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Why does the neck hurt on the left side of psychosomatics. Psychosomatics of neck pain

The mechanism of any disease can be both physical and psychological. Psychosomatics of diseases is a serious relationship between the psyche and the body. The science that studies this connection explains the manifestation of diseases on the part of the psyche. Stress, experiences affect the physical condition of a person, and the spine is no exception. Osteochondrosis psychosomatics, which is observed in people over 20 years old, has a place to be in our lives.

As statistics show, most of the patients get their illness as a result of a psychological disorder. Neck pain is no exception. Psychosomatics cervical osteochondrosis can be caused by a number of such reasons:

  • The individual is in constant nervous tension;
  • Mental anguish, as well as problems;
  • Fear, hatred, resentment (in serious manifestations).

A person can not always cope with their problems. A positive psychosomatic attitude is very important in human life. Some people experience their problems to the fullest, and some try to forget about them, but this does not solve them. Unresolved issues fade into the background, and remain at the subconscious level. This is what carries the main danger. Unresolved issues, problems begin to accumulate, thereby destroying not only the psyche, but also the body shell of a person.

Doctors note that diseases of a different nature and mechanism may be the result of a poor psychosomatic state.

Psychosomatics of neck pain

It is logical that it is the neck that is responsible for human adaptation throughout the world. As doctors say, pain occurs in people who are always dissatisfied with something, as well as in individuals who are trying to impose their opinion or love on others. Consequently, a person is constantly in tension, and the pain syndrome occurs in that area of ​​the spine. In this case, the specialist makes a diagnosis - osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebra.

Different pain urges have their own reasons:

  • The neck can hurt if a person refuses to consider the problem from different angles, and shows stubbornness, does not listen to the opinions of others;
  • If inflammation of the neck is observed, then doctors say that this is due to constant humiliation and the inability to cope with them;
  • Pain of a sharp type, is the result of a psychosomatic problem that upsets and excites the patient;
  • The discovery of a tumor in the neck area indicates that a person has been holding resentment and problems for a long time;
  • Sciatica is the result of a psychosomatic problem associated with unjustified stubbornness of a person, the constant upholding of one's opinion (right / wrong).

As you can see, all causes of neck disease are considered from the psychosomatic side, and minimal negative impulses can lead to problems.

Even minor pain in the neck can develop into something more serious. And psychosomatic osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae can be caused by various types of reasons that a person does not pay attention to. And if you do not consult a doctor immediately, you can get more serious diseases that require surgical intervention.

Treatment of psychosomatic osteochondrosis

If the patient has psychological disorders, then first of all it is worth contacting a specialist, since this is the cause of all psychosomatic diseases. Many people think that stress and disorders do not affect the physical condition, which is why more than 80% of the population is faced with psychosomatic problems.

If you come to a psychotherapist, then the treatment of the psychosomatic form begins with the fact that the patient sits on a chair and tries to completely relax. Further, the causes of the disorder and stress are clarified, after which a course of treatment is prescribed. Depending on the form of the disease, there are such methods of treatment:

  1. medication;
  2. psychotherapy sessions.

Since the patient already has osteochondrosis of the cervical region, here it is necessary to begin the treatment of the consequences itself. Massages, acupuncture, . It is also important to start leading a healthy lifestyle. Start keeping your back straight, eat right, exercise, lead an active lifestyle. In sum, the two methods of treatment will give a positive result. It must be understood that the psychosomatic side plays an important role and has a subtle connection with the bodily. Exposing yourself to stress, you need to be careful and careful, because this can lead to other problems where you can not do without a doctor. First of all, you need to take care of your mental health!

11 months ago

Sudden and aching pain in the neck is an unpleasant feeling that significantly affects daily life. With pain in the neck, a person cannot:

  • calmly nod your head;
  • comfortable to lie;
  • easily turn your head from side to side.

You can get rid of these unpleasant symptoms with the help of: ointments, creams, injections, chondroprotectors and other medications. However, the effect of these drugs will only be temporary. It is necessary to find out the cause of pain in the neck and then start fighting it.

Often problems with the cervical region lie in the human subconscious. The neck is a reflection of the state of mind in which the person is. The psychosomatics of neck pain is a science that can tell a lot about the personality of any individual.

