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In d Molostov treatment of alcoholism using acupuncture. Acupuncture - Molostov V.D.

  • Molostov V.D. The Evolution of Civilization, or the Aging of Society, or the Aging and Death of Civilizations, or the Fate of Space Civilizations. [Doc-12.2M] A book about society as an integral living organism, about the material evolution (progress) of society, about the limits of material and intellectual perfection of Humanity, about aging and the death of society from old age in the cosmic era of its existence. Popular science publication.
    Provided format
      From the author.
      Part 1. Evolution of space objects.
      Chapter 1. Astrophysics.
      Chapter 2. Supergalaxy.
      Chapter 3. Birth and maturity of galaxies.
      Chapter 4. Aging and death of galaxies.
      Chapter 5. The birth and maturity of stars.
      Chapter 6. Aging and death of stars.
      Chapter 7. Evolution of planets.
      Part 2. Natural extinction of life on Earth (biological evolution).
      Chapter 8. Evolution of the lithosphere of the Earth and other planets.
      Chapter 9. Evolution of the atmosphere of the Earth and other planets.
      Chapter 10. Evolution of the hydrosphere of the Earth and other planets.
      Chapter 11. New laws of evolution of the plant and animal world on Earth.
      Chapter 12. The impact of civilization on the biosphere of the planet.
      Part 3. Evolution of civilization.
      Chapter 13. The anthropogenic period of human evolution.
      Chapter 14. Criticism of the theory of communism.
      Chapter 15. Evolution of humanity.
      Chapter 16. Evolutionary changes in the consumer sphere.
      Chapter 17. Evolutionary changes in the production sector.
      Chapter 18. Raw materials laws of the space society.
      Chapter 19. Aging of society. + Addition in the form of article No. 5.
      Chapter 20. A new worldview on the evolution of civilization.
      Literature by other authors.
      My articles are an addition to the contents of the book.

Annotation: The book is divided into three parts. In the first part of the book, the author points out the fact of evolutionary aging and the facts of the death of old space objects: galaxies, stars and planets. The second part of the book reveals the reasons for the evolutionary death of the plant and animal world on Earth in a billion years. At the beginning of the third part of the book, the author of the book answers the question in several paragraphs: “On which continent did the first people on Earth arise?” Then he convincingly proves that a tragic mistake has crept into the theory of Marxism-Leninism: socialism contains capital within the state budget, and therefore socialism is an exploitative formation. Several paragraphs are devoted to criticism of socialism as an exploitative formation, which is in all respects worse than the capitalist formation.
Further, in the third part of the book, the author scientifically substantiates the forecast of the evolutionary path of Humanity from 2000 AD and for millions of years in the future, until the natural death of society from old age. Society is also a living organism, but much larger than a person. All living organisms are born, grow old, and die. Modern philosophy has well studied the moment of the emergence of the Thinking Man, and the long evolution of society within historical formations (within the primitive communal, slaveholding, feudal, capitalist and socialist formations). However, modern philosophy and sociology knows nothing about the final stage of the life of society - about the reasons for the natural aging of society, about the reasons for the death of society from old age. World science does not even mention the global process of aging of human civilization anywhere! This book describes the evolution of society in full, entirely, from the emergence of Man 5 million years ago - to the death of society from old age 3 billion years later, which gives the book undeniable advantages in relation to textbooks and monographs on philosophy and sociology of all other authors.
The book will be of interest to a wide range of readers, schoolchildren and students, intellectuals, as well as specialized specialists: astronomers, biologists, philosophers and sociologists.

Name: Acupuncture. A practical guide to energy treatment of diseases.
Molostov V.D.
The year of publishing: 2004
Size: 9.34 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian

The book at the beginning examines the theoretical foundations for determining the functional activity of acupuncture points. The main part of the publication examines the use of Zhen-Jiu therapy in practical medicine. The book examines acupressure, shiatsu, herbal medicine, electric currents, and psychotherapy. The possibilities of energy diagnostics of meridians and methods of treating 250 diseases are described in detail.

Name: Osteopathic diagnosis and treatment of spinal diseases
Cherkes-Zade D.D.
The year of publishing: 1998
Size: 1.81 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: The practical guide “Osteopathic diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the spine”, edited by Cherkes-Zade D.D., discusses issues of the nervous system and its functional activity. Set out... Download the book for free

Name: Basics of manual therapy. Guide for doctors and students
Yarovoy V.K.
The year of publishing: 1999
Size: 20.74 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: The book “Basics of manual therapy. A guide for doctors and students,” edited by V.K. Yarovoy, contains a review of the literature on manual medicine techniques. The techniques of this treatment method are covered... Download the book for free

