Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Reasons for the congress of princes in Lyubech 1097. Grand Duke Svyatopolk II Izyaslavich (1093–1113)

In the history of Russia, as, indeed, of any other country, there are many gloomy pages when bloody ones caused great disasters for the people and created favorable conditions for invaders of various stripes. It was precisely in such a situation that Rus' found itself at the end of the 11th century due to the strife between Oleg Svyatoslavich, Vladimir Monomakh and Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, the end of which was called upon to put an end to the congress of princes in Lyubech.


To understand what happened in Rus' in the period from 1093 to 1097, it is necessary to start the story with a description of the war of the three sons of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich for the inheritance. In particular, Oleg Svyatoslavich, having called for the help of the Polovtsy, was able to take away from his cousin, Vladimir Monomakh, Chernigov, which had previously been the capital city of his father. Further, the prince took Ryazan and, having killed the Murom ruler Izyaslav in battle, captured his capital, as well as Suzdal and Rostov. Such an act, even in those days, was considered as the greatest crime, and all representatives of the Monomakh family, who managed to win back their estates, took up arms against Oleg. But the external threat looming over the country made the irreconcilable enemies think about how to forget about the contradictions at least for a while and not weaken Rus' with internecine wars.

Participants of the princely congress in Lyubech

The initiator of the collection of the most famous specific rulers of that time was Vladimir Monomakh, the grandson of the Byzantine emperor Constantine IX. Even in his early youth, this prince showed remarkable intelligence and the ability to compromise. In particular, in 1093, having the opportunity to ascend the throne of Kyiv, he ceded it to Svyatopolk in order to avoid war, and in 1094 he voluntarily left Chernigov, as he understood that he could not stand alone against Oleg Svyatoslavich and the Polovtsy. In addition, he was an extremely ambitious man with far-reaching political plans.

Among the princes invited to the congress in Lyubech were the grandchildren of Yaroslav the Wise, Davyd Igorevich, as well as Davyd and Oleg Svyatoslavich. In addition, his great-grandson, Vasilko Rostislavich, was summoned from Terebovl.

Year 1097: congress of princes in Lyubech

The need for a meeting of the most influential rulers of the country is long overdue. However, Vladimir Monomakh could not manage to persuade Oleg Svyatoslavich to come to Kyiv, as he was afraid of an attack. Finally, it was decided to hold a congress of princes in Lyubech. This castle also belonged to Monomakh, but no one lived there for a long time. As the chronicles of those years testify, Prince Vladimir spoke to the brothers and urged them to forget the enmity and stand up for the defense of the Motherland from the common enemy - the Polovtsians.

The results of the congress in Lyubech

After heated discussions, the princes redistributed the principalities as follows:

  • Syatopolk Izyaslavich got Kyiv with Pinsk and Turov;
  • Vladimir Monomakh received Smolensk, Suzdal-Rostov land, Beloozero;
  • Davyd Igorevich was supposed to manage Vladimir-Volynsky with Lutsk;
  • Vasilko Rostislavich, together with his brother Volodar, was given Terebovl, Przemysl and Cherven;
  • Davyd and Oleg Svyatoslavich began to rule in Chernigov, as well as in Seversk land, Ryazan, Murom and Tmutarakan.

Thus, the congress of princes in Lyubech proclaimed the principle of inheritance by Russian princes of the lands belonging to their fathers, and its most important result was the formation in Rus' of a new political system based on the existing large feudal land ownership, concentrated in the hands of different branches.

Subsequent events

Unfortunately, the congress of Russian princes in Lyubech could not lead to the establishment of a lasting peace in Rus', since David Igorevich secretly sent a messenger to Svyatopolk with a message about the allegedly impending seizure of the Kyiv throne by Vladimir Monomakh and Vasilko Rostislavich. This insidious act brought many troubles to our country. The fact is that Svyatopolk, who believed the slander, invited Vasilko to Kyiv, imprisoned him and blinded him. Moreover, there is evidence that Rostislavich was warned about the impending trap. However, he replied that the princes in Lyubech "kissed the cross", so he did not believe that he could be in danger. The actions of Svyatopolk and David Igorevich resulted in a new internecine war that lasted until 1110.

