Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What kind of harassment did the author of the document experience? Funny case from life

Test on the topics "The era of Ivan the Terrible" and "Trouble in Russia"

    Arrange historical events in chronological order

    The uprising of I.I. Bolotnikov

    Campaign Devlet-Girey to Moscow

    Seven Boyars

    Match events and dates



A) the second militia


B) Livonian War


B) Distemper


D) the beginning of the reign of Ivan the Terrible




3. Establish a correspondence between events and facts



A) The reign of Fedor Ioannovich


B) The uprising led by Cotton


C) The Board of False DmitryI


D) Drawing up the Sudebnik of Ivan the Terrible




4. Establish a correspondence between events and participants in these events



A) Reforms of the Elected Rada

1Elena Glinskaya

B) The expulsion of the Poles from Moscow

2) Grigory Otrepiev

B) Establishment of the Patriarchy

3) Alexey Adashev

D) Monetary reform

4) Fedor Ioannovich

5) Kuzma Minin

6) Boris Godunov

5. Establish a correspondence between events and participants in these events



A) the first militia


B) Polish intervention

2) Sigismund III

B) "Domostroy"

3) Job

D) Ivan's weddingIV to the kingdom

4) I. Bolotnikov

5) P. Lyapunov

6) Sylvester

6. Fill in the blank cells of the table using the list of missing elements below






Ivan Susanin

October 1612

Liberation of Moscow

_______________ (IN)


Livonian War

______________ (D)







    Accession of the Kazan Khanate

    Establishment of the Patriarchate


    Dmitry Pozharsky

    Stefan Batory

    Ermak Timofeevich





Alexander Nevskiy




Dmitry Donskoy


Ivan the Great


Ivan groznyj



2) XIV

3) XVI

4) Vasily Dark

5) Ivan Red

6) Ivan Kalita

7) Fedor

8) Daniel

9) Vasily III

7. Fill in the blank cells of the table using the list of missing elements below









Dmitry Pozharsky

Livonian War


Andrey Kurbsky




1) Malyuta Skuratov

2) Ivan Fedorov

3) Filaret

4) Trouble

5) "Apostle"

6) The capture of Astrakhan




8. Establish a correspondence between cultural monuments and their characteristics

cultural monuments


A) Saint Basil's Cathedral

1) Built under IvanIII

B) Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye

2) Built by Aristotle Fioravanti

B) Cathedral of the Assumption

3) Built in honor of the capture of Kazan

D) Red stone Kremlin in Moscow

4) Built in honor of the birth of IvanIV

5) Built under Boris Godunov

6) Built in honor of the annexation of Siberia

9. Establish a correspondence between cultural monuments and their authors

cultural monuments

A) an apostle

1) Sylvester

B) "Domostroy"

2) Afanasy Nikitin

B) Trinity

3) Andrey Rublev

D) "Journey beyond the three seas"

4) Mark Fryazin

5) Ivan Fedorov

6) Aristotle Fioravanti

10. Which of the listed historical persons were contemporaries of Ivan IV ?

1) Sofia Paleolog

2) Elena Glinskaya

3) Khan Kuchum

4) Khan Akhmat

5) V. Shuisky

6) A.Adashev

11. What three cities were annexed to Moscow in X VI century?

1) Pskov

2) Smolensk

3) Ryazan

4) Tver

5) Novgorod

6) Kolomna

12. Which of the historical figures was a member of the Chosen Rada?

1) Ivan Bolotnikov

2) Patriarch Job

3) Alexey Adashev

4) Ivan Viskovaty

5) Boris Godunov

6) Archpriest Sylvester

13. Which three of the following events occurred during the Time of Troubles?

1) Intervention of the Commonwealth

2) Oprichnina

3) First militia

4) Defense of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra

5) Establishment of the patriarchate

6) Livonian War

14. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the era of Ivan IV .

1) archers, 2) guardsmen, 3) regiments of the "new system", 4) Elected Rada, 5) Stoglavy Cathedral, 6) Code of Service

15. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, reflect the process of enslavement of peasants in XV - XVI V.

1) lesson summer, 2) elderly, 3) Table of ranks 4) reserved years, 5) Cathedral Code, 6) St. George's Day

16. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, relate to events XII - XV V.

1) nobles, 2) archers, 3) estate, 4) Oisiflyans, 5) Horde exit, 6) localism

The period during which the owners could bring a claim for the return of fugitive serfs to them.

17. Indicate the term in question

The main part of the territory of Russia, not included in the oprichnina by Ivan IV

18. Write the missing word (phrase)

In the Muscovite state, the advisory body under the sovereign was ______________, which consisted of XV V. their representatives of two ranks: boyars and roundabouts.

19. Write the missing word (phrase)

After the overthrow of Vasily Shuisky, the boyar government was in power in Russia, which went down in history under the name _____________________________

20. Establish a correspondence between fragments of historical sources and their brief characteristics: for each fragment, indicated by a letter, select two corresponding characteristics, indicated by numbers.


A) “Article 10. If a serf runs and hides with a Varangian or a kolbyag, and they don’t bring him out for three days, but find him on the third day, then the master will take away his serf, and 3 hryvnias for insult ...

