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How to make the right choice of English language school. How to choose language courses? Preparation courses for international exams

August is ending, which means the new school year is just around the corner. While some mothers are purchasing notebooks, pens and colored pencils, others are already drawing up an annual plan for their child - where to go and what to do outside of school lessons. According to statistics, the leaders are sports sections, dancing and English courses. We were told about how to choose the right language school and what details you need to pay attention to in the network of foreign language schools.

When to start learning English

A popular idea among parents is that you need to start learning English as early as possible, that is, literally from birth. For example, children raised in bilingual families learn to speak both languages ​​equally well. Does this mean that you need to run to courses as soon as the child starts talking? Not really. “When a child grows up in a family where several languages ​​are spoken, he is constantly in the process of communication. There are mechanisms at work here that are different from those involved in language learning in the classroom,- explains the Alibra School teacher. - Children do not learn their native language in the literal sense of the word, the way we learn a foreign language - vocabulary, grammar, phonetics. They absorb it all on an intuitive level. Therefore, if you don’t speak English at home, there is no point in rushing to courses. The ideal age to start learning a foreign language is 5-6 years old.". At this age, children develop a conceptual apparatus, so new knowledge is absorbed better. English classes will help not only broaden your horizons, but also develop creative thinking and communication skills.

English courses or tutor?

Another difficult choice a parent faces is whether to study in a group or individually. In Russia, individual tutoring has traditionally been more trusted, which is why many parents hire tutors for their children. This is a good option if your child needs something very specific, such as studying for exams. But don’t forget that learning a language is, first of all, communication, and the more communication there is during the course, the better. Group lessons benefit from the fact that here the children hear not only the teacher, but also other students. In this way, the very important skill of perceiving someone else's speech (both correct and incorrect) by ear is practiced. The most common fear of mothers and fathers is - what if my baby is not given enough attention, he will be “overshadowed” by other students and he will not learn anything? In fact, an experienced teacher who has been working with groups for a long time knows how to correctly “distribute oneself” in a group and structure a lesson so that none of the students is left unattended. So if you want your child to be able not only to listen, but also to speak, choose a group.

Five tips for choosing a language school from an Alibra School teacher

Good English language schools, as a rule, carefully select teachers, so if you want to get guarantees of the competence of your future teacher, go to a large language school, preferably a network one, with a large number of branches. “Alibra has uniform standards for teachers in all cities where the school operates - in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, and Kazan; we select personnel according to uniform criteria. Naturally, we look at work experience, level of language knowledge (not lower than Advanced) and the availability of all necessary certificates. For teachers of children's programs, it is a great advantage to have a TKT certificate in the YLE module. This means that the person has confirmed his skills in conducting classes using communicative methods specifically for children. Of course, each candidate undergoes an interview and training, after which he passes our internal exam. Only after this can he work with students.",” comments Alibra School academic director Elena Kruglaya.

2. Choose a convenient schedule and check your homework

In terms of workload and number of working hours, some schoolchildren will give a head start to many adults. Getting up early, studying in class, doing homework, all kinds of courses and extra classes - modern children are no less tired than their parents. Therefore, when choosing a foreign language school, look at how much time it will take to travel. Maximum time is 40 minutes. Anna Berkovich, director of Alibra School says: “When opening new branches, we specifically make sure that it is convenient for people to get to them. All our branches are located within walking distance from metro stations and close to the center. We create the schedule so that it is convenient for listeners. If you need to move a lesson or change class times, we always accommodate.”.

As for homework, if your child is not asked anything from lesson to lesson, this is a reason to be wary. Many schools offer a learning format that does not involve any homework. In the classroom, children have fun, have fun, play games, communicate, but at the same time they learn English from time to time. Naturally, the children themselves are satisfied with this process, and they are happy to attend such courses. Unfortunately, parents notice too late that classes are going on, but for some reason their child’s knowledge is not increasing. In order not to grieve about wasted money, choose schools where children actually study. This means they get homework.

