Biographies Characteristics Analysis

IN AND. Vernadsky is a socio-cultural heritage of the Tambov region

1910 IN AND. Vernadsky with the peasants of the Tambov province

In 1891, Vladimir Ivanovich in Vernadovka was preparing to defend his master's thesis. The summer of 1891 turned out to be dry and famine began in the central provinces of Russia as a result of crop failure. Vernadsky organized the collection of funds, he was supported by student friends: A. Kornilov, V. Keller, L. Obolyaninov, who immediately left for Morshansky district. Private donations from Russia and France made it possible to open more than 100 canteens, to purchase and then distribute 479 horses free of charge, to support about 2 thousand peasant horses with purchased fodder. Thus, assistance was provided to 8 volosts of Morshansky and 2 volosts of Kirsanovsky districts. Thanks to the selfless work of Vernadsky and his friends, the situation in the Morshansk district was much better than in other districts of the Tambov province. Subsequently, A. Kornilov compiled a report on the events described, called "Seven months among the starving peasants."

10:48 A monument to Vernadsky erected in Tambov On November 18, 2014, a monument was erected in Tambov to the outstanding natural scientist Vladimir Vernadsky in honor of his 150th birthday. “The monument is cast in bronze and represents a figure of a scientist sitting on a cube and holding a ball on his knees - a symbol of the noosphere. The monument was made by the famous sculptor Alexander Rukavishnikov, the author of the recently installed […]

The ideas and works of Vladimir Vernadsky inspire the research and scientific activities of many Tambov residents. Schoolchildren, students, teachers of the region traditionally discuss their projects in March, when the scientist's birthday is celebrated. This year, youth readings named after Vernadsky are held in the Tambov region for the 16th time. Vladimir Vernadsky made a huge contribution to the development of many sciences - geology, biology, mineralogy. The main thing […]

Recently, the delegation of the Tambov region, headed by the head of the regional department for environmental protection and nature management Nadezhda Petrova, took part in the final conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Vernadsky. The event was held at the State Geological Museum named after V.I. Vernadsky on the initiative of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to UNESCO, the Federal Agency Rossotrudnichestvo. Hope […]

A new book “Tambov pages of the life of V.I. Vernadsky. Documents and Materials” with the support of the Russian Geographical Society. The published documents and materials of the Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the State Archives of the Russian Federation, the State Archives of the Tambov Region give an idea of ​​the political and economic situation in the Tambov province at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

The Tambov region is hosting an international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Vernadsky. As REGNUM was informed in the regional department of the press service and information, the forum brought together scientists from different regions of Russia, as well as Great Britain, Italy, Cyprus and Slovakia. The participants of the plenary session were welcomed by the Governor Oleg Betin. The conference is designed to promote the exchange of scientific ideas in the light of the academician's teachings. During […]

The delegation of the Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the Development of the Scientific Heritage of Academician V.I. Vernadsky took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Science and Education for the Sustainable Development of the Economy, Nature and Society", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Vernadsky.

Oleg Betin: “Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky is one of the brightest, outstanding figures” since the birth of V.I. Vernadsky and designed to promote the exchange of scientific ideas in the light of the teachings of the academician. The participants of the plenary session were greeted by […]

⋅ April 10, 2013 ⋅In the Tambov Regional Universal Scientific Library. A. S. Pushkin summed up the results of the 1st round of the regional competition among readers and library staff “V. I. Vernadsky and Tambov region. Thanks to all the participants who sent materials to participate in it! We invite all finalists on April 23, 2013 to the Tambov Regional Universal Scientific Library. A. S. Pushkin (Internationalnaya, 17) to participate in the final full-time round II (blitz tournament). Registration of participants will take place from 9.30 to 10.30. With me […]

On March 12, a single lesson dedicated to the 150th anniversary of V.I. Vernadsky as part of the teaching of natural sciences.

22 kilometers of a gas pipeline worth over 20 million rubles, built with the participation of OAO Gazprom and OAO Zarubezhneftegazstroy (ZANGAS), have become an important stage on the way to a new life in the Tambov hinterland. The Vernadsky estate, which became the cradle of great ideas, was in complete decline for several decades. Only since 2000, when the Vernadsky Foundation showed practical attention to Vernadovka, did the situation begin to change. […]