Article 15 you look for your money with a witness.

Article 16

B) “In the summer of the 7006th month of September, the great prince Ivan Vasilyevich of All Rus' laid down with his children and with the boyars about the court, as he judges the boyars and roundabouts ... Article 57. About peasant refusal. And the peasants to refuse from the volost, from village to village, one term a year, a week before St. George's day in autumn and a week after St. George's day in autumn. Let the elderly peasants pay for the yards in the fields a ruble per yard, and in the forests half a ruble per yard. And which peasant lives with someone for a year and goes away, he pays the old for a quarter of the yard, and lives for two years and goes away, he pays for half a yard, and lives for three years and goes away, he pays for three quarters of the yard, and lives for four years , he pays for the whole yard. CHARACTERISTICS

1) This legislative act prohibited blood feuds.

2) The head of the state, under which this legislative act was adopted, subordinated the Yaroslavl and Tver principalities to Moscow.

3) This legislative act was approved by the Zemsky Sobor.

4) The head of the state, under which this legislative act was drawn up, won a major victory over the Pechenegs.

5) This legislative act initiated the process of enslavement of the peasants.

6) This legislative act established a single penalty for the murder of any free citizen of the state.

Fragment A

Fragment B


21. Read the text and indicate the name of the icon painter mentioned in the text.

“In the twenties of the XV century. the artel of masters headed by him decorated with icons and frescoes the Trinity Cathedral in the monastery of St. Sergius, erected over his coffin. The iconostasis included, as a highly venerated temple image, the icon of the Trinity, traditionally placed in the lower (local) row on the right side of the Royal Doors. There is evidence from one of the sources of the XVII century. about how hegumen of the monastery Nikon entrusted him with "the image of writing the Holy Trinity in praise of his father, St. Sergius."

1) Epiphanius the Wise

2) Andrey Rublev

3) Dionysius

4) Vassian Patrikeev

22. Fragment of a historical document, authored by Ivan IV

“How cruelly I suffered because of you from my youth until recently. Our subjects achieved the fulfillment of their desires - they received a kingdom without a ruler. They took the yards and villages of our uncles for themselves. And the mother's treasures were transferred to the Great Treasury, and the rest was divided. I remember one thing; we used to play children's games, and Prince Ivan Vasilievich Shuisky was sitting on a bench, leaning his elbow on our father's bed and putting his foot on a chair, but he wouldn't even look at us, and certainly not at all like a slave to his masters. How many times have I not been allowed to eat on time. All the races were swindled in an insidious way, they took the treasury of our grandfather and father for themselves, and with the money they forged gold and silver vessels for themselves and inscribed on them the names of their parents.

2. Indicate the names: mother, father, grandfather Ivan IV.

3. What kind of oppression did Ivan himself experience? What damage to the state is he talking about? List at least three positions.

4. Before the Moscow principality, when Ivan III became its ruler, there were important foreign policy tasks. With the solution of many of them, he successfully coped. Indicate at least three facts related to the foreign policy of Ivan III.

23. Look at the diagram and complete the tasks

1. Write the name of the war whose events are reflected on the map.

2. Write the name of the city in which the punitive campaign of government troops was carried out, accompanied by massacres.


3.. Write a number that indicates the "unofficial capital" of the state after the departure of the king from Moscow.


4. What judgments related to the events indicated in the diagram are correct? Choose three sentences from the six offered. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) Russia won this war,

2) during the war, the government lifted restrictions on the right of peasants to transfer to another owner,

3) Russia's opponent in the war was Sweden,

4) during the war, a new state of the Commonwealth was formed,

5) during the war there was a tightening of domestic policy,

6) the war took place in the final period of the formation of a unified Russian state.

Answer:_____________________ .


Look at the picture and complete the tasks.

What judgments about the icon-painting depicted in the photograph are correct? Choose three of the six given.) Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) this work of ancient Russian art was created in the 13th century;

2) the icon is currently in the State Russian Museum of St. Petersburg;

3) at the moment, "Trinity" is stored in the hall of ancient Russian painting of the Tretyakov Gallery;

4) this is the icon of the Holy Trinity by Simon Ushakov;

6) in the icon-painting, according to theological ideas, three angels are the image of the consubstantial and trinitarian God - the Holy Trinity and symbolize unity, harmony.

27 . In 1601, Grigory Otrepiev, a monk of the Chudov Monastery, fled from Russia to Poland. He declared himself miraculously saved Tsarevich Dmitry. In the autumn of 1604, he invaded Russia with only about four thousand Cossacks and Poles. In 1605 he ascended the throne. Explain what caused the success of False Dmitry I in the struggle for power (give three explanations).

28. There are debatable problems in historical science, on which different, often contradictory points of view are expressed. Below is one of the controversial points of view that exist in historical science.

"The oprichnina policy of Ivan the Terrible contributed to the strengthening of the Russian centralized state."

Using historical knowledge, give two arguments that can support this point of view, and two arguments that can refute it. Write your answer in the following form.

