Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Kern-Jirasek Approximate School Maturity Test. Kern-Jiraseka Approximate School Maturity Test Test he ate soup

Is the child ready for school? Increasingly, parents of future first-graders are asking themselves this question. Often they are interested not only in what, but also whether he will cope with school loads, whether he has enough to study at school. All this together is called school readiness - and here are some school readiness tests you can take to understand if a child is ready for school.

To assess school maturity, the child is offered a special test form: a sheet of unlined paper about the size of an unfolded notebook sheet, one side of which is clean (for completing task 1), and the other is divided horizontally into two equal parts (for completing tasks 2 and 3). In the upper half, on the left, there is a sample of written letters, and on the right, space is left for its reproduction. Similarly, in the lower half on the left is placed a sample of dots for reproduction, and on the right is a free space. The test begins with drawing a person.

Exercise 1. Draw a person here. So how can you do it.

Test score

5 - The drawn figure must have a head, torso and limbs. The head is connected to the body through the neck, and it is no larger than the body. There are hair on the head (or a cap or hat covers them) and ears, on the face - eyes, nose and mouth. The hands are finished with a five-fingered hand. The legs are bent at the bottom. Bringing men's clothing. The figure is drawn using the so-called synthetic method.

4 - Fulfillment of all requirements, as in paragraph 1, except for the synthetic image method. Three missing parts (neck, hair, one finger of the hand, but not part of the face) can be excluded from the requirements if this is balanced by the synthetic image mode.

3 - The drawing must have a head, torso and limbs. The arms or legs are drawn with a double line. We allow non-adduction of the neck, ears, hair, clothes, fingers and feet.

2 - Primitive drawing with a torso. Limbs (one pair is enough) are expressed with just simple lines.

1 - There is a lack of a clear image of the torso ("cephalopod" image) or both limbs.

Task 2. Look, there's something written here. (Sentence of three short words, for example, "I eat by myself.") You haven't learned to write yet, but try it, maybe you can too. Take a good look at how it is written, and here, next to (on the right) in this empty space, write it like that too.

Test score

5 - Completely satisfactory (in terms of reading) imitation of the written sample. The letters do not reach double the size of the pattern. The initial letter has a clearly visible capital letter height. The letters are well connected in three words. You can't have a dot above the letter. The rewritten sentence does not deviate from the horizontal line by more than 30°.

4 - Another legible imitation of a written sentence. The size of the letters and the observance of horizontality are not taken into account.

3 - Obviously, the division into at least two parts. You can make out at least four pattern letters.

2 - At least two letters are similar to the pattern. The whole still forms a line of "scripture".

1 - Scribbling.

Task 3. Look - there are dots. Draw here next to the same.

* * *
* * *
* * *

Test performance evaluation

5 - Almost perfect imitation of the model. We allow only a very small deviation of one point from a row or column. Reducing the figure is acceptable, the increase should not be more than half. The drawing must be parallel with the sample.

4 - The number and arrangement of points must correspond to the sample. Even three points can be allowed to deviate by half the width of the gap between rows or columns.

3 - The whole in its contour is similar to the sample. In height and width, it does not exceed it more than twice. The points do not have to be in the correct number, but they should not be more than twenty or less than seven. Any rotation is allowed - even 180°.

2 - The drawing is no longer similar to the sample, but it still consists of dots. The size of the pattern and the number of dots do not matter. Other shapes (lines) are not allowed

How to determine if a child is ready for school: physiological maturity

School maturity tests - both graphic and verbal - provide psychologists and parents of a future first-grader with information about their readiness to study at the school of their intellect. But there are other criteria. physiological maturity- it is also important to take them into account, usually this is done during a medical examination before school. But there is one simple criterion that parents can use.

At preschool age (at 5-6 years old), children experience a "half-height leap", which is a significant indicator of the maturity of the body. In order to find out if the child has passed this important stage, there is a simple test. You need to ask the child to get his left ear with his right hand, holding his hand above his head.

But this simplicity is apparent, since the test reflects not so much the degree of development of the skeleton as a much more important indicator - the degree of maturity of the whole organism. And first of all - the level of maturation of the nervous system, the ability of the brain to perceive and process information. Physiologists and hygienists have firmly established that if a child starts attending school before he has passed the "half-height leap", this has a sharp negative effect on his health, especially mental health, and rarely brings success in learning.

hygiene skills For a child who goes to school, this is also important. If a child cannot get his clothes in order after going to the bathroom or changing for gym, he is unlikely to be comfortable at school.

By the time they enter school, children should be able to:

  • wash hands with soap and water after playing (especially with animals), after walking and going to the toilet, before eating;
  • wash your face in the morning after sleep and morning exercises, in the evening before going to bed;
  • comb your hair (with your comb);
  • brush your teeth in the morning and evening (with your own toothbrush);
  • when eating: sit correctly, use cutlery (spoon, fork, knife) and a napkin;
  • use a handkerchief;
  • empty the intestines and bladder in time, use toilet paper;
  • dress and undress, make the bed;
  • keep clothes and shoes clean and tidy (change and wash socks, sew on buttons, use clothes and shoe brushes);
  • change into home clothes and shoes;
  • if necessary, seek medical help in a timely manner (injuries, bites, ailments).


At our school, psychological testing was carried out even before enrollment in grade 1 to find out the child's readiness for school, his expectations. The psychologist is a very good girl, literate, knows how to communicate with parents. I think that a very useful introduction is a test before entering school, parents will be told what and how their child has and they will be able to help him, if anything. Our son has no problems here, although I was worried because I thought that he was not ready for school. But no)) they are engaged in the program of elementary school of the 21st century, there are interesting tasks, there is motivation to learn new things. Studying with pleasure.

08/25/2018 18:13:02, Maria5e664

Comment on the article "What should a child be able to do before school? School maturity test"

School maturity test. Preparation for school. Child from 3 to 7. Parenting, nutrition, daily routine, kindergarten attendance and relationships See other discussions on the topic "Child readiness test": What should a child be able to do before school?

