Biographies Characteristics Analysis

A schoolboy shot and killed a geography teacher. An excellent student shot a geography teacher because of low grades

An emergency occurred at a school in the city of Ivanteevka, Moscow Region, on Tuesday, September 5: a ninth-grade student attacked a computer science teacher and opened fire with a pneumatic weapon. A 15-year-old teenager was detained.

As reported by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region, at school N1 in Ivanteevka, a student born in 2002 scattered smoke bombs in the classroom and fired a shot from a pneumatic weapon. Four people were hospitalized, including a 38-year-old teacher and three 15-year-old children who jumped out of a window in fear.
The regional prosecutor's office initially said that the teenager also hit the teacher on the head with a kitchen hatchet, and then began to explode homemade firecrackers in the classroom and opened fire with an air gun. This message was later deleted from the Prosecutor General's Office website.
The detainee was taken to the police department, all the circumstances of the incident are being clarified, according to a message on the website of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The press service of the regional Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs TASS stated that employees of the juvenile affairs unit of the Pushkinskoye Municipal Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are interviewing the detained schoolboy in the presence of parents. names the student's name - Mikhail Pivnev.
“On behalf of the prosecutor of the Moscow region Alexei Zakharov, the prosecutor’s office of the city of Ivanteevka is conducting an inspection, during which a legal assessment will be given to the actions of officials of the educational organization. If there are grounds, comprehensive prosecutorial response measures will be taken,” added the press service of the supervisory agency. The progress of the pre-investigation check was taken under control by the prosecutor's office. Ivanteevka prosecutor Sergei Koshelev is at the scene of the incident.
The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation told its version of what happened. According to the department, a 15-year-old ninth-grade student came to school with an air gun, which he carried under his raincoat. In the classroom, the boy pulled out a weapon and fired a shot towards the teacher.
“As a result, the teenagers got scared and three jumped out of the window. According to preliminary data, one boy had a fracture, two had bruises, and the teacher received an open head injury. At present, the lives of the victims are not in danger,” the statement said.
The Investigative Committee confirmed that the minor was detained by police officers; investigators have already begun working with him, who “will find out the motives for his actions.” “At the moment it is known that the boy’s family is prosperous,” the department added.
Investigators plan to study the minor’s social circle, his surroundings and recent hobbies. “In addition, a strict legal assessment will be given to the actions of the school management, which must ensure the organization of security in the educational institution, as well as the authorities of the prevention system,” the Investigative Committee said.
A criminal case was initiated under Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism). The investigation was taken under control in the central office of the Investigative Committee of Russia.

The teenager planned an attack: he set a scary status on the social network and recalled the Columbine massacre.

The teenager planned an attack on the school in advance, reports with reference to the Mash telegram channel. The boy stole a traumatic pistol from his father, took several large firecrackers with him and went to school on Tuesday.
A source confirmed to TASS that the student planned the attack in advance. According to him, he posted on his page on social networks photographs with weapons, links to pages for ordering axes, and also wrote “delete my life” with the date September 5 in the status line.
In addition, in April, the teenager published a post about the massacre that took place at Columbine High School in April 1999. Then two teenagers, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, burst into the school with guns. The criminals killed 12 students and one teacher, injured 23 people, and then committed suicide. The Ivanteevsky schoolboy admitted that this incident leads him to tragic and suicidal thoughts.
According to an RBC source, before the ninth-grader’s attack on the teacher, she reprimanded him for appearing in class wearing combat boots and a long raincoat. According to eyewitnesses quoted by, on September 5, a boy burst into the computer science classroom, ordered all students to sit on the floor and shouted “I came here to die!” shot the teacher. Schoolchildren, frightened by the incident, began to jump out of windows, as a result, three of them were injured and were hospitalized.
A source in law enforcement agencies reported to TASS that a ninth-grader scattered explosive packages along the corridor of the third floor of the school - loud pops were heard and smoke came out of the building. “After that, he entered the classroom and opened fire,” the agency’s interlocutor said.
Another source said that at first the teenager, a student of class 9 "A", scattered several explosive packages along the corridor. After this, the student entered the classroom and shot at the teacher with a traumatic pistol, which, according to preliminary data, he took from his father. Three children jumped out of the window and were injured.

The condition of all victims is moderate.

