Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Games for girls tests are scary. Scary stories and mystical stories

I came to school after the weekend. My weekends were long and lasted two whole weeks. The reason was my sudden illness. Two weeks ago, the long-awaited Friday evening was overshadowed by my temperature reaching forty. Both Saturday and Sunday I did not get out of bed. When I didn't show up at school on Monday, my best friend after class she called me. And this happened every day for two weeks. School ended at exactly two o'clock in the afternoon, and Gaby called me at two-thirty. She even visited me a couple of times.

This Monday everything was as usual. I came and waited for Gaby at the school door. I always came to school early. Even my mother didn’t have time to see me off. My watch said 8:10. Gaby should have arrived by now. Schoolchildren began to arrive at the gate!”, but she walked past me, simply nodding.
I went up to our floor. There were many of us in the class. I walked to my desk and noticed that Gaby had sat down. Now her things were on Molly's desk. The bell rang and Mrs. Parker came in. She was extremely sad look. Mrs. Parker called Gaby over and they walked out of the classroom together. The hubbub began. About five minutes later, Gaby and our teacher returned. Gaby had no face when she looked at me.

At recess we made eye contact with her. For some reason, when she saw me, her eyes widened. “Gabby, what’s wrong?” – I asked her in bewilderment. But she passed by.

The whole day passed in this way. And I even went home alone. But the worst thing is that my mother was offended by me. And I know why. She had been telling me for a long time not to leave, saying that you never know who might be on the street at such a time. She was very offended by me - she didn’t even invite me to dinner and didn’t lay it on me. Having done my homework, I went to bed with the hope of laziness tomorrow.

But Tuesday didn’t want to be any better. Gaby didn’t come up to me again, and as soon as I appeared in her field of vision, she disappeared, staring at me. I frantically began to remember what I could have done wrong to her. I didn't kill her dog. I didn’t take away lunch and didn’t even call her “fish.” This is her least favorite nickname. What could have happened? I decided to call her in the evening, but my attempts were unsuccessful.

There was no school on Wednesday. I could sleep for a long time and not jump up at six in the morning. But I couldn't sleep all night. I heard how in next room Mom was crying, and Dad was trying to console her. I couldn't make out the words. I fell asleep only in the morning. A door slam woke me up. Opening my eyes, I saw the time: 10.44, which meant that dad had left for work. I could talk to my mother alone.

Sitting up on the bed, I began to look for my clothes. Not seeing her, I decided to go down to my mother in my pajamas and ask her. From the stairs I saw my mother putting things into piles. Here's a glimpse of my T-shirt. I slowly approached her from behind. She was sobbing quietly. “Mom?” – I asked in a half-whisper. “Can I have a T-shirt? Have I done something wrong?” Mom stopped with my T-shirt in her hands. She slowly brought it to her face and sobbed. Then she turned around and walked past me with tears in her eyes. She locked herself in the bathroom and cried there. I took my jeans from the ironing board and left. Soon, namely at 12 o'clock, mom went to work. All this time I did not leave my room. What could have happened?

Wednesday passed boringly, but quickly. I decided for myself that if she doesn’t talk to me tomorrow, I will stop being friends with her completely. It was as if everyone around had been replaced. What happened to my mother and best friend?

It rained at night. I usually don’t like this kind of weather, but I wasn’t in any better mood today.

This morning I overslept. Somehow the alarm didn't go off. I got dressed as quickly as possible and, without having breakfast, ran to school. There was no one in the school yard when I arrived. The attendants did not bother me, and I quickly ducked between them. But to my disappointment, Gaby was not at school. Annoyance overwhelmed me. I was in a foggy confusion all day. Thoughts, one worse than the other, overwhelmed me.

I walked home in splendid isolation. Leaves were spinning underfoot. Three youngsters with backpacks larger than themselves rushed past me. How I wish I could trade places with them now!

And now - hurray! - The last day of the week has arrived. Friday. On this day we have few lessons, and Gaby is on duty in the classroom. I got a chance to talk to her alone. She avoided me again all day. Physical education ended and everyone went up to our class. My classmates collected all their things and left school. I stood behind the closet all this time, waiting for everyone to leave. Gaby probably didn’t see me, because when she approached the corner where I was with a broom, that same broom fell out of her hands, and her eyes widened. There was genuine horror on her face, and she began to swallow nervously. I turned to her:

- Gaby, is everything okay?

She made a sound and closed her eyes. Then she began to slowly turn around. I quickly walked around Gaby and appeared in front of her when she opened her eyes.

Gaby listen to me! Don't go.

