Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How to get rid of an appearance complex. How to get rid of complexes? Recognizing the problem is the main key to success

Hero of Russia Alexander Alekseev was named an honorary citizen of Komi

The corresponding decree was signed by the head of the republic.

The highest honorary title “Honorary Citizen” was awarded to Alexander Alekseev(posthumously), the press service of the head of Komi reported. Previously, A. Alekseev was awarded the title “Hero of Russia” (posthumously).

The decree of the head of Komi states: “For particularly outstanding services in protecting the life and health of people, award the highest honorary title of Komi “Honorary Citizen” to A. Alekseev, the head of the department of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the republic (posthumously).”

*** Alexander Ivanovich Alekseev was born in 1952 in Ukhta. After graduating from school, he studied at the Ukhta Industrial Institute (UII) and worked in the Komineft and Komigazprom associations. Having become an employee of the UII, he revived the KVN movement and the work of construction student teams. In 1982 he became an employee of state security agencies.

The title of Hero of Russia A. Alekseev was awarded posthumously on September 9, 1996. As deputy head of the FSB department for Komi, the lieutenant colonel was sent on a six-month business trip to Grozny. From August 5 to 6, militants captured the city. About 90 fighters took up defensive positions in the FSB dormitory near the government building. It was no longer possible to leave the city. A. Alekseev, as a senior in rank, led the defense of the hostel, which became a key point on the path of the separatists. A large detachment of militants tightly surrounded the building on August 7, after which the attacks began.

By that time, A. Alekseev had already been wounded in both legs, but continued to lead the defense. By midnight on August 8, it was decided to divide the defenders of the hostel into four groups of 15-20 people, each led by an experienced combat officer. The group that escaped from the siege, in which the Ukhta resident was located, had already gone halfway when a grenade exploded next to him. About 70 people were able to escape from the encirclement. According to the participants in those August events, it was thanks to skillful leadership that losses during the defense of the hostel were reduced to a minimum.

Despite the sanctions, the US Coast Guard is actively cooperating with Russian border guards. In the Arctic, border guards will take the Northern Sea Route under special surveillance. Patrol ships for the coast guard are being built en masse based on special projects. Such news was reported in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta by the Deputy Head of the FSB Border Service - Head of the Coast Guard Department, Admiral Yuri Alekseev.

Yuri Stanislavovich, not everyone today still knows what the coast guard is. For many, this is the same as the maritime border guards in Soviet times. What are the differences?

Yuri Alekseev: The differences are dramatic. If Soviet maritime border guards worked mainly to prevent violations of the territorial border, then the functions of the coast guard of the FSB of Russia are incomparably broader.

Our zone of interests has already gone beyond the waters under the jurisdiction of the state. Such areas include the Spitsbergen zone, sea communications of the Baltic Sea, the Azov and Caspian Seas, the waters of the Black Sea adjacent to the coast of Abkhazia, as well as conventional areas in the Pacific Ocean.

Ensuring security in the Arctic, including oil and gas production facilities, and compliance with the navigation regime in the waters of the Northern Sea Route, also falls within our competence. Especially for this purpose, new border departments of the FSB of Russia have been formed for the western and eastern Arctic regions in Murmansk and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, respectively. Moreover, the largest base for ships will be created in Petropavlovsk, a new outpost will appear on Wrangel Island, and 7 observation points will be built along the entire length of the Northern Sea Route. Also, do not forget that we are in charge of such a separate colossal segment as the protection of marine biological resources and the fight against trans-border organized crime.

Is the ship's composition quickly renewed?

