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Read historical adventure novels online. Historical Adventures


History of Rome from the foundation of the City (Titus Livius)

Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Titus Livy
Year of manufacture: 1989
Genre: Ancient literature
Publisher: Nauka
Russian language
Number of pages: 4352
The only surviving work of Titus Livy, “The History of Rome from the Founding of the City,” covers the events of Roman history from its legendary origins to civil wars and the establishment of the empire, i.e., the era of which the author was a contemporary.
Of the 142 books, 35 books have survived to our time - from the first to the tenth and from the twenty-first to the forty-fifth, covering events up to 293 and from 219 to 167.


History of the legions of Rome. From the military reform of Gaius Marius to the ascension to the throne of Septimius Severus (Henry Michael Parker)

ISBN: 978-5-9524-5272-5
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Henry Michael Parker
Year of release: 2017
Genre: Historical monograph
Publisher: Tsentrpoligraf
Russian language
Number of pages: 224
Description: Authoritative English historian G.M. Parker, a lecturer at Magdalen College, Oxford, in his book examines all aspects of the internal organization of the Roman army from the time of the military reform of Gaius Marius to the beginning of the 3rd century AD. e. The scientist describes the symbols and attributes of units, weapons and equipment of officers and soldiers, features of service in peacetime and during war...


Cultural history of St. Petersburg from its foundation to the present day (Volkov Solomon)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Volkov Solomon
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: cultural studies
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Erisanova Irina
Duration: 34:13:29
Description: This book should be judged not by what is not in it, but by what is in it: Solomon Volkov did not compile a historical encyclopedia of St. Petersburg culture, but inspiredly told us the history of the cultural capital of Russia. His story is woven from archival documents and solid memoirs, artistic fantasies and bohemian gossip. That ephemeral, eluding definition, what we call the Sense of Place, has become...


History of Rome (Mommsen Theodor)

Format: audiobook, AAC, 160 Kbps
Author: Mommsen Theodor
Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: History
Publisher: Ardis
Performer: Stanislav Fedosov / N.D. Chechulin
Duration: 15:37:04
Description: Audiobook based on the historical work of the outstanding German historian, philologist and lawyer, Theodor Mommsen, “History of Rome”. Based on historical sources found by the author during his travels in Italy, this fundamental canvas is a detailed, colorful account of Roman history and is combined with a magnificent style of presentation, vivid historical images and brilliant characterization...


History of Rome (Theodor Mommsen)

Author: Theodor Mommsen
Year of manufacture: 2009
Format: mp3, 160 kbps
Genre: History
Publisher: Studio ARDIS

Duration: 15:36:00
Description: "History of Rome" is one of the most significant works in the field of historical science dedicated to ancient history. This book brought its author - the German historian, philologist and lawyer Theodor Mommsen - worldwide fame and the Nobel Prize in Literature. The most detailed colorful presentation of Roman history is combined with a magnificent style of presentation, vivid historical images and brilliant characteristics of the characters...


History of Ancient Rome in Selected Biographies (Heinrich Stoll)

Author: Heinrich Wilhelm Stoll
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: historical literature
Publisher: LLC "ARDIS"
Performer: Stanislav Fedosov
Duration: 08:40:55
Description: The famous book of the German scientist and scholar of antiquity Heinrich Wilhelm Stoll, “The History of Ancient Rome in Biographies,” was published in 1877 and immediately gained extraordinary popularity among a wide range of readers. Emperors and generals, dictators and consuls, pontiffs and tribunes, censors and praetors, orators and philosophers... Enemies and allies, insidious plans and cunning intrigues, civil strife...


Legions of Rome. The Complete History of the Legions of the Roman Empire (Stephen Dando-Collins)

ISBN: 978-5-227-06185-0
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Stephen Dando-Collins
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre: Military history
Publisher: Tsentrpoligraf
Russian language
Number of pages: 659
Description: A new work by the famous Australian writer S. Lando-Collins, author of many books on the history of Antiquity, is dedicated to the imperial legions of Rome. The author collected and systematized information about all the legions of Rome, starting from the moment of the creation of each of them, traced their military path, noting successes and defeats in battles. Dando-Collins studied in detail the selection conditions and methods of military training of legionnaires...


History of the city of Jerusalem (Mikhail Shterenshis)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Mikhail Shterenshis
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: History.
Publisher: DIY Audiobook
Performer: Alex Atlas
Duration: 14:59:04
Description: In this book, the history of the city is described in detail in all aspects. The city has become part of the history of Jews, Greeks, Romans, Persians, Egyptians, Turks, Western Europeans, Russians, Ethiopians and even Australians. The latter fought in Palestine during the First World War. Errors from old books have been taken into account. So, for example, in addition to Christian and Jewish pilgrimage to the city, Muslim pilgrimage is also described. The introductions tell...