My friend became whiter and whiter with every word. I continued:

- What's going on with you all? It's like you've been replaced!

You say?..

Yes of course! Why are you ignoring me?

Gaby was silent for a minute. She was breathing quickly. Tears appeared in her eyes and she said, confused, with a trembling voice:

But, Jenn... You died...

Almost every school has its own horror stories associated with its building. So in one small town, there was a legend among students that on the 15th of every lunar month, strange things happen at night at school - for example, that the eyes of the statue opposite the entrance rotate, the number of steps in the stairwells changes, in the laboratories, taps start to flow instead of water. blood flow. And if at this time someone dares to enter the last toilet on the first floor, then no one will see this person again.

One day a group of children decided to check whether they were telling the truth or just stories. They gathered on the 15th of the lunar month and approached the school closer to midnight.

The eyes of the statue at the entrance looked to the left - as they passed by it, the guys specifically paid attention to this. After waiting for some time, they were convinced that the eyes did not move even a millimeter.

“Fairy tales are everything,” said one of the boys.

Let's see some more...

They entered the building and approached the stairs. One step, two, three... Total thirteen steps. That's right, there should have been thirteen of them, like every staircase in the building.

Then the guys went to the laboratory. They opened one of the taps and water poured out.

Yes, they came in vain - the guys’ fear finally dissipated, and without much hope they decided to check the last toilet on the first floor.

True, in front of the toilet door their ardor cooled somewhat. Although they vying with each other said that they no longer believed anything, no one was in a hurry to enter. Finally, one boy, Jack, said that he was not afraid of anything, opened the door and went into the toilet. His friends looked at their watches. It was exactly one o'clock in the morning.

A minute later the boy came out of the toilet:

There is nothing, these are all fairy tales!

The guys walked away laughing. After leaving school, they ran home.

One boy from this group, Eric, took one more look at the statue at the entrance before leaving. Her eyes still looked to the left.

“Fairy tales,” he whispered contemptuously and headed home.

The next morning Jack’s mother called him:

Listen, Jack was with you last night, wasn't he? He still hasn't returned home.

The guys sensed something was wrong. In the end, they decided to tell their parents and teachers about their "experiment" last night. Together with the adults they went to the school building.

What are you saying? “The statue near the school has eyes looking to the right,” said the school principal, listening to the children’s story.

How so? But yesterday we approached on purpose - they looked to the left!

Upon entering the gate, everyone saw that the eyes were indeed looking to the right.

But there were still steps! - The guys quickly ran to the stairs.

One, two, three... twelve?!

“Yes, there have always been twelve steps on this staircase,” said the school principal. - It is shorter than the other stairs by one step, the architects made a mistake in the design.

This is impossible!

But the faucet in the laboratory... - one boy remembered.

Upon entering the laboratory, everyone looked at the tap. There was a red puddle caked in the sink underneath him.

But... but Jack went to that toilet! - everyone was numb with fear.

Let’s go quickly and have a look,” the director felt that the matter was becoming serious.

They pushed the door...

The first thing they saw was Jack's mutilated body. His eyes were wide open, horror frozen in them. The neck was cut wide across. All the blood had drained from the body, leaving the face as pale as paper. The insides were turned out and lay in the now dry shell.

Jack's mother screamed and fainted. Some of the teachers present could not stop vomiting.

Eric stared at the watch on Jack's wrist without blinking. They showed exactly one hour - the time when he entered the toilet.

There lived a girl and a boy. And their names were Tanya Petrova and Dima Fedorov. They studied in the same class. And for three years now they have been sitting at the same desk. They were sometimes even teased:
- Tili-tili dough, bride and groom!
But in reality they hated each other very much. They were fourteen years old and already in eighth grade.

One day during recess Dima stood at the window and did nothing else. I didn't even think about it. Tanya walked past. Dima’s leg somehow jerked on its own and Tanya was tripped. She hurt her knees and arms painfully. She jumped up and began hitting Dima with her palms and insulting him with words. But then the bell rang and the children went to class.
- Okay, I'll take revenge on you! - Tanya said finally.

The next day in class English teacher gave the task to act out a dialogue in a store in pairs. One student must be the seller and the other must be the buyer. Tanya and Dima also had to act out this scene. They more or less succeeded. But suddenly Tanya raised her hand.

What do you want, Tanyusha? - asked the teacher. Tanya was an excellent student and an activist. Therefore, many teachers affectionately called her “Tanyusha.”
- And Dima swears in Russian and English! - Tanya said.
- She's lying! - Dima was indignant.

