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Are microwave ovens dangerous? Microwave is harmful

A modern kitchen is hard to imagine without three things - a stove, a refrigerator and a microwave. Of these three undoubtedly useful technical devices, the microwave oven appeared the last. Convenience, time saving, simplicity are the main advantages of its use. Harm of microwaves - does it really exist or is there nothing to be afraid of? How safe is cooking in a microwave oven today - we will try to give comprehensive answers to these questions in this article.

Appearance of a conventional microwave oven

Why is microwave harmful to human health?

Before talking about the harm of a microwave oven for human health, let's pay attention to the principle of operation of the main components of this device, and also see when for the first time and for what purposes this thing that every housewife needed was invented.

How a microwave oven works

There are two main theories as to how this useful thing was invented. Some attribute its appearance to the Nazis, who came up with such a cunning device for quick cooking in wartime conditions. A more plausible version attributes the invention of the microwave oven to the American Percy Spencer. He conducted research on the effect of magnetic waves on the heating of certain products. The research was successful, he immediately filed a patent for his invention and two years later the first microwave oven was officially released. The first microwave was used by the military to heat food.

A microwave oven is correctly called an oven with microwave currents. Hence the familiar abbreviation microwave. These waves are emitted by the main device that is not visible to us - the magnetron. The electromagnetic field that it creates during operation makes the magnetic waves begin to oscillate at an ultra-high frequency (about 2450 MHz), and under their influence, the dipole molecules of the objects currently in the device begin to oscillate with the same frequency, i.e. food products.

Good to know! A dipole molecule is a molecule with one side positively charged and the other negatively charged. The most common dipole molecule is water, which is abundant in foods. With such a super-intense vibration of water molecules, the food begins to heat up. There is food in which there are few or no water molecules, in which case it will heat up slowly or not at all.

In order for the products to be heated evenly, microwave ovens are equipped with a rotating disc made of heat-resistant glass.

In many models, the magnetron is covered with a translucent plate. It freely passes magnetic waves, at the same time it does not allow splashes of fat to fall on the device.

How safe is such non-sparing heating of food for human health? Let's try to figure it out.

Is Microwave Food Harmful - Myths and Real Facts

Let us analyze in detail what people who use the microwave every day may be afraid of, and whether it is worth doing.

Myth one: the radiation of microwave magnetic waves is the most harmful!

An ordinary WI-FI router during operation is a great danger, as it emits more electromagnetic waves than a microwave oven. But many of us have this device in our bedrooms! The microwave oven is usually in the kitchen and does not work all the time.

Myth two: magnetic waves change the structure of food!

There are no changes at the molecular level. This is a scientifically proven fact! Burnt food is the most negative thing that can happen. This refers to our carelessness, but not to the operation of the furnace.

On the other hand, heating foods in the microwave, we just pursue the goal of their accelerated structural decomposition. When, for example, we boil eggs on a conventional stove, we hope that the egg white will turn from a liquid state into a jelly-like state. Or, when we fry meat, stew vegetables, we are not afraid that something terrible happens to food in the process of cooking.

Myth three: expensive microwaves are safer than cheap ones!

The truth is that the high price is due to marketing tricks used by manufacturers of well-known brands. These include extended functionality of the device, original design, unusual color and advertising costs. The principle of operation and service life for expensive and cheap furnaces is the same.

Wow oven! The very first microwave weighed more than 1.5 tons, reached a height of 180 cm. It was not possible for one person to move such a microwave on their own. Its cost reached 1000 dollars. Only wealthy people could afford such a luxury!

Myth Four: A microwave oven has poor radiation protection!

Surely, many of us have seen a popular experiment when, talking about the cons of a microwave oven, a man in a white coat left a mobile phone inside the oven and turned it on. During operation of the device, the phone continued to receive a cellular signal. The voice-over convincingly argued that if this happens, then magnetic radiation spreads around the device, causing harm to all living things that are in the immediate vicinity.

In fact, the waves on which the microwave and the mobile phone operate have different frequencies, so they do not block each other. There is nothing criminal in a working phone inside the oven at all. Another thing is a Wi-Fi router. Both the magnetron and the router emit approximately the same magnetic waves. If a mobile device, tablet or computer is close to the stove, the signal will be lost and the connection will be interrupted.

Why does an egg explode in the microwave?

It's all about the different heating rates of its components. While the yolk boils in a matter of tens of seconds, the shell remains cold. As a result, increased pressure is formed inside the egg, and it explodes.

This is what happens when you heat a raw egg

Microwaves in the USSR

In the Soviet Union, there were many things, including microwave ovens. Soviet scientists conducted research to order and at the end issued “correct” conclusions. It was argued that microwave radiation contributes to the development of cancers, molecular changes in the structure of food products lead to a decrease in immunity, children's products, which are based on milk, accumulate toxins and adversely affect the psyche of the teenage generation, causing its disorders, and the waves themselves remain in food, having a detrimental effect. on the body.

The first microwave ovens of the USSR

Despite all these officially feared fears, sales growth quietly increased until the popularity of microwave ovens peaked.

Why are there two opposing opinions?

As can be seen from all of the above, the disadvantages of using microwaves are greatly exaggerated. On the worldwide web, you will find dozens of articles on the same topic “Microwave Harm: Myth or Reality” with directly opposite views and evidence. Some categorically oppose microwaves, others see nothing wrong with them. Do not forget that among the manufacturers of stoves, pans and microwaves there is an eternal struggle for the consumer. Therefore, in turn, they order such studies on the “harmfulness” of their competitors, deliberately throwing in false information.

So is there any harm from using a microwave oven for human health?

Do not forget that like any other technical device, the microwave has its own lifespan. Manufacturers promise at least 6 years of quality work. In order to prevent magnetic rays from breaking out, microwave ovens are equipped with a durable case, thick glass and always a mesh on the door. In the closed state, a working microwave oven will not miss a single radiation. And although manufacturers write in their instructions that the minimum distance a person should be from a microwave oven should be 30 cm, you can hug it, and nothing bad will happen to your health and the health of your children.

