Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Abbreviated amphibian man. Who was the real Sea Devil?

The science fiction novel “Amphibian Man” by Alexander Belyaev consists of three parts.
The narration is told on behalf of the author.
The characters of the novel: Ichthyander - a man - amphibian, scientist - surgeon Salvator, Indians Balthazar and Cristo, businessman Pedro Zurita, Balthazar's daughter - Gutierre and her friend Olsen.
The events of the novel take place in Argentina.
...For some time now a rumor began to spread around the town that there was a " Sea Devil" He caused a lot of trouble - he cut nets, threw fish out of boats. But he saved someone from a shark, and there were such rumors. Newspapers wrote about the “Sea Devil”, a scientific expedition was organized, which proved that the Sea Devil does not exist. But the assurances of the expedition did not dissuade the superstitious Spaniards and Indians; they still rarely went to sea. As a result, fish catches, and especially pearls, have decreased. The current situation undermined all the plans of Pedro Zurita, the owner of the schooner Medusa. But soon he came up with a plan: to catch a sea monster and force him to get pearls from the seabed for himself. After all, the “Sea Devil” was intelligent - Zurita was convinced of this himself when he heard the monster shout something human voice while riding on a dolphin.
By order of Zurita, a wire net was built and placed at the entrance to the underwater tunnel, where, as divers found out, the “Sea Devil” often hides. But they couldn’t catch him - when they pulled out the net, he cut the wire with a sharp knife and fell into the water through a hole. But Pedro Zurita was too determined to give in right away. Reflecting on the riddle of the “Sea Devil,” Pedro came to the conclusion that the underwater tunnel has another exit - on the shore. Not far from the shore stood a huge house, surrounded by a high fence. Doctor Salvator, a famous healer throughout the area, lived in the house. Zurita understood that the secret of the “Sea Devil” can only be revealed by being in the doctor’s house. But Zurita, no matter how much he pretended to be sick, was not allowed to see the doctor. But the Spaniard again did not give up on his plan.
A few days later, at the gate of Doctor Salvator’s house, an elderly Indian stood with a large girl in his arms. It was Cristo, the cunning one, fulfilling Zurita's request. They let Christo in, the servant took the child from him and asked him to come back in a month. When Cristo arrived at the specified time, the servant brought him an absolutely healthy child. And, although the girl was not Cristo’s granddaughter at all, he began to kiss her. Then the cunning Indian threw himself on his knees before the doctor, said that he was very obliged to him, and asked to take him as a servant. Salvator rarely took on new servants, but there was a lot of work, so he agreed. Many things surprised and even frightened the Indian in the doctor’s garden. There were rats and sheep joined side by side; spotted jaguars that bark like dogs; sparrows with parrot heads. Snakes with fish heads and fish with frog legs swam in the pond. But Christo never saw the most important “Sea Devil”.
More than a month have passed. Christo noticed that the doctor trusted him more and more. And one day he introduced the Indian to the “Sea Devil”.

For some time now, a rumor began to spread around the town that a “Sea Devil” had landed in the sea. He caused a lot of trouble - he cut nets, threw fish out of boats. But he saved someone from a shark, and there were such rumors. Newspapers wrote about the “Sea Devil”, a scientific expedition was organized, which proved that the Sea Devil does not exist. But the assurances of the expedition did not dissuade the superstitious Spaniards and Indians; they still rarely went to sea. As a result, fish catches, and especially pearls, have decreased. The current situation undermined all the plans of Pedro Zurita, the owner of the schooner Medusa. But soon he came up with a plan: to catch a sea monster and force him to get pearls from the seabed for himself. After all, the “Sea Devil” was intelligent - Zurita was convinced of this himself when he heard the monster shout something in a human voice while riding on a dolphin.

By order of Zurita, a wire net was built and placed at the entrance to the underwater tunnel, where, as divers found out, the “Sea Devil” often hides. But they failed to catch him - when they pulled out the net, he cut the wire with a sharp knife and fell into the water through a hole. But Pedro Zurita was too determined to give in right away. Reflecting on the riddle of the “Sea Devil,” Pedro came to the conclusion that the underwater tunnel has another exit - on the shore. Not far from the shore stood a huge house, surrounded by a high fence. Doctor Salvator, a famous healer throughout the area, lived in the house. Zurita understood that the secret of the “Sea Devil” can only be revealed by being in the doctor’s house. But Zurita, no matter how much he pretended to be sick, was not allowed to see the doctor. But the Spaniard again did not give up on his plans.

