nun and died in 1503.


The first Soviet world chess champion in 1948.

Bulavin K.A.

Ataman of the Don Cossacks. Raised a Cossack-peasant uprising in 1707 - 1708. in response to the decree of Peter I, who forbade the Cossacks to extract salt on their own.

Bulganin N.A.

One of Stalin's closest associates. He held many different important positions. In 1958, he was one of the leaders of the “anti-party group” that tried to remove Khrushchev.


One of the leaders of the heroic defense of the Brest Fortress, which occurred at the initial stage of the Great Patriotic War. Posthumously Hero of the Soviet Union.

Gaidar E.T.

Economist, head of Yeltsin's government in 1992. He carried out reforms called “shock therapy.”

Glinka M.I.

Russian composer. Years of life: 1784-1857. Author of the operas "A Life for the Tsar", "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

Gorchakov A.M.

Diplomat, head of the foreign policy department during the reign of Alexander II (reign: 1856-1881). He initiated the rupture of the Peace of Paris, participated in the Berlin Congress, convened to revise the Peace of San Stefano at the end of the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878.


Soviet pilot, the first woman to be awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. She flew about 200 combat missions in the Great Patriotic War.

Golitsyn V.V.

Favorite of Peter I's sister Princess Sophia (regency years: 1682-1689). He made two unsuccessful trips to Crimea in 1687-1689.

Greek (Theophanes the Greek)

Icon painter. Estimated years of life: 1340-1410. Contemporary of Andrei Rublev. He painted churches in Moscow, Novgorod, and Byzantium. In Novgorod - the Church of the Transfiguration on Ilyin Street. In Moscow - the Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin, the Annunciation Cathedral of the Kremlin.

Gromyko A.A.

Soviet statesman and diplomat. In 1957-1985. was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. Participated in deciding the fate of Palestine (1947), resolving the Caribbean crisis (1962), preventing war between India and Pakistan (1966) and signing treaties with the United States (1968-1979).


Years of life: 1744-1810 Friend of Catherine II. She was a member of many scientific communities, communicated with leading philosophers of her time, and in 1783 she received the post of director of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. During the accession of Paul I, she was removed from all posts.

Degtyarev V.A.

Russian and Soviet designer of small arms. Years of life: 1880-1949.

Dzerzhinsky F.E.

"Iron Felix", "Knight of the Revolution". Founder and head of the Cheka (from December 1917). He led the repressive policies of the Soviet state. Died 1926


The leader of the Cossack cavalry, a hero of the Great Patriotic War, carried out raids behind enemy lines. Died in December 1941


Prominent Bolshevik, revolutionary, associate of Stalin.


Born in 1929 in the village of Stankovo, near Minsk (Belarus). With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he began to participate in the operations of partisan detachments as a scout. In 1944, 14-year-old Marat died tragically. While carrying out the task, he was surrounded by fascists. He fired until the last round, and when they ran out, he blew himself up and the Germans approaching him with a grenade.

Kalatozov M.K.

Outstanding Soviet director. His film "The Cranes Are Flying" received the main prize at the Cannes Film Festival in 1958 - the Palme d'Or.

Kankrin E.F.

Minister of Finance from 1822 to 1844 He carried out a monetary reform, the essence of which was to establish a single ruble exchange rate and introduce paper money (backed by silver).

Kantaria M.V.

Hero of the Soviet Union, hoisted together with M.A. Egorov Zthe name of Victory on the roof of the Reichstag building in Berlin in 1945.

Kakhovsky P.G.

Russian nobleman and Decembrist. During the Decembrist uprising on Senate Square on December 14, 1825, he killed General Miloradovich, who was negotiating with the Decembrists. He was executed.

Kerensky A.F.

Kerensky is a man who became famous between February and October 1917. Immediately after the February Revolution, he took the post of Minister of Justice in the Provisional Government. In April - the post of Minister of War. In July he became Chairman of the Provisional Government. After the failure of the Kornilov rebellion, he also assumed the title of Supreme Commander-in-Chief. Kerensky failed to cope with the chaos generated by the revolution; his policies only deepened the crisis. In October 1917, the Bolsheviks came to power, and Kerensky was forced to flee.

Kirov S.M.

Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. During the 17th Party Congress, a group of party leadership members dissatisfied with Stalin offered Kirov the post of General Secretary, but he refused. There is information that he won against Stalin in the elections to the Central Committee, but the voting results were falsified on Stalin's orders. In 1934, he was killed, which was the reason for the start of mass terror in the country.

