Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The most mysterious coincidences in history are amazing facts. The most mysterious coincidences in history

In history, you can find such mysterious coincidences that they can simply be considered incredible. However, the fact of some coincidences is quite clearly recorded. Even the most daring science fiction writers and dreamers would not have thought to write such a thing. Only life itself is a confirmation of the bizarre interweaving of human destinies and facts. 1965 In a Scottish village, the popular film Around the World in 80 Days was being screened at a local club. And just at the moment when the heroes of the film got into the balloon and began to cut off the rope, there was a monstrous crack and noise. Later it turned out that exactly the same balloon as in the movie landed on the roof of the building!
Fate rules people. One day, a Detroit resident, Joseph Figlock, walking through the streets of the city, literally, fell on his head ... a one-year-old child. Neither Joseph nor the child were hurt, escaping with a slight fright. It turned out that a young and inattentive mother simply did not close the window and a small child, by the will of fate, ended up in the hands of a surprised passerby. Can you call it a miracle? What do you call what happened a year later? Joseph Feelock was walking down the street again. Suddenly, from the window of a high-rise building, the same child fell on his head! Again, both participants in this incident managed to get off with a slight fright. Similar coincidences, otherwise you can’t call it a miracle!
Once, in the midst of a noisy feast, Marcello Mastroianni, in a circle of friends, decided to sing the old song "The house where I was so happy burned down." Barely finishing the first verse, Marcello Mastroianni was informed of a fire in his own mansion.
Roger Losier, at the age of four, almost drowned in the sea. It happened in the vicinity of the city of Salem (America), in 1966. Fortunately, he was saved by a random woman, Alice Blaze. At the age of 12, Roger repaid the favor in kind. In 1974, he rescued a man who was drowning in the sea in the same place. The man was Alice Blaise's husband.
An amazing and mysterious coincidence, described a huge number of times. In 1898, the writer Morgan Robertson in the novel "Futility" described the death of the giant ship "Titan", as a result of a collision with a huge iceberg, during its first voyage ... Fourteen years later, in 1912, a liner was launched in the UK " Titanic". By chance, in the suitcase of one of the passengers was a book about the death of the ship "Titan". Everything that was written in the book was repeated in the smallest detail. Both ships, which were considered simply unsinkable, hit the iceberg in the month of April, and had a large number of celebrities on board. In both cases, the collision with the ice mountain quickly escalated into a terrible disaster due to the actions of the captain and the lack of means of rescue. The prophetic book "Futility", which described a detailed description of the death of the ship, drowned with it.
It was in the same place where the Titanic sank, in the Atlantic region, that the ship Titania sailed in 1939. Suddenly, the command was suddenly given to the helmsmen - “stop car”. What made him give such a command is still a mystery. Perhaps an inner instinct, perhaps something else. After the ship stopped, a huge iceberg suddenly emerged from the darkness and dealt a strong blow to the hull. However, this blow was no longer fatal for the ship ...
In one of the stories of Edgar Allan Poe, it was described how, after a shipwreck, deprived of food, starving sailors ate Richard Parker, the cabin boy of the crew. The plot of this terrible story came to life in 1884. The sailors of the wrecked schooner "Lace", simply mad with hunger, ate their cabin boy, whose name was ... Richard Parker. Such coincidences are simply terrifying.
In 1944, the Daily Telegraph newspaper published a crossword puzzle containing all the code words for a very secret operation to land Allied troops in Normandy. In the crossword, the author encrypted the words "Jupiter", "Utah", "Omaha" and "Neptune". The intelligence agencies rushed to look for the source of the "information leak". And the compiler of the crossword puzzle turned out to be an old school teacher who did not understand anything. Everyone was surprised by such an incredible coincidence.
Quite strange and mysterious coincidences haunt people involved in the study of UFOs. By a frightening and strange coincidence, many ufologists died on the same day, but in different years. On June 24, 1964, Frank Scully, the author of the acclaimed book Behind the Scenes of Flying Saucers, died. In 1965, and again on June 24, Ufologist and film actor George Adamsky died. And in 1967, and again on June 24, two people who were engaged in the study of UFOs, Frank Edwards and Richard Chen, went into another world at once.
Mark Twain was born in 1835, exactly on the same day that Halley's comet flew past the earth. And the famous writer died on the day of her next visit near the earth's orbit. The writer himself predicted and foresaw his death as early as 1909. He said that he came into the world with Halley's comet, and with it he would leave this world. And so it happened.
Umberto I, King of Italy, once went to a small restaurant in the city of Monz to have a bite to eat. His order was taken by the restaurant owner himself. Looking at the owner of the establishment, his majesty suddenly realized that he was standing in front of him an exact copy of himself. The physique and face of the owner of the establishment very much resembled his majesty. After the conversation, it turned out that they were born in the same year and day - 14.03. 1844. In addition, they were born in the same city, and both were married to women whose name was Margarita. The restaurant was opened on the day when the coronation of Umberto I took place. But these are not all mysterious coincidences. In 1900, the king was notified of the death of the owner of the restaurant. The owner of the establishment died from a gunshot, as a result of an accident. Before the monarch had time to express his condolences on his death, he himself was shot dead by an anarchist from the crowd that surrounded his carriage.
The famous American actor Charles Coglen, who died during the tour, was buried in the city of Galveston (Texas). A year later, a hurricane of unprecedented strength that hit this city washed away the city cemetery as well. The body of Charles Coglen, enclosed in a sealed coffin, swam about 6,000 kilometers across the Atlantic for 9 years, and was washed by the current to Prince Edward Island, which is located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Surprisingly, the coffin was carried by the current right in front of the house where he was born.
Is it possible to explain the coincidences that bind the fate of the US presidents who were elected to office in a year ending in zero? Kennedy (1960), McKinley (1900), Garfield (1880), Lincoln (1860) - were killed. Roosevelt (1940) - died of polio. Harrison (1840) - death from pneumonia. Harding (1920) - severe heart attack. Reagan was assassinated in 1980.
Is it possible to consider as an accident the documented fact - the properly functioning alarm clock of Pope Paul VI, which rang at 6 in the morning for 55 years, on the day of the death of the pope, for inexplicable reasons, worked at 9 pm? ...

