Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The sea where salt is mined. Resources and reserves of potassium salts

Option 5. Assignments for the Unified State Exam 2018. Russian language. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options

Read the text and complete tasks 1 – 3

(1) The bulk of salt in the world is extracted not from sea water, but in salt mines deep underground; underground salt is called rock salt. (2) Its formation dates back to distant times (225-185 million years ago), when the area of ​​the seas was shrinking and land was advancing: closed lagoons dried up, and the evaporated salt formed thick deposits. (3) Huge layers of crystalline salt were covered over time with layers of various rocks,<...>the salt ended up hundreds of meters underground.

1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The formation of rock salt, from which the bulk of salt in the world is extracted, dates back to ancient times, when the area of ​​the seas was reduced; Over time, thick deposits of evaporated salt were covered with layers of various rocks.

2) The production of rock salt exceeds in volume the production of sea salt, which, when evaporated, forms thick deposits in salt mines.

3) Table salt in ancient times was mined deep underground, in closed lagoons, which in our time have been converted into salt mines.

4) In ancient times, the area of ​​the seas decreased, and the evaporated salt formed thick deposits, which were covered over time with layers of various rocks; This underground salt, called rock salt, is the world's main source of salt.

5) Huge layers of crystalline salt, formed in ancient times and called “rock salt,” are evaporated for about two hundred million years in salt mines located hundreds of meters underground.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

Despite this,


3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word POWERFUL. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

POWERFUL, oh, oh; -schen, -schen, -schen; more powerful.

1) Very strong in the degree of its manifestation, its action. M. blow. M. gust of wind. M. surf.

2) Distinguished by great physical strength and strength, mighty, indicating great strength (about a person, an animal). M. man. M. horse. Powerful shoulders.

3) Large, massive, thick. M. coal seam. Powerful ice of the North.

4) Capable of completing a lot of work in a period of time (about a mechanism, device). M. engine. M. fan.

5) Significant in its impact on a person’s thoughts and feelings (colloquial). Powerful article.

4. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.





5. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

After winning the semi-finals, Konstantin began training with DOUBLE force. Just a few years ago this place was a vacant lot, but now there is a MAJESTIC building rising here.

In two months, the northern region received ONE YEAR'S worth of precipitation.

The young teacher felt PRIDE in his work.

Beyond the field one could see a SOLID house with an attic, to the left were two poor huts, behind them was a black forest.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

PARTIZAN detachment


THE FINEST threads

present your PASS at the entrance

on both sides

7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

GRAMMATICAL ERRORS A) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase B) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate B) violation of the aspectual-temporal correlation of verb forms D) error in the construction of a complex sentence E) incorrect construction of a sentence with indirect speech F. A. Vasiliev in the Crimea. SUGGESTIONS 1) Six paintings dedicated to northern Russian nature were painted 2) Vladimir said that “it was then in the old Russian town, in Vologda, that he became interested in history, it was then that he began to study his grandfather’s archives.” 3) After reading this book, it seems to me that it will be useful to many. 4) Sasha was offended by his friend and did not want to talk to him. 5) Those who have admired cherry blossoms at least once have no doubt that this is one of the most beautiful sights. 6) It feels like the waves are rushing onto the island, throwing their salty spray far away. 7) Moscow State University was founded in 1755 on the initiative of the first Russian academician M.V. Lomonosov. 8) When asked to celebrate the victory, the tournament participants replied that we were tired and would go to rest. 9) When the hero came to his senses. It was too late.

8. Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

defend yourself




pop out

9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

hugs, in..south

week..cooked, pos..was

pr..zident, pr..stige

pr..endure, pr..miracle


10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.






11. Write down the word in which the letter A is written in place of the gap.



(parents) tickle..t

dragging (in tow)

(things) is moving

12. Determine the sentence in which NOT is written together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The gate turned out to be (NOT) LOCKED.

Skotinin was far from a POLITE person.

The sun, which has not yet come into force, warms carefully and affectionately.

He carefully keeps (UN)UNSOLVED feelings in his soul.

A.K. Tolstoy, (UN)WISHING to remain on the sidelines, enlisted in the army during the Crimean War.

13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

There is (NOT) SOMETHING very special about the warm and bright nights of Russian county towns (AT) THE END of summer.

In I. Bunin’s novel “The Life of Arsenyev”, poetry and prose merged (IN) ONE TO deeper reveal the inner world of a person.

(B)CONTINUING the entire viewing, it seemed to me that these illustrations were spreading the earth wider and wider, decorating it with fabulous cities, showing me (B)ALLY high mountains, beautiful seashores.

(NOT) LOOKING at the futuristic experiments, in the early lyrics of V. Mayakovsky the feeling still prevails, WHATEVER his comrades claim.

V. Mayakovsky's style from the first poems is ambiguous and (B) BECAUSE of the public's habit of classical poetry, it is difficult to explain.

14. Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

Many contemporaries (1) considered A. K. Tolstoy to be a proponent (2) of “pure art”, but this opinion was not substantiated by anything (3) about: in the poet’s work there are many poems filled (4) with topical society (5) oh sound.

15. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The elegy genre involves discussions about life and death, memories of the past, sadness about fleeting happiness.

2) Neither life’s ups and downs nor a privileged position in the world could change the character of G. R. Derzhavin.

3) It gets dark and the last ray of sunlight soon escapes from the room

4) The warrior could rely on neighbors both on the left and on the right and felt their support.

5) Before Lyonka’s eyes, the foggy veil tore apart and an unusual picture opened up.

16. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s).

V. S. Solovyov is known as a philosopher (1) who rebelled against materialism and positivism (2) and (3) who prepared with his works Russian philosophy of the 20th century (4) continued in the works of N. A. Berdyaev, L. I. Shestov, S. N. Bulgakova.

17. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s).

Low house with blue shutters (1)

I will never forget you, -

Were too recent

Sounded out in the darkness of the year...

I don’t know how to admire (2) (3)

And I wouldn’t want to disappear into the wilderness,

But (4) probably (5) forever I have (6)

Tenderness (7) of the sad Russian soul.

(S. Yesenin)

18. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s), in the place of which(s) there should be a comma(s).

The carriage drove up to the estate of the lady (1) about whose cruelty and greed (2) (3) incredible rumors were circulating in the area (4).

19. Place all punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas.

Try to remember any of your days minute by minute (1) and you will see (2) that (3) if you restore this entire flow of time (4) you can write a whole book.

20. Edit the sentence: correct a lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the selected word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

The company's legal adviser was instructed to express his response to proposals for cooperation received from the Astarta concern within two weeks.

Read the text and complete tasks 21 – 26

(1) In peaceful years, a person, in contentment and happiness, like a bird bathing in the sky, can fly far from the nest and even seem to him as if the whole world is his homeland. (2) Another person, embittered by bitter need, will say: “Why do you keep telling me: homeland! (3) What good did I see from her, what did she give me?”

(4) But a common disaster was approaching. (5) The enemy is ravaging our land and wants to call everything eternal his own. (6) Then both the happy and the unhappy gather at their nest. (7) Even the one who would like to hide like a cricket in a dark crevice and whistle there until better times, understands that now it is impossible to escape alone.

(8) Our nest, our homeland has prevailed over all our feelings. (9) And everything that we see around us, which perhaps we did not notice or appreciate before, like the smoke smelling of rye bread from a snow-covered hut, is now piercingly dear to us.

(10) The homeland is the movement of the people across their land from the depths of centuries towards the desired future in which they believe and which they create with their own hands for themselves and their generations. (11) This is an ever-dying and ever-born stream of people carrying their own language, their own spiritual and material culture and an unshakable belief in the legitimacy and inviolability of their place on earth.

(12) The land of Ottich and Dedich are those banks of deep rivers and forest glades where our ancestor came to live forever. (13) He was strong and bearded, wearing a lengthy long shirt, salty on his shoulder blades, smart and leisurely, like all the dense nature around him. (14) The ancestor could see a lot, looking around from under his palm... (15) “Nothing, we can handle it,” he said and began to live. (16) The graves of his fathers and grandfathers grew and multiplied behind him, and his people grew and multiplied. (17) With wondrous script he weaved the invisible network of the Russian language; bright, like a rainbow after a spring shower, accurate, like arrows, sincere, like a song over a cradle, melodious and rich. (18) He called all things by names and sang everything he saw and thought about, and sang his work. (19) And the dense world, over which he threw the magic net of the word, submitted to him like a bridled horse, and became his property, and for his descendants it became a homeland - the land of Ottic and Dedich.

