Biographies Characteristics Analysis

As they call a financier in the army. Training of military financiers and features of the profession

By the end of 2011, the Armed Forces plan to cut several hundred “economic” positions. Financial departments and services of military units, formations, and financial and economic departments of districts will be abolished or completely reduced. Moreover, we are not talking about military positions - the last financier officer was sequestered last year, and unemployment threatens civilian accountants of the Ministry of Defense. The wholesale reduction of military financiers has been going on for several years; first, the financial services of the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff, the main commands and departments of the Ministry of Defense and districts were cut. Last October, the dissolution of the Yaroslavl Military Financial and Economic Academy, the only university that trained accountant officers for the army, was completed. The correspondent of Our Version examined how justified such transformations in the field of military financing are.

Only after taking the chair of the Minister of Defense, Anatoly Serdyukov called “improving the quality of management of financial and economic activities” the main priority of his work. And this is no coincidence; the transformations are very relevant today, when the military department receives significant funds.

The new scheme for financing troops looks very logical: initially, money from the budget will go to the Ministry of Defense. Further cash flows will be directed to the territorial financial bodies of the military department, and then to military units. Previously, money went through the district - the army, etc. - now these links will be eliminated. Presumably, four and a half dozen financial management bodies will be formed throughout Russia, mainly in populated areas where large garrisons are deployed, which will be directly subordinate to the Deputy Minister of Defense for Financial and Economic Work. The heads of territorial departments or centers will conclude agreements with unit commanders, after which they will take over their accounting and financial and economic contracts. The role of commanders in the field of financial issues will be limited to issuing orders and sending certified extracts from them (in the future it is planned to use e-mail for this) to the territorial financial authority.

Over the past 20 years, army financial services have greatly discredited themselves and have earned the reputation of being one of the most corrupt military structures.
In addition, it is planned that from April of this year the entire army will completely switch to a cashless payment system, that is, pay for military personnel and salaries for civilian personnel and other payments will be transferred to bank cards. A new procurement system is also being introduced: now funds for combat training, organization of life and service of personnel, economic activities of units and resolution of other issues will be transferred centrally to garrisons. The defense department claims that the system of non-cash payments and the abolition of military financial services will not only shorten the path of money to the recipient, but will also minimize corruption and theft of budget funds in military units. In addition, you will not have to maintain numerous accounting departments in parts, which promises big savings.

It should be noted that this is probably why the abolition of this institution did not cause any negative responses from the military. Financiers felt on top immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when chronic underfunding began in the Armed Forces. It got to the point that soldiers and officers were not paid their salaries for several months. Therefore, those leaving on a business trip or vacation have to go for a long time and beg for their own money from the head of the financial service, who, against the backdrop of a general lack of money, sometimes began to have no less influence than the unit commander.

During this period, the first high-profile criminal cases began to surface, in which financiers of various levels appeared. Along with thousands of others, the person involved in the loudest corruption scandal in the Ministry of Defense was Army General, head of the Main Directorate of the Military Budget for Financing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Georgy Oleinik. In the mid-90s of the last century, a contract was concluded between the governments of Russia and Ukraine, according to which the United Energy Systems of Ukraine corporation, led by Yulia Tymoshenko, was to supply the Russian Ministry of Defense with construction materials in payment of debts for gas. However, the deal fell through: construction materials were not supplied in full. Georgy Oleynik, who oversaw the issue on the Russian side, was accused of embezzling $323 million, stripped of all titles and awards, and he himself spent several years behind bars.

On this topic

The head of the Russian Ministry of Sports, Pavel Kolobkov, during his visit to Vladivostok, where the start of the 2019 Universiade torch relay took place, said that by 2024 the department plans to involve up to 55 percent of the country’s population in sports.

Another gold mine for financiers was the war in Chechnya. During its active phase, soldiers and officers of the warring units were paid additional compensation for the risk. Due to the imperfection of the mechanism for these payments, military officers and soldiers had to give up to 50% of this money to the finance chiefs.