Kiselev P.D.

Statesman during the reign of Nicholas I (reign: 1825-1855). He headed the Ministry of State Property and carried out the famous reform of state peasants of 1837-1841. He led the development of the Regulations on Obligated Peasants in 1842.


Famous sculptor of the 19th century. He worked on sculptures of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the author of the monument to Nicholas I on St. Isaac's Square in St. Petersburg and Vladimir the Baptist in Kyiv.

Kovpak S.A.

Soviet military man, legendary partisan leader during the Second World War. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

Kolovrat (Evpatiy Kolovrat)

Ryazan boyar and governor. After the defeat of Ryazan by Batu’s army (1237), Evpatiy Kolovrat rushed after the Tatars and entered into a nervous and heroic battle with them. There is an opinion that Evpatiy Kolovrat is an epic, mythical figure. There is information about Kolovrat’s feat in “The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan by Batu.”

Konev I.S.

Marshal of the Soviet Union, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Participated in the battle for Moscow, the Battle of Rzhev, the Battle of Kursk, the Vistula-Oder operation in the Second World War.


Architect from the time of Boris Godunov. Creator of the Smolensk Kremlin.


Famous painter, years of life - 1892-1967. Master of portrait painting, wrote A.N. Tolstoy, V.I. Kachalova, M.V. Nesterova, G.K. Zhukov and other famous people. He wrote on religious topics. The most famous paintings are “Departing Rus'”, “Alexander Nevsky”.

Korolev S.P.

The founder of Soviet cosmonautics, an outstanding Soviet design engineer, was involved in the design of rocket and space technology. The launches of all the first spacecraft took place under his leadership.


He raised an uprising in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1792-1794) to prevent a new division of Poland and the final collapse of the country.

Kosygin A.N.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR from 1964 to 1980. He carried out an important economic reform in 1965 (received the name "Kosygin"). The essence of the reform was to decentralize planning and increase the independence of enterprises. The reform produced excellent results in the Eighth Five-Year Plan (1966-1970), but overall failed.

Kitty Valentin

The youngest Hero of the Soviet Union. During World War II, at the age of 14, he died in the battle for the city of Izyaslav. He was a partisan and a scout.


Member of the underground anti-fascist organization “Young Guard” in 1942-1943. The Young Guards operated in the occupied territory in the city of Krasnodon in Ukraine. The organization was discovered and its members were killed.


The great Soviet designer created the legendary T-34 tank during the Great Patriotic War.

Kurbsky (Andrey Kurbsky)

Contemporary of Ivan IV the Terrible. Perhaps he was a member of the Chosen Council. In 1564, having suffered defeat in the battle of the Livonian War, fearing disgrace, he transferred to the service of the Lithuanian king. For many years he corresponded with the tsar while in Lithuania. “Correspondence of Ivan the Terrible with Andrei Kurbsky” is an important historical source that sheds light on the causes of the terror unleashed by Ivan the Terrible, as well as revealing the character of the tsar and the spirit of the era.

Lavochkin S.A.

Soviet aircraft designer. Years of life: 1900-1960. He developed fighter aircraft during the Second World War, surface-to-air missiles after the war, and the unmanned LA-17 target aircraft, which was used in aviation until 1993.

Lefort (Franz Lefort)

Friend of Peter I "from the Germans". Russian general, admiral.

Lobachevsky N.I.

Outstanding scientist, creator of non-Euclidean geometry. Years of life: 1792-1856. During his lifetime, the scientific community rejected his discoveries.


Famous director, winner of the Stalin Prize. The most famous films are “Two Fighters” and “Big Life”.

Lunacharsky A.V.

Active participant in the first Russian revolution (1905-1907) and the October Revolution (1917). He went down in history as the People's Commissar of Education in the RSFSR from 1917 to 1929.

Lysenko T.D.

Agronomist, biologist, president of VASKhNIL. He founded the pseudoscientific movement - "Michurin agronomy". Vavilov spoke out against the development of genetics in the USSR, and in 1948 he actually ensured that the most progressive direction (genetics) in biology ceased to be studied in the USSR, which is why our country began to lag behind other countries in this area.

Luther (Martin Luther)

German monk and theologian. The beginning of the Reformation (the movement for the transformation of the Church) in Germany and then in Europe is associated with his name. He criticized the Catholic Church (in 1517 he wrote the famous “95 Theses”), which led to religious wars and the emergence of a new branch of Christianity - Protestantism.


