Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The molecule contains an Oh group. Functional groups of organic compounds

S.K. Goradilin, O.V. Kotova, S.I. Gurin


4.1.1. When conducting classes and competitions in sports games, teachers are obliged to constantly monitor the quality of sports grounds, sports equipment and sports equipment:

– the site must be level and clean (the site must be swept, and the floor in the gym must be washed and allowed to dry before classes and competitions);

– basketball backboards and goals must be well secured;

– the volleyball net (cable) must be well stretched. The strut extensions are clearly visible.

4.1.2. All foreign objects must be removed at a safe distance from the sites.

4.1.3. The weight, technical condition, and quality of the balls must meet the established standards for each sport.

4.1.4. In order to prevent injuries, it is necessary to use protective devices (shields, bandages, knee pads, elbow pads) and special shoes.

4.1.5. During a two-way game, outsiders and substitute players must not be allowed to warm up or practice techniques near the playing court.

4.1.6. The number of players on the courts must comply with the rules for this sport.

4.1.7. It is necessary to prevent intentional rudeness and to instill respect for sports opponents among those involved.

4.1.8. Develop self-insurance skills and safe behavior skills.

4.1.9. Gyms must meet hygienic requirements.

4.1.10. Classes are conducted according to the schedule.

4.1.11. Persons who have not passed medical control are not allowed to participate in classes and competitions.

4.1.12. Classes must be supervised by a teacher or other responsible person.

4.1.13. Participants must have a sports uniform of the established type.

4.1.14. Before classes, remove earrings, bracelets and other jewelry, nails should be cut short, and glasses should be secured. Clothes do not have external hooks or buckles.

4.1.15. All sharp and protruding objects in the hall must be protected (mats, protective devices).

4.1.16. During football and handball classes, protective nets must be installed in the hall behind the goals.

4.1.17. Practice games must be played in accordance with the established rules for each sport.

4.1.18. Before practicing attacking and defensive actions, it is necessary to teach the technique of all methods of falling and landing.

4.1.19. Do not allow students who are late or who neglect to warm up to attend classes.

4.1.20. All participants must know methods of preventing sports injuries and have first aid skills.

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Athletics lessons are usually held atschool stadium or school sportson the ground, less often - in the gym. Forthere may be factors at work that contribute to contributing to the growth of injuries and morbidity kov:

Negative air temperature;

Wet ground (floor);

Strong wind;

Leaves fallen from trees;

Falling on slippery ground or hard surfaces;

Being in the throwing zone while throwingsmall ball or grenade;

Running, jumping and throwing without warming up.


When performing athletics exercises, the following are possible:

Sprains of the elbow, shoulder, thankle and knee joints;

Stretches and tears of the biceps and quadricepshead of the thigh muscles;

Inflammation of the tibial periosteum bones;

Muscle pain;

Weakening of the arch of the foot.

Sometimes a “gravitational shock” happens - timestemporary loss of consciousness as a result of a suddenstopping the exerciser after an intense run,when blood circulation slows down and, therefore,the flow of oxygen to the brain decreases.


1. Conduct a quality and comprehensive warm-upku. It should include two parts:general preparatory(slow run 2-3 minutes,set of general developmental exercises 6-8 min) And special preparatory(running and jumping skating exercises, accelerations).

Carrying out warm-up exercises,necessary please adhere to the following methodological rules:

- consistently influence the fundamentalsdifferent muscle groups (stretching, exercises forarms and shoulder girdle, exercises for the musclestraps and legs, jumping, breathing exercisesand relaxation exercises);

Exercises by nature and intensityactivity must correspond to the upcomingnew activities in the lesson;

A general developmental complex should include at least 6-8 exercises in various areaslaziness, repeating each 6-8 times.

Special running exercises perform for training the muscles and connections involvedsusceptibility of the musculoskeletal system to intensive workthose. 3-5 exercises at a distance of 30-40 m, 2-3 repetitions.

2. When conducting running classes:

Inspect and clear the route from strangers items;

Run in one direction only;

For short distances, run only along your path;

Beyond the finish line, the track should bemust continue for at least 15 m;

Do not make an abrupt stop after running.