  1. 1. In the early 1870s, the railway boom reached the Tambov region - the construction of the Syzran-Vyazemskaya railway from Moscow to Penza was supposed to pass through the Morshansky district. I.V. Vernadsky donated land for the railway line, the station and station buildings. As usual, the station was named after the name of the landowner - Vernadovka, the same name was given to the Shigaevsky farm. M.N.. Shchigaeva, the first wife of father V.I.
  2. 2. For the first time, Volodya Vernadsky visited Vernadovka in the summer of 1875, and in February 1884, when Ivan Vasilyevich died, Vernadovka went to Vladimir, who, according to his will, upon reaching the age of majority, was to come into possession. The Vernadsky estate was located less than half a kilometer from the station. There were about forty versts of pre-county Morshansk by rail, pre-gubernia Tambov - about twice as much.
  3. 3.  At first, V.I. Vernadsky was thinking of selling Vernadovka, buying an estate to the south in return. However, Natalya Egorovna Staritskaya, his wife, objected and persuaded her husband to turn Vernadovka eventually into a center of public education.
  4. 4. In the spring of 1888, Vladimir Ivanovich began to transform Vernadovka. A park and a large orchard, new outbuildings were laid out, a system of ponds arose near the estate. A. Kornilov, zemstvo leader D. Shakhovsky (“brotherhood of shelters”). Drawing of a house made by Vladimir Ivanovich
  5. 5. The center of the entire estate was a house built by peasants from. Climbing according to a sketch made by V. I. Vernadsky himself. Measuring 10 by 15 meters, it had 6 rooms. But the main attraction of the estate was the park, which has preserved to this day the features of the park landscape: alleys of pyramidal poplars and lindens, Siberian larches, paths lined with barberries.
  6. 6. V. I. Vernadsky developed good relations with the peasants, many of them rented land from him. Their descendants still live at the Vernadovka station, in the village of Rise - Shilins, Dochkins, Voronins, Kulikovs, Kashtanovs and others. One of the most noble pages of V. I. Vernadsky’s Zemstvo activity, which reveals not only the spiritual, but also the spiritual exclusivity of this extraordinary person, is the fight against hunger in the Tambov region
  7. 7. In 1891, Vladimir Ivanovich in Vernadovka was preparing to defend his master's thesis. The summer of 1891 turned out to be dry and famine began in the central provinces of Russia as a result of crop failure. Vernadsky organized a fundraiser, he was supported by student friends: A. Kornilov, V. Keller, L. Obolyaninov, who immediately left for Morshansky district. Private donations from Russia and France made it possible to open more than 100 canteens, purchase and then distribute 479 horses free of charge, purchased fodder to support about 2 thousand peasant horses. Thus, assistance was provided to 8 volosts of Morshansky and 2 volosts of Kirsanovsky districts. Thanks to the disinterested work of Vernadsky and his friends, the situation in the Morshansky district was much better than in other districts of the Tambov province. Subsequently, A. Kornilov compiled a report on the events described, called "Seven months among the starving peasants."
  8. 8. Zemstvo activities Vernadsky gave a lot of time and effort. In 1892 he was elected a member of the Morshansky district and Tambov provincial Zemstvo assemblies, a member of the Trusteeship for horseless peasants Morshansky district of the Tambov province. He was also elected an honorary magistrate.
  9. 9. V. I. Vernadsky in the village of Krasnovka In Vernadovka, Vladimir Ivanovich did not stop his scientific activity. He traveled a lot around the province, studied natural conditions. In 1899, Vernadsky discovered in the ravine of the Krasnaya River on the border of his estate a manganese deposit with significant reserves of manganese, but a low metal content in the ore.
  10. 10. In 1903, with the active participation of V.I. Vladimir Ivanovich built a bridge across the Krasnaya River with his own money and allocated a piece of land for the road free of charge.
  11. 11. V.I.Vernadsky on excursions. Zobnin Buerak, 1910 Here, in Vernadovka, he built his "nest" "you must have a nest, and I am convinced that I can have it here." Many of his thoughts were born here, which later developed into the doctrine of the biosphere and noosphere. In Vernadovka, Vladimir Ivanovich “I was thinking of setting up a research station, serving the Zemstvo, managing the household.” Field studies of the soils of the Tambov province provided him with a mass of materials for scientific analysis.
  12. 12. In 1911, Vernadsky handed over Vernadovka to his son George and, together with the land, the qualification to participate in the Zemstvo assembly. V.I.Vernadsky with his wife, daughter, son George and P.E.Staritsky
  13. 13. In memory of the deceased older brother Nikolai, Vladimir Ivanovich built a school in the village of Rise, adjacent to Vernadovka. Until 1917, Vernadsky monitored its development, provided benefits, trained teachers and supported them financially. Vladimir Ivanovich paid great attention to zemstvo medicine. Sanitary points were organized, new hospitals were opened. from the Volga region from Saratov, cholera was approaching, and then diphtheria, the fight against which took a lot of time and effort.
  14. 14. In August 1943, Vernadsky was returning from evacuation (from Kazakhstan to Moscow) through Vernadovka and for the last time saw familiar places from the train window.
  15. 15. For many years, the live connection between the name of Vernadsky and the Vernadovka station was interrupted. But the grateful Tambov region has not forgotten its countryman. Since 1998, on the initiative of the Committee of Natural Resources of the Tambov Region, active work has been carried out to revive Vernadovka and perpetuate the name of V. I. Vernadsky. V. I. Vernadsky, the Committee of Natural Resources conducts annual Vernadsky readings, youth research competitions named after. V. I. Vernadsky, regional Vernadov conferences.
  16. 16. The original building of the Vernadsky house has not survived to this day, but in 2003, according to archival documents, its exact copy was rebuilt. Now it houses the House-Museum of V.I. Vernadsky. The museum exhibits a biographical exposition dedicated to the scientist and operates a scientific and cultural Noospheric Center. Further restoration of the estate continues. Lime alleys have been laid and a cascade of ponds is being restored. The Vernadsky House Museum is a venue for scientific conferences, seminars and exhibitions.
  17. 17. 1. Speech by N. I. Ponomarev, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of the Committee of Natural Resources for the Tambov Region2. Website of the Forest Administration of the Tambov Region3. Site of V.I.Vernadsky and Tambov region

