Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Musical fairy tales by G. Tsyferov (“Grad”, “About the eccentric frog”)

In one forest there lived a donkey with animal friends. They loved to walk, play, have fun. Autumn has come. All the animals went to school, only the donkey did not want to study. He decided that while everyone was studying, it would be better to walk and have fun. The animals, returning from school, told the donkey with what great desire they go to study, because at school they learn a lot of interesting, useful, necessary things for themselves. And the donkey laughed at his friends and told how he sleeps until dinner, watches cartoons, sunbathes in a clearing, jumps along the paths. The animals were indignant, sighed: they felt sorry for the stubborn donkey.

And, so, one day a postman came from a neighboring forest and brought a letter from his grandmother to the donkey. But since the donkey did not go to school and did not learn letters, he could not read the letter. He went to his animal friends and asked them to read the letter. But the animals answered the donkey: “You yourself must learn to read, this will always come in handy in your life. Just imagine, you go to the store and read the names of the stores and streets yourself. When buying toys or sweets, you also read their name. It's so interesting to be able to read, so learn to read yourself!
The donkey was upset and cried. A bunny ran past, he felt sorry for the stubborn donkey, and the bunny read a letter from his grandmother. She wrote:
My dear donkey!

Remember, the path to knowledge lies through the rocky mountains, which you will have to climb with all your might.

The first mountain is called “Difficult”. It is difficult to write letters, learn to read, solve problems, but you remember my hint:
“If it’s difficult, be bold and try harder.” And then you will overcome the mountain, you will learn to cope with difficulties.

The second mountain is called - "Boring". Boring letters, neatly write numbers line by line. I want to run, play, I want to quit everything, but don't quit, but learn a hint:
“You finish your work as soon as possible so that you can cope with boredom faster.” And then you will learn to cope with boredom and come to the steepest mountain - "Failure". Everything seems to work out, but mistakes along the way constantly creep in and the wrong paths are chosen by themselves. But you learn my hint:

“If a mistake happens, I will learn from it, not be upset.” And then you will overcome this mountain and become a learned donkey - a fiver.
Good luck with your studies! Your grandmother.

The donkey was delighted with the letter and the next day he and his animal friends hurried to school. At first, it was difficult for the donkey to study at school. So I did not want to listen to the teacher's explanations, I could not compose and solve the problem, crooked letters fell from the line. And then the donkey remembered the "tips" of his grandmother, and diligently applied them in the lessons. Approximately deduced each letter, number, learned to read, solve and memorize the teacher's explanations. And the donkey began to get everything great!

Now the donkey is quite an adult, he studied and became a professor of medical sciences. His grandmother and animal friends come to visit him. Grandmother is proud of her grandson's achievement. All together they drink tea, remember their childhood. And also the donkey-professor treats the grandmother and friends from all illnesses.

During the classes.

1. Organizational beginning of the lesson

1.1. Greetings

W:Hello guys! Today I will teach you a lesson in literary reading. My name is

Svetlana Vyacheslavovna.

1.2. Children's motivation

To begin with, I will ask you to check whether you have prepared everything for the lesson, there should be textbooks and notebooks on literary reading, pens on your desks. Show how ready you are for the lesson. We stand straight, beautiful, posture is straight, we observe silence and calmness. Well done. Sit down.

2. Checking homework

1. Reading miniatures by heart.

W:Why did you like the fairy tales of Viktor Khmelnitsky?

D:They are about nature, imbued with a cheerful mood.

2. Reading game.

W:Many of the writer's miniatures end quite unexpectedly and in an original way. Let's play. I am reading a fairy tale, and you are trying to finish it.


A stream appeared near the Snow Mountain.

– What are you going to do here?!

“Tricks to show,” Brook smiled.

“Go show it to someone else,” Snow Mountain scowled. - I have a lot of trouble in the spring without you!

And she looked at the Creek so menacingly that he ran even faster.

But as soon as the Brook was out of sight ... how (children complete) The mountain also disappeared.


The young giraffe plucked the leaves on the trees, sometimes bent down to pick the flower she liked, and she also sang songs.