3. Choose age-appropriate courses

English courses for children are an abstract concept. Usually, the concept of “children” includes all students from 5 to 18 years old, but they need to be taught differently - this is obvious. A language school must have a gradation of courses by age, and the smaller it is, the better. For example, at Alibra School there are four age groups - 5-7 years old, 8-10 years old, 11-14 years old and 15-17 years old. For each age, it has been developed, which takes into account the psychological characteristics of students of different ages. For each age, we select our own examples, topics for discussion, types of exercises, videos and audios that will be of interest to children.

4. Look for a solid curriculum

Like any parent, you probably want to find a reliable educational option for your child, so it is best to choose courses that are based on proven methods with guaranteed results. Alibra School uses textbooks developed by the University of Cambridge to teach children. They use a communicative technique that develops basic language skills - writing, reading, speaking, listening comprehension. Training using this method follows the principle “from simple to complex” and, if possible, excludes the use of the Russian language. Such training allows children not only to learn to communicate fluently in English, but also to prepare for taking the international Cambridge exams. According to Alibra School director Anna Berkovich, 80% of the school's students successfully pass such exams and receive an official certificate. The very first Cambridge exam can be taken at the age of 7. In the future, this experience will allow the child to pass school exams (OGE, Unified State Exam) without any problems and get good scores.

5. Ask what results are expected from the classes

If you don’t want to waste money on English courses for your child, be sure to monitor his progress. Please pay attention to the following points: what guarantees of training are provided to you, and whether there will be feedback from teachers. Elena Kruglaya comments: “In Alibra, each course has certain planned indicators - the number of words and expressions learned, speech literacy and the overall level of language proficiency on the language scale. At the end of each course, the student must reach a certain level and be able to confirm it in an exam. In this way, we can guarantee parents that after training their child will receive a certain result. Our students really speak English!”.

Alibra School invites everyone to August 25th in all departments of the school. Parents will get acquainted with teaching methods, curriculum and materials, and children will receive a free English lesson, games, competitions and gifts. Admission is free, you can sign up by calling 8-800-301-20-20 or on the school website.

The quality of knowledge and high results depend on the correct choice of a company offering training services. Since difficulties already arise at the stage of searching for suitable courses, we will try to tell you how to choose a good language school and an experienced teacher.


Purpose of study

Initially, you need to decide what goal you want to achieve from learning English. And based on this, the course is chosen. Most organizations present the most popular options:

  • Classical training course. During the classes, the main emphasis is on gradually improving knowledge, all the subtleties of a foreign language are worked out. At the same time, the development of students’ skills occurs equally, without deepening into vocabulary, grammar, and phonetics.
  • Conversation course. It is suitable for those who need the skills of free communication with an interlocutor. During the training process, students develop communication skills. Typical situations from life are studied, students listen to audio recordings. At a highly reputable school you can interact with a native English speaker.
  • Specialized course. Students are preparing to take international exams. If you plan to study in another country or move abroad, you will take tests: TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, IELTS, CAE, etc. You can take a course at a language school that prepares students to pass the exam.
  • A business course necessarily includes familiarization with the established rules of business etiquette, replenishing the vocabulary with certain terms most used in the business environment. Students are taught how to properly compose letters and business documentation. The acquired skills allow you to freely communicate with foreign partners and work with documents drawn up in English.
  • Intensive course. Its difference is that the training program is more intensive, and this allows you to learn the language in a short time. The class schedule is tight - there are 5-7 of them per week. In addition, students often study longer than usual.
  • Technical course. It is aimed at representatives of a certain profession. The main focus is on studying terminology, for example, in the field of medicine, science, etc.

Methods of teaching English

It is customary to classify all methods of teaching a foreign language into traditional and alternative. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss further:

  • Level (classical) method. All taught material is divided into 6 levels: from Beginner to Advanced. This is the most common teaching method as the student learns all aspects of the language in depth. Speech skills are developed in order to remove the accent from pronunciation as much as possible. The listener learns to understand a conversation in a foreign language and freely express his thoughts. Typically, completing one level takes 3-9 months of active training. That is, in order to master English and speak it fluently, a beginner will need 2-2.5 years.

