Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Using the converter “Surface Charge Density Converter. Surface charge density

In the case of equilibrium distribution, the charges of the conductor are distributed in a thin surface layer. So, for example, if a conductor is given a negative charge, then due to the presence of repulsive forces between the elements of this charge, they will be dispersed over the entire surface of the conductor.

Examination using a test plate

In order to experimentally study how charges are distributed on the outer surface of a conductor, a so-called test plate is used. This plate is so small that when it comes into contact with the conductor, it can be considered as part of the surface of the conductor. If this plate is applied to a charged conductor, then part of the charge ($\triangle q$) will transfer to it and the magnitude of this charge will be equal to the charge that was on the surface of the conductor in area equal area plates ($\triangle S$).

Then the value is equal to:

\[\sigma=\frac(\triangle q)(\triangle S)(1)\]

is called the surface charge distribution density at a given point.

By discharging a test plate through an electrometer, one can judge the value of the surface charge density. So, for example, if you charge a conducting ball, you can see, using the above method, that in a state of equilibrium the surface charge density on the ball is the same at all its points. That is, the charge is distributed evenly over the surface of the ball. For conductors more complex shape charge distribution is more complex.

Surface density of conductor

The surface of any conductor is equipotential, but general case The charge distribution density can vary greatly in different points. Surface density charge distribution depends on the curvature of the surface. In the section that was devoted to describing the state of conductors in an electrostatic field, we established that the field strength near the surface of the conductor is perpendicular to the surface of the conductor at any point and is equal in magnitude:

where $(\varepsilon )_0$ is the electric constant, $\varepsilon $ is the dielectric constant of the medium. Hence,

\[\sigma=E\varepsilon (\varepsilon )_0\ \left(3\right).\]

The greater the curvature of the surface, the greater the field strength. Consequently, the charge density on the protrusions is especially high. Near the depressions in the conductor, equipotential surfaces are located less frequently. Consequently, the field strength and charge density in these places are lower. Charge density at given potential conductor is determined by the curvature of the surface. It increases with increasing convexity and decreases with increasing concavity. Especially high density charge on the edges of the conductors. Thus, the field strength at the tip can be so high that ionization of the gas molecules that surrounds the conductor can occur. Gas ions opposite sign charge (relative to the charge of the conductor) are attracted to the conductor, neutralizing its charge. Ions of the same sign are repelled from the conductor, “pulling” neutral gas molecules with them. This phenomenon is called electric wind. The charge of the conductor decreases as a result of the neutralization process; it seems to flow off the tip. This phenomenon is called the outflow of charge from the tip.

We have already said that when we introduce a conductor into an electric field, separation occurs positive charges(nuclei) and negative (electrons). This phenomenon is called electrostatic induction. The charges that appear as a result are called induced. Induced charges create an additional electric field.

The field of induced charges is directed in the direction opposite to the direction of the external field. Therefore, the charges that accumulate on the conductor weaken the external field.

The redistribution of charges continues until the charge equilibrium conditions for conductors are met. Such as: zero field strength everywhere inside the conductor and perpendicularity of the intensity vector of the charged surface of the conductor. If there is a cavity in the conductor, then with an equilibrium distribution of the induced charge, the field inside the cavity is zero. Electrostatic protection is based on this phenomenon. If you want to protect a device from external fields, it is surrounded by a conductive screen. In this case, the external field is compensated inside the screen by induced charges arising on its surface. This may not necessarily be continuous, but also in the form of a dense mesh.

Assignment: An infinitely long thread, charged with linear density $\tau$, is located perpendicular to an infinitely large conducting plane. Distance from the thread to the plane $l$. If we continue the thread until it intersects with the plane, then at the intersection we will obtain a certain point A. Write a formula for the dependence of the surface density $\sigma \left(r\right)\ $of induced charges on the plane on the distance to point A.

