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Candidate of Chemical Sciences abbreviation. What does the academic degree “PhD” mean?

The title “Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences” can be awarded only by the dissertation council and only based on the results of the public defense of a dissertation research conducted by an applicant or graduate student with a higher professional education.

The decision of the council is considered positive if at least two-thirds of the dissertation council voted in favor of awarding the title of Candidate of Sciences. The decision comes into force from the moment the Higher Attestation Commission makes a decision to issue a candidate’s diploma.

The Higher Attestation Commission checks dissertations, as well as certification files of applicants, selectively. If the Higher Attestation Commission reveals a violation of the procedure for submitting dissertations, as well as their defense, the commission may decide to cancel the decisions made by the dissertation council.

Goals of graduate student training

The main goal is to prepare scientific and pedagogical personnel (highest qualifications) in physics and mathematics for the needs of state industry, science and education. A graduate of the Physics and Mathematics graduate school defends his candidate's dissertation, as a result of which he is awarded the title “Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences” (abbreviation Ph.D. Physics). According to the law, the goals of postgraduate study in the field of physical and mathematical sciences consist of:

  1. Developing independent research skills in a candidate for a candidate’s degree;
  2. Deep study of the fundamentals of the theory and methodology of physical and mathematical sciences;
  3. Improving philosophical education (including specialized education);
  4. Honing your foreign language skills in the field of professional terminology.

Activity programs

Graduate students are allocated 110 weeks to master all components of the educational program. Of these, 480 hours are spent studying professional disciplines, 100 hours each - philosophy, pedagogical practice and a foreign language, 500 hours - electives and 280 hours - special disciplines.

You are given 120 weeks to prepare your dissertation. Of these, 10 weeks are preparation for defense.

The rest of the time should be devoted to candidate exams, final certification and writing a dissertation.

Postgraduate students who have passed candidate exams in philosophy and a foreign language before admission are exempt from taking these courses. In addition, on a voluntary basis, a graduate student studying in the field of physical and mathematical sciences can include elective disciplines in his own educational program, after completing a course of study in which he can receive additional qualifications (for example, “Higher school teacher”).

Where can I get a candidate's degree in this field?

One of the most authoritative technical universities in the Russian Federation in this field is the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (founded in 1946), which has given the world many highly qualified specialists. The founders and teachers of MIPT were such outstanding scientists as S.A. Khristianovich, P.L. Kapitsa, N.N. Semenov, L.D. Landau (the last three are Nobel laureates). In general, this university is famous for its celebrities: among its graduates were Vladimir Pentkovsky, one of the leading architects of Pentium III, and David Yan, the founder of ABBYY, and Nobel Prize laureates Konstantin Novoselov and Andrei Geim. If you are talented and smart enough, you have the power to add your name to the honor board of this reputable educational institution by becoming a graduate student here, defending your PhD thesis and achieving brilliant success in the field of physical and mathematical sciences.

There are two options for abbreviating academic degrees. The first method is described in GOST and is official. This method should be used to abbreviate the name of the degree and title in official documents. The second method is published on the RAS website and is not official, but very convenient.

Reduction of academic degrees in accordance with GOST

Based on GOST 7.12-93 “System of standards for information, library and publishing bibliographic records. Abbreviation of words in Russian general requirements and rules" The Ministry of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation issued an order of August 31, 1998 N 145 "On approval of the regulations on the submission of a legal deposit of dissertations", which spells out the rules for abbreviating degrees, but at the moment this order lost its power. You should focus on the design rules GOST 7.12-93. These abbreviations are considered official.

Accepted abbreviations of academic titles:

  • professor - prof.
  • associate professor - assistant professor

For example, it is required to abbreviate “candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor”; in accordance with GOST, it would be correct to say: “candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor.” To abbreviate “Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor” you need to write “Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor.”

Official list of abbreviations according to GOST

Doctor of Biological Sciences - Doctor of Biology. sciences

Doctor of Veterinary Sciences - Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. sciences

Doctor of Military Sciences - Doctor of Military Sciences. sciences

Doctor of Geographical Sciences - Doctor of Geographical Sciences sciences

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences - Doctor of Geological and Mineral Sciences. sciences

Doctor of Art History - Doctor of Art History

Doctor of Historical Sciences - Doctor of History. sciences

Doctor of Cultural Studies - Doctor of Cultural Studies

Doctor of Medical Sciences - Dr. med. sciences

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences - Dr. Ped. sciences

Doctor of Political Sciences - Doctor of Political Sciences. sciences

Doctor of Psychological Sciences - Doctor of Psychology. sciences

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences sciences

Doctor of Sociological Sciences - Doctor of Sociology. sciences

Doctor of Technical Sciences - Doctor of Technical Sciences sciences

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Doctor of Pharmacy. sciences