RBC reported that there was a shooting at school N1 and explosions were heard. “The guy was blown away. He shot and shouted that he had come here to die. We were in the next office. His classmates jumped from the window, the girl broke her leg,” one of the students told RBC.
According to RBC's source in the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations, four people were injured as a result of the incident: Lyubov Kalmykova (received bruised wounds to the frontal part of the head), Vyacheslav B. (open fracture of both bones of the left forearm), Victoria M. (fracture of the left ankle), Alena S. (bruise of the lumbar region). A source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs clarified that Kalmykova is a teacher of mathematics and computer science.
All four victims of the incident are in moderate condition, the press service of the Moscow Region Ministry of Health told TASS on Tuesday. As noted by the Minister of Health of the Moscow Region, Dmitry Markov, on the Rossiya 24 TV channel, the injured 38-year-old woman had a scalp injury, and three teenagers, all aged 15, received broken limbs. “All four are in the central district hospital of Ivanteevka and have been examined by doctors,” he said.

Possible cause of attack named

Eyewitnesses told TASS that after the incident became known, the police took children and teachers to the playground and cordoned off the school in Ivanteevka. “People in helmets took all the children out of school into the street. The police also took out the ninth-grader,” the agency’s interlocutor said.
The reasons for the teenager's behavior are unknown at this time. According to one version, an intra-school conflict could have led to the boy’s aggressive behavior. Law enforcement agencies reported this to TASS. “Police officers are now working with the teenager. According to one version, the cause of the incident could have been a conflict between a student and a teacher or with classmates,” the source said. According to him, the student was preparing for an attack.
Because of the incident, the school was closed on Tuesday, the school administration told TASS on Tuesday. “The children were sent home. School will not be open today. Classes will resume tomorrow,” an administration official said.
The governor of the Moscow region, Andrei Vorobyov, took personal control of the situation with the incident at the Ivanteevsk school, Interfax reports, citing the press service of the head of the region. “All changes are reported to me promptly. The victims - teachers and schoolchildren - are provided with all the necessary medical and psychological assistance. There is no threat to their lives,” Vorobiev is quoted as saying in the message.
The investigation is also being monitored by the Children's Ombudsman of the Moscow Region, Ksenia Mishonova. She said that it will be checked how the teenager managed to bring the weapon into the school. The Ministry of Education and Science hopes for a speedy investigation into the shooting incident in Ivanteevka. The head of the ministry’s information policy department, Andrei Emelyanov, announced this to TASS on Tuesday at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok. “We are clarifying the details, there is still a lot of conflicting information,” he said.
Let us recall that the most resonant shooting incident in a Russian school occurred on February 3, 2014. Then tenth grade student Sergei Gordeev came with a gun to school N263, where he studied. The teenager killed teacher Andrei Kirillov on the spot. The schoolboy opened fire in the direction of the police officers called by the security guard. As a result, senior sergeant Vladimir Krokhin was injured, and warrant officer Sergei Bushuev was killed.
On March 3, 2015, the Butyrsky Court of the capital sent the teenager for compulsory treatment in a medical organization providing psychiatric care in a specialized inpatient setting with intensive supervision, and also excluded the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Hostage-taking” from the charges. Based on the results of the examination, Sergei Gordeev was declared insane.

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Everyone is familiar with the usual IQ tests, where, by answering (or not answering) 40 questions, you can find out your level of intelligence. However, there is another way to find out what your mind is really capable of.

website I have selected for you several detective riddles that not everyone can solve.

Task No. 1. Escape

Jack was put in a prison with a dirt floor and one window located so high that he could not reach it. There was nothing in the cell except a shovel. The prison is very dry and hot, but Jack will not receive any water or food, so he only has 2 days to escape, otherwise he will die.

How can Jack escape from prison if the digging option is not an option, since digging it will take much more than 2 days?

Task No. 2. Stolen necklace

Mrs. Smith contacted the police to report that an antique necklace was missing. When the police arrived at the scene, they saw that there were no signs of forced entry on either the door or the windows, and only one window was broken. The inside of the house was a complete mess, and there were dirty marks all over the carpet.

The next day Mrs. Smith was arrested for fraud. Why?

Task No. 3. Murder at school

On the first day of the school year, during the last break, the body of a geography teacher was discovered in one of the classes. The police had 4 suspects: a gardener, a math teacher, a physical education teacher and a school principal. They all told where they were at the time of the murder:

  • The gardener was trimming the bushes in the backyard.
  • The mathematics teacher administered the final semi-annual test.
  • The physical education teacher was playing basketball with his students.
  • The director spent the whole day in his office.

Immediately after this, the police arrested the criminal. Who killed the geography teacher and how did the police figure out the killer?

Task No. 4. Lonely person

On the outskirts of the city lived a lonely elderly man who never went far from home. At the height of summer, one Friday morning, a postman came to his house and called the owner, but he did not answer. He looked out the window and saw him lying on the floor in a pool of blood. The postman called the policeman, who found two bottles of warm milk, one of cold milk and a daily newspaper for Tuesday near the house.