(20) The Russian people have created a huge amount of oral literature: wise proverbs and cunning riddles, funny and sad ritual songs, solemn epics, heroic, magical, everyday and funny tales. (21) It is vain to think that this literature was only the fruit of popular leisure. (22) She was the dignity and intelligence of the people. (23) She established and strengthened his moral character, was his historical memory, the festive clothes of his soul and filled with deep content his entire measured life, flowing according to the customs and rituals associated with his work, nature and veneration of his fathers and grandfathers.

(24) It was not for nothing that the ancestor weaved a magical network of the Russian language: the entire broad, creative, passionate, seeking soul of the Russian people was reflected in our art of the 19th century. (25) It became global and in many ways led the art of Europe and America.

(26) Russian science gave the world great chemists, physicists and mathematicians.

(27) The first steam engine was invented in Russia, as well as the voltaic arc, wireless telegraph and much more.

(28) Our ancestor probably discerned these deeds of his people in the distance of centuries and then said to this: “Nothing, we can handle it...” (29) Each of us bears the responsibility for our Motherland, for preserving the heritage of our people, strong, freedom-loving, truth-loving, intelligent and not offended by talent.

(According to A.N. Tolstoy)

21. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1) A common misfortune forces people to unite to save their homeland.

2) The homeland is a historical past created by many generations; it is a people with its own place on earth with its language and culture.

3) The land of Ottic and Dedic was conquered by our ancestors from enemy tribes who came there to live forever.

4) Oral literature created by the people is just the fruit of people's leisure.

5) Russian art had a great influence on the development of world culture.

22. Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Sentence 5 explains what is said in sentence 4.

2) Sentence 10 contains a description.

3) Sentence 13 provides a description.

4) Propositions 21-23 contain reasoning.

5) Sentence 29 presents a narrative.

23. From sentences 8-9, write down antonyms (antonymous pair).

24. Among sentences 19-23, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using a demonstrative pronoun, word forms and cognates. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

25. “The article “Motherland” was written by A. N. Tolstoy during the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War. The narrative is permeated with pain for the fate of Russia and at the same time pride for it. Numerous paths help the writer express these feelings, among which (A)___ ("flow people" in sentence 11, "threw a magic net of words" in sentence 19) and (B)___ ("like arrows" in sentence 17, "like a bridled horse" in sentence 19), as well as the lexical means - (B)___ ( “prevailed” in sentence 8, “sang” in sentence 18) and reception - (D)___ (sentences 22, 23).”

List of terms:

1) metaphor

2) comparison

3) dialectism

4) book words

5) phraseology

6) quoting

7) opposition

8) colloquial vocabulary

9) anaphora

26.Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid excessive quoting).

Formulate the position of the author (storyteller). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on reading experience, as well as knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

Option 5


The problem of determining the role of the Motherland in human life. (What role does the Motherland play in a person’s life? What is the Motherland?)

The homeland is a historical past created by many generations; it is a people with its own place on earth with its language and culture. The homeland is the basis of every person’s life, it is his native nest.

Option 5

Job number Answer Job number Answer
1 14 or 41 13 together to
2 So 14 1245 or any combination of these numbers
3 3 15 23 or 32
4 divided 16 14 or 41
5 annual 17 145 or any combination of these numbers
6 put or put down 18 1
7 35498 19 1234 or any combination of these numbers
8 jump out 20 give or prepare
9 presidentprestige 21 125 or any combination of these numbers
10 aluminum 22 134 or any combination of these numbers
11 dragging 23 beforenow
12 unsolved 24 21
25 1249

Exercise 1.

(1) The solemn (rhetorical) style aims to evoke in listeners or readers a feeling of respect for the greatness of the events and personalities described. (2) It finds a place both in journalism and in works of art, less often in general assessments of the achievements of science and cultural figures. (3) In terms of language, it is characterized by<...>, widespread use of vocabulary with emotional overtones, vivid imagery, processed syntax with features of orderliness, rhythm, and symmetry of syntactic elements.

1) The solemn (rhetorical) style found in journalism and fiction, which is characterized by linguistic expressiveness, is intended to evoke respect among readers and listeners for the events and personalities described.

2) Solemn (rhetorical) style is characteristic of scientific texts, the main task of which is the use of emotional and figurative vocabulary in order to evoke in readers a feeling of admiration for science.

3) In a solemn (rhetorical) style, the use of emotionally charged, figurative vocabulary and ordered syntax delights readers and listeners.

4) The greatness of events and personalities must be conveyed in a solemn (rhetorical) style in order to use a variety of expressive means of language.

5) The solemn (rhetorical) style, characterized by linguistic expressiveness and found mainly in fiction and journalism, aims to evoke respect among readers and listeners for the greatness of what is being described.

Task 2.

(1) Nasal vowels, characteristic of the phonetic system of the Old Church Slavonic language, where they were designated by special letters - Ѫ (о nasal) and Ѧ (е nasal), and preserved to this day in the Polish and Kashubian languages, were once characteristic of all Slavic languages. (2) Having been formed back in the Proto-Slavic period, they subsequently in all Slavic languages, except Polish and Kashubian, at different times suffered loss, transition to non-nasal pure ones. (3)<...>The change from nasal vowels to non-nasal vowels was not the same in Slavic languages, which suggests that their pronunciation was different in different Slavic languages.

Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The phonetic system of the Old Church Slavonic language was characterized by nasal vowels, which were designated by special letters - Ѫ (о nasal) and Ѧ (е nasal).

2) The change from nasal vowels to non-nasal vowels in Slavic languages ​​occurred approximately the same way, which once again confirms the idea of ​​the existence of a Proto-Slavic language - the ancestor of all Slavic languages.

3) The process of transition of nasal vowels, which existed in all Slavic languages ​​and survived only in Polish and Kashubian, into non-nasal vowels was not the same, which indicates different pronunciation of nasal vowels in different Slavic languages.

4) Nasal vowels have been preserved to this day only in two Slavic languages: Polish and Kashubian, which inherited the phonetic system of the Old Church Slavonic language.

5) The pronunciation of nasal vowels, lost in all Slavic languages, except Polish and Kashubian, was not the same, as evidenced by the difference in the change from nasal vowels to non-nasal vowels in Slavic languages.

Task 3.

(1) Corals are not plants, but animals that can be found only in certain areas of the World Ocean, mainly in shallow tropical seas. (2) Corals are unevenly distributed -<...>They are very demanding; their existence requires special conditions: a certain salinity of water and a temperature not lower than 20.5°C. (3) Wherever such conditions are provided and the sea depth is shallow, reef-building corals can begin to build their structures.

Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Reef-forming corals are plants that are unevenly distributed in zones of the World Ocean due to the requirement of special conditions for existence.

2) Reef-building corals are animals that begin to build their structures only under certain conditions at shallow depths of the sea, so their distribution area is uneven.

3) A certain water temperature and sufficient salinity provide reef-forming corals with life in all zones of the World Ocean, facilitating their reproduction.

4) The distribution area of ​​reef-forming corals is uneven, because these animals begin to build their structures only under certain conditions where the sea depth is shallow.

5) The uniform distribution of coral reefs in the World Ocean is associated with the presence of certain conditions for the existence of these animals at great depths.

Task 4.

(1) Modern science considers artistic creativity not in itself, but in the context of cultural and personal communications. (2)<...>the very nature of artistic creativity compels. (3) After all, turning to works of art, to the creative process, to the concept of a particular work, we enter into a dialogue - a dialogue of cultures, a dialogue of consciousnesses, in which there are three participants: the artist, the work itself and the one who perceives the work (reader, viewer, listener).

Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Consideration of artistic creativity in the context of cultural and personal communications is due to the very nature of creativity as a dialogue between the one who perceives the work, the artist who created it, and the work itself.