The teacher was strict and punished Dima by giving him a bad grade. She also wrote in her diary: “I swore.” Dima’s dad was also strict and punished him severely with a belt. Then on parent meeting The class teacher, in front of other parents, severely scolded Dima’s mother. Dima also got it from his mother.

For a long time Dima could not figure out how to take revenge on Tanya. However, chance helped. Their school, although not a gymnasium, was considered very good. At least that's what the principal and teachers said. The school celebrated "School Day" once a year. On this day it was necessary to praise your school in every possible way. “Cultivate patriotism,” that’s what the director said. On this day, first cool watch, where the children made reports on the topic “Why I love my school,” then the best students from the class (ten of them) went to the assembly hall, where there was a big festive performance. The rest of the students had to do something useful for the school: general cleaning, painting something, decorating something, and so on.

This year is the most important report Tanya was tasked with doing it at the big performance. During the break, the director approached Tanya, handed her a piece of paper with the report and reminded her that she needed to learn it before tomorrow. Because tomorrow there will be a performance. Tanya said that of course she would learn. The director stood there for a moment, not knowing what else to say that was so important.
- Be careful not to lose it! - she ordered finally.
Tanya immediately carefully placed the sheet in her briefcase. I immediately visited Dima important idea: “We urgently need to steal this paper!” At the next break he did just that.

Tanya came home and had dinner (they were studying in the second shift). I watched TV. I talked a little on the phone. She wasn’t worried about the report because she had a lot of time: this evening and tomorrow morning. And Tanya had a good memory. At ten o'clock she sat down to study the report, but did not find him. She shook the briefcase several times, but there was no report! That night Tanya couldn’t fall asleep out of fear.

The next day she was hit hard. And from the director, and from the classroom, and from other teachers. Even some children, specifically to make it even more painful, came up and deliberately scolded her.
- Ahah! Now we will all be punished! How could you?!
- Well, you're a fool! How could you lose this stupid report?! The headmistress will never forgive you...

Tanya felt very, very bad. Sometimes it seemed to her that it would be better to die altogether. But suddenly she met Dima with a mop in the corridor: he was going somewhere to wash something. From his cunning face, Tanya understood whose hands it was. Anger filled her soul. She no longer felt fear and resentment. There was only anger.

For a long time she could not figure out how to take revenge. But then, while watching some youth series, I found good idea. Over the next three days, she talked a lot with her friends and girls she simply knew: at school, on the street, on the phone. She casually informed all of them that Dima was kissing other boys in the toilet. She lied very convincingly and soon all the girls were sure of it and discussed it among themselves.

Somehow they had a “window”: the English teacher got sick and the children had to sit in class for one lesson, doing nothing. It was then that the girls began to talk out loud about how and with whom Dima kisses. In short, everyone began to mock him together. After listening, the boys also began to mock Dima. Dima sat red as a tomato, he wanted to fall through the ground. And then for two weeks both classmates and children from other classes constantly made fun of him. It ended after Dima severely beat one “joker”.

The school principal organized a school-wide meeting where they discussed all this for two hours. At this meeting, Dima felt bad, he lost consciousness from shame.

Then he carefully questioned the girls and found out that Tanya had spread all these rumors. His anger knew no bounds. He hung a scarecrow at home. I imagined it was Tanya. And he hit him with all his might. But it did not help.

For a long time he did not know how to take revenge. But the youth series on TV also helped him. There he saw a cool joke.

Dima bought a pregnancy test at the pharmacy. You need to take this test in your urine. Then if two stripes appear on it, it means you are pregnant. Dima carefully drew two stripes. Then during class he allegedly accidentally dropped his pen on the floor. He bent down to pick it up. Meanwhile, he threw this very test under the chair. Teacher telling new topic, walked around the class. She noticed this test. She bent down, picked it up and put it in her book. At the same time, she continued to tell the topic of the lesson. After the lesson, she told everything to the class teacher and gave the test to her. She was afraid to decide something herself and ran to the director.

The next day, both Tanya’s parents were summoned by the director along with Tanya. She scolded all three for a long time. She said that such students disgrace such good school. In general, there was a terrible scandal. Tanya again almost died of shame. She was taken to a doctor, but he denied she was pregnant. The parents calmed down, but Tanya still felt very bad. She suspected that Dima did it, but was not sure about it. Therefore, I did not dare to take revenge. Over time, she was overcome by terrible melancholy.

The cool one also suspected Dima and wasn’t sure about it either. Just in case, she called Dima’s dad. And she began to scold him, saying they raised him to be a bully and all that.

