Biographies Characteristics Analysis

There is nothing worse than indifference. Indifference is a terrible weapon

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Hello! I want to share my impressions after reading the work "My eyes are open":

Contrasting storytelling. What was and what is happening to the character now. Shards of memories. Pain. Abduction.

Just think, it was just some guy who disappeared in the suburbs of Moscow. You don't know him. You don't know how he lived and what he thought, whom he loved and how he disappeared. Pass by indifferently. Hundreds and thousands of photographs of the missing across the country. Author Andrei (AJ-CRUSH) masterfully managed to show the indifference of the whole society. And, perhaps, there is nothing worse than indifference.

I myself have recently experienced indifference. My friend has a diabetic husband. The result - knocking out an appointment with a doctor in a city clinic through the Ministry of Health. Because no one cares and doesn't care. Here it is, indifference in all its glory. But back to Andrew's story.

Eyes can be opened and closed. Nothing complicated. But how not to drown in this action? How not to die and survive? So Zhenya is trying with all his might to hold on to life, not to wallow in darkness, in order to repulse the kidnapper. Again and again to fight back in order to feel life on the edge of a knife, at a break.

Update: 21.08.2019, 15:03 911 views | 28 comments | 4 in favorites


21.08.2019, 23:46 #9393072

I've been fighting for three years now. The result is zero, and she did not remember how many more novels went to mailing lists to publishers during these three years.

And I'm being honest with you! That's why I say - fight and achieve

Don't freak out, Julie!

Consider that my house is eternal. I'm tired of fighting for no reason. I live well.

21.08.2019, 23:44 #9393062

And I'm being honest with you! That's why I say - fight and achieve

And who's slacking off here? I am honest with myself and with you.

Don't freak out, Julie!

Answer left Guest

Nothing in the world is worse than indifference. What is your public position worth if you say: "I don't care?" . So, it doesn’t matter to you what a person close to you, your comrade, is going through, it doesn’t matter what language to speak, in what state to live, it’s not interesting who you will become in the future. What can this lead to? To the fact that you will leave your old mother, will not take care of your children? Yes, it's possible. But think about what all this can lead to? After all, a person who is indifferent to everyone does not evoke friendly feelings, does not interest anyone, does not attract attention. Are you ready to be alone, thrown overboard of life? It seems to me that it is important for every person to be loved. However, not everyone understands that in order to receive, one must give. Give love, attention, sympathy, in order to receive love and attention in return. Do not be afraid to give people your sincere feelings, because "how it comes around, it will respond."

Do not be indifferent, it was not for nothing that Bruno Yasensky wrote: “Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case, they can kill. Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case, they can betray you. Be afraid of the indifferent - they will neither kill nor betray, but only with their tacit consent do betrayal and murder exist on earth.

The word "creativity" has the same root as the word "create", that is, to invest one's abilities, opportunities, abilities in some business. I think that every person comes into the world with this mission, because everyone has this great destiny. Another thing is that not everyone is able to fully realize this generous gift of fate, depriving themselves and society. 1/2 2 Like ComplainPromotion on YouTubepromotionub.rfFrom 458 UAH for 10,000 views. All views are from real users!Address and phone The ad is hidden.Learning to draw is easy! kalachevaschool.ruCourses and free master classes at the School of Drawing by Veronika Kalacheva! Press! Address and phone The ad is hidden. Hide ads: Not interested in this topic Intrusive and fed up Questionable content or spam Advertising Sergey 432 3 years agoArtificial Intelligence (130667)Do you want to sleep?
Then copy this essay, which is probably on all sites. 1 Like Complain javid farighi 9 months agoStudent (106) People have many vices, but in my opinion, the strongest of all is indifference. After all, it is not in vain that they say: “Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case, they can kill you. Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case, they can betray you.
Fear the indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth.

The indifference of people leads to troubles. Often, to incorrigible and terrible.

We are all "heroes". We sympathize with the heroes of films, books, but in fact ... How many times have we passed by a poor old woman standing with her hand outstretched in the subway or past a person who fell and cannot get up? How many times have we said that we do not have a mobile with us when a passer-by asked to call? Today we refuse to help, and tomorrow they will not help us either. After all, everyone knows that everything comes back like a boomerang.

I know a lot of indifferent people. They do not care what is happening around, what troubles their comrades and relatives have. I can only sympathize with these people, since a little indifference is the beginning of the devastation of the human soul. Such people know neither pity, nor compassion, nor mercy. This word INDIFFERENCE was imprinted as a brand in their hearts.

It's scary, it's wrong, and we have to fight it. I hope that at least one person who has read this story will remember my words tomorrow and will not leave a person in trouble. here I tried

Nothing in the world is worse than indifference. What is your social position worth if you say: "I don't care?". So, it doesn’t matter to you what a person close to you, your comrade, is going through, it doesn’t matter what language to speak, in what state to live, it’s not interesting who you will become in the future.

What can this lead to? To the fact that you will leave your old mother, will not take care of your children? Yes, it's possible.

But think about what all this can lead to? After all, a person who is indifferent to everyone does not evoke friendly feelings, does not interest anyone, does not attract attention. Are you ready to be alone, thrown overboard of life? It seems to me that it is important for every person to be loved. However, not everyone understands that in order to receive, one must give.

Give love, attention, sympathy, in order to receive love and attention in return. Do not be afraid to give people your sincere feelings, because "how it comes around, it will respond."

Do not be indifferent, it was not for nothing that Bruno Yasensky wrote: “Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case, they can kill. Do not be afraid of friends - at worst they

can betray you. Fear the indifferent - they will neither kill nor betray, but only with their tacit consent there is betrayal and murder on earth.

