Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What happened in the world in 1950. See what "1950" is in other dictionaries

1950 who? 1950 year of which animal? The White Metal Tiger personality is characterized by determination, organization and willpower. Every Tiger has such qualities, but they are expressed to varying degrees. But it is precisely these qualities that the White Metal Tiger has in abundance. The White Tiger may even be overly harsh both towards other people and towards himself. He loves justice, is focused and always makes plans for the future. This is often an intense, strong personality.

The White (Metal) Tiger is an authoritative leader who always takes the initiative. He loves independence and will not tolerate restrictions in any matter. Tigers have difficulty interacting with other people, are demanding of themselves and require admiration and attention. This is a passionate and fearless personality. A goal-oriented person who always achieves goals with a constant belief in success. It is impossible for him to quit what he started.

White Tiger in a relationship

Relationships and feelings are not the easiest area for the White Tiger of Metal. In relations with a partner, he likes to command and demand, and does not want to seek compromises. He is quick-tempered, but easy-going, fair, always respects the other person, but often does what he considers necessary, without listening to or consulting anyone. It is on such contrasts that the relationships of people born under this symbol will develop.

The Tiger's big advantage in love is the absence of selfish motives; it gives independence to loved ones. This is a faithful person who does not betray if he has already made his choice.

White (Metal) Tiger at work

People born in 1950 are excellent workers. But they love freedom and solving difficult problems. They themselves can find unusual methods of solving a problem, sometimes very daring and not thought out in detail. But they are ready to solve them themselves, the main thing is that those who expect results from them have patience.

Perhaps the White Metal Tiger should start his own business; they can only be limited by establishing contacts and connections. If you learn to do this, it will not be difficult to achieve success.

Earth sector of the Tiger Metal – element of Wood

Metal is known to cut down Wood, which means that strict organization and self-confidence will prevail over emotions, sensations and qualities of the soul. Sometimes they will conflict when both sides of the personality are strongly expressed. The Tiger should not choose between material well-being and spiritual development. It is worth combining one with the other. In life and work, you will need a strong will and mind, and in personal relationships, goodwill towards people and acceptance of a person without aggression and intolerance will be useful.

It’s worth trying to combine the hostile elements of Wood and Metal. The White Tiger must sometimes slow down the pace of life and even feel oppressed, otherwise problems may arise in everyday life.

The balanced personality of the White Tiger should be less attentive and show more tolerance. He will achieve success faster if he becomes less self-confident, accepts change and says goodbye to the past. Learn to express your emotions correctly.

On June 25, 1950, the war began on the Korean Peninsula - one of the most destructive and bloody in post-war history.
During this war, which lasted three whole years, according to various estimates, from 5 to 9 million Koreans were killed, with 80% of the dead being civilians.

In Korea, almost all of the industry that existed there before the 1950-53 war was destroyed - more than 80% of factories and factories were destroyed.

More than half of Koreans lost their homes.

The losses of the Chinese army amounted, according to various estimates, from 314 thousand to a million killed, maimed and missing.

The Americans also suffered because they lost about the same amount in the Korean War as in the much longer Vietnam War - 54 thousand.

In addition, the much worse armed army of the DPRK inflicted a number of shameful defeats on the Americans.

Today, few people remember this war. These memories are especially painful in the United States, where the Korean War is rarely remembered primarily because people do not like to remember.

However, remembering the events of 67 years ago will help prevent new mass casualties, and not only for Koreans. So I think.

The history of this war began back in 1945, when Soviet troops, during the war against Japan, occupied North Korea, and American troops occupied South Korea.

The division of the country into spheres of influence between the two powers was carried out along the 38th parallel.

The state of the DPRK was created in the zone of influence of the USSR, and the Republic of Korea was formed in the zone of American influence.

But if the first president of South Korea, Syngman Rhee, was brought by the Americans and installed as ruler in the American zone of influence, then in the north of the Korean Peninsula the situation was completely different.

The fact is that the communist army led by Kim Il Sung was the main and only force in Korea itself, uncompromisingly fighting against the Japanese occupiers during the Second World War.

Of course, the influence of the USSR and China in North Korea was very strong.
But Kim Il Sung and his Workers' Party cannot be called puppets.

On the other hand, Syngman Lee was precisely an American puppet and did not have much, to put it mildly, influence in society.