The next day, a policeman arrested the killer. How did the police identify the culprit so quickly?

Problem No. 5. Two tablets

A serial killer kidnapped people and forced them to take 1 of 2 pills: the first did not cause harm, and the second killed instantly. The killer always took the remaining pill himself. The kidnapped person swallowed the chosen pill, washed it down with water and died immediately, and the killer always got a harmless pill.

Why did the killer never get a poison pill?

Problem No. 6. Frozen windows

One freezing winter day, John found his friend Jack dead in the living room of his home. John immediately called the police and, when asked by the policeman how he found the body, replied that he was walking by and decided to go visit Jack.

According to him, he knocked and rang the doorbell for a long time, but his friend did not open it for him, although through the frozen window it was clear that the light was on in the house. Then John breathed on the frozen window glass to melt the ice. When he looked into the room, he saw Jack lying on the floor.

The policeman immediately arrested John on suspicion of murder. Why?

Problem No. 7. Chemist's riddle

A famous chemist was found murdered in his own laboratory. No evidence was found in the room, except for a piece of paper next to the body, which listed several chemical elements. The investigator found out that on the day of his death, 3 people came to the scientist’s laboratory: his wife Mary, nephew Nicholas and friend Jonathan.

The investigator immediately arrested the murder suspect. How did he do it?

Problem No. 1. Solution

With the help of a shovel, Jack needs to make an earthen mountain under the window, stand on it and get out of prison.

Problem No. 2. Solution

The police realized that Mrs. Smith was deceiving them: the glass in the house could only be broken from the inside, because if it had been broken from the outside, the fragments would have been on the floor of the room.

Problem No. 3. Solution

A mathematics teacher killed a geography teacher. According to him, he conducted semi-annual testing, but the crime happened on the first day of school of the year.

Problem No. 4. Solution

It is obvious that the killer is a newspaper delivery boy. Only he could know that on Thursday and Wednesday there would be no one to read the newspapers.

Problem No. 5. Solution

Both tablets were completely harmless, and the poison was in a glass of water intended for the victim.

Problem No. 6. Solution

John couldn't melt the ice crust on the glass outside the house because it only appears on the inside of the window.

Problem No. 7. Solution

The clue was on a piece of paper lying next to the victim. If you add up the letters representing the chemical elements, you get the name Nicholas in Latin: Ni-C-O-La-S.

On Monday, February 3, the tragedy at school No. 263 occurred due to a quarrel between geography teacher Andrei Kirillov and 11th grade student Sergei Gordeev. An unbalanced graduate decided that the teacher was unfairly giving him low grades in order to deprive him of a gold medal.

Sergei came to school with two rifles registered to his father and forced the guard to let him inside. The security guard managed to press the panic button.

An 11th grader walked into the office on the first floor, where a 10th grader was having a geography lesson. Entering the classroom, he immediately shot the geographer in the stomach and then fired a control shot in the head. At that moment, there were more than twenty teenagers aged 15 in the office. Fortunately, all other students and teachers were evacuated from the building.

When security forces arrived at the school following an alarm, the shooter began shooting at them. Two police officers were injured, one of whom died, and the second was hospitalized at the Research Institute named after. Sklifosovsky with bullet wounds in the stomach and chest.

His father helped detain the high school student, who, together with the police, negotiated with him, first by phone, and then he entered the classroom in a bulletproof vest where his son was being held hostage, and persuaded him to let the children go and surrender to the law enforcement officers.

Teachers and classmates of the shooter, Sergei Gordeev, describe him as an unbalanced, withdrawn teenager who had no friends. However, he was the best student in the class, first in all subjects. His father believes that the reason that pushed the young man to commit a bloody reprisal against his teacher was a nervous breakdown.

Students remember 31-year-old teacher Andrei Kirillov as a kind and non-conflict person who easily found a common language with children. The deceased left behind a small son.

The situation around the capital's school No. 263 is under the personal control of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. The mayor expressed condolences to the relatives of the deceased teacher and policeman.

“I express my condolences to the families of the victims, I regret the psychological trauma that the children received,” Sobyanin said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin called the incident a tragedy and called for more attention to be paid to the education of the younger generation.

Elena Kuroedova, head of the Department of Psychology at Synergy University, comments on the situation:

Considering that we are talking about a high school student, the only possible reason could be an emotional breakdown, which could be associated with various reasons: for example, problems in the school community.

According to information mentioned in the press, the young man was an excellent student, which may be the reason for the negative attitude of the students in the class and, as a result, the young man’s accumulated resentment for the unfair treatment towards him. All this could spill out in this form with the next negative precedent.