Over time, the oven door can become deformed, scratches appear on the mesh, and microwaves begin to penetrate outside. In order to extend the life of the oven and avoid "leaks" of various origins, you need to follow the established rules for the use and care of microwave ovens. Compliance with these rules will minimize the possible harm of microwaves.

  • Smart neighborhood. Experts do not advise placing a microwave oven next to a refrigerator, washing machine, dishwasher, and heating appliances.
  • The surface on which the device will stand must be absolutely flat.
  • Ventilation openings must not be blocked.

How to check the microwave for safety?

There are several effective ways to check the stove to see if it transmits magnetic radiation.

  1. At night, turn off the lights in the kitchen and place a fluorescent lamp next to the microwave. If nothing happens to the lamp, then everything is in order with the stove. It's bad if it starts flashing.
  2. If the door becomes very hot during operation, this will be a leak signal. Heating food in such a microwave will be harmful.
  3. If a glass of water in a new, newly bought stove boils in 3 minutes, and in yours this time is lengthened, then it is not in order.

Be careful! Do not open the door without waiting for the end of the warm-up time. So you voluntarily release magnetic radiation directly at yourself. Wait at least 2-3 seconds!

No radiation will threaten either you or your children if you follow certain operating rules.

  • Do not turn on the device without food inside. The magnetron can fail, and the cost of replacing it is almost equal to the cost of the entire stove.
  • Do not reheat food in a container that contains metal. Perhaps you will be in for an unpleasant surprise in the form of a fire inside the chamber. What cookware do experts recommend? The ideal dish for warming up is made of thick glass.
  • Elderly people with pacemakers should stay away from this technique.
  • Do not lean on the door so that it does not sag and begin to transmit radiation.
  • Do not heat foods that contain liquid under their shell - eggs, cucumbers, tomatoes and any fruit. There will be a spectacular explosion and painful cleaning of the inner surface of the chamber.
  • Do not cover the containers with a plastic lid, they will fly off when heated.
  • If you don't peel the sausages or sausage first, you'll see something ugly at the end of the reheat.
  • To prevent grease from splattering the entire chamber, use plastic covers specially designed for protective purposes.

With such a lid, the oven will always be clean.

  • If, however, the fat has already hardened, do not rush to clean with cleaning products. Eats one effective advice: put a glass of water for a couple of minutes inside the oven and turn it on. The steam will do its job, take a damp cloth and remove the loose dirt in a few strokes.

And without it, it can become like this ...

  • Do not use abrasive sponges when washing. You will damage the walls of the chamber in this way, and the microwave will no longer be used.

With proper care, your microwave will last for many years.

Is microwave food harmful or not? Don't be afraid of all the horror stories that you can find on the Internet. Articles like this are nothing more than rubbish. If microwaves were really harmful to our health, manufacturing companies would have long been mired in lawsuits and suffered multi-billion dollar losses. The magnetic radiation emitted by microwave ovens is not hazardous if properly operated and properly maintained by you. You can heat food in them, as well as defrost. They definitely won't lose their value. Follow the advice given in the article, and everything will be fine. Be always healthy!

Many people today prefer the microwave oven, not realizing that it can be dangerous. In media sources, you can hear that the microwave, on which the operation of the device is based, is harmful. First of all, the harm of a microwave oven can be assessed by its impact on health. Are there validated studies on this topic? Of course, only their results are often contradictory and point to diametrically opposed things. Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to heat up food in devices of this type, and whether there are any unpleasant consequences from eating such food.

The question of whether a microwave oven is harmful can be answered in different ways, depending on what position a person takes. The fact is that the same phenomena (the effect of microwaves on the body) have an individual effect on each organism. It is enough for one test subject to heat food in the microwave for a week in order for him to have problems with digestion. The second can eat such food for several years, and the question of harm will not be so acute.

This lack of clear separation raises the age-old question: is it possible to use a microwave? Is the food cooked in it harmful to humans? In fairness, it should be noted that food from the microwave, in itself - not the healthiest food, and the point here is not the effect of ultrashort waves, but the very principle of cooking. Microwave ovens are mainly used for cooking “fast food”, which refers to conditionally non-healthy food (for example, popcorn, hot dogs, quick-defrost products).

If you neglect proper nutrition, then you can quickly get problems with the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis, and it will not be at all the “harmful effect” of the radiation emanating from the microwave oven.

Unhealthy food cooked in a microwave oven can lead to to weight gain, which can also be attributed to a harmful effect, but the point here is in malnutrition, and not in the direct and clearly negative effects of microwaves. It is rather difficult to draw a line where harm begins from the device and a person’s non-compliance with elementary rules of food hygiene.

Some researchers believe that heating food in the microwave is not harmful at all, another thing is the full cycle of cooking in a microwave oven. Of the recent sensational revelations, many may remember the experiment set by one schoolgirl, who for seven days watered the plant with water heated in a microwave oven. The result was impressive: the plant died. However, this proves little, because tens of millions of people cook food in these devices every day and do not have any obvious health problems. That is why the question of whether a microwave oven is harmful to health still remains. open.

