Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The last one was on the moon. Lost space technology

Hello. Few people do not know the fact that the Americans are the only earthlings who have been to the moon. It happened almost 50 years ago, on July 16, 1969, when the sensational news about the exit of man to the surface of the Moon circled the Earth. There was no limit to the general joy and jubilation of the people! After a while, the world was filled with photographs, video footage, objects of lunar origin, delivered by the Americans to Earth.

And even years later, the event began to be hushed up and it turned out that this fact was not as unambiguous and transparent as it seemed in those distant times of cosmic romanticism, some facts became known that slightly did not fit into the picture of ideas and caused deep doubts about the lunar achievements of the Americans. What are the doubts? Was there a lunar expansion at all? This will be discussed.

Americans on the Moon

So, the Apollo 11 space complex, which consisted of the lunar module and the Saturn-5 launch vehicle, delivered three astronauts to the surface of the moon: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin (Edwin Eugene) (they were the first and first to descend to the surface of the moon) and Michael Collins (he remained in orbit).

How many times have Americans been to the moon? According to irrefutable data from the US State Department, in the period from 1968 to 1972, Americans under the Apollo program carried out 9 flights to the moon, some of which took place without astronauts landing. A total of 12 Americans have walked on the lunar surface, some of them having reentries.

Photo clickable

The scientific research program has cost the country more than $25 billion - a colossal amount of money even for the richest country.

  • During the program, the US national flag was set, soil samples were taken, video and photo shooting was made, a capsule from the citizens of the Earth was laid on the surface of the earth's satellite. Subsequently, the module launched, docked with the Apollo 11 spacecraft and safely returned to Earth.

  • Of the Soviet space minds, no one doubted the fact of a flight to the moon, except for the general designer Mishin, who replaced Korolev. Here's how the constructor behaved:

"During the live report, he smoked all the time and repeated:" This is impossible, "Apollo" will not be able to break away from the earth's orbit and head for the Moon ... "More details here: .html

  • An authoritative opinion in defense of the American lunar adventures of our respected cosmonauts Grechko and Leonov, designer and cosmonaut Konstantin Feoktistov, who claim that Soviet tracking stations received signals from American astronauts from the Moon. In their opinion, this cannot be fabricated. So did you accept it or not?
  • Lunar soil - regolith weighing 22 kg from the first flight was delivered to Earth and distributed to many world scientific centers. The USSR, among other things, received its share of 25 grams and scientists performed its analysis, the results absolutely confirmed the unearthly origin of the breed.
  • The mass of photographs of the Moon provided by NASA, as well as the flight itself at that time, at the moment of human euphoria, were beyond doubt. Everything was taken beyond suspicion. An exact description of the hours, minutes of the entire lunar expedition looks very reliable. Could ALL of this have been faked? Could a great advanced country have been able to commit a forgery of this magnitude? Well ... I don’t know, it doesn’t fit in the mind ...

Americans have not been to the moon

Today, with the improvement of technology for lunar images and video materials of that expedition, questions began to arise, due to the appearance of some inconsistencies.

  • Quite recently, the Japanese proved the "terrestrial" origin of the regolith provided by the United States, which the Americans, who were cunning for intrigues, only radioactively irradiated in special installations of their laboratories, passing off the earth's soil as regolith!
  • Presumably, there is evidence for this that part of the "moon shooting" was carried out in Hollywood pavilions. Is it only a part? Maybe the majority? The very first fact that comes to mind is the colored flag of the United States waving, which in itself is incredible, because there is no atmosphere on the moon.

  • An analysis of close-up shots and those taken with a perspective showed a different nature of origin. This suggests that some of the pictures were taken from the module, above the surface of the Moon, and some in the terrestrial conditions of the pavilions, where the atmosphere of the Moon was recreated.
  • NASA representatives themselves confessed to the fact of throwing pictures taken in terrestrial conditions, explaining this by the poor quality of lunar negatives. Well, with whom it didn’t happen: a little filmed and a little retouched 🙂 But most importantly, no one knew that in just some 30 years the almighty “Photoshop” would appear. When we added maximum brightness, contrast and magnification to the pictures, stripes of random light appeared in all their glory, previously unnoticed shadows from spotlights, traces of retouching ... The program immediately highlighted all the sins of photomontage!
  • And not so long ago, a new revelation appeared in the press: the Scottish researcher Marcus Allen, analyzing, as it were, real lunar images of two astronauts on the moon, called them fake. He looked at the photo in the reflected glasses of the suit, instead of one, two images. It turns out there were three of them at the time of shooting? But everyone knows from reports that more than 2 people have never descended to the surface of the moon. Again the earthly origin of the photo?! So where are the real ones?

What do the Americans say to all this? Yes, nothing ... as always they turned out ... they referred that some of the pictures taken on the ground were added. Why and for whom were these cartoons made?

I think if a rigging was found in at least one fragment, there is every reason to question all flights.

  • Here you can add the concealment of all genuine videos and photographs of that expedition and the conclusion of all "lunar reports" under the heading "perfect secrecy". And in 2009, a NASA representative finally announced that all the original films and video of the first landing on the moon were lost (only their copies were preserved). Well, is it really so careless representatives of the most unique nation in the world? Somehow it is hard to believe in coincidence ...
  • The well-being of the astronauts after landing and spending eight days in zero gravity (for the first time) is highly suspicious. Brave, fresh and smiling, they appeared before the cameras of journalists immediately after the flight. Then no one could simply know how a person can feel after a space flight of such a length. But already in October 1969, our Gorbatko, upon returning from a flight lasting only about 5 days, could not take a step on his own, he was carried on a stretcher. The Russians couldn't walk on their own, and the Americans are super-hardy, please! No one could suspect a whole state of planetary deception!
  • And the most important trump card that does not speak in favor of the States is the level of equipment of the spacecraft itself at that time. The Americans claimed to have built a new generation F-1 engine, the so-called liquid (kerosene-oxygen), Saturn had five of them. However, rather, there was no special type of engine, just as there is none now, even the design capabilities of modern engines do not allow landing on the moon, and even more so, it was very problematic to do this half a century ago.
  • If yes, there was such an engine, then where is it now? Why, after 50 years, the Americans do not use this sample on their space rockets, but buy our inventions from the Soviet times since the 90s? Just because they are cheaper? And where did the cool Apollos go, which so famously delivered the Americans to the moon? Why were they replaced by even more "advanced" Shuttles, which did not escape explosions over and over again?