It is also possible that the breakdown is associated with a stressful situation at school. Students now have a huge emotional burden and, as a result, stress, breakdown and possible impulsive actions

In any case, this is an emotional breakdown associated with some kind of negative state and a situation that is hopeless from the point of view of the young man.
How to protect yourself? First of all, parents need to talk with their children and be aware of the child’s problems. You need to listen and hear your children, support them. Teachers need to remember that teenagers are very emotional and very sensitive to recognition of their Personality and rights to their own opinions. All this must be taken into account when working with individual students. And of course, we must remember that a teenage group can be very cruel towards “others” who are not like them. The teacher's task is to prevent bullying by teenagers.

Society is now in a very stressful situation. The politics of the mass media is focused on aggression (films, TV shows), computer games and the Internet also broadcast aggression. Now it is very important to correctly present this news in the media, because... The trajectory of development of this case in the future will largely depend on this.


17-13: Doctors operated on the wounded policeman

The police officer is in serious condition.

15-50: Forensic experts are looking for evidence near school No. 263, where a teenager opened fire

Experts from the Investigative Committee have divided the territory adjacent to the scene of the emergency into sectors and are looking for material evidence there.

15-34: The geography teacher killed at school No. 263 left behind a wife and little son

The teenager who carried out the shooting at school No. 263 is described as very sociable. As it turned out, he was an excellent student and was going for a gold medal.

However, according to a classmate, Sergei Gordeev received a “B” in his 9th grade exams, which jeopardized receiving the medal. Perhaps this could have been the reason for such tragic events.

15-26: Teen who committed school shooting will undergo psychiatric examination

A high school student detained after the shooting at school No. 263 is being questioned by investigators. A psychiatric examination was assigned to him, said the official representative of the Investigative Committee, Vladimir Markin.

“He is being interrogated by investigators with the involvement of specialists. The reasons that prompted the teenager to commit a crime are being clarified,” Markin said.

According to the official representative of the Investigative Committee, investigators began questioning witnesses, including security officers, school administration, teachers and students.

14-24: Teenager who broke into school shot at least 11 times

“It is known that at least 11 shots were fired from a small-caliber rifle,” official representative of the Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin told reporters.

According to him, the boy “entered the 10th grade in which he studied.” “Without saying a word, he fired several shots at the geography teacher and then, when the police arrived at the panic button literally four minutes later and opened the classroom door, he fired several more shots,” Markin added.

14-22: The names of those killed in school No. 263 have become known

As a result of the hostage-taking at Moscow school No. 263, geography teacher Andrei Nikolaevich Kirillov and police warrant officer Sergei Viktorovich Bushuev were killed, said Vladimir Markin, official representative of the ICR.

Another police officer was seriously injured and remains in hospital.

“Vladimir Aleksandrovich Prokhin, senior sergeant, was wounded. Now he is in the hospital in serious condition, undergoing surgery,” Markin said.

14-19: The father of the high school student who committed the shooting negotiated with him for half an hour

The teenager who carried out the shooting at school No. 263 was helped to neutralize by his father. To do this, the police put a bulletproof vest on him.

“Work was carried out with the father, he was convinced to talk with his son. He called him on the phone and asked him to let the schoolchildren go and surrender,” said Anatoly Yakunin, head of the capital’s main department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The negotiations lasted about 15 minutes, after which the boy’s father was equipped with a bulletproof vest and he entered the classroom.

“The conversation in the class lasted about 30 minutes, after which the student began to let the students go. After they were left alone, the special forces prepared for the assault and detained the young man,” Yakunin said.

14-15: The rifle and carbine that the high school student who broke into the Moscow school was armed with belonged to his father

The weapon used by a high school student to kill a police officer and a teacher was registered to his father. On a legal basis,” said Anatoly Yakunin, head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow.

14-10: The culprit of the tragedy at school No. 263 was an excellent student

“The motives are now being clarified. According to our data, Sergei Gordeev was an excellent student, and, most likely, there was some kind of emotional breakdown,” noted ICR official representative Vladimir Markin.

14-08: The head of the State Duma Committee on Security called for an emergency check at the school

“We need to find out where and under what circumstances the teenager was able to get a weapon, and understand why the security measures at the entrance to the school by the security company did not work,” Irina Yarovaya said on Monday.

14-04: A student from school No. 263 says that the students were not immediately informed about the shooting

“After this emergency happened, a representative of the administration came to our lesson and told us to pack our things and sit quietly. We were told that one of the students had taken hostages and started shooting after they were taken out of the school. so as not to cause panic,” said an 8th grade student from school No. 263.

According to her, the children were at school for about 20 minutes, after which they began to be evacuated in groups and transferred to the district administration. There they were given warm tea and informed about what had happened. In addition, child psychologists were invited to visit the children.

