Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Solar storms have a very strong effect on the human body. School Encyclopedia

Indeed, periodically, with a rhythm of approximately 11 years, there is an increase in solar activity. Anatoly Ilyich Khlystov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Researcher at the Department of Solar Physics of the State Astronomical Institute named after Sternberg, spoke about the nature of the phenomenon.

“There is a magnetic field in these specks: specks of different polarity of the magnetic field approach each other, a short circuit occurs and a strong explosion occurs. Due to these energies, a colossal amount of matter is ejected from the surface of the Sun, which flies into outer space and flies in the direction in which it was ejected. Causes the Earth's magnetic field to change. Very fast and sharp. Such changes in the Earth's magnetic field under the action of charged particles that came from the Sun are called magnetic storms.

The influence of solar activity on the occurrence of diseases, researchers have established a few centuries ago. And the name "magnetic storm" was coined in the 16th century by sailors who noticed that sometimes the compass needle begins to fluctuate due to inexplicable phenomena. It has been noted that the worsening of the condition of patients is maximally manifested immediately after a solar flare and - with the onset of a magnetic storm.

“Since the Earth's magnetic field has always existed, and people are born, live and die in this magnetic field, our body is used to what it is. And when this magnetic field begins to change dramatically, according to the laws of physics, when the magnetic field changes, currents arise, including currents in the human brain. These currents, they are naturally very harmful, disrupt the normal type of human brain activity, so all sorts of troubles happen to a person.

Scientists have proven that the most dangerous magnetic storms for health occur in the spring. However, a person who is in a state of creative upsurge becomes insensitive to magnetic storms. Singer Zhenya Otradnaya has her own opinion on this issue.

“I normally endure the heat, but these flashes are somehow, I don’t follow it, I think that there is a lot of suggestibility, that is, they talk about it very often on television, and therefore there is such a temptation to get sick on this day.”

Each person has individual differences in sensitivity to the effects of disturbances in the geomagnetic field. People born during the period of the active Sun are less affected by magnetic storms.

The bright luminous surface of the Sun, visible to the naked eye, has a temperature of about 6000 degrees and is called the photosphere. The photosphere is absolutely opaque, and the substance underlying it is inaccessible to any observations. Above the photosphere is the solar atmosphere: at an altitude of 2-3 thousand kilometers - a fairly dense and thin layer - the chromosphere, which got its name because it is visible during eclipses as a thin pink edging of the Sun. From heights of about 10 thousand kilometers, a rarefied, but inhomogeneous and surprisingly hot (1-2 million degrees) corona of the Sun begins. It extends to distances of several solar radii.

Aggregate state of matter on the Sun: at such temperatures (6000o and above) it can only be plasma, that is, ionized gas. Plasma has a number of very specific properties. Although it is generally electrically neutral, however, it has electrical conductivity, and in the presence of a magnetic field coexists with it: on the one hand, the magnetic field limits the mobility of the plasma - charged particles move along its lines of force and more difficultly - across; on the other hand, if the plasma cloud manages to break away from the main region, it drags the magnetic field along with it. This phenomenon is figuratively called the freezing of the magnetic field into the plasma. Another characteristic property of plasma is that it absorbs electromagnetic oscillations whose frequency is lower than the plasma frequency. As a result, if the plasma density depends only on height (there are no inhomogeneities), then longer-wavelength electromagnetic oscillations (radio waves) come from higher layers of the solar atmosphere. A similar situation exists in the Earth's ionosphere, which is also a plasma.

Fig.1 The structure of the sun

Starting with the research of Richard Carrington, who in 1859 observed a solar flare and a powerful geomagnetic storm that occurred a few hours later on Earth, comparisons of solar and geomagnetic activity led to the formation in science of the point of view that solar flares are the sources of geomagnetic storms. This point of view remained unchanged until the 1980s. With the beginning of the space age, observations of the Sun by means of extraterrestrial astronomy and direct measurements of the parameters of the solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field became available. This led to the discovery of a new type of strong solar disturbance, coronal mass ejection (CME). According to modern views, the direct cause of geomagnetic storms is the perturbed solar wind streams in the Earth's orbit, which contain the orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field necessary for the generation of a geomagnetic storm. The sources of these flows, in turn, are coronal mass ejections and coronal holes. In addition to magnetic storms, which are associated with high solar activity (with coronal mass ejections - CME), moderate magnetic storms are often observed, which occur during periods when there are no active processes on the Sun. Such storms are mainly observed during periods of minimum of the solar activity cycle and often recur with a solar rotation period of 27 days (therefore they are often called recurrent magnetic storms). The origin of such storms for a long time was quite mysterious and incomprehensible, so their source on the Sun was called the "M-region" for a long time. It has now been established that the source of such storms on the Sun is a coronal hole, which, being the source of a fast flow of the solar wind, leads to the interaction of a fast flow with a slow flow and the formation of a compression region (called the Corotating Interaction Region — CIR in the English literature). Due to the compression and change in the direction of plasma motion, a geoeffective component of the interplanetary magnetic field can form in the CIR compression region, leading to the excitation of geomagnetic activity, including magnetic storms and substorms. Coronal holes can exist on the Sun for a period of up to several months, and therefore magnetic activity on Earth repeats with the rotation period of the Sun. According to recent observations, magnetic storms generated by coronal mass ejections (CME) and coronal holes (CIR) differ not only in its origin, as well as the nature of development and its properties. Geomagnetic storms are one of the most important elements of space weather and affect many areas of human activity, from which we can highlight the disruption of communications, spacecraft navigation systems, the occurrence of eddy currents in transformers and pipelines, and even the destruction of energy systems. Magnetic storms also affect health and people's well-being. The section of biophysics that studies the influence of changes in the activity of the Sun and the disturbances it causes in the earth's magnetosphere on earthly organisms is called heliobiology.

Photo NASA / Reuters

Figure 2 The Sun erupted in a series of storms this week, sending a flurry of electrically charged particles crashing into the Earth's magnetic field. So far, solar explosions have caused minor disturbances in terrestrial communication systems. But another series of solar eruptions is expected over the next few days. The Sun is now in the middle of an 11-year cycle of solar storms that could have a significant impact on human activities on Earth and in space.