3. When conducting jumping lessons in length:

The landing site must be level,loose, without foreign objects;

While jumping, you should periodicallydig up sand to eliminate hard earthing;

Utility equipment (rakes, shovels)wives should be no closer than 1 m from the jumping pit.Place the rake on the ground with the teeth down;

The runway must be level,firm and free of potholes, especially at the take-off point;

It is necessary to maintain a safe distancetion during flow jumps;

Parallel run-up and jumps on the same pitpossible only with a safe distance betweenalong the runway.

4. When conducting jumping lessons cell:

In the gym there are gymnastic mats onthe landing site must be laid tightly and evenly;

Running and take-off areas should besmooth and dry;

If students use a running startfrom different sides it is necessary to increase attention to reregulating the order of performing jumps: allow students to jump first, run upon one side (push leg - left),and then - on the other (push leg - right);

Avoid haste in liftingplanks to maximum height;

Do not use jumping techniques in classin height, not provided for in the curriculummine and the competition rules.

5. On throwing lessons:

Do not counter throw;

Strictly establish the order of throwing a projectile (grenade, ball);

The command “collect shells” is given onlyto after all students have completed the meta nie;

Before performing the exercises you mustwe can make sure that there is no one in the throwing sector;

Do not throw without permission from the teacher body;

Do not leave sports equipment unattendedventar (small balls, grenades);

You cannot stand to the right of the thrower and findfight in the throwing zone;

Do not go for throwing shells repeatedlyteacher decisions;

Do not pass the projectile to each other by throwing.

To avoid joint injuries, it is necessary tomake sure that when throwing the hand from the implementhouse (ball, grenade) flashed over the shoulder.


Students performing individual exercisesny (especially on gymnastic equipment and supportsjumps) is associated with a certain risk.If precautions are not taken anddexterous movement may cause projectiles to fall off(crossbar, parallel bars, balance beam, gymnastic lectern)stnitsa, etc.) and falls, and as a result - injuries.


Abrasions, abrasions and calluses;

Bruises and sprains of the bursa and ligamentsparata of the wrist, elbow, shoulder, knee and ankle joints;

Achilles tendon and triceps ruptures calf muscles;

Head bruises are possible.

Safety precautions

1. Choose the right location and sizespare the shells in the hall, place them sufficientlyat a certain distance from the walls and from each other. It is forbiddenplace the equipment so that students performexercise facing a bright light. Students mustWe can clearly see the projectile and the place of dismount. SnaryaYou need to cover it with gymnastic matsmi taking into account landing places after dismountsand possible breakdowns and falls. It is advisable to lay two layers of mats in landing areas. Anthemlay static mats so that between themthere were no gaps, and the landing had toto the middle of one of them.

2. When preparing for parallel bars exercises, firstFirst of all, you need to check the height of the beams.To do this, support the pole with one hand(not liners), the other, unscrewing the lockingscrew, press the latch spring. If you do thistogether, then one student must hold the polesand change their height, and the other - unscrewand tighten the locking screws. Height of polesusually installed simultaneously from both endstsov, while standing under them is prohibited.

3. When installing the crossbar and bars onceheight, special attention must be paidto the vertical position of the racks and uniformtensioning the cables at the bar of the crossbar or at the poles of the parallel bars so that they do not overlap. Atfastening to hooks on the floor (frogs) is necessaryWe must ensure that the chain link iswas completely released and the stretch marks were closedHandled securely. To check the correctnesswhen firing the shells, you need to grab the cables and forcefullypull them towards you and away from you: crossbar and beamThey must be in a strictly vertical positionand stable position. Before the lesson startsThe neck of the crossbar should be wiped with a dry cloth and sanded with fine sandpaper.

4. At least once a school year it is necessaryDimo carefully inspect suspended shells(rope, pole, rings) and gymnastic walls.You should check especially often and carefullyreliability of projectile fastening. Ropes, poles,gymnastic walls must be strong,securely attached to the ceiling or wall. Na kanathread breaks and knotting are not allowednodes Gymnastic wall poles and slatsThey must be smooth and free of cracks and chips.