Let's consider some point B on the plane. An infinitely long charged thread at point B creates an electrostatic field; a conducting plane is in the field; induced charges are formed on the plane, which in turn create a field that weakens the external field of the thread. The normal component of the plane field (induced charges) at point B will be equal to the normal component of the thread field at the same point if the system is in equilibrium. Select on thread elementary charge($dq=\tau dx,\ where\ dx-elementary\ piece\ thread\ $), we find at point B the tension created by this charge ($dE$):

Let's find the normal component of the filament field strength element at point B:

where $cos\alpha $ can be expressed as:

Let us express the distance $a$ using the Pythagorean theorem as:

Substituting (1.3) and (1.4) into (1.2), we get:

Let us find the integral from (1.5) where the limits of integration are from $l\ (distance\ to\ the nearest\ end\ of\ the thread\ from\ the\ plane)\ to\ \infty $:

On the other hand, we know that the field of a uniformly charged plane is equal to:

Let us equate (1.6) and (1.7) and express the surface charge density:

\[\frac(1)(2)\cdot \frac(\sigma)(\varepsilon (\varepsilon )_0)=\frac(\tau )(4\pi (\varepsilon )_0\varepsilon )\cdot \frac (1)((\left(r^2+x^2\right))^((1)/(2)))\to \sigma=\frac(\tau )(2\cdot \pi (\left (r^2+x^2\right))^((1)/(2))).\]

Answer: $\sigma=\frac(\tau )(2\cdot \pi (\left(r^2+x^2\right))^((1)/(2))).$

Example 2

Assignment: Calculate the surface charge density that is created near the Earth's surface if the Earth's field strength is 200$\ \frac(V)(m)$.

We will assume that the dielectric conductivity of air is $\varepsilon =1$ like that of a vacuum. As a basis for solving the problem, we will take the formula for calculating the voltage of a charged conductor:

Let us express the surface charge density and obtain:

\[\sigma=E(\varepsilon )_0\varepsilon \ \left(2.2\right),\]

where the electric constant is known to us and is equal in SI $(\varepsilon )_0=8.85\cdot (10)^(-12)\frac(F)(m).$

Let's carry out the calculations:

\[\sigma=200\cdot 8.85\cdot (10)^(-12)=1.77\cdot (10)^(-9)\frac(Cl)(m^2).\]

Answer: The surface charge distribution density of the Earth's surface is equal to $1.77\cdot (10)^(-9)\frac(C)(m^2)$.

Question 42. Equilibrium of charges on a conductor. Surface charges. Examples of fields near a conductor. Conductor in an external electric field.

Conductor - This solid, which contains “ free electrons”, moving within the body.

Charge carriers in a conductor are capable of moving under the influence of arbitrarily small forces. Therefore, the balance of charges on a conductor can be observed only when following conditions:

2) The vector on the surface of the conductor is directed normal to each point on the surface of the conductor.

Indeed, if the condition 1 was not fulfilled, then the mobile carriers of electric charges present in each conductor would begin to move under the influence of field forces (an electric current would arise in the conductor) and the balance would be disrupted.

From 1 it follows that since

Question 43. Electrical capacity of a solitary conductor. Types of capacitors, their electrical capacity and other characteristics.

Electrical capacity of a solitary conductor – a characteristic of a conductor, indicating the ability of the conductor to accumulate an electrical charge.

The capacitance of a conductor depends on its size and shape, but does not depend on the material, state of aggregation, shape and size of cavities inside the conductor. This is due to the fact that excess charges are distributed on the outer surface of the conductor. Capacitance also does not depend on the charge of the conductor or its potential.

/* Electric capacity of the ball

It follows that a solitary sphere located in a vacuum and having a radius of R=C/(4pe 0)»9×10 6 km, which is approximately 1400 times the radius of the Earth (electric capacity of the Earth WITH" 0.7 mF). Consequently, farad is a very large value, so in practice they are used submultiples- millifarad (mF), microfarad (uF), nanofarad (nF), picofarad (pF). */

Types of capacitors, their electrical capacity and other characteristics.

