Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Spiritual reflections. Righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya


St. Juliana Lazarevskaya

The only surviving detailed biography of Saint Juliana was written by her son, Druzhina (Kallistrat) Yuryevich Osoryin. The service of the saint, compiled in the 17th century, is also attributed to him.

In the days of the faithful Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich (in the 30s of the 16th century), there lived a certain faithful and poverty-loving husband Justin Nedyurev with his wife Stefanida; They had many sons and daughters, including Blessed Juliana. At the age of six, after the death of her mother, Juliania was taken by her grandmother Anastasia Dubenskaya to Murom to be raised. After 6 years, the grandmother also died, bequeathing her daughter, who already had 9 children, to take in a 12-year-old orphan. Juliania went to live with her aunt.

From childhood, Juliana was distinguished by her piety: she avoided entertainment and amusements, preferring fasting, loved prayer and solitude, was obedient, hardworking, and did good to the poor. Because of this, she was constantly ridiculed by her sisters and servants. She was used to praying for a long time with many bows. In addition to the usual fasts, she imposed even stricter abstinence on herself. Relatives were unhappy and feared for her health and beauty. Juliana patiently and meekly endured reproaches, but continued her feat. At night, Juliana sewed to clothe orphans, widows and the needy, went to care for the sick, and fed them.

The fame of her virtues and piety spread throughout the surrounding area. The owner of the village of Lazarevskoye, not far from Murom, Georgy Osoryin, wooed her. Sixteen-year-old Juliania was married to George, they got married in the church of the village of Lazarev. After which she began to live with her husband’s family. The husband's parents and relatives fell in love with the meek and friendly daughter-in-law and soon entrusted her with managing the household of the entire large family. She surrounded the old age of her husband's parents with constant care and affection. She ran the house in an exemplary manner, got up at dawn and was the last one to go to bed.

Household worries did not interrupt Juliana’s spiritual achievements. Every evening, and sometimes at night, she prayed for a long time with many bows; During her husband’s absence, she spent all her nights in prayer and work, and secretly gave alms with the money she earned. Juliania donated skillfully embroidered shrouds to churches, and sold the rest of the work in order to distribute the money to the poor. She performed good deeds secretly from her relatives, and sent alms at night with her faithful maid.
Having many servants and servants, she did not allow herself to be put on or taken off, or given water for washing; She was invariably friendly with the servants, never reported to her husband about their actions, preferring to take the blame upon herself.

Demons threatened Juliana in a dream that they would destroy her if she did not stop doing good to people. But Juliana did not pay attention to these threats. She could not ignore human suffering: to help, to please, to console was the need of her heart.

When the famine of 1570 came and many people died from exhaustion. She took food from her house and secretly gave it to the hungry. When the mother-in-law was surprised by her daughter-in-law’s appetite, Juliana told her that after the birth of her children she really wanted to eat not only during the day, but also at night.
The next year, the famine was joined by a plague epidemic, people locked themselves in their houses, afraid of getting infected, and Juliana, secretly from her relatives, washed the sick in the bathhouse, treated them as best she could, and prayed for their recovery. She gave money for burial, and sometimes she herself washed the dead and hired people for burial, praying for the repose of each person.
Being illiterate, Juliana explained the Gospel texts and spiritual books. And she taught her husband to frequent and warm prayer.
Her father-in-law and mother-in-law died at a very old age and, before their death, took monastic vows. After their death, she distributed abundant alms to commemorate their souls. Her husband was in Astrakhan at that time, and during his absence she created memorials for the dead.
Juliana lived with her husband in harmony and love for many years, gave birth to 10 sons and 3 daughters. Four sons and two daughters died in infancy. Overcoming the grief of her heart, Juliana spoke about the death of her children: “God gave, God took away. Do not create anything sinful, and their souls and the angels glorify God and pray to God for their parents.”
She raised the rest of her children in the fear of God. In 1584, during a hunt, a servant killed her son, Ivan Osorin. From the tears of the inconsolable mother, a spring began to flow at this place. There is a belief that the water in it has a strong, but ambiguous effect, and it must be handled very carefully. After drinking it, the seriously ill person either recovered after three days or quietly passed away into another world.
When her eldest son was killed by his “slave”, and the other in the royal service, Juliana began to ask her husband to let her go to a monastery, but her husband replied that she must educate and raise the rest of the children. She agreed, but began to beg her husband not to have a marital union with her, although they should live together. This was a milestone in the life of righteous Juliana. She further increased her exploits and began to lead a monastic life. “She took fasting and abstinence beyond measure.” Day and evening she was busy with housework and raising children, and at night she prayed and made many bows. She went to bed in the evening for an hour or two on the stove without a bed, only laying firewood with the sharp side towards the body, putting firewood under her head, and iron keys under her ribs. When the household fell asleep, Juliana got up to pray and remained like that until the morning gospel. Then she went to Matins and Liturgy, and in the afternoon “she devoted herself to needlework.” I haven’t washed my body in a bathhouse since I separated from my husband. She kept a strict fast, “on Fridays I didn’t eat at all, on Mondays and Wednesdays I ate dry food without cooking once a day; on Saturdays and Sundays she organized a meal in her house for priests, widows, orphans and her household.” Her life became constant prayer and service; most of all, she cared for the poor.

Due to illness and fatigue, Juliana at one time stopped going to church often, increasing her home prayer. She was a parishioner of the Church of St. Lazarus - brother of Saints Martha and Mary. The priest of this church heard a voice in the church from the icon of the Mother of God: “Go and tell gracious Juliana why she doesn’t go to church? And her prayer at home pleases God, but not in the same way as church prayer. You should read her, she is already 60 years old and the Holy Spirit rests on her.”

After the death of her husband, Juliana distributed her property to the poor. In winter, she remained without warm clothes, wore boots on her bare feet, and placed nut shells and sharp shards under the soles. She became even more strict with herself; constantly, even in my sleep, I said the Jesus Prayer.
The more severe the exploits of Juliana became, the stronger were the attacks on her by the spirits of malice, who did not want to admit their defeat. One day, her son says, Juliana, coming into a small room, was attacked by demons who threatened to kill her if she did not abandon her exploits. She was not afraid, but only prayed to God and asked to send St. Nicholas to help. At the same time, Saint Nicholas appeared to her with a club in his hand and drove away the unclean spirits. The demons disappeared, but one of them, threatening the ascetic, predicted that in old age she herself would begin to “die of hunger rather than feed strangers.”
The demon's threat was only partially fulfilled - Juliana actually had to suffer from hunger. During the reign of Boris Godunov there was a severe famine throughout the Russian land (1601 - 1603). But her loving and compassionate heart could not leave those dying of hunger without help. People, mad with hunger, even ate human flesh.
Juliania did not collect a single grain from her fields, there were no supplies, almost all the cattle died from lack of food. Juliana did not despair: she sold the remaining livestock and everything valuable in the house. She lived in poverty, there was nothing to go to church in, but “not a single poverty... do not let go in vain.”
She moved to the village of Vochnevo, in the Nizhny Novgorod region. When all funds were exhausted, Juliana set free some of her slaves, but some of the servants did not want to leave their mistress, preferring to die with her. Then Juliana, with her characteristic energy, began to save her loved ones from starvation. She taught her servants to collect quinoa and tree bark, from which she baked bread and fed it to children, servants and beggars. “The surrounding landowners reproachfully said to the beggars: why do you come to her? What to take from her? She herself is dying of hunger. “And we’ll tell you what,” said the beggars, “we went to a lot of villages where we were served real bread, and we didn’t eat it as much as this widow’s bread... Then the neighboring landowners began to send to Ulyana for her outlandish bread. Having tasted it, they found that the beggars were right, and said to themselves in surprise: “But her slaves are masters at baking bread!” With what love must one give a beggar a loaf of bread... so that this loaf becomes the subject of a poetic legend as soon as it is eaten!”

Juliana had to fight not only with the danger of death, saving her servants and loved ones, but also with the even more terrible danger of spiritual death. The power of hunger is terrible. To get food, people committed any crime. Juliana loved her servants and considered herself responsible for their souls, which, in her words, “were entrusted to her by God.” Like a warrior on the battlefield, she constantly fought against evil, and her prayer and influence on those around her were so strong that not one of the people close to her stained herself with a crime; during a time of general unbridledness, this was a real miracle.

They didn’t hear a word of grumbling or sadness from her; on the contrary, during all three hungry years she was in a particularly elated and joyful mood: “They were neither sad, nor embarrassed, nor complaining, but she was more cheerful than the first years,” writes her son.

6 days before her death, the blessed one fell ill, but even during her illness she remained incessantly in prayer. Before her death, Juliana received the Holy Mysteries, called her children and household members and taught them about prayer, love, alms and other virtues, admitted that she had long desired an angelic image, but “was not worthy for the sake of her sins.” Then she lay down, wrapped her rosary around her hand, and crossed herself three times. Her last words were: “Thank God for everything! Into Your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.” Those present at her death saw how a radiance appeared around her head in the form of a golden crown, “just as it is written on icons.”
Holy Righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya died on January 2, 1605 (or in 1604 according to the old style, since the next year began not on January 1, but in the spring). And they put her holy and laborious body in an oak coffin and took her to the Murom region, where on January 10, 1605 they buried her at the church of St. Lazarus in the village of Lazarevskoye, where she labored hard.
“This is how blessed Juliana lived!” The writer of her life exclaims in conclusion.

Church of the Archangel Michael in the courtyard of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery in the village. Lazarevo

Miracles at the grave of the righteous woman testified that the Lord glorified his humble servant. In 1614, when they were digging the ground next to Juliana’s grave for her deceased son George, the saint’s relics were discovered. They exuded myrrh, which gave off a fragrance, and many received healing from illness - especially sick children.
In the same year 1614, holy righteous Juliana was canonized.
“As we have noticed, the parishioners of the village of Lazareva reverently and zealously honor the Blessed One. But they notice with sadness that the memory of her is currently limited almost exclusively to the Murom borders, whereas before she was revered in areas remote from Murom. “In the past,” they told us in Lazarev, “our blessed Juliana was known and revered in more than one part of our country. Even from afar they sent donations to our church for her sake (And this is true. We ourselves saw in the current Lazarevskaya Church a holy cross, metal, with particles of the relics of many saints, sent, as can be seen from the inscription on it, from Moscow as a gift to St. Juliana .). And when the Murom Fair began - from the day of memory of the Murom miracle workers - many of those who came to the fair came to us to worship the Blessed One. But now it’s not the same: there are no donations from the outside, no pilgrims - as if they forgot about our Blessed One. Moreover, for some reason rumors began to appear that the honest relics of our saint of God, now resting under a bushel, had not been glorified.”
Such and similar messages prompted us to become more closely acquainted with the real history of the life of the blessed one. Juliana, as well as with the history of her honest relics. For this purpose, we first of all turned to the reliable written evidence at our disposal about the life of the saint of God (We have: a) a list from an ancient manuscript of the life of Blessed. Juliana, compiled by her son Callistratus, who is testified by God that he did not lie in the life of his mother he compiled; The service of the Blessed One is also attached to this list; b) “Lives of the Saints” by Rev. Philaret of Chernigov - for January. S.-P. 1885; c) “The Lives of the Saints” by Protopopov, for January. Moscow 1884; d) “The Lives of the Saints of the Russian Church” by Muravyov, S.-P. 1860 and some others.). From these testimonies it is clearly seen that blessed Juliana was a woman of a truly righteous, godly life, - that while still alive the Lord glorified her with some miracles, - that, finally, ten years or more after her death, when they buried her youngest son George, Her incorruptible relics were found, exuding fragrant myrrh and giving many sick people healing from ailments. So, there was a time when the honest relics of the blessed one. Juliania was glorified. But the question is: what happened to these relics after their glorification? The answer to this question is not found in the written sources available to us. Still wanting to have some information on this matter, we turned to the archives of the Lazarus Church for information, but there were no suitable documents there either. Willy-nilly, we had to turn to tradition, and this is what we heard from the Lazarevsky inhabitants on this subject.
Blessed Juliana was buried near the wooden church that existed in her time in the name of Lazarus, the Friend of God. One must think that it was in this church that, after its discovery, the Blessed One’s coffin with her honest relics was placed. But then, at an unknown time, the said church burned to the ground (along with it, the entire church archive burned down. This is the reason why in the current Lazarus Church no documents have been preserved regarding the history of the relics of Blessed Juliana. On the site where the Holy See stood burnt church, now a stone chapel has been erected. This means that this latter does not stand over the grave of Blessed Juliania, as Count Tolstoy thinks - in “Children's Rest” for January 1882 in the article: “Juliania Justinovna Osorgina.”). But the Blessed One’s coffin was saved and then transferred to the present Lazarevskaya Church, where it previously stood in full view of everyone, as one of the parishioners of the village of Lazarev, living in the village of Podbolotne, remembers. Then, it is unknown when and on what occasion, the Blessed One’s coffin was enclosed in a tomb, which now stands at the northern doors of the Lazarus Church.
As zealous worshipers of the Mother of God who dies among them, the parishioners of the Lazarus Church take care that the blessed one. Juliania, as before, was remembered and honored not only within the Murom region, but also outside of it. For this purpose, as we know, the current church elder of the village of Lazarev, Alexey Maksimovich Nikitin, who generally, according to the local clergy, makes quite a few donations for his church (So, for example, we were shown five local icons in gilded through the fire of the vestments, the cost of these icons, in our opinion, should extend to more than one hundred rubles. But not hundreds - we heard from the local clergy - but thousands of rubles were spent on the needs of the temple by A.M. and his late father, also a former church warden village of Lazarev. Truly, there are few such donors not only in villages, but also in cities!), at their own expense they are undertaking a publicly accessible popular publication of the life of the blessed one. Juliana. Of course, one cannot help but rejoice at such a good enterprise: not to mention the fact that it will be useful for the poor Lazarus Church, it will bring many moral benefits for our village people. And God grant that there be more such enterprises and such entrepreneurs among our villages!
At the same time, we can testify that the most ardent desire of the Lazarevsky parishioners is currently the desire to see the honest relics of the blessed one. Juliania is not hidden, but open" (N. N. "Vladimir Diocesan Gazette. Unofficial Department." No. 4. February 15, 1887).