And readiness for school in general cannot be determined from these tests, it is generally about something completely different, and not about Educational systems in elementary school How to determine a child's readiness for school. Both psychological and level of knowledge. Count to 10, count to 20 and back.

The school is English, there were children in the class who could and who could not. With those who did not know how, the teacher was engaged depending on, and it struck me (I don’t know how much the program, but how much the teacher): already in September, in the first grade, children had to do ...

And at school, I don’t even have to ask anyone what we have to pass in order to go to the second - there are now organizational problems, the teacher may change in the class. And I would like to know not the private opinion of a particular teacher, but objectively, according to the law - what I should know - be able to ...

Preparation for school. A child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, attending a kindergarten and relationships with teachers I liked the tests Uzorova, Nefedova 3000 questions when children enter school. Best of all, if you have decided on a teacher, in ...

Data on school readiness remains in the kindergarten and is not transmitted to the school. They are needed only for the psychologist and educator himself, in order to see the general level of children and before signing up for school preparation. Registration in grade 1: 17 questions and tasks for testing.

School Admissions Commission. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. A child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine then it’s not at all clear what all this is for. a child who knows all this will be very bored. sit and watch others learn to read and write.

A child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, attending a kindergarten and relationships with caregivers, illness and A. It turned out that at the age of 5 a child should already draw these very little men with eyes, ears, eyebrows and exactly 5 fingers on each. ..

PMPK. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placing children in families, raising foster children, interaction with guardianship, teaching foster parents at school.

Should all children be able to read by first grade? I think everything should be taught in school. If a child knows everything, then why would teachers go to first grade at 6.5 or 7.5 years old? Psychologist's opinion. What should a child be able to do before school? School maturity test.

How did your children read before school? Mine, like most adopted children, had a mental retardation, neurology, but doctors believe that all All children should be able to read by the first grade? In August, before school, she suddenly began to read faster, she reads a sentence in a minute.

Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placement of children in families, raising foster children, interaction with guardianship, please tell me .. are there any tests for adoption. well, like, will I be good .. am I ready, etc. interesting) share ...

Read before school.. Books. A child from 7 to 10. The child wore them to school, the pictures are visible to the whole class, the test is enough for a small report and added a little from himself. I never forced him to read, I just bought a book and put it to him. started reading...

Preparation for school. A child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, attending a kindergarten and relationships with caregivers And nothing will be bad at school :) it’s quite normal for a child to get confused in front of a stranger who arranges an exam.

Readiness test?? Yesterday Egor and I went to an interview for preparation for school. 90 willing people: ((Yesterday a group from the School, which by definition is designed to teach, is waiting for children already trained, comfortable for you, you noticed that, speaking of readiness for ...

Please advise if there are any centers where you can test a student in basic school subjects, at least math, Russian, history, literature, natural science, it is clear that English. they test on any courses, but where are the rest?

Psychological testing of future first-graders. Preparation for school. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, attending a kindergarten and relationships with caregivers, illnesses and physical development of a child from 3 to 7 years.

School readiness. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Child aged 10 to 13. Raising a child aged 10 to 13: education, school problems, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, extracurricular activities, leisure and hobbies.

Test for readiness for learning??. Preparation for school. A child from 10 to 13. Yesterday Egor and I went to an interview to prepare for school. This year, the school does not have enough teachers for this training and therefore decided to recruit only one group, 25 people.

Section: School (what the child should know by the end of the first grade). What did you learn in school or do you know how to do at all? That's a big difference. For example, at the age of 5 my daughter read thick books, and after the 1st grade, the child should read at a speed of 50, or something, words per minute ...

Hello! The subject of readiness for school is relevant for many. I decided to go through, so to speak, some tests and questionnaires for school readiness so that we can just get acquainted with them in order to understand what needs to be taught to children. I think it is clear to everyone that when preparing for school, the point is not to memorize tasks, but to ensure that the child masters those mental operations, techniques, skills that would help him complete these tasks not only during testing, but also in the educational process. and in life situations.
I'll start with a test used one of the first in the practice of school testing.

Orientation test of school maturity of Kern - Jirasek (Їrasika) updated.

Age: Preschool 5-7 years.
Purpose: To determine the level of readiness of the child for schooling. The test reveals the general level of mental development, the level of development of thinking, the ability to listen, remember and understand, and perform tasks according to the model.

The Kern-Jirasek (Irasek) test consists of 4 parts:

a) test “Drawing of a man” (male figure);
b) copying a phrase from written letters;
c) drawing points;
d) questionnaire.

Short story.

This test was proposed by J. Jirasek as a modification and update of the existing A. Kern technique and received the combined name "Updated Kern-Jirasek test". In 1978, the Kern-Jirasek graphic test was first published in Russian, but it was only 6-10 years later that it was widely used. The exceptional simplicity of testing, maximum accessibility have made it a favorite tool not only among psychologists, but also teachers, and even kindergarten teachers.

Some unfortunate specialists quite freely interpreted the results of the survey, labeling children who did not score the required number of points “underachieving”, “lagging behind”, and even using stronger expressions that put an end to a child who was “unlucky” to pass the test qualitatively. Meanwhile, J. Jirasek warned against such an interpretation, he supplied the methodology with very clear instructions and gave precise explanations for the interpretation.

What will the Kern-Jirasek test tell about and for whom is it intended?

This technique is intended for 5-7 year old children, its purpose is to test their readiness for schooling. This includes an assessment of the child's personal maturity (task 1), his fine motor skills of the hands and visual coordination (task 2), the test also allows you to identify the visual-spatial perception of the future first-grader, visual memory (task 3) and thinking (based on the overall assessment of the entire test) . The test can be used both individually and in a group.

The child is given an A4 sheet folded in half and a simple pencil. The sheet should lie like a notebook. The first page is blank. On the unfolded side (on the left half of the sheet), at the top, write a short sentence in written (NOT printed!) Letters in advance: He ate soup, or She was given tea, or I am sitting.