Capacitor - a system consisting of two conductors (plates) separated by a dielectric layer, usually the capacitor is charged symmetrically on the plates

Question 44. Energy of capacitors. Energy Density electric field.

Capacitor is a system of charged bodies and has energy.
Energy of any capacitor:

where C is the capacitance of the capacitor
q - capacitor charge
U - voltage on the capacitor plates
The energy of the capacitor is equal to the work done by the electric field when the capacitor plates are brought close together,
or equal to the work required to separate positive and negative charges when charging a capacitor.

Electric field energy density.

  • 1.6.Ostrogradsky-Gauss theorem
  • 1.7. Application of the Ostrogradsky-Gauss theorem to the calculation of electrostatic fields
  • 2. The field of two infinite parallel planes charged oppositely.
  • 3.Field of an infinite uniformly charged cylinder over the surface
  • 4.Field of a sphere uniformly charged over the surface
  • 1.8. Work of electrostatic field forces. Potential
  • Substituting expressions (1.47) and (1.48) into formula (1.46), we obtain:
  • 1.9. Circulation of the electrostatic field strength vector
  • 1. 10. Relationship between electrostatic field strength and potential
  • 1.11. Calculation of potential from field strength
  • 2. Electric field in matter
  • 2.1. Electric field in dielectrics. Dipole and dipole moment. Polarization
  • The internal electric field in the dielectric (microfield) reaches the value Evn.1011v/m. External fieldsExt..107v/m.
  • The polarization of the dielectric is determined by the expression:
  • A dimensionless quantity shows how many times the field strength in a dielectric is less than in a vacuum. It is called the relative dielectric constant of a substance.
  • 2.2.Types of dielectrics and polarization mechanism
  • 2.3. Ferroelectrics and their properties
  • 2.4. Piezoelectric effect
  • 2.5. Electric displacement vector. Gauss's theorem for the electric field in a dielectric
  • 2.5. Conductors in an electric field
  • 2.6. Electrical capacity of a solitary conductor. Capacitors.
  • 2.6. Parallel and series connection of capacitors
  • 2.7. Electric field energy
  • 3. Constant electric current
  • 3.1.Characteristics of electric current
  • 3.2.Ohm's and Joule-Lenz's laws for a homogeneous conductor
  • The potential difference at the ends of the cylinder is equal to
  • The resistance of the cylinder is expressed by the formula
  • 3.3. Third party forces. E.M.S. Ohm's law for a non-uniform section of a circuit
  • The second integral is equal to the potential difference at the ends of the section:
  • This expression is called Ohm's law for an inhomogeneous section of the chain.
  • 3.4. Kirchhoff's rules
  • 3.5. Classical electron theory of metals
  • Derivation of Ohm's law based on electron theory
  • Derivation of the Joule-Lenz law based on electronic theory
  • Derivation of the Wiedemann-Franz law based on electron theory
  • 3.6. Advantages and difficulties of the classical electronic theory of metals The classical electronic theory of metals (like any other theory) has its advantages and disadvantages.
  • 3.7. The work function of electrons leaving the metal. Thermionic emission
  • 4. Magnetic field in vacuum
  • 4.1. Magnetic induction. Ampere's law.
  • 4.2. Magnetic field in vacuum. Biot-Savart-Laplace law.
  • 4.3. Magnetic field of a straight conductor carrying current
  • 4.4. Magnetic field of circular current
  • 4.5. Magnetic moment of a turn with current
  • 4.6. Magnetic field of a moving charge
  • 4.7. Vortex nature of the magnetic field. Circulation of the magnetic induction vector. Total current law
  • From the figure it follows that
  • 4.8. Application of the total current law. Magnetic field of solenoid and toroid
  • Substituting (4.43) into (4.42) and making reductions, we obtain: . (4.44)
  • 4.9. Lorentz force
  • 4.10. Movement of charged particles in a magnetic field
  • The period of revolution of a particle around a circle is equal to:
  • 4.11. Hall effect
  • 4.12. Mechanical work in a magnetic field
  • 4.14. Circuit with current in a uniform magnetic field
  • 4.15. Circuit with current in a non-uniform magnetic field
  • 5. Magnetic field in matter
  • 5.1. Magnetization of matter. Magnetization vector
  • 5.2. Total current law for magnetic field in matter
  • 5.3. Magnetic moments of electrons and atoms
  • An electron moving in orbit has angular momentum:
  • 5.4. The influence of a magnetic field on the orbital motion of electrons. Diamagnetism explained
  • 5.5. Paramagnetism
  • 5.6. Classification of magnetic materials
  • 5.7. Ferromagnets and their properties
  • 5.8. Domain structure and magnetization mechanism of ferromagnets
  • 5.9. Antiferromagnetism. Ferrimagnetism. Ferrites
  • 6. Electromagnetic induction
  • 6.1. Law of electromagnetic induction. Lenz's rule.
  • 6.2. The nature of electromagnetic induction
  • 6.3. Toki Fuko
  • . (6.11)
  • 6.4. The phenomenon of self-induction. E.M.S. Self-induction. Inductance
  • 6.5. The phenomenon of mutual induction. Mutual inductance. Transformers
  • 6.6. Currents when opening and closing a circuit
  • The problem of the disappearance of current when the circuit is opened
  • The problem of establishing the current when a circuit is closed
  • 6.6. Magnetic field energy. Volumetric energy density
  • 1.2.The concept of charge density