After the “combat” was cancelled, military financiers working in Chechnya continued to look for ways to quickly get rich. In just one of the military units stationed near Borzoi, the auditors missed almost 102 million rubles. The scheme was simple. Local Chechen tax officials approached the military financiers and reported that the unit had unpaid taxes amounting to a serious amount. After this, the tax authorities suggested that the military financier of the unit transfer these funds to the left bank account and receive all the documents that would solve the financial problems on paper. The combinators then cashed out the money through a local bank and divided it up.

According to the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, if earlier in the army the total structure of cases under investigation was 30% of economic crimes, now their share has increased to 70%.

First of all, inappropriate and ineffective use of budget funds, ignoring the requirements and rules for holding competitions and selecting work performers, paying for work that was not actually completed, significantly inflating prices for military products, and many others.

Despite the fact that the new financial support system has already begun to work, this year began with a wave of criminal cases brought against military financiers. Thus, in Chelyabinsk on January 18, a criminal case went to court against four officers of the Volga-Ural Military District, who are accused of fraud with money intended for payments to officers and civilian personnel during the liquidation of military units. In the dock were two lieutenant colonels, a captain and an ensign. According to investigators, during the liquidation of the military unit, fraudsters withdrew and embezzled funds totaling 24 million rubles.

At the beginning of January of this year, Chief Military Prosecutor Sergei Fridinsky announced that, based on the materials of the inspection of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office, last December another high-profile criminal case was opened against a group of officials of the Main Military Medical Directorate and the State Procurement Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Representatives of these structural divisions of the military department entered into a government contract with one commercial company for the supply of medical equipment worth over 26 million rubles. As a result, the cost of equipment purchased from merchants was inflated by more than three times, and the state suffered more than 17 million rubles in damage.

As Anatoly Tsyganok, head of the Center for Military Forecasting at the Institute of Political and Military Analysis, explained to Our Version, the transformation of the financial system is aimed at fighting corruption, but it is obvious that the authors of the innovations did not take into account some nuances. “In particular, how urgent business trips of military personnel will be calculated in formations. As you know, the life of military personnel mainly consists of such sudden departures. Will civilian financiers even go to the combat area, and if not, then who will deal, for example, with payments to the families of fallen servicemen?”

The expert’s words were confirmed by our source in the Southern Military District, where at the end of the year a major shortage was discovered at one of the bases stationed in Armenia. It turned out that on the territory of foreign countries there are no financial management bodies, and only local residents agreed to work for the low salary of an accountant in a military unit, who ended up stealing. It is possible that in the near future similar problems will arise for the Russian military, for example, in South Ossetia or Abkhazia.

So it is clear that even the best economic scheme may not be effective in combating theft and corruption. The only remedy in these matters may be control and selective selection of personnel. Both of these are not expected in the near future. There are already not enough auditors due to widespread layoffs. The moral character of the leaders of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Defense can be judged by the unreasonably high bonuses that they allocated to themselves at the end of the year. According to information from the General Staff, on average, staff officers and civil servants received “bonuses” of several hundred thousand rubles, which is comparable to the annual salary of a combat officer serving in a remote garrison.

In addition, an indicator of the state of financial affairs in the Ministry of Defense, as Our Version was told in the financial planning department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, is the fact that the post of Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for financial and economic work has been empty for several months. An audit of the Accounts Chamber is coming soon at the ministry, and, apparently, no one wants to become a switchman.

Military finance is part of a single military-economic system, which is formed through the formation, distribution and application of the price of military products, the creation of appropriate activities in individual entities, which ultimately ensures the security of the country. Activities in this area are carried out by military financiers.

Recent history

When A. Serdyukov was appointed to the post of Minister of Defense, he named reform in financial management and the economy, within the framework of which military financial services were abolished, as one of the main priorities of the work. It was believed that thanks to non-cash payments and the absence of accounting departments, corruption in HF would be minimized.