The negative impact of the microwave

Since no unified classification of impact has yet been formed, we will try to do it on our own. Data obtained from several sources (including studies that are known to have been conducted in hospitals, clinics, at home and at work with different workloads and degrees of involvement) allow us to draw several preliminary conclusions. So , The dangers of a microwave oven for human health are as follows:

  1. Brain. Controversial studies by Russian and Swiss doctors have shown that microwave radiation causes irreversible changes in the cerebral cortex. The impulses sent by neurons become shorter and undergo depolarization.
  2. Digestive system. A microwave-cooked product is incorrectly identified by the gastrointestinal (gastrointestinal) system. Simply put, our body is not able to recognize such food, and does not attribute it to food. Such dissonance leads to improper digestion of food and the quickest desire of the body to remove it as soon as possible, without extracting useful and nutritious substances. In other words, even having a hearty dinner with food from the microwave, you can leave the body hungry, because it simply will not know how to act correctly.
  3. Hormonal system. Here everything is no better than with the previous paragraph. Firstly, the frequent use of products exposed to microwaves adversely affects the production of male and female hormones. According to scientists, this is due to the fact that the human body has not yet learned how to properly respond to products that are obtained as a result of microwave processing. By consuming such food, a person, thereby, knocks down the settings of his own body, making it difficult for the digestive organs to work, and in some cases even making it impossible.
  4. irreversibility. Alas, but all of the above impacts tend to accumulate like a snowball. Doubly unpleasant is the fact that these consequences are irreversible (simply because a method has not been worked out how to counter them).
  5. Difficulty in learning vitamins, minerals and other substances useful to the human body. In this case, the microwave is no less hazardous to health. The heating process in the apparatus changes the properties of vitamins and minerals so that the human body simply cannot absorb them properly. The danger also lies in the fact that, once in the body, such “altered” minerals and vitamins are not only not absorbed, but also not excreted, lingering inside, creating deposits in the vessels and joints.
  6. This hypothesis is still from the field of theory, but it also has the right to publicity. The fact is that carcinogens (in particular, free radicals) enter the human body after heat treatment of food in the microwave. In particular, if you heat vegetables, then part of the minerals contained in them will turn into into carcinogens.
  7. Risk of developing gastrointestinal cancer. The harm of microwaves also lies in the fact that products cooked in them indirectly and directly can contribute to the development of cancer. As a confirmation of this hypothesis, the researchers give a vivid example: an outbreak of cancer in America, which occurred just at the time of the spread of microwaves.
  8. Another disappointing prognosis from long-term use of the device is a multiply increasing risk of developing blood cancer. According to numerous clinical studies, eating from a microwave oven significantly increases the chance of this deadly disease.
  9. Impact on immunity. Bad news for our immunity. It's unfortunate, but it's been clinically proven that eating microwaved foods affects the function of the lymph nodes and lymph glands. Hence the slowdown of the lymph flow throughout the body, and, as a result, the accelerated aging of the whole organism. In addition, blood clotting is significantly reduced, which leads to slow wound healing.
  10. Negative impact for concentration and attention(memory, thinking, images). Surprisingly, food from the microwave even negatively affects our way of thinking, which once again confirms the correctness of the saying “we are what we eat.” Swiss scientists managed to conduct an experiment, as a result of which it turned out that experimental subjects who consumed food from a microwave oven for a long time showed themselves much worse intellectually. It was more difficult for them to concentrate on work, they could not concentrate their attention for a long time and showed a general decrease in cognitive activity.

As you can understand from the list above, the debate about whether the use of microwaves is good or bad is still going on and has a lot of supporters on both sides. Perhaps the effect of microwaves on health is detrimental, only the degree of this harm is leveled from strong to insignificant.

Myth or reality

There is still no unequivocal answer to the question of whether food from the microwave is harmful. Why, if there is so much evidence of clear harm to the human body, are these devices still quietly on the shelves of all major retail stores of household appliances? After all, no one in their right mind would sell equipment that causes irreparable damage to human health, and in the most extreme case, kills him.

Most likely, everything is not so bad, the truth will be somewhere in between. Indeed, in addition to obvious shortcomings, microwaves have many pluses. These include their speed, versatility and reliability due to the simplicity of their design. The consumer definitely liked this product, and he is not going to refuse it so easily, despite the numerous warnings of various initiative groups.

Is it safe to heat food in the microwave? Or is its effect on the human body somewhat exaggerated? After all, manufacturers of this type of household appliances have all the necessary certifications, which are very difficult to obtain. By the way, technological innovations that in one way or another negatively affect the health of the consumer do not find their way to the mass market, or, once in stores, just as quickly disappear from the shelves if any complaints are received. So it’s hardly worth talking about some kind of intentional harm due to the collusion of manufacturers, many different organizations deal with these issues.

When wondering whether the harm of microwaves is a myth or a reality, one should remain impartial and be aware that any technological device, one way or another, has an impact on the human body.

Just in one case, such an influence may become apparent in the very near future, and in the second case it will not manifest itself in any way for many years and even decades, after which it will be difficult to say what exactly caused and catalyzed such changes.

Most likely, the harm and benefit of a microwave oven will be about the same, varying from one user to another, because no one has canceled the individual characteristics of the body. Often, the use of a microwave leads to the so-called "nutritional licentiousness", when a person begins to neglect healthy and healthy food, rich in all the necessary substances. This is precisely the harm, but it is not caused by the device itself.

Of course, if you eat only food from the microwave, you may encounter certain problems, but the same statement applies to any type of household appliances, moderation should be observed everywhere, this will help maintain health for many years.


It should be remembered that, despite the available data on the harm of microwaves to human health, there are facts that refute a number of criticisms. Research teams are conducting tests to dispel the myth that microwaves are only harmful. This is done primarily in order to avoid mass panic and prioritize without unnecessary emotions. Of course, the device is not without design flaws that make its use controversial. This is not an “absolute good”, however, you should not write it off ahead of time, because microwaves have firmly entered our lives and make it more comfortable and convenient.

At the moment it is very difficult to say who exactly invented the microwave oven. In different sources you can see completely different information. P. B. Spencer, an engineer from the United States of America, who was engaged in the study of a microwave emitter - a magnetron, is usually named as the official creator. As a result of the experiments he made quite specific conclusions. A certain frequency of radiation causes intense heat release. On December 6, 1945, a scientist received a patent for the use of microwaves for cooking. In 1949, in the United States, under this patent, the production of microwave ovens, which were intended for the rapid defrosting of strategic food stocks, had already begun. The whole world celebrates the birthday of microwave ovens on December 6th.