2) The reader, viewer, listener, obeying the very nature of artistic creativity, considers any work of art in the context of cultural and personal communications.

3) The concept of the work helps the reader, viewer, listener to enter into a dialogue with the author of the work of art.

4) When turning to works of art, to the creative process, to the concept of a particular work, a dialogue of cultures, a dialogue of consciousnesses occurs.

5) The very nature of artistic creativity forces science to consider creativity not in isolation, but in the context of cultural and personal communications between the artist, the work itself and those who perceive this work.

Task 5.

(1) The bulk of salt in the world is extracted not from sea water, but in salt mines deep underground; underground salt is called rock salt. (2) Its formation dates back to distant times (225-185 million years ago), when the area of ​​the seas was shrinking and land was advancing: closed lagoons dried up, and the evaporated salt formed thick deposits. (3) Huge layers of crystalline salt were covered over time with layers of various rocks,<...>the salt ended up hundreds of meters underground.

1) The formation of rock salt, from which the bulk of salt in the world is extracted, dates back to ancient times, when the area of ​​the seas was reduced; Over time, thick deposits of evaporated salt were covered with layers of various rocks.

2) The production of rock salt exceeds in volume the production of sea salt, which, when evaporated, forms thick deposits in salt mines.

3) Table salt in ancient times was mined deep underground, in closed lagoons, which in our time have been converted into salt mines.

4) In ancient times, the area of ​​the seas decreased, and the evaporated salt formed thick deposits, which were covered over time with layers of various rocks; This underground salt, called rock salt, is the world's main source of salt.

5) Huge layers of crystalline salt, formed in ancient times and called “rock salt,” are evaporated for about two hundred million years in salt mines located hundreds of meters underground.

Task 6.

(1) The scientific style belongs to the number of book styles of a literary language, which are characterized by a number of general operating conditions and linguistic features: preliminary consideration of the statement, its monological nature, strict selection of linguistic means, and a tendency towards standardized speech. (2) This style of speech has features that appear regardless of the nature of the sciences themselves (natural, exact, humanities) and differences between genres of statement (monograph, scientific article, report, textbook, etc.), which makes it possible to talk about the specifics of the style generally. (3) At the same time, it is quite natural that,<...>, texts on physics, chemistry, mathematics differ markedly in the nature of presentation from texts on philology or history.

Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The scientific style of speech has features that appear regardless of the nature of the sciences themselves and the differences between genres of statement.

2) Along with common features determined by the specifics of scientific style, texts from different scientific fields have differences in the nature of presentation.

3) Texts from the exact and natural sciences differ significantly from texts from the humanities, primarily in the nature of their presentation.

4) Texts of the scientific style have both common features determined by the specifics of the scientific style, and features associated with a specific scientific field.

5) The scientific style belongs to the book styles of the literary language, which determines a number of general conditions for its functioning and linguistic features.

Task 7.

(1) In the middle of the 16th century, potatoes were brought from South America to Spain, and from there the tubers of this plant spread throughout Europe. (2)<...>At first, the exotic plant was grown for its flowers and for a long time the value of potatoes as a food product was not understood. (3) This happened due to the fact that they tried to use green, small and poisonous fruits for food, and they paid attention to tubers much later.

Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Potatoes, brought to South America from Europe, were not initially used as a food product, since people tried to taste the small poisonous fruits and did not pay attention to the tubers.

2) Potato tubers, brought from South America to Europe in the mid-16th century, immediately began to be used as a food product, and later attention was paid to the beauty of its flowers.

3) Potatoes, brought in the middle of the 16th century from South America to Europe, were not used for food at first, since they tried green fruits, and not tubers, which they paid attention to later.

4) Potato tubers are poisonous, so this plant was not used as a food product in South America, but flowers became very popular in Europe.

5) The value of potatoes, brought to Europe from South America in the mid-16th century, was not immediately realized, since at first they tried to use the green fruits of this plant for food, and not the tubers.

Task 8.

(1) Our planet Earth is unique, and primarily because there is life on it, traces of which were discovered in rocks over a billion years old. (2)<...>more than a billion years ago, life already existed on the planet, there was an atmosphere and a hydrosphere. (3) But our close “relatives”, other planets of the terrestrial group: Mercury, Venus and Mars, although they are similar to planet Earth, but, unlike it, are lifeless.

Task 1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The uniqueness of the Earth lies primarily in the fact that, unlike other terrestrial planets, there is life on it that arose over a billion years ago.

2) Traces of the first living organisms discovered in rocks indicate that life on the terrestrial planets began more than a billion years ago.

3) Along with the Earth, three more planets of the solar system are classified as terrestrial planets: Mercury, Venus and Mars, since they are more favorable for the emergence of life than they are similar to Earth.

4) Despite the general similarity with Mercury, Venus and Mars, the Earth differs from them in the presence of a hydrosphere, which arose more than a billion years ago.

5) Planet Earth is unique primarily because life has existed on it for more than a billion years, which does not exist on other terrestrial planets.

Task 9.

(1) During experiments, scientists found that learning new words stimulates the activity of the striatum (striatum), an important part of the brain that is directly related to motivation. (2) The striatum itself is not associated with the language function: it does not decipher the meanings of words and does not remember them; for this there are special linguistic centers in the cerebral cortex. (3)<...>it reinforces the motivation to learn a language by responding to linguistic efforts with a feeling of pleasure: pleasant emotions help to remember new material.

Task 1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) When learning new words, a person experiences pleasant emotions, which is due, according to scientists, to the action of the striatum - an important part of the brain that reinforces the motivation to memorize new material.

2) During the experiments, scientists discovered that the striatum (striatum) is an important part of the brain that is directly related to motivation.

3) Scientists were able to prove that the striatum has no relation to the language function, since it does not decipher the meanings of words and does not remember them - for this there are special linguistic centers in the cerebral cortex.

4) Mastering new words, according to scientists, stimulates the activity of an important part of the brain - the striatum, which reinforces the motivation to learn a language with pleasant emotions.

5) Having studied the data obtained by scientists during experiments, we can assume: the pleasure of mastering new words was the reason that humanity learned to use speech.

Task 10.

(1) The goal of science is to find objective laws of nature, and therefore the result should not depend on the personal qualities of the scientist. (2) However, each scientist has his own research style, his own approach to solving the problems facing him: one physicist can become an example of a theorist, another works with deliberately simplified models of a phenomenon, a third builds a theory of such phenomena that reveal the deepest properties of the physical world, etc. d. (3)<...>The individuality of a scientist manifests itself in the same way as the individuality of an architect striving for a common goal within the framework of solving his utilitarian problem.

Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) A scientist is like an architect: both, while maintaining individuality, strive for internal harmony with nature.

2) Scientists, having an individual research style and having their own approaches to solving the issues facing them, work on a common task - finding objective laws of nature.

3) Finding objective laws of nature is a task facing scientists who show individuality in achieving the overall result of their activity.

4) The result of scientists’ activities should not depend on their personal qualities, therefore in science it is unacceptable to have your own style and your own approach to solving certain problems.

5) The individuality of scientists is manifested in the fact that one physicist becomes an example of a theorist, another works with simplified models of a phenomenon, a third builds a theory about the deep properties of the physical world.

Salt comes in different tastes, sizes, shapes, colors and degrees of salinity. It all really depends on where she comes from. It is impossible to cover all the many types of salt, but the editor of the “Food” section of The Village, Anna Maslovskaya, decided to look into the issue and classify the main ones.


Sea salt is extracted from sun-concentrated brine that forms in areas where salt water floods. It is scraped off, dried, and sometimes recrystallized. Another way to obtain sea salt is by freezing. Not evaporation of water, but placing sea water in the cold.

Sad salt is obtained in a similar way to sea salt: by evaporating water from underground salt springs or by evaporating water in salt marshes. In these places, salt water stagnates on the surface of the earth, but does not come from the sea, but from other sources.

Rock salt, also known as mineral salt, is mined in mines. It is formed due to the flow of saline sources or, for example, in the place of dried up seas. Until recently, along with boiled sea salt, mineral salt was the most popular in the world.

Salt, depending on the method of its extraction, is then either ground or sifted. Thus, they divide it by caliber: from small to large.