13-57: The cause of the shooting at school 263 could have been a conflict with a geography teacher

“According to preliminary data, the high school student’s actions were revenge against the geography teacher,” the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported.

13-55: His father helped detain an armed high school student

“The high school student’s father participated in the negotiations together with law enforcement officers,” the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported.

13-50: The high school student who entered school 263 armed had two rifles

“According to preliminary data, the high school student had two rifles,” the press center of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs reported.

13-25: A high school student who burst into school 263 with a weapon was detained

“The high school student who entered school 263 with a weapon has been detained. He has been handed over to representatives of the investigation,” the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs told Moskvichka.

13-11: The armed criminal was neutralized, all hostages were released

According to the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, all students at school 263 have been released. A policeman and a teacher were killed.

13-06: During the operation to free the hostages, two policemen were wounded

“Two policemen were injured, they are alive,” the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported.

13-03: Most of the children in the Moscow school are released

Almost all the children in Moscow school No. 263, where an armed man entered, have been released.

12-57: Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin took the situation in Moscow school No. 263 under personal control

The situation at the school is under the personal control of Sergei Sobyanin. They were given all the necessary instructions to coordinate the actions of all city services to resolve this emergency.

12-55: The armed criminal who entered school No. 263 is in one of the senior classes

20 students and a teacher were held hostage in the office.

12-52: Vladimir Kolokoltsev went to school 263 to the scene of the emergency

Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev went to Moscow School No. 263, where an armed man had entered.

“According to preliminary data, the man entered the educational institution by putting forceful pressure on the security guard,” the press service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs reported.

12-49: An armed man entered Moscow school No. 263, a police officer was wounded

“At the signal of the alarm button, a squad of police officers arrived at the scene. One of them was wounded,” the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported.

The best student in the class burst into class and shot the geography teacher. Then he took 24 schoolchildren hostage, opened fire on police officers, killed one of them and seriously wounded two - a teacher and a private security officer. This has never happened in our country before. VM correspondents tried to get answers to questions about why and how this became possible from weapons experts. There is information that Sergei Gordeev was a member of one of the shooting clubs.

Here is what the head of the Saiga shooting club, Rafail Rudnitsky, says about this:

Teenagers aged 14 and older can attend shooting clubs. But they can only shoot from small-caliber weapons based on physiological indicators. Otherwise, when shooting from a Saiga or 12 gauge, a teenager may experience retinal detachment. Judging by the way the guy shot, he has good skills, and most likely his father instilled them in him.


At the school gates there is a crowd of parents and students with tear-stained faces. Something terrible happened here: an unbalanced student brought a weapon to school and shot his beloved teacher and the police who tried to detain him. Geography teacher Andrei Kirillov and police warrant officer Sergei Bushuev were mortally wounded, and doctors are fighting for the life of police officer Vladimir Krokhin.

This is how tenth-grader Pavel T. recalls the events:

We were evacuated after the first or second shot was fired,” says a 10th grade student. “The shooting was heard from the third floor. The boys helped evacuate younger schoolchildren. I’m very sorry for Andrei Nikolaevich, our next lesson was geography. By the way, he also taught biology. This was my favorite teacher. Darling.

Shooting and hostage-taking at a Moscow school: a security guard and a teacher were killed

Video: Anton Gerdo

Meanwhile, the wounded guard, and according to another version one of the teachers, pressed the alarm button, displayed on the private security console.

Within two minutes, the nearest crew of the immediate response group of the first police battalion of the Moscow Military District for the North-Eastern Administrative District of the Private Security Administration was on the spot. The shooter opened fire on the police through the window. As a result of the shootout one of the policemen was injured.

His colleague, the senior detention group, warrant officer Sergei Bushuev, managed to get inside the building. The juvenile shooter met him in the corridor with several shots. A policeman was fatally wounded and later died in the arms of doctors.

After the button was activated, the entire police force of the district and city was alerted. Employees of the Special Rapid Response Unit of the Central Specialized Response Team of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow quickly arrived on the scene. By that time, investigators had already identified the shooter and contacted his father.

The culprit of the tragedy turned out to be a 10th grade student local school Sergei Gordeev. The windows of his house overlook the school. The parent immediately appeared on the spot and entered into negotiations with his son.

Click on the image to go to viewing mode

Photo: Sergei Gordeev’s VKontakte page

As the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow told reporters at the scene of the incident Anatoly Yakunin, for 15 minutes the father negotiated with his son on a mobile phone from the corridor. Then the guy agreed to let his father in. Previously, the man was wearing a bulletproof vest.

