Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Economic Institute in the Crimea. Universities of Crimea: Universities, Institutes, Academies

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Russian State University of Justice 1
Consultant Plus 1
Russian University of Cooperation. Krasnodar Cooperative Institute 2
color sticker 3
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Branch of Moscow State University in Sevastopol 3
Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (Voronezh) 4
Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov 6
International Independent Environmental and Political University (MNEPU Academy) 7
Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I 8
Belgorod State Technological University. V.G. Shukhov 10
Crimean branch of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia 12
Russian State University of Justice. Crimean branch 14
Central Russian Academy of Modern Knowledge 16
Moscow Regional Humanitarian Institute 17
Medical University "Reaviz" 18
Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies 22
Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosova 23
Kuban Socio-Economic Institute 24
Academy of Marketing and Social Information Technologies - IMSIT (Krasnodar) 25
Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism 26
Humanitarian College. Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism 27
School (technical school) of the Olympic reserve. Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism 27
University "Dubna" 29
Art Studio "Through the Looking Glass" 30
Speed ​​Reading Center 30
Chelyabinsk State University. Institute of Business Economics and Administration 30
Crimean Multidisciplinary College (formerly Simferopol College of Trade and Economics) 31
Success. Non-state educational institution of additional professional education 32
Nico Nails. Training center of Natalia Bogatskaya 33
Center for artistic metal processing 34
What is important for a graduate to know 37
Higher education 45
Simferopol 45
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky" 45
SBEE HE RK "Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University" 49
ANEO VO "Crimean Institute of Business" 52
ANEO VO "University of Economics and Management" 53
FGOU VPR "Academy of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation". Crimean Law Institute 53
FGBOU VO "Russian State University of Justice". Crimean branch 53
FGKOU Crimean branch of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 53
FGBOU VO "Chelyabinsk State University". Institute of Business Economics and Administration 53
GOBOU HE of the Republic of Crimea "Crimean University of Culture, Arts and Tourism" 54
Moscow Finance and Law University MFUA 56
Representative office of the Institute of Law and Administration of the All-Russian Police Association in the Republic of Crimea 57
Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov" 57
ANO DPO "Central Russian Academy of Modern Knowledge" 57
International Independent Environmental and Political University 58
Sevastopol 59
FGAEI HE "Sevastopol State University" 59
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Black Sea Higher Naval Order of the Red Star School named after p.s. Nakhimov" 63
FSBEI HE Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov Sevastopol Branch 63
FGAOU VO "KFU named after V.I. Vernadsky" Sevastopol Institute of Economics and Humanities 63
ANODO "Central Russian Academy of Modern Knowledge" 63
Branch of the State Maritime University named after Admiral F.F. Ushakov" in Sevastopol 64
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University Branch in Sevastopol 65
ANO VPO "Moscow Regional Humanitarian Institute" 68
Armyansk 68
FGAOU VO "KFU named after V.I. Vernadsky Institute of Pedagogical Education and Management 68
Evpatoria 68
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky Evpatoria Institute of Social Sciences 68
Kerch 69
FGBOU VO "Kerch State Marine Technological University" 69
Feodosia 70
Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kerch State Marine Technological University" in Feodosia 70
Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I 70
Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov 70
Yalta 70
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Crimean Federal University. IN AND. Vernadsky Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy 70
Secondary vocational education 71