The story of one city (Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin)

Format: radio play, MP3, 160kbps
Author: Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin
Year of manufacture: 2016
Genre: Domestic Classics
Publisher: Radio “Our Moscow Region”
Performer: Vladimir Levashev
Duration: 11:03:01
Description: The novel “The History of a City” by M.E. Contemporaries called Saltykov-Shchedrin “a lampoon on the history of the Russian state.” “The History of a City” caused a lot of interpretation and indignation, which forced Saltykov-Shchedrin to respond to an article by the famous publicist A. Suvorin. The author of the critical article “Historical Satire”, which appeared in the April issue of the magazine “Bulletin of Europe”...

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The history of one city (Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin)

Format: audio play, MP3, 128kbps

Year of manufacture: 1991
Genre: Classic, satire

Performer: Yuri Yakovlev, Georgy Vitsin, Vyacheslav Nevinny, Lev Durov, Larisa Grebenshchikova, Alexander Vdovin, Alexey Borzunov, Stepan Bubnov, Anatoly Kubatsky, Anatoly Barantsev, Vladimir Prokhorov, Vladimir Kashpur, Lev Shabarin, Elena Millioti, Galina Demina
Duration: 00:58:55
Description: Pictures of Russian life in the 70s of the 19th century... Parodying official historiography, the author created a gallery of grotesque images of city rulers. Heads included...


The history of one city (M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 160kbps
Author: M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin
Year of manufacture: 2006
Genre: classic
Publisher: SOYUZ
Performer: Alexander Klyukvin
Duration: 08:44:28
Description: “The History of a City” by Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin (1826-1889) is one of the most remarkable works of not only Russian, but also world satirical literature. The degree of influence of the writer’s unique creativity on the spiritual consciousness of society in the second half of the 19th century was unusually great. Behind the pictures of the gloomy life of the Foolovites, the people's lawlessness, the arbitrariness of the rulers, stood the naked truth of the Russian...


The history of one city (Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 112kbps
Author: Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin
Year of manufacture: 2005
Genre: Classic, novel
Publisher: MediaKniga
Performer: Semyon Yarmolinets
Duration: 10:10:45
Description: “The History of a City” is one of the best works of Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin (1826–1889), a master of social satire and grotesque. Contemporaries called Saltykov-Shchedrin’s novel “a lampoon on the history of the Russian state.” This book remains relevant in our time, being, in fact, a non-merciless verdict on “Russian reality.” Contents01. From the publisher 02. Review...


History of the city of Glupova (Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin)

Format: audio play, MP3, 56-112 Kbps
Author: Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin
Year of manufacture: 1989
Genre: Satire
Publisher: Gosteleradiofond
Performer: Nikolay Burov, Andrey Tolubeev, Ivan Krasko, Gennady Bogachev, Sergey Dreyden, Galina Gudova, Lydia Zhvania, Marina Maltseva, Nikolay Pavlov, Valery Kravchenko
Duration: 01:53:44
Description: Radio play based on Saltykov-Shchedrin's story "The History of a City." The plot centers on a story about the history of the city of Foolov and its mayors in the years 1731-1826. During this time, the city changed 21 rulers, not counting the period of unrest...


Open Vyborg. City `s history.

Year of manufacture: 2007
Genre: audio tour
Publisher: Tom Sawyer
Performer: Yuri Labetsky
Duration: 00:59:29
Description: The audio book offers you two options for traveling around the city. The walking tour route is highlighted in orange on the booklet map, and the blue line is for those who want to see Vyborg from a car window. For you, we have taken into account the traffic patterns and possible parking locations. - All material is divided into blocks - a photograph of the object with a brief description - Each of the blocks has its own serial number - Each of the numbers corresponds to an audio track - The map will help you ori...


Saltykov-Shchedrin - The story of a city

Type: audiobook
Genre: Satire
Author: Saltykov-Shchedrin
Performer: Vyacheslav Pavlovich Gerasimov
Year of manufacture: 2003
Playing time: 10 hours 23 minutes
Audio: MP3 audio_bitrate: 162 kb/s
Description: “The History of One City” is the pinnacle of Saltykov-Shchedrin’s satirical art - a direct parody of the history of Russia in the 19th century. The main theme is the relationship between the common people and the Russian government. The city of Foolov is an allegorical image. The novel, written in the form of a chronicle, is about a specific city with a fairy-tale history, but all the characters and what is happening in the city resemble history...


