Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The role of creativity in scientific and technical research. Technical creativity is a type of student activity

You should start studying science not at the age of 30-40, but when you are fifteen...”

The development of our society largely depends on the initiative, energy, knowledge, abilities, and creativity of each person. The core of labor activity is now the ability of every worker to think technically competently, work rationally and effectively. In this regard, the formation of a production worker of this type, whose actions would be based on high professional skill, dedication, initiative and creativity, is of great importance. This means that a restructuring of both the system of value orientations and practical measures in the preparation, training and education of students is required, and one of the important tasks here is to create in a person a craving for inventive and rationalization, research activities, and technical creativity. In turn, scientific and technical creativity and inventive and rationalization activities are also a school for the formation of high moral qualities of a person. This is the involvement of young people in the management of production affairs, and above all in the acceleration of scientific and technological progress.

Modern pace and dynamics of scientific and technological progress give new content to the goals and objectives of secondary specialized education in training a specialist - a creatively thinking individual, not just a competent and knowledgeable specialist

The severity and relevance of the problems being solved by students is undeniable. Participation in the struggle to accelerate the pace of scientific and technological progress, the scientific organization of work, and the introduction of advanced experience is the most important task of students.

It is not for nothing that creativity is considered one of the most important types of human activity. Without it, the development of human society, and therefore its existence, would be absolutely impossible. A good creativity teacher must be at the same time a creator, an organizer of creativity, and an appreciator of its results.

Scientific creativity is a type of creative activity leading to the creation of fundamentally new and socially significant spiritual products - knowledge that is subsequently used in all spheres of material and spiritual production. Technical creativity is a type of creative activity to create material products - technical means that form the artificial environment of man - the technosphere; it includes the generation of new engineering ideas and their implementation in design documentation, prototypes and mass production. Therefore, it would be a great simplification to see design as a simple materialization of scientific discoveries. Under the influence of modern scientific and technological revolution, traditional invention has undergone profound changes. It has become a knowledge-intensive sphere of production; the empirical search of the individual has been replaced by collective design and engineering activities based on the use of computer technology and CAD systems. For science to truly become a direct productive force, it is necessary to achieve closer coordination of scientific research and engineering design, the orientation of science towards practically significant research, and the orientation of engineering towards the rapid implementation of scientific discoveries.

The head of the All-Russia Exhibition Center, Magomed Musaev, said it well: “NTTM is a brilliant opportunity for young people to show themselves, to express their plans, their unique ideas.”

If we generalize various definitions, then creativity is a human-specific activity that generates something qualitatively new and distinguished by uniqueness, originality and uniqueness. Scientific and technical creativity is the basis of innovation. Therefore, STTM is the most important component of education.

Teaching creative work is cultivating a new attitude towards one’s profession: developing a “search skill”, revealing the causes and consequences of imperfections in the organization of production, its techniques and technology, arousing and maintaining restlessness from the achieved result. The student must firmly understand that nothing is completely perfect, and everything that exists can be made more perfect.

The goal of teaching students the basics of creative work is to awaken interest, and then create and consolidate a creative attitude towards professional activity, which is ultimately expressed in active research, rationalization, and then inventive activity. This training develops an increased interest in one’s profession, the need for a constant search for unused reserves, for putting them into action quickly through improving the technology of the work being performed and improving (or creating new) devices, tools, models, etc.

The fundamentals of technical creativity, focused on nurturing a creative attitude to work, should form in students a qualitatively new understanding of the labor process and help accelerate professional growth. Awareness of creative work as a normal, natural personal position should create in students a stable creative attitude towards their chosen profession.

Thus, mastering the basics of creative work will help future specialists increase their professional and social activity, and this, in turn, will lead to a conscious increase in productivity, quality of work, and acceleration of scientific and technological progress. Teachers must give students a body of knowledge that allows them to become innovators within the walls of a technical school, and then work creatively in an enterprise.

Even 20-30 years ago, scientific and technical organizations existed at all enterprises and educational institutions, and heads of scientific and technical creativity circles were appointed. There was also moral and material interest in the form of thanks, certificates, awards, etc. The magazines “Technology for Youth”, “Inventor and Innovator” and others were published.

In recent years, many serious mistakes have been made in relation to invention and innovation. Almost all enterprises lack patent services and innovation departments, and ideological workers do not know where to go with their innovation proposals. In educational institutions the situation is no better. The entire education system in technical schools is standardized. Educational institutions of secondary vocational education are placed in such conditions that the organization of scientific and technical education has become a vital necessity. This is also due to the fact that many educational institutions are opening science-intensive specialties that require large financial investments, implemented by prof. educational programs require constant updating of laboratory equipment, technical equipment and visual aids.

In our educational institution, organizing technical creativity is a lot of work for teachers and the entire team; it is not carried out by individual teachers, but by all subject commissions as a whole.

The main goal of the NSO is to identify and support gifted students, develop their intellectual and creative abilities, and support research interests. Of course, the main direction is the promotion and implementation of creative ideas in scientific research and the creation of scientific works and projects.

Organizationally, the society is built as a mass voluntary multidisciplinary association of students, which is an integral part of the general system of working with students to develop their cognitive and social activity. NSO ensures the unity of educational and extracurricular activities, promotes the early identification and development of talent. Every student can find something to their liking.

Mainly models are produced that can be used in the educational process. Many students receive professional preparation for working on the creation of complex layouts and working models in clubs in general education subjects: mathematics, physics, engineering graphics, etc. From general education clubs, first-year students move to a scientific student society, one of the areas of work of which is technical creativity students. The activities of the NSO, as a rule, combine the study of theoretical issues (reports, debates, conferences, olympiads) with practical work on modeling, design of offices and laboratories. The content of technical creativity in senior years depends on the specialty, the direction of creative searches of one or another subject commission.

In many cases, the production of a functioning installation requires the work of an entire group of students. Collective creativity gives very good results. The models and instruments made by a group of students are of high quality and interesting in content. College students engage in technical creativity during internships, during coursework, and during the preparation and discussion of abstracts on various academic issues. All this contributes to the creation of creative initiative in students and forms the work skills necessary for a future specialist. As a result of long-term painstaking work, it was possible to unite the efforts of many teachers to involve students in the creation of educational and methodological models, the classrooms of automotive and fire science disciplines were fully equipped, and the classrooms of electrical engineering and technical mechanics were restored. As a result of well-organized work in the NSO, the works of technical school students took prizes in various city, regional and regional competitions.

The effectiveness of scientific and technical creativity and the degree of return from it are directly dependent on the level of knowledge by specialists of the basics of invention and rationalization. This knowledge is an essential component of modern methods of scientific research, design and construction. Therefore, teaching the basics of invention and rationalization is of great importance in attracting students to scientific and technical creativity. For this purpose, our technical school has introduced elective courses “Introduction to the specialty” and “Fundamentals of scientific and technical creativity, invention and rationalization” into the curriculum.

The first step in reviving the scientific and technical creativity of SPT youth was participation in exhibitions. NTT exhibitions, it seems to me, provide an opportunity to realize the creative potential of young people, the embodiment of bold ideas in the field of science, engineering and technology; this is a “start to life” for promising developments and extraordinary projects.

The technical school has a permanent exhibition of technical creativity. During the Open Day, applicants get acquainted with this exhibition.