Fine table salt

It's table salt. As a rule, it is of stone or cage origin. The second option is considered the cleanest. It is obtained by repeated recrystallization of brine and, apart from salt, contains little in itself - white table salt has a purity of at least 97%. While stone can contain a significant amount of impurities that affect the taste. When sifting it, you can find microscopic pieces of clay and stones. In Russia, the largest places for producing table salt are Lake Baskunchak in the Astrakhan region and Lake Elton in the Volgograd region.

Table salt has the purest salty taste, this is both its advantage and disadvantage. The main advantage is that it allows you to accurately dose the amount during preparation. The downside is that its taste is flat and one-dimensional. Table salt is one of the cheapest types of salt, along with mineral salt.

Kosher salt

A special case of ordinary table salt. It differs in that the size of its granules is larger than that of ordinary salt, and the shape of the crystals is different. Not cubes, but granules, flat or pyramidal in shape, obtained through a special evaporation process. The shape makes it easier to feel the amount of salt with your fingers, which is why in America, where it is produced in large quantities, it has become an industry standard in professional kitchens. The taste is almost no different from ordinary table salt, but there is a nuance: it is never iodized.

Salt is called kosher because it is used for koshering meat, that is, rubbing the carcass to remove residual blood.

Rock salt

Iranian blue salt

Table edible rock salt, grind No. 1

This is a large family, most often the name of which refers to white table salt mined in a mine. For example, salt extracted from the Artyomovskoye deposit in Ukraine, the supply of which to Russia is now limited due to sanctions. As a rule, it is white, but sometimes has a slightly gray or yellowish tint. Salts with brighter impurities often acquire their own names. For example, black Himalayan salt, which will be discussed below. Rock salt is also used for technical purposes - for example, to salt a swimming pool or sprinkle a road.

Sea salt

Sea iodized salt from the Adriatic Sea

Hawaiian Sea Salt Black Lava

There are many types of it due to its origin. Since all seas have different chemical profiles, this is reflected in the taste and composition of the salt. Sometimes this salt is recrystallized to obtain pure table salt. Its value lies in the variety of tastes and the presence of additional impurities that enrich the taste.

Fleur de sel

Fleur de sel from Lake Reux

Swedish salt flakes

Flaked salt is highly valued by both chefs and ordinary consumers. Depending on its origin, it differs in shape, appearance, humidity and degree of salinity. Its traditional name is fleur de sel. As a rule, this is sea salt, the crystals of which grow on the edges of the salt baths, in the process of slow evaporation of water they become overgrown with beautiful growths, which, as a rule, are collected by hand at a certain stage of growth. That is, from the same source you can get both coarse salt and salt flakes.

Salt is mined in flake form in a variety of places around the world, but there are three best known deposits: salt from the French island of Reux, Maldon salt from the southeast of England, and salt mined from a large deposit in Portugal.

Maldon is a very famous fleur de sel salt, mined in the Maldon area of ​​Essex in south-east England since the late 19th century. It is correct to say “Maldon”, although “Maldon” has already taken root in Russia. Moldon salt is a separate type of salt, which differs from fleur de sel in that its crystals are larger, up to a centimeter. It is also slightly saltier than the classic fleur de sel. Being sea salt and having a shape in the form of flat crystals, it is delicate and creates a pleasant sensation, exploding on the tongue with salty sparkles. This makes Moldon salt a versatile finishing agent for dishes.

Black Himalayan salt

Pink Himalayan salt

Coarsely ground mineral salt, the color of which is due to the presence of impurities of potassium chloride and iron oxide. In total, salt contains about 5% of all kinds of impurities. It is used in hand mills to finish dishes, that is, not only for salting the dish, but also for decoration.

Pink Himalayan salt is mined in large blocks, which are then cut out, in the Punjab region, mainly in the troughs of the Himalayas, in Pakistan and India. Salt blocks are even used for interior work.

Pink Hawaiian salt

Sedimentary sea salt that was first collected in Hawaii. Now its main production takes place in California. The bright pink-brown color of medium-sized salt crystals is given by clay inclusions. Expensive product with a slightly iron taste. According to some reports, it is considered especially useful. But what you can’t argue with is that it’s beautiful, which makes it ideal for serving dishes.

Interesting fact

In foreign literature, the term “pink salt” refers to a special product based on salt with the addition of sodium nitrite, used for the production of meat products.

Flavored salts

Black Thursday salt

There are many types of aromatic salts, and all of them are invented and made by man. Such salt can be of any origin, the main thing in it is the combination of two functions: salting a dish with its flavoring. To do this, additives are placed in the salt or the necessary manipulations are performed on the salt itself, for example, smoking. Additives can be anything: flowers, spices, herbs, berries and even wine.

Thursday salt stands apart on this list because it is the result of rather complex manipulations. Initially, this salt was ritual (like pink Hawaiian salt), but now it is more often used because of its unusual taste. This salt is prepared as follows: table salt is mixed in equal proportions with leaven grounds or rye bread soaked in water; they put it in the oven (sometimes burying it in ashes), oven, or heat it in a frying pan. Afterwards, the monolithic piece is split and pounded in a mortar.

Interesting fact

Charcoal salt is used in many culinary traditions, such as in Japan and Korea. Just like the Thursday one, it is made by human hands. A similar example from Korea is bamboo salt: mOrsk salt is literally baked in bamboo.

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  1. With answer
  2. With a viewing mark

    Task 1 of 26

    1 .

    Read the text and complete tasks 1-3

    (1) The bulk of salt in the world is extracted not from sea water, but in salt mines deep underground. Its formation dates back to distant times (225-185 million years ago), when the area of ​​the seas was shrinking<…>

    Task 1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

    1) The formation of rock salt, from which the bulk of salt in the world is extracted, dates back to ancient times, when the area of ​​the seas was reduced; Over time, thick deposits of evaporated salt were covered with layers of various rocks.

    2) The production of rock salt exceeds in volume the production of sea salt, which, when evaporated, forms thick deposits in salt mines.

    3) Table salt in ancient times was mined deep underground, in closed lagoons, which in our time have been converted into salt mines.

    4) In ancient times, the area of ​​the seas decreased, and the evaporated salt formed thick deposits, which were covered over time with layers of various rocks; This underground salt, called rock salt, is the world's main source of salt.

    5) Huge layers of crystalline salt, formed in ancient times and called “rock salt,” are evaporated for about two hundred million years in salt mines located hundreds of meters underground.

    • (14, 41)


    (1)Basic amount of salt, underground salt is called rock salt. (2) (225-185 million years ago), and land advanced: closed lagoons dried up, and the evaporated salt formed thick deposits. (3)Huge Over time, layers of crystalline salt were covered with layers of various rocks,<…>the salt ended up hundreds of meters underground.


    We highlight keywords in the text to determine the main information:

    (1)Basic amount of salt in the world is extracted not from sea water, but in salt mines deep underground, underground salt is called rock salt. (2) Her education dates back to ancient times(225-185 million years ago), when the area of ​​the seas decreased, and the land advanced: closed lagoons dried up, and the evaporated salt formed thick deposits. (3)Huge Over time, layers of crystalline salt were covered with layers of various rocks,<…>the salt ended up hundreds of meters underground.

    1) The formation of rock salt, from which the bulk of salt in the world is extracted, dates back to ancient times, when the area of ​​the seas was reduced; Over time, thick deposits of evaporated salt were covered with layers of various rocks. — All information important for understanding the text is conveyed.

    2) The production of rock salt exceeds in volume the production of sea salt, which, when evaporated, forms thick deposits in salt mines. — Not all information important for understanding the text was conveyed.

    3) Table salt in ancient times was mined deep underground, in closed lagoons, which in our time have been converted into salt mines. — Some information is not in the text.

    4) In ancient times, the area of ​​the seas decreased, and the evaporated salt formed thick deposits, which were covered over time with layers of various rocks; This underground salt, called rock salt, is the world's main source of salt. — All information important for understanding the text is conveyed.

    5) Huge layers of crystalline salt, formed in ancient times and called “rock salt,” are evaporated for about two hundred million years in salt mines located hundreds of meters underground. — The information is distorted.