Such mysterious, even, one might say, mystical coincidences make one shudder and think that we live in a world where nothing happens by chance, and all events are pre-planned by the Higher Forces... By carefully looking at the dates that mysteriously fill our lives, you can to notice how we go through the labyrinths of fate, which twists in a spiral, each time bringing new oddities to life.

Lincoln - Kennedy

1. Lincoln became President of the United States in 1860
Kennedy in 1960
Difference - 100 years

2. Both were killed on Friday, in the presence of their wives, both were shot in the head.

3. After Lincoln, Andrew Johnson became president (born 1808)
After Kennedy - Lyndon Johnson (born 1908)
Difference - 100 years

4. Both southerners, diplomats, before becoming presidents, were senators.

5. The Lincoln assassin was born in 1829.
The Lincoln Assassin was born in 1929.
Difference - 100 years

Both killers were killed before trial

6. Lincoln was assassinated at the Kennedy Theater. Kennedy was killed in a Lincoln. Lincoln's secretary - Kennedy strongly advised Lincoln not to go to the theater on the day of the assassination. Kennedy's secretary - Lincoln also advised Kennedy to cancel the trip to Dallas

9. The names and surnames of Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson (in English spelling) have 13 letters each; in the names of their killers John Wilkes Boom and Lee Harvey Oswald - 15 letters; in the names of Lincoln and Kennedy - 7 letters each.

Napoleon - Hitler

1.Napoleon was born in 1760.
Hitler - 1889
Difference - 129 years

2. Napoleon came to power in 1804
Hitler - in 1933
Difference - 129 years

3.Napoleon entered Vienna in 1809
Hitler - in 1938
Difference - 129 years

4. Napoleon attacked Russia in 1812
Hitler - in 1941
Difference - 129 years

And a few more weird coincidences:

On July 28, 1900, King Umberto I of Italy dined at a restaurant in the city of Monza. From the conversation it turned out that the owner of the establishment, whose name was Umberto, was born with the king on the same day, in the same city, their wives had the same name, the wedding also took place on the same day, and the restaurant opened on the day of the king's coronation. The king and the non-king had a lot of fun about this and agreed to meet the next day. But in the morning the owner of the restaurant, Umberto, suddenly died, the king expressed regret, and a few hours later he was shot dead by an anarchist. The fates differed only in the fact that these murders took place in different places.

2. In August 1979, in France, Jean-Pierre Serre, a Parisian, was involved in a road accident - a collision with Georges Serre from Clermont-Ferrand. A few seconds later, Mademoiselle C. Serre of Roy ran into them in her car. All three were not related, had never met before, and Serre is not a very common French surname.