A few days later, at the gate of Doctor Salvator’s house, an elderly Indian stood with a large girl in his arms. It was Cristo, the cunning one, fulfilling Zurita's request. They let Christo in, the servant took the child from him and asked him to come back in a month. When Cristo arrived at the specified time, the servant brought him an absolutely healthy child. And, although the girl was not Cristo’s granddaughter at all, he began to kiss her. Then the cunning Indian threw himself on his knees before the doctor, said that he was very obliged to him, and asked to take him as a servant. Salvator rarely took on new servants, but there was a lot of work, so he agreed. Many things surprised and even frightened the Indian in the doctor’s garden. There were rats and sheep joined side by side; spotted jaguars that bark like dogs; sparrows with parrot heads. Snakes with fish heads and fish with frog legs swam in the pond. But Christo never saw the most important “Sea Devil”.

More than a month have passed. Christo noticed that the doctor trusted him more and more. And one day he introduced the Indian to the “Sea Devil”.

He turned out to be an ordinary young man who, however, could spend a lot of time under water. Apparently, he was called the “Devil” due to his strange outfit: huge glasses, webbed gloves, flippers, and a body-hugging suit.

The world in which Ichthyander lived - and that was the name of the amphibian man - was much more interesting than the terrestrial world. The young man had friends underwater - dolphins. He became especially attached to one dolphin and gave it the nickname “Leading.” And one day Ichthyander saw a girl - she was tied to a board and was almost dying. The young man pulled her ashore and disappeared. A mustachioed gentleman immediately ran up to the girl and began to convince her that he was a savior. And Ichthyander fell in love with a stranger. He told Christo about her. The cunning Indian suggested that the young man go to the city - there are many girls there, and among them, perhaps, is that beautiful stranger.

On the appointed day, Ichthyander and Cristo went to the city. Cristo's goal is to bring the young man to his brother Balthazar, where Pedro Zurita will be waiting for them. But in Balthazar’s house they meet only Gutierre, his adopted daughter. And, seeing the girl, Ichthyander runs out of the house and hides. Christo guesses that Gutierre was the stranger whom Ichthyander once saved.

Two weeks passed. One day Ichthyander, sailing around the bay, again saw Guttiere. She was talking to a young man, then took off and handed him a pearl necklace. Suddenly the necklace slipped out of her hands and fell into the water. The bay was very deep, and they both understood that they could not get the necklace from the bottom. Ichthyander, who had already managed to get out of the water and change into a suit, ran up to the girl. With the words “I’m trying to help you,” Ichthyander rushed into the bay. Guttiere and her companion were madly afraid for Ichthyander - they decided that he had already drowned, but soon he emerged from the water and gave Guttiere the pearls. It was a kind of small revenge - Ichthyander wanted the young man to receive pearls from Gutierre, but from his hands.

After this event, Ichthyander swam to the shore every evening. He changed into a hidden suit and waited for Gutierrez. They walked every day. More and more the young man realized that he loved this girl. One day they met Olsen, the young man to whom Gutierre wanted to give the pearls. A feeling of jealousy forced Ichthyander to confess his love for Gutierra. But at that time the rider, Pedro Zurita, appeared and scolded the girl for “she is walking with a young man, being the bride of another.” Hearing these words, Ichthyander jumped up, ran to the shore and threw himself into the water. Pedro Zurita laughed and Gutierre turned pale. Now she really decided that Ichthyander was dead.

And Ichthyander, who, of course, did not drown, continued to think about Gutierre, albeit with bitterness. One day he saw Olsen among the pearl seekers underwater. Ichthyander swam up to him, which frightened both Olsen and the other swimmers. But a few minutes later Olsen and Ichthyander were already sitting in the boat and talking. Olsen realized that the famous “Sea Devil” and Ichthyander were one person. Olsen told Ichthyander about the events that had taken place. Gutierre was now married to the schooner owner Zurita. Her husband was unlikable, and she got married only because she was sure that Ichthyander was no longer alive. She now lived in Zurita's hacienda. Olsen explained to Ichthyander how to get to the hacienda.