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. sciences

Doctor of Philological Sciences - Doctor of Philology. sciences

Doctor of Philosophy - Doctor of Philosophy. sciences

Doctor of Chemical Sciences - Dr. Chem. sciences

Doctor of Economic Sciences - Doctor of Economics. sciences

Doctor of Law - Doctor of Law. sciences

candidate of biological sciences - cand. biol. sciences

Candidate of Veterinary Sciences - Candidate of Veterinary Sciences vet. sciences

candidate of military sciences - cand. military sciences

Candidate of Geographical Sciences - Cand. geogr. sciences

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences - Cand. geol.-mineral. sciences

candidate of art history - cand. art criticism

Candidate of Historical Sciences - Candidate of Sciences ist. sciences

Candidate of Cultural Studies - Ph.D. cultural studies

candidate of medical sciences - cand. honey. sciences

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences - Candidate of Sciences ped. sciences

candidate of political sciences - cand. watered sciences

candidate of psychological sciences - cand. psychol. sciences

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences - Cand. agricultural sciences

Candidate of Sociological Sciences - Ph.D. sociol. sciences

Candidate of Technical Sciences - Candidate of Sciences tech. sciences

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Candidate of Sciences pharmacist. sciences

candidate of physical and mathematical sciences - cand. physics and mathematics sciences

candidate of philological sciences - cand. Philol. sciences

candidate of philosophical sciences - cand. Philosopher sciences

Candidate of Chemical Sciences - Candidate of Sciences chem. sciences

candidate of economic sciences - cand. econ. sciences

Candidate of Legal Sciences - Candidate of Sciences legal Sciences

This is a list of shorter abbreviations for academic degrees adopted by the Academy of Sciences, but this list of abbreviations is unofficial.

List of abbreviated names of RAS

Ph.D. - Candidate of Biological Sciences

Candidate of Military Sciences - Candidate of Military Sciences

Doctor of Geographical Sciences - Doctor of Geographical Sciences

Ph.D. - Candidate of Geographical Sciences

Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy - Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences

Ph.D. - Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences

Doctor of History - Doctor of Historical Sciences

Ph.D. - Candidate of Historical Sciences

disk. - Doctor of Art History

k.isk. - Ph.D. in History of Arts

Doctor of Medical Sciences - Doctor of Medical Sciences

Ph.D. - Candidate of Medical Sciences

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

Ph.D. - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Doctor of Political Science - Doctor of Political Sciences

PhD in Political Science - Candidate of Political Sciences

Ph.D. - Doctor of Psychology

Ph.D. - Candidate of Psychological Sciences

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences

candidate of agricultural sciences - Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Doctor of Sociology - Doctor of Sociological Sciences

PhD in Sociology - Candidate of Sociological Sciences

Doctor of Technical Sciences - Doctor of Technical Sciences

Ph.D. - Candidate of Technical Sciences

Ph.D. - Candidate of Pharmacological Sciences

Doctor of Philology - Doctor of Philology

Ph.D. - Candidate of Philology

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Ph.D. - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Doctor of Philosophy - doctor of philosophical science

Ph.D. - Candidate of Philosophical Sciences

Doctor of Chemical Sciences - Doctor of Chemical Sciences

Ph.D. - PhD in Chemistry

Dan. - Doctor of Economic Sciences

Ph.D. - Candidate of Economic Sciences

Doctor of Law - Doctor of Law

Ph.D. - Candidate of Legal Sciences

How should the abbreviations of the titles of associate professor and professor in combination with the degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences be correctly written? The title "candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor" should be written as "candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor." The title "Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor" is correctly abbreviated as "PhD, Prof."

In completely informal correspondence on the Internet or on forums, abbreviations like: khn, ken are used. They look like an abbreviation, but that's not correct. There are dots missing between the letters.

If the teacher is an academician

academician - ak.

If you look at GOST, then you need to shorten it like this

academician - acad.


Question. How about abbreviations like Ph.D. Are they consistent with the requirements of the Russian language to ALWAYS put a space between words, especially after a period?
Answer. According to the rules of the Russian language, such an abbreviation is appropriate. But there is GOST 7.12-93, which sets out the rules for reducing degrees. Although the document has lost force, the data is still considered official. Thus, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences should be abbreviated as follows: cand. physics and mathematics Sci.
Moreover, there is a list of abbreviations adopted by the RAS. But it is considered unofficial. In accordance with it, it is customary to abbreviate as YOU wrote.