3. On December 5, 1664, a ship sank off the coast of Wales in the Menai Strait. Of the 81 passengers, only one survived - his name was Hugh Williams. Exactly 121 years later, on December 5, 1785, a ship sank again in the same strait. One passenger survived. named Hugh Williams. Another 75 years passed, and it was December 5, 1860. The only passenger rescued from the little schooner that sank that day was... Hugh Williams!

4. In 1896, second-rate science fiction writer Morgan Robertson published in London the novel The Sinking of the Titan, about the first and last voyage of the largest passenger ship that was lost in a collision with an iceberg. The fictional Titan and the real Titanic, which died in April 1912 year, the appearance and characteristics of the ship, the number of passengers and even the number of victims coincided. The book "Titan" also died in April 1912 ...

Incredible coincidences happen in everyone's life. Meeting in the most unexpected place with a person whom I did not expect to meet there. An event that happened on the same day and hour as another, very similar to it.

Mystical coincidences of incidents and names in the lives of various people. Lots of options. And sometimes the most notorious materialists take doubts that all this is a game of probability, which is entirely on the conscience of the roulette that runs our lives. Many outstanding minds have tried to explain the mysterious coincidences.

The intelligent ogre played by Anthony Hopkins from The Silence of the Lambs deftly deciphered any riddles. But it is not known whether he would have been able to solve the puzzle that happened once in the real life of Sir Hopkins himself. The event is so incredible that even in the movies you won’t believe it. Somehow the actor got the main role in the film "Girls from Petrovka". But in no bookstore in London, the book on which the script was written was not found. And on the way home in the subway, he saw on a bench this particular book, forgotten by someone, with notes in the margins. A year and a half later, on the set, Hopkins met the author of the novel, who complained that he sent his last author's copy with remarks in the margins to the director, but he lost it in the subway ... Another case that entered the annals of all intelligence agencies in the world. Shortly before the Allied landings in Normandy in 1944, a crossword puzzle was published in the English Daily Telegraph, the answers to which were deeply encrypted codes for a key operation during World War II. Up to the name of the secret operation "Overload". All British intelligence raided the newspaper in search of a German super spy. It turned out that the crossword was compiled by an innocent school teacher, like the old man Sinitsky from the Golden Calf, who had been doing this for 20 years. On July 28, 1900, King Umberto I of Italy dined at a restaurant in the city of Monza. It turned out that the owner of the establishment is almost an absolute double of the king. Moreover, the restaurateur was called Umberto, his wife was like a queen, the restaurant was opened on the day when the king was crowned. The next morning, restaurateur Umberto was shot dead under mysterious circumstances. A few hours later, an anarchist shot and killed King Umberto I. Can coincidence explain the tragic fate of American presidents elected in a year that ends in zero? Lincoln (1860), Garfield (1880), McKinley (1900), Kennedy (1960) were killed, Garrison (1840) died of pneumonia, Roosevelt (1940) from polio, Harding (1920) suffered a severe heart attack. An attempt was also made on Reagan (1980). Now in the White House Bush (2000). Is it possible to consider a documented episode as an accident: the favorite alarm clock of Pope Paul VI, which had been regularly ringing at 6 am for 55 years, suddenly went off at 9 pm, when the pope died ... The mind is not able to come to terms with the fact that such coincidences are nothing more than game of chance. Many bright minds have pondered over the solution of coincidences, starting with the outstanding Renaissance philosopher Pico della Mirandola, who considered all objects in the world to be part of a single whole, which sometimes separates, sometimes reconnects. Despite the naivety of this picture, modern theories, in principle, only supplement it. In the 19th century, Arthur Schopenhauer denied coincidences and believed that they are the result of world harmony, which leads to the intersection of human destinies. One of the founders of quantum physics, Nobel laureate Wolfgang Pauli, tried to understand the problem, who for this purpose joined forces with the outstanding psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. Pauli formulated the key principle of theoretical physics, according to which two particles cannot be in the same quantum state. Jung is known for his theories about the collective unconscious. In interpreting coincidences, Pauli and Jung produced a kind of hybrid of their theories by publishing Synchronicity, or the principle of random connection. The Pauli-Jungian theory interpreted coincidences as manifestations of an as yet unidentified universal principle that binds together all physical laws. From this point of view, such mysterious phenomena as cases of telepathy and foresight of the future can also be a reflection of common physical laws on the outside of human life. “I have often had to reflect on the nature of strange coincidences in our lives,” says the head of the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Mathematical Institute. Steklov Academy of Sciences Academician Andrey Slavnov. “But I have never seen a statistically reliable analysis of the probability of such coincidences in all these curious stories. And this, for the scientific validity of all reflections, must be done first of all. While everything looks attractive, but statistically not too reliable. It is necessary to weigh all the factors that influenced the possibility of a coincidence, and in the end the probability may not be so small. It often happens that when checking the facts, an independent examination finds that even honestly working people made mistakes, incorrectly recorded the facts. There are many such episodes in the history of science. Once, for example, a magnetic monopole was discovered in an experiment (an analogue of a single-pole electric charge, while all magnets have two poles). But never again this result was repeated. As far as Pauli's theory is concerned, the universal principle governing coincidences and prediction of the future is unknown to modern theoretical physics. I think this is fertile ground for pseudoscience. Although the imagination of such stories excite.