At the bottom you draw a group of dots. The right half of the sheet is for the task of copying.

The child should sit in a way that is comfortable for him, so that the table and chair are adjusted to his height.

When everything is ready, seat the child, put a folded sheet of paper in front of him, give the first task and wait for him to complete them. Then ask him to unfold the sheet for the second task, and so on.

a) Test “Drawing of a person”.

Exercise.“Here (shown where) draw some uncle, (man) as you can.” While drawing, it is unacceptable to correct the child (“you forgot to draw the ears”), the adult silently observes. If the child asks if you can draw a woman, say: "You need to draw a man." If the child has already started drawing a woman, wait until he finishes and repeat the request to draw a man. It happens that a child refuses to draw a man. In this case, do not insist - this is information for you to think about. (Such a refusal, presumably, may indicate trouble in the child’s family, when the father is absent at all, a threat comes from him, or psycho-traumatic impressions are associated with him (But do not immediately jump to conclusions - a bad mood or previous stress may be the reason).


1 point: a male figure is drawn (elements of men's clothing), there is a head, torso, limbs; the head is connected to the body by the neck, it should not be larger than the body; the head is smaller than the body; on the head - hair, a headdress, ears are possible; on the face - eyes, nose, mouth; hands have hands with five fingers; legs are bent (there is a foot or boot); the figure is drawn in a synthetic way (the contour is solid, the legs and arms seem to grow from the body, and are not attached to it.
2 points: fulfillment of all requirements, except for the synthetic method of drawing, or if there is a synthetic method, but 3 details are not drawn: neck, hair, fingers; the face is completely drawn.
3 points: the figure has a head, torso, limbs (arms and legs are drawn with two lines); may be missing: neck, ears, hair, clothes, fingers, feet.
4 points: a primitive drawing with a head and torso, arms and legs are not drawn, they can be in the form of a single line.
5 points: lack of a clear image of the torso, no limbs; scribble.

Regarding the interpretation, J. Jirasek noted that the high quality of performance indicates a greater likelihood that the subject will successfully cope with the school curriculum. However, if he coped with the test poorly, this does NOT mean that at school he will become a loser and an ignoramus. Not at all. Children study well. It just happens that a child, in principle, schematically draws a person, which affects only the total amount of points.

b) Copying a phrase from written letters

Exercise. “Look, something is written here. Try to rewrite it the same way here (show below the written phrase) as best you can.”
On the sheet, write the phrase in capital letters, the first letter is capital: He ate the soup.

1 point: well and completely copied sample; letters may be slightly larger than the sample, but not 2 times; the first letter is capital; the phrase consists of three words, their arrangement on the sheet is horizontal (maybe a slight deviation from the horizontal).
2 points: the sample is copied legibly; the size of the letters and the horizontal position are not taken into account (the letter may be larger, the line may go up or down).
3 points: the inscription is divided into three parts, at least 4 letters can be understood.
4 points: at least 2 letters match the pattern, a string is visible.
5 points: illegible scribbles, scratching.

c) Drawing points.

Exercise. “The dots are drawn here. Try to draw next to the same.
In the sample, 10 points are evenly spaced vertically and horizontally from each other.

1 point: exact copying of the sample, slight deviations from a line or column are allowed, a reduction in the pattern, an increase is unacceptable.
2 points: the number and location of points correspond to the sample, a deviation of up to three points by half the distance between them is allowed; dots can be replaced by circles.
3 points: the drawing as a whole corresponds to the sample, in height or width does not exceed it more than 2 times; the number of points may not match the sample, but they should not be more than 20 and less than 7; let's rotate the picture even 180 degrees.
4 points: the drawing consists of dots, but does not match the sample.
5 points: scribble, scribble.

After each task is evaluated, all points are summed up.

So, if the child scored in total for all three tasks:
3-6 points - this is a high level of readiness for school;
7-12 points - quite an average level;
13-15 points - so be it, low level of readiness, the child needs additional classes, research, etc. (or maybe the child just had a bad mood? - in a day we will pass the test again! Everything will work out, but need to be more careful!)

The sheet for two tasks looks like this.

(The dots on the right (vertical) indicate the fold line of the sheet of paper.)

G) Questionnaire.

Reveals the general level of thinking, outlook, development of social qualities.
It is conducted in the form of a question-and-answer conversation. The task may sound like this: “Now I will ask questions, and you try to answer them.” If a child finds it difficult to answer a question right away, you can help him with a few leading questions. The answers are recorded in points, then summarized:

Which animal is bigger, a horse or a dog?
(horse = 0 points; wrong answer = -5 points)

In the morning we have breakfast, and in the afternoon...
(lunch, soup, meat = 0; dinner, sleep and other incorrect answers = -3 points)

It's bright during the day, but at night...
(dark = 0; wrong answer = -4)

The sky is blue and the grass...
(green = 0; wrong answer = -4)

Cherries, pears, plums, apples - what's that?
(fruit = 1; wrong answer = -1)

Why does the barrier go down before the train passes?
(so that the train does not collide with the car; so that no one gets hurt, etc. = 0;
wrong answer = -1)

What is Moscow, Odessa, St. Petersburg? (name any cities)
(cities = 1; stations = 0; wrong answer = -1)

What time is it now? (show on a watch, real or toy)
(correctly shown = 4; only a whole hour or a quarter of an hour shown = 3; does not know hours = 0)

A little cow is a calf, a little dog is..., a little sheep is...?
(puppy, lamb = 4; only one correct answer = 0; wrong answer = -1)

Is the dog more like a chicken or a cat? How? What do they have in common?
(per cat, because they have 4 legs, hair, tail, claws (one similarity is enough) = 0;
for a cat without explanation = -1, for a chicken = -3)

Why do all cars have brakes?
(two reasons given: braking downhill, stopping, avoiding a collision, etc. = 1;
one reason = 0; wrong answer = -1)