Simferopol 71
GAOUSPO RK "Crimean Medical College" 71
GBPOU RK "Crimean Art School named after N.S. Samokish» 72
GBPOU RK "Simferopol Musical College named after A.I. P.I. Tchaikovsky" 73
ANOPOO "Open Taurida College" 74
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Crimean Federal University. IN AND. Vernadsky Tauride College 75
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Crimean Federal University. IN AND. Vernadsky Medical College 75
Professional educational private institution "Crimean Economic and Legal College" 76
GAPOU RK "Crimean multidisciplinary college" 77
GBPOU RK "Simferopol College of Radio Electronics" 78
GBPOU RK "Simferopol Polytechnic College" 79
GBPOU RK "Crimean College of Public Catering and Trade" 80
GBPOU RK "Simferopol Motor Transport College" 81
GBPOU RK "Romanov College of Hospitality Industry" (GBPOU RK "RKIG") 82
GBPOU RK "Simferopol College of Railway Transport and Industry" 84
State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University" Engineering and Pedagogical College 85
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Crimean Federal University. IN AND. Vernadsky "Order of the Red Banner of Labor Agrotechnological College 85
GBPOU RK "Simferopol Professional Construction College" 86
GBPOU RK "Simferopol College of Service and Design" 87
GBPOU RK "Crimean secondary vocational school (technical school) of the Olympic reserve" 88
Sevastopol 89
GBOU PO Sevastopol "Sevastopol Trade and Economic College" 89
SBEI PO Sevastopol "Sevastopol Industrial and Pedagogical College named after. VC. Menkov" 89
SBEI PO Sevastopol "Sevastopol Medical College named after. Zh. Deriugina» 89
GBOU PO Sevastopol "Sevastopol College of Service and Trade" 89
Armyansk 90
GBPOU RK "Armenian College of Chemical Industry" 90
Bakhchisaray 91
GBPOU RK "Bakhchisaray College of Construction and Transport" 91
GBPOU RK "Bakhchisaray College of Construction, Architecture and Design (branch) FGAOU HE" Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky" 92
Alushta 92
GBPOU RK "Romanov College of Hospitality Industry" Alushta branch 92
Belogorsk 92
GBPOU RK "Belogorsk Technological College" 92
GBPOU RK "Belogorsk Technological College" Novoselovsky branch 92
Dzhankoy 93
GBPOU RK "Dzhankoy Professional College" 93
Kalinovsky branch of GBPOU RK "Dzhankoy professional technical school" 93
Evpatoria 94
GBPOU RK "Evpatoria College of Construction Technologies and Services" 94
GGBPOU RK "Evpatoria Industrial College" (former school No. 46) 95
GAOU SPO RK "Evpatoria Medical College" 95
ANO "POO Medical College "Monada" 96
Kerch 97
GBPOU RK "Kerch Marine Technical College" 97
GBPOU RK "Kerch Polytechnic College" 98
GBPOU RK "Kerch Technological College" 99
GAOU SPO RK "Kerch Medical College named after G.K. Petrova" 99
Krasnogvardeisky district 100
GBPOU RK "Krasnogvardeisky agro-industrial technical school" 100
Zander 100
GBPOU RK "Romanov College of Hospitality Industry" Sudak branch 100
saki 100
Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College 100
GBPOU RK "Saki Technological College" 101
Sovietsky district 102
GBPOU RK "Chapaevsky Agrotechnological College" 102
Crimean College of Land Reclamation and Mechanization of Agriculture 103
GBPOU RK "Prudovsky Agricultural College" 103
Feodosia 103
GBPOU RK "Feodosia College of Construction and Resort Service" 103
GBPOU RK "Primorsky Industrial College" 103
GBPOU RK "Feodosia Polytechnic College" 104
Yalta 105
SAEI SPO RK "Yalta Medical College" 105
GBPOU RK "Yalta College of Economics and Technology" 106
General secondary education 107
Alushta 107
GBPOU RK "Cadet Boarding School "Crimean Cadet Corps" 107
Kerch 108
GBPOU RK "Kerch educational complex-boarding school-lyceum of arts 108
religious education 109
Dzhankoysky district 109
Spiritual Professional Educational Organization "Azov Madrasah of Islamic Sciences named after Haji Ikhsan" of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol 109
Simferopol 110
Orthodox religious organization - spiritual educational organization of higher education "Tauride Theological Seminary of the Simferopol and Crimean Diocese" 110
Content 112
PEI VO Southern Institute of Management 115
Sevastopol State University 116
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The time for the last calls has passed, the graduates have passed the last Unified State Examination. Now each of them can rightfully be called the proud word "applicant".