Controversy surrounding the invention

Since this device was created, disputes about its benefits and harms have not subsided. Until now, many do not understand how the microwave oven works, which is why it is believed that products that have undergone such processing can be dangerous to human health. When this device first appeared on the Russian market, many began to hear that food cooked or heated in this way causes cancer. They often talked about the effect of microwaves on the prenatal development of children, the ability to cause various pathologies. Dishes from such an oven are full of carcinogens.

Recent studies of the household appliances market have shown that every fifth family in Russia has a microwave oven, and in the United States of America only 10% of the population has not yet acquired this unit. When buying from sales consultants, you can often hear that this particular model is completely safe for health and shielded from radiation. And then the thought of the presence of some harmful factors creeps in.

This device uses radio waves similar to a conventional receiver, only they differ in frequency and are characterized by greater power. Every day we experience the action of radio waves of different frequencies - we are affected by our mobile phones, computers, televisions and other types of equipment. It is necessary to consider in more detail what a microwave oven is. Harm or benefit is obtained from its use, what is its effect? The cooking process goes like this: Microwaves bombard the water molecules in the food, causing them to rotate at an incredible frequency, which creates molecular friction that heats the food. It is this process that causes severe damage to food molecules, as it leads to their ruptures and deformation. It turns out that the microwave oven leads to the decay and changes in the structure of products under the influence of radiation.

After the war, medical research was discovered that the Germans were doing with microwaves. All these documents, along with several working models, were transferred to the United States of America for further research. The Russians received a number of models with which they conducted many experiments. In the course of the study, it was revealed that when exposed to microwaves, substances of an ecological and biological nature that are harmful to health are obtained. A regulation was created to severely restrict the use of microwave waves.

The harm and benefits of a microwave oven according to scientists

American researchers say that this device has reduced the incidence of stomach cancer in America. This is attributed to the fact that no oil is required during microwave cooking. And according to the method of preparation, this option is very similar to steam, which is considered the safest. A short cooking time allows you to save twice as many nutrients in food: minerals and vitamins. At the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, it was calculated that the process of cooking on the stove leads to the loss of 60% of useful elements, in particular vitamin C. And microwaves destroy only 2-25%. However, scientists from Spain claim that broccoli, which is prepared in this way, loses up to 98% of the minerals and vitamins contained in it, and the microwave oven is to blame for this.

The harm of this method of cooking is more and more confirmed every day. A lot of information has appeared that food prepared in this way causes irreparable harm to human health. Microwaves break down food at the molecular level, causing irreversible changes that cause ordinary food to become saturated with substances that can cause cancer.

In 1992, a comparative study was published in the United States, stating that the introduction of molecules exposed to microwaves into the human body leads to more harm than good. In this processed food, the molecules contain microwave energy that is not present in foods that are prepared in traditional ways.

The microwave oven, the harm of which has been studied for more than a year, changes the structure of products. A short-term study showed that people who consumed vegetables and milk prepared in this way had changes in blood composition, increased cholesterol, and decreased hemoglobin. At the same time, the use of the same products, but prepared traditionally, did not lead to any changes in the body.

Question without an answer

Microwave oven manufacturers unanimously claim that food from a microwave oven does not differ in composition from that which is processed in the traditional way. However, no public university in the United States of America has conducted research on how food altered in this way affects the human body. But at the same time, there is a huge amount of research on what happens if the device door is not closed. Common sense dictates that issues related to food itself are quite important. Therefore, at the moment it is a complete mystery what a microwave oven does with products, whether it brings harm or benefit to them.

Other important points

Quite often you can hear that these devices harm children. The composition of mother's milk and milk formulas includes such amino acids that, when exposed to this radiation, are converted into d-isomers, and they are considered neurotoxic, that is, they lead to deformation of the nervous system, as well as nephrotoxic, that is, they are poison for the kidneys. Now, when many children are fed with artificial mixtures, there are more and more dangers, because they are heated in microwave ovens.

The World Health Organization issued a verdict that the radiation used in the microwave does not harm food or humans at all. But the intensity of the microwave flow can affect implanted pacemakers. That is why people with pacemakers are advised to give up microwaves and cell phones.

Other features

However, until now, under the gun of many, it is the microwave oven. Whether it is harmful or not is not clear. Therefore, a final verdict has not yet been issued on this issue. Many scientists are working to study its effect on the human body. In the meantime, the harm and benefits of a microwave oven remain a big question, you should use it only for heating and defrosting food, but not for cooking. You should not be near the switched on stove yourself, especially you should not let children near it. A defective device should not be used. Doors should close as securely as possible without being damaged. And if you have a microwave oven, the instruction manual will help you use it correctly. Always have this appliance repaired by a qualified technician and never do it yourself.

Unusual use of microwave

A microwave oven, whose characteristics depend on many factors, can be used for various purposes that are not considered traditional for it. You can use it for drying vegetables, herbs, nuts for the winter, as well as crackers. If spices and seasonings are sent to the microwave for 30 seconds, then you can refresh their aroma. Bread can be refreshed by wrapping it in a napkin and placing it in the device for 1 minute at the most intense radiation.

You can peel almonds by putting them in boiling water and then heating them for half a minute in the oven at full power. The microwave oven, the harm of which is being intensively studied, is also useful for peeling walnuts. They need to be heated in water at full power for 4-5 minutes. You can easily get rid of the white pulp on lemons or oranges. To do this, citruses should be heated at full power for 30 seconds. After that, the white pulp can be separated from the slices quite simply.

The zest of a lemon or orange can be dried fairly quickly if you heat it for two minutes at full power. The same time will be enough to melt the candied honey.

You can rid cutting boards of unpleasant odors. To do this, you need to wash them, grate with lemon juice, and then fry them in the microwave for a couple of minutes. In this case, even the sharpest stubborn smell will disappear.

To squeeze juice from citrus fruits to the last drop, it is enough to warm them up for several minutes in the microwave, and then let them cool.

What's wrong with a microwave?