So far, solar explosions have caused minor disturbances in terrestrial communication systems. But another series of solar eruptions is expected over the next few days. The Sun is now in the middle of an 11-year cycle of solar storms that can have a significant impact on human activities on Earth and in space. Solar storms can cause interference in electrical networks, blackouts and false alarms in power plants, and interfere with high-frequency radio communications.Impact solar activity on the occurrence of diseases was established back in the 20s by A.L. Chizhevsky. He is considered the founder of the science of heliobiology. Since then, studies have been carried out, scientific evidence has been accumulating confirming the impact of solar and magnetic storms on health. It is noted that the deterioration of the patients' condition is maximally manifested, firstly, immediately after a solar flare and, secondly, with the onset of a magnetic storm. This is explained by the fact that after about 8 minutes from the beginning of a solar flare, sunlight (as well as X-ray radiation) reaches the Earth's atmosphere and causes processes there that affect the functioning of the body, and about a day later, the Earth's magnetospheric storm itself begins.

Of all the diseases that are affected by magnetospheric storms, cardiovascular diseases were singled out, first of all, since their relationship with solar and magnetic activity was the most obvious. Comparisons were made of the dependence of the number and severity of cardiovascular diseases on many environmental factors (atmospheric pressure, air temperature, precipitation, cloudiness, ionization, radiation regime, and so on), but a reliable and stable relationship of cardiovascular diseases is revealed precisely with chromospheric flares and geomagnetic storms. During magnetic storms, subjective symptoms of deterioration in the condition of patients were manifested, cases of increased blood pressure became more frequent, coronary circulation worsened, which was accompanied by negative ECG dynamics. Studies have shown that on the day when a solar flare occurs, the number of cases of myocardial infarction increases. It reaches its maximum on the next day after the outbreak (about 2 times more compared to magnetically quiet days). On the same day, a magnetospheric storm caused by a flare begins. Heart rhythm studies have shown that weak disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field did not cause an increase in the number of heart rhythm disturbances. But on days with moderate and strong geomagnetic storms, heart rhythm disturbances occur more often than in the absence of magnetic storms. This applies both to observations at rest and during physical exertion. Observations of hypertensive patients showed that some patients reacted a day before the onset of a magnetic storm. Others felt worse at the beginning, middle, or end of a geomagnetic storm. At the beginning and during the storm, systolic pressure increased (approximately by 10-20%), sometimes at the end, and also during the first day after it ended, both systolic and diastolic blood pressure increased. Only on the second day after the storm, the blood pressure of the patients stabilized. Studies have shown that the storm has the most detrimental effect on patients in its initial period. An analysis of numerous medical data has also deduced the seasonal course of deterioration in health during magnetic storms; it is characterized by the greatest deterioration at the vernal equinox, when the number and severity of vascular accidents (in particular, myocardial infarctions) increase. The connection between solar activity and the functioning of other body systems, with oncological diseases has been revealed. In particular, the incidence of cancer in Turkmenistan was studied during one cycle of solar activity. It was found that during the years of decreasing solar activity, the incidence of malignant tumors increased. The highest incidence of cancer occurred during the period of the quiet Sun, the lowest - during the highest solar activity. It is assumed that this is due to the inhibitory effect of solar activity on poorly differentiated cellular elements, including cancer cells. During a magnetic storm, premature births begin more often, and by the end of the storm, the number of rapid births increases. Scientists also came to the conclusion that the level of solar activity in the year of birth of a child significantly affects its constitutional features.

Studies in different countries on a large factual material have shown that the number of accidents and injuries in transport increases during solar and magnetic storms, which is explained by changes in the activity of the central nervous system. At the same time, the reaction time to external light and sound signals increases, lethargy, slowness appear, quick wits worsen, and the likelihood of making wrong decisions increases. The effects of magnetic and solar storms on patients suffering from mental illness, in particular, manic-depressive syndrome, were observed. It was found that manic phases prevailed in them at high solar activity, and depressive phases at low solar activity. A clear connection was traced between the appeal to psychiatric hospitals and the perturbation of the Earth's magnetic field. On such days, the number of suicide cases increases, which was analyzed according to the EMS calls. It should be noted that a sick and healthy organism reacts differently to changes in space and geophysical conditions. In patients with weakened, tired, emotionally unstable persons, on days characterized by changes in space and geophysical conditions, indicators of energy, immunological protection, the state of various physiological systems of the body worsen, mental stress appears. And a psychologically and physically healthy organism is able to rebuild its internal processes in accordance with the changed conditions of the external environment. At the same time, the immune system is activated, the nervous processes and the endocrine system are rebuilt accordingly; performance is maintained or even improved. Subjectively, this is perceived by a healthy person as an improvement in well-being, an upsurge in mood. Considering psycho-emotional manifestations during periods of cosmic and geophysical disturbances, it is necessary to say about an important aspect of controlling thinking and psycho-emotional state. It is noted that the psycho-emotional mood for creative work is a powerful stimulus for the activity of the body's internal reserves, which makes it easier to endure the extreme effects of natural factors. The observations of more than one generation of scientists indicate that a person in a state of creative upsurge becomes insensitive to any influences of disease-causing factors. There are individual differences in a person's sensitivity to the effects of geomagnetic field disturbances. So, people born during the period of the active Sun are less sensitive to magnetic storms. More and more evidence indicates that the strength of the environmental factor during the development of pregnancy, as well as changes in the mother's body itself, determines the resistance of the future person to certain extreme conditions and a tendency to certain diseases. This suggests that the strength of the influence of cosmic, geophysical and other factors, their ratio and the rhythm of the impact on the body of a pregnant woman, as it were, start the internal biological clock of each of us.

It is impossible to protect yourself from the influence of magnetic storms on a person. But there is an opportunity to make life easier for yourself at this time. To do this, many methods of treatment have been invented to help survive magnetic storms without undesirable consequences for human health, without affecting his performance. However, everyone who is "sick" from magnetic storms needs to think about it - this is your body's signal about the presence of some hidden diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to be examined and establish an accurate diagnosis. We urgently need to pay close attention to our health. walk more, walk in parks, train your body and at first follow the reports of solar flares.

How to maintain human health during magnetic storms? We have all known for a long time that there are unfavorable days in the month. Doctors warn that during magnetic storms there is a deterioration in the condition of people suffering from mental illness. At this time, the number of accidents and injuries in transport is increasing. The central and autonomic nervous systems are very sensitive to geophysical phenomena.

A large number of people feel the upcoming change in the weather. On the eve, people with poor health experience pain in the joints, heart, headache, sleep poorly, etc. The number of premature births, toxicosis increases, during this period the highest incidence of cancer, exacerbation of eye diseases .... It is necessary to increase the reserve capacity of the body.