    To simplify mathematical calculations of electrostatic fields, the discrete structure of charges is often neglected. It is assumed that the charge is distributed continuously and introduces the concept of charge density.

    Let us consider various cases of charge distribution.

    1.Charge is distributed along the line. Let there be a charge in an infinitesimal area
    . Let's enter the value

    . (1.5)

    Magnitude called linear charge density. Her physical meaning– charge per unit length.

    2. The charge is distributed over the surface. Let us introduce the surface charge density:

    . (1.6)

    Its physical meaning is the charge per unit area.

    3. The charge is distributed throughout the volume. Let's introduce bulk density charge:

    . (1.7)

    Its physical meaning is a charge concentrated in a unit volume.

    A charge concentrated on an infinitesimal portion of a line, surface, or in an infinitesimal volume can be considered a point charge. The field strength created by it is determined by the formula:

    . (1.8)

    To find the field strength created by the entire charged body, you need to apply the principle of field superposition:

    . (1.9)

    In this case, as a rule, the problem is reduced to calculating the integral.

    1.3. Application of the superposition principle to the calculation of electrostatic fields. Electrostatic field on the axis of a charged ring

    Formulation of the problem . Let there be a thin ring of radius R, charged with a linear charge density τ . It is necessary to calculate the electric field strength at an arbitrary point A, located on the axis of the charged ring at a distance x from the plane of the ring (Fig.).

    Let us choose an infinitesimal element of the length of the ring dl; charge dq, located on this element is equal to dq= τ· dl. This charge creates at a point A electric field strength
    . The modulus of the tension vector is equal to:

    . (1.10)

    According to the principle of field superposition, the electric field strength created by the entire charged body is equal to the vector sum of all vectors

    . (1.11)

    Let's expand the vectors
    into components: perpendicular to the axis of the ring (
    ) and rings parallel to the axis (

    . (1.12)

    The vector sum of the perpendicular components is zero:
    , Then
    . Replacing the sum with an integral, we get:

    . (1.13)

    From the triangle (Fig. 1.2) it follows:

    . (1.14)

    Let us substitute expression (1.14) into formula (1.13) and take out the constant values ​​outside the integral sign, we obtain:

    . (1.15)

    , That

    . (1.16)

    Considering that
    , formula (1.16) can be represented as:

    . (1.17)

    1.4.Geometric description of the electric field. Tension vector flow

    To describe the electric field mathematically, you need to indicate the magnitude and direction of the vector at each point , that is, set the vector function

    There is a visual (geometric) way to describe a field using vector lines (power lines) (Fig. 13.).

