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The meaning of the southern triangle in the directory of constellations, Latin names. Southern Triangle constellation of the southern circumpolar region

The Southern Triangle is a small constellation in which about twenty stars can be distinguished with the naked eye. Three most bright stars form a characteristic constellation figure - a triangle, which is clearly visible in the sky.

The brightest star is Alpha Southern Triangulum, with a magnitude of 1.9. It is an orange supergiant located more than 400 light years from Earth. Some sources refer to the star alpha of the Southern Triangulum as Atria. The word "atria" is an abbreviation of the words alpha, triangulum and australis. The first word is the letter of the Greek alphabet, which denoted the brightest star in the constellation.

Stars (beta and gamma of the Southern Triangulum are blue giants, having almost the same brightness - 2.82 and 2.85, respectively. However, the star gamma of the Southern Triangulum is variable. Two more stars, delta and epsilon of the Southern Triangulum, have a magnitude of 4, all others are at the limit of visibility with the naked eye. Two bright Cepheids are of particular interest to the observer: R Trianguli Southern, with a period of brightness change from 6.0 to 6.8 in 3.4 days, and S Trianguli Southern, which changes its brightness from 6.1 to 6.8. 6.7 in 6.3 days.

On the border with the Naugolnik lies the star cluster NGC 6025, which has a total magnitude of 6.0 magnitude, which makes it an excellent object for observation by amateur astronomers. Using binoculars, you can distinguish up to thirty stars belonging to this cluster. The distance to NGC 6025 is over 2000 light years. It was discovered by the French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille.

There is another one in the Southern Triangle interesting galaxy- NGC 5938. It belongs to the class of barred spiral galaxies and has a total magnitude of 11.7 magnitude. It can only be observed through fairly large telescopes.

Amerigo Vespucci was born on March 9, 1454 in Florence. Participating in several Spanish and Portuguese expeditions in 1499-1504. to the shores South America, which he called the New World, he first suggested that these lands were a new part of the world. Lorraine cartographer M. Waldsee-muller called this new land in 1507 America after the famous Florentine. It is believed that Amerigo Vespucci was one of the discoverers of South America, the Amazon delta, the Gulf of Venezuela, the Maracaibo lagoon and the Brazilian Highlands.

Finding a constellation in the sky

The constellation is visible at latitudes from -90° to +53°. Therefore, it is not observed on Russian territory. Best conditions for observations - in June. Neighboring constellations: Square, Altar, Compass, Bird of Paradise.

The Southern Triangle is low above the horizon in autumn and approaches the meridian above at midnight southern part horizon. Directly below it are visible the Bright stars of the almost completely set Centauri. On the right you can see the “tail” of Scorpio setting beyond the horizon.

In winter, the Southern Triangle passes the meridian and moves across the sky towards the east. At midnight, it has already fully appeared above the horizon and is “catching up” with the bright stars Rigil Centaurus and Hadar of the Centaurus constellation, which is located to its left.

In summer, Centaurus is already to the right of the Southern Triangle, which has passed the meridian in its highest point above the horizon, and begins to descend from heaven to earth. Below and to the right of it is the bright Southern Cross. Scorpio “floats” above and to the right.

> Southern Triangle

Explore Southern Triangle constellation in the Milky Way: star map, facts, observation history, bright stars, galaxies with photos, clusters, nebulae.

Southern Triangle - constellation, which is located in the southern sky and from Latin “Triangulum Australe” is translated as “southern triangle”.

So called due to three bright stars, creating appropriate form(equilateral triangle).

In the 16th century, the constellation Triangulum Southern was created by Peter Planucius, and in 1603 it appeared in Johann Bayer’s Uranometria. It is too far on the southern side to be visible to Europe and much of the northern hemisphere. But south of the equator it never hides behind the horizon.

Facts, position and map of the Triangulum Southern constellation

With an area of ​​110 square degrees, the Triangulum Southern constellation ranks 83rd in size. Covers the third quadrant of the southern hemisphere (SQ3) and can be seen at latitudes from +25° to -90°. Adjacent to , and .

Southern Triangle
Lat. Name Triangulum Australe
Reduction TrA
Symbol Southern Triangle
Right ascension from 14 h 45 m to 17 h 00 m
Declension -70° to -60°
Square 110 sq. degrees
(83rd place)
Brightest stars
(value< 3 m )
  • α TrA - 1.91 m
  • β TrA - 2.83 m
  • γ TrA - 2.87 m
Meteor showers
Neighboring constellations
  • Square
  • Altar
  • Compass
  • Bird of paradise
The constellation is visible at latitudes from +30° to -90°.
The best time to observe is not observed

Contains one star with a planet and no Messier or meteor shower. The brightest star is Alpha Trianguli Southerne, whose apparent magnitude reaches 1.91. Included in the Hercules group along with , , and . Look at the Triangulum Southern constellation on a star chart.

