Biographies Characteristics Analysis

My future profession. My future profession

18 Sep

English topic: My future profession is translator

Topic in English: My future profession is an interpreter. This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

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My future profession

The matter of choosing a career

I’m going to tell you about my future profession. There are two most important things in anyone’s life: choosing a career and getting a job. Some pupils know what they are going to do after leaving school but for others it’s difficult to give a definite answer about their future profession. We get to know about a wide range of professions from magazines and advertisements and then we make either our own choice or follow our parents’ advice as they are also concerned about our future.

Choosing a career

When choosing a career one should take into consideration all the possibilities that it might provide. First of all, it should be interesting. Secondly, one has to be sure to be able to find a good and well-paid job after progressing. Another important factor that influences the choice of the profession is our abilities to different disciplines. One has to analyze thoroughly which things or subjects he or she is good at, and only then make a final choice.

I want to be an interpreter

As for me, since my childhood I’ve known I want to be an interpreter. My choice is closely connected with the importance of foreign languages ​​and cultures which is growing nowadays. Foreign languages ​​are needed for communication with people on our planet. I believe that among all, English is the most universal and widely spread. It’s an official language in a vast number of countries. Besides, it’s the language of international aviation, sports, medicine, the language of science and technology, trade, cultural and business relations.


I’m quite aware that the job of an interpreter isn’t an easy one. You have to be very communicative and responsible. Moreover, be prepared to work long hours and move around a lot. But on the other hand you’ll have a chance to travel to different foreign countries and to meet a lot of interesting people. I think this profession is worth taking up. Being a student of the University I pay special attention to English and try to work hard. I hope I’ve made the right decision.

Topic: My Future Profession

Topic: My future profession

Sooner or later everyone has to think about his or her future profession. But when you are just sixteen, it’s so difficult to, and so easy to make a mistake! Of course, some people from the very childhood know for sure what they want to be. For example, my best friend has always known that she will be a doctor. She attends special courses for enhanced studying of biology and chemistry, and she believes in her success. As for me, I don’t know exactly what I want. I like a lot of things, and I do well in most subjects. And many professions appear interesting to me.

Sooner or later, every person has to think about their future profession. But when you are only sixteen years old, it is so difficult to make the right decision and so easy to make a mistake! Of course, some people know exactly what they want to be from childhood. For example, my best friend always knew for sure that she would be a doctor. She attends special courses in advanced biology and chemistry and believes in her success. For me, I don't know exactly what I want. I like many things and I do well in most subjects. And many professions seem interesting to me.

At first I thought about pursuing a legal career. Lawyers can work in different professional spheres. For example, I could become a barrister, a notary, a legal counsel, or even an investigator. Good lawyers are in demand everywhere: in private companies and large corporations, in government agencies, in educational institutions, and law-enforcement bodies. To enter the faculty of Law, one should . I like both subjects, and I think I could obtain good results.

At first I thought about choosing a legal profession. Lawyers can work in a variety of professional fields. For example, I could become a lawyer, a notary, a legal consultant, or even an investigator. Good lawyers are in demand everywhere: in private companies and large corporations, in government agencies, educational institutions and law enforcement agencies. To enter the Faculty of Law, you must pass exams in history and social studies. I like both subjects and I think I could do well.

Most of all I like travelling, and some time ago I started thinking of a travel manager’s career. To my mind, it’s very interesting. You help people in organizing their vacations; consult them on special aspects of traveling to different countries, book hotels for them and give recommendations for choosing tours, restaurants, places to visit, etc. Moreover, a travel agent usually has a great benefit in a form of discounted prices for tours, plane tickets and hotels. It’s a great opportunity to see the world

What I love most is traveling, and some time ago I started thinking about a career as a tourism manager. In my opinion, this is very interesting. You help people organize their vacation, advise them on various nuances of traveling to a particular country, book hotels for them and give recommendations on choosing tours, restaurants, places to visit, etc. In addition, travel agents usually have a huge advantage in the form of discounts on tours, plane tickets and hotels. This is a great opportunity to see the world without breaking the bank.

However, my mom says that a travel agent is not a profession. She says that I can work in the if I wish, but first I should get a good classical education, for example to study languages ​​or law. She wants me to enter the Foreign Languages ​​Faculty. Of course, foreign language skills are necessary for a travel manager, and I realize it. to waste five years of my life. Instead I can attend special courses, or just travel around the world and study languages ​​in practice.

However, my mother says that being a travel agent is not a profession. She says that I can work in the tourism industry if I want, but first I must get a good classical education, for example, study law or languages. She wants me to enter the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Of course, knowledge of the language is necessary for a tourism manager, and I understand that. But I don't want to spend five years of my life on linguistics. Instead, you can enroll in special courses or simply travel the world and learn languages ​​in practice.