    Tension lines are drawn as follows:

    WITH There is a rule: electric field strength vector lines, created by the system stationary charges, can begin or end only on charges or go to infinity.

    Figure 1.4 shows the image electrostatic field point charge using vector lines , and in Figure 1.5 is an image of the electrostatic field of the dipole .

    1.5. Electrostatic field strength vector flow

    P Let us place an infinitesimal area dS in the electric field (Fig. 1.6). - Here normal to the site. Electric field strength vector forms with the normal some angle α. Vector projection to the normal direction is equal to E n =E·cos α .

    Vector flow through an infinitesimal area is called scalar product

    , (1.18)

    The electric field strength vector flux is an algebraic quantity; its sign depends on the mutual orientation of the vectors And .

    Flow vector through an arbitrary surface S finite value is determined by the integral:

    . (1.20)

    If the surface is closed, the integral is marked with a circle:

    . (1.21)

    For closed surfaces, the normal is taken outward (Fig. 1.7).

    The flow of the tension vector has a clear geometric meaning: it is numerically equal to the number of lines of the vector passing through the surface S.

    General information

    We live in an era of synthesized materials. Since the invention of viscose and nylon, chemical industry generously supplies us with synthetic fabrics and we can no longer imagine our existence without them. Truly, thanks to them, humanity has managed to fully satisfy the need for clothing: from fishnet stockings and tights to light and warm sweaters and comfortable and beautiful jackets with synthetic insulation. Synthetic fabrics have a lot of other advantages, which include, for example, durability and water-repellent properties, or the ability to retain their shape for a long time after ironing.

    Unfortunately, there is always room for a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey. Synthetic materials are easily electrified, which we literally feel with our own skin. Each of us, pulling off a faux wool sweater in the dark, could see sparks and hear the crackle of electrical discharges.

    Doctors are quite wary of this property of synthetics, recommending the use, at least for underwear, of products made from natural fibers with minimum quantity added synthetics.

    Technologists strive to create fabrics with high antistatic properties using various ways reduction of electrification, but the complication of technology leads to an increase in production costs. To control the antistatic properties of polymers, various methods measurements of surface charge density, which, along with specific electrical resistance, serves as a characteristic of antistatic properties.

    It should be noted that the antistatic properties of clothing and footwear are very important for certain parts of cleanrooms, for example, in the microelectronics industry, where electrostatic charges accumulated by rubbing fabrics or shoe materials on their surfaces can destroy microcircuits.

    The oil and gas industry places extremely high demands on the antistatic properties of clothing fabrics and footwear materials - after all, a small spark is enough to initiate an explosion or fire in such industries. sometimes with very dire consequences in material terms and even with human casualties.

    Historical reference

    The concept of surface charge density is directly related to the concept of electric charges.

    Even Charles Dufay, a scientist from France, in 1729 suggested and proved the existence of charges of various types, which he called “glass” and “resin”, since they were obtained by rubbing glass with silk and amber (that is, tree resin) with wool. Benjamin Franklin, who studied lightning discharges and created the lightning rod, introduced modern names such charges are positive (+) and negative (–) charges.

    The law of interaction of electric charges was discovered by the French scientist Charles Coulomb in 1785; now, in honor of his services to science, this law bears his name. In fairness, it should be noted that the same law of interaction was discovered 11 years earlier than Coulomb by the British scientist Henry Cavendish, who used for experiments the same torsion balances he developed, which Coulomb later independently used. Unfortunately, Cavendish's work on the law of interaction of charges was unknown for a long time (over a hundred years). Cavendish's manuscripts were not published until 1879.

    The next step in the study of charges and calculations of the electric fields they create was made by the British scientist James Clerk Maxwell, who combined Coulomb's law and the principle of field superposition with his electrostatic equations.