History of the constellation Southern Triangle

This is a more modern constellation, and therefore does not carry a mythological basis. It is ranked in the 12th tiniest and was first noticed by sailors from Holland Frederic de Houtman and Pieter Dirkszoon at the end of the 16th century.

The first image appeared in 1589 on the celestial globe of Peter Plancius. He named it Triangulus Antarcticus and incorrectly placed it south of the constellation Ship Argo, which was later divided into three separate ones. Modern name inherited from Johann Bayer, who wrote it down in his “Uranometry” (1603).

Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in 1756 called "le Triangle Austral ou le Niveau", referring to the instrument for surveying, including also the Compass and Square. Johann Bode called it "Libella" (level) in Uranography of 1801.

The main stars of the constellation Southern Triangle

Explore the bright stars of the Triangulum Southern constellation in the Milky Way with detailed description and characteristics.

Atria(Alpha Triangulum Southern) is a bright orange giant (K2 IIb-IIa) with an apparent visual magnitude of 1.91 (the brightest in the constellation) and a distance of 391 light years. Together with Beta and Gamma of the Southern Triangulum, it forms a triangular asterism, in honor of which the constellation got its name.

It is 7 times more massive than the Sun, 130 times larger in diameter and 5500 times brighter. This is a suspected double star. The traditional name is an abbreviation of the Bayer designation - A (lpha) Tri (anguli) A (ustralis).

Southern Triangle Beta– a double star with a visual magnitude of 2.85 and a distance of 40.37 light years. Represented by a yellow-white main sequence star (F1 V) and a 14th magnitude line-of-sight companion located 155 arcseconds away. Noticeably excessive infrared radiation, hinting at the presence of a circumstellar disk.

Southern Triangle Gamma is a main sequence white dwarf (A1 V) with an apparent visual magnitude of 2.87 and a distance of 184 light years. The radius is 5.86 times greater than the solar one, and the rotation speed is 199 km/s. Age – 260 million years. Produces excess infrared radiation, indicating the presence of a circumstellar disk.

Southern Triangle Delta– a double star with an apparent magnitude of 3.86. Located 621 light years away. The main body is a yellow supergiant (G2Ib-IIa), and the companion is a 12th magnitude star, 30 arcseconds distant.

Epsilon Southern Triangle is a wide double star with an apparent visual magnitude of 4.11 and a distance of 216.1 light years. Represented by an orange giant (K1-2III) and a white main sequence star (A5). The main component reaches a visual magnitude of 4.11, and the satellite - 9.32. They are separated by 82.1 arcseconds.

Southern Triangle Zeta is a spectroscopic double star with an apparent magnitude of 4.90 and a distance of 39.5 light years. The system consists of a yellow-white dwarf (F6 V) and a yellow dwarf (G1 V). The system's composite star classification is F9 V. Orbital period is 13 days.

Southern Triangle Kappa is a bright yellow giant (G5IIa) with an apparent visual magnitude of 5.11 and a distance of 1207 light years.

Iota of the Southern Triangle– a triple star system with an apparent magnitude of 5.28 and a distance of 132 light years. If you use a telescope with a length of 7.5 cm, you can see white and yellow stars.

Primary object – spectroscopic dual system, represented by two yellow-white stars (F) with an orbital period of 39.8 days. One of them is a variable star of the Gamma Doradus type, due to which the brightness varies by 0.12 magnitude with a period of 1.45 days.

The third body is a 10th magnitude star located 20 arcseconds from the binary system.

Theta Southern Triangle– a yellow giant (G8-K0III) with a visual magnitude of 5.50 and a distance of 328 light years.

X Southern Triangle– a red carbon star (C5.5 (Nb)) with an average apparent magnitude of 5.63 and a distance of 1.17 light years. It is a semi-regular variable with two periods of 385 and 455 days. Brightness varies from 5.03 to 6.05. Its diameter is 400 times greater than that of the sun. Absolute value is -2.0.

HD 133683– a bright yellow star (F6II), whose apparent magnitude is 5.77, and its absolute magnitude reaches -5.57. Located 6037 light years away.

This Southern Triangle– a blue-white subgiant (B7IVe) with an apparent magnitude of 5.89 and a distance of 690 light years.

HD 147018– a yellow dwarf (G9V) with an apparent visual magnitude of 8.4 and a distance of 139 light years. Reaches 88% of solar mass.

In August 2009, two exoplanets were found. The inner one has 2.12 times more mass than Jupiter and spends 44.236 days on its orbital path. The outer one is 6.56 Jupiter masses and completes the orbit in 1008 days.