I want to be a programmer
I want to become a computer programmer. I am interested in computers. It is a whole new world.
Many people continue careers of their parents or grandparents but it is not the case with me. My mother is a teacher and my father is a doctor. But I don’t want to be neither a teacher nor a doctor.
My favorite subjects in school are mathematics, physics, and, of course, computer science. I am not interested in such subjects as geography, biology or chemistry.
My hobby is computer games and computer programming. I have a computer at home and can spend hours working at it. It is much easier to do things on computer, for example to write a composition. You can change the text as many times as you want and you don’t need to rewrite everything if you changed something.

I think that the profession of programmer can give many opportunities. Computers are the rapidly most changing sphere of modern technology. We are living in the age of information. And I think that the future is just filled with computers. Today, in England or in the US people can work, go shopping or even go on dates sitting at their computers. In our country, computers have been used just for a short time.
So after I finish school I want to enter the university and I study computer science.

1. Are you going to continue your parents’ careers?

3. subjects What don’t you like?
4. What is your hobby?
5. Why do you think your job will give you many opportunities?
6. Are you going to continue your education after school?

I want to be a programmer
I want to be a programmer. I'm interested in computers. It's a whole new world.
Many people follow in the footsteps of their parents or grandparents, but for me it's the opposite. My mother is a teacher and my father is a doctor. But I don't want to be either a teacher or a doctor.
My favorite subjects at school are mathematics, physics and, of course, programming. I am not interested in subjects such as geography, biology or chemistry.
My hobbies are computer games and programming. I have a computer at home and I can work on it for hours. It is much easier to do different things on a computer, for example, write essays. You can change the text as many times as you need, and you won't have to rewrite the entire text again if you change something in it.
I think being a programmer provides a lot of opportunities. Computers are the most rapidly changing area of ​​modern technology. Today we live in the information age. And I think the future belongs to computers. Today, in England or the United States, people can work, shop, and even go on dates while sitting in front of their computer. In our country, computers are used only for a short time.
So after I finish school I want to go to university and study programming.

Teacher of English
It is not easy to decide what profession to choose. Usually, pupils’ plans for the future change many times during the school years. There are so many people who influence you in choosing your occupation. Parents and friends play a very important role in your choice. Teachers’ influence on pupils’ minds is also great.
My favorite subject is English. And I think this is my teacher who made it so. I understand the importance of knowledge of a foreign language. It enables people from different countries to communicate with each other, to read foreign literature in the original, to broaden their outlooks.
So I decided for myself to become a teacher of English. Of course, I know that it is not easy and takes much patience and effort. A teacher has to know how to teach, how to make difficult things understandable, how to get students interested in the subject. And of course a teacher ought to have perfect knowledge of his subject. I think the ideal teacher is the one who can combine all these. My present teacher is just like this. She is a great specialist and also a nice personality. I hope in the future I can become as good teacher as she is.

1. Is it easy to choose a profession?
2. Does anyone influence a person in choosing a profession?
3. Why is knowledge of a foreign language important?
4. What kind of person can be a teacher?
5. What should a good teacher know?

English teacher
Choosing a profession is not easy. Usually, students' plans for the future change many times during their studies. Many people influence the choice of profession. Parents and friends play a very important role in the choice. Teachers also have a great influence on students’ decisions.
My favorite subject is English. And I think it was my teacher who made him like this. I understand the importance of knowing a foreign language. It allows people from different countries to communicate, read foreign literature in the original, and broaden their horizons.
So, I decided to become an English teacher. Of course, I understand that this is not easy and requires great patience and effort. A teacher must know how to teach, how to make difficult things understandable, and how to interest students in the subject. And, of course, the teacher must know his subject perfectly. I think the ideal teacher is someone who can combine all of this. My teacher is just like that. She is an excellent specialist and a wonderful person. I hope I can be like her in the future.

The Profession of Sociologist
Generally it’s not easy for a school-leaver to decide on his future career. There are some frivolous people who enter an institute thinking whether they like the profession they had chosen or not. But occupation you want to devote your life to has to bring you satisfaction. So it should be something you can do and you really want to.
I decided to enter the department of sociology and qualify as a sociologist. This is rather a new profession in our country.
And I think it is very interesting specialty. Sociologists are supposed to work with people, to render them real help in difficult situations.
Our country is going through a difficult period now. Economic restructuring doesn't lead everyone to success. A lot of people are unemployed. There are winners and losers. There are social workers who have to relieve the burden off people’s shoulders find to help them to solve their problems.
I understand the difficulties of this profession. But I believe this specialty is really needed and hope that I can help a lot of people. Isn’t that enough to be satisfied with your job?

1. What kind of occupation should one choose?
2. What are sociologists supposed to do?
3. What kind of problems can people have now?
4. Does economic restructuring lead to success only?
5. Is the specialty of sociologist important and needed?