Yuri Alekseev: Such targeted mass construction of border ships and boats did not exist even during the Soviet Union. Not without pride, I can say that ships have begun to be built according to our special projects, which did not exist at all until the early 2000s. Despite the economic difficulties associated with sanctions, we are not slowing down the pace of shipbuilding and, moreover, were able to switch to import substitution of German diesel engines for a number of boat projects with domestic ones. At the moment, the ocean-going patrol ship Polar Star has begun testing in the Baltic. This year we are laying down two more such unique ships. According to the project, all of them are equipped with helicopter complexes. In addition, they are adapted to accommodate unmanned aerial vehicles, which can work integrated with automated systems for technical control of the surface situation. Another five ships of the 2nd rank arrived in the Black and Caspian seas and the seas of the Far Eastern region. In addition, we are currently developing the first project of an icebreaker-class patrol ship with a displacement of 6-7 thousand tons for navigation in the Arctic. And, of course, there is a constant renewal of the fleet of high-speed border patrol boats, which have proven themselves very well as interceptors of violators.

That is, even well-technically equipped poachers no longer manage to evade border guards with impunity, as was the case before?

Yuri Alekseev: If in the 90s and early 2000s one could often hear from maritime border guards that poachers had better radio stations and faster ships, now such conversations no longer exist. As for criminal communities, in 2013-2014 we practically squeezed out the entire army of crab poachers from the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Far East. What is noteworthy is that at the final stage, our Japanese colleagues helped us a lot, who passed on information to us about the courts that they defended. Moreover, poachers in the overwhelming majority of cases understand that it is not worth joking with the border guards, and do not try to hide if our ships come to intercept them.

So, it is no longer necessary to use weapons against violators and poachers, as before?

Yuri Alekseev: Unfortunately, it is not always possible to stop the illegal actions of violators of Russian legislation without force. Sometimes you have to act in conditions of open physical confrontation, hours of pursuit of poaching vessels and their failure to comply with legal requests to stop. This also applies to dangerous maneuvering in relation to coast guard boats and border motor boats, which endangers the life and health of border guards.

In such cases, when all possibilities for detaining violators and localizing the conflict have been exhausted, within the framework of legal authority we are forced to resort to the use of weapons, while making every effort to suppress violations, and at the same time not cause harm to the health of crew members of poaching ships and boats . In 2014-2015, weapons were used 28 times by border ships, aviation and maritime detachments.

And how does the use of weapons occur? Does lethal fire immediately open?

Yuri Alekseev: Of course not. First, signals to stop are given; in case of non-compliance, a warning shot from artillery mounts follows. And after all the arguments have been exhausted, a shot is fired at the rudder group to stop the ship. This requires high skill and training of artillerymen, and they do their job with pinpoint precision.

Have you caught many violators lately?

Yuri Alekseev: If we talk about the specific results of our work, then in total in 2014-2015 more than 12 thousand people were brought to administrative responsibility. More than 11 thousand administrative fines were imposed totaling more than 540 million rubles. 370 criminal cases were initiated, in which 233 people were convicted. More than 450 claims have been filed for compensation for damage to aquatic biological resources in the amount of about 220 million rubles. Based on the results of control and verification activities, about 1.5 thousand violations of the law were identified on vessels of the fishing fleet. Over 2.8 thousand tons of fishery products were seized from illegal trafficking. 51 Russian and 45 foreign vessels, as well as 547 small vessels, were detained for violating established regimes. By decisions of the judicial authorities, 4 Russian and 6 foreign vessels were confiscated.

Can you name the companies and names of the violating vessels?

Yuri Alekseev: In January of this year, the owners of the fishing vessels Sokol (Russia) and Juros Vilkas (Lithuania), detained in September 2014 for illegal crab fishing in the eastern part of the Barents Sea, Russia's exclusive economic zone, were fined 16 million rubles by the court. What is noteworthy is that the same Juros Vilkas, which means “sea wolf”, was called “Sayan” a year ago and was fishing in the Far East. After which the shipowner sent it to the west under the flag of Lithuania.

In February 2015, the legal entity ECO SMART LTD (the owner of the vessel CORUM under the flag of Cambodia, detained in October 2014 with 30 tons of crab on board) was brought to administrative responsibility in the form of a fine of 28 million rubles with the confiscation of the vessel to the state.