5. In the preparatory part of the lesson, when completingWhen discussing general developmental exercises, especially with objects, it is necessary to indicate the appropriatedistances and spacing so that students do not touchagainst each other, which can lead to bruises.It is necessary to include preparation in the warm-upnal exercises of directed influence.

For the preparation of wrist joint note rotational movements of the hand are observed; jumpsand movements on hands in a lying position; out of positionstanding, bending, falling forward, lying down.

Preparation ankle joint realized produced by rotational movements of the foot;raising on toes with springy swaying, etc.

For the preparation of elbow and shoulder jointsperform: rotational and jerking movements;flexion and extension of the arms. Is effectiveperforming these exercises usingI eat gymnastic sticks and weights, for example, dumbbells

Preparation intervertebral joints I'll turn it on expects: bending and deep bending; variousturns and rotations.

When performing flexibility exercises, do notit is necessary to take into account the level of physical fitness of those involved, since some exerciseserrors (e.g. twine) can causedamage to the musculo-ligamentous apparatus.

6. In the main part of the lesson, safety is and insurance.Assistance in gymnastics is facilitating the student’s actions when performing exercises. Shecontributes to the creation of rules among those involveda good idea of ​​the exercise, masterythe technique of its implementation; used for insufficientsufficient development of muscle strength in trainees,coordination abilities, speed.

The following are distinguished: types of assistance:

- wiring- actions of the physical education teacheraccompany the student throughout the exerciseor its separate part, phase;

- fixation- student delay by teacherat a certain point of movement;

- pushing- short-term assistancewhen moving a student from bottom to top;

- support- short-term assistance withmoving the student from top to bottom;

- twist- short-term educational assistancenick when making turns;

- combined assistance - the use of various techniques applied simultaneouslyprecisely and consistently.

Help is usually provided at the beginningstage of learning a new exercise. Asmastering the technique of performing the exercise is notmediocre assistance is replaced by insurance,which allows you to solve problems of psychologicaltraining those involved (overcoming fear), as well as avoiding injury.

Insurance- is to ensure safetyperforming exercises carried out by teachinglem of physical education or students of the class.Depending on the complexity of the exercise, it insuressomeone alone or several people at the same time.You cannot put students who are not prepared for this on insurance.

All those involved should be trained not onlymethods of assistance and insurance, but also self-insuranceki so that they can independentlywalk from dangerous positions.

Self-insurance- these are pre-learned withsecurity measures applied by yourselfthose who practice it to prevent injuries. OnFor example, you can prevent falling from the apparatus by timely stopping the movement, jumping off the apparatus, or performing additional movements(bending arms, legs, torso to slow down the momentumtion movement), changing the exercise.

It is very important to learn how to land correctlywhile falling:when falling backwardsyou need to sit down, bend over and roll back; when falling forward - roll forward or fall point-blank while lying down, elastically bending your arms.

The person standing on the belay must correctlytake a place to provide insurance and, without disturbingperforming the exercise, use it skillfully oncenew insurance techniques. So, when performingWhen performing on the uneven bars, you cannot keep your hands above the weightsin the path of the student’s movements. On the crossbar, rings and bars of different heights, belay, either standing exactly under the projectile, or slightly undermoving as the swing progresses. Especiallyit is necessary to insure students during performancedismount (the belayer must bedirectly near the landing site). Atperforming vaults on a horse (goat)belay standing directly next to the landing arealenition, supporting the student by the hand.

Safetyatcarrying outmobilegames

Outdoor games included in the fi programphysical education of schoolchildren, characterizewith a variety of motor actions:running, stopping, turning, jumping, lacrawling, climbing, dismounting, movingon a narrow support, etc. Therefore, in physical education lessons when conducting outdoor games to avoid To avoid injury you need to:

1. Strictly follow the rules of the game.

2. Avoid collisions with players, pushes and hits on the arms and legs of players.

3. When falling, regroup.

4. Listen carefully and follow all commandsdy (signals) of the leader.

5. Start the game, make stops in the game and thenend the game only on the command (signal) of the teacher.



Characterized by a variety of motor movementsour actions on a small-sized sportsnew platform, continuous changes in the situationtions and direct contact with baking trays com.