In the 2006-2007 academic year, a city competition of scientific and technical creativity of youth was held on the basis of the technical school, in which educational institutions and enterprises of the city took part. This event was preceded by a Round Table, at which the state of scientific and technological creativity in the city was discussed. The initiators of these events were our technical school. The participants of the round table were offered a questionnaire to study their attitude to the issues discussed. The respondents assessed the importance of the issues discussed and spoke about the relevance of the revival of NTT. All participants of the round table unanimously noted that scientific and technical activities contribute to the optimization of the educational process, and stated the need to create a unified information environment in the field of scientific and technical technology. Among the main problems that arise when organizing NTT were the following: weak material resources of educational institutions, low motivation of teaching staff due to the lack of additional funding, poor coverage of this topic by the media.

To activate NTT, the following proposals were made:

  • continue the exchange of experience on this topic,
  • to intensify the connection between educational institutions and production,
  • involve the media in this issue,
  • develop a city program to support talented youth and mentors,
  • continue work on organizing similar round tables and exhibitions.

In order to encourage and further enhance scientific and technical student work, there is an incentive system; the “Excellent Student Ticket” is currently being introduced.

A special place is occupied by the work of the student video studio, which is engaged in the creation and restoration of educational videos.

I would like to believe that a comprehensive study of the issues raised and subsequent effective actions will lead to increased technological innovation. Therefore, I invite to dialogue everyone who is concerned about this topic, who would like, not in words, but in deeds, to revive creative scientific and technical activity, both in our region and in the country.


In search of various means of increasing the readiness of school and technical college students for productive work, we cannot do without creativity. Today, few people doubt that creativity is a very reliable reserve of labor activity, development of thinking, and in general one of the powerful means of forming a comprehensively developed, harmonious personality - a personality without which it is impossible to imagine our tomorrow's successes. But this problem is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. In fact, it would seem that nothing could be simpler; take and teach students creativity - technical, scientific, artistic. But teaching creativity is a very complex process that requires a systematic and thoughtful approach.

The importance of technical creativity in the formation of personal qualities and the professional development of a young person is extremely great and multifaceted. Technical creativity is primarily a means of education. Fostering such important qualities as respect and love for work, inquisitiveness, determination, and the will to win.

The technical creativity of adults today is seen as a kind of “bridge” from science to production.

The purpose of this course work is to study scientific and methodological literature on the problem under consideration and analyze recommendations for the master of industrial training on technical creativity.

If we look in Dahl's dictionary, the word invention means a new, technical solution to a problem, which has a significant difference and gives an economic effect. Inventive activity makes it possible to quickly modernize old and create new equipment and technology, reduce costs and improve the quality of products. In 1989, the number of inventors who received copyright certificates (AC) in the country amounted to 97 thousand, and the economic effect from the introduction of inventions was 3.9 billion. rub. (at the rate of banknotes in 1989). During the period of the country's independence, these indicators decreased significantly.

The successes of leading foreign enterprises and firms are due to the presence of high-quality machinery and equipment and are the result of the creation of perfect conditions, truly creative mass activity in the field of technical invention, and the prompt implementation of results into practice. The country's failures in economic development are mainly due to the lack, along with other reasons: of a systematic approach to training, education and development of the inventive principles of the individual; conditions for mass creative activity, etc.


technical creativity student group

1.1 General characteristics of technical creativity

In the system of creativity, a certain range of objects of psychological study can be distinguished. This is the problem of the essence of creative activity, its specificity and features of manifestation; the problem of the creative process, its structure, peculiarities of its course; the problem of a creative personality, the characteristics of its formation, the manifestation of its creative abilities; the problem of collective creativity; the problem of the product of creative activity: the problem of teaching creativity, activating and stimulating creative activity and some others. Let us dwell in some detail on each of these problems, but we will try to at least in general terms touch on some of the most natural aspects of creative activity.

In passing, we note that at different times, the definitions of the essence of creativity and creative activity reflected changing ideas about this important phenomenon. In one of the most authoritative philosophical dictionaries of the early twentieth century, compiled by the famous idealist philosopher E. L. Radlov, it was noted that creativity is associated with the creation of something, that the ability to create is inherent in the deity to the greatest extent, and a person can only perform relatively creative actions . Along with statements of this kind, attention was drawn to the presence of unconscious processes in the structure of the creative process. Then, with the scientific study of various types of creativity, both the attitude towards it in general and the definitions given to creativity changed. Recently, most attention has been paid to the fact that creativity is associated with the creation of a fundamentally new product that has never existed before; creativity manifests itself in various spheres of human activity, when new material and spiritual values ​​are created. “Creativity is a person’s ability, arising through work, to create from the material provided by reality (based on knowledge of the laws of the objective world) a new reality that satisfies diverse social needs. Types of creativity are determined by the nature of creative activity (creativity of an inventor, organizer, scientific and artistic creativity, etc.).”

In definitions of creativity, we are talking about creating something new, different from what already exists. Although from a psychological point of view some of the existing definitions are too categorical (when it comes to the creation of something “never before”), nevertheless, the main thing in the definition of creativity is associated precisely with the creation of a particular product (material or spiritual), which is characterized by originality, unusual, something significantly different in form and content from other products of the same purpose. Psychologically, it is of paramount importance that creativity, the creative process, is experienced as new subjectively. If from a philosophical, socio-economic point of view it makes sense to consider creativity only that which is associated with the creation of a product that has never been before, then from the psychological side it is important that we can talk about the creation of something new for a given subject, about subjective novelty. Indeed, in everyday practice, and especially in the practice of a preschool child, a schoolchild, a young worker mastering new concepts, solving problems that are new to him, we often deal with creativity, which reflects the process of creating new values ​​for a given subject in the form of a concept , knowledge, skills, solving a problem, creating a part, etc. In this sense, we can talk about a person’s creativity, which is manifested in his playing, educational, and work activities.

Therefore, it is important that the psychological definition of creativity reflects precisely this moment of subjective significance: creativity is an activity that contributes to the creation, discovery of something previously unknown to a given subject.

Another point has to do with the scale of creative activity. In social practice, as a rule, creativity is measured by such categories of novelty as discovery, invention, rationalization. Lately there has been a lot of talk about innovative activities associated with the introduction of something new into organizational and technological processes. But this kind of activity can be classified as rationalization.

If we focus on this working definition of creativity, then it seems appropriate to associate it with solving new problems or finding new ways to solve previously solved problems, with solving various kinds of problems, situational difficulties that arise in production and everyday life.

Before moving on to considering the structure of a creative solution to a new problem, let us take a look at the types of technical creativity. Types of professional creativity include invention, construction, rationalization, and design.

There is a close relationship between all these types of technical creativity. In the first period of intensive development of technology, such a division was not observed, and the scientific literature dealt mainly with inventive activity. Nowadays there is a scientific-practical division of discovery, invention and rationalization proposal, which, moreover, is implemented not only in relation to technical objects. Thus, discovery means the establishment of a previously unknown objectively existing property or phenomenon. An invention is a substantially new solution to a problem or task that has a positive impact on production, culture, etc. Inventions are divided into constructive (devices), technological (methods) and related to the creation of new substances. A rationalization proposal is understood as a local (as opposed to an invention, which has universal significance) solution to a particular problem to improve the functioning of already known equipment in a new specific environment (for example, in some workshop of a plant, but not on the scale of the entire plant, and thus more than all production). It is clear that in certain cases, an innovation proposal can be an invention.