Name: Clinical osteopathy. Reflex techniques
Novoseltsev S.V.
The year of publishing: 2013
Size: 15.94 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: Practical guide "Clinical osteopathy. Reflex techniques" edited by Novoseltseva S.V., examines the features of reflex osteopathy for the treatment of diseases of internal organs... Download the book for free

Name: Clinical osteopathy. Visceral techniques
Novoseltsev S.V.
The year of publishing: 2013
Size: 10.4 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: Practical guide "Clinical osteopathy. Visceral techniques" edited by S.V. Novoseltseva, examines the features of visceral osteopathy for the treatment of diseases of internal organs... Download the book for free

Name: Fundamentals of kinesiology.
Enoka R.M.
The year of publishing: 1998
Size: 10.31 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: The book "Fundamentals of Kinesiology" examines the basic principles of movement control, presents such issues of this discipline as the force-motion relationship, illuminates the unified joint system (its comp... Download the book for free

Name: Osteopathic treatment of intraosseous dysfunctions.
Chikurov Yu.V.
The year of publishing: 2011
Size: 3.93 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: The manual "Osteopathic treatment of intraosseous dysfunctions" covers the concept of osteopathic dysfunction at the current level. The book reflects in a concise form general issues and general concepts of internal... Download the book for free

Name: Soft techniques in manual therapy.
Chikurov Yu.V.
The year of publishing: 2002
Size: 2.96 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: The guide “Soft Techniques in Manual Therapy” covers the modern direction of manual therapy, presents osteopathic diagnostics, general issues of craniosacral osteopathy, characteristics... Download the book for free

Name: Treatment of internal organs using visceral osteopathy techniques.
Chikurov Yu.V.
The year of publishing: 2006
Size: 2.76 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: The publication presents basic issues of visceral osteopathy. “Treatment of internal organs using visceral osteopathy techniques” covers manual diagnosis and treatment of visceral organs, where...

Year of issue: 2004

Genre: Alternative medicine

Format: DjVu

Quality: Scanned pages

Description: Non-drug treatment methods include acupuncture, manual therapy (osteopathy), physiotherapy, psychotherapy, hypnosis and some others. Acupuncture treatment (Zhen Chiu therapy) is becoming increasingly popular. It has proven to be an effective way to treat various diseases of the peripheral nervous system and internal organs. The main advantage of the method is that the treatment is carried out without saturating the body with chemicals. Modern medicine is overly keen on drug treatment of diseases. Long-term use and overdose of drugs destroy internal organs. Injections of medicinal substances cause allergization of the body, and this provokes the development of diseases such as asthma, psoriasis, eczema, diathesis, intolerance to many foods, etc. When treated with acupuncture, no chemical substances enter the body. This is an “environmentally friendly” treatment method. The method activates the body's defenses to fight the disease. Modern medicine knows a large number of scientific facts indicating the enormous potential of the protective forces of the human body, which do not manifest themselves because they remain for a long time in an inactive, conserved state. To make the hidden potential of living organs and tissues work, the body is affected by acupressure, acupuncture, psychotherapy, the heat of a smoldering cigarette, current, magnet, hypnosis and other methods.
The acupuncture method, like any other, has indications for use and contraindications. Diseases that can be easily cured by acupuncture are discussed in the third chapter, “Private acupuncture” (read paragraphs 20-43). Acupuncture successfully treats patients with damage to the peripheral nervous system, as well as functional pathology of many organs (gallbladder dyskinesia, bedwetting, and so on). Chinese acupuncturists claim that they can treat more than 250 diseases using Zhen Ju therapy. The optimal age for acupuncture treatment is children over 7 years old and adults up to 55 years old. In young children and old people, the effectiveness of treatment is 2-3 times lower. 2 hours before starting treatment, the patient should eat well, rest, be fresh, cheerful, and confident in the success of treatment. The main contraindications to the use of acupuncture are as follows. You cannot perform acupuncture treatment on a patient who has lost consciousness or is in a feverish state (temperature above 38°C). This method should not be used for infectious diseases in the acute stage (dysentery, influenza, cholera, viral hepatitis, etc.) and for pregnant women 2-3 months before childbirth. You should not try to alleviate the condition of patients with acupuncture for acute surgical diseases (appendicitis, bone fractures, etc.), therapeutic diseases in the acute stage (myocardial infarction, stroke, acute pancreatitis, and others). An acupuncturist is unable to help a patient with malignant neoplasms (cancer, sarcoma), leukemia and other blood diseases.
The general list of all contraindications for the use of acupuncture is as follows:

  1. all malignant and benign tumors and neoplasms;
  2. diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs;
  3. acute and chronic infectious diseases that occur with high fever and intoxication;
  4. decompensated diseases of the heart, lungs, etc.;
  5. active rheumatism;
  6. stable exhaustion;
  7. frostbite and inflammation of the auricle;
  8. acute inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system;
  9. congenital deformities of the limbs, trunk, central nervous system.
The Zhen Chiu therapy method is very widely used in China, Korea and Japan. Treatment does not require expensive medications. Modern traditional medicine clearly abuses drugs that “fill” the patient’s body for many years (in kilograms and liters, through the stomach and in the form of injections). Acupuncturists use virtually no medications during their treatment. This is the great advantage of the method. Acupuncture is becoming a popular treatment method in all developed countries of Europe and America.