A strange young man in a crumpled suit caused people to bewilder. In addition, a robbery was committed in one of the haciendas. The policeman who saw him became wary and, without thinking twice, handcuffed him. However, Ichthyander managed to escape from him, albeit in handcuffs. At night the young man came to Guttiere's house. He began to call her when he felt pain and fell. He was hit with a shovel by Pedro Zurita, who did not like the “convict” who came to his wife. The body was then thrown into a pond. At night the girl could not sleep, she went out into the yard and saw a bloody path that led to the pond. When she approached the pond, Ichthyander appeared from under the water. The girl was scared, there was a drowned man in front of her, but Ichthyander explained to her who he was. But Zurita overheard their conversation. He promised to hand Ichthyander over to the police or release him, but only when the young man retrieved a lot of pearls from the seabed for Zurita. This is how Ichthyander ended up on Medusa. Ichthyander was put on a long chain and released into the sea. The first catch has already brought Zurita a fortune. A wave of excitement swept through the schooner. And the next morning Zurita released the young man into the sea without a chain. According to the agreement, Ichthyander was to explore the recently sunken ship and bring what he found to Zurita. While the young man was under water, the schooner's crew attacked Zurita, too great envy caused by his wealth. Zurita was in a hopeless situation when he saw a boat approaching the schooner. Sitting in it... was Dr. Salvator. At that same moment, Zurita jumped into one of the boats and swam to the shore. Salvator examined the schooner, but did not find Ichthyander. And soon, with the help of Zurita, Cristo and Balthazar, a trial of Dr. Salvator was organized. Numerous commissions examined animals from the doctor’s garden. But the main proof terrible experiences The doctor was Ichthyander. Now he was kept in one of the cells, in a barrel of standing water. The young man was almost dying - the water was rarely changed. But Dr. Salvator did not break the trial - even in his cell he continued to write, and once operated on the wife of the prison director, which saved her life. Finally the trial took place. Dr. Salvatore faces numerous charges.

The night after the trial, Salvator saw Ichthyander. The warden presented Salvator with the opportunity to escape, but the doctor asked him to allow Ichthyander to leave the prison. A water carrier took part in the conspiracy, and it was he who took Ichthyander out of prison in a barrel of water. Now the young man had to make a long journey to the shores of South America, where Dr. Salvator’s friend lived.

A few years later, no one remembered the “Sea Devil,” Dr. Salvator was released from prison, Gutierre divorced her husband and married Olsen.