Design can be “woven” into both inventive and rationalization activities, if their implementation requires the creation of certain structures. The practical difference between invention, design and rationalization must be sought in the nature of the goals pursued by each type of activity. Invention is aimed at solving a technical problem, a task in general; design - to create a structure; rationalization - to improve the use of existing technology (we take only the aspect related to solving technical problems). Thus, we can say this: the inventor is primarily interested in the final effect, function, the designer is interested in the device that performs the function, and the innovator is interested in a more rational use of the finished device for some specific purposes.

Today, important priorities of state policy in the field of education are supporting and developing children's technical creativity, attracting young people to the scientific and technical sphere of professional activity and increasing the prestige of scientific and technical professions. At present, when the state and social order for the technical creativity of students is being implemented, educational organizations in our region are faced with the task of modernizing and expanding activities for the development of scientific and technical creativity of children and youth. In this article I will tell you how, without a good material base, to instill and develop in students a love of technical creativity using simple materials as an example.



Initial technical modeling

In the context of an additional education institution

Today, important priorities of state policy in the field of education are supporting and developing children's technical creativity, attracting young people to the scientific and technical sphere of professional activity and increasing the prestige of scientific and technical professions. At present, when the state and social order for the technical creativity of students is being implemented, educational organizations in our region are faced with the task of modernizing and expanding activities for the development of scientific and technical creativity of children and youth. Classes at the Hephaestus Forge studio are conducted according to an additional general educational general developmental program of initial technical modeling, which is technically oriented and contributes to the formation in students of a holistic understanding of the world of technology, the structure of structures, mechanisms and machines, their place in the world around them, as well as creative abilities. Technical associations in our institution of additional education are a launching pad for future engineers, inventors, designers, and blue-collar workers who own modern technology. In the education system of the Ershov municipal district, only one educational institution of additional education for children implements a technical focus. This is the MBU DO "House of Children's Creativity in Ershov, Saratov Region". Currently, 35 children are studying in the technical associations of the Children's Creativity House. DDT has sufficient human resources, many years of experience in additional educational programs of a technical nature, and partially equipped classrooms. A curriculum is used to implement the program; methodological literature for additional education teachers and students; resources of information networks on methods of conducting classes.Educational visual aids:posters, diagrams, models, demonstration material, teaching aids, didactic games, fiction and auxiliary literature, photographs, illustrations, development of conversations, games, samples, diagnostic tests. According to the survey results, students in grades 2–6 of city schools show the greatest interest in specialties related to information technology, design, modeling, and technical sports (aircraft modeling, ship modeling, robotics). The relevance of this program is that it is aimed at students gaining knowledge in the field of design and technology and aims children at an informed choice of a profession related to technology: design engineer, process engineer, designer. DDT guides students toward pre-professional education and gives students of primary, secondary and senior levels the opportunity to acquire theoretical and practical skills in basic technical modeling; aircraft modeling; ship modeling; automodelling; robotics; modeling from paper and waste material; design of railway transport.Children's technical creativity is inextricably linked with the development of a system of educational, research, scientific and technical events: gatherings of young technicians, exhibitions of technical creativity, educational and research conferences and others. In order to increase children's motivation for inventive and rationalization activities, activities are carried out both at the institutional and municipal levels. Students of our technical association at the regional and municipal levels take first places. At the same time, it should be noted that in additional technical education, regressive processes have emerged that are determined by the specifics of this profile. Technical creativity is the most resource-intensive area of ​​additional education for children, requiring significant financial investments, expensive equipment and tools, and specialized premises. PThe first lessons in this program are, of course, theoretical.The children develop a spirit of teamwork, develop attentiveness, determination, interest in technology and technical thinking. And then practical classes are introduced, where children have the opportunity to freely plan and design, transforming their assumptions in various mental, graphic and practical options. The desire to learn how to independently build models from various materials, learn how to use hand tools, study the basics of mechanical engineering, participation in competitions and modeling competitions with models built with their own hands can captivate children and distract them from the harmful influence of the street and antisocial behavior. When constructing a particular technical product, students become familiar not only with its structure and main parts, but also with their purpose. They receive general educational information, learn to plan and execute the plan, find the most rational design solution, and create their own original models. While observing, the child analyzes the image of the product, trying to understand how it is made and from what materials. Next, he must determine the main stages of work and their sequence, while learning the skills of independent planning of his actions. In most cases, the main stages of work are shown in manuals in the form of diagrams and drawings. However, children have the opportunity to offer their own options, try to improve techniques and methods, and learn to apply them on other materials. Children can make products by repeating a sample, making partial changes to it, or implementing their own ideas.

In order to increase the motivation of children for inventive and rationalization activities, on May 15, 2016, a regional exhibition of bench modeling dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War was held on the basis of the State Budgetary Institution SODO "Regional Center for Ecology, Local History and Tourism" (SBI SODO OTSEKIT), at which the associations Lego Studio and the Forge of Hephaestus of the Children's Art House presented their works. The jury and exhibition participants evaluated the work of young DDT technicians, recognizing them as winners in the regional competition. The experience of the Hephaestus Forge association was presented in a master class included in the seminar program. The construction of a model of the Buran spacecraft from waste material caused a storm of positive emotions and delight among children and teachers. The guys and I also conduct open master classes for children, teachers, parents of the city of Ershov and the region.

The development of scientific and technical creativity is one of the options for additional education for schoolchildren, providing initial (basic) technical knowledge and concepts that allow them to develop skills in working with materials and tools, with their practical implementation. In general, the technical direction of additional education is an important component of the overall career guidance activities of the education system. In modern conditions, technical creativity is the basis of innovative activity, therefore the process of its development is the most important component of the modern education system, which requires large material investments. And keeping up with the times, without having a decent material base, we are implementing this direction by disseminating knowledge on the basics of mechanical engineering among students and cultivating their interest in technical specialties. Robotics is great and very expensive! And these are ready-made parts. We independently create sketches, drawings and use them to design robots, spaceships, cars and even entire cities! We create! And without creative imagination there is no way to move forward in any area of ​​human activity. A child has a huge fantasy potential, which decreases with age, so our task is to retain and develop this potential, to form and improve unique children's abilities.


Problems and prospects for the development of additional education in the Russian Federation

Tselik Natalya Vasilievna

([email protected]),

Additional education teacher

MBOU DO "DDT Ershova" Saratov region"

Annotation: The article analyzes the problems of additional education in the Russian Federation. Education that allows everyone to be involved in social and economic processes becomes relevant. Passing through preschool, general, vocational education, additional education acts as the sociocultural core of a maturing person, realized through knowledge in creativity, play, work and research.

Additional education for children is of a clearly innovative nature, developing new models of upbringing and education, and in general being a “navigator” in the educational system.