And the fact that in Korea itself the Americans did not find a suitable figure who could become the head of state speaks volumes.

The weakness of the position of Syngman Rhee and his puppet state is also evidenced by the fact that the South Korean army was defeated within 4 days after the start of the war - from June 25 to 29.

The DPRK army cut through the whole of South Korea like a knife through butter. The troops of the puppet regime surrendered Seoul almost without a fight. None of the residents of the South came to the aid of Syngman Rhee.
And only the intervention of the United States and Great Britain under the cover of the UN saved the puppet regime from complete collapse.

By the end of the war, the parties to the conflict found themselves in the same positions as before it began - the border ran along the 38th parallel.

This border passes here and now, and the communist regime in the DPRK is preparing to celebrate its 70th anniversary.

In addition to its own nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, this country produces very good computers and smartphones and will surprise the world more than once.

South Korea is unrecognizable today - its cars, computers, refrigerators and televisions are known all over the world.

But if anyone thinks that all these achievements are the merit of democracy, they are deeply mistaken.

From the time of Syngman Rhee until the end of the seventies of the last century, this country lived under the rule of bloody semi-fascist juntas, which more than once massacred their people, the most famous of which was in Gwangju.

This is not the case for the DPRK, although human rights activists and the State Department consider it almost a fiend from hell.


Passion for rock and roll.
From an interview with Mick Jagger (1996):
Rock and roll is infused with anger, which overcomes youth from boredom, from an attitude of rebellion... Black music brought sexuality to rock and roll. Violence has been a feature of rock 'n' roll since its earliest days.
From this confession of a rock music figure, the destructive social consequences of the introduction of rock music into society become clear. Immediately after rock music began being broadcast on radio in America in the mid-50s, there was an explosion of divorces.

The Monk Lavrentiy of Chernigov (Proskura) (1868-1950) reposed in the Lord.
- (1950-1953) US war in Korea.
- The great ancient script in China has been simplified. Ancient pictographic Chinese has become a dead language.

The structure of the DNA molecule has been discovered, the accidental occurrence of which is completely excluded. The rapid development of molecular biology left no field of activity for the theory of evolution. It is difficult to imagine that modern computers with modern operating systems created themselves, without purposeful design. The structure of molecules with billions of atoms and ultra-precise interactions is much more complex than a computer. For a critique of the theory of evolution by a molecular biologist, see Michael Denton. Evolution - A Theory In Crisis; Burnett Books, 1985, pp. 368). “It is now firmly established that the pattern of diversity at the molecular level forms a highly organized hierarchical system. At the molecular level, each class is unique, isolated from others and not connected by intermediate links. Thus, molecules, like fossils, do not confirm the presence of the mythical “intermediates” that evolutionary biologists are looking for and still cannot find. Again, the only relationships determined by modern methods are horizontal. At the molecular level, no organism can be called “ancestral,” “primitive,” or “advanced” in relation to “related organisms” (p. 290).

C.S. Lewis: The Chronicles of Narnia (1950–1956). E. Ionesco: “The Bald Soprano” (anti-drama): “Oh, by the way, how is the bald singer doing? - Thank you, okay, I changed my hairstyle...”

Nikolai Yakovlevich Myaskovsky (1881-1950) died.
- “The Tale of the Stone Flower” by Prokofiev.
- Schneerson, “Music in the Service of Reaction.”

Article by M. Born “The state of ideas in physics and prospects for their further development.”

- † poet S.S. Bekhteev, officer of the White Army, author of poems of the Tsar cycle.

Dedicated to Their Imperial HighnessesGrand Duchesses Olga Nikolaevna and TatianaNikolaevna
Send us, Lord, patience,
In a time of violent, dark days,
To endure popular persecution
And the torture of our executioners.

Give us strength, O righteous God,
To forgive one's neighbor's crimes
And the cross is heavy and bloody
To meet with Your meekness.

And in the days of rebellious excitement,
When our enemies rob us,
To endure shame and humiliation
Christ, Savior, help!

Lord of the world, God of the universe!
Bless us with your prayer
And give rest to the humble soul,
In the unbearable hour of death...

And, at the threshold of the grave,
Breathe into the mouths of Your servants
Superhuman powers
Pray meekly for your enemies!

Yelets, October 1917
WITH the poem “Prayer” was sent in October 1917 through Countess A.V. Gendrikova to Their Imperial Highnesses in Tobolsk; after the execution, its text was discovered in the diary of Grand Duchess Olga.