In 1992, the French artist René Charbonneau, commissioned by the mayor's office of Rouen, painted the painting “Joan of Arc at the stake.” A young student Jeanne Lenoy served as his model. However, the next day after the canvas was hung in a spacious exhibition hall, reagents exploded in the university laboratory Jeanne, who was there, could not get out of the room and burned to death.

Psychologist Claude Arnaud has been studying the mysteries of cause and effect relationships between events for more than twenty years.

I have collected thousands of facts when people were subjected to unknown persecution not only by circumstances and situations, but also by numbers, names, surnames, dates, - says the professor. - For example, an Australian midwife named Triplett, which means "triple", was born on the third of March, lives in house number three on the third floor. Mrs. Triplett was married three times and had three children. Moreover, the year before last, she took triplets for the third time ... But in the US state of Louisiana, three men were sentenced to death for the brutal murder with the aim of robbing Clive Dorrit, who lived on Steelroad Place. During the investigation, it turned out that the killers had the names of Steel, Road and Place ...

Not so long ago, two passenger trains exploded in India, resulting in two hundred and twenty human casualties. A cigarette butt, thrown out the window by one of the passengers, fell near the pipeline passing along the road in the exact place where the gas leak occurred. But the most unusual thing was that the trains that took off into the air, following the routes Madras - Delhi and Delhi - Madras, had the same numbers. According to experts, the probability of such a coincidence is reduced to zero ... Once the great Marcello Mastroianni was invited to a party. In the midst of the fun, the actor suddenly jumped up and sang the forgotten old song "The house where I was so happy burned down." Before he could finish singing it to the end, he was informed by telephone that his villa in Menton had burned down. Subsequently, Marcello said that the last time he performed the song was at school age.

A resident of Budapest, György Šerfezi, fell out of a tenth-floor window and fell on Laszlo Karvas, who was passing by. Exactly one year later, exactly the same incident happened again with the same characters, and both remained alive.

A tragicomic incident recently took place in Sofia. The thief Milko Stoyanov, having successfully robbed the apartment of a wealthy citizen and neatly put the "trophies" in his backpack, decided to quickly go down the drainpipe from the window overlooking the deserted street. When Milko was at the level of the second floor, the whistles of the police were heard. Confused, he released the pipe from his hands and flew down. Just at that moment, a guy was walking along the sidewalk, and Milko fell right on top of him. The police arrived in time to handcuff both of them and took them to the station. It turned out that the guy Milko fell on was a burglar who, after many unsuccessful attempts, was finally tracked down. Interestingly, the second thief was also called Milko Stoyanov.

Residents of Barcelona, ​​the Ramirez brothers, returning on a moped from a disco, were hit by a taxi on Moncada Street. They were taken to the hospital with severe injuries. After leaving, they wanted to see their friends. While driving along Moncada Street, they were again run over by the same taxi driven by the same driver.

There was a lot of writing about one significant coincidence in its time. In 1944, on the eve of the Allied landings in Normandy, an interesting crossword puzzle was printed in the Daily Telegraph newspaper. It included covert operation codenames. Such as, for example, "Neptune", "Utah", "Omaha" and even the main designation - "Jupiter". The army counterintelligence, which, no matter how hard they tried, could not detect any malicious intent, was investigating the case of "information leakage" for a long time. The compiler of the crossword puzzle turned out to be an old school teacher, puzzled by his result no less than the inspectors themselves.