Academic degrees

Reduction Full spelling
Doctor of Architecture Doctor of Architecture
Doctor of Biology sciences Doctor of Biological Sciences
veterinarian sciences Doctor of Veterinary Sciences
Dr. Military sciences Doctor of Military Sciences
Doctor of Geography sciences Doctor of Geographical Sciences
Doctor of Geology and Mineral Sciences sciences Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
Doctor of Art History Doctor of Art History
Dr. History sciences Doctor of Historical Sciences
Doctor of Cultural Studies Doctor of Cultural Studies
Dr. med. sciences Doctor of Medical Sciences
Dr. ped. sciences Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Dr. Polit. sciences Doctor of Political Science
Doctor of Psychology sciences Doctor of Psychology
Dr. Sociol. sciences Doctor of Sociological Sciences
Dr. Agricultural Sciences sciences Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
Dr. Tech. sciences Doctor of Technical Sciences
Dr. Pharmacist. sciences Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics sciences Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Dr. Philol. sciences Doctor of Philology
Doctor of Philosophy sciences doctor of philosophical science
Dr. Chem. sciences Doctor of Chemical Sciences
Doctor of Economics sciences Doctor of Economic Sciences
Doctor of Law sciences Doctor of Law
Ph.D. architecture candidate of architecture
Ph.D. biol. sciences Candidate of Biological Sciences
Ph.D. vet. sciences Candidate of Veterinary Sciences
Ph.D. military sciences candidate of military sciences
Ph.D. geogr. sciences Candidate of Geographical Sciences
Ph.D. geol.-mineral. sciences Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
Ph.D. art criticism Ph.D. in History of Arts
Ph.D. ist. sciences Candidate of Historical Sciences
Ph.D. cultural studies candidate of cultural studies
Ph.D. honey. sciences Candidate of Medical Sciences
Ph.D. ped. sciences Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Ph.D. watered sciences candidate of political sciences
Ph.D. psychol. sciences Candidate of Psychological Sciences
Ph.D. sociol. sciences Candidate of Sociological Sciences
Ph.D. agricultural sciences Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Ph.D. tech. sciences Candidate of Technical Sciences
Ph.D. pharmacist. sciences Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Ph.D. physics and mathematics sciences Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Ph.D. Philol. sciences Candidate of Philology
Ph.D. Philosopher sciences Candidate of Philosophy
Ph.D. chem. sciences PhD in Chemistry
Ph.D. econ. sciences Candidate of Economic Sciences
Ph.D. legal sciences Candidate of Legal Sciences

"Candidate of Sciences" is an academic degree. It has existed in Russia and the CIS countries since the times of the Soviet Union - since 1934. This is an intermediate step on the scientific path from Master to Doctor of Science and is awarded to an applicant who:

  • has higher education;
  • passed all candidate exams;
  • carried out a number of studies on his topic;
  • presented and proved the novelty and practical value of scientific ideas;
  • passed the procedure in accordance with the requirements established by law.

The Russian academic degree “Candidate of Sciences” is an analogue of the Western PhD (read as pi-eych-di). PhD - Doctor of Philosophy. However, in essence it is not identical to the degree in Russia. The latter assumes an even higher level of results

The degree "PhD" is differentiated depending on the specialty in which the applicant can defend his work. In Russia there are 23 branches for awarding such titles. For example: candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, candidate of philological sciences. But there are a lot of specialties. You can be a candidate in legal, veterinary, biological, military, geological-mineralogical, geographical, historical, pedagogical, political, medical, psychological, sociological, technical, pharmaceutical, philosophical, agricultural, chemical, economic sciences. In addition, there is such a title as candidate of architecture, art history, cultural studies.

The degree "Candidate of Philosophy" should not be confused with the Western interpretation mentioned above - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

Walking along the scientific path, the applicant must understand the goal for which he is ready to go through many difficult stages to obtain a “PhD” degree. It is worth understanding that this title is not a guarantee of great material benefits in the future. At least the return won't be quick. At first, this is an increase of about 10-15% of the salary. It is appropriate and truly significant for further study at a university, participation in a competition for the scientific title of associate professor or professor, or work at the department.

Writing a dissertation is a complex, painstaking, multi-stage process. First of all, it is necessary to create a new, original intellectual product - the result of scientific activity. Next, you should organize the protection process. It usually involves many people: a supervisor, opponents, experts, reviewers, editors, consultants, etc. It is important to note that having decided to engage in science, you need to be prepared to some extent for material investments. We are in no way talking about purchasing and not independently performing specific stages of work.