Congress in Uvetichi

In the summer of 1110, princes Vladimir Monomakh, Svyatopolk, Davyd and Oleg Svyatoslavich gathered and “created peace among themselves.” Then they called David Igorevich to court, deprived Vladimir-Volyn principality, but assured that they were not going to take revenge on him. In addition, Svyatopolk gave him Dubna and Chertorizhsk, and the Svyatoslavichs gave him a large sum of money. Since the interests of all sides were taken into account, the internecine war ceased.

Thus, the goal of the congress of princes in Lyubech, which was to achieve a lasting peace in Rus', was not achieved due to the ambitions of some of its participants.


congress of Russian princes, held in the city of Lyubech (on the Dnieper) in order to agree on an end to inter-princely strife over appanages and to rally against the Polovtsians who were devastating Rus'. On L. s. 6 princes were present. Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, as the eldest, was left Kyiv with Turov and Pinsk and led the title. prince; Vladimir Monomakh - Pereyaslav Prince, Suzdal-Rostov land, Smolensk and Beloozero, Oleg and David Svyatoslavich - Chernigov and the entire Seversk land, Ryazan, Murom and Tmutarakan, David Igorevich - Vladimir-Volynsky with Lutsk, Vasilk Rostislavich (with his brother) - Terebovl, Cherven, Przemysl. L. s. proclaimed the principle of inheritance by the princes of the lands of their fathers ("everyone and keep his fatherland"). This decision stated the presence of a new political building in Rus', the basis of which was the existing large feud. land ownership. However, L. s. could not give real guarantees of the implementation of their decisions. Right after L. page. David Igorevich, with the consent of Svyatopolk, blinded Vasilko Rostislavich, which led to new internecine wars between the princes.

Lit .: Grekov B. D., Kievan Rus, M., 1953; Rybakov B. A., First centuries of Russian. history, M., 1964; Budovnits I. U., Socio-political. thought of Ancient Rus' (XI-XIV centuries), M., 1960.

G. S. Gorshkov. Moscow.

Soviet historical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ed. E. M. Zhukova. 1973-1982 .

See what "LUBECH CONGRESS 1097" is in other dictionaries:

    The congress of Russian princes, held in the city of Lyubech (on the Dnieper), in order to agree on an end to inter-princely strife over appanages and to rally against the Polovtsians who were devastating Rus'. On L. s. (according to The Tale of Bygone Years) there were 6 ... ...

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    ANCIENT Rus'- (Old Russian state in), the oldest state in the east. Slavs, formed in the IX X centuries. and stretching from the Baltic coast in the north to the Black Sea steppes in the south, from the Carpathians in the west to Sr. Volga region in the east. His education and development Orthodox Encyclopedia

    - (1050 1113) Prince of Polotsk (1069 70), Novgorod (1078 88), Turov (1088 1093), Grand Duke of Kyiv (1093 1113), son of Grand Duke Izyaslav Yaroslavich. Participated in the Lubech Congress of 1097 (See Lubech Congress of 1097) princes, after ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    An early feudal state of the 9th and early 12th centuries that arose in Eastern Europe at the turn of the 8th and 9th centuries. as a result of the unification of the East Slavic tribes, the ancient cultural center of which was the Middle Dnieper region with Kyiv at the head. K.R.… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Early feud. state at 9 early. 12th century, prevailing in the East. Europe at the turn of the 8th and 9th centuries. on the basis of east glory. tribes, ancient cult. the center of which was the Middle Dnieper region with Kyiv at the head. K. R. covered a huge territory. from the Taman Peninsula to the south, the Dniester ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

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  Lyubech Congress (1097)- the congress of Russian princes, held in the city of Lyubech (on the Dnieper River) in order to agree on an end to inter-princely strife over appanages and to rally against the Polovtsians who were devastating Rus'. The immediate reason for the congress was the need to conclude peace with Oleg Svyatoslavich, against whom Svyatopolk Izyaslavich and Vladimir Monomakh had been fighting since 1094.

Vladimir Monomakh, who during the life of his father was his right hand in Chernigov, participated in the devastating battle for the Russians on Stugna (1093), and in 1094 Oleg Svyatoslavich, with the support of the Polovtsy, expelled Vladimir from Chernigov. Svyatopolk Izyaslavich of Kyiv came to the aid of Vladimir, but the Polovtsy attacked the southern borders of Rus'. In 1096-1097, Mstislav Vladimirovich with the Novgorodians and Vyacheslav Vladimirovich with the Polovtsians fought Oleg for Mur, Ryazan, Suzdal and Rostov, defeating him at Koloksha. Mstislav, as Oleg's godson, interceded not to deprive him of the Russian land before his father and called him to make peace.