Empire. The logic of domination over the world. From Ancient Rome to the USA (Herfried Münkler)

ISBN: 978-5-9950-0476-9,
Series: Geopolitical perspective
Format: DjVu, Scanned pages + recognized text layer
Author: Gerfried Münkler
Year of manufacture: 2016
Genre: monograph, political science
Publisher: Kuchkovo pole
Russian language
Number of pages: 400
Description: Herfried Münkler, professor of political science at the Humboldt University of Berlin, member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, devoted his work to the phenomenon of empire: types of imperial domination, forms of expansion and consolidation; differences between maritime and continental empires, commercial and military, imperial orders of control...

Continuation of the adventures of the crazy Arthur Alexandrov in the past. “What I saw really puzzled me. There were Tatars there, as if they were making a film about the Mongol yoke, and seven short horses were grazing nearby. Having counted the people, I discovered that there were five of them. Having quickly looked around, I didn’t find any movie cameras or people in normal clothes There was only one conclusion: I fell back in time again."

A new book from the author of the bestselling book “BLACK PEACOATS”. Continuation of the adventures of our contemporary, a veteran of the legendary Alpha group, who “failed” into the bloody nightmare of World War II. A new task for a saboteur from the future - now he will have to go through the hell of the Kharkov “cauldron” and the retreat of the Red Army to Stalingrad. Despite the “legend” carefully developed by the Center, the infiltration operation is getting out of control, and after Stalin’s famous order No. 227 “Not a step back!” a special forces soldier from the future finds himself in a penal company - “black infantry,” as the Germans dubbed the penal soldiers. Ahead of him awaits a bloody reconnaissance in force, captivity, escape and a new fight with the super-professionals of the Abwehr and the NKVD...

Hailed as a "gem of medieval mysticism" and an "atmospheric tale of betrayal and wonder," the brilliant new novel from the author of Company of Liars, the story of a village turned battlefield and a band of brave women who rise up against evil, is an unforgettable, turbulent mix of rage, lust and mystery.

Our contemporaries, tourists who had a fun rafting trip down the Ural river Kuyva, as part of a “weekend tour,” find themselves in the mid-16th century. There, on the Kuyva River, on the border of the Stroganov lands, but several years before Ermak’s campaign to conquer Siberia. Part of the campaign decides to go to Moscow, believing that only there they will be able to apply their knowledge with due success. These optimists hope to take their rightful place in Rus', or in Europe, if they are lucky. Their other brothers in misfortune, more beaten by life and who have long become pessimists, remain in the border village. They know the history of geography and have not trusted the authorities, especially those in Moscow, for a long time. Therefore, the first thing they decide to do is protect themselves and their loved ones; fortunately, they know how to work with their hands, are not afraid of difficulties, and have some skills. To protect not only from Bashkir and Tatar raids, but also from Stroganov’s henchmen, from hunger and the cold of the upcoming winter. Moreover, apart from a couple of axes, a chainsaw and some tools, tourists have nothing. No weapons, no money, no warm clothes. However, they have the Urals, with iron, copper, and lead ores studied and partially selected. With gold mines, emerald and diamond mines, and coal mines developed by the twenty-first century. Moreover, now all this wealth is untouched and waiting in the wings. This is what extourists take advantage of when building a settlement on “no man’s” land that does not belong to the Stroganovs. And, in order to avoid oppression by the Russian authorities, they are called subjects of another country, lying far in the northeast, the rich and powerful kingdom of Magadan. While some of the impostors are building houses, mining ore and trying to arm themselves, others are making acquaintances in the neighboring Vogul tribes and Russian forts. Together they fight off the attacks of the Siberian Tatars. At the same time, extourists are trying in every way to expand their tiny village, inviting friends and neighbors there, imprisoning captives and fugitives from Rus'. With the receipt of explosives, the Magadan farmstead turns into a fortress capable of withstanding the onslaught of several hundred nomads. And tourists who have become skilled blacksmiths, together with their assistants, are in a hurry to increase their ammunition. In anticipation of the upcoming (according to history) raid of nomads, the “Magadanians” warn all their neighbors about it, offer their help and prepare for battle.

England at the very beginning of this century decided to finally subjugate Scotland. As long as Scotland remained independent, there was a possibility of the restoration of the Stuart royal dynasty there, which frightened its opponents, the Whigs. And then the Scottish Parliament adopted a resolution that after the death of Anne Stewart, a representative of the Stuart dynasty, necessarily a Protestant, should ascend to the throne of Scotland, and he should not simultaneously occupy the English throne, as was the case before. The English Protestant government was initially indignant, but since England was at war with France at that time, it was decided not to spoil relations with its northern neighbor.