During the period of formation of ideas about additional education for children, it makes sense to clarify the key concept. Typically, the term “additional education of children” characterizes the sphere of non-formal education associated with the individual development of a child in a culture, which he chooses himself (or with the help of a significant adult) in accordance with his desires and needs. In it, his training, education and personal development simultaneously take place. Additional education turns out to be built into the structure of any activity in which the child is involved, creates “bridges” for the transition of an individual from one education to another, it can precede standardized types of activities, or can follow them, creating an opportunity for the individual to transition. Structurally, additional education fits into the system of general and vocational education, as well as into the sphere of educational and cultural leisure, brings together and complements these systems: subject areasgeneral, vocational education and cultural and educational leisureintersect with each other (for example, mathematics or physical education can be studied in different ways). This area of ​​intersection is the area of ​​additional education.

Additional education can complement the three designated areas in different ways: it can expand subject knowledge, add new components; it can increase the “weaponization” of the individual, equipping a person with new means of knowledge, work and communication; it can enhance the motivation of educational activities, causing the need for the individual to express himself more fully.

According to its “location” in the education system, this is the entire area of ​​educational activity that is located behind outside the state educational standard, including the study of those areas of culture and science that are not represented in school curricula.

The diversity in the definition of additional education is explained by the multifaceted nature of this pedagogical phenomenon, but the paradox lies in the fact that the term itself"additional education"still does not have a scientific definition, it has not found its place in the new “Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia”, while the concepts of “extracurricular work”, “extracurricular work” and “leisure” are being revealed.

For some reason, this definition does not contain any mention of the main purpose of this education and is in no way consistent with the Model Regulations on an educational institution for additional education of children, according to which the goal of additional education for children isdevelopment of children's motivation for knowledge and creativity, implementationadditional educational programs and services in the interests of the individual, society, and state. This is a variable goal in the education system, which is determined not so much by the state order as by the individual needs, interests of children, parents, families, etc.

The value of additional education for children is determined by its focus on creating conditions favorable for the child to receive education in areas that are relevant to him. The purpose of additional education for children created in the structure of the Russian educational system is determined not by the prefix “outside”, but by the adjective “additional”.

With the adoption of Federal Law No. 131 “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation,” powers in the field of additional education for children were transferred to the municipal level. However, in practice, a significant number of municipalities do not have sufficient resources to finance institutions for additional education for children. Local governments are characterized by insufficient management and development of long-term policies; mechanisms for taking into account the orders of the local community have not been built. The residual principle of local funding does not provide sufficient conditions for the development and material and technical equipment of institutions. 50% of additional education buildings require major repairs.

I think that advantages of additional education:

  • horizons broaden;
  • useful skills;
  • organized leisure time for the child;
  • unification of the class team;
  • balanced diet;
  • free mugs;
  • equipment purchased additionally for classes is universal, it can also be used in lessons;
  • classes begin more often in the afternoon;
  • we work with classes, but not with whole groups;
  • Additional education is very diverse. One teacher can teach different subjects;
  • And of course, there is no need to grade and check notebooks.

Disadvantages of additional education:

Children do not have enough free time to communicate with friends outside of school to be alone;

  • - sanitary and epidemiological requirements for institutions of additional education --- limit the group for classes to 15 people
  • overload of children;
  • the educational role of the family has decreased;
  • wages do not correspond to the time spent preparing for classes;
  • there are not enough specially equipped areas, there is no opportunity to diversify activities;
  • insufficient funds for equipment, consumables and office supplies.

According to the Presidential Decree, the Government of the Russian Federation was instructed to ensure the achievement of the following indicators in the field of education: increasing by 2020 the number of children aged 5 to 18 years studying in additional educational programs in the total number of children of this age to 70-75%, providing that 50% of them should be trained at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, and also prepare proposals for the transfer of powers to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to provide additional education to children, providing, if necessary, for co-financing the implementation of these powers from the federal budget.


Municipal budgetary institution of additional education

"House of Children's Creativity in Ershov, Saratov Region"


Director of MBU DO

"The House for arts and crafts for children

G. Ershova Saratov


HE. Chernyshova


educational work

"Forges of Hephaestus"

for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Analysis of the association’s work for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Technical modeling is a type of modeling creative and productive activity. The range of use of Technical Modeling from the point of view of a constructive play tool for children is quite wide.

The studio "Forge of Hephaestus" was formed in DDT in 2015, which consists of children aged 9-11 years. The studio is open three times a week, at 15:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and at 14:00 on Fridays. Duration of classes - 2/3 hours.

The studio classes are conducted according to the additional, general educational, general developmental program of initial technical modeling “Techno-modeling”, which is technically oriented and contributes to the formation in students of a holistic understanding of the world of technology, the structure of structures, mechanisms and machines, their place in the world around them, as well as creative abilities. The implementation of this course allows you to stimulate interest and curiosity, develop the ability to solve problem situations - the ability to investigate a problem, analyze available resources, put forward ideas, plan solutions and implement them, and expands your active vocabulary.

The variety of constructors allows you to engage with students of different ages and different educational abilities.

The practical part of the classes in the studio - design - was planned and carried out according to three main types: sample, conditions and design.

Forms of summing up the results of the implementation of the additional educational program and monitoring the activities of students are the participation of children in institutional exhibitions of children's creativity and the international creative competition “My City”, in which the children became laureates and diploma winners.

Target: Development of creative abilities and thinking of children of primary school age in the process of mastering the basics of various types of technical creativity, through the production of layouts and models of simple objects.

Objectives: Educational:

To introduce the history of the development of domestic and world technology, with its creators;

Introduce technical terminology and the main components of technical objects;

Train in working with technical literature;

To form a graphic culture at the initial level: the ability to read simple drawings, make models based on them, skills in working with drawing, measuring and hand tools when using various materials;

To teach techniques and technologies for making simple models of technical objects;

develop interest in technology, knowledge, and the design of technical objects.


Form educational motivation and motivation for creative search;

To develop in children elements of technical thinking, ingenuity, imaginative and spatial thinking;

Develop will, patience, self-control.


To cultivate discipline, responsibility, social behavior, self-organization;

Foster hard work and respect for work;

Create a sense of collectivism and mutual assistance;

To instill in children a sense of patriotism, citizenship, and pride in the achievements of domestic science and technology.

Cultural - mass work


event title


Game program “Safe way home”


A holiday dedicated to Mother's Day "With love for Mommy."


"New Year's Fantasy" New Year's holiday in DDT.


"Yes sir!" game program dedicated to Defenders of the Fatherland Day


Exhibition of creative works “Souvenir for a Soldier”


Ogonyok "The most beautiful of women"


Health Day. "Sports Kaleidoscope"


Final light “We don’t miss tea”


Calendar and thematic plan of the association "Samodelkins"

for the 2016 - 2017 academic year.

(294 hours)


List of sections, topics.

Number of hours.





Introductory part - 2 hours.

Introduction to the unification program. Getting to know

children. (1 hour)

Testing. Conducting safety briefings during the lesson.



Rules of behavior in class. Rules for using materials and tools. Demonstration of models. (1 hour)

Conversation “The importance of technology in human life.”


Texts of instructions, ready-made models, pictures.

Section I Modeling from paper and waste material (60 hours) 13+47

Introduction to paper. Paper, its types, properties. (4 hours)

Paper, its types, properties


Multi-colored paper of various types

Basic information about paper production. (4 hours)

Paper production

Demonstration of paper models, Making paper models.



"The second life of things." (6 hours)

Where are old things used?