In order not to react to weather conditions, it is necessary to constantly strengthen the immune system. You can use medications prescribed by doctors, but do not forget to do physical education, properly organize the mode of work and rest, nutrition.

During the period of magnetic storms, those suffering from coronary heart disease are recommended to use medications on the eve of a magnetic storm - psychovegetative regulators, sleeping pills, bellaton and beluid, dibazol, ascorbic and glutamic acids. Consult with your doctor.

The composition of medicinal preparations can include aspirin and nicotinic acid preparations. Patients suffering from coronary heart disease should not use therapeutic physiotherapy procedures. Patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases are recommended:

  • limit physical activity during magnetic storms.
  • increase the dosage of medicines prescribed by doctors.
  • connect the tincture of valerian, motherwort, peony, seduxen, elenium.
  • in connection with an increase in the blood coagulation potential and an increase in platelet function, it is recommended to take aspirin, trental, nicotinic acid.
  • during magnetic storms, oxidation processes are accelerated, it is necessary to compensate for this with antioxidant drugs (glutamic acid, ascorbic acid, etc.).

For patients with hypertension and cardiac ischemia on the eve of unfavorable geophysical and meteorological days, it is recommended:

  1. During the period of magnetic storms and in the spring-winter and autumn periods, use valerian, motherwort, seduxen, meprobomate, trioxazine, tazepan, etc. as prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Persons with severe dysfunction of the hypothalamus (vegetative-vascular crises) should use pyrroxane, aminosine, beta-blockers.
  3. Patients with signs of circular hypoxia of the brain and cerebrocircular insufficiency due to cervical osteochondrosis or atherosclerosis during magnetic storms should use drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain (cavinton, complamin, gizental, eufillin, stugeron, cinnarizine) in combination with analgin or amidopyrine, mustard plasters, lung neck massage.
  4. Patients suffering from coronary heart disease should increase the intake of prolonged nitrates (nitrong, nitrosorbide) up to 5-7 times a day, reducing the dose on calm days to 1-2 times.

Magnetic storms, changes in atmospheric pressure, temperature changes have an adverse effect on human health

Now we are monitoring, we know in advance the time of the onset of magnetic storms. We can warn in advance, protect the body from the deterioration of health, it is necessary to improve health by any means without medication, feasible physical activity, healthy sleep, walks in the fresh air before the onset of adverse weather.

Nutrition is also rational, throughout the day do not abuse food. Everything needs to be measured. Many people think that passion for various diets is a quality inherent in modern man. However, this is not quite true.

Ancient nutritionists argued that in nutrition it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of a person. The body needs all products, but their ratio and quantity should vary depending on age, constitution, habits, climate.

In winter, give preference to food that “warms” the body. These are eggs, dishes made from grain products: wheat, barley, oats. Spicy food - onion, young radish, pepper; fatty fish and meats. In winter, the metabolism is activated, so you can eat more spicy and fatty foods.

Figure 3 Scheme of the interaction of the solar wind with the Earth's magnetosphere.

In summer, on the contrary, the body needs cooling. The diet should be dominated by "cooling" foods: rice, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, radishes, fruits, berries, duck, veal, fish (low fat), etc.

You should not plan any important things for those days that promise to be "stormy" from the standpoint of solar activity. Making responsible decisions, talking with superiors, an important trip, repair work and even general cleaning should be postponed to a more favorable time. Yes, and it is also advisable not to start a showdown with your “half” or other family members on the eve of a magnetic storm. Prepare your body for the challenges ahead. What can you do for him?

  1. Switch to a lower calorie diet. Include green vegetables and plenty of fruits.
  2. Try not to smoke or drink alcoholic beverages.
  3. Drink less coffee, and it will be even better if you forget about it completely for a while and replace it with green tea or juices and mineral water.
  4. In the morning, take a contrast shower, and in the evening - a bath with your favorite aromatic oil.
  5. If, nevertheless, on the day of a magnetic storm or some time after it, you begin to feel really unwell, be sure to consult a doctor.

Some useful tips:

  1. To easily and painlessly survive a magnetic storm at home, prepare yourself an infusion to avoid the nasty headache that haunts many people during a magnetic storm. At home, you can make it as follows: 1 tbsp. spoons of nettle need to pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, then cover and let it brew for 10 minutes. You need to take it for 2 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day.
  2. The influence of the magnetic storm will help you soften the second recipe, healthy and more relevant in summer, of course. But still. Tear off three fresh plantain leaves, pour boiling water over them, about half a glass and cover tightly with a lid. Infuse this healing miracle - the drink needs a little more than an hour. Then divide into three equal portions and take throughout the day.
  3. If you once again learned about the approach of a magnetic storm, and you already know about your weather dependence, what should you do? You can go to the pharmacy for a tincture of common barberry leaves, take 30 - 40 drops 2 - 3 times a day, or a liquid extract of shepherd's purse - 20 - 25 drops, previously diluted with water, 3 times a day.

In recent years, more and more talk about solar activity, magnetic storms and their impact on people. Since solar activity is increasing, the question of the impact of this phenomenon on health becomes quite relevant.

Everything on Earth depends on the Sun, which supplies it with a significant part of its energy. The quiet Sun (in the absence of spots, prominences, flares on its surface) is characterized by the constancy of electromagnetic radiation over time in its entire spectral range, including X-rays, ultraviolet waves, the visible spectrum, infrared rays, radio bands, as well as the constancy of the so-called solar wind - a weak flow of electrons, protons, helium nuclei, which is a radial outflow of solar corona plasma into interplanetary space.

The magnetic field of the planets (including the Earth) serves as protection against the solar wind, but some of the charged particles are able to penetrate into the Earth's magnetosphere. This occurs mainly at high latitudes, where there are two so-called funnels: one in the Northern, the other in the Southern Hemispheres. The interaction of these charged particles with atoms and molecules of atmospheric gases causes a glow called the northern lights.

The energy coming in the form of these particles is further distributed in various processes around the entire globe, resulting in changes in the atmosphere and ionosphere at all latitudes and longitudes. But these changes at middle and low latitudes occur after a certain time after the events at high latitudes, and their consequences are different in different regions, at different latitudes and at different times. Therefore, there is a significant variety of consequences of the invasion of solar wind particles depending on the region.