The Tambov region is always associated in the minds of Russians with endless expanses of fertile land, blooming gardens and environmentally friendly products. But our land is also famous for its people. Over the three centuries of its cultural history, the Tambov land has given Russia a whole galaxy of outstanding people: the administrator and poet Derzhavin, the naval commander Ushakov, the writers Sergeev-Tsensky and Virta, the poets Baratynsky and the Zhemchuzhnikov brothers, the composers Verstovsky and Rachmaninov, Shatrov and Agapkin, the architects Sherwood and Shchuko, artists Gerasimov and Dobuzhinsky, scientists Lodygin and Michurin, musicians Merzhanov and Dmitriev, political and public figures Chicherin and Plekhanov.

The star of the first magnitude in this wonderful constellation of names shines the name of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, whose life is closely connected with the Tambov region, the development of this beautiful corner of the Russian province. The name of the great Russian scientist and thinker Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky is widely known and highly respected throughout the civilized world. Natural scientist, founder of geochemistry, biogeochemistry and the doctrine of the biosphere, mineralogist, crystallographer, radiogeologist, author of works on the philosophy of natural science, science of science. According to his student, the outstanding geochemist A.A. Saukov, “he reformed mineralogy, created biogeochemistry and radiology.” But that's not all. IN AND. Vernadsky also created the doctrine of natural waters, made a major contribution to soil science, meteorology, and most importantly, developed the doctrine of the Earth's biosphere and the inevitability of its transformation under the influence of the collective mind and labor of mankind into a noosphere that will satisfy all the material and spiritual needs of a numerically growing humanity. “We live,” he wrote, “in an unprecedented new, geologically bright era. Man with his labor and his conscious attitude to life recycles the earthly shell - the geological area of ​​life, the biosphere. He translates it into a new geological state: through his work and consciousness, the biosphere passes into the noosphere. In his book "Biosphere" V.I. Vernadsky first showed that the biosphere is a natural result of the development of our planet, its upper region of the earth's crust. Living organisms in the biosphere are not random guests, but part of a regular organization.

In the last years of his life, the scientist came to another philosophical discovery - the idea of ​​the transition of the biosphere into the noosphere, or the sphere of the mind. The teachings of V.I. Vernadsky about the biosphere and noosphere in our time has become the basis of the ecological strategy of mankind, on which its future depends.

For the country and for the segment of history in which he had to live, science has become an island of meaning and logic among political cataclysms and insane social throwing. Vernadsky belonged to a thin layer of the most educated Russian people. He is often and rightly called a scientist-encyclopedist. Indeed, knowing the main European languages ​​and communicating with outstanding scientists of his era, he was aware of all the discoveries in the field of natural sciences, thought deeply and philosophically generalized these discoveries in his numerous works.

Studying the features of the development of scientific knowledge, Vernadsky connected them with the history of human society and nature. He was deeply interested in the influence of spiritual life, ideas on the state of society and the biosphere. He called one of the monographs: "Scientific thought as a planetary phenomenon." That is why the work of Vernadsky is of interest not only to geographers, geologists and biologists, not only scientists from various branches of science, but also to any educated person.

Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, first president of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, member of the Czechoslovak and Paris Academies V.I. Vernadsky was closely associated with the Tambov region. We rightly call him our countryman. There are many places on the Tambov fertile black earth lands connected with the life of V. I. Vernadsky, his family and friends. This is his family estate Vernadovka, the city of Morshansk, where V. I. Vernadsky worked in the county zemstvo, the city of Tambov, where he was the county vowel from the Morshansky county. It was here that Vernadsky in practice comprehended the structure and life of the Russian hinterland, the work of zemstvo self-government, issues of culture and education of the peasant masses. It all started in 1850, when Ivan Vasilyevich Vernadsky, a professor of political economy at Moscow University, married the young Maria Nikolaevna Shigaeva. As a dowry, he received the Shigaevsky farm - 500 acres of arable land with outbuildings, meadows and a pond in the Morshansky district of the Tambov province. Ivan Vasilievich Vernadsky, who had estates in other provinces, did not pay attention to the property he inherited. Actively engaged in scientific and social activities, he was one of the most progressive-minded people of his time. 5 years before the abolition of serfdom, in 1856, he set his peasants free, and for many years Shigaevsky farm was rented out to the wealthy merchant Popov. In 1860, Ivan Vasilyevich became a widower, and two years later he married Anna Petrovna Konstantinovich. On February 28 (according to the old style), 1863, their son, Vladimir Vernadsky, was born.