Soviet diplomat, participated in the Yalta Conference. In 1932 - 1943 was ambassador to Great Britain.

Malenkov G.M.

A Soviet statesman, his main career occurred during the reign of Stalin. At the time of the latter’s death, he was the second most influential person in the country (after Beria). In 1953 - 1955 headed the Council of Ministers of the USSR and competed with Khrushchev for leadership in the country. Participated in 1957 in the Anti-Party Group, which tried to remove Khrushchev from power. In 1961 he was expelled from the CPSU and sent into retirement.

Matrosov A.M.

Hero of the Great Patriotic War. At the age of 19, he closed the embrasure of a German bunker with himself, giving the soldiers of his platoon the opportunity to attack the enemy fortifications. Died on February 27, 1943.

Meretskov K.A.

Marshal of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Soviet Union. During the Soviet-Finnish War (1939-1940) he participated in breaking through the Mannerheim Line, received an award for breaking the Leningrad blockade during Operation Iskra (1943) in the Second World War, as well as for participating in the defeat of Japan in 1945.

Milyutin D.A.

Minister of War during the reign of Alexander II (reign: 1856-1881). Author of the reform introducing universal military service in 1874.

Milyutin N.A.

Statesman of the times of Alexander II (reign: 1856-1881). One of the main developers of the reform to abolish serfdom in 1861.

Minikh B.K.

Russian commander and statesman. Founder of the Gentry Corps. He began his career in Russia in 1721. Minich organized the arrest of Biron after the death of Anna Ioannovna (Anna's favorite). During the reign of Elizabeth, he was accused of state crimes and exiled to Siberia, where he lived for another 20 years.

Molodoy (Ivan Molodoy)

Son of Ivan III (reign: 1462-1505). He was one of the leaders of the army during the stand on the Ugra River (1480). Together with his father he went on a campaign against Tver and after its annexation in 1485 he became the prince of Tver.


People's Commissar (People's Commissar) of Foreign Affairs to the Board of I.V. Stalin. He signed a non-aggression pact with Germany in 1939 (Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact). He announced on the radio the news about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

Mstislavsky F.I.

Leader of the "Seven Boyars" during the Time of Troubles (1598-1612). Semiboyarzin replaced the reign of Vasily Shuisky and lasted two years (1610-1612).

Mukhina V.I.

Soviet sculptor. Years of life: 1889-1953. Her most famous work is the statue “Worker and Kolkhokhnitsa”. Winner of five Stalin Prizes. Academician of the USSR Academy of Arts.

Nakhimov P.S.

Admiral of the Russian fleet, an active participant in the Crimean War. He defeated the Turkish squadron in the Battle of Sinop in 1853. He led the defense of Sevastopol. He was mortally wounded on Malakhov Kurgan in 1855.


Russian admiral, traveler, explorer of the Far East in the 19th century. Studied the mouths of the Amur and Sakhalin rivers.

New (Aleviz Novy)

Italian architect. Worked in Russia at the beginning of the 16th century. Author of the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

Prince Olgerd

Grand Duke of Lithuania, years of life - 1296-1377.

Ordin-Nashchokin A.L.

Diplomat during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich (reign: 1645-1676). The author of the New Trade Charter (1667), the founder of the Russian regular mail, headed the Ambassadorial Prikaz.

Orlov A.G.

Companion of Catherine II, politician, military man, brother of the Empress's favorite Grigory Orlov. During the Russian-Turkish War of 1768-1774. under his leadership, the Russian squadron defeated the Turks in Chesme Bay.

Pavlov Ya.F.

Hero of the Battle of Stalingrad. In the fall of 1942, a group of 24 soldiers led by Pavlov defended a four-story building in Stalingrad for 58 days. The house never surrendered, repulsed all attacks and waited until the moment when the Soviet troops went on the offensive.

Palitsyn (Abrahamiy Palitsyn)


Soviet Arctic explorer. In 1937 he led an expedition to the North Pole. For four years, together with other members of the group, he stayed at a drifting station in the Arctic Ocean, collecting material necessary for science. For selfless work in difficult conditions of the Arctic he received the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Paskevich I.F.

Russian commander of the times of Alexander I (reign: 1801 - 1825). He took part in the Russian-Turkish war of 1806-1812, in the war with Napoleon in 1812, took Paris in 1814, after the Decembrist uprising, already during the reign of Nicholas I (1825-1855) he was sent to the Caucasus to help A .P. Ermolov.

Perov V.G.