However, often conducting real large-scale research that would be truly beneficial and have practical significance requires certain resources. For example, conducting experiments, experiments, by their very methodology, can be expensive.

It's no secret that organizational issues related to the defense itself, especially in the final period, may also require some financial investments. However, everything here is very individual, depending on the established traditions of the university, the council, and circumstances.

Doctor of Biological Sciences - Doctor of Biology. sciences
Doctor of Veterinary Sciences - Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. sciences
Doctor of Military Sciences - Doctor of Military Sciences. sciences
Doctor of Geographical Sciences - Doctor of Geographical Sciences sciences
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences - Doctor of Geological and Mineral Sciences. sciences
Doctor of Art History - Doctor of Art History
Doctor of Historical Sciences - Doctor of History. sciences
Doctor of Cultural Studies - Doctor of Cultural Studies
Doctor of Medical Sciences - Dr. med. sciences
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences - Dr. Ped. sciences
Doctor of Political Sciences - Doctor of Political Sciences. sciences
Doctor of Psychological Sciences - Doctor of Psychology. sciences
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences sciences
Doctor of Sociological Sciences - Doctor of Sociology. sciences
Doctor of Technical Sciences - Doctor of Technical Sciences sciences
Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Doctor of Pharmacy. sciences
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. sciences
Doctor of Philological Sciences - Doctor of Philology. sciences
Doctor of Philosophy - Doctor of Philosophy. sciences
Doctor of Chemical Sciences - Dr. Chem. sciences
Doctor of Economic Sciences - Doctor of Economics. sciences
Doctor of Law - Doctor of Law. sciences
candidate of biological sciences - cand. biol. sciences
Candidate of Veterinary Sciences - Candidate of Veterinary Sciences vet. sciences
candidate of military sciences - cand. military sciences
Candidate of Geographical Sciences - Cand. geogr. sciences
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences - Cand. geol.-mineral. sciences
candidate of art history - cand. art criticism
Candidate of Historical Sciences - Candidate of Sciences ist. sciences
Candidate of Cultural Studies - Ph.D. cultural studies
candidate of medical sciences - cand. honey. sciences
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences - Candidate of Sciences ped. sciences
candidate of political sciences - cand. watered sciences
candidate of psychological sciences - cand. psychol. sciences
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences - Cand. agricultural sciences
Candidate of Sociological Sciences - Ph.D. sociol. sciences
Candidate of Technical Sciences - Candidate of Sciences tech. sciences
Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Candidate of Sciences pharmacist. sciences
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences - cand. physics and mathematics sciences
candidate of philological sciences - cand. Philol. sciences
candidate of philosophical sciences - cand. Philosopher sciences
Candidate of Chemical Sciences - Candidate of Sciences chem. sciences
candidate of economic sciences - cand. econ. sciences
Candidate of Legal Sciences - Candidate of Sciences legal sciences

There are also shorter, unofficial abbreviations for academic degrees:

Doctor of Architectural Sciences - Doctor of Architectural Sciences;

Candidate of Architectural Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Biological Sciences - Doctor of Biological Sciences;

Candidate of Biological Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Veterinary Sciences - Doctor of Veterinary Sciences;

Candidate of Veterinary Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Military Sciences - Doctor of Military Sciences;

candidate of military sciences - candidate of military sciences

Doctor of Geographical Sciences - Doctor of Geographical Sciences;

Candidate of Geographical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences - Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences;

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Art History - Doctor of Science;

Candidate of Art History - Ph.D.

Doctor of Historical Sciences - Doctor of Historical Sciences;

candidate of historical sciences - candidate of historical sciences

Doctor of Medical Sciences - MD;

Candidate of Medical Sciences - Candidate of Medical Sciences

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences;

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Political Sciences - Doctor of Political Sciences;

Candidate of Political Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Psychological Sciences - Doctor of Psychology;

Candidate of Psychological Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences;

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences - Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Doctor of Sociological Sciences - Doctor of Social Sciences;

candidate of sociological sciences - candidate of social sciences

Doctor of Technical Sciences - Doctor of Technical Sciences;

Candidate of Technical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences;

candidate of pharmaceutical sciences - candidate of pharmaceutical sciences

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences;

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Philology - Doctor of Philology;

Candidate of Philological Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Philosophy - Doctor of Philosophy;

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Chemical Sciences - Doctor of Chemical Sciences;

Candidate of Chemical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Economic Sciences - Doctor of Economics;

Candidate of Economic Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Law - Doctor of Law;

Candidate of Legal Sciences - Ph.D.