Arguments to support:



Arguments in rebuttal:



29. Historical essay

You need to write a historical essay about ONE of the periods in the history of Russia:

1) 1533-1598;

2) 1598-1613;

3) 1565-1572

The essay must:

indicate at least two events (phenomena, processes) relating to a given period of history;

name two historical personalities whose activities are associated with the indicated events (phenomena, processes), and, using knowledge of historical facts, characterize the role of these personalities in the events (phenomena, processes) of a given period of Russian history;

indicate at least two causal relationships that existed between events (phenomena, processes) within a given period of history.

Using the knowledge of historical facts and (or) the opinions of historians, give one historical assessment of the significance of this period for the history of Russia. In the course of the presentation, it is necessary to use historical terms, concepts,

related to this period.

1) Lease of small and medium enterprises

2) surplus appropriation

3) universal labor service

4) concessions to foreign entrepreneurs

5) free utilities

6) broad cooperative movement

Match the events of the Civil War with their dates

A) a campaign against Moscow by the troops of A.I. Denikin

B) the rebellion of the Czechoslovak Corps

C) the defeat of the troops of P.N. Wrangel in Crimea

D) the end of the Civil War in the Far East

Which three of the following documents were adopted in the 1920s?

2) resolution "On the unity of the party"

3) the first Constitution of the USSR

5) the law "On the entry of Western Ukraine into the USSR"

6) the first five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR

Arrange historical events in chronological order

1) Soviet-Finnish war

2) the suppression of the "Prague Spring" by the Soviet troops

3) Soviet-Polish war

4) rebellion of the Czechoslovak Corps

5) entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan

Which three of these provisions characterize Stalin's policy after the war?

1) fight against cosmopolitanism

2) easing pressure on the countryside, lowering taxes on collective farms

3) anti-Semitic campaign, limiting opportunities for creative and career self-realization of Jews

4) carrying out repressions among local party leaders and economists

5) encouragement of the development of independence of national entities within the USSR

6) the policy of refusing to rotate (permanent change) of party and government personnel

Part C

1. Read an extract from a historical source and briefly answer the questions

“How cruelly I suffered because of you from my youth until recently. Our subjects achieved the fulfillment of their desires - they received a kingdom without a ruler. They took the yards and villages of our uncles for themselves. And the mother's treasures were transferred to the Great Treasury, and the rest was divided.

I remember one thing: we used to play children's games, and Prince Ivan Vasilievich Shuisky was sitting on a bench, leaning his elbow on our father's bed and putting his foot on a chair, but he wouldn't even look at us, and certainly not like a slave to his masters. How many times have I not been allowed to eat on time. They plundered everything in an insidious way, they took the treasury of our grandfather and father for themselves, and with the money they forged gold and silver vessels for themselves and inscribed on them the names of their parents.

Using knowledge of history, indicate the names: mother, father, grandfather Ivan IV.

What harassment did Ivan himself experience? What damage to the state is he talking about? List at least three positions.

2. Read an extract from a historical essay and briefly answer the questions

From the work of S.M. Solovyov.

“Before accession to the throne ... a popular movement was expressed, directed against the predominance of foreigners, which was established in the last two reigns ... From the very first days of her reign, it was clear that the national movement would consist in a return to the rules of Peter the Great, therefore, in accordance with these rules should have to resolve the issue of the attitude of Russians towards foreigners, and Peter's rule was known: one should use skillful foreigners, employ them, but not give them preference over Russians and occupy the most important places in management exclusively with the latter.

She announced the liquidation of the Cabinet of Ministers and the establishment of the Imperial Council ... The Empress also took steps to revive and strengthen some of the institutions created under Peter I. Thus, the Senate again became the ruling one, i.e. the main body of power in the country after the empress. It was replenished with Russian nobles.

She restored some of the Petrine colleges, as well as the Chief Magistrate. The reprisals against the nobility and nobility ceased.

The army and navy were once again in the center of government attention. The Empress encouraged the construction of new ships and restored the quantitative composition of the Russian army, as under Peter I. The strengthening of the state apparatus continued.

Which Empress is referred to in the above passage? Name the years of her reign.

Using the text of the document and knowledge from the history course, name what was done by the empress to "return to the rules of Peter the Great." List at least three positions.

What features, according to the historian, distinguish this reign? List at least three positions.

3. Read an extract from a historical study and briefly answer the questions

Fragment of scientific research “Political history. Russia – USSR – Russian Federation”.

“The critical point at which the whole knot of socio-economic and political contradictions focused was the uprising in Kronstadt ... The political situation ... forced the Bolsheviks to call this uprising anti-Soviet, although it must be qualified as anti-Bolshevik, since the political slogans of the rebels were limited to the demand for re-election of the Soviets (“Soviets without communists", "Power to the Soviets, not to parties").

The fortress of the Bolshevik dictatorship swayed not only under the blows of peasant uprisings. The political reality, the main core of which was the growing dissatisfaction with the economic situation and the military-bureaucratic methods of management, destroyed another, rather stable, myth - the confidence of the Bolshevik authorities that the support of the working class, its social support, is guaranteed to it under any conditions. However, by the autumn of 1920, the prisons of both capitals were overflowing with arrested workers who participated in numerous strikes and "bagpipes" demanding an immediate improvement in their financial situation. The protracted fuel crisis and the reduction in food rations that took place in January 1921 caused a new explosion of discontent. Thousands of workers' strikes engulfed large industrial centers. The country was flying into the abyss of chaos, the Bolshevik government was in the face of the threat of being swept away during the unfolding new round of the civil war.