    Surface charge density. Definition

    Surface charge density is scalar quantity, characterizing the charge per unit surface of an object. Its physical illustration, to a first approximation, can be a charge on a capacitor made of flat conducting plates of a certain area. Since charges can be both positive and negative, their surface charge density values ​​can be expressed as positive and negative values. It is denoted by the Greek letter σ (pronounced sigma) and is calculated using the formula:

    σ = Q/S

    σ = Q/S where Q is the surface charge, S is the surface area.

    Dimension of surface charge density in International system SI units are expressed in coulombs per square meter(C/m²).

    In addition to the basic unit of surface charge density, a multiple unit (C/cm2) is used. In another measurement system - SGSM - the unit abculon per square meter (abC/m²) and a multiple of the unit abcoulon per square centimeter (abC/cm²) are used. 1 abcoulomb is equal to 10 coulombs.

    In countries where they are not used metric units area, surface charge density is measured in coulombs per square inch (C/in²) and abcoulombs per square inch (abC/in²).

    Surface charge density. Physics of phenomena

    Surface charge density is used to carry out physical and engineering calculations of electric fields in the design and use of various electronic experimental facilities, physical devices And electronic components. As a rule, such installations and devices have plane electrodes made of conductive material of sufficient area. Since the charges in a conductor are located along its surface, its other dimensions and edge effects can be neglected. Calculations of electric fields of such objects are carried out using Maxwell's equations of electrostatics.

    Surface charge density of the Earth

    Few of us remember the fact that we live on the surface of a giant capacitor, one of the plates of which represents the surface of the Earth, and the second plate is formed by ionized layers of the atmosphere.

    That is why the Earth behaves like a capacitor - it accumulates an electric charge and in this capacitor, from time to time, breakdowns of the interelectrode space even occur when the “operating” voltage is exceeded, better known to us as lightning. The Earth's electric field is similar to the electric field of a spherical capacitor.

    Like any capacitor, the Earth can be characterized by a surface charge density, the value of which, in general, can vary. In clear weather, the surface charge density on a particular area of ​​the Earth approximately corresponds to the average value for the planet. Local values ​​of the surface charge density of the Earth in mountains, on hills, in places where metal ores occur and during electrical processes in the atmosphere may differ from the average values ​​upward.

    Let us estimate its average value at normal conditions. As you know, the radius of the Earth is 6371 kilometers.

    Experimental studies of the Earth's electric field and corresponding calculations show that the Earth as a whole has negative charge, the average value of which is estimated at 500,000 coulombs. This charge is maintained at approximately the same level due to a number of processes in the Earth's atmosphere and in nearby space.

    According to the famous school course formula calculate the surface area globe, it is approximately equal to 500,000,000 square kilometers.

    Hence the average surface charge density of the Earth will be approximately 1 10⁻⁹ C/m² or 1 nC/m².

    Kinescope and oscilloscope tube

    Television would have been impossible without the advent of devices that ensure the formation of a narrow beam of electrons with high density charge - electron guns. Until recently, one of the main elements of televisions and monitors was a kinescope, or, in other words, a cathode ray tube (CRT). CRT production on an annualized basis amounted to hundreds of millions of units in the recent past.

    A kinescope is an electron-vacuum device designed to convert electrical signals into light signals to dynamically form an image on a phosphor-coated screen, which can be monochrome or polychrome.

    The design of a kinescope consists of an electron gun, focusing and deflection systems, accelerating anodes and a screen with a layer of phosphor applied. In color picture tubes (CELT), the number of elements creating electron beams is tripled by the number of displayed colors - red, green and blue. Color picture tube screens have slot or dot masks that prevent electron beams of a different color from reaching a specific phosphor.

    The phosphor coating is a mosaic of three layers of phosphors with different color luminescence. Mosaic elements can be located in the same plane or at the vertices of the display element triangle.