Profession of sociologist
It is not easy for graduates to choose a future career. Some frivolous people go to college without thinking about whether they like the profession they have chosen. Meanwhile, the business to which you want to devote your life should bring satisfaction. So it should be something you can and want to do.
I decided to enter the Faculty of Sociology and major in sociology. This is a fairly new profession in our country. I find her very interesting. Sociologists must work with people and help them in difficult situations.
Now our country is going through a difficult period, the economic revolution does not lead to success for everyone. Many people are unemployed. There are winners and losers. And it is social workers who must ease the burden of these people and help them solve their problems.
I understand and appreciate the difficulties of this profession. But I believe that this specialty is really needed, and I hope that I can help many people. Isn't this enough to be satisfied with your job?

I want to be a Doctor
There are many interesting and noble professions. I want to be a doctor. It is an interesting profession.
I understand that it is necessary to study a lot to become a doctor. I also understand that this profession requires great responsibility because it deals with the most precious thing that a person has - with his health.
My mother and my grandfather are doctors. My grandfather is working as a surgeon in a hospital. I have been several times at the hospital and spent some time watching him working.
His main task is to operate on the people. After each operation he takes care of patients until they are recovered.
He listens very attentively to what his patients tell him. He is always kind and attentive to his patients. They feel it and believe him, and it makes his work easier.
I know that he wants to see all his patients able - bodied and I notice that he is happy when his patient is recovered.
My grandfather can also help if somebody catches a cold or has a fever. My grandfather told me a lot of true stories about doctors and their profession.
I love and respect my grandfather and want to become a doctor as well.

1. Is it necessary to study to become a doctor?
2. Is the profession of a doctor connected with a great responsibility? Why?
3. Have you seen a doctor working?
4. In your opinion, must a doctor be a kind and attentive person?
5. What do you think, is it pleasant to see a person healthy again?
6. What else do you know about doctors and their profession?

I want to be a doctor
There are many interesting and noble professions. I want to be a doctor. This is an interesting profession.
I understand that you need to study a lot to become a doctor. I also understand that this profession requires a lot of responsibility, since it is connected with the most valuable thing a person has - his health.
My mother and my grandfather are doctors. My grandfather works as a surgeon in a hospital. I visited him in the hospital several times and watched him work.
His main task is to operate on people. After each operation, he cares for the patients until they recover.
He listens carefully to what patients tell him. He is always kind and attentive to his patients. They feel it and trust him, which makes his job easier.
I know that he wants to see all his patients healthy, and I noticed that he is happy when his patient gets better.
My grandfather can also help if someone has a cold or has a high fever. My grandfather told me many true stories about doctors and their profession.
I love and respect my grandfather and I also want to become a doctor.

I want to be a Businessman
My father is working for an international company as a managing director.
I have been several times at his office. I like it very much to be there.
My father is very busy. He often comes late from work. But I can see that he likes his job. And he always finds the time to spend with me and mam.
Sometimes he tells us about the difficult situations, which his company faces. It is so interesting to listen to him. It seems to me that you need to have a very creative mind to be a businessman.
My father is a friendly person and he is easy to talk to. I respect my father and I want to become a businessman too. I think our country needs good businesspeople to strengthen its economy.
After I finish school I’m going to enter the university and study marketing or management. I haven’t decided yet exactly what will I study. Management deals mainly with people. It studies what is necessary to do that people worked better and were not offended. Marketing deals with market research and commercial activity in general. I still have time to think and choose.

1. In your opinion, how much time should a businessman work and how much time should he spend with his family?
2. Is a creative mind necessary for a businessperson?
3. Is there a need for businesspeople in our country?
4. What does marketing deals with?
5. What does management deals with?
6. Are there any other reasons for you to become a businessperson?

I want to be a businessman
My father works as a businessman in an international company.
I visited his office several times. I really like it there.
My father is very busy. He often comes home late from work. But I see that he likes his job. And he always finds time to spend with me and his mother.
Sometimes he tells us about difficult situations his firm has faced and how they managed to overcome them. He is very interesting to listen to. It seems to me that a businessman needs to have a creative mind.
My father is a friendly person and easy to talk to. I respect my father and want to become a businessman too. I think our country needs good businessmen to strengthen its economy.
After I finish school, I'm going to go to university and study marketing or management. I haven't decided yet exactly what I will study. Management basically deals with people. He studies what needs to be done to make people work better, and how not to offend them. Marketing deals with market research and business activities in general. I still have time to think and choose.

I want to be a Journalist
I decided to be a journalist. I think it is an interesting and useful profession.
I like to watch TV, listen to the radio, read newspapers and magazines. I like everything which connected with mass media.
I have a hobby. My friends and I are publishing a small newspaper once a month in our school. We write articles about school events, life of young people, jokes, draw pictures and cartoons.
My favorite school subjects are history and literature.
I like the profession of a journalist. They meet many people. They try to understand what is going on in the world, or the country, or the city and try to explain it to other people.
I think that the work of a journalist is very much like that of historian. A historian studies and tries to explain events of the past and a journalist does the same about the present. But for me to be a journalist is much more interesting than to be a historian because you deal with real events that are happening right now so you can even influence them. So journalists can influence the history.
That is why I want to be a journalist.