The science fiction novel “Amphibian Man” by Alexander Belyaev consists of three parts. The narration is told on behalf of the author. The characters of the novel: Ichthyander - a man - amphibian, scientist - surgeon Salvator, Indians Balthazar and Cristo, businessman Pedro Zurita, Balthazar's daughter - Gutierre and her friend Olsen. The events of the novel take place in Argentina. ...For some time now, a rumor began to spread around the town that a “Sea Devil” had appeared in the sea. He caused a lot of trouble - he cut nets, threw fish out of boats. But he saved someone from a shark, and there were such rumors. Newspapers wrote about the “Sea Devil”, a scientific expedition was organized, which proved that the Sea Devil does not exist. But the assurances of the expedition did not dissuade the superstitious Spaniards and Indians; they still rarely went to sea. As a result, fish catches, and especially pearls, have decreased. The current situation undermined all the plans of Pedro Zurita, the owner of the schooner Medusa. But soon he came up with a plan: to catch a sea monster and force him to get pearls from the seabed for himself. After all, the “Sea Devil” was intelligent - Zurita was convinced of this himself when he heard the monster shout something in a human voice while riding on a dolphin. By order of Zurita, a wire net was built and placed at the entrance to the underwater tunnel, where, as divers found out, the “Sea Devil” often hides. But they failed to catch him - when they pulled out the net, he cut the wire with a sharp knife and fell into the water through a hole. But Pedro Zurita was too determined to give in right away. Reflecting on the riddle of the “Sea Devil,” Pedro came to the conclusion that the underwater tunnel has another exit - on the shore. Not far from the shore stood a huge house, surrounded by a high fence. Doctor Salvator, a famous healer throughout the area, lived in the house. Zurita understood that the secret of the “Sea Devil” can only be revealed by being in the doctor’s house. But Zurita, no matter how much he pretended to be sick, was not allowed to see the doctor. But the Spaniard again did not give up on his plans. A few days later, at the gate of Doctor Salvator’s house, an elderly Indian stood with a large girl in his arms. It was Cristo, the cunning one, fulfilling Zurita's request. They let Christo in, the servant took the child from him and asked him to come back in a month. When Cristo arrived at the specified time, the servant brought him an absolutely healthy child. And, although the girl was not Cristo’s granddaughter at all, he began to kiss her. Then the cunning Indian threw himself on his knees before the doctor, said that he was very obliged to him, and asked to take him as a servant. Salvator rarely took on new servants, but there was a lot of work, so he agreed. Many things surprised and even frightened the Indian in the doctor’s garden. There were rats and sheep joined side by side; spotted jaguars that bark like dogs; sparrows with parrot heads. Snakes with fish heads and fish with frog legs swam in the pond. But Christo never saw the most important “Sea Devil”. More than a month have passed. Christo noticed that the doctor trusted him more and more. And one day he introduced the Indian to the “Sea Devil”. He turned out to be an ordinary young man who, however, could spend a lot of time under water. Apparently, he was called the “Devil” due to his strange outfit: huge glasses, webbed gloves, flippers, and a body-hugging suit. The world in which Ichthyander lived - and that was the name of the amphibian man - was much more interesting than the terrestrial world. The young man had friends underwater - dolphins. He became especially attached to one dolphin and gave it the nickname “Leading.” And one day Ichthyander saw a girl - she was tied to a board and was almost dying. The young man pulled her ashore and disappeared. A mustachioed gentleman immediately ran up to the girl and began to convince her that he was a savior. And Ichthyander fell in love with a stranger. He told Christo about her. The cunning Indian suggested that the young man go to the city - there are many girls there, and among them, perhaps, is that beautiful stranger. On the appointed day, Ichthyander and Cristo went to the city. Cristo's goal is to bring the young man to his brother Balthazar, where Pedro Zurita will be waiting for them. But in Balthazar’s house they meet only Gutierre, his adopted daughter. And, seeing the girl, Ichthyander runs out of the house and hides. Christo guesses that Gutierre was the stranger whom Ichthyander once saved. Two weeks passed. One day Ichthyander, sailing around the bay, again saw Guttiere. She was talking to a young man, then took off and handed him a pearl necklace. Suddenly the necklace slipped out of her hands and fell into the water. The bay was very deep, and they both understood that they could not get the necklace from the bottom. Ichthyander, who had already managed to get out of the water and change into a suit, ran up to the girl. With the words “I’m trying to help you,” Ichthyander rushed into the bay. Guttiere and her companion were madly afraid for Ichthyander - they decided that he had already drowned, but soon he emerged from the water and gave Guttiere the pearls. It was a kind of small revenge - Ichthyander wanted the young man to receive pearls from Gutierre, but from his hands. After this event, Ichthyander swam to the shore every evening. He changed into a hidden suit and waited for Gutierrez. They walked every day. More and more the young man realized that he loved this girl. One day they met Olsen, the young man to whom Gutierre wanted to give the pearls. A feeling of jealousy forced Ichthyander to confess his love for Gutierra. But at that time the rider, Pedro Zurita, appeared and scolded the girl for “she is walking with a young man, being the bride of another.” Hearing these words, Ichthyander jumped up, ran to the shore and threw himself into the water. Pedro Zurita laughed and Gutierre turned pale. Now she really decided that Ichthyander was dead. And Ichthyander, who, of course, did not drown, continued to think about Gutierre, albeit with bitterness. One day he saw Olsen among the pearl seekers underwater. Ichthyander swam up to him, which frightened both Olsen and the other swimmers. But a few minutes later Olsen and Ichthyander were already sitting in the boat and talking. Olsen realized that the famous “Sea Devil” and Ichthyander were one person. Olsen told Ichthyander about the events that had taken place. Gutierre was now married to the schooner owner Zurita. Her husband was unlikable, and she got married only because she was sure that Ichthyander was no longer alive. She now lived in Zurita's hacienda. Olsen explained to Ichthyander how to get to the hacienda. A strange young man in a crumpled suit caused people to bewilder. In addition, a robbery was committed in one of the haciendas. The policeman who saw him became wary and, without thinking twice, handcuffed him. However, Ichthyander managed to escape from him, albeit in handcuffs. At night the young man came to Guttiere's house. He began to call her when he felt pain and fell. He was hit with a shovel by Pedro Zurita, who did not like the “convict” who came to his wife. The body was then thrown into a pond. At night the girl could not sleep, she went out into the yard and saw a bloody path that led to the pond. When she approached the pond, Ichthyander appeared from under the water. The girl was scared, there was a drowned man in front of her, but Ichthyander explained to her who he was. But Zurita overheard their conversation. He promised to hand Ichthyander over to the police or release him, but only when the young man retrieved a lot of pearls from the seabed for Zurita. This is how Ichthyander ended up on Medusa. Ichthyander was put on a long chain and released into the sea. The first catch has already brought Zurita a fortune. A wave of excitement swept through the schooner. And the next morning Zurita released the young man into the sea without a chain. According to the agreement, Ichthyander was to explore the recently sunken ship and bring what he found to Zurita. When the young man was under water, the crew of the schooner attacked Zurita; his wealth caused too much envy. Zurita was in a hopeless situation when he saw a boat approaching the schooner. Sitting in it... was Dr. Salvator. At that same moment, Zurita jumped into one of the boats and swam to the shore. Salvator examined the schooner, but did not find Ichthyander. And soon, with the help of Zurita, Cristo and Balthazar, a trial of Dr. Salvator was organized. Numerous commissions examined animals from the doctor’s garden. But the main evidence of the doctor’s terrible experiments was Ichthyander. Now he was kept in one of the cells, in a barrel of standing water. The young man was almost dying - the water was rarely changed. But Dr. Salvator did not break the trial - even in his cell he continued to write, and once operated on the wife of the prison director, which saved her life. Finally the trial took place. Dr. Salvatore faces numerous charges. The night after the trial, Salvator saw Ichthyander. The warden presented Salvator with the opportunity to escape, but the doctor asked him to allow Ichthyander to leave the prison. A water carrier took part in the conspiracy, and it was he who took Ichthyander out of prison in a barrel of water. Now the young man had to make a long journey to the shores of South America, where Dr. Salvator’s friend lived. A few years later, no one remembered the “Sea Devil,” Dr. Salvator was released from prison, Gutierre divorced her husband and married Olsen. This is how A. Belyaev’s novel “Amphibian Man” ends.