When did the uprising in Kronstadt take place? Who took part in it?

Indicate what three forms of dissatisfaction with the power of the Bolsheviks are named in the text.

3) What did the rebels demand? Based on the document and your knowledge of history, name at least three requirements.

Write the missing word (term)

Used during the years of the New Economic Policy, the commissioning of natural resources, enterprises and other economic facilities owned by the state to foreign entrepreneurs on certain conditions is called ___________________.

Key to the test

Part A Part B
1. – 1 2. – 3 3. – 3 4. – 2 5. – 3 6. – 4 7. – 4 8. – 1 9. – 1 10. – 1 11. – 4 12. – 4 13. – 4 14. – 2 15. – 1 16. – 3 17. – 3 18. – 4 19. – 4 20. – 2 1. - 21453 2. - 124 3. - 42351 4. - A3B1V4G5 5. - 42531 6. - 123 7. - 126 8. - A3B2V4G1 9. - A3B4V1G2 10. - A5B1V4G2 11. - 235 12. - A3B2V4G5 - 236 14. - 43125 15. - 134

Part C

Exercise 1.

1. Answer:

2. Answer:

3. Answer:

Task 2.

1 Answer:

2. Answer:

3. Answer:

Task 3.

1. Answer:

2. Answer:

3. Answer:

Task 4.

Concession - 2 points.

... Why did you, O prince, reject your only begotten soul ...? What will you replace it with on the Day of Judgment? Even if you gain the whole world, death will still snatch you...

But for the sake of the body you destroyed the soul, despised eternal glory for the sake of the fleeting one, and, being furious with a person, you rebelled against God. Understand, poor one, from what height into what abyss you have fallen in body and soul! The words came true on you: “Whoever thinks that he has will lose everything” ... did you destroy yourself not in the name of God, but out of selfishness? Those who are smarter can also understand your villainy there: you did not run away from death, but desiring fleeting glory and wealth. If, according to you, you are righteous... why did you fear martyrdom, which is not death, but gain? In the end, you will still die. If you were afraid of the death sentence because of the lies and slander of your friends, the servants of Satan, then this only shows your constant treasonous intentions! Why did you despise the apostle Paul, who says: “Let every soul obey the authorities; there is no power other than from God; whoever opposes authority opposes God's command"? Look and understand: whoever opposes authority, opposes God; and whoever resists God is called an apostate, and this is the worst sin. But this is said about any power, even about power acquired by blood and war. Remember what was said above, that we have not stolen a table from anyone - whoever opposes such power, all the more opposes God! ..

Your Scripture is accepted and read carefully. You have snake venom under your tongue, and therefore, although your letter is filled with honey and honeycombs, it tastes worse than wormwood, as the prophet said: their lips are softer than oil, but they contain arrows. Are you trained as a Christian to serve a Christian sovereign? Is it really necessary to give honor to the lord, given by God, as you do, spewing demonic poison?

What are you, a dog, having committed such villainy, writing and complaining! ..

We don’t invent torment, persecution and various executions for anyone, but if you are talking about traitors and sorcerers, then such dogs are executed everywhere.

* * *

… I promised to tell in detail how severely I suffered because of you from my youth until recently.

When, by the fate of God, our parent, the pious Empress Elena, moved from the earthly kingdom to the heavenly one, we were left with the late brother George as complete orphans - no one helped us; we only have hope in God, the Most Pure Mother of God, in all the saints and in the blessing of our parents. I was eight years old at that time, our subjects achieved the fulfillment of their desires - they received a kingdom without a ruler, they did not care about us, their sovereigns, rushed to get wealth and glory and attacked each other. And what have they not done! How many boyars and governors, well-wishers of our father, were killed! They took the yards, villages and estates of our uncles and settled in them! The mother's treasury was transferred to the Great Treasury and at the same time they violently shoved it with their feet and pricked it with sticks (the ends of a cane), and the rest was divided among themselves. But your grandfather, Mikhailo Tuchkov, did it. In the meantime, Princes Vasily and Ivan Shuisky arbitrarily took the first places in my presence and became instead of the tsar, those who had betrayed our father and mother the most were released from imprisonment and attracted to their side ...

When we reached the age of 15, we undertook to manage our kingdom ourselves, and, thank God, our management began successfully. But since human sins always irritate God, there was a fire in Moscow for our sins due to God's wrath, and our traitors are the boyars, those whom you call martyrs (I will name their names when I find it necessary), as if improving the favorable time for their treason, convinced dull-witted people that it was as if our grandmother, Princess Anna Glinskaya, with her children and servants, took out human hearts and conjured and thus burned Moscow, and that as if we knew about their plan ...

* * *

And that, according to your crazy words, your blood, shed at the hands of foreigners for us, cries out at us to God, then, since it was not shed by us, it is worthy of laughter: the blood cries out at the one by whom it was shed, and you did your duty before the fatherland; because if you had not done this, you would not have been a Christian, but a barbarian ...