This time dad didn’t even hit Dima with a belt. He just said that his friends opened a private camp for summer holiday children. This camp is paramilitary. Only boys "rest" there. And all the staff are men. Even the cooks. And all are former military men. The rules there are very strict. Arrival at the camp on June 3. Departure - August 27. The daily routine is very strict. Rise at six in the morning. Lights out at ten pm. In the morning cold shower. Three runs per day with a total length of 20 kilometers. In short, they will make a real man out of Dima. Although this is a very expensive pleasure, dad is ready to spend money so that Dima grows into a man.

Dima said that he does not want to be a military man. He wants to be a scientist or engineer. Then dad said that if Dima passes the annual math test with at least 95 percent, then Dima will not go to the camp. Otherwise...

There was one month left before the test. Dima sat and pored over mathematics every evening. He really didn't want to go to camp.

The day of the test has arrived. Dima began to confidently answer all questions and solve all problems. The test took two hours. Dima decided everything in the first hour and began to rewrite everything from draft to clean copy. Suddenly he noticed a sunny spot on the wall behind the teacher. This bunny was drawing some figures. Dima realized that this bunny was being launched by Volodya Galkin, the best in mathematics in their class, the winner regional Olympiad mathematics.

Dima began to peer at the figures and realized that Volodya was writing the correct answers on the wall: “1-B 2-B 3-D...” Dima himself had other answers, but he realized that he was wrong. He wrote the answers of the sunny bunny in the original copy.

After the test, Dima came up to Volodya and began to say that he had a good idea of ​​telling others the answers with the help of a sunbeam. But Volodya called him an idiot, explaining that his watch was on right hand and when writing, they trembled and cast off a ray of sunshine.

So Dima ended up in a paramilitary camp. It was even worse there than dad said. They were fed rough and tasteless food. For example, pearl barley. They could give only potatoes and salted herring for three days. This is how future soldiers and officers developed resilience. For every offense they were forced to do push-ups or pull-ups. They ran in any weather. Once they were “sorry” and told that the evening run was cancelled. All the boys were happy. But they were woken up at two in the morning and forced to run a distance of five kilometers. Those who did not obey were locked in the “dark room”. It was a cellar. It was completely dark there, it smelled terrible and there were rats running around. As soon as Dima sat there for 3 hours, it began to seem to him that he was buried alive. He never disobeyed again. There were many other terrible conditions. For example, there was no toilet room there at all. Everyone did their business in a special ditch.

The director of the camp was a nasty guy, Pyotr Ivanovich, a retired major. And as it turned out, he was Tanya Petrova’s uncle! Dima found out about it this way. Somehow they had to study the provision of first medical care. This is where Pyotr Ivanovich says:
- Yeah! We need a “dummy”, one on whom we will study artificial respiration techniques. So I heard that there is an offender of my niece, Tanya Petrova. Fedorov! Break down!

And for a whole week Dima was a “dummy”. More than a hundred other boys had to give him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Once Dima could not bear the humiliation and burst into tears.
“Our Tanya is crying loudly, she dropped a ball into the river...” Pyotr Ivanovich recited.

Since then, everyone began to call Dima Tanya. Then they began to call him “Peter’s favorite” or “Petrov’s favorite”. Then these nicknames merged and they began to call him “Tanya Petrova”. Dima generally became disgusted that he was called by the name of a hated person. There were many other humiliations. For example, Dima was forced to “clean up the latrine.”

When Dima arrived home, he was so thin that his mother began to cry, and his father began to respect Dima and for some reason called him “Comrade Fedorov.”

All summer Dima hatched a plan for revenge on Tanya. Although she was not directly to blame for the fact that he was sent to the camp. And that's what he came up with! Dima decided to marry Tanya! He decided that as soon as she gave birth to a child from him, then he would leave her. And he will say that it was revenge, that he never loved her. So let her young woman suffer with a child in her arms.

That's how it all turned out. Dima looked after Tanya for a very long time. But a year later, when they were already sixteen, they decided to get married. By law, you can get married at the age of eighteen, but with parental consent you can get married at the age of sixteen. Dima and Tanya spent a long time trying to persuade their parents. And yet they persuaded me. They merried. And when they were not even seventeen, their daughter was born.

Dima's finest hour has come! He began planning his speech. But the more he planned the speech, the more scared he became. He was as scared as he was only in the “dark” camp. In short, Dima realized that he loved both Tanya and his daughter, and that he could not live without them. Dima decided not to say anything. But he still felt like a traitor. He told Tanya everything. And she wasn’t offended at all. After that, they began to live amicably and very happily, never quarreling.