How are hammer and ax similar to each other?
(two common signs: they are made of wood and iron, they are tools, they can hammer nails, they have handles, etc. = 3; one similarity = 2; wrong answer = 0)

How are cats and squirrels similar?
(determining that these are animals or giving two common features: they have 4 legs, tails, wool, they can climb trees, etc. = 3; one similarity = 2; wrong answer = 0)

What is the difference between a nail and a screw? How would you recognize them if they were on the table in front of you?
(the screw has a thread (thread, such a twisted line around) = 3;
the screw is screwed in and the nail is hammered or the screw has a nut = 2; wrong answer = 0)

Football, high jump, tennis, swimming...
(sports (physical education) = 3; games (exercises, gymnastics, competitions) = 2; don't know = 0)

What vehicles do you know?
(three ground vehicles + plane or ship = 4;
only three land vehicles or a complete list with an aircraft, a ship, but only after explaining that vehicles are what you can move around in = 2;
wrong answer = 0)

What is the difference between an old person and a young person? What is the difference between them?
(3 signs (gray hair, lack of hair, wrinkles, poor vision, often sick, etc.) = 4;
one or two differences = 2; wrong answer (he has a stick, he smokes...) = 0

Why do people play sports?
(for two reasons (to be healthy, hardened, not to be fat, etc.) = 4;
one reason = 2; wrong answer (to be able to do something, to earn money, etc.) = 0)

Why is it bad when someone deviates from work?
(others have to work for him (or another expression that someone is harmed by this) = 4; he is lazy, earns little, cannot buy anything = 2; wrong answer = 0)

Why do you need to put a stamp on a letter?
(so they pay for forwarding this letter = 5;
the other, the one who receives, would have to pay a fine = 2; wrong answer = 0)

Let's sum up the points.
Sum + 24 and above - high verbal intelligence (outlook).
The sum from + 14 to 23 is above average.
The sum from 0 to + 13 is the average indicator of verbal intelligence.
From -1 to -10 - below average.
From - 11 and less - a low indicator.
If the indicator of verbal intelligence is low or below average, additional examination and additional classes are necessary.

Now the subtleties: do not rush to the conclusions from the series "All the children are great, but mine ..!!" And yours is great! The results of this testing are not the main, not the last, but intermediate. And acquaintance with the test is not carried out so that the child learns to put these points and draw these letters. I repeat - you need to get acquainted in order to understand: what mental operations need to be developed so that the child not only completes the tasks of the test, but then the tasks of the school textbook, and later solves life problems.
I wish you success!!!

Full description

Diagnosis of a child's readiness for school (Determination of school maturity according to the Kern-Jirasek test).

This test is widely used and can be used by psychologists, educators, parents and other interested parties. The instruction was developed by the Institute of Hygiene for Children and Adolescents of the USSR Ministry of Health, but the relevance of the test is still preserved.

Orientation Kern-Jirasek test is used to examine 6-year-old children.

Before the test, the name, surname of the child, age and date of the test are recorded on a piece of paper. Samples of the written phrase and dots are also being prepared.

1 task. Drawing a human figure.

The child is given a sheet of unlined white paper and a set of colored pencils (or a simple pencil).

The following task is proposed: "Here (it is shown where) draw some uncle in full growth, as you can." No other explanation is given to the child. Interfering with the drawing process, commenting, helping an adult is not allowed. If a child says: “I don’t know how”, an adult encourages: “I understand that you are not an artist. But draw as best you can!” If the child wants to draw someone else (such as an aunt), allow him to do so, but then insist that he draw the uncle.

For an observant person or a specialist, the drawing process itself is of interest, the colors selected by the child, as well as the size and location of the figure on the sheet. If the color is unnatural (for example, the hair is blue or green or red), etc. - This is an occasion for additional study of the characteristics of the child.

Evaluation of test results:

1 point The drawn figure should have a head (with eyes, mouth, nose), hair or a hat on the head, ears drawn. The head should not be larger than the body and is connected to it by the neck. 5 fingers are drawn on the hands. The legs are in proportion to the body; often children prepared for school draw shoes. There are signs of men's clothing. The limbs are not painted on by the child, the drawing has a certain integrity and even volume.

2 points. There is a head, torso, arms, legs, but the image is not integral (“synthetic”). Separately, the head, torso are drawn, arms and legs are attached to the torso. Three missing parts of the body are possible: neck, hair, one finger of the hand, but no part of the face should be missing.

3 points. There is a head, torso, limbs (arms and legs should be drawn between two lines). The neck, hair, clothes, fingers, feet (or shoes) on the legs are missing.

4 points. Primitive head drawing with torso and limbs. According to the principle "stick-stick-cucumber, here comes the little man."

5 points. There is no clear depiction of the torso and limbs (“scribbles”).

Interpretation of results:

1 point: high level of intellectual development;

2 points: average level;

3 points: below average;

4 points: low level;

5 points: very low level.

2 task. Phrase writing.

The second task is formulated as follows: “Look, something is written here. You can't write yet, but try to take a good look at how it's written and write the same." Usually the child is offered to copy a phrase written in written letters: “He ate soup”, or “She was given tea”, sometimes they offer a phrase in a foreign language.

1 point The written sample is well and completely legible copied. The letters exceed the size of the sample letters by no more than 2 times. The first letter in height clearly corresponds to the capital letter. The letters are clearly connected in 3 words. The copied phrase deviates from the horizontal line by no more than 30°.

2 points. Still legibly copied sample. The size of the letters and the observance of the horizontal line are not taken into account.

3 points. Explicit division of the inscription into 3 parts. You can understand at least 4 letters of the sample.

4 points. At least 2 letters match the pattern. The reproduced pattern still creates the label line.

5 points."Scribble".

3 task. Drawing a group of points.

The third task can be presented as follows: "Look at the dots in the picture and draw the same thing next to it."

1 point An almost perfect copy of the pattern. A slight deviation of one dot (.) from a line or column is allowed. Sample reduction is acceptable, but the increase should not be more than doubled.