In the early 1870s, the railway boom reached the Tambov region - the construction of the Syzran-Vyazemskaya railway from Moscow to Penza was supposed to pass through the Morshansky district. I.V. Vernadsky donated land for the railway line, the station and station buildings. As usual, the station was named after the name of the landowner - Vernadovka, and Shigaevsky Khutor received the same name. For the first time, Volodya Vernadsky visited Vernadovka in the summer of 1875, and in February 1884, when Ivan Vasilyevich died, Vernadovka went to Vladimir, who, according to his will, had to come into possession upon reaching the age of majority. The Vernadsky estate was located less than half a kilometer from the station. It was about forty versts by rail to the county Morshansk, to the provincial Tambov - about twice as much. At first, V.I. Vernadsky was thinking of selling Vernadovka, buying an estate to the south in return. However, Natalya Egorovna Staritskaya, his wife, objected and persuaded her husband to turn Vernadovka eventually into a center of public education. In the spring of 1888, Vladimir Ivanovich set about transforming Vernadovka. A park and a large orchard, new outbuildings were laid out, a system of ponds appeared around the estate.

The center of the entire estate was a house built by peasants from. Climbing according to a sketch made by V. I. Vernadsky himself. Measuring 10 by 15 meters, it had 6 rooms. But the main attraction of the estate was the park, which has preserved to this day the features of the park landscape: alleys of pyramidal poplars and lindens, Siberian larches, paths lined with barberries.

V. I. Vernadsky developed good relations with the peasants, many of them rented land from him. Their descendants still live today at the Vernadovka station, in the village of Rise - the Shilins, the Dochkins, the Voronins, the Kulikovs, the Kashtanovs and others. One of the noblest pages of the zemstvo activity of V. I. Vernadsky, revealing not only the spiritual, but also the spiritual exclusivity of this extraordinary person, is the fight against hunger in the Tambov region.

In the summer of 1891, preparing for the defense of his master's thesis, Vernadsky traveled a lot through the fields of the Morshansky district, talked with the peasants and watched a terrible picture of crop failure due to an unprecedented drought. Hunger was coming. A very difficult situation has developed in a number of central provinces of Russia. The peasants were forced to sell their livestock, there was nothing to drown, general confusion reigned, zemstvo schools were closed. VI Vernadsky did not remain indifferent to these sufferings of the people. Already in October 1895, Vernadsky began an active campaign to raise funds for the peasants, organizing the Committee for Assistance to the Starving. Later, at the suggestion of Leo Tolstoy, who also did not stay away from peasant troubles, Vladimir Ivanovich organized canteens for starving peasants. The first canteen was opened in the village of Kamenka for 30 people, the second - at the other end of the village. In total, 120 canteens were opened in Morshansky and Kirsanovsky districts, in which over 6,000 people were fed daily. Particular attention was paid to zemstvo schools, in which canteens were also created. By that time, V. I. Vernadsky had developed strong liberal views. He was one of the organizers and active members of the so-called "Priyutinsky Brotherhood". For seven months, together with his friends and like-minded people, V. I. Vernadsky tirelessly saved the peasants from starvation. The picture of disasters made a painful impression on Vernadsky and the members of the “brotherhood”: “What we saw in the Ryazan province is nothing compared to this: the coming famine is visible there, like a ghost imprinted on the economy. Here he came, here he is the master, here he is on every face. There is still hope to defend, to warn, here it is necessary to save from starvation. How terrible it is - you think about this situation: just don't let it die of hunger.

At the same time, Vernadsky did a lot to combat another scourge in the Tambov region - cholera, then diphtheria. In letters to his wife from Vernadovka, he complains about the lack of funds, medicines, and doctors. Thanks to timely measures, the selfless help of student volunteers from Moscow University, the activity of the local zemstvo, mass disease was avoided. Tambov medicine owes its development at the turn of the century to V. I. Vernadsky. The scope and diversity of Vernadsky's activities in the Tambov region in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, his efficiency is amazing. He conducts intense scientific and educational work, is elected county, and then provincial zemstvo vowel, as well as an Honorary Justice of the Peace. In addition, he is a member of the State Council under the emperor, actively participates in the legislative activities of the Russian state.