  1. Task 2 of 26

    2 .

    Choose your own adverb that should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence. Write down this adverb.

    • (So)



  2. Task 3 of 26

    3 .

    Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word POWERFUL. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

    POWERFUL, oh, oh; -schen, -schen, -schen; more powerful.

    1) Very strong in the degree of its manifestation, its action. M. blow. M. gust of wind. M. surf.

    2) Distinguished by great physical strength and strength, mighty, indicating great strength (about a person, an animal). M. man. M. horse. Powerful shoulders.

    3) Large, massive, thick. M. coal seam. Powerful ice of the North.

    4) Capable of completing a lot of work in a period of time (about a mechanism, device). M. engine. M. fan.

    5) Significant in its impact on a person’s thoughts and feelings (colloquial). Powerful article.

    • (3)



  3. Task 4 of 26

    4 .

    In one of the words below there is an error in the emphasis: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down.






    • (divided)



    Correct pronunciation: divided

  4. Task 5 of 26

    5 .

    One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

    After winning the semi-finals, Konstantin began training with DOUBLE force.

    Just a few years ago this place was a vacant lot, but now there is a MAJESTIC building rising here.

    In two months, the northern region received ONE YEAR'S worth of precipitation.

    The young teacher felt PRIDE in his work.

    Beyond the field one could see a SOLID house with an attic, to the left were two poor huts, behind them was a black forest.

    • (annual)



    In two months, the northern region received ONE YEAR'S worth of precipitation. Correct: ANNUAL, since one-year-old = at the age of one year (one-year-old child), and annual = as a result of the year (annual budget, annual report, annual norm)

  5. Task 6 of 26

    6 .

    Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the selected word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

    The company's legal adviser was instructed to express his response to proposals for cooperation received from the Astarta concern within two weeks.

    • (give, prepare)


    giveanswer or prepare answer


    you can’t say “express an answer”, correctly:giveanswer or prepare answer

  6. Task 7 of 26

    7 .

    In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

    PARTIZAN detachment

    THE FINEST threads

    on both sides


    present your PASS at the entrance

    • (put it down, put it down)


    LIE ON THE TABLE - verb lay down put


    LIE ON THE TABLE - verb lay down in Russian there is no, there are prefix formations: put, report, lay out, etc. Therefore, in this task, PLACE on the table or PLACE on the table will be correct.

  7. Task 8 of 26

    8 .

    Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


    A) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase

    B) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

    B) violation of aspectual-temporal correlation of verb forms

    D) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

    D) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech


    1) At the end of a personal meeting with A.S. Pushkin, Emperor Nicholas 1 spoke of the poet as “the smartest man in Russia.”

    2) Vladimir said that “it was then in the old Russian town, in Vologda, that he became interested in history, it was then that he began to study his grandfather’s archives.”

    3) Having read the book by the Strugatsky brothers “Monday Begins on Saturday”, it seems to me that it will be useful to many.

    4) Sasha will most likely be offended by his friend and did not want to talk to him.

    5) Those who have admired cherry blossoms at least once have no doubt that this is one of the most beautiful sights.

    6) It feels like the waves are rushing onto the island, throwing their salty spray far away.

    7) Moscow State University was founded in 1755 on the initiative of the first Russian academician M.V. Lomonosov.

    8) When asked to celebrate the victory, the tournament participants replied that we were tired and would go to rest.

    9) One of the students in the course “Psychology of small domestic breeds” asked how to correct the behavior of dogs.

    • (35498)



    1) At the end of a personal meeting with A.S. Pushkin, Emperor Nicholas 1 spoke of the poet as “the smartest man in Russia.” - no mistakes

    2) Vladimir said that “it was then in the old Russian town, in Vologda, that he became interested in history, it was then that he began to study his grandfather’s archives.” - no errors

    3) Having read the book by the Strugatsky brothers “Monday Begins on Saturday”, it seems to me that it will be useful to many. — error A: incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase, there is no subject that performs the action

    4) Sasha will most likely be offended by his friend and did not want to talk to him. - error B: violation of the aspectual-temporal correlation of verb forms - will be offended (future tense), didn’t want to (past tense)

    5) Those who have admired cherry blossoms at least once have no doubt that this is one of the most beautiful sights. — error B: violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate (those are plural, doubts are singular)

    6) It feels like the waves are rushing onto the island, throwing their salty spray far away. - no errors

    7) Moscow State University was founded in 1755 on the initiative of the first Russian academician M.V. Lomonosov. - no errors

    8) When asked to celebrate the victory, the tournament participants replied that we were tired and would go to rest. — error D: incorrect construction of a sentence with indirect speech

    9) One of the students in the course “Psychology of small domestic breeds” asked how to correct the behavior of dogs. — error D: violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application, correct: One of the students in the “Psychology of Small Domestic Breeds” course asked how to correct the behavior of dogs.

  8. Task 9 of 26

    9 .

    Indicate the answer options in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing in all words of one row. Write down the answer numbers.

    1. r..vnina, b..rezovy, (by) k..satelny
    2., spread, p..sneeze
    3. agree, agree, eclecticism
    4. lean..get, get..if, see..know
    5. gathering, jumping out, lighting up
    • (45, 54)



    1. plain (alternate root -RAVN-/-ROVN-), birch (unverifiable), (along) tangent (alternate root -KAS-/-KOS-)
    2. railing (unchecked), spread (alternate root -STEL-/-STEEL-), swimmer (alternate root -PLAV-/-PLOV-)
    3. create (alternating root -TVAR-/-CREATIVE-), worship (alternating root -CLAN-/-CLONE-), eclecticism (let’s check: eclecticism)
    4. lean (alternate root -PER-/-PIR-), thickets (alternate root -GROW-/-RASH-/-ROS-), crumple (alternate root -MYA-/-MIN-)
    5. collection (alternate root -BER-/-BIR-), jump out (alternate root -SCAK-/-SKOCH-), illuminated (alternate root -ZAR-/-ZOR-)
  9. Task 10 of 26

    10 .

    Indicate the answer options in which the same letter is missing in all words of the same row. Write down the answer numbers.

    1) pr..educate, pr..unpleasant, pr..follow (robber)

    2) dis..cut, pre..infarction, without..taste

    3) hug..hugs, super..natural

    4) in..clicked, not..enthused, imagine..

    5) press, and..drawn, transferred..transferred (exam)



    1) transform (=re-), unpleasant (=very), pursue (robber) (dictionary word)

    2) played out, pre-infarction, artless (after prefixes with a consonant we write Y)

    3) filming (dictionary word), hugs (dictionary word), supernatural (prefix on a consonant, root begins with the letter E)

    4) exclaimed (prefix VOS-), unenclosed (prefixes NE- and O-), imagine (prefix WHOO-)

    5) uncompress (ONCE-, since the root begins with a voiced consonant), and Illustrated (IZ-, since the root begins with a voiced consonant), retaken (exam) (prefixes PERE- and S-, prefixes Z- no)

  10. Task 11 of 26

    11 .

    1) double...clean...clean

    2) applaud, manage (department)

    3) take over, marl..vy

    4) freckled..ty, (look) direction..

    5) touchiness, bluishness

    • (23, 32)



    1) double (I DOUBLE, we write -IVA-/-YVA-), pure (there is no suffix -INK-)

    2) applaud (I applaud, write -OVA-/-EVA-), manage (department) (I am in charge, write -OVA-/-EVA-)

    3) master (master, in imperfective verbs the same letter is written before the stressed suffix -va- as at the end of the infinitive), gauze (suffix -EV- without stress)

    4) freckled (suffix -CHAT-), (look) to the right (adverb, prefix NA-)

    5) touchiness (suffix -CHIV-), bluish (-suffix -EVAT-)

  11. Task 12 of 26

    12 .

    Indicate the answer options in which the same letter is missing in both words of the same row. Write down the answer numbers.