During that period, criminal cases began to be opened against those who held the highest positions in the army. The case with General Georgiy Oleinik, who was accused of embezzling $323 million, became resonant. The war in Chechnya was also a real “gold mine” for financiers, where they received up to 50% of the funds from officer payments. High-profile cases appeared in different districts of the country.

Thus, at that time, reform was considered a forced and necessary measure, however, the desired effect was never achieved. The central office allocated bonuses for civil servants, the size of which reached several hundred thousand rubles, which sometimes exceeded the annual officer’s salary. After the former Minister was replaced by S. Shoigu, a decision was made on the gradual restoration of financial services, in which it was planned to return up to 800 positions with financial management.

Training of military financiers

Unlike VFEU, which was abolished in the 2000s, the Yaroslavl Military Financial and Economic Academy continues its activities to this day. It is here that those who wish can obtain a training certificate for the implementation of financial and economic services in the Russian Federation in the future. The Academy trains officers to work in the Ministry of Defense, other government agencies where military service exists, branches of field institutions of the Central Bank, construction and industrial organizations of the RF Armed Forces.

The standard period of study is 5 years full-time, but in some specialties you can study part-time for a shorter period. To enter a military university and obtain a specialty in “military economist”, you need to meet certain criteria, namely:

  • be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • age must be from 16 to 22 years (if not undergoing military service);
  • up to 24 years of age (for contract soldiers with the exception of officers);
  • have a document confirming complete secondary, vocational or primary vocational education.

Candidates listed in paragraphs 4 and 5 of Article 34 of the Federal Law “On” will not be considered, that is, the following persons:

  • not meeting the requirements according to the Federal Law;
  • convicts and those serving sentences in correctional institutions;
  • having a criminal record;
  • who are suspected of committing a crime at the stage of investigative actions.

Features of the future profession

In connection with the reforms of past years, hundreds of officers were removed from the staff. Many experts believe that reviving the system is not easy. At the same time, the experience of past years will most likely be taken into account, and institutions to prevent the waste of public money will be established, as well as the work of control bodies will be strengthened.

