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Distance learning. What is distance learning? Forms and advantages of distance education

What is distance learning?

Distance education (DL) is a high-tech product of the scientific and technological revolution, widely using the idea of ​​a marketing approach to serving students, which explains its active spread throughout the world. And today, distance learning organically absorbs computer and Internet learning technologies. Modern technologies are the connecting link between a student and a teacher, who may be separated by thousands of kilometers. Training is conducted on a corporate network, via the Internet, e-mail and other modern means of communication.
All the capabilities inherent in distance learning systems in general, as well as many additional advantages, are implemented in the development of our company - the STELLUS open education support software package.
You can read more about it in the article by an employee of our organization V.I. Agayants, published in the journal “Issues of Internet Education”.
A very interesting, although not indisputable, article by an employee of the University of the Russian Academy of Education, dedicated to the problems and history of distance learning.

Where can I study via distance learning?

The distance learning system allows you to acquire the necessary skills and new knowledge using a personal computer (PC) and Internet access. The location of the PC does not matter, so you can study at home, at work, in an on-line classroom at one of the Distance Learning centers, as well as in any other place where there is a PC with an Internet connection. This is the most important advantage of DL over traditional forms of education.

When can I study via distance learning?

DL is a very flexible system; it allows all participants in the educational process (students, teachers and administrators of the educational institution) to choose a convenient time for classes. This is the second most important argument in favor of DO.

WHO can learn through distance learning?

Anyone can be taught using DL systems. There are no age, territorial, educational, professional restrictions, almost no health restrictions. FE students can be not only students in the traditional sense of the word, but also schoolchildren (and even preschoolers), and, what is especially important, employees of organizations that provide corporate training for their specialists.
However, among all those wishing to receive an education, it is worth highlighting several groups for which distance education is preferable to traditional education. These are those who find it difficult to attend training sessions in a strictly defined place and at a strictly defined time. These primarily include:
- Corporate employees who can undergo the necessary training, retraining and retraining within their organization, and often without even leaving their jobs, which significantly reduces the level of costs for corporate training. At the same time, you can teach them anything - from safety precautions to sales techniques and from creativity training to the technical features of a new mixer.
- University students living in remote areas, and therefore territorially isolated from educational and scientific centers. In our huge country, the best such centers are located extremely unevenly and are concentrated in a few, usually large, cities. This state of affairs practically cuts off a significant part of the country’s population from the opportunity to receive the desired high-quality education, since not only full-time, but also correspondence forms of traditional education are associated with trips to a large university city and the numerous everyday and financial inconveniences associated with these trips for the student (and with organizational difficulties for educational process administrators and teachers).
This group is joined by foreign students, including a large group of our Russian-speaking former compatriots abroad, who, in addition to all of the above, also need a visa to study at a regular Russian university.
- Those who is busy most of the day at work, that is, the most active working (and, therefore, creditworthy) part of the population. With the help of subsidiaries, a person “on the job” and without the risk of losing a good job has the opportunity to improve his skills or acquire new knowledge.
- "Young mothers" and other people who, due to family circumstances, are forced to constantly be at home, but who want to go to work in the future and, for this, receive (or supplement) their education.
- And finally, people, suffering from severe physical illnesses and not leaving their home. There are very few restrictions for health reasons - if a person sees an image on the monitor and is able to work with a keyboard and mouse, he can be trained with the help of preschool education. Moreover, recently publications have appeared that, due to the improvement of devices for input and output of information into a computer, there are practically no diseases that can prevent any person from learning remotely (see the selection of materials in N8 of the journal "Issues of Internet Education" ). Only thanks to DL it became possible to study any subject, not only without leaving home, but without even getting up from your chair. In addition, software products developed by doctors that make it possible to compensate for the consequences of various (especially neurological) diseases, and even improve the patient’s condition, are easily integrated into remote systems. Increasingly, rehabilitation centers for the disabled and similar organizations are resorting to distance learning systems.
But still (according to foreign statistics), the majority of distance learning students are people over 25 years old who are already working and want to deepen their professional knowledge without quitting their jobs.

What can be taught and learned using ECE?