And why is the lunar exploration program suspended today? Is it just the financial side of the issue? Have the states fallen so sharply in their financial position in 50 years?

  • And yet, if the flight to the moon took place, then for what reason were 700 employees of the American Space Research Center fired in 1968, and a year after the first flight to the moon, the head of this center himself? After all, success should always be highly rewarded, right?
  • And it’s doubtful that it’s so dashing, to immediately rush to the moon, well, I can’t believe it .... that such progress has been successful in 8 years. And where is he now? After all, then no one could have imagined that humanity would advance so slowly in space exploration. Most likely, the Yankees were sure that flights to the moon would become commonplace, and then they would present the world with a whole pile of evidence ... It was important for them to stake out the first peg on the moon, to demonstrate their, albeit false, success!

You can still cite and cite evidence of exposure and doubt ... It is quite real that Apollo 11, which flew to the moon, separated the lunar module, which took a number of pictures from space. That's all that the Americans succeeded in the exploration of the moon. And everything else - has become a matter of technique and skill. Well, I really wanted to keep up with my opponent in space exploration - the USSR. Although, of course, to deceive the whole world is also no small art.

More and more new possibilities of developed modern technologies are increasingly pointing to the American Lunar fantasy. For this kind of expeditions, the main evidence of their authenticity is scientific research based on photo-film documents. There are no scientific reports, a deep analysis of the materials of the "Lunar Operation" of the USA, which means there was no presence on the Moon!


Americans have not been to the moon! The question is practically on the surface, but the debate still does not subside, due to the fact that each of the parties is now trying to defend only its own opinion. And what about the Americans themselves? They believe that they have no reason to stoop to such disputes. They were on the moon!

And strangely, the fact of the first flight into space of our Yuri Gagarin has never caused dispute and doubt in anyone. Why, years later, with the development of technology and technology, more and more questions arise for flights to the moon ... And why, then, did the USSR not dare to express its doubts, why has this not been done so far? Maybe, nevertheless, in some miraculous way, with God's providence, the Americans were on the moon?

The deeper the first flights of people to the moon go down in history, the more myths and gossip about them arise. More and more sites appear on the Internet, the authors of which, with maniacal zeal, are trying to prove that there was no such event as the CONQUERATION OF THE MOON by PEOPLE in the history of the twentieth century, and the APOLLO spacecraft either did not fly anywhere, or carried robots to the Moon (shod in astronauts' boots) . Photographs and videos with people on the moon are offered to be considered fakes fabricated in Hollywood. As a response to a muddy stream of lies, slander and vile fabrications against the Heroes of Space who conquered the Moon, as an outpost of historical truth, as a tribute to the feat of NASA astronauts, I, cropman, created this site.

History reference: In May 1961, US President John F. Kennedy, speaking in Congress, set a task for his country: to deliver the first people to the moon and return them back to Earth. Two years later, a vile killer cut short the earthly path of this great dreamer. But nothing could stop the audacious Apollo project, which had gained momentum by that time, and the Americans continued stubbornly and persistently to solve the problem set by President Kennedy. Neither technical difficulties nor the death of the Apollo 1 crew during ground tests in January 1967 stopped them. On July 20, 1969, they landed the first humans on the Moon and then successfully returned them to Earth. The age-old dream of mankind has come true! The first people on the moon were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin. Then the Americans carried out five more successful lunar expeditions.

This site contains a collection of direct and circumstantial evidence,
and any arguments in favor of the assertion:

1. For a flight into space (successful or not) in the USSR, cosmonauts were awarded the title "Hero of the USSR". Neil Armstrong flew into space on March 16, 1966 on the Gemini 8 spacecraft. Edwin Aldrin flew into space on November 11, 1966 on the Gemini 12 spacecraft. These flights (around the Earth) have never been disputed by anyone, and if we do not have double standards, then we should consider Armstrong and Aldrin - Heroes. Many astronauts also went to space before they became part of the Apollo program. Question: can the Heroes "in combination" be swindlers, swindlers, falsifiers, cheaters who deceived the gullible and naive humanity? And not individual individuals, but the entire detachment of astronauts, without exception, without exception. You have to be an amputee of conscience to answer - yes, they can. It has long been noted that those who constantly suspect other people of meanness, as a rule, are scoundrels themselves. "Every scoundrel," said V.V. Stasov, "always suspects other people of some meanness."

2. Everyone knows that lying is not good, but many Americans are believers. For them, lies are excluded in principle - a violation of the ninth commandment, for which the Lord can condemn them to eternal torment in hell. Therefore, for me personally, the words of one believer Edwin Aldrin weigh more than the words of all the atheists, and nihilists who are not afraid of either sin or God's judgment, which for some reason are all the unfortunate whistleblowers of NASA known to me.

3. 36,000 NASA specialists and 376,000 contractors directly or indirectly participated in the Apollo program, and none of them have confessed or repented of the lie to this day. But the conspirators must be small, otherwise information leakage is inevitable and the conspiracy is doomed to failure. More than four hundred thousand - a completely absurd number of participants for a successful scam. How did it happen that among the thousands of scoundrels who deceived gullible mankind, not a single traitor was found? The absence of at least one repentant conspirator (lunar snowden) is a gaping hole in the "lunar conspiracy" hypothesis.

4. The authors of the Apollo program are scientists, subjects of Science. These are people of a special kind, they have their own system of fundamental values ​​and priorities (where honor and conscience are not in the last resort). A real scientist is also alien to Mammon, like mathematician Grigory Perelman (who rejected a million dollars). It is impossible for anyone to put together a close-knit team of liars, swindlers, swindlers (authors of the greatest hoax) from such people.