Photo: Tatyana Shevtsova, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

By decree of the President of Russia, the Day of the Financial and Economic Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was added to the list of professional holidays and memorable days. According to the decree, military financiers will celebrate this holiday annually on October 22.
The appearance of the Decree was preceded by painstaking work with archival documents, thanks to which it was possible to supplement the history of the emergence and formation of army financial bodies, as well as to re-evaluate the contribution of military financiers to increasing the country's defense capability. It was on October 22, 1918, that by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic (RVSR), for the first time in the history of the army and navy, a regulation on the financial department was adopted and a legal document on an independent financial body was put into effect. The issuance of this order was due to the fact that in connection with the abandonment of the volunteer principle of recruiting the Red Army and the transition to the construction of a regular army, it was necessary to abandon various extra-budgetary sources of financial support for volunteer detachments and organize financial support for regular units and formations entirely from the state budget .
The Financial Department under the RVSR was entrusted with providing the necessary loans to the fronts and individual armies and treasury services for the army. The financial department had to perform its functions in conditions of economic devastation and depreciation of money. During the Civil War, the functions of the Finance Department expanded in accordance with the situation. Thus, the department was entrusted with the management and management of all field treasuries, financial control and other functions. When forming the Financial Department under the RVSR and the Regulations on it, two fundamentally new circumstances were identified. First: it was established that the positions of financial workers were filled with commanding officers. Before this period, in the tsarist army, the financial authorities were staffed by military officials. In the post-revolutionary years, this was due to the need to subordinate the financing system to people who took the oath of allegiance to the new government on an equal basis with other representatives of the command staff. Second: the “integration” of the financial support system (as well as other support systems) into the regular organization of troops and command and control units and into their daily activities was determined. This was due to the special conditions of combat activity, the need to carry out tasks by troops in any situation and ensure their independence.
The financial service of the Red Army, under the leadership of the Financial Department under the RVSR, fulfilled its duties in 1918-1920, having accumulated a wealth of experience in mobile response to rapidly changing economic and military circumstances, and laid certain foundations for organizing financial support for the further improvement of the country's Armed Forces. During the period of construction of the Red Army from 1921 to 1941, the position of the financial service was strengthened. 1921-1936 was a period of self-service practice for troops, in which internal sources of financing were of great importance. And in the pre-war years, the troops switched to strict budget financing. In the 30s, with the increasing role of the financial service, all management systems were improved, Regulations on financial management were issued (1936, 1938, 1940), Regulations on financial control (1936 and April 4, 1941), Regulations on monetary allowances for military personnel and pension provision, a special order on measures for the transition of the financial service to support troops in war conditions. When you read these documents, you understand that the basic approaches to organizing financial support for troops contained in them are still relevant today.
During the Great Patriotic War, along with the main task of uninterruptedly ensuring the combat activities of the troops, a very important task arose - to achieve, through the introduction of a strict economy regime, high efficiency in the use of military appropriations. The establishment of the Day of Financial and Economic Service can be considered state recognition of the contribution of military financiers and veterans of the Great Patriotic War to strengthening the country's defense capability, as well as a tribute to our veterans who managed to build an effective system for financing the army and navy, emphasized Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Tatyana Shevtsova. - On October 22, we will have another reason to meet with our honored specialists, congratulate them, and remember those who are no longer with us. The modern generation of military financiers is determined to preserve and enhance the traditions of service accumulated over decades of worthy work in the interests of the state.” Military expenditures then accounted for 51 percent of the state budget, and the task was set: to save on everything.
During the Great Patriotic War, military financiers managed to create a mechanism that ensured the mobilization of the state's economic resources and the restructuring of its economy on a military footing, and to organize competent planning of budget expenditures. The key issue was ensuring uninterrupted financing of the needs of the front. Suffice it to say that more than half of all budget expenditures of the country passed through the financial system of the army and navy during that period! From the first days of the war, the procedure for financial planning and financing for wartime was put into effect. Quarterly planning of cash needs has given way to monthly planning. In accordance with wartime requirements, the structure of financial bodies at the military level was adjusted, in particular, financial departments were created within the fronts and armies. The “household” of the regiment chief of finance was extremely ascetic: a small metal box for storing money, a wooden box for financial documents, and a field bag with a money book and a control book. The organization of financing for the active army was carried out simultaneously with the establishment of their cash and settlement services. Field institutions of the State Bank were formed: offices in the fronts, branches in the armies, and cash offices in formations.
At the same time, significant amounts of funding fell on military supplies: up to a third of all expenses according to the estimate of the People's Commissariat of Defense. It is interesting that the quality of the work of military financiers in those years was also assessed by the level of non-cash payments. Family certificates were introduced for officers, subscriptions to government loans and contributions to defense funds were organized. Financial services specialists were also entrusted with the tasks of accounting for captured valuables and foreign currency, which were capitalized according to acts of commissions of military units. The quality of work of the financial service of the Red Army during the war years is eloquently evidenced by the memoirs of the then Minister of Finance Arseny Zverev: “Having large funds at its disposal, the Financial Directorate of the People’s Commissariat of Defense had such reserves that even the Narkomfin did not have. But it never clung to them, but approached matters in a statesmanlike manner. In this regard, the contact between me and Khotenko (head of the Financial Directorate of the People's Commissariat of Defense) was complete. If the People’s Commissariat of Finance encountered difficulties (and this naturally happened more than once during the war), I knew for sure that by contacting the Financial Directorate of the People’s Commissariat of Defense, I would find assistance.”
The contribution of military financiers to ensuring Victory was appreciated by the state. 95 percent of army and navy finance officers were awarded orders and medals. In the first post-war years, when the country directed colossal resources to restore the national economy destroyed by the war, the army and navy were given the task of developing and using the economic capabilities of the Armed Forces. Hence the accelerated development of various areas of the economy of the Armed Forces (construction, industrial and agricultural production, military trade, internal affairs of troops, etc.) and, accordingly, the strengthening of the role of the financial service of the Ministry of Defense and its gradual transformation into a financial and economic one.
During the Cold War, when the reform of the Armed Forces was carried out in the direction of strengthening the nuclear missile component, the size of the army and navy was increased to almost five million people, which entailed the inevitable development of the uninhabited northern, eastern and southern territories. These circumstances put the troops in conditions that required the development of their own internal economy, independent support services, incl. and financial. This also led to the widespread development of a network of field banks.
The financial support system of the Armed Forces was improved along with changes in its combat strength, military and social infrastructure. The troops must be engaged in solving their main task - achieving high combat readiness. Therefore, today all functions of material and financial support have been removed from the combat echelon and concentrated in territorial bodies. This solves not only the problem of increasing the mobility and combat readiness of troops, but also the possibility of the most effective use of human resources, the introduction of modern analysis tools, technical innovations and, of course, saving financial resources.
Such a system of financial support for troops (forces) has already shown its advantages and corresponds to the chosen strategy for building the Russian Armed Forces. Today, the financial support system is based on the territorial-sectoral principle. Financial support for military units and organizations of the Armed Forces is carried out through territorial financial bodies and sectoral managers: these are military educational and scientific centers and leading military medical institutions, which have their own financial bodies.
The levels of delivery of budget funds to recipients and participants in the budget process have been optimized, and the principle of operational subordination of the heads of territorial financial bodies to the commanders of military districts has been implemented. At the same time, tasks related to financial support of units are excluded from the responsibilities of commanders.
Settlements with military personnel have been transferred to the Unified Settlement Center of the Russian Ministry of Defense. The created system of financial support for troops (forces) ensures transparency of financial flows and makes it possible to solve problems of timely and complete financing of military formations in various conditions, including when solving unexpected problems. In response to threats and challenges to its security, Russia has launched a large-scale modernization of its Armed Forces.
Objectively, this is a long-term and very expensive process. And the national security of the Russian Federation directly depends on how effectively the federal budget funds are spent. In turn, a high level of military security, by the very fact of its existence, guarantees the stability of the economic system, the security of investments in the Russian economy and people’s confidence in the future.