At the Lyubech Congress (according to The Tale of Bygone Years) 6 princes were present and a decision was made: “ Keep your eyes peeled«.
- Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, as the eldest, was left Kyiv with Turov and Pinsk and the title of Grand Duke;
- Vladimir Monomakh - Pereyaslav principality, Suzdal-Rostov land, Smolensk and Beloozero;
- Oleg and Davyd Svyatoslavichs - Chernigov and Seversk land, Ryazan, Murom and Tmutarakan;
- Davyd Igorevich - Vladimir-Volynsky with Lutsk;
- Vasilko Rostislavich (with his brother) - Terebovl, Cherven, Przemysl.

In fact, the decision only sharply redistributed possessions between Vladimir Vsevolodovich and the Svyatoslavichs in favor of the latter.

The congress proclaimed the principle of inheritance by the princes of the lands of their fathers, that is, the rights to inherit each of the several principalities that had developed at that time were limited to the framework of a certain branch of the Rurik dynasty. This stated the existence of a new political system in Rus', the basis of which was the existing large feudal landownership. According to the BDT, the Svyatoslavichs, who received the vast Chernigov Principality by decisions of the congress, were excluded from the heirs of Kyiv.

Immediately after the Lyubech congress, which stopped civil strife on the left bank of the Dnieper, a war began for the southwestern volosts (1097-1100) - with an unprecedented blinding of Rurikovich (Vasilko Rostislavich by Davyd Igorevich) at that time. During the war, Davyd tried to capture the principality of Vasilka, and Svyatopolk - Volhynia, Przemysl and Terebovl. As a result, the Rostislavichs managed to defend their possessions, and Volyn passed from Davyd to Svyatopolk by decision of the new

congress of Russian princes, held in the city of Lyubech (on the Dnieper) in order to agree on an end to inter-princely strife over appanages and to rally against the Polovtsians who were devastating Rus'. On L. s. (according to The Tale of Bygone Years) 6 princes were present. Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, as the eldest, was left Kyiv with Turov and Pinsk and the title of Grand Duke; Vladimir Monomakh - Pereyaslav principality, Suzdal-Rostov land, Smolensk and Beloozero; Oleg and David Svyatoslavich - Chernigov and Seversk land, Ryazan, Murom and Tmutarakan; David Igorevich - Vladimir-Volynsky with Lutsk; Vasilko Rostislavich (with his brother) - Terebovl, Cherven, Przemysl. L. s. proclaimed the principle of inheritance by the princes of the lands of their fathers. This decision stated the existence of a new political system in Rus', the basis of which was the existing large feudal landownership. However, L. s. could not give real guarantees of the implementation of their decisions. Right after L. page. David Igorevich, with the consent of Svyatopolk, blinded Vasilko Rostislavich, which led to new wars between the princes.

Lit.: Grekov B. D., Kievan Rus, M., 1953; Rybakov B. A., First centuries of Russian history, M., 1964.

G. S. Gorshkov.

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  • - a meeting of representatives of any organizations or groups of the population, figures in any field, etc.; in a number of organizations, S. is the highest body ...

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  • - ; pl. eat / hello, R ....

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  • - ...

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  • - Roof ramp. Jarg. they say Shuttle. Insanity, a state close to insanity. FL, 43-44; Mokienko 2003, 116...

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  • - ...

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  • - Cm....

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"Lyubech Congress 1097" in books


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1097 IRLI. Marcoutier archive. F. 246. No. 35.

CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Discord in the SEP. - "Right", "left" and "left center". - A. F. Kerensky. - Departure of the Cadet ministers and the Kornilov conspiracy. Democratic Conference. - October. - Fourth Congress of the AKP. - The breakaway of the "left s. - r-s. - All-Russian Congress of Peasants' Deputies. - Petrograd Soviet and

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CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Discord in the SEP. - "Right", "left" and "left center". - A. F. Kerensky. - Departure of the Cadet ministers and the Kornilov conspiracy. Democratic Conference. - October. - Fourth Congress of the AKP. - The breakaway of the "left s. - r-s. - All-Russian Congress of Peasants

Chapter 42 The vigorous activity of the Committee for Assistance to the Amnestied. The Social Revolutionaries convene a peasant congress. The role of P.D. Yakovlev at this congress. May Congress of the Socialist Party. - revolutionaries in Moscow. My Petrograd impressions. Subversion is great

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Chapter 42 The vigorous activity of the Committee for Assistance to the Amnestied. The Social Revolutionaries convene a peasant congress. The role of P.D. Yakovlev at this congress. May Congress of the Socialist Party. - revolutionaries in Moscow. My Petrograd

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1097 - Lubech Congress

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1097 - Lyubech Congress Dying in 1093, Vsevolod Yaroslavich asked to put his coffin near the tomb of his father - such was the will of Yaroslav the Wise, who once said to his son: “When God sends you death, lie down where I lie down, at my tomb, because I love you more than your brothers."

"Congress of the Winners", also known as the "Congress of the Executed"

From the book The Rise and Fall of the "Red Bonaparte". The tragic fate of Marshal Tukhachevsky author Prudnikova Elena Anatolievna

"Congress of the victors", also known as the "congress of the executed" So, the confrontation grew. On the other hand, by 1934 it became clear that the policy of the authorities justified itself. The country was gradually getting out of ruin, not the one that, in the words of Professor Preobrazhensky, “not in closets, but

Lyubech Congress of Princes in 1097

From the book Domongolian Rus in the annals of the 5th-13th centuries. author Gudz-Markov Alexey Viktorovich

Lyubech congress of princes in 1097. 1097 came. It was a significant year for Russian history. The events of 1096 convinced the Yaroslavoviches of the need to come together and get organized. Lyubech, which stood at the junction of Kyiv, Chernigov and Smolensk lands, was chosen as the place of the congress.


From the book 500 famous historical events author Karnatsevich Vladislav Leonidovich

Lyubechsky CONGRESS Before his death, Yaroslav the Wise divided the Russian land between his sons, thus initiating feudal fragmentation. The eldest son Izyaslav Yaroslav gave Kyiv and Novgorod, the second son Svyatoslav - Chernigov, the third - Vsevolod - Pereyaslavl

1097 Lubech Congress of Princes

From the book Chronology of Russian History. Russia and the world author Anisimov Evgeny Viktorovich

1097 Lubech Congress of Princes Prince Vsevolod died in 1093. By the time of his death, his son, Prince Vladimir Monomakh of Chernigov, was considered the most likely candidate for the Kyiv throne. But he did not dare to take the place of his father and gave way to his cousin Svyatopolk Izyaslavich

author Commission of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b)


From the book Reader on the history of the USSR. Volume1. author author unknown

33. LYUBECH CONGRESS IN 1097 From The Tale of Bygone Years according to the Laurentian List, St. Petersburg 1910. In the summer of 6605. Svyatopolk and Volodimer2 and Davyd Igorevich3 and Vasilko Rostislavich4 and Davyd Svyatoslavich, and his brother Oleg5, and having taken pictures of Lyubyachi6 came to the dispensation the world, but the verb to yourself,

3. The first results of the NEP. XI Party Congress. Formation of the USSR. Lenin's illness. Lenin's cooperative plan. XII Party Congress.

From the book A Brief History of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks author Commission of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b)

3. The first results of the NEP. XI Party Congress. Formation of the USSR. Lenin's illness. Lenin's cooperative plan. XII Party Congress. The implementation of the NEP met with resistance from the unstable elements of the party. Resistance came from two sides. On the one hand, the "leftists"


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2. XX CONGRESS OF THE CPSU. STRENGTHENING AND DEVELOPMENT OF LENIN'S NORMS OF PARTY AND STATE LIFE. XIX CONGRESS OF THE COMPUTER PARTY OF UKRAINE The tasks of the further struggle of the party and the people for the building of communism in the coming five

Lubech congress 1097

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (LU) of the author TSB
Pre-Mongol Rus in chronicles of the 5th-13th centuries. Gudz-Markov Alexey Viktorovich

Lyubech Congress of Princes in 1097

The year 1097 came. It was a significant year for Russian history. The events of 1096 convinced the Yaroslavoviches of the need to come together and get organized. Lyubech, which stood at the junction of Kyiv, Chernigov and Smolensk lands, was chosen as the place of the congress.