But one day, while pinching the leaves, the young giraffe reached the top and saw that there were no more leaves...

“Don’t be surprised,” the mother giraffe, who was grazing nearby, smiled at her. - Just ... (children complete) you have grown!


The reddest fox lived in one forest, and the meanest fox lived in the neighboring forest. And although the stingy fox had plenty of everything, in order to save money, she often ran to visit the red one herself - to drink tea, have lunch, and sometimes have dinner at the same time.

“It’s all because,” the stingy woman justified herself, “that you are red-haired, like a spark. Here I am to you ... (children complete) on fire and run.


A magical snowflake sat on a branch from which the last leaf had just fallen off.

Do you want me to become a leaf? the snowflake asked the branch. But the twig was already asleep and did not answer.

Then the snowflake flew down and sat on the stem of the flower.

Do you want me to be a flower? the magic snowflake asked the stem. But the stalk ... (children complete) was already sleeping and did not answer.

Then the snowflake flew to the pond, intending to become a goldfish, but the pond was also sleeping, bound by ice ...

So the snowflake flew all winter and only at the beginning of spring I guessed to become a snowdrop ... Both beautiful and ... (children complete) no one needs to ask.

W:What unusual did the author see and what did we see with him?

3. Work with the fairy tale of G. Tsyferov "Grad"

W:Today we will read fairy tales of another author, but they are no less poetic and interesting.

W:Do we know the author?

D:Yes, we read in the 1st grade “What do we have in the yard?” and etc.

W: What is a city?

D:Sometimes, during a thunderstorm, hail falls from the sky along with raindrops. Hail is small pieces of ice, cold raindrops that have not had time to melt. It is necessary to hide from hail as well as from a thunderstorm in a reliable shelter with a roof over your head. As a rule, a thunderstorm does not last long and after the clouds quickly part and a rainbow may appear.

W:Have you ever been hit by hail? What were the feelings?

D:Children speak their minds

2) Examining the illustration.

W:What fairy tale characters do you see?

D:Donkey and bear cub

W: What are they doing?

D:Sitting on the roof of the house

W:Why do you need an umbrella on the roof of the house?

D:To hide from the hail

1) Reading to yourself (the installation is given for a dialogue with the author through the text).

2) Reading aloud with the guys' comments (where they stopped, what questions arose, what a presumptive answer was given, where they checked themselves, etc.):


When there was hail, the donkey always hid. (O) It hurt! (P) He also hid in this city, but suddenly he thought: “Yes, I am sitting in the house, and it does not hurt me. And the house hurts. We have to hide it."

The donkey climbed onto the roof and covered the house with an umbrella.

- Everything is fine! - he said.

But suddenly he thought again: “Now it doesn’t hurt me, the house doesn’t hurt, but the umbrella probably hurts. How to be?" (V O)

“Stupid donkey,” grumbled the bear cub, “you can never hide everyone from the hail. Someone will get hurt.

“If so,” said the donkey, “let it hurt me.”

And he made a roof over the umbrella and began to run on it - to protect it from hail. (P)

At last the hail was over.

The little bear shook the donkey's ear and said:

- You are very kind…

- What are you, what are you! The donkey waved its ears at him. “I just feel sorry for everyone.

3) Conversation after reading:

W:Why did the donkey climb onto the roof?

D:He thought that the house was in pain and therefore climbed onto the roof.

W:What was the donkey?

D:Compassionate, kind, he wants to protect and warm everyone. He sacrifices himself and is happy with it.

W:Which of the other literary characters does the donkey remind you of?

D:Sokolko the dog from The Tale of the Dead Princess. He eats a poisoned apple to explain to the heroes what happened to the princess.

W:What did the bear cub answer to the idea of ​​the donkey?

D:He called the donkey stupid and said that you cannot save everyone from the hail.

W:Why did he change his mind about what the donkey did?

D:He realized that the donkey is very kind

W:How does the donkey make you feel? Why?

D:The donkey causes pity because he sacrifices himself for the sake of others, that is, the house.