J. R. R. Tolkien novel in 3 books “The Lord of the Rings” (1954–1955) The incredible popularity of this book. Named the most popular book of the twentieth century.

N. N. Nosov (1908–1976): Trilogy - The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends (1954), Dunno in the Sunny City (1958) and Dunno on the Moon (1971)

Since 1954, the government has adopted a number of decrees and decisions to change the architectural focus. In 1959, the construction of non-standard buildings without special permission from the USSR State Construction Committee was prohibited. Thus began the fight against “architectural excesses”: the construction of “khrushchubs” and block “cherries” throughout the country - the fulfillment of the prophecy of St. Cosmas of Aetholos (1714-1779): “cities will be like barracks.” Let us pay attention to the insidious lie in the name of the campaign: turning houses into standard boxes is a fight not against excesses in architecture, but against architecture itself, against the very idea of ​​beauty, which should inspire a person, pour into him the creative forces of the uplifting joy of life.

The term “placebo effect” was coined by the American physician Henry Beecher.
- On November 6, the world's first test of a hydrogen bomb was carried out in the USSR.
- “Corn is the horse that we need” (Khrushchev): the beginning of the promotion of the Secretary General’s favorite plant into unusual latitudes.

Germany joined NATO

Khrushchev returned to the policy of depopulation of the country: the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Council of November 23, 1955 “On the abolition of the ban on abortion” was adopted, which led to a sharp reduction in the birth rate. Already in 1959, the number of abortions in Russia averaged 4 per woman of reproductive age. The rapid growth of abortions will continue until the removal of Khrushchev in 1964, when their maximum level in the entire previous history of Russia will be recorded - about 5.6 million, or 169 abortions per 1000 women of reproductive age. And in 1965, the ratio of births to abortions will be 100 to 278.

† blessed elder Nicholas of Totemsky

The First International Piano Competition named after P.I. opened in Moscow. Tchaikovsky.

November 28 - Resolution of the CPSU Central Committee “On measures to stop pilgrimages to the so-called “holy places.” Organized pilgrimages to seven hundred holy places registered by the authorities are prohibited. All monastery hotels were taken away, and it was forbidden to spend the night in monastery churches. To implement the decree, a secret instruction was prepared, which allowed the use of any methods to intimidate and prevent believers from accessing shrines.

On July 17, the US Congress passed Public Law 86-90 (P.L. 86-90) "On Captive Nations", aimed at dismembering Russia. The words of the Law are addressed to its people: “Because these captive nations see in the United States the citadel of human freedom, and seek its guidance in the cause of their liberation and independence and in the restoration of the religious freedoms of the Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist and other faiths, and personal liberties, and since it is vital to the national security of the United States to support the aspirations for freedom and independence expressed by the peoples of conquered nations... it is up to us to make clear to such Peoples in an appropriate and official manner the historical fact that the People of the United States share their aspirations for regaining freedom and independence ". Over the next 50 years after the adoption of this law, each of the US presidents took an oath to implement it. According to experts, its implementation cost American taxpayers more than $4 billion. The Soviet Union collapsed, but Public Law 86-90 has not been repealed and remains in effect to this day.

The hovercraft created by Christopher Coquerel made its first demonstration voyage.

Mikhail Svetlov. "Everything Higher":
We're rising higher, higher,
We are not writing to grandfather in the village,
Our voices fly to the constellations
And we know the addresses of all the planets.

- “Life on Borrow” by Remarque.

Late 50s - early 60s:

Loud poetry of the sixties.

April - American attempt to invade Cuba in the Playa Giron area with the aim of overthrowing the government led by Fidel Castro.

Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras offered Pope Paul VI a meeting in Jerusalem, at which the mutual anathema was lifted (however, lifting the anathema is possible only if the heretics publicly renounce their errors, which the Catholic Church does not intend to do).

The culmination of anti-religious hysteria in the USSR. The resolution of the CPSU Central Committee of January 2, “Measures to strengthen anti-religious education of the population,” sets the task: the complete liquidation of the Church. But instead, the persecutor is eliminated. Removal of Khrushchev from all posts on the Feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God. The project of a monstrous spelling reform aimed at destroying society failed (it was proposed to write: hare, daughter, mouse, namazh, socialism, cucumbers, cheeks)

- (1964-1973) - US armed operation against the Pathet Lao front in Laos.
- Creation of the Taganka Theater.
- Creation of the ensemble “Madrigal”.
- Denisov, “Sun of the Incas.”
- Sviridov, “Kursk Songs”, “Wooden Rus'”.