In the words of Vernadsky himself, in the early 1900s he "thoroughly plunged into zemstvo work." Later, he wrote about his zemstvo period as follows: “At that time I thought a lot about this: it is necessary to continue working in the countryside, and set the following goal - to appoint people, to achieve in that area that in 10 years there would be no illiterates in it” . Questions of public education for him throughout the entire Tambov period were the most important. In the village of Podyem, he built a school and, until 1917, allocated funds for its maintenance, provided benefits, and took care of the training of teachers. His dream that there were no illiterates in his county, he embodied in the organization of literacy circles, mobile libraries, and lectures. In 1892, the scientist successfully held and won in the Senate a case against the chief prosecutor Pobedonostsev on the opening of Sunday schools through the zemstvo in the Morshansk district.

With the advent of Vernadsky to the Zemstvo, local self-government also became more active. Vladimir Ivanovich allocated a plot of land free of charge for the construction of a paved road connecting Vernadovka and Pichaevo, and built a bridge across the Red River with his own money. And in Vernadovka, the scientist did not stop his scientific search. He traveled a lot around the province, studying its natural conditions and climatic features. In this way, in 1899, he discovered a manganese deposit in the ravine of the Krasnaya River, on the border of his lands and the lands of the peasants of the village of Lipovka. As a member of the audit and estimate, budget and agricultural, reporting, economic and other commissions, V. I. Vernadsky thought a lot about the principles of farming. IN AND. Vernadsky was the first among those who noticed the deterioration of the environmental situation in the province, its detrimental effect on the economy and living standards of the Tambov peasantry, and sought an explanation for these processes. The weak use of fertilizers, as well as advanced agricultural technology, in conditions when the peasants who received freedom were in a hurry to improve their lives in the simplest ways, depleted the rich Tambov chernozems. By the beginning of the 20th century, the Tambov region began to gradually lag behind in the development of agricultural production from the southern and eastern regions of the country, where an extensive land fund remained, and, moreover, from the western provinces, where the processes of intensification of agriculture were noticeably increasing. Already on his first visit to the estate in the summer of 1886, he drew attention to the low level of peasant farming and raised the question of creating an experimental agricultural station. This fact emphasizes his active character. Unlike many enlightened contemporaries, he not only stated the difficult situation of the peasant economy of the province, but immediately began to act. A significant step forward was the creation of zemstvo agronomic plots. In 1910, at the initiative of the Morshansky district zemstvo, whose vowel was Vernadsky, the provincial zemstvo began financing their creation. District agronomy was important as a sprawling network of small but quickly established centers of rational nature management in their area. The advanced forces of specialists and peasants were concentrated in the plots, and experiments were conducted. At each site there were rental points for agricultural implements and machines.

The majority of Tambov landowners did not seek to rationalize their economy. By leasing their lands to the peasants, they did not give the peasants an incentive to highly productive use of foreign land. From documents about V.I. Vernadsky can see that his estate was surrounded by the lands of just such landlords. Relatively few "exemplary" landlord farms definitely contributed to the intensification of the rural economy. Vernadsky also tried to conduct such an economy. With the meager equipment of peasant farms with modern tools of labor, rational, most tested and reasonable methods of traditional nature management became important. V. I. Vernadsky in his estate immediately began to switch to a multi-field crop rotation, experimented with various crops. In the fields of Vernadsky in different years, various methods of agricultural technology were boldly introduced, experiments were made, which the peasants avoided due to their lack of education.

"Exemplary farms" V.I. Vernadsky and other advanced Tambov landowners played an important "pioneer" role. The peasants benefited greatly from such neighbors. They could learn how to properly cultivate the land, buy good seeds, seedlings of fruit trees, thoroughbred animals, earn extra money on beet and other plantations, at processing industrial enterprises. In the estate of V.I. Vernadsky, more than twenty types of agricultural products were produced. Advanced landowners established rational environmental management not only in agriculture. In the conditions when the extensive felling of woody vegetation acquired dangerous proportions, parks and forest parks, which were created on their estates by “exemplary” landowners, among them V.I. Vernadsky. This experience, small in its practical volume, became the basis for global conclusions about the need to create a special sphere of humankind's reasonable impact on the natural environment.

Peering into the village life surrounding him, Vladimir Ivanovich more clearly saw many questions and phenomena of social life. Most sharply Vernadsky felt "the need for serious, strong courageous work to achieve the fundamental root cause, without which no reforms, no improvements, more or less lasting, the liberation of the human person are possible." In letters to his wife, he wrote: “It is somehow strongly felt especially here, in the countryside, where at every step, at every agricultural event you come across people who are unequal to you, whose whole life in all its small and large manifestations is bound by an iron ring of arbitrariness. . And the arbitrariness of the zemstvo chief, and the local police, the priest, the reader, the community. Impossible under such conditions is the correct and normal setting of the economy - such as is required by the circumstances of the time and the social life of all of Russia.

Participation in zemstvo life became for Vernadsky a school of political development. His zemstvo activities, like a relay race, passed in the early 1910s. from father to son George Vernadsky. Georgy Vladimirovich participated in zemstvo work by proxy given to him by his father. “And it’s somehow light for me,” V. I. Vernadsky wrote in 1913, “I feel that here I have fulfilled my duty - I have passed on to the next generation after me the age-old public duty that lay on me.”