In class, negotiations continued for half an hour. At first the shooter agreed to release his classmates. The father then convinced him to hand over the rifle and knife, which was also on the teenager. As soon as the minor was disarmed, he was detained by special forces who controlled the shooter’s behavior outside.

According to Anatoly Yakunin, Sergei's father.

As experts say, Sergei Gordeev is most likely will be sent for a forensic psychiatric examination to the Serbsky Institute. The head of his press center, Makhamet Kadyrov, told VM:

– Considering that this is a high-profile case, it is very likely that the investigative authorities or the court will send Sergei Gordeev to us. Therefore, we will refrain from commenting now. It’s hard to say what motivated him. All data needs to be analyzed. This will be done during a forensic psychiatric examination. And there will be a decision based on his condition.

– Forensic psychiatric examination is carried out according to a single standard. Regardless of the specific circumstances of the case. The conduct of the examination will depend on the questions that the investigation or the court will formulate before the experts. Information regarding the condition and behavior of the accused will be analyzed. It still needs to be assembled. Expertise involves communication, clinical interviews, tests and observation. As well as the study of criminal or civil cases. These are protocols of interrogations, protocols of investigative actions. Medical information is also analyzed - medical history - everything that is collected during the investigation.

Meanwhile, emergency personnel and doctors evacuated the wounded security guard and police officer by helicopter from the scene. The prefect of North-Eastern Administrative District arrived at the school Valery Vinogradov, who personally took the children out of school. Psychologists immediately began working with the children.

The deputy mayor of the capital also arrived at the scene Petr Biryukov, Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev, Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin, Minister of education Dmitry Livanov.

The question is, what does the dead teacher have to do with it? According to psychiatrist experts, it has nothing to do with it. It’s just that the geographer was one of the “last straws” that broke the teenager’s shaky psyche.

Andrei Kirillov came from Arzamas several years ago. The energetic geographer came to the right place, and his students valued him for his understanding. His wife also worked at the school.

Four years ago, the teachers had a son. Ensign Bushuev also left behind a family. Yesterday his wife and daughter, a high school student, did not wait for their father. As soon as the cordon was lifted, people brought flowers to the scene of the tragedy.


Olga Makhovskaya, senior researcher at the Institute of Psychology:

The graduation class in which the boy studied is the most difficult for a schoolchild. The premonition or even fear of independent adult life is perceived as something like going into space. And all this year, children need some kind of “accompaniment” from adults. Of course, this is not a reason to grab a gun. As far as I understand, he cited the fact of death as the reason. I think it's a childish fear. Boys are actually very afraid of death. It turns out that boys are actually more afraid of death than girls. The education system in our country is such that boys are prepared to become real men only through war and death. Every generation in our country lives through some kind of war. This explains why, according to eyewitnesses, upon entering the classroom Gordeev said literally the following: “I am very afraid of death. I wanted to see what she looked like."

Mikhail Vinogradov, psychiatrist-criminologist:

Sergei Gordeev is a guy driven to despair by bullying. Everything we see now is the result of humiliation and insults. Sergei has a state of passion when he is preparing to take revenge. At that moment, when he went to get even with the offenders, a change in consciousness could occur, and it no longer mattered which specific people would suffer. This situation could have been prevented if the school management had stopped all bullying, or if the parents, having learned that the child was not doing well, would have transferred him to another school.

In general, the reason for what is happening is that our lives have changed too much. Children are not protected from any negative things: the Internet promotes violence, there is a lot of “black stuff” on television. And the child's psyche is very susceptible. Therefore, we need to understand that the time has come to take a closer look at our children, their behavior and hobbies.

Anton Tsvetkov, Deputy Chairman of the Public Council under the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow:

No matter what new levels of protection we come up with, we cannot ensure 100% protection for children at school. Of course, the school must have an outer perimeter surrounded by a fence. Also a gateway entry system. At the same time, it is not possible to inspect everyone, because a huge number of schoolchildren come to the first lesson and it is impossible to inspect them all. It is also worth thinking about dividing the school into sectors. Then the security guard will have the opportunity to block the intruder, for example, on the first floor, and in other sectors the children will be safe ().


Bans won't stop shots

Column by our columnist Georgy Bovt

The simplest reaction to the tragedy that occurred at Moscow school No. 263 is to ban and tighten something else. A lot of recipes have been written out about the reasons for what happened. "He's seen enough American TV series." Ban American TV series? “He overplayed computer shooting games.” Ban computer games?

In the opinion of the “doctors” who began to urgently “treat” us, it is necessary to tighten the security of schools, the system of control over weapons, including hunting weapons, from which 10th grade student Gordeev shot.