Tomb over the resting place of Righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya

In the cold Archangel Church, near the northern wall, a tomb was built over the resting place of the righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya. In 1889, instead of the previous one, a new tomb was built made of cypress wood, lined with gilded and silvered copper. On the top of the lid of the tomb there was a chased image of the Lord of hosts; on the sides of the tomb there were images in stamps: the appearance of St. Nicholas to righteous Juliana, righteous Juliana giving alms to the poor, a voice from the icon of the Most Holy. Mother of God, heard by the priest about the righteous. Juliana, and the transfer of rights. Juliana. On the tomb itself there was a full-length icon of the righteous Juliana. Pilgrims from Murom and surrounding villages came to worship righteous Juliana.

The opening of the relics in the overwhelming majority took place in accordance with the decisions of local authorities (but the initiative came from above), and later on the basis of the circular of the People's Commissariat of Justice dated August 25, 1920 “On the liquidation of relics,” which proposed carrying out their complete liquidation, relying on the revolutionary consciousness of the masses (the relics were ordered to be handed over to a museum or buried in the ground). The Murom atheists fulfilled the leader’s wish already in February 1919.
According to oral recollections of Murom residents, a sad picture is drawn of the removal of holy relics from Murom churches. It should be noted that deeply religious people were shocked not at all by the fact that the relics of the Murom saints were partially surviving skeletal remains, but by the fact that revered temple shrines were forcibly removed from churches.
The reliquary was transferred to the Murom Local History Museum, where it stood next to the relics of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom.
On April 4, 1931, the Commission for Religious Affairs under the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee canceled the resolution of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Executive Committee dated June 6, 1930 on the liquidation of the church in the village. Lazarev, Muromsky district. On February 19, 1932, the Commission for Religious Affairs under the All-Russian Central Executive Committee liquidated the church in the village. Lazarevo, Murom district, having satisfied the petition of the Nizhny Novgorod regional executive committee to revise the resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee regarding leaving the said church for the use of believers.

Temple of the Archangel Michael in Soviet times

On January 20, 1989, the relics of the Murom saints - the faithful Prince Konstantin, Princess Irina and their children Mikhail and Theodore, Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya - were returned from the Murom Historical and Art Museum to the Annunciation Cathedral, which was then the only one still functioning in city ​​(in accordance with order of the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR 618-P dated November 4, 1988).
Today, the relics of the holy righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya openly rest in the Archangel Michael Church in the village of Lazarevo, Vladimir region. Until recently, the custom of mothers bringing and bringing the relics of St. Righteous Juliana sick children.

Shrine of Holy Righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya


January 2,
- June 23/July 6 at .
In 1914, August 18th marked 300 years since the discovery of the relics of Righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya. The idea of ​​solemnly celebrating this event arose among the clergy and parishioners of the Lazarevsky Church, as well as admirers of the righteous woman for a long time. A petition for this before the Diocesan Administration was initiated at the beginning of the year, and on August 16, a decree was received from the Vladimir Spiritual Consistory to allow the solemn celebration of the memory of St. Juliana August 17th and 18th. Upon receipt of the decree, the clergy and parishioners sent a telegram to His Eminence, the Bishop of Murom, asking His Eminence to come to the celebration for the liturgy. At the same time, a telegram was sent to His Grace Eugene, Bishop of Yuryevsky, about the same thing. To the deep regret of everyone, this desire was not destined to come true, since, due to the changed train schedule, it was completely impossible to get to the liturgy, and a negative answer was received from the Bishops. The celebration was celebrated in a modest atmosphere. The day before, an all-night vigil was held for Fr. the rector of the temple, with the participation of the hierodeacon of the Murom Spassky Monastery (the father of the rector), with a large crowd of pilgrims, mainly local parishioners. Newly restored shrine and canopy Rev. Juliana was beautifully decorated with garlands of fresh flowers and flooded with lights of candles and lamps; Among the latter, a huge lamp stood out, deliberately donated at the expense of parishioners for the significant day. The next day, from early morning, there was an extraordinary gathering of pilgrims, mostly peasants from neighboring villages. At 8 o'clock. In the morning, a festive chime began in the bell tower of the Lazarevsky Church, which lasted for an hour. The Liturgy was celebrated in a cathedral, with the participation of Fr. Treasurer of the Spassky Monastery. At the end of the liturgy, priest Fr. Mikhail Georgievsky read the life of the saint and spoke a word to the people. After mass before St. with the relics, a prayer service was served with the reading of a prayer to the righteous woman, after which a religious procession took place to the chapel over St. well, in the place where, according to legend, the body of the son of Pr. Juliania with his servants on the hunt. The chapel is located a mile away from the village of Lazarev. Despite the inclement weather, all the pilgrims went there with a religious procession. In the chapel, also recently renovated, a prayer service was served for the blessing of water. Many pilgrims drank and took St. water from the well home in memory of the reverent veneration of Righteous Juliana, to whose intercession and help for the past three centuries everyone has resorted to their mental and physical ailments.

Procession in honor of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of the relics of St. right Julialia Lazarevskaya

August 22-23, 2014 - 400th anniversary of the discovery of the relics of St. right Julialia Lazarevskaya.
On August 22, 2014, a religious procession took place from the Murom Church of Seraphim of Sarov to the village of Lazarevo. Relics of St. right Juliania was transferred to the restored St. Michael the Archangel Church. The religious procession was led by Bishop Nil of Murom and Vyaznikovsky and Bishop Augustine of Gorodetsky and Vetluzhsky.
The next day, the consecration of two altars of the temple in the village of Lazarevo took place - Archangel Michael and St. Nicholas. Metropolitan Evlogy of Vladimir and Suzdal was concelebrated by Bishop Hilarion of Kineshma and Palekh, Bishop Nil of Murom and Vyaznikov, Bishop Augustine of Gorodet and Vetluzh and the clergy of the Murom Diocese.

January 15, 2015 is the day of remembrance of St. right Juliania Lazarevskaya. A bishop's service took place in the Archangel Michael Church in the village of Lazarevo with the participation of Metropolitan Evlogii of Vladimir and Suzdal and Bishop Nil of Murom and Vyaznikov. The clergy of the Murom diocese also participated in the service. Many pilgrims attended the bishop's service. At the end of the service, Bishop Evlogii delivered an edifying word and congratulated everyone present on the holiday.

Holy Righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya of Murom
Yuri Kuznetsov. Dot technique, 55x28. Wood, gesso, tempera, varnish

In addition to the life of the saint, a service was written in the 17th century, the composition of which is attributed to her son Druzhina Osorin.
On the icon of the second half of the 17th century, “The Cathedral of the Murom Saints,” Saint Juliana is depicted together with Saints Peter and Fevronia, princes Constantine, Michael and Theodore of Murom.
In the Murom Museum there is an icon on which Saint Juliana is depicted instead with her husband George and her daughter, nun Theodosia, who became a locally revered saint (glorified).
At the farmstead in the village. Lazarevskaya is an icon of the holy righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya.

Since the 18th century, the surname of Saint Juliana - Osorina was written as Osorgina. In the Osorgin family, the eldest son was always called George in memory of his ancestor. The family of Saint Juliana did not fade away - her descendants left their mark on the history of Russia. One of them, Georgy Mikhailovich Osorgin, was shot at Solovki - this is described by Solzhenitsyn in “The Gulag Archipelago”. Nikolai Mikhailovich Osorgin lives in Paris, a professor at the Orthodox Theological Institute, the author of a number of books, and he is also the regent of the Sergius metochion, founded by his grandfather in Paris.

In the village of Lazarevo there are four natural springs, which are named after Juliania and Georgiy Lazarevsky.

Wooden bath of St. Juliania Lazarevskaya on the shore of a pond in the village. Lazarevo

Wooden bath of St. Juliania Lazarevskaya was originally installed on the shore of a pond, not far from the temple. Built and consecrated in memory of the 400th anniversary of the repose of St. Juliania of Murom (Lazarevskaya). Now the bathhouse is located at the very end of the village, near the chapel; only a cross remains on the pond.

Cross on the pond

Wooden bath of St. Juliania Lazarevskaya.

Chapel over St. source of Juliana Lazarevskaya in the village. Lazarevo. The chapel is located at the end of the village of Lazarevo.

January 15, 2013 - the memory of St. right Juliania Lazarevskaya of Murom. On this day, a solemn service took place in the Bishop's Compound. The Divine Liturgy in the Church of the Compound was led by Bishop Nil of Murom. Concelebrating with the Bishop were the rector of the Holy Annunciation Monastery in Murom, Hegumen Kronid, Archpriest Nikolai Semchuk, Archpriest Mikhail Terentyev and Hieromonk Anthony Dodunov.
After the service, a tea party was arranged for all parishioners.
On January 19, 2013, on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, the rector of the Holy Annunciation Monastery in Murom, Abbot Kronid, performed the rite of blessing the water at the source of St. right Juliania Lazarevskaya.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional love

Brief life of righteous Juliania Lazarevskaya, Murom

The life-non-description of Saint Julia-a-nii La-za-rev-skaya na-pi-sa-but her son. This is the only preserved detailed description of the saint’s life, making up for the hundred-year-old shortcomings. hundred-accuracy of information about others.

Julia was born in the 30s of the 16th century. in the city of Plosna with the noble nobles Justin and Stefa-ni-da Nedyu-re-vyh. For six years she remained an orphan. Ba-bush-ka from ma-te-rin-sto-ro-ny took the girl to her place in the city of Mu-rom. After 6 years, grandma died and, having finished her daughter, who already had 9 children, took a 12-year-old girl to raise si-ro-tu.

Julia took advantage of any opportunity to help others. She's out of children's games and fun, before fasting, praying and ru-co-de-lie, than you-call-a-la hundreds of laughs from sisters and servants. She's used to praying for a long time with a lot of clones. In addition to the usual postures, be even more strict with yourself. The relatives were dissatisfied, they were afraid for her health and beauty. Juli-a-niya tolerated and mole-ko re-no-si-la reproaches, but continued his feat. But-cha-mi Iuli-a-niya sh-la, to dress the orphans, widows and those in need, to care for the pain , cor-mi-la them.

The fame of her goodness and goodness spread throughout the surrounding area. The owner of La-za-re-vo, which is not far from Mu-ro-ma, Yuri Osorin, approached her. Six-year-old Julia-a-niya married him and began to live in her husband’s family. Ro-di-te-li and relatives-ni-ki-husband to-lu-bi-li-meek and greeting-li-daughter-in-law and soon-to-ru-chi-li she manages the household of the entire large family. She surrounded her old husband with vigilant care and affection. The house was sorted out, got up from behind the door, and went to bed after her.

Do-mash-nie for-you did not interrupt the spirit-movement of Julia-a-nii. Every night she got up to pray with many clones. Without the right to dispose of property, every free moment and many night hours were forfeited ru-ko-de-li-e, so that with the received funds to create de-la mi-lo-ser-dia. Is-kus-but you-shi-ty pe-le-ny Juli-a-niya yes-ri-la to the temples, and the rest of the work about-da-va-la, so that the day- give gi to the poor. B-go-de-ya-niya she so-ver-sha-la secretly from her relatives, and sweet-swe-la-la at night with the right order jean-coy. She was especially concerned about widows and orphans. Entire families kor-mi-la and clothes-va-la Juli-a-niya labor-da-mi their hands.

Having many servants and courtyards, she did not allow herself to be dressed and dressed, or given water for washing; I was always with the servants, but I never told my husband about their actions, before I want to take the wine on myself.

Demons threatened Julie-a-nii in a dream, that they would beat her if she did not stop benefiting people. But Iuli-a-niya did not pay attention to these threats. She couldn't pass by the man's suffering: to help, to rejoice, to console - it was impossible -the demand of her heart. When the famine came, and many people died from famine, she, again, -I’m drinking tea, I started to take more food from my father-in-law and secretly once I’m hungry. Epi-de-mia came to the famine, people hunkered down in their houses, afraid of getting infected, and Juli- a-niya secretly from relatives we-la in the bath-house of the sick, treated them as best she could, prayed for their recovery. Those who were dying, she bro-wa-la and on-n-ma-la people for burying, prayed for the repose of each to-go-lo-ve-ka. Bu-duchi negra-mot-noy, Iuli-a-niya iz-yas-nya-la Gospel texts and spiritual books. And she taught her husband to frequent and warm prayer. Her father-in-law and mother-in-law died in great old age, having received haircuts before their death. Julya-a-niya lived with her husband in co-gla-sia and love for many years, giving birth to ten sons and three daughters. Four sons and three daughters died in infancy, and two sons died in the royal service. Overcoming the grief of her heart, Julia spoke about the death of her children: “God gave, God took away. They do not create anything, and their souls from the An-ge-ly glorify God and about their families. they pray to their God.”