Svyatopolk II, Vladimir II, David Igorevich, their cousin Vasilko Rostislavovich and Oleg and David Svyatoslavovich drove into Lyubech on a drawbridge. They were the grandchildren of Yaroslav the Wise. In their hands were the integrity and prosperity of Rus'.

At the congress in Lyubech, heartfelt speeches were made about the structure of the world and about how “we are almost destroying the Russian land”, and the Polovtsy “carry our land separately.”

The Yaroslavovichi decided that everyone holds their fatherland. Svyatopolk II sits in Kyiv, on the table of Father Izyaslav. Vladimir II keeps the lot of his father Vsevolod. And Oleg, David and Yaroslav Svyatoslavovich sit in the cities that previously belonged to Svyatoslav Yaroslavovich.

David Igorevich was supposed to sit in Vladimir Volynsky. And two Rostislavovichs - Volodar and Vasilko - kept Przemysl and Terebovl.

The princes kissed the cross and, dispersing, declared, “Yes, if from now on someone will stand on someone, then we will be honorable to cross.” But to the great sadness of Rus', the intentions of the Yaroslavovichs did not always correspond to their deeds. And the more the Yaroslavovich tribe multiplied, the more smaller were not only the destinies, but also the affairs of the princes.

Lyubech. According to B.? A.? Rybakov

His entourage, greedy for estates, assured David Igorevich that Vladimir II Monomakh had agreed with Vasilko Rostislavovich to encroach on Svyatopolk II and on David himself.

David believed this all the more readily because his Volyn lands bordered on the Galician possessions of the Rostislavoviches. In a conversation with Svyatopolk II, David recalled that Yaropolk Izyaslavovich, the younger brother of the Kyiv prince, was killed by the Rostislavovichi in 1088. And "Stopolk is confused by the oum."

On November 5, 1097, Vasilko Rostislavovich crossed to the right bank of the Dnieper, to the Vydobychi monastery, and went to the church of Michael to bow to the icons. They began to call Vasilko to Kyiv, and the unsuspecting prince went to the capital.

On the road, Vasilko met a youth. He told the prince "to want you". Vasilko did not believe and made a fatal mistake. But was he to blame?

Vasilko Rostislavovich was blinded and "laid down and on a stake like the dead and carried Volodymyr" (to Vladimir-Volynsky, the city of David).

When the cart with the blinded prince was passing through the city of Zdvizhen, on the bridge, near the local tradesman, they pulled off Vasilko's bloody shirt and let him wash his hits.

In Vladimir-Volynsky, half-dead Vasilko was put in the courtyard of the boyar Vakey and guards were assigned, led by the princely youths Oulan and Kolcha.

Upon learning of Vasilko's blindness, Vladimir II was horrified and wept. Coming to his senses, the prince said: "This was not to eat, oh the Russian land, neither under our grandfathers, nor under ours any evil."

Vladimir II got in touch with Oleg and Davyd Svyatoslavovich and invited them to meet at Gorodets Ostersky. The prince ordered the messenger to convey to the Svyatoslavoviches the words: “We have brothers who have thrown a knife into us, and even if we can’t fix this, the evil will rise up in us and begin to take our brother to kill and the Russian land will perish.”

The princes have arrived. They sent to Kyiv to Svyatopolk II with the question of what he had done by blinding his brother. A messenger arrived from Kyiv and explained that David was guilty and that it was he who assured Svyatopolk II that Vasilko intended to take possession of Turov, Pinsk, Berestye and the cities of the Gorynya (standing on the Goryn River) and agreed with Vladimir II that he would land in Kyiv, and Vasilko - in Vladimir-Volynsky, on the table of David.

Svyatopolk II ordered to convey: "... and it was not a tongue that blinded him, but Dvd." They sent to Kyiv to say that they blinded Vasilko not in the city of David, but in Kyiv.

In the morning, Vladimir II with Oleg and Davyd Svyatoslavovich gathered on the right bank of the Dnieper. Svyatopolk II, seeing the boats and banners of the brothers, was getting ready to leave the capital. The Kievans did not release the prince and sent ambassadors to the left bank of the Dnieper with a plea not to destroy Rus' and with a reminder of the vigilant Polovtsy.