Demonstration of models



Modeling from waste material. (5 o'clock)

What is waste material and what can be made from it?

Construction from waste material


Postcards, plastic bottles, plastic caps, Kinder surprise containers, boxes, toothpicks, matchboxes, ice cream sticks

General information about paper-plastic techniques or volumetric design. (5 o'clock)

What can you make from a sheet of paper?

Rules for bending and folding


Techniques for working with paper. (5 o'clock)

How to work with paper, methods and techniques

Curling, corrugating paper


Colored paper, stickers, colored cardboard, PVA glue, scissors, pencils

Completing a series of tasks involving bending sheets in different directions (6 hours)

Shapes using a worksheet

Working with ready-made patterns, ...), designing objects of various shapes. (house, boat, etc.)


Colored paper, stickers, colored cardboard, PVA glue, scissors

Construction from volumetric parts. (6 hours)

Examples of volumetric parts


Paper, ruler, pencil, scissors, paints

Modeling from paper strips. (6 hours)

Introduction to the technique - quilling

working with diagrams, drawings and their preparation


Colored paper, scissors, toothpicks, colored cardboard, PVA glue

Butterfly(6 hours)

Designing a butterfly.


Little Frog(6 hours)

Construction of a frog

Graphic work (working with diagrams, drawings and their preparation).


Leo(6 hours)

Designing a lion figurine

Graphic work (working with diagrams, drawings and their preparation).


Hedgehog(6 hours)

Construction of a hedgehog figurine

Graphic work (working with diagrams, drawings and their preparation).


Section II. Technology of the future, robotics(60 hours) 5+55

Robotics(7 hours)

What types of robots are there?

Demonstration of examples


Illustrations, demonstration of the cartoon "I don't want to"

History of the development of robotics (7 hours)

I am an inventor

Preparing materials for assembling the robot


Plastic bottles, boxes, matchboxes, Kinder surprise containers, plastic lids, glue, wire, Watercolor, Gouache, Aerosol paints, balloons, tape, disposable tableware: plates, glasses, spoons, forks, knives

Robot made from waste material (7 hours)

Collection and preparation of waste material

Making a robot model from waste material


Robot made of geometric shapes (7 hours)

Making a robot from three-dimensional geometric shapes.


Space Explorers(6 hours)

Design, construction and production of copy models.


Making a space bike (7 hours)


Making a model - space explorers-2. (6 hours)


Making a robot – 1(6 hours)


Making a robot – 2 (6 hours)


Flying saucer launch competitions. (1 hour)

Flying saucer competition


Milky Way model

Section III. Construction (130 hours) 22+108

Automodelling. (2 hours)

Familiarize students with the history of the automobile and professions in the automotive industry. Car: past, present, future. The car is a warrior and a hard worker. In pursuit of speed.

Excursion to the street, external design


Thematic pictures, cardboard, drawings

General concepts about machines, mechanisms, types of transport. (1 hour)

Excursion to the street to observe different types of transport


Illustrations, riddles,

My car (5 hours)

Main parts of the car and its models

The main parts of the car and its model, engine, propulsion, transmission mechanism, control mechanism, base - frame. Safety information for using various tools

January 2017


Thematic pictures. Scissors, blank drawings, ruler, pencil, PVA glue, paints.

Passenger car(5 hours)

Studying the design of engines, the principle of their operation.

Mastering the skills of starting and adjusting engines. Troubleshooting and troubleshooting.,12.01

Familiarity with the terminology used in the automotive industry. (4 hours)

Racing car model design. Students' ability to complete model details with increased accuracy.

Working on drawings of passenger cars. (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of racing models. Tests. Training runs.


Familiarize students with the history of the development of aircraft design in our country. (3 hours)

The first attempts to create an aircraft: A.F. Mozhaisky, the Wright brothers. Development of aviation in our country and abroad. Record flights by the crews of V. P. Chkalov, M. M. Gromov, V. S. Grizodubova. Domestic aviation during the Great Patriotic War. Development of military and civil aviation in the post-war years.

Main parts of the aircraft and models. Conditions ensuring flight, center of gravity, angle “Y”, angle of attack. Three principles of lift generation: aerostatic, aerodynamic and reactive. Air and its basic properties.

Basic aircraft flight modes. Forces acting on an airplane in flight.


Illustration of models, wooden, plastic and metal aircraft constructors

Technology for making aircraft models from paper and cardboard. (2 hours)

Technology for assembling car models.

Assembling aircraft models from paper and cardboard


The use of colored paper and cardboard in the manufacture of cars.

Aircraft structure: wing, fuselage, stabilizer, fin. (5 o'clock)

Methods for adjusting models

Model assembly technology. The main parts of aircraft: wing, fuselage (cabin), landing gear, stabilizer, fin.


Working on drawings of an airplane model. (4 hours)

Assembly, installation, adjustment, testing. Trial and training runs. Practicing model management skills.

Aircraft drawings, glue, paints

Familiarize students with the history of the development of shipbuilding and ship modeling in our country. (1 hour)

The history of the development of shipbuilding and ship modeling in our country.

Watch a video about the history of the development of ships.


Water transport: river and sea. (2 hours)

The main elements of the ship: bow, stern, deck, side. Superstructures, masts, keels, sails.

Introduction to technical terminology: hull, deckhouse, porthole, ladder, railing, rubber motor


Illustration of models, wooden, plastic and metal ship constructors

The most important qualities of ships: buoyancy, stability, unsinkability. (1 hour)

The importance of the sea and river fleet.

Classification of models of ships and vessels, their purpose: civil ships, warships, submarines, yachts.Brief information about small sailing vessels


Thick paper, colored cardboard, paints, glue scissors

City architecture - what is it like? (1 hour)

Excursion to the street


Modern achievements and challenges for further development of road transport. (1 hour)

Technical aesthetics of the car.



Making a model of a Mercedes car. (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of copy models.

Illustration of models, wooden, plastic and metal car and ship construction kits, thick cardboard, boxes, scissors, glue, paints

Making a Mercedes model (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of copy models.


Making a model of a Toyota car (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of copy models.


Making a model of a Lotus car. (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of copy models.


Making a model of a passenger car with an open top (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of copy models, work on drawings.


Making a racing car model (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of copy models.


Making the Iskra model. (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of copy models.


Making the Albatross model. (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of copy models.


Making the “Parachute” model. (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of copy models.)


Making a “Helicopter” model (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of copy models.


Making a simple boat. (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of copy models.


Making a boat (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of copy models.

Making a warship (4 hours)

Design, construction and production of copy models.


Meaning and types of railway transport (2 hours)

Find out children's knowledge about the profession of their parents

Expand your knowledge of professions related to the railway industry. Conversation, looking at illustrations.

Game "Be careful"


Illustrations, methodological preparations

Simulation of railway transport. (5 o'clock)

Role-playing game Game "Magic Ball".



Manufacturing of wagons. (2 hours)

Learn the song “Blue Car” with your children

Reading stories "The Little Engine from Romashkov"

"Disobedient Engine"


Thick paper, colored cardboard, paints, glue, scissors, plasticine

Manufacturing of a diesel locomotive (2 hours)

Occupation - travel

Game "Who can make the train faster."