The graduates were faced with the task of determining in which direction fate would turn. Some have long chosen which higher institution they will go to study, others have decided to wait a little longer so as not to be mistaken. And there are those who have not yet decided, which is why INFORMER will tell you about some of the most popular universities in the Crimea.

1. Branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University in Sevastopol

The only branch of one of the oldest universities in Russia on the territory of Crimea. It was founded in 1999 and until 2008 it was called the Black Sea Branch of Moscow State University. During the years of existence of the branch, 9 graduations took place - more than 1800 graduates received higher education, more than 50 became candidates of science.

There are five faculties and 14 departments in the Sevastopol branch.

· Faculty of Computer Mathematics;

Department of Applied Mathematics;

Department of Programming;

· Faculty of natural sciences;

Department of Ocean Geography;

Department of Geoecology and Nature Management;

Department of Social Ecology and Tourism;

Department of Physics and Geophysics;

· Faculty of History and Philology;

Department of History and International Relations;

Department of Russian Language and Literature;

Department of Journalism;

· Faculty of Psychology;

Department of Psychology;

· Faculty of Economics and Management;

Department of Economics;

Department of Management;

Department of Foreign Languages;

Department of Physical Education.

At the moment, the following facilities are located in the branch of Moscow State University in Sevastopol:

the main educational building;

· laboratory building;

· hostel for students and teachers for 200 people;

· house of culture with an auditorium for 300 seats;

two canteens and a cafe;

· universal sports complex.

2. Sevastopol State University

One of the largest higher educational institutions in the Crimea. Founded in 2014 based on the decision of the government of the Russian Federation. Acting Rector - Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Nechaev Vladimir Dmitrievich

The number of places for training at the expense of the federal budget is over 2,200. On the basis of the Institute of Additional Professional Education, training and retraining of students of various courses in a wide range of areas is carried out.

Formed on the basis of the following educational institutions:

· Sevastopol National Technical University;

· Sevastopol National University of Nuclear Energy and Industry;

· Sevastopol City Humanitarian University;

· Sevastopol faculty of maritime transport;

· Sevastopol Maritime College;

· Training and consultation center;

· Sevastopol Faculty of Economics and Technology.

To date, on the basis of Sevastopol State University are located:

· Institute of Modern Technologies and Innovations SevGU-FESTO;

· Center for training and certification of seafarers;

driving school SevGU;

· editorial and publishing center of SevGU;

· 19 branches of departments at enterprises;

5 educational buildings;

· 800 computers in the educational process;

sports complex with 10 halls;

a library with a fund of 1.3 million volumes;

· 9 hostels;

· student polyclinic;

· modern factory-kitchen “DEFINERY. Food Academy";

· sports and recreation camp "Horizon" on the Black Sea coast.

3. Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky

Russian Federal University, established in Crimea in 2014 by order of the Government of the Russian Federation. Includes 8 academies and institutes, five colleges and centers, 11 branches throughout the Crimea and 7 scientific organizations. Named after academician Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky. Located in the city of Simferopol.

Educational institutions that are part of KFU:

· Taurida National University named after V. I. Vernadsky (including the college of the university);

· National Academy of Nature Protection and Resort Construction;

· Southern branch of NUBIPU "Crimean Agrotechnological University" (including the Bakhchisaray College of Construction, Architecture and Design, the Crimean Agro-Industrial College, the Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College, the Crimean College of Hydroreclamation and Agricultural Mechanization);

· Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy (Yalta city, including Yevpatoriya Institute of Social Sciences, Institute of Pedagogical Education and Management and College of Economics and Humanities);

· Crimean Economic Institute;

· Crimean Institute of Information and Printing Technologies (including the Junior Specialist Training Department);

· Crimean State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky (including the Medical College);

Scientific organizations within KFU:

· Crimean Scientific Center;

· Department of Seismology of the Institute of Geophysics named after S. I. Subbotin;

· Crimean Scientific and Methodological Center for Education Management;

· Crimean branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after A.E. Krymsky;

· Head Territorial Research and Design Institute "KRYMNIIPROEKT";

· Crimean Experimental Station of the National Scientific Center "Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine";

· Crimean mountain-forest research station.

4. Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky"

Higher educational institution as part of the Crimean Federal University (Simferopol city). The Medical Academy was established on the basis of the Crimean State Medical University. S. I. Georgievsky (formerly the Crimean Medical Institute, founded in 1931) in 2015 on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 4, 2014.

To date, on the basis of the Medical Academy are located:

· 16 educational buildings and 5 hostel buildings;

own clinic and polyclinic;

· indoor athletics arena and sports complex (with a stadium and a swimming pool);

several cafes;

· House of culture.

The total area of ​​educational and laboratory facilities is about 63 thousand square meters. m. Lecture halls of the university are designed for 3270 students. The library fund of the Academy is about 600 thousand books. Available

25 computer classes for 275 workplaces and 4 electronic reading rooms. The academy has its own publishing center.

