Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Passing score to the Minsk Linguistic College.


  • Region: Minsk Region
  • Locality::Minsk
  • Type of ultrasound: General education institutions (schools)
  • Type of ultrasound: Education
  • The address:

    st. International, 40

  • Phones:
  • Email:[email protected]

The basis for the appearance among the special educational institutions of Minsk MGL Gymnasium - College No. 24 was an agreement on joint activities and cooperation between the Minsk State Linguistic University and the EE "MGL Gymnasium - College No. 24 of Minsk with in-depth study of English and German languages.
The main idea of ​​creating an institution that guarantees the receipt of secondary specialized education was to enable students of the city of Minsk and the Minsk region, who are interested in learning a foreign language at a professional level, to gain solid knowledge and decide on the correctness of their professional choice.
Today the college is a modern secondary specialized educational institution, which is very popular not only among teenagers-ninth-graders of the city of Minsk, but also among schoolchildren of the Republic of Belarus.

The procedure for admission to gymnasium classes

Entrance tests in writing:
Belarusian language (dictation);
mathematics (test);
Russian language (dictation);
Start of work at 12.00.

One astronomical hour is allotted for the entrance examinations.

On the day of the first entrance examination, the following documents are submitted to the selection committee:
1. Statement of parents
2. Student's personal file
3. Certificate of health of the child

Admission of students to the college for full-time education in the specialties:
"Foreign language" (English, German), qualification - teacher (60 people), profile code 2-020308

"Document science and document management", qualification - assistant secretary (30 people), profile code 2-210601-02
Forms of study:
- daily budget basis;
- daily paid basis;

Study period: 3 years, 10 months

- on the basis of general basic education at the expense of the budget - until August 10;
- on terms of payment - until August 15;

Admissions office working hours:
1 shift - 9:00 - 13:00
2nd shift - 14:00 - 18:00

Entrance exams
Specialty: "Foreign languages" (qualification - teacher);

- in a foreign language (testing and oral interview).

Specialty: "Document science and documentary support of management" (secretary-assistant):
- history of Belarus (orally);
- in Belarusian or Russian (dictation);

Required documents:
1. An application addressed to the director in the prescribed form (filled in by the applicant upon submission of documents).
2. Original document on basic education.
3. 6 photos for 3X4 documents.
4. Medical certificate in the form established by the Ministry of Health.
5. Documents confirming the applicant's right to benefits upon admission to study.

When submitting documents, have:
1. Folder - folder with 3 files.
2. Notebook in a cage (1 pc.)
3. Lined notebook (1 pc.)

The passport is presented by the applicant to the selection committee in person. Admission to the college is carried out on a competitive basis, in proportion to the submitted applications in accordance with the number of points scored by applicants in competitive entrance examinations. The scholarship is awarded in the prescribed manner.

Address: 220030, Minsk, st. International, 40, 289-19-88 (director), 328-66-73 (reception).

Information about entrance examinations in a foreign language at the MGL gymnasium-college No. 24

At the entrance examinations in foreign languages, the practical knowledge of the following types of foreign language communicative activities is checked by applicants:
- speaking (in dialogic and monologic forms);
- reading (introductory, in order to obtain basic information from what has been read, and studying, in order to fully understand the text);

The foreign language exam is held in three stages:
- lexical and grammatical test - 50 minutes;
- reading test - 40 minutes;
- conversation on the situation;
The applicant must have the following amount of knowledge, skills and abilities in foreign languages ​​within the language material and topics determined by the general secondary school program.


The test of speaking skills provides for a conversation with the applicant without prior preparation on the proposed situation indicated in the ticket for a foreign language.
A conversation on the situation should reveal the personal attitude of the applicant to the problem under discussion. All members of the examination committee take part in the conversation with the applicant (5 questions for the proposed situations are compiled in advance and approved in the prescribed manner as examination material).

List of oral topics to conduct a conversation with an applicant on an oral entrance test in a foreign language:
1. About yourself and your family.
2. My friend (girlfriend), chatting with friends.
3. My apartment (house).
4. My school.
5. My working day
6. My free time.
7. My foreign language lessons.
8. Physical culture and sport in my life.
9. Shopping.
10. My favorite time(s) of the year.
11. My impressions about the book I read, about visiting the theater (cinema, concert, exhibition)
12. My favorite writer (poet, artist, actor, composer)
13. Profession I dream about
14. My hometown, village
15. Republic of Belarus.
16. Minsk is the capital of the Republic of Belarus
17. Country of the language being studied, its capital
18. Holidays of our country and the country of the language being studied.
19. Travel. Tourism.
20. Nature of the native land and environmental protection.


Read with understanding of the main content (introductory reading) adapted or simple original texts of different genres that contain up to 5% of unfamiliar words that are understandable and do not interfere with the disclosure of the main content.

Read with full understanding adapted or simple original texts of different genres, where there are up to 5% of unfamiliar words, the meanings of which are revealed by guessing or using a bilingual dictionary. The volume of the text is up to 1500 printed characters.
Read with complete comprehension (learning reading) adapted or simple original texts of different genres, where there are up to 4% of unfamiliar words, the meanings of which are revealed by guessing or using a bilingual dictionary. The volume of the text is up to 900-1000 printed characters.