The novel “And One Warrior in the Field” tells about the feat of a Soviet intelligence officer who penetrated into the very lair of the enemy. His life, struggle, connections with the French partisans, with the Garibaldians in northern Italy occupied by the German fascists formed the basis of the first book of the novel.

The son of a Roman senator, who fell victim to court intrigue, is hiding from an unjust trial at the very ends of the world - in Britain, where rebellious barbarians do not give up hopes of expelling the Latin occupiers from their native land. In the ranks of the victorious Sixth Legion, the young fugitive turned into a seasoned warrior, rising to the rank of centurion. But even here, on the outskirts of civilization, he is pursued by the bloodhounds of the imperial secret investigation. Meanwhile, the barbarians, having recovered from a crushing defeat, are preparing for a new bloody uprising...

Vladimir Yakovlevich Zubtsov (1895–1938), also known as the talented Russian writer Vladimir Zazubrin, himself survived all the horrors of the Civil War, having fought in Kolchak’s army, in the red cavalry, and in the Cheka-GPU. The book includes the best works of the writer. The novel “Mountains” (1925) is about the fate of two brothers, Ivan and Fyodor Bezugly, native Siberians who fought for the freedom of their native land, but perceived the new, Soviet power very differently. The story “Sliver” (1923), or “The Tale of Her and About Her,” was the first, truthful and terrible in its authenticity, picture of the “class revolutionary struggle”, showing its wrong side. The theme of the story is also related to the story “Pale Truth” - a simple and terrible in its hopelessness story of a man who wanted to live “by the truth”, and not by new revolutionary laws.

End of the 6th century BC e. The ruler of the Persian state, “king of kings” Darius I, having restored calm and order in his state, felt the need for a big and, of course, victorious war, which was supposed to bring together the disparate tribes of his state and at the same time serve as a test of the strength of this alliance. He planned a campaign against the Black Sea Scythians and around 512 BC. e. invaded the Northern Black Sea region with a huge army. But not only the Scythians, but almost all the peoples between the Don and the Dnieper rose up to fight the conqueror. A special contribution to the defeat of the Persians was made by the small and brave tribe of Janians, whom their neighbors nicknamed “lords of the wolves” for their ability to enter into an alliance with these proud and merciless beasts!

The author of the series of historical novels “Cursed Kings,” the French writer, publicist and public figure Maurice Druon (b. 1918), never allowed himself to take liberties with facts. His novels are distinguished by an intriguing and exciting plot, and at the same time they are as close as possible to historical truth. According to legend, the origins of all the troubles that befell France are hidden in the curse to which the Grand Master of the Templar Order subjected King Philip IV the Fair, who condemned him to death. Covering the period from the first decade of the 14th century until the outbreak of the Hundred Years' War between France and England, Druon describes how a terrible curse came true during these years.

The name of Vasily Vladimirovich Vedeneyev has long been well known to all lovers of historical and adventure literature. He is the author of such action-packed novels as “The Balm of Avicenna” and “The Wild Field,” published in thousands of copies and gaining well-deserved popularity among readers of different generations. The new novel "Two Hundred Thousand in Gold" tells about the extraordinary adventures of two Russian officers in the 1920s in China, engulfed in internecine war...

Historical prose is a work that describes the historical plot of a particular era. In historical prose there is a place for fiction and historical truth. All events described in the work take place against the backdrop of historical events. If elements of the adventure genre are also used in the plot, then the novel becomes not only educational, but also very exciting..

History of the development of the genre

In world literature, the first adventures begin with. And in Rus' - from folk tales, knightly tales. The first historical novels were written about Alexander the Great and the Trojan War in the first centuries AD. And the first author of real historical adventure novels was. His famous adventure historical novel was probably read by every schoolchild interested in history. In his novels, Scott intertwined historical facts with fictional plots.

Famous writers of the historical adventure genre are, of course, (,) and ().

The end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century were the best times of the historical adventure genre. They have a dynamic plot, intense passions, kidnappings, travel, and all this against the backdrop of unfolding historical events..

Historical adventure novels often feature fictional characters, and real historical figures appear in episodes. (For example, in “The Three Musketeers” Athos, Porthos, Aramis are fictional characters, and Cardinal Richelieu and King Louis are real people). , for example, describes the life of fictional Indian tribes in the United States.