A person who feels pain in the neck must be aware of the causes of its occurrence.

In the physical plane, the neck is the connecting link between the head and the body, and in the metaphysical plane, it connects the material with the spiritual. If pain occurs, this indicates that harmony is broken between the physical and spiritual spheres or a conflict occurs. For example, from the point of view of psychosomatics, the mind wants one thing, and the body another.

According to psychosomatics, the cause of pain in the neck is self-doubt, which makes you "hide your head in the sand." This happens at the subconscious level. The man presses his head into his shoulders, stoops and looks down. He seems to be afraid to raise his head and look straight ahead. This position of the head is unnatural, and it causes deformation of the cervical vertebrae.

Neck pain can be caused by another common cause - mental anguish. A person experiencing strong feelings feels like a beast driven into a small cage from which he sees no way out. It is tense, and all the muscles of the cervical region are accordingly tense, which causes neck diseases.

Neck pain is a sign of lack of flexibility

According to psychosomatics, the neck is a symbol of the flexibility of thinking. The neck allows you to look up, down, to the sides, look back. If it is difficult for a person to turn his head physically, then he also has internal psychosomatic problems.

Stiffness and lack of flexibility in the neck indicates that the individual cannot say no. Nodding his head in disagreement, he does it under fear, at the subconscious level. This barrier closes the whole view of the possibilities of internal development. Such a person should get rid of the false dependence on the opinions of others and the fear of expressing their opinion.

Another sign of a lack of flexibility in thinking is excessive stubbornness. Unwillingness to admit one's guilt, dissatisfaction with what happened, hidden worries give rise to the following result - it jams the neck.

Also, pain in the neck, due to lack of flexibility, indicates that the individual is afraid to look at what is happening behind him. For example, he is not ready to face the views of others or the injustice around him. Such a person prefers to close his eyes to what is beyond his control.

Psychosomatics of neck pain

Pain in the neck occurs in a person with the following personal qualities:

  • inflexibility;
  • stubborn;
  • rigidity of character and outlook on life;
  • narrow-mindedness (unwillingness to look at the situation from different angles).

Accumulated tension in the neck causes headaches, migraines, irritability, tinnitus, redness of the eyes, tension in the jaw muscles, a feeling of constant fatigue, and also provokes the development of diseases associated with the spine.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis is a disease associated with the destruction of cartilage and intervertebral discs. Psychosomatic researchers have found that the destruction of cartilage can be caused not only by external factors (aging of the body and improper tilt of the head), but also by emotional experiences associated with life's difficulties or inflexibility of character.

Psychosomatics of neck stiffness

The psychosomatics of the neck muscles implies suffering, which is associated with the impossibility of advancing any situation. The person is tense, but does not feel pain. However, after a tense situation, at the recovery stage, a person relaxes and can now turn his head in any direction. However, it is at this moment that he feels the stiffness of the neck. This attack speaks of a psychosomatic clamping of the muscles in the neck.

What causes muscle cramps

Psychosomatics of the neck is a complex, but at the same time very interesting science. Muscle clamps in the cervical region can cause a situation, for example, this:

A new employee is hired in the work department. She begins to like the head of the department, but he is an exemplary family man and therefore tries not to even look in her direction, although he really wants to. In this regard, he experiences some emotional stress. Finally, the girl is transferred to another department. The boss's tension subsides. However, now, in the recovery phase, the man cannot turn his head.

It turns out that due to the restrictions that have arisen, which can be very different (development of business, relationships or new prospects), the neck gets stuck in the recovery phase.

Neck and shoulder clip

Neck and shoulder clamping, which manifests itself as discomfort in the neck, may indicate that the individual is shouldering too much of everything on their shoulders. Also, the psychosomatics of pain in the neck is also explained by the fact that someone "sits on the neck" of a person. Immeasurable anxiety, constant worries and concern for someone lead to a feeling of heaviness in the shoulder and neck region.

Overly responsible people, who without hesitation undertake to help everyone in a row, constantly keep themselves under the yoke of unnecessary and unjustified responsibility to others. To cope with psychosomatic pain in the neck, they should understand what is worth worrying about and what is not worth worrying about. Only in this case, muscle clamps in the neck and shoulders will stop bothering you.