1. What do you like to do?
2. Do you have a hobby? What is it?
3. What are your favorite school subjects?
4. Is the profession of a journalist similar to that of a historian?
5. What is the difference between them?
6. Why do you like profession of a journalist more?

I want to be a journalist
I decided to become a journalist. I think this is an interesting and rewarding profession.
I like watching TV, listening to the radio, reading newspapers and magazines. I love everything related to media.
I have a hobby. My friends and I publish a small newspaper at our school once a month. We write articles about school events, the lives of young people, jokes, draw illustrations and cartoons.
My favorite school subjects are history and literature.
I like the profession of a journalist. They meet many people. They are trying to understand what is happening in the world, country, city and explain it to other people.
I think the work of a journalist is very similar to the work of a historian. A historian studies and tries to explain the events of the past, and a journalist does the same with the present. But for me, the work of a journalist is much more interesting than the work of a historian, because you are dealing with real events that are happening right now, and thus you can even influence them. So, journalists can influence the story.
That's why I want to become a journalist

1. Do you like reading books?
2. What are your favorite subjects in school?
3. Who are your favorite writers?
4. Do you think that literary works lose much when translated?
5. Why is the profession of an interpreter interesting?
6. Why is it useful?

I want to be a translator
I want to be a translator. This is an interesting and rewarding profession.
My parents have a large library and they taught me to love books. I like to read books. My favorite subjects at school are English, literature, geography and history. My favorite English and American writers are Shakespeare, Dickens, Walter Scott, Jack London, Mark Twain.
One day in literature class, our teacher said that literary works lose much of their beauty when translated. She said that it is very difficult to translate poetry. From this day on I have a dream. I want to have my favorite books in the original, and I want to know the languages ​​in which they are written. This way I can enjoy the true beauty of these books.
I also like to read books about other countries and cultures. It's so interesting to learn that other people think differently than we do.
I want to become a translator for several reasons. This is an interesting profession because a translator meets people from different countries and cultures all the time and has the opportunity to learn a lot about them. In addition, this profession is very useful as it helps people understand each other.

Choosing the future profession
The problem of choosing the future profession has always been very important. The profession a person chooses in many ways determines his future life. This is a universal problem of our epoch. Every generation in this or that way comes across it. For most people choosing a career is not an easy task. It is one of the most important decisions one makes in life. The properly chosen career makes a person happy and successful for the rest of his life.
There are several factors that influence the decision of young people to make their choice. They concern material and spiritual aspects of the future profession. It is generally believed that professions should be both prestigious and interesting. Everybody wants to benefit from the social privileges provided by the profession. At the same time other factors are important. Much depends on the inclinations and interests of the person. Although it is wonderful when one’s hobby becomes one’s profession it rarely happens in reality. Another important factor is social environment. The profession of the parents often in this or that way influences the future profession of their children. Today we have dynasties of physicians, historians, lawyers, economists, pilots, and military officers.
It is impossible to forget about the material aspect of the future profession. It indicates the level of the society’s values. Today all professions can be classified as prestigious and not prestigious. The problem of prestige is subjective. Nobody can explain the meaning of this concept. “Prestigious” jobs give a chance to an individual to enter the upper circles of the society. When the job is prestigious money is of secondary importance. The future profession should be interesting and meet the demands of the person.
To avoid mistakes, I discuss career prospects with my friends even today. Some of us want to become physicians, other teachers, economists, historians, historians of art, mathematicians, biologists, and computer operators. All the professions are very useful. Physicians help people to be healthy and live a long life. They save the lives of their patients. This profession requires well-educated people. Mistakes are impossible in this profession. Physicians should be very patient and attentive with their patients.
Teachers should also be patient and kind. Teachers should not only give knowledge to their pupils but understand their problems, help them to become real citizens of their country, be honest and hard working. For education to be successful, teachers and pupils should work together. Every word and every gesture of the teacher should be carefully chosen, otherwise the misunderstanding is inevitable. Certainly, it is very difficult to be a teacher, because sometimes pupils do not behave properly. They can shout, whistle, and drum on the desk. Teachers should maintain discipline among the troublemakers. At the same time one should not forget that discipline should work hand in hand with freedom. Freedom is welcomed if it helps a pupil to learn. Teachers should encourage their students to do things successfully. Teachers should be well educated themselves. Unfortunately both professions - physician and teacher are not well paid in our country. One has to be an enthusiast to choose one of them. I do not know how to cope with this problem but it is said that a state declines if the government does not support health care and education.
Today the most popular professions are lawyers and economists. These professions are prestigious. After growing from Law and Economics Faculties it is possible to find good jobs. Law and Economics students are better motivated to do their best because they have clearly set goals. Their competence and knowledge, required by the developing business economy, are well paid. To be a designer is attractive too. This profession can fit creative people who know how to make things around them look nice. For those young adults who choose the profession of a chemist, a mathematician or a physicist the determinant factor is not prestige but interest and inclination. To be a biologist is very prestigious and interesting today, because the biologists are at the forefront of cloning. They are on the threshold of great discoveries. I think that to be a sociologist or a psychologist is very interesting and useful too. Psychologists try to help people to cope with their spiritual problems. Sociologists study the health of the society.
One of the most fashionable and prestigious professions of today is that of a computer operator. Although computers came into our life only in the 1960s they quickly gained the ground of the contemporary society having become its indispensable part. Today our life is entirely connected with computers. With the help of computers people can do a lot of wonderful things from controlling spaceship up to buying books and participating in virtual conferences. New programs are needed all the time to meet the increasing demands of our time. The roots of computer science lie primarily in the related fields of electrical engineering and mathematics. Electrical engineering physics and mathematics became the source of the development of computers. Boolean algebra developed in the 19th century made its contribution to the elaboration of different programs. Computers began to be widely used 40 years ago. From the start they were used for computational support of scientific and engineering disciplines and for business needs. Mathematicians did a lot for the development of the computer science. The significance of Mathematics in the general system of human knowledge constantly rises. Modern mathematical ideas and methods are used for the control of spaceship flights, different branches of industry, and transport systems. Applied Mathematics is part of different arts and sciences, such as Physics, Biology, Medicine, and Linguistics.
I think that to be a historian is also very important today. People think that it is possible to live without looking back at the historical past. But it is a mistaken view. We cannot live without history because it is around us. By analyzing the past we can avoid the mistakes in the future. If people do not use the experience of the past they will inevitably make a mistake in the present. Historians have always tried to understand past human lives and societies. History helps to understand the global historical process. Historians interpret the processes of the past to explain the processes of the present and foresee the processes of the future.