During the war, financiers of the USSR Armed Forces wore an emblem on their buttonholes - a silver star between two bunches of ears of corn. These people were in charge of the large funds that, by the will of the party and the people, were constantly allocated from the country's budget for the financial support of the Armed Forces.

Back in 1940, a financial department was formed under the People's Commissariat of Defense, headed by Lieutenant General of the Quartermaster Service Ya. A. Khotenko.

The Red Army received good personnel of financial workers even before the war. In 1932, the military-financial service was separated as an independent one, and until 1941, district quartermaster courses operated. In 1936, the military department of the Leningrad Financial Institute graduated the first group of specialists. The same personnel were trained by the Kharkov Military-Economic Academy. A coherent system of budgetary financing was created in the ground units, aviation and navy. We carried out a number of urgent measures to finance capital military construction, the defense industry, financial control, pension provision and the establishment of monetary allowances for military personnel.

During the war years, the structure of the financial department largely justified itself, although some restructuring was inevitable. In June 1941, 4.7 billion rubles were allocated to the fronts and military districts. Expenses amounted to only 3 billion. Already in 1942, the financial authorities of the Red Army managed to fulfill the estimates of the People's Commissariat of Defense. The following year, the financial planning procedure was significantly clarified. Limits on budget balances were regularly reviewed. Thus, the limit, determined from August 1, 1942 for the Western Front at 5.5 million rubles, from January 1, 1943 was set at 4 million, that is, with a decrease, since the main combat operations unfolded in other areas. The figure for the Southwestern Front was reduced from 2 million to 0.6 million; Don Front - from 2.5 million to 0.8 million; The Leningrad Front was increased from 4.5 million to 6 million rubles.

At the same time, a huge amount of work was carried out to save money and reduce prices for military equipment. The financial department of the NPO operated here in close contact with the People's Commissariat of Finance of the USSR. The combined efforts have brought, in my opinion, exceptional results. As a result of just one skillful revision of the calculation of prices for products and reasonable savings in materials for defense factories, it was possible to save 50.3 billion rubles for the state - a gigantic amount equal to the costs of 138 days of war!