In March 2015, the captain of the Panamanian ship DROVER was found guilty of committing crimes under Articles 253 and 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The court sentenced him to two years probation, deprivation of the right to hold the position of captain of a vessel for a period of two years and a fine of 200 thousand rubles.

To effectively fight poachers, do you need to cooperate with your neighbors?

Yuri Alekseev: Absolutely right. That is why, in close cooperation with Rosrybolovstvo, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other interested departments at the international level, an additional effective barrier has been formed to suppress illegal fishing, which is reflected in the signed intergovernmental agreements with Japan, the Republic of Korea, China, and the DPRK, to whose ports the catch is delivered by poachers. court. A draft intergovernmental agreement between Russia and the United States aimed at combating illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing is at the final stage of approval.

As part of such intergovernmental agreements, changes were made to the national legislation of Japan and the Republic of Korea aimed at tightening control over the supply of crab to domestic markets and preventing the acceptance of crab products without certificates confirming the legality of their origin.

In addition, as part of organized cooperation, in 2014, according to our information, in the Japanese economic zone, ships of the Japanese Maritime Safety Administration detained four vessels for illegal fishing. They also assisted the border department of the FSB of Russia in the Sakhalin region in detaining two more poaching vessels in our exclusive economic zone.

How are your contacts with your American colleagues? After all, relations between the United States and Russia are now difficult...

Yuri Alekseev: Despite the harsh anti-Russian rhetoric associated with the political crisis in Ukraine, we were able to depoliticize our business relationship with the US Coast Guard. After all, environmental issues, oil spills, conservation of biological resources, safety of navigation - all of them are extremely important for states. And raising these questions depending on the political situation is extremely unprofitable for all parties. This allowed our American colleagues to prove to the State Department that it is possible and necessary to work with us. Well, plus, over several years we have established a truly working relationship with the US Coast Guard.

At the invitation of our American colleagues, this year we have already taken part in a meeting in Washington of representatives of the coast guards of the Arctic Council member states (Canada, Denmark, Norway, Russia, USA, Finland, Iceland, Sweden) to organize work on the creation of the Arctic Coast Guard Forum. I can say that this meeting actually brought the practical interaction of coast guard professionals in preventing and suppressing threats to maritime security in the Arctic to a new qualitative level.

Do you also cooperate on the southern borders?

Yuri Alekseev: Here we actually had a breakthrough in our relationship. For the first time in the history of such cooperation, together with the Turkish Coast Guard, we carried out mutual patrols of adjacent waters during the Olympics in Sochi. Joint operational and preventive measures were taken with the Border Service of the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan to maintain a favorable navigation regime, suppress poaching activities and protect marine biological resources in the Caspian Sea. Such events have been carried out since 2007, the result is more than a billion rubles of prevented economic damage. The resumption of cooperation with the State Border Service of Azerbaijan since 2011 deserves special attention.

Last year, a friendly visit of an Azerbaijani border ship to Makhachkala took place to participate in a joint Russian-Azerbaijani exercise. By the way, this year the maritime border forces of Azerbaijan are participating in joint operational and preventive activities in the Caspian Sea, which, of course, helps to strengthen interaction between our departments and increases the effectiveness of the tasks of ensuring maritime security and suppressing poaching activities.

Yuri Stanislavovich, your interview is being published on Border Guard Day, so Rossiyskaya Gazeta cannot help but congratulate everyone involved in this holiday in your person.

Yuri Alekseev: Thanks a lot. Taking this opportunity, I also join in the congratulations and wish everyone who has served and continues to serve in the border service good health and well-being. And to all border guard sailors - happy sailing!

Dossier "RG"

The area of ​​responsibility of the coast guard of the border service of the FSB of Russia includes the protection of all water borders of the country. And this is not only the sea border, which has a length of almost 38 thousand kilometers.

Almost 4 times less, but still quite a lot - 7 thousand kilometers of the state border runs along rivers. Another 475 kilometers of the state border are in the lake part.