2 points. The number and arrangement of points corresponds to the sample. You can ignore the deviation of no more than 3 points per half the width of the gap between the row and column.

3 points. The drawing as a whole corresponds to the sample, not exceeding its width and height by more than twice. The number of points may not correspond to the sample, but they should not be more than 20 and less than 7 (if 10 points are given in the sample). Any turn is allowed - even 180 °.

4 points. The outline of the drawing does not match the pattern, but still consists of dots. Sample dimensions and number of points are not taken into account. Other shapes (such as lines) are not allowed.

5 points."Scribble".

After testing is completed, the total result for 3 tasks is calculated. The development of children who received a total of 3 to 6 points for 3 tasks is considered as above average, from 7 to 11 - as average, from 12-15 points as below the norm. Children who have received from 12-15 points must be examined in depth, because. among them there may be mentally retarded children.

A satisfactory result on an orientation test of school maturity is a relatively reliable basis for a conclusion about school maturity with a forecast of good school performance, but an unsatisfactory result cannot serve as a sufficient basis for a conclusion about school immaturity with a forecast of poor school performance.

As a rule, the majority of students who have shown above average and average development levels on the test adapt well to school requirements and successfully master all sections of the school curriculum in grades 1-2. Those students who, according to the test, showed a level of development below the average, for the most part, experience difficulties in adapting to school requirements and mastering writing, but by the end of the 2nd grade, almost half of them are doing well in their native language and mathematics. Probably, these are children with normal intellect, who, by the time they entered school, had a weak development of volition and fine motor skills of the hand. Without an additional examination, it is difficult to conclude what is the reason for the poor performance of the test - low intellectual development, poor development of volitionality, or underdevelopment of sensorimotor connections and fine motor skills of the hand.

Age: Preschool 5-7 years old, Ready for school.

Question: willingness to learn.

Purpose: To determine the level of readiness of the child for schooling. The test reveals the general level of mental development, the level of development of thinking, the ability to listen, remember and understand, and perform tasks according to the model.

a) test “Drawing of a man” (male figure);

b) copying a phrase from written letters;

c) drawing points;

d) questionnaire.

Short story

This test was proposed by J. Jirasek as a modification and update of the existing A. Kern technique and received the combined name "Updated Kern-Jirasek test".

In 1978, the Kern-Jirasek graphic test was first published in Russian, but it was only 6-10 years later that it was widely used. The exceptional simplicity of testing, maximum accessibility have made it a favorite tool not only among psychologists, but also teachers, and even kindergarten teachers.

Some unfortunate specialists quite freely interpreted the results of the survey, labeling children who did not score the required number of points “underachieving”, “lagging behind”, and even using stronger expressions that put an end to a child who was “unlucky” to pass the test qualitatively. Meanwhile, J. Jirasek warned against such an interpretation, he supplied the methodology with very clear instructions and gave precise explanations for the interpretation (see Part 2).

What will the Kern-Jirasek test tell about and for whom is it intended?

This technique is intended for 5-7 year old children, its purpose is to test their readiness for schooling. This includes an assessment of the child's personal maturity (task 1), his fine motor skills of the hands and visual coordination (task 2), the test also allows you to identify the visual-spatial perception of the future first-grader, visual memory (task 3) and thinking (based on the overall assessment of the entire test) .

The test can be used both individually and in a group.


The child is given an A4 sheet folded in half and a simple pencil. The sheet should lie like a notebook. On the unfolded side (on the left half of the sheet), at the top, write in advance a short sentence in written (NOT printed!) Letters: He ate soup.

At the bottom, you draw a group of dots as shown in fig. The right half of the sheet is for the child who will complete the task of copying.

He should sit in a way that is comfortable for him, so that the table and chair are adjusted to his height.

When everything is ready, seat the child, put a folded sheet of paper in front of him, give the first task and wait for him to complete them. Then ask him to unfold the sheet for the second task, and so on.

1. Draw a man. Since you know how (we don’t say anything else and repeat the instructions for all the child’s remarks without our own explanation). If he asks if you can draw a woman, say: "You need to draw a man." If the child has already begun to draw a woman, wait until he finishes and repeat the request to draw a man. It happens that a child refuses to draw a man (later I will explain why this may be). Then we do the next task.

2. The child turns the sheet over and sees a sentence at the top left. You say: “Look, something is written here. You don’t know how to write yet, but try, maybe you will succeed in the same way. Look carefully and write the same in the free space next to it.” Those. we invite him to copy the phrase. If your child already knows how to read written text, write any phrase in another language unknown to him, for example, in English: He eats soup.

3. Then he moves on to a group of dots. You say, “Look, there are dots drawn here. Try here, nearby, to draw in the same way.” You can show with your finger the place where he will draw them.

After the test is over, do not forget to praise the child.

If in the first task the child flatly refuses to draw a man, do not insist - this is information for you to think about. Such a refusal may indicate trouble in the child's family, when the father is absent at all, a threat comes from him, or psycho-traumatic impressions are associated with him.

Regarding the interpretation, J. Jirasek noted that the high quality of performance indicates a greater likelihood that the subject will successfully cope with the school curriculum. However, if he coped with the test poorly, this does NOT mean that at school he will become a loser and an ignoramus. Not at all. And these kids do well. It just happens that a child schematically draws a person, which affects the total score.

So if you scored not the points you would like - think about whether you are doing everything for the development of your child? Show him more attention, more often engage in all the games and exercises with him that develop fine motor skills, memory and thinking.


a) Test “Drawing of a person”(very important!) - used in all schools of the CIS:


“Here (it is shown where) draw some uncle, as you can.” While drawing, it is unacceptable to correct the child (“you forgot to draw the ears”), the adult silently observes.


1 point: a male figure is drawn (elements of men's clothing), there is a head, torso, limbs; the head is connected to the body by the neck, it should not be larger than the body; the head is smaller than the body; on the head - hair, a headdress, ears are possible; on the face - eyes, nose, mouth; hands have hands with five fingers; legs are bent (there is a foot or boot); the figure is drawn in a synthetic way (the contour is solid, the legs and arms seem to grow from the body, and are not attached to it.