A. Belyaev’s relatives recalled that one day he came across a newspaper article about a trial in Buenos Aires of a doctor who carried out “sacrilegious” experiments on animals and people. The doctor, allegedly with the consent of the parents, performed operations on Indian children - for example, making the joints of their arms and legs more mobile. This fact was supplemented by the book Belyaev read French writer Jean de la Hire "Iktaner and Moisette". The book told the story of a shark man who became a tool in the hands of people who dream of enslaving the world. Of these real facts The idea for the novel “Amphibian Man” was born.

About freedom and those who encroach on it

It all started when the pearl divers heard a strange voice in the sea that frightened them. This secret, which made everyone wary, opens the line of Ichthyander in the novel. Parallel to it goes the line of Zurita - the owner of the schooner and the owner of the pearl divers. When Ichthyander revealed himself to people, their lines crossed and a conflict was determined. It will become the main one in the novel.

Ichthyander and Zurita are presented by the author as two antipodes. Ichthyander initially evokes a feeling of favor among readers. And this feeling intensifies in the further narrative. Another thing is Zurita. He caused antipathy at the first moment of his appearance. Subsequently it turned out that it was completely justified.

What is the essence of their conflict? The fact is that two concepts collided: “freedom” (Ichthyander) and “prison” (Zurita). In the novel, the image of prison will become not symbolic, but real.

Why did the conflict arise? Because Zurita, as soon as he saw Ichthyander, set himself the goal of catching him and forcing him to get pearls from the seabed. The conflict is quite real, but one of its participants is not real - Ichthyander is the only fantastic image in the novel. His presence allowed the author to show important problems.

The main one is the problem of freedom. Zurita encroached on Ichthyander's freedom, but he was not the first here. The first to allow himself to do this, but more subtly and skillfully, was the so-called “father” of Ichthyander, the surgeon Salvator. He did this under the pretext of improvement human nature. “Man is imperfect,” he said. Then, when Salvator transplanted shark gills into Ichthyander, he would take care of him, protect him, and maybe even love him. But before, he simply took away his freedom. Salvator does not cause such unequivocal rejection as Zurita. But if you think about it, he is no less dangerous than the straightforward Zurita.

Having become, by the will of the surgeon, a fish man - not like everyone else, Ichthyander finds himself in a whirlpool of dramatic events. A hunt began for him, ending with the loss of his freedom.