5. The falsification of flights to the moon had no chance of success, because at the same time as the Apollos, Soviet machine guns flew to the moon. The Soviet Union could inspect any of the American landing sites on the moon. AMS Luna-15 landed on the Moon at the same time as Apollo 11, Lunokhod-2 landed on the Moon just near Apollo 17 (~ 175 km). It makes no sense to start a scam that has absolutely no PROTECTION from exposure. Even a pickpocket in the bazaar will not reach into someone else's pocket knowing that he is being watched, that he is guarded. It's better to be left without prey than to be caught.

6. Falsification of flights to the moon could only have a TEMPORARY success. Footprints on the moon remain unchanged for a million years. Sooner or later, the secret will become clear, and then what? A national disgrace, the damage from which will exceed the prize money for winning the lunar race by several orders of magnitude? Didn't the leaders of NASA know Abraham Lincoln's postulate: "You can fool a certain number of people all the time, and all the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time"? Falsification must be immortal (and Lincoln forbade this) or not be born at all.

7. Did the Americans really need a victory in the lunar race? Did they have nothing more to appease their wounded pride? They are already the first in science (in terms of the number of Nobel laureates), the first in the economy (in terms of the gross national product), the first in sports (in terms of the number of Olympics won). Well, they wouldn’t have been able to become the first on the Moon, so ahead of Mars and the entire solar system, there is something to recoup. Is it worth risking reputation for some moon? Whistleblowers clearly exaggerate the degree of motivation of the "lunar swindlers". It was wiser for the United States to pass the next stage of the space race (well, they passed several stages before that) than to go on an insanely risky forgery.

8. By the way, the whistleblowers cannot clearly explain why the falsifiers “overslept” such prestigious space achievements as: the launch of the first satellite, the flight of the first living creature into space, the flight of the first man and the first woman there? Why were the flights to the moon, which are the most difficult to fake, the object of falsification? Where were the counterfeiters with their Hollywood before? It was obviously easier and a thousand times cheaper to fake the first manned spacewalk, for example. And 2 months before Apollo 11, Apollo 10 flew to the Moon. Why did the "scammers" during that flight not announce the landing of people on the moon? Instead, they risked losing priority by allowing Luna 15 to be the first to deliver lunar soil to Earth. They couldn't have known in advance that it would break...

9. Addressing the session of the UN General Assembly on September 20, 1963, President John F. Kennedy officially and publicly invited the Soviet Union to join the United States for the joint implementation of an expedition to the moon. I believe that by rejecting this invitation, the Russians, who at that time overtook America in the space competition "by several laps," deprived themselves of the moral right to revise the results of the lunar race after it was over.

10. On the contrary, the citizens of the Soviet Union have every right to share the triumph of the winners of the lunar race, because without the participation of their country in this race, there would be no people on the moon to this day. It was the superiority of the USSR in space achievements in the era of the first flights into space, which painfully hit the pride of the Americans, forced them to carry out the Apollo program, which was clearly ahead of its time, in order to return to the United States their temporarily lost superiority in scientific and technological achievements. We should not deny the flights to the moon, but be proud of them - without our participation they would not have taken place. That's why in the title of this web page I wrote "People" and not "Americans" flew to the moon.

11. NASA actually proves its worth, "in splendid isolation" (after the collapse of the USSR) exploring the solar system. Mars and Venus, the Jupiter system and the Saturn system have already been explored, recently the Messenger probe began researching Mercury, and the Down probe, having examined the asteroid Vesta, went to Ceres and explores it. Finally, the New Horizons probe made it to Pluto. There is nothing surprising in the fact that it was NASA who delivered the first people to the moon. This is just one, in a series of others, the space achievement of the Americans. Now, if the Republic of Burkina Faso announced the flight to the moon of its subjects, I think understandable doubts would arise, even despite the translation of the name of this African country (the Motherland of Honest People).

12. There are scientific instruments on the Moon - laser corner reflectors, seismometers that fix moonquakes, equipment for measuring the solar wind, detecting traces of the atmosphere and measuring the flow of heat from the bowels of the Moon. Astronomers and selenologists from many countries of the world worked with these devices for a long time (until 1978). Laser corner reflectors are available for lunar location experiments today. These scientific instruments are located exactly at the declared landing sites of the Apollo lunar modules. There is no reason to doubt that they were brought there by members of the lunar expeditions.

13. During six lunar missions, astronauts delivered to Earth about 380 kilograms of lunar soil, which, due to the conditions of its formation (vacuum, cosmic radiation, micrometeorites), cannot be faked. Samples of lunar soil were handed over to scientists from many countries of the world for study, and reports on the research of these samples were published in scientific journals. For example, on April 13, 1972, NASA representatives visited the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The transfer of lunar soil samples delivered by the Apollo 15 crew took place in exchange for lunar soil samples delivered by the Luna-20 station.

14. American scientists who studied the lunar soil delivered by the crew of Apollo 11 discovered minerals unknown at that time on Earth. And only 14 months later, Soviet soil appeared (delivered by the Luna-16 automatic soil sampling station) with the same previously unseen minerals. Also, for the first time, the Americans stated that free iron from the lunar soil does not oxidize in air, which was later confirmed by Soviet researchers who managed to file a patent for the discovery. The incomprehensible ability of NASA "swindlers" to guess new minerals and unusual properties of chemical elements in lunar soil is another insoluble problem of those who deny flights to the moon.

15. In July 2002, at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, there was a daring theft of a safe with lunar soil, committed by student intern Thad Roberts with three accomplices. The thieves were caught trying to sell stolen goods through the website of the mineralogical club. The court took place. The organizer of the theft received 8 years in prison, of which he served 6. I would like to ask those who deny flying to the moon: which of them is ready to serve 6 years behind bars, for the sake of temporarily possessing "fake" lunar soil? Or is the ground still real?