Film "Fantômas" (display of the film in the USSR will lead to an increase in teenage crime).

- (1965-1973) US war in Vietnam.
- Vatican Council II (1962-1965): the mass was halved, brought to 45 minutes, the time of fasting before communion was reduced to one hour, the service was translated from Latin into national languages. The consequences of the reform, which tried to meet the world halfway, turned out to be catastrophic: the rejection of the Latin language sharply reduced attendance at divine services; between 1964 and 1972, 13,440 priests renounced their priesthood...
- The discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation, which once again confirmed the revelation of the Bible that the creation of light preceded the appearance of the luminaries.

W. Churchill died. “Politicians think about future elections, government leaders think about future generations.”

The harshest winter of 65/66 (the Baltic Sea froze).

The first unmanned space probe, Luna 9, touched the surface of the Moon.
- France left the NATO military structure.

Venerable Sebastian of Karaganda

The Monk Sebastian of Karaganda (Stefan Vasilyevich Fomin, 1884-1966) reposed in the Lord.

Film by Andrei Tarkovsky "Andrei Rublev". It was released three years later, in 1969.

- “Wedding songs” by Y. Butsko.
- “Six pieces for harp and string quartet” by Ledenev.
- Pärt's Second Symphony.
- Schnittke's Second Violin Concerto.
- Shchedrin's second piano concerto.

Six-day war between Israel and Arab countries. Oil prices rose by 20 percent.

UN space legislation: states have no rights to celestial bodies, there is no mention of private ownership, which is why the lunar surface has been actively sold off since 1980.

The first international television broadcast (06/25/1967...
- “The Denisov Case” (an attempt at expulsion from the Union of Composers, deprivation of work at the Moscow Conservatory).
- Volkonsky, “Traveling Concert” (1964-67).
- Since the second half of the 60s - a reaction to the avant-garde (there is nothing more to fight with). A. Karamanov turns from avant-garde language to tonal language in connection with the turn to religious themes.
- Opera “Virineya” by S. Slonimsky.

The beginning of the unwinding of the world “youth” sexual revolution, constructed by adults, the most sinister and bloody in history. The explosive growth of infanticides (abortions) in four decades will lead to the extinction of the indigenous population of the USA, Europe, Christian countries of the CIS and Russia, to their replacement by people from the countries of Islam and other countries of the world - in the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Sibyls. Sibyls, virgin prophetesses among pagan peoples, were revered by Christian writers - Eusebius, Justin, Clement of Alexandria, Jerome, Augustine and others.

161 ... Alas, unfortunate people
162 The last kind of people in the world, terrible villains, how
163 They don’t understand, fools, that if wives don’t
164 Bear more children, will the human race fade away?
165 The time of harvest has come, since some, like prophets,
166 They will spread throughout the earth and invent many lies.
167 Then Belial will come and show many signs.
Books of the Sibyls, canto 2.

According to S.S. Averintseva, Belial is “the central antagonist of the work of Jesus Christ.” The Book of Sibyls is interpreted as the Antichrist.

The influenza pandemic of 1968-69 as a sign is a warning from God in response to the insane embitterment of life (compare with the pandemic of 1918-1919, which claimed 40-50 million lives).

Invasion of Warsaw Pact troops into Czechoslovakia.
- On the initiative of D. Rockefeller, the Club of Rome was created: images of global problems of humanity.
- “In the First Circle” and “Cancer Ward” by Solzhenitsyn.
- “Carpenter's stories by Vasily Ivanovich Belov.
- “Atomic Tale” by Yuri Kuznetsov:

I heard this happy tale
I'm already in the current mood,
How Ivanushka came out into the field
And he fired the arrow at random.

He went in the direction of the flight
Following the silver trail of fate.
And he ended up with a frog in a swamp,
Three seas from my father's hut.

- It will be useful for a just cause! -
He put the frog in the handkerchief.
Opened up her white royal body
And started an electric current.

She died in long agony,
Centuries beat in every vein.
And the smile of knowledge played
On the happy face of a fool.

The tale summed up the absurd discussion between “physicists” and “lyricists”.