Pearls as the meaning of life

The difference between Ichtnandra and Zurita is not only that one of them chose the other as his victim, but also that they live in a world of different values. This is especially evident in their attitude towards pearls. For Ichthyander, pearls are of no value, but for Zurita they are the whole meaning of life. And not only for him alone.

Let us remember the scene in prison, when the jailers were ready to open any door for pearls. But it didn’t even occur to Salvator to use Ichthyander as a pearl miner. He was, after all, a scientist first and foremost.

The truth of science and the truth of morality

Ichthyander - child scientific experiments surgeon Salvator. The result is Shark Man. But was this operation a benefit for Ichthyander? At first we see him, if not absolutely happy, then satisfied with his life. Salvator gave Ichthyander the sea. True, he immediately limited his stay on earth.

In the end, Ichthyander's habitat was limited to a barrel of water. Perhaps the author deliberately resorts to exaggerating the situation in order to show possible consequences experiments on humans. And after escaping from prison, Ichthyander moves to the sea for a long time, and perhaps forever. In essence, there was a migration of man from land to sea, and without his consent. How to evaluate this from a moral point of view? Are all the good deeds of Salvator, which everyone talks about with admiration, able to compensate for the violence that was carried out against Ichthyander? He was sacrificed to science. Is she justified? The question remains open.

Salvator and his experiments were condemned by the church ( ordinary people they were only surprised and horrified).

Thus, the fantastic element allowed the author to define the problem and make obvious the truth of two truths. Science has its own truth and morality has its own. Until they came together.

Does a Pisces man need love?

Before meeting Gutierrez, Ichthyander was quite happy with life. He made friends with dolphins and had fun with an albatross. Everything changed after he met Gutierre, or rather, when he saved her. To see her, he was ready to endure people and their stuffy city. It was love that showed that Ichthyander is first and foremost a man.

Thanks to love, the generally obvious became clear: all the new possibilities of the amphibian man mean very little in comparison with the lost right to love. And again the question: “Are all the achievements of science worth denying a person what constitutes main meaning his life?

What's in the finale?

Almost all the characters remained the same. Salvator, having served his sentence, again took up scientific work. Zurita is still fishing for pearls - now on a new schooner. Gutierre married good man- Olsen.

And only Balthazar, feeling himself to be the real father of Ichthyander, yearns for him. His pain is so strong that from a more or less prosperous person he turned into a “half-crazed Indian,” the father of the “sea devil.”

Well, what about Ichthyander? He managed to escape from captivity at sea. But is he happy? And will he be happy in the future? Hardly. Salvator sent him across the seas and oceans to a friend - also a scientist. There he will find protection. But what will Ichthyander’s life be reduced to? To serve science - already in the person of another scientist. “You will be an indispensable assistant to him in his scientific works in oceanography”, “You will serve science and thereby all of humanity,” says Salvator in parting. His pathetic speech excludes the personal in the life of Ichthyander. All that remains for him is friendship with the dolphin and loneliness.

It turns out that science, having snatched man from his native element and endowed him with great opportunities, didn’t make him any happier.

Unexpected plot twists, a series of secrets, adventures and fantasy in the novel “Amphibian Man,” which we analyzed, reveal not only the problems of science, but also the problems of man. Belyaev is convincing when he says that science is not only a huge opportunity, but also a huge responsibility for a person.

Main features of the novel “Amphibian Man”:

  • genre: science fiction novel;
  • sharp plot with unexpected turns;
  • mystery as one of the main components of the plot;
  • a reverse depiction of the situation from the legend about a fisherman who fell in love with a mermaid;
  • division into positive and negative heroes;
  • the main positive character is a fantastic image;
  • stereotypical characterization negative hero;
  • the scientist Salvator as a hero-symbol;
  • option to answer the question about the right of science to decide human destinies;
  • availability of educational material about sea life.

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Let's get acquainted with the popular science fiction novel written in 1927. We bring to your attention his summary. "Amphibian Man" is a work by Alexander Belyaev, which has been filmed several times. And this is not surprising - its plot is really interesting.

So, let's begin to describe the summary. Amphibian Man - main character novel. However, at the beginning of the work, no one can understand what kind of monster lives in the sea. For some time now, rumors about the appearance of the Sea Devil began to spread around the town. He seemed to cause a lot of troubles - he threw fish out of boats, cut nets. But he is also rumored to have saved someone from a shark. Newspapers wrote about this monster. In the end, they decided to organize a scientific expedition to prove that it does not exist. However, the superstitious Indians and Spaniards were not dissuaded by the expedition's assurances. They were still afraid to go to sea. Fish and pearl catches have decreased.