Distance learning is suitable for learning in all areas.
At the same time, DL easily eliminates the problem of the shortage of highly qualified teachers (since a successfully created distance learning course can be easily replicated) and gives any student the opportunity to study with the best teachers.
Most often today, DL is used for teaching exact and technical disciplines, but this is nothing more than a tribute to tradition - the first DL were focused specifically on this range of tasks. Now DL can be successfully used in the humanitarian fields. I would especially like to note that DL systems with their ability to embed images, sound and video files into the course are very convenient for perceiving information. True, today it is perhaps not easy to teach some creative specialties, such as painting, acting, and some applied crafts and specialties, with the help of preschool education. But already now, with the help of DL, it is possible to conduct informative courses in these areas of study, and the possibility of constant personal communication between the Master and the student is a matter of the near future. Some imperfections in remote presence technologies today are just temporary difficulties in the growth of a promising and very rapidly developing form of education.

Does the use of DL require the abandonment of the use of traditional forms of education in the educational process?

Not at all. FE fits perfectly into the traditional education system as its integral part, i.e. training can be either completely distance learning or partially. For example, lectures and tests are carried out remotely, and laboratory work is carried out face-to-face. Or classes for some teachers are face-to-face, while others are remote. Or all classes are in-person, and all consultations are remote. Or... But it’s better for you to come up with it yourself.

Are distance learning and correspondence learning the same thing?

It's important to know that this is not the case.
Correspondence education implies a common curriculum for all and a common curriculum for all, common deadlines for passing tests and coursework, as well as exams. In distance education, training is easily implemented according to an individual program and individual schedule (including external studies).
However, it should be remembered that today the legislation of the Russian Federation defines distance learning as a form of conducting classes. But amendments to the laws “On Education” and “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, in which additional education is equalized in rights with traditional forms of education, successfully passed the third and final reading in the State Duma on December 25, 2002.


The effectiveness of preschool education is achieved through the most complete and accurate coordination of the requirements of the educational standard and the student’s capabilities. All time and territorial restrictions faced by the teacher and student are taken into account. Typically, training is carried out using several means of communication simultaneously, which allows the student not only to master the educational material well, but also to become familiar with the latest achievements and developments in the relevant fields of knowledge during the learning process. In addition, and this is one of the strongest arguments in favor of DL, students are provided with the opportunity to timely contact the teacher during the learning process, ask a question, or get advice on a section they do not understand. And for the DL teacher, it is easy to implement constant monitoring of the student’s educational activities, which simply forces him to work evenly, without jumps and rush jobs, and therefore effectively. For each completed section of the course, the student reports to the teacher and only after that can move forward. In an automated DL system, control of acquired knowledge can be very detailed and almost constant. And - this is also very important - independent of the teacher. In the DO system it is impossible to give a rating "With bias".
In addition, DL allows for constant student contact not only with the teacher, but also with other students, which means group work (for example, coursework) can be implemented, which gives students the teamwork skill that is so necessary for everyone now.
DL, if you master its technologies, can be a very effective type of education, and in some areas perhaps even more effective than traditional education.


It should be noted that in general, distance education programs are much cheaper than education through the traditional system. First of all, this is explained by the fact that there are no premises for which rent must be paid. Most of the time, preschool students study independently, which means that the educational institution can use teachers to teach more students. Thus, distance learning is more affordable than traditional education.

Are ECE systems really ideal?

Of course, any education system is not ideal.
- First of all, student identification is difficult - it is not yet possible to check who is taking the exam (if you don’t look at the person taking the exam point-blank). However, as the practice of admission exams shows, this is not always possible in person. Therefore, trying to compensate for this shortcoming, educational institutions practicing DL include in the program a mandatory face-to-face session, which DL students take, for example, in a computer class. Foreign educational institutions that have been using DL for quite a long time have created a network of authorized persons throughout the country who have the right to testify that the person who was declared took the exam, and thus solve this problem. In our country, such a network is just beginning to develop.
- In addition, and this limits the possibilities of using a fully interactive educational environment, the capacity of telephone lines in some regions of our country and neighboring countries is not enough to organize educational and examination teleconferences.

Summary: advantages of preschool education compared to traditional forms of education:

For students:
- DO allows you to study at any time and in any place where there is a computer with access (even not very frequent access) to the Internet. This is especially important for students who are working or have household responsibilities, and also provides an opportunity to get an education for those who, for health reasons, cannot leave their home at all.
- Do allows you to study with the best teachers.
- DO allows you to implement an individual curriculum and an individual curriculum for a student. In particular, you can independently choose the sequence of studying subjects and the pace of their study.
- In DL, knowledge assessment systems are objective and independent of the teacher. It is impossible to give a "biased" rating here.
- DL allows the student to constantly consult with the teacher during training.
- The problems of searching and acquiring educational materials and manuals have been eliminated in the educational institutions. The student receives access to a set of necessary educational materials immediately upon enrollment.
- The preschool education is excellent for training in integral specialties that are urgently needed today.
- DL is cheaper than traditional forms of education (for students of paid departments).