16. The crew of Apollo 12 delivered to Earth some parts of the Surveyor-3 apparatus, which stood on the Moon for almost two and a half years. In particular: samples of aluminum pipes, a piece of glass cladding, wire scraps, a scraper of a mechanical shovel and a television camera. Thus, the most valuable data on space materials science were at the disposal of the creators of new space technology. How could these items have returned to Earth if lunar expeditions are fiction?

17. As a result of lunar expeditions, a huge amount of data was formed in the archives of NASA. These data were later digitized and posted on the Internet at NASA sites. Here is a partial list of these sites:

Magnificent lunar panoramas were made from photographic materials of lunar expeditions, which can be admired for a long time on the monitors of modern computers in full-screen viewing mode. Here they are:

18. On every Apollo flight, the astronauts filmed themselves, the interior of the spacecraft, and views through the porthole on 16mm film. All of these films (digitized, of course) are now publicly available. Google "Apollo 16mm onboard film" and take a look. While watching, pay attention to the duration of the episodes illustrating the state of WEIGHTLESSNESS - episodes often last tens of minutes. But no one has yet learned to create artificial weightlessness on Earth for longer than tens of seconds. The special effects in the movies of those years were very primitive, and computer graphics appeared 20 years later.

19. Apollo 15 commander David Scott, while on the Moon on August 2, 1971, demonstrated Galileo's famous experiment in front of a TV camera, during which a hammer and an eagle feather fell on the lunar soil at the same time. There was no way this could happen in the Hollywood pavilion, because the feather would fall slower than the hammer due to air friction.

20. The astronauts of the Apollo 16 expedition (Young and Duke) brought to Earth images of the Milky Way and some galaxies in the ultraviolet range. These images were taken by the astronauts using a small telescope taken with them on the flight. As you know, ultraviolet radiation does not pass through the earth's atmosphere, so Young and Duke at least traveled outside the earth's atmosphere. By the way, the telescope remained on the Moon, so the first lunar observatory has been waiting for its astronomers for 40 years.

21. Thanks to the seismometers delivered by the astronauts to the Moon, it was possible to set up several active seismic experiments there. Starting from the flight of Apollo 12, the takeoff stage of the lunar cabin, after the astronauts returned to the main block on it, was braked and dropped onto the surface of the Moon. The impact of an apparatus weighing 2.5 tons at the first lunar space velocity (1.6 km / s) was equivalent to an explosion of 800 kg of TNT. And starting with the flight of Apollo 13, the last stage of the Saturn-5 rocket was sent to the Moon. The fall of a stage weighing 15 tons onto the Moon already at a speed of 2.5 km / s produced the effect of an explosion of 10 tons of TNT. At the same time, seismometers on the lunar surface recorded seismic vibrations caused by the fall of steps and lunar cabins. The fall of the third stage of the rocket that sent Apollo 13 to the Moon was a real surprise for selenophysicists: after the impact, the Moon literally hummed like a bell. Seismic vibrations lasted for four hours. There were suspicions that the Moon is hollow inside. On May 13, 1972, a meteorite fell 142 km from the A-14 seismic station, 2 m in size at a speed of 20 km / s. The impact was so strong that a crater with a diameter of 100 m was formed. The instruments at seismic stations A-12 and A-14 went off scale, and at stations A-15 and A-16 (located at 967 and 1026 km, respectively) received records of the strongest moonquake. Lunar seismology simply would not have been born - if the Apollo program were just a hoax.

22. Currently, not only the United States (LRO), but also China, Japan and India are carrying out lunar exploration. The Indian satellite received data confirming the presence of traces of the stay of the Apollo 15 astronauts on the Moon ( And the Japanese Kaguya probe transmitted data to Earth, on the basis of which a 3D model of Mount Hadley was built. It is enough to compare the view of this model from the landing site of the Apollo 15 astronauts with the photograph of Mount Hadley brought to Earth by Scott and Irwin to admit that in Hollywood of the sixties of the last century they could not build a scenery that coincides in great detail with the original located on the Moon (Hadley .jpg).

23. The reality of the Apollo program is best convinced by the development of a similar program in the USSR (by the way, carefully classified and even officially denied by the Soviet propaganda of those years). Only with the onset of the era of glasnost did its details and its name become known: N1-L3. The H1 rocket was inferior in performance to the Saturn-5 rocket, but still could deliver one cosmonaut to the Moon. Unfortunately, "there is no sadder story in the world than the story of ..." our lunar rocket. After four unsuccessful launches, the project was closed. Further tests did not make sense - by that time the Americans had already completed flights to the moon. It was more convenient to pretend that the Soviet Union was not going to risk the lives of Soviet cosmonauts. And so they did.

24. With the advent of artificial Earth satellites (AES), astronomers have new instruments designed to observe them. The largest observatories in the world began to create satellite tracking stations and photograph them. Astronomers have learned to photograph even interplanetary stations, and satellites in low orbits are visible as from orbit - cars on the streets of Moscow. Of course, flights to the moon were also tracked. The photographs have been preserved and are available. Whistleblowers will be able to explain: how did NASA involve astronomers from around the world in the "lunar scam"? Unlikely.

25. In 1958, the International Committee for the Study of Outer Space (COSPAR) was established. COSPAR brings together the leading scientific institutions of many countries and international scientific unions, whose activities are related to space research. COSPAR annually convenes international symposiums on space exploration, which allow summing up the results of space research. In June 1970, the XIII Session of COSPAR was held in my hometown, at which the first man to walk on the moon, Neil Armstrong, made a presentation. The idea that international space experts can be "raised as the last suckers" looks convincing only in the minds of real, and not imaginary suckers.

26. On October 14, 1905, the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) was established in Paris. Today, more than 60 countries of the world are members of this international organization. The FAI provides control over aviation achievements throughout the world, compares them and thereby contributes to the development of design ideas, aviation, aviation sports, and their progress. She also oversees achievements in astronautics and interplanetary flight, recording records in this area as well. At present, the FAI takes into account and registers scientific and technical and record achievements not only of manned spacecraft, but also of automatic stations flying both around the Earth and to other planets of the solar system. NASA had no problem registering the numerous space records set during the Apollo program, although the commissioners of the FAI checked everything carefully and scrupulously.