The crisis in Stockhausen’s life and work: “In 1968 I was very close to death, to suicide... But then I found a super-religious path for myself.” His music becomes a vehicle for the occult.

Pärt's Credo.
- Concert-rhapsody for piano and orchestra by Khachaturian.
- “Rings” by Shchedrin.
- Pop culture: the beginning of art rock (“Genesis”).
- “Theater and Symphony” by V. Konen.

Death of Yuri Gagarin

The American military created the prototype of the Internet.
- First astronaut Neil Armstrong on the Moon. (There is a hypothesis about the falsification of the lunar epic by the Americans)

- “On Death and Dying” by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, who managed to get the dying to talk - the first scientific study of the psychology of dying. This pioneering work was followed by a number of others: the same researcher wrote “Death Does Not Exist” (1977). In order for our life to be correct and death too, we must remember the terrible phases of dying (No. 2 - insane rage, No. 4 - boundless horror), which scientifically confirmed the Biblical warning: “the death of sinners is cruel.”

- “Moscow - Petushki” by Venedikt Erofeev (1938-1990). Postmodernism.
- “Polyphonic Concert” (On Old Russian Church Themes) by Y. Butsko.


- Bulat Shalvovich Okudzhava (1924-1997), bard (poet-composer-performer), becomes an idol. Many years ago, Bulat Okudzhava’s wife Olga came to visit Father John (Krestyankin) at the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery. In the conversation, she complained that her husband was not baptized, and did not even want to be baptized, and was generally indifferent to the faith. To which Father John calmly told her: “Don’t worry, you will baptize him yourself.” She was completely amazed and only asked: “How can I baptize myself?” - “And that’s how you christen it!” - “What should I call him? Bulat is a non-Orthodox name.” “And you will call me, Ivan,” answered Father John and hurried about his business.
And before his death, in Paris, Bulat Shalvovich called his wife Olga and said that he wanted to be baptized. He was already leaving, it was too late to call the priest, but Olga knew that in such cases it was possible to baptize without a priest. She just asked him: “What should I call you?” He answered: “Ivan.” And she herself baptized him with the name John. And only then suddenly she remembered that fifteen years ago the elder of the Pskov-Pechersk Monastery told her about all this.
The judgment of God is different, the judgment of man is different. And the Lord, just and merciful, endlessly loving every person, gives everyone everything for the salvation of the soul. If only we ourselves, through our own foolishness, do not resist His good and wise will.

The Rise of the Sociology of Pop Culture.

Since the mid-60s - the transition to externalism (social, socio-psychological, economic context) - the politicization of art, aesthetics, music.
- Population biology, the study of population. The evolutionary unit is not a species, not an individual, but a population.
- Academicization of performance, narrowing of the repertoire.
- The story “Farewell to Matera” by V. Rasputin.
- A wave of esotericism came to Russia in the late 60s. Meilach Commission.
- A qualitative breakthrough in the development of information and communication technologies in the USA.

On December 30, 1922, at the First All-Union Congress of Soviets, the heads of delegations signed the Treaty on the Formation of the USSR. Initially, the USSR included only 4 union republics: the RSFSR, the Ukrainian SSR, the Belarusian SSR, the Transcaucasian SFSR, and at the time of the collapse of the Union in 1991 there were 15 union republics. Today, to many, the truth of the achievements of this country seems controversial, given the price for these achievements I had to pay, but it is impossible to deny the fact that the era of the USSR became a time of global changes in all sectors of the country’s life. Today, the achievements of a great country and what its citizens preferred not to talk about.

1920 – 1930s: electrification of the entire country and great construction projects

The main achievement of the Land of Soviets in the 1920s was the electrification of the country, the fight against homelessness and the elimination of illiteracy. Medical care and education became free for all Soviet citizens. A children's health camp "Artek" has opened in Crimea.

The 1930s went down in history as a time of great construction projects: the White Sea-Baltic Canal was built in record time, and units at the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station were put into operation. The country set a course for industrialization. The developments of domestic scientists related to agriculture - the fight against drought, mechanization, chemicalization and increasing productivity - have gained momentum. A new direction of science is beginning to develop - nuclear physics.

It was during these years that the first Soviet films “Battleship Potemkin” by Sergei Eisenstein, “Circus” and “Jolly Fellows” by Grigory Alexandrov were shot, Sholokhov wrote his novel “Quiet Don”, for which he later received the Nobel Prize in Literature.