Manufacturing of diesel locomotive. (1 hour)

Role-playing game

"How to behave on a train"


Making a model of a railway station. (1 hour)

Role play Winter sports festival outdoors

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Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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In modern conditions of rapid development of scientific and technological progress, intensive increase in the volume of scientific and scientific and technical information, rapid turnover and updating of knowledge, the training in higher education of highly qualified specialists with high general scientific and professional training, capable of independent creative work, and the implementation of into the production process the latest and most advanced results.

For this purpose, the discipline “Methodology of Scientific Research” is included in the curricula of many university specialties, and elements of scientific research are widely introduced into the educational process. During extracurricular time, students take part in research work conducted at departments, in scientific institutions of universities, and in scientific associations.

In the new socio-economic conditions, there is an increase in interest in scientific research. Meanwhile, the desire for scientific work is increasingly encountering students’ insufficient mastery of the system of methodological knowledge. This significantly reduces the quality of students’ scientific work, preventing them from fully realizing their capabilities. In this regard, the lecture materials pay special attention to: analysis of methodological and theoretical aspects of scientific research; consideration of problems of the essence, features and logic of the scientific research process; revealing the methodological concept of the study and its main stages.

Introducing students to scientific knowledge, their readiness and ability to conduct research work is an objective prerequisite for the successful solution of educational and scientific problems. In turn, an important direction for improving the theoretical and practical training of students is their performance of various scientific works that give the following results:

Helps students deepen and consolidate existing theoretical knowledge of the disciplines and branches of science being studied;

Develops practical skills of students in conducting scientific research, analyzing the results obtained and developing recommendations for improving this or that type of activity;

Improves students' methodological skills in independent work with sources of information and relevant software and hardware;

Opens up wide opportunities for students to master additional theoretical material and accumulated practical experience in the area of ​​activity that interests them;

Contributes to the professional preparation of students to perform their duties in the future and helps them master research methodology.

science knowledge creativity

1. Scientifically- technical creativity. General information

Science - uh it is a continuously developing system of knowledge of the objective laws of nature, society and thinking, obtained and transformed into the direct productive force of society as a result of the special activities of people.

The dialectical development of science proceeds from the collection of facts, their study and systematization, generalization and disclosure of individual patterns to a logically coherent system of scientific knowledge that can explain already known facts and predict new ones. Moreover, according to the nature of the results obtained, all scientific research is divided into the following main groups: exploratory, fundamental, applied and development.

Search work are produced to find fundamentally new areas of research in order to create new technology. They are based on well-known theoretical developments and ideas, although during the search the latter can be critically reviewed and significantly modified. Let us remember that if the results are positive, the conclusions of the search work are used in scientific research of an applied nature with a certain economic effect.

Fundamental works are aimed at discovering new fundamental laws of nature, revealing connections between phenomena and explaining phenomena, processes, and facts. This work is mainly carried out in academic institutes and parent universities. Let us note that the immediate results of fundamental work are often of an abstract nature, although the subsequent practical application of this research overwhelmingly produces a significant economic effect. Classic examples of fundamental work include, for example, A. Einstein’s theory of relativity or the theory of differential and integral calculus.

Applied work are directly aimed at creating new or significantly improving known methods, on the basis of which new equipment, machines, materials, production methods, etc. are developed. These works are of a specific nature, they are carried out mainly in industry institutes and universities. An example of applied work that has made a certain contribution to the development of not only the domestic sewing machine industry, but also to the theory of mechanisms and machines.

Development - the use of scientific knowledge in the process of experimental design work (R&D) aimed at creating samples of new technology products, complexes and systems of machines, units, machine tools, as well as devices and mechanisms.

Developments are carried out in design and engineering, design and technology institutes, design and technological departments and bureaus of enterprises, in universities (when performing contractual work, as well as in course and diploma design), in student design bureaus. Developments often pay for themselves relatively quickly and provide a tangible economic effect.

Applied work consists of the following stages:

- preparatory, including compiling a bibliography on the topic, studying literature on the main and related topics, studying the experience of other organizations, drawing up a review document, development and approval of technical specifications, calendar plan, costing of work;

- theoretical part of the topic, consisting of the development and calculation of new schemes, theoretical justification, searches for new types of materials, etc., improvement of technological processes;

- design and manufacturing experimental (prototype) samples of mechanisms, machine design, design and manufacture or purchase of equipment, testing and control means;

- experimental work, which are carried out in laboratory and factory conditions according to theoretical developments and include perform mathematical processing of the experimental results, checking the compliance of the adopted model with the real process;

- tests(laboratory and production) on theoretical and experimental research;

- adjustments, which includes recommendations for improving the adopted design, making appropriate adjustments and developed schemes, calculations, projects, installations, taking into account completed test cycles;

- implementation development results at individual enterprises selected as experimental ones, or in the educational process;

- conclusions andproposals, in which the results of tests and experimental implementations are summarized, their expected or real economic effect is determined;

- final, consisting of preparation of reporting documentation approved by representatives of the contractor and the customer.

Development work has the following stages:

- preparatory(compilation of a bibliography, study of literature and existing structures, development of technical specifications for designing a sample, costing of work, development and approval of a preliminary design);

- technical design(development and approval of a technical project, carrying out the necessary calculations);

- detailed design(development of a set of working documentation);

- production of a prototype, its assembly, finishing and adjustment work;

- factory tests;

- modification of the prototype according to test results;

- interdepartmental testing;

- adjustment and fine-tuning based on the results of an interdepartmental test;

- mass production.

2. Featuresscientific and technical creativity

In the modern era, due to the rapid development of science and technology, one of the most important tasks facing higher education is training future specialists in the national economy in technical creativity. In scientific research work (R&D) there are three types of creativity: scientific, scientific and technical and technical.

Under scientific creativity is understood as work designed to directly satisfy the needs of understanding the world around us and to expediently change and improve it.

Scientific and technical -- creativity in which each achievement of inventive thought builds on the previous one and, in turn, serves as the basis for subsequent achievements.

Technical creativity is designed to satisfy the utilitarian needs of society associated with the production of material goods.

Practice shows that it is most effective to attract undergraduates within the framework of research work to participate in scientific, technical and technical creativity, and especially in invention.

Now let’s look at the characteristic features common to all types of creativity.

Novelty and authenticity speaks of knowledge of the hitherto unknown essence of an object, phenomenon, or process. Let us note that this is not necessarily a scientific discovery, but certainly new, significant to one degree or another, knowledge of something that we did not know until now.

Probability and risk. In scientific and technical creativity, an element of uncertainty is inevitable, especially in its initial stage, since it is almost impossible to predict in advance the final results of the research being carried out or to guarantee the successful operation of the design being developed. In scientific and technical creativity, there are often cases of obtaining a negative result, both at intermediate and final stages of research. We must always remember that creativity is a tireless search. It should be said that in scientific and technical creativity a negative result cannot be neglected, since this is also a result that allows oneself or other researchers to choose the right search path.

Planning-- a necessary factor in scientific and technical creativity, especially considering that scientific research at the present stage is characterized by complexity and labor-intensive implementation, requiring the organizing power of a plan:

There are several forms of research plans.

Preliminary the research plan determines its task and goals, general content and national economic significance, its concept, principle of solving the problem, methodology, scope of work and deadlines, preliminary feasibility study. A distinctive feature of drawing up the specified plan for part of the work is the necessary participation of all performers of this study.