If you are interested in a microwave oven, the harm of which is confirmed by many studies, then it is worth noting that the frequency of this device coincides with the frequency of a mobile phone. At the moment, there are four main factors that speak in favor of the harm of this unit.

First of all, it should be noted that electromagnetic radiation, more precisely, its informational component, is harmful. In science, it is customary to call it a torsion field. Experiments have shown that electromagnetic radiation has a torsion component. It is these fields, according to most scientists, that pose a danger and harm to human health. The torsion field transmits to a person all negative information, from which irritations, headaches and insomnia, as well as other ailments, can begin.

It is important to remember the temperature, but this applies to a long time period with constant use of the microwave oven.

If the target is a microwave oven, the harm or benefit of which we are so interested in, then from the point of view of biology, it is the high-frequency radiation of the centimeter range that is most harmful to humans. Since it is from him that the electromagnetic radiation of the greatest intensity is obtained.

Microwaves lead to direct heating of the body, while only blood flow can reduce the degree of exposure. But there are organs, for example, the lens, in which there is not a single vessel. Therefore, exposure to microwave waves causes clouding of the lens and its destruction. Such changes are irreversible.

Since we do not see or hear electromagnetic radiation, and we do not clearly feel it, we cannot determine whether it was it that caused this or that human disease. The influence of such radiation does not appear immediately, but only when it accumulates, which makes it difficult to blame some device that a person has come into contact with for this.

So, if a microwave oven is considered, the characteristics of which are completely unimportant in this matter, then its effect on food should be studied. Electromagnetic radiation can cause the ionization of the molecules of a substance, that is, as a result of this, an electron can appear or be lost from an atom, which leads to a change in the structure of the substance itself.

Radiation causes the destruction of food molecules and their deformation. The microwave oven (whether or not its use is harmful to health is still being actively studied) creates new compounds that do not exist in nature. They are called radiolytics. And they, in turn, create molecular rot, which is a direct consequence of radiation.

Here are just a few facts to think about if you are interested in operating a microwave oven:

Meat cooked this way contains Nitrosodienthanolamines, which is a carcinogen;

In milk and cereal, many acids are converted into carcinogens;

When defrosting fruits in this way, their galactioids and glucosides turn into carcinogens;

Vegetable alkaloils, even with slight exposure, become carcinogens;

When processing plants, especially root crops, in a microwave oven, carcinogenic free radicals are formed;

The value of food is sometimes reduced by 90%;

Many vitamins lose their biological activity.

A microwave oven, reviews of which can be interesting and informative, is able to weaken the cells of our body with its microwave radiation. There is such a method of genetic engineering, when a cell is lightly irradiated with electromagnetic waves in order to penetrate it, and this leads to a weakening of the membranes. Since the cells can be said to be broken, the membranes no longer serve as an obstacle to viruses, fungi and other microorganisms, while the natural mechanism of self-healing is also suppressed.

The health risks of a microwave oven are the same as exposure to radiation. In this case, the radioactive decay of molecules occurs, after which new alloys are formed, unknown to nature.

The impact of microwave radiation on human health

Eating food that is cooked in a microwave oven leads to a gradual decrease in heart rate and pressure. This is followed by a period of nervousness and high blood pressure, headaches, eye pain, dizziness, irritability, insomnia, stomach pain, hair loss, inability to concentrate, reproductive problems. Sometimes even cancerous tumors appear. With heart disease and stress, all these symptoms are exacerbated.

What does the market offer?

The microwave oven, reviews of which you might like, is designed to provide maximum comfort, convenience and complete safety during use. On the Russian market there are devices of different brands and sizes. Thanks to the abundance of design solutions, you can choose a model that best suits your taste preferences. There are both simple solutions and multifunctional large-sized specimens.

Any microwave oven that suits your needs works on the same principle. The heating of the product evenly occurs due to its irradiation from all sides. Simple models are characterized by the fact that the product is in one place, and a microwave source rotates around it, while more advanced options suggest that directional microwave radiation is used, and the product is located on a special rotating tray.

A microwave oven, which may include a grill and forced air circulation, is a more complex device. In this case, the fan is usually placed behind the wall of the chamber. Grills are equipped with tubular heating elements. For steam cooking, the appliance can be equipped with special dishes. All models have a backlight that allows you to observe the cooking process.

Subtleties of choice and characteristics

While the microwave oven, which you may like reviews, can completely replace the traditional stove, it is usually purchased as an addition to existing equipment. Before choosing, you should determine your needs and capabilities. You need to decide what tasks you need to solve and how often: cook first courses, bake meat and poultry, defrost food, reheat, and so on. Do you need a traditional inexpensive appliance or a modern and elegant one? And all this is important when considering microwave ovens. How to choose one or another model is completely up to you.

Many customers prefer to use this appliance to defrost food and reheat food. These goals are easily achieved in simple microwave ovens, where only microwave radiation is used. Such equipment is usually purchased as an addition to a stove with an oven. So you can meet the requirements of dietary and fast food.

The size and design of the microwave oven will affect the amount of food and dishes that can be cooked at one time. The greatest demand is for appliances that are characterized by medium and small dimensions, as well as the presence of a grill. With the help of this option, food is not only heated, but also brought to condition. Such solutions meet the needs of small families with a limited budget.

An important parameter is the volume of the chamber. Usually, the more functions a device has, the larger it is. Microwave power is another point to keep in mind. It is she who affects the speed of cooking. Management should be clear, but at the same time functional enough.

It is desirable that the kit includes a set of necessary accessories. Then working with the device will be much easier. The choice of a particular brand is a personal matter for everyone, and it all depends on preferences.

If we talk about reviews of microwave ovens, then here, as elsewhere, you can find different opinions. But most agree on the usefulness of such a kitchen appliance as an assistant if you need to reheat, defrost, and also quickly cook something. Grill models are more popular, as the food in them turns out to be more appetizing in appearance.

In general, a microwave oven, the photo of which you can take yourself, should be the way you want it. In the sense that the choice of a particular model depends entirely on your preferences.