For administrators educational institutions:
- DL allows you to train students and attract the best teachers for cooperation, regardless of their place of residence, which is especially important for educational institutions located not in the most densely populated regions. With its help, such universities can successfully compete with educational institutions in the capital.
- It makes it possible to teach more students using the same teaching staff and reduce costs per student.
- FE fits perfectly into the traditional education system as its integral part.
- DL easily solves many technical problems - there is no need to maintain a large number of classrooms, it is easier to create a curriculum, there are no problems of replacing sick teachers, and many, many others inherent in traditional education.

For teachers:
- In distance learning, the role of the teacher changes and his capabilities expand. This form of teaching allows the teacher not to waste time on the routine of the educational process. At the same time, what exactly is considered a routine - testing knowledge, reading a course of the same type, or something else - is decided by the teacher himself; DL systems allow you to automate almost everything except the PERSONALITY OF THE TEACHER HIMSELF. A teacher’s working time can finally be devoted to pedagogical creativity.
- Distance learning teachers do not have to leave home both to attend classes and to prepare educational materials, and this makes it possible to teach to all those who know how and want to do it - regardless of how busy they are at home (for example, women raising small children ) and health status (for example, experienced older teachers).
- In addition, a free schedule opens up wide opportunities for part-time work for all distance learning teachers, since mandatory attendance hours can be reduced to a minimum.
- However, distance learning requires additional efforts from the teacher to master his technologies. Not very much effort. Typically the preparation cycle takes no more than 1 week.


The very name “distance learning” means that learning takes place at a distance. Often, students have a desire to study at a prestigious Moscow university, but they cannot come to the capital for a long period of time, and they are not able to study. Then distance learning comes to the rescue, which has features of both full-time and distance learning. For such studies, a student will only need a laptop or tablet, as well as a great desire to learn.

Distance learning begins with the submission of an application and the necessary copies of documents certified by a notary. If a student who wants to enroll in distance learning lives in another city, he sends documents by mail. Then an agreement is concluded with him and after paying for the tuition, the student is enrolled in the university.

Distance learning is especially common among those who want to receive a second higher education, enroll in advanced training courses or MBA programs. Thus, such training is most suitable for adults and busy people who do not have time to attend lectures in person, but still want to be able to listen to the material from the lecturer and discuss problematic issues with him directly, and not with the help of textbooks, as is the case with distance learning. However, a similar form of training can be chosen as the first higher education.

Learning in a remote format takes place according to a schedule using materials on the university website, recordings, live communication in the form of conferences, as well as communication with the student using email, ICQ, or Skype. Distance learning students, like all other students, are enrolled in certain groups, they are given a class schedule and a password to access their personal account on the website. In this personal account, students can find study materials available to them - lecture notes, notes, textbooks, tests and other testing materials. There they are given assignments for the week or for the semester. All these materials can also be sent to the student’s email.

With such training, the student does not have an individual schedule; he must obey a certain schedule, which is planned at the university. And yet, he does not have to spend most of his day at the monitor, because only seminars or colloquiums are held in the format of live communication, which requires the mandatory presence of the student. The student can study all other materials when it is convenient for him. However, distance learning requires a lot of discipline, perseverance and willpower from the student. No one will force you to study here, but you will still have to take all tests, tests, exams and coursework at the end of the semester.

Each student is assigned a curator who will help him in his studies and answer questions about organizing the entire process. Teachers usually also set aside time at least once a month for consultations on the subject. You can come to the city where the university is located for face-to-face consultations, but this is not necessary. The student's mandatory presence is usually required at the university only during state exams and thesis defense.

It is difficult to imagine the modern education system without various forms of distance learning, which are carried out using the latest technologies or the traditional correspondent method.

Distance learning (DL) is a set of technologies that deliver the bulk of material to students for study and testing. It arose in Europe at the end of the 18th century, with the advent of regular postal service and “correspondent training”. However, quite modern universities still practice it today, along with the use of the latest information technologies.

It is worth noting that many use different definitions of distance learning and education, such as “open”, “virtual”, “electronic”, “online”. Back in 1969, the world's first distance education university, the Open University, was founded in Great Britain.

Today, various DL technologies are used, the scope of which depends on the information support tools used, methods of managing the cognitive activity of students, methods of monitoring and self-monitoring of knowledge. Different forms of DL have their own ways of assessing knowledge and their own required level of teacher training.