Often there are also mystical coincidences of different facts that do not depend on each other. In 1900, a tropical hurricane of unprecedented strength hit the American city of Galveston. Under the pressure of the wind, the waters of the Gulf of Mexico rushed to the coast like huge rams, demolishing street after street. The posthumous story of the famous circus acrobat Michael Williams is closely connected with the tropical storm, later called the “hurricane of the century”. A year before the disaster, he came on tour to Galveston. At one of the performances, he unexpectedly fell off the trapeze and crashed to death, falling on the gymnastic apparatus below. The artist's face was so disfigured that he was buried in a closed zinc coffin at the local cemetery. When a hurricane swept over the coast, raging water washed away the graves, and Williams' coffin was swept into the ocean. The coffin, which floated in the boundless waters for nine years, was washed up on the shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, where it was discovered by fishermen. Surprisingly, Williams' home, where he lived most of his life, was only a mile from the coffin's mooring site.

An equally mysterious story happened to the American astronaut Neil Armstrong. In 1969, as soon as he stepped on the surface of the moon, he said:

I wish you success, Mr. Gorski... Specialists from the Control Center

Flights could not understand what kind of Mr. Gorsky remembered

Astronaut. Returning to Earth, Armstrong said that once, being

As a child, he, playing hide-and-seek with his peers, ran into the yard to

Neighbors whose last name was Gorski. Through the open window came

The screams of the quarreling spouses.

Impotent lousy, yelled Mrs. Gorsky. - Neighbor boy

It's easier to fly to the moon than you satisfy a woman ...

When Armstrong actually flew to the moon, a remark he heard in childhood suddenly surfaced in his mind, and he, shocked by an incredible coincidence, unexpectedly for himself uttered a phrase that seemed ridiculous at first glance.

The Italian Giacomo Felice, which means “happy”, was driving at a speed of one hundred and twenty kilometers along a deserted metropolitan street when he suddenly noticed the headlights of an oncoming car. Both cars were going so fast that a collision was inevitable. However, Felice got out from under the wreckage of his Ferrari unharmed and made sure that the other driver got off with a slight fright. Rejoiced that the unpleasant story ended quite happily, Giacomo introduced himself to his new acquaintance. He widened his eyes in surprise, for his name was also Giacomo Felice.

One day, a traffic policeman, Dino Cuadri, was chasing a speeding car near Rome. When the intruder suddenly braked on the bend, the police car crashed into a tree at high speed. Cuadri, having damaged an artery in his leg, would surely have died if Leone Reggiani had not passed by, who stopped the bleeding. Three years later, Cuadri was informed by radiotelephone that a car accident had occurred near Milan.

Arriving at the scene of the accident, the policeman saw the driver lying on the ground, blood streaming from his leg. Quadri, having treated the wound, applied a pressure bandage and thus saved the victim's life. When he got a better look at him, he recognized the same Reggiani who had once helped him ...

When the editors of the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter announced a competition for the best story about the most interesting adventure, they did not expect that the world would learn about yet another mysterious coincidence. The pilot from Gothenburg, Jene Brende, sent a story about his happy rescue to the competition. At the end of last year, he was flying over the Hawaiian Islands on a Sesna-540 aircraft, when the engine suddenly failed. Brende ejected and floated in the ocean for a while in a small rubber boat until he was rescued.

The members of the editorial jury liked the story, and, having made sure of its truth, they awarded Brenda the first place. However, the newspaper received a letter from a certain ... Pence Brende from the Norwegian city of Trondheim, who claimed that the story of the Swedish pilot happened to him. True, it ended differently. He came to the office and said that during a flight across the Pacific Ocean, a malfunction in his Sesna 540 aircraft forced him to land at the Honolulu military airfield. The first Brende recalled reading in the logbook that another pilot of the same name was flying the same plane, but, of course, could not imagine that a similar accident had happened to him.

Some coincidences look so implausible, - said the professor, one of the members of the jury, that they essentially resemble some kind of "soap opera" with a far-fetched plot.

The Frenchman Charles Fosse constantly traveled around the world, was a passionate poker player and was known as a notorious cheater. In one of the private gambling houses in Los Angeles, he once won five thousand dollars. Partners accused him of fraud and shot him. Despite the bloody corpse lying on the floor, gambling gamblers were going to continue the game. However, among the "professionals" it is generally accepted that the cheater's money brings bad luck, so they turned to an unfamiliar guy who was sitting alone with a glass of whiskey to take the place of the murdered man. He willingly agreed to take part in the game with Fosse's winnings as his bet.