After the tragic death of two sons, Julia began to ask to be let into the mo-na. But her husband responded to this by saying that she must nurture and raise the rest of the children. All her life, Julia-a-niya for-would-have-la-for-himself for the sake of others, that’s why this time she agreed, but simplified her mu- I want them not to have spouses and to live like brother and sister. This was a turning point in the life of the righteous Julia. She increased her movements even more and began to lead her life. During the day and evening she was busy with housekeeping and raising children, but at night she prayed, de-la- la many clones, co-creative sleep up to two or three hours; spa-la on the floor, po-lo-living under the go-lo-woo in the-le-nya instead of in the shower, every-day-but-s-s-cha-la bo-go-slu -in the temple, keeping a strict fast. Her life became one of incessant prayer and service.

Due to illness and fatigue, Iuli-a-niya at one time stopped going to the temple often, having increased her -lit-wu. She was a parishioner of the church of St. La-za-rya - the brother of saints Martha and Mary. The priest of this church heard a voice in the temple from the icon of God Ma-te-ri: “Go and tell my dear Julia -a-nii, why doesn’t she go to church? And her prayers at home please God, but not like the church. Look at her, she’s already 60 years old, and the Holy Spirit is on her.” After the death of her husband, Julia gave away her property to the poor, depriving herself of even warm clothes. She became even more strict with herself; in a hundred-yang-but, yes, in a dream you prayed to Jesus. The more severely the movements of Julia-a-nii became, the stronger the spirits would be angry at her, not It’s best to recognize your own way. “One day,” her son says, “Iuli-a-niya, having arrived in a little room, was exposed to pas-de- the presence of demons who threatened to kill her if she did not stop her actions. She was not afraid, but only prayed to God and asked to send Saint Nikolay for help. At the same time, Saint Niko-bark appeared to her with a pa-ce in his hand and drove away the unclean spirits. The demons disappeared, but one of them, threatening the movement, told her that in old age she herself would begin to “hunger.” Peace, rather than feeding other people’s people.”

The threat of the demon was fulfilled only in part - Julia actually had to suffer from hunger. But her loving and compassionate heart could not leave those dying of hunger without help. This was in the terrible years (1601-1603), in the kingdom of Bo-ri-sa God-du-no-va. People, both sick from hunger, even ate human meat.

Juli-a-niya didn’t collect a single grain from her fields, there were no crops, almost all the cattle died from lack of feed. Julya didn’t give up: the remaining cattle and everything valuable in the house were sold. She lived in poverty, didn’t have anything to go to church, but “not a single thing... not in vain.” When all the funds had been used up, July-a-niy went to the will of her masters (and this was in the 16th century!), but some of the servants decided not to leave the mistress, expecting to perish with her. Then Iuli-a-niya, with her characteristic energy, began to save her loved ones from starvation. She taught her servants to collect swan and tree bark, from which she baked bread and fed them children. , servants and beggars. “The locals reproachfully reproached the beggars: why did you come to her? What should I take from her? She herself is suffering from hunger. “And here’s what we’ll say,” the beggars say, “we went around a lot and sat down, where we can get enough bread, yes.” and we didn’t eat it as much as this widow’s bread... Then why should we send it to Ulyana for her di -co-wine bread. Having received it, they thought that no one was right, and with surprise they said among themselves: ma- I wish I could bake her bread! With some love I need to give a loaf of bread to no one... so that this loaf will stand before me that's the time I ate it!"

July-a-nii wanted to fight not only with the danger of death, saving his servants and loved ones, but also with even more a terrible danger to the spirit of death. Horror at the power of hunger. To get food, people committed any crime. Julie-a-niya loved her servants and considered herself responsible for their souls, which, in her words, “were “Do we really care about God?” Like a warrior on the battlefield, she constantly fought against evil, and so strong was her prayer and influence on the environment -that not a single one of the people close to her had committed any transgression during the general time of trouble-given-but- This would be a real miracle.

We didn’t hear a word from her, sadly, on the contrary, during all three famine years she was in a special place. under-nya and joyful on-the-line: “Neither op-cha-sya, nor embarrassment, nor murmur, but in the first place let ve-se-la be,” her son writes.

Before the death of Julia-a-niya, she admitted that she had been an Angel for a long time, but “wasn’t able to I was for the sake of my sins.” She forgave everyone, gave the last instructions, kissed everyone, turned everyone around the circle of her hands was rosary, she crossed herself three times, and her next words were: “Glory to God for everything! Into Your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit.” The presence of those present at the end of the day saw how a si-i-i-ness appeared around her head in the sight of gold the crown “as it is written on the icons.” This happened on January 10, 1604.

Appearing in a dream to a blessed servant, Yuli-a-niya took her body to the land of Mu-rom and went to live in the church of the holy great La-za-rya. In 1614, when someone was laying land next to the grave of Julia-a-nii for her deceased son Ge-orgy, there was about the powers of the saint. They came from the world, from which came the goodness, and many benefits came from the bo- lez-ney - especially sick children.

Chu-de-sa on mo-gi-le pra-ved-ni-tsy sv-de-tel-stvo-va-li, that the Lord glorified his humble servant. In the same 1614, the holy righteous Julia-a-niya was included among the saints.

In addition to the life of the saint, in the 17th century there was a service, the creation of which was pre-pi-sy-va-et - to her son Druzhina Oso-ryi-nu. On the icon of the second half of the 17th century “Cathedral of Mu-Rum Saints” Saint Julia is depicted together with the saints you-mi Pet-rom and Fev-ro-ni-ey, princes Kon-stan-ti-nom, Mi-ha-i-lom and Fe-o-do-rom Mu-rom-ski-mi . In the Mu-ro-museum there is an icon on which Saint Juli-a-niya is depicted together with her husband Ge-or-gi -I eat and do-che-ryu, foreign-ki-ney Fe-o-do-si-ey, who has become a place-but-honor-my saint.

Since the 18th century, the fa-mi-lia of Saint Julia-a-nii - Oso-ryi-na was written as Osor-gi-na. In the family of Osor-gi-nyh, the eldest son always called Ge-or-gi-em in memory of the ancestor. The family of Saint Julia-a-nii did not fade away - it was because of her that she left her mark in the history of Russia. One of them, Ge-orgiy Mi-khai-lo-vich Osor-gin, was shot at So-lov-ki - this is a description from Sol-zhe-ni-tsy-na in "Ar-hi-pe-la-ge GULAG." In Pa-ri-zhe lives Ni-ko-lay Mi-hai-lo-vich Osor-gin - professor of the Right-to-glory-of-the-go-word-of-in- sti-tu-ta, author of a number of books, he is also the re-gent of the Ser-gi-ev-s-court, his grandfather’s home is in Pa- ri-zhe. In the courtyard there is an icon of the holy righteous Julia-a-niya La-za-revskaya.

Temple of Ar-khan-ge-la Mi-ha-i-la in the village of La-za-re-vo, where the relics of St. Julia-a-nii were located (in Che- you-rekh verstakh from Mu-ro-ma), was closed in 1930. Ra-ka with the power, re-ne-sen-naya to the Mu-Rom-Kra-e-Ved-che-museum, standing next to the power - Saints Peter and Fev-ro-nii of Murom. In the year of the thousandth anniversary of the Baptism of Rus, there began to be a demand for the return of the relics to the right-glorious temple of Mu -ro-ma. Some time ago, the power of the holy righteous Julia-a-nii La-za-rev-skaya was in the temple of Bla-go-ve-shche- niya of the Most Holy Bo-go-ro-di-tsy of the former Bla-go-ve-schen-schen-skogo-mon-on-the-monastery of the city of Mu-ro-ma. Since August 23, 2014, the relics of St. Julie-a-nii have been located in the place of their first resting place -niya - in the temple Ar-khan-ge-la Mi-ha-i-la se-la La-za-re-vo.

Complete life of the righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya, Murom

The great Christian movement († around 390) in a moment of hot prayer to God was heard los from the sky: “Ma-ka-riy! You still haven’t caught up with the two women who live in a city not far from here.”

The old man immediately took his dry bag and went to find the righteous people whom the voice from above had pointed out to him. After a long search, he knocked on the door of a house in the city, and was met or two women. Ma-ka-riy told them: “Only for you I came from the desert, to find out your deeds, open up to me.” “Man of God! - Do women have shame? - Is it possible to demand anything pleasing to God from those who are demonic? “Stand-but-busy with house-work and must-fulfill the su-pr-responsibilities?”

But the mover immediately asked the women to tell him what kind of life they were leading. And they said: “We are two daughters-in-law, spouses of siblings; We've been living together for fifteen years and during this time we haven't said a single word to each other; we don’t have children, but if the Lord gives them, we will pray to Him to help us raise our children in faith and goodness -che-sti; with ra-ba-mi on-stu-pa-e las-ko-vo. More than once we decided to join the society of holy virgins, but we couldn’t get enough dosage to do so. in-le-niya of their spouses. Seeing their love for us, we decided not to part with them and serve them as a consolation. And in order for our life to be at least somewhat similar to the life of the holy hermits, we put it in our hearts to run away noisy conversations, being at home more often and taking care of the housework.”

To this, the venerable Ma-kariy said: “Indeed, God does not care whether someone is a girl, or a spouse, a monk or a layman.” -nin, but is looking only for a hearty attitude towards good deeds: He accepts it and descends from it The Holy Spirit speaks to everyone who wants to be saved; The Comforter, the Holy Spirit, directs his thoughts and will towards heavenly and eternal life.”

Sweet Julia-a-niya in our father-ness is such an example of goodness and purity of spirit. khov-noy, which in the deep Christian antiquity in the East, women appeared to the most-precious Ma- ka-riyu. Her life teaches us that in the world, in the family, among worries about children, husband and family, we can please Bo -gu no less than those who leave the world for the Mo-na-Styr cell: you just need to live according to the requirements of Christ- an-sky love and evangelical truth.

Sweet Julia-a-niya was born in Moscow among the nobility from well-off and poor-loving families. di-te-lei Justina and Ste-fa-ni-dy, by the last name of Nedyu-re-vyh. Her father served as a key person at the court of Tsar Ioan-na Va-si-lie-vi-cha. Justin and Stefa-ni-da lived in all goodness and purity, had sons and daughters, many slaves and great wealth. In this family, in the 30s of the 16th century, blessed Julia was born. She was six years old, after her mother, and was taken in by her grandmother from her mother’s side. Ana-sta-si-ey Lu-ki-noy, born in Du-ben-skaya, and taken from Moscow to the pre-de-ly city of Mu-ro-ma . But six years later, the grandmother of the righteous Julia-a-nii died and decided to take the two-twenty-year-old girl for her education si-rot-ku tet-ke her, and her do-che-ri, Na-ta-lye Ara-po-voy, who had many of her own children: seven girls and one son. It is known that siblings and siblings do not always live in peace and good harmony; the easier it is for villages and quarrels between distant relatives, if they live together . The righteous Julia-a-niya read her aunt, was always obedient to her in everything and was invariably humble before your two sisters, the host of the house, supposedly bearing their grievances and reproaches. But in her life, Iuli-a-niya was not like her sister: she did not like games, fun and mischief, like someone Youth would have fallen, but you would have gone back to school and prayer. This time in the world between Iuli-a-ni-ey and her sisters called not only the sisters, but yes- but among the slaves from de-va-tel-stvo and ridicule; under the influence of children and tet-ka cha-sto-ko-ri-la si-ro-tu. “Oh, crazy one,” said Julya-a-nii ho-zya-e-va-ro-d-stven-ki, often, “why are you in such a mo- How do you eat your body and gush about your girl’s beauty?” Yes, it’s very, very, very necessary to eat and drink without time. But always the meek, silent and submissive Julia-a-niya became firm and persistent when the -lo about the salvation of the soul and God-pleasing life. The ridicule and reproaches of relatives and slaves had no effect on Julia: she still led the most strict and car -a restrained life, games and cheerful songs did not attract her, but only discontent and perplexity. Alien to the girl-like fun and entertainment, Julia-a-niya, for some reason, devoted herself to work with redoubled force - that's why -ko-de-li-yam, which-ry-well-pro-bloom-in-noble-houses, especially-ben-but-spinning and sewing in hoop. Behind this is the righteous pro-si-zhi-va-la no-chi.

But not for herself ra-bo-ta-la Iuli-a-niya: she s-shi-va-la and s-shar-la of demon-sheltered orphans, widows and mothers there were a lot of sick people who were in that village. It was for them that she worked, without laying hands, without drinking, without eating, without sleeping. Rumor about her person's love spread throughout the surrounding area and aroused surprise at her kindness. no life. And what’s most amazing of all is your humility and boundless love for your neighbors. la only from the depths of my pure, Christian, meek heart. She didn't have any ru-co-di-te-leys or mentors; she did not know how to read the Holy Scripture and take lessons from it; During her childhood, she didn’t even visit the temple of God, since it wasn’t nearby.

In the 16th year of Juli-a-niya’s life, she was sacred to Po-ta-pi-e with God’s mu-rum nobleman Ge-or-gi-em Oso-ryi-ny in the village of La-za-re-ve, here is the rank of Oso-ryi-nyh. At the end of the wedding, the priest told the newlyweds a teaching about how they should live among themselves, how we must raise children in the fear of God, plant goodness between the do-mo-chad-tsa-mi and the community to organize a small church out of the family. The words are sacred deeply in the soul of Julia, and she followed them all her life. Her father-in-law Va-si-liy and father-in-law Ev-do-kiya were famous people at the royal court, gods, had many a stock of slaves and several well-established estates; besides Georgy, their only son, they had two daughters. Juli-a-niya with his ti-him, meek-kim ha-rak-te-rom, all-gdash-her kindness and with-ve-the-soon-with-re-la-love not only the bride and groom, but even the daughter-in-law, who usually don’t get along with their fiancées. I love Juli-a-niu and even distant relatives of the Oso-ryi and people close to them. She was searched for times in order to find out her character, but she was always welcome and kind -ro-toy, mole-ki-mi and soft-ki-mi from-ve-ta-mi bez-oru-zhi-va-la with-in-question-nik-kov and ma-lo-po-ma- lu received love and even those who at first did not trust it. So Iuli-a-niya took the most prominent place in her husband’s family and became the full-time mistress of the house.