Outstanding Russian artist of the 19th century, belonged to the Itinerants movement, years of life: 1834-1882. The most famous paintings: “Troika”, “Hunters at a Rest”, “Rural Procession for Easter”, “Pugachev’s Court”.

Pestel Pavel

Plekhanov G.V.

Prominent socialist and revolutionary. He was a member of the populist organization “Land and Freedom”. After the split, he became the leader of the Black Redistribution organization (1879). In 1880 he emigrated to Switzerland. Later he joined Lenin, but eventually broke up with him and became close to the Menshevik party. Returned to Russia after the February Revolution of 1917. Condemned the October Revolution of the Bolsheviks. Died 1918

Pokryshkin A.I.

Soviet fighter pilot, the first three times Hero of the Soviet Union in history, air marshal. During the Great Patriotic War he made more than 650 combat missions, in 156 air battles he personally shot down 46 enemy aircraft, and in a group - 6 aircraft.

Ponomarenko P.K.

Soviet statesman and party leader. He headed the Ministry of Culture in 1953-1954. After Stalin's death he was ambassador to the Netherlands. During World War II he led the partisan movement.

Potemkin G.A.

Russian statesman and military leader, diplomat, favorite of Catherine II (since 1774). He was her chief advisor for 17 years. He initiated the destruction of the Zaporozhye Sich and the annexation of Crimea to Russia in 1783. He made a number of innovations in the army (braids and curls were abolished, a comfortable military uniform was introduced). In 1787, he organized Catherine II’s trip to Crimea (the expression “Potemkin villages” is associated with this trip), after which he was awarded the title Tauride (Tavria is Crimea).

Pugachev (Emelyan Pugachev)

Cossack ataman, raised in 1773-1774. rebellion (peasant war) during the reign of Catherine II. “The Captain's Daughter” by A.S. is dedicated to his uprising. Pushkin.


Leader of the far-right movement (conservative monarchists, Black Hundreds) in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. He headed the party Russian People's Union named after. Michael the Archangel. He was a well-known deputy throughout Russia in the II, III and IV State Dumas. Participated in the murder of Grigory Rasputin.

Radishchev A.N.

Russian writer, poet and philosopher. Years of life: 1749-1802. He became famous as the author of “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow,” published during the reign of Catherine II. The Empress called him “a rebel, worse than Pugachev” for this work and sent him into exile. Paul I will return him from exile.

Razin S.T.

Cossack ataman, leader of a major popular uprising of 1670-1671. during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich.


A peasant by birth, he managed to get closer to the family of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and become a close friend to his wife and children. The reason for the rapprochement is confidence in the holiness of Rasputin Alexandra Fedorovna (the sovereign’s wife) and a certain number of representatives of the Russian elite of that time. Alexandra Fedorovna believed that Rasputin was protecting the life of her sick son and heir to the throne Alexei with prayer.

Rokossovsky K.K.

Marshal of the Soviet Union, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. He took part in the battle for Smolensk, the battle for Moscow, the Battle of Stalingrad, commanded the troops of the Central Front and took part in the Battle of Kursk, and participated in the Berlin operation in the Second World War. Commanded the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945.

RostovtsevME AND.

He headed the work on preparing the reform to abolish serfdom in 1861. He was a member of the editorial commissions. He died in 1860, before his work was brought to life.


Commander of the famous cruiser Varyag, which perished during the Russo-Japanese War. Rudnev refused to accept the ultimatum of the Japanese naval commander and accepted an unequal battle. The Varyag and the cruiser Koreets did not surrender to the enemy, but were scuttled by the Russians themselves.

Rumyantsev P.A.

Russian commander. He took part in the Seven Years' War of 1756-1763, as well as in the Russian-Turkish War of 1768-1774. For victories at Larga and Kagul (which contributed to the conclusion of the Kuchuk-Kainardzhi Peace) he was awarded the title "Transdanubian".


Famous painter, years of life: 1870-1939. He studied in the studio of the famous artist A.I. Kuindzhi. The two most famous paintings are “Green Noise” (1904) and “In the Blue Expanse” (1918).


Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army, the successes of the Russian army during the Seven Years' War (1756-1763) are associated with his activities.

Samsonov A.V.

Participant in the Russian-Japanese War (1904-1905), hero of the First World War (1914-1918). The offensive in East Prussia under his command failed, and the Russian army was surrounded. Samsonov, in accordance with the upbringing of that time, perceived this as a personal shame and disaster and shot himself.


Voivode of Rus' of the 10th century. He served three Russian princes - Igor (912-945), Svyatoslav (964-972) and Yaropolk (972-980).