Disadvantages of this method:

  • Limited language practice. Usually, in order to start speaking a foreign language fluently, a student needs to master 2 levels of training (“Below Intermediate” - Pre-Untermediate), and this will take more than one month.
  • Duration of training. This method is not suitable for those who need to learn a language quickly.
  • Large payment amount. The longer the training courses last, the higher the financial costs will be.
  • Levelless technique. This learning option is suitable for those who have limited free time and do not want to study the language in depth. This technique is called communicative. The main emphasis is on developing the listener's communication skills. You will be taught how to correctly compose sentences, form communicative forms of communication on topics, then the training is built on developing the skills of correct thinking on English language. The levelless method differs from traditional classes in that it presents the material in a more interesting way.


  • Superficial language learning. It is impossible to study a language in depth in such a short time. But the knowledge gained is enough to communicate orally with foreigners and maintain a conversation.
  • Knowledge of grammar is at a low level. There is not enough time to study grammar in depth, so the listener only has time to understand the basic rules. Such knowledge will not allow you to successfully pass international exams.
  • Vocabulary is minimal. Of course, it all depends on what “baggage” of English words you came to language school with. Students who are more advanced in vocabulary find it much easier and faster to start communicating in English, which cannot be said about people with “zero” knowledge.

After determining your learning goals and methodology, you can start looking for a language school. From several suitable options, you need to select those schools that provide This is very important! During a trial lesson, you find yourself in a group of students who are already studying at this school. This is an introductory lesson for new students. By assessing the quality of training and the way of teaching, you can choose the most suitable language school.

Requirements for teachers

  • Availability of a document confirming specialized higher education. Do not hesitate to ask the teacher to show a document confirming graduation from the University. It must have a specialty “English teacher”. Some schools teach students who do not yet have a diploma because they are in their final years of university. Such courses will be ineffective.
  • Own methodological developments. If a teacher is passionate about his work, he will always have time for scientific activities. An interested teacher has his own English teaching aids or even several published books.
  • Application of different teaching methods. Find out what teaching aids and textbooks a certain teacher uses. A qualified specialist prefers to teach using books written by foreign authors. “One-sided” training is extremely undesirable - high-quality delivery of knowledge is possible only when using different methods in combination, the right combination of modern and classical approaches.
  • Extensive experience in teaching. Try to find out what the teacher did before coming to the school of your choice, and how many years he has been teaching. An excellent option is when a teacher works at the same time at a good university. This indicates that the specialist is developing his knowledge.
  • Correct presentation of material. Even one visit to a free class is enough to understand whether you can learn from this teacher. Focus on how he teaches the educational material, explains the rules, and corrects mistakes made by students. The teacher must not only correctly correct the learning process, but also do it in an understandable form and as simply as possible.
  • Friendliness towards students. High-quality learning in groups is possible only in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere. An experienced teacher is able to awaken in you the desire to achieve success, and also creates conditions for the most comfortable communication in the group.

Number of people in the group

For classes to have the greatest possible effect, the group should not contain more than 4-8 people. Only with such a number of fellow students will a student be able to develop communication skills. It is worth noting that in small groups additional motivation appears: everyone strives to achieve results faster than others. If you need to prepare for an international exam, it is preferable to study in a mini-group with a maximum of 2-3 students. The teacher will be able to apply an individual approach to teaching each student.

It is difficult to choose a language school, and you can also fall for scammers. How to avoid this?

  • If an organization does not have state registration, it is a bad school that does not guarantee the quality of education.
  • An agreement with questionable or unfavorable terms. Be sure to carefully study the contract before signing it. Please note if there is a refund option in case of termination of classes.
  • Lack of reviews and information about the language school on the Internet. There is no need to risk your money: good courses have been working in the service sector for many years.
  • The teacher does not test to check the level of knowledge. The teacher must understand what gaps in knowledge the student has. People with different levels of knowledge of a foreign language cannot study in the same group. Otherwise, problems will arise later in the learning process.
  • Prepayment for the entire training course should alert you: this is usually what fraudulent organizations do. In schools with quality education, payment is made per month of training. With this approach, if you stop studying, you will avoid financial losses.
  • If you are choosing a long course of study, find out if the teacher will be changing in the next academic year. It is recommended to study with one teacher - he provides systematized knowledge according to his methodology, and a new teacher will introduce his own base, as a result of which it is difficult for students to adapt to the new program.