Psychosomatic warm-up for the neck

If the neck is jammed or jammed regularly, a psychosomatic warm-up should be performed. There are basic warm-up exercises for the psychosomatic warm-up of the neck. So, below is a list of some of them.

  • Reveal the contradiction. Any committed action by a person can cause an internal protest. It is necessary to put everything on the shelves, find harmony between body and mind and act in accordance with your life concepts and principles of correctness.
  • Listen to your body's cues. Learn to say no and not be afraid to reject what you don't like. Do it firmly, analyzing the whole situation.
  • Think objectively. Present yourself as a disinterested person. This will help you see the situation from different angles.
  • Accept the opinions of others - be flexible. Try to listen carefully to other people's opinions. Understand that there are several correct points of view, views or decisions.
  • Don't be afraid to show emotions. What disturbs should not remain inside. You need to show courage and speak up about the problem, and not ignore it. This will help keep things from getting out of hand.

Psychosomatic pain in the neck can be completely eliminated. To do this, you just need to be sincere and honest with yourself and with others.

When the neck starts to hurt, then a real hell begins for a person. It is impossible to calmly nod your head, turn it to the sides, and lie comfortably. A lot of the inconvenience caused by this problem lies in the human subconscious. The psychosomatics of neck pain can tell a lot about a person. You can find out what problems are behind this in this article.

A person who feels that his neck hurts should be aware of the causes of its occurrence. First of all, the cause of malaise is a lack of self-confidence. After all, constant uncertainty makes you hide your head in the sand. In other words, the head is pressed into the shoulders. Or stooping, constantly looking at the floor, as if afraid to raise their heads. In any case, such a situation is unnatural.

The neck, by its nature, is a kind of "bridge" that connects the spiritual body with the material. If you do not take care of it, then you can make a lot of problems. It reflects the state of mind in which the person is. In medical practice, the term is also found, unnatural position. This definition of the term often hides cervical osteochondrosis.

Behind the pain is a situation that makes a person suffer. Usually this is due to problems that block the way out of the situation. At such moments, you can feel like a “beast” driven into a corner. And to cope with them, you need to direct your thinking in the right direction.

How to fight for "freedom"?

Freedom in movement, which must be fought for, is built from many "bricks" of self-worth. Having them, a person will be able to get rid of the stress that makes him suffer. Neck diseases are directly related to internal conflicts, which result in painful sensations.

So, the main question is how to fight for "freedom" from pain in order to feel great?

Get rid of unnecessary thoughts that lead to the bottom. Because of them, a person wastes time and health in vain. Meditation, training, smiling and positivity are the keys to healing.

If the situation that surrounds a person greatly worries her, then you need to immediately understand everything. Such matters do not tolerate delay. After all, an attempt to become an outside observer of your life can go sideways.

When there is no way to nod your head approvingly, this indicates an emotional conflict with yourself. A person must cast aside his fears, stop waiting for a "shot" in the back. After all, life is made up of risks that often lead to happiness.

Stiffness and lack of flexibility in movement indicates internal psychosomatic causes. If a person cannot say “no” while shaking his head, then this indicates fear. It's time to boldly step forward and not be afraid to express your opinion. Perhaps the fears are exaggerated and there is a false addiction. It is like a veil, closes the review of opportunities for development.


The psychosomatics of pain in the neck indicates the need for self-love. A person must cast aside his fears in order to be able to "turn" his neck to the sides. Ultimately, you need to believe in yourself and listen to the voice of your heart.

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The word long-necked at the end had three E ...


Alas, sadly, but in relation to our own body, we often behave like bad parents.

When do they pay attention to their child? That's right - only when something is wrong with him: he brings home deuces, hooligans or is sick. And the child gets used to attract attention in this way. So our body also begins to hurt, so that we finally notice it.

Pain signals that something is wrong. Therefore, we can say that it is given to us for the good. After all, pain is a warning, an alarm. It can be compared to an alarm installed on a car.