My Profession Is a Cook
I study at the Cooking Department of the Moscow College of Technologies and Design, so I
will be a cooking and catering professional: a cook or a technologist.25
Every school year we do practice work for 2-3 months. This year our group have done them
practice at the Golden Palace restaurant. This is a large restaurant, which is open 24 hours a day since
it is the restaurant by the casino with the same name.
There are three departments within the main shop there - a cold shop, a hot shop and a pastrycook's shop. Salads, snacks, sandwiches, cuts of cold meat and fish and desserts are made in the cold
shop. Soups, hot meat and fish dishes and sauces are prepared in the hot shop. In the pastry-cook's
shop they make tarts, patties, fancy cakes, etc.
The kitchen staff begin their work at 7 o"clock. We, student cooks had to come to the restaurant
at 10 o"clock. Each of us was told to go to one of the shops. There we got a program for the working
day. Usually we prepared sandwiches, fruit salads and canapes for breakfast. We cut bread, ham,
sausage and vegetables to put on canapes. We also decorated them with herbs and little figures made
of carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. Breakfast was served from 8 till 12. At 11 o"clock we began to
help the cooks by preparing dishes for lunch. Student cooks were usually trusted to cut vegetables and
make sauces for desserts: strudels, ice cream, tarts and puddings.
All day we had to carry out cooks" instructions. The kitchen staff are very experienced there. The
chef is a very skilled cook too. He has worked for many years as a cook in this and other restaurants. The
main part of his job is to plan the menu for the day and manage the staff in the kitchen.
At the end of the practice time we had to take an examination. We had to prepare three courses:
soup, a main course and dessert. I made" Moscow borshch as soup, beef with sour cream and
mushrooms as a main course and chocolate souffle as dessert. Most of all I like to cook desserts. I
made these in the shape of stars. Then I put three stars of different sizes and colors on the plate and
added some kiwi sauce near them on the plate. It was very nice and tasty.
This practice certainly gave us much experience, and more importantly, valuable in
preparing new dishes. I realized happily that I had made the right choice of profession