    An electron gun consists of a cathode, a control electrode (modulator), an accelerating electrode, and one or more anodes. When there are two or more anodes, the first anode is called the focusing electrode.

    The cathode of picture tubes is made in the form of a hollow sleeve, on outside the bottom of which is coated with an oxide layer of alkaline earth metal oxides, which provides sufficient thermal emission of electrons when heated to a temperature of about 800 °C due to a heater electrically isolated from the cathode.

    The modulator is a cylindrical glass with a bottom covering the cathode. In the center of the bottom of the glass there is a calibrated hole of about 0.01 mm, called the carrier diaphragm, through which the electron beam passes.

    Since the modulator is located a short distance from the cathode, its purpose and operation is similar to the purpose and operation of the control grid in a vacuum tube.

    The accelerating electrode and anodes are hollow cylinders, the last anode is also made in the form of a sleeve with a calibrated hole at the bottom, which is called the output diaphragm. This system of electrodes is designed to give electrons the required speed and form a small spot on the kinescope screen, representing an electrostatic lens. Its parameters depend on the geometry of these electrodes and the surface charge densities on them, which are created by applying appropriate voltages to them relative to the cathode.

    One of the recently widely used electronic devices was an oscillographic cathode ray tube (OCRT), designed to visualize electrical signals by displaying them with an electron beam on a fluorescent monochrome screen. The main difference between an oscilloscope tube and a kinescope is the principle of constructing a deflection system. The OERT uses an electrostatic deflection system because it provides faster response.

    An oscillographic CRT is an evacuated glass bulb containing an electron gun, which generates a narrow beam of electrons using a system of electrodes that deflects the electron beam and accelerates it, and a luminescent screen that glows when bombarded by accelerated electrons.

    The deflection system consists of two pairs of plates located horizontally and vertically. The voltage being tested is applied to the horizontal plates - otherwise known as the vertical deflection plates. The vertical plates - otherwise the horizontal deflection plates - are supplied with a sawtooth voltage from the scan generator. Under the influence of voltages on the plates, a redistribution of charges occurs on them and, due to the resulting total electric field (remember the principle of field superposition!), flying electrons deviate from their original trajectory in proportion to the applied voltages. The electron beam draws the shape of the signal being studied on the tube screen. Due to the sawtooth voltage on the vertical plates, the electron beam, in the absence of a signal on the horizontal plates, moves across the screen from left to right, while drawing a horizontal line.

    If two different signals are applied to the vertical and horizontal deflection plates, then the so-called Lissajous figures can be observed on the screen.

    Since both pairs of plates form flat capacitors, the charges of which are concentrated on the plates, to calculate the design of a cathode ray tube, the surface charge density is used, which characterizes the sensitivity of electron deflection to the applied voltage.

    Electrolytic capacitor and ionistor

    Calculations surface charge must also be performed when developing capacitors. In modern electrical engineering, radio engineering and electronics, capacitors are widely used. various types, used to separate DC and DC circuits alternating current and for accumulation electrical energy.

    The storage function of a capacitor directly depends on the size of its capacity. A typical capacitor consists of plates of conductor called capacitor plates (usually their material is various metals), separated by a dielectric layer. The dielectric in capacitors is solid, liquid or gaseous substances having high dielectric constant. In the simplest case, the dielectric is ordinary air.

    We can say that the storage capacity of a capacitor for electrical energy is directly proportional to the surface charge density on its plates or the area of ​​the plates, and inversely proportional to the distance between its plates.

    Thus, there are two ways to increase the energy accumulated by the capacitor - increasing the area of ​​the plates and reducing the gap between them.

    In electrolytic capacitors of large capacity, a thin oxide film is used as a dielectric, deposited on the metal of one of the electrodes - the anode - the other electrode is the electrolyte. main feature electrolytic capacitors is that, compared to other types of capacitors, they have a large capacity with fairly small dimensions, in addition, they are polar electrical storage devices, that is, they must be included in electrical circuit observing polarity. The capacity of electrolytic capacitors can reach tens of thousands of microfarads; for comparison: the capacity of a metal ball with a radius equal to the radius Earth is only 700 microfarads.