Through the disease and the discomfort associated with it, the body sends us some very important message. This is a signal that “something is wrong” not only in the bodily sphere, but also in the psychological one. B O Most of the diseases are the result of hidden emotional experiences, and the origins of disorders here must be sought not in the body as such, but in our emotional world. It is not for nothing that they say: "All diseases are from nerves." And when something starts to hurt us, the body in such a strange way warns us that unresolved problems have appeared in the depths of our psyche. They generate tension - and it comes out through pain symptoms. The body seems to be screaming: “Pay attention to me! Look inside yourself - solve your problem!

And it is not by chance that pain occurs in one or another part of the body. There is a relationship between mental conflicts and their reflection in the body. The specialist can make an assumption about what psychological problems are behind the pain sensation. And if this psychological conflict is resolved, then the pain will also disappear. Therefore, recently there are more and more cases when the patient works not only directly with the doctor, but also with the psychologist. In this case, the treatment is carried out much faster and more efficiently.

One common problem is in the neck and upper back area, including the shoulders - commonly referred to as the "collar area". This usually affects the thoracic region. Alas, few people can boast that everything is in order here - most suffer from temporary, or even permanent discomfort in this area.

Typical manifestations are overstrain, inability to relax, a feeling of “stiffness”, muscle numbness, curvature of the spine, aching pain, or even acute ... This can limit mobility, cause discomfort even in everyday life: it is difficult to sit at the workplace for a long time, find a comfortable position for sleep, and sometimes - even just walking!

Usually this is attributed to “osteochondrosis”, “salt deposition” and other reasons that actually have nothing to do with it. Very often, these symptoms occur in very young people. And the origins of the problem are not in the body - but in the psychological sphere. The body is only trying to convey to us these unconscious experiences - so that we understand what is happening in our soul.

So what is this area connected to? What does our body signal through it? What experiences hides? .. What are the psychological causes of pain in the neck?

  1. Neck.

As anatomically, the neck connects the head and torso, and on a psychological level, it also plays the role of a ligament.

The head symbolizes our thoughts, smart Consciousness, intellect, everything that we think and realize ... But feelings and instincts live in the body. Thus, the neck becomes a bridge, a conductor between thoughts and feelings, between instincts, desires, urges - and their awareness ... And this is a very difficult mission. After all, many of our motives, feelings, we do not want to recognize in ourselves. This happens mainly for two reasons.

First: an attempt to maintain self-esteem at a sufficiently high level. Alas, this turns ours into liars. And we lie first of all to ourselves: “I’m not offended!”, “Yes, I’m not jealous!”, “I don’t care”, etc. We do not want to recognize some feelings in ourselves, for example, out of pride.

The second reason is to avoid pain. After all, we are all arranged in the same way - we want to feel good, and we do not want us to feel bad. Even an inveterate masochist does not want to feel bad for him - it’s just that “bad” means “good” for him. Therefore, when we have feelings that cause pain, we begin to drive them away from ourselves.

Psychologists call this mechanism "repression" - we kind of stuff painful experiences into a far, far away attic, and pretend that we don't have them - but in fact they do not disappear from this. And for some time it becomes easier for us - but then they still take their toll, trying to return to us. And they remind of their existence through tension in the neck. And then what happens?

With the neck, we seem to be trying to keep unpleasant feelings and impulses, to prevent them from becoming conscious. And over time, these feelings are more and more. And a huge burden falls on the poor neck. In the cervical region, chronic muscle tension occurs, which at first we do not even feel. Nevertheless, it is already beginning to have negative consequences: the vessels become spasmodic, which disrupts blood circulation, lymph flow, and energy circulation in the body. As a result, the brain receives insufficient oxygen and nutrients - weakness, fatigue, headaches occur, efficiency decreases ...

Energy in the body is distributed unevenly: some areas are recharged, while others are de-energized. For someone, all the energy begins to accumulate in the head, and then there is a feeling of a large, heavy head, "swollen with thoughts." This can lead to problems with increased intracranial pressure, to hypertension. In others, the head turns out to be practically devoid of energy, everything accumulates in the body - this is fraught with low blood pressure, over time - a violation of brain functions, since the brain is undernourished, as well as a disease of internal organs that turn out to be "recharged" with energy, because of this - overstressed.

If you do not deal with feelings, continue not to accept them in yourself, then over time they accumulate more and more - and in the same way, tension in the neck increases. And then there are already painful sensations.