Optimization of additional education at the current stage of development of the educational system makes it possible to structure the educational process depending on the means of delivery of training courses. This, in turn, determines the ways of interaction between teachers and students.

Currently, the most promising is interactive interaction in the DL process via the Internet (chat classes, webinars, web conferences). In 2003, the development of a unified standard for interactive training, SCORM, began, which will gradually lead to an expansion of the list of requirements for the content of courses and the software used.

Thus, the use of DL technologies allows, firstly, to reduce the cost of training, secondly, to simultaneously train a large number of people and, thirdly, to create a unified educational environment (which is especially important for corporate training). In addition, the quality level of additional education is constantly improving through the use of modern communications, electronic libraries, and the latest software.

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In the modern world, it is possible to obtain higher education without attending an educational institution every day. This opportunity is provided by distance learning, which is carried out thanks to information and educational technologies and communication systems.

This type of training provides enormous opportunities for obtaining the desired education for people who, for a number of reasons, cannot attend an educational institution full-time or are unable to study in another city (country). Distance learning provides a comfortable acquisition of knowledge due to the fact that the student is at home, in his usual environment for him, he chooses the timing and pace of receiving education. At the same time, despite independently acquiring knowledge, the student can at any moment count on the help of the teacher, which is provided via the Internet. A feature of distance learning is the possibility of acquiring knowledge in a mode where the teacher and student communicate directly, using the Internet as a means of communication (on help comes from systems such as web chat, IRC, ICQ, TV, web telephony, Telnet). In addition, there is an asynchronous way of transferring knowledge to students, which consists of independently completing assignments and studying material provided in printed form, on floppy disks, CDs, and cassettes, on web forums and web pages, in guest and Usenet newsgroups. Modern technologies through distance education, people with disabilities, for example, deaf, blind, or patients with musculoskeletal diseases, can obtain diplomas. Distance learning is used not only for students to receive education. This method of acquiring knowledge is very convenient to use for schoolchildren who, due to illness, cannot attend school for a long time or are forced to receive education at home. In addition, with the help of distance learning, employees of various corporations are retrained and their skills are improved. The difference between distance learning and correspondence learning is that in the latter case there is a common lesson plan for all students, a deadline for passing exams and receiving a diploma, i.e. there is no individual approach. However, not all professions and knowledge can be acquired remotely. For example, it is almost impossible to learn some types of creative activities on your own, in the absence of direct contact between the student and the teacher. This applies to learning to play musical instruments, singing, painting, and dancing.

Along with full-time, evening and correspondence forms of education, today a system of distance education is actively developing, accessible to almost anyone. This type of training has no age, professional, or territorial restrictions, and it is successfully used by people who are unable to attend classes in person or frequently travel to sessions due to work commitments, health conditions, remoteness of the university, or caring for small children.

Distance learning is carried out using the university’s educational portal. When enrolling, a student login to access the educational and methodological materials of the course: texts of textbooks, assignments for independent work and tests and recommendations for their implementation, a schedule for studying the material, etc. For convenience, some of the manuals can be duplicated in paper form or on CDs.

The sequence of studying subjects and the pace of learning are determined individually, so the total duration of the educational process depends on each individual student, his capabilities and wishes. You can complete the entire course in the traditional 5-6 years, or in a shorter period if you study intensively, or, taking into account life circumstances, study for a longer period of time.

Teachers, methodologists and technical support specialists, through telephone or video communication, as well as email and communication on the university forum, provide students with regular advice on issues arising during the educational process. At the same time, remote learning does not exclude personal communication. As a rule, once a year students must attend sessions during which they attend lectures, seminars, do laboratory work, take tests and exams. In addition, they can appear at the university more often if there is such a need.

In those educational institutions where personal presence at the exam is not required, testing of mastery of material in academic disciplines is carried out in an automated system, which provides detailed and constant control and makes it independent of the teacher, which in turn allows you to obtain an objective assessment of knowledge. However, in such cases there is a problem of identifying the person performing the tasks, so such forms of control are not used everywhere.

Video on the topic

A wide variety of educational institutions at different levels is complemented by various forms of the educational process: full-time, correspondence, distance learning. The most democratic option is distance learning.