However, instead of losing the game and being out of the game, as Fosse's killers expected, the new partner managed to win another two thousand dollars before the police arrived. The police, having arrested the criminals, considered that Fosse received five thousand legally, and demanded them from the lucky man in order to transfer them to the next of kin of the murdered man. However, their decision was redundant, since it soon became clear that the stranger was the cheater's own son. It’s just that he didn’t recognize the unlucky dad, whom he saw for the last time twenty years ago.

Such mysterious, even, one might say, mystical ones make one shudder and think that we live in a world where nothing happens by chance, and all events are pre-planned by the Higher Forces.

For example, these:

Lincoln - Kennedy

1. Lincoln became President of the United States in 1860. Kennedy in 1960. The difference is 100 years.
2. Both were killed on Friday, in the presence of their wives, both by a shot in the head.
3. After Lincoln, Andrew Johnson (born 1808) became president, after Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson (born 1908). The difference is 100 years.
4. Both southerners, diplomats, before becoming presidents, were senators.
5. The Lincoln assassin was born in 1829. The Kennedy assassin was born in 1929. The difference is 100 years. Both killers were killed before trial.
6. Lincoln was assassinated at the Kennedy Theatre. Kennedy was killed in a Lincoln.
7. Lincoln's secretary - Kennedy strongly advised Lincoln not to go to the theater on the day of the assassination. Kennedy's secretary, Lincoln, also advised Kennedy to cancel his trip to Dallas.
8. The names and surnames of Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson (in English spelling) have 13 letters each; in the names of their killers John Wilkes Boom and Lee Harvey Oswald - 15 letters; The names of Lincoln and Kennedy have 7 letters each.

Napoleon - Hitler

1. Napoleon was born in 1760. Hitler - 1889. The difference is 129 years.
2. Napoleon came to power in 1804. Hitler - in 1933. The difference is 129 years.
3. Napoleon entered Vienna in 1809. Hitler in 1938 The difference is 129 years.
4. Napoleon attacked Russia in 1812. Hitler - in 1941. The difference is 129 years.

And a few more weird coincidences:

In 1992, the French artist René Charbonneau, commissioned by the city hall of Rouen, painted the painting ‘Jeanne d’Arc at the stake’. A young student Jeanne Lenoy served as his model. However, the day after the canvas was hung in a spacious exhibition hall, reagents exploded in the university laboratory. Jeanne, who was there, could not get out of the room and burned to death.

There was a lot of writing about one significant coincidence in its time. In 1944, on the eve of the Allied landings in Normandy, a curious crossword puzzle was printed in the Daily Telegraph. It included covert operation codenames. Such as, for example, 'Neptune', 'Utah', 'Omaha' and even the main designation - 'Jupiter'. The army counterintelligence, which, no matter how hard they tried, could not detect any malicious intent, was investigating the case of 'information leakage' for a long time. The crossword was compiled by an old school teacher, puzzled by his result no less than the inspectors themselves.

No less mysterious happened to the American astronaut Neil Armstrong. In 1969, as soon as he stepped on the surface of the moon, he said:
- I wish you success, Mr. Gorsky: Specialists from the Mission Control Center could not understand what kind of Mr. Gorsky the astronaut remembered. Returning to Earth, Armstrong said that once, as a child, he, playing hide and seek with his peers, ran into the yard of neighbors whose last name was Gorsky. Through the open window came the screams of the arguing spouses.
"Lousy impotent," yelled Mrs. Gorsky. - It’s easier for a neighbor’s boy to fly to the moon than for you to satisfy a woman:
When Armstrong actually flew to the moon, a remark he heard in childhood suddenly surfaced in his mind, and he, shocked by an incredible coincidence, unexpectedly for himself uttered a phrase that seemed ridiculous at first glance.

And the last in a series of mysterious coincidences:

In 1896, the second-rate science fiction writer Morgan Robertson published in London the novel The Sinking of the Titan, about the first and last voyage of the largest passenger ship, which was lost in a collision with an iceberg. The fictional "Titan" and the real "Titanic", which died in April 1912, matched the appearance and characteristics of the ship, the number of passengers and even the number of victims. The book "Titan" also died in April 1912 ...