You write that you are waiting for a reward from God - truly, time justly rewards for all deeds - good and evil, but each person should only judge: who deserves what kind of reward for his deeds? You write that we will not see your face until the day of the Last Judgment - it is clear that you value your face dearly. But who needs to see such an Ethiopian face? ... And if you want to put your writing with you in a coffin, then you have already completely fallen away from Christianity. The Lord commanded not to resist evil, but even before death you do not want to forgive your enemies ...

The first message of Ivan the Terrible to Kurbsky

The autocracy of the Russian Tsardom, filled with true Orthodoxy, began by God’s will from Grand Duke Vladimir, who enlightened the Russian land with holy baptism, and Grand Duke Vladimir Monomakh, who received a high honor from the Greeks, and from the brave great sovereign Alexander Nevsky, who won a great victory over the godless Germans, and from worthy of praise of the great sovereign Dmitry, who won a victory over the godless Hagarians behind the Don. We praise God for his immeasurable mercy, that until now he has not allowed our right hand to be stained with the blood of fellow tribesmen, for we did not want to take away the kingdom from anyone, but by God's will and with the blessing of our forefathers and parents were born in the kingdom and brought up. We did not obtain kingdoms by violence, all the more so, whoever opposes such power - opposes God! The apostle Paul says: “Slaves! Obey your masters, obey not only! good, but also evil, not only for fear, but also for conscience. This is the will of the Lord, if you have to suffer. If you are righteous, why did you not want me, the obstinate lord, to suffer and deserve the crown of eternal life.

Because of one angry word, you destroyed not only your soul, but also the souls of your ancestors with dog betrayal, violating the kiss of the cross.

Is it really a light when the priest and crafty slaves rule, while the king is a king only in name and honor, and in power is not at all better than a slave? The apostle Paul wrote: "The heir, while in the nursery, is no different from a slave, he is subject to stewards and teachers until the time appointed by the father." We, thank God, have reached the age appointed by the father, and it is not fitting for us to obey mentors.

And when you asked why we betrayed the governor given to us by God to fight the enemies to various executions, then you wrote a lie. And we didn’t kill the strong, and I don’t know who the strongest is, because the Russian land is held by God’s mercy and the mercy of the Most Pure Mother of God, and the prayers of all the saints, and the blessing of our parents, and, finally, by us, our sovereigns, and not judges and governors. And we were always free to favor our lackeys, we were free to execute.

* By serfs, Ivan the Terrible means all his subjects, regardless of their position, class status, including people of the highest rank: boyars, governor, etc.

How cruelly I have suffered because of you from my youth until recently. This is known to everyone. When we were left with our brother Georgiy, who died in the Bose*, complete orphans, no one helped us. Our subjects achieved the fulfillment of their desires - they received a kingdom without a ruler. They took the yards and villages of our uncles**. And the mother's treasures were transferred to the Great Treasury, and the rest was divided. I remember one thing; we used to play children's games, and Prince Ivan Vasilyevich Shuisky *** was sitting on a bench, leaning his elbow on our father's bed and putting his foot on a chair, but he wouldn't even look at us, and certainly not like a slave to his masters. How many times have I not been allowed to eat on time. They stole everything in an insidious way, they took the treasury of our grandfather and father for themselves, and with the money they forged gold and silver vessels for themselves and inscribed on them the names of their parents. And it is known to all people that during the reign of our mother, Prince Ivan Shuisky had a fur coat of fly-spruce **** green on martens, and besides, on shabby ones, so if this was their inheritance, then with what to forge vessels, it would be better to change the fur coat when have extra money.

* George (Yuri) Vasilievich (1532 - 1563) - the younger brother of Ivan the Terrible. He did not take part in political life, as he was deaf and dumb.

** In the first third of the XVI century. in the conditions of further centralization of the Muscovite state, the specific principalities that existed within it were liquidated. After the death of Vasily III, there were still the principalities of Dmitrovskoe, which belonged to his brother Yuri, and Staritskoe, which was owned by his other brother, Andrei. During the reign of Elena Glinskaya, first Yuri and then Andrei were captured and both died in prison in 1536. After the death of the ruler, boyar groups replaced each other in power in Moscow, whom Ivan the Terrible accuses of plundering the lands and courtyards of the disgraced specific princes. So, Prince Vasily Vasilyevich Shuisky settled in the courtyard that belonged to Andrei Staritsky.

*** Ivan Vasilyevich Shuisky (d. 1546) - boyar, headed the Shuisky clan after the death of his elder brother Vasily (1538).

**** Mukhojar fur coat - the top of such a fur coat was sewn from mukhojar, silk fabric with woolen thread, produced in the countries of the East.

There was a dog at our court, Alexei Adashev, but we took him from the manure and leveled him with the nobles, hoping for his faithful service. Then, for advice in spiritual matters and the salvation of my soul, I took priest Sylvester. Pop Sylvester became friends with Alexei, and they began to consult secretly from us, considering us unreasonable, began to subordinate you, boyars, to their will, taking you out of our power, accustoming you to rebuke us. They surrounded themselves with friends and exercised all power according to their own will. And so we lived in persecution and oppression.

Until now, the Russian rulers did not report to anyone; but they were free to favor and execute their subjects.