Distance learning is a form of educational process in which the interaction of the teacher with students is carried out at a distance through various types of indirect communications. Indirect communication is a two-way exchange of information in the form of texts, audio or video recordings, tables, pictures, etc. Distance learning has all the components of the educational process: learning and educational goals, curriculum and programs, methodology. Classes take place remotely. Currently, due to the rapid development of computer and Internet technologies, there are several most common forms of classes in distance learning:
  • chat classes are conducted in real time with simultaneous access to it by all participants in the educational process, communication occurs simultaneously and in parallel;
  • web classes are carried out using a forum on an Internet site, where each participant in the educational process leaves entries on a specific topic; the exchange of information can occur asynchronously, unlike chat classes;
  • teleconferences (audio conferences or video conferences) are based on sending educational materials in digital form to each student’s email or on various media using post offices or carriers.
The means of implementation in distance learning are information technologies:
  • methods of transmitting various types of information - television, mail and other communication networks;
  • the methods used depend on the technical environment used to exchange information.

Advantages of distance learning:
  • the possibility of online and offline learning through the use of audio or video recordings of lectures, which saves the teacher’s time on conducting the same lesson in different groups and allows students to choose a convenient time for listening to lectures;
  • the possibility of simultaneously training a larger number of people;
  • the cost-effectiveness of distance learning is expressed in the reduction of costs for the educational process and associated additional expenses (rent of classrooms, dormitories, transportation to the place of study, etc.);
  • the possibility of creating a unified educational base, for example, in corporate training;
  • use of specialized electronic libraries;
  • possibility of carrying out final control at a distance.
Distance learning standards include not only educational norms and rules, but also requirements for the software used.

Distance learning is very popular among those wishing to receive additional education or improve their skills in an already acquired profession.

Distance learning– this is an independent form of learning, implemented by specific means of Internet technologies or other means that provide interactivity.

In 2003, the initiative group ADL (Advance distributor learning) began developing a standard for distance interactive learning, which involves the widespread use of Internet technologies.

The learning environment is characterized by the fact that students are mostly, and often completely, distant from the teacher in space and time, while at the same time they have the opportunity to maintain a dialogue at any time using telecommunications.

The learning process includes independent study of educational materials under the guidance of a teacher, completion of control tasks in the form of tests for each section of the educational and practical manual, and conclusion of the final assessment.

During the period of independent study, the student can consult with the teacher using telephone, fax, e-mail and other possible means of communication. After studying all sections of the course, the student takes an exam.

Knowledge control stage consists of presenting test tasks to the student, selected in accordance with the goals and objectives of testing, and taking into account the answer options received.

Distance education technologies can be divided into three main categories:

    non-interactive (printed materials, audio media, video media);

    computer training tools (electronic textbooks, computer testing and knowledge control, the latest multimedia tools);

    videoconferencing - developed means of telecommunication via audio channels, video channels and computer networks.

High quality is determined by the following factors:

Advantages of distance learning:

Accessibility and openness of training- another one of the main advantages of DO.

Distance learning provides us with the opportunity to study remotely from the place of study, without leaving our home or office. This allows a modern specialist to study almost all his life, without special business trips or vacations, combining it with his main activity. Studying at any time, anywhere allows students not only to remain in their usual environment and maintain the usual rhythm of life, but also to develop an individual study schedule. At the same time, focusing on studying in the evenings and on weekends.

Distance learning is recognized as one of the cheapest ways to get an education, primarily due to lower costs of travel, living in another city, lower costs of organizing the courses themselves (no need to pay for classroom space, fewer staff, costs for teachers can be reduced etc.).

Another advantage of distance learning is access to quality education.

The freedom and flexibility of this method of education offer new opportunities for choosing a course of study. It is very easy to select several courses from different universities, from different countries. You can study in different places at the same time, comparing courses with each other. There are opportunities to study in the best educational institutions, using the most effective technologies, with the most qualified teachers. A person can study remotely incognito for various reasons (age, position, position, shyness, etc.). Distance learning provides an opportunity for people with disabilities and people with various disabilities to get an education.

Distance learning is more individual character. The student himself determines the pace of learning, can return to individual lessons several times, skip certain sections, etc. The student studies the educational material during the entire study period, and not just during the session, which guarantees deeper residual knowledge.

This training system forces the student to study independently and gain self-education skills. As the experience of many universities shows, a distance learning student becomes more independent, mobile and responsible. Without these qualities he will not be able to learn. If they were not there initially, but the motivation to learn is great, they develop and upon completion of training, specialists emerge who are truly in demand on the market.

Distance learning makes the learning process creative and individual, and opens up new opportunities for student creative self-expression.