Through pain, the neck tries to tell us: “Pay attention to your feelings!”, “Understand, feel what is happening in your inner world!”

  1. Shoulders.

Here we have responsibility and guilt that arises if we cope with something.

Alas, many tend to take on more responsibility than necessary - and then fail to cope with it, and then there is a painful sense of guilt. There are two types of people who tend to take on extra responsibility.

The first ones simply overestimate their abilities - “And the sea is knee-deep to me!” Therefore, they take on many responsibilities, but they do not have enough time and energy to fulfill them.

But the second is difficult to say "No" and refuse. Therefore, relatives often begin to abuse it - after all, "Who is lucky, they go on that." Such an employee at work often performs a load beyond his duties, because he wants to please or is afraid to offend someone with a refusal. In their personal lives, such people tend to care too much about their relatives and patronize them too much - and as a result, exhaustion sets in here too.

When we don’t cope with something, we feel guilt - this is an automatic unconscious mechanism that our parents taught us in childhood when they shook their heads reproachfully: “Ai-yay-yay!” We guiltily lowered our heads, pulled them into our shoulders, lowered our eyes ... And a feeling of guilt settled in our shoulders.

Therefore, problems with this zone - "stiffness", heaviness, tension, aching pain when working at a computer for a long time, etc. - all this most likely indicates that we are dealing with an unconscious feeling of guilt and a tendency to take on excessive responsibility.

  1. "Withers".

Of course, we don’t have any withers, but this area is sometimes called this - the middle of the back, its very top. She also has a second name - "Actor's Clamp", and she received it not by chance. The fact is that it especially often suffers from actors, because they have to portray those feelings that they do not really experience.

This area is responsible for the masks we put on. Some of them are prescribed by social roles, and there is no getting away from them: for example, if a businessman has an important business meeting, and his child is sick and he is worried about him, the businessman cannot afford the luxury of coming to the meeting in a “disassembled” state, he put on a mask of calm and confidence. Therefore, the "withers" especially suffers from people of certain professions - public persons, those who are always in sight, and who need to constantly "keep face".

But there are people who play in everyday life - and even communicate with loved ones with a mask on their faces. Behind this is not always pretense and a desire to benefit - sometimes one's own self-esteem can be so low that it is impossible to show oneself true even to the closest, for fear of being rejected.

To relieve this area, you need to allow something that would seem elementary, but at the same time very complex: just be yourself ...

  1. The thoracic region is the area between the shoulder blades.

This zone is very symbolically loaded - after all, the heart lives there, and in it - our deepest, true feelings. In certain Epochs, the soul was associated with different parts of the body (the Babylonians placed the soul in the ears, the Eskimos - in the neck ...), but in most systems it was the heart that was considered the repository of the soul.

Here such deep themes as “Who am I?”, “What am I?”, “Does this world accept me?”, “Do they love me?”, “Do I deserve love and acceptance?” And inner doubts - am I needed? do they love me? am i good? - may manifest as pain in this area.

In order to solve the problem that has arisen, the love and support of others is not enough - first of all, such a person needs his own love: self-acceptance and self-respect. Which is exactly what most of us miss. After all, from childhood we are taught to love others - but not ourselves ... But only those who are able to love themselves are ready for true love for another person.


Maria Oraevskaya— certified specialist in body-oriented psychotherapy, family constellation, NLP-master, candidate member of RAPP

“Of course, awareness of one's problem alone is not enough to solve it. But this is already the first step. When we listen to our body, try to understand what it wants to tell us, the body reacts very gratefully to this: our well-being improves, self-acceptance increases, and besides, we get access to our hidden resources. This helps to expand knowledge about yourself, discover unexpected facets of your personality and new strengths.

Irina Solovieva- practical psychologist, trainer-teacher, certified specialist in body-oriented psychotherapy, in bodynamics, candidate member of RAPP

“Resolving an internal psychological conflict helps to cope with the problem at the bodily level as well. However, do not forget that a psychologist cannot replace a physician, and if negative bodily changes have gone far enough, then the help of a doctor is also necessary. The best option is a combination of medical and psychological assistance. After all, a doctor and a psychologist are not competitors, their work can complement each other, contributing to a speedy recovery.”