Causes of injuries during basketball lessons may include: be:

- tackles, interceptions and unsuccessful feints;sudden jumps and collisions;

Falls on a wet, slippery floor (on the playground);

Unruly behavior, e.g.measures, one of the students after completing the exerciseNenia did not put the ball in the designated place, and herolled onto the playground, and another student trippedI twisted my leg on this ball.

Typical injuries- damage to fingers,ankle joint, lateral cruciateligaments, menisci of knee joints, vertebraesacral spine.

1. Basketball lessons should be heldon a dry sports field or in a gymwith a clean, dry floor.

2. The gym should be ventilated in advance.clear the playground of strangers items.

3. Participants must be in sportswearclothing and sports shoes (training braidT-shirts, T-shirts, briefs, sneakers with non-slipsole). The fingernails are cut short. Glassesadditionally secured.

4. Before class, you must remove all jewelry.sewing (rings, bracelets, chains, earrings, etc.).

5. During classes it is necessary to strictly observediscipline, follow the teacher's instructions, physicalwhat culture (judge, team captain).

6. Take special care whenfights between players near walls or near somesome sports equipment, sometimes finding walking in the hall.

All sharp and protruding parts of the equipment must first be covered with mats or to die.

Discipline, good workout, mastery of rational technique, adherence to the rules of the game - the basis for ensuring safetyat basketball lessons.


volleyball is carried out using gametechniques - movements in various ways (walking, running, jumping), serving, receiving and passingball, offensive strikes and blocking, as well assame as a two-sided (educational) game.

Injuries while playing volleyball can behit when receiving a strongly served ball, parunning, jumping and blocking the ball. Inexperiencespeed and lack of quick reaction in someand strong hits on the ball of others can becomecause of injuries to the hands, face, head and torso.

Typical injuries: dislocations of the phalanges of the fingers,sprain of the ligamentous apparatus of the wrist joint, dislocations in the shoulder joint, bruises of the torsothings. The consequences of a poor warm-up can be:sprains and ruptures of the lower leg muscles, Achilles suturetendons, ankle ligaments; damageknee joints.

Rules must be followed, such as nye when playing basketball. While playing rekoIt is recommended to use protective devicesniyami (knee pads, elbow pads, etc.).


Motor activity of students in lessonsfootball is characterized by various movements with rapid changes in speed and directionsmovement, acceleration, sudden jerks with the ball and without the ball, jumping (fighting for a flying ball),feints, taking the ball from the opponent, hittingball. In order to take possession of the ball, I occupythe person often has to engage in single combat,pushing the opponent back with his shoulder or body, resistingindignant at his own actions.

Causes of injuries during football lessons is include: trips, feints, jumps and collisionsplayers, falls on wet, slippery floors,intentional violation of the rules of the game, rudeness in Game.

Typical injuries:

Knee and ankle sprains no joints;

Damage to the menisci of the knee joint;

Ruptures and tears of the muscles of the posterior surfacehip and adductor muscles;

Brain concussion;

Body bruises from a collision or an unfortunate fall.

The following rules must be observed:

1. Everyone should have the same type of shoes (crossscoops or boots).

2. Before class, check the condition of the footballth field, goal stability.

Football classes are held only on a flat and dry field (no holes, ditches, puddles). The field must be cleared of everything that could causeno injuries (stones, cans, plastic bottles, wood chips, tree branches, etc.).

3. When performing jumps, as well as collidingin falls and falls, use self-restraint techniquestricks, for example, landing in a tuck, somersaults in a tuck, rolls.

4. During the game, observe game discipline and do not use rough and dangerous techniques.


Motor activity of students in lessonsski training consists of a variety of sportsways of moving on skis - ski moves,ascents, descents, braking, turns; aboutwalks at low air temperatures.