    Accordingly, the surface charge density of such energized capacitors can reach significant values.

    Another way to increase the capacitance of a capacitor is to increase the surface charge density due to the developed surface of the electrodes, which is achieved by using materials with increased porosity and using the properties of a double electrical layer.

    The technical implementation of this principle is an ionistor (other names are supercapacitor or ultracapacitor), which is a capacitor, the “plates” of which are a double electrical layer at the interface between the electrode and the electrolyte. Functionally, the ionistor is a hybrid of a capacitor and chemical source current

    An interfacial electrical double layer is a layer of ions formed on the surface of particles as a result of the adsorption of ions from a solution or the orientation of polar molecules at the phase boundary. Ions directly bonded to the surface are called potential-determining. The charge on this layer is balanced by the charge on a second layer of ions called counterions.

    Since the thickness of the electrical double layer, that is, the distance between the “plates” of the capacitor, is extremely small (the size of an ion), the energy stored in the supercapacitor is higher compared to conventional electrolytic capacitors of the same size. In addition, the use of a double electrical layer instead of a conventional dielectric allows one to significantly increase the effective surface area of ​​the electrode.

    While typical ionistors are inferior to electrochemical batteries in terms of stored energy density, promising developments of supercapacitors using nanotechnology have already matched them in this indicator and even surpassed them.

    For example, airgel supercapacitors developed by Ness Cap., Ltd with carbon foam electrodes have volumetric capacity, 2000 times greater than the volumetric capacity of an electrolytic capacitor of the same size, and the specific power exceeds the specific power of electrochemical batteries by 10 times.

    To others valuable qualities supercapacitors, as electrical energy storage devices, are small internal resistance and very low leakage current. In addition, the supercapacitor has a short charging time, allows high discharge currents and a virtually unlimited number of charge-discharge cycles.

    Supercapacitors are used for long-term storage of electrical energy and when powering loads with high currents. For example, when utilizing the braking energy of Formula 1 racing cars with subsequent recovery of the energy accumulated in the ionistors. For racing cars, where every gram and every cubic centimeter volume, supercapacitors with a stored energy density reaching 4000 W/kg are an excellent alternative to lithium-ion batteries. Ionistors have also become commonplace in passenger cars, where they are used to power equipment during starter operation and to smooth out voltage surges during peak loads.

    Experiment. Determination of surface charge density of coaxial cable braid

    As an example, consider the calculation of the surface charge density on the braid of a coaxial cable.

    To calculate the surface charge density accumulated by the braid of a coaxial cable, taking into account the fact that the central core together with the braid form a cylindrical capacitor, we use the dependence of the capacitor charge on the applied voltage:

    Q = C U where Q is the charge in coulombs, C is the capacitance in farads, U is the voltage in volts.

    Let's take a piece of radio frequency coaxial cable of small diameter (at the same time its capacitance is higher and it is easier to measure) with a length L equal to 10 meters.

    Using a multimeter, measure the capacitance of a piece of cable, and using a micrometer, measure the diameter of the braid d

    Sk = 500 pF; d = 5 mm = 0.005 m

    Let's apply a calibrated voltage of 10 volts to the cable from the power source, connecting the braid and the central core of the cable to the terminals of the source.

    Using the above formula, we calculate the charge accumulated on the braid:

    Q = Сk Uk = 500 10 = 5000 pC = 5 nC

    Considering the braid of a cable segment to be a solid conductor, we find its area, calculated by well-known formula cylinder area:

    S = π d L = 3.14 0.005 10 = 0.157 m²

    and calculate the approximate surface charge density of the cable braid:

    σ = Q/S = 5/0.157 = 31.85 nC/m²

    Naturally, as the voltage applied to the braid and central core of the coaxial cable increases, the accumulated charge also increases and, consequently, the surface charge density also increases.