27. The USSR, by its own means, controlled the progress of the Apollo program. To this end, at the end of 1967, NII-885 specialists created a special control radio engineering complex, which made it possible to receive signals from the American Apollo spacecraft that circled the moon and landed on its surface. This complex used the TNA-400 antenna with a dish diameter of 32 m, which was located in the Crimea, near the city of Simferopol. The spacecraft of the Apollo 8, Apollo 10, Apollo 11, and Apollo 12 expeditions were monitored from December 1968 to November 1969. From these spacecraft, telephone conversations between the astronauts and the Earth and telemetric information about the state of the onboard missions were received with good quality. systems.

28. In this video, the details of the lunar terrain, captured by the Apollo 11 astronauts through the lunar cabin window, are convincingly identified with the details of the latest lunar map related to the descent path of the lunar cabin before landing on the Moon. In 1969, there were no such high-resolution lunar maps, and even Stanley Kubrick could not have created scenery that was 40 years ahead of its time.

29. In this collage, one of the frames of the film, taken by the astronauts of Apollo-14 in February 1971 during takeoff from the moon, is superimposed on a fragment of a modern high-resolution image of the moon. See how the details of the images match. Lunar maps with such a resolution simply did not exist 40 years ago, so it is not difficult to understand that the real lunar surface, and not Hollywood scenery, is visible in the window of the take-off stage of the Antares lunar module.

30. In another collage, one of the frames of the film taken by the Apollo-15 astronauts in the first seconds of takeoff from the Moon is proposed to be compared with a fragment of a modern image of the landing site of the Falcon lunar module, taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter on June 11, 2011. The coincidence of the details of the lunar relief in these images can only be explained by the fact that the real lunar surface is depicted.

31. In April 1972, the Apollo 16 astronauts (Young and Duke), taking off from the surface of the Moon, shot a film, a fragment of which is posted. At the 31st second, a frame appears that can be compared with a fragment of the LRO image - M175179080LR. See how the details of the relief of the lunar surface coincide on these

32. In December 1972, the Apollo 17 astronauts (Cernan and Schmitt), taking off from the surface of the Moon, shot a film, a fragment of which is posted. At the 42nd second, a frame appears that can be compared with a fragment of the LRO image - M129086118LR. See how similar the details of the lunar surface are in these two images taken 40 years apart.

33. A favorite pastime of NASA whistleblowers is to search for photographic materials in the vast archives of lunar expeditions, on which one can indicate the inconsistency of some details with "how it should really be." This is followed by an accusation of photomontage and forgery, and a loud presentation of new evidence of the "moon scam". For example, the flag is not mounted later, because has no shadow. These evidence miners don't realize that 40 years ago scissors were the only photomontage tool! They just don’t know that personal computers appeared 10 years later, and Photoshop 20 years after the expeditions to the moon, which means that to falsify all the lunar photographs of NASA, a whole army of photo editors armed with scissors was required.

34. The world scientific community (with the exception of a few eccentrics) is unanimous in the opinion that the Apollo lunar expeditions are genuine and reliable, and the "lunar conspiracy" hypothesis is the brainchild of amateurs and poorly informed pseudo-experts. However, in fact, there is no single hypothesis of a “NASA conspiracy”, because the whistleblowers cannot agree among themselves in any way, either the Americans did not fly anywhere, or they flew, but only around the Earth, or they flew to the Moon, but they didn’t landed. Until these "skeptics" develop a single version of the "lunar conspiracy", I see no reason to call their contradictory hypotheses a theory.

35. A funny incident happened to the editors of the International Scientific Journal "Vityaz". One of the most notorious haters of the United States (banned indefinitely from Wikipedia), Anton Kolmykov managed to embed his absurd article "How the United States flew to the moon ..." into this supposedly peer-reviewed journal. After several protests from the scientific community, the editors of the journal Vityaz came to their senses and renounced Kolmykov's already published article as anti-scientific heresy. Now issue 6 of this journal is downloaded from its archive in an abridged form (without the ill-fated article). Although the Vityaz magazine is not on the VAK list, it is nevertheless represented in the NEB and should be excluded from there, but the sword does not cut the guilty head.

36. The vast majority of Soviet and Russian cosmonauts, as well as specialists working in space, do not doubt the authenticity of the flights of people to the Moon on the Apollo spacecraft. And no one will ever convince Leonov and Makarov, Bykovsky and Rukavishnikov, Popovich and Grechko, who themselves were preparing for flights to the moon, that this is a completely insoluble technical problem:

"And in open space, so you know, you need protection, a whole meter of lead!
So, they didn’t fly to the moon, to avoid, so that the lethal end!

37. In 2000, the Public Opinion Foundation conducted an all-Russian survey of the urban and rural population (1,500 respondents). To the question: "DO YOU BELIEVE THAT AMERICAN ASTRONAUTS REALLY WENT TO THE MOON?" answered - yes / no, among all respondents - 51/28, with higher education - 62/21, with incomplete secondary education - 38/30, living in Moscow and St. Petersburg - 62/25, living in the countryside - 45/29. Historical truths are not established by voting, but this sociological study clearly indicates the reasons for the distrust of Russians in flights to the moon. This is a lack of education, erudition and culture among the respondents.

38. In the history books of all countries of the world, the first flights of people to the moon are recorded as a historical fact. Despite the numerous cries of the deniers of this fact, whose sites multiply by "cross-pollination", none of the professional historians is going to rewrite their monographs or school textbooks. The status of this event (the flight of people to the moon) in historical science remains unchanged - "fact", not "myth".

39. Encyclopedias in the languages ​​of all peoples of the Earth contain articles on the first flights of people to the moon. An encyclopedia is a scientific reference publication containing information that does not cause any doubts, containing only objectively reliable data. The authors of encyclopedias are usually the most erudite scientists with deep knowledge of the subject they write about. Therefore, in all encyclopedias it is written in black and white that 12 people have been to the moon. And what do you think, are there at least mentions of the "lunar conspiracy" hypothesis in encyclopedias? I could only find such a mention on Wikipedia, if you are more lucky - please let me know.