    1) divorced, shot... (predator)

    2) integral..may (part), (fog)

    3) spend the night (in the hayloft), (workers) get a good night's sleep

    4) (grasses) swaying, laughing.. (baby)

    5) hesitating..singing,

    • (245, 254, 452, 425, 524, 542)



    1) dispelled (from the verb “dispel”, before the suffix -ВШ- the letter is written in the same way as at the end of the infinitive), shot down (predator) (participle, there is no suffix -INN- in participles)

    2) integral (part) (from the verb 1 conjugation TAKE AWAY), spreads (fog) (from the verb STELIT - exception, 2 conjugations)

    3) spending the night (in the hayloft) (from the verb to spend the night - 1st conjugation), (workers) will sleep (from the verb “sleep”, for verbs with stressed personal endings, the type of conjugation is determined by the endings, 2nd conjugation)

    4) (grass) swaying (1 conjugation), laughing (baby) (1 conjugation)

    5) hesitate (1 conjugation), praised (1 conjugation)

  12. Task 13 of 26

    13 .

    Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

    The gate turned out to be (NOT) LOCKED.

    Skotinin was far from a POLITE person.

    The sun, which has not yet come into force, warms carefully and affectionately.

    He carefully keeps (UN)UNSOLVED feelings in his soul.

    A.K. Tolstoy, (UN)WISHING to remain on the sidelines, enlisted in the army during the Crimean War.

    • (unsolved)




    The gate turned out to be NOT LOCKED - separately, because... This is a short participle.

    Skotinin was far from a POLITE (separately, adjective with the qualifying word FAR) person.

    The sun, which has NOT yet ENTERED (separately, since this is a participle with the dependent word YET) into power, warms carefully and affectionately.

    In his soul he carefully keeps UNSOLVED (adjective, we can replace it with the synonym secret, intimate) feelings.

    A.K. Tolstoy, NOT WISHING (we write NOT with gerunds separately) to remain on the sidelines, during the Crimean War he enlisted in the army.

  13. Task 14 of 26

    14 .

    Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

    There is (NOT) SOMETHING very special about the warm and bright nights of Russian county towns (AT) THE END of summer.

    In I. Bunin’s novel “The Life of Arsenyev”, poetry and prose merged (IN) ONE TO deeper reveal the inner world of a person.

    (B)CONTINUING the entire viewing, it seemed to me that these illustrations were spreading the earth wider and wider, decorating it with fabulous cities, showing me (B)ALLY high mountains, beautiful seashores.

    (NOT) LOOKING at the futuristic experiments, in the early lyrics of V. Mayakovsky the feeling still prevails, WHATEVER his comrades claim.

    V. Mayakovsky's style from the first poems is ambiguous and (B) BECAUSE of the public's habit of classical poetry, it is difficult to explain.

    • (together, to unite)



    There is SOMETHING (pronoun, no preposition, we write together) very special in the warm and bright nights of Russian county towns AT THE END (noun + preposition, we can put any word between them: at the very end of summer, we write separately) of summer.

    In I. Bunin’s novel “The Life of Arsenyev”, poetry and prose merged TOGETHER (adverb, together) TO (union, = IN ORDER) to more deeply reveal the inner world of a person.

    DURING (derivative preposition, we write separately) the entire viewing, it seemed to me that these illustrations were spreading the earth wider and wider, decorating it with fabulous cities, showing me in the distance (adverb, together) high mountains, beautiful seashores.

    DESPITE (pretext, we write together) the futuristic experiments, in the early lyrics of V. Mayakovsky the feeling still prevails, WHATEVER (pronoun + particle, separately) his comrades claim.

    The style of V. Mayakovsky from the first poems is ambiguous and BECAUSE (adverb, together), DUE to (preposition, together) the public’s habit of classical poetry, it is difficult to explain.

  14. Task 15 of 26

    15 .

    Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

    Many contemporaries (1) considered A. K. Tolstoy to be a proponent (2) of “pure art”, but this opinion was not substantiated by anything (3) about: in the poet’s work there are many poems filled (4) with topical society (5) oh sound.

    • (1234, 1243, 1342, 1324, 1423, 1432, 2134, 2143, 2341, 2314, 2413, 2431, 3124, 3142, 3214, 3241, 3412, 3421, 4231, 4213, 4123, 4132, 4321, 4312)


    to the supporters FILLED


    Many contemporaries (derived from the adjective MODERN, -ENN-) ranked A.K. Tolstoy among to the supporters (derived from the adjective SIDE, stem -SIDE-+-N-)“pure art”, however, such an opinion is not substantiated in any way (short participle, one N): in the poet’s work there is a lot of poetry, FILLED (participle, there is a prefix NA-, dependent word SOUNDING) topical social (adjective, suffix -ENN-) sound.

  15. Task 16 of 26

    16 .

    Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

    1) The elegy genre involves discussions about life and death, memories of the past, sadness about fleeting happiness.

    2) Neither life’s ups and downs nor a privileged position in the world could change the character of G. R. Derzhavin.

    3) It gets dark and the last ray of sunlight soon escapes from the room

    4) The warrior could rely on neighbors both on the left and on the right and felt their support.

    5) Before Lyonka’s eyes, the foggy veil tore apart and an unusual picture opened up.

    • (23, 32)


    5) Before Lyonka's eyes exploded foggy veil And opened unusual painting


    1) The genre of elegy involves discussions about life and death, memories of the past, sadness about fleeting happiness. (you need to put 2 commas between homogeneous parts of the sentence)

    2) Neither life’s ups and downs, nor a privileged position in the world could change the character of G. R. Derzhavin. (we put ONE comma, since the repeating conjunction is NI-NI)

    3) It gets dark, and the last ray of sunlight soon escapes from the room. (complex sentence, 2 bases - IT’S DARK, THE BEAM IS SLIPPING; put ONE comma)

    4) The warrior could rely on his neighbors both on the left and on the right, and felt their support. (we put 2 commas: 1 is placed with homogeneous members of the pr-I: COULD RELY, FELT; 2 - the conjunction AS, SO AND... connects homogeneous circumstances: LEFT, RIGHT)

    5) Before Lyonka's eyes exploded foggy veil And opened unusual painting. (we don’t put a comma, because in a complex sentence there is a common secondary member pr-ya: BEFORE LENYA’S EYES).

  16. Task 17 of 26

    17 .

    V. S. Solovyov is known as a philosopher (1) who rebelled against materialism and positivism (2) and (3) who prepared Russian philosophy of the 20th century with his works (4)

    • (14, 41)


    , continued in the works of N. A. Berdyaev, L. I. Shestov, S. N. Bulgakov.


    V. S. Solovyov is known as a philosopher who rebelled againstmaterialism and positivism and underwho prepared Russian philosophy of the 20th century with his works, continued in the works of N. A. Berdyaev, L. I. Shestov, S. N. Bulgakov.

    Having rebelled against materialism and positivism and prepared Russian philosophy of the 20th century with his works - 2 participial phrases that come after the word PHILOSOPHER being defined. We do not put a comma between the phrases, because there is a conjunction I between them.

  17. Task 18 of 26

    18 .

    Place punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in the place of which(s) there should be a comma(s).

    Low house with blue shutters (1)

    Sounded out in the darkness of the year...

    But (4) probably (5) forever I have (6)

    (S. Yesenin)

    • (145, 154, 451, 415, 514, 541)


    I will never forget you, -

    Were too recent

    Sounded out in the darkness of the year...

    I don’t know how to admire (2) (3)

    And I wouldn’t want to disappear into the wilderness,

    Tenderness (7) of the sad Russian soul.

    (S. Yesenin)

    1 - appeal

    4, 5 - introductory word


    Low house with blue shutters (,)

    I will never forget you, -

    Were too recent

    Sounded out in the darkness of the year...

    I don’t know how to admire (2) (3)

    And I wouldn’t want to disappear into the wilderness,

    But (,) probably (,5) forever I have (6)

    Tenderness (7) of the sad Russian soul.

    (S. Yesenin)

    Here you need to put 3 commas in place of the following numbers:

    1 - appeal

    4, 5 - introductory word

  18. Task 19 of 26

    19 .

    Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s).

    The carriage drove up to the estate of the lady (1) about whose cruelty and greed (2) (3) incredible rumors were circulating in the area (4).

    • (1)


    The carriage was approaching to the lady's estate], ( went incredible gossip).