Learning a foreign language is not an easy process, but it is very necessary. Many people now need to know English. For example, this is relevant for travel, moving abroad, communicating with foreign colleagues and friends, and work. There are many representative offices of international companies in Moscow that require excellent knowledge of English from their employees. To improve your language proficiency, you need to attend classes. They are held in special schools, of which there are many in Moscow. Some of them are designed for children, others for any age. Such schools differ in many factors, including:

  1. Number of people in groups. It is believed that the fewer students study at the same time, the more effective the learning. You have more opportunities to ask a question and get the teacher's attention. There are schools where the maximum number of people reaches 4, and somewhere it can be 20.
  2. Intensity of classes depends on the chosen course and goals. For example, many centers offer 2-month summer programs or 1-2 week programs during the holidays.
  3. Schedule. The ability to choose the most convenient schedule is a very important factor. There are places where there is no strong connection to groups, and the student can study in different groups at a convenient time. Some schools give new students the opportunity to join at any time, others only at the beginning of the course.
  4. Methodology. The most effective are considered to be communicative ones, which facilitate the assimilation of information while speaking in English. Traditional methods also deserve attention, because... suitable for a large number of people. Many linguistic centers develop their own proprietary teaching methods.
  5. Teachers. The most important person in the educational process, of course. The teacher appears. The assimilation of information, the effectiveness of classes and the interest of students depend on it.
  6. Price. This indicator can vary greatly from school to school. Choose courses based on your capabilities. The average price of an academic hour in Moscow is 600 rubles.

We found out which English language schools are considered the best in Moscow. When compiling the rating, the following characteristics were taken into account:

  • effectiveness of training;
  • student reviews;
  • location;
  • price.

Top 10 English language schools in Moscow

10 BigWig

The most interesting events in English
On the map: Moscow, per. Sivtsev Vrazhek, 44/28
Rating (2019): 4.5

BigWig Language Center offers effective English language courses that allow you to achieve maximum results. There is a standard program to choose from, costing only 6,000 rubles. per month, English club - speaking practice, individual lessons, as well as corporate lessons for companies. Lessons here are taught in English (90% of the time), which ensures high efficiency. New words are easily learned with the help of special techniques from the center’s teachers.
All students can attend interesting events - the game "Mafia" in English, a film club, etc. The center regularly holds a conversation club, where the most relevant and necessary topics are discussed entirely in English. At the end of the course you receive a special certificate. The cost of classes starts from 9,000 rubles. per month. Reviews indicate the rapid overcoming of the language barrier and complete immersion in the language environment during classes. Advantages: parking, located in the center of Moscow, interesting events, high performance, good reviews. Disadvantages: none found.

9 Windsor

The best school for preparing for IELTS, convenient flexible learning system
On the map: Moscow, Komsomolsky Prospekt, 7
Rating (2019): 4.5

Windsor is an English school that has existed for over 15 years and is recognized as one of the best for preparing for the IELTS exam. Experienced teachers take into account the individual characteristics of each student, create the most effective programs and improve methods. The teachers here are native speakers from various countries: Canada, USA, Great Britain, etc. The qualifications of each of them are confirmed by international certificates. The school annually organizes intensive English courses in the Canary Islands.
The lessons are based on a lexical teaching method, which involves learning not individual words, but expressions, which allows you to effectively develop spoken language and improve your knowledge of grammar. The Flexible system makes it possible to join a group at any time, because... each new topic starts every two weeks. Main advantages: you can join at any time, flexible class schedule, foreign teachers, unique methodology, several course options to choose from for children and adults. No deficiencies found.