40. Museums of science and technology in various cities around the world have expositions dedicated to space research. There are exhibits that are material evidence of the reliability of lunar expeditions. Here are examples of such museums: Museum of Science and Industry postage stamps. Interestingly, upon the return of the Apollo 15 crew to Earth, a well-known philatelic scandal took place. NASA officials roughly punished astronauts for bringing mail envelopes on board Apollo 15 in excess of the authorized norm. NASA whistleblowers keep quiet about this incident, because it shows that the moral character of NASA employees was at the right height and incriminating them with super-swindle (deception of all mankind) is a hopeless case.

42. Opponents of human flights to the Moon (a tender epithet of Oleg Oleinik's debunker), or, more simply, NASA haters do not get tired of repeating the thesis that for 40 years no one could repeat not only the flight to the Moon, but even the flight of the Moon. So this thesis of theirs is not true! We can only say that no one WANTED. In the USSR, the Zond spacecraft was created and tested in flight. In fact, this is an ordinary Soyuz, but without a domestic compartment, launched onto the trajectory of a flight around the Moon by a Proton rocket. In such a ship, two weeks before the Apollo 8 astronauts, 2 Soviet cosmonauts were ready to fly around the Moon (the first in the history of mankind), but the management canceled the launch, because the previous Zond-6 ship crashed during landing. Rumors have surfaced online these days that one of two seats on such a ship, which could go around the Moon in 2015, has already sold for $150 million. So the Moon has long been available not only for NASA.

43. The real truth about flights to the moon is contained in the books of S.P.'s associates. Korolev and in the books of chroniclers of the Soviet cosmonautics. Here is a non-exhaustive list of these books:
Boris Evseevich Chertok "Rockets and people. Moon race"
Vasily Mishin "Why didn't we fly to the moon"

Verdict: the opinion that flying to the moon is a blatant hoax is marginal (from the French marginal - on the side in the margins), that is, insignificant, insignificant, secondary, remaining the lot of dilettantes, ignoramuses and charlatans.


P.S. There is no doubt that my collection of arguments in favor of the reliability of the first flights of people to the moon is incomplete. If you know the arguments that can replenish this collection - send them to me by e-mail and they will be published here. But the gentlemen of the refuted need not worry, I have read enough of their fabrications and therefore I immediately SEND them all to a well-known address (I forum I mean, not what you think). Now Available pdf version of Nikomo's book "Anti-Popov", which reveals the anti-science nature of A.I. Popova, as well as my

We will talk about who and how many times made a trip to the moon, what it is like there and whether there are prospects for such “flights”. And about whether these flights were at all ...

The moon plays a very important role in the existence of our planet, the sun, of course, cannot be overshadowed by it, but without the moon it is not a fact that our Earth would be alive at all.

A few words about the moon.

Despite the debate about what the Moon is - a satellite of the Earth or an independent planet, it is now believed that it is a satellite of the Earth.

The moon is a natural satellite of the earth. The closest satellite of the planet to the Sun, since the planets closest to the Sun, Mercury and Venus, have no satellites. The second brightest object in the earth's sky after the Sun and the fifth largest natural satellite of a planet in the solar system. The average distance between the centers of the Earth and the Moon is 384,467 km (0.00257 AU, ~ 30 Earth diameters).

The Moon is the only astronomical object outside the Earth that has been visited by man."

One of the most common versions of the origin of the Moon is that it is the fragments of the celestial body Theia and the earth's mantle that collided with the Earth. “As a result, most of the matter of the impacted object and part of the matter of the earth's mantle were ejected into near-Earth orbit. The proto-Moon gathered from these fragments and began to orbit with a radius of about 60,000 km (now ~ 384 thousand km). As a result of the impact, the Earth received a sharp increase in the speed of rotation (one revolution in 5 hours) and a noticeable tilt of the axis of rotation.

The moon is full of craters. The main hypotheses of their origin are volcanic and meteorite. Craters are given the names of great scientists, celebrities.

They began to study the Moon even before our era, for example, Hipparchus studied its movement. Closer to the 20th century, earthlings approached the issue of mastering the mysterious satellite of the Earth more thoroughly, but it was still far from flying into space. In 1902, the first science fiction film in the history of cinema, A Trip to the Moon, was released in France (it can be viewed at the link at the bottom of the article, duration 12 minutes). People, then still at a naive level, predicted a flight to the moon, fantasized how it could be.

The Russians were the first to explore the expanses of the Moon with their own eyes. In 1959, the Luna stations (1-2-3) went to the Moon.

"September 14, 1959 at 00:02:24, the Luna-2 station for the first time in the world reached the surface of the Moon in the region of the Sea of ​​Rains near the craters Aristillus, Archimedes and Autolycus."

In the same 59th year, the Luna-3 station "obtained" the first photo of the far side of the Moon, flying over a surface invisible from Earth.

"Luna-24" in 1976 brought soil from the surface of the Moon to Earth for important research.

List of US astronauts who have walked on the Moon (12 in total)

Charles ("Pete") Conrad, Alan Bean - 1969 (Apollo 12)

Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell - 1971 (Apollo 14)

David Scott, James Irvine 1971 (Apollo 15)

John Young, Charles Duke - 1972 (Apollo 16)

Eugene Cernan, Harrison Schmitt - 1972 (Apollo 17)

Apollo 11

So, in 1969, the American astronaut Neil Alden Armstrong managed to step on the moon with his feet, albeit in a spacesuit. On July 20, 1969, Armstrong accomplished what mankind has been preparing for centuries, millennia, saying: "This is one small step for a person, but a giant leap for all mankind."

20 minutes later, when Armstrong was already walking peacefully through the craters of the moon, Buzz Aldrin (an American aeronautical engineer, retired US Air Force colonel and NASA astronaut) joined the first person to violate the peace of the moon. This is the second person to walk on the moon.

These two astronauts were part of the Apollo 11 crew.