Compilation preliminary plan research represents the final element in the process of specifying the topic.

Individual plan - this is a list, content and complexity of work, indicating the sequence and timing of all of its stages. A properly drawn up plan should also take into account the synchronization of work between performers and the possibility of control and self-control. This is especially important because in modern science collective work plays an increasingly important role.

Work plan - this is a list of a set of measures to test and develop the accepted hypothesis, which in turn is reasonably put forward on the basis of studying the history of the issue, clarifying the theoretical and experimental prerequisites of the topic under study. A distinctive feature of the work plan is that it indicates the ways, methods and means of performing all the main stages of the work.

It is necessary to warn, especially a young researcher, that all types of plans cannot be viewed as a dogma, that in the process of work, individual parts of the plan, as well as the timing of its implementation, can and should be adjusted and even significantly modified, depending on specific situations that arise. If the work is important and the deadlines are tight, it is advisable to provide for the parallel execution of its stages.

In all cases, it is useful for the researcher to use the experience of other workers, and before performing each subsequent stage, deeply and comprehensively analyze the progress and results of the previous stage, and make the necessary adjustments. For a novice researcher, it would also not be superfluous to draw up, on the basis of work and individual plans, daily and weekly schedules, the strict implementation of which on time for the purpose of self-discipline should become the rule.

3. Levels of the creative process

The highest form of scientific and technical creativity within the framework of research is invention, which is conventionally characterized by five levels.

1st level - use of a ready-made object with almost no choice;

2nd level - selection of one object from several;

3rd level - partial change of the selected object;

4th level - creation of a new object or complete change of the original one;

Level 5 - creation of a new complex of objects.

For a better understanding of what has been said, we will give examples of inventions at various levels.

Level 1. The design of the needle bar mechanism of a sewing machine is proposed. To prevent synthetic fabrics from caking when stitching, the needle is sprayed with an air-water mixture.

A ready-made task was taken, since the need to cool the machine needle when stitching materials with synthetic fibers at high speeds is well known. A ready-made search concept is used - it is necessary to remove part of the heat, and no special search for information is required, since there are more than enough ways to do this. A trivial solution was chosen: to cool the needle with an air-water mass; the designs of the sprayers are known and do not require fine-tuning for implementation.

Level 2. In the rack and pinion mechanism, a deflecting needle is used for transporting sewing machine parts in order to prevent the top material from getting stuck, working synchronously with the bottom rack.

In this problem, the search concept is obvious; the authors chose one of several (needle deflecting along the line, differential mechanism, etc.) solution options.

3 level. In order to obtain operating conditions and operating modes adequate to operational ones, a device for wear testing has been proposed, which makes it possible to create complex, non-stationary and alternating loads on the tested kinematic pairs of rotational, rocking and translational movements both from cycle to cycle and within each of the repeating cycles with almost any frequency.

The well-known solution has been changed, which made it possible to simulate on stands the conditions and operating modes of kinematic pairs of mechanisms, for example, sewing machines, in which inertial loads have a predominant importance compared to the useful resistance forces.

Level 4. A fundamentally new method for obtaining a non-opening chain stitch for clothing parts has been proposed and a new design solution has been developed for the implementation of this method.

Level 5. A method has been proposed for obtaining ultra-high pressures using a pulsed electric discharge inside the volume of any conductive or non-conducting liquid. As a result of this invention, a new effect was discovered - electrohydraulic shock.

Approximately 80% of all inventions belong to the first two levels, while inventions of the highest levels, which determine a qualitative change in technology, account for only about 20%. A student who has mastered the basics of general scientific and general engineering disciplines, as practice shows, can very well work fruitfully on inventions of levels 1 and 2.

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Donbass State Technical University Ioffe Abram Fedorovich In the early 1930s, on the initiative of Ioffe, systematic research began on materials that were new at that time - semiconductors. The rectifying property of such a “metal-semiconductor” contact was explained within the framework of the theory of the tunnel effect, which was developed 40 years later when describing tunnel effects in diodes. It has been shown that semiconductors are capable of efficiently converting radiation energy into electrical energy, which served as a prerequisite for the development of new areas of semiconductor technology - the creation of photovoltaic generators (in particular, silicon solar energy converters - “solar batteries”). A method for determining the basic properties of semiconductor materials has been created. The study of the thermoelectric properties of semiconductors served as the beginning of the development of a new field of technology - thermoelectric cooling, which has found wide application throughout the world to solve a number of problems in radio electronics, instrument making, space biology, etc. Department of Electrical Engineering

Donbass State Technical University Alferov Zhores Ivanovich Born on March 15, 1930 in Vitebsk. In 1952 he graduated with honors from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) with a degree in electric vacuum technology. Full member (academician) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chairman of the presidium of the St. Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, director of the A. F. Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee on Education and Science. He worked at the A. F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences as an engineer, junior, senior researcher, head of sector, head of department. Since 1987 - director of the institute. Editor-in-chief of the journal "Physics and Technology of Semiconductors". In 1961 he defended his PhD thesis on the study of powerful germanium and silicon rectifiers. In 1970, based on the results of studies of heterojunctions in semiconductors, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. In 1972 he was elected corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Department of ES

Donbass State Technical University Alferov Zhores Ivanovich A major scientist, author of fundamental works in the field of semiconductor physics, semiconductor devices, semiconductor and quantum electronics. With his active participation, the first domestic transistors and powerful germanium rectifiers were created. The founder of a new direction in semiconductor physics and semiconductor electronics is semiconductor heterostructures and devices based on them. Author of 50 inventions, three monographs, more than 350 scientific articles in domestic and international journals. Laureate of the Lenin (1972) and State (1984) prizes of the USSR. Since 1989 - Chairman of the Presidium of Leningrad - St. St. Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Since 1990 - Vice-President of the USSR Academy of Sciences (RAN). Nobel Prize laureate 2000. Department of ES

Donbass State Technical University Korolev Sergei Pavlovich Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (01/12/1907, Zhitomir - 01/14/1966, Moscow) - Soviet scientist, designer and organizer of the production of rocket and space technology and rocket weapons of the USSR, the father of Soviet cosmonautics. S.P. Korolev is the creator of Soviet rocket and space technology, which ensured strategic parity and made the USSR an advanced rocket and space power. Twice Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Member of the CPSU since 1953. During his school years, Sergei Korolev was distinguished by exceptional abilities and an indomitable craving for the then new aviation technology. In 1921, he met the pilots of the Odessa hydraulic squad and actively participated in aviation public life: from the age of 16 as a lecturer on eliminating aviation illiteracy, and from the age of 17 - as the author of the project for the K-5 non-motorized aircraft, which was officially defended before the competent commission and recommended for construction. Having entered the Kiev Polytechnic Institute in 1924 with a specialization in aviation technology, Korolev mastered general engineering disciplines there in two years and became a glider athlete. In the fall of 1926, he was transferred to the Moscow Higher Technical School (MVTU). Department of ES