2 points: fulfillment of all requirements, except for the synthetic method of drawing, or if there is a synthetic method, but 3 details are not drawn: neck, hair, fingers; the face is completely drawn.

3 points: the figure has a head, torso, limbs (arms and legs are drawn with two lines); may be missing: neck, ears, hair, clothes, fingers, feet.

4 points: a primitive drawing with a head and torso, arms and legs are not drawn, they can be in the form of a single line.

5 points: lack of a clear image of the torso, no limbs; scribble.

b) Copying a phrase from written letters


“Look, something is written here. Try to rewrite it the same way here (show below the written phrase) as best you can.”

On the sheet, write the phrase in capital letters, the first letter is capital: He ate the soup.


1 point: well and completely copied sample; letters may be slightly larger than the sample, but not 2 times; the first letter is capital; the phrase consists of three words, their arrangement on the sheet is horizontal (maybe a slight deviation from the horizontal).

2 points: the sample is copied legibly; the size of the letters and the horizontal position are not taken into account (the letter may be larger, the line may go up or down).

3 points: the inscription is divided into three parts, at least 4 letters can be understood.

4 points: at least 2 letters match the pattern, a string is visible.

5 points: illegible scribbles, scratching.

c) Drawing points

“The dots are drawn here. Try to draw next to the same.

In the sample, 10 points are evenly spaced vertically and horizontally from each other.


1 point: exact copying of the sample, slight deviations from a line or column are allowed, a reduction in the pattern, an increase is unacceptable.

2 points: the number and location of points correspond to the sample, a deviation of up to three points by half the distance between them is allowed; dots can be replaced by circles.

3 points: the drawing as a whole corresponds to the sample, in height or width does not exceed it more than 2 times; the number of points may not match the sample, but they should not be more than 20 and less than 7; let's rotate the picture even 180 degrees.

4 points: the drawing consists of dots, but does not match the sample.

5 points: scribble, scribble.

After each task is evaluated, all points are summed up.

So, if the child scored in total for all three tasks:

3-6 points - this is a high level of readiness for school;

7-12 points - quite an average level;

13-15 points - so be it, a low level of readiness, the child needs an additional examination of intelligence and mental development (or maybe the child just had a bad mood? - in a day we will pass the test again! God forbid, everything will work out, but need to be more careful!)

d) QUESTIONNAIRE. The last part of the Kern-Yirasik test (Kern-Yurasik in another spelling)

Reveals the general level of thinking, outlook, development of social qualities.

It is conducted in the form of a question-and-answer conversation. The task may sound like this: “Now I will ask questions, and you try to answer them.” If a child finds it difficult to answer a question right away, you can help him with a few leading questions. The answers are recorded in points, then summarized:

Which animal is bigger, a horse or a dog?

(horse = 0 points; wrong answer = -5 points)

In the morning we have breakfast, and in the afternoon...

(lunch, soup, meat = 0; dinner, sleep and other incorrect answers = -3 points)

It's bright during the day, but at night...

(dark = 0; wrong answer = -4)

The sky is blue and the grass...

(green = 0; wrong answer = -4)

Cherries, pears, plums, apples - what's that?

(fruit = 1; wrong answer = -1)

Why does the barrier go down before the train passes?

(so that the train does not collide with the car; so that no one gets hurt, etc. = 0;

wrong answer = -1)

What is Moscow, Odessa, St. Petersburg? (name any cities)

(cities = 1; stations = 0; wrong answer = -1)

What time is it now? (show on a watch, real or toy)

(correctly shown = 4; only a whole hour or a quarter of an hour shown = 3; does not know hours = 0)

A little cow is a calf, a little dog is..., a little sheep is...?

(puppy, lamb = 4; only one correct answer = 0; wrong answer = -1)

Is the dog more like a chicken or a cat? How? What do they have in common?

(per cat, because they have 4 legs, hair, tail, claws (one similarity is enough) = 0;

for a cat without explanation = -1, for a chicken = -3)

Why do all cars have brakes?

(two reasons given: braking downhill, stopping, avoiding a collision, etc. = 1;

one reason = 0; wrong answer = -1)

How are hammer and ax similar to each other?

(two common signs: they are made of wood and iron, they are tools, they can hammer nails, they have handles, etc. = 3; one similarity = 2; wrong answer = 0)

How are cats and squirrels similar?

(determining that these are animals or giving two common features: they have 4 legs, tails, hair, they can climb trees, etc. = 3; one similarity = 2; wrong answer = 0)

What is the difference between a nail and a screw? How would you recognize them if they were on the table in front of you?

(the screw has a thread (thread, such a twisted line around) = 3;

the screw is screwed in and the nail is hammered or the screw has a nut = 2; wrong answer = 0)

Football, high jump, tennis, swimming...

(sports (physical education) = 3; games (exercises, gymnastics, competitions) = 2; don't know = 0)

What vehicles do you know?

(three ground vehicles + plane or ship = 4;

only three land vehicles or a complete list with an aircraft, a ship, but only after explaining that vehicles are what you can move around in = 2;

wrong answer = 0)

What is the difference between an old person and a young person? What is the difference between them?

(3 signs (gray hair, lack of hair, wrinkles, poor vision, often sick, etc.) = 4;

one or two differences = 2; wrong answer (he has a stick, he smokes...) = 0

Why do people play sports?

(for two reasons (to be healthy, hardened, not to be fat, etc.) = 4;

one reason = 2; wrong answer (to be able to do something, to earn money, etc.) = 0)

Why is it bad when someone deviates from work?

(others have to work for him (or another expression that someone is harmed by this) = 4; he is lazy, earns little, cannot buy anything = 2; wrong answer = 0)

Why do you need to put a stamp on a letter?

(so they pay for forwarding this letter = 5;

the other, the one who receives, would have to pay a fine = 2; wrong answer = 0)

Let's sum up the points.