5. Tauride Academy of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky

The first higher educational institution of the Crimea, founded in 1918 in Simferopol. The Tauride Academy is a higher educational institution with a rich history. The total number of students is about 14,000. The university employs about 2,244 employees, including 919 teachers, including 113 doctors of sciences, professors, 485 candidates of sciences, associate professors, senior lecturers and assistants.

The name of this university changes quite often and throughout history the Tauride Academy has been called by five different names:

From 1918 to 1921 - Tauride University;

From 1921 to 1925 - Crimean University named after M.V. Frunze;

From 1925 to 1972 - Crimean State Pedagogical Institute named after M.V. Frunze;

From 1972 to 1999 - Simferopol State University named after M.V. Frunze;

From 1999 to 2017 - Tauride National University named after V.I. Vernadsky.

The academy includes 1 institute and 11 faculties that train students in various areas:

· Biology, ecology;
· Geography, geology;
· Hotel and restaurant business, tourism;
· Journalism, publishing and polygraphy;
· Information technology, cybersecurity;
· History, archeology;
· Culture, art;
· Management, marketing;
· Pedagogy;
· Political science, international relations;
· Right;
· Psychology;
· Sociology, social work;
· Physical Culture;
· Philology;
· Philosophy, religion and cultural studies;
· Economy;

Victoria Bryukhanov

We talk about life in the Crimea, displaying the main and important events that are certainly interesting to every inhabitant and guest of the peninsula. News of Crimea regularly publishes information about the population, prices and tariffs, education and social issues, health and environmental issues. For you reviews of holidays and festivals, competitions and public events, materials about the work of non-governmental organizations of the Crimea.

News of Crimea are reviews of cultural life

We talk about the culture of Crimea, covering all the most significant events and activities in the cultural life of the Republic. We bring to your attention the latest information about ongoing exhibitions and concerts, place posters of theaters and reflect novelties in the film industry, conduct photo reviews and video tours of interesting places on the peninsula, historical monuments, sights. We are clever about museum business and archeology in the Crimea.

It's sad, but the news of the Crimea is a summary of incidents

A significant place in the total volume of our information is occupied by incidents in the Crimea. We provide operational reports of accidents and emergencies, road traffic incidents (RTA) and fires. We discuss the criminogenic situation, publish the details of crimes and shed light on the corruption component of our reality.

I am glad that the news of the Crimea is information about affairs

Business in the Crimea today is certainly interesting to the reader. Having reunited with Russia, the peninsula attracted a powerful wave of investment, which in turn caused rapid growth in the construction industry and trade, the restoration of industry and agriculture, and a revival in the real estate market. Long-lost positions in winemaking and industrial fishing, again occupy a coordinating place in the economy.

We have a good rest, we read the news of the Crimea

Being in the epicenter of resort life, we note the undoubted revival of the entertainment and tourism industry. In a series of publications about sanatoriums and boarding houses, hotels and hotels, campsites and beaches, we will talk about the obvious advantages and hidden disadvantages, highlight the pitfalls and unambiguous advantages, objectively discussing the rest in the Crimea. Interested in prices for holidays in the holiday season? For advice in the summer, only to us!

Breaking news of the Crimea is also for us ..

We place press releases of state structures of the Republic on our pages. We work directly with the press centers of the Government and the State Council, services of several departments and institutions. Promptly about the important - reports of supervisory authorities, customs and a number of law enforcement agencies, including the Investigative Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Crimean news keeps the reader informed

Of course, we do not remain aloof from the events taking place in the world. In our materials, as in a mirror, the details of the relationship and socio-political life of Russia and neighboring countries are reflected. Crimea, as an echo of world politics, resonant news and events that in one way or another affect the life of Crimeans, occupy a worthy place on the pages of our publication.

Crimean News is trying...

We talk impartially about the events in Crimea, about the causes and their consequences, about current and future changes, about deeds, money and people in Crimea today. Conflicts, scandals and details of secular life, incredible stories and facts that excite the imagination in all their diversity are waiting for their readers today.

News of Crimea tried, but ..

We could not stay away from such an urgent issue as the weather. Therefore, despite the obvious risk of predictions, sometimes we speak in dry numbers of weather balloons. Up-to-date forecasts, EMERCOM reports, background information and everything that will help you do without an umbrella and keep a good mood.

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