EK Southern Triangle– dwarf new type S.U. Ursa Major, which is characterized by frequent eruptions. The system is represented by a white dwarf and a donor star. Their orbit takes 1.5 hours. The white dwarf takes material from the donor onto the accretion disk and periodically erupts. The usual apparent visual magnitude is 16.7, but during eruptions it rises to 12.1. The brightness increases by 0.24 magnitude over 1.55 hours. The system is located 586 light years away.

Celestial objects of the Triangulum Southern constellation

ESO 69-6– a galactic pair in the process of merging. Located 600 million light years from our system.

NGC 6025– an open cluster with an apparent visual magnitude of 5.1 and a distance of 2700 light years. In 1751-1752 it was found by the French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille, who was examining the southern sky in Africa.

NGC 5938 is a spiral galaxy 300 million light years away. It is located 5 degrees south of the star Epsilon Triangulum Southern.

ESO 137-001 is a barred spiral galaxy located in the Angle Cluster (Abell 3627). Notable for its long tail, extending over 260,000 light years.

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    Southern Triangle- Southern Triangle ... Wikipedia

    Southern Triangle- click on the image to enlarge it Lat. name Triangulum Australe (genus Trianguli Australis) Abbreviation TrA Symbol Southern Triangle Direct sunrise ... Wikipedia

    SOUTHERN TRIANGLE- (Triangulum Australe), circumpolar constellation of the southern sky, located south of the constellation Norms. The three brightest stars, Alpha magnitude 1.9, Beta and Gamma (both magnitude 2.9), form a clear triangle. Open cluster NGC 6025... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    SOUTHERN TRIANGLE- (lat. Triangalum Australe) constellation of the Southern Hemisphere ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    southern triangle- noun, number of synonyms: 1 constellation (121) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    Triangle (constellation)- This term has other meanings, see Triangle (meanings). Triangle ... Wikipedia

    Southern Triangle- (lat. Triangulum Australe), constellation of the southern hemisphere of the sky. * * * SOUTHERN TRIANGLE SOUTHERN TRIANGLE (lat. Triangalum Australe), constellation of the Southern Hemisphere. Introduced by Bayer (see BAYER Johann Jacob) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Southern Triangle- (“Southern Triangle”) constellation of the Southern Hemisphere of the sky, the brightest star is 1.9 visual magnitude (See Magnitude). Not visible on the territory of the USSR. Cm. starry skyGreat Soviet Encyclopedia

    Southern Triangle- a small constellation between 15h and 16h right ascension and 65° and 70° southern declination. Partly located on the Milky Way. Surrounded by the constellations Centaurus, Altar, and Bird of Paradise. Placed on the star map by Bayer (see Constellations). The brightest star... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

Southern Triangle- a new southern circumpolar constellation. In the middle latitudes of the northern hemisphere it is always below the horizon.


Milky Way

The constellations through which the Milky Way passes are highlighted, taking into account its brightness.


Characters? animals? inanimate objects?


Number of Messier objects in the constellation. The lighter the background of the constellation, the more objects there are in it.

Latitudinal visibility of the constellation
Constellation area
Number of stars in the constellation
Limit magnitude

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Navigation stars


Southern Triangle- a new constellation. Its history intersects with the history of its appearance in the sky and celestial maps Southern Cross. The Southern Cross and Triangulum Southern are two iconic constellations in the southern sky.

Like the Southern Cross, the Southern Triangle is strangely mentioned by Dante in " Divine Comedy"("Purgatory", VIII, 88-90), as a counterpoint to the description of the four stars of the Southern Cross ("Purgatory", I, 22-23)

... "The ones you saw before dawn,
They bowed down, all four, in due time;
They were replaced by this three-star.”

(But according to other researchers of Dante's work, these are three bright stars southern hemisphere sky - Canopus, Achernar and Fomalhaut. None of them are part of the Southern Triangle.)

The Divine Comedy was written in the first quarter of the 14th century and it is not entirely clear where its author got information about the constellations of the southern hemisphere, inaccessible at that time. However, nothing is impossible here, because Arabs At this time, they completely reached the equator along the eastern coast of Africa, where Somalia is.

For the first time documented, the stars of the Southern Cross appear in a drawing by Master Joao ( Maitre Joao). This is a Spanish navigator who sailed under the Portuguese flag and reached Brazil in 1500 at latitude 18° south. On simple drawing without a grid or any figures, we recognize the Southern Triangle, as well as two stars Centauri(α and β), and constellations South Cross And Fly.

A little later, in 1502, Amerigo Vespucci ( Amerigo Vespucci) probably describes the three stars of this particular constellation as regular triangle nine and a half degrees from the pole.

Plancius understood that the coordinates of two constellations (Cross and Triangulum) were inaccurate and “corrected” them in the globes of 1592 and 1594 - despite the fact that other cartographers had decided not to use them for the time being. Finally, in 1598, after astronomical observations Houtman and Keyser during