Classes for children from 3 years old
On the map: Moscow, Mitinskaya st., 36, building 1
Rating (2019): 4.6

International language school ILS has 16 branches in Moscow and the Moscow region. Having existed for more than 15 years, the center has developed and improved unique methods of learning English. With their help, students can quickly and efficiently improve their level of knowledge, become familiar with the cultural environment of other countries and use their skills in practice. By the way, almost all students of the school successfully pass the Cambridge exams every year.
The basis here is a communicative technique, which through spoken language helps to memorize new words and understand grammar. The learning process excludes the Russian language, and lessons are often taught by native speakers. Special programs are designed for children from 2 to 17 years old and adults. Teenagers are sent to English boot camps. Advantages: courses for any age, individual needs taken into account, 16 schools to choose from, native speakers among teachers, interesting form of education. Disadvantages: none found.

7 Globus International

Preparation for exams, interviews
On the map: Moscow, st. Makarenko, 5
Rating (2019): 4.6

The Globus International linguistic center was opened in Moscow 13 years ago. It includes many courses for learning English, including intensive (twice a year for 2 months), standard, using unique proprietary methods, a business course, preparation for interviews, as well as for international exams and tests. At school you can improve your knowledge before moving abroad or traveling, improve your communication skills in classes with a native speaker, learn to think in English, remove the language barrier and much more.
Globus International has a large teaching staff, which includes the most professional teachers. Students leave positive feedback and confirm the effectiveness of the classes. There is a course for children, teenagers and adults, as well as corporate courses for companies. Main advantages: many options for classes to choose from, quick results, effective techniques, comfortable classes, interval testing, low prices (a standard course costs 5,500 rubles per month). Cons: none found.

6 Denis" School

An effective approach to teaching
On the map: Moscow, Malaya Dmitrovka street, 25, building 1
Rating (2019): 4.7

The international network of foreign language schools Denis" School is represented in different cities of our country, including Moscow. There are 5 branches located close to the metro. The methodology is based on a systematic approach, which affected all aspects of the school's original methodology. Denis" School teachers They believe that the student should develop a certain general “picture” of the language, and not a set of individual rules. Only a system in learning will help you quickly and easily understand the language and learn to use it.
The goal is to teach students communication skills with native speakers, easy acquisition of grammar and maximum expansion of vocabulary. The characteristics of each individual student are taken into account here, so the methodology may be slightly adjusted as classes progress. The school teaches both in groups (maximum 10 people) and individually. Pros: a lot of practical classes, experienced teachers, original methodology, speaking practice every lesson, interactive games, high efficiency. Cons: none found.

5 VKS-International House

VKS-International House is a network of schools for the study of foreign languages, founded more than 25 years ago. During this time, their own teaching methods were invented and traditional ones were refined. The school's teachers are experienced specialists with extensive experience who constantly make adjustments and improve the effectiveness of classes. The process is controlled by the director of education and 20 head teachers. There are many different courses to choose from: standard for adults on weekdays or weekends, theater + English, intensive, conversation, children's, for beginners, etc.
The school organizes English camps for children and teenagers. The classic course lasts six months and costs about 13 thousand rubles. By the way, this center is the only one in Moscow that has the ability to host all prestigious international exams. There is even a teacher training course. The advantages include innovative methods, experienced teachers, versatility of the school, and the effectiveness of teaching. Disadvantages: prices are above average.

4 American Club of Education

Excellent teaching staff
On the map: Moscow, Merzlyakovsky lane, building 13/3
Rating (2019): 4.8

There are 4 American Club of Education English language schools in Moscow. According to experts, it is one of the most effective. Classes here are conducted in courses of 4 months and consist of 2 lessons per week for three academic hours. In one course, students move to the next level. The teaching staff includes experienced Russian-speaking teachers, native speakers and bilinguals. Groups are formed depending on the level of knowledge and are divided into 4-9 people.
Classes are equipped with modern equipment and allow you to watch video materials and use Wi-Fi. Classes are held in a fun way using a methodology that combines traditional teaching methods and communicative methods. Each student is entitled to a free trial lesson. Advantages: discount system, good prices, interesting classes, intensive courses, convenient location, preparation for international exams. Disadvantages: none found.