Killer perfectionism

Column by our columnist Ekaterina Roshchina

Well, we waited. They said: our children are not like those in America. “Over there” they shoot in schools, but here they don’t! Now there is nothing to brag about.

“Here” also had its own school shooter. Scary? - Yes very. When I first heard about the incident at school No. 263 in Otradnoye, I immediately thought: here they are, computer games and their terrible consequences. When a person’s life is devalued to the level of “went and killed.” When the line between the virtual world and reality blurs. It's like that.

But “our” juvenile killer committed his crime for very special reasons. Because of the rating. I wanted an “A”, but the teacher gave me a “B”. When did the struggle for a good grade become so irreconcilable that it could cost a person’s life? ().

History with geography

Column by our columnist Lera Bokasheva

A terrible incident at a school in Otradnoye shook the whole country. It seems that it has come to us! School shootings where a student comes in with a gun and shoots randomly. But don't judge superficially.

After all, as a rule, the victims of such “shooters” are random ones who fell under the hot hand. And in this case, a specific geography teacher, Andrei Kirillov, was shot. Sergey Gordeev is one of the best students in the class and in the whole school. Potential gold medalist. A boy accustomed to achieving goals...

And here the goal - an A in geography - was not given in hand. And the guy had an emotional breakdown. A conflict that he, with teenage maximalism, resolved so categorically. Even, one might say, fatal...

Of course, they immediately rushed to condemn Sergei Gordeev. The act is absolutely terrible, inhumane, terrible.
But let me say a few words in defense of the teenager ().

Scary greetings from America

Column by our columnist Nikita Mironov

Well, we have become even closer to the “civilized” world. This terrible story that happened at Moscow school No. 263 is purely American. Or is it already ours? There was something I didn’t like about the school – I took the rifle and went to restore order.

I immediately remember another crazy person - former lawyer of the Rigla pharmacy chain Dmitry Vinogradov. In November 2012, he shot seven colleagues. The guy is in unhappy love, and they seemed to be giggling. Well, again, he considered people to be “compost”.

The views of the schoolboy killer are still unclear, but it is already quite clear that he “does not take people for people.” If I don’t like the teacher, I’ll kill him. I'm cool ().


On December 5, 2012, 20-year-old Adam Lanz entered a school in Newtown, Connecticut, wearing a mask and body armor and holding a gun in both hands. First, he came into conflict with the director in her office, where he shot six people, and then opened fire on the students. The victims of this shooting were 27 primary school students, 20 of whom were children under seven years old ().

In October 2013, a student in the US state of Nevada shot and killed a math teacher and then committed suicide ().

In January 2013, a 16-year-old opened fire at a school in Taft, California, injuring two high school students. After which the criminal voluntarily surrendered to the police ().

Our selection presents cases of massacres in schools committed by teenagers. Cruel and pointless...

On the morning of September 5, a monstrous incident occurred in Ivanteevka near Moscow: a 9th grade student burst into the computer science classroom screaming: “I came here to die,” after which he attacked the teacher, hitting her on the head with a kitchen hatchet. The crazy teenager didn’t stop there; he opened fire from a traumatic pistol and began throwing smoke bombs around the classroom. His frightened classmates, trying to escape, jumped out of the windows.

The criminal was captured by school security and handed over to the arriving police. The teacher and several students who received fractures while jumping from a window were hospitalized; now their lives are not in danger.

It was possible to find out that the student had been preparing for the attack for a long time. Judging by his page on social media. network, he was very interested in mass murders and was a fan of Mike Klebold, the teenager who carried out the brutal massacre at Columbine High School in 1999.

Why does this even happen? Why do seemingly prosperous teenagers grab weapons and go kill their teachers and classmates?

Perhaps we can answer these questions if we look back at some of the most notorious school massacres.

February 3, 2014. School No. 263, Otradnoe, Moscow, Russia

Tenth-grader Sergei Gordeev, armed with a rifle and carbine, burst into the geography classroom and killed teacher Andrei Kirillov with two shots.

When the police arrived at the school building, Gordeev opened fire on the police, as a result of which senior sergeant Sergei Bushuev was fatally wounded.

Gordeev was detained and taken to a pre-trial detention center. At trial, his lawyer insisted that the teenager was mentally ill:

“He thinks that he invented all of us, that now he will close his eyes, and all those who are not interesting to him will disappear. He told his own mother that she was his illusion.”

According to the lawyer, his defendant committed the murder to prove the theory of solipsism - a doctrine that states that the entire world around you exists only in your imagination. Gordeev also planned to commit suicide.

By a court decision, Sergei Gordeev was declared insane and sent for compulsory treatment to a psychiatric hospital.