Reading control is carried out in two ways:
1. By posing all types of questions in writing to the entire content of the text, as well as during the conversation of the members of the examination committee on the content of the text, selective translation of an excerpt from the text into their native language. The form of control of reading comprehension should correspond to the type of reading.
2. Using the text, which consists of 5 tasks (15-16 points in total) One of the tasks includes sentences or a small passage from the text for posing all types of questions. Sentences, an excerpt from the text should not contain information that will facilitate the completion of other tasks of the text. In this case, for this form of knowledge testing for a group of applicants, a single text and a single test are offered.

Texts for reading should be passages that are complete in meaning, indicating the sources from which they are taken.
15 minutes are allotted for reading the text, then the texts are withdrawn and test tasks are distributed, for which 15-20 minutes are given.
The choice of the type of reading (introductory or studying) and the forms of control of reading comprehension are determined by the admission committee of the educational institution.
Pronunciation skills, possession of a lexical minimum and grammatical constructions are revealed in the process of reading, oral conversation with the applicant, as well as in other forms by the decision of the selection committee (lexico-grammar test).

For applicants for the specialty "Foreign language" text comprehension is checked using a special test, common for a group of applicants. This test contains 5 tasks (20-25 points in total), one of which provides for the formulation of all types of questions (no more than 6).

Linguistic colleges in Moscow after grades 9-11 on a budgetary basis

Rating of linguistic colleges in Moscow after grade 9 on a budgetary basis 2019. List of the best linguistic colleges, vocational schools, schools and technical schools in Moscow after grade 9 at state institutions

Searching results:
(found establishments: 8 )


10 20 30

    The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education "Moscow Industrial and Economic College" was created at the FOSGEN plant by the Educational Combine of the Research Institute of the People's Commissariat of the Chemical Industry of the USSR.

    Specialties: 4

    Specialties: 7 Cost:

    State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the city of Moscow Technical Fire and Rescue College No. 57 named after the Hero of the Russian Federation V.M. Maksimchuk trains specialists for the Main Directorate of the EMERCOM of Russia in Moscow.

    Specialties: 3 Cost:

Linguistic colleges train language specialists. In the international world of communications, it is very important to understand each other correctly, for this it is necessary to understand different languages ​​​​and know the features of your own. In any business matter, you need the help of professional translators and legal linguists. It is necessary to accurately translate the texts of contracts with foreigners and be sure of the accuracy of the wording in the native language. All this can be mastered while studying at a linguistic college.

Need for translators

The world is experiencing a huge need for translators from various languages. The main need is to translate English into the local language. In Russia, there is an acute need for specialists who know German and translators from Chinese. Russia cooperates closely with Germany in the energy sector, so a huge number of translators are required for business negotiations.

It also develops commercial relations with the growing economy of China. And with business interests, tourist demand is also growing. Resorts in China are not very popular, but they are not inferior to European ones. With the development of business relations, tourist demand will develop, followed by cultural demand. Korean cinema products are known all over the world. We will soon learn about films from China. So it is quite promising to study a foreign language in a linguistic college.

There will always be a demand for translators from Italian and Spanish, due to the tourist demand for these countries. With the growth of the well-being of Russians, the demand for overseas real estate is increasing. Due to the crisis in these countries, prices are falling, which is what wealthy people around the world are using. The college will provide the necessary translation skills to assist in the acquisition of real estate in the southern countries.

Philological and linguistic education

Linguistic colleges, in addition to translators, train philologists - specialists in culture, including language. These people thoroughly know the various meanings of words, and know in what situation it would be better to use this or that expression. Such professionals are in demand in book business, TV and radio media centers. They are engaged in the preparation of speeches and dialogues, the correction of texts and the production of competent speech by the presenters.

Such specialists are often in demand in business negotiations, for editing texts. To avoid the possibility of an alternative interpretation of the terms of the contract. And in such documents, each word should be in its place and have a strictly defined meaning. An error in such a document could be worth millions of dollars.

In college, it is unlikely that you will be able to learn all the intricacies of the Russian language, but you can get the necessary skills for employment as an assistant philologist or linguist. In the process of work, it is much easier to master all the subtleties of this work than behind the university bench. Therefore, college education is much more practical. You can enter immediately after the ninth grade, and not spend too much time studying. The sooner you start your career, the sooner you can build it. Linguistic colleges are a great start for ambitious young people.

What is in the city of Minsk (Republic of Belarus), is a very famous educational institution. This is due to the fact that it is he who trains some of the best personnel in the field of foreign languages ​​in the post-Soviet space.

And there is also a college at the Linguistic University in Minsk, whose graduates can become university students, moreover, studying in it under an abbreviated program.

But first things first…

History of the founding of the university

Minsk University was founded on the basis of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the then Pedagogical Institute in 1948. And it used to be called the Minsk State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.