A working group created to implement the “regulatory guillotine” mechanism in fisheries will meet in Moscow for an inception meeting. The authorities expect that new platforms with business participation will help reform control and supervisory activities.

Blame, no mercy

The ASRF proposed to establish the guilt of the parties in the event of failure to fulfill a construction contract under investment quotas. According to members of the association, this will avoid unfairly placing blame only on the investor-quota holder.

There are changes in the government commission

The composition of the Commission of the Government of the Russian Federation on the development of the fishery complex was changed due to changes in the Federation Council, the State Duma, the leadership of the Border Service, the Ministry of Natural Resources, and the Kaliningrad Region.

Yuri Alekseev: The time has come to solve strategic development problems

It is necessary to immediately begin building large-capacity trawlers for the development of pollock and herring in the Far East, says the Chairman of the Council of the Association of Fishing Fleet Shipowners

On August 8, a funeral meeting was held in Syktyvkar dedicated to the memory of Hero of Russia Alexander Alekseev, who died on August 8, 1996 during military operations in the Chechen Republic. By order of the Director of the FSB of Russia, Alexander Alekseev was forever included in the lists of personnel of the FSB Directorate for the Komi Republic. Veterans and current employees of the regional department laid flowers at the monument to Alexander Alekseev.

In February 1996, the head of the personnel department of the republican directorate of the FSB of Russia, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Alekseev, voluntarily went on a business trip to Chechnya - he was a senior group of employees of the republican FSB. The group was housed in the Russian FSB dormitory in Grozny. At dawn on August 6, 1996, several hundred Chechen militants entered Grozny, seizing the most important highways and strongholds of the capital of the republic.

Large forces of militants were deployed to take the Russian FSB dormitory, where 90 employees, weapons and valuable operational documents were located. In order to take possession of the papers, the attackers invited the security officers to surrender. Then they promised to let me go home with weapons and even give me money. The answer to all proposals was a categorical refusal. Then the militants attacked.

Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Alekseev turned out to be the senior rank among the Russian FSB officers in the building and therefore immediately took command. He distributed defense sectors, appointed a commander to each of them, established ammunition accounting, and provided medical care to the wounded. And then he took the machine gun and went to the most difficult areas. Under his leadership, the fighters held out for two days. Alexander Alekseev himself received two wounds, but after receiving medical assistance he returned to duty.

On the night of August 8-9, during a breakout from the building to the main forces of the Russian troops, the lieutenant colonel led one of the breakout groups and was killed by a sniper shot. Subsequently, with heavy losses, the security officers broke through to their own. The militants received an almost completely burned building and ashes from destroyed documents.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 9, 1996, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Alekseev was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation for the courage and heroism shown during the performance of a special task. Alexander Alekseev was buried in Syktyvkar at the Krasnozatonskoye cemetery.

There is a memorial sign in his honor near the school building in Ukhta, where Alexander Alekseev studied, and a memorial plaque in the school hall. The monument to the Hero of Russia was erected near the building of the FSB Directorate for the Komi Republic in Syktyvkar. Also, memorial plaques are installed on the building that previously housed the USSR KGB department for the city of Ukhta and on the building of the Ukhta State Technical University, where Alexander Alekseev studied. A street in Ukhta is named after him. Now the residents of Ukhta are proposing to award Alexander Alekseev the title of “Honorary Citizen of the City.” In the near future, this proposal will be considered at a meeting of the city council of deputies.

Lyudmila VLASOVA

Every girl, girl and woman believes that she is not perfect. Everyone has a part of their body that they would like to change. But nature created us exactly this way, we need to appreciate it. Many girls, especially in adolescence, believe that they are ugly and even terrible. Usually the object of their anger is a large nose, protruding ears, problem skin, excess weight, large or small breasts, crooked teeth, etc.

And a phrase accidentally thrown by someone can develop a small complex to the size of the universe. Very often, people who suffer from complexes about their appearance are very worried about this. If a friend made a sarcastic comment about your protruding ears, and even did it in front of strangers, your mood is ruined for the whole day. Small complexes can develop into serious problems. Therefore, it is very important to fight them at their very beginning.