W:Do you think the author likes his character? Why do you say that?

D:Yes, I like it, so he endowed him with such a quality as kindness.

Reading a fairy tale by roles.

Q: How many actors?

D: In a pitiful tone, thoughtfully, sympathetically.

W: Bear cub?

D: Ruthlessly, rudely, and then sympathetically.

4. Work with the fairy tale "About the eccentric frog."

1. Working with text before reading.

Introductory conversation.

W:Who is this freak?

D:Strange, wonderful person

W:Guys, what are the stars? Remember how the frog answered this question.

D:“Stars are big flowers. They sleep in the sky with their long legs crossed.

W:Where did we meet this fairy tale? What is it called?

D:"Primer", fairy tale by G. Tsyferov "What are the stars?"

W:Today we will meet the frog again. Now he is looking for an answer to another question. What are butterflies? How would you answer this question?

D:This is an insect with two pairs of wings that flies from flower to flower.

2. Working with text while reading.

1) Reading a fairy tale to yourself.

W:How did the frog answer this question?

D:These flowers are odorless. They bloom in the morning. In the evening they crumble.

2) Rereading is reflection.

Now let's read it aloud. Starts….

1st paragraph (4 sentences).

W:How are butterflies like flowers?

D:Flowers bloom in the morning and fall off in the evening.

5th offer.

W:How is it - the blue butterfly has faded?

D: The butterfly fell asleep and folded its wings.

6th proposal.

W:How could the wind caress the wings? Why did he do it?

D:I felt sorry for the butterfly, I wanted to touch the beautiful.

After the next two paragraphs:

W:Did the frog know whose petals they were? What did he think?

D:The frog did not know whose petals they were. He thought it was flying around the blue sky

Reading to the end:

W:Why does the sky turn pink after blue?

D:Closer to the sun, it turns pink at sunset and at dawn.

3. Work with text after reading.

1) Questions after reading:

W:What does this tale look like in terms of poetry, expressiveness?

D:For a poem.

W:Pay attention to the design of the text: almost every sentence is written from a new line. Why do you think?

D:So many new thoughts and new pictures.

W:What sounds can you hear while reading this story?

D:How a butterfly flaps its wings, how a frog croaks

W:What feelings did you have after reading?

D:Feelings of joy, good mood

W:Why is the frog called an eccentric?

D:Because he thinks butterflies are flowers.

W:What is this tale about?

D:About how the frog talked about butterflies and watched them.

Gennady Mikhailovich Tsyferov (1930–1972) is well known to all the children of our country, because he wrote the scripts for famous cartoons: “The Train from Romashkov”, “Losharik”, “The Frog is Looking for Dad”, “My Green Crocodile” (in collaboration with another wonderful writer , Heinrich Sapgir).

Tsyferov felt the harmony of the world and sought to express it, showing the depth and ambiguity of simple things that can become magical. In his fairy tales there is no tough confrontation, no obvious struggle between good and evil, sometimes they seem to be conflict-free.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that the writer S. Kozlov found such kind and true words for the writer Tsyferov. The author of affectionate tales about the Hedgehog, the Bear cub and the Horse drowned in the fog, probably best of all understood the author of tales about a lonely donkey, cloudy milk and a whale that could fly. Sergei Kozlov wrote:

“... I don’t know how to say this, but it seems to me that Tsyferov, before releasing a few words into the light, kept them on his lips for a moment, biting a little like gold coins. Hence the feeling that he was looking for a continuation of the phrase - o sh u p yu. Gennady Mikhailovich Tsyferov was also an improviser. Improvisers are people to whom notes or words come instantly, flashing like a precious bead on an invisible thread of imagination. And only then, having reached the end, if necessary, they finish their work more carefully ...

Gennady Mikhailovich Tsyferov never immediately wrote down his fairy tales and each time told them in a new way.

- But yesterday this fairy tale was better! I wondered. - You forgot?

“No,” he answered. - I haven't forgotten anything. I'm looking for…"

These words became the preface to the most, perhaps, the most famous book by Gennady Tsyferov, which is called "The Secret of the Oven Cricket."