3 Big Ben

Best price, convenient location
On the map: Moscow, st. Dmitry Ulyanov, 36
Rating (2019): 4.8

The Big Ben School of Foreign Languages ​​provides training in an interesting format using games, cards, but most importantly, two teachers are present at each lesson. One of them is a native speaker, the other is a Russian speaker. Each lesson is taught entirely in English. There are both group and individual lessons to choose from. The center prepares for international exams and organizes training abroad. In Moscow there are 13 branches of the network near metro stations.
All teachers have prestigious certificates and are developing new programs. The maximum number of people in groups is 8. The school guarantees that after just a few lessons even a beginner will be able to speak English. Advantages: affordable prices (from 5,000 rubles per month), excellent reviews, convenient location of centers, teachers include native speakers, flexible class schedule. No deficiencies found.

2 Alibra

Maximum efficiency in the shortest possible time
On the map: Moscow, st. B. Tulskaya, 13
Rating (2019): 4.9

Alibra is one of the largest networks of English schools in Moscow (24 centers). Students are guaranteed to achieve maximum results in just six months, but subject to intensive training. A unique proprietary technique allows you to reduce the duration of the course, but maintain its effectiveness. Students note that the program really makes it easy to learn English. Much attention is paid here to associations, spaced repetitions, logical study of grammar and conversational training.
Special mobile applications and online courses for additional study have been developed for students. Many classes are held in a playful way and allow you to quickly memorize new words. The average cost of courses per month is about 10 thousand rubles. The maximum number of people in groups is 12. Main advantages: optimal cost, unique methodology, promotions and special offers, high efficiency, quick results, large network of 24 schools. No cons found.

1 Wall Street English

Mini-groups up to 4 people, flexible schedule
On the map: Moscow, Prospekt Mira, 33, building 1
Rating (2019): 4.9

Wall Street English is an international network for learning English with offices in many countries. The school in Moscow offers training in small groups of up to 4 people, divided by level of knowledge. Lessons can be interactive and taught in the style of popular Hollywood TV series. The emphasis is on improving communication skills. It is believed that speaking can lead to a better understanding of grammar. Each student is guided by a mentor who monitors achievements and progress. You can also contact him with any questions.
The school organizes training in other countries. Lessons and communication with mentors are conducted entirely in English, which perfectly immerses you in the environment. The program is selected individually for each person and the cost accordingly. There is no strong connection to groups, so the student can choose the most convenient schedule. The network in Moscow includes 6 schools. Advantages: effective proprietary learning method, guaranteed results, taking into account personal needs, flexible schedule, mini-groups, certified teachers. Cons: none found.

But, unfortunately, not every school can boast of the effectiveness of its methods. Often, after completing the courses, the student feels a lack of knowledge and language skills necessary for live communication. How not to make a mistake with your choice and take courses that will help you achieve your desired level? In the article we provide useful tips and recommendations compiled by high-class practicing linguists.

Define your goals

The choice of group and thematic accents will depend on this. If you want to improve your English, you will be offered a program based on your basic knowledge. A professional language reboot is required - business English courses are at your service.

The task is to prepare for entrance exams to a foreign university - the methods should include materials that will help you pass all the tests and assignments with the highest scores. You should talk about your goals from the very first minutes of meeting a representative of the language school. This is very important information on which the further direction of your studies depends.

We designate deadlines

There is time left and you are not in a hurry - sign up for classical courses with a standard program that will gradually reveal more and more new knowledge and skills. Squeezed into a framework, you need to immerse yourself in English quickly and at the same time efficiently - choose intensive methods that allow you to learn a foreign language from scratch in two to three months.

Frequency of classes

The classic and most acceptable option is twice a week. The information is well absorbed, you do not get tired and do not have time to forget the material covered in the last lesson. There are schools that offer a once-a-week classroom schedule for very busy people. But, as practice shows, such exercises do not give good results. Even if the lessons are paired and there are several of them, in six days the memory of what was covered in the courses is erased.