Kurbsky's second message to Ivan the Terrible

I received your broadcasting and noisy message; something not only for a king, but also for a simple warrior, is not befitting, from many sacred books, apparently, with much fury, not lines and not verses *, as is the custom of skilled and learned people, when they happen to write to someone, in briefly expounding important thoughts, and beyond measure verbose and empty-talking right there about beds and quilted jackets, like absurd women of tales, and everything is so ignorant that not only learned men, but also surprisingly simple ones, and even more so send to someone else's a land where people meet who know not only grammar and rhetoric, but also dialectics and philosophy.

* Kurbsky wants to say that the tsar's message lacks the clarity, conciseness inherent in authors who are able to express an idea in one line or verse.

So noisily, without waiting for the judgment of God, to reprove, and so threaten me!

And I don't know what you want from me. Already not only princes of the same tribe, ascending to the family of the great Vladimir, he destroyed by various deaths, and their wealth, which your grandfather and your father had not yet plundered, took away. But the king wanted to answer your every word and could write no worse than you, for by the grace of my Christ I mastered the style of the ancients to the best of my ability, already in my old age I learned it here, but I kept my hand with a pen because I put everything on God's judgment.

Correspondence between Ivan the Terrible and Andrei Kurbsky. L., 1979. S. 119-164.

Section III

Russia in the 17th century The origin of the institutions of absolutism in the system of public administration

In general, state building and the activities of state administration bodies of the 17th century can be conditionally divided into three chronological stages:

The Time of Troubles (from the end of the 16th century to the 1620s) became a severe shock for the Russian statehood. It was a period of acute political and social crisis, complicated by foreign intervention. In the literature of this time, the story of Avraamy Palitsyn (d. 1627) occupies a prominent place. The cellar of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery described in detail the struggle of his monastery with the support of peasants and other patriots against the detachments of False Dmitry II, led by Jan Peter Sapega, who besieged the monastery. In the story (document #1) a general assessment of the events of the Troubles is also given. It is very typical for a Russian person of that time, who was religiously minded and belonged to the social elite.

Among the works about the Time of Troubles there are also interesting monuments of historical thought. One of the most remarkable among them is "Vremennik" by deacon Ivan Timofeev. (document2). Vremennik is a traditional name for Russian medieval historical stories and chronicles. In his work, Ivan Timofeev (d. 1631) tells about the events from the time of Ivan IV to the accession of Mikhail Romanov. He critically evaluates Boris Godunov, Vasily Shuisky, as well as the boyars and the clergy. In the "abduction" of the throne by Boris Godunov, with the tacit connivance of the boyars and the leaders of the church, Ivan Timofeev sees one of the main causes of the Troubles.

After the Troubles, the structure of the restored state power remained the same. It is important to emphasize that the samples of public administration of the previous period served as the basis for the resurgent Russia, which testifies to the deep and original roots of Russian statehood. In 1613, the Zemsky Sobor elected Mikhail Romanov to the throne, thereby establishing a new dynasty of Russian sovereigns. Document3 makes it possible to judge the wide representation of individual localities and cities at the Zemsky Sobor and the difficulties associated with convening the Sobor itself.

Second half of the 17th century - this is the period of the heyday of the order management system and its transition to the collegial one. The turning point in the public sphere was the adoption of the Council Code of 1649. (document no. 4). This is a legislative act of Russia, which formalized the social and political system of the state, which determined the life of the country for the next two centuries. The adoption of the Code at the Zemsky Sobor marked the strengthening of the rule of the feudal lords and the autocracy. The legal provisions of Chapter XI - "The Court of the Peasants" - satisfied the main requirement of the nobility to abolish the "lesson years" and the indefinite search for fugitive peasants, established the heredity of serfdom and asserted the landowner's right to the peasant's property. Chapter XIX of the Code - "On the townspeople" - legalized the unconditional attachment of the townspeople to the towns and the sovereign's tax and authorized the confiscation of privately owned settlements in the towns. This most important decree strengthened the positions of the trade and craft population of cities and deprived the feudal lords of the opportunity to put pressure on them; the predominant position in the settlement was assigned to the top of the commercial and industrial population.

In the 17th century the creation of a system of central control through orders was completed. This order reflected, first of all, the strengthening of the centralization of management. Composition by G.K. Kotoshikhin (document no. 5) gives an idea of ​​the extensive network of orders, their competence and shortcomings in their activities, primarily related to the fuzzy distribution of administrative functions, especially in financial and judicial matters. G.K. Kotoshikhin, being a clerk of the Ambassadorial Department, knew well the procedures of Russian office work; his notes contain rich material on the system of administrative management in Russia. His notes G.K. Kotoshikhin wrote at the request of local authorities in Sweden, where he fled from Russia, fearing that his espionage activities in favor of Poland would be exposed. Subsequently, G.K. Kotoshikhin was convicted by a Swedish court for the murder of the owner of the house where he lived, and executed.

The active foreign policy of the country explains the presence of many foreign representatives in the capital. Among them is Augustine F. Meyerberg. The ambassador of the German emperor was in Moscow in 1661-1663. and wrote two essays on the Muscovite state. An excerpt from one of them (document no. 6) characterizes the voivodeship administration in Russia.