Microwave ovens have firmly settled in every kitchen. Cooking and heating food in them is much faster. Along with the benefits of microwave ovens, talk about the dangers to human health does not subside.

Microwaves use powerful electromagnetic radiation to heat food. Waves in the decimeter range penetrate into the structure of products and affect water molecules.

Molecules line up around the created electromagnetic field and are in constant motion. Friction resulting from the movement of molecules raises the temperature of the product. Unlike classic ovens and ovens, food is heated from the inside. This takes a few seconds.

Harm or benefit

During the heating of food in a microwave oven, the molecules rotate at great speed. This damages the structure. The molecules are deformed and their shell is destroyed. The result is a product with a completely transformed molecular structure.

All scientific evidence of the harm caused to the human body by microwave ovens is based on this fact.

According to experts, microwave ovens can be dangerous for several reasons:

  • under the influence of microwave radiation, the structure of the product changes, and the body is not able to properly absorb food;
  • when food is heated in the microwave, carcinogens are released that can provoke the development of cancer;
  • the human body does not have the ability to absorb vitamins and minerals transformed in the microwave;
  • electromagnetic radiation, penetrating through the body of the microwave oven, negatively affects the human body;
  • when heated in a microwave, food loses its beneficial properties and is perceived by the body as a foreign substance that needs to be removed;
  • If a metal object accidentally enters the oven, it could cause the appliance to explode and cause injury to the user.

Scientists from Switzerland conducted studies that revealed the harm of microwaves on certain parts of the body. They hired a person who alternated eating conventionally cooked food and microwaved food.

Based on the results of the experiment, conclusions were made about the negative impact of food from the microwave oven:

  • on the brain, causing irreversible changes in its cortex;
  • on the digestive system - the body cannot recognize the transformed food, remaining hungry, even after processing a large amount of food;
  • on the hormonal system - the body reacts incorrectly to products from the microwave, the production of female and male hormones is disrupted;
  • on blood vessels and joints - vitamins and minerals altered by microwaves are not absorbed by the body, but settle on the walls of blood vessels and joints;
  • on blood - after eating food from the microwave, it loses its ability to clot, because of this, the wound healing process is disrupted.

At the same time, even the most skeptical researchers could not deny that the device has a number of useful properties that are not available to conventional ovens.

First of all, it is the speed of heating food. It only takes a few seconds to heat up the product. The stove does not require preheating and is ready for use immediately after being connected to the network.

Products that require long-term heat treatment in a conventional oven or stove are cooked several times faster in the microwave. Defrosting meat and fish takes 2 to 5 minutes.

Myth or reality

The research results presented by a group of Swiss scientists have been completely refuted by the World Health Organization. In their opinion, microwave radiation cannot affect products or the human body. At the same time, WHO drew the attention of consumers to the fact that microwave radiation can disrupt the operation of pacemakers.

It was not possible to fully prove the effect of products heated in the microwave on the human gastrointestinal tract. It is not the processing of foods with microwaves that harms the body, but systematic malnutrition.

Carcinogens, which were declared by the researchers, also appear as a result of frying on a conventional stove using oil. When vegetable oils are heated, much more of them are released than when using microwaves.

Vitamins and minerals partially decompose during any heat treatment. Food prepared in a microwave oven does not differ in content from that cooked on a conventional stove and has the best performance, as it is prepared without oil.

Radioactive radiation, which was used to frighten opponents of the use of stoves, in fact does not exceed the radiation from a mobile phone, since a specially designed case completely keeps it inside the device. Only a stove with a damaged casing can be dangerous.

Scientific evidence of the likelihood of a microwave explosion due to metal devices placed inside has not been identified. It was found that when the metal is heated, the furnace begins to spark, but does not explode. A raw egg can explode. In this case, the oven door may suffer from a rupture.

With proper use of a microwave oven, the harm to human health is no higher than when using any household appliance.

Key tips include:

  • To get the most out of using the stove and get rid of the negative impact, follow the safety precautions.
  • Do not violate the installation rules recommended by the manufacturer. The microwave oven should be placed away from other household appliances. Do not block the ventilation hole.
  • It is strictly forbidden to operate the device with a damaged glass or case. Doing so may result in radiation leakage or electric shock.
  • Only products recommended by the manufacturer should be reheated. Do not put objects not intended for it into the oven. Do not open the door during the work process. Most models are equipped with a protection that turns off the oven when the door is opened, but if this is done constantly, it may deteriorate.
  • The amount of food heated at one time should not exceed the recommended amount. The food will not be fully heated, and the stove will work in an enhanced mode.
  • To heat food, use glassware with thick walls or special heat-resistant plastic. Do not turn on an empty microwave, so as not to damage it from the inside.
  • Clean the microwave with a soft sponge, do not use abrasive products, so as not to damage the protective coating.

Most of the statements on the topic of the harm of a microwave oven for a person do not find understanding among users, and sales of microwave ovens continue to be stably high. The device greatly facilitates cooking and irrefutable evidence that the microwave is harmful has not yet been provided.

You should not completely abandon classic ovens and replace them with microwave ovens, but with a reasonable approach, you can reduce the time spent on cooking a dish.

The main thing is to observe the service life specified by the manufacturer and do not use the microwave after it has expired.

At the moment it is very difficult to say who exactly invented the microwave oven. In different sources you can see completely different information. P. B. Spencer, an engineer from the United States of America, who was engaged in the study of a microwave emitter - a magnetron, is usually named as the official creator. As a result of the experiments he made quite specific conclusions. A certain frequency of radiation causes intense heat release. On December 6, 1945, a scientist received a patent for the use of microwaves for cooking. In 1949, in the United States, under this patent, the production of microwave ovens, which were intended for the rapid defrosting of strategic food stocks, had already begun. The whole world celebrates the birthday of microwave ovens on December 6th.