During skiing you can:

Frostbite on the face, arms and legs due to speedwind more than 1.5-2.0 m/s and air temperature below minus 20°C;

Injuries due to unreliable ski fasteningto shoes (scuffs on feet due to improperfitting ski boots);

Bruises, fractures as a result of falling while descending from a mountain or jumping from a ski ramp Lina.

Typical injuries: bruises, abrasions, sprains of the ligamentous apparatus of the limbs. Most often, injuries occur when performingStudents’ failure to complete tasks that are beyond their abilityor when switching too quickly from light packsto difficult ones, for example, to descentsfrom steep and uneven slopes, to perform alonggates and braking at high speed, etc.

The cause of injury may be:

Short warm-up, fatigue;

Insufficient technical or physical preparedness of the student;

Failure to maintain a certain distancebetween students on the ski track;

Stepping on the heels of the overtaking skis.

A mistake made by a fi teacher can lead to injury.physical culture in organizing classes. Yes, onexample, if the descent and ascent on a slope is carried outlie in the same place or if the ski tracksthe descents of two training groups intersect,collisions and falls of students are possible.

Injury can occur: during movementalong narrow forest roads; on icy slopes;on crusty snow; in places where there is little sleephectares where stumps, stones stick out and bushes grow.

The following must be observed rules:

1. Start ski training classesand finish only at school or skidatabase with mandatory verification of students list.

2. Exempt from work those who complain abouthealth, not feeling well.

3. Allow only those who havespecial sports uniform.

4. Determine and prepare a place in advance forclasses: lay out a training circle and training circles, remove foreign objects from the ski trackyou (branches, stones, etc.), eliminate cliffs and complexslopes suitable for students.

The teacher must choose the steepness of the slope according toresponsibility with the level of technical preparedness of students. There should be no protrusion on the slopehidden or hidden under the snow stones, roots,stumps, fallen trees. Snow on the slope shouldbe sealed so that the skis do not get buriedinto it. It’s better not to exercise on icy snowdrive, as falls and injuries are possible. The slope must have a long enough rollout to allowallowing, if necessary, to perform braking.

You need to move from gentle slopes to steep onesgradually. When students perform descents,braking, turning, climbing, the teacher usuallyis in the middle of the slope, and the group placesstanding in a line at the top. Students take turns descendingwalk down the slope, completing the task, and returnupstairs, passing behind the teacher. In this case I won'tchildren from oncoming traffic, collisions and injuries.

When descending, you need to keep your poles pointedkami (pins) back. You can't put them out thereedit: there is danger if you lose your balance and falldanger of bumping into them with your face or body, whichmay result in serious injury.

It is necessary to maintain a certain distancetion on the ski track and on the slopes. When skiing in a group in a column one at a time, you should maintain the same distance from the person walking ahead.distance: at least 3-4 m on flat sections of the ski trackand at least 30 m when descending from a slope.

Having descended, the student should not stop abruptly, otherwise he may be pushed intoHe is the one who goes down after him. Exceptionallyspecial cases when an obstacle during descentappears unexpectedly and there is no wayit is normal to brake, it is necessary tostop braking by deliberately fallingI eat to avoid serious injury.

It is necessary to strictly observe temperaturestandards under which ski training classes are allowed for a particular age groupstudents:

1-4th grades - up to minus 12°,

5-9th grades -up to minus 16°,

10-11th grades - up to minus 20°

atcalm weather or light winds.

General requirements for secondary school students in physical education lessons

So as not to worrynicks dangerous to the life and health of schoolchildrensituation, it is necessary:

1. Create good logisticsbase.

2. Comply with sanitary and hygienic requirementsvaniya.

3. Choose the right place to study.

4. Plan methodically and competentlyb and conduct lessons.

5. Warn students about possible herbsswing in case of violation of discipline, non-complianceinstructions, incorrect motor actions.

If a student violates the requirements, he is not allowed to attend class, and then his violations are considered by the pedagogical council with the director of the educational institution and parents.

Physical education in general educationschool should be carried out according to a knownoddssecurity mule:

- always anticipate;

- avoid if possible;

- act if necessary.