1920s – 1930s: time of repression

The Bolsheviks began repressions against political opponents immediately after the October Revolution. But they continued into the 30s. At that time, the fight against “sabotage,” sabotage, political crimes, most of the cases of which were falsified, and the fight against fists was widespread. In the period from August 1937 to November 1938 alone, 390 thousand people were executed and 380 thousand were sent to the Gulags. This time also went down in history as a time of repression against ethnic minorities, in particular Germans, Latvians, Poles, Romanians and Bulgarians.

The symbol of a happy childhood in the USSR is a smiling girl in the arms of Joseph Stalin. This is 6-year-old Gelya Markizova, who came to the Kremlin with her father, one of the leaders of the delegation from Buryat-Mongolia.

True, then no one could have imagined that within a year the girl would have to change her last name, and propaganda would give her face to the most famous pioneer of the country, Mamlakat Nakhangova. And all because Geli’s father was called a spy for Japanese intelligence and shot, and she naturally became the daughter of an enemy of the people.

1940 – 1950s: victory over fascism and debunking the cult of personality

The 1940s were marked by a terrible war, victory over fascism and the beginning of the restoration of the country. At this time, the best works of the Stalinist Empire style were built in Moscow: a complex of high-rise buildings in different areas of the capital, called “7 Sisters” and new metro stations. It was at this time that the Cold War and the arms race between the West and the USSR began. This prompted the creation of the best examples of Soviet military equipment.

On March 8, 1950, the USSR officially announced the possession of the atomic bomb, ending the American monopoly on the world's most destructive weapon. In 1953, the USSR reported the successful testing of a hydrogen bomb. In the period from 1954 to 1960, the virgin lands of Kazakhstan, the Urals, the Volga region, Siberia and the Far East were developed. In 1957, the nuclear-powered icebreaker Lenin was launched. It was at this time that for the first time since 1908, Soviet scientists received several Nobel Prizes.

In 1956, Nikita Khrushchev spoke at the 20th Congress of the CPSU with a report “On the cult of personality and its consequences,” in which he debunked the cult of personality of the late “father of nations.” In 1961, Stalin's body was taken out of the Mausoleum. Mass renaming began: Stalingrad became Volgograd, the capital of the Tajik SSR Stalinabad was renamed Dushanbe. Monuments to Stalin were dismantled everywhere, and many feature films were censored in order to get rid of the “obsessive image.”

During these years, the glory of Russian ballet resounded throughout the planet, and Bolshoi Theater tours became one of the most significant events in cultural life.

In 1958, the film “The Cranes Are Flying” by Mikhail Kalatozov received the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival. And in the same year, Boris Pasternak was awarded for his novel Doctor Zhivago. True, the poet was forced to refuse the prize, and the novel was never published in the USSR.

1950s: a time of keeping silent about failures

They preferred not to tell Soviet citizens about the failures. So back in 1957, long before the Chernobyl accident, a larger-scale disaster occurred related to the proliferation of nuclear substances. The accident in Kyshtymsk left 11 thousand people without homes, and about 270 thousand people were exposed to radioactivity. The tragedy was first mentioned only in 1960, and its consequences became known only in the early 2000s.

1960 – 1970s: leadership in space and hockey

The 1960s for the USSR became a time of leadership in the world of space technology, which began with the flight into space of the first man - Yuri Gagarin. Even spiteful critics of the USSR called this event “a genuine achievement of the Soviet era.”

The 1960s were also the years of world recognition of the culture of the country of the Soviets. Mikhail Sholokhov receives the Nobel Prize in Literature. Violinist David Oistrakh not only attracts concert halls around the world, but also becomes a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in Boston, an honorary member of the National Academy of Santa Cecilia in Rome, a corresponding member of the Academy of Arts in Berlin, the Beethoven Society, the Swedish Academy of Music in Stockholm, an honorary doctor of music from the University of Cambridge and a holder of orders from a number of European countries. The names of Irina Arkhipova, Elena Obraztsova, Galina Vishnevskaya, Maya Plisetskaya, Tamara Sinyavskaya, Rudolf Nureyev, Natalia Makarova and Mikhail Baryshnikov are thundering on the world opera stage. Andrei Tarkovsky's film Ivan's Childhood receives the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival.