Controversy surrounding the invention

Since this device was created, disputes about its benefits and harms have not subsided. Until now, many do not understand how the microwave oven works, which is why it is believed that products that have undergone such processing can be dangerous to human health. When this device first appeared on the Russian market, many began to hear that food cooked or heated in this way causes cancer. They often talked about the effect of microwaves on the prenatal development of children, the ability to cause various pathologies. Dishes from such an oven are full of carcinogens.

Recent studies of the household appliances market have shown that every fifth family in Russia has a microwave oven, and in the United States of America only 10% of the population has not yet acquired this unit. When buying from sales consultants, you can often hear that this particular model is completely safe for health and shielded from radiation. And then the thought of the presence of some harmful factors creeps in.

This device uses radio waves similar to a conventional receiver, only they differ in frequency and are characterized by greater power. Every day we experience the action of radio waves of different frequencies - we are affected by our mobile phones, computers, televisions and other types of equipment. It is necessary to consider in more detail what a microwave oven is. Harm or benefit is obtained from its use, what is its effect? The cooking process goes like this: Microwaves bombard the water molecules in the food, causing them to rotate at an incredible frequency, which creates molecular friction that heats the food. It is this process that causes severe damage to food molecules, as it leads to their ruptures and deformation. It turns out that the microwave oven leads to the decay and changes in the structure of products under the influence of radiation.

After the war, medical research was discovered that the Germans were doing with microwaves. All these documents, along with several working models, were transferred to the United States of America for further research. The Russians received a number of models with which they conducted many experiments. In the course of the study, it was revealed that when exposed to microwaves, substances of an ecological and biological nature that are harmful to health are obtained. A regulation was created to severely restrict the use of microwave waves.

The harm and benefits of a microwave oven according to scientists

American researchers say that this device has reduced the incidence of stomach cancer in America. This is attributed to the fact that no oil is required during microwave cooking. And according to the method of preparation, this option is very similar to steam, which is considered the safest. A short cooking time allows you to save twice as many nutrients in food: minerals and vitamins. At the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, it was calculated that the process of cooking on the stove leads to the loss of 60% of useful elements, in particular vitamin C. And microwaves destroy only 2-25%. However, scientists from Spain claim that broccoli, which is prepared in this way, loses up to 98% of the minerals and vitamins contained in it, and the microwave oven is to blame for this.

The harm of this method of cooking is more and more confirmed every day. A lot of information has appeared that food prepared in this way causes irreparable harm to human health. Microwaves break down food at the molecular level, causing irreversible changes that cause ordinary food to become saturated with substances that can cause cancer.

In 1992, a comparative study was published in the United States, stating that the introduction of molecules exposed to microwaves into the human body leads to more harm than good. In this processed food, the molecules contain microwave energy that is not present in foods that are prepared in traditional ways.

The microwave oven, the harm of which has been studied for more than a year, changes the structure of products. A short-term study showed that people who consumed vegetables and milk prepared in this way had changes in blood composition, increased cholesterol, and decreased hemoglobin. At the same time, the use of the same products, but prepared traditionally, did not lead to any changes in the body.

Question without an answer

Microwave oven manufacturers unanimously claim that food from a microwave oven does not differ in composition from that which is processed in the traditional way. However, no public university in the United States of America has conducted research on how food altered in this way affects the human body. But at the same time, there is a huge amount of research on what happens if the device door is not closed. Common sense dictates that issues related to food itself are quite important. Therefore, at the moment it is a complete mystery what a microwave oven does with products, whether it brings harm or benefit to them.

Other important points

Quite often you can hear that these devices harm children. The composition of mother's milk and milk formulas includes such amino acids that, when exposed to this radiation, are converted into d-isomers, and they are considered neurotoxic, that is, they lead to deformation of the nervous system, as well as nephrotoxic, that is, they are poison for the kidneys. Now, when many children are fed with artificial mixtures, there are more and more dangers, because they are heated in microwave ovens.

The World Health Organization issued a verdict that the radiation used in the microwave does not harm food or humans at all. But the intensity of the microwave flow can affect implanted pacemakers. That is why people with pacemakers are advised to give up microwaves and cell phones.

Other features

However, until now, under the gun of many, it is the microwave oven. Whether it is harmful or not is not clear. Therefore, a final verdict has not yet been issued on this issue. Many scientists are working to study its effect on the human body. In the meantime, the harm and benefits of a microwave oven remain a big question, you should use it only for heating and defrosting food, but not for cooking. You should not be near the switched on stove yourself, especially you should not let children near it. A defective device should not be used. Doors should close as securely as possible without being damaged. And if you have a microwave oven, the instruction manual will help you use it correctly. Always have this appliance repaired by a qualified technician and never do it yourself.

Unusual use of microwave

A microwave oven, whose characteristics depend on many factors, can be used for various purposes that are not considered traditional for it. You can use it for drying vegetables, herbs, nuts for the winter, as well as crackers. If spices and seasonings are sent to the microwave for 30 seconds, then you can refresh their aroma. Bread can be refreshed by wrapping it in a napkin and placing it in the device for 1 minute at the most intense radiation.

You can peel almonds by putting them in boiling water and then heating them for half a minute in the oven at full power. The microwave oven, the harm of which is being intensively studied, is also useful for peeling walnuts. They need to be heated in water at full power for 4-5 minutes. You can easily get rid of the white pulp on lemons or oranges. To do this, citruses should be heated at full power for 30 seconds. After that, the white pulp can be separated from the slices quite simply.

The zest of a lemon or orange can be dried fairly quickly if you heat it for two minutes at full power. The same time will be enough to melt the candied honey.

You can rid cutting boards of unpleasant odors. To do this, you need to wash them, grate with lemon juice, and then fry them in the microwave for a couple of minutes. In this case, even the sharpest stubborn smell will disappear.

To squeeze juice from citrus fruits to the last drop, it is enough to warm them up for several minutes in the microwave, and then let them cool.

What's wrong with a microwave?