The clutter in the house and household didn't catch all the attention of the blessed Julia, didn't it completely all her soul: getting up early in the morning or tired from the day's worries and worries before going to bed, she prayed for a long time God and laid down a hundred earthly clones and more; She also taught her husband to this simple and warm prayer. Ge-or-giya Oso-ryi often called for royal service in Ast-ra-khan and other distant places, and he did not home for a year, two or three. In separation from her husband, under the influence of natural grief, Julia, with special strength, went to work -du and mo-lit-ve. Often, for a hundred whole nights, she prayed, spun, or hooped; from the de-li-ya of their hands - yarn and five-personal sewing - July-a-niya pro-da-va-la and you-ru-chen-money-gi-da- wa-la beggar; however, like a skillful handicraft, blessed woman you-shi-va-la pe-le-ny, to donate them to the temples. She secretly shares her benefits from her sve-k-ra and sve-kro-vi. Nice-lo-stay-nu-sy-la-la at night with a faithful servant, caring about widows and orphans, like a dear mother, svo-i-mi ru-ka-mi omy-va-la, kor-mi-la, po-i-la and ob-shi-va-la. Ra-bam she pointed out the de-lo, but she was always with them las-ko-va and mole-ka, not na-zy-va-la slaves -and-me-nem, and always full of chri-sti-an-ski-mi name-on-mi. She didn’t demand services for herself from the slaves: no one gave her water on her hands, didn’t put her on, and didn’t take off her boots , as it happened with other nobles. If, according to custom, when guests were visiting, she had the opportunity to use the services of slaves, then with the departure of the guests she would... she said to herself: “Who am I that people, God’s creatures, serve me?” On the contrary, she herself was always ready to serve others: she wished that her slaves would have a good life food and decent clothes. But the righteous Julia-a-niya was not satisfied with the food and clothing of the servants: she was too old, so that there would be no quarrels and brawls between her servants, so that there would be peace and quiet in the king’s house, and God’s blessing. When slaves quarreled between themselves, Juli-a-niya often took the blame on herself and thus calmed down the hostiles. At the same time, she often said: “I often sin before God, and He, the Gracious One, forgives me. I too will endure the sins of my servants; Although they are under my control, in their souls they may be better than me and purer before God.” She never bothered to step into the footsteps of slaves, neither her husband, nor her father-in-law, who Is it right for being too condescending? When her skill and strength were not enough to cope with the corrupted servants and establish peace and quiet in the house , she fervently prayed to the Most Holy Virgin and the miracle-worker Niko-bark, asking for their help. In one of those difficult moments, Julia stood up to pray; The demons brought terror to her soul, and she, powerless, fell on the wall, and fell into a deep sleep. In a dream, she sees that a lot of evil spirits and weapons have come to her. “If you don’t give up what you’re doing,” said the de-mons, “we’ll kill you immediately.” Blessed Julia-a-niya prayed to God-ma-te-ri and to Nik-bark the miracle-do-tsu, and the saint of God appeared in pain -shay book and dispersed the enemies, who scattered like smoke; After that, he blessed sweet Julia and said: “My daughter, take heart and be strong, and don’t be afraid.” Dear goats! Christ ordered me to protect you from demons and evil people.”

Having woken up, Iuli-a-niya clearly saw the light of her husband, who came out of the door from the room and disappeared. She rushed after him, but behind the owls and behind the te-re-ma, everyone found themselves in their places. Julia realized that the Lord had really sent her heavenly protection, and she became stronger in her life. re and hope for God's help and with great diligence pro-dol-zha-la de la mi-lo-ser-dia and love for neighbors .

There was a great famine in the Russian land, and many people died from a lack of bread. (This is what we need to think about, the famine of 1570. Is-to-rik Ka-ram-zin depicts this terrible time like this: “Ka-za-elk, earth- for morning-ti-la si-lu plo-do-ro-dia, se-ya-li, but not with-bi-ra-li bread, and cold and for-su-ha gu-bi- li zhat-vu.Before-ro-go-vis-on, an unheard-of thing happened: a quarter of rye hundred-and-la in Moscow 60 al-tyn, or about 9 se-reb- red rubles. The poor crowded the markets, asking about the price of bread and water in the country. Nice -sh-nya osku-de-la: about her and those who before-le and themselves pi-ta-li-beggars. , like those, they died on the streets and on the roads. There was no evidence, but there were terrible villains -stations: famine secretly killed and ate each other. "a fatal disease in different places. The disaster lasted until 1572." Sweet-lo-sti-vaya Iuli-a-niya bra-la from her sve-kro-vi pi-shu-be for breakfast and half-day-ki and secretly once-da-va-la everyone is hungry and poor. The Holy Blood was surprised at this and said: “I’m glad that you’ve been eating so often, but I’m surprised that you’re not -re-me-nil your custom: before, when there was plenty of everything, you didn’t take food for the morning and afternoon, and I couldn’t you should be forced to do this. Now, when there is always a shortage of bread, you take both breakfast and half a day.” Blessed Julia-a-niya, so as not to reveal her secret sweetness, from ve-ti-la sve-blood: “When I didn’t grow - I'm sorry for the kids, I didn't want to eat like that; now I’m de-s-s-le-la from childbirth, and I want to eat not only during the day, but also at night, but I’m ashamed to ask you eat cabbage soup at night.”

The mother-in-law was very pleased that the bride began to eat more, and began to send her food at night. Sweet Juli-a-niya pri-ni-ma-la pi-schu and all the time-da-va-la secretly hungry. When one of the beggars in the vicinity died, Blessed Iuli-a-niya went to wash and clean up the ko-no-ka, po-ku-pa-la sa-van, yes-va-la funds for po-ho-ro-ny. She prayed for the soul of everyone known to her or unknown to her, who lived in the village of La-za- re-ve.

Following the famine, a new disaster befell Rus': a strong pestilence began on people from the disease “on the arrow” (one of the -dov yaz-you, maybe, Siberian, or Chu-we). The terrified-wives lived in houses and did not allow sick people to visit them, as well as bo-I -they wanted to touch their clothes. But sweet Iuli-a-niya secretly from her f-k-ra and her f-k-ro-vi ru-ka-mi-we-la in the baths of the sick, le -chi-la them as best I could, and prayed to the Lord for their recovery. And when someone died from the orphans and the poor, she ru-ka-mi about them and on-no-ma-la from-but -stretch them for burial.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law of Iuli-a-nii died in extreme old age and, according to the custom of our ancestors, cut their hair on their deathbed. went to mo-na-she-stvo. Iuli-a-nii’s husband was not at home at that time: he remained for more than three years in the royal service in Ast-ra-kha-ni. Blessed Julia-a-niya honestly rowed Va-si-lia and Ev-do-kiyu Oso-ryi-nyh, gave-la for the repose of their souls sche-d- I’m darling, I’m behind the church with you and within 40 days I’m standing in the church ly for monks, priests, widows, orphans and beggars, as well as plentiful supplies for prisons mom. And every year thereafter they celebrated the memory of their dead fathers and fathers and many relatives of their estates. this is a good thing.

Blessed Julia-a-niya lived with her husband in peace and quiet for many years, and the Lord sent her ten sons and three daughters -ri. Of these, four sons and two children died in infancy. She grew up with the rest and was happy with her children.

But the enemy of mankind sowed enmity between adult children and the servants of the blessed woman, despite all the la-nie her to reconcile the enmity. And so her eldest son was even killed by a slave; Soon, during the royal service, her other son was killed. It would have been bitter for mother Iuli-a-nii’s heart to grieve, but she didn’t cry, didn’t tear -sy on the head, how did other women do then: incessant prayer and cuteness under the strengthening -is her strength. The father was sad about the children, but the blessed woman consoled him. Under the influence of her family's grief, Julia-a-niya began to ask her husband to let her go to the mo-nasty and even for- revealed that he would leave secretly, but Ge-or-giy pointed out to her the wonderful words of Kos-we, the pre-sw-te-ra, and other teachers fathers: “Black robes will not save you, if we do not live in our own way, and white robes will not save you, if Do you do what pleases God? If someone goes to the monastery, not wanting to worry about their children, he is not looking for God’s love, but for peace. The children, osi-ro-tev-shi, often cry and curse ro-di-te-ley, saying: “Why, did we give birth to “Are you in trouble and suffering?” If it’s good to feed other people’s orphans, you should not kill your own.” The husband of the righteous Julia-a-nii, a literate man, read to her other places from the spiritual literature, according to but he didn’t convince her, and she said: “Let the will of the Lord be done!”

After this, the spouses began to live like brother and sister: the husband slept on the same bed, and the wife lay down on the stove, under-placing itself instead of stacking firewood with its ribs up, and iron keys under its side. So she fell asleep for an hour or two. When everything in the house was for-ti-ha-lo, blessed Julia-a-niya stood up for prayer and spoke in it often whole nights, and in the mornings I went to the church for morning service and mass. From the church, sweet-hearted Julia came to the house and took care of the housekeeping. On weekdays and Wednesdays, the blessed taste once, on Fridays, I didn’t have any food and removed it. I went to a separate room for prayer, having arranged a place for my work at home . She allowed herself to drink one cup of tea only on Saturdays, when the spirit of the widows was cor- mi-la , orphans and beggars.

Ten years later, after the end of her husband’s life, Julia’s husband died. Having well-groomed and kneaded him according to custom, like a father-in-law and a mother-in-law, sweet Iuli-a-niya was all at her best. to God and our neighbors. Since the children were grieving so much about their father, she, consoling them, said: “Don’t grieve, my children! The death of your father is a lesson to us sinners; seeing her and expecting the end for yourself, be kind, love your friend most of all friend and create something cute.”

Not only did Blessed Julia-a-niya teach others with words; she tried to live up to the great Christian movements, the saints, about whom we read She has a husband and literate people. In the free-from-home-cares, mi-well-you, blessed Julia-a-niya, began to pray, intensified -sti-las. But most of all she was concerned about the affairs of the sweet-hearted. Often she did not have a single coin left to distribute to the poor; then she borrowed money and dressed poor people. In the winter, she took money from the children for clothes, but she kept giving money to the poor, and she herself went without warm clothes. -dy and in sa-po-gah on bo-su no-gu. In order to stand up for the Lord and, feeling pain, to blaze stronger in prayer to God, so that I am glad. comfort and consolation, she, under her bare feet in sa-pog, under-cla-dy-va-la, beat-up caps and a nut-hot speed-lu-pu and so ho-di-la.

It was an unusually cold winter, so that the ground even cracked due to the frost. For some time, due to the cold, Julie-a-niya did not go to church, but only prayed at home. One day, the priest of the village of La-za-re-va came to the temple early in the morning and heard a voice from the icon of God: “Go and tell sweet Iuli-a-nii, why doesn’t she go to church? And her home prayer pleases God, but not like the church. Look at her: she’s already at least 60 years old, and the Holy Spirit is on her.”

The priest, in great fear, ran to Julia-a-nia, fell at her feet, asked to forgive him and told everyone about his ex appears to him. The blessed woman was very upset and said to the saint: “You have fallen into temptation when you speak like that. How can I, who have sinned before the Lord, be worthy of such a call?” And she took an oath from him and from everyone in front of whom he spoke, not to talk about the vision, either during her life or after her death. She herself went to the temple, served mo-le-ben before the icon of Bo-go-ma-te-ri, and worshiped her and she cried and prayed before the Zealous Intercession.

The blessed wife lived in widowhood for nine years; During this time, she distributed almost all her property to the poor. She left the house only the most necessary things and arranged household chores so that they -but the year didn’t go to another one. All that was left from the year of obi-ho-da, she immediately de-la-la between ni-schi-mi, si-ro-ta-mi and poor-nya-ka-mi.

The unhappy kingdom of Bo-ri-sa Go-du-no-va has come. The Lord has brought upon the Russian land an extraordinary hunger: the hungry ones ate all sorts of carrion, even people -ve-che-skim body; Countless numbers of people died of hunger. There was no food in the Oso-rya’s house either, since the seedlings did not come up, the cattle died from lack of feed. Blessed Julia-a-niya pray-li-la children and slaves not to take anything from someone else. She sold everything that was left in the house from clothes, livestock and food, and bought bread with the money she received. ba, she fed them to her family; despite the terrible poverty, in spite of the poor; and none of them left her with empty hands. When there was no more bread left, sweet Iuli-a-niya did not lose heart, but everyone raised her hopes - the power of God. She-you-needed-to-re-settle in the Nizhe-rod-skie-de-ly, in the village of Voch-ne-vo, where the rest - There was still at least some kind of piss. But soon here, too, famine developed in full force: Julia-a-nia, not having the means to feed her slaves, let them go free. liu. Some took advantage of their freedom, while others remained with their mistress to endure need and grief. She told the remaining servants with her to so-bi-rat the le-be-du, rip off the de-re-va il (elm genus) co-ru and make bread out of them, which she eats with her children and slaves. According to her prayer, bread made from swan with bark turned out to be so sweet, and the beggars who... because of the hunger there were an unusually large number of people who came to me -lo-sti-voy Iuli-a-nii. With her, she asked the beggars: “Why do you go to the house of Julia-a-nii? She and her children are barely alive from hunger.” What a pity about this: “We go to many villages and sometimes we get clean bread, but we don’t know the bread.” it’s more sweet than this widow’s.”