The book talks about Mozart, only not an adult, but a little one. But Mozart was also an improviser...

5. Summary of the lesson

5.1 Children evaluate their work in the lesson

W:Indeed, Gennady Tsyferov was a writer who told his tales every time in a new way - the way the old storytellers did, constantly changing something, improving the melody and sound. That is why his stories are so musical and all the words are “ground in” to each other.

W:Which of the two stories you read did you like best?

W:Now raise your hands, those who found it easy to work at the lesson today? Why? And now lift those who found it a little more difficult to work. Why? Raise your hands those who found it very difficult to work in the lesson. Why?

, . .

It has a large head and disproportionately large and elongated ears. The color of these equids is most often brown or gray, there are white and black individuals, as well as other colors, as seen in a photo. animal donkeys There are up to several dozen breeds settled around the world.

Domestic donkeys are also called donkeys. In the history of the development of human civilization and culture, they have played a significant role since ancient times, used in various spheres of economic life.

According to scientists, the domestication of wild donkeys occurred even earlier than the domestication of horses. Chronicles mention pet donkey of Nubian origin, who were in the service of man as early as four millennia before the advent of our era.

The center for the domestication of donkeys is the Egyptian civilization, as well as African regions close to it. Then donkeys quickly spread throughout the countries of the East, came to Southern Europe, and were also kept in America.

People managed to use only African breeds of animals, Asian donkeys, called kulans in a different way, turned out to be incapable of domestication.

wild donkeys have a strong build and good looks. They live in countries with arid climates. They are not very fast, but in some cases they are able to reach the average speed of the machine.

Their hooves are adapted to move on uneven and rocky surfaces. And the dirty soil of countries with a humid climate contributes to various injuries, the occurrence of deep cracks and foci of inflammation on the hooves. Wild donkeys are herd animals. In Mongolia, they are found in herds, which average about a thousand heads.

The nature and lifestyle of the donkey

Animal donkeys were widely used by people for riding and traveling, transporting goods on their backs and in wagons. However, after taming the horses, animals related to donkeys, they became preferable due to their greater speed of movement and physical strength, as well as the ability to do without water and food for a long time.

With good care, a hardworking donkey is able to work up to 10 hours a day and carry loads on his back, in some cases, much more than his own weight. There are known cases of keeping donkeys to obtain milk, meat from them and use the skin.

Donkey milk was drunk mainly in antiquity, and was used on a par with sheep or camel milk. Also, this product was used as a cosmetic product in ancient times. In ancient times, donkey skin was used to make parchments, and drums were also covered with it.

Donkeys are sometimes considered stubborn and nondescript animals, but among the ancients they enjoyed well-deserved respect. And their owners were revered as wealthy people, receiving many advantages over others in movement and opportunities.

Curious is the fact that Christ, according to the Bible, entered Jerusalem on a donkey. The image of these animals was also used in many ancient mythologies.

Cows and sheep obediently trudge to the slaughterhouse, dogs do not attack humans, although they are predatory, horses can be driven to death in extreme circumstances. But the donkey, unlike them, clearly feels the limit of its capabilities, and in case of a threat to health, it will not process.

And when tired, he won’t even take a step until he rests. That is why donkeys were known as stubborn. However, with good care and affection, they serve their masters faithfully and with patience. They are friendly, calm and sociable animals, getting along with their neighbors. Some argue that donkeys are much smarter than horses.

During rest, donkeys seem detached and immersed in themselves. They are silent. Animal donkeys sounds they rarely publish, but when dissatisfied and a threat to life, they roar furiously in a loud and sharp voice.

Protecting offspring and territory, they are aggressive and boldly rush to the attack, fighting with dogs, coyotes and foxes. Often they are used to protect livestock. To date, in large cities, keeping donkeys has again become profitable. Animals are not dangerous and do not require a large area for life.

Donkey food

There is an opinion that keeping a donkey is comparable to caring for a horse. But there are also significant differences. The donkey is more unpretentious in cleanliness, and does not require any special and special food, eating very little.