Donbass State Technical University Sergey Pavlovich Korolev During his studies at Moscow Higher Technical University, S.P. Korolev has already gained fame as a young, capable aircraft designer and an experienced glider pilot. The aircraft he designed and built showed Korolev’s extraordinary abilities as an aircraft designer. In September 1931, S.P. Korolev and a talented enthusiast in the field of rocket engines, F.A. Tsander, sought to create in Moscow, with the help of Osoviakhim, a public organization - the Jet Propulsion Research Group (GIRD): In April 1932, it essentially became a state research and design laboratory for the development of rocket aircraft, in which the first domestic liquid-ballistic missiles are created and launched. In 1936, S.P. Korolev managed to bring cruise missiles to testing: anti-aircraft - with a powder rocket engine and long-range - with a liquid rocket engine. In 1938, S.P. Korolev was arrested on charges of participation in a Trotskyist organization and sabotage (misappropriation of funds) and was sentenced by the NKVD to 10 years in a labor camp. In 1939 he ended up in Kolyma, where he was employed at the so-called. "general works". Department of ES

Donbass State Technical University Sergei Pavlovich Korolev In the fall of 1940, he was transferred to a new place of imprisonment - the Moscow NKVD special prison TsKB-29, where, under the leadership of A. N. Tupolev, also a prisoner, he took an active part in the creation of the Pe-2 and Tu-2 bombers and At the same time, he proactively developed projects for a guided aerial torpedo and a new version of a missile interceptor. This was the reason for Korolev’s transfer in 1942 to another prison-type design bureau - OKB-16 at the Kazan Aviation Plant No. 16, where work was carried out on new types of rocket engines for the purpose of using them in aviation. S.P. Korolev, with his characteristic enthusiasm, devotes himself to the idea of ​​​​the practical use of rocket engines to improve aviation: reducing the length of an aircraft's takeoff run during takeoff and increasing the speed and dynamic characteristics of aircraft during air combat. In 1956, under the leadership of S.P. Korolev, the first domestic Strategic Missile was created, which became the basis of the country’s nuclear missile shield. In 1957, Sergei Pavlovich created the first ballistic missiles (mobile land-based and sea-based) using stable fuel components; he became a pioneer in these new and important areas of missile development. To implement manned flights and launches of automatic space stations, S.P. Korolev developed a family of perfect three-stage and four-stage launch vehicles based on a combat rocket. On October 4, 1957, the first satellite in human history was launched into low-Earth orbit. Department of ES

Donbass State Technical University Sergey Pavlovich Korolev In 1959, three automatic spacecraft to the Moon were created and launched. The first and second are for delivering the pennant of the Soviet Union to the Moon, the third is for the purpose of photographing the far (invisible) side of the Moon. Subsequently, S. Korolev began developing a more advanced lunar apparatus for its soft landing on the surface of the Moon, photographing and transmitting a lunar panorama to Earth. April 12, 1961 S.P. Korolev again amazes the world community. Having created the first manned spacecraft "Vostok-1", he realized the world's first human flight - USSR citizen Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin in low-Earth orbit. Following the first flight of Yu. A. Gagarin, on August 6, 1961, German Titov made a second space flight on the Vostok-2 spacecraft, which lasted one day. Then the joint flight of the Vostok-3 and Vostok-4 spacecraft, piloted by cosmonauts A.G. Nikolaev and P.R. Popovich, from August 11 to 12, 1962; Direct radio communication was established between the astronauts. The following year - a joint flight of cosmonauts V.F. Bykovsky and V.V. Tereshkova on the Vostok-5 and Vostok-6 spacecraft. Behind them - from October 12 to 13, 1964 - in space was a crew of three people of various specialties: a ship commander, a flight engineer and a doctor on a more complex Voskhod spacecraft. On March 18, 1965, during a flight on the Voskhod-2 spacecraft with a crew of two, cosmonaut A. A. Leonov makes the world's first spacewalk in a spacesuit through the airlock chamber. Department of ES

Donbass State Technical University An object with artificial intelligence must perform the following functions: - remember the information communicated to it; - carry out logical analysis; - be able to form new concepts, etc. Department of ES

Donbass State Technical University Techniques for intensifying intellectual search: § analogy; § inversion; § empathy; § brainstorm. Department of ES

Donbass State Technical University The technique of analogy is used both to overcome and to increase the inertia of thinking. Inertia of thinking is useful if the task is to repeat with the greatest accuracy the solution found earlier in the prototype, making changes purely quantitatively. To destroy the inertia of thinking, it is necessary to look for an analogy between tasks that are distant in nature, choosing an analogy from some distant area for the purpose of a constructive solution (for example, the idea of ​​​​opening a sealed module body by tearing a seam with wire embedded in the seam was taken from the designs of a tin can). Department of ES

Donbass State Technical University The inversion technique is based on looking at a phenomenon from a different, often opposite side. For example, turning harm into benefit when eliminating self-unscrewing of threaded connections: paint getting into the thread makes it difficult to disassemble the threaded connection, but that is why it can be used for locking. The technique of empathy (getting used to the image) allows the designer to feel the smallest details of the operation of the unit or the processes occurring in it, in order to detect shortcomings that are indistinguishable from the outside. For example, feeling like a heat flow flowing from a powerful transistor mounted on a printed circuit board allows you to figuratively imagine and feel the obstacles in its path: leaks and transition layers in the contact zone of the transistor and the board, the thermal resistance of the board itself when the heat flow spreads, leaks in the area where the board is pressed against a massive heat sink. At the same time, the designer can “feel” convective heat dissipation and such important physical phenomena as the mutual movement of mating parts due to differences in expansion coefficients or the accumulation of internal stresses during heating and cooling.

Donbass State Technical University The technique of brainstorming is aimed at stimulating the collective generation of new ideas to overcome the impasse in the process of developing solutions when creating structures. 1. A temporary (for 2-3 hours) group of specialists (5-8 people) who have proven themselves to be creative, working in various departments of the enterprise, is appointed. 2. The group, gathered in a special room, is given a specific task: how to overcome the technical contradiction that has arisen. 3. Group members take turns briefly (1-2 minutes) to express any ideas. It is allowed to develop suggestions made by others, but without words of criticism or approval. This concludes the group's work. 4. The recording of the speeches is transferred for careful analysis to the department that made the request for brainstorming. As a result, successful ideas may be found that are subject to more detailed elaboration. But even if all the ideas put forward are ultimately rejected, brainstorming will help overcome the inertia of thinking and subsequently put forward productive ideas by the designers of this unit themselves. Department of ES

Donbass State Technical University Example. For brainstorming, a task was put forward: to propose an improvement in the design of the electrical contact in the area of ​​​​the sealed detachable seam between the cover and the housing of the microwave module, since the used sealing rubber gasket made of electrically conductive rubber (rubber with a powdery conductive filler) has an increased electrical resistance, especially in the ultrahigh frequency range, when, under the influence of the surface effect, electric current flows in a thin surface layer about ten micrometers thick. Due to the increased resistance in the seam area between the cover and the housing, the shielding of the module is unacceptably degraded. During a brainstorming session, it was proposed to wrap the rubber gasket in thin metal foil. The foil should be so thin as not to affect the elastic deformation of the rubber gasket, but to ensure good metallic contact between the lid and the body. Analysis of the proposal suggested the idea of ​​replacing a gasket made of electrically conductive rubber with a gasket made of insulating rubber, coated with a thin layer of metallization (chemical or vacuum method). As a result, the tightness of the seal is ensured, which was violated in the “assault” proposal with foil. Department of ES