So-se-di, who had plenty of bread, should you ask Juli-a-nii for bread from the le-be-dy with swarm and were convinced that it was very sweet. But can this be explained by the ability of the slaves of Juli-a-nii to tell those things? Having experienced the same need for two years, the righteous Julia-a-niya was not embarrassed, did not rise up, did not I was in a good mood, but I was happy and happy, as always. One thing that upset her was that there was no temple in Voch-ne-ve, and due to her old age she could not visit the temple nearby se-la. But, remembering Kor-ni-liya sot-nik, how his home-made prayer turned out to be pleasing to God, blessed grief- what was given to her and she soon found peace of mind.

On December 26, 1603, mi-lo-sti-vaya Iuli-a-niya fell ill; Her illness lasted six days, but she only lay down during the day, but she got up without any support and prayed . Her slaves laughed at her, saying: “What a pain this is!” During the day he lies down, but at night he gets up and prays!” But the blessed mole made fun of her: “Why are you laughing? Don’t you know that the Lord also requires spiritual prayers out of pain?”

January 2, at dawn, sweet Iuli-a-niya called her spirit-holy father no Afa-na-siya, partook of the Holy Ta-in, sat down on her bed, called to her children, servants and villagers -chan. She taught a lot about the good life around her and, among other things, said: “Back in her youth.” I tried very hard to get the Angel's image, but I didn't get it due to my sins. .. But glory to the righteous judgment of God!”

She pri-ka-za-la for-go-to-look at her ka-di-lo and put-li-live in it la-da-well, said goodbye to the children , served as a servant and knew us, stood up straight on the table, crossed herself three times, wrapped herself in a rosary near his hands and said the last words: “Glory to God for everything! In Your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit!”

When there was a blessed woman in the State, everyone saw how around her head there was a -by-the-golden crown that is written on the icons of the saints. When we talked about the body and lived in a separate cage, we saw burning candles at night (although no one lit them) and the feeling of bliss that flowed from the rooms where she was lying -la blah-zhen-naya. On the night that followed the day of the Dormition, sweet Julia-a-niya appeared to a slave and asked her to take herself away from Voch-ne-va to Mu-rom-skie pre-de-ly and to live in the church of the great La-za-rya near my husband. The much-labored body of the blessed woman was placed in a wooden coffin, taken to the village of La-za-re-vo, in you-rekh vers-stakh from Mu-ro-ma, and rowed on January 10, 1604.

Later, over the grave of sweet Julia, her children and relatives erected a warm church in the name of Ar-hi-stra-ti ha Mi-ha-i-la. When on August 8, 1614, the son of the blessed Ge-or-gy died, and in the mustache-fingers of the Oso-ry-nykh, under the church-view, to find a place for his burial, they found the coffin of sweet Julia unharmed, but they didn’t know whose it was. 10 August, at the top of the pe-va-niya over Ge-or-gi-em, when the participants went to Oso’s house - zealous to knead the coffin, the lovable experienced women sat down from the lid of the coffin and saw that it was full blah-o-n-go-world. After the guests left the house, the women announced what they had seen of the Oso-ryan family; The children of the mi-lo-sti-voy Iuli-a-nii came to the coffin and saw the same thing as the women. In blissful fear, they went to the small co-su-dets of the world and took him to the Mu-Rom cathedral church -kov, ver-ro-yat-but, for examination; and during the day it was like fresh kvass, but at night it was thick and like a butter bug. rya-but-th color. But I couldn’t look at all the cute Iuli-a-nii from horror: they only saw that we were unharmed but her gi and thighs; you didn't see that there was a log on the lid of the coffin, under-supporting a church stove. That same night, many people heard ringing in the church of the righteous La-za-rya and ran to the temple, thinking that they were beating on -baht, but there was no heat. There was a feeling as if bliss was coming from the coffin. Word of this event quickly spread throughout the surrounding area; many came to the grave, gave themselves peace and received relief from various diseases .

When the world was all disorganized, the sick began to take sand from under the coffin of sweet Iuli-a-nii, about-ti -they were happy and, according to their faith, they received relief from their needs. So, the Mu-Rom citizen Jeremiah Cher-vev arrived at the tomb of sweet Julia-a-niya with his wife and two sick people children: son Andrey and his daughters had blood flowing from their hands, feet and elbows for more than two years, and they couldn’t even get their hands under them to the mouth. From-singing mo-le-ben and pa-ni-hi-doo at the coffin of Iuli-a-nii and wiping off the children with a sand-com, the ro-di-te-re-came back to- my; their children slept all day and night, upon awakening they could freely be baptized, and after a week you were all well ve-whether

A peasant from the village of Ma-ka-ro-voy was terribly ill with teeth and for a long time could not eat, drink, or work. According to the same, he came alone at noon to the tomb of sweet Julia, and prayed to the blessed woman, you rubbed the dog’s teeth and came home healthy.

But in the village of La-za-re-vo the fire engulfed four of the people covered with mine; An unusually strong wind was blowing, and the fire had already begun to approach the church. The priest ran into the temple, then murmured and grabbed the earth from under the coffin of Julia-a-nii in both hands and began to throw it into the fire. Then the wind changed, the heat began to subside little by little, and finally it was perfect -til-xia.

A peasant from the village of Ko-le-di-na, named Kli-ment, had an ulcer on his leg, called “po-arrow”, from which a lot of people died. The patient, having heard about the miracles of Julia-a-niy, ordered him to take himself to her coffin, and made a prayer , wiped away the ulcer with the sand and soon you were well.

Living in Mu-ro-me on po-sa-de ra-ba bo-yari-na Mat-feya Cher-ka-so-va, named Maria, became blind. She was brought to the r-ka of Iuli-a-nii, from the service of mo-le-ben and pa-ni-hi-du, and she felt-wa-la se- in vain, so that on the return route I could already pick mushrooms and berries.

One 10-year-old fell into relaxation and went blind. He was brought to the church by Ar-khan-ge-la Mi-ha-i-la, with-ver-shi-li mo-le-ben at the tomb of the righteous Iuli-a- niya, and the patient suddenly saw a burning candle, and after a little time he fully understood.

At Agafia, wife of Fe-o-do-ra, serving at the church Ar-khan-ge-la Mi-ha-i-la kli-ri-kom, from-nya The hand moved so that the patient could not move it. The unfortunate one appeared in a dream, sweet Yulia-a-niya and said: “Go to the church Ar-khan-ge-la Mi-ha-i-la and come.” lie down to the icon of Julia-a-nii.” Then she called the place where the patient had two coins, and told her to give them to the priest so that they could be -lived to the icon. The sick woman used up everything, served mo-le-ben and pa-ni-hi-du, drank holy water, wiped off the dog com and wasted.

The Moscow nobleman Joseph Kovkov was terribly ill and no longer expected to survive. Then the idea occurred to him to send his servant Ani-kiya to the righteous woman Julia: the servant completed the mo-le- Ben for the health of the great state, took holy water and sand, and when Kov-kov sprinkled it on himself in the middle of nowhere with water and wiped it off with sand, and immediately you were well. A dedicated person on foot from Moscow came to the village of La-za-re-vo to fetch sweet Iulia for yes-ro-va-nie health and donation to the temple of Ar-khan-ge-la Mi-ha-i-la sacred vestments.

May 8, 1649, a woman from the Vyaz-ni-kovo region, Elena Va-si-lye-va, became blind and walking in her youth -to many miracle-workers and holy places with a prayer for healing. Finally, it occurred to her to go to the village of La-za-re-vo and live near the grave of sweet Iuli-a-nii. . From-serving mo-le-ben, the sick one has seen; she stayed in Mu-ro-m for two years and tirelessly came to pray to the relics of sweet Iulia in the days her mind and memory

Another biography of righteous Juliania Lazarevskaya, Murom

The righteous Juli-a-niya La-za-rev-skaya, Mu-rom-skaya, is an amazing example of herself female Russian christian-ki. She was before the court of Justi-na Nedyu-ro-va. From a young age, she lived blissfully, lived strictly and spent a lot of time praying. Ra-but osi-ro-tev, she was from-da-na on-the-pe-che-re-relatives, who didn’t like her and laughed -lis. Juli-a-niya sn-si-la endured everything and without-ro-pot-but. Her love for people was expressed in the fact that she often cared for the sick and sewed clothes for the poor. The good and good life of the girl attracted the attention of the owner of the village of La-za-re-vo (not far from Mu-ro-ma) Yuri Oso-rya-na, who soon married her. Give birth to a husband who loves a meek bride-to-be and transfers the management of the house into her hands. Do-mash-nie for-you did not interrupt the spiritual movements of Julia-a-nii. She always had time to pray and was always ready to feed the orphans and clothe the poor. During a strong hunger, she herself remains without food, from-da-wa-la the last ku-juice about . When, after the famine, the epidemic began, Iuli-a-niya devoted herself entirely to caring for the sick .

The righteous Julia-a-nia had six sons and a daughter. After the death of her two sons, she decided to retire to a monastery, but her husband persuaded her to stay in the world in order to -should-repeat the children. According to the testimony of the son of Iuli-a-nii - Kal-li-stra-ta Oso-rya-na, at her last life, she is at this time became even more demanding of yourself: strengthen the fast, pray, sleep at night for no more than two hours, according to -lo-alive under the go-lo-woo-le-no.

After the death of her husband, Julia gave her share of the inheritance to the poor. Living in extreme poverty, she nevertheless always had life, greetings, and for all the blessings -ri-la Gos-po-da. The saint was honored with the presence of the saint Nikolai Chu-do-creator and the instruction of God Ma -te-ri in the temple prayer. When the righteous Julia-a-niya went to the Lord, she was well-next to her husband in the church of St. -go La-za-rya. Her daughter, shi-mo-na-hi-nya Fe-o-do-siya, is also here. In 1614, there were about-the-powers of the righteous, who came from the good world, from whom A lot of research has been done.


Troparion of Righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya, Murom

Enlightened by Divine grace, / and after death you showed the lightness of your life: / you exude fragrant ointment for the healing of all who are sick, / with faith you come to your relics, / righteous mother Juli Any, / pray to Christ God / / to save our souls.

Translation: Having been enlightened by the Divine, and after death you showed the purity of your life, for you exude fragrance to all the sick for healing, who come to you with faith, righteous mother Juliana, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Troparion of Righteous Juliania Lazarevskaya, Murom

Having taken up your cross,/ you followed Christ through almsgiving, fasting and prayer,/ all-praiseworthy merciful Juliana,/ and to all who live in the world, you have revealed the rule of life,/ even more so to the Most High e Having inherited the Kingdom, / constantly pray // for our souls to be saved.

Translation: Taking your cross on your shoulder, you followed Christ () with alms, fasting and prayer, the merciful Juliana, glorified by everyone, and to everyone living in the world, she was an example of life, therefore, having inherited the Heavenly Kingdom, constantly pray for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion of Righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya, Murom

Let us sing the praises of Saint Juliana, the quick-to-hear helper of all who are in trouble and illness,/ for you will live pleasingly in the world/ and show alms to the poor without measure,// for this sake you will find good give miracles by God's knowledge.

Translation: Always ready to hear us, our helper to all who are in troubles and illnesses, let us sing to Saint Juliana, for she lived in the world pleasing to God and showed immeasurable mercy to the poor, therefore she received the grace of miracles.

Prayer of Righteous Juliania Lazarevskaya, Murom

Our consolation and praise, Juliana, God-wise dove, like a phoenix, gloriously flourishing, blessed with holy virtues and possessed of silver, in the image of whom you flew to the heights of the Kingdom of Heaven ! We joyfully offer songs of praise to your memory today, because Christ has crowned you with miraculous incorruption and glorified you with the grace of healing. Vulnered by the love of Christ, from your youth you preserved purity of soul and body, but you loved fasting and abstinence, and in the image of the grace that helps you, you trampled all the passions of this world. Thou art, and like a bee, having wisely sought out the flower of virtues, the sweet honey of the Holy Spirit in the heart You instilled yours and, while still in the flesh, you were granted visits to the Mother of God. We diligently pray to you: pray, madam, may the glorified God in the Trinity, through your prayers, grant us many years of health and salvation, silence and abundance of the fruits of the earth, and for our enemies victory and overcoming nia. By your intercession, reverend mother, preserve the Russian country and this city and all Christian cities and countries unharmed from all the slander and intrigues of the enemy. Remember, madam, your wretched servant, who stands before you today in prayer, but throughout your entire life, you have sinned more than all other people, both bringing warm repentance for them and leaving your prayers to God those who ask will receive sins, as if yes, sinful passions have been freed, singing thanksgiving to you Let us always strive to bring and glorify all the good things, the Giver God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist of Righteous Juliania Lazarevskaya, Murom

Kontakion 1

Chosen by God, the righteous and merciful Juliana, in the land of Muromstey, like a bright star that has risen, a nourisher of the poor and a prayer book for people to Christ God, glorifying the Lord who glorified you, with songs of praise we will sing of you, who showed the image of your spiritual feat to all Russian wives. But you, who have boldness towards the Lord, with your prayers free us from all troubles, calling with love:

Ikos 1

From your youth you loved the angelic monastic life, blessed Juliana, and you desired to serve God alone with all your heart. Otherwise, by His glance, the Lord has provided you with a different path of salvation, so that you may please Him in an honest and holy life. For this reason, when you reached the age of marriage, you were given to a virtuous and rich husband, named George, and were quickly married in the church of the righteous Lazarus. Then all your spouse’s relatives marvel at your intelligence, humility and obedience. We, marveling at such a wonderful providence of God, joyfully cry out to you:

Rejoice, blessed child of the parents of the poor-loving Justin and Stefanida.