Vladimir II, having heard the reproaches of the people of Kiev, sincerely wept again. Finally, the wife of Monomakh went to Kyiv, and they decided that Svyatopolk II himself would go against David.

And David, having heard about what was happening in Kyiv, began to promise the blind Vasilko a city to choose from: Vsevolozh, Shepol, Peremil. And at the same time, David tried to seize Vasilko's inheritance, but Volodar Rostislavovich closed the road.

David locked himself in the city of Buzhsk. Volodar took the city under siege. In negotiations with Volodar, David shifted the blame for blinding Vasilko to Svyatopolk II. In the end, Vasilko ended up in his city of Terebovlya, but no one could restore the prince's sight.

When David arrived in Vladimir-Volynsky, Volodar and Vasilko Rostislavovich approached the nearby city of Vsevolozh. Vsevolozh was "taken with a spear" and burned. Vasilko ordered the flogging of innocent people. Following that, the brothers approached the walls of Vladimir-Volynsky.

The townspeople were sent to say that they had come not to them, but to “Turyak. and on Lazor and on Vasil, for the essence, they said Dvda. It became known that these boyars were not in the city. Earlier they were sent to Lutsk. Turyak fled from Lutsk to Kyiv, while Lazor and Vasil ended up in the city of Turiysk. They were given to the Rostislavovichs. The boyars Lazor and Vasil were hanged and shot with arrows.

Meanwhile, Svyatopolk II came to Berestye with the intention of expelling David from Volhynia. David turned to Vladislav I of Poland for help. David spiced up the request with fifty gold hryvnias.

The Poles took the gold, approached the banks of the Western Bug and began to reconcile the princes.

Svyatopolk II, having obligations to Monomakh and Svyatoslavovichi, showed inflexibility, and Vladislav I had to tell David "not to listen to me Stopolk".

David returned from Berestye to Vladimir-Volynsky, and Svyatopolk II went to collect soldiers. The prince visited Pinsk and Dorogobuzh and, having gained enough strength, set out for Vladimir-Volynsky.

The siege of the capital Volhynia took Svyatopolk seven weeks. Finally, David left the city, moved to Cherven and hid in Poland.

Svyatopolk II occupied Vladimir-Volynsky and began to hunt for Volodar and Vasilko Rostislavovich. Soon there was a battle, and Svyatopolk II lost it to the Rostislavovichs. Svyatopolk returned from the borders of Galicia to Vladimir-Volynsky with two sons and with the son of Davyd Svyatoslavovich (Chernigov), nicknamed the Saints for his piety.

Leaving for Kyiv, Svyatopolk II left in Vladimir-Volynsky a son from his concubine - Mstislav. Another son of Yaroslav Svyatopolk II sent to Hungary, to the court of King Koloman "vabya Ougry na Volodar". And a new bloody plot from Russian history began to spin.

Yaroslav with Koloman and with the Hungarian regiments approached the walls of Przemysl. Volodar Rostislavovich closed in that city. At the same time, David Igorevich arrived from Poland. This prince placed his wife at Volodar's, with a temporary ally, and he himself went to the Polovtsy in the steppe.

Khan Bonyak himself met David, and everything was agreed to the general pleasure.

In the battle that began, the Hungarians had 100,000 soldiers. The strength is great. The Polovtsy "knocked Ougry into the ball, like a falcon to the Galitsa to kill and run away Ougre and many a heist ou Vyagra, friends to Sana." 40,000 Hungarians were killed in the battle.

And all these events took place in 1097, the year of the congress of the Yaroslavoviches in Lyubech.

Yaroslav fled to Poland through Berestye, and David occupied the cities of Suteisk and Cherven and suddenly appeared under the walls of Vladimir-Volynsky. By that time, Beresteyans, Pinyans and Vyshgorodtsy fled from Mstislav, who was sitting in the capital of Volyn. Mstislav climbed the defensive wall of the city and "suddenly hit under the bosom with an arrow, on the fence with a well." Mstislav died at night.

Residents of Vladimir-Volynsky sent a messenger to Kyiv to Svyatopolk II, demanding help. Without support, the city would have been forced to surrender to David.