IN AND. Vernadsky admitted that from childhood he was attracted by the southern regions, with a milder and warmer climate. But it was Vernadovka that became his home for many years. From here he went to county and provincial zemstvo meetings. Here he pondered his scientific and social plans, did everything in his power to improve the life of the local population. Here he closely encountered his problems and needs, convinced of the need to change the existing order of life. It was here in Vernadovka that the ideas of the future doctrine of the biosphere, of living matter, of a single humanity, were born and formed. The last time V. I. Vernadsky saw the Vernadovka station was in 1943, when he was returning from Kazakhstan, where he was evacuated.

For many years, the live connection between the name of Vernadsky and the Vernadovka station was interrupted. But the grateful Tambov region has not forgotten its countryman. Since 1998, at the initiative of the Committee of Natural Resources of the Tambov Region, active work has been carried out to revive Vernadovka and perpetuate the name of V. I. Vernadsky. Together with scientific, cultural and educational institutions of the region, with the support of the administration of the Tambov region and the Non-Governmental Environmental Foundation. V. I. Vernadsky, the Committee of Natural Resources holds annual Vernad readings, youth research competitions named after. V. I. Vernadsky, regional Vernadov conferences. The first Vernadov scientific and practical conference was held in 1999 in Tambov. Its leitmotif is the role of V.I. Vernadsky in solving modern environmental problems. The conference was attended by scientists, teachers of schools and universities, practical ecologists, psychologists and just those restless people who are sick of the soul about the present and future of our region. In the course of it, the main milestones of continuous environmental education were identified. Here the Tambov region has something to say. For many years students-biologists of TSU. G.R. Derzhavin conduct conservation work in the Tambov Reserve, study the influence of modern civilization on flora and fauna; many educational institutions teach ecology courses; Every year, schoolchildren participate in regional and all-Russian environmental programs, develop projects to conserve natural resources, measure the pollution of rivers and other water bodies, and these data really serve science. At the All-Russian Vernadov Readings, students annually express their findings and receive diplomas.

The Second Vernadov Conference put the names of V.I. Vernadsky and I.V. Michurin. Both of them believed in the limitless power of the human mind, insisted on a deep knowledge and respect for the laws of Nature. The idea of ​​the danger of the adverse impact of environmental factors on the natural environment and the population and the need for a well-thought-out strategy to ensure environmental safety sounded with particular urgency at the conference. Much has been said about the ecology of the human soul, because it is from it that creation or destruction begins in this world. Therefore, it was so important to turn to the means and methods of educating spirituality, primarily to literature and music. The participants were unanimous that the spiritual heritage of our predecessors should be preserved and creatively developed, serving future generations.

What do a great thinker and a fruitful practitioner have in common?! First of all, a deep understanding of the need to build your life and activities in accordance with the fundamental laws of nature. “Man, like all living things, is not a self-contained natural object independent of the environment. However, even scientific naturalists in our time, opposing a person and a living organism in general to the environment of their life, very often do not take this into account, ”Vernadsky warned. “We must patiently learn from her (nature), try to correct our mistakes in accordance with her laws, and in any case, not make useless efforts to change these laws,” Michurin emphasized, confirming this principle with all his concrete practical activity.

The conference formulated one of the main tasks facing the society - the need for an integrated approach to the environmental problems of our time and the continuity of environmental education and enlightenment as the basis for the development of a culture of the individual in the broadest sense of the word. This upbringing, starting from preschool age, creates the basis for the further sustainable development of civilization. It cannot be replaced by any directives, campaigns, forceful means - this is a permanent process, the methodology of which is laid down in the teachings of Vernadsky about the biosphere and its transition to the noosphere.

The third Vernadov scientific and practical conference was held on World Environment Day, June 5, 2001, in Ivanovka, in the museum-estate of S.V. Rachmaninov. In its title there was again a combination of two great names, each in its own way, making a unique contribution to world culture and at the same time consonant - "Vernadsky's teaching, Rachmaninov's music - the way to the XXI century." The pathos of the speeches of the conference participants was that V.I. Vernadsky and S.V. Rachmaninov represent a unique phenomenon of world culture: in their work, scientific and musical, they expressed "a sense of the unity of all mankind" (Vernadsky), his "pain and hope" (Rakhmaninov). Both were endowed with a visionary gift. In the tense rhythms of the modern era, they foresaw the motives of an approaching thunderstorm, an all-destroying element that swept away the ideals of public service to the people close to them and posed a direct threat to the creativity of the “free mind of a free person”.