Love yourself!

Look at yourself from the outside. Tell yourself frankly, are you a beautiful person? Evaluate yourself in front of the mirror. Write a list of your strengths and weaknesses in appearance in two columns. Ask your family what they like best about your look. Don't focus on the big nose, but emphasize the shine, length and silkiness of your gorgeous hair. Realize that you are beautiful. People around you accept you for who you think you are. Recognizing yourself as beautiful is the first step towards self-confidence.

Think about what you can do about your obvious disadvantages in appearance. They can be changed, adjusted, or even turned into advantages!

  1. If your ears stick out, you can always walk around with your hair down or get a creative shoulder-length haircut. Love stylish hats.
  2. If you have freckles or problem skin, you can get rid of it with various cosmetics. In the meantime, the process of perfection is underway, they are very easy to hide under foundation and powder.
  3. Of course, you can’t hide a big nose, but you can focus on your hair. A ponytail makes the face and head more elongated, and the nose is not conspicuous.
  4. Large or small breasts can be played up in interesting ways using clothing and necklines. White color visually enlarges the breasts, while black makes them smaller. Choose loose-fitting clothes if you want to hide large breasts and tight styles to highlight your neat bust.
  5. Various facial imperfections can be hidden with the right makeup. Modern cosmetics provide a huge selection of different products that will hide imperfections of the face and skin. By playing with dark and light skin tones, you can visually narrow your nose or highlight your cheekbones.
  6. Excess weight is also not a death sentence. This is one of the shortcomings that you can get rid of forever. Proper nutrition and sufficient exercise will change your body beyond recognition.

When changing yourself, do not change yourself. All changes in appearance are made not for others, but for yourself. Everything to make you feel confident and relaxed.

Don't compare yourself to others

It is useless to compare yourself with the ideal girls you see on the TV screen or on the covers of magazines. To keep themselves in good shape, they have to constantly diet and exercise regularly. But even this does not make them perfectly beautiful. Before filming, make-up artists and hairdressers hover over the actresses, professionally dealing with skin and hair imperfections. In addition, the frames are processed by various computer programs such as Photoshop. The resulting photo is very different from the original. The end result is the perfect picture that you want to emulate. Is it worth it?


If self-hypnosis doesn't help and you still don't like your reflection in the mirror, try changing. Change your image and wardrobe. Try yourself in a business look, wear sportswear or give preference to a casual style. Change your hairstyle, haircut or color. Dress up and change until you like yourself! In this search you will probably find your unique worldview.

Many actresses, famous TV presenters and athletes who are considered icons of style and beauty have flaws. But they do not suffer about this, but turn the disadvantage into their unique highlight. Madonna is not ashamed of her gap between her teeth, but emphasizes it, believing that the gap gives her a special charm. Barbara Streisend and Sarah Jessica Parker do not suffer at all from the size of their own noses, although they can change their defect with one operation. But they don’t need rhinoplasty, because they accept themselves that way and love their big nose!

Hollywood beauty Julia Roberts became famous and memorable only thanks to her big mouth. Various jokes about her appearance did not stop her from conquering the whole world with her wide smile.

If short stature can be corrected with heels, then girls suffer from a lot of complexes regarding tall height. The famous model Natalia Vodianova is not shy about her height and emphasizes it, because tall height means grace and stature. Perhaps your growth is an opportunity to try yourself in the modeling business?

If you are worried about your moles or freckles, there is no need to do this. Nature has awarded you a special mark. For a long time now, special pencils for drawing freckles and moles have been on sale. You don't need to use them - you have your own natural charm and charm.

You don't have to be perfect to be beautiful. Love yourself, and then a special magical sparkle will shine in your eyes, which will attract others. And after you are truly loved, all that will remain from your complexes are funny memories.

Video: how to deal with appearance complexes