My Profession Is a Cook I study at the Cooking Department of the Moscow College of Technologies and Design, so I will be a cooking and catering professional: a cook or a technologist.25 Every school year we do practice work for 2-3 months. This year our group have done their practice at the Golden Palace restaurant. This is a large restaurant, which is open 24 hours a day since it is the restaurant by the casino with the same name. There are three departments within the main shop there - a cold shop, a hot shop and a pastrycook"s shop. Salads, snacks, sandwiches, cuts of cold meat and fish and desserts are made in the cold shop. Soups, hot meat and fish dishes and sauces are prepared in the hot shop. In the pastry-cook"s shop they make tarts, patties, fancy cakes, etc. The kitchen staff begin their work at 7 o"clock. We, student cooks had to come to the restaurant at 10 o"clock. Each of us was told to go to one of the shops. There we got a program for the working day. Usually we prepared sandwiches, fruit salads and canapes for breakfast. We cut bread, ham, sausage and vegetables to put on canapes. We also decorated them with herbs and little figures made of carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. Breakfast was served from 8 till 12. At 11 o"clock we began to help the cooks by preparing dishes for lunch. Student cooks were usually trusted to cut vegetables and make sauces for desserts: strudels, ice cream, tarts and puddings. All day we had to carry out cooks" instructions. The kitchen staff are very experienced there. The chef is a very skilled cook too. He has worked for many years as a cook in this and other restaurants. The main part of his job is to plan the menu for the day and manage the staff in the kitchen. At the end of the practice time we had to take an examination. We had to prepare three courses: soup, a main course and dessert. I made" Moscow borshch as soup, beef with sour cream and mushrooms as a main course and chocolate souffle as dessert. Most of all I like to cook desserts. I made these in the shape of stars. Then I put three stars of different sizes and colors on the plate and added some kiwi sauce near them on the plate. It was very nice and tasty. This practice certainly gave us much information, and more importantly, valuable experience in preparing new dishes. I realized happily that I had made the right choice of profession

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Define language Klingon (pIqaD) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengali Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kanna yes Catalan Chinese Chinese traditional Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer Laotian Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuano Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Chewa Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese Klingon (pIqaD ) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengal Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kannada Catalan Chinese Chinese Traditional Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer Lao Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuano Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Chewa Czech Swedish Esper Anto Estonian Javanese Japanese Source: Target:

My profession is a cook. I study at the Faculty of Culinary Arts at the Moscow College of Technology and Design, so I will be a culinary and catering professional: a cook or a technologist.25 Every academic year we practice work for 2 - 3 months. This year our group did their practice at the Golden Palace restaurant. This is a large restaurant that is open 24 hours a day with a casino restaurant of the same name. There are three more branches to the main store there - a cold store, a hot store and a chef's pastry store. Salads, appetizers, sandwiches, assorted cold meats and fish and desserts are prepared cold in the store. Soups, hot meat and fish dishes and sauces are prepared in a hot shop. In the dough cooks' shop, they make pies, pies, cakes, etc. The kitchen staff begin their work at 7 o'clock. We, the student chefs, had to come to the Restaurant at 10 o'clock. We each said to go to one of the shops. There we received a program to work for the day. We usually prepared sandwiches, fruit salads and canapés for breakfast. We cut bread, ham, sausages and vegetables on the canapes. We also decorated them with herbs and small figures made of carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. Breakfast from 8 to 12. At 11 o'clock we began to help the cook in preparing dishes for lunch. Student chefs were usually entrusted with chopped vegetables to make sauces for desserts: strudels, ice cream, pies and puddings. All day long we had to follow the chefs' instructions. The kitchen staff there is very experienced. The chef is also a very experienced cook. He worked for many years as a cook in this and other restaurants. The main part of his job is planning the menu for the day and managing the staff in the kitchen. At the end of the practice time we had to take an exam. We have to prepare three courses: soup, main course and dessert. I made "Moscow borscht as a soup, beef with sour cream and Mushrooms as a main course and chocolate soufflé as a dessert. Most of all I like to make desserts. I made it in the shape of stars. Then I put three stars of different sizes and colors on a plate and added some kiwi sauce next to them on the plate. It was very nice and tasty. This practice certainly gave us a lot of information and, more importantly, valuable experience preparing new dishes. I happily realized that I had made the right choice of profession

My profession is Cook
research that I am doing at the culinary department of the Moscow College of Technology and Design, so I
there will be cooking and catering by a professional: cook or technologist.25
Every academic year we do work practice for 2-3 months. This year our group fulfilled its
internship at the Golden Palace restaurant. This is a large restaurant that is open 24 hours a day, as
this is the casino restaurant with the same name.
There are three branches within the main store there - cold shop, hot shop and confectionery??? cook's shop. Salads, appetizers, sandwiches, pieces of cold meat and fish and desserts made in cold
workshop. Soups, hot meat and fish dishes and sauces are prepared in a hot shop. To the pastry chef
in the store they make pies, pies,
Baking, etc. The kitchen staff begin their work at 7 o'clock. We student chefs had to come to the restaurant
at 10 o'clock. We were each told to go to one of the shops. There we received a worker's program
day. We usually prepared sandwiches, fruit salads and canapés for breakfast. We cut bread, ham,
Place the sausage and vegetables on the canapé. We also decorated them with herbs and small figures from
carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. Breakfast was served from 8 to 12. At 11 o'clock we started
Help the cooks prepare dishes for lunch. Student chefs tend to trust chopped vegetables and
make sauces for desserts: strudels, ice cream, pies and puddings.
All day we had to follow the cooks' instructions. The kitchen staff are very experienced there.
The cook is a very experienced cook too. He worked as a cook in this and other restaurants for many years.
The bulk of his job involves planning the menu for the day and managing the staff in the kitchen.
At the end of practice time we had to pass an exam. We had to prepare three courses:
soup, main course and dessert. I made "Moscow borscht like soup, beef with sour cream and
mushrooms as a main course and chocolate soufflé as a dessert. Most of all I like to cook desserts. I
made it in the shape of stars. Then I put three stars of different sizes and colors on a plate and
added some kiwi sauce next to them on the plate. It was very beautiful and tasty.
This practice, of course, gave us a lot of information,
and more importantly, valuable experience in preparing new dishes. I realized with joy that I made the right choice of profession