In the 17th century the composition of the ruling class changed significantly. The old well-born boyars, especially in the second half of the century, were pushed aside from the management by the new noble families that had come to the fore and the increasing deaconship. The nobility demanded equalization of their rights to occupy the highest government positions on the basis of personal merits and abilities. The strengthening autocracy also sought to abolish the procedure for filling positions on the basis of geniality, which was preserved according to centuries-old feudal traditions. The solution of this issue was in direct connection with the reorganization of the armed forces and the need to create a combat-ready army, not weakened by the phenomena of parochialism. The equalization of the rights of individual groups of the feudal class took place in 1682 under Tsar Fedor Alekseevich as a result of the destruction of localism (document№ 7 ).



First, the Lord God allowed us to be defrocked Grigory Otrepyev *, who called himself the tsar's son Dmitry Ivanovich of All Rus' and ascended the tsar's throne. But soon that Gregory died a cruel death. Then another named himself in the same place. And it comes to the very reigning city of Moscow, but it turns out not to be accepted. Everywhere in Russia, the rumor about him spread, and therefore all the thieves gathered to him: not to raise him to the royal throne, but to plunder all the ancient royal treasures. All of Russia suffers painfully from false tsars. Vasily Ivanovich is called Tsar of all Russia, but the whole Russian state is ruined as a Tushino thief.

* Rastriga is the traditional nickname of False Dmitry I. As you know, he was a monk of the Chudov Monastery. Subsequently, he left the monastery, renounced monasticism, i.e., "cut his hair".

A small number of towns in Pomorye were not tempted and, by kissing the cross, held on to the Muscovite state. Others, due to the distant distance, were subordinate to the Russian enemies. The path from everywhere to Moscow was difficult for all those who wanted good, for the enemies surrounded the reigning city around. Due to the lack of everything necessary, the city of Moscow was in an extremely disastrous state. Those who fled from it, and not wanting to, replenished the number of enemies, and self-confidently, on this occasion, the enemies had fun.

Great then was the benefit to the reigning city from the monastery of the miracle worker Sergius. People living by the sea in the North and people from Veliky Novgorod, and from Vologda, and from the Dvina River and the whole Siberian land - all helped Moscow. Also from the Nizhny Novgorod land, and from Kazan, people all served without treason. And when one of all the named places had nowhere to go, they all came to the monastery of the miracle worker.

Literary Monuments of Ancient Rus': The EndXVI- StartXVIIcentury. M., 1987. S. 165-169.


In the last years of the current time, Shuisky, by the name of Vasily, called the king of all Rus', having elected himself, sat on the throne of the first autocrats who had supreme power, I think, without God's election and without his will, and not according to the general council of all the cities of Rus' assembled by the people but of their own free will; (this happened) with the help of a certain false nobleman who joined him, the completely thin-born Mikhail Tatishchev, who agrees with him in thoughts, fickle in deeds and words, predatory like a wolf. This aforementioned Basil, without the permission of the people of the whole earth, by chance and hastily, as far as speed was possible in this matter, by people who were only here, in the reigning city, without any of his resistance, was first named in his own court, and then made king. throughout great Russia.

In the years when the limit of the life of Boris reigning over us ended with death and when he was struck down by the wrath of the Lord’s fury and killed by the hand of the people of Rastriga, envy of the reign arose in Tsar Vasily, and, as if shot with an arrow by the lust for power of the first, he acted even more boldly than those two: very imprudently and hastily sat on the throne, since he was not skilled in this. He made a house for himself and did not deepen it into the ground, but founded it only on the sand. Without the consent of the whole earth, he made himself king, and all the people were embarrassed by this quick anointing of him (to the kingdom); by this he aroused the hatred of all the cities of his state. From here, after the first (invaders), all evil began in Rus' and many disorders began to occur in the land; namely, the disobedience and autocracy of the slaves and the siege of cities began, so that their slaves of the same faith with us, having come with an army to the mother of cities (Moscow), by this approach to the walls of the city treacherously showed contempt to the very head of the kingdom, and the newly reigned (Vasily Shuisky ) with all his kind was locked up by them, like a bird in a cage.

When suddenly struck by the wrath of the wrath of the Lord, betrayed by the hands of the people to bodily death among the very royal palaces, and then thrown out of them into the square in the middle of the capital, a lion cub, asp * or, better, a basilisk egg **, fell, as if struck by thunder, - Grishka Rastriga , nicknamed Otrepyev, - he was like a son according to his evil promise to the Lithuanian king Sigismund ***. Then King Sigismund boldly took up arms against all that good that in us, with the help of God, ripened and multiplied, and first of all against pious and bright faith, and then against the abundance of earthly blessings. If he didn’t himself, having taken up arms, moved and came to us, then he released to the city - the head of our kingdom - all his well-armed people with the order to seduce and re-clothe some (Tushino thief) as in clothes, in an unusual name - and so on. what their teacher taught them both - the enemy ****. And those of our cities that they happened to destroy, they erased everything to the end and made them empty, and, approaching the mother of cities and stopping a few miles away with the aim of besieging, they created fortifications. Our tsar, the self-acting Basil, with all his family and with those who were in the city, frightened, locked up like a bird in a cage, and forced him to stay here without a way out.