In the period from 1970 to 1973, the world's first soft landings on Venus of the Soviet space stations Venera-7, Venera-8, Venera-9 and Venera-10 took place. The main Komsomol construction project in the country begins - the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM). The 1970s also became a triumph for Soviet hockey.

In 1977, the right of USSR citizens to free education at all levels (from primary to higher) was enshrined in Article 45 of the Constitution.

1960 - 1970s: environmental disasters and the era of stagnation

Someone considers the Brezhnev era a “golden age”, attributing to this time the factories built, growth statistics, factories built, brilliant films and other unsurpassed achievements. Denouncers of “stagnation” note failures in supplying the population, shortages of goods, low quality products and the destructive environmental consequences of economic activity.

In particular, in the 1960s, due to irrigation, the Aral Sea, which at that time was the fourth largest lake in the world, began to dry up. From 1960 to 2007, its surface area of ​​this reservoir decreased from 68.90 thousand km. sq. up to 14.1 thousand km. sq.

Citizens of the USSR remembered the year 1977 for a series of terrorist attacks in Moscow. There were three explosions: in a Moscow metro car between the Izmailovskaya and Pervomaiskaya stations, in the sales area of ​​a grocery store on Bolshaya Lubyanka and near a grocery store on Nikolskaya. As a result, 7 people were killed and 37 were injured. The main organizer and leader of the terrorist attacks was recognized as Stepan Zatikyan, an Armenian nationalist who longed to “punish the Russians for the oppression of the Armenian people.” Soviet dissidents, and in particular A.D. Sakharov, spoke out against the death sentence imposed on him.

The period of the 1980s began with the Moscow Olympics. In 1981, the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” by Vladimir Menshov received an Oscar. It is known that later Ronald Reagan, preparing for a meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev, watched this film 8 times, trying to “understand the mysterious Russian soul.”

In the late 1980s, Mikhail Gorbachev entered the political arena. The spirit of freedom, perestroika and glasnost begins to soar in the country. Few could have imagined that the country had reached the finish line of its existence. On November 15, 1988, the Soviet spaceplane ship of the reusable transport space system "Buran" made its first and only flight, perhaps ending the era of achievements of the USSR.

Main state exam OGE History task No. 16 Demo version 2018-2017 Which of the following events happened in the 1950s?
1) resignation of N.S. Khrushchev
2) adoption of the Constitution of the USSR
3) I Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR
4) XX Congress of the CPSU

16. What event happened in the 1980s?

1) signing of the SALT-1 treaty between the USSR and the USA
2) election of M.S. Gorbachev General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee
3) Prague Spring
4) Bialowieza Agreement

16. In what year did the uprising take place in Hungary, suppressed by the troops of the Warsaw Warsaw countries?

1) 1956
2) 1962
3) 1968
4) 1975

16. What was the name of the highest executive body in 1917-1946?

1) Council of People's Commissars
2) Supreme Council
3) Council of Ministers
4) State Duma

16. Which Soviet politician led the economic reform of 1965?

1) A.N. Kosygin
2) A.I. Mikoyan
3) N.V. Podgorny
4) M.A. Suslov

16. The military alliance of European socialist states - the Warsaw Pact Organization - was formalized in

1) 1940s
2) 1950s
3) 1960s
4) 1970s

16. Name an event that belongs to the period of “stagnation”.

1) report by N.S. Khrushchev “On the cult of personality and its consequences”
2) adoption of the Constitution of “developed socialism”
3) adoption of the law on the creation of economic councils
4) trial on the “Leningrad case”

16. Name an event that took place in the 1970s.

1) VI World Festival of Youth and Students
2) Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
3) signing by the USSR, USA and Great Britain of a treaty banning nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere, in outer space and under water
4) the destruction by a Soviet military fighter of a South Korean civilian Boeing 74 7 airliner

16. Name an event that does NOT belong to the 1990s.

1) Russia’s admission to the Council of Europe
2) election of V.V. Putin as President of the Russian Federation
3) the formation of a union between Russia and Belarus
4) statement by M.S. Gorbachev on his resignation from the post of President of the USSR

16. Name the event that happened later than the others.

1) adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation
2) attempted coup in the USSR (GKChP putsch)
3) XXVIII Congress of the CPSU - the last in Russian history
4) the beginning of the confrontation between the highest legislative (Supreme Council) and executive (President) authorities in the Russian Federation