Donkeys can eat hay and straw, and their stomach is able to digest even thorns. They can be fed with grain: barley, oats and other cereals. Their maintenance is not too expensive for the owners.

Donkeys in the wild eat plant foods. They eat grass, various plants and shrub leaves. Because they live in arid climates with sparse vegetation, they often have to roam the sandy and rocky terrain for long periods in search of something to eat. Donkeys can go without water for a long time.

Reproduction and life expectancy of a donkey

The mating season for donkeys is associated with the onset of spring. Females carry their cubs for 12-14 months. A donkey gives birth, as a rule, to one donkey, feeding it with her own milk for about six months. Literally immediately after birth, the cub is already on its feet and is able to walk behind its mother. It usually takes him less than a year to become completely independent.

Crossbreeding of domestic donkeys by their owners contributes to the emergence of new species. Often produced from males animal mulesdonkeys crossed with mares. However, since hybrids are born incapable of procreation, their reproduction requires selection using a large number of thoroughbred donkeys.

The life expectancy of domestic donkeys with good care is approximately 25 to 35 years. Cases of longevity up to 45-47 years have also been recorded. In nature, donkeys live much less, about 10 to 25 years.

Unfortunately, animal wild donkey, as a species, is currently in critical condition. Scientists know that in the wild it is hardly possible to count more than two hundred individuals. This species of animals is protected and listed in the Red Book. Great efforts are being made to breed wild donkeys in nurseries and zoos.

1. Pregnancy in donkeys lasts 12-14 months. A mother donkey gives birth, as a rule, to 1 colt. Feeds milk for up to a year. Within a couple of weeks after birth, the foal begins to eat roughage.

2. The height of an adult animal is 90-163 cm. The donkey reaches this height at the age of two.

3. Animals become sexually mature at the age of 2-2.5 years. Life expectancy is 25-35 years. But it can live up to 45 years.

4. Content features - a few words about hooves

Most afraid of moisture. Dry climate is the best for donkeys. Humidity is categorically contraindicated, hooves are very vulnerable. They are more resistant to stony soils, not as vulnerable as a horse. But they do not tolerate wet conditions at all. If you keep a donkey at home in the northern regions, then you should take this moment into account, not the frosts are terrible, but the humidity.

5. How to feed?

The donkey eats like an average goat: hay, heads of corn ...

For the stall period, you need 300 kg of feed per 1 animal

For a long time they can do without food and water, hardy and strong animals.

6. Benefit

In addition to the fact that donkeys can be used as labor, they also provide super healthy milk. Milk as much as a goat.

In France, donkeys are kept specifically for milk - they use it as a cosmetic product. The fat content of donkey milk is 11.8%, it has high bactericidal properties.

7. Character

Completely harmless animals, they understand the boundaries of their lands well and never try to wander into someone else's territory.

8. Donkeys are not horses; they differ from them both in body structure (the number of vertebrae) and the number of chromosomes. That is why the offspring obtained from crossing horses and donkeys is not fertile.

mule is when mother is a horse, father is a donkey

hinny is when dad is a horse and mom is a donkey

9. The tail of a donkey is similar in structure not to a horse, but to a cow: with a tassel.

10. We are used to the fact that donkeys are gray, in fact they are black, brown, and even white.

Lesson of literary reading according to the educational program "Harmony" in grade 2
Done: Primary school teacher

Theme: G. Tsyferov. hail

Goals: 1. Introduce the author and the work.
2. Develop the ability to read without errors, expressively, draw conclusions, read by roles, selectively.
3. Cultivate a desire to learn, learn new things, analyze your work in the lesson and the work of your comrades.

Equipment: presentation; texts with a story about the city; emoticons, textbooks, notebooks on a printed basis.

Formation of UUD in the lesson:
- personal: to form moral and ethical guidelines, the ability for emotional and personal decentration, to develop the ability to reflect;
- regulatory: to develop a propensity to assess comrades and self-esteem, to understand and accept the learning task;
- cognitive: navigate the text of the work, in books, analyze the work in order to identify cause-and-effect relationships, analyze the work in order to determine the author's attitude to the character, analyze the work in order to determine the personal relationship to the character, analyze the work in order to characterize the character;
- communicative: enter into communication, express one's point of view, listen to another, follow the rules of communication, argue statements.