With all the differences in the origin and upbringing of both titans, they are united by a number of essential features that open up when analyzing their work, first of all, a conscious belonging to Russian culture as part of the world cultural environment. Another unifying principle lies in the perception of Vernadsky and Rakhmaninov of the world as a Whole, as an indivisible natural-human community. This is indisputable for Vernadsky's creativity: after all, he is the creator of the general doctrine of the biosphere - the planetary shell of the Earth and its transition to the noospheric state under the influence of scientific thought, labor and experience of human generations. The integrity of Rachmaninov's musical thought is more difficult to reveal. Here, a formal musicological analysis of his works is insufficient and even contraindicated, as is often done in musicology.

Local historians T.A. Arshinova, V.V. Kanishchev, V.Ya. Nikulshin, V.N. Yatsenko was told about the episodes of the personal life of Vernadsky and Rachmaninov connected with the Tambov region. Being contemporaries, living and creating at the turn of two eras, they made a huge contribution to the development of scientific and artistic thinking. Both of them sought to know the harmony of the world: one - in the biosphere, the other - in music, and in general - in the harmonious coexistence of man and the environment, without which the 21st century is unthinkable.

As a thinker on a planetary scale, V.I. Vernadsky left in his works and thoughts concerning artistic creativity. “Apparently, the question of the soul is beginning to enter more and more into science ... Involuntarily, a person comes to forms that have historically developed in a person through philosophical, artistic, religious creativity.” On the example of the life and work of S.V. Rachmaninoff, these ideas were brilliantly developed.

The organizers of the conference saw their most important task as bringing together honored theorists and experienced practitioners for a synthesizing analysis of the essence of what is happening and rethinking the experience of recent decades. “Who are we in the world - passive observers or active participants in all changes? Why is there so much hate in the human world? Why is everyone rational in isolation and so passive in the face of a total threat? Should we teach children to think about these questions? These problems cannot be considered without the scientific, philosophical and creative heritage of our two countrymen, generously gifted by nature people - V.I. Vernadsky and S.V. Rachmaninov. After all, the path to the 21st century is the path from oneself to others with a return to oneself and in the name of oneself. This is the path of smart doing, based on both reason and warmth of the heart, inspired by the great Russian culture. But, perhaps, no less important circumstance than the discussion of issues significant for each participant was the atmosphere of the conference. The program was built in such a way that each block ended with solo performances by singers, musicians, the chamber choir of the Tambov State Musical and Pedagogical Institute named after S.V. Rachmaninov, who performed the works of the great composer (written, by the way, in the house where the conference was held). And ingenious music served as an impulse for a new stage of discussion and comprehension of the scientific heritage of V.I. Vernadsky, filling the participants with feelings of co-creation and solidarity.

The first conferences always have a special purpose - to become the starting point from which the horizons of scientific ideas about man, society and nature will continuously expand. Interest in the creative heritage of V. I. Vernadsky is great not only in the Tambov region, his name is now known to the entire civilized world. This is due to the fact that humanity is now faced with the most complex global environmental problems that know no boundaries. Their solution is carried out within the framework of the teachings of V. I. Vernadsky on the transition of the biosphere into the noosphere. This non-alternative model of sustainable development of the world community was officially adopted at the UN Conference in 1992. V. I. Vernadsky was profoundly right when he asserted many decades ago: “The realm of my ideas lies ahead.” Last year, the Tambov delegation took part in the Interstate Vernadov Conference in the city of Simferopol, where a report was made “V. I. Vernadsky and Tambov region. Most of the conference participants heard for the first time about Vernadsky's connection with Tambov, about the fact that there is a manor in the Tambov region where Vernadsky lived for about 30 years. It was noted that Vernadsky's connection with the Tambov region is not formal and the Tambov period of his life is no less interesting and significant than the St. Petersburg, Moscow or Kyiv. The participants of the conference noted the great experience of the work of the Committee of Natural Resources for the Tambov region, together with other interested organizations, in studying and promoting the legacy of the great scientist. This served as the basis for the decision of the Non-Governmental Environmental Fund. V. I. Vernadsky about holding the next International Conference in the city of Tambov, which will be held on May 21-22, 2002. The majority of well-known vernadists from Russia and Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, France, Canada, scientists, teachers, students, statesmen and public figures - about 500 people - took part in the Conference. Education and science are a guarantee of sustainable development and the purpose of the Conference is to evaluate the role of the teachings of V.I. Vernadsky about the noosphere in the formation of the modern worldview, generalize his pedagogical heritage, formulate methodological approaches for using the ideas of the scientist in all parts of educational systems in order to strengthen the role of education in the sustainable development of society in harmony with nature. and interesting. The program of the Conference is planned to be rich and interesting. Within the framework of the Conference, the Olympiad "Ecoerudite" will be held, the awarding of scholarships from the Non-Governmental Environmental Fund named after. IN AND. Vernadsky to the best students of our universities, the final of the competition will take place. teachers "Ecologist of the Year", five round tables in the leading universities of the region. The publication of the book “V. I. Vernadsky and Tambov region. In it, scientists, specialists and local historians of the Tambov region, united by the Committee of Natural Resources for the Tambov region, reflected new, previously unknown facts from the life of a scientist, the results of painstaking work on the study of archives, clarified some of the circumstances of his life in the Tambov region.