And then, already in 1993, it was renamed to

And over the years of his life, Inyaz graduated about 25 thousand teachers, 2.5 thousand translators. And this is a huge indicator! Moreover, specialists who graduated from this educational institution are successfully employed both in the republic itself and in other countries. They work both as kindergarten teachers, and teachers, and teachers, and translators, and in government bodies (where they occupy high-ranking positions).

University studies

Getting the specialty "translator", "philologist", "teacher" and "teacher", each student goes through a serious school for the study of language disciplines. In addition to teaching specialized disciplines, students are also taught how they can most effectively apply the acquired knowledge in their professional activities.

At the university, training takes place in many major specializations. For example, "foreign languages", "literature", "linguistics", "rhetoric", "orphotonics", "economics" (including international) and others.

And also such scientific schools were formed that have international recognition. The university also actively cooperates with other countries: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Vietnam, Cuba, Morocco.

How to become a university student

The first condition for admission to a university is points above the average on centralized testing (CT). And you will have to take about three items. And also money is needed for education if the future student does not pass on the budget.

The second condition is to be a student of a linguistic college in Minsk, which operates at the university itself. And then at the end of it, there are much more chances to go to study at once for 2, and maybe even for the 3rd year of the university.

By the way, important additional information for college graduates: they have the right to enter the university for all specialties of higher education, in accordance with the Procedure for admission to the university.

Linguistic College

This is its second name, and officially it is called the Linguistic and Humanitarian College. It is part of the university and is its structural subdivision.

The college is very popular and quite in demand among Belarusian students who want to enter a language educational institution, having a basic secondary education of a high school. Also, for some specialties, recruitment is carried out after the full completion of secondary school (more on this later). Here college students are given a very high quality basic language education. And both theoretically and practically.

Teaching students, the staff of the Linguistic College in Minsk (after the 9th grade many schoolchildren dream of entering here) strives to solve the problem of training highly qualified specialists at the highest pedagogical and specialized level. And also teachers educate students in the spirit of high culture, morality and patriotism, in relation to their country and other states.

The peculiarities of the educational process perfectly take into account the needs of the labor market and allow preparing quite competitive professionals in the language industry.

Currently, the college is a modern, multi-structural, optimal educational institution in all respects, which provides an excellent starting set of knowledge and skills necessary for the further growth and development of a person as an individual and a specialist.


College education is full time. It is carried out on the basis of secondary education (basic, that is, they study at a linguistic college in Minsk after the 9th grade of secondary school).

The directions in which the institution prepares students are as follows: foreign language (English, German, French); document management and documentation support of management; linguistic support of socio-cultural activities.

Also, since 2008, it became possible to enter a linguistic college in Minsk after grade 11 - for the last two specialties. Entering them, you get a major subject - a foreign language.

Documents required for admission

In order to be admitted to the entrance exams, the applicant must provide the following documents:

An application filled out in a specific form addressed to the director of the college.

Original document of basic secondary or complete secondary education with an attachment.

Certificate of completion of the CT (for applicants who wish to enter after completing high school).

Medical certificate (form 1 zdr / y-10).

6 photos 3x4 cm (matte).

A document (provided that there is one) that confirms the applicant's right to receive benefits upon admission.

If necessary, you can provide original documents confirming the receipt of a prize at the national level Olympiads in academic disciplines for the past academic year.

Plan for admission of applicants in 2017

Enrollment in all specialties of the college after the 9th grade is carried out on the basis of the arithmetic mean of all points of the document on education.
And enrolling in a linguistic college in Minsk after grade 11 involves passing the CT.

Terms of study on the basis of 9 classes: 48 months for all specialties, except for "Documentation and document management" (secretary-assistant) - 34 months.

The passing score of a linguistic college in Minsk for different specialties is relatively different. And it can fluctuate a little every year. Passing (semi-passing) scores for 2016 are shown in Table 2.

Features of the educational process in college

Within the walls of the college, all the best conditions have been created for the comprehensive development and real realization of the internal potential of students.

There are comfortable and equipped with everything you need classrooms. And language laboratories, which are equipped with modern computers, audio and video equipment necessary for high-quality education.

The college also has an excellent library system. Reading and information rooms are located within it. Students also have at their disposal a rich selection of books. There is satellite TV, internet network.

And within the walls of the educational institution there are conference, exhibition and assembly halls, in which various mass student events take place.

Each student is also instilled in college with such a vital skill - to lead a healthy lifestyle. This is facilitated by the fact that there are several sports halls, a gym, the opportunity to go skiing, there is a shooting gallery. Sports events are held annually for students in 8 sports.

But the most valuable thing in the college is, of course, its teaching staff. Students are taught by 128 teachers: 46 of them with the highest qualification category; 30 - with the first category; 17 - with the second category; and 35 are young professionals.

During the existence of the Linguistic College in Minsk, about 6 thousand specialists have been trained and graduated. Now they are employees of various educational enterprises, scientific institutes, travel agencies, hotel business, editorial offices of periodicals, and so on. And also most of them entered and were trained at the university, of which this college is a structural unit.