Rejoice, having lost your mother, you were raised outside the shelter of your father in faith and piety.

Rejoice, bright star, kindled by God in the village of Lazarev.

Rejoice, fragrant lily, returned to the silence of the Murom forests.

Rejoice, you who showed an image of good behavior to your peers.

Rejoice, pure lamb, who sought the monastic rank from childhood.

Rejoice, meek novice, given to her husband by God’s will.

Rejoice, you who spent your life in humility and good deeds.

Rejoice, you who have shown unfeigned love for God and your neighbors.

Rejoice, beloved of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Rejoice, you who lived as an angel on earth.

Rejoice, for now the Angels rejoice in the heavenly abodes.

Rejoice, merciful Juliana, praise and adornment of Russian women.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the enemy of the Christian family your good deeds, all-night vigil and fasting, he desired to confuse your soul with fear. You, Mother Juliania, having placed all your hope in God and His Most Pure Mother, called upon St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help. And Saint Nicholas appeared, holding a great book, dispelling the demons, blessing you and saying: “My daughter, take courage and be strong, for Christ commanded me to keep you from demons and evil people.” At the same time, thanking God, you joyfully sang the angelic song: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The human mind wonders how you, blessed mother, dwell in the vanity of life, how you calmly dwelt in the heavenly realms with your soul, and how you received abundant wealth, as if alien and handed to you by God; Having bore your cross in honor of your honest brother, you showed the height of virtues and raised your children in faith and piety. We honor the grace given to you by God and magnify you with love:

Rejoice, having lived with your husband in love and piety.

Rejoice, you who saved your husband through prayer and meekness.

Rejoice, having strengthened your children in doing good.

Rejoice, you who enlightened them with godly words.

Rejoice, merciful lady, who served her servants in the gospel.

Rejoice, righteous mother, having lived in the world and been honored with holiness.

Rejoice, overjoyed by the appearance of St. Nicholas.

Rejoice, saved by him from unclean spirits.

Rejoice, you who bravely endured the demonic obsession.

Rejoice, you who have destroyed the slander and intrigues of the evil one.

Rejoice, tender prayers, like fragrant incense offered to God.

Rejoice, guide to those who live in the world for salvation.

Rejoice, merciful Juliana, praise and adornment of Russian women.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Almighty has granted you the strength to bear your heavy cross with patience, when the pure souls of your four sons and two daughters, in infancy, like birds of heaven, fly to God. But you, O God-wise mother, like God’s turtledove, your soul rushing to the villages of paradise, you thanked God for everything and edified your surviving children with love and prayer, and for those who have fallen asleep with the righteous Job, you tenderly say: “The Lord has given, the Lord has taken away.” . Now my little children glorify God with the Angels, and beseech His warmth for their parents, bringing from pure lips the seraphic song: Alleluia.”

Ikos 3

Having a heart that is merciful to all, filled with grace and love, truly a merciful mother, Juliana, you appeared during the days of God’s visit to the Russian country during a severe famine. You, yourself in need, gave away all your possessions, fed the hungry with bread and gave alms to them, and you were protection and consolation for all those who suffered. Likewise, we, asking for your mercy and intercession in our needs and sorrows, cry out from the depths of our hearts:

Rejoice, like gold in the furnace, tested by the fire of sorrows and temptations.

Rejoice, you who bore your cross with patience and joy.

Rejoice, O dormition of your loved ones, as you accept a short separation.

Rejoice, you who asked them for the Kingdom of Heaven from the Lord.

Rejoice, who in the days of famine illuminated the Russian land with the light of your love.

Rejoice, you who feed the hungry with bread, who delivered them from death and torment.

Rejoice, filled with mercy and love for suffering people.

Rejoice, who in the form of poor brethren showed mercy to Christ our God.

Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of mercy.

Rejoice, for having given away your property, you have found heavenly wealth.

Rejoice, food and consolation for the hungry and thirsty.

Rejoice, the cause of the salvation of many human souls.

Rejoice, merciful Juliana, praise and adornment of Russian women.

Kontakion 4

Our fatherland was filled with a storm of troubles and misfortunes, when, because of their sins, people were punished with the death penalty, and therefore I locked myself away in many houses, and I did not let wounded relatives near me, and I did not touch their vestments. But you, blessed mother, washing the sick with your hands in the bath, you prayed to God for their healing, and if someone died, you saw them off to eternal rest, you gave silver for burial and a lot of alms, and you did magpies for them. Now, having received from God the blessed kingdom, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, continually sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing about the cruel murder of your son, you were stung by your mother’s heart, God-wise Juliana. However, you were not so upset by his death as you were saddened by his sudden death; You also grieved for his murderer. When your other beloved son was quickly killed in the service of the warriors, remembering with tears of tenderness the sufferings of Christ Himself, in warm prayers to Him you were strengthened and you dissolved your sorrow with joy, as if you would, according to the word of the Apostle, be an example to all believers. We, marveling at your humble faith, with love magnify you:

Rejoice, long-suffering mother, who entrusted your departed children into the hands of the Lord.

Rejoice, you have forgiven the murderer of your son, like Christ those who crucified Him.

Rejoice, you who bore the light and good yoke of Christ.

Rejoice, you who loved your neighbor more than yourself.

Rejoice, you who endured much sorrow with thanksgiving to God.

Rejoice, joy and consolation for those who mourn.

Rejoice, having conquered the evil of this world with patience and prayer.

Rejoice, having found consolation in the Lord alone.

Rejoice, visitor to those who lie in infirmity.

Rejoice, our refuge in sorrows and illnesses.

Rejoice, you who have shown the oil of consolation to all those who cry and those in need.

Rejoice, you who are able to show compassion for us in our sorrows.

Rejoice, merciful Juliana, praise and adornment of Russian women.

Kontakion 5

You appeared like a god-like star, the city of Murom and our whole earth, illuminating your grace, righteous Juliana, and shining to all, and instructing all who hope to find the salvation of their souls in a world of turmoil. For this reason, you teach us that there is only one true path to salvation in this world, which is to endure Christ for Christ’s sake with faith, hope and love, singing to Him the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing your husband, as if he longed to hide from the world in the monastery of monks, begging you not to leave him with his five children. But you, meek lamb, humbly cutting off your will, you obediently said: “The will of the Lord be done,” and again, having accepted the cross of achievement given to you from God in marriage, you increased your vigils, fasts and prayers, going to church for matins and to the liturgy, and holding their house, and helping widows and orphans. We, remembering your virtues, cry out to you with tenderness:

Rejoice, you have shown your love for God by your love for your neighbors.

Rejoice, you who spent your days and nights in tireless prayer.

Rejoice, you who honored your husband’s parents with love and obedience.

Rejoice, loving mother of your children.

Rejoice, you who showed the image of a true Christian marriage with your spouse.

Rejoice, pious family giver of peace and blessings.

Rejoice, true guardian of abstinence and purity.

Rejoice, teacher of virtuous and righteous living.

Rejoice, for you lived holy and godly on earth.

Rejoice, for you have brought much fruit of virtues to God.

Rejoice, bold intercessor of all who call on your name.

Rejoice, bright lamp of your fatherland.

Rejoice, merciful Juliana, praise and adornment of Russian women.

Kontakion 6

The preacher of your many-sorrowful life appeared your son Callistratus, who told the world your secret and wondrous feat, how, after the death of your husband, having rejected everything in the world, you desired to please the only God, and fasting and giving immeasurable alms, you yourself went without warm clothes in the winter. , putting on barefoot boots. In the same way, the city of Murom rejoices in you, righteous Juliana, and the Church of God triumphs brightly, singing to the hero of God the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Grace shines into your heart with the light of good deeds, O holy mother. “A city cannot hide, standing on top of a mountain,” so you too, fighting a good fight, choosing poverty instead of wealth, instead of rest, work, prayer and night vigils; In the same way, you were honored to be accepted into the palaces of heaven with the wise virgins, where you never cease to pray for all who honor your memory and cry out to you like this:

Rejoice, quiet-winged dawn, illuminating the Murom region.

Rejoice, thou who wearest the God-given veil of Lazarus.

Rejoice, you who gathered the oil of good deeds with the wise virgins.

Rejoice, you who have truly shown heavenly love in yourself.

Rejoice, thou who hast subdued thy flesh to the spirit.

Rejoice, you who showed us the image of non-covetousness.

Rejoice, having adorned your soul with many virtues.

Rejoice, filling those who love you with unspeakable joy.

Rejoice, God's chosen one, who has ascended to the heights of perfection.

Rejoice, meek little dove, who has flown to heavenly heights.

Rejoice, guardian of great mercy and compassion.

Rejoice, zealous and favorable prayer book for our souls.

Rejoice, merciful Juliana, praise and adornment of Russian women.

Kontakion 7

Wanting to serve God with all your soul after the death of your husband, you were jealous of the angelic life, righteous Juliana, you added feats to deeds, and moreover, imitating Christ, you labored in humility, love and meekness, walking the path of salvation, leading to the heavenly heavenly fatherland, singing unceasingly angelic song: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new sign of the height of your life, showing all the Creator and Master Lord: for having distributed warm clothes to the poor, in the cold winter you stopped going to church, but in the house you offered up prayers to God. One morning, the priest who came to the temple of the righteous Lazarus heard a voice from the icon of God Mater: “Hey, you are more merciful than Juliana: why doesn’t he go to church to pray? And her house prayer is favorable, but not like church prayer; You should honor her, for she is no less than sixty years old and the Holy Spirit rests on her.” But you, merciful mother, directed your feet to the temple of God, kissing the icon of the Mother of God with warm prayers and singing a prayer service. For this reason, bring people back, rejoicing, as the Queen of Heaven Herself loves you so much, glorifying you:

Rejoice, beloved of the Most Holy Virgin Mary.

Rejoice, overshadowed by Her Protection.

Rejoice, you who were named merciful by the Mother of God.

Rejoice, not from man, but from the Mother of God herself, who received glory.

Rejoice, Zealous Intercessor, reverent admirer.

Rejoice, chosen Mother of God.

Rejoice, you who offered warm prayers to the Mother of God before the icon.

Rejoice, as the dew of heaven, filled with the grace of God.

Rejoice, dwelling place of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, our hope is strong in God and the Mother of God.

Rejoice, having pleased God with prayers and alms.

Rejoice, you who have acquired great boldness towards Him.

Rejoice, merciful Juliana, praise and adornment of Russian women.

Kontakion 8

You thought of being a wanderer and a stranger in this world, Mother Juliania, and also putting aside all care for earthly riches and imitating the sisters of the righteous Lazarus, you nourished many poor, sick and orphans, in whose person you served Christ Himself, like Martha caring for them, in spirit you loved part of Marya. Now you and the Angels dwell in eternal glory and sing with a voice of joy the victorious song to Christ our God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

The entire Russian country was filled with sorrow and weeping during the great famine, and countless people were killed by famine. But you, merciful Juliana, having sold all your property for living, you gave alms, and you did not let go of a single thing from those who asked. When the grain in your house dried up, you commanded your servants to gather quinoa and tree bark, make bread from them, and make sweet bread through your prayers. For this reason, we magnify you with love:

Rejoice, wanderer who sought the mountainous Fatherland.

Rejoice, thou who has complacently endured much sorrow.

Rejoice, ambulance to the needy.

Rejoice, compassionate trustee of the poor and needy.

Rejoice, you who gave away all your possessions according to the word of the Lord.

Rejoice, you who have mercifully done good to those near and far.

Rejoice, honest vessel, keep the oil of God’s mercy in it.

Rejoice, you who warm us with the warmth of your love.

Rejoice, those who call upon you as a zealous intercessor.

Rejoice, invisible representative in the sorrows and suffering of those who exist.

Rejoice, thou who through almsgiving and spiritual deeds has acquired the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, you who teach us to give alms.

Rejoice, merciful Juliana, praise and adornment of Russian women.

Kontakion 9

Every human and angelic nature was amazed at your great feat, righteous Juliana, for you showed an equal life with the angels on earth, you were the home of the Holy Spirit, and through many alms you found grace from God, saying: “Blessed are you, for you will receive mercy.” Moreover, now your bright soul rises from the Angels, singing a grateful song to God who strengthened you: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The branches of the multi-proclamation are perplexed by the right to praise your deeds, which you have done on earth. When your repose was approaching, then you, O blessed mother, called upon your children, chastising them and saying: “Children, strive and have love for one another, as Christ loved us”; and having twisted the rosary around your hand, you said: “Glory to God for the sake of all, in your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit,” and you gave up your holy soul in the hand of God, and all those gathered saw a circle of gold at your head, as if on written in icons of saints. We, in reverence for your blessed death, sing to you:

Rejoice, having loved the Lord with all your heart from your youth.

Rejoice, having remained faithful to Him to the end.

Rejoice, thou who has lived God-pleasingly in the midst of the world.

Rejoice, having pleased God with alms and prayers.

Rejoice, holy and reverent one who ended her earthly life.

Rejoice, thou who has received the crown of immortality from the Lord.

Rejoice, you who have migrated from earth to the heavenly abode.

Rejoice, you who have joined the ranks of the holy women there.

Rejoice, O saint of God, for your wondrous life, like a shining sun.

Rejoice, glorified by your miracles from God.

Rejoice, for through your intercession with Christ God you have given us eternal salvation.

Rejoice, for you offer Him the incense of your prayers for all Russian virgins and wives.

Rejoice, merciful Juliana, praise and adornment of Russian women.