Great assistance in this was provided by the Non-Governmental Environmental Foundation. V. I. Vernadsky (general director K. A. Stepanov), State Geological Museum. V. I. Vernadsky, Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry. V. I. Vernadsky Russian Academy of Sciences, Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of the History of Natural Science and Technology. S. I. Vavilov RAS, the founder of which was V. I. Vernadsky. The publication of this book will undoubtedly contribute to the revitalization of local history and noospheric education.

It is gratifying that the ideas of Vernadsky in the Tambov region are not only studied and promoted, but also accepted for execution, implemented at all levels of government, starting with the head of the regional administration. On October 13, 2001, a great event took place in the village of Vernadovka: gas came to Vernadovka. The solemn ceremony of lighting the gas torch was convincing proof of the great attention paid to Vernadovka. The gasification of the village is only the beginning of a great work on the revival of the Vernadsky estate. The organizers of the upcoming International Vernadov Conference see it as their goal to lay the foundations of the Vernadov Center in the Tambov region, to make Vernadovka become a meeting place for scientists, just as the Rakhmaninov family estate is now the center of communication for musicians, and the Baratynsky estate for writers. Work on the reconstruction of the Vernadsky estate has already begun and its layout will be presented to the attention of the participants of the upcoming International Vernadov Conference. As always happens in history, the true scale of events and personality is tested by time. And the more it passes, the more significant the work and personality of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, our great countryman, seem, the more acutely we see his insight, the more boldly we rely on his teachings in our practical environmental measures. A reasonably responsible start will allow us to preserve the wonderful nature of our region, people's health and ensure the sustainable development of the economy for the current and future generations of Tambov residents.

Museum of Vernadsky

Museum of Scientific Heritage of Academician V.I. Vernadsky in the city of Tambov operates as part of the museum complex of the Tambov State Technical University. The Vernadsky Museum at TSTU was founded in 2007 instead of the abolished Tambov Wolf Museum. Initially, it was called the Museum of the History of Science named after V.I. Vernadsky, but later its theme was refined and deepened, the exposition was expanded with many materials, after which the museum received its modern name.

The museum is located on the first floor of the main academic building of the Technical University at Sovetskaya street, 106. The location of the museum was not chosen by chance. The fact is that in this very building, before the revolution, the Tambov provincial zemstvo council was located, the vowel of which Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky served for a number of years. In memory of that period of the scientist's life, a memorial plaque was installed on the facade of the building.

Now the Museum of V.I. Vernadsky is divided into three thematically related expositions:

  • The first part of the museum houses a memorial exhibition dedicated to the biography of the scientist, his origin, childhood, and early years. Here is a recreated desktop of Vladimir Ivanovich with some of his personal stationery and things.
  • The second part of the museum exposition is called "Vernadsky and Tambov region". Here, on several stands, documents and photographs are displayed related to the life of Vernadsky in his Tambov estate, his work as a public assessor of the Tambov provincial zemstvo council.
  • The theme of the third part of the museum is best described by Vernadov's aphorism: "The realm of my ideas lies ahead." The exposition presented here illustrates the practical significance of the works of Academician Vernadsky for modern science and technology. The stands show the materials of developments, scientific works and studies based on the works of Vernadsky. In particular, within the framework of this exposition, it is told about scientific research aimed at creating technologies for obtaining nanomaterials, which are currently being carried out on the basis of TSTU.
  • As an addition to the main exposition of the museum, a photo exhibition "Vernadsky and Tambov Region" was opened on the second floor of the educational building on the second floor of the academic building.

    In addition to preparing a photo exhibition, the Tambov Vernadsky Museum took an active part in events dedicated to the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the scientist. As part of these events, on the facade of the building that houses the museum, a new (instead of the old) memorial plaque was opened in memory of the work of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky here. Many officials of the city and the region attended the grand opening ceremony of this plaque. Also, now in Tambov the issue of erecting a monument to our famous countryman and world-famous scientist - Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky is being actively discussed.

    The Vernadsky Museum is currently continuing the active accumulation of materials related to the life and work of our famous countryman Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky. The administration of the museum, in order to replenish its collection, asks everyone who has any documents, photographs and other historical materials related to the great scientist to respond.

    The Vernadsky Museum at TSTU is not limited to museum activities. Various thematic meetings and seminars are held on its basis. The museum is equipped with a film projector, which allows for film demonstrations.

    The Vernadsky Museum at TSTU is open every day, except for weekends and holidays, according to the working hours of the educational institution. Entrance to the museum is free (free). For a single visit to the museum (not as part of an excursion group), the watch will be asked to present an identity document. Regarding the organization of excursions, please contact the secretariat of the university.