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my profession is a cook, I study in the cooking department of the Moscow College of Technology and Design, so I will train specialists and caterers: a cook or a technologist. 25 Every academic year we have work for 2 - 3 months. This year our group did an internship at the Golden Palace restaurant. This is a large restaurant that is open 24 hours a day, as it is a casino restaurant with the same name. There are three departments in the main shop - a cold shop, a hot shop and pastries, a cook's shop. Salads, appetizers, sandwiches, cold meat and fish cuts, and desserts are made in the cold store. soups, hot meat and fish dishes and sauces are prepared in the hot store. in the pastry chef - in the store they are whores, cutlets, fancy cakes, etc. the kitchen staff will begin their work at 7 o'clock. we, the students - the cook came to the restaurant at 10 o'clock. Each of us was ordered to go to one of the shops. There is a program for workers during the day. We usually prepared sandwiches, fruit salads and canapés for breakfast. We cut bread, ham, sausages and vegetables to put on canapes.we also decorated them with herbs and small figures,whips, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. Breakfast is served from 8 to 12. At 11 o'clock we began to help the chefs prepare dishes for lunch. A student cook usually looks to cut vegetables and make sauces for desserts: strudel, ice cream, pies and puddings. All day long, we were forced to follow the chefs' instructions. The kitchen staff very experienced. The head chef is a very qualified cook too. He worked for many years as a cook in this and other restaurants. The main part of his job is to plan the menu for the day and manage the staff in the kitchen. At the end of the practice time we must take the exam. We had to prepare three courses: soup, main course and dessert. I made "Moscow borscht-like soup with sour cream and beef mushrooms as the main course, and chocolate soufflé as dessert. Most of all I like to prepare desserts. I made it in the shape of a star. Then I put three stars of different sizes and colors on a plate and added some kiwi sauce next to the plate. It was very beautiful and tasty. This practice certainly gave us a lot of information, and more importantly, valuable experience preparing new dishes. I realized, fortunately, I made the right choice of profession

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In Russia hundreds of thousands of young people study at different medical institutes.
They study numerous theoretical and special subjects.
They have practical training during which they do the work of nurses and assistant doctors.
Such a course of studies helps them to gain much knowledge of medicine, which will give them the possibility to diagnose different diseases and treat people.

But medical students must remember that it is not easy to be a good doctor.
A good doctor must have not only deep knowledge of a particular field of medicine such as surgery or therapy.
He must love people and have a kind heart.
He must give all his knowledge, all his abilities, all his talent, and all his time to people, to the protection of their health.

One of the prominent Soviet therapists Prof. M. P. Kon-chalovsky considers that a person may be a poor writer, he may be a bad painter or an actor but a man cannot and must not be a bad doctor.

Medical students must understand well all the difficulties of their future profession.
They must remember that often it will be difficult to diagnose a disease, sometimes it will be even more difficult to cure it.
But a good doctor will always do his best to gain his patient’s confidence.
And the confidence of a patient in his doctor is a “valuable remedy”.

Did you hear about Hippocrates Oath before you entered the Institute?
What does it read?
It reads, “I shall enter any house for the good of the patient.
I shall not do my patient any harm” - these are the words from Hippocrates Oath.
And they must be not only words for medical students.
They must become the motto of their life.

Medical students must remember that to treat patients is a great art but not an ordinary trade.
It is one of the professions which requires a real calling for it.