Apollo 11 (English Apollo 11) is a manned spacecraft of the Apollo series, during the flight of which on July 16-24, 1969, the inhabitants of the Earth for the first time in history landed on the surface of another celestial body - the Moon.

Then the exit to the surface of the Moon of Armstrong and his partner Buzz Aldrin lasted as much as 2 hours 31 minutes 40 seconds.

“On July 20, 1969, at 20:17:39 UTC, crew commander Neil Armstrong and pilot Edwin Aldrin landed the ship's lunar module in the southwestern region of the Sea of ​​Tranquility. They remained on the surface of the moon for 21 hours 36 minutes and 21 seconds. All this time, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins was waiting for them in lunar orbit. The astronauts made one exit to the lunar surface, which lasted 2 hours 31 minutes 40 seconds. The first person to walk on the moon was Neil Armstrong. This happened on July 21 at 02:56:15 UTC. Aldrin joined him 15 minutes later.

The astronauts planted a US flag at the landing site, placed a set of scientific instruments and collected 21.55 kg of lunar soil samples, which were delivered to Earth. After the flight, the crew members and lunar rock samples underwent strict quarantine, which did not reveal any lunar microorganisms.

The successful completion of the Apollo 11 flight program meant the achievement of the national goal set by US President John F. Kennedy in May 1961 - to land on the moon before the end of the decade, and marked the victory of the United States in the lunar race with the USSR.

A lot of materials are devoted to the first steps of people on the Moon: “It happened at 109 hours 24 minutes 20 seconds of flight time, or at 02 hours 56 minutes 15 seconds UTC on July 21, 1969. Still holding on to the ladder with his hand, Armstrong put his right foot on the ground, after which he reported on his first impressions. According to him, small particles of soil were like powder, which can be easily tossed up toe. They stuck in thin layers to the soles and sides of the moonboots like crushed charcoal.

Feet sank into it quite a bit, no more than 0.3 cm. But Armstrong could see his footprints on the surface. The astronaut reported that moving on the Moon is not difficult at all, in fact it is even easier than during simulations of 1/6 of the earth's gravity on Earth.

Pictured are the Apollo 11 astronauts during the moon landing.

"Apollo 12"

The Apollo 12 spacecraft, which launched on November 14, 1969 and landed on the moon - the second face-to-face meeting of a man with the lunar surface, the ship returned to Earth on November 24, 1969. Charles ("Pete") Conrad and Alan Bean are the second astronauts to visit the moon with their own eyes.

Pictured are the Apollo 12 astronauts during the moon landing.

"Apollo 14"

The launch of the ship, whose mission was the third visit to the moon, was made on January 31, 1971. Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell were the third to visit the moon. The astronauts made two trips to the moon, during which they collected several dozen soil samples, a total of 23 kg of samples, brought "moon" trees, seeds that were luggage on the moon and then planted in the forests of America.

Pictured are the Apollo 14 astronauts during the moon landing.

"Apollo 15"

Apollo 15 (eng. Apollo 15) is the ninth manned spacecraft in the framework of the Apollo program, the fourth landing of people on the moon. Crew commander David Scott and lunar module pilot James Irwin spent almost three days on the moon (just under 67 hours).

The total duration of the three exits to the lunar surface was 18 hours and 30 minutes. On the Moon, the crew used the lunar car for the first time, driving it for a total of 27.9 km. 77 kilograms of lunar soil samples were collected and then delivered to Earth. After the flight, experts called the samples delivered by this expedition "the richest catch" of the entire program, and the Apollo 15 mission - "one of the most brilliant from a scientific point of view."

Pictured are the Apollo 15 astronauts during the moon landing.

"Apollo 16"

The tenth manned flight of the Apollo program, the fifth time brought people to the moon, date - April 16-27, 1972, the flight lasted just over 10 days.

“First landing in a mountainous area, on a plateau near the Descartes crater. It was the second, after Apollo 15, J-mission (eng. J-mission) with an emphasis on scientific research. The astronauts (like the crew of the previous expedition) had at their disposal a lunar vehicle, Lunar Rover No. 2.

Pictured are the Apollo 16 astronauts during the moon landing.

"Apollo 17"

This was the final flight of the Apollo program, the sixth and last landing of people on the moon, the third scientific mission - December 7, 1972 - December 19, 1972.

The astronauts made three exits from the ship with a total duration of 22 hours 3 minutes 57 seconds. 110.5 kg of lunar rock samples were collected and brought to Earth.

Pictured are the Apollo 17 astronauts during the moon landing.

In a little over three years, the Americans made 6 landings on the moon, 12 people set foot on the lunar surface.

The latest missions were especially productive in scientific terms: soil samples were obtained, including those with a deep sample using drilling tools, the astronauts “driving” around the Moon with a special rover, made several exits in one flight, walked, left various objects as a souvenir, perhaps for foreign nations.

However, flights to the Moon ended abruptly in 1972, since then only artificial vehicles have touched the surface of the Earth's satellite. Why there are no attempts to fly to the moon now is not clear, because astronautics has reached much greater heights than in the 1970s.

Retreat. The expression “lunar race” mentioned earlier in the quotations is a paramount action that can be translated to a philosophical and political level.

Do you think the Earth is just a planet, with some sections of houses, forests, where people fuss, wanting to win a bigger piece for themselves? And the Moon is an abstract mysterious halo that illuminates our Earth at night and about flights, which you can dream of when you want the unrealizable? Everything in this world (and not only in this, and not only in this Universe is possible), that the Earth, that the Moon are objects of self-affirmation of states, and this is above all.

People have been so permeated by base instincts - the lust for power, greed, vanity, and so on. That is why in the race, who will fly first to the Moon, who will produce more oil on Earth, who will build the coolest skyscraper - everyone is participating frantically, in reality only a couple of states. Two states fought in the lunar race, two special states - the USA and the USSR.

There is another side to this race - nothing comes closer to progress than rivalry, conflict, the desire for self-affirmation. And it is not known where we would be with the exploration of the Moon, if it were not for the hurt pride of states. But progress in this case goes over the heads ... corpses .. and gives an example to all mankind how to achieve their goals.