Sum + 24 and above - high verbal intelligence (outlook).

The sum from + 14 to 23 is above average.

The sum from 0 to + 13 is the average indicator of verbal intelligence.

From -1 to -10 - below average.

From - 11 and less - a low indicator.

If the indicator of verbal intelligence is low or below average, an additional examination of the neuropsychic development of the child is necessary.


1. A. Kern, modified by J. Jirasek. Gutkina N.I. Psychological readiness for school. -

M.: NPO "Education", 1996

2. Psychological readiness for school. - 4th ed., revised. and additional.-

SPb.: Peter, Series "Tutorial", 2004.

The following tests for admission to the 1st grade are used after the Kern-Jirasek test:

Methodology "House"

The technique is a task for drawing a picture depicting a house, the individual details of which are made up of elements of capital letters.

The task allows you to identify: the ability of the child to navigate in his work on the model; ability to copy it.

These skills require a certain level of development: voluntary attention; spatial perception; sensorimotor coordination and fine motor skills of the hand.

(A sheet with a “house” is placed in front of them; Fig. 1.) The teacher addresses the child: “Take your time, be careful, try to make the drawing exactly the same as this sample. If you draw something wrong, then you can’t erase it with an eraser. It is necessary to draw correctly on top of the wrong drawing or next to it. Do you understand the task? Then get to work."

Work progress

Before completing the task, the teacher addresses the children with the words: “There is a sheet of paper and a pencil in front of you.” On this sheet, they are asked to draw exactly the same picture as they see in the drawing.

Processing of the experimental material is carried out by counting points awarded for errors. The following are considered errors:

a) the absence of any detail of the picture (fence, smoke, pipe,
roof, window, base of the house) - 4 points;

b) an increase in individual details of the picture by more than two
times while maintaining a relatively correct size
the whole drawing (points are awarded for each detail) - 3

c) an incorrectly depicted element (smoke rings, fence -
right and left sides, shading on the roof, window,
pipe) - 2 points.

The item is evaluated as a whole. If part of it is copied correctly, then 1 point is awarded. The number of elements in the drawing detail is not taken into account;

d) incorrect arrangement of parts in space (fence

not in common with the base of the house, lines, displacement of pipes, windows, etc.) - 1 point;

e) deviation of straight lines by more than 30° from the specified
directions (skewed vertical and horizontal
lines, blockage of the fence) - 1 point;

f) breaks between lines where they should be

connected (for each gap) - 1 point. In the event that the hatching lines on the roof do not reach its line, 1 point is given for the entire hatching as a whole;

g) if one line goes behind another (for each climb),
then 1 point is given. Roof shading is estimated at
in general;

h) error-free copying of the drawing - 0 points. For the good performance of the drawing, "0" is set. Thus, the worse the task is performed, the higher the total score received by the subject.

0 points - voluntary attention is well developed;

1-2 points - average development of voluntary attention; more than 4 points - poor development of voluntary attention.

It is required to take into account the age of the subject. Five-year-old children almost do not receive a score of "0", but if the subject at the age of 10 receives more than 1 point, then this indicates a developmental problem.

The Kern-Jirasek test was first published in Russian in 1978 (Yirasek J. "Diagnosis of school maturity." Prague, 1978), but it entered school practice only at the end of the eighties, when it began to be reprinted (often with distortions and abbreviations ) in many works devoted to the problem of children's readiness for schooling. The outward simplicity and speed of conducting, the presence of a detailed description of the child's actions, which are evaluated by one point or another, made this test attractive not only for psychologists, but also for teachers, including kindergarten teachers; using this test, they began to make categorical conclusions about the readiness / unpreparedness of the child for schooling. Meanwhile, J. Jirasek himself emphasized that if good results on this test reliably predict high learning success, then a bad result does not have such a predictive ability.

According to the observations of J. Jirasek, among the children who, when entering school, showed results below the average level, by the end of the second grade, half did well in the main subjects - mathematics and their native language (although at the beginning of education there were some difficulties in adapting due to insufficient development the ability to control the movements of the fingers). Thus, with a bad test result, poor performance was observed in 50% of cases (that is, the probability of an accurate forecast is at the level of chance, as when tossing a coin: heads or tails) - this is not enough basis for a definite conclusion about "unpreparedness".

This does not mean that low results on the Kern-Jirasek test do not provide psychodiagnostic information at all. They are the reason for increased attention to the child, increased emotional and pedagogical support at the very beginning of education, and in some cases (with especially low results) - an in-depth psychological examination.

Diagnosis of readiness for schooling.

"Indicative test of school maturity"

The child is offered a special test form: a sheet of unlined paper about the size of an unfolded notebook sheet, one side of which is clean (for completing task No. 1), and the other is divided horizontally into two equal parts (for completing tasks No. 2 and 3); in the upper half on the left there is a sample of written letters, and on the right there is space for it to be reproduced by the child. Similarly, in the lower half on the left is placed a sample of dots for reproduction, and on the right is a free space. The test begins with drawing a person.

Task number 1. "Here, draw some person. The way you can do it." (5 samples for evaluating the performance of the test are shown in Fig. 1

Task number 2. "Look, something is written here. You haven't learned to write yet, but try, maybe you can do it too. Take a good look at how it's written, and here, next (to the right) on this empty space, write it like that too." (5 samples for evaluation are shown in Fig. 2)

Task number 3. "Look - there are dots here. Draw the same ones next to them." (5 samples for evaluation are shown in Fig. 3)

Test performance evaluation(scores from 1 to 5)

Task number 1. Drawing of a male figure (Fig. 1).

1. The drawn figure must have a head, torso and limbs. The head is connected to the body through the neck, and it is no larger than the body. The head has hair (or a cap or hat covers them) and ears, eyes, nose and mouth on the face. The hands are finished with a five-fingered hand. The legs are bent at the bottom. Bringing men's clothing. The figure is drawn using the so-called synthetic method.