Wave radiation from the Sun propagates in a straight line at a speed of 300 thousand km / s and reaches the Earth in 8 minutes. Molecules and atoms of atmospheric gases absorb and scatter solar wave radiation selectively (at certain frequencies). Periodically, with a rhythm of approximately 11 years, there is an increase in solar activity (sunspots, chromospheric flares, prominences in the solar corona appear). At this time, wave solar radiation at different frequencies is amplified, streams of electrons, protons, helium nuclei are ejected from the solar atmosphere into interplanetary space, the energy and speed of which is much greater than the energy and speed of solar wind particles. This stream of particles propagates in interplanetary space like a piston. After a certain time (12-24 hours), this piston reaches the Earth's orbit. Under its pressure, the Earth's magnetosphere on the day side shrinks by a factor of 2 or more (from 10 Earth radii in the norm to 3-4x), which leads to an increase in the strength of the Earth's magnetic field. This is how the global magnetic storm begins.

The period when the magnetic field increases is called the initial phase of a magnetic storm and lasts 4-6 hours. Further, the magnetic field returns to normal, and then its value begins to decrease, since the piston of the solar corpuscular flow has already passed beyond the Earth's magnetosphere, and the processes inside the magnetosphere itself have led to a decrease in the magnetic field strength. This period of low magnetic field is called the main phase of the global magnetic storm and lasts 10-15 hours. The main phase of the magnetic storm is followed by a recovery phase (several hours), when the Earth's magnetic field restores its magnitude. In each region, the disturbance of the magnetic field occurs in different ways.

In recent years, it has become clear that a person is affected by a number of cosmic factors that cause changes in the planet's magnetosphere as a result of the impact of solar corpuscular streams on it. Namely:

1. Infrasound, which is acoustic vibrations of very low frequency. It occurs in areas of auroras, at high latitudes and spreads to all latitudes and longitudes, that is, it is a global phenomenon. After 4-6 hours from the beginning of the global magnetic storm, the amplitude of oscillations at middle latitudes gradually increases. After reaching a maximum, it gradually decreases over several hours.

Infrasound is generated not only during auroras, but also during hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, so that there is a constant background of these oscillations in the atmosphere, which is superimposed by oscillations associated with a magnetic storm.

2. Micropulsations or short-period oscillations of the Earth's magnetic field (with frequencies from a few hertz to a few kHz). Micropulsations with a frequency of 0.01 to 10 Hz act on biological systems, in particular on the human nervous system (2-3 Hz), increasing the reaction time to a disturbing signal, affect the psyche (1 Hz), causing melancholy for no apparent reason, fear , panic. They are also associated with an increase in the incidence and complications of the cardiovascular system.

3. Also at this time, the intensity of ultraviolet radiation that comes to the Earth's surface changes due to changes in the ozone layer at high latitudes as a result of the action of accelerated particles on it.

The streams ejected from the Sun are very diverse. The conditions in the interplanetary space that they overcome are also different, so there are no strictly identical magnetic storms. Each has its own face, differs not only in strength, intensity, but also in the features of the development of individual processes.

Thus, it should be borne in mind that the concept of "magnetic storm" in this problem of the effect of space on health is a kind of collective image.

The influence of solar activity on the occurrence of diseases was established back in the 1920s by A.L. Chizhevsky. He is considered the founder of the science of heliobiology. Since then, studies have been carried out, scientific evidence has been accumulating confirming the impact of solar and magnetic storms on health.

It is noted that the deterioration of the patients' condition is maximally manifested, firstly, immediately after a solar flare and, secondly, with the onset of a magnetic storm. This is explained by the fact that after about 8 minutes from the beginning of a solar flare, sunlight (as well as X-ray radiation) reaches the Earth's atmosphere and causes processes there that affect the functioning of the body, and about a day later, the Earth's magnetospheric storm itself begins.

Of all the diseases that are affected by magnetospheric storms, cardiovascular diseases were singled out, first of all, since their relationship with solar and magnetic activity was the most obvious. Comparisons were made of the dependence of the number and severity of cardiovascular diseases on many environmental factors (atmospheric pressure, air temperature, precipitation, cloudiness, ionization, radiation regime, and so on), but a reliable and stable relationship of cardiovascular diseases is revealed precisely with chromospheric flares and geomagnetic storms.

During magnetic storms, subjective symptoms of deterioration in the condition of patients were manifested, cases of increased blood pressure became more frequent, coronary circulation worsened, which was accompanied by negative ECG dynamics. Studies have shown that on the day when a solar flare occurs, the number of cases of myocardial infarction increases. It reaches its maximum on the next day after the outbreak (about 2 times more compared to magnetically quiet days). On the same day, a magnetospheric storm caused by a flare begins.

Heart rhythm studies have shown that weak disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field did not cause an increase in the number of heart rhythm disturbances. But on days with moderate and strong geomagnetic storms, heart rhythm disturbances occur more often than in the absence of magnetic storms. This applies both to observations at rest and during physical exertion.

Observations of hypertensive patients showed that some of the patients reacted a day before the onset of a magnetic storm. Others felt worse at the beginning, middle, or end of a geomagnetic storm. At the beginning and during the storm, systolic pressure increased (approximately by 10-20%), sometimes at the end, and also during the first day after it ended, both systolic and diastolic blood pressure increased. Only on the second day after the storm did the patients' blood pressure stabilize.

Studies have shown that the most detrimental effect on patients is a storm in its initial period. An analysis of numerous medical data has also deduced the seasonal course of deterioration in health during magnetic storms; it is characterized by the greatest deterioration at the spring equinox, when the number and severity of vascular accidents (in particular, myocardial infarctions) increase.

The connection of solar activity with the functioning of other body systems, with oncological diseases has been revealed. In particular, the incidence of cancer in Turkmenistan was studied during one cycle of solar activity. It was found that during the years of decreasing solar activity, the incidence of malignant tumors increased. The highest incidence of cancer occurred during the period of the quiet Sun, the lowest - during the highest solar activity. It is assumed that this is due to the inhibitory effect of solar activity on poorly differentiated cellular elements, including cancer cells.

During a magnetic storm, premature births begin more often, and by the end of the storm, the number of quick births increases. Scientists also came to the conclusion that the level of solar activity in the year of birth of a child significantly affects its constitutional features.

Studies in different countries on a large factual material have shown that the number of accidents and injuries in transport increases during solar and magnetic storms, which is explained by changes in the activity of the central nervous system. At the same time, the reaction time to external light and sound signals increases, inhibition, slowness appear, quick wits worsen, and the likelihood of making wrong decisions increases.