Roman Azmanov , physical education teacher at secondary school No. 2 with in-depth study of humanities subjects in the city of Perm, laureate of the All-Russian competition “Russian Teacher of the Year 2014”

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Lesson topic: safety precautions when engaging in physical education and sports Subject “Physical Education”

Compliance with safety precautions and the joy of playing sports without injury or discomfort

Violation of safety precautions injuries, pain, discomfort

General safety requirements: undergo a medical examination and study in the medical group to which he belongs for health reasons; have a neat sports uniform appropriate to the weather conditions and the topic of the lesson; after illness, provide the teacher with a doctor’s certificate; attend the lesson if the doctor releases you after illness; treat sports equipment and equipment with care and use it for its intended purpose; have short-cropped nails;

Students are not allowed to: open doors abruptly, touch electrical equipment (lights, sockets, wiring) in the locker room, gym; drink cold water before and after class; exercise on wet ground, slippery and uneven ground.

Requirements for sportswear: The uniform should not restrict movement and should be sufficiently elastic. Sportswear made from breathable materials is preferable. Shoes must have non-slip soles (sneakers, sneakers). When choosing clothes, consider the temperature conditions of the class location (hall, open area, time of year). At the same time, clothes should not be too warm; a person who sweats during exercise may get sick. During physical education and sports, the following are strictly prohibited: watches and massive jewelry - rings, bracelets, earrings, etc. You may injure yourself and others. This rule is especially important when participating in sports games. belts that interfere with blood circulation, tight, constricting clothing.

Safety requirements during classes The student must: listen carefully and clearly follow the teacher’s instructions; take sports equipment and perform exercises with the permission of the teacher; while moving, look ahead, maintain sufficient intervals and distances, and avoid collisions; perform exercises with working equipment and exercise on working equipment. Students are not allowed to: leave the place where the lesson is taking place without the permission of the teacher; pushing, tripping in formation and movement; climb on basketball trusses, hang on hoops; chew chewing gum; interfere and distract when explaining tasks and performing exercises; perform exercises with wet palms; abruptly change the direction of your movement.

General rules of behavior when performing any exercises, playing any kind of sport, playing sports games: Before performing exercises, warm up and warm up your muscles. Failure to do so will result in injury. Do not exercise on a full stomach after a heavy meal. If your doctor determines that you have contraindications for any activity, be sure to notify your teacher. If you feel unwell, visit your doctor's office; you may need to limit your physical activity today.

Rules of conduct when practicing gymnastics: Exercises on sports equipment during physical education lessons are performed only with the permission of the physical education teacher. Do not perform exercises on sports equipment without a teacher or his assistant, or without insurance. When performing jumps and dismounts from apparatus, you should land softly on the toes of your feet, squatting springily. You cannot stand close to the apparatus while other students are performing exercises. You cannot perform exercises on sports equipment with wet palms. When practicing independently without a teacher or coach on sports equipment, make sure that there are gymnastic mats in the places where you jump off the equipment; their surface should be flat. Check the reliability of the fastening of the crossbar, the fastening of the supports of the pommel horse and goat, and the fastening of the locking screws of the parallel bars. In this case, do not perform exercises in which you do not feel 100% moderate; do not do it alone, without the support of your friends.

Safety requirements before and during sports games: Sports games are held on sports grounds and in halls that are sized to meet the requirements of the rules of the game. Classes must take place on a dry area. If the game is played in a hall, the floor must be clean and dry. Make sure you know and understand the rules of the game. During classes, you must strictly follow the rules of the game and discipline, follow the requirements and instructions of the judge, teacher, coach, and team captain.

Safety requirements before and during athletics classes: When long jumping: carefully loosen the sand in the jumping pit - the landing site, check that there are no foreign objects in the sand. Do not jump on uneven, loose or slippery ground, and do not land on your hands when jumping. When jumping high: make sure that the landing site is equipped correctly (special foam cubes). Carefully follow the technique of high jumps, practice it at a low height that is familiar to you. When throwing projectiles: wipe the throwing projectiles (discus, cannonball, grenade) dry. Make sure there are no people in the throwing sector. Do not throw without the permission of the teacher (teacher), do not leave sports equipment unattended. Do not stand to the right of the thrower, do not be in the throwing zone, do not go for projectiles without the permission of the teacher (teacher). During a group start for short distances, run only in your own lane.