When choosing a school, look at the cost of courses. In order to understand the adequacy of the price offer, first do monitoring. Find out how much courses cost at different language centers. This way you will see the average indicators and understand what amount you need to focus on. If you are told the cost of courses is one and a half to two times higher, ask what is behind these figures. Perhaps the administrator is offering an increased intensity program.

School authority

If you want to choose the best for yourself, find out more about the school before signing the contract. On the Internet you can find forums and websites with reviews and objective recommendations, without any advertising background. The best option is to trust the advice of acquaintances and friends who took language courses and were satisfied with the results.

And another way: for an introductory lesson, find a good tutor who will determine your level of knowledge and recommend a linguistic center or language school with decent language training.

Trial lesson

Most schools offer students who have not yet decided on their choice to attend a lesson and understand whether the classroom format is suitable or not. Typically this feature is provided free of charge. You become part of the class, take part in the discussion of the topic, and maintain a dialogue with the teacher. Get to know the group, see educational materials, and get involved in the process. If you like it, sign up and continue learning.

Teacher's choice

In this matter, the determining factor is the human factor, as in other communications. When meeting new people, after some time we understand whether we are comfortable in dialogue or whether communication is reaching a dead end. A teacher can be very strong in theory, he has scientific works and dissertations behind him, but in practice he has problems explaining elementary rules. If after several classes you begin to understand that information is passing by, raise the question of moving to another group.

Mandatory testing

You shouldn’t be afraid of him, much less refuse. It is necessary in order to determine your initial level of knowledge. How else will the teacher understand which group to classify you in - an ace or a beginner? You don't even need to know the results - they don't affect anything. The next step will be the first lesson, the start of your educational process.

Number of students in the group

The ideal composition is six to eight people. When a group includes more than 8 students, the teacher does not have time to pay attention to everyone. Intensive programs are limited to five people.


When choosing language courses, you must find out what method you will use to study. Let us highlight the two most common: classical and communicative.

Classical involves a gradual immersion in the rules and linguistic laws of English. Step by step, vocabulary, grammar, phonetics are revealed to the student, and pronunciation is gradually practiced. Much attention is paid to the introductory part, theory. Active practice begins after the student has a language base. One of the disadvantages of the classical method is its duration.

This is the difference from the communicative method - learning is faster and more dynamic. It is based on a live dialogue with the teacher and communication with other students in the group. The topic is revealed using specific examples from life and is actively discussed in free form. The classes are lively and interesting, suitable for all age groups. The emphasis is on practicing pronunciation, logical stress and intonation. Minus - the theory is presented weaker than according to the classical method. Most often, you have to reinforce the material with independent work at home or additional lessons with a tutor.

School location

This is a very important point on which your desire to learn will depend. Getting to the other side of the city is long and uncomfortable. Therefore, one of the key factors in the choice should be territorial proximity to home.

Availability of all necessary documents

To ensure that the diploma or certificate you receive at the end of your education carries weight, choose a school that is accredited, licensed, and has all the required registration paperwork. You might say it’s bureaucracy, but you can’t do without it yet.

How to choose English courses for children

English is necessary in the modern world. It is spoken in all countries on the planet and used in various professional communications. And the earlier a person starts learning a language, the stronger his skills become over the years. One of the questions that worries modern parents is what time to start teaching English to children and what courses to choose. We answer and give useful advice.

When to start learning English

Here opinions are divided. One camp of linguists recommends starting training at the age of three, gradually introducing new material into the program, introducing the child to the basics of English in a playful way. There are special development centers with a language focus, which become a kind of preparation for linguistic school. Classes are held in small classes. Format - musical, theatrical, interactive. Nothing in common with classical lessons. The task is to attract and retain attention, to help assimilate new information.