During the classes:

1. Org. moment.

2. Checking homework:

3. Work on the topic of the lesson:

Message topic and purpose:
Guys, you have leaflets on your desks. Read the information contained in them, and say, what natural phenomenon are we talking about?
A type of heavy rainfall that falls in the form of spherical or irregularly shaped ice particles of different sizes, from a millimeter to several centimeters. Their composition includes layers of transparent ice, alternating with translucent layers. Typically, such precipitation falls in the warm summer season during thunderstorms and showers from fairly large and highly developed cumulonimbus clouds. Such precipitation causes great harm to agriculture, because it can almost completely destroy crops.

(yes it's hail)

Guys, guess the riddles:
They say I'm stubborn
What an absurd character.
I'm not stubborn, my friends
Simply reckless!
I go when I want
And I stand when I want
I "ee-ee" scream
And I knock with hooves.

The beast is waddling
For raspberries and honey.
He loves sweets very much.
And when autumn comes
Climbs into a hole until spring,
Where he sleeps and dreams.
(Answer: bear)

How do you think these clues can be related?
- And how can they be connected with the topic of our lesson? Guess.
- Today we will get acquainted with the work of G. Tsyferov "Grad".
- What are the goals for the lesson?

Children's writer. The most famous fairy tale by G. Tsyferov is “The Train from Romashkov”, based on which the cartoon of the same name was shot in 1967 (based on the script by G. Tsyferov and G. Sapgir), which can rightfully be called a classic of domestic animation.

Other tales by Tsyferov: “There was an elephant in the world”, “About a chicken, the sun and a bear cub”, “About an eccentric frog”, “About a steamboat”, “A story about a pig”, etc. Collections of fairy tales: “How a frog was looking for a dad”, “ Multi-colored giraffe”, “Engine from Romashkov”, “How to become big and other stories”, “Bear cub diary”. G. Tsyferov's books are still published today.

Initial acquaintance with the work.
Prepared children read.
Exchange of opinions about the read work. Did you like it, what genre?

Tpo p.13, h.1, choose the right answer. Who was attentive.
-Reading aloud piece by piece.
We read aloud, learn to read without errors, expressively, try to remember the course of events in history.

Tpo p.14 h. No. 3. How do events take place in a fairy tale?

Examination. What happened first, what happened next, what did the donkey decide to do next, when it all ended?
- Selective reading. Character characteristic.
Find in the text the words about the donkey, read it.
How does the donkey make you feel and why?
What did the bear cub name the donkey? Explain your opinion.

Tpo p.13 h. No. 2.

What was the donkey, draw a conclusion. Show a picture of a donkey. Did your image match the picture?
What a teddy bear. How did you imagine it? Compare with the picture.
- Reading by roles, work on expressiveness.
So what was the donkey like? In what voice will we read the words of the donkey?
(quiet calm, cheerful when he rejoices)
(for the bear cub confident, instructive, grouchy)

Working in pairs, reading by roles.

Practice reading the words of the donkey and the bear cub in turn, then we will read aloud. Role reading aloud. Analysis of those children who read.
Well done boys. It worked out well....
What does the donkey call itself? Is he right? Why not? Who is called pathetic?
What can you name a donkey? What is the name of those who pity others and help them?
(pathetic - arousing pity, unhappy)
(compassionate - prone to pity, compassion)

What can you name a donkey?
Do you think the author likes his character?
Explain your opinion.

4. Reflection.
Did you like the lesson? How?
Appreciate your work in the lesson with an emoticon.
Which of the comrades did a good job today? Why do you think?

5. The result of the lesson.
What work have you read?
Who is the author? What did you learn about the author?
What natural phenomenon did you meet?
What did they know about him? What harm hail does to people?
You guys did a great job today. Thank you for the lesson.

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