* Asp is a venomous snake. According to medieval beliefs, the asp is deaf because his ears are filled with poison. He is identified with a person who has yielded to the devil and does not hear the voice of God.

** Basilisk is a mythical snake-like creature. The king of snakes (from the Greek basileus, basileus - king). It is usually represented as winged, with a human (girlish) face, with a cockscomb, etc.

*** We are talking about Sigismund III (1566 - 1632), elected king of the Commonwealth in 1587. He pursued an active foreign policy, claimed the Swedish throne, since his father and grandfather belonged to the Swedish royal dynasty of Vasa. Using the turmoil in Russia, he sought to subjugate the Muscovite state to his influence, supported False Dmitry I, did not prevent the participation of detachments of the Polish gentry in hostilities on the side of False Dmitry II, and finally, under the pretext of cooperation between the government of Vasily Shuisky and Sweden, he intervened in Russia, sought to establish himself in Moscow royal throne. At the same time, under Sigismund III in the Commonwealth, the opposition to royal power from the major magnates intensified, some of them openly opposed the king, intervening in events in Russia on their own initiative.

**** ...their teacher is an enemy - meaning the devil, Satan.

The name of Rasstriga, revived again after his certain murder, came along with the others and began to serve the insidious plans of the second detractor of the true name, who falsely called himself the real sovereign Tsarevich Dimitri, deceiving us that he reigns over us, and, writing a lie, said that he somehow survived and escaped from death. With this lie, he entrapped the unreasonable into his will.

Among the apostates, united with foreign forces, helping our opponents to philosophize against us, there were not only our small warriors, but there were also many from the nobles and other dignitaries close to the king. Together with them, each of those who by rank belonged to the royal court, moved out of the city to the camp of opponents, seduced by unconfirmed deceit and seducing others, showing everyone an example of their weakness and lack of courage, as if it was possible to lead all people to a similar death. . And these did so, and others from neighboring cities, who swore an oath of the cross to a bodily enemy (impostor), soiling not so much their mouths as their souls with lies - some, not loving the king, in the city, others - due to a lack of necessary for life, as there was a severe famine in the city at that time. In short, there were not so many people left in the city with the king as there were defectors who went over to the false king.

Even if those who fled there knew that he was a false king, they worshiped him as an idol presented in a bodily form, thus annoying the real king, who was in the city, and the city, as if it were someone else's, together with the enemies all the time doing all sorts of dirty tricks. They, shortly before this, to the ends of the earth of our entire kingdom, like locusts, dispersed fearlessly, not finding anywhere resisting them, but, on the contrary, (finding) contributing to them: they captured all the cities and villages, exposing the inhabitants and the faithful to torment, and their estates plundering. And it is impossible for anyone to count or describe the numerous troubles of the Russian people.

Timepiece of Ivan Timofeev. M., 1951. S.273 - 301.


(with abbreviations)

Archbishops and bishops and all the spiritual rank and the boyar and voivode Dmitry Trubetskoy and the stolnik and governor Dmitry Pozharskaya with comrades, and stewards, and solicitors, and Moscow nobles, and clerks, and noblemen and boyar children from cities, and heads of archers and Cossacks, and centurions, and chieftains, and Cossacks, and archers, and all kinds of servicemen people, and all the Muscovite state of all ranks, people beat with their foreheads.

We wrote, gentlemen, to you ahead of time and more than once, so that for the grand zemstvo general council and for the sovereign abuse, choosing ten people from the spiritual and from all sorts of ranks, the best and reasonable, strong and stable people, sent to us, to Moscow. .. And you ... elected people ... were not sent to us ... And from many cities to us, to Moscow, power and all sorts of ranks people ... gathered ... The Moscow state without a sovereign is not built in any way and on many parts of the thieves' factory are divided, and internecine strife is introduced ... And now, by a common great council, we have sentenced for the great zemstvo council and the sovereign swindling to go to us, to Moscow, from the dukhovno rank of five people, and twenty people from the village and county people . There are five archers. And the boyars, and okolnichy, and stewards, and solicitors, and Moscow nobles, and tenants, and clerks, and Moscow tenant people who live in cities, were sentenced to be sent to Moscow for the baptism of Christ in the current 121st year.

BBK 84 ... 24 , 1969, p. 92.17 Theobald: [ 63 ... working 94 chie - ... 6, 1969, p. 90 . 13 Materials... not separate 338 convenience, ... , social responsibility, hedonistic... editor HE. Adasknna Technical editor O.V. Pankrashina Junior editor ...

  • Managing Editor - Translation - (Psychology of Transference) (articles)

    Dissertation abstract

    transfer UDC 159.964 BBC 56.14 Responsibleeditor-S.L. Udovik... The use of dream analysis 63 dreams, at least... (according to John, 12, 24 ). Hortulanus (Ruska, Tabula, p. ... 23, cols. 211- 338 . For translation, ... niveau mental 90 , 94 , 96, ...



    Interested in the history of the republic. UDC94 (470.57) BBC63 .3 (2 Ros. ... 1755-1756. Was responsibleeditor part 1 and compiler vol. ... 57, 338