During the learning process, the student documents the learning process. He can keep the course itself, email correspondence with the teacher, and he can contact them later, as needed.

Using modern technologies and distance learning, we are given the opportunity to easily form virtual professional communities (for example, communities of teachers), communicate between teachers, discuss problems, solve common problems, exchange experiences, information, etc.

Distance learning practice

The learning process can be carried out both in specially equipped computer classrooms and at student workplaces connected to the Internet.

Students of the virtual training center, after enrolling in the course, receive access to the educational and methodological materials of the course. They can independently study educational materials recommended by the teacher or search the catalog for additional materials. Students have the opportunity to sign up for an individual consultation with a teacher.

The teacher also has the opportunity to send invitations to consultations to students in his group. After studying the material and consultations, students complete specially prepared test assignments and coursework in accordance with the curriculum.

The training course consists of separate sections.

Students independently study both educational and methodological materials prepared by teachers of the virtual training center, as well as additional literature on this section of the course.

The distance learning center provides group or individual consultations. Naturally, before conducting a consultation, the teacher must set a date and time for the consultation and send an e-mail message about this to the students. Typically, consultations are carried out using the standard Microsoft NetMeeting program.

The teacher can conduct consultations in various operating modes of the MS NetMeeting program. Chat mode allows people to exchange printed messages in real time. When one of the consultation participants (primarily the teacher) launches the Chat program, a conversation window appears on the screen of each user.

Whiteboard mode allows consultation participants to create joint sketches and drawings, demonstrate pre-prepared drawings and drawings, and exchange text messages. When one of the conference call participants launches the Whiteboard program, the whiteboard appears on each user's screen. Any of the consultation participants can draw on the board at the same time as others and see the overall drawing.

If the computers of teleconference participants are equipped with a sound card connected to a microphone and speaker, then the MS NetMeeting program allows you to use audio communication mode. However, this mode can only be used during an individual consultation.

Within the framework of the MS NetMeeting program, it is also possible to work in the mode of sharing applications between consultation participants. MS Word is especially convenient in this regard. The teacher can prepare educational materials or questions in advance in the MS Word text editor and sequentially display them on the screen interactively by scrolling through the document using the scroll bar.

We wish you a pleasant learning experience!

Today, high-tech distance education is gaining well-deserved popularity and trust on the part of applicants, who are offered additional opportunities thanks to this form of education. Indeed, today it is rare that a student can afford full-time study, being forced to combine work and university, and moving to the capital for those who want to receive a prestigious diploma is often an unaffordable pleasure. Studying during maternity leave is another very common situation. Electronic education is a way out for many who want to study at a university and receive a diploma, regardless of their life circumstances.

In the realities of today, many are wondering what does distance learning mean? Having created a revolution in the education system, learning using Internet technologies has become a relevant alternative and challenge to the traditional education paradigm, when knowledge and skills are transferred to the student directly from the teacher. It turned out that training in an individual format, remotely, combining self-education and the usual forms of presenting knowledge with the help of high technologies (electronic libraries, audio and video lectures, online trainings and seminars, etc.) is not much different from the education that to which we are accustomed; Moreover, it hides unique opportunities and benefits. And today it is already possible to sum up the first results and obtain reliable information about how to study through distance learning, as well as how distance learning is conducted and to what extent it provides the proper level of training.

How do you pass exams in distance learning?

One of the most common questions from those who are thinking about enrolling in distance learning is how the exams are taken and is the student required to attend in person? Everything is quite simple: verification tests (usually testing), just like the actual process of acquiring knowledge, are carried out electronically, online. After mastering the topic, you get access to exam materials, which are usually given a strictly defined time to complete in order to eliminate the possibility of cheating or other dishonest options for passing the screening test.

What is written in a diploma for distance learning?

Many students are concerned about whether the distance learning form is written on the diploma, and are worried about the idea that their treasured diploma will indicate the “distance” form of learning. However, these fears are completely unjustified by practice. In fact, after completing remote training, each graduate of Synergy University receives a standard diploma, which does not indicate the form of training. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 02/13/2014 N 112 (as amended on 05/16/2014) “On approval of the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing documents on higher education and qualifications and their duplicates”, the format of the completed training is indicated only in agreement with the graduate . And the supplement to your diploma itself will contain only a list of disciplines completed during the study period, as well as the standard number of hours spent on it.

So we can admit: today, distance learning is not only an accessible and modern way of obtaining a full-fledged education, but also has great prospects in the future, and perhaps you will be the one who will experience all its advantages!