Pedro Zurita's plan

This situation undermined the plans of the owner of the schooner "Medusa" Pedro Zurita. He soon came up with an idea: to catch the monster and force him to get pearls for himself from the bottom of the sea. Zurita convinced himself that the Sea Devil is intelligent. He heard this monster scream in a human voice while riding a dolphin.

The wire network was built on Zurita's orders. It was installed at the entrance to the underwater tunnel. The Sea Devil often comes here, as divers found out. However, they failed to catch him. When the net was pulled out, the “devil” cut the wire with a sharp knife and fell through the hole into the water.

However, Zurito was determined and in no mood to retreat. Thinking about the Sea Devil, he concluded that there was another exit on the shore, near the underwater tunnel.

Doctor Salvator's House

A huge house with a high fence stood not far from the shore. Doctor Salvator, a healer known throughout the area, lived there. And Zurita decided that the mystery of the Sea Devil could only be solved by being in his house. However, Pedro, despite the fact that he pretended to be sick, was not allowed to see the doctor. Nevertheless, the Spaniard did not change his plans.

Cristo goes to Salvator

A few days later, at the gate of Salvator’s house, an elderly Indian stood holding a sick girl in his arms. It was Cristo who agreed to fulfill Zurita's request. They let him in, the servant took the child from him and told him to return in a month. When he appeared, the servant returned him a completely healthy girl. And although she was not his granddaughter at all, he began to kiss her and threw himself on his knees in front of the doctor, saying that he was very obliged to him. Cristo asked Salvator to take him as a servant. The doctor did not often take on new servants, but there was a lot of work, and he agreed. In Salvator’s garden, many things surprised and frightened the Indian. There were rats and sheep, side by side, barking like dogs, spotted jaguars. Snakes with the heads of fish and fish with the legs of frogs swam in the pond. However, Christo did not see the Sea Devil.

Who was the real Sea Devil?

More than a month has passed. The Indian noticed that the doctor trusted him more and more. And then one day he introduced Christo to the Sea Devil. It turned out that he was an ordinary young man with the ability to stay under water for a long time. Apparently, he was nicknamed the devil because of his strange outfit: a suit that fitted his body, flippers, webbed gloves and huge glasses. The amphibian man's name was Ichthyander. The world in which he lived was much more interesting and fascinating than the earthly one. The young man had friends underwater - dolphins. An amphibious man became especially attached to Leading, one of them. The very brief summary, unfortunately, does not imply detailed description their relationships.

Ichthyander is looking for a girl

Ichthyander once noticed a girl tied to a board and dying. The young man pulled her ashore and then disappeared. Then some mustachioed gentleman ran up to the girl and began to convince her that it was he who saved her. And Ichthyander fell in love with this stranger. He told about her and Christo. The Indian suggested that he go to the city - there are many girls there, perhaps among them there is a beautiful stranger.

Christo and Ichthyander went to the city on the appointed day. Alexander Belyaev (“Amphibian Man”) continues his novel with this episode. Its summary is as follows. Cristo wanted to bring the young man to Balthasar, his brother, where Pedro Zurita would be waiting for them. However, in Balthazar's house they found only his adopted daughter Gutierre. Seeing her, Ichthyander ran out and disappeared. The cunning Indian guessed that this was the stranger whom Ichthyander had once saved.

The sea devil retrieves a necklace from the bottom of the sea

Are you curious to know what the summary of the story “Amphibian Man” continues (although it is incorrect to call it a story, because it is a full-fledged novel)? Then the plot becomes more and more interesting. Two weeks passed. Sailing around the bay, Ichthyander once again saw Guttiere. The girl talked to the young man, after which she took off her pearl necklace and handed it to him. Suddenly the necklace slipped out of Gutierre's hands and fell into the water. The bay was very deep, and it was impossible to get it from the bottom. Ichthyander, who managed to get out of the water and put on his suit, ran up to Gutierre. He said that he would try to help her and rushed into the bay. I was very scared for Ichthyander Guttiere and his companion. They decided that the young man must have already drowned. However, he soon emerged from the water and gave the pearls to Gutierra.