If you are interested in a microwave oven, the harm of which is confirmed by many studies, then it is worth noting that the frequency of this device coincides with the frequency of a mobile phone. At the moment, there are four main factors that speak in favor of the harm of this unit.

First of all, it should be noted that electromagnetic radiation, more precisely, its informational component, is harmful. In science, it is customary to call it a torsion field. Experiments have shown that electromagnetic radiation has a torsion component. It is these fields, according to most scientists, that pose a danger and harm to human health. The torsion field transmits to a person all negative information, from which irritations, headaches and insomnia, as well as other ailments, can begin.

It is important to remember the temperature, but this applies to a long time period with constant use of the microwave oven.

If the target is a microwave oven, the harm or benefit of which we are so interested in, then from the point of view of biology, it is the high-frequency radiation of the centimeter range that is most harmful to humans. Since it is from him that the electromagnetic radiation of the greatest intensity is obtained.

Microwaves lead to direct heating of the body, while only blood flow can reduce the degree of exposure. But there are organs, for example, the lens, in which there is not a single vessel. Therefore, exposure to microwave waves causes clouding of the lens and its destruction. Such changes are irreversible.

Since we do not see or hear electromagnetic radiation, and we do not clearly feel it, we cannot determine whether it was it that caused this or that human disease. The influence of such radiation does not appear immediately, but only when it accumulates, which makes it difficult to blame some device that a person has come into contact with for this.

So, if a microwave oven is considered, the characteristics of which are completely unimportant in this matter, then its effect on food should be studied. Electromagnetic radiation can cause the ionization of the molecules of a substance, that is, as a result of this, an electron can appear or be lost from an atom, which leads to a change in the structure of the substance itself.

Radiation causes the destruction of food molecules and their deformation. The microwave oven (whether or not its use is harmful to health is still being actively studied) creates new compounds that do not exist in nature. They are called radiolytics. And they, in turn, create molecular rot, which is a direct consequence of radiation.

Here are just a few facts to think about if you are interested in operating a microwave oven:

Meat cooked this way contains Nitrosodienthanolamines, which is a carcinogen;

In milk and cereal, many acids are converted into carcinogens;

When defrosting fruits in this way, their galactioids and glucosides turn into carcinogens;

Vegetable alkaloils, even with slight exposure, become carcinogens;

When processing plants, especially root crops, in a microwave oven, carcinogenic free radicals are formed;

The value of food is sometimes reduced by 90%;

Many vitamins lose their biological activity.

A microwave oven, reviews of which can be interesting and informative, is able to weaken the cells of our body with its microwave radiation. There is such a method of genetic engineering, when a cell is lightly irradiated with electromagnetic waves in order to penetrate it, and this leads to a weakening of the membranes. Since the cells can be said to be broken, the membranes no longer serve as an obstacle to viruses, fungi and other microorganisms, while the natural mechanism of self-healing is also suppressed.

The health risks of a microwave oven are the same as exposure to radiation. In this case, the radioactive decay of molecules occurs, after which new alloys are formed, unknown to nature.

The impact of microwave radiation on human health

Eating food that is cooked in a microwave oven leads to a gradual decrease in heart rate and pressure. This is followed by a period of nervousness and high blood pressure, headaches, eye pain, dizziness, irritability, insomnia, stomach pain, hair loss, inability to concentrate, reproductive problems. Sometimes even cancerous tumors appear. With heart disease and stress, all these symptoms are exacerbated.

What does the market offer?

The microwave oven, reviews of which you might like, is designed to provide maximum comfort, convenience and complete safety during use. On the Russian market there are devices of different brands and sizes. Thanks to the abundance of design solutions, you can choose a model that best suits your taste preferences. There are both simple solutions and multifunctional large-sized specimens.

Any microwave oven that suits your needs works on the same principle. The heating of the product evenly occurs due to its irradiation from all sides. Simple models are characterized by the fact that the product is in one place, and a microwave source rotates around it, while more advanced options suggest that directional microwave radiation is used, and the product is located on a special rotating tray.

A microwave oven, which may include a grill and forced air circulation, is a more complex device. In this case, the fan is usually placed behind the wall of the chamber. Grills are equipped with tubular heating elements. For steam cooking, the appliance can be equipped with special dishes. All models have a backlight that allows you to observe the cooking process.

Subtleties of choice and characteristics

While the microwave oven, which you may like reviews, can completely replace the traditional stove, it is usually purchased as an addition to existing equipment. Before choosing, you should determine your needs and capabilities. You need to decide what tasks you need to solve and how often: cook first courses, bake meat and poultry, defrost food, reheat, and so on. Do you need a traditional inexpensive appliance or a modern and elegant one? And all this is important when considering microwave ovens. How to choose one or another model is completely up to you.

Many customers prefer to use this appliance to defrost food and reheat food. These goals are easily achieved in simple microwave ovens, where only microwave radiation is used. Such equipment is usually purchased as an addition to a stove with an oven. So you can meet the requirements of dietary and fast food.

The size and design of the microwave oven will affect the amount of food and dishes that can be cooked at one time. The greatest demand is for appliances that are characterized by medium and small dimensions, as well as the presence of a grill. With the help of this option, food is not only heated, but also brought to condition. Such solutions meet the needs of small families with a limited budget.

An important parameter is the volume of the chamber. Usually, the more functions a device has, the larger it is. Microwave power is another point to keep in mind. It is she who affects the speed of cooking. Management should be clear, but at the same time functional enough.

It is desirable that the kit includes a set of necessary accessories. Then working with the device will be much easier. The choice of a particular brand is a personal matter for everyone, and it all depends on preferences.

If we talk about reviews of microwave ovens, then here, as elsewhere, you can find different opinions. But most agree on the usefulness of such a kitchen appliance as an assistant if you need to reheat, defrost, and also quickly cook something. Grill models are more popular, as the food in them turns out to be more appetizing in appearance.

In general, a microwave oven, the photo of which you can take yourself, should be the way you want it. In the sense that the choice of a particular model depends entirely on your preferences.