In March 1942, Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR A.I. Mikoyan criticized the poor study by financial authorities of the cost of defense products. Indeed, the People's Commissariat of Defense paid different enterprises differently for the same products. Even clearly inflated prices were allowed. And the budget suffered. The pricing and calculation department, formed as part of the financial management of the NPO, undertook to set things up. They shook up all the calculation sheets. Specially sent people directly at the enterprises delved into production and found out where the difference in prices comes from and how to disseminate the experience of the best at the factories? And here is the result: in 1942 alone, savings amounted to 9.7 billion rubles. The tank industry enterprises turned out to be the most “generous”, and its management had to listen and take into account many fair comments. Tank production grew continuously. In May 1942, the number of tanks and self-propelled artillery units in the Red Army reached 4960, in July 1943 - 9920, and in January 1945 - already 12900. So the military calculators were not trying in vain - accuracy and economy with such growth were of paramount importance.

The financial department of the NPO sought not only to save the people’s penny, but also to spend it in the most appropriate way. It was very reasonable, for example, to introduce increased salaries for military personnel of shock armies, as well as snipers, machine gunners, mortarmen, to additionally pay for night flights of pilots, etc. In other words, the proposals went along the lines of material incentives for combat work. And there is nothing wrong with that. It is clear to everyone that the actions of the soldiers were driven primarily by high feelings of duty and patriotism. However, does one interfere with the other? Any, say, worker, diligently improving his work performance, thinks about the benefits for the business. Nevertheless, his material encouragement contains incentives to improve work. This is all the more justified in a combat situation, where every ruble skillfully invested in business resulted in saving the lives of Soviet citizens and preserving national property.

A special aspect of the financial work of the war years was the provision of financial certificates to the families of generals, officers and long-term conscripts. In conditions of the movement of military masses over long distances, it often happened that military personnel lost contact with their families, especially if they were evacuated. Meanwhile, annual payments for certificates reached 6 billion rubles. The financial department of the NPO showed good initiative and, with enviable efficiency, compiled a huge card index in which all the persons who had the right to certificates and the addresses of their families were indicated. The officer could send brief information about the family directly to the FU NPO, and it became an intermediary and not only forwarded the money document to its destination, but also helped people scattered along the front and rear to find their families. At the request of the command staff of the Red Army, 174 thousand addresses were reported.

Considerable difficulties had to be overcome in streamlining pension work. Until 1942, pension provision was the responsibility of the personnel departments of military districts. But the war showed that this order did not justify itself.

Indeed, disabled people and other people receiving pensions had to travel from everywhere to the district headquarters, and sometimes more than once. Let's remember how difficult it was then - overcrowded transport, hassle with passes to travel to various zones, etc.

One day Ya. A. Khotenko comes to me and advises: where to send a memorandum, to the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks or to the Council of Ministers of the USSR?

What note? - I ask.

With a proposal to transfer pension affairs from the districts to the jurisdiction of local military registration and enlistment offices.

I'm reading the text. Yes, a reasonable proposal. I also signed it and sent it to the Council of People's Commissars. Soon, A.I. Mikoyan held a small meeting on this issue. For some reason, the Main Personnel Directorate of the People's Commissariat of Defense was against the change, but failed to argue its position. After this, the proposal was quickly put into motion. The financial management of NPOs and its local bodies began to assign pensions for military personnel and their families. Everything changed for the better, because no one now needed to go further than the district military registration and enlistment office.

In general, the number of pensioners provided for through NPOs increased 18 times during the war years. State expenditures on corresponding pensions increased in 1945 compared to 1940 by 96 times.

A lot of worries and troubles were caused by matters related to the currency intervention of the Nazis on the territory of the USSR. In the very first days of the Great Patriotic War, when we had to retreat, robbers managed to lay their paws on Soviet funds seized from savings banks and banks. In addition, they collected a large amount of money during mass searches from the population. They took about 4 billion rubles of Soviet currency to Germany. The occupiers used some of it to supply spies and saboteurs sent to us.