Safety requirements before and during ski training classes: Check the serviceability of skis, bindings, ski boots, if necessary, adjust the ski binding to the boots indoors. Keep an eye on your comrades and if signs of frostbite appear (white skin, loss of sensitivity in open parts of the body - ears, nose, cheeks), immediately notify the teacher. If during class you leave the race for some reason, be sure to warn your teacher or friend. Listen carefully to the teacher’s explanations, maintain an interval when skiing at a distance of 3 - 4 m, when descending at least 30 m. When descending, do not put your ski poles forward, do not stop at the foot of the mountain, remember that a friend is following you. Do not ride without gloves (mittens).

Safety requirements in case of accidents and extreme situations: if you are injured or feel unwell, stop classes and notify the physical education teacher; with the help of the teacher, provide first aid to the injured person, if necessary, take him to the hospital or call an ambulance; if a fire occurs in the gym, immediately stop the lesson, in an organized manner, under the guidance of the teacher, leave the place of the lesson through emergency exits according to the evacuation plan; by order of the teacher, notify the administration of the educational institution and report the fire to the fire department.

Safety requirements at the end of classes: under the guidance of the teacher, remove sports equipment to its storage areas; leave the location of the lesson in an orderly manner; change clothes in the locker room, take off your tracksuit and sports shoes; wash your hands with soap.

Test, question No. 1 If a fire occurs, you must first: Call a fire truck by phone, make sure that they accepted the call, and wrote down the address of the fire correctly. Immediately leave the fire scene and call the fire brigade from a safe place. Correct answer:

Test, question No. 1 If a fire occurs, you must first: Call a fire truck by phone, make sure that they accepted the call, and wrote down the address of the fire correctly. Immediately leave the fire scene and call the fire brigade from a safe place. Correct answer: Immediately leave the fire scene, call a fire brigade from a safe place.

Test, question No. 2 When doing physical education outdoors in the cold season, you should dress: A little warmer than you usually dress in this weather, since you will be running and you will be cold. Dress a little lighter than you usually wear in this weather, so when doing physical exercise, the body temperature rises and the person sweats. Correct answer:

Test, question No. 2 When doing physical education outdoors in the cold season, you should dress: A little warmer than you usually dress in this weather, since you will be running and you will be cold. Dress a little lighter than you usually wear in this weather, so when doing physical exercise, the body temperature rises and the person sweats. Correct answer: Dress a little lighter than you usually wear in this weather, so when doing physical education, the body temperature rises, the person sweats.

Test, question No. 3 a) What are the dangers of massive jewelry during physical education and sports? Answer:

Test, question No. 3 a) What are the dangers of massive jewelry during physical education and sports? Answer: You can hurt yourself and others

Test, question No. 3 a) What are the dangers of massive jewelry during physical education and sports? Answer: You can hurt yourself and those around you. b) Is it true that when doing physical education you should wear a tight belt? Answer:

Test, question No. 3 a) What are the dangers of massive jewelry during physical education and sports? Answer: You can hurt yourself and those around you. b) Is it true that when doing physical education you should wear a tight belt? Answer: No, blood circulation must be free.

Test, question 4. a) Is it true that when practicing on the uneven bars you should wet your palms? Answer:

Test, question 4. Is it true that when practicing on the uneven bars you should wet your palms? Answer: No way! Hands must be dry when exercising on gymnastic equipment!

Test. Question 5. Is it true that all difficult, unsuccessful exercises should be practiced after lessons on your own? Answer:

Test. Question 5. Is it true that all difficult, unsuccessful exercises should be practiced after lessons on your own? Answer: No, it is extremely dangerous! You cannot perform exercises that are difficult for you without reliable insurance. You can independently analyze the technique of performing the exercise using the example of famous athletes (videos are available on the Internet) or using diagrams. And regularly engage in exercises to develop strength, agility, and endurance.