April 20, 1999. Columbine High School, Littleton, Colorado, USA

One of the worst massacres in US history occurred at Columbine High School.

At 11:10 a.m., two heavily armed high school students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, parked in their cars outside the school building and planted two timed bombs in the school cafeteria.

The youths planned to wait for explosions on the street and then shoot all the people running out of the building. The schoolchildren hoped to kill about five hundred people in this way, but the bombs planted in the cafeteria did not go off. Then the frustrated criminals burst into the school and began shooting at everyone who came into their field of vision. They killed one teacher and 12 students, the youngest of whom was 14 years old. More than 20 people were injured. After the massacre, the killers committed suicide: each shot himself in the head.

Harris and Klebold come from wealthy, respectable families. Both were unpopular at school and were passionate about computer games. As follows from their personal diaries, they began preparing for the massacre a year before the tragedy.

December 14, 2012. Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Connecticut, USA

This crime is especially heinous because its victims were small children.

In the morning, 20-year-old Adam Peter Lanza shot his sleeping mother, armed himself with several pistols and rifles from her weapons collection, got into his car and headed to Sandy Hook Elementary School.

At 9:35 he burst into the building and shot children and teachers for 11 minutes. Then, hearing that the police were approaching, he shot himself. This happened between 9:46 and 9:53.

The victims of the 10-minute massacre were 26 people: 20 children aged 6 to 7 years and six women. The headmistress and school psychologist were killed while trying to stop the killer, 4 teachers died trying to save the children and covering them with their bodies.

dead children

The motives for the brutal massacre remain unclear. Adam Lanza was born into a prosperous family, his mother was a teacher and collected weapons. It was to her that all the weapons from which her son shot his victims were registered. Adam was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, a mild form of autism, which, however, is not characterized by aggressive behavior. He was characterized by increased anxiety, was fond of computer games and did not eat meat, not wanting to be the cause of animal suffering...

March 11, 2009. College Albertwil-Realschule, Winnenden, Germany

A former student at the school, 17-year-old Tim Kretschmer, carried out a shooting using his father's pistol, which killed 15 people. At first he operated in the school building, and then moved to the streets of the city, where he killed several more people. Finding himself surrounded by police, Kretschmer shot himself.

The motive for the brutal crime was the refusal of the girl whom Kretschmer was courting to meet with him. This girl studied at the school where the massacre took place, and was one of the first to be killed.

November 7, 2007. Jokela Lyceum, Tuusula, Finland

18-year-old student Erik Auvinen carried out a pistol shooting at his school. 8 people died: 6 students, the school principal and a nurse. After the massacre, Auvinen disappeared into the men's restroom and shot himself in the head.

On the eve of the tragedy, Auvinen posted a video on YouTube entitled “Massacre at Jokela School – 7.11.2007.” The film contained photographs of the school and Auvinen himself with weapons, as well as excerpts from amateur videos of Klebold and Harris carrying out the Columbine High School massacre. Auvinen was a quiet and shy teenager who was bullied by his peers, and he himself bullied elementary school students. The killer was fond of computer games, was interested in weapons and wanted to leave a memory of himself. He hated gays, single parents and couples. He began planning the mass murder back in March.

March 24, 1998. Jonesboro School, Arkansas, USA

On that fateful day, Jonesboro school students Andrew Golden, 11, and Johnson Mitchell, 13, opened fire on children in the school yard. The weapon was stolen by Mitchell from his own grandfather. The shooting killed four children aged 11 to 12 years and a teacher who shielded the students with her body. More than 10 people were injured.

students and teacher killed in shooting

The police who arrived at the scene detained the teenage killers.

Golden and Mitchell were never able to explain what became the motive for the crime. According to some reports, they were interested in the occult. The criminals received 8 and 10 years in prison and are currently free.

March 21, 2005. Red Lake School, Minnesota, USA

16-year-old teenager Jeffrey Weese shot and killed 9 people and then committed suicide. Jeffrey's first victims were his grandfather, a retired police officer, and his girlfriend. Having dealt with them and armed with two pistols and a shotgun that belonged to his grandfather, Wiz went to his school, where he killed seven more people: five students, a teacher and a security guard. According to eyewitnesses, the smile never left Wiz’s face during the murders.

After a shootout with the arriving police, the teenager locked himself in one of the offices and shot himself in the head with a shotgun.

Wiz was a quiet and shy boy who was bullied by his classmates. He was a poor student, obsessed with computer games, and admired Hitler. 4 years before the tragedy, his father committed suicide. After some time, Jeffrey’s mother, who suffered from alcoholism, died in an accident, so the teenager was raised by his grandfather, with whom Wiz was in conflict.