Kontakion 10

Wanting to save your soul, merciful Juliana, you walked along a narrow and sorrowful path, and so you inherited the Kingdom of Heaven and you died as a true disciple of Christ God, having fulfilled His commandments: with those who wept in repentance, you found consolation for yourself; through meekness towards all you inherited the land of the meek. , through love of poverty and alms you have received pardon from the Lord, through the purity of your heart you have been vouchsafed to see God, and now sing to Him with all the saints the victorious song: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

An insurmountable wall appeared to the faithful, who resorted to your quick intercession, when your honest relics were found, Saint Juliana. And people saw your tomb full of fragrant myrrh, and many, anointed with that myrrh, received healing from various ailments. In the same way, we, sinners, now flowing to the race of your relics, pray: intercede and save us with your prayers from temptations and sorrows, troubles and misfortunes, so we cry to you:

Rejoice, glorified by God by the incorruption of your relics.

Rejoice, you who have covered our land with the radiance of your miracles.

Rejoice, faithful performer of the Gospel commandments.

Rejoice, eternal joy with Christ, partaker.

Rejoice, you who have settled in the heavenly city through spiritual poverty.

Rejoice, having received eternal consolation through touched tears.

Rejoice, you who hungered and thirsted for truth, now enjoying heavenly bliss.

Rejoice, you who inherited the land of promise with a spirit of meekness.

Rejoice, for through the works of mercy you have received bliss from the Lord.

Rejoice, for with a pure heart you now see God face to face.

Rejoice, having entered into the Kingdom of Heaven through the patience of righteousness.

Rejoice, for your reward is many in Heaven.

Rejoice, merciful Juliana, praise and adornment of Russian women.

Kontakion 11

With faith and love we offer all-contrite singing to you, most holy Juliana, we glorify and magnify our God, who has glorified you and is wondrous in His saints, who has given us such a merciful intercessor and healer of ailments, and we pray to you: preserve the Russian people in all prosperity and purity and keep us from Every evil situation, let us live peacefully and serenely in our country, and sing with gratitude to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

You have shone, like a lamp placed not hidden, but on the candlestick, filled with the oil of faith, hope and love, especially Christian patience, mercy and abstinence, not just in the land of Muromstei, but also all of God-saved Rus', you have illuminated the rays of your God-pleasing life and You emanate many miracles of healing from your incorruptible relics, giving comfort and joy to all the faithful who cry out to you like this:

Rejoice, heavenly star, shining in the lands of Russia.

Rejoice, radiant luminary, who illuminated our entire country.

Rejoice, spiritual treasure of the city of Murom.

Rejoice, constant guardian of Lazorevsky.

Rejoice, lamp of heavenly light, show us the path to the Kingdom of God.

Rejoice, you who illuminate the darkness of our souls with the light of your miracles.

Rejoice, wandering guide in the darkness of unbelief.

Rejoice, for you enlighten us with the blessed light.

Rejoice, healing our souls and bodies by the grace of God.

Rejoice, our merciful intercessor and unceasing guardian.

Rejoice, unquenchable light, kindled with love for God.

Rejoice, you who repay pure love to those who love and honor you.

Rejoice, merciful Juliana, praise and adornment of Russian women.

Kontakion 12

The grace given to you from God to heal mental and physical ailments, calls the faithful to the race of your relics, before them, bringing a small prayer, we receive great grace from the Lord. We also pray to you: pour out now a warm prayer to the Lord, may he strengthen the Holy Church, may he establish our country and preserve the Orthodox faith in it; Pray to Christ our God that our lamps may be kindled with the oil of good deeds, and help all the virgins and wives of our fatherland to meet the Lord and be worthy to stand at His right hand and glorify Him forever with the angelic song: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing and exalting the All-Merciful God, who has given us to you, merciful Mother Juliana, we glorify your deeds of mercy and deeds, in the image of the Lord you have glorified on earth, we praise your zeal for God, your love for His Most Pure Mother, we honor your service to the poor, the sick and the wretched, we glorify Your meekness, we magnify your humility and honor your holy memory, singing to you with tenderness:

Rejoice, thou who art present in the highest places with the Angels before the Throne of God.

Rejoice, for you triumph with His chosen ones in the abodes of heaven.

Rejoice, thou crowned with the venerable and righteous with the crown of immortality.

Rejoice, interlocutor of all the God-blessed faces of the Russian holy women.

Rejoice, glory and adornment to the Church of Christ.

Rejoice, fragrant blossom of the Russian land.

Rejoice, dwelling in the non-evening light.

Rejoice, thou who driveth away the darkness of afflicted illnesses.

Rejoice, God-given healer of hopeless sufferers.

Rejoice, liberator of those possessed by the violence of the devil.

Rejoice, teacher of true love for God.

Rejoice, blessed consolation to all Christians of our land.

Rejoice, merciful Juliana, praise and adornment of Russian women.

Kontakion 13

O most wonderful and merciful dove, holy righteous Juliana, now accept this little prayer of ours and lift it up to Christ our God; ask us from the All-Merciful Savior for confirmation in faith and good deeds, deliverance from all troubles and misfortunes in this life, and in our dormition the good hope of salvation, so that we may be worthy to sing to Him in eternal joy: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


Our consolation and praise, Juliana, God-wise dove, like a gloriously flourishing phoenix, a wing of sacred virtues and possessing silver, in whose image you have flown to the heights of the Kingdom of Heaven! We joyfully offer songs of praise to your memory today, for Christ has crowned you with miraculous incorruption and glorified you with the grace of healing. Vulnered by the love of Christ, from your youth you preserved purity of soul and body, but you loved fasting and abstinence, in the image of the grace that helps you, you trampled all the passions of this world, and, like a bee, having wisely sought out the flower of virtues, the sweet honey of the Holy Spirit entered your heart You instilled and, while still in the flesh, you were granted a visit to the Mother of God. We diligently pray to you: pray, lady, that in the Trinity God, glorified by your prayers, will grant us many years of health and salvation, peace and abundance of earthly fruits, and against our enemies victory and overcoming. By your intercession, reverend mother, preserve the Russian country and this city and all Christian cities and countries unharmed from all the slander and intrigues of the enemy. Remember, madam, your wretched servants, who stand before you today in prayer, who through their entire life have sinned more than anyone else, especially bringing warm repentance for these and by your prayers to God, the remission of sins will be received by those who ask, as if they were freed from sinful passions, bring you a song of thanksgiving evermore let us sweat and glorify all the good, the Giver of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The intelligentsia of pre-revolutionary Russia had their own favorite saint: Juliania Lazarevskaya or Muromskaya. She was an example for all people who saw their destiny in serving humanity.

In the most enlightened families of that time, the younger generation was raised on the story of Uliana Osoryina (that’s what she was called in the world). Icons depicting this saint were especially preserved and revered, although very few of them have survived.

Ulyana herself was a completely ordinary, real woman of simple origin. Besides, she wasn't even a nun. Most likely, for this reason, Juliana was not as revered by believers as other saints with a church past. With the advent of Soviet times, her name was almost completely forgotten.

If you look at the life of Ulyaniya Osoryina superficially, then it is no different from the lives of other women of that time.

The saint was born in the 30s of the 16th century into a wealthy family in Moscow. Her father Ustin Nedyurev was a famous person in the city, as he served as a housekeeper in the palace of Ivan the Terrible.

When the girl was six years old, she was orphaned, and her grandmother took her to Murom. From childhood, the girl was a very modest child who believed in God. So, she did not like to play with children, devoting all her time to handicrafts and prayer.

When the girl was sixteen years old, she was betrothed to the nobleman Georgy Osoryin. After the wedding, she began to live four kilometers from the city in her husband’s estate, the village of Lazarevo.

The obedient and kind girl was liked by her husband's relatives, and therefore she was entrusted with running the household. From then on, she began a life familiar to women of her circle at that time.

Works and charity

But, despite all the household responsibilities, Juliana did not become less devout. She woke up at night to pray, making multiple bows. Since she could not manage her husband’s property, she devoted all her free time, including the night, to needlework in order to help those in need with the proceeds.

She donated skillfully embroidered canvases to the church, and sold other work in order to be able to help the poor. She did all her good deeds in secret from her loved ones, sending her maid to deliver alms to the poor at night.

She took special care of orphans and women left without husbands. Thanks to constant work, Juliana was able to support many families. After some time, she became known as the “nun of the world,” a benefactor and savior of all those in need.

Family life

Juliana lived with her husband for many years in love, and gave him 13 children: three girls and ten boys. True, six of them died in early childhood, and two died later, already in adulthood.

After their death, Juliania decided to go to a monastery, which she told her husband and relatives about, asking their permission. However, her husband refused her this, saying that she had more children who needed to be raised and educated. But after this conversation, he allowed her not to perform marital duties.

Since Juliana was accustomed to living in meekness and obedience to her husband, she agreed, once again showing respect for her husband and demonstrating Christian humility. She worked all day long around the house, and prayed all night, leaving only two to three hours for sleep.

Difficult years

After the saint buried her husband, she became even more involved in charity work. She gave all the property she inherited from her husband to those in need. At the same time, she was content with little and soon reached extreme need.

During the time when Boris Godunov was in power (1601-1603), famine came to Murom. That summer was very rainy, and in August the frost had already hit, so the harvest was not ripe. Famine also came to Juliana's house. But despite this, the woman continued to feed the poor, baking bread from tree bark and weeds. In addition, the bread that Julianna baked became not only edible, but also acquired an unusually sweet taste.

Soon Juliana fell ill, but she also continued to get up for night prayer. Before her death, she admitted that she had long wanted to have the image of an angel, but her sins stopped her. Everyone who was present at the death of Ulyana noticed a halo-like golden glow around her head. The righteous woman died in 1604 on January 15. Saint Juliana was buried, according to her will, in Lazarevo.

Relics of Juliania Lazarevskaya

Ten years later, in 1614, Juliania’s son, George, died. When they dug a grave for him, they found the relics of the saint, which not only exuded myrrh and emitted a fragrance, but also healed the sick, especially children. In the same year, the church decided to canonize Juliana, and the righteous one was canonized.

The life of the descendants of Saint Juliana also did not pass without a trace. One of them, Georgy Mikhailovich Osorgin, was shot on the Solovetsky Islands, as Solzhenitsyn wrote about in his work “The Gulag Archipelago.” Another of her descendants, Nikolai Mikhailovich Osorgin, lives in Paris and works at the Orthodox Theological Institute with the rank of professor. In addition, he is the author of several books, as well as the regent of the Sergievsky metochion, which was founded by his grandfather.

The holy relics of Juliana were kept in the church in the village of Lazarevo, but in 1930 the temple was closed. The tomb with the remains of the righteous woman was moved to the local museum and placed next to the tombs of the Murom holy spouses.

In 1989, the saint’s relics were returned to the Orthodox Church. Now they are in the city of Murom.

Currently, the temple erected in honor of the Archangel Michael in the village of Lazarevo (6 km from Murom), where the saint was buried and her relics were located until the 1920s, is also being restored. There are holy miraculous springs in the village. This place is currently the Muromsky farmstead.

On August 23, 2004, the Day of Charity and Mercy was celebrated for the first time. The celebration was blessed by Patriarch of All Rus' Alexy II.

In 1604 (400 years ago), the holy righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya (Osoryina), who became famous for her amazing kindness and ascetic lifestyle in the world, died. And ten years later, and precisely on this day, August 10/23, 1614, the relics of the saint were found, and she was canonized.

That is why, a new feast of mercy for our country was established on August 23, the day when the remains of St. Juliana of Murom were found.

I would like to note another amazing holiday, which is also celebrated in the summer on Murom land: July 8 - Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. It acquired All-Russian status in 2008.

Every summer, on the eighth of July, the church and all believers remember the life of the holy spouses, who are examples of true love and family fidelity. This is precisely what explains the second name of the holiday - Muromsky Day.

To get the most out of the city and its surroundings, I recommend booking an apartment, room or hotel for one or more nights. Daily housing can easily be rented in Murom using the service, or through booking a hotel.

The sights of the city of Murom and its surroundings, where I was able to visit, are on this map. For a detailed description of each of them, see.

The only surviving detailed biography of Saint Juliana was written by her son, Druzhina (Kallistrat) Yuryevich Osoryin. The service of the saint, compiled in the 17th century, is also attributed to him. On the icon of the second half of the 17th century, “The Cathedral of the Murom Saints,” Saint Juliana is depicted together with Saints Peter and Fevronia, princes Constantine, Michael and Theodore of Murom. In the Murom Museum there is an icon in which Saint Juliana is depicted together with her husband George and her daughter, nun Theodosia, who became a locally revered saint.

Juliania was born in the 30s of the 16th century into a family of pious noblemen Justin and Stefanida Nedyurev. She was left an orphan for six years. The maternal grandmother took the girl to her home in the city of Murom. Six years later, she also died, bequeathing to her daughter, who already had nine children, to take in a twelve-year-old orphan.

Juliana avoided children's games and amusements, was diligent and humble in everything, preferring fasting, prayer and handicrafts, which caused constant ridicule from her aunt, sisters and servants. Relatives were unhappy because they were afraid for her health and beauty. For example, she was forced to eat and drink early. “She did not give in to their will, but accepted everything with thanksgiving and departed in silence, having obedience to every person.” Juliana patiently and meekly endured reproaches, but continued her feat. She took every opportunity to help others. At night, Juliana sewed to clothe orphans, widows and the needy, went to care for the sick, and fed them.

Juliana learned the fear of God early. The church was two days' journey from their village, and in her youth she had never been to church or heard the words of God. Also, she did not have a teacher for salvation, but she was “taught by the meaning of the Lord to be virtuous.”