The Grand Duke of Kyiv sent the voivode Putyata to Volhynia. The governor arrived in Lutsk and found Svyatosha there, the son of Davyd Svyatoslavovich of Chernigov.

The events described took place in August 1097.

When the inhabitants of Vladimir-Volynsky noticed the banners of Svyatosha and Putyata approaching from Lutsk, they left the city and attacked David. Tom had no choice but to run away from the city.

In Vladimir-Volynsky, the mayor of Svyatopolk II Vasily was imprisoned. Svyatosha returned to Lutsk, and Putyata left for Kyiv.

And David Igorevich for the second time in a year sat in the tent of Khan Bonyak. It did not take long to persuade the Polovtsy, and soon their camp was spread out under the walls of Lutsk. The saint left the city and went to his father in Chernigov. David captured Lutsk. Posadnik Vasily himself ran out of Vladimir-Volynsky, and David regained the capital of Volyn.

With this, the campaign of 1097 was completed.

In 1098, Vladimir II came together with Davyd and Oleg Svyatoslavovich "ou Gorodets" against Svyatopolk II. But everything went smoothly. The year went relatively smoothly. In Pereyaslavl, Vladimir II founded a stone church in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In 1098, at the confluence of the Oster River with the Desna, Vladimir II founded a fortress. It was the future stronghold of the Rostov-Suzdal reign in Southern Rus'.

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"Congress of the victors", also known as the "congress of the executed" So, the confrontation grew. At the same time, by 1934 it became clear that the policy of the authorities justified itself. The country was gradually getting out of ruin, not the one that, in the words of Professor Preobrazhensky, “not in closets, but in

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1097 - Lyubech Congress Dying in 1093, Vsevolod Yaroslavich asked to put his coffin near the tomb of his father - such was the will of Yaroslav the Wise, who once said to his son: “When God sends you death, lie down where I lie down, at my tomb, because I love you more than your brothers."


Quarrels of princes from 1078 to 1097 Are you, of course, surprised, my readers, that Grand Duke Izyaslav Yaroslavich died in battle with his nephews? But, unfortunately, it was true: the children followed the example of their fathers, and how unfriendly the sons of Yaroslav lived among themselves, they lived in the same way.

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Congresses of princes From 1097 to 1113, the princes, in order to stop constant quarrels for their possessions, gathered for a council in the city of Lyubech, which lay on the banks of the Dnieper. In addition to the Grand Duke of Kyiv, Svyatopolk II Izyaslavich, Monomakh, Oleg, Volodar and Vasilko Rostislavich arrived there, and

author Ishimova Alexandra Osipovna

Quarrels of princes 1077-1097 Are you surprised, of course, that Grand Duke Izyaslav Yaroslavich died in battle with his nephews? But, unfortunately, it was true: the children followed the example of their fathers, and just as the sons of Yaroslav did not agree with each other, so did his grandchildren. Most

From the book History of Russia in stories for children (volume 1) author Ishimova Alexandra Osipovna

Congresses of princes 1097-1113 The princes, regretting the misfortunes of the fatherland and seeing their incessant quarrels for possessions, decided to make peace and for the first time gathered for a council in the city of Lyubech, which lay on the banks of the Dnieper. In addition to the Grand Duke of Kyiv Svyatopolk II Izyaslavich,

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"Congress of the victors", also known as the "congress of the executed" So, the confrontation grew. On the other hand, by 1934 it became clear that the policy of the authorities justified itself. The country was gradually getting out of ruin, not the one that, in the words of Professor Preobrazhensky, “not in closets, but

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2. Chronology of the Grand Dukes of Vladimir, Grand Dukes

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1097 Lubech Congress of Princes Prince Vsevolod died in 1093. By the time of his death, his son, Prince Vladimir Monomakh of Chernigov, was considered the most likely candidate for the Kyiv throne. But he did not dare to take the place of his father and gave way to his cousin Svyatopolk Izyaslavich

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33. LYUBECH CONGRESS IN 1097 From The Tale of Bygone Years according to the Laurentian List, St. Petersburg 1910. In the summer of 6605. Svyatopolk and Volodimer2 and Davyd Igorevich3 and Vasilko Rostislavich4 and Davyd Svyatoslavich, and his brother Oleg5, and having taken pictures of Lyubyachi6 came to the dispensation the world, but the verb to yourself,

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