In Russia hundreds of thousands of young people study at different medical institutes. They study numerous theoretical and special subjects. They have practical training during which they do the work of nurses and assistant doctors. Such a course of studies helps them to gain much knowledge of medicine, which will give them the possibility to diagnose different diseases and treat people. But medical students must remember that it is not easy to be a good doctor. A good doctor must have not only deep knowledge of a particular field of medicine such as surgery or therapy. He must love people and have a kind heart. He must give all his knowledge, all his abilities, all his talent, and all his time to people, to the protection of their health. One of the prominent Soviet therapists Prof. M. P. Kon-chalovsky considers that a person may be a poor writer, he may be a bad painter or an actor but a man cannot and must not be a bad doctor. Medical students must understand well all the difficulties of their future profession. They must remember that often it will be difficult to diagnose a disease, sometimes it will be even more difficult to cure it. But a good doctor will always do his best to gain his patient’s confidence. And the confidence of a patient in his doctor is a “valuable remedy”. Did you hear about Hippocrates Oath before you entered the Institute? What does it read? It reads, “I shall enter any house for the good of the patient. I shall not do my patient any harm” - these are the words from Hippocrates Oath. And they must be not only words for medical students. They must become the motto of their life. Medical students must remember that to treat patients is a great art but not an ordinary trade. It is one of the professions which requires a real calling for it.

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Define language Klingon (pIqaD) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengali Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kanna yes Catalan Chinese Chinese traditional Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer Laotian Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuano Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Chewa Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese Klingon (pIqaD ) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengal Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kannada Catalan Chinese Chinese Traditional Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer Lao Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuano Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Chewa Czech Swedish Esper Anto Estonian Javanese Japanese Source: Target:

In Russia, hundreds of thousands of young people are trained in various medical institutions. They study numerous theoretical and special disciplines. They have practical training, during which they do the work of nurses and doctors' assistants. This course of study helps them gain a lot of knowledge of medicine, which will enable them diagnose various diseases and treat people. But medical students must remember that it is not easy to be a good doctor. A good doctor should not only have in-depth knowledge about a particular field of medicine like surgery or therapy. He should love people and have a good heart. He must give all his knowledge, all his abilities, his talent and all his time to people, protecting their health. One of the prominent Soviet therapists, Professor M. P. Kon Chalovsky, believes that a person can be a bad writer, he can be a bad artist or actor but a person cannot and should not be a bad doctor. Medical students must understand all the difficulties associated with their future profession. They must remember that often it will be difficult to diagnose a disease, sometimes it will be even more difficult to cure it. But a good doctor is always will do everything possible to gain the trust of his patient. And the patient's confidence in his doctor is a "valuable means of protection". Did you learn about the Hippocratic Oath before entering the Institute? What did he read? He reads: "I enter any home for the good patient. I will not do my patient any harm" - nthese are the words from the Hippocratic Oath. And they should not only be words for medical students. They should become the motto of their lives. Medical students must remember that treating patients is great art, but not ordinary trade. This is one of the professions that requires a real challenge for him.

In Russia, hundreds of thousands of young people study at various medical institutes.
They study numerous theoretical and specialized subjects.
They have practical training, during which they do the work of nurses and physician assistants.
This course of study helps them gain more knowledge about medicine, which will enable them to diagnose various diseases and treat people. But medical students must remember that it is not easy to be a good doctor. A good doctor must not only have in-depth knowledge in a specific area of ​​medicine, such as surgery or treatment. He must love people and have a good heart. He must give all his knowledge, all his abilities, all his talent and all his time to people protecting their health. One of the prominent Soviet therapists, Professor MP Kon-chalovsky, believes that a person can be a poor writer, he can be a bad artist or actor, but a person cannot and should not be a bad doctor. Medical students must be well aware of all the difficulties of their future profession. They must remember that often it will be difficult to diagnose the disease; sometimes it will be even more difficult to cure it. But a good doctor will always do his best to gain the trust of his patient. And the patient's trust in his doctor is a "valuable asset." Have you heard of the Hippocratic Oath before entering college? What is this to read? He reads, "I will enter any home for the benefit of the patient. I will not do my patient any harm" - Nthese are the words from the Hippocratic oath. And they should not only be words for medical students. They should become the motto of your life. Medical students must remember that there is great art in treating the sick, but not mere trade. This is one of the professions that requires a real calling for it.

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In Russia, hundreds of young people in various medical institutions are studying thousands of studies. they are numerous theories and

Thematic. During their internship they do the work of doctors, nurses and their assistants.
such research will help them gain medical knowledge in the process of many of them, this will give him the opportunity for various diseases and treatment of people,

But medical students must remember that becoming a good doctor is not easy.
a good doctor must not only have medical research, such as surgery or treatment, in-depth knowledge of specialized areas. he must love
people have a good heart. he has to give everything
his knowledge, his abilities, his talent, and he always works for people to protect their health

Outstanding Soviet doctor, professor M.P. Kon Chalovsky believes that one person can be a bad writer, he can be a bad artist and actor, but a person is not a bad doctor.

Medical professionals must fully understand their future career challenges. they must remember often
It will be difficult to diagnose diseases, Sometimes it will be more difficult to cure. but a good doctor
will always try to gain the trust of patients. in his doctor and patient
trust is the "valuable remedy" of the Hippocratic Oath.

Doctors need more than just words. they should become a motto for life.

Medical students must remember that healing is a great art, but not an ordinary trade.
This. this is necessary for its real call professional

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