"Acupuncture »

Electrophysical foundations of acupuncture

  1. Laws of movement of biocurrents in the human body
  2. Reasons for the occurrence of meridian movement of electric currents
  3. The mechanism of the therapeutic action of the needle

Laws of Energy Healing

  1. Daily cyclicality of energy movement along the meridians
  2. Annual cyclicity of energy movement along the meridians
  3. The "bu-se" rule
  4. Mother-son rule
  5. The husband-wife rule
  6. Noon-midnight rule
  7. Rules "big injection" and "small injection"
  8. Other rules
  9. Middle meridians
  10. Miraculous Meridians (WC)
  11. Power generator
  12. Aggressive environmental factors
  13. Traditional teaching about organs and meridians
  14. Acupuncture diagnostics
  15. Empirical acupuncture
Private acupuncture
  1. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the lung meridian
  2. Treatment of diseases with lack of energy in the lung meridian
  3. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the large intestine meridian
  4. Treatment of diseases with lack of energy in the large intestine meridian
  5. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the stomach meridian
  6. Treatment of diseases with lack of energy in the stomach meridian
  7. Treatment of diseases with excess energies in the spleen meridian
  8. Treatment of diseases with lack of energy in the spleen meridian
  9. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the heart meridian
  10. Treatment of diseases with lack of energy in the heart meridian
  11. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the small intestine meridian
  12. Treatment of diseases with lack of energy in the small intestine meridian
  13. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the bladder meridian
  14. Treatment of diseases with lack of energy in the bladder meridian
  15. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the kidney meridian
  16. Treatment of diseases with lack of energy in the kidney meridian
  17. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the pericardial meridian
  18. Treatment of diseases with a lack of energy in the pericardial meridian
  19. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the meridian of the three body cavities
  20. Treatment of diseases with lack of energy in the meridian of the three body cavities
  21. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the gallbladder meridian
  22. Treatment of diseases with lack of energy in the gallbladder meridian
  23. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the liver meridian
  24. Treatment of diseases with lack of energy in the liver meridian

Picture for the cover of the book.

“Tibet is where acupuncture originated.”

The book is 500 pages long.

"Acupuncture. Manual therapy. Massage".

Author - Molostov Valery Dmitrievich.

A practical guide to non-drug methods of treating 250 diseases using needles, warming with a cigarette, manual therapy, acupressure and massage. Research on determining the functional activity of acupuncture points is described. All options for energy diagnostics of meridians and all methods of energy treatment of diseases using acupuncture are described. All methods of treating spinal pathology using manual therapy and massage are described.

Abstract for the book “Acupuncture. Manual therapy. Massage".

In modern medicine, doctors are addicted to drug treatment of diseases, which leads to allergies and the death of patients from the use of certain medications in tablets (film actor Bruce Lee) or in the form of injections (singer Michael Jackson and many others). But almost all human diseases can be treated without drugs: acupuncture, manual therapy, massage, acupressure, hypnosis, psychotherapy, and so on. Therefore, I propose the widespread use of absolutely harmless treatment methods that are carried out without the use of medications. In my opinion, the treatment of all diseases should go through three stages: non-drug treatment? medicinal? surgery. At the beginning of the book, a very brief account is given of the author's theoretical research on determining the functional activity of acupuncture points. The main content of the book is a systematization of energy treatment methods in acupuncture. The book is a practical guide for treatment with needles, warming up acupuncture points, acupressure (acupressure, shiatsu), electric shock, herbal medicine, and psychotherapy. The book describes all options for energy diagnostics of meridians and all methods of treating 250 diseases using energy acupuncture methods. According to statistics, every fourth patient consults an acupuncturist with a diagnosis of osteochondrosis. Medical practice convinces that the effectiveness of treatment of osteochondrosis increases by 2 times with the parallel use in one session of first acupressure, then acupuncture, and after the muscles and ligaments are relaxed (relaxed), it is recommended to use manual therapy. Treatment of radiculitis is much more effective when using massage rather than manual therapy. Massage can cure a huge number of diseases of internal organs, peripheral nerves and the muscular-ligamentous system. Therefore, the last chapter of the book is devoted to therapeutic (not health-improving or restorative) massage.