    The carriage drove up to the estate of the lady (, ) about the cruelty and greed (2) of whom (3) incredible rumors were circulating in the area (4).

    We put one comma between the main and subordinate parts of a complex sentence: [ The carriage was approaching to the lady's estate], (about the cruelty and greed in the area went incredible gossip).

  19. Task 20 of 26

    20 .

    Place all punctuation marks: indicate all numbers that should be replaced by commas.

    Try to remember any of your days minute by minute (1) and you will see (2) that (3) if you restore this entire flow of time (4) you can write a whole book.

    • (1234, 1243, 1342, 1324, 1423, 1432, 2134, 2143, 2341, 2314, 2413, 2431, 3124, 3142, 3214, 3241, 3412, 3421, 4231, 4213, 4123, 4132, 4321, 4312)


    Try to remember you'll see(,) what if restore this whole flow of time (,) you can write


    Try to remember every day, minute by minute (,) and you'll see(,) what if restore this whole flow of time (,) you can write a whole book. (4 bases, we put commas at the boundaries of these sentences; a comma is placed at the junction of the conjunctions WHAT, IF, because in the continuation there is no “then”, “so” or “but”).

  20. Task 21 of 26

    21 .

    Find sentences that use a colon according to the same punctuation rule. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

    (1) Russia has always been rich in talented people of various professions: composers and blacksmiths, architects and carpenters, doctors and serf artists. (2) But today it is believed that the country is losing in the world market in the field of electronics. (3) This opinion was formed due to the fact that people forgot an important fact: almost all the ideas that became the scientific basis of television and video technology were created by Russian scientists. (4) Here are some striking examples: the idea of ​​sequential transmission of image elements first came to P.I. Bakhmetyev in the 19th century, radio waves were discovered and learned to control by A.S. Popov in 1895, the creator of television is V.K. Zvorykin. (5) The future of televisions, as it is becoming clear to everyone, lies in flat screens. (6) And they were invented by domestic scientists: in the fall of 1996, they successfully tested a liquid crystal flat screen based on polymers synthesized by A.V. Vannikov. (7) And there are many such examples!

    • (346, 364, 436, 463, 634, 643)


    non-union complex sentence, the second part explains the content of the first

    non-union complex sentence, the second part explains the content of the first


    (1) Russia has always been rich in talented people of various professions: composers and blacksmiths, architects and carpenters, doctors and serf artists. — a colon comes after a generalizing word for homogeneous terms

    (3) This opinion was formed due to the fact that people forgot an important fact: almost all the ideas that became the scientific basis of television and video technology were created by Russian scientists. — non-union complex sentence, the second part explains the content of the first

    (4) Here are some striking examples: the idea of ​​sequential transmission of image elements first came in the 19th century to P. I. Bakhmetyev, radio waves were discovered and learned to control by A. S. Popov in 1895, the creator of television is V. K. Zvorykin.- non-union complex sentence, the second part explains the content of the first

    (6) And they were invented by domestic scientists: in the fall of 1996, they successfully tested a liquid crystal flat screen based on polymers synthesized by A.V. Vannikov. — non-union complex sentence, the second part explains the content of the first

  21. Task 22 of 26

    22 .

    Read the text and complete tasks 22-27

    - (18) I’ll bring it, he said.

    - (19) Yellow?

    - (20) Yellow...

    (According to D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak)

    Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

    2) The old man did not kill the fawn, because he was used to hunting only adult animals.

    3) The deer was afraid of the hunter, but did not hide from him in the thicket of the forest, but tried to stay in sight in order to protect its cub.

    4) Emelya went to look for the calf, because his cow went into the forest and got lost there, and without her it was difficult to feed the family.

    5) The fawn saw the hunter, but was not afraid of him, because he knew that his mother was nearby who would protect him, and continued to walk near the bush, plucking leaves.

    • (13, 31)


    1) The old hunter Emelya lived near the forest with his six-year-old grandson Grishutka and the dog Lysko, one of the best hunting dogs in Tychki.- that's right, sentences 1.3


    1) The old hunter Emelya lived near the forest with his six-year-old grandson Grishutka and the dog Lysko, one of the best hunting dogs in Tychki.- that's right, sentences 1.3

    2) The old man did not kill the fawn, because he was used to hunting only adult animals. - incorrect, pr-ya 53, 54

    3) The deer was afraid of the hunter, but did not hide from him in the thicket of the forest, but tried to stay in sight to protect its cub. - that's right, sentences 35, 36, 39, 45.

    4) Emelya went to look for the calf, because his cow went into the forest and got lost there, and without her it was difficult to feed the family. - incorrect, sentences 4-8.

    5) The fawn saw the hunter, but was not afraid of him, because he knew that his mother was nearby who would protect him, and continued to walk near the bush, plucking leaves. - incorrect, sentences 51-56.

  22. Task 23 of 26

    23 .

    (1) In a hut near the forest lives the old hunter Emelya with his little grandson Grishutka. (2) There is no fence, no gate, no barn - nothing at Emelina’s hut. (3) Only under the porch made of unhewn logs does hungry Lysko, one of the best hunting dogs in Tychki, howl at night.

    - (4) Dedko, and Dedko, now do the deer go with the calves? - little Grishutka asked with difficulty one evening.

    “(5) With the calves, Grishuk,” Emelya answered, braiding new bast shoes.

    - (6) If only I could get a calf, grandpa...

    - (7) Wait, we’ll get it... (8) The heat has arrived, the deer with their calves will be hiding from the gadflies in the thicket, then I’ll get you a calf, Grishuk!

    (9) Grishutka was only six years old, and he was now lying for the second month on a wide wooden bench under a warm reindeer skin. (10) The boy caught a cold in the spring, when the snow was melting, and still could not get better. (11) His dark face turned pale and lengthened, his eyes became larger, his nose became sharper. (12) Emelya saw how his grandson was melting by leaps and bounds, but did not know how to help the grief.

    (13) It was the last days of June. (14) Emelya came out of his hut with a flintlock rifle in his hand, untied Lysk and headed towards the forest.

    - (15) Well, Grishuk, get better without me... - Emelya said to his grandson goodbye. - (16) Old woman Malanya will look after you while I go get the calf.

    - (17) Will you bring the calf, grandpa?

    - (18) I’ll bring it, he said.

    - (19) Yellow?

    - (20) Yellow...

    - (21) Well, I’ll wait for you... (22) Make sure you don’t miss when you shoot...

    (23) Emelya wandered through the forest with Lysk for three days, and all in vain: he did not come across a deer with a calf. (24) Only on the fourth day, when both the hunter and the dog were completely exhausted, they completely accidentally attacked the trail of a deer with a calf.

    (25) “A mother with a calf,” thought Emelya, looking at the traces of large and small hooves on the grass. - (26) We were here this morning... (27) Lysko, look, my dear!..”

    (28) The day was hot. (29) The sun burned mercilessly. (30) The dog sniffed the bushes and grass with its tongue hanging out; Emelya could hardly drag his feet. (31) But then the familiar crackling and rustling... (32) Lysko fell on the grass and did not move. (33) The words of her granddaughter ring in Emelya’s ears: “Grandfather, get a calf, and be sure to have a yellow one.” (34) There’s the mother... (35) It was a magnificent female deer. (36) He stood at the edge of the forest and fearfully looked straight at Emelya.

    (37) “No, you won’t deceive me...” thought Emelya, crawling out of his ambush.

    (38) The deer sensed the hunter long ago, but boldly followed his movements.

    (39) “It’s my mother taking me away from the calf,” thought Emelya, crawling closer and closer.

    (40) When the old man wanted to take aim at the deer, he carefully ran a few yards further and stopped again. (41) Emelya crawled up again with his rifle. (42) Again a slow creep, and again the deer disappeared as soon as Emelya wanted to shoot.

    “(43) You won’t get away from the calf,” Emelya whispered, patiently tracking the animal for several hours.