And Pyotr Ivanovich, as a relative, often came to visit them. At first, out of habit, he mocked Dima. Then he saw how friendly Tanya and Dima lived and he became very envious. Because he himself was never married. He began to drink a lot and soon died after three heart attacks.

Here are the worst ones in my opinion...
Toothpick doll
In one camp they decided to somehow organize a competition using toothpicks. The camp director went to the nearest village by car. There I bought a lot of toothpicks - a whole bucket. Usually toothpicks are sold in small jars, but in this village for some reason they were sold in bulk.
Someone failed to do anything interesting. Several children made hedgehogs: they simply stuck toothpicks into plasticine.
One girl managed to make a cute Christmas tree decorated with green paint. She took second place. And one boy made a beautiful boat. He took first place.
And one of the children made a doll. So ugly, ugly even. She looked scary, but mesmerizing. It was clear that the author did a good job. The doll took third place. Only none of the children admitted that he made this doll. So this doll remained without an author.
At night, two boys smoked secretly at their window. One pushes the other on the shoulder and says: “Look!” Something strange was moving through the bushes, some kind of animal. One boy happened to have a video camera with him. He specifically took her with him to the camp to make a high-quality video and then post it on YouTube. The camera had a night mode. It was in this mode that the animal was photographed. Then they watch it on repeat - and this is the same toothpick doll!
Then a squeal was heard. Some girl flew out of the window of her house, feet first, and quickly ran through the forest. Also feet first.
A few seconds later she was no longer visible. Only a squeal echoed through the night forest. Some unknown force dragged the girl in the direction where the toothpick doll had gone before.
The noise of a passing train was heard nearby. The railway was just nearby...
There is nothing left of this girl at all. She was all smeared railway. The trail of blood stretched for a hundred kilometers. It’s just that this toothpick doll snuck into the girls’ room, tied a rope to the sleeping girl’s leg, and tied the other end of the rope to a train that stood at the station. When the train started moving, the girl was dragged. First through the forest, and then along rails and sleepers.
No one else has seen this doll yet. And the guy who sold toothpicks admitted that he makes them from old coffins that he pulls out of the ground. After all, new boards are expensive to buy. It was in that very bucket that this toothpick doll accidentally formed.

There was a girl Ira in the 4th grade. She loved taking selfies, both herself and with her friends.
One day new students came to this class: a girl and a boy. They were sister and brother, but both children were of extraordinary beauty. All the boys went crazy over the girl, they looked at her with such loving eyes. And all the girls were almost thrown from behind their desks by the boy. Well, teacher Valentina Arkadyevna introduced them as Artyom and Ilona.
Ilona sat down with Ira because it was one thing free place in class. And Artyom said that there was no place for him. Immediately one bespectacled Marina stood up and said:
– Sit here, I’ll sit somewhere else!
After these words, all the girls immediately looked envious, but the teacher refused Marina. Well, Artyom had to go to grade 4-A. While the teacher was walking with Artyom, all the girls and boys in the class surrounded Ilona, ​​and Ira was not angry and even offered to take a selfie with her. She did it, but didn’t even look at what happened.
While Valentina Arkadyevna was walking back along the corridor, she noticed that the wallpaper had turned blue, although it was green. She didn't think much of it because she forgot her glasses. When she had already approached the door and grabbed the handle, she turned and saw that the wallpaper was completely gone. "Maybe, magnetic storms, or something,” the teacher thought and opened the door.
Everyone turned and, seeing the teacher, quickly ran to their places.
The bell rang and Ilona, ​​grabbing Ira’s hand, led her to the dressing room.
- Ilona, ​​what happened?
But she just silently grabbed the phone and deleted all the selfies. Then she hit Ira on the cheeks, causing her to fall and for some reason burn her fingers. Then Ilona said:
- If you tell anyone, you will die.
Ira was scared and didn’t tell anyone anything for a month. But then she decided that Ilona had forgotten, and told the director. Ilona came, and when she left, she said:
“Tonight you will die, Ira.”
Ira got scared and ran away from school. She didn’t even run to the bus stop, but rushed home like that. And while she was running, night came. It became dark and dark, and while Ira was running, she did not notice the shepherd that had torn her to pieces out of anger.
But she is not the only one who died that night. Yana took a selfie with Artyom, and she died due to lack of air.
The fact is that Artyom and Ilona are spirits. Artyom is the spirit of air, and Ilona is the spirit of fire. If you photograph them, they will die. So they didn’t want to die and made their way into the world of people, because they were persecuted in their world. In this way, Yana and Ira are now in the world where Ilona and Artyom used to be, and have become the spirit of water and the spirit of darkness.