Observations were made of the influence of magnetic and solar storms on patients suffering from mental illness, in particular, manic-depressive syndrome. It was found that manic phases prevailed in them at high solar activity, and depressive phases at low solar activity. A clear connection was traced between the appeal to psychiatric hospitals and the perturbation of the Earth's magnetic field. On such days, the number of suicide cases increases, which was analyzed according to the EMS calls.

It should be noted that a sick and healthy organism reacts differently to changes in space and geophysical conditions. In patients with weakened, tired, emotionally unstable persons, on days characterized by changes in space and geophysical conditions, indicators of energy, immunological protection, the state of various physiological systems of the body worsen, mental stress appears. And a psychologically and physically healthy organism is able to rebuild its internal processes in accordance with the changed conditions of the external environment. At the same time, the immune system is activated, the nervous processes and the endocrine system are rebuilt accordingly; performance is maintained or even improved. Subjectively, this is perceived by a healthy person as an improvement in well-being, an upsurge in mood.

Considering psycho-emotional manifestations during periods of cosmic and geophysical disturbances, it is necessary to say about an important aspect of controlling thinking and psycho-emotional state. It is noted that the psycho-emotional mood for creative work is a powerful stimulus for the activity of the body's internal reserves, which makes it easier to endure the extreme effects of natural factors. The observations of more than one generation of scientists suggest that a person who is in a state of creative upsurge becomes insensitive to any influences of disease-causing factors.

Influence of Solar Activity on the child. It is known that any load is given to children by a great strain of mental, emotional and physical functions. During extreme space and geophysical situations, the child's energy suffers, functional disorders develop in the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems. The child feels discomfort that cannot be explained. There are sleep disturbances, anxiety, tearfulness, loss of appetite. Sometimes the temperature may rise. After the end of the extreme situation, everything returns to normal, and in this case, it is not necessary to resort to the treatment of an unknown disease. Drug therapy for children who have reacted to changes in the geomagnetic environment is not justified and may have adverse consequences. At this time, the child needs the attention of loved ones more.

In children at such moments, increased excitability, impaired attention may appear, some become aggressive, irritable, touchy.

The child may perform schoolwork more slowly. Lack of understanding of the state of children during such periods on the part of parents, educators, teachers exacerbates the negative emotional background of the child. Conflicts may arise. A sensitive attitude towards the child, support in overcoming psychological and physical discomfort is the most realistic way to achieve the harmonious development of children. Even more difficulties may arise if increased geomagnetic activity coincides with the beginning of the school year. In this situation, as the observations of scientists show, creativity helps. In other words, the educational material, the method of its presentation should arouse the child's interest in learning new things. And this will lead to satisfaction of the need for creative activity and will become a source of joy. Mastering the school material should no longer be aimed at mechanical memorization, but at teaching creative comprehension and use of knowledge.

There are individual differences in human sensitivity to the effects of geomagnetic field disturbances. So, people born during the period of the active Sun are less sensitive to magnetic storms. More and more evidence indicates that the strength of the environmental factor during the development of pregnancy, as well as changes in the mother's body itself, determines the resistance of the future person to certain extreme conditions and a tendency to certain diseases. This suggests that the strength of the influence of cosmic, geophysical and other factors, their ratio and the rhythm of the impact on the body of a pregnant woman, as it were, start the internal biological clock of each of us.

The results of scientific observations of solar activity over the past 170 years allow us to attribute the maximum of the 11-year cycle to 2001. to the most powerful for this period. It coincides with the entry into the maximum of the 576 year opposition cycle of the major planets in 2000, which allows scientists to assume an increase in the psychopathogenic cosmic impact on the biosphere in 2000-2001, and then in 2004-2006. cause the largest increase in Earth's seismic activity in recent history.

After the discovery in the last century of the connection between the number of magnetic storms and auroras and the number of sunspots, the question arose: is there any influence of solar activity on biological phenomena on Earth, including humans.

At first, attempts were made to find a connection between the epidemics of various diseases and the number of sunspots. The stimulus for this was the presence in the occurrence of epidemics, periodicities similar to those in the number of sunspots. The beginning of these studies was laid by A. L. Chizhevsky, who, starting from 1915, using data on the number of victims of epidemics in the last century in different countries, found a relationship between diseases and mortality from cholera, diphtheria, age-related typhoid, and other diseases with the number of solar spots.

Later, with the accumulation of medical statistics and geographic and heliophysical data, correlations began to be found between phenomena on the Sun and in human organisms. This relationship is especially evident in cardiovascular diseases and deaths from them. Cardiovascular diseases are not infectious and therefore an increase in the number of cases of simultaneous diseases or deaths of unrelated people in itself indicates the presence of an external influence.

Such manifestations of geomagnetic disturbances were found in the nervous system, pulmonary diseases, in the blood coagulation system, in the exchange of biologically active substances, hormones, enzymes, etc.

It turned out that geomagnetic disturbances significantly affect the reactions that ensure the normal vital activity of the organism when the external environment changes. All processes in the body change rhythmically, and it has been shown that these rhythms also depend on geomagnetic disturbances.

Geomagnetic storms have a strong impact on the human body. It has been established that the nervous system primarily reacts to solar disturbances: geomagnetic storms, for example, are accompanied by an increase in the number of car accidents and injuries at work. Abroad, an analysis of more than 13 thousand road accidents revealed that their number increases dramatically in the days following the solar explosion. The number of accidents among workers in the coal mines of the Ruhr (German statistics) increased on days of strong magnetic activity, on calm days, on the contrary, the least accidents happened.

Sudden increases in the level of solar activity and the associated disturbances in the atmosphere do not in themselves cause an increase in cases of disease. These are just factors that can bring a sick organism out of a state of stable equilibrium and ensure the disease.

This conclusion of A. L. Chizhevsky is confirmed by the result of a joint study of the doctor K. F. Novikova and M. N. Gnevyshev, head of the mountain astronomical station located near Kislovodsk. In those days when the disturbances of the Earth's magnetic field increase, the number of patients with cardiovascular disorders who seek medical help also increases. And perturbations of the geomagnetic field depend on solar activity. .

The 11-year cycle of the Sun affects both the creative productivity of natural scientists and artists.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Krasnoshchekovskaya secondary school No. 1"

"The impact of solar activity on health

and psycho-emotional state of a person


Completed: student of the 8th "in" class

Shipilova Anna

Head: physics teacher

Grigorenko L.P.





