Biographies Characteristics Analysis

An ocean that is crossed by all meridians. The continent whose easternmost points are located in the Western Hemisphere - document

Geographical dictation

    Second largest ocean.

    Third largest continent.

Geographical dictation

    Second largest ocean.

    A continent washed only by the waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans.

    Third largest continent.

    A continent containing two parts of the world.

    An ocean that washes all continents except Africa.

    The continent that is crossed by all the meridians of the Earth.

    The ocean washing Eurasia from the south.

    The continent whose easternmost points are located in western hemisphere.

    The ocean washing Australia from the west.

    A continent crossed by the equator in the northern part.

    A continent washed by all four oceans.

    A continent washed by the waters of only the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

    An ocean that is crossed by all the meridians of the Earth.

    A continent located in all four hemispheres.

    An ocean that least of all lives up to its name.

Geographical dictation

    Second largest ocean.

    A continent washed only by the waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans.

    Third largest continent.

    A continent containing two parts of the world.

    An ocean that washes all continents except Africa.

    The continent that is crossed by all the meridians of the Earth.

    The ocean washing Eurasia from the south.

    The continent whose easternmost points are located in the Western Hemisphere.

    The ocean washing Australia from the west.

    A continent crossed by the equator in the northern part.

    A continent washed by all four oceans.

    A continent washed by the waters of only the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

    An ocean that is crossed by all the meridians of the Earth.

    A continent located in all four hemispheres.

    An ocean that least of all lives up to its name.

Geographical dictation

    Second largest ocean.

    A continent washed only by the waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans.

    Third largest continent.

    A continent containing two parts of the world.

    An ocean that washes all continents except Africa.

    The continent that is crossed by all the meridians of the Earth.

    The ocean washing Eurasia from the south.

    The continent whose easternmost points are located in the Western Hemisphere.

    The ocean washing Australia from the west.

    A continent crossed by the equator in the northern part.

    A continent washed by all four oceans.

    A continent washed by the waters of only the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

    An ocean that is crossed by all the meridians of the Earth.

    A continent located in all four hemispheres.

    An ocean that least of all lives up to its name.

Geographical dictation

    Second largest ocean.

    A continent washed only by the waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans.

    Third largest continent.

    A continent containing two parts of the world.

    An ocean that washes all continents except Africa.

    The continent that is crossed by all the meridians of the Earth.

    The ocean washing Eurasia from the south.

    The continent whose easternmost points are located in the Western Hemisphere.

    The ocean washing Australia from the west.

    A continent crossed by the equator in the northern part.

    A continent washed by all four oceans.

    A continent washed by the waters of only the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

    An ocean that is crossed by all the meridians of the Earth.

    A continent located in all four hemispheres.

    An ocean that least of all lives up to its name.

“The threat of ocean pollution” - Are the world's oceans really under threat? How many years does it take to decompose in the world's oceans? Oil pollution in the World Ocean. Completed by: Marina Moskvicheva, Katya Ershova. Pollution of the world's oceans. Oil pollution. The world's oceans are under threat.

“World Ocean” - A person can live only three days without water. The ocean is a source of energy. Currents, winds, storms. Lighthouses. Animal life and minerals of the ocean. Water, as the sacred basis of life, is present in the rituals of all religions of the world. Ocean exploration. The name Sargasso Sea still scares me. An adult is approximately 78% fluid.

“Life in the Ocean” - Arctic and Antarctic deserts. Vegetable world tundra In the Tundra, summer coincides with the polar day, and winter coincides with the polar night. Gadflies. Deer. (Polar night). Ocean Immovable rocks, irresistible force. Starfish. Tundra (photo from a helicopter). Tundra Arctic and Antarctic deserts. Life in the polar zones and in the ocean.

“Sea Ocean” - Land in the ocean. Archipelagos. Let's learn to designate parts of the World Ocean on a map. Let's remember! Seas of the Arctic Ocean. Islands: Greenland, New Guinea, Kalimantan, Madagascar, Iceland, Great Britain, Tasmania. Peninsulas. Show us the oceans. Let's learn how to do it! Bering, Okhotsk, South China, Philippines.

"Secrets of the Ocean" - Ship. At the bottom of the ocean. L. M. Brekhovskikh called the ocean the Great Unknown. Secrets of the Oceans. Divers. But the main consumers of water are industry and agriculture. Plankton live here). Sea stars. Secret. The ocean is divided into three zones. All seafood can be used for the benefit of people. Madagascar Island, Indian Ocean.