Prepared by psychologist Irina Solovieva especially for the magazine "Our Psychology"

When a person has a neck pain, the quality of life is significantly reduced. The cause of discomfort is not always associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, some scientists consider the connection of pain in the neck with a psychosomatic component.

Some get rid of discomfort using traditional methods in the form of the use of medicines and ointments, but this treatment gives a temporary effect. If a person has been diagnosed diagnostically as having no problems with the spine, a psychosomatic approach can help.

What does neck pain indicate?

Anatomically, the neck is an intermediate point between the head and the body, and metaphysically, this part of the body is a material and spiritual object. Discomfort in the neck may indicate a conflict between these two components: the “interests” of the head are contrary to the “interests” of the body, feelings require some decisions, and pragmatism dictates its own conditions.

People who do not complain about neck problems are more likely to be in harmony with their own mind and body, or do whatever they want without blaming themselves for it. The neck is a symbol of the flexibility of the mind, as it allows you to look in different directions, look around, etc. If this is difficult to do physically, then there are problems inside.

A person may not want to look at what is happening from different angles and show excessive stubbornness. Maybe he got into an unpleasant situation and does not want to admit it. Containment of anxiety and discontent leads to the fact that the neck simply “jams”. Pain when turning the neck may indicate a fear of what is happening "behind the back." We are talking about the judgmental views of other people, injustice, situations that are out of control.

Opinions of various authors

Different psychologists, researchers, scientists have their own points of view regarding why neck pain occurs in psychosomatics. But they should be considered only if diseases of the musculoskeletal system (for example, cervical osteochondrosis) and other internal disorders are excluded.

Neck pain may indicate internal disharmony, rejection of the problem

Liz Burbo

  • vicious aspirations of a person (unnatural, like the position of the neck in osteochondrosis);
  • repetitive problems that the individual cannot cope with (“vicious circle”), such situations are experienced very painfully and hard.

If the pain syndrome prevents making movements as a sign of denial, then there is a desire in the soul to say “no”, but the person cannot do this. If it is difficult to make a movement as a sign of approval, then something is preventing you from making a positive decision. The neck is a flexible part of the body, and problems with it can indicate a lack of internal flexibility. The neck often hurts those who do not want to give an objective assessment of circumstances and bear responsibility for them.

Such a person does not want to turn back and see what is happening behind. He pretends that he doesn't care, when in reality he doesn't.


The therapist is also convinced that the neck symbolizes inner flexibility. The absence of discomfort in this area suggests that a person is ready to perceive what is happening around him. The tension and hardness of the neck muscles indicate stubbornness, lack of flexibility in a difficult situation, unwillingness to consider different points of view and approaches to solving a problem.


According to the author, the neck can hurt due to a hard, unyielding view of things in a person who does not want to look at the problem from different angles. Again, this is about unbending stubbornness, willfulness, narrowness of thinking. Zhikarentsev offers the following affirmation for relieving neck pain: “I can easily look at events from different angles, there are many options for solving the problem. I feel free and I feel safe.”

Louise Hay

The world famous psychologist L. Hay also believes that pain in the neck is associated with such character traits as stubbornness and lack of flexibility of thinking. The author offers an affirmation: “I can easily deal with all the nuances of the problem. I know that every situation has many solutions. I am in good relations with the World and the Universe.”

Neck pain in the absence of any disease indicates that a person is doing something wrong. Indifference does not allow you to choose the right solution. Man is afraid of what is happening behind him, but this fear is illusory.

Psychologists in such cases advise:

To get rid of neck pain, you need to understand yourself

Thus, the main method of dealing with neck pain is introspection and analysis of the existing problem. It is necessary to analyze the situation "on the shelves": identify negative and positive aspects, determine what inaction can lead to and what needs to be done to avoid negative consequences. You need to find harmony between body and mind, focusing on your own ideas about correctness.

It should be understood that stubbornness and the ability to insist on one's own are completely different things. You need to come to terms with the idea that there are others besides your own point of view. Moreover, other judgments and positions may be correct. You need to learn to listen to other people and consider their opinion. Neck pain is an unpleasant sensation, but you can deal with it by understanding yourself.