Simonov K.M.

Soviet poet. Participated in the Great Patriotic War. His most famous war poem is “Wait for Me.”


The only six-time Olympic champion in speed skating. Absolute Olympic champion - 1964.

Skuratov (Malyuta Skuratov)

The head of the oprichnina army in the oprichnina of Ivan the Terrible (1565-1572). It is believed that it was he who killed Metropolitan Philip.

Skopin-Shuisky M.V.

Commander during the Time of Troubles (1604-1612 - Time of Troubles). He fought against the Polish-Lithuanian invaders who acted on the side of False Dmitry II.


Prominent Bolshevik, revolutionary, comrade-in-arms of Lenin. People's Commissar of Finance in 1922-1926. He was repressed and killed in prison on the personal orders of Stalin.


General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (later the CPSU) in the period 1922-1953. Leader of the Soviet Union after the death of Vladimir Lenin.

Stolypin P.A.

Minister of Internal Affairs and Prime Minister of Russia in 1906-1911. during the reign of Nicholas II. Author of the famous agrarian (“Stolypin”) reform. He was killed in the Kiev Opera House by Bagrov.

Suvorov A.V.

An outstanding Russian commander. Didn't lose a single battle. In the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791. led the capture of the Izmail fortress. And in 1799 he made Italian and Swiss campaigns, during which he transferred the army across the Alps (before Suvorov, only the great commander of the ancient world, Hannibal, had accomplished such a feat).


An extraordinary Soviet military man. He was shot in the Tukhachevsky case in 1937, rehabilitated posthumously in 1957.

Uvarov S.S.

Minister of Public Education during the reign of Nicholas I. Author of the theory of official nationality, which proclaimed the triad “Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality.” His ideas formed the basis of the conservative state ideology, which explained the reasons for the inviolability of the existing order in the country.

Ustinov D.F.

Soviet military man, served as People's Commissar of Armaments during World War II, Minister of Defense of the USSR in 1976-1984.

Chernov V.M.

Revolutionary of the early 20th century, ideologist and founder of the Socialist Revolutionary Party (SR). The party was formed in 1902 and at the same time its “Combat Organization”, which was engaged in political terror.

Chernyakhovsky I.D.

Soviet military man, twice Hero of the Soviet Union for his activities during the Second World War. Died in 1945 after being wounded.

Chicherin G.V.

Soviet statesman and diplomat. In 1918-1930 - People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR, since 1923 - USSR. He headed the Soviet delegation at the Genoa Conference (May - April 1922), signed the Treaty of Rapallo 1922 with Germany. He headed the Soviet delegation at the Lausanne Conference of 1922-1923, which discussed the problem of the Black Sea Straits.

Chkalov V.P.

Soviet test pilot. He became famous for making the world's first non-stop flight from Moscow to Vancouver via the North Pole in 1937 (he was the crew commander).

Chokhov Andrey

Russian cannon and bell maker, years of life: 1545-1629. He created the Tsar Cannon.

Chuikov V.I..

Hero of the Great Patriotic War. During the Battle of Stalingrad he commanded the 62nd Army.

Shevardnadze E.A.

In 1985 he became the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, in March 1992 he became the head of state of Georgia, forming<

Shane M.B.

Russian commander. Participated in the events of the Time of Troubles, as well as in the Smolensk War of 1632-1634. Russia lost the war, Shane was accused of failure and executed.

Shemyaka (Dmitry Shemyaka)

One of the participants in the feudal war of Vasily II (1425-1462). The son of Vasily II's opponent, Yuri Zvenigorodsky, and the brother of Vasily Kosoy.

Sheremetev B.P.

Diplomat, one of the commanders in the Northern War (1700-1721).

Shmidt O.Yu.

Soviet explorer of the north. In 1933-1934. led the voyage on the steamship "Chelyuskin", which was crushed by ice in the Chukchi Sea. The polar explorers landed on the ice floe and awaited a rescue operation. This experience helped Schmidt organize the first Soviet drifting station, North Pole-1, in 1937.

Shpagin G.S.

Outstanding designer of small arms. Creator of the legendary PPSh. Years of life: 1897-1952.

P.I. Shuvalov

Statesman of the 18th century. (died 1762). He took an active part in the palace coup that brought Elizabeth I to power, after which his career took off. In the 1750s. actually led Russia's domestic policy.

Shumilov M.S.

Hero of the Great Patriotic War. During the Battle of Stalingrad he commanded the 64th Army.