ChapterI. What is the Sun?……………………………………………………………..5

ChapterII. Sun and Earth………………………………..…………………………..7

ChapterIII. Man and the Sun……………………………….………………………..9

3.1. Advantages of solar radiation………………………………..…………......9

3.2. The negative influence of the Sun on a person………………………………...10

3.2.1. The impact of magnetic storms on human health……………………13

ChapterIV. Own research……………………………………………..15





The sun is the most familiar astronomical object to all people; a source of light and heat that gives us life, and a source of ultraviolet radiation. The distance between our planet and the Sun, the mass and orbit of the Earth, the very type of star - the Sun - created harmonic prerequisites for the emergence and development of life on Earth. The “breathing” of the Sun (the process of spot formation) is associated with life on Earth. Living organisms transform the energy of the Sun and live due to this. The influence of the Sun affects the operation of various radio systems, power networks, wire lines in the Arctic, and the intensity of the electric current.

The energy of the Sun is enough to cause auroras and magnetic storms. The influence of solar activity on man was established back in the 1920s by A. L. Chizhevsky. Scientists have noticed that the deterioration of the condition of sick people is maximally manifested either immediately after a solar flare, or with the onset of a magnetic storm. And they came to the conclusion that the level of solar activity in the year of birth of a child significantly affects its constitutional features. According to the principle of the law of analogy, “as above, so below”, the human body is the Universe in the infinity of space. We live in the solar system, and its center is the sun. According to the law, there is also a center in our body, and this center is the heart. I was interested in the question of how these two centers are connected, how the Sun affects human health.

Relevance of the topic

In recent years, more and more talk about solar activity and its impact on people. Since solar activity is growing, the question of the influence of this phenomenon becomes quite relevant. The sun has a direct effect on living organisms on the planet, and is also the cause of magnetic storms. Its role in human life is extremely great. This question interested me, and I decided to find out how closely the person and the Sun are connected.

    Goal of the work -To study the Sun, the impact of its activity on human health.

To achieve this goal, I setthe following tasks:

    To study the scientific literature on the activity of the Sun and its impact on humans;

    Find out the pros and cons of solar influence on the human body;

    Conduct your own research and draw conclusions from them;

    Develop the skill of searching for information using different search engines;

    Build research skills.


The sun is one of the main sources on Earth. Its radiation is necessary for the normal functioning of almost all living organisms, but the Sun not only provides heat and light, but also has some negative impact.

Object of study:Sun and man.

Subject of study:solar activity and its impact on the human body.

Research methods:

    study and analysis of literature;

    collection of evidence;


    processing of received data;

    systematization and generalization of the collected material.

Research products:


    information booklet;

    participation in a practical conference.

ChapterI. What is the Sun?

We are accustomed to seeing stars as small, glowing dots in the night sky, however, our bright daytime sun is also a star. It warms the Earth and illuminates it, exposes it to its radiation, which affects the living organisms that inhabit the planet in many ways. Inside the Sun, complex reactions of changing substances take place, and most importantly, “fuel burning” - the transformation of hydrogen atoms into helium atoms, which causes the release of a huge amount of energy.Our Sun is about 5 billion years old. During this time, it almost did not change its size and luminosity. Huge storage and generator of chemical elements. How is it arranged? Let's start from the very beginning. In the central part of the Sun is the source of its energy, or, figuratively speaking, the stove that does not allow it to cool down. This area is called core. Here the temperature reaches 15 million degrees, where energy is released. Immediately around the core begins radiant energy transfer zone. Through it, energy from the nucleus passes to convective zone, and then to surface salts - the solar atmosphere. The lower layer is called the photosphere, the temperature of which we perceive is 6000 degrees. Sometimes darker regions are visible on the surface of the photosphere - spots. Gradually, the photosphere passes into more rarefied layers of the atmosphere - the chromosphere and the corona. The first is visible during eclipses as a thin bright pinkish ring around the disk of the Moon. Also, during eclipses, you can see some kind of arches or fountains, these are emissions of stellar matter, which are called prominences.

In addition to prominences, explosions occur on the surface of the Sun - chromospheric flares, which, like spots, and prominences are a manifestation of solar activity. Following the chromosphere is a region millions of kilometers long - crown. It can be clearly seen during eclipses as bright long rays. It is the corona that is the last zone in the solar atmosphere. The sun consists of about ¾ of hydrogen, ¼ of helium, with a small addition (about 2%) of heavier elements. But how did such a giant appear? All stars have a certain lifetime. When a star "dies" (i.e., burns all the hydrogen), it explodes and a gas and dust cloud or nebula forms in its place. Subsequently, this cloud becomes denser, and under the influence of mutual attraction, after many millennia, a hot gas ball is formed from stellar matter. The nascent star condenses and heats up until, at a temperature in the core of 10 million degrees, a thermonuclear reaction begins, the compression stops and at one moment the star explodes. The ball throws the remnants of the gas and dust cloud into space. At this moment, a new star appears. This is how our Sun was created.

Chapter II . Sun and Earth.

The sun illuminates and warms our planet; without this, life on it would be impossible not only for humans, but even for microorganisms. The sun is the main (although not the only) engine of the processes occurring on Earth. But, not only heat and light the Earth receives from the Sun. Various types of solar radiation and particle flows have a constant impact on her life.The Sun sends electromagnetic waves to the Earth in all areas of the spectrum - from many kilometers of radio waves to gamma rays. The surroundings of the Earth are also reached by charged particles of different energies - both high (solar cosmic rays), and low and medium.

Finally, the Sun emits a powerful stream of elementary particles - neutrinos. However, their impact on earth processes is negligible: for these particles, the globe is transparent, and they freely fly through it. Only a very small part of charged particles from interplanetary space enters the Earth's atmosphere. But their energy is enough to cause auroras and perturbations of the magnetic field of our planet.

Solar flares are especially influential. Astronomers, doctors, meteorologists, signalmen, navigators and other specialists, whose professional activities strongly depend on the degree of activity of our daylight, show constant interest in it. One of the most remarkable features of the Sun is the almost periodic, regular changes in various manifestations of solar activity, that is, the totality of the observed changing (quickly or slowly) phenomena on the Sun. These are sunspots - areas with a strong magnetic field and, as a result, with a lower temperature, and solar flares - the most powerful and rapidly developing explosive processes that affect the entire solar atmosphere above the active region.