Meetings of Ichthyander and Gutierrez

It is imperative to talk about the relationship between Ichthyander and Gutierrez when retelling the novel “Amphibian Man”. The chapter summaries would not be complete without this important storyline. After their meeting described above, Ichthyander sailed to the shore every evening. He changed into a suit hidden here and then waited for the girl. They walked together every day. The young man realized more and more that he loved Gutierrez. One day they met Olsen, a young man to whom the girl was going to give her pearls. Because of feelings of jealousy, Ichthyander decided to confess his love to Gutierra. However, at this time the horseman, Pedro Zurita, appeared. He scolded her for being the bride of one, walking with another. Ichthyander, hearing these words, ran to the shore and disappeared into the water. Gutierre turned pale and Pedro Zurita laughed. The girl decided that now Ichthyander really died.

Gutierrez is getting married

What events does A. R. Belyaev (“Amphibian Man”) introduce us to next? The summary we have compiled contains a description of the most important of them. The sea devil, of course, not drowned, did not stop thinking about his beloved, but now with bitterness. He once saw Olsen under water among the pearl seekers. Ichthyander headed towards him, which scared him and the other swimmers. Olsen and Ichthyander were already talking a few minutes later, sitting in the boat. Olsen realized that Ichthyander and the Sea Devil were the same person. He told the amphibian man about the events that had taken place. Gutierre was now married to Zurita, the owner of the schooner. She didn't like her husband. The girl married him only because she thought that Ichthyander had died. She now lived in Zurita's hacienda.

Massacre of Ichthyander

Confusion local residents called by a strange young man dressed in a wrinkled suit. At that time, a robbery was committed in one of the haciendas. Ichthyander was suspected of it. However, the young man managed to escape in handcuffs. He came to Guttiere's house at night. Ichthyander began to call the girl, but suddenly fell, feeling pain. He was hit with a shovel by Pedro Zurita, who did not at all like the “convict” who came to his wife. After this, the body was thrown into a pond. The girl could not sleep at night, and she decided to go out into the yard. Here she saw a bloody path leading to the pond. When Gutierre approached the pond, Ichthyander appeared from the water. The girl was scared, thinking that in front of her was a drowned man, but the young man explained who he was.

Ichthyander gets pearls for Zurita

Zurita overheard their conversation. He promised to hand over Ichthyander to the police or release him, but only if the young man gets a lot of pearls from the bottom of the sea for Zurita. This is how Ichthyander ended up on the Medusa. He was put on a long chain, after which he was released into the sea.

Zurita's first catch brought him a fortune. A wave of excitement swept through the schooner. And the next morning Zurita released him into the sea without a chain. According to the agreement, Ichthyander was to explore a ship that had recently sunk and bring what he found to Zurita. When the Sea Devil disappeared under the water, the crew attacked Zurita, as his wealth caused envy. Zurita found himself in a hopeless situation when he noticed that the boat was approaching the schooner. Doctor Salvator was in it. Zurita immediately jumped into the boat and headed towards the shore. Having examined the schooner, Salvator did not find Ichthyander.

Doctor's trial

Soon, with the help of Balthazar, Cristo and Zurita, they organized a trial of the doctor. Animals from his garden were examined by numerous commissions. However, the main evidence of the terrible experiments carried out by Salvator was Ichthyander. He was now kept in a cell, in a barrel of water. The water was rarely changed, and the young man practically died. Trial Dr. Salvator did not break - he continued to write even in his cell, and once operated on the wife of the prison governor. But then a trial took place, at which the doctor was charged with many charges.

Rescue of Ichthyander

The novel that Belyaev created (“Amphibian Man”) is already approaching its finale. The summary continues with the fact that Salvator saw Ichthyander the night after the trial. The fact is that the head of the prison allowed the doctor to escape, but Salvator asked to be allowed to leave prison not for him, but for Ichthyander. The water carrier took part in the conspiracy, and it was he who took the Sea Devil out of prison in a barrel of water. The young man now had to make a long journey to South America, where the doctor's friend lived.

How does the summary end? Amphibian Man was forgotten by everyone after a few years; no one remembered the Sea Devil anymore. Salvator was released from prison, Gutierre divorced her husband, and then married Olsen.

We outlined the plot of the novel by creating a summary. "Amphibian Man" is an interesting and fascinating work, so we recommend reading it in the original. In the text you will find many interesting details. A writer like Alexander Belyaev is called the Russian Jules Verne. "Amphibian Man", a summary of which was presented above, is not his only work. This author has written 13 novels, many of which are also very interesting.