The second camp of teachers considers purposeful learning of English from the age of three to be extreme. If a child does not grow up in a linguistic environment - for example, a Russian mother and an English father - there is no need to rush. The ideal age is 6 years. The child develops a conceptual consciousness, he perceives the material systematically, in an orderly manner, thinks logically, remembers well, and makes associative series. Schoolchildren know what discipline is; classroom lessons in courses will not become something new and incomprehensible.

English courses for children. Making the right choice

Now let’s talk about how to choose a good school that will give your child decent knowledge, teach him to express his thoughts in English, write and read, understand his interlocutor and communicate freely in a new language.

  • Teaching Staff. Teachers who work with children must have a certificate such as TKT according to the YLE program and a level of language knowledge (according to the minimum requirements) Advanced. This means that the teacher has successfully passed the qualification exam and received professional permission to teach children.

  • Convenient schedule. Follow the lesson schedule at school. Classes on courses should not be closely spaced - right after the last bell, upon hearing which the child dreams of quickly running out of class and going home. You need time to rest. The ideal time for English classes is not late in the evening, from 16.00 to 19.00.
  • Close to home. It makes no difference whether you are driving or not. If the journey to the language school takes more than 30 minutes, the process is tiring and takes up unnecessary time. Give preference to language centers located near you.
  • Effective and understandable program. First, study the offers of other schools, read about different teaching methods, their pros, cons and features. Who knows their child better than parents? After familiarizing yourself with the characteristics and study expectations, you will understand what is suitable and what is better to refuse.

We hope our advice will help you make the right choice. And remember that learning English should, above all, be enjoyable. It is also a proven fact: what we do with pleasure quickly bears fruit.

The range of language schools today is so wide that it is very difficult to choose the right one for yourself. Have you decided to sign up for such classes? So, pay attention to the following points.

How to choose the best English language school and how it differs from other schools

The best foreign language schools have a special a document that allows you to conduct educational activities. Russian legislation established this point and made it mandatory. Unfortunately, not all schools are inspected by the relevant authorities. A special document proves that the services provided by a particular educational institution comply with the rules established by law. You will be sure that the school will not be closed during the training process.

The history of the company should not be neglected. Read the reviews on the company's official website. It is very difficult to evaluate newly opened courses, because they do not have reviews and successes that are documented. Make a choice in favor of the best English school, which has been operating for many years and has proven itself well among clients.

Studying in English schools

Some schools, in pursuit of money, form groups are too big. The level of knowledge of a foreign language among people who go to the same group can vary dramatically. In the company of people who know English at an elementary level, it will be very difficult for beginners, because the teacher usually selects a program for experienced students. If the level of knowledge of a foreign language is higher than elementary, then such classes will not bring the desired results. The best English language schools should have separate groups for people with different levels of language proficiency. People should also be able to choose the appropriate training programs for themselves. In this case, you can easily select a group in which you will be taught all the rules.

In modern educational institutions they do emphasis on communicative learning. After this you will be able to communicate with foreigners. Students who go to the same group communicate not only with their teacher. They improve their knowledge through interaction with their classmates. You also need to correctly calculate the appropriate number of trainees. Of course, communicating in a large group is much more interesting. But experts say that an experienced teacher can only keep 14 people in his sights. In this case, students are provided with an individual approach. Of course, the effectiveness of training is growing rapidly. According to all the rules in one group there should not be more than 10 people.

But the main role in the learning process is played by experienced teachers and program. Therefore, when you choose an English language school, inquire about the qualifications of the teachers.

The teacher who works most effectively with students is the one who ideally knows various methods of teaching English. This is not a person who has perfectly learned all the nuances of a foreign language. Professionalism is not confirmed by a higher education document alone.

A true professional believes that his success lies in the success of his students. He enjoys helping people unlock your potential. At the very beginning, the teacher looks for an approach to new students and, based on the data received, makes plans for further education. Students of English language courses gradually climb the steps towards their goal. They feel their success after the first lesson. This is exactly what the teacher helps them with. Important in this matter are professional growth and advanced training. From the first minutes of communication, the teacher should not amaze students with his abilities. The desire to exalt oneself - This is the main mistake of many teachers.