What did we get with going into space? Scientists will note many scientific achievements obtained thanks to the flight of man into space and to the moon, achievements insanely necessary for the development of both heavenly and earthly expanses. But I think there is one very important achievement, in addition to the material one - we have become less afraid of the unknown. After all, people have lived for centuries in non-existence about the fact that there is Space and this round plate, illuminating the night. People know not only the number of planets in our Galaxy, but also photos of celestial bodies were taken, soil samples were taken, artificial satellites fly around the Earth, etc. The world has advanced, but it was more important for the states not to reduce the fear of the size and filling of the Universe, but who would be the first to put a flag on the moon.

Yes, by the way, there is an opinion that the landing of people during the Apollo expeditions is a falsification.

"Lunar conspiracy" is a conspiracy theory, the central idea of ​​which is the assertion that during the "moon race" during the American space program "Apollo" (1969-1972), there were no landings on the moon, and photographs, filming and other documentary materials of lunar expeditions were rigged by the US government.

If there were no flights to the Moon (in the links under the article there are videos with documentaries about how we could be deceived, subtleties, details, technology), then why did America need all this? The point is understandable - America wanted to be ahead by any means ... And then so many material resources were put into the Apollo program that it was a shame to let the whole world down and not fly to the moon. The whole masquerade was carefully thought out, played well, all those involved signed non-disclosure documents ...

If indeed the Americans were not on the moon, then everything is ahead, and there are plenty of prospects.

Then the 1902 film A Trip to the Moon is right: going to the moon is a big fantasy for the world. We fantasized like a hundred years ago, and today ... It's just that the Americans played a little more believable than the French.

We are still used to thinking that there was a man on the moon. In fact, nothing much will change for most of us if we find out the truth that whether a person has set foot on the moon or not. Therefore, you can believe in any truth.

Do you think there was a man on the moon or not?

Have you ever wondered why, after the Apollo 17 mission, no more people landed on the moon? But almost half a century has passed since that moment (December 11, 1972).

In fact, the reason is quite simple: the costs of such projects are huge, but there is no sense in them. For example, Apollo cost the United States approximately $23 billion. For the 70-80s, this is a lot of money. And now, more than one hundred billion dollars would have to be spent on such a project.

And if at that time there was at least some sense from the Apollo program: many developments moved from the space sphere to the consumer one (for example, Teflon coating was originally used only in rocket science), now such a technical breakthrough is unlikely to be made.

In addition, humanity now has no tasks on the Moon that cannot be solved with the help of robotic probes. Some experts are actively promoting the idea that, they say, the satellite of our planet is full of rare earth metals that you can simply fly in and take with you to Earth. But for this, again, it is not necessary to land a person there, you can get by with a robot.

As for the idea of ​​populating the Moon, there is no urgent need for this yet. The same deserts on Earth occupy 11 percent of the land and it is much more logical to start populating this territory first: there is an atmosphere that protects against cosmic radiation, you can breathe without a spacesuit, and the temperature, although high, is not deadly.

But at the same time, some countries still have plans to send a man to the moon: Japan is thinking of landing its astronauts on the Earth's satellite by 2030. True, they want to make this mission international, because it will cost too much for one country. The purpose of the flight is to study the surface of the moon. At least that's what representatives of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency said.

If you are interested in this topic, then you can read about the cemetery of spaceships.

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On July 20, 1969, American astronauts led by Neil Armstrong made the first flight to the moon. And already in 1972, these flights were discontinued. There were also no landings of people on nearby space bodies. The only objects that left the Earth's orbit were unmanned vehicles. They were created in advance in such a way that they would never come back. That is, for almost 41 years, humanity has been simply winding circles around the Earth. What's the matter? Why did they stop flying to the moon?

If the landing of the Americans on the moon in the early 70s took place, then modern technologies, which far exceeded the achievements of that time, could well have made these flights the most common event. If you get to the Moon from the Earth in a straight line, it will take 10 hours. But the orbit of spaceships is a parabola, which means that the path length becomes longer. Apollo 11 was able to reach the Moon's orbit in 3 days. Why is it so inaccessible to mankind today, why don't they fly to the moon?

Political and economic reasons

There are rather vague answers from scientists, politicians, economists and even historians. Those in power argue that this is not politically expedient. Well, yes, because according to international acts, the Moon is forbidden to be used for military purposes, military bases cannot be placed on it. And all the achievements of modern technologies that we now use in everyday life were created thanks to two races, two competitions, an arms race and a space race. The desire to be the first unites the nation very much, and gives such an impetus to science that it is difficult to cause in other ways.

Economists, in turn, believe that flights to the moon are not economically profitable. Why? Again, based on an international agreement regulating the activities of states on celestial bodies, it follows that the Moon is the property of all mankind. That is, its use and research can be carried out only if this is done in the interests and for the benefit of all countries. The degree of economic and scientific development of states will not matter here. This means that the funds that will be invested in the development of minerals will not pay off.

The reasons are fantastic

But it all sounds like an excuse. Maybe there is something else that is hidden from us, or maybe it is hidden on purpose. What can be on the moon? What closes the way there and forces humanity to revolve around the Earth, fearing to leave its orbit? There are suggestions that the representatives of people were given to understand that each creature should have its own space, that the Moon already has its own owners. And these owners are not going to share, with anyone, their home.

At various times, astronauts have claimed to have seen UFOs on the Moon. For example, astronaut Gordon Cooper has publicly stated that he believes in aliens because he saw their spacecraft with his own eyes. There are also many photographs taken by satellites showing various rather large geometric shapes, domes and so on, appearing and then disappearing. Some domes with lights that flash periodically. There is a photo that shows a cigar-shaped object lying on the ground. There is no object in the other photo in the same place. Finally, there is a statement from one person with the highest level of access to classified NASA files that confirms that UFOs are using the moon. There, space objects from extraterrestrial civilizations really land.

If you believe this, then the answer to the question of why they don’t fly to the moon becomes obvious.