Northern Arctic Ocean the smallest of the Earth's oceans. Its area is about 14.8 km 2. Due to its relatively small size, some foreign oceanographers consider it by sea(or even bay Atlantic Ocean). Occupying the northern polar region of the Earth, the ocean washes the shores of two continents - Eurasia and North America. All meridians pass through the ocean.

The ocean coastline is heavily indented. In terms of the number of islands, the Arctic Ocean ranks second after the Pacific Ocean. Here are located Greenland(the largest island in terms of area on Earth), Canadian Arctic Archipelago, New Earth, Spitsbergen, Franz Josef Land, Wrangel Island and others. The vast majority of islands and archipelagos are of continental origin. Archipelagos are separated from each other by marginal seas. They account for 1/3 of the ocean surface.

The Arctic Ocean has extensive shelf zone. Thus, in the Barents Sea its width reaches 1300 km. At the same time, the isobath 50 m is located at a distance of 500 km from the shore. The prevailing ocean depths are just over 1200 m. Greatest depth – 5527 m (Greenland Sea). The ocean floor is divided into several basins by underwater ridges, the largest of which is Gakkel ridge- is a continuation of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

Most of the Arctic Ocean is located in Arctic climate zone. The ocean surface receives a small amount solar heat, and the radiation balance in the ocean is negative. This is the coldest of oceans. Water temperatures throughout the year are close to 0° C. The heat balance is maintained by the influx of warm waters from the Atlantic and, to a lesser extent, the Pacific oceans.

There is ice in the ocean throughout the year. IN winter time they cover 9/10 ocean surface. In summer marginal seas are freed from ice, while the central parts of the ocean do not have time to thaw. Ice fields are constantly moving due to winds and currents. In North American seas (Bafiina, Greenland) icebergs form.

Due to little evaporation and large volumes of runoff, the Arctic Ocean has lowest values ​​of average salinity of surface waters32 % . Desalinated surface water are taken out to Atlantic Ocean, and warmer and saltier waters come from there. The system of currents in the ocean is formed not so much due to constant winds, but due to differences in temperature, salinity and density of ocean waters.

Harsh natural conditions in to a certain extent limit the development of the organic world. The number of species and individuals of animals and plants decreases towards the pole. Most diverse animal world off the coast of Northern Europe, where the influence of the Atlantic is most felt. The main types of fish are herring, cod, haddock, and sea bass. Found on the islands polar bear, there are rookeries for walruses and seals.

The ocean is the least developed economically. Sea transportation is carried out only for 3-5 months along the route Northern sea ​​route (Russia) and northwest passage (Canada, USA)., when copying material in full or in part, a link to the original source is required.

For anyone who has at least some idea about our planet, the answer is obvious. But I would like not to limit myself to a dry answer, so first I’ll tell you what meridians and parallels are.

Meridians and parallels of the Earth

Both elements degree grid serve as simple, and at the same time very important meters, allowing you to establish the exact position of an object. In fact, they dissect the planet into many rounded planes, while the meridians converge at 2 points - the North and South poles, but the parallels are parallel. The length of the meridians is the same - 20.004274 meters, and each of them serves to determine longitude. Traditionally, they count from the “prime meridian”, which crosses the English town of Greenwich. For reference, I note that in Russia, until 1885, the zero mark was its own meridian - Pulkovsky, crossing one of the halls of the observatory of the same name.

As for parallels, they divide the Earth into imaginary “pancakes” of different diameters, and therefore each has its own circumference. When we talk about parallels, we mean geographic latitude, which, depending on the hemisphere, can be either Northern or Southern.

Continent and ocean crossed by all meridians

Based on the fact that the meridians meet only at two points - the North and South poles, it follows that these are the Arctic Ocean and Antarctica. Now I'll give brief description these objects.

So, the Arctic Ocean is actually the smallest of all, but it stands out sharply for its harsh climate. It is almost completely covered with ice, and only in summer the boundaries of the ice cap shift slightly closer to the pole. Despite difficult conditions, it is full of life, which largely depends on warm waters coming from other oceans.

Antarctica is no less interesting:

  • this is the coldest place on the planet;
  • only penguins live here;
  • The glaciers covering it are the largest in the world.