But others opens secret... (A. Akhmatova) Who says we'll die? – Leave these Judgments to yourself – There is falsehood in them: We have lived for many centuries in this world, and we will have to live for many more centuries. We did not come from the void, And through the years we are not destined to go into the void one day. We are all not only part of the Earth, We are part of Nature, We are part of the Universe, part of the world - Specifically, everyone! We were already breathing billions of years ago, I don’t know what, I don’t know how, But it happened. The Universe arose, We didn’t interfere with it, We were doing who, what could Within other limits. And billions of years will pass - In the crown of the Sun The tired Earth will burn in its greatness, We will not burn! We will return to another life again, We will return to ourselves in a different guise! I tell you: man does not disappear! I tell you: man is invested in immortality! But we still don’t know the evidence, And we can’t confirm immortality yet. But in some years We will throw off the weights of oblivion from our memory And we will boldly remember: Why did we end up here - In the sublunary world? Why was immortality given to us and what to do with it? Everything that we will do in an hour, in a week and even in a year, all this is not far from us, lives in its own world. The books that I will publish after some time are already flying around the cities in a world that does not exist. Invisible worlds have entangled us with countless many floors, In one - we are going to Mars, In the other - we have already flown. Awards, praise and other ranks are waiting for us, lined up, And with them - our slaps in the face are burning in neighboring worlds. We think: life in hundreds of years This is God knows him: where? And this is nearby - the invisible light of those years is scattered everywhere. Try to pierce the Moon with your finger! It won’t work - the hand is short, It’s even more difficult to touch a country abandoned for centuries. But that’s how it works: every moment From the streets, offices and apartments We move with the whole world To the real neighboring world. Wandering through space together with the Earth With ideas fresh and old, We are new time - layer by layer - We rent from the world. And we are not in a hurry to live on borrowed time, We do not speed up the years, We know with distant memory that we have come to life forever. That our borders are not in the milky, That our era is not an hour, We have in reserve We have infinity, and Eternity is in store for us. And as on an excursion - only forward, Encrypting and theorem days, the Universe leads us by the hand Along the corridor of time. Turn on the light in the past and future! And you will see with new vision how a city that does not yet exist is already appearing in time. In the future tense, where for now only the clouds of our hopes and our dreams float almost without color and outline. And in the past, where in blue life smiled at the warmth and light, turning on the lights, you will meet a fence that no longer exists. Don’t worry, you haven’t gone crazy now, having seen this - everything is preserved in space, and the degree remains calm until time. But everything comes to life before the deadline, suddenly, when eccentrics in a good mood turn on the sound in the past and the future, turn on the light in the future and the past .And life, as if in circles on water, knits links for thousands of years, and there are no dead people anywhere, there are only those who fell asleep for a moment. Peace is only temporary silt. People are eternal! On each page, look at their faces - in the past and the future - the same faces. There are no other people in nature, and the same ones walk in circles of past and future squares, polishing stones with an elastic step. Turn on the light in the past and future, and you will see doubts instead of what is in the future - where you are not yet there, a place has already been prepared for you.;book=1#1

Historical adventures are those literary creations whose authors were able to successfully combine adventurism and the depiction of a certain historical era. Of course, the reliability of data is not the main goal of writers, so books often contain significant deviations from reality.

The specificity of historical adventures is that writers create an exciting life path for their hero, but the events take place not in the modern world, but in a certain historical period. Moreover, authors often add fantastic components or even turn their creation into an adventure fantasy.

Of particular interest to modern readers are military-historical adventures that describe the author’s vision of a particular battle. The increased popularity of this trend is also explained by the fact that many writers take their creations very seriously, so the books are filled with military strategic moments, detailed descriptions, well-composed battle scenes, etc.

The best works in the genre of historical adventures have been filmed, which also helps to increase readers’ interest in this direction. Both domestic and foreign writers are trying to constantly improve and create truly high-quality copies in order to demonstrate the development of storylines and protect the genre itself from decline.

Despite the fact that classic historical adventures are considered the standards of the direction, many young representatives of the genre are trying to make their own changes and supplement it with some innovative aspects that would be understandable to all modern people. Such an experimental solution caused a lot of contradictory reactions, but still, whether fans of such views will be able to competently translate their ideas into reality, time will tell.

Today, anyone can read a book in the style of historical adventures and note their favorite works. This can be done using our portal, which was created specifically for fans of quality literature. The site allows you to read online or download any works for free and without registration. It is worth noting that the download occurs in epub, fb2, pdf, rtf or txt format. Moreover, all guests of the portal have the opportunity to learn news from the literary world and always be aware of the release of the latest publications.