Sixteen-year-old Juliania was married to Georgy Osorin, the owner of the village of Lazarevskoye, not far from Murom. The father-in-law and mother-in-law, seeing that the daughter-in-law was reasonable and filled with kindness, entrusted her with running the household. She had obedience to her husband’s parents with humility, did not disobey them or contradict them in anything, but she honored them and did everything without fail, so that everyone marveled at her. She could answer any question, and everyone was amazed at her intelligence.

Household worries did not interrupt Juliana’s spiritual achievements. Every evening she got up to pray, making a hundred or more bows, and early in the morning she said the same prayer with her husband. When her husband went to Astrakhan for two or three years in royal service, she remained in prayer all nights without sleep. Every free minute and many hours of the night she did needlework in order to use the funds she received to do works of mercy. Juliania sold her work for money to the poor and “for a church building.” She performed good deeds secretly at night.

Having many servants and servants, she did not allow herself to be put on or taken off, or given water for washing; She was invariably friendly with the servants, and in case of their misdeeds she never informed her husband, preferring to take the blame upon herself, placing all her hope in God and the Most Holy Theotokos and calling on the great wonderworker Nicholas for help.

Once, during night prayer, the demons unleashed great fear and horror on Juliana; she, being still young and inexperienced, got scared, lay down on the bed and fell asleep. In a dream, many demons with weapons appeared to her, who threatened to kill her and said that they would destroy her if she did not stop doing good to people. But through prayer to God and the Most Holy Theotokos Juliana, Saint Nicholas appeared and drove away the demons with the words: “My daughter, take courage and be strong, and do not be afraid of demonic reproach! For Christ commanded me to keep you from demons and evil people!”

When the time of famine arrived in 1570 and many people were dying from exhaustion, she, contrary to custom, began to take much more food from her mother-in-law and secretly distributed it to the hungry. When the mother-in-law was surprised by her daughter-in-law’s appetite, Juliana told her that after the birth of her children she really wanted to eat not only during the day, but also at night. She gave money for the burial of the dead, and she herself prayed for the remission of their sins.

The next year, the famine was joined by a plague epidemic, people locked themselves in their houses and did not let the sick in, afraid to even touch their things, and Juliana, secretly from her relatives, washed the sick in the bathhouse, treated them as best she could, and prayed for their recovery. She washed those who were dying and hired people for burial, and ordered magpies for the repose of each person.

Also, when her father-in-law and mother-in-law died in old age, having taken monastic vows before their death, she buried them with honor, distributing rich alms and with many magpies. Her husband was in Astrakhan at that time, and during his absence she created memorials for the dead.

Juliana lived with her husband in virtue and purity for many years, gave birth to ten sons and three daughters. Four sons and two daughters died in infancy, one son was killed by a servant, and the other died in the royal service. Overcoming the grief of her heart, Juliana spoke about the death of her children: “God gave, God took away. Do not create anything sinful, and their souls and the angels glorify God and pray to God for their parents.”

After the tragic death of her two sons, Juliania began to ask to be released into a monastery. The husband refused, but agreed so that they would not have a marital relationship, but would live like brother and sister. Now, having made her husband’s bed as usual, she lay down on the stove, on the sharp edges of the firewood, and after sleeping for a short time, until everyone at home fell asleep, she got up to pray all night, until dawn, then went to church for Matins and Liturgy, and during the day she did housework. and handicrafts. Her life became constant prayer and service. She cared for widows and orphans and helped the poor.

So she lived with her husband for ten years. After his death and burial, with prayers, magpies and rich alms, Juliana finally rejected everything worldly and began to care only about her soul, thinking only about how to please God, and being jealous of her former holy wives. She distributed her property to the poor, depriving herself of even warm clothes. She spent the money she took from the children to buy clothes for herself on alms, so in winter she wore boots on her bare feet.

One winter, so cold that the ground was cracking from the frost, Juliana at one time stopped going to church often, praying to God at home. She was a parishioner of the Church of St. Lazarus, brother of Saints Martha and Mary. The priest of this church heard a voice in the church from the icon of the Mother of God: “Go and tell gracious Juliana why she doesn’t go to church? And her prayer at home pleases God, but not in the same way as church prayer. You should read her, she is already 60 years old, and the Holy Spirit rests on her.” The priest, in great horror, immediately came to her and, falling at her feet and asking for forgiveness, told her about the vision. She told him that he was tempted, and she herself went to church and, having performed a prayer service, kissed the icon of the Mother of God.

The attacks on her by the spirits of evil, who did not want to admit defeat, became increasingly stronger. One day, Juliana, standing at prayer in a small room, was attacked by demons who threatened to kill her if she did not abandon her exploits. She was not afraid, but only prayed to God and asked to send St. Nicholas to help. At the same time, Saint Nicholas appeared to her with a club in his hand and drove away the unclean spirits. The demons disappeared, but one of them, threatening the ascetic, predicted that in old age she herself would begin to “die of hunger rather than feed strangers.” The demon's threat was partially fulfilled: Juliana really had to suffer from hunger during the terrible years (1601–1603), during the reign of Boris Godunov. People, mad with hunger, even ate human flesh. But the loving and compassionate heart of the saint could not leave those dying of hunger without help.

Juliana did not collect a single grain from her fields, there were no supplies, almost all the livestock died from lack of food. However, she did not despair: she sold the remaining livestock and everything valuable in the house “for living”. She lived in poverty, but “not a single poverty... do not let go in vain.” In those years, she moved to another village in the Nizhny Novgorod region, where there was no church. Juliana, obsessed with old age and poverty, had therefore considerable sadness. When all funds were exhausted, Juliana set her slaves free, but some of the servants did not want to leave their mistress, preferring to die with her. Then Juliana, with her characteristic energy, began to save her loved ones from starvation. She taught her servants to collect quinoa and tree bark, from which she prayerfully baked bread and fed it to children, servants and beggars.

“The surrounding landowners reproachfully said to the beggars: why do you come to her? What to take from her? She herself is dying of hunger.

But we’ll tell you what,” the beggars said, “we went to many villages where we were served real bread, and we didn’t eat it as much as this widow’s bread... Then the neighboring landowners began to send to Juliana for her strange bread. Having tasted it, they found that the beggars were right, and said to themselves in surprise: “Her slaves are masters at baking bread!”

They didn’t hear a word of grumbling or sadness from her; on the contrary, during all three hungry years she was in a particularly elated and joyful mood: “They were neither sad, nor embarrassed, nor complaining, but more than the first years she was cheerful,” writes her son.

On December 26, 1603, Juliana fell ill. During the day she lay praying, and at night she still got up to pray. Before her death, Juliana received Holy Communion, then called her children and household and taught about love, prayer, almsgiving and other virtues. Juliana admitted that she had long desired an angelic image, but “was not worthy for the sake of her sins.” She asked everyone for forgiveness, gave her final instructions, kissed everyone, wrapped a rosary around her hand, crossed herself three times, and her last words were: “Thank God for everything! Into Your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.” Those present at her death saw how a radiance appeared around her head in the form of a golden crown, “just as it is written on icons.”

Juliania's body was taken to the land of Murom and laid in the Church of the Holy Righteous Lazarus next to the grave of her husband. In 1614, when they were digging the ground next to the grave for her deceased son George, the relics of the saint were discovered. They exuded myrrh, which gave off a fragrance, and many received healing from illnesses - especially sick children. Miracles at the grave of the righteous woman testified that the Lord glorified His humble servant. After this and many other miracles, righteous Juliana began to be revered as a saint.

The main virtues of Juliana are hard work and compassion, readiness to help. The essence of the saint’s asceticism lies in “unfeigned love” for one’s neighbor, which she preached and “practiced” all her life. Her life teaches us that in the world, in the family, in the midst of caring for children, husbands and household members, one can please God no less than those who leave the world for monastic cells: one only needs to live according to the demands of Christian love and the truth of the Gospel.

The only surviving detailed biography of Saint Juliana was written by her son, Druzhina (Kallistrat) Yuryevich Osoryin. The service of the saint, compiled in the 17th century, is also attributed to him. On the icon of the second half of the 17th century, “The Cathedral of the Murom Saints,” Saint Juliana is depicted together with Saints Peter and Fevronia, princes Constantine, Michael and Theodore of Murom. In the Murom Museum there is an icon in which Saint Juliana is depicted together with her husband George and her daughter, nun Theodosia, who became a locally revered saint.

The relics of Saint Juliana were kept in a church in the village of Lazarevskoye (four versts from Murom). After its closure in 1930, the shrine with the relics was moved to the Murom Local History Museum, where it stood next to the relics of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom.

Today, the relics of the holy righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya openly rest in the Archangel Michael Church in the village of Lazarevo, Vladimir region. Until recently, the custom of mothers bringing and bringing the relics of St. Righteous Juliana sick children.

Sermon by Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov.

More than 400 years have passed since the death of the Russian woman of noble origin, Juliania, who received the nickname Lazarevskaya from the place of her birth and exploits. How gratifying that in the 21st century her village, her temple, have been revived, which today has become the place where the relics of this remarkable ascetic rest, who glorified the Lord and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the bosom of her own family. Some Orthodox Christians of the third millennium consider it impossible for themselves to please the Lord God amid the bustle of the world, among children's potties and the need to constantly look after small children. However, it is not place, but human will that brings us closer to God, but also moves us away from him. Saint Juliana had a difficult childhood: she was left an orphan; Having married as an immaculate girl, she gave her husband George 13 children. At the same time, she remained in constant prayer, always walked in the presence of the Heavenly Father, got used to never being idle, and a change of activities served as rest for her. Her inner motivation was the constant desire to actively serve those near and far; her heart, which had known difficulties in her childhood, was wounded by love for people, so acts of mercy constituted an internal need, and this thirst to do good deeds was not limited to a narrow circle of household members. Exactly as it is described in the Book of Proverbs of Solomon in the story about a virtuous wife, still getting up before dawn, she became the soul of her home and, together with the maids and servants, did what she punished, looked after the children with a vigilant eye and never parted with the Jesus Prayer, so that every day was for her a constant movement towards the Creator through small tangible good deeds.

How important it is for modern Orthodox Christian women to be able to achieve this royal combination - internal work and external creative life. How important it is to delve into your own soul, but not to take your eyes off your children; how important it is, when talking with the Lord God, to never part with a pleasant, welcoming smile. Such was Saint Juliana, who during her life knew how to be saturated with the grace of the Holy Spirit, the spirit of peace, humility, meekness, obedience, stewardship, wisdom and love, despite the fact that she always created something with her hands, was always in motion, but never parted with the memory of God . It is noteworthy that Saint Juliana belonged to the propertied class, that is, she was rich and never lacked anything. However, with what courage, inspiration, patience and calmness in troubled times, she, together with her compatriots, endured the lean, hungry years, trying to feed the inhabitants of her village at least in a small way; she did not stop before squandering her estate. There was not a shadow of tight-fistedness, stinginess, or desire to make money at the expense of the poor - those qualities that we see today in some of our compatriots, Slavs by blood, but who have ceased to be Russian in spirit.

What is the fruit of the life of righteous Juliana? She set free those who were in her eternal subordination, but the servants refused to part with their mistress, because they were not separated by class differences, but were united by the love of Christ, mutual sacrificial service to the Lord and the ability to strengthen and console each other with a kind word then, when it was especially difficult. In the local history museums of Murom you can find rare iconographic images of Saint Juliana together with her husband George and the locally revered Saint Theodosia, their daughter who became a monk. This means that the inner spiritual activity of Saint Juliana was fruitful for everyone around her. Praying to the Lord, she warmed the hearts of her neighbors so that they, without being forced by her, voluntarily followed the saint of God and, carried away by her good example, themselves became fireflies, carriers of the Spirit of God, and first of all these were her children, because according to the Russian proverb, an apple It rolls away not far from the apple tree.

Poverty is not a vice. The rich, prosperous Juliana knew this saying well, and therefore happiness for her was not at all the desire for the conveniences of a fleeting age; she did not want to surround herself with luxury goods, but, on the contrary, preferred arbitrary poverty, knew how to be content with little, thanking the Lord God for what she had, and did not dream of more. In Christ Jesus and the kind-hearted invocation of His holy name, righteous Juliana had everything - health, wisdom and unshakable spiritual peace, which became for her the guarantee of salvation, wings for the immortal soul, which in 1604 renounced the body and ascended to the heavenly abode.

Why is Saint Juliana so precious to us, her compatriots at the beginning of the third millennium? Firstly, by the fact that for several centuries now Russian people have been calling and praying to her holy name in case of illness and illness of children, with whom she was in communication throughout her difficult life. Secondly, the name of Saint Juliana of Lazarus is synonymous with the Orthodox family way of life, as we would say today, harmonious relationships between spouses, that family in which no one oppresses each other, does not fight for primacy, does not consider itself deprived of anything, but is happy with the opportunity to serve neighbor and thus unite old and young - father and mother, children and grandchildren - with the spirit of strong love, true community, readiness to endure all the trials that God’s Providence may please to bestow on Orthodox people for their preparation for eternal life.

The timeless era in which Saint Juliana lived was difficult and terrible. Several times she had to experience great hunger, but at the same time she never lost her face, never betrayed Christ, who gave us the amazing commandment: “ Be merciful, as your Heavenly Father is merciful" That is why her face shines with such light on the icons, that is why today we turn to her as if she were alive, believing that she was and remains an angel of mercy not only for her native land of Murom, but also for all of our resurgent Russia, serving the faith , hope and love for the risen Christ.

Transcript: Svetlana Domracheva