The strongest manifestation of solar activity that affects the Earth is solar flares. They develop in active regions with a complex structure of the magnetic field and affect the entire thickness of the solar atmosphere. The energy of a large solar flare reaches a huge value, comparable to the amount of solar energy received by our planet for a whole year. This is approximately 100 times more than all the thermal energy that could be obtained by burning all the explored reserves of oil, gas and coal. * .



Chapter III. Man and Sun

The sun is not only the central luminary of the solar system, but also a particular manifestation of cosmic universal light. The manifestation of solar activity has a strong influence on a person.

3.1. The benefits of solar radiation

The sun's rays have the ability to heat the outer tissues of the human body - this happens under the influence of infrared radiation. Infrared rays penetrate 2-3 centimeters into the tissues and very actively affect the blood vessels, which expand and increase blood circulation in the skin and subcutaneous fat. Due to this, redox processes in these tissues are activated.

One of the components in the variety of solar effects is ultraviolet. How useful can it be? Ultraviolet radiation carries the highest energy. In terms of its chemical activity, it significantly exceeds all other parts of the light spectrum. At the same time, ultraviolet rays have the smallest depth of penetration into tissues - only up to 1 mm. Therefore, their direct influence is limited to the surface layers of the irradiated areas of the skin and mucous membranes.

Ultraviolet irradiation increases the activity of protective mechanisms, has a desensitizing effect, normalizes blood coagulation, improves lipid (fat) metabolism. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the functions of external respiration improve, the activity of the adrenal cortex increases, the supply of oxygen to the myocardium increases, and its contractility increases.

The use of ultraviolet rays for therapeutic purposes with a well-chosen individual dose and precise control gives a high therapeutic effect in many diseases. It consists of analgesic, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, immunostimulating, restorative action. Their use contributes to the epithelialization of the wound surface, as well as the regeneration of the nervous and bone tissue. *

* http:// en. wikipedia. org/ wiki

3.2. The negative impact of the Sun on the human body

Wave radiation from the Sun propagates in a straight line at a speed of 300 thousand km / s and reaches the Earth in 8 minutes. Periodically, with a rhythm of approximately 11 years, there is an increase in solar activity (sunspots, chromospheric flares, prominences in the Sun's root). At this time, wave solar radiation at different frequencies is amplified.

A magnetic storm is a change in the Earth's magnetic field caused by the solar wind. The period when the magnetic field increases is called the initial phase of a magnetic storm and lasts 4-6 hours. Further, the magnetic field returns to normal, and then its value begins to decrease, since the solar flux has already passed beyond the Earth's magnetosphere, and the processes inside the magnetosphere itself have led to a decrease in the magnetic field strength. This period of low magnetic field is called the main phase of the global magnetic storm and lasts 10-15 hours.

Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky made a great contribution to the study of the influence of the Sun on the occurrence of epidemic diseases. The results of these studies are of particular value: after all, he worked with material from those eras when medicine was not yet able to fight either plague, or cholera, or typhoid. The spontaneous nature of the emergence and spread of epidemics gave hope to reveal their relationship with solar activity. Using extensive material, the scientist showed that the most severe and deadly epidemics always coincided with the maximum solar activity. The same pattern was found for diphtheria, meningitis, poliomyelitis, dysentery and scarlet fever.

In the early 60s, scientific publications appeared on the relationship of cardiovascular diseases with solar activity. They showed that people who have already had one heart attack are most susceptible to solar exposure. At the same time, it turned out that their body reacts not to the absolute value of the level of activity, but to the rate of its change.

It has been noted that the deterioration of the condition of patients is maximally manifested, firstly, immediately after a solar flare and, secondly, with the onset of a magnetic storm. This is explained by the fact that after about 8 minutes from the start of a solar flare, sunlight (as well as X-rays) reach the Earth's atmosphere and cause processes there that affect the functioning of the body, and after about a day, the Earth's magnetic storm itself begins.

In the 30s of the 20th century in the city of Nice (France), it was accidentally noticed that myocardial infarctions and strokes in the elderly increased sharply on the same days when there were strong communication disruptions at the local telephone exchange, up to its complete cessation. As it turned out later, the disruption of telephone communications was caused by magnetic storms.

Of all the diseases that are affected by magnetospheric storms, cardiovascular diseases were singled out first of all, since their relationship with solar and magnetic activity was the most obvious. Comparisons were made of the dependence of the number and severity of cardiovascular diseases on many environmental factors (atmospheric pressure, air temperature, precipitation, cloudiness, ionization, radiation regime, and so on), but a reliable and stable relationship of cardiovascular diseases is revealed precisely with chromospheric flares and geomagnetic storms.

During magnetic storms, subjective symptoms of deterioration in the condition of patients were manifested, cases of increased blood pressure became more frequent, coronary circulation worsened, which was accompanied by negative ECG dynamics. Studies have shown that on the day when a solar flare occurs, the number of cases of myocardial infarction increases. It reaches its maximum on the next day, after the outbreak (about 2 times more compared to magnetically quiet days). On the same day, a magnetospheric storm caused by a flare begins.

Studies have shown that the most detrimental effect on patients is a storm in its initial period. An analysis of numerous medical data has also deduced the seasonal course of deterioration in health during magnetic storms; it is characterized by the greatest deterioration at the spring equinox, when the number and severity of vascular accidents (in particular, myocardial infarctions) increase.

Information about the influence of the magnetic field on the human body has changed since ancient times. The healing properties of the magnet were described by Aristotle and Pliny the Elder, the German physician Paracelsus and the English naturalist William Gilbert. It has now been established that the magnetic field primarily affects the regulatory systems of the body (nervous, endocrine and circulatory). Its effect inhibits conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, changes the composition of the blood. Such a reaction to a magnetic field is explained, first of all, by a change in the properties of aqueous solutions in the human body.

It should be noted that a sick and healthy organism reacts differently to changes in space and geophysical conditions. In sick, weakened, tired, emotionally unstable persons on days characterized by changes in space and geophysical conditions, energy indicators, immunological protection, the state of various physiological systems of the body deteriorate, and mental stress appears. And a psychologically and physically healthy organism is able to rebuild its internal processes in accordance with the changed conditions of the external environment. At the same time, the immune system is activated, the nervous processes and the endocrine system are rebuilt accordingly; performance is maintained or even improved. Subjectively, this is perceived by a healthy person as an improvement in well-being, an increase in mood.