The enemy tried to undermine our economy and cause inflation by sending us large quantities of counterfeit rubles. Hitler's Reichsbank forced all its accomplices in the robbery to hand over Soviet money to them. This “operation,” the ultimate goal of which was to remove rubles from circulation and impose occupation marks, had the opposite result. After the victory, our money discovered by the Red Army in the Reichsbank was capitalized and fully returned to its rightful owner - the Soviet Union.

As for the circulation of German money in the temporarily occupied territory, they were not able to displace our ruble. Forced to use the occupation stamp, since, naturally, wages were not paid in rubles there, Soviet citizens took care of the rubles they had left. According to numerous testimonies of people who survived the occupation, if it was necessary to make an important purchase on the “black market” and the seller did not want to take German marks for the goods, the buyer, looking around, confidentially said: “I’ll pay in Soviet marks.”

We, in turn, did not forget about the need to strike at the enemy not only with weapons, but also economically: our partisans and underground centers in the occupied territory were specially supplied with Soviet money. The USSR government allocated a special fund for this purpose.

This is what financiers with shoulder straps did during the war. Commanding the migration of financial resources through military channels, they worked tirelessly for the great cause of bringing victory closer.

With the expulsion of the invaders, the citizens of the USSR began to restore the economy destroyed by the enemy. Soviet money again became the only one, legal, sovereign. What happened to the occupation stamps? They were thrown into the trash. Perhaps only numismatists left one or two samples for their collections...

But this short story about people in uniform would still be incomplete without mentioning the extraordinary personal courage shown by many servicemen with a silver star and ears of corn on their buttonholes. The feat of the regiment's chief of finance, Captain V. Stupin, is widely known. While going to the front line to pay the soldiers, he suddenly fell into a fascist ambush, but did not lose his head and entered into an unequal battle. Having been wounded several times in a row, Stupin nevertheless bravely continued the fight, killed three enemies, and even captured one and managed to deliver him to his destination. The division chief, 1st rank technician-quartermaster A. Atlasov, during the advance of our formation, noticed trophies abandoned by the Nazis in the depths of the enemy position. Having quickly examined them, he discovered large valuables in the field office of a German bank.

Having organized the protection of the trophies under heavy fire, the brave and enterprising officer then handed over 370 thousand rubles worth of valuables to the state. The front and central press wrote very widely about such facts.

What is the overall result of the activities of Soviet financial authorities in wartime? There can be only one answer: all the country’s military needs were provided with the necessary funds, and the state budget of the USSR already from 1944 had a noticeable excess of revenues over expenses. Behind this short phrase is the most intense work of the entire Soviet people, including financial workers.

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2. Military in the south Through Iv. Iv. Svedentsev, as a former military man, had connections among the military, and I met them through him. These were the company commander of the Lublin regiment, Kraisky, and officers Tellier (brother of the convict) and Stratonovich. They treated me with attention and

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Reformers and financiers Yeltsin's victory briefly returned political stability to the country and allowed it to turn its attention to the economy. Her condition was extremely serious - and the main obstacle to her recovery was Chechnya. There were no active hostilities there in June and July

From the book From the Cash Pantry to the Ministry of Finance author Berdnikov L P

Materials for the biographical dictionary Financiers of the Yenisei province and Krasnoyarsk region

From the book De Conspiratione / About the Conspiracy author Fursov A.I.

17. The Crimean War, or Financiers and Revolutionaries against Russia The lack of a strategic plan played a cruel joke on Russia in the period preceding the Crimean War and in the war itself. In 1848, a revolution began in Europe, which also took over the next year. This “bourgeois” (in

From the book Complete Works. Volume 23. March-September 1913 author Lenin Vladimir Ilyich

Bourgeois businessmen-financiers and politicians The English workers' press continues its revelations about the connection between financial “operations” and higher politics. These revelations deserve the attention of workers of all countries, for here the very basis of state management in