    (44) This struggle between man and animal continued until the evening. (45) The noble animal risked its life ten times, trying to take the hunter away from the hidden fawn; old Emelya was both angry and surprised at the courage of his victim. (46) After all, the deer will not leave him anyway... (47) How many times did he have to kill his mother, who sacrificed herself in this way. (48) Lysko, like a shadow, crawled behind the owner and, when he completely lost sight of the deer, carefully poked him with his hot nose. (49) The old man looked around and sat down. (50) Ten fathoms from him, under a honeysuckle bush, stood the same yellow calf, after which he had been wandering for three whole days. (51) It was a very pretty fawn, only a few weeks old, with yellow fluff and thin legs; his beautiful head was thrown back, and he stretched his thin neck forward as he tried to grab the branch higher. (52) The hunter, with a sinking heart, cocked the trigger of his rifle and took aim at the head of a small, defenseless animal...

    (53) One more moment, and the little deer would have rolled across the grass with a plaintive death cry; but it was at that moment that the old hunter remembered with what heroism his mother defended the calf, remembered how his mother Grishutka saved her son from the wolves with her life. (54) Exactly what broke in old Emelya’s chest, and he lowered the gun. (55) The fawn continued to walk around the bush, plucking leaves and listening to the slightest rustle. (56) Emelya quickly stood up and whistled - the small animal disappeared into the bushes with the speed of lightning.

    - (57) Look what a runner... - the old man said, smiling thoughtfully. - (58) I saw only him: like an arrow... (59) After all, Lysko, our fawn ran away? (60) Well, he, the runner, needs to grow up... (61) Oh, how nimble you are!..

    (62) The old man stood in one place for a long time and kept smiling, remembering the runner.

    (According to D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak)

    Which of the following statements are incorrect? Please provide answer numbers.

    1) Sentences 6-8 present the reasoning.

    2) Sentences 28-30 explain the content of sentence 33.

    3) Sentence 51 contains a description.

    4) Proposition 53 contains an indication of the reason for what is said in sentence 54.

    5) Sentences 59-61 present the narrative.

    • (25, 52)



    1) Sentences 6-8 present the reasoning. – correct.

    2) Sentences 28-30 explain the content of sentence 33. - incorrect, sentence 33 continues sentences 28-30.

    3) Sentence 51 contains a description. – true.

    4) Sentence 53 contains an indication of the reason for what is said in sentence 54. - correct.

    5) Sentences 59-61 present the narrative. - incorrect, reasoning presented

    Task 25 of 26

    25 .

    Among sentences 48-53, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

    (48) Lysko, like a shadow, crawled behind the owner and, when he completely lost sight of the deer, carefully poked him with his hot nose. (49) The old man looked around and sat down. (50) Ten fathoms from him, under a honeysuckle bush, stood the same yellow calf, after which he had been wandering for three whole days. (51) It was a very pretty fawn, only a few weeks old, with yellow fluff and thin legs; his beautiful head was thrown back, and he stretched his thin neck forward as he tried to grab a higher branch. (52) The hunter, with a sinking heart, cocked the trigger of his rifle and took aim at the head of a small, defenseless animal...

    (53) One more moment, and the little deer would have rolled across the grass with a plaintive death cry; but it was at that moment that the old hunter remembered with what heroism his mother defended the calf, remembered how his mother Grishutka saved her son from the wolves with her life.

    • (50)



    In the above passage, only one sentence is connected to the previous one using a personal pronoun (“him”, sentence 50). In sentence 51, the pronoun “he” links two parts of one sentence.

    “(5) With the calves, Grishuk,” Emelya answered, braiding new bast shoes.

    - (6) If only I could get a calf, grandpa...

    - (7) Wait, we’ll get it... (8) The heat has arrived, the deer with their calves will be hiding from the gadflies in the thicket, then I’ll get you a calf, Grishuk!

    (9) Grishutka was only six years old, and he was now lying for the second month on a wide wooden bench under a warm reindeer skin. (10) The boy caught a cold in the spring, when the snow was melting, and still could not get better. (11) His dark face turned pale and lengthened, his eyes became larger, his nose became sharper. (12) Emelya saw how his grandson was melting by leaps and bounds, but did not know how to help the grief.

    (13) It was the last days of June. (14) Emelya came out of his hut with a flintlock rifle in his hand, untied Lysk and headed towards the forest.

    - (15) Well, Grishuk, get better without me... - Emelya said to his grandson goodbye. - (16) Old woman Malanya will look after you while I go get the calf.

    - (17) Will you bring the calf, grandpa?

    - (18) I’ll bring it, he said.

    - (19) Yellow?

    - (20) Yellow...

    - (21) Well, I’ll wait for you... (22) Make sure you don’t miss when you shoot...

    (23) Emelya wandered through the forest with Lysk for three days, and all in vain: he did not come across a deer with a calf. (24) Only on the fourth day, when both the hunter and the dog were completely exhausted, they completely accidentally attacked the trail of a deer with a calf.

    (25) “A mother with a calf,” thought Emelya, looking at the traces of large and small hooves on the grass. - (26) We were here this morning... (27) Lysko, look, my dear!..”

    (28) The day was hot. (29) The sun burned mercilessly. (30) The dog sniffed the bushes and grass with its tongue hanging out; Emelya could hardly drag his feet. (31) But then the familiar crackling and rustling... (32) Lysko fell on the grass and did not move. (33) The words of her granddaughter ring in Emelya’s ears: “Grandfather, get a calf, and be sure to have a yellow one.” (34) There’s the mother... (35) It was a magnificent female deer. (36) He stood at the edge of the forest and fearfully looked straight at Emelya.

    (37) “No, you won’t deceive me...” thought Emelya, crawling out of his ambush.

    (38) The deer sensed the hunter long ago, but boldly followed his movements.

    (39) “It’s my mother taking me away from the calf,” thought Emelya, crawling closer and closer.

    (40) When the old man wanted to take aim at the deer, he carefully ran a few yards further and stopped again. (41) Emelya crawled up again with his rifle. (42) Again a slow creep, and again the deer disappeared as soon as Emelya wanted to shoot.

    “(43) You won’t get away from the calf,” Emelya whispered, patiently tracking the animal for several hours.

    (44) This struggle between man and animal continued until the evening. (45) The noble animal risked its life ten times, trying to take the hunter away from the hidden fawn; old Emelya was both angry and surprised at the courage of his victim. (46) After all, the deer will not leave him anyway... (47) How many times did he have to kill his mother, who sacrificed herself in this way. (48) Lysko, like a shadow, crawled behind the owner and, when he completely lost sight of the deer, carefully poked him with his hot nose. (49) The old man looked around and sat down. (50) Ten fathoms from him, under a honeysuckle bush, stood the same yellow calf, after which he had been wandering for three whole days. (51) It was a very pretty fawn, only a few weeks old, with yellow fluff and thin legs; his beautiful head was thrown back, and he stretched his thin neck forward as he tried to grab the branch higher. (52) The hunter, with a sinking heart, cocked the trigger of his rifle and took aim at the head of a small, defenseless animal...

    (53) One more moment, and the little deer would have rolled across the grass with a plaintive death cry; but it was at that moment that the old hunter remembered with what heroism his mother defended the calf, remembered how his mother Grishutka saved her son from the wolves with her life. (54) Exactly what broke in old Emelya’s chest, and he lowered the gun. (55) The fawn continued to walk around the bush, plucking leaves and listening to the slightest rustle. (56) Emelya quickly stood up and whistled - the small animal disappeared into the bushes with the speed of lightning.

    - (57) Look what a runner... - the old man said, smiling thoughtfully. - (58) I saw only him: like an arrow... (59) After all, Lysko, our fawn ran away? (60) Well, he, the runner, needs to grow up... (61) Oh, how nimble you are!..

    (62) The old man stood in one place for a long time and kept smiling, remembering the runner.

    (According to D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak)

    Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while completing tasks 22-25. This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert in the blanks (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list:

    “To most accurately and vividly describe the changes that occurred with the boy during his illness, the author is helped by the trope - (A)____ (“the grandson was melting” in sentence 12) and the lexical device - (B)____ (“not by the day, but by the hour” in sentence 12). Syntactic means help to convey the experiences and thoughts of a grandfather who is ready to do anything to save his beloved grandson: (B)____ (sentences 48, 58) and (D)____ (sentences 14, 52).”

    List of terms:

    1) epithet

    2) comparative turnover Wrong