A child's body is more affected by solar flares than an adult's body. It is known that any load is given to children by a great strain of mental, emotional and physical functions. During extreme space and geophysical situations, the child's energy suffers, functional disorders develop in the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems. The child feels discomfort that cannot be explained. There are sleep disturbances, anxiety, loss of appetite, sometimes the temperature may rise. After the end of the extreme situation, everything returns to normal, and in this case it is not necessary to resort to the treatment of an unknown disease.

3.2.1. The impact of magnetic storms on human health

Meteosensitivity is the property of the body to respond not only to magnetic storms, but also to changes in atmospheric pressure, temperature changes, perturbations of the gravitational field, that is, to the whole complex of cosmic, geophysical and weather factors. During periods of magnetic storms caused by the activity of the Sun, the release of adrenaline into the blood increases in the body, it begins to move more slowly and intermittently, and a great burden falls on the heart. This can cause a hypertensive crisis, heart attack, stroke. Therefore, it is important to feel the change in space weather in time and take timely measures.

Among those who can be attributed to the victims of the weather, stand outthree groups. First - those for whom the source of poor health is precisely certain weather factors.Second group - those who suffer from any acute or chronic diseases, and weather conditions only intensify or weaken the course of the underlying disease. In patients with hypertension, for example, adverse weather can cause a hypertensive crisis. In those suffering from bronchial asthma - an asthma attack, rheumatism - pain in the joints. And finally tothird group include pseudometeosensitive people, that is, who are not affected by the weather conditions themselves, but by some of the circumstances accompanying them.

People who are often in areas of abnormal phenomena feel worse, severe headaches appear, blood pressure changes, heart rhythm is disturbed, some have asthma attacks and hypertensive crises, and insomnia occurs.

What's happening:

1. Dark spots appear on the Sun, then a flash occurs. A stream of plasma and radiation - electromagnetic, X-ray, ultraviolet - flies towards us at a speed of up to 1000 km / s. After 3-4 days, it reaches the Earth.

2. The Earth's magnetic field takes on the impact of charged particles. This is what is called "disturbed geomagnetic background"

3. In the geomagnetic field from the "shake" there are radio waves of low frequency - 1, 5, 10 Hertz. They act on us. Scientists do not fully understand the mechanism of our response to magnetic storms. Most likely, the matter is in resonance: human biorhythms - heartbeat, nerve impulses - also “work” in the range of several Hertz. Electromagnetic waves can change the viscosity of blood.

4. The blood has become thicker, which means that it flows more slowly through the vessels, especially the thin vessels of the brain. Cells are worse supplied with oxygen - hence headaches, migraines, rapid and unreasonable fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness.

5. The regulation of vascular tone is disturbed, the pressure “jumps” unpredictably. Therefore, people with diseases of the cardiovascular system are most sensitive to magnetic storms.

The most dangerous weapon of the storm -electromagnetic pulsein the heart rate range. It can lead to sudden death. Even in healthy people, the heart rate goes astray, blood pressure rises.

Working on the topic and studying the special literature, the works of scientists in this field, I learned that 60 percent of people react to magnetic storms!

I also found that magnetic storms in cardiac patients suppress the production ofmelanin- a hormone that "works" as an antioxidant, strengthens the immune system and is responsible for daily biorhythms. A lack of melanin can lead to serious changes in the body.

ChapterIV. Own research.

Having studied the theory, I conducted a survey among 100 students in grades 3-10. They were asked 6 different questions (see AppendixII). I propose to look at the results of the survey in the form of diagrams.

    How much time do you spend outdoors during the day, i.e. during daylight hours?

A. 30 minutes

B.Over an hour

IN. Differently

G. I don't notice

Conclusion:Students of our school allocate different hours of daylight hours. Most likely it depends on various circumstances that develop in each student in his own way.


A. Improving

B.Does not change

IN.getting worse

Conclusion:Most students in our school notice an improvement in well-being on a sunny day.

The sun increases vitality, gives a feeling of happiness, supports and inspires a person.


A. Moon


IN.Sun )

Conclusion:Most students in our school are at their best at noon.

6. What time of the year do you feel the best?

A. Winter;

B. Spring;



Conclusion:Of course, in summerstudents feel the best.

The sun stimulates the production of "pleasure hormones", which is why sunlight is considered to be the best natural antidepressant. Its positive influence also extends to the sphere of interpersonal relationships: if the cold encourages us to “close”, then the Sun, on the contrary, “opens” us in relation to the outside world and others. That is why in the summer it is easier for us to make new friends. The "energy of happiness" comes from the Sun. My research clearly shows this.


Thus, as a result of the research, the hypothesis was confirmed that the emotional and physical state of a person depends on the intensity of sunlight. In addition, much depends on the person himself, his attitude to the world around him.

As a result of my research, I found out that the processes taking place on the Sun have a huge impact on human health and his psycho-emotional state, and not only positive results are observed, but also negative ones too.

Thus, it is necessary to take care of maintaining the overall resistance of the organism to adverse factors constantly, and not only on days of increased solar activity. This means the implementation of a whole range of hardening procedures, physical exercises, adherence to the principles of a healthy diet.

Of course, these days one should avoid strong mental and physical exertion, which in itself is not very useful anyway; I think we need to keep a good mood and not panic.

The materials of this work can be used at parent-teacher meetings, class hours and extracurricular activities.


    Kaurov E. Man, the Sun and Magnetic Storms. Astronomy. RAN, 2000.

    Kosidovsky, Zenon. When the Sun was God. Publisher: Children's literature. M., 1980.

3. Miroshnichenko L.I. Solar activity and the Earth. - M.: Nauka, 1981.

    J. K. Hargveers. Upper atmosphere and solar-terrestrial relations, M., 1982. ApplicationI


    Questionnaire Questions

    1. How much time do you spend outdoors during the day, i.e. during daylight hours?

    a) 30 minutes c) Various

    b) More than an hour d) I don’t notice

      How does your well-being change on a sunny day?

    a) getting better

    b) does not change

    c) getting worse

      What influences life the most?

    a) the moon

    b) Earth

    c) the sun

      Which factor makes the mood improve faster?

    a) Delicious food

    b) Warm weather

    c) have a good day

    d) Good grade

      What time of day do you feel best?

    a) early morning

    c) Late evening

    b) Noon

      What time of the year do you feel the best?

    a) Winter

    b) Spring

    into the summer

    d) Autumn