2. Fulfillment of all requirements, as in paragraph 1, except for the synthetic image method. Three missing parts (neck, hair, one finger of the hand, but not part of the face) can be excluded from the requirements if this is balanced by the synthetic image mode.

3. The drawing must have a head, torso and limbs. The arms or legs are drawn with a double line. We allow non-adduction of the neck, ears, hair, clothes, fingers and feet.

4. Primitive drawing with a torso. Limbs (one pair is enough) are expressed with just simple lines.

5. There is a lack of a clear image of the torso ("cephalopod" image or "overcoming the cephalopod image") or both limbs.

Task number 2. Imitation of written letters (Fig. 2).

1. Completely satisfactory (in the sense of reading) imitation of the written model. The letters do not reach double the size of the pattern. The initial letter has a clearly visible capital letter height. The letters are well connected in three words. You cannot have a dot above the letter (or above the i). The rewritten sentence does not deviate from the horizontal line by more than 30°.

2. Another legible imitation of a written sentence. The size of the letters and the observance of horizontality are not taken into account.

3.Obviously, the dismemberment is minimally into two parts. You can make out at least four pattern letters.

4. At least two letters are similar to the sample. The whole still forms a line of "scripture".

5. Scribble.

Task number 3. Drawing a group of points (Fig. 3).

1. Almost perfect imitation of the model. We allow only a very small deviation of one point from a row or column. reduction of the figure is permissible, the increase should not be more than half. The drawing must be parallel with the sample.

2. The number and location of points must correspond to the sample. Even three points can be allowed to deviate by half the width of the gap between rows or columns.

3. The whole in its contour is similar to the sample. In height and width, it does not exceed it more than twice. The points do not have to be in the correct number, but they should not be more than twenty or less than seven. Any rotation is allowed - even 180°.

4. The drawing is no longer similar to the sample in its outline, but it still consists of dots. The size of the pattern and the number of dots do not matter. Other shapes (lines) are not allowed

5. Scribble.

The overall result of the test is the sum of the scores for the individual tasks.

Test "Verbal thinking"

1. Which animal is bigger - a horse or a dog? Horse = 0. Wrong answer = -5.

2. In the morning we have breakfast, and at noon...? We have lunch. We eat soup, potatoes and meat = 0. Have an afternoon snack. We have supper. We sleep and other erroneous answers = - 3

3. It's light during the day, but at night...? Dark = 0., Wrong answer = -4.

4. The sky is blue, but the grass...? Green = 0. Wrong answer = -4. 5. Cherries, pears, plums, apples ... what is this? Fruit = 1. Wrong answer = -1. 6. Why are barriers lowered along the track before the train passes? To prevent the train from colliding with the car. So that no one gets hit by a train, etc. = 0. Wrong answer = - 1.

7. What is it: Moscow, Kyiv, Kazan? Cities = 1, stations = 0. Wrong answer = -1.

8. What time is it? (Show on a paper clock: a quarter past seven, five minutes to eight, a quarter past twelve and five minutes.) Well shown = 4, shown only a quarter, full hour, quarter and hour correct = 3, does not know hours = 0.

9. A small cow is a calf, a small dog is ..., a small sheep is ...? Puppy, lamb = 4, only one of the two data = 0. Incorrect answer = -1.

10. Is the dog more like a cat or a chicken? What, what do they have in common? For a cat, because they have four legs, wool, tail, claws (one similarity is enough) = 0, for a cat (without bringing signs of similarity) = -1, for a chicken = -3.

11. Why do all cars have brakes? Two reasons (to brake downhill, to brake on a curve, to stop in case of danger of a collision, to stop altogether after the end of the ride) = 1, one reason = 0. Incorrect answer (for example, he would not drive without a brake) = -1.

12. How are hammer and ax similar to each other? Two common signs (they are made of wood and iron, they have a handle, they can hammer nails with them, they are tools, they are flat on the back side) = 3, one similarity = 3. Incorrect answer = 0.

13. How are a squirrel and a cat similar to each other? Determining that these are mammals or bringing two common features (they have four legs, a tail, wool, skin, they are animals, they can climb trees) = 3, one similarity = 2. Incorrect answer = 0.

14. What is the difference between a nail and a screw? How would you recognize them if they were lying here next to you on the table? The screw has a thread (thread, such a twisted line around the notch) = 3. The screw is screwed, and the nail is hammered or the screw has a nut = 2. Incorrect answer = 0.

15. Football, high jump, tennis, swimming... is it? Sports (physical education) = 3. Games (exercises, gymnastics, competitions) = 2. Wrong answer = 0.

16. What vehicles do you know? Three ground vehicles and a plane or ship = 4. Only three ground vehicles or the full list (and with a plane or a ship), but only after the explanation "A vehicle is what we use to get around" = 2. Wrong answer = 0.

17. What is the difference between an old person and a young one? What is the difference between them? Three signs (grey hair or no hair, wrinkles, can no longer work like that, sees badly, hears badly, more often sick, more likely to die than young) 4. One or two differences \u003d 2. Wrong answer (he has a stick, he smokes) = 0.

18. Why do people play sports? Two reasons (to be healthy, hardened, strong, to be more mobile, to keep up straight, not to be fat, this is fun for them, they want to achieve a record - win, etc.) = 4. One reason = 2. Wrong answer (in order to be able to do something, they bet and win money) = 0.

19. Why is it immoral (wrong, bad) when someone shirks work? The rest must work for him (or another expression of the fact that as a result someone else is harmed) = 4. He is lazy - or: he earns little and cannot buy anything for himself = 0. Incorrect answer = 0.

20. Why does a letter need to be stamped? So they pay for the forwarding (transportation) of this letter = 5. The other one would have to pay a fine = 2. Wrong answer = 0.

The result of the test is the sum of the scores (+ and -) achieved on the individual questions. Classification of results:

1...... + 24 and better;

2...... + 14 to + 23;

3...... + 0 to 13;

4...... -1 to -10;