The word "creativity" has the same root as the word "create", that is, to invest one's abilities, opportunities, abilities in some business. I think that every person comes into the world with this mission, because everyone has this great destiny. Another thing is that not everyone is able to fully realize this generous gift of fate, depriving themselves and society.

I don’t know what exactly is that important impetus for a person’s talent to ignite with a bright star, decorating life. But it seems to me that a person himself, having felt creative abilities in himself, would want to give them to people. He must understand that he has been granted an exceptional property to please the world with the works of his soul and talent.

Such people have become an adornment of history: the genius Leonardo da Vinci, a painter, sculptor, architect, scientist and engineer, and the immortal Taras Shevchenko, an unsurpassed poet and artist, and all members of the Alchevsky family - a constellation of talents, where each child has intertwined creative abilities for music , literature and painting.

… Recently, I unexpectedly got acquainted with the work of my compatriot Maria Burmaka, who has already received the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine. Apparently, she did not hope for such recognition when she graduated from the philological faculty of Kharkov National University in the eighties. But natural abilities opened up in her, like a flower opens to the sun, and then Masha sang songs to people written on her own poems and music, accompanying herself on a simple guitar.

Subsequently, she becomes a famous TV presenter, and the touching magic of her songs and voice continues to captivate listeners.

Creativity, in my opinion, is a talent multiplied by sincere work. And a creative person is like that fruit that, filled with the power of the earth and the sun, gives people bread.

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Dear editors of the newspaper "Panteleimon"!

My name is Valeria Sudak, and as long as I can remember, your newspaper has always been in our house, since my childhood. This year, for the New Year, I suggested that my mother give our two grandmothers - Valentina Sunina and Zinaida Stetsenko - a subscription for the whole of 2019. With my mother's help, we were able to present such a gift.

You indicated that if you wish, you can write about something from your life. Lately I've been thinking what indifference can do not only to our humanity, but to ourselves. I put my thoughts on paper and attach to the letter.

I would like to thank every person in your team who contributes to the creation of issues of this newspaper. Hello to you and your family.

I believe that at the moment there are quite a few people in the world who almost do not care. Everything but my own self. It seems to me that indifference can destroy the remnants of our humanity, and with it - and ourselves.

In connection with the topic raised, I would like to quote Bernard Shaw: “ The worst crime we can do towards people is not to hate them, but to treat them with indifference: this is the essence of inhumanity.". It's hard not to agree with his words. In my opinion, indifference is a real killer, because it has the power to kill all desires and dreams. An indifferent person turns, as it were, into a living corpse, which, unfortunately, nothing holds on the ground. He is not inclined to feel, but only worries about his problems, while everything around him can be rather absent-minded. Does such a person care about the problems of friends or acquaintances?

It is bitter to admit, but this hateful heartlessness and indifference are inherent in our people. Why do I think so? Let's remember the saying " My hut is on the edge - I don't know anything", which clearly characterizes a callous, timid, indifferent person. Isn't it about the majority of our people? Our indifference to a person who has fallen in the street, or who is begging for help, or to the homeless, destitute and disabled ... And although my own life experience is still relatively small, I can say that the main point for most is that they are not touched by those or other circumstances and their consequences, so that you do not have to make efforts to solve any problems.

In conclusion, I will summarize: I really hope that in these difficult trials that have befallen our people, we will still sober up from indifference, coolness, and neglect. But I'm not saying that all people are like that. There are very sympathetic and kind people who are always ready to help, and this is our hope.

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Nothing in the world is worse than indifference

Science has found a cure for most of our diseases, but has never found a cure. from the most terrible of them - indifference ...

Helen Keller

In everyday life, we are surrounded by a whole range of feelings that we encounter constantly. Whether we like it or not, all these sensations have already become a habit ... But there is one of the most terrible, it cuts the heart, especially if it comes from a close or dear person. I'm talking about indifference, about something that is often impossible to cope with, no matter how much we want it ...

At all times, in any society, people suffered from indifference. Someone avoided it, trying, in turn, to do the same; someone could not stand all this pain and took absolutely extreme measures; others spilled their torment on paper. Chekhov said: "Indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death." This statement is the best way to express the essence of the issue! After all, really, and who are we when we do not feel someone else's pain? When we don't try to help each other? We avoid, we are silent, we don’t say yes or no, we bring pain ... And we just don’t think about it when it comes to someone else, when we ourselves are indifferent, although we know perfectly well what it is like to be rejected, not to receive an answer , humiliate ... People are strange and cruel creatures. We have forgotten who we are and what is the very essence of Man. And when we still remember, we try to fix something, but we don’t reach the goal, we leave everything halfway. A man is lying on the road ... Dozens of people will pass by, thinking that he is drunk. And only a few will stop, asking: “Maybe he needs help?” Many human crimes, sins are committed because of others, because nothing kills a person morally like the indifference of another person. Many families and children suffer because of this. What is it like for a child who is not paid attention by parents, peers, who is alone in the big world? And once a loving couple who swore love to each other suddenly breaks up, because one of them simply ceased to be satisfied with what they are, those bright feelings disappeared, and, again, it remained one and the same and e. What is it like for the second one, who else, maybe, loves, who did not even think about such a turn of events? Will he not have wounds in his heart and scars in his soul? That's the question ... It seems to me that in childhood, in adolescence, this pain is felt sharper, more unbearable than at a more mature age. It's just that people who have already gone through all this do not want to hurt themselves again, be rejected, and take everything easier ...

Yes, it is very scary: dislike, pain, indifference. They say that time heals ... Most likely, this is true, just like we forget some moments from childhood ...

“Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case, they can kill you. Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case, they can betray you. Fear the indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth, ”wrote Eberhard. And he hit the nail on the head. Better not to say. Nothing in the world is worse than indifference!