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How to draw Mars with a pencil step by step. How to draw the planets of the solar system

In this lesson I will tell you how to draw our solar system, the planets of the solar system step by step with a pencil.

Look how big our star is, the Sun, compared to the planets, in particular ours. Each planet in the solar system revolves around the sun, each with its own rotation period. We are at such a distance from the sun that we do not freeze or burn, this is the ideal distance for the development of life. If we were a little closer or a little further, we would not be here now, we would not enjoy every minute of our lives and would not sit near computers and learn to draw.

So, on the left side of the paper we draw a small sun, a little higher a planet that is very close to it - Mercury. Usually they show the orbit in which the planet moves, we will do this too. The second planet is Venus.

Now it’s our turn, planet Earth is the third, it is slightly larger than all the previous ones. Mars is smaller than Earth and is further away.

The Asteroid Belt occupies a very large distance, where there are many, many asteroids (a celestial body of the solar system that does not have an atmosphere) of irregular shape. The Asteroid Belt lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.

The sixth planet from the sun is Saturn, slightly smaller than Jupiter.

Then come the planets Uranus and Neptune.

It is currently believed that there are 8 planets in the solar system. Previously, there was a ninth called Pluto, but relatively recently similar objects were found, such as Eris, Makemaki and Haumea, which were all combined into one name - plutoids. This happened in 2008. These planets are dwarf planets.

Today we already know a lot about the features of the relief of Mars. However, just a few decades ago, many areas on the planet remained shrouded in mystery for scientists. If we looked closely at drawing of the planet mars, then we would say that its surface is very similar to the moon. However, this is not entirely true: the relief of Mars is characterized by greater diversity.

In 1659, the dark regions of Mars were first described by the Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens. Almost simultaneously with this event, another event occurred: the Italian scientist Giovanni Domenico Cassini managed to discover polar caps on Mars. Only when in the 60-70s. The interplanetary stations “Mars” and “Mariner” were launched, and after that the “Viking” spacecraft were launched; it was possible to study the planet’s topography from close range.

The surface of Mars was formed under the influence of numerous volcanic eruptions and marsquakes. Wind, meteorites, ice and water also left deep traces. Conventionally, the planet can be divided into two parts: young plains, which are located mainly in the northern hemisphere, and ancient highlands, located in the southern latitudes. In addition, there are two large volcanic areas: Tharsis and Elysium. Between the flat and mountainous regions, the difference in altitude reaches up to 6 km - scientists are still debating where such a large difference in altitude came from. At the same time, the most popular hypotheses are the theory of an asteroid fall and water covering part of the planet in ancient times.

If we look at the picture of the planet Mars, we will see that 2/3 of its relief is made up of meteorite craters. The old highlands are literally dotted with them; there are almost as many craters here as on the Moon.

As for the lowland regions, in this regard they differ significantly from the highlands, as has already been mentioned. There are much fewer meteorite craters here, and the relief is more influenced by volcanic eruptions. Some plains are completely covered with frozen igneous rocks. The lava streams gradually solidified, and later other streams flowed along them. The result is a kind of solidified “rivers” that are located around large volcanoes.

According to earthly ideas, the volcanoes of Mars are something amazing. The largest of them is Mount Olympus, which is located in the north-west of the Tharsis region, its base reaches a diameter of 550 km, and the height of the mountain is 27.4 km. At the top there is a huge 60-kilometer crater, which is equal in area to Los Angeles.

Flowing water also contributed to the formation of the Martian topography. Detailed photographs of the surface of Mars show gullies left by water on the slopes of the highlands. These “streams” sometimes stretch for hundreds of kilometers. Some are more like calm river beds with numerous tributaries. They probably appeared due to the melting of underground ice.

In Rus', the word planet began to be used back in the eleventh century, but planet did not mean what is meant now. For people of that time, the planets were associated with something divine and mystical. After space was well studied, a planet began to mean a fairly massive celestial body that rotates on its own axis.

The size of the planets also varies - there are giant planets, and there are dwarf planets. In turn, the planets form planetary systems, so take your pencils and draw our solar system with all the planets we know.

Let's draw the planets step by step:

Step one. We draw the orbits in which they revolve around the solar system, and in each we draw small lines to draw the planets correctly: earth, Mars, Neptune, Jupiter, Venus, Uranus, Mercury, Saturn.

Step two. We finish drawing the round shapes of the planets.

Step three. We draw rings for some planets, then we finish drawing space rocks and meteorites.

Step four. We sketch with shadows on the planets.

In this drawing lesson we will use the following materials: a clean white sheet (it doesn’t matter what type, the main thing is what you are most comfortable with), a well-sharpened pencil and a naturally comfortable and elastic eraser! Well, if you are interested in what you need to get first before you start learning the professional art of drawing, then follow this topic “What you need for drawing, what you need to get.”

To begin, draw a circle of the size you need as shown in red in the “one” example. And also add four auxiliary lines to the center of the circle for convenience in future drawing of the planet Mars. At this point, the first important step “one” is completed and you can proceed to the second step of drawing.

Start adding small details to our planet, since Mars consists of many craters, it will not be difficult for you to draw them and scatter them in any order. Look how simple it is, without much effort you can achieve beautiful results, but this is still not all, there are still two important steps ahead. Let's move on to step three, which is located under the picture below.

Step 3:

Let's move on to detailing the craters of Mars, let's draw all the craters in more detail and, as you have already noticed in the examples, they should be as convex as possible to create the illusion of a believable planet. Now that your drawing is almost ready and you’re wondering what’s next? So, if you haven’t forgotten, in the first step we drew four auxiliary lines to make drawing Mars easier in the future, delete all four lines and, in general, this applies to all unnecessary and extra lines in the drawing. Now you can safely move on to the final fourth step in drawing space, or to be precise the planet Mars.

Let's first look at example four, as you can see your final sketch should look something like this. Then simply outline the drawing with a blacker pencil or pen or felt-tip pen. The main thing is left behind and, as you might guess, the drawing looks unfinished, but it doesn’t